Input file for AtomPAW - Brief description

An example: Oxygen
O 8Generic file name - Atomic charge
GGA-PBE loggrid 2001Ex-correlation functional ; Use of a logarithmic grid with 2001 points
2 2 0 0 0Maximum n quantum numbers for s,p,d,f,g
2 1 4n, l, occupation - only for non fully occupied shells (here 2p)
0 0 0End occupations of partially occupied shells
cCore state    1s
vValence state    2s
vValence state    2p
1.41PAW sphere radius (rc=1.41 bohr)
ydo we add a l=0 partial wave ?
2.Energy for this new l=0 partial wave (2 Ry)
nEnd of additional l=0 basis functions
y do we add a l=1 partial wave ?
2.Energy for this new l=1 partial wave (2 Ry)
nEnd of additional l=1 basis functions
VANDERBILTUse of D. Vanderbilt's scheme to generate projectors
2 0.Use of Martins-Trouiller scheme to pseudize Vloc with l=2, E=0 Ry
1,41Matching radius used to get first l=0 pseudo partial wave
1,41Matching radius used to get 2nd l=0 pseudo partial wave
1,41Matching radius used to get first l=1 pseudo partial wave
1,41Matching radius used to get 2nd l=1 pseudo partial wave