ABINIT/Calc_Ec_GM_k [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate Galitskii-Migdal corr. energy integrated in the Imaginary axis Ec = 1/pi \sum_i \int Gii(iv)*Sigma_c,ii(iv) + cc. dv


 ib1=min band for given k
 ib2=max band for given k.
 ik_ibz= the label of k-point in the IBZ whose Galitskii-Migdal contribution is accounted.
 weights=array containing the weights used in the quadrature.
 sigcme_k=array containing Sigma(iw) as Sigma(iw,ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,nspin)
 rdm_k=density matrix, matrix (i,j), where i and j belong to the k-point k (see m_sigma_driver for more details).
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
 Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)


 Compute the Galitskii-Migdal corr energy contribution of this k-point:
 Ec ^k = 1/(4*pi) * fact_spin * int _{ -Inf }^{ +Inf } dv Sigma_c ^k (iv) * G0(iv)
       = 1/(4*pi) * fact_spin * int _{   0  }^{ +Inf } dv 2 * Re{ Sigma_c ^k (iv) * G0(iv) }


144 function calc_Ec_GM_k(ib1,ib2,ik_ibz,Sr,weights,sigcme_k,ebands) result(Ec_GM_k)
146 !Arguments ------------------------------------
147 !scalars
148  real(dp) :: Ec_GM_k
149  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2,ik_ibz
150  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: ebands
151  type(sigma_t),intent(in) :: Sr
152 !arrays
153  real(dp),intent(in) :: weights(:)
154  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: sigcme_k(:,:,:,:)
155 !Local variables ------------------------------
156 !scalars
157  integer :: ibdm!,unitt
158  real(dp) :: ec_integrated,spin_fact,fact
159  character(len=500) :: msg
160 !arrays
161 !************************************************************************
163  ec_integrated=zero
164  spin_fact=two
165  fact=spin_fact*(one/(two_pi*two))
167  if (ib1/=1) then
168    msg="Unable to compute the Galitskii-Migdal correlation energy because the first band was " // &
169      & "not included in bdgw interval. Restart the calculation starting bdgw from 1."
170    ABI_WARNING(msg)
171  else
172    ! WARNING: Sigma_c(iv) produced from a previous integration at the screening stage, is numerically not much stable and introduces bumps.
173    ! Unfortunately, the Green's function times Sigma_c(iv) does not decay fast enough with iv to overcome the bumps. These bumps are
174    ! not pronouced for the linearized density matrix update, as two Green's functions are multiplied making the decay much faster with iv.
175    ! If a better way to produce more stable Sigma_c(iv) values is found, this subroutine can be use to evaluate GM Ecorr in the future. TODO
176    do ibdm=1,ib2
177      ! Sigma_pp(iv)/[(iv - e_ibdm,k)] + [Sigma_pp(iv)/[(iv - e_ibdm,k)]]^* = 2 Re [Sigma_pp(iv)/(iv - e_ibdm,k)]
178      ec_integrated=ec_integrated+two*real( sum(weights(:)*sigcme_k(:,ibdm,ibdm,1)/(Sr%omega_i(:)-ebands%eig(ibdm,ik_ibz,1)) ) )
179    end do
180  endif
182  Ec_GM_k=fact*ec_integrated
184 end function calc_Ec_GM_k

ABINIT/calc_rdmc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate density matrix corrections for G = Go + int Go(iw) Sigma_c(iw) Go(iw) dw


 ib1=min band for given k
 ib2=max band for given k.
 ik_ibz= the label of k-point in the IBZ.
 omega_i=Frequencies along the imaginary axis.
 weights=array containing the weights used in the quadrature.
 sigcme_k=array containing Sigma(iw) as Sigma(iw,ib1:ib2,ib1:ib2,nspin)
 rdm_k=density matrix, matrix (i,j), where i and j belong to the k-point k (see m_sigma_driver for more details).
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)


 Updated rdm_k matrix array with int Go(iw) Sigma_c(iw) Go(iw) dw


272 subroutine calc_rdmc(ib1,ib2,ik_ibz,omega_i,weights,sigcme_k,ebands,rdm_k)
274 !Arguments ------------------------------------
275 !scalars
276  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2,ik_ibz
277  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: ebands
278  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: omega_i(:)
279 !arrays
280  real(dp),intent(in) :: weights(:)
281  complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: rdm_k(:,:)
282  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: sigcme_k(:,:,:,:)
284 !Local variables ------------------------------
285 !scalars
286  real(dp) :: spin_fact,fact
287  integer :: ib1dm, ib2dm, units(2)
288  character(len=500) :: msg
289 !************************************************************************
291  spin_fact = two
292  fact = spin_fact * (one/two_pi)
293  units = [std_out, ab_out]
295  write(msg,'(a58,3f10.5)')' Computing the 1-RDM correction for  Sc(iw)  and k-point: ',ebands%kptns(1:,ik_ibz)
296  call wrtout(units , msg)
297  write(msg,'(a11,i5,a8,i5)')'from band ',ib1,' to band',ib2
298  call wrtout(units , msg)
300  rdm_k(:,:)=czero
301  do ib1dm=ib1,ib2
302    do ib2dm=ib1dm,ib2
303      ! Sigma_pq/[(denominator)] + [Sigma_qp/[(denominator)]]^*
304      rdm_k(1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1))=fact*sum(weights(:)*( sigcme_k(:,1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1),1)/&
305                  &( (omega_i(:)-ebands%eig(ib1dm,ik_ibz,1))*(omega_i(:)-ebands%eig(ib2dm,ik_ibz,1)) )&
306                                     +conjg( sigcme_k(:,1+(ib2dm-ib1),1+(ib1dm-ib1),1)/&
307                  &( (omega_i(:)-ebands%eig(ib1dm,ik_ibz,1))*(omega_i(:)-ebands%eig(ib2dm,ik_ibz,1)) ) ) ) )
308      ! Dji = Dij^*
309      rdm_k(1+(ib2dm-ib1),1+(ib1dm-ib1))=conjg(rdm_k(1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1)))
310    end do
311  end do
313 end subroutine calc_rdmc

ABINIT/calc_rdmx [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate density matrix corrections for G = Go + Go (Sigma_x - alpha*Sigma_x - Vxc) Go


 ib1=min band for given k
 ib2=max band for given k.
 ik_ibz= the label of k-point in the IBZ.
 rdm_k=density matrix, matrix (i,j), where i and j belong to the k-point k (see m_sigma_driver for more details).
 pot=Self-energy-Potential difference, matrix size (i,j), where i and j belong to k.
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin


 Updated rdm_k matrix array with Go (Sigma_x - alpha*Sigma_x - Vxc) Go


209 subroutine calc_rdmx(ib1,ib2,ik_ibz,pot,rdm_k,ebands)
211 !Arguments ------------------------------------
212 !scalars
213  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2,ik_ibz
214  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: ebands
215 !arrays
216  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: pot(:,:)
217  complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: rdm_k(:,:)
219 !Local variables ------------------------------
220 !scalars
221  character(len=500) :: msg
222  integer :: ib1dm,ib2dm, units(2)
223  real(dp) :: spin_fact,tol8
224 !************************************************************************
226  tol8=1.0e-8
227  spin_fact=two
228  units = [std_out, ab_out]
230  write(msg,'(a58,3f10.5)')' Computing the 1-RDM correction for  Sx-Vxc  and k-point: ',ebands%kptns(:,ik_ibz)
231  call wrtout(units, msg)
232  write(msg,'(a11,i5,a8,i5)')'from band ',ib1,' to band',ib2
233  call wrtout(units, msg)
235  rdm_k(:,:)=czero
236  do ib1dm=ib1,ib2-1
237    do ib2dm=ib1dm+1,ib2
238      if ((ebands%occ(ib1dm,ik_ibz,1)>tol8) .and. (ebands%occ(ib2dm,ik_ibz,1)<tol8)) then
239        rdm_k(1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1))=spin_fact&
240             &*pot(1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1))/(ebands%eig(ib1dm,ik_ibz,1)-ebands%eig(ib2dm,ik_ibz,1)+tol8)
241        ! Dji = Dij^*
242        rdm_k(1+(ib2dm-ib1),1+(ib1dm-ib1))=conjg(rdm_k(1+(ib1dm-ib1),1+(ib2dm-ib1)))
243      end if
244    end do
245  end do
247 end subroutine calc_rdmx

ABINIT/change_matrix [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Transform integrals from KS -> NO and NO -> KS orbitals

   Transform <NO_i|K[NO]|NO_j> -> <KS_i|K[NO]|KS_j>,
             <KS_i|J[NO]|KS_j> -> <NO_i|J[NO]|NO_j>,
   and         <KS_i|T|KS_j>   ->   <NO_i|T|NO_j>


 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
 nateigv = natural orbital eigenvectors nateigv(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz,Sigp%nsppol))


   %kinetic=matrix elements of $t$.
   %vhartr =matrix elements of $v_H$.
 Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)


838 subroutine change_matrix(Sigp,Sr,Mels,Kmesh,nateigv)
840 !Arguments ------------------------------------
841 !scalars
842  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
843  type(sigparams_t),intent(in) :: Sigp
844  type(sigma_t),intent(inout) :: Sr
845  type(melements_t),intent(inout) :: Mels
846 !arrays
847  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: nateigv(:,:,:,:)
848 !Local variables-------------------------------
849 !scalars
850  integer :: ikcalc,ik_ibz,ib1,ib2,ib1dm,ib2dm
851 !arrays
852  complex(dpc),allocatable :: mat2rot(:,:),Umat(:,:)
853 ! *************************************************************************
855   do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
856     ik_ibz=Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)) ! Index of the irreducible k-point for GW
857     ib1=MINVAL(Sigp%minbnd(ikcalc,:))       ! min and max band indices for GW corrections (for this k-point)
858     ib2=MAXVAL(Sigp%maxbnd(ikcalc,:))
859     ABI_MALLOC(mat2rot,(ib2-ib1+1,ib2-ib1+1))
860     ABI_MALLOC(Umat,(ib2-ib1+1,ib2-ib1+1))
861     ! <NO_i|K[NO]|NO_j> -> <KS_i|K[NO]|KS_j>
862     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
863       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
864         Umat(ib1dm,ib2dm)=nateigv(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)
865         mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)=Sr%x_mat(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)
866       end do
867     end do
868     call rotate_ks_no(ib1,ib2,mat2rot,Umat,0)
869     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
870       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
871         Sr%x_mat(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)=mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)
872       end do
873     end do
874     ! <KS_i|J[NO]|KS_j> -> <NO_i|J[NO]|NO_j>
875     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
876       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
877         mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)=Mels%vhartree(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)
878       end do
879     end do
880     call rotate_ks_no(ib1,ib2,mat2rot,Umat,1)
881     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
882       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
883         Mels%vhartree(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)=mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)
884       end do
885     end do
886     ! <KS_i|T|KS_j> -> <NO_i|T|NO_j>
887     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
888       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
889         mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)=Mels%kinetic(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)
890       end do
891     end do
892     call rotate_ks_no(ib1,ib2,mat2rot,Umat,1)
893     do ib1dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
894       do ib2dm=1,ib2-ib1+1
895         Mels%kinetic(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)=mat2rot(ib1dm,ib2dm)
896       end do
897     end do
898     ABI_FREE(Umat)
899     ABI_FREE(mat2rot)
900   end do
901 end subroutine change_matrix

ABINIT/get_chkprdm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Read all checkpoint files built on previous runs


 Wfd<wfd_t>=Wave function descriptor see file 69_wfd/m_wfd.F90
 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
 occs = occ. numbers array occs(Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz)
 nateigv = natural orbital eigenvectors nateigv(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz,Sigp%nsppol))
 sigmak_todo = integer array initialized to 1 and its components are set to 0 if the kpoint
 is read from the checkpoint sigmak_todo(Wfd%nkibz)
 my_rank = rank of the mpi process.


 occ are updated if they are read from any checkpoint file
 nateigv are stored if they are read from any checkpoint file
 sigmak_todo components set to 1 if the kpoint is read from any checkpoint file


618 subroutine get_chkprdm(Wfd,Kmesh,Sigp,ebands,occs,nateigv,sigmak_todo,my_rank,gw1rdm_fname_in)
619 !Arguments ------------------------------------
620 !scalars
621  integer,intent(in) :: my_rank
622  class(wfd_t),intent(in) :: Wfd
623  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
624  type(sigparams_t),intent(in) :: Sigp
625  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
626  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: gw1rdm_fname_in
627 !arrays
628  integer,intent(inout) :: sigmak_todo(:)
629  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occs(:,:)
630  complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: nateigv(:,:,:,:)
631 !Local variables-------------------------------
632 !scalars
633  integer,parameter :: master=0,iunit=666314
634  integer :: ierr,ib1,ib2,ib3,ikcalc,istat,ik_ibz,ik_ibz_read,iread,iread_eigv
635  real(dp) :: auxl_read
636  character(len=fnlen) :: gw1rdm_fname
637  character(len=500) :: msg
638 !arrays
639  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_tmp(:),eigvect_tmp(:)
640 ! *************************************************************************
642  if (my_rank==master) then
643    iread_eigv=Wfd%mband
644    iread_eigv=iread_eigv*(2*iread_eigv)
645    ABI_MALLOC(occ_tmp,(Wfd%mband))
646    ABI_MALLOC(eigvect_tmp,(iread_eigv))
648    do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
649      ik_ibz=Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)) ! Irred k-point for GW
650      if(ik_ibz<10) then
651        write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i1)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_in),ik_ibz
652      else if(ik_ibz<100 .and. ik_ibz>=10) then
653        write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i2)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_in),ik_ibz
654      else if(ik_ibz<1000 .and. ik_ibz>=100) then
655        write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i3)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_in),ik_ibz
656      else
657        ABI_ERROR("The maximum k-point label for the checkpoint file to read is 999.")
658      end if
659      write(msg,'(a1)')' '
660      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
661      write(msg,'(a25,a)')' Reading checkpoint file ',gw1rdm_fname
662      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
663      write(msg,'(a1)')' '
664      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
665      occ_tmp(:)=zero;eigvect_tmp(:)=zero;
666      open(unit=iunit,form='unformatted',file=gw1rdm_fname,iostat=istat,status='old')
667      iread=0;ik_ibz_read=0;
668      if (istat==0) then
669        do
670          if (iread<Wfd%mband) then
671            iread=iread+1
672            read(iunit,iostat=istat) auxl_read
673            if (istat==0) then
674              occ_tmp(iread)=auxl_read
675            end if
676          else if (iread<(iread_eigv+Wfd%mband)) then
677            iread=iread+1
678            read(iunit,iostat=istat) auxl_read
679            if (istat==0) then
680              eigvect_tmp(iread-Wfd%mband)=auxl_read
681            end if
682          else
683            read(iunit,iostat=istat) ik_ibz_read
684            if (istat==0 .and. ik_ibz_read/=0) then
685             iread=0
686             sigmak_todo(ik_ibz_read)=0
687             ib3=1
688             do ib1=1,Wfd%mband
689               occs(ib1,ik_ibz_read)=occ_tmp(ib1)
690               do ib2=1,Wfd%mband
691                 nateigv(ib1,ib2,ik_ibz_read,1)=cmplx(eigvect_tmp(ib3),eigvect_tmp(ib3+1))
692                 ib3=ib3+2
693               end do
694             end do
695             ik_ibz_read=0
696             occ_tmp=zero;eigvect_tmp=zero;
697            end if
698          end if
699          if(istat/=0) then
700            exit
701          end if
702        end do
703      end if
704      close(iunit)
705    end do
706    write(msg,'(a1)')' '
707    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
708    write(msg,'(a49)')' List of k-points read from all checkpoint files '
709    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
710    do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
711      ik_ibz=Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)) ! Irred k-point for GW
712      if (sigmak_todo(ik_ibz)==0) then
713        write(msg,'(3f10.5)') ebands%kptns(1:,ik_ibz)
714        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
715      end if
716    enddo
717    write(msg,'(a1)')' '
718    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
719    ABI_FREE(occ_tmp)
720    ABI_FREE(eigvect_tmp)
721  end if
723 ! Broadcast from master the information stored in occs and nateigv to all processes.
724  call xmpi_barrier(Wfd%comm)
725  ierr=0
726  call xmpi_bcast(sigmak_todo(:),master,Wfd%comm,ierr)
727  if(ierr/=0) then
728    ABI_ERROR("Error distributing the sigmak_todo table.")
729  endif
730  call xmpi_bcast(occs(:,:),master,Wfd%comm,ierr)
731  if(ierr/=0) then
732    ABI_ERROR("Error distributing the occs read from checkpoint file(s).")
733  endif
734  call xmpi_bcast(nateigv(:,:,:,:),master,Wfd%comm,ierr)
735  if(ierr/=0) then
736    ABI_ERROR("Error distributing the natural orbital eigenvectors read from checkpoint file(s).")
737  endif
739 end subroutine get_chkprdm

ABINIT/ks2no [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Transform the matrix mat from KS to NO basis


 dim=dimension of the matrices
 mat=array in the KS basis
 rot=unitary matrix containg the eigenvectors in NO basis


 mat=array in the NO basis


1125 subroutine ks2no(ndim,mat,rot)
1126 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1127 !scalars
1128  integer,intent(in) :: ndim
1129 !arrays
1130  complex(dpc),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: rot
1131  complex(dpc),dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: mat
1132 !Local variables ------------------------------
1133 !scalars
1134 !arrays
1135  complex(dpc),allocatable :: res(:,:)
1136 !************************************************************************
1138  ABI_MALLOC(res,(ndim,ndim))
1139  res=czero
1141  ! <NO|Op|NO> =  (U^t)* <KS|Op|KS> U
1142  res=matmul(conjg(transpose(rot)),mat)
1143  mat=matmul(res,rot)
1145  ABI_FREE(res)
1147 end subroutine ks2no

ABINIT/m_gwrdm [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Compute density matrix correction Galitskii-Migdal Ecorr, G = Go + Go Sigma Go (imaginary freqs. are used in Sigma_c)
  and associated quantities (natural orbitals, matrix elements, etc.).


11 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
12 #include "config.h"
13 #endif
15 #include "abi_common.h"
17 module m_gwrdm
19  use defs_basis
20  use m_gwdefs
21  use m_abicore
22  use m_xmpi
23  use m_errors
24  use m_hide_blas
25  use m_time
26  use m_wfd
27  use m_hdr
28  use m_dtset
30  use m_fstrings,       only : sjoin, itoa
31  use m_melemts,        only : melements_t
32  use m_bz_mesh,        only : kmesh_t
33  use defs_datatypes,   only : ebands_t
34  use m_sigma,          only : sigma_t
35  use m_xctk,           only : xcden
36  use m_gaussian_quadrature, only: cgqf
38  implicit none
40  private :: no2ks,ks2no,printrdm_k,rotate_ks_no

ABINIT/natoccs [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate natural orbitals and occ. numbers for a given k-point


 ib1=min band for given k
 ib2=max band for given k.
 ik_ibz= the label of k-point in the IBZ.
 iinfo=use Sigma_x or Sigma_c phaser
 weights=array containing the weights used in the quadrature.
 nateigv=array containing the natural eigenvectors in columns (nbands,nband,k-point,nspin)
 rdm_k=density matrix, matrix (i,j), where i and j belong to the k-point k (see m_sigma_driver for more details).
 occs = array containing the occ numbers for a given k-point occs(nband,k-point).
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin
 checksij=check the orthonormality of the nat. orbitals


 Compute the nat. orbitals and occ. numbers from the rdm_k matrix (for exchange and correlations)


342 subroutine natoccs(ib1,ib2,rdm_k,nateigv,occs,ebands,ik_ibz,iinfo,checksij)
343 !Arguments ------------------------------------
344 !scalars
345  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2,ik_ibz,iinfo
346  integer,intent(in),optional :: checksij
347  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: ebands
348 !arrays
349  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occs(:,:)
350  complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: rdm_k(:,:),nateigv(:,:,:,:)
351 !Local variables ------------------------------
352 !scalars
353  integer:: ndim,ib1dm,ib2dm,ib3dm,lwork,info
354  logical:: check_Sijmat
355  character(len=500) :: msg
356  real(dp) :: toccs_k,tol10
357  complex(dp) :: Sib1k_ib2k
358 !arrays
359  integer :: units(2)
360  real(dp),allocatable :: occs_tmp(:),occs_tmp2(:),rwork(:)
361  complex(dpc),allocatable :: work(:),tmp_mat(:,:),eigenvect(:,:)
362 !************************************************************************
364  check_Sijmat=.false.; if (present(checksij)) check_Sijmat=.true.
365  units = [std_out, ab_out]
366  tol10=1.0e-10
368  ndim=ib2-ib1+1
369  lwork=2*ndim-1
370  ABI_MALLOC(occs_tmp,(ndim))
371  ABI_MALLOC(occs_tmp2,(ndim))
372  ABI_MALLOC(work,(lwork))
373  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_mat,(ndim,ndim))
374  ABI_MALLOC(eigenvect,(ndim,ndim))
375  ABI_MALLOC(rwork,(3*ndim-2))
377  tmp_mat=zero
378  do ib2dm=1,ndim
379    do ib1dm=ib2dm,ndim
380      tmp_mat(ib1dm,ib2dm)=rdm_k(ib1dm,ib2dm)
381      ! Dji = Dij^*
382      tmp_mat(ib2dm,ib1dm)=conjg(tmp_mat(ib1dm,ib2dm))
383    end do
384  end do
386  work=zero
387  occs_tmp=zero
388  info=0
389  call zheev('v','u',ndim,tmp_mat,ndim,occs_tmp,work,lwork,rwork,info)
390  ABI_CHECK(info == 0, sjoin("Failed the diagonalization of the updated GW 1-RDM with info:", itoa(info)))
392  ! Sort in descending order
393  do ib1dm=1,ndim
394   occs_tmp2(ib1dm)=occs_tmp(ndim-(ib1dm-1))
395   do ib2dm=1,ndim
396    eigenvect(ib2dm,ib1dm)=tmp_mat(ib2dm,(ndim-(ib1dm-1)))
397   end do
398   if (abs(occs_tmp2(ib1dm))<tol10) then
399     occs_tmp2(ib1dm)=zero
400   end if
401  end do
403  ! Check orthonormality?
404  if (check_Sijmat) then
405    do ib1dm=1,ndim
406      do ib2dm=1,ib1dm
407        Sib1k_ib2k=czero
408        do ib3dm=1,ndim
409          Sib1k_ib2k=Sib1k_ib2k+conjg(eigenvect(ib3dm,ib1dm))*eigenvect(ib3dm,ib2dm)
410        end do
411        if (ib1dm==ib2dm) then
412          if(abs(Sib1k_ib2k-cmplx(one,zero))>tol10) then
413            write(msg,'(a45,i5,a1,i5,f10.5)') 'Large deviation from identity for bands ',ib1dm,' ',ib2dm,real(Sib1k_ib2k)
414            call wrtout(std_out,msg)
415          endif
416        else
417          if (abs(Sib1k_ib2k)>tol10) then
418            write(msg,'(a45,i5,a1,i5,f10.5)') 'Large deviation from identity for bands ',ib1dm,' ',ib2dm,real(Sib1k_ib2k)
419            call wrtout(std_out,msg)
420          end if
421        end if
422      end do
423    end do
424  end if
426  ! Print results
427  if (info==0) then
428    if (iinfo==0) then
429      write(msg,'(a51,3f10.5)') 'Occs. after updating with Sx-Vxc corr. at k-point:',ebands%kptns(1:,ik_ibz)
430    else
431      write(msg,'(a51,3f10.5)') 'Occs. after updating with S_c correct. at k-point:',ebands%kptns(1:,ik_ibz)
432    endif
433    call wrtout(units, msg)
434    ib1dm=ndim-(ndim/10)*10
435    do ib2dm=1,(ndim/10)*10,10
436      write(msg,'(f11.5,9f10.5)') occs_tmp2(ib2dm:ib2dm+9)
437      call wrtout(units, msg)
438    end do
439    ib1dm=(ndim/10)*10+1
440    write(msg,'(f11.5,*(f10.5))') occs_tmp2(ib1dm:)
441    call wrtout(units, msg)
442  else
443    write(msg,'(a36,3f10.5)') 'Error computing occs. for k-point: ',ebands%kptns(1:,ik_ibz)
444    call wrtout(units, msg)
445  end if
447  ! Store natural orbital eigenvectors matrix and occs. Also compute total number of electrons for this k-point
448  toccs_k=zero
449  do ib1dm=1,ndim
450    do ib2dm=1,ndim
451      nateigv(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ib1+(ib2dm-1),ik_ibz,1)=eigenvect(ib1dm,ib2dm)
452    end do
453    occs(ib1+(ib1dm-1),ik_ibz)=occs_tmp2(ib1dm)  ! Overwrite the initial KS-DFT occs from ib1 to ib2
454    toccs_k=toccs_k+occs_tmp2(ib1dm)
455  end do
457  write(msg,'(a22,i5,a3,i5,a21,f10.5)') ' Total occ. from band ',ib1,' to', ib2,' at current k-point: ',toccs_k
458  call wrtout(units, msg)
459  write(msg,'(a5)') ' '
460  call wrtout(units, msg)
462  ABI_FREE(rwork)
463  ABI_FREE(work)
464  ABI_FREE(tmp_mat)
465  ABI_FREE(eigenvect)
466  ABI_FREE(occs_tmp)
467  ABI_FREE(occs_tmp2)
469 end subroutine natoccs

ABINIT/no2ks [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Transform the matrix mat from NO to KS basis


 dim=dimension of the matrices
 mat=array in the KS basis
 rot=unitary matrix containg the eigenvectors in NO basis


 mat=array in the KS basis


1167 subroutine no2ks(ndim,mat,rot)
1168 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1169 !scalars
1170  integer,intent(in) :: ndim
1171 !arrays
1172  complex(dpc),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: rot
1173  complex(dpc),dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: mat
1174 !Local variables ------------------------------
1175 !scalars
1176 !arrays
1177  complex(dpc),allocatable :: res(:,:)
1178 !************************************************************************
1180  ABI_MALLOC(res,(ndim,ndim))
1181  res=czero
1183  ! <KS|Op|KS> = U <NO|Op|NO> (U^t)*
1184  res=matmul(rot,mat)
1185  mat=matmul(res,conjg(transpose(rot)))
1187  ABI_FREE(res)
1189 end subroutine no2ks

ABINIT/print_band_energies [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Print updated band energies


 Kmesh <kmesh_t>=Structure describing the k-point sampling.
 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
   %kinetic=matrix elements of $t$.
   %vhartr =matrix elements of $v_H$.
 Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin



1002 subroutine print_band_energies(b1gw,b2gw,Sr,Sigp,Mels,Kmesh,ebands,new_hartr,old_purex)
1003 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1004 !scalars
1005  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
1006  type(sigparams_t),intent(in) :: Sigp
1007  type(sigma_t),intent(in) :: Sr
1008  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
1009  type(melements_t),intent(in) :: Mels
1010  integer,intent(in) :: b1gw,b2gw
1011 !arrays
1012  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: old_purex(:,:),new_hartr(:,:)
1013 !Local variables-------------------------------
1014 !scalars
1015  integer :: ib,ikcalc,ik_ibz, units(2)
1016  real(dp) :: eik_new
1017  complex(dpc) :: delta_band_ibik
1018  character(len=500) :: msg
1019 !************************************************************************
1021  units = [std_out, ab_out]
1023  write(msg,'(a1)')  ' '
1024  call wrtout(units, msg)
1025  write(msg,'(a42)')  ' Computing band corrections Delta eik (eV)'
1026  call wrtout(units, msg)
1027  write(msg,'(a42)')  ' -----------------------------------------'
1028  call wrtout(units, msg)
1029  write(msg,'(a1)')  ' '
1030  call wrtout(units, msg)
1031  write(msg,'(a1)')  ' '
1032  call wrtout(units, msg)
1033  write(msg,'(a110)') ' Band corrections Delta eik = <KS_i|K[NO]-a*K[KS]+vH[NO]&
1034        &-vH[KS]-Vxc[KS]|KS_i> and eik^new = eik^GS + Delta eik'
1035  call wrtout(units, msg)
1036  write(msg,'(a1)')  ' '
1037  call wrtout(units, msg)
1038  do ikcalc=1,Sigp%nkptgw
1039    ik_ibz=Kmesh%tab(Sigp%kptgw2bz(ikcalc)) ! Index of the irreducible k-point for GW
1040    write(msg,'(a127)')'---------------------------------------------------------&
1041            &--------------------------------------------------------------------'
1042    call wrtout(units, msg)
1043    write(msg,'(a)')'  k-point  band      eik^GS        eik^new     Delta eik  &
1044      &       K[NO]       a*K[KS]         Vxc[KS]       vH[NO]        vH[KS]'
1045    call wrtout(units, msg)
1046    do ib=b1gw,b2gw
1047      delta_band_ibik=(new_hartr(ib,ikcalc)-Mels%vhartree(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1))&
1048      &+Sr%x_mat(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1)-Mels%vxcval(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1)-old_purex(ib,ikcalc)
1049      eik_new=real(ebands%eig(ib,ik_ibz,1))+real(delta_band_ibik)
1050      write(msg,'(i5,4x,i5,8(4x,f10.3))') &
1051      & ik_ibz,ib,real(ebands%eig(ib,ik_ibz,1))*Ha_eV,eik_new*Ha_eV,real(delta_band_ibik)*Ha_eV,&
1052      & real(Sr%x_mat(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1))*Ha_eV,real(old_purex(ib,ikcalc))*Ha_eV,&
1053      & real(Mels%vxcval(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1))*Ha_eV,&
1054      & real(new_hartr(ib,ikcalc))*Ha_eV,real(Mels%vhartree(ib,ib,ik_ibz,1))*Ha_eV
1055      call wrtout(units, msg)
1056    enddo
1057  enddo
1058  write(msg,'(a127)')'---------------------------------------------------------&
1059          &--------------------------------------------------------------------'
1060  call wrtout(units, msg)
1062 end subroutine print_band_energies

ABINIT/print_chkprdm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Write the checkpoint file for a given k-point


 Wfd<wfd_t>=Wave function descriptor see file 69_wfd/m_wfd.F90
 occs = occ. numbers array occs(Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz)
 nateigv = natural orbital eigenvectors nateigv(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband,Wfd%nkibz,Sigp%nsppol))
 my_rank = rank of the mpi process.
 gw1rdm_fname_out = name of the gw1rdm checkpoint out without k-point extension



760 subroutine print_chkprdm(Wfd,occs,nateigv,ik_ibz,my_rank,gw1rdm_fname_out)
761 !Arguments ------------------------------------
762 !scalars
763  integer,intent(in) :: ik_ibz,my_rank
764  class(wfd_t),intent(in) :: Wfd
765  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: gw1rdm_fname_out
766 !arrays
767  real(dp),intent(in) :: occs(:,:)
768  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: nateigv(:,:,:,:)
769 !Local variables-------------------------------
770 !scalars
771  integer,parameter :: master=0,iunit=666314
772  integer :: iwrite,iwrite2
773  character(len=fnlen) :: gw1rdm_fname
774  character(len=500) :: msg
775 !arrays
776 ! *************************************************************************
778  if (my_rank==master) then
779    if(ik_ibz<10) then
780      write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i1)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_out),ik_ibz
781    else if(ik_ibz<100 .and. ik_ibz>=10) then
782      write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i2)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_out),ik_ibz
783    else if(ik_ibz<1000 .and. ik_ibz>=100) then
784      write(gw1rdm_fname,"(a,i3)") trim(gw1rdm_fname_out),ik_ibz
785    else
786      ABI_ERROR("The maximum k-point label for the checkpoint file to write is 999.")
787    end if
788    write(msg,'(a1)')' '
789    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
790    write(msg,'(a25,a)')' Writing checkpoint file ',gw1rdm_fname
791    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
792    write(msg,'(a1)')' '
793    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
794    open(unit=iunit,form='unformatted',file=gw1rdm_fname)
795    do iwrite=1,Wfd%mband
796      write(iunit) occs(iwrite,ik_ibz)
797    end do
798    do iwrite=1,Wfd%mband
799      do iwrite2=1,Wfd%mband
800        write(iunit) real(nateigv(iwrite,iwrite2,ik_ibz,1))
801        write(iunit) aimag(nateigv(iwrite,iwrite2,ik_ibz,1))
802      end do
803    end do
804    write(iunit) ik_ibz
805    close(iunit)
806  end if
808  call xmpi_barrier(Wfd%comm)
810 end subroutine print_chkprdm

ABINIT/print_tot_occ [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute and print the total (averaged) occ. from all k-points


 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin


 Print the total (averaged) occ. = sum_k weight_k * Nelec_k


555 subroutine print_tot_occ(ebands)
557 !Arguments ------------------------------------
558  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
560 !Local variables-------------------------------
561 !scalars
562  character(len=500) :: msg
563  integer :: ik,spin, units(2)
564  real(dp) :: wtk,occ_bks,tot_occ
565 ! *************************************************************************
567  units = [std_out, ab_out]
569  tot_occ=zero
571  do spin=1,ebands%nsppol
572    do ik=1,ebands%nkpt
573      wtk = ebands%wtk(ik)
574      occ_bks = sum(ebands%occ(:,ik,spin))
575      !if (sigma%nsig_ab==1) then ! Only closed-shell restricted is programed
576      tot_occ=tot_occ+occ_bks*wtk
577      !end if
578    end do
579  end do
581  write(msg,'(a1)') ' '
582  call wrtout(units, msg)
583  write(msg,'(a39,f10.5)') ' Total averaged occ. from all k-points: ',tot_occ
584  call wrtout(units, msg)
585  write(msg,'(a1)') ' '
586  call wrtout(units, msg)
588 end subroutine print_tot_occ

ABINIT/print_total_energy [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Print total energy and energy components


 all energy terms are self-explanatory



918 subroutine print_total_energy(ekin_energy,evext_energy,evextnl_energy,e_corepsp,eh_energy,ex_energy,&
919                               exc_mbb_energy,e_ewald,etot,etot2,den_int)
920 !Arguments ------------------------------------
921 !scalars
922  real(dp),intent(in) :: ekin_energy,evext_energy,evextnl_energy,e_corepsp,eh_energy,ex_energy
923  real(dp),intent(in) :: exc_mbb_energy,e_ewald,etot,etot2,den_int
925 !Local variables-------------------------------
926  character(len=500) :: msg
927  integer :: units(2)
929 !************************************************************************
931  units = [std_out, ab_out]
933  write(msg,'(a1)')' '
934  call wrtout(units, msg)
935  write(msg,'(a98)')'---------------------------------------------------------------&
936          &----------------------------------'
937  call wrtout(units, msg)
938  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Ekinetic   = : ',ekin_energy,' Ha ,',ekin_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
939  call wrtout(units, msg)
940  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Evext_l    = : ',evext_energy,' Ha ,',evext_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
941  call wrtout(units, msg)
942  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Evext_nl   = : ',evextnl_energy,' Ha ,',evextnl_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
943  call wrtout(units, msg)
944  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Epsp_core  = : ',e_corepsp,' Ha ,',e_corepsp*Ha_eV,' eV'
945  call wrtout(units, msg)
946  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Ehartree   = : ',eh_energy,' Ha ,',eh_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
947  call wrtout(units, msg)
948  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Ex[SD]     = : ',ex_energy,' Ha ,',ex_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
949  call wrtout(units, msg)
950  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Exc[MBB]   = : ',exc_mbb_energy,' Ha ,',exc_mbb_energy*Ha_eV,' eV'
951  call wrtout(units, msg)
952  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Enn        = : ',e_ewald,' Ha ,',e_ewald*Ha_eV,' eV'
953  call wrtout(units, msg)
954  write(msg,'(a98)')'-----------------------------------------------------------------&
955          &--------------------------------'
956  call wrtout(units, msg)
957  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Etot[SD]   = : ',etot,' Ha ,',etot*Ha_eV,' eV'
958  call wrtout(units, msg)
959  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Etot[MBB]  = : ',etot2,' Ha ,',etot2*Ha_eV,' eV'
960  call wrtout(units, msg)
961  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Vee[SD]    = : ',(ex_energy+eh_energy),' Ha ,',(ex_energy+eh_energy)*Ha_eV,' eV'
962  call wrtout(units, msg)
963  write(msg,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.3,a)')' Vee[MBB]   = : ',(exc_mbb_energy+eh_energy),' Ha ,',&
964          &(exc_mbb_energy+eh_energy)*Ha_eV,' eV'
965  call wrtout(units, msg)
966  write(msg,'(a,f10.5)')  ' Density    = : ',den_int
967  call wrtout(units, msg)
968  write(msg,'(a)')' Vee[SD] (= Ehartree + Ex[SD]) energy obtained using GW 1-RDM:'
969  call wrtout(units, msg)
970  write(msg,'(a)')' Vee[MBB] (= Ehartree + Exc[MBB]) energy obtained using GW 1-RDM:'
971  call wrtout(units, msg)
972  write(msg,'(a98)')'-------------------------------------------------------------------&
973          &------------------------------'
974  call wrtout(units, msg)
976 end subroutine print_total_energy

ABINIT/printrdm_k [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print the DM1 matrix


 ib1=min band.
 ib2=max band.
 rdm_k=array containing the 1-RDM matrix


 Print the 1-RDM matrix


1208 subroutine printrdm_k(ib1,ib2,rdm_k) ! Only used for debug on this file, do not use it with large arrays!
1209 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1210 !scalars
1211  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2
1212 !arrays
1213  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: rdm_k(:,:)
1214 !Local variables ------------------------------
1215 !scalars
1216  integer::ib1dm
1217  character(len=500) :: msg
1218 !arrays
1219 !************************************************************************
1221  do ib1dm=ib1,ib2
1222    write(msg,'(*(f12.5))') real(rdm_k(ib1dm,ib1:ib2))
1223    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1224  end do
1226 end subroutine printrdm_k

ABINIT/quadrature_sigma_cw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Quadrature frequencies used for Sigma_c(iw) integration


 Sigp<sigparams_t>=Parameters governing the self-energy calculation.
 Sr=sigma_t (see the definition of this structured datatype)
 weights=real quadrature weights.


 Update Sigp and Sr imaginary frequencies with iw, and weights with the quadrature weights


 67 subroutine quadrature_sigma_cw(Sigp,Sr,weights)
 68 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 69 !scalars
 70  type(sigparams_t),intent(inout) :: Sigp
 71  type(sigma_t),intent(inout) :: Sr
 72 !arrays
 73  real(dp),intent(inout) :: weights(:)
 75 !Local variables ------------------------------
 76 !scalars
 77  integer :: ifreqs,order_int,gaussian_kind,units(2)
 78  real(dp) :: gwalpha,gwbeta,wmin,wmax
 79  character(len=500) :: msg
 80 !arrays
 81  real(dp),allocatable :: freqs(:)
 82 !************************************************************************
 84  units = [std_out, ab_out]
 86  order_int=Sigp%nomegasi
 87  write(msg,'(a45,i9)')' number of imaginary frequencies for Sigma_c ',order_int
 88  call wrtout(units, msg)
 89  write(msg,'(a1)')' '
 90  call wrtout(units, msg)
 91  order_int=Sigp%nomegasi
 92  ABI_MALLOC(freqs,(order_int))
 93  gaussian_kind=1
 94  gwalpha=zero
 95  gwbeta=zero
 96  wmin=zero
 97  wmax=one
 98  call cgqf(order_int,gaussian_kind,gwalpha,gwbeta,wmin,wmax,freqs,weights)
 99  ! From  0 to 1 -> 0 to infinity
100  weights(:)=weights(:)/(one-freqs(:))**two
101  freqs(:)=freqs(:)/(one-freqs(:))
102  ! Form complex frequencies from 0 to iInf and print them in the log file
103  write(msg,'(a52)')'           Re(iw)           Im(iw)           Weight  '
104  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
105  write(msg,'(a52)')'          --------         --------         -------- '
106  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
107  do ifreqs=1,order_int
108    Sigp%omegasi(ifreqs)=cmplx(zero,freqs(ifreqs))
109    Sr%omega_i(ifreqs)=Sigp%omegasi(ifreqs)
110    write(msg,'(3f17.5)') Sr%omega_i(ifreqs),weights(ifreqs)
111    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
112  enddo
113  ABI_FREE(freqs)
115 end subroutine quadrature_sigma_cw

ABINIT/rotate_ks_no [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Rotate a matrix from KS to NO basis and vicerversa.


 ib1=min band for given k
 ib2=max band for given k.
 Umat=array containing the eigenvectors in Columns (a unitary matrix)
 Mat=initially an array containing the matrix elements in KS or NO basis
 option=0 rotate from NO -> KS | 1 rotate from KS -> NO


 Rotate a matrix from KS to NO basis and vicerversa and save the new matrix on Mat.
 Mat=at the end an array containing the matrix elements in NO or KS basis


1085 subroutine rotate_ks_no(ib1,ib2,Mat,Umat,option)
1086 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1087 !scalars
1088  integer,intent(in) :: ib1,ib2,option
1089 !arrays
1090  complex(dpc),intent(in) :: Umat(:,:)
1091  complex(dpc),intent(inout) :: Mat(:,:)
1092 !Local variables ------------------------------
1093 !scalars
1094  integer:: ndim
1095 !arrays
1096 !************************************************************************
1098  ndim=ib2-ib1+1
1099  if (option==0) then
1100    call no2ks(ndim,Mat,Umat)
1101  else
1102    call ks2no(ndim,Mat,Umat)
1103  end if
1105 end subroutine rotate_ks_no

ABINIT/update_hdr_bst [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Update the Hdr for the WFK and DEN files and the occ. numbers in the ebands file for a given k-point


 Wfd<wfd_t>=Datatype gathering data on QP amplitudes.
 ngfft_in(18)=information on the fine FFT grid used for densities and potentials.
 b1gw=min band for given k in the interval where we update.
 b2gw=max band for given k in the interval where we update.
 occs= array containing the occ numbers for a given k-point occs_ks(nband,k-point).
 ebands=<ebands_t>=Datatype gathering info on the QP energies (KS if one shot)
  eig(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=KS or QP energies for k-points, bands and spin
  occ(Sigp%nbnds,Kmesh%nibz,Wfd%nsppol)=occupation numbers, for each k point in IBZ, each band and spin


 Updated Hdr and ebands information


494 subroutine update_hdr_bst(Wfd,occs,b1gw,b2gw,ebands,Hdr,ngfft_in)
496 !Arguments ------------------------------------
497 !scalars
498  integer,intent(in) :: b1gw,b2gw
499  integer,intent(in),dimension(3) :: ngfft_in
500  type(ebands_t),target,intent(inout) :: ebands
501  type(Hdr_type),intent(inout) :: Hdr
502  class(wfd_t),intent(in) :: Wfd
503 !arrays
504  real(dp),intent(in) :: occs(:,:)
505 !Local variables ------------------------------
506 !scalars
507  integer :: ib1dm,ib2dm,dim_bands,ikpoint
508 !arrays
509 !************************************************************************
511  ! ebands occ (QP_ebands ones) are changed and never recoverd
512  do ikpoint=1,ebands%nkpt
513    ebands%occ(b1gw:b2gw,ikpoint,1) = occs(b1gw:b2gw,ikpoint) ! Spins summed, occ in [0:2]
514  enddo
515  ABI_COMMENT("QP_ebands: occupancies were updated with nat. orb. ones")
516  if ((size(Hdr%occ(:))/ebands%nkpt) < (b2gw-b1gw+1)) then
517    !Actually, we should never reach this point because the code should stop during Wfd initialization in m_sigma_driver
518    ABI_ERROR("Impossible to use the existing read WFK to build a new one!")
519  end if
521  ! Update occ in Hdr before printing
522  ib1dm=1
523  do ikpoint=1,ebands%nkpt
524    dim_bands=size(ebands%occ(:,ikpoint,1))
525    do ib2dm=1,dim_bands
526      Hdr%occ(ib1dm)=ebands%occ(ib2dm,ikpoint,1) ! Because Hdr%occ is a 1-D array
527      ib1dm=ib1dm+1
528    end do
529  end do
531  Hdr%npwarr(:)=Wfd%npwarr(:)                                   ! Use the npw and ngfft = ones used in GW calc
532  Hdr%ngfft(1:3)=ngfft_in(1:3)
533  ABI_COMMENT("Hdr_sigma: occupancies, npw, and ngfft were updated")
535 end subroutine update_hdr_bst