ABINIT/CALCK0 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]








 924 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
 925 !
 926 ! This packet computes modified Bessel functions of the second kind
 927 !   and order zero, K0(X) and EXP(X)*K0(X), for real
 928 !   arguments X.  It contains two function type subprograms, BESK0
 929 !   and BESEK0, and one subroutine type subprogram, CALCK0.
 930 !   the calling statements for the primary entries are
 931 !
 932 !                   Y=BESK0(X)
 933 !   and
 934 !                   Y=BESEK0(X)
 935 !
 936 !   where the entry points correspond to the functions K0(X) and
 937 !   EXP(X)*K0(X), respectively.  The routine CALCK0 is
 938 !   intended for internal packet use only, all computations within
 939 !   the packet being concentrated in this routine.  The function
 940 !   subprograms invoke CALCK0 with the statement
 941 !          CALL CALCK0(ARG,RESULT,JINT)
 942 !   where the parameter usage is as follows
 943 !
 944 !      Function                     Parameters for CALCK0
 945 !       Call              ARG                  RESULT          JINT
 946 !
 947 !     BESK0(ARG)   0 .LT. ARG .LE. XMAX       K0(ARG)           1
 948 !     BESEK0(ARG)     0 .LT. ARG           EXP(ARG)*K0(ARG)     2
 949 !
 950 !   The main computation evaluates slightly modified forms of near
 951 !   minimax rational approximations generated by Russon and Blair,
 952 !   Chalk River (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) Report AECL-3461,
 953 !   1969.  This transportable program is patterned after the
 954 !   machine-dependent FUNPACK packet NATSK0, but cannot match that
 955 !   version for efficiency or accuracy.  This version uses rational
 956 !   functions that theoretically approximate K-SUB-0(X) to at
 957 !   least 18 significant decimal digits.  The accuracy achieved
 958 !   depends on the arithmetic system, the compiler, the intrinsic
 959 !   functions, and proper selection of the machine-dependent
 960 !   constants.
 961 !
 962 !*******************************************************************
 963 !*******************************************************************
 964 !
 965 ! Explanation of machine-dependent constants
 966 !
 967 !   beta   = Radix for the floating-point system
 968 !   minexp = Smallest representable power of beta
 969 !   maxexp = Smallest power of beta that overflows
 970 !   XSMALL = Argument below which BESK0 and BESEK0 may
 971 !            each be represented by a constant and a log.
 972 !            largest X such that  1.0 + X = 1.0  to machine
 973 !            precision.
 974 !   XINF   = Largest positive machine number; approximately
 975 !            beta**maxexp
 976 !   XMAX   = Largest argument acceptable to BESK0;  Solution to
 977 !            equation:
 978 !               W(X) * (1-1/8X+9/128X**2) = beta**minexp
 979 !            where  W(X) = EXP(-X)*SQRT(PI/2X)
 980 !
 981 !
 982 !     Approximate values for some important machines are:
 983 !
 984 !
 985 !                           beta       minexp       maxexp
 986 !
 987 !  CRAY-1        (S.P.)       2        -8193         8191
 988 !  Cyber 180/185
 989 !    under NOS   (S.P.)       2         -975         1070
 990 !  IEEE (IBM/XT,
 991 !    SUN, etc.)  (S.P.)       2         -126          128
 992 !  IEEE (IBM/XT,
 993 !    SUN, etc.)  (D.P.)       2        -1022         1024
 994 !  IBM 3033      (D.P.)      16          -65           63
 995 !  VAX D-Format  (D.P.)       2         -128          127
 996 !  VAX G-Format  (D.P.)       2        -1024         1023
 997 !
 998 !
 999 !                          XSMALL       XINF         XMAX
1000 !
1001 ! CRAY-1        (S.P.)    3.55E-15   5.45E+2465    5674.858
1002 ! Cyber 180/855
1003 !   under NOS   (S.P.)    1.77E-15   1.26E+322      672.788
1004 ! IEEE (IBM/XT,
1005 !   SUN, etc.)  (S.P.)    5.95E-8    3.40E+38        85.337
1006 ! IEEE (IBM/XT,
1007 !   SUN, etc.)  (D.P.)    1.11D-16   1.79D+308      705.342
1008 ! IBM 3033      (D.P.)    1.11D-16   7.23D+75       177.852
1009 ! VAX D-Format  (D.P.)    6.95D-18   1.70D+38        86.715
1010 ! VAX G-Format  (D.P.)    5.55D-17   8.98D+307      706.728
1011 !
1012 !*******************************************************************
1013 !*******************************************************************
1014 !
1015 ! Error returns
1016 !
1017 !  The program returns the value XINF for ARG .LE. 0.0, and the
1018 !  BESK0 entry returns the value 0.0 for ARG .GT. XMAX.
1019 !
1020 !
1021 !  Intrinsic functions required are:
1022 !
1023 !     EXP, LOG, SQRT
1024 !
1025 !  Latest modification: March 19, 1990
1026 !
1027 !  Authors: W. J. Cody and Laura Stoltz
1028 !           Mathematics and Computer Science Division
1029 !           Argonne National Laboratory
1030 !           Argonne, IL 60439
1031 !
1032 !  Original subroutine from netlib
1033 !  Slightly modified by MG to follow f90 rules and double precision arithmetic
1034 !
1035 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1036       IMPLICIT NONE
1037       INTEGER :: I,JINT
1038 !CS    REAL
1040 !CS    REAL
1042 !CS    REAL
1043       DOUBLE PRECISION :: P(6),Q(2),PP(10),QQ(10),F(4),G(3)
1044 !C--------------------------------------------------------------------
1045 !C  Mathematical constants
1046 !C--------------------------------------------------------------------
1047 !CS    REAL, PARAMETER  ::             ONE=1.0E0,ZERO=0.0E0
1049 !C--------------------------------------------------------------------
1050 !C  Machine-dependent constants
1051 !C--------------------------------------------------------------------
1052 !CS    REAL.PARAMETER ::             XSMALL=5.95E-8, XINF=3.40E+38 ,XMAX=85.337E0
1053       DOUBLE PRECISION,PARAMETER :: XSMALL=1.11D-16,XINF=1.79D+308,XMAX=705.342D0
1054 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1055 !
1056 !     Coefficients for XSMALL .LE.  ARG  .LE. 1.0
1057 !
1058 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 !S    DATA   P/ 5.8599221412826100000E-04, 1.3166052564989571850E-01,
1060 !S   1          1.1999463724910714109E+01, 4.6850901201934832188E+02,
1061 !S   2          5.9169059852270512312E+03, 2.4708152720399552679E+03/
1062 !S    DATA   Q/-2.4994418972832303646E+02, 2.1312714303849120380E+04/
1063 !S    DATA   F/-1.6414452837299064100E+00,-2.9601657892958843866E+02,
1064 !S   1         -1.7733784684952985886E+04,-4.0320340761145482298E+05/
1065 !S    DATA   G/-2.5064972445877992730E+02, 2.9865713163054025489E+04,
1066 !S   1         -1.6128136304458193998E+06/
1067      DATA    P/5.8599221412826100000D-04,1.3166052564989571850D-01,&
1068 &              1.1999463724910714109D+01,4.6850901201934832188D+02,&
1069 &              5.9169059852270512312D+03,2.4708152720399552679D+03/
1070      DATA    Q/-2.4994418972832303646D+02, 2.1312714303849120380D+04/
1071      DATA    F/-1.6414452837299064100D+00,-2.9601657892958843866D+02,&
1072 &              -1.7733784684952985886D+04,-4.0320340761145482298D+05/
1073      DATA    G/-2.5064972445877992730D+02, 2.9865713163054025489D+04,&
1074 &              -1.6128136304458193998D+06/
1075 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1076 !
1077 !     Coefficients for  1.0 .LT. ARG
1078 !
1079 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 !S    DATA  PP/ 1.1394980557384778174E+02, 3.6832589957340267940E+03,
1081 !S   1          3.1075408980684392399E+04, 1.0577068948034021957E+05,
1082 !S   2          1.7398867902565686251E+05, 1.5097646353289914539E+05,
1083 !S   3          7.1557062783764037541E+04, 1.8321525870183537725E+04,
1084 !S   4          2.3444738764199315021E+03, 1.1600249425076035558E+02/
1085 !S    DATA  QQ/ 2.0013443064949242491E+02, 4.4329628889746408858E+03,
1086 !S   1          3.1474655750295278825E+04, 9.7418829762268075784E+04,
1087 !S   2          1.5144644673520157801E+05, 1.2689839587977598727E+05,
1088 !S   3          5.8824616785857027752E+04, 1.4847228371802360957E+04,
1089 !S   4          1.8821890840982713696E+03, 9.2556599177304839811E+01/
1090      DATA  PP/  1.1394980557384778174D+02, 3.6832589957340267940D+03,&
1091 &               3.1075408980684392399D+04, 1.0577068948034021957D+05,&
1092 &               1.7398867902565686251D+05, 1.5097646353289914539D+05,&
1093 &               7.1557062783764037541D+04, 1.8321525870183537725D+04,&
1094 &               2.3444738764199315021D+03, 1.1600249425076035558D+02/
1095      DATA  QQ/  2.0013443064949242491D+02, 4.4329628889746408858D+03, &
1096 &                3.1474655750295278825D+04, 9.7418829762268075784D+04,&
1097 &                1.5144644673520157801D+05, 1.2689839587977598727D+05,&
1098 &                5.8824616785857027752D+04, 1.4847228371802360957D+04,&
1099 &                1.8821890840982713696D+03, 9.2556599177304839811D+01/
1100 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1101       X = ARG
1102       IF (X .GT. ZERO) THEN
1103             IF (X .LE. ONE) THEN
1104 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1105 !     0.0 .LT.  ARG  .LE. 1.0
1106 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1107                   TEMP = LOG(X)
1108                   IF (X .LT. XSMALL) THEN
1109 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1110 !     Return for small ARG
1111 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1112                         RESULT = P(6)/Q(2) - TEMP
1113                      ELSE
1114                         XX = X * X
1115                         SUMP = ((((P(1)*XX + P(2))*XX + P(3))*XX +&
1116                                P(4))*XX + P(5))*XX + P(6)
1117                         SUMQ = (XX + Q(1))*XX + Q(2)
1118                         SUMF = ((F(1)*XX + F(2))*XX + F(3))*XX + F(4)
1119                         SUMG = ((XX + G(1))*XX + G(2))*XX + G(3)
1120                         RESULT = SUMP/SUMQ - XX*SUMF*TEMP/SUMG - TEMP
1121                         IF (JINT .EQ. 2) RESULT = RESULT * EXP(X)
1122                   END IF
1123                ELSE IF ((JINT .EQ. 1) .AND. (X .GT. XMAX)) THEN
1124 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1125 !     Error return for ARG .GT. XMAX
1126 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1127                   RESULT = ZERO
1128                ELSE
1129 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1130 !     1.0 .LT. ARG
1131 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1132                   XX = ONE / X
1133                   SUMP = PP(1)
1134                   DO 120 I = 2, 10
1135                      SUMP = SUMP*XX + PP(I)
1136   120             CONTINUE
1137                   SUMQ = XX
1138                   DO 140 I = 1, 9
1139                      SUMQ = (SUMQ + QQ(I))*XX
1140   140             CONTINUE
1141                   SUMQ = SUMQ + QQ(10)
1142                   RESULT = SUMP / SUMQ / SQRT(X)
1143                   IF (JINT .EQ. 1) RESULT = RESULT * EXP(-X)
1144             END IF
1145          ELSE
1146 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1147 !     Error return for ARG .LE. 0.0
1148 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1149             RESULT = XINF
1150       END IF
1151 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1152 !     Update error counts, etc.
1153 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1154       RETURN
1155 !---------- Last line of CALCK0 ----------
1156       END subroutine calck0

ABINIT/CALCK1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]









1231 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1232 !
1233 ! This packet computes modified Bessel functions of the second kind
1234 !   and order one,  K1(X)  and  EXP(X)*K1(X), for real arguments X.
1235 !   It contains two function type subprograms, BESK1  and  BESEK1,
1236 !   and one subroutine type subprogram, CALCK1.  The calling
1237 !   statements for the primary entries are
1238 !
1239 !                   Y=BESK1(X)
1240 !   and
1241 !                   Y=BESEK1(X)
1242 !
1243 !   where the entry points correspond to the functions K1(X) and
1244 !   EXP(X)*K1(X), respectively.  The routine CALCK1 is intended
1245 !   for internal packet use only, all computations within the
1246 !   packet being concentrated in this routine.  The function
1247 !   subprograms invoke CALCK1 with the statement
1248 !          CALL CALCK1(ARG,RESULT,JINT)
1249 !   where the parameter usage is as follows
1250 !
1251 !      Function                      Parameters for CALCK1
1252 !        Call             ARG                  RESULT          JINT
1253 !
1254 !     BESK1(ARG)  XLEAST .LT. ARG .LT. XMAX    K1(ARG)          1
1255 !     BESEK1(ARG)     XLEAST .LT. ARG       EXP(ARG)*K1(ARG)    2
1256 !
1257 !   The main computation evaluates slightly modified forms of near
1258 !   minimax rational approximations generated by Russon and Blair,
1259 !   Chalk River (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) Report AECL-3461,
1260 !   1969.  This transportable program is patterned after the
1261 !   machine-dependent FUNPACK packet NATSK1, but cannot match that
1262 !   version for efficiency or accuracy.  This version uses rational
1263 !   functions that theoretically approximate K-SUB-1(X) to at
1264 !   least 18 significant decimal digits.  The accuracy achieved
1265 !   depends on the arithmetic system, the compiler, the intrinsic
1266 !   functions, and proper selection of the machine-dependent
1267 !   constants.
1268 !
1269 !*******************************************************************
1270 !*******************************************************************
1271 !
1272 ! Explanation of machine-dependent constants
1273 !
1274 !   beta   = Radix for the floating-point system
1275 !   minexp = Smallest representable power of beta
1276 !   maxexp = Smallest power of beta that overflows
1277 !   XLEAST = Smallest acceptable argument, i.e., smallest machine
1278 !            number X such that 1/X is machine representable.
1279 !   XSMALL = Argument below which BESK1(X) and BESEK1(X) may
1280 !            each be represented by 1/X.  A safe value is the
1281 !            largest X such that  1.0 + X = 1.0  to machine
1282 !            precision.
1283 !   XINF   = Largest positive machine number; approximately
1284 !            beta**maxexp
1285 !   XMAX   = Largest argument acceptable to BESK1;  Solution to
1286 !            equation:
1287 !               W(X) * (1+3/8X-15/128X**2) = beta**minexp
1288 !            where  W(X) = EXP(-X)*SQRT(PI/2X)
1289 !
1290 !
1291 !     Approximate values for some important machines are:
1292 !
1293 !                           beta       minexp       maxexp
1294 !
1295 !  CRAY-1        (S.P.)       2        -8193         8191
1296 !  Cyber 180/185
1297 !    under NOS   (S.P.)       2         -975         1070
1298 !  IEEE (IBM/XT,
1299 !    SUN, etc.)  (S.P.)       2         -126          128
1300 !  IEEE (IBM/XT,
1301 !    SUN, etc.)  (D.P.)       2        -1022         1024
1302 !  IBM 3033      (D.P.)      16          -65           63
1303 !  VAX D-Format  (D.P.)       2         -128          127
1304 !  VAX G-Format  (D.P.)       2        -1024         1023
1305 !
1306 !
1307 !                         XLEAST     XSMALL      XINF       XMAX
1308 !
1309 ! CRAY-1                1.84E-2466  3.55E-15  5.45E+2465  5674.858
1310 ! Cyber 180/855
1311 !   under NOS   (S.P.)  3.14E-294   1.77E-15  1.26E+322    672.789
1312 ! IEEE (IBM/XT,
1313 !   SUN, etc.)  (S.P.)  1.18E-38    5.95E-8   3.40E+38      85.343
1314 ! IEEE (IBM/XT,
1315 !   SUN, etc.)  (D.P.)  2.23D-308   1.11D-16  1.79D+308    705.343
1316 ! IBM 3033      (D.P.)  1.39D-76    1.11D-16  7.23D+75     177.855
1317 ! VAX D-Format  (D.P.)  5.88D-39    6.95D-18  1.70D+38      86.721
1318 ! VAX G-Format  (D.P.)  1.12D-308   5.55D-17  8.98D+307    706.728
1319 !
1320 !*******************************************************************
1321 !*******************************************************************
1322 !
1323 ! Error returns
1324 !
1325 !  The program returns the value XINF for ARG .LE. 0.0 and the
1326 !   BESK1 entry returns the value 0.0 for ARG .GT. XMAX.
1327 !
1328 !
1329 !  Intrinsic functions required are:
1330 !
1331 !     LOG, SQRT, EXP
1332 !
1333 !
1334 !  Authors: W. J. Cody and Laura Stoltz
1335 !           Mathematics and Computer Science Division
1336 !           Argonne National Laboratory
1337 !           Argonne, IL 60439
1338 !
1339 !  Latest modification: January 28, 1988
1340 !  Taken from
1341 !
1342 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1343       IMPLICIT NONE
1344       INTEGER :: I,JINT
1345 !CS    REAL
1346       DOUBLE PRECISION :: &
1349       DIMENSION P(5),Q(3),PP(11),QQ(9),F(5),G(3)
1350 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1351 !  Mathematical constants
1352 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1353 !CS    DATA ONE/1.0E0/,ZERO/0.0E0/
1354        DATA ONE/1.0D0/,ZERO/0.0D0/
1355 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1356 !  Machine-dependent constants
1357 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1358 !CS    DATA XLEAST/1.18E-38/,XSMALL/5.95E-8/,XINF/3.40E+38/,
1359 !CS   1     XMAX/85.343E+0/
1360      DATA XLEAST/2.23D-308/,XSMALL/1.11D-16/,XINF/1.79D+308/,&
1361 &         XMAX/705.343D+0/
1362 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1363 !  Coefficients for  XLEAST .LE.  ARG  .LE. 1.0
1364 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1365 !CS    DATA   P/ 4.8127070456878442310E-1, 9.9991373567429309922E+1,
1366 !CS   1          7.1885382604084798576E+3, 1.7733324035147015630E+5,
1367 !CS   2          7.1938920065420586101E+5/
1368 !CS    DATA   Q/-2.8143915754538725829E+2, 3.7264298672067697862E+4,
1369 !CS   1         -2.2149374878243304548E+6/
1370 !CS    DATA   F/-2.2795590826955002390E-1,-5.3103913335180275253E+1,
1371 !CS   1         -4.5051623763436087023E+3,-1.4758069205414222471E+5,
1372 !CS   2         -1.3531161492785421328E+6/
1373 !CS    DATA   G/-3.0507151578787595807E+2, 4.3117653211351080007E+4,
1374 !CS   2         -2.7062322985570842656E+6/
1375       DATA   P/ 4.8127070456878442310D-1, 9.9991373567429309922D+1,&
1376 &             7.1885382604084798576D+3, 1.7733324035147015630D+5,&
1377 &             7.1938920065420586101D+5/
1378     DATA   Q/-2.8143915754538725829D+2, 3.7264298672067697862D+4,&
1379 &            -2.2149374878243304548D+6/
1380     DATA   F/-2.2795590826955002390D-1,-5.3103913335180275253D+1,&
1381 &            -4.5051623763436087023D+3,-1.4758069205414222471D+5,&
1382 &            -1.3531161492785421328D+6/
1383     DATA   G/-3.0507151578787595807D+2, 4.3117653211351080007D+4,&
1384 &            -2.7062322985570842656D+6/
1385 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1386 !  Coefficients for  1.0 .LT.  ARG
1387 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1388 !CS    DATA  PP/ 6.4257745859173138767E-2, 7.5584584631176030810E+0,
1389 !CS   1          1.3182609918569941308E+2, 8.1094256146537402173E+2,
1390 !CS   2          2.3123742209168871550E+3, 3.4540675585544584407E+3,
1391 !CS   3          2.8590657697910288226E+3, 1.3319486433183221990E+3,
1392 !CS   4          3.4122953486801312910E+2, 4.4137176114230414036E+1,
1393 !CS   5          2.2196792496874548962E+0/
1394 !CS    DATA  QQ/ 3.6001069306861518855E+1, 3.3031020088765390854E+2,
1395 !CS   1          1.2082692316002348638E+3, 2.1181000487171943810E+3,
1396 !CS   2          1.9448440788918006154E+3, 9.6929165726802648634E+2,
1397 !CS   3          2.5951223655579051357E+2, 3.4552228452758912848E+1,
1398 !CS   4          1.7710478032601086579E+0/
1399     DATA  PP/ 6.4257745859173138767D-2, 7.5584584631176030810D+0,&
1400 &             1.3182609918569941308D+2, 8.1094256146537402173D+2,&
1401 &             2.3123742209168871550D+3, 3.4540675585544584407D+3,&
1402 &             2.8590657697910288226D+3, 1.3319486433183221990D+3,&
1403 &             3.4122953486801312910D+2, 4.4137176114230414036D+1,&
1404 &             2.2196792496874548962D+0/
1405     DATA  QQ/ 3.6001069306861518855D+1, 3.3031020088765390854D+2,&
1406 &             1.2082692316002348638D+3, 2.1181000487171943810D+3,&
1407 &             1.9448440788918006154D+3, 9.6929165726802648634D+2,&
1408 &             2.5951223655579051357D+2, 3.4552228452758912848D+1,&
1409 &             1.7710478032601086579D+0/
1410 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1411       X = ARG
1412       IF (X .LT. XLEAST) THEN
1413 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1414 !  Error return for  ARG  .LT. XLEAST
1415 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1416             RESULT = XINF
1417          ELSE IF (X .LE. ONE) THEN
1418 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1419 !  XLEAST .LE.  ARG  .LE. 1.0
1420 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1421             IF (X .LT. XSMALL) THEN
1422 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1423 !  Return for small ARG
1424 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1425                   RESULT = ONE / X
1426                ELSE
1427                   XX = X * X
1428                   SUMP = ((((P(1)*XX + P(2))*XX + P(3))*XX + P(4))*XX &
1429 &                        + P(5))*XX + Q(3)
1430                   SUMQ = ((XX + Q(1))*XX + Q(2))*XX + Q(3)
1431                   SUMF = (((F(1)*XX + F(2))*XX + F(3))*XX + F(4))*XX &
1432 &                        + F(5)
1433                   SUMG = ((XX + G(1))*XX + G(2))*XX + G(3)
1434                   RESULT = (XX * LOG(X) * SUMF/SUMG + SUMP/SUMQ) / X
1435                   IF (JINT .EQ. 2) RESULT = RESULT * EXP(X)
1436             END IF
1437          ELSE IF ((JINT .EQ. 1) .AND. (X .GT. XMAX)) THEN
1438 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1439 !  Error return for  ARG  .GT. XMAX
1440 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1441             RESULT = ZERO
1442          ELSE
1443 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1444 !  1.0 .LT.  ARG
1445 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1446             XX = ONE / X
1447             SUMP = PP(1)
1448             DO 120 I = 2, 11
1449                SUMP = SUMP * XX + PP(I)
1450   120       CONTINUE
1451             SUMQ = XX
1452             DO 140 I = 1, 8
1453                SUMQ = (SUMQ + QQ(I)) * XX
1454   140       CONTINUE
1455             SUMQ = SUMQ + QQ(9)
1456             RESULT = SUMP / SUMQ / SQRT(X)
1457             IF (JINT .EQ. 1) RESULT = RESULT * EXP(-X)
1458       END IF
1459       RETURN
1460 !---------- Last line of CALCK1 ----------
1461       END subroutine calck1

ABINIT/m_bessel [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Bessel functions


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_bessel
24  implicit none
26  private
28  public :: CALJY0
29  public :: CALJY1
30  public :: CALCK0
31  public :: CALCK1
33 contains