ABINIT/m_pawdij [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module contains several routines used to compute the PAW pseudopotential
  strengths Dij. The Dijs define the non-local PAW operator:
         VNL = Sum_ij [ Dij |pi><pj| ],  with pi, pj= projectors


 Copyright (C) 2013-2024 ABINIT group (MT, FJ, BA, JWZ)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  FOR DEVELOPPERS: in order to preserve the portability of libPAW library,
  please consult ~abinit/src/??_libpaw/libpaw-coding-rules.txt


23 #include "libpaw.h"
25 MODULE m_pawdij
32  use m_paral_atom,   only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
33  use m_paw_io,       only : pawio_print_ij
34  use m_pawang,       only : pawang_type
35  use m_pawrad,       only : pawrad_type, pawrad_deducer0, simp_gen, nderiv_gen
36  use m_pawtab,       only : pawtab_type
37  use m_paw_an,       only : paw_an_type
38  use m_paw_ij,       only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_print
39  use m_pawfgrtab,    only : pawfgrtab_type
40  use m_pawrhoij,     only : pawrhoij_type
41  use m_paw_finegrid, only : pawgylm, pawexpiqr
42  use m_paw_sphharm,  only : slxyzs
44  implicit none
46  private
48 !public procedures.
49  public :: pawdij           ! Dij total
50  public :: pawdijhartree    ! Dij Hartree
51  public :: pawdijfock       ! Dij Fock exact-exchange
52  public :: pawdijxc         ! Dij eXchange-Correlation (using (r,theta,phi) grid)
53  public :: pawdijxcm        ! Dij eXchange-Correlation (using (l,m) moments)
54  public :: pawdijhat        ! Dij^hat (compensation charge contribution)
55  public :: pawdijnd         ! Dij nuclear dipole
56  public :: pawdijso         ! Dij spin-orbit
57  public :: pawdiju          ! Dij DFT+U
58  public :: pawdiju_euijkl   ! Dij DFT+U, using pawrhoij instead of occupancies
59  public :: pawdijexxc       ! Dij local exact-exchange
60  public :: pawdijfr         ! 1st-order frozen Dij
61  public :: pawpupot         ! On-site DFT+U potential
62  public :: pawxpot          ! On-site local exact-exchange potential
63  public :: symdij           ! Symmetrize total Dij or one part of it
64  public :: symdij_all       ! Symmetrize all contributions to Dij
65  public :: pawdij_gather    ! Perform a allgather operation on Dij
66  public :: pawdij_print_dij ! Print out a Dij matrix

m_pawdij/pawdij [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the pseudopotential strengths Dij of the PAW non local operator as sum of
 several contributions. Can compute first-order strenghts Dij for RF calculations.
 This routine is a driver calling, for each contribution to Dij, a specific
 Within standard PAW formalism, Dij can be decomposd as follows:
      Dij = Dij_atomic + Dij_Hartree + Dij_XC + Dij^hat
 In case of additional approximations, several other terms can appear:
      Dij_DFT+U, Dij_spin-orbit, Dij_local-exact-exchange, Dij_Fock...


  cplex=1 if no phase is applied (GS), 2 if a exp(-iqr) phase is applied (Response Function at q<>0)
  enunit=choice for units of output Dij
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space
  [hyb_mixing, hyb_mixing_sr]= -- optional-- mixing factors for the global (resp. screened) XC hybrid functional
  ipert=index of perturbation (used only for RF calculation ; set ipert<=0 for GS calculations.
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=total number of atoms in cell
  nfft=number of real space grid points (for current proc)
  nfftot=total number of real space grid points
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  paw_an(my_natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh
  paw_ij(my_natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  pawrad(ntypat) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawspnorb=flag: 1 if spin-orbit coupling is activated
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  pawxcdev=Choice of XC development (0=no dev. (use of angular mesh) ; 1 or 2=dev. on moments)
  qphon(3)=wavevector of the phonon
  spnorbscl=scaling factor for spin-orbit coupling
  ucvol=unit cell volume
  vtrial(cplex*nfft,nspden)=GS potential on real space grid
  vxc(cplex*nfft,nspden)=XC potential (Hartree) on real space grid
  xred(3,my_natom)= reduced atomic coordinates
  ======== Optional arguments ==============
  Parallelism over atomic sites:
    mpi_atmtab(:)=indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
    comm_atom=MPI communicator over atoms
    mpi_comm_grid=MPI communicator over real space grid points
  Application of a potential energy shift on atomic sites:
    natvshift=number of atomic potential energy shifts (per atom) ; default=0
    atvshift(natvshift,nsppol,natom)=potential energy shift for lm channel & spin & atom
    fatvshift=factor that multiplies atvshift
  Electrons-positron 2-component DFT:
    electronpositron_calctype=type of calculation for electron-positron 2component-DFT:
       0: standard DFT (no positron) ; default value
       1: positron  in the constant electrons potential
       2: electrons in the constant positron potential
    electronpositron_pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>=
       PAW occupation matrix of the "constant" particle(s)
       (electrons if calctype=1, positron if calctype=2)
       Flags selecting the non-zero LM-moments of on-site densities
       for the "constant" particle(s)
       (electrons if calctype=1, positron if calctype=2)


  paw_ij(iatom)%dij(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)= total Dij terms (GS calculation, ipert=0)
                                                   total 1st-order Dij terms (RF ccalc., ipert>0)
  May be complex if cplex_dij=2
        dij(:,1) contains Dij^up-up
        dij(:,2) contains Dij^dn-dn
        dij(:,3) contains Dij^up-dn (only if nspinor=2)
        dij(:,4) contains Dij^dn-up (only if nspinor=2)
  May also compute paw_ij(iatom)%dij0,paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree,paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc,


  Response function calculations:
    In order to compute first-order Dij, paw_an (resp. paw_ij) datastructures
    must contain first-order quantities, namely paw_an1 (resp. paw_ij1).


 160 subroutine pawdij(cplex,enunit,gprimd,ipert,my_natom,natom,nfft,nfftot,nspden,ntypat,&
 161 &          paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawprtvol,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawspnorb,pawtab,&
 162 &          pawxcdev,qphon,spnorbscl,ucvol,charge,vtrial,vxc,xred,&
 163 &          electronpositron_calctype,electronpositron_pawrhoij,electronpositron_lmselect,&
 164 &          atvshift,fatvshift,natvshift,nucdipmom,&
 165 &          mpi_atmtab,comm_atom,mpi_comm_grid,hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr)
 167 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
 168 !scalars
 169  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,enunit,ipert,my_natom,natom,nfft,nfftot
 170  integer,intent(in) :: nspden,ntypat,pawprtvol,pawspnorb,pawxcdev
 171  integer,optional,intent(in) :: electronpositron_calctype
 172  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom,mpi_comm_grid,natvshift
 173  real(dp),intent(in) :: spnorbscl,ucvol,charge
 174  real(dp),intent(in),optional ::fatvshift,hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr
 175  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 176 !arrays
 177  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
 178  logical,optional,intent(in) :: electronpositron_lmselect(:,:)
 179  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),qphon(3)
 180  real(dp),intent(in) ::  vxc(:,:),xred(3,natom)
 181  real(dp),intent(in),target :: vtrial(cplex*nfft,nspden)
 182  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: atvshift(:,:,:)
 183  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: nucdipmom(3,natom)
 184  type(paw_an_type),intent(in) :: paw_an(my_natom)
 185  type(paw_ij_type),target,intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
 186  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(my_natom)
 187  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
 188  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom)
 189  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in),optional :: electronpositron_pawrhoij(:)
 190  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
 192 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
 193 !scalars
 194 !Possible algos for PAW+U: 1=using occupation matrix n_i,,2=using PAW matrix rho_ij
 195  integer, parameter :: PAWU_ALGO_1=1,PAWU_ALGO_2=2
 196  integer, parameter :: PAWU_FLL=1,PAWU_AMF=2
 197  integer :: cplex_dij,iatom,iatom_tot,idij,ipositron,itypat,klmn,klmn1,lm_size,lmn2_size
 198  integer :: lpawu,my_comm_atom,my_comm_grid,natvshift_,ndij,nsploop,nsppol
 199  integer :: pawu_algo,pawu_dblec,qphase,usekden,usepawu,usexcnhat
 200  logical :: dij_available,dij_need,dij_prereq
 201  logical :: dij0_available,dij0_need,dij0_prereq
 202  logical :: dijexxc_available,dijexxc_need,dijexxc_prereq
 203  logical :: dijfock_available,dijfock_need,dijfock_prereq
 204  logical :: dijhartree_available,dijhartree_need,dijhartree_prereq
 205  logical :: dijhat_available,dijhat_need,dijhat_prereq
 206  logical :: dijhatfr_available,dijhatfr_need,dijhatfr_prereq
 207  logical :: dijnd_available,dijnd_need,dijnd_prereq
 208  logical :: dijso_available,dijso_need,dijso_prereq
 209  logical :: dijxc_available,dijxc_need,dijxc_prereq
 210  logical :: dijxchat_available,dijxchat_need,dijxchat_prereq
 211  logical :: dijxcval_available,dijxcval_need,dijxcval_prereq
 212  logical :: dijU_available,dijU_need,dijU_prereq
 213  logical :: has_nucdipmom,my_atmtab_allocated
 214  logical :: need_to_print,paral_atom,v_dijhat_allocated
 215  real(dp) :: hyb_mixing_,hyb_mixing_sr_
 216  character(len=500) :: msg
 217 !arrays
 218  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
 219  logical,allocatable :: lmselect(:)
 220  real(dp),allocatable :: dij0(:),dijhartree(:)
 221  real(dp),allocatable :: dijhat(:,:),dijexxc(:,:),dijfock_cv(:,:),dijfock_vv(:,:),dijpawu(:,:)
 222  real(dp),allocatable :: dijnd(:,:),dijso(:,:)
 223  real(dp),allocatable :: dijxc(:,:),dij_ep(:),dijxchat(:,:),dijxcval(:,:)
 224  real(dp),pointer :: v_dijhat(:,:),vpawu(:,:,:,:),vpawx(:,:,:)
 226 ! *************************************************************************
 228 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 229 !----- Check consistency of arguments
 230 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 232 !  === Check optional arguments ===
 234  hyb_mixing_   =zero ; if(present(hyb_mixing))    hyb_mixing_   =hyb_mixing
 235  hyb_mixing_sr_=zero ; if(present(hyb_mixing_sr)) hyb_mixing_sr_=hyb_mixing_sr
 237  natvshift_=0;if (present(natvshift)) natvshift_=natvshift
 238  if (natvshift_>0) then
 239    if ((.not.present(atvshift)).or.(.not.present(fatvshift))) then
 240      msg='when natvshift>0, atvshift and fatvshift arguments must be present!'
 241      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 242    end if
 243  end if
 245  ipositron=0;if (present(electronpositron_calctype)) ipositron=electronpositron_calctype
 246  if (ipositron/=0) then
 247    if ((.not.present(electronpositron_pawrhoij)).or.&
 248 &      (.not.present(electronpositron_lmselect))) then
 249      msg='ep_pawrhoij and ep_lmselect must be present for electron-positron calculations!'
 250      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 251    end if
 252  end if
 254  has_nucdipmom=present(nucdipmom)
 256 !  === Check complex character of arguments ===
 258  if (nspden==4.and.cplex==2) then
 259    msg='nspden=4 probably not compatible with cplex=2!'
 260    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 261  end if
 262  if (my_natom>0) then
 263    if (paw_ij(1)%ndij==4.and.paw_ij(1)%cplex_dij/=2) then
 264      msg='invalid cplex size for Dij (4 Dij components)!'
 265      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 266    end if
 267    if (paw_ij(1)%qphase/=paw_an(1)%cplex) then
 268      msg='paw_ij()%qphase and paw_an()%cplex must be equal!'
 269      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 270    end if
 271    if (ipert<=0.and.paw_ij(1)%qphase/=1) then
 272      msg='qphase must be 1 for GS calculations!'
 273      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 274    end if
 275    if (ipert>0.and.paw_ij(1)%qphase/=cplex) then
 276      msg='paw_ij()%qphase must be equal to cplex!'
 277      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 278    end if
 279    if (paw_an(1)%has_vxcval>0.and.paw_an(1)%has_vxctau==2) then
 280      msg='kinetic energy density not available for vxc_val!'
 281      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 282    end if
 283  end if
 285 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 286 !----- Initializations
 287 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 289 !Nothing to do for some perturbations (RF case)
 290  if (ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+10) then
 291    do iatom=1,my_natom
 292      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dij=zero
 293      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dij0=zero
 294      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock=zero
 295      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree=zero
 296      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc=zero
 297      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat=zero
 298      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijso=zero
 299      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijU=zero
 300      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc=zero
 301      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat=zero
 302      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==1) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val=zero
 303    end do
 304    return
 305  end if
 307 !Set up parallelism over atoms
 308  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
 309  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
 310  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
 311  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
 313 !----- Various initializations
 314  nsppol=1;nsploop=1
 315  if (my_natom>0) then
 316    nsppol=paw_ij(1)%nsppol
 317    nsploop=nsppol;if (paw_ij(1)%ndij==4) nsploop=4
 318  end if
 319  usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(1:ntypat)%usexcnhat)
 320  my_comm_grid=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(mpi_comm_grid)) my_comm_grid=mpi_comm_grid
 322 !------ Select potential for Dij^hat computation
 323  v_dijhat_allocated=.false.
 324  if (my_natom>0) then
 325    if ((paw_ij(1)%has_dij==1).or.(paw_ij(1)%has_dijhat==1).or. &
 326 &      (paw_ij(1)%has_dijhat==0.and.pawprtvol/=0)) then
 327      if (usexcnhat==0) then
 328        if (size(vxc,1)/=cplex*nfft.or.size(vxc,2)/=nspden) then
 329          msg='invalid size for vxc!'
 330          LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 331        end if
 332        LIBPAW_POINTER_ALLOCATE(v_dijhat,(cplex*nfft,nspden))
 333        v_dijhat_allocated=.true.
 334        !v_dijhat=vtrial-vxc
 335        do idij=1,nspden
 336          do klmn=1,cplex*nfft
 337            v_dijhat(klmn,idij)=vtrial(klmn,idij)-vxc(klmn,idij)
 338          end do
 339        end do
 340      else
 341        v_dijhat => vtrial
 342      end if
 343    end if
 344  end if
 346 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 347 !----- Loop over atoms
 348 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
 350  do iatom=1,my_natom
 351    iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
 353 !  === Atom-dependent data ===
 355    itypat=paw_ij(iatom)%itypat
 356    cplex_dij=paw_ij(iatom)%cplex_dij
 357    qphase=paw_ij(iatom)%qphase
 358    lm_size=paw_an(iatom)%lm_size
 359    lmn2_size=paw_ij(iatom)%lmn2_size
 360    ndij=paw_ij(iatom)%ndij
 361    usepawu=pawtab(itypat)%usepawu
 362    pawu_algo=merge(PAWU_ALGO_1,PAWU_ALGO_2,ipert<=0.and.usepawu>=0)
 363    pawu_dblec=merge(PAWU_FLL,PAWU_AMF,abs(usepawu)==1.or.abs(usepawu)==4)
 364    usekden=merge(0,1,paw_an(iatom)%has_vxctau/=2)
 365    need_to_print=((abs(pawprtvol)>=1).and. &
 366 &   (iatom_tot==1.or.iatom_tot==natom.or.pawprtvol<0))
 368 !  === Determine which conditions and prerequisites are fulfilled for Dij ===
 370  if (my_natom>0) then
 371 !  Total Dij: no condition ; no prerequisites
 372    dij_available=.true.;dij_prereq=.true.
 373 !  Dij0: not available for RF ; need kij for the positron
 374    dij0_available=(ipert<=0);dij0_prereq=(ipositron/=1.or.pawtab(itypat)%has_kij==2)
 375 !  DijFock:not available for RF, positron; only for Fock exact exch. ; Vxc_ex needed
 376    dijfock_available=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock>0.and.ipert<=0.and.ipositron/=1)
 377    dijfock_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==2)
 378 !  DijHartree: no condition ; no prerequisites
 379    dijhartree_available=.true.;dijhartree_prereq=.true.
 380 !  DijXC: no condition ; Vxc needed
 381    dijxc_available=.true.
 382    dijxc_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==2.or.paw_an(iatom)%has_vxc>0)
 383 !  Dij^hat: no condition ; no prerequisites
 384    dijhat_available=.true.;dijhat_prereq=.true.
 385 !  Dij^hat_FR: only for RF and when it was previously computed
 386    dijhatfr_available=(ipert>0.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfr==2) ; dijhatfr_prereq=.true.
 387 !  DijND: requires non-zero nucdipmom
 388    dijnd_available=.false. ; dijnd_prereq=(cplex_dij==2)
 389    if (has_nucdipmom) dijnd_available=(any(abs(nucdipmom(:,iatom))>tol8))
 390 !  DijSO: not available for RF, positron; only for spin-orbit ; VHartree and Vxc needed
 391    dijso_available=(pawspnorb>0.and.ipert<=0.and.ipositron/=1)
 392    dijso_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==2.or.&
 393 &               (paw_an(iatom)%has_vhartree>0.and.paw_an(iatom)%has_vxc>0))
 394 !  DijU: not available for positron; only for DFT+U
 395    dijU_available=(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu/=0.and.ipositron/=1)
 396    dijU_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==2.or.paw_ij(iatom)%has_pawu_occ>0.or. &
 397 &              (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU>0))
 398 !  DijExxc: not available for RF, positron; only for local exact exch. ; Vxc_ex needed
 399    dijexxc_available=(pawtab(itypat)%useexexch/=0.and.ipert<=0.and.ipositron/=1)
 400    dijexxc_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==2.or.paw_ij(iatom)%has_exexch_pot>0)
 401 !  DijXC^hat: not available for RF ; Vxc needed
 402    dijxchat_available=(ipert<=0)
 403    dijxchat_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==2.or.paw_an(iatom)%has_vxc>0)
 404 !  DijXC_val: not available for RF ; Vxc_val needed
 405    dijxcval_available=(ipert<=0)
 406    dijxcval_prereq=(paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==2.or.paw_an(iatom)%has_vxcval>0)
 407  end if
 409 !  === Determine which parts of Dij have to be computed ===
 411    dij_need=.false.;dij0_need=.false.;dijexxc_need=.false.;dijfock_need=.false.
 412    dijhartree_need=.false.;dijhat_need=.false.;dijhatfr_need=.false.;
 413    dijso_need=.false.;dijU_need=.false.;dijxc_need=.false.
 414    dijxchat_need=.false.;dijxcval_need=.false.; dijnd_need=.false.
 416    if (dij_available) then
 417      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij==1) then
 418        dij_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=zero
 419      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij==0.and.need_to_print) then
 420        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dij,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 421        dij_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=zero
 422        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij=-1
 423      end if
 424    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij==1) then
 425      paw_ij(iatom)%dij=zero
 426    end if
 428    if (dij0_available) then
 429      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==1) then
 430        dij0_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dij0(:)=zero
 431      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==0.and.need_to_print) then
 432        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dij0,(lmn2_size))
 433        dij0_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dij0(:)=zero
 434        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0=-1
 435      end if
 436    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==1) then
 437      paw_ij(iatom)%dij0=zero
 438    end if
 440    if (dijfock_available) then
 441      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==1) then
 442        dijfock_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(:,:)=zero
 443      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==0.and.need_to_print) then
 444        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 445        dijfock_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(:,:)=zero
 446        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock=-1
 447      end if
 448    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==1) then
 449      paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock=zero
 450    end if
 452    if (dijhartree_available) then
 453      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==1) then
 454        dijhartree_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(:)=zero
 455      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==0) then
 456        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree,(qphase*lmn2_size))
 457        dijhartree_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(:)=zero
 458        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree=-1
 459      end if
 460    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==1) then
 461      paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree=zero
 462    end if
 464    if (dijxc_available) then
 465      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==1) then
 466        dijxc_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(:,:)=zero
 467      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==0.and.need_to_print) then
 468        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 469        dijxc_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(:,:)=zero
 470        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc=-1
 471      end if
 472    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==1) then
 473      paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc=zero
 474    end if
 476    if (dijhat_available) then
 477      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==1) then
 478        dijhat_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,:)=zero
 479      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==0.and.need_to_print) then
 480        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 481        dijhat_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,:)=zero
 482       paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat=-1
 483      end if
 484    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==1) then
 485      paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat=zero
 486    end if
 488    if (dijnd_available) then
 489      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd==1) then
 490        dijnd_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(:,:)=zero
 491      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd==0.and.need_to_print) then
 492        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 493        dijnd_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(:,:)=zero
 494        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd=-1
 495      end if
 496    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd==1) then
 497      paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd=zero
 498    end if
 500    if (dijso_available) then
 501      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==1) then
 502        dijso_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(:,:)=zero
 503      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==0.and.need_to_print) then
 504        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijso,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 505        dijso_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(:,:)=zero
 506        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso=-1
 507      end if
 508    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==1) then
 509      paw_ij(iatom)%dijso=zero
 510    end if
 512    if (dijU_available) then
 513      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==1) then
 514        dijU_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(:,:)=zero
 515      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==0.and.need_to_print) then
 516        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijU,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 517        dijU_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(:,:)=zero
 518        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU=-1
 519      end if
 520    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==1) then
 521      paw_ij(iatom)%dijU=zero
 522    end if
 524    if (dijexxc_available.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc/=2) then
 525      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==1) then
 526        dijexxc_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(:,:)=zero
 527      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==0.and.need_to_print) then
 528        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 529        dijexxc_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(:,:)=zero
 530        paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc=-1
 531      end if
 532    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==1) then
 533      paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc=zero
 534    end if
 536    if (dijxchat_available) then
 537      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==1) then
 538        dijxchat_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(:,:)=zero
 539 !      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==0.and.need_to_print) then
 540 !      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 541 !      dijxchat_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(:,:)=zero
 542 !      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat=-1
 543      end if
 544    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==1) then
 545      paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat=zero
 546    end if
 548    if (dijxcval_available) then
 549      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==1) then
 550        dijxcval_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(:,:)=zero
 551 !      else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==0.and.need_to_print) then
 552 !      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 553 !      dijxcval_need=.true.;paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(:,:)=zero
 554 !      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val=-1
 555      end if
 556    else if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==1) then
 557      paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val=zero
 558    end if
 560 !  === Print error messages if prerequisites are not fulfilled ===
 562    if (dij_need.and.(.not.dij_prereq)) then
 563      msg='Dij prerequisites missing!'
 564      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 565    end if
 566    if (dij0_need.and.(.not.dij0_prereq)) then
 567      msg='Dij0 prerequisites missing!'
 568      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 569    end if
 570    if (dijfock_need.and.(.not.dijfock_prereq)) then
 571      msg='DijFock prerequisites missing!'
 572      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 573    end if
 575    if (dijhartree_need.and.(.not.dijhartree_prereq)) then
 576      msg='DijHartree prerequisites missing!'
 577      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 578    end if
 579    if (dijxc_need.and.(.not.dijxc_prereq)) then
 580      msg='Dij^XC prerequisites missing!'
 581      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 582    end if
 583    if (dijhat_need.and.(.not.dijhat_prereq)) then
 584      msg='Dij^hat prerequisites missing!'
 585      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 586    end if
 587    if (dijhatfr_need.and.(.not.dijhatfr_prereq)) then
 588      msg='DijFR^hat prerequisites missing!'
 589      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 590    end if
 591    if (dijnd_need.and.(.not.dijnd_prereq)) then
 592      msg='DijND prerequisites missing!'
 593      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 594    end if
 595    if (dijso_need.and.(.not.dijso_prereq)) then
 596      msg='DijSO prerequisites missing!'
 597      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 598    end if
 599    if (dijU_need.and.(.not.dijU_prereq)) then
 600      msg='DijU prerequisites missing!'
 601      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 602    end if
 603    if (dijexxc_need.and.(.not.dijexxc_prereq)) then
 604      msg='DijExcc prerequisites missing!'
 605      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 606    end if
 607    if (dijxchat_need.and.(.not.dijxchat_prereq)) then
 608      msg='DijXC^hat prerequisites missing!'
 609      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 610    end if
 611    if (dijxcval_need.and.(.not.dijxcval_prereq)) then
 612      msg='DijXC_val prerequisites missing!'
 613      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
 614    end if
 616 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 617 !  ----------- Add atomic Dij0 to Dij
 618 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 620    if ((dij0_need.or.dij_need).and.dij0_available) then
 622      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij0,(lmn2_size))
 623 !    ===== Dij0 already computed
 624      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==2) then
 625        dij0(:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij0(:)
 626      else
 627 !    ===== Need to compute Dij0
 628        dij0(:)=pawtab(itypat)%dij0(:)
 629        if (ipositron==1) dij0(:)=two*pawtab(itypat)%kij(:)-dij0(:)
 630        if (pawu_algo==PAWU_ALGO_2.and.pawu_dblec==PAWU_FLL) dij0(:)=dij0(:)+pawtab(itypat)%euij_fll(:)
 631        if (dij0_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij0(:)=dij0(:)
 632      end if
 634      if (dij_need) then
 635        do idij=1,min(nsploop,2)
 636          klmn1=1
 637          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
 638            paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)+dij0(klmn)
 639            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
 640          end do
 641        end do
 642      end if
 643      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dij0)
 644    end if
 646 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 647 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 648 !  ----------- Add Dij_{Fock exact-exchange} to Dij
 649 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 651    if ((dijfock_need.or.dij_need).and.dijfock_available) then
 653 !    ===== DijFock already computed
 654      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==2) then
 655        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 656 &                    paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) &
 657 &                   +paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 659      else
 661 !    ===== Need to compute DijFock
 662        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijfock_vv,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 663        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijfock_cv,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 664        dijfock_vv(:,:)=zero ; dijfock_cv(:,:)=zero
 665 !      Exact exchange is evaluated for electrons only
 666        if (ipositron/=1) then
 667          call pawdijfock(dijfock_vv,dijfock_cv,cplex_dij,qphase,hyb_mixing_,hyb_mixing_sr_, &
 668 &                        ndij,pawrhoij(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
 669        end if
 670        if (dijfock_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(:,:)=dijfock_vv(:,:)+dijfock_cv(:,:)
 671        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 672 &                    paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) &
 673 &                   +dijfock_vv(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)+dijfock_cv(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 674        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijfock_vv)
 675        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijfock_cv)
 676      end if
 677    end if
 679 !  ----------- Add Dij_Hartree to Dij
 680 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 682    if ((dijhartree_need.or.dij_need).and.dijhartree_available) then
 684      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijhartree,(qphase*lmn2_size))
 685 !    ===== DijHartree already computed
 686      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==2) then
 687        dijhartree(:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(:)
 688      else
 689 !    ===== Need to compute DijHartree
 690        if (ipositron/=1) then
 691          call pawdijhartree(dijhartree,qphase,nspden,pawrhoij(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
 692        else
 693          dijhartree(:)=zero
 694        end if
 695        if (ipositron/=0) then
 696          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij_ep,(qphase*lmn2_size))
 697          call pawdijhartree(dij_ep,qphase,nspden,electronpositron_pawrhoij(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
 698          dijhartree(:)=dijhartree(:)-dij_ep(:)
 699          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dij_ep)
 700        end if
 701        if (dijhartree_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(:)=dijhartree(:)
 702      end if
 704      if (dij_need) then
 705        do idij=1,min(nsploop,2)
 706          klmn1=1
 707          do klmn=1,qphase*lmn2_size
 708            paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)+dijhartree(klmn)
 709            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
 710          end do
 711        end do
 712      end if
 714      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijhartree)
 715    end if
 717 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 718 !  ----------- Add Dij_xc to Dij
 719 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 721    if ((dijxc_need.or.dij_need).and.dijxc_available) then
 723 !    ===== Dijxc already computed
 724      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==2) then
 725        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(:,:)
 726      else
 728 !    ===== Need to compute DijXC
 729        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijxc,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 730        if (pawxcdev/=0) then
 731          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(lmselect,(lm_size))
 732          lmselect(:)=paw_an(iatom)%lmselect(:)
 733          if (ipositron/=0) lmselect(:)=(lmselect(:).or.electronpositron_lmselect(1:lm_size,iatom))
 734          call pawdijxcm(dijxc,cplex_dij,qphase,lmselect,ndij,nspden,nsppol,pawang,&
 735 &                       pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),paw_an(iatom)%vxc1,&
 736 &                       paw_an(iatom)%vxct1,usexcnhat)
 737          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(lmselect)
 738        else
 739          call pawdijxc(dijxc,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
 740 &                      pawang,pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),paw_an(iatom)%vxc1,&
 741 &                      paw_an(iatom)%vxct1,usexcnhat,usekden,&
 742 &                      vxctau1=paw_an(iatom)%vxctau1,vxcttau1=paw_an(iatom)%vxcttau1)
 743        end if
 744        if (dijxc_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(:,:)=dijxc(:,:)
 745        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+dijxc(:,:)
 746        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijxc)
 747      end if
 749    end if
 751 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 752 !  ----------- Add Dij_hat to Dij
 753 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 755    if ((dijhat_need.or.dij_need).and.dijhat_available) then
 757 !    ===== Dijhat already computed
 758      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==2) then
 759        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,:)
 760      else
 762 !    ===== Need to compute Dijhat
 763        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijhat,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 764        call pawdijhat(dijhat,cplex_dij,qphase,gprimd,iatom_tot,&
 765 &                     natom,ndij,nfft,nfftot,nspden,nsppol,pawang,pawfgrtab(iatom),&
 766 &                     pawtab(itypat),v_dijhat,qphon,ucvol,xred,mpi_comm_grid=my_comm_grid)
 767        if (dijhat_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,:)=dijhat(:,:)
 768        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+dijhat(:,:)
 769        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijhat)
 770      end if
 772 !    ===== RF: add frozen part of 1st-order Dij
 773      if (dijhatfr_available) then
 774        do idij=1,nsploop
 775          if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,idij)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,idij) &
 776 &                                               +paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij)
 777          if (dijhat_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,idij)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,idij) &
 778 &                                                     +paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij)
 779        end do
 780      end if
 782    end if
 784 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 785 !  ----------- Add Dij nuclear dipole moments to Dij
 786 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 788    if ((dijnd_need.or.dij_need).and.dijnd_available) then
 790 !    ===== Dijnd already computed
 791      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd==2) then
 792        if (dij_need) then
 793          paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 794 &          paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) +  &
 795 &          paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 796        end if
 798      else
 800 !    ===== Need to compute Dijnd
 801        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijnd,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 802        call pawdijnd(dijnd,cplex_dij,ndij,nucdipmom(:,iatom),pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat))
 803        if (dijnd_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(:,:)=dijnd(:,:)
 804        if (dij_need) then
 805          paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 806 &        paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) + &
 807 &        dijnd(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 808        end if
 809        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijnd)
 810      end if
 812    end if
 814 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 815 !  ----------- Add Dij spin-orbit to Dij
 816 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 818    if ((dijso_need.or.dij_need).and.dijso_available) then
 820 !    ===== DijSO already computed
 821      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==2) then
 822        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(:,:)
 823      else
 825 !    ===== Need to compute DijSO
 826        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijso,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 827        call pawdijso(dijso,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nspden,&
 828 &                    pawang,pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),pawxcdev,spnorbscl,&
 829 &                    paw_an(iatom)%vh1,paw_an(iatom)%vxc1)
 830        if (dijso_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(:,:)=dijso(:,:)
 831        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+dijso(:,:)
 832        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijso)
 833      end if
 835    end if
 837 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 838 !  ----------- Add Dij_{DFT+U} to Dij
 839 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 841    if ((dijU_need.or.dij_need).and.dijU_available) then
 843 !    ===== DijU already computed
 844      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==2) then
 845        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(:,:)
 846      else
 848 !    ===== Need to compute DijU
 849        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijpawu,(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij))
 850        if (pawu_algo==PAWU_ALGO_2) then
 851          call pawdiju_euijkl(dijpawu,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,pawrhoij(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
 852        else
 853          lpawu=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
 854          LIBPAW_POINTER_ALLOCATE(vpawu,(cplex_dij,lpawu*2+1,lpawu*2+1,ndij))
 855          if (usepawu>=10) vpawu=zero ! if dmft, do not apply U in DFT+U
 856          if (usepawu< 10) then
 857            call pawpupot(cplex_dij,ndij,paw_ij(iatom)%noccmmp,paw_ij(iatom)%nocctot,&
 858 &                        pawprtvol,pawtab(itypat),vpawu)
 859          end if
 860          if (natvshift_==0) then
 861            call pawdiju(dijpawu,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nsppol,pawtab(itypat),vpawu)
 862          else
 863            call pawdiju(dijpawu,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nsppol,pawtab(itypat),vpawu,&
 864 &                       natvshift=natvshift_,atvshift=atvshift(:,:,iatom_tot),&
 865 &                       fatvshift=fatvshift)
 866          end if
 867          LIBPAW_POINTER_DEALLOCATE(vpawu)
 868        end if
 869        if (dijU_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(:,:)=dijpawu(:,:)
 870        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)+dijpawu(:,:)
 871        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijpawu)
 872      end if
 874    end if
 876 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 877 !  ----------- Add Dij_{local exact-exchange} to Dij
 878 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 880    if ((dijexxc_need.or.dij_need).and.dijexxc_available) then
 882 !    ===== DijEXXC already computed
 883      if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==2) then
 884        if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 885 &                    paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) &
 886 &                   +paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 887      else
 889 !    ===== Need to compute DijEXXC
 890        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijexxc,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 891        if (pawxcdev/=0) then
 892          if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_exexch_pot/=2) then
 893            LIBPAW_POINTER_ALLOCATE(vpawx,(1,lmn2_size,ndij))
 894            call pawxpot(ndij,pawprtvol,pawrhoij(iatom),pawtab(itypat),vpawx)
 895          else
 896            vpawx=>paw_ij(iatom)%vpawx
 897          end if
 898          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(lmselect,(lm_size))
 899          lmselect(:)=paw_an(iatom)%lmselect(:)
 900          if (ipositron/=0) lmselect(:)=(lmselect(:).or.electronpositron_lmselect(1:lm_size,iatom))
 901          call pawdijexxc(dijexxc,cplex_dij,qphase,lmselect,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
 902 &             pawang,pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),vpawx,paw_an(iatom)%vxc_ex)
 903          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(lmselect)
 904          if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_exexch_pot/=2) then
 905             LIBPAW_POINTER_DEALLOCATE(vpawx)
 906          end if
 907          if (dijexxc_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(:,:)=dijexxc(:,:)
 908          if (dij_need) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)= &
 909 &                      paw_ij(iatom)%dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:) &
 910 &                     +dijexxc(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 911          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijexxc)
 912        end if
 913      end if
 915    end if
 917 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 918 !  ----------- Add Dij background contribution to the total Dij
 919 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 921    if (dij_need.and.pawtab(itypat)%usepotzero==1 ) then
 922      do idij=1,min(nsploop,2)
 923        klmn1=1
 924        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
 925          paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn1,idij)+pawtab(itypat)%gammaij(klmn)*charge/ucvol
 926          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij*qphase
 927        end do
 928      end do
 929    end if
 932 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 933 !  ----------- Compute Dijxc_hat
 934 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 936    if (dijxchat_need) then
 938      if (usexcnhat/=0) then
 939        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijxchat,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 940        call pawdijhat(dijxchat,cplex_dij,1,gprimd,iatom_tot,&
 941 &                     natom,ndij,nfft,nfftot,nspden,nsppol,pawang,pawfgrtab(iatom),&
 942 &                     pawtab(itypat),vxc,qphon,ucvol,xred,mpi_comm_grid=my_comm_grid)
 943        paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)=dijxchat(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 944        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijxchat)
 946      else ! usexcnhat=0
 947        paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat=zero
 948      end if
 950    end if
 952 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 953 !  ----------- Compute Dijxc_val
 954 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 956    if (dijxcval_need) then
 958      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijxcval,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
 959 !    Note that usexcnhat=0 for this call (no compensation term)
 960      if (pawxcdev/=0) then
 961        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(lmselect,(lm_size))
 962        lmselect(:)=paw_an(iatom)%lmselect(:)
 963        if (ipositron/=0) lmselect(:)=(lmselect(:).or.electronpositron_lmselect(1:lm_size,iatom))
 964        call pawdijxcm(dijxcval,cplex_dij,1,lmselect,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
 965 &                     pawang,pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),paw_an(iatom)%vxc1_val,&
 966 &                     paw_an(iatom)%vxct1_val,0)
 967        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(lmselect)
 968      else
 969        call pawdijxc(dijxcval,cplex_dij,1,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
 970 &                    pawang,pawrad(itypat),pawtab(itypat),paw_an(iatom)%vxc1_val,&
 971 &                    paw_an(iatom)%vxct1_val,0,0)
 972      end if
 973      paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)=dijxcval(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
 974      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijxcval)
 976    end if
 978 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 980 !  Update some flags
 981    if (dij_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij=2
 982    if (dij0_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0=2
 983    if (dijfock_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock=2
 985    if (dijhartree_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree=2
 986    if (dijxc_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc=2
 987    if (dijhat_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat=2
 988    if (dijnd_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijnd=2
 989    if (dijso_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso=2
 990    if (dijU_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU=2
 991    if (dijexxc_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc=2
 992    if (dijxchat_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat=2
 993    if (dijxcval_need.and.paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val>=1) paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val=2
 995 !End loop over atoms
 996  end do ! iatom
 998 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 !Final printing
1001  if (paral_atom) then
1002    call paw_ij_print(paw_ij,unit=std_out,pawprtvol=pawprtvol,pawspnorb=pawspnorb,&
1003 &   comm_atom=my_comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,natom=natom,&
1004 &   mode_paral='PERS',enunit=enunit,ipert=ipert)
1005  else
1006    call paw_ij_print(paw_ij,unit=std_out,pawprtvol=pawprtvol,pawspnorb=pawspnorb,&
1007 &   mode_paral='COLL',enunit=enunit,ipert=ipert)
1008  end if
1010 !Free temporary storage
1011  if (v_dijhat_allocated) then
1013  end if
1014  do iatom=1,my_natom
1015    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0==-1) then
1016      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dij0)
1017      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dij0=0
1018    end if
1019    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock==-1) then
1020      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock)
1021      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfock=0
1022    end if
1024    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree==-1) then
1025      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree)
1026      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhartree=0
1027    end if
1028    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc==-1) then
1029      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc)
1030      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc=0
1031    end if
1032    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat==-1) then
1033      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat)
1034      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijhat=0
1035    end if
1036    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfr==-1) then
1037      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr)
1038      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijfr=0
1039    end if
1040    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso==-1) then
1041      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijso)
1042      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijso=0
1043    end if
1044    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU==-1) then
1045      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijU)
1046      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijU=0
1047    end if
1048    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc==-1) then
1049      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc)
1050      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijexxc=0
1051    end if
1052    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat==-1) then
1053      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat)
1054      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_hat=0
1055    end if
1056    if (paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val==-1) then
1057      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val)
1058      paw_ij(iatom)%has_dijxc_val=0
1059    end if
1060  end do
1062 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
1063  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
1065 end subroutine pawdij

m_pawdij/pawdij_gather [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




  Performs a ALLGATHER operation (over atomic sites) on Dij data
  stored as a 1D array of Dij arrays.


  dij_in = coeff2d_type array containing the input Dij
  comm_atom= MPI communicator over atoms
  mpi_atmtab(:)=indexes of the atoms treated by current proc


  dij_out = coeff2d_type array containing the gathered Dij


5473 subroutine pawdij_gather(dij_in,dij_out,comm_atom,mpi_atmtab)
5475 !Arguments ------------------------------------
5476 !scalars
5477  integer,intent(in) :: comm_atom
5478 !arrays
5479  integer,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
5480  type(coeff2_type),intent(in) :: dij_in(:)
5481  type(coeff2_type),intent(out) :: dij_out(:)
5483 !Local variables-------------------------------
5484 !scalars
5485  integer :: buf_dp_size,buf_dp_size_all,buf_int_size,buf_int_size_all
5486  integer :: dij_size,dij_size_out,ierr,ii,i2,indx_dp,indx_int,ival,n1,n2,nproc
5487 !arrays
5488  integer :: bufsz(2)
5489  integer, allocatable :: buf_int(:),buf_int_all(:)
5490  integer, allocatable :: count_dp(:),count_int(:),count_tot(:),displ_dp(:),displ_int(:)
5491  integer, allocatable :: dimdij(:,:)
5492  real(dp),allocatable :: buf_dp(:),buf_dp_all(:)
5494 ! *************************************************************************
5496  nproc=xmpi_comm_size(comm_atom)
5497  dij_size=size(dij_in,dim=1)
5499  buf_dp_size=0
5500  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dimdij,(dij_size,2))
5501  do ii=1,dij_size
5502    dimdij(ii,1)=size(dij_in(ii)%value,dim=1)
5503    dimdij(ii,2)=size(dij_in(ii)%value,dim=2)
5504    buf_dp_size=buf_dp_size+dimdij(ii,1)*dimdij(ii,2)
5505  end do
5507 !If only one proc, perform a single copy
5508  if (nproc==1) then
5509    do ii=1,dij_size
5510      ival=mpi_atmtab(ii)
5511      if (allocated(dij_out(ival)%value)) then
5512        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dij_out(ival)%value)
5513      end if
5514      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij_out(ival)%value,(n1,n2))
5515      dij_out(ii)%value=dij_in(ival)%value
5516    end do
5517    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dimdij)
5518    return
5519  end if
5521 !Fill in integer buffer
5522  buf_int_size=3*dij_size
5523  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(buf_int,(buf_int_size))
5524  indx_int=1
5525  do ii=1,dij_size
5526    buf_int(indx_int  )=dimdij(ii,1)
5527    buf_int(indx_int+1)=dimdij(ii,2)
5528    buf_int(indx_int+2)=mpi_atmtab(ii)
5529    indx_int=indx_int+3
5530  end do
5532 !Fill in real buffer
5533  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(buf_dp,(buf_dp_size))
5534  indx_dp=1
5535  do ii=1,dij_size
5536    n1=dimdij(ii,1); n2=dimdij(ii,2)
5537    do i2=1,n2
5538      buf_dp(indx_dp:indx_dp+n1-1)=dij_in(ii)%value(1:n1,i2)
5539      indx_dp=indx_dp+n1
5540    end do
5541  end do
5543 !Communicate (1 gather for integers, 1 gather for reals)
5544  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(count_int,(nproc))
5545  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(displ_int,(nproc))
5546  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(count_dp ,(nproc))
5547  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(displ_dp ,(nproc))
5548  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(count_tot,(2*nproc))
5549  bufsz(1)=buf_int_size; bufsz(2)=buf_dp_size
5550  call xmpi_allgather(bufsz,2,count_tot,comm_atom,ierr)
5551  do ii=1,nproc
5552    count_int(ii)=count_tot(2*ii-1)
5553    count_dp (ii)=count_tot(2*ii)
5554  end do
5555  displ_int(1)=0;displ_dp(1)=0
5556  do ii=2,nproc
5557    displ_int(ii)=displ_int(ii-1)+count_int(ii-1)
5558    displ_dp (ii)=displ_dp (ii-1)+count_dp (ii-1)
5559  end do
5560  buf_int_size_all=sum(count_int)
5561  buf_dp_size_all =sum(count_dp)
5562  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(count_tot)
5563  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(buf_int_all,(buf_int_size_all))
5564  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(buf_dp_all ,(buf_dp_size_all))
5565  call xmpi_allgatherv(buf_int,buf_int_size,buf_int_all,count_int,displ_int,comm_atom,ierr)
5566  call xmpi_allgatherv(buf_dp ,buf_dp_size ,buf_dp_all ,count_dp ,displ_dp ,comm_atom,ierr)
5567  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(count_int)
5568  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(displ_int)
5569  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(count_dp)
5570  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(displ_dp)
5572 !Retrieve gathered data
5573  dij_size_out=buf_int_size_all/3
5574  indx_int=1;indx_dp=1
5575  do ii=1,dij_size_out
5576    n1=buf_int_all(indx_int)
5577    n2=buf_int_all(indx_int+1)
5578    ival=buf_int_all(indx_int+2)
5579    indx_int=indx_int+3
5580    if (allocated(dij_out(ival)%value)) then
5581      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dij_out(ival)%value)
5582    end if
5583    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij_out(ival)%value,(n1,n2))
5584    do i2=1,n2
5585      dij_out(ival)%value(1:n1,i2)=buf_dp_all(indx_dp:indx_dp+n1-1)
5586      indx_dp=indx_dp+n1
5587    end do
5588  end do
5590  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(buf_dp_all)
5591  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(buf_int_all)
5592  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(buf_int)
5596 end subroutine pawdij_gather

m_pawdij/pawdij_print_ij [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




  Print out the content of a Dij matrix (total Dij) in a suitable format


  dij(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)= input matrix to be printed
  cplex_dij=1 if Dij is real, 2 if Dij is complex
  qphase=1 if Dij contains no RF phase, 2 if it contains a exp(-iqr) RF phase
  iatom=current atom
  natom=total number of atoms in the system
  nspden=number of spin density components
  [Ha_or_eV]= 1: output in hartrees, 2: output in eV
  [opt_prtvol]= >=0 if up to 12 components of _ij matrix have to be printed
                 <0 if all components of ij_ matrix have to be printed (optional)
  [mode_paral]= parallel printing mode (optional, default='COLL')
  [test_value]=(real number) if positive, print a warning when the magnitude of Dij is greater (optional)
  [title_msg]=message to print as title (optional)
  [unit]=the unit number for output (optional)


 (Only writing)


5628 subroutine pawdij_print_dij(dij,cplex_dij,qphase,iatom,natom,nspden,&
5629 &           test_value,title_msg,unit,Ha_or_eV,opt_prtvol,mode_paral) ! Optional arguments
5631 !Arguments ------------------------------------
5632 !scalars
5633  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,iatom,natom,nspden,qphase
5634  integer,optional,intent(in) :: Ha_or_eV,opt_prtvol,unit
5635  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: test_value
5636  character(len=4),optional,intent(in) :: mode_paral
5637  character(len=100),optional,intent(in) :: title_msg
5638 !arrays
5639  real(dp),intent(in),target :: dij(:,:)
5641 !Local variables-------------------------------
5642  character(len=7),parameter :: dspin(6)=(/"up     ","down   ","up-up  ","dwn-dwn","up-dwn ","dwn-up "/)
5643  integer :: idij,idij_sym,kk,lmn_size,lmn2_size,my_idij,my_idij_sym
5644  integer :: my_prtvol,my_unt,my_Ha_or_eV,ndij,tmp_cplex_dij
5645  real(dp) :: my_test_value,test_value_eff
5646  character(len=4) :: my_mode
5647  character(len=2000) :: msg
5648 !arrays
5649  integer :: idum(0)
5650  real(dp),allocatable,target :: dij1(:),dij2(:)
5651  real(dp),pointer :: dij2p(:),dij2p_(:)
5653 ! *************************************************************************
5655 !Optional arguments
5656  my_unt   =std_out ; if (PRESENT(unit      )) my_unt   =unit
5657  my_mode  ='COLL'  ; if (PRESENT(mode_paral)) my_mode  =mode_paral
5658  my_prtvol=1       ; if (PRESENT(opt_prtvol)) my_prtvol=opt_prtvol
5659  my_test_value=-one; if (PRESENT(test_value)) my_test_value=test_value
5660  my_Ha_or_eV=1     ; if (PRESENT(Ha_or_eV))   my_Ha_or_eV=Ha_or_eV
5662 !Title
5663  if (present(title_msg)) then
5664    if (trim(title_msg)/='') then
5665      write(msg, '(2a)') ch10,trim(title_msg)
5666      call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
5667    end if
5668  end if
5670 !Inits
5671  ndij=size(dij,2)
5672  lmn2_size=size(dij,1)/(cplex_dij*qphase)
5673  lmn_size=int(dsqrt(two*dble(lmn2_size)))
5674  if (qphase==2) then
5675    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij1,(2*lmn2_size))
5676    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dij2,(2*lmn2_size))
5677  end if
5679 ! === Loop over Dij components ===
5680  do idij=1,ndij
5682    idij_sym=idij;if (ndij==4.and.idij>2) idij_sym=7-idij
5684    !Subtitle
5685    if (natom>1.or.nspden>1.or.ndij==4) then
5686      if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4) write(msg,'(a,i3)') ' Atom #',iatom
5687      if (nspden==2) write(msg,'(a,i3,a,i1)')' Atom #',iatom,' - Spin component ',idij
5688      if (ndij==4) write(msg,'(a,i3,2a)') ' Atom #',iatom,' - Component ',trim(dspin(idij+2*(ndij/4)))
5689      call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
5690    end if
5692    !Select upper and lower triangular parts
5693    my_idij=min(size(dij,2),idij)
5694    my_idij_sym=min(size(dij,2),idij_sym)
5695    if (qphase==1) then
5696      tmp_cplex_dij=cplex_dij
5697      dij2p  => dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size:1,my_idij)
5698      dij2p_ => dij(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size:1,my_idij_sym)
5699    else
5700      tmp_cplex_dij=2
5701      if (cplex_dij==1) then
5702        do kk=1,lmn2_size
5703          dij1(2*kk-1)= dij(kk,my_idij)
5704          dij1(2*kk  )= dij(kk+lmn2_size,my_idij)
5705          dij2(2*kk-1)= dij(kk,my_idij_sym)
5706          dij2(2*kk  )=-dij(kk+lmn2_size,my_idij_sym)
5707        end do
5708      else
5709        do kk=1,lmn2_size
5710          dij1(2*kk-1)= dij(2*kk-1,my_idij)-dij(2*kk  +2*lmn2_size,my_idij)
5711          dij1(2*kk  )= dij(2*kk  ,my_idij)+dij(2*kk-1+2*lmn2_size,my_idij)
5712          dij2(2*kk-1)= dij(2*kk-1,my_idij_sym)+dij(2*kk  +2*lmn2_size,my_idij_sym)
5713          dij2(2*kk  )= dij(2*kk  ,my_idij_sym)-dij(2*kk-1+2*lmn2_size,my_idij_sym)
5714        end do
5715      end if
5716      dij2p => dij1 ; dij2p_ => dij2
5717    end if
5719    !Printing
5720     test_value_eff=-one;if(my_test_value>zero.and.idij==1) test_value_eff=my_test_value
5721     call pawio_print_ij(my_unt,dij2p,lmn2_size,tmp_cplex_dij,lmn_size,-1,idum,0,&
5722 &                       my_prtvol,idum,test_value_eff,my_Ha_or_eV,&
5723 &                       opt_sym=2,asym_ij=dij2p_,mode_paral=my_mode)
5725   end do !idij
5727  if (qphase==2) then
5730  end if
5732 end subroutine pawdij_print_dij

m_pawdij/pawdijexxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the local Exact-Exchange contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij,
 using a potential expressed as (l,m) spherical moments
 (for one atom only; only for correlated electrons):
   D_ij^EXXC= < Phi_i|alpha*(VFock(correlated)-Vxc(n1_correlated)|Phi_j>


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  lmselect(lm_size)=select the non-zero LM-moments of on-site potentials
  ndij= number of spin components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom
  vpawx(1,lmn2_size,ndij)=moments of exact exchange potential
                    for current atom and for correlated electrons
  vxc_ex(qphase*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                    taken into account only valence correlated electrons


  dijexxc(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^Exact-Exchange terms
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


3185 subroutine pawdijexxc(dijexxc,cplex_dij,qphase,lmselect,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
3186 &                     pawang,pawrad,pawtab,vpawx,vxc_ex)
3188 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
3189 !scalars
3190  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,nspden,nsppol,qphase
3191  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
3192 !arrays
3193  logical :: lmselect(:)
3194  real(dp),intent(in) :: vpawx(:,:,:),vxc_ex(:,:,:)
3195  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijexxc(:,:)
3196  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad
3197  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
3199 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
3200 !scalars
3201  integer :: icount,idij,idijend,ij_size,iln,in1,in2,ir,ir1,isel,ispden,ivxc
3202  integer :: jln,j0ln,klm,klm1,klmn,klmn1,klmn2,kln,lexexch,ln_min,ln_max,lmax,lmin
3203  integer :: lm_size,lmn2_size,mesh_size,nsploop
3204  character(len=500) :: msg
3205 !arrays
3206  real(dp),allocatable :: dijexxc_idij(:),ff(:),gg(:),vxcij1(:)
3208 ! *************************************************************************
3210 !Useful data
3211  lm_size=pawtab%lcut_size**2
3212  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
3213  ij_size=pawtab%ij_size
3214  mesh_size=pawtab%mesh_size
3215  lexexch=pawtab%lexexch
3216  ln_min=pawtab%lnproju(1)
3217  ln_max=pawtab%lnproju(pawtab%nproju)
3219 !Check data consistency
3220  if (qphase==2) then
3221    msg='pawdijexx not available for qphase=2!'
3222    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3223  end if
3224  if (size(dijexxc,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijexxc,2)/=ndij) then
3225    msg='invalid sizes for dijexxc!'
3226    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3227  end if
3228  if (size(lmselect)/=lm_size) then
3229    msg='invalid size for lmselect!'
3230    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3231  end if
3232  if (size(vxc_ex,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.size(vxc_ex,2)/=lm_size.or.&
3233 &    size(vxc_ex,3)/=nspden) then
3234    msg='invalid sizes for vxc_ex!'
3235    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3236  end if
3237  if (size(vpawx,1)/=1.or.size(vpawx,2)/=lmn2_size.or.&
3238 &    size(vpawx,3)/=ndij) then
3239    msg='invalid sizes for vpawx!'
3240    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3241  end if
3243 !Init memory
3244  dijexxc=zero
3245  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijexxc_idij,(qphase*lmn2_size))
3246  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vxcij1,(qphase*ij_size))
3247  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
3248  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(gg,(mesh_size))
3250 !----------------------------------------------------------
3251 !Loop over spin components
3252 !----------------------------------------------------------
3253  nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
3254  do idij=1,nsploop
3256    if (idij<=nsppol.or.(ndij==4.and.idij<=3)) then
3258      idijend=idij+idij/3
3259      do ispden=idij,idijend
3261        dijexxc_idij=zero
3263        ivxc=ispden
3264        !Take into account nspden=1/nspinor=2 case
3265        if (ndij/=nspden.and.ispden==2) ivxc=1
3266        if (ndij/=nspden.and.ispden> 2) cycle
3268 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
3269 !      Summing over (l,m) moments
3270 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
3271        do klm=1,lm_size
3272          if (lmselect(klm)) then
3274 !          ===== Vxc_ij_1 (tmp) =====
3275            vxcij1=zero
3276            if (qphase==1) then
3277              do jln=ln_min,ln_max
3278                j0ln=jln*(jln-1)/2
3279                do iln=ln_min,jln
3280                  kln=j0ln+iln
3281                  ff(1:mesh_size)= &
3282 &                  vxc_ex(1:mesh_size,klm,ivxc)*pawtab%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln)
3283                  call simp_gen(vxcij1(kln),ff,pawrad)
3284                end do
3285              end do
3286            else
3287              do jln=ln_min,ln_max
3288                j0ln=jln*(jln-1)/2
3289                do iln=ln_min,jln
3290                  kln=j0ln+iln
3291                  do ir=1,mesh_size
3292                    ir1=2*ir
3293                    ff(ir)= &
3294 &                   vxc_ex(ir1-1,klm,ivxc)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln)
3295                    gg(ir)= &
3296 &                   vxc_ex(ir1,klm,ivxc)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln)
3297                  end do
3298                  call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln-1),ff,pawrad)
3299                  call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln  ),gg,pawrad)
3300                end do
3301              end do
3302            end if
3304 !          ===== Accumulate Vxc_ij_1 over klm moments =====
3305            if (qphase==1) then
3306              do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3307                lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
3308                lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
3309                if (lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lexexch) then
3310                  klm1=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
3311                  kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
3312                  isel=pawang%gntselect(klm,klm1)
3313                  if (isel>0) dijexxc_idij(klmn)=dijexxc_idij(klmn) &
3314 &                                  +vxcij1(kln)*pawang%realgnt(isel)
3315                end if
3316              end do ! Loop klmn
3317            else ! qphase==2
3318              klmn1=1
3319              do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3320                lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
3321                lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
3322                if (lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lexexch) then
3323                  klm1=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
3324                  kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
3325                  isel=pawang%gntselect(klm,klm1)
3326                  if (isel>0) then
3327                    dijexxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijexxc_idij(klmn1) &
3328 &                                     +vxcij1(2*kln-1)*pawang%realgnt(isel)
3329                    dijexxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijexxc_idij(klmn1+1) &
3330 &                                     +vxcij1(2*kln  )*pawang%realgnt(isel)
3331                  end if
3332                end if
3333                klmn1=klmn1+qphase
3334              end do ! Loop klmn
3335            end if
3337          end if ! lmselect
3338        end do  ! Loop klm
3340 !      Mix Hartree and GGA terms
3341        if (qphase==1) then
3342          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3343            lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
3344            lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
3345            if (lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lexexch) then
3346              in1=pawtab%klmntomn(3,klmn)
3347              in2=pawtab%klmntomn(4,klmn)
3348              icount=in1+(in2*(in2-1))/2
3349              if(pawtab%ij_proj<icount)  then
3350                msg='PAW local exact-exchange: Problem while computing dijexxc !'
3351                LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3352              end if
3353              dijexxc_idij(klmn)=pawtab%exchmix &
3354 &                              *(vpawx(1,klmn,idij)-dijexxc_idij(klmn))
3355            end if
3356          end do
3357        else ! qphase=2
3358          klmn1=1
3359          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3360            lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
3361            lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
3362            if (lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lexexch) then
3363              in1=pawtab%klmntomn(3,klmn)
3364              in2=pawtab%klmntomn(4,klmn)
3365              icount=in1+(in2*(in2-1))/2
3366              if(pawtab%ij_proj<icount)  then
3367                msg='PAW local exact-exchange: Problem while computing dijexxc !'
3368                LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3369              end if
3370              dijexxc_idij(klmn1)  =pawtab%exchmix &
3371 &                                 *(vpawx(1,klmn,idij)-dijexxc_idij(klmn1))
3372              dijexxc_idij(klmn1+1)=pawtab%exchmix &
3373 &                                 *(vpawx(1,klmn,idij)-dijexxc_idij(klmn1+1))
3374            end if
3375            klmn1=klmn1+qphase
3376          end do ! Loop klmn
3377        end if
3379 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
3380 !      Deduce some part of Dij according to symmetries
3381 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
3383        !if ispden=1 => real part of D^11_ij
3384        !if ispden=2 => real part of D^22_ij
3385        !if ispden=3 => real part of D^12_ij
3386        !if ispden=4 => imaginary part of D^12_ij
3387        klmn1=max(1,ispden-2);klmn2=1
3388        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3389          dijexxc(klmn1,idij)=dijexxc_idij(klmn2)
3390          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
3391          klmn2=klmn2+qphase
3392        end do
3393        if (qphase==2) then
3394          !Same storage with exp^(-i.q.r) phase
3395          klmn1=max(1,ispden-2)+lmn2_size*cplex_dij;klmn2=2
3396          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3397            dijexxc(klmn1,idij)=dijexxc_idij(klmn2)
3398            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
3399            klmn2=klmn2+qphase
3400          end do
3401        endif
3403      end do !ispden
3405    !Non-collinear: D_ij(:,4)=D^21_ij=D^12_ij^*
3406    else if (nspden==4.and.idij==4) then
3407      dijexxc(:,idij)=dijexxc(:,idij-1)
3408      if (cplex_dij==2) then
3409        do klmn=2,lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
3410          dijexxc(klmn,idij)=-dijexxc(klmn,idij)
3411        end do
3412        if (qphase==2) then
3413          do klmn=2+lmn2_size*cplex_dij,2*lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
3414            dijexxc(klmn,idij)=-dijexxc(klmn,idij)
3415          end do
3416        end if
3417      end if
3419    !Antiferro: D_ij(:,2)=D^down_ij=D^up_ij
3420    else if (nsppol==1.and.idij==2) then
3421      dijexxc(:,idij)=dijexxc(:,idij-1)
3422    end if
3424 !----------------------------------------------------------
3425 !End loop on spin density components
3426  end do
3428 !Free temporary memory spaces
3429  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijexxc_idij)
3434 end subroutine pawdijexxc

m_pawdij/pawdijfock [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute Fock exact-exchange contribution(s) to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij
 (for one atom only)


  hyb_mixing=hybrid mixing coefficient for the Fock contribution
  hyb_mixing_sr=hybrid mixing coefficient for the short-range Fock contribution
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  ndij= number of spin components dor Fdij
  pawrhoij <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies (and related data) for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom


  dijfock_vv(qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^fock terms for valence-valence interactions
  dijfock_cv(qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^fock terms for core-valence interactions
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)

   WARNING: What follows has been tested only for cases where nsppol=1 and 2, nspden=1 and 2 with nspinor=1.


1202 subroutine pawdijfock(dijfock_vv,dijfock_cv,cplex_dij,qphase,hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr,ndij,pawrhoij,pawtab)
1204 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
1205 !scalars
1206  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,qphase
1207  real(dp),intent(in) :: hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr
1208 !arrays
1209  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijfock_vv(:,:),dijfock_cv(:,:)
1210  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij
1211  type(pawtab_type),intent(in),target :: pawtab
1213 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
1214 !scalars
1215  integer :: cplex_rhoij,iq,iq0_dij,iq0_rhoij,ispden,irhokl,jrhokl,ilmn_i,jlmn_j,ilmn_k,jlmn_l
1216  integer :: klmn_kl,klmn_ij,klmn_il,klmn_kj,klmn1,nsp,lmn2_size
1217  real(dp) :: ro,dij_up,dij_dn,dij_updn_r,dij_updn_i
1218  character(len=500) :: msg
1219 !arrays
1220  real(dp),allocatable :: dijfock_vv_tmp(:,:)
1221  real(dp),pointer :: eijkl(:,:)
1223 ! *************************************************************************
1225 !Useful data
1226  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
1227  cplex_rhoij=pawrhoij%cplex_rhoij
1229 !Check data consistency
1230  if (size(dijfock_vv,1)/=qphase*cplex_dij*lmn2_size.or.size(dijfock_vv,2)/=ndij) then
1231    msg='invalid sizes for Dijfock_vv!'
1232    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1233  end if
1234  if (size(dijfock_cv,1)/=qphase*cplex_dij*lmn2_size.or.size(dijfock_cv,2)/=ndij) then
1235    msg='invalid sizes for Dijfock_cv!'
1236    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1237  end if
1238  if (pawrhoij%qphase<qphase) then
1239    msg='pawrhoij%qphase must be >=qphase!'
1240    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1241  end if
1242  if (ndij==4.and.cplex_dij==1) then
1243    msg='When ndij=4, cplex_dij must be =2!'
1244    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1245  end if
1247  if (abs(hyb_mixing)>tol8 .and. abs(hyb_mixing_sr)>tol8) then
1248    msg='invalid hybrid functional'
1249    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1250  else
1251    if (abs(hyb_mixing)>tol8) then
1252      eijkl => pawtab%eijkl
1253    else if (abs(hyb_mixing_sr)>tol8) then
1254      eijkl => pawtab%eijkl_sr
1255    end if
1256  end if
1258 !Init memory
1259  dijfock_vv=zero ; dijfock_cv=zero
1261 ! ===== Valence-valence contribution =====
1263  nsp=pawrhoij%nsppol;if (pawrhoij%nspden==4) nsp=4
1264  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijfock_vv_tmp,(lmn2_size,nsp))
1265  dijfock_vv_tmp=zero
1267 !Loop over phase exp(iqr) phase real/imaginary part
1268  do iq=1,qphase
1269    !First loop: we store the real part in dij(1 -> lmn2_size)
1270    !2nd loop: we store the imaginary part in dij(lmn2_size+1 -> 2*lmn2_size)
1271    iq0_dij=merge(0,lmn2_size,iq==1) ; iq0_rhoij=cplex_rhoij*iq0_dij
1273    !Loop over spin components
1274    do ispden=1,nsp
1276      !Loop on the non-zero elements rho_kl
1277      jrhokl=iq0_rhoij+1
1278      do irhokl=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
1279        klmn_kl=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhokl)
1280        ilmn_k=pawtab%indklmn(7,klmn_kl)
1281        jlmn_l=pawtab%indklmn(8,klmn_kl)
1283        ro=pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhokl,ispden)*pawtab%dltij(klmn_kl)
1285        !Contribution to the element (k,l) of dijfock
1286        dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_kl,ispden)=dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_kl,ispden)-ro*eijkl(klmn_kl,klmn_kl)
1288        !Contribution to the element (i,j) of dijfock with (i,j) < (k,l)
1289        !  We remind that i<j and k<l by construction
1290        do klmn_ij=1,klmn_kl-1
1291          ilmn_i=pawtab%indklmn(7,klmn_ij)
1292          jlmn_j=pawtab%indklmn(8,klmn_ij)
1293          !In this case, i < l
1294          klmn_il=jlmn_l*(jlmn_l-1)/2+ilmn_i
1295          !For (k,j), we compute index of (k,j) or index of (j,k)
1296          if (ilmn_k>jlmn_j) then
1297            klmn_kj=ilmn_k*(ilmn_k-1)/2+jlmn_j
1298          else
1299            klmn_kj=jlmn_j*(jlmn_j-1)/2+ilmn_k
1300          end if
1301          dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,ispden)=dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,ispden)-ro*eijkl(klmn_il,klmn_kj)
1302        end do
1304        !Contribution to the element (i,j) of dijfock with (i,j) > (k,l)
1305        !  We remind that i<j and k<l by construction
1306        do klmn_ij=klmn_kl+1,lmn2_size
1307          ilmn_i=pawtab%indklmn(7,klmn_ij)
1308          jlmn_j=pawtab%indklmn(8,klmn_ij)
1309          !In this case, k < j
1310          klmn_kj=jlmn_j*(jlmn_j-1)/2+ilmn_k
1311          !For (i,l), we compute index of (i,l) or index of (l,i)
1312          if (ilmn_i>jlmn_l) then
1313            klmn_il=ilmn_i*(ilmn_i-1)/2+jlmn_l
1314          else
1315            klmn_il=jlmn_l*(jlmn_l-1)/2+ilmn_i
1316          end if
1317          dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,ispden)=dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,ispden)-ro*eijkl(klmn_kj,klmn_il)
1318        end do
1320        jrhokl=jrhokl+cplex_rhoij
1321      end do !End loop over rhoij
1323    end do !ispden
1325 !  Regular case: copy spin component into Dij
1326    if (ndij/=4.or.nsp/=4) then
1327      do ispden=1,nsp
1328        klmn1=iq0_dij+1
1329        do klmn_ij=1,lmn2_size
1330          dijfock_vv(klmn1,ispden)=dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,ispden)
1331          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1332        end do
1333      end do
1334 !    Antiferro case: copy up component into down one
1335      if (ndij==2.and.nsp==1) then
1336        klmn1=iq0_dij+1
1337        do klmn_ij=1,lmn2_size
1338          dijfock_vv(klmn1,2)=dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,1)
1339          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1340        end do
1341      end if
1342    else
1343    !Non-collinear: from (rhoij,m_ij) to rhoij^(alpha,beta)
1344    !rhoij=  (rhoij^11+rhoij^22)
1345    !mij_x=  (rhoij^12+rhoij^21)
1346    !mij_y=i.(rhoij^12+rhoij^21)
1347    !mij_z=  (rhoij^11-rhoij^22)
1348      klmn1=iq0_dij+1
1349      do klmn_ij=1,lmn2_size
1350        dij_up=half*(dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,1)+dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,4))
1351        dij_dn=half*(dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,1)-dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,4))
1352        dij_updn_r= half*dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,2)
1353        dij_updn_i=-half*dijfock_vv_tmp(klmn_ij,3)
1354        dijfock_vv(klmn1  ,1)= dij_up
1355        dijfock_vv(klmn1  ,2)= dij_dn
1356        dijfock_vv(klmn1  ,3)= dij_updn_r
1357        dijfock_vv(klmn1+1,3)= dij_updn_i
1358        dijfock_vv(klmn1  ,4)= dij_updn_r
1359        dijfock_vv(klmn1+1,4)=-dij_updn_i
1360        klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1361      end do
1362    end if
1364  end do ! qphase
1366 ! ===== Core-valence contribution =====
1368  do ispden=1,pawrhoij%nsppol
1369    do iq=1,qphase
1370      iq0_dij=merge(0,cplex_dij*lmn2_size,iq==1)
1371      klmn1=iq0_dij+1
1372      do klmn_ij=1,lmn2_size
1373        dijfock_cv(klmn1,ispden)=pawtab%ex_cvij(klmn_ij)
1374        klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1375      end do
1376    end do
1377  end do
1379 !Antiferro case: copy up component into down one
1380  if (ndij==2.and.pawrhoij%nsppol==1) then
1381    dijfock_cv(:,2)=dijfock_cv(:,1)
1382  end if
1384 !Apply mixing factors
1385  if (abs(hyb_mixing)>tol8) then
1386    dijfock_vv(:,:) = hyb_mixing*dijfock_vv(:,:)
1387  else if (abs(hyb_mixing_sr)>tol8) then
1388    dijfock_vv(:,:) = hyb_mixing_sr*dijfock_vv(:,:)
1389  end if
1390  dijfock_cv(:,:) = (hyb_mixing+hyb_mixing_sr)*dijfock_cv(:,:)
1392 !Free temporary memory spaces
1393  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijfock_vv_tmp)
1395 end subroutine pawdijfock

m_pawdij/pawdijfr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 PAW, Response Function only:
      Compute frozen part of psp strength Dij due to 1st-order compensation density
      and first order local potential:
      Dijfr    =Int_R^3{vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM^(1)] + Vloc^(1)*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
      Depends on q wave vector but not on first-order wave-function.


  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space
  idir=direction of atomic displacement (in case of phonons perturb.)
  ipert=index of perturbation
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  mpi_comm_grid=--optional-- MPI communicator over real space grid components
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=total number of atoms in cell
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  option=0: computes full frozen part of Dij
         1: computes frozen part of Dij without contribution from Vpsp1
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  qphon(3)=wavevector of the phonon
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space
  ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3)
  vpsp1(qphase*nfft)= first-order change of local potential
  vtrial(nfft,nspden)= total GS potential
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=XC potential
  xred(3,my_natom)= reduced atomic coordinates


                  frozen contribution to psp strength Dij
                  =Int_R^3{vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM^(1)] + Vloc^(1)*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


3493 subroutine pawdijfr(gprimd,idir,ipert,my_natom,natom,nfft,ngfft,nspden,nsppol,ntypat,&
3494 &          option,paw_ij1,pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawtab,qphase,qphon,rprimd,ucvol,&
3495 &          vpsp1,vtrial,vxc,xred,&
3496 &          mpi_atmtab,comm_atom,mpi_comm_grid) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
3498 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3499 !scalars
3500  integer,intent(in) :: idir,ipert,my_natom,natom,nfft,nspden,nsppol,ntypat,option,qphase
3501  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom,mpi_comm_grid
3502  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
3503  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
3504 !arrays
3505  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
3506  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
3507  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),qphon(3),rprimd(3,3)
3508  real(dp),intent(in) :: vpsp1(qphase*nfft),vtrial(nfft,nspden),vxc(nfft,nspden)
3509  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
3510  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij1(my_natom)
3511  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(my_natom)
3512  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
3513  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
3515 !Local variables-------------------------------
3516 !scalars
3517  integer :: cplex_dij,cplex_nspden,cplex_p1,iatom,iatom_tot,ic,idij,idijend,ier,ils,ilslm,isel
3518  integer :: ispden,istr,itypat,jc,klm,klmn,klmn1,klmn2,kln,lm_size,lmn2_size,lm0,lmax,lmin,mesh_size
3519  integer :: mm,my_comm_atom,my_comm_grid,mu,mua,mub,ndij,nfftot,nfgd,nsploop
3520  integer :: optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,usexcnhat
3521  logical :: has_qphase,my_atmtab_allocated,need_dijfr_1,need_dijfr_2,need_dijfr_3,need_dijfr_4
3522  logical :: paral_atom,qne0,testdij1,testdij2,testdij3
3523  real(dp) :: c1,fact,intg,rg1
3524  character(len=500) :: msg
3525 !arrays
3526  integer,parameter :: m_index(3)=(/1,-1,0/)
3527  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
3528  integer,parameter :: alpha(9)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,1/),beta(9)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1,3,3,2/)
3529  real(dp) :: contrib(2)
3530  real(dp),allocatable :: ff(:),intv(:,:),intv1(:,:),intv2(:,:),intvloc(:,:),intv_tmp(:,:)
3531  real(dp),allocatable :: rg(:),vloc(:,:)
3533 ! *************************************************************************
3535 !Nothing to be done for DDK
3536  if (ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+10) return
3538 !Set up parallelism over atoms
3539  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
3540  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
3541  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
3542  my_comm_grid=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(mpi_comm_grid)) my_comm_grid=mpi_comm_grid
3543  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
3545 !Compatibility tests
3546  qne0=(qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2>=1.d-15)
3547  if (my_natom>0) then
3548    if (qne0.and.qphase==1) then
3549      msg='qphase must be 2 when q<>0!'
3550      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3551    end if
3552    if (paw_ij1(1)%qphase/=qphase) then
3553      msg='paw_ij1()%qphase and qphase must be equal !'
3554      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3555    end if
3556    if (paw_ij1(1)%has_dijfr==0) then
3557      msg='pawdij1()%dijfr must be allocated !'
3558      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3559    end if
3560    testdij1=(ipert<=natom.and.option==0.and.pawfgrtab(1)%gylm_allocated==0)
3561    testdij2=(ipert<=natom.and.pawfgrtab(1)%gylmgr_allocated==0)
3562    testdij3=(testdij2.and.qne0.and.pawfgrtab(1)%expiqr_allocated==0)
3563    if ((testdij1.or.testdij2.or.testdij3).and.pawfgrtab(1)%rfgd_allocated==0) then
3564      msg='pawfgrtab()%rfgd array must be allocated  !'
3565      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3566    end if
3567  end if
3569 !Get correct index of strain pertubation
3570  if (ipert==natom+3) istr = idir
3571  if (ipert==natom+4) istr = idir + 3
3573 !Some inits
3574  usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(1:ntypat)%usexcnhat)
3575  nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
3576  fact=ucvol/dble(nfftot)
3577  cplex_nspden=merge(1,2,nspden/=4)
3579 !Loops over  atoms
3580  do iatom=1,my_natom
3581    iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
3583 !  Select which part of Dijfr to compute
3584    need_dijfr_1=(ipert==iatom_tot.and.paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr==1)
3585    need_dijfr_2=(ipert<=natom.and.paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr==1.and.(option==0))
3586    need_dijfr_3=((ipert==natom+2.or.ipert==natom+11).and.paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr==1)
3587    need_dijfr_4=((ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4).and.paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr==1)
3589    if ((.not.need_dijfr_1).and.(.not.need_dijfr_2).and.(.not.need_dijfr_3).and.(.not.need_dijfr_4)) then
3590      if (paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr>0) then
3591        paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr=zero ; paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr=2
3592      end if
3593      cycle
3594    end if
3596 !  Some atom-dependent quantities
3597    itypat=pawfgrtab(iatom)%itypat
3598    lm_size=pawtab(itypat)%lcut_size**2
3599    lmn2_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size
3600    cplex_dij=paw_ij1(iatom)%cplex_dij
3601    ndij=paw_ij1(iatom)%ndij
3603 !  Eventually compute g_l(r).Y_lm(r) factors for the current atom (if not already done)
3604    nfgd=0
3605    if (need_dijfr_1.or.need_dijfr_2.or.need_dijfr_4) then
3606      nfgd=pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd
3607      if (((need_dijfr_2.or.need_dijfr_4).and.(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm_allocated==0)).or.&
3608 &     ((need_dijfr_1).and.(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr_allocated==0))) then
3609        optgr0=0;optgr1=0;optgr2=0
3610        if ((need_dijfr_2.or. need_dijfr_4).and.(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm_allocated==0)) then
3611          if (allocated(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm))  then
3612            LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm)
3613          end if
3614          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm,(nfgd,lm_size))
3615          pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm_allocated=2;optgr0=1
3616        end if
3617        if ((need_dijfr_1.or.need_dijfr_4).and.(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr_allocated==0)) then
3618          if (allocated(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr))  then
3619            LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr)
3620          end if
3621          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr,(3,nfgd,lm_size))
3622          pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr_allocated=2;optgr1=1
3623        end if
3624        if (optgr0+optgr1+optgr2>0) then
3625          call pawgylm(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm,pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr,pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr2,&
3626 &             lm_size,nfgd,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,pawtab(itypat),pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd)
3627        end if
3628      end if
3629    end if
3631 !  Eventually compute exp(-i.q.r) factors for the current atom (if not already done)
3632    has_qphase=(qne0.and.qphase==2)
3633    if (need_dijfr_2) then
3634      if (has_qphase.and.(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr_allocated==0)) then
3635        if (allocated(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr))  then
3636          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr)
3637        end if
3638        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr,(2,nfgd))
3639        call pawexpiqr(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr,gprimd,nfgd,qphon,&
3640 &                     pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd,xred(:,iatom_tot))
3641        pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr_allocated=2
3642      end if
3643      has_qphase=(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr_allocated/=0)
3644    end if
3646 !  Loop over spin components
3647    nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
3648    do idij=1,nsploop
3649      if (idij<=nsppol.or.(nspden==4.and.idij<=3)) then
3651        idijend=idij+idij/3
3652        do ispden=idij,idijend
3654          LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intv,(qphase*cplex_nspden,lm_size))
3655          intv(:,:) = zero
3657 !        ============ Phonons ====================================
3658          if (ipert<=natom) then
3660            if (need_dijfr_1.or.need_dijfr_2) then
3662              LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intv1,(cplex_nspden,lm_size))
3663              LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intv2,(qphase,lm_size))
3664              intv1(:,:)=zero ; intv2(:,:)=zero
3666 !            First part: Int_R^3{vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM^(1)]}
3667              if (need_dijfr_1) then
3669 !              ----- Retrieve potential Vlocal (subtle if nspden=4 ;-)
3670                LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vloc,(cplex_nspden,nfgd))
3671                if (nspden/=4) then
3672                  if (usexcnhat==0) then
3673                    do ic=1,nfgd
3674                      jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3675                      vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)-vxc(jc,ispden)
3676                    end do
3677                  else
3678                    do ic=1,nfgd
3679                      vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic),ispden)
3680                    end do
3681                  end if
3682                else ! nspden==4
3683                  if (ispden<=2) then
3684                    if (usexcnhat==0) then
3685                      do ic=1,nfgd
3686                        jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3687                        vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)-vxc(jc,ispden)
3688                        vloc(2,ic)=zero
3689                      end do
3690                    else
3691                      do ic=1,nfgd
3692                        jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3693                        vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)
3694                        vloc(2,ic)=zero
3695                      end do
3696                    end if
3697                  else if (ispden==3) then
3698                    if (usexcnhat==0) then
3699                      vloc(:,:)=zero
3700                    else
3701                      do ic=1,nfgd
3702                        jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3703                        vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,3)
3704                        vloc(2,ic)=vtrial(jc,4)
3705                      end do
3706                    end if
3707                  else ! ispden=4
3708                    vloc(2,1:nfgd)=-vloc(2,1:nfgd)
3709                  end if
3710                end if
3712 !              ----- Compute Integral [ Vtrial(r).(g_l(r).Y_lm(r))^(1) dr ]
3713                LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intv_tmp,(cplex_nspden,3))
3714                do ilslm=1,lm_size
3715                  intv_tmp=zero
3716                  do ic=1,nfgd
3717                    do mu=1,3
3718 !                    Minus sign because dg(r-R)/dR = -dg(r-R)/dr
3719                      contrib(1:cplex_nspden)=-vloc(1:cplex_nspden,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr(mu,ic,ilslm)
3720                      intv_tmp(1:cplex_nspden,mu)=intv_tmp(1:cplex_nspden,mu)+contrib(1:cplex_nspden)
3721                    end do
3722                  end do
3723 !                Convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates
3724                  intv1(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)=intv1(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm) &
3725 &                   +(rprimd(1,idir)*intv_tmp(1:cplex_nspden,1) &
3726 &                    +rprimd(2,idir)*intv_tmp(1:cplex_nspden,2) &
3727 &                    +rprimd(3,idir)*intv_tmp(1:cplex_nspden,3))
3728                end do
3729                LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(vloc)
3730                LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(intv_tmp)
3731              end if ! need_dijfr_1
3733 !            2nd part: Int_R^3{Vloc^(1)*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
3734              if (need_dijfr_2) then
3736                if (ispden==1) then
3738 !                ----- Retrieve potential Vloc^(1)
3739                  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vloc,(qphase,nfgd))
3740                  if (qphase==1) then
3741                    do ic=1,nfgd
3742                      jc=qphase*pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3743                      vloc(1,ic)=vpsp1(jc)
3744                    end do
3745                  else
3746                    do ic=1,nfgd
3747                      jc=2*pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)-1
3748                      vloc(1,ic)=vpsp1(jc  )
3749                      vloc(2,ic)=vpsp1(jc+1)
3750                    end do
3751                  end if
3753 !                ----- Compute Integral [ Vloc^(1)(r).g_l(r).Y_lm(r) ]
3754                  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intvloc,(qphase,lm_size))
3755                  intvloc=zero
3756                  if (has_qphase) then
3757                    if (qphase==1) then
3758                      do ilslm=1,lm_size
3759                        do ic=1,nfgd
3760                          contrib(1)=vloc(1,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
3761                          intvloc(1,ilslm)=intvloc(1,ilslm)+contrib(1)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr(1,ic)
3762                        end do
3763                      end do
3764                    else
3765                      do ilslm=1,lm_size
3766                        do ic=1,nfgd
3767                          contrib(1:2)=vloc(1:2,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
3768                          intvloc(1,ilslm)=intvloc(1,ilslm)+contrib(1)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr(1,ic) &
3769 &                                                         -contrib(2)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr(2,ic)
3770                          intvloc(2,ilslm)=intvloc(2,ilslm)+contrib(1)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr(2,ic) &
3771 &                                                         +contrib(2)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr(1,ic)
3772                        end do
3773                      end do
3774                    end if
3775                  else ! no phase
3776                    do ilslm=1,lm_size
3777                      do ic=1,nfgd
3778                        contrib(1:qphase)=vloc(1:qphase,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
3779                        intvloc(1:qphase,ilslm)=intvloc(1:qphase,ilslm)+contrib(1:qphase)
3780                      end do
3781                    end do
3782                  end if
3783                  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(vloc)
3784                end if ! ispden=1
3786                !Add to previous contribution
3787                if (ispden<=min(nspden,2)) then
3788                  intv2(1:qphase,1:lm_size)=intv2(1:qphase,1:lm_size)+intvloc(1:qphase,1:lm_size)
3789                  if (ispden==min(nspden,2)) then
3790                    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(intvloc)
3791                  end if
3792                end if
3793              end if ! need_dijfr_2
3795 !            Sum contributions and apply ucvol/nfft factor on integral
3796              intv(1:cplex_nspden,1:lm_size)=intv1(1:cplex_nspden,1:lm_size)
3797              intv(1,1:lm_size)=intv(1,1:lm_size)+intv2(1,1:lm_size)
3798              if (qphase==2) intv(cplex_nspden+1,1:lm_size)=intv(cplex_nspden+1,1:lm_size)+intv2(2,1:lm_size)
3799              intv(:,:)=fact*intv(:,:)
3800              LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(intv1)
3801              LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(intv2)
3803 !            --- Reduction in case of parallelization ---
3804              call xmpi_sum(intv,my_comm_grid,ier)
3806              paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,ispden)=zero
3808 !            ---- Loop over (i,j) components
3809              klmn1=1;klmn2=1+lmn2_size*cplex_dij ; cplex_p1=cplex_nspden+1
3810              do klmn=1,lmn2_size
3811                klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
3812                lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
3813                lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
3814                do ils=lmin,lmax,2
3815                  lm0=ils**2+ils+1
3816                  do mm=-ils,ils
3817                    ilslm=lm0+mm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
3818                    if (isel>0) then
3819                      !The following works only because cplex_nspden<=cplex_dij
3820                      paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden) &
3821     &                 +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(1,ilslm)
3822                      if (cplex_nspden==2) then
3823                        paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1+1,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1+1,ispden) &
3824     &                   +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(2,ilslm)
3825                      end if
3826                      if (qphase==2) then
3827                        paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2,ispden) &
3828     &                   +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(cplex_p1,ilslm)
3829                        if (cplex_nspden==2) then
3830                          paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2+1,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2+1,ispden) &
3831     &                     +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(4,ilslm)
3832                        end if
3833                      end if
3834 !Previous version
3835 !                    dplex_nsp=cplex_nspden-1
3836 !                    paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1:klmn1+dplex_nsp,ispden)= &
3837 !    &                paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1:klmn1+dplex_nsp,ispden) &
3838 !    &                +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)
3839 !                    if (qphase==2) then
3840 !                      paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2:klmn2+dplex_nsp,ispden)= &
3841 !    &                  paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn2:klmn2+dplex_nsp,ispden) &
3842 !    &                  +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(1+cplex_nspden:2*cplex_nspden,ilslm)
3843 !                    end if
3844                    end if
3845                  end do
3846                end do
3847                klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij;klmn2=klmn2+cplex_dij
3848              end do
3850 !            Dijfr is marked as computed
3851              paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr=2
3853            end if
3855 !        ============ Electric field perturbation =======================
3856          else if (ipert==natom+2.or.ipert==natom+11) then
3858            if (need_dijfr_3) then
3860 !            The following factor arises in expanding the angular dependence of the dipole
3861 !            vector in terms of real spherical harmonics. The real spherical harmonics are as
3862 !            in the routine initylmr.F90;
3863 !            see
3864              c1 = sqrt(four_pi/three)
3865              mesh_size=pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size
3867              if (ispden==1) then
3869                LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
3870                LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(rg,(3))
3872 !              loop over basis state pairs for this atom
3873                klmn1=1
3874                do klmn = 1, paw_ij1(iatom)%lmn2_size
3875                  klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
3876                  kln =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(2,klmn)
3877                  lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
3878                  lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
3880 !                Select only l=1, because the dipole is a vector operator
3881                  if (lmin==1) then
3882                    lm0=3  ! (l^2+l+1) for l=1
3884 !                  Computation of <phi_i|r|phi_j>- <tphi_i|r|tphi_j>
3885 !                  the dipole vector has radial dependence r
3886                    ff(1:mesh_size)=(pawtab(itypat)%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln)&
3887 &                   -pawtab(itypat)%tphitphj(1:mesh_size,kln))&
3888 &                   *pawrad(itypat)%rad(1:mesh_size)
3889 !                   call pawrad_deducer0(ff,mesh_size,pawrad(itypat))
3890                    call simp_gen(intg,ff,pawrad(itypat))
3892 !                  Compute <S_li_mi|r-R|S_lj_mj>: use a real Gaunt expression (with selection rule)
3893                    rg(1:3)=zero
3894                    do ic=1,3
3895                      isel=pawang%gntselect(lm0+m_index(ic),klm)
3896                      if (isel>0) rg(ic)=pawang%realgnt(isel)
3897                    end do
3899 !                  Translate from cartesian to reduced coordinates (in idir direction)
3900                    rg1=gprimd(1,idir)*rg(1)+gprimd(2,idir)*rg(2)+gprimd(3,idir)*rg(3)
3902 !                  Build sqrt(4pi/3).<S_li_mi|r-R|S_lj_mj>.(<phi_i|r-R|phi_j>- <tphi_i|r-R|tphi_j>
3903                    paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden)=c1*rg1*intg
3904                    if (cplex_dij==2) paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1+1,ispden)=zero
3906                  else
3907                    paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden)=zero
3908                  end if ! end gaunt constraint
3910                  klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
3911                end do ! end loop over lmn2_size pairs of basis states
3912                LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(ff)
3913                LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(rg)
3915 !            Dijfr is spin-independent for electric field case
3916              else if (ispden==2) then
3917                paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,1)
3918              else
3919                paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,ispden)=zero
3920              end if
3922 !            Dijfr is marked as computed
3923              paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr=2
3924            end if
3926 !        ============ Elastic tensor ===============================
3927          else if (ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) then
3929 !          ----- Retrieve potential Vlocal (subtle if nspden=4 ;-)
3930            LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vloc,(cplex_nspden,nfgd))
3931            if (nspden/=4) then
3932              if (usexcnhat==0) then
3933                do ic=1,nfgd
3934                  jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3935                  vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)-vxc(jc,ispden)
3936                end do
3937              else
3938                do ic=1,nfgd
3939                  vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic),ispden)
3940                end do
3941              end if
3942            else ! nspden/=4
3943              if (ispden<=2) then
3944                if (usexcnhat==0) then
3945                  do ic=1,nfgd
3946                    jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3947                    vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)-vxc(jc,ispden)
3948                    vloc(2,ic)=zero
3949                  end do
3950                else
3951                  do ic=1,nfgd
3952                    jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3953                    vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,ispden)
3954                    vloc(2,ic)=zero
3955                  end do
3956                end if
3957              else if (ispden==3) then
3958                if (usexcnhat==0) then
3959                  vloc(:,:)=zero
3960                else
3961                  do ic=1,nfgd
3962                    jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3963                    vloc(1,ic)=vtrial(jc,3)
3964                    vloc(2,ic)=vtrial(jc,4)
3965                  end do
3966                end if
3967              else ! ispden=4
3968                vloc(2,1:nfgd)=-vloc(2,1:nfgd)
3969              end if
3970            end if
3972 !          option = 0 Insulator case
3973            if(option==0)then
3974              do ilslm=1,lm_size
3975                do ic=1,nfgd
3976                  jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
3977                  contrib(1:cplex_nspden) = zero
3979 !                Int_R^3{vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM^(1)]}
3980                  mua=alpha(istr);mub=beta(istr)
3981                  contrib(1:cplex_nspden)=contrib(1:cplex_nspden)+half*vloc(1:cplex_nspden,ic)&
3982 &                  *(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr(mua,ic,ilslm)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(mub,ic)&
3983 &                  + pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr(mub,ic,ilslm)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(mua,ic))
3985 !                Int_R^3{Vloc^(1)*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
3986                  contrib(1)=contrib(1)+vpsp1(jc)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
3988 !                delta_{alphabeta}Int_R^3{Vloc*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
3989                  if(istr<=3)then
3990                    contrib(1:cplex_nspden)=contrib(1:cplex_nspden) &
3991 &                             +vloc(1:cplex_nspden,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
3992                  end if
3994                  intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)=intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)+contrib(1:cplex_nspden)
3995                end do
3996              end do
3998 !          option = 1 Metal case (without Vpsp1)
3999            else if (option==1)then
4000              do ilslm=1,lm_size
4001                do ic=1,nfgd
4002                  jc=pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ic)
4003                  contrib(1) = zero
4005 !                Int_R^3{vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM^(1)]}
4006                  mua=alpha(istr);mub=beta(istr)
4007                  contrib(1:cplex_nspden)=contrib(1:cplex_nspden)+half*vloc(1:cplex_nspden,ic)&
4008 &                  *(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr(mua,ic,ilslm)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(mub,ic)&
4009 &                  + pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr(mub,ic,ilslm)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(mua,ic))
4011 !                delta_{alphabeta}Int_R^3{Vtrial*Sum_LM[Q_ij_q^LM]}
4012                  if(istr<=3)then
4013                    contrib(1:cplex_nspden)=contrib(1:cplex_nspden) &
4014 &                             +vloc(1:cplex_nspden,ic)*pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm(ic,ilslm)
4015                  end if
4017                  intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)=intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)+contrib(1:cplex_nspden)
4018                end do
4019              end do
4020            end if
4021            LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(vloc)
4023 !          Apply ucvol/nfft factor on integral
4024            intv(:,:)=fact*intv(:,:)
4026 !          --- Reduction in case of parallelization ---
4027            call xmpi_sum(intv,my_comm_grid,ier)
4029            paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,ispden)=zero
4031 !          ---- Loop over (i,j) components
4032            klmn1=1
4033            do klmn=1,lmn2_size
4034              klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
4035              lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
4036              lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
4037              do ils=lmin,lmax,2
4038                lm0=ils**2+ils+1
4039                do mm=-ils,ils
4040                  ilslm=lm0+mm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
4041                  if (isel>0) then
4042                    !The following works only because cplex_nspden<=cplex_dij
4043                    paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1,ispden) &
4044 &                    +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(1,ilslm)
4045                    if (cplex_nspden==2) then
4046                      paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1+1,ispden)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1+1,ispden) &
4047 &                      +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(2,ilslm)
4048                    end if
4049 !Previous version
4050 !                  dplex_nsp=cplex_nspden-1
4051 !                  paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1:klmn1+dplex_nsp,ispden)= &
4052 !&                   paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn1:klmn1+dplex_nsp,ispden) &
4053 !&                   +pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilslm,klmn)*intv(1:cplex_nspden,ilslm)
4054                  end if
4055                end do
4056              end do
4057              klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
4058            end do
4060 !          Dijfr is marked as computed
4061            paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijfr=2
4063          end if ! ipert
4065          LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(intv)
4067 !----------------------------------------------------------
4068 !      End loops over spin components
4069        end do ! ispden
4071 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
4072 !      Deduce some part of Dij according to symmetries
4073 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
4075      !Non-collinear: D_ij(:,4)=D^21_ij=D^12_ij^*
4076      else if (nspden==4.and.idij==4) then
4077        paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij-1)
4078        if (cplex_dij==2) then
4079          do klmn=2,lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
4080            paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,idij)=-paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,idij)
4081          end do
4082          if (qphase==2) then
4083            do klmn=2+lmn2_size*cplex_dij,2*lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
4084              paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,idij)=-paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,idij)
4085            end do
4086          end if
4087        end if
4089      !Antiferro: D_ij(:,2)=D^down_ij=D^up_ij
4090      else if (nsppol==1.and.idij==2) then
4091        paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij)=paw_ij1(iatom)%dijfr(:,idij-1)
4092      end if
4094 !  End loop on Dij components
4095    end do ! idij
4097 !----------------------------------------------------------
4099 !  Eventually free temporary space for g_l(r).Y_lm(r) gradients and exp(-i.q.r)
4100    if (need_dijfr_1.or.need_dijfr_2) then
4101      if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm_allocated==2) then
4102        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm)
4103        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm,(0,0))
4104        pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylm_allocated=0
4105      end if
4106      if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr_allocated==2) then
4107        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr)
4108        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr,(0,0,0))
4109        pawfgrtab(iatom)%gylmgr_allocated=0
4110      end if
4111      if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr_allocated==2) then
4112        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr)
4113        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr,(0,0))
4114        pawfgrtab(iatom)%expiqr_allocated=0
4115      end if
4116    end if
4118 !  End loop on atoms
4119  end do
4121 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
4122  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
4124 end subroutine pawdijfr

m_pawdij/pawdijhartree [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the Hartree contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij
 (for one atom only)


  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  nspden=number of spin density components
  pawrhoij <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies (and related data) for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom


  dijhartree(qphase*lmn2_size)=  D_ij^Hartree terms
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


1094 subroutine pawdijhartree(dijhartree,qphase,nspden,pawrhoij,pawtab)
1096 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
1097 !scalars
1098  integer,intent(in) :: nspden,qphase
1099 !arrays
1100  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijhartree(:)
1101  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij
1102  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
1104 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
1105 !scalars
1106  integer :: cplex_rhoij,iq,iq0_dij,iq0_rhoij,irhoij,ispden,jrhoij,klmn,klmn1,lmn2_size,nspdiag
1107  real(dp) :: ro
1108  character(len=500) :: msg
1109 !arrays
1111 ! *************************************************************************
1113 !Check data consistency
1114  if (size(dijhartree,1)/=qphase*pawtab%lmn2_size) then
1115    msg='invalid size for DijHartree!'
1116    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1117  end if
1118  if (pawrhoij%qphase<qphase) then
1119    msg='pawrhoij%qphase must be >=qphase!'
1120    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1121  end if
1123 !Initialization
1124  dijhartree=zero
1125  lmn2_size=pawrhoij%lmn2_size
1126  cplex_rhoij=pawrhoij%cplex_rhoij
1128 !Loop over (diagonal) spin-components
1129  nspdiag=1;if (nspden==2) nspdiag=2
1130  do ispden=1,nspdiag
1132    !Loop over phase exp(iqr) phase real/imaginary part
1133    do iq=1,qphase
1134      !First loop: we store the real part in dij(1 -> lmn2_size)
1135      !2nd loop: we store the imaginary part in dij(lmn2_size+1 -> 2*lmn2_size)
1136      iq0_dij=merge(0,lmn2_size,iq==1)
1137      iq0_rhoij=cplex_rhoij*iq0_dij
1139      !Loop over rhoij elements
1140      jrhoij=iq0_rhoij+1
1141      do irhoij=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
1142        klmn=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhoij)
1144        ro=pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)*pawtab%dltij(klmn)
1145        !print *, "debug: irhoij, ro, pawtab%eijkl(klmn,klmn)",  irhoij, ro, pawtab%eijkl(klmn,klmn)
1147        !Diagonal k=l
1148        dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn)=dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn)+ro*pawtab%eijkl(klmn,klmn)
1150        !k<=l
1151        do klmn1=1,klmn-1
1152          dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn1)=dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn1)+ro*pawtab%eijkl(klmn1,klmn)
1153        end do
1155        !k>l
1156        do klmn1=klmn+1,lmn2_size
1157          dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn1)=dijhartree(iq0_dij+klmn1)+ro*pawtab%eijkl(klmn,klmn1)
1158        end do
1160        jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
1161      end do !End loop over rhoij
1163    end do !End loop over q phase
1165  end do !End loop over spin
1167 end subroutine pawdijhartree

m_pawdij/pawdijhat [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the "hat" contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij,
 i.e. the compensation charge contribution (for one atom only):
   D_ij^hat=Intg_R [ V(r). Sum_L(Qij^L(r)). dr]


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space
  iatom=absolute index of current atom (between 1 and natom)
  natom=total number of atoms
  ndij= number of spin components
  ngrid=number of points of the real space grid (FFT, WVL, ...) treated by current proc
  ngridtot=total number of points of the real space grid (FFT, WVL, ...)
           For the FFT grid, thi should be equal to ngfft1*ngfft2*ngfft3
  nspden=number of spin density components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgrtab<type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid for current atom
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom
  Pot(qphase*ngrid,nspden)=potential on real space grid
  qphon(3)=(RF calculations only) - wavevector of the phonon
  ucvol=unit cell volume
  xred(3,my_natom)= reduced atomic coordinates


  dijhat(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)= D_ij^hat terms
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


2104 subroutine pawdijhat(dijhat,cplex_dij,qphase,gprimd,iatom,&
2105 &                    natom,ndij,ngrid,ngridtot,nspden,nsppol,pawang,pawfgrtab,&
2106 &                    pawtab,Pot,qphon,ucvol,xred,&
2107 &                    mpi_comm_grid) ! Optional argument
2109 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
2110 !scalars
2111  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,iatom,natom,ndij
2112  integer,intent(in) :: ngrid,ngridtot,nspden,nsppol,qphase
2113  integer,intent(in),optional :: mpi_comm_grid
2114  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
2115  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
2116  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab
2117 !arrays
2118  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),Pot(qphase*ngrid,nspden),qphon(3),xred(3,natom)
2119  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijhat(:,:)
2120  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
2122 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
2123 !scalars
2124  integer :: ic,idij,idijend,ier,ils,ilslm,ilslm1,isel,ispden,jc,klm,klmn,klmn1,klmn2
2125  integer :: lm0,lm_size,lmax,lmin,lmn2_size,mm,my_comm_grid,nfgd,nsploop,optgr0
2126  logical :: has_qphase,qne0
2127  real(dp) :: vi,vr
2128  character(len=500) :: msg
2129 !arrays
2130  real(dp) :: rdum1(1),rdum2(2)
2131  real(dp),allocatable :: dijhat_idij(:),prod(:)
2133 ! *************************************************************************
2135 !Useful data
2136  lm_size=pawtab%lcut_size**2
2137  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
2138  nfgd=pawfgrtab%nfgd
2139  qne0=(qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2>=1.d-15)
2140  has_qphase=(qne0.and.qphase==2)
2141  my_comm_grid=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(mpi_comm_grid)) my_comm_grid=mpi_comm_grid
2143 !Check data consistency
2144  if (size(dijhat,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijhat,2)/=ndij) then
2145    msg='invalid sizes for Dijhat !'
2146    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2147  end if
2149 !Eventually compute g_l(r).Y_lm(r) factors for the current atom (if not already done)
2150  if (pawfgrtab%gylm_allocated==0) then
2151    if (allocated(pawfgrtab%gylm))  then
2152      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%gylm)
2153    end if
2154    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%gylm,(nfgd,lm_size))
2155    pawfgrtab%gylm_allocated=2;optgr0=1
2156    call pawgylm(pawfgrtab%gylm,rdum1,rdum2,lm_size,nfgd,optgr0,0,0,pawtab,pawfgrtab%rfgd)
2157  end if
2159 !Eventually compute exp(i.q.r) factors for the current atom (if not already done)
2160  if (has_qphase.and.pawfgrtab%expiqr_allocated==0) then
2161    if (pawfgrtab%rfgd_allocated==0) then
2162      msg='pawfgrtab()%rfgd array must be allocated  !'
2163      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2164    end if
2165    if (allocated(pawfgrtab%expiqr))  then
2166      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%expiqr)
2167    end if
2168    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%expiqr,(2,nfgd))
2169    call pawexpiqr(pawfgrtab%expiqr,gprimd,nfgd,qphon,pawfgrtab%rfgd,xred(:,iatom))
2170    pawfgrtab%expiqr_allocated=2
2171  end if
2173 !Init memory
2174  dijhat=zero
2175  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(prod,(qphase*lm_size))
2176  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijhat_idij,(qphase*lmn2_size))
2178 !----------------------------------------------------------
2179 !Loop over spin components
2180 !----------------------------------------------------------
2181  nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
2182  do idij=1,nsploop
2183    if (idij<=nsppol.or.(nspden==4.and.idij<=3)) then
2185      idijend=idij+idij/3
2186      do ispden=idij,idijend
2188 !      ------------------------------------------------------
2189 !      Compute Int[V(r).g_l(r).Y_lm(r)]
2190 !      ------------------------------------------------------
2191 !       Note for non-collinear magnetism:
2192 !          We compute Int[V^(alpha,beta)(r).g_l(r).Y_lm(r)]
2193 !          Remember: if nspden=4, V is stored as : V^11, V^22, V^12, i.V^21
2195        prod=zero
2197 !      ===== Standard case ============================
2198        if (.not.has_qphase) then
2199          if (qphase==1) then
2200            do ilslm=1,lm_size
2201              do ic=1,nfgd
2202                vr=Pot(pawfgrtab%ifftsph(ic),ispden)
2203                prod(ilslm)=prod(ilslm)+vr*pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)
2204              end do
2205            end do
2206          else
2207            ilslm1=1
2208            do ilslm=1,lm_size
2209              do ic=1,nfgd
2210                jc=2*pawfgrtab%ifftsph(ic)
2211                vr=Pot(jc-1,ispden);vi=Pot(jc,ispden)
2212                prod(ilslm1  )=prod(ilslm1  )+vr*pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)
2213                prod(ilslm1+1)=prod(ilslm1+1)+vi*pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)
2214              end do
2215              ilslm1=ilslm1+qphase
2216            end do
2217          end if
2219 !      ===== Including Exp(iqr) phase (DFPT only) =====
2220        else
2221          if (qphase==1) then
2222            do ilslm=1,lm_size
2223              do ic=1,nfgd
2224                vr=Pot(pawfgrtab%ifftsph(ic),ispden)
2225                prod(ilslm)=prod(ilslm)+vr*pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)&
2226 &                                        *pawfgrtab%expiqr(1,ic)
2227              end do
2228            end do
2229          else
2230            ilslm1=1
2231            do ilslm=1,lm_size
2232              do ic=1,nfgd
2233                jc=2*pawfgrtab%ifftsph(ic)
2234                vr=Pot(jc-1,ispden);vi=Pot(jc,ispden)
2235                prod(ilslm1  )=prod(ilslm1  )+pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)&
2236 &                *(vr*pawfgrtab%expiqr(1,ic)-vi*pawfgrtab%expiqr(2,ic))
2237                prod(ilslm1+1)=prod(ilslm1+1)+pawfgrtab%gylm(ic,ilslm)&
2238 &                *(vr*pawfgrtab%expiqr(2,ic)+vi*pawfgrtab%expiqr(1,ic))
2239              end do
2240              ilslm1=ilslm1+qphase
2241            end do
2242          end if
2243        end if
2245 !      Scaling factor (unit volume)
2246        prod=prod*ucvol/dble(ngridtot)
2248 !      Reduction in case of parallelism
2249        if (xmpi_comm_size(my_comm_grid)>1) then
2250          call xmpi_sum(prod,my_comm_grid,ier)
2251        end if
2253 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2254 !      Compute Sum_(i,j)_LM { q_ij^L Int[V(r).g_l(r).Y_lm(r)] }
2255 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2256 !        Note for non-collinear magnetism:
2257 !          We compute Sum_(i,j)_LM { q_ij^L Int[V^(alpha,beta)(r).g_l(r).Y_lm(r)] }
2259        dijhat_idij=zero
2261        if (qphase==1) then
2262          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2263            klm =pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
2264            lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
2265            lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
2266            do ils=lmin,lmax,2
2267              lm0=ils**2+ils+1
2268              do mm=-ils,ils
2269                ilslm=lm0+mm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
2270                if (isel>0) dijhat_idij(klmn)=dijhat_idij(klmn) &
2271 &                  +prod(ilslm)*pawtab%qijl(ilslm,klmn)
2272              end do
2273            end do
2274          end do
2275        else
2276          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2277            klmn1=2*klmn-1
2278            klm =pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
2279            lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
2280            lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
2281            do ils=lmin,lmax,2
2282              lm0=ils**2+ils+1
2283              do mm=-ils,ils
2284                ilslm=lm0+mm;ilslm1=2*ilslm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
2285                if (isel>0) then
2286                  dijhat_idij(klmn1  )=dijhat_idij(klmn1  )+prod(ilslm1-1)*pawtab%qijl(ilslm,klmn)
2287                  dijhat_idij(klmn1+1)=dijhat_idij(klmn1+1)+prod(ilslm1  )*pawtab%qijl(ilslm,klmn)
2288                end if
2289              end do
2290            end do
2291          end do
2292        end if
2294 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2295 !      Deduce some part of Dij according to symmetries
2296 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2298        !if ispden=1 => real part of D^11_ij
2299        !if ispden=2 => real part of D^22_ij
2300        !if ispden=3 => real part of D^12_ij
2301        !if ispden=4 => imaginary part of D^12_ij
2302        klmn1=max(1,ispden-2);klmn2=1
2303        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2304          dijhat(klmn1,idij)=dijhat_idij(klmn2)
2305          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2306          klmn2=klmn2+qphase
2307        end do
2308        if (qphase==2) then
2309          !Same storage with exp^(-i.q.r) phase
2310          klmn1=max(1,ispden-2)+lmn2_size*cplex_dij;klmn2=2
2311          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2312            dijhat(klmn1,idij)=dijhat_idij(klmn2)
2313            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2314            klmn2=klmn2+qphase
2315          end do
2316        endif
2318      end do !ispden
2320    !Non-collinear: D_ij(:,4)=D^21_ij=D^12_ij^*
2321    else if (nspden==4.and.idij==4) then
2322      dijhat(:,idij)=dijhat(:,idij-1)
2323      if (cplex_dij==2) then
2324        do klmn=2,lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
2325          dijhat(klmn,idij)=-dijhat(klmn,idij)
2326        end do
2327        if (qphase==2) then
2328          do klmn=2+lmn2_size*cplex_dij,2*lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
2329            dijhat(klmn,idij)=-dijhat(klmn,idij)
2330          end do
2331        end if
2332      end if
2334    !Antiferro: D_ij(:,2)=D^down_ij=D^up_ij
2335    else if (nsppol==1.and.idij==2) then
2336      dijhat(:,idij)=dijhat(:,idij-1)
2337    end if
2339 !----------------------------------------------------------
2340 !End loop on spin density components
2341  end do
2343 !Free temporary memory spaces
2345  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijhat_idij)
2346  if (pawfgrtab%gylm_allocated==2) then
2347    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%gylm)
2348    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%gylm,(0,0))
2349    pawfgrtab%gylm_allocated=0
2350  end if
2351  if (pawfgrtab%expiqr_allocated==2) then
2352    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%expiqr)
2353    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(pawfgrtab%expiqr,(0,0))
2354    pawfgrtab%expiqr_allocated=0
2355  end if
2357 end subroutine pawdijhat

m_pawdij/pawdijnd [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the nuclear dipole contribution to the PAW
 pseudopotential strength Dij
 (for one atom only)


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  ndij= number of spin components
  nucdipmom(3) nuclear magnetic dipole moment for current atom
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom


  dijnd(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij)= nuclear dipole moment Dij terms
      cplex_dij=2 must be 2
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part,
      dij(2*i  ,:) contains the imaginary part


   On-site contribution of a nuclear magnetic dipole moment at $R$. Hamiltonian is
   $H=(1/2m_e)(p - q_e A)^2 + V$ in SI units, and vector potential $A$ is
   $A=(\mu_0/4\pi) m\times (r-R)/|r-R|^3 = (\mu_0/4\pi) L_R\cdot m/|r-R|^3$ where
   $L_R$ is the on-site orbital angular momentum and $m$ is the nuclear magnetic
   dipole moment. Second order term in A is ignored. In atomic units the on-site term
   is \alpha^2 L_R\cdot m/|r-R|^3, where \alpha is the fine structure constant.


2395 subroutine pawdijnd(dijnd,cplex_dij,ndij,nucdipmom,pawrad,pawtab)
2397 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
2398 !scalars
2399  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij
2400  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad
2401  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab
2402 !arrays
2403  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijnd(:,:)
2404  real(dp),intent(in) :: nucdipmom(3)
2406 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
2407 !scalars
2408  integer :: idir,ij_size,il,ilmn,im,imesh,jl,jlmn,jm,klmn,kln,lmn2_size,mesh_size
2409  real(dp) :: rr
2410  complex(dpc) :: cmatrixelement,lms
2411 !arrays
2412  integer,pointer :: indlmn(:,:),indklmn(:,:)
2413  real(dp),allocatable :: ff(:),intgr3(:)
2414  character(len=500) :: msg
2416 ! *************************************************************************
2418 !Useful data
2419  indklmn => pawtab%indklmn
2420  indlmn => pawtab%indlmn
2421  mesh_size=pawtab%mesh_size
2422  ij_size=pawtab%ij_size
2423  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
2425 !Check data consistency
2426  if (cplex_dij/=2) then
2427    msg='cplex_dij must be 2 for nuclear dipole moments !'
2428    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2429  end if
2430  if (size(dijnd,1)/=cplex_dij*pawtab%lmn2_size.or.size(dijnd,2)/=ndij) then
2431    msg='invalid sizes for Dijnd !'
2432    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2433  end if
2435  dijnd = zero
2437  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
2438  ! Computation of (<phi_i|phi_j>-<tphi_i|tphi_j>)/r^3 radial integral
2439  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
2441  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(intgr3,(ij_size))
2443  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
2444  do kln=1,ij_size
2445    do imesh = 2, mesh_size
2446      rr = pawrad%rad(imesh)
2447      ff(imesh)=(pawtab%phiphj(imesh,kln)- pawtab%tphitphj(imesh,kln))/(rr**3)
2448    end do !imesh
2449    call pawrad_deducer0(ff,mesh_size,pawrad)
2450    call simp_gen(intgr3(kln),ff,pawrad)
2451  end do
2454  !---------------------------
2455  ! accumulate matrix elements
2456  !---------------------------
2457  do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2459    ilmn=indklmn(7,klmn)
2460    jlmn=indklmn(8,klmn)
2462    il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
2463    jl=indlmn(1,jlmn)
2465    im=indlmn(2,ilmn)
2466    jm=indlmn(2,jlmn)
2467    kln=indklmn(2,klmn)
2469    ! Matrix elements of interest are <S_l'm'|L_i|S_lm>
2470    ! these are zero if l' /= l and also if l' == l == 0
2471    if ( il /= jl ) cycle
2472    if ( il == 0  ) cycle
2474    do idir = 1, 3
2476      ! this loop accumulates a dot product so if no dipole moment in direction idir, nothing to do
2477      if( ABS(nucdipmom(idir)) .LT. tol8 ) cycle
2479      call slxyzs(il,im,idir,jl,jm,lms)
2481      cmatrixelement = FineStructureConstant2*lms*nucdipmom(idir)*intgr3(kln)
2482      dijnd(2*klmn-1,1) = dijnd(2*klmn-1,1) + real(cmatrixelement)
2483      dijnd(2*klmn  ,1) = dijnd(2*klmn  ,1) + aimag(cmatrixelement)
2485    end do ! end loop over idir
2487  end do ! end loop over basis states
2491  ! in case of ndij > 1, note that there is no spin-flip in this term
2492  ! so therefore down-down = up-up, and up-down and down-up terms are still zero
2493  if(ndij > 1) dijnd(:,2)=dijnd(:,1)
2495 end subroutine pawdijnd

m_pawdij/pawdijso [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the spin-orbit contribution to the PAW
 pseudopotential strength Dij
 (for one atom only)


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  ndij= number of spin components for Dij^SO
  nspden=number of spin density components
  paw_an <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh, for current atom
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom
  pawxcdev=Choice of XC development (0=no dev. (use of angular mesh) ; 1 or 2=dev. on moments)
  spnorbscl=scaling factor for spin-orbit coupling
  vh1(qphase*mesh_size,v_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site Hartree potential for current atom
                     only spherical moment is used
  vxc1(qphase*mesh_size,v_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                                given on a (r,theta,phi) grid (v_size=angl_size)
                                or on (l,m) spherical moments (v_size=lm_size)


  dijso(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)= spin-orbit Dij terms
    Dij^SO is complex, so cplex_dij=2 must be 2:
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part
      dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    Dij^SO is represented with 4 components:
      dijso(:,:,1) contains Dij_SO^up-up
      dijso(:,:,2) contains Dij_SO^dn-dn
      dijso(:,:,3) contains Dij_SO^up-dn
      dijso(:,:,4) contains Dij_SO^dn-up
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


2544 subroutine pawdijso(dijso,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nspden,&
2545 &                   pawang,pawrad,pawtab,pawxcdev,spnorbscl,vh1,vxc1)
2547 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
2548 !scalars
2549  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,nspden,pawxcdev,qphase
2550  real(dp), intent(in) :: spnorbscl
2551  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
2552 !arrays
2553  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijso(:,:)
2554  real(dp),intent(in) :: vh1(:,:,:),vxc1(:,:,:)
2555  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad
2556  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab
2557 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
2558 !scalars
2559  integer :: angl_size,idij,ij_size,ilm,ipts,ispden,jlm,klm,klmn,klmn1,kln
2560  integer :: lm_size,lmn2_size,mesh_size,nsploop
2561  real(dp), parameter :: HalfFineStruct2=half/InvFineStruct**2
2562  real(dp) :: fact
2563  character(len=500) :: msg
2564 !arrays
2565  integer, pointer :: indklmn(:,:)
2566  real(dp),allocatable :: dijso_rad(:),dv1dr(:),ff(:)
2568 ! *************************************************************************
2570 !Useful data
2571  lm_size=pawtab%lcut_size**2
2572  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
2573  ij_size=pawtab%ij_size
2574  angl_size=pawang%angl_size
2575  mesh_size=pawtab%mesh_size
2576  indklmn => pawtab%indklmn
2577  nsploop=4
2579 !Check data consistency
2580  if (qphase/=1) then
2581    msg='qphase=2 not yet available in pawdijso!'
2582    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2583  end if
2584  if (cplex_dij/=2) then
2585    msg='cplex_dij must be 2 for spin-orbit coupling!'
2586    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2587  end if
2588  if (ndij/=4) then
2589    msg='ndij must be 4 for spin-orbit coupling!'
2590    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2591  end if
2592  if (pawang%use_ls_ylm==0) then
2593    msg='pawang%use_ls_ylm should be /=0!'
2594    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2595  end if
2596  if (size(dijso,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijso,2)/=ndij) then
2597    msg='invalid sizes for DijSO!'
2598    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2599  end if
2600  if (size(vh1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.size(vh1,2)<1.or.size(vh1,3)<1) then
2601    msg='invalid sizes for vh1!'
2602    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2603  end if
2604  if (size(vxc1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.size(vxc1,3)/=nspden.or.&
2605 &   (size(vxc1,2)/=angl_size.and.pawxcdev==0).or.&
2606 &   (size(vxc1,2)/=lm_size.and.pawxcdev/=0)) then
2607    msg='invalid sizes for vxc1!'
2608    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2609  end if
2611 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2612 !----------- Allocations and initializations
2613 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2615 !Eventually compute <Phi_i|1/r.dV/dr|Phi_j>*alpha2/2*Y_00 (for spin-orbit)
2616  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dv1dr,(mesh_size))
2617  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijso_rad,(ij_size))
2618  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
2619  fact=one/sqrt(four_pi) ! Y_00
2620  if (pawxcdev/=0) then
2621    if (nspden==1) then
2622      ff(1:mesh_size)=vxc1(1:mesh_size,1,1)
2623    else
2624      ff(1:mesh_size)=half*(vxc1(1:mesh_size,1,1)+vxc1(1:mesh_size,1,2))
2625    end if
2626  else
2627    ff(1:mesh_size)=zero
2628    if (nspden==1) then
2629      do ipts=1,angl_size
2630        ff(1:mesh_size)=ff(1:mesh_size) &
2631 &          +vxc1(1:mesh_size,ipts,1)*pawang%angwgth(ipts)
2632      end do
2633    else
2634      do ipts=1,angl_size
2635        ff(1:mesh_size)=ff(1:mesh_size) &
2636 &       +half*(vxc1(1:mesh_size,ipts,1)+vxc1(1:mesh_size,ipts,2)) &
2637 &       *pawang%angwgth(ipts)
2638      end do
2639    end if
2640    ff(1:mesh_size)=sqrt(four_pi)*ff(1:mesh_size)
2641  end if
2642  ff(1:mesh_size)=fact*(ff(1:mesh_size)+vh1(1:mesh_size,1,1))
2643  call nderiv_gen(dv1dr,ff,pawrad)
2644  dv1dr(2:mesh_size)=HalfFineStruct2*(one/(one-ff(2:mesh_size)*half/InvFineStruct**2)**2) &
2645 & *dv1dr(2:mesh_size)/pawrad%rad(2:mesh_size)
2646  call pawrad_deducer0(dv1dr,mesh_size,pawrad)
2647  do kln=1,ij_size
2648    ff(1:mesh_size)= dv1dr(1:mesh_size)*pawtab%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln)
2649    call simp_gen(dijso_rad(kln),ff,pawrad)
2650  end do
2653  dijso_rad(:)=spnorbscl*dijso_rad(:)
2655 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2656 !----- Loop over density components
2657 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2658  do idij=1,nsploop
2660 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2661 !  ----- Computation of Dij_so
2662 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2663    klmn1=1
2664    dijso(:,idij)=zero
2665    if (mod(idij,2)==1) then
2666      ispden=(1+idij)/2
2667      do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2668        if (indklmn(3,klmn)==0) then   ! il==jl
2669          klm=indklmn(1,klmn);kln=indklmn(2,klmn)
2670          ilm=indklmn(5,klmn);jlm=indklmn(6,klmn)
2671          fact=dijso_rad(kln);if (ilm>jlm) fact=-fact
2672          dijso(klmn1  ,idij)=fact*pawang%ls_ylm(1,klm,ispden)
2673          dijso(klmn1+1,idij)=fact*pawang%ls_ylm(2,klm,ispden)
2674        end if
2675        klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2676      end do
2677    else if (idij==2) then
2678      do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2679        if (indklmn(3,klmn)==0) then   ! il==jl
2680          dijso(klmn1  ,2)=-dijso(klmn1  ,1)
2681          dijso(klmn1+1,2)=-dijso(klmn1+1,1)
2682        end if
2683        klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2684      end do
2685    else if (idij==4) then
2686      do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2687        if (indklmn(3,klmn)==0) then   ! il==jl
2688          dijso(klmn1  ,4)=-dijso(klmn1  ,3)
2689          dijso(klmn1+1,4)= dijso(klmn1+1,3)
2690        end if
2691        klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2692      end do
2693    end if
2695 !  ----- End loop over idij
2696  end do
2698  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijso_rad)
2700 end subroutine pawdijso

m_pawdij/pawdiju [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the DFT+U contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij,
 (for one atom only):
     \sum_{m,m'} [vpawu^{\sigma}_{m,m'}*phiphjint_{ni,nj}^{m,m'}]=


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  ndij= number of spin components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom
  vpawu(cplex_dij,lpawu*2+1,lpawu*2+1,ndij)=moments of DFT+U potential for current atom
  --- Optional arguments ---
    atvshift(natvshift,nsppol)=potential energy shift for lm channel & spin (current atom)
    fatvshift=factor that multiplies atvshift
    natvshift=number of atomic potential energy shifts (per atom)


  dijpawu(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^U terms
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


2741 subroutine pawdiju(dijpawu,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nsppol,pawtab,vpawu,&
2742 &                  natvshift,atvshift,fatvshift) ! optional arguments
2744 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
2745 !scalars
2746  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,nsppol,qphase
2747  integer,intent(in),optional :: natvshift
2748  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: fatvshift
2749 !arrays
2750  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijpawu(:,:)
2751  real(dp),intent(in) :: vpawu(:,:,:,:)
2752  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: atvshift(:,:)
2753  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
2755 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
2756 !scalars
2757  integer :: icount,idij,idijeff,idijend,im1,im2,in1,in2,klmn,klmn1,lmax,lmin,lmn2_size
2758  integer :: lpawu,natvshift_,nsploop
2759  character(len=500) :: msg
2760 !arrays
2761  real(dp),allocatable :: coeffpawu(:),dijpawu_idij(:),dijsymU(:,:)
2763 ! *************************************************************************
2765 !Useful data
2766  lpawu=pawtab%lpawu
2767  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
2768  natvshift_=0;if (present(natvshift)) natvshift_=natvshift
2770 !Check data consistency
2771  if (qphase/=1) then
2772    msg='qphase=2 not available in pawdiju!'
2773    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2774  end if
2775  if (size(dijpawu,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijpawu,2)/=ndij) then
2776    msg='invalid sizes for dijpawu !'
2777    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2778  end if
2779  if (size(vpawu,1)/=cplex_dij.or.size(vpawu,2)/=2*lpawu+1.or.&
2780 &    size(vpawu,3)/=2*lpawu+1.or.size(vpawu,4)/=ndij) then
2781    msg='invalid sizes for vpawu !'
2782    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2783  end if
2784  if (natvshift_>0) then
2785    if ((.not.present(atvshift)).or.(.not.present(fatvshift))) then
2786      msg='when natvshift>0, atvshift and fatvshift arguments must be present !'
2787      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2788    end if
2789    if (size(atvshift,1)/=natvshift.or.size(atvshift,2)/=nsppol) then
2790      msg='invalid sizes for atvshift !'
2791      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2792    end if
2793  end if
2795 !Init memory
2796  dijpawu=zero
2797  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijpawu_idij,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size))
2798  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(coeffpawu,(cplex_dij))
2799  if (ndij==4) then
2800    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijsymU,(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,4))
2801  end if
2803 !Loop over spin components
2804 !----------------------------------------------------------
2805  nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
2806  do idij=1,nsploop
2807    if (idij<=nsppol.or.(ndij==4.and.idij<=3)) then
2809      idijend=idij+idij/3
2810      do idijeff=idij,idijend ! if ndij==4, idijeff is used to compute updn and dnup contributions
2812        dijpawu_idij=zero
2814 !      Loop over (l,m,n) moments
2815 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2816        klmn1=1
2817        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2818          im1=pawtab%klmntomn(1,klmn)
2819          im2=pawtab%klmntomn(2,klmn)
2820          lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)
2821          lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
2823 !        Select l=lpawu
2824          if (lmin==0.and.lmax==2*lpawu) then
2826 !          Check consistency
2827            in1=pawtab%klmntomn(3,klmn)
2828            in2=pawtab%klmntomn(4,klmn)
2829            icount=in1+(in2*(in2-1))/2
2830            if (pawtab%ij_proj<icount)  then
2831              msg='DFT+U: Problem while computing dijexxc !'
2832              LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
2833            end if
2835 !          coeffpawu(:)=vpawu(:,im1,im2,idijeff) ! use real and imaginary part
2836            coeffpawu(:)=vpawu(:,im2,im1,idijeff) ! because of transposition in setnoccmmp (for the cplex_dij==2)
2838            if (natvshift_/=0.and.idij<3.and.im1==im2) then
2839              coeffpawu(1)=coeffpawu(1)+fatvshift*atvshift(im1,idij)
2840            end if
2841            if (cplex_dij==1) then   !cplex_dij=nspinor=1
2842              dijpawu_idij(klmn1)=pawtab%phiphjint(icount)*coeffpawu(1)
2843            elseif (cplex_dij==2) then   !cplex_dij=nspinor=2
2844              dijpawu_idij(klmn1  )=pawtab%phiphjint(icount)*coeffpawu(1)
2845              dijpawu_idij(klmn1+1)=pawtab%phiphjint(icount)*coeffpawu(2) !  spinor==2
2846            end if
2848          end if ! l selection
2849          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2850        end do ! klmn
2852        dijpawu(:,idij)=dijpawu_idij(:)
2853        if (ndij==4) dijsymU(:,idijeff)=dijpawu_idij(:)
2855      end do ! idijeff
2857    end if ! idij
2859    if (ndij==4.or.cplex_dij==2) then
2860      if (idij<=2)  then
2861        dijpawu(:,idij)=dijpawu(:,idij)
2862      else
2863        dijpawu(:,idij)=dijsymU(:,idij)
2864      end if
2865    end if
2867 !End loop over spin components
2868 !----------------------------------------------------------
2869  end do
2871 !Free temporary memory spaces
2872  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijpawu_idij)
2873  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(coeffpawu)
2874  if (ndij==4) then
2875    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijsymU)
2876  end if
2878 end subroutine pawdiju

m_pawdij/pawdiju_euijkl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the DFT+U contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij (for one atom only).
 Alternative to pawdiju using the following property:
     D_ij^pawu^{\sigma}_{mi,ni,mj,nj}=\sum_{k,l} [rho^{\sigma}_kl*e^U_ijkl]
 The routine structure is similar to pawdijhartree.


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  nspden=number of spin density components
  pawrhoij <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies (and related data) for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data, for current atom


  diju(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^U terms
  diju_im(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)= (see below)
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


 There are some subtleties :
   Contrary to eijkl, eu_ijkl is not invariant with respect to the permutation of i <--> j or k <--> l.
   Also, we have to deal with spin polarization.
   In the non-collinear magnetism case, the correct expression of Dij^st (s and t being spin indexes) is:

     D_kl^st = delta_st sum_ij rho_ij^ss eu_ijkl(1)
             + delta_st sum_ij rho_ij^-s-s eu_ijkl(2)
             + (1-delta_st) sum_ij rho_ij^st eu_ijkl(3)

   As only the lower triangular part of the Dij matrix is stored (i<=j), in practice we have:

     D_kl^st = delta_st sum_i<=j ( rho_ij^ss eu_ijkl(1) + (1-delta_ij) rho_ji^ss eu_jikl(1) )
             + delta_st sum_i<=j ( rho_ij^-s-s eu_ijkl(2) + (1-delta_ij) rho_ji^-s-s eu_jikl(2) )
             + (1-delta_st) sum_i<=j ( rho_ij^st eu_ijkl(3) + (1-delta_ij) rho_ji^st eu_jikl(3) )

   In the following, we will use that: (according to the rules in pawpuxinit.F90)
    (a) eu_ijkl + eu_jikl =   eu_ijlk + eu_jilk (invariant      when exchanging k <--> l)
    (b) eu_ijkl - eu_jikl = - eu_ijlk + eu_jilk (change of sign when exchanging k <--> l)
   and :
    (c) eu_iikl = eu_iilk (if i=j, invariant when exchanging k <--> l)
    (d) eu_ijkk = eu_jikk (if k=l, invariant when exchanging i <--> j)

   qphase=1 (ipert=0 or q=0):

   --- Non-collinear case:

   We have:
         rho_ji^st = (rho_ij^ts)^*
     Re(rho_ji^st) =  Re(rho_ij^ts)
     Im(rho_ji^st) = -Im(rho_ij^ts)

   As eu_ijkl is real one gets:

     Re(D_kl^st) = delta_st     sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij^ss)   ( eu_ijkl(1) + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(1) )
                 + delta_st     sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij^-s-s) ( eu_ijkl(2) + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(2) )
                 + (1-delta_st) sum_i<=j ( Re(rho_ij^st) eu_ijkl(3) + (1-delta_ij) Re(rho_ij^ts) eu_jikl(3) )

     Im(D_kl^st) = delta_st     sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij^ss)   ( eu_ijkl(1) - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(1) )
                 + delta_st     sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij^-s-s) ( eu_ijkl(2) - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(2) )
                 + (1-delta_st) sum_i<=j ( Im(rho_ij^st) eu_ijkl(3) - (1-delta_ij) Im(rho_ij^ts) eu_jikl(3) )

   --- Collinear case:

     Re(D_kl^s) = sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij^s)  ( eu_ijkl(1) + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(1) )
                + sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij^-s) ( eu_ijkl(2) + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(2) )

     Im(D_kl^s) = sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij^s)  ( eu_ijkl(1) - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(1) )
                + sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij^-s) ( eu_ijkl(2) - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl(2) )

   Using (a) and (c) one gets:
     Re(D_kl^s) =  Re(D_lk^s)
   Using (b) and (c) one gets:
     Im(D_kl^s) = -Im(D_lk^s)

   --- Without magnetism (rho_ij^up = rho_ij^down = 1/2 rho_ij^tot):

     Re(D_kl) = 1/2 sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij) ( eu_ijkl(1) + eu_ijkl(2) + (1-delta_ij) ( eu_jikl(1) + euijkl(2) ) )

     Im(D_kl) = 1/2 sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij) ( eu_ijkl(1) + eu_ijkl(2) - (1-delta_ij) ( eu_jikl(1) + euijkl(2) ) )

   qphase=2 (ipert>0 and q/=0) - no magnetism or collinear:
   We have:
        rho_ji = rhoA_ji + rhoB_ji
        rhoA_ji = rhoA_ij^*
        rhoB_ji = rhoB_ij
           D_kl = sum_i<=j ( rho_ij eu_ijkl + (1-delta_ij) (rhoA_ij^* + rhoB_ij) eu_jikl )
      As eu_ijkl is real:
        Re(D_kl) = sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij)  ( eu_ijkl + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl )
        Im(D_kl) = sum_i<=j Im(rhoB_ij) ( eu_ijkl + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl )
                 + sum_i<=j Im(rhoA_ij) ( eu_ijkl - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl )
      We note:
        Im(D_kl^A) = sum_i<=j Im(rhoA_ij) ( eu_ijkl - (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl )
        Im(D_kl^B) = sum_i<=j Im(rhoB_ij) ( eu_ijkl + (1-delta_ij) eu_jikl )
      We still have:
        Re(D_kl)  =  Re(D_lk)
        Im(D_kl^A) = -Im(D_lk^A)  ( using (b) and (c) )
        Im(D_kl^B) =  Im(D_lk^B)  ( using (a) and (c) )


2997 subroutine pawdiju_euijkl(diju,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,pawrhoij,pawtab)
2999 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
3000 !scalars
3001  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,qphase
3002 !arrays
3003  real(dp),intent(out) :: diju(:,:)
3004  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij
3005  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
3007 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
3008 !scalars
3009  integer :: cplex_rhoij,iq,iq0_dij,iq0_rhoij,ilmn,ilmnp,irhoij,j0lmnp,jlmn,jlmnp,jrhoij,select_euijkl
3010  integer :: klmn,klmnp,klmn1,lmn2_size,max_euijkl,min_euijkl,sig1,sig2,sig2p
3011  logical :: compute_im
3012  character(len=500) :: msg
3013 !arrays
3014  real(dp) :: ro(2,ndij),euijkl_temp(3,2)
3016 ! *************************************************************************
3018 !Check data consistency
3019  lmn2_size=pawrhoij%lmn2_size
3020  if (size(diju,1)/=qphase*cplex_dij*lmn2_size.or.size(diju,2)/=ndij) then
3021    msg='invalid sizes for diju!'
3022    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3023  end if
3024  if (pawrhoij%qphase<qphase) then
3025    msg='pawrhoij%qphase must be >=qphase!'
3026    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3027  end if
3028  if (ndij/=pawrhoij%nspden) then
3029    msg='pawrhoij%nspden must be equal to ndij!'
3030    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
3031  end if
3033 !Initialization
3034  diju=zero
3035  cplex_rhoij=pawrhoij%cplex_rhoij
3036  compute_im=(cplex_dij==2)
3038 !Loop over spin-components (Dij)
3039  do sig1=1,ndij
3041    if (sig1<=2) then
3042      min_euijkl = 1
3043      max_euijkl = 2
3044    else
3045      min_euijkl = 3
3046      max_euijkl = 3
3047    end if
3049    !Loop over phase exp(iqr) phase real/imaginary part
3050    do iq=1,qphase
3051      !First loop: we store the real part in dij(1 -> lmn2_size)
3052      !2nd loop: we store the imaginary part in dij(lmn2_size+1 -> 2*lmn2_size)
3053      iq0_dij=merge(0,cplex_dij*lmn2_size,iq==1)
3054      iq0_rhoij=merge(0,cplex_rhoij*lmn2_size,iq==1)
3056      !Loop over rhoij elements
3057      jrhoij=iq0_rhoij+1
3058      do irhoij=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
3059        klmn=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhoij)
3060        ilmn=pawtab%indklmn(7,klmn)
3061        jlmn=pawtab%indklmn(8,klmn)
3063        !Storage of rhoij in ro (with a change of representation if nspinor=2)
3064        if (ndij==1) then ! rho_up = rho_down = 1/2 rho_tot
3065          ro(1:cplex_rhoij,1)=half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,1)
3066        else if (ndij==2) then
3067          do sig2=1,ndij
3068            ro(1:cplex_rhoij,sig2)=pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,sig2)
3069          end do
3070        else ! ndij=4
3071          !up   up           = 1/2 ( tot + z )
3072          ro(1:cplex_rhoij,1)=half*(pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,1)+pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,4))
3073          !down down         = 1/2 ( tot - z )
3074          ro(1:cplex_rhoij,2)=half*(pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,1)-pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij:jrhoij+cplex_rhoij-1,4))
3075          if (cplex_rhoij==1) ro(2,1:2) = zero
3076          !up down = 1/2 ( x - i y )
3077          ro(1,3)= half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,2)
3078          ro(2,3)=-half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,3)
3079          if (cplex_rhoij==2) then
3080            ro(1,3)=ro(1,3)+half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,3)
3081            ro(2,3)=ro(2,3)+half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,2)
3082          end if
3083          !down up = 1/2 ( x + i y )
3084          ro(1,4)=half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,2)
3085          ro(2,4)=half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,3)
3086          if (cplex_rhoij==2) then
3087            ro(1,4)=ro(1,4)-half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,3)
3088            ro(2,4)=ro(2,4)+half*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij+1,2)
3089          end if
3090        end if
3092        do jlmnp=1,pawtab%lmn_size
3093          j0lmnp=jlmnp*(jlmnp-1)/2
3094          do ilmnp=1,jlmnp
3095            klmnp=j0lmnp+ilmnp
3096            klmn1=iq0_dij+cplex_dij*(klmnp-1)+1
3098            euijkl_temp(:,1) = pawtab%euijkl(:,ilmn,jlmn,ilmnp,jlmnp)
3099            euijkl_temp(:,2) = pawtab%euijkl(:,jlmn,ilmn,ilmnp,jlmnp)
3101            !Loop over spin-components (rhoij)
3102            do select_euijkl=min_euijkl,max_euijkl
3103              if (sig1<=2) then ! up/up and down/down Dij components
3104                if (ndij==1) then
3105                  sig2=1
3106                else
3107                  if (select_euijkl==1) then ! Diagonal part of the spin matrix
3108                    sig2=sig1
3109                  else if (select_euijkl==2) then ! Non-diagonal part
3110                    if (sig1==1) sig2=2
3111                    if (sig1==2) sig2=1
3112                  end if
3113                end if
3114                sig2p = sig2
3115              else ! select_euijkl = 3
3116                sig2 = sig1
3117                if (sig1==3) sig2p=4
3118                if (sig1==4) sig2p=3
3119              end if
3120              !Re(D_kl) = sum_i<=j Re(rho_ij) ( eu_ijlk + (1-delta_ij) eu_jilk ) =  Re(D_lk)
3121              diju(klmn1,sig1)=diju(klmn1,sig1)+ro(1,sig2)*euijkl_temp(select_euijkl,1)
3122              if (ilmn/=jlmn) then
3123                diju(klmn1,sig1)=diju(klmn1,sig1)+ro(1,sig2p)*euijkl_temp(select_euijkl,2)
3124              end if
3125              !Im(D_kl) = sum_i<=j Im(rho_ij) ( eu_ijlk - (1-delta_ij) eu_jilk ) = -Im(D_lk)
3126              if (compute_im) then
3127                diju(klmn1+1,sig1)=diju(klmn1+1,sig1)+ro(2,sig2)*euijkl_temp(select_euijkl,1)
3128                if (ilmn/=jlmn) then
3129                  diju(klmn1+1,sig1)=diju(klmn1+1,sig1)-ro(2,sig2p)*euijkl_temp(select_euijkl,2)
3130                end if
3131              end if
3132            end do
3134          end do
3135        end do ! k,l
3137        jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
3138      end do ! i,j
3140    end do ! q phase
3142  end do !sig1
3144 end subroutine pawdiju_euijkl

m_pawdij/pawdijxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the eXchange-Correlation contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij,
 using densities and potential expressed on a (r,theta,phi) grid
 (for one atom only):
   D_ij^XC= < Phi_i|Vxc( n1+ nc[+nhat])| Phi_j>
           -Intg_omega [ Vxc(tn1+tnc[+nhat])(r). Sum_L(Qij^L(r)). dr]


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  ndij= number of spin components
  nspden=number of spin density components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  usekden=1 if kinetic energy density contribution has to be included (mGGA)
  usexcnhat= 1 if compensation density is included in Vxc, 0 otherwise
  vxc1(qphase*mesh_size,angl_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                                   given on a (r,theta,phi) grid
  vxct1(qphase*mesh_size,angl_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                                    given on a (r,theta,phi) grid
  [vxctau1(qphase*mesh_size,angl_size,nspden)]=1st deriv. of XC energy wrt to kinetic energy density
                                               (all electron) - metaGGA only
  [vxcttau1(qphase*mesh_size,angl_size,nspden)]=1st deriv. of XC energy wrt to kinetic energy density
                                                (pseudo) - metaGGA only


  dijxc(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^XC terms
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


1444 subroutine pawdijxc(dijxc,cplex_dij,qphase,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
1445 &                   pawang,pawrad,pawtab,vxc1,vxct1,usexcnhat,usekden,&
1446 &                   vxctau1,vxcttau1) ! optional
1448 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
1449 !scalars
1450  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,nspden,nsppol,qphase,usekden,usexcnhat
1451  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
1452 !arrays
1453  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxc1(:,:,:),vxct1(:,:,:)
1454  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: vxctau1(:,:,:),vxcttau1(:,:,:)
1455  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijxc(:,:)
1456  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad
1457  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
1459 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
1460 !scalars
1461  integer :: angl_size,basis_size,idij,idijend
1462  integer :: ii,ij_size,ilm,ils,ils1,ilslm,ipts,ir,ir1,isel,ispden
1463  integer :: jlm,j0lm,klmn1,klmn2,klmn,klm,kln,l_size,lm0,lmax,lmin,lm_size,lmn2_size
1464  integer :: iln,jln,j0ln
1465  integer :: mesh_size,mm,nsploop
1466  real(dp) :: tmp,vi,vr,vxcijhat,vxcijhat_i,vxctauij
1467  character(len=500) :: msg
1468 !arrays
1469  real(dp),allocatable :: dijxc_idij(:),ff(:),gg(:)
1470  real(dp),allocatable :: vxcij1(:),vxcij2(:),vxctauij1(:),yylmr(:,:),yylmgr(:,:)
1472 ! *************************************************************************
1474 !Useful data
1475  lm_size=pawtab%lcut_size**2
1476  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
1477  basis_size=pawtab%basis_size
1478  ij_size=pawtab%ij_size
1479  l_size=pawtab%l_size
1480  mesh_size=pawtab%mesh_size
1481  angl_size=pawang%angl_size
1483 !Check data consistency
1484  if (size(dijxc,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijxc,2)/=ndij) then
1485    msg='invalid sizes for Dijxc !'
1486    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1487  end if
1488  if (size(vxc1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.size(vxct1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.&
1489 &    size(vxc1,2)/=angl_size.or.size(vxct1,2)/=angl_size.or.&
1490 &    size(vxc1,3)/=nspden.or.size(vxct1,3)/=nspden) then
1491    msg='invalid sizes for vxc1 or vxct1 !'
1492    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1493  end if
1495 !Check if MetaGGA is activated
1496  if (usekden==1) then
1497    if (.not.present(vxctau1)) then
1498      msg="vxctau1 needs to be present!"
1499      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1500    else if (size(vxctau1)==0) then
1501      msg="vxctau1 needs to be allocated!"
1502      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1503    end if
1504    if (.not.present(vxcttau1)) then
1505      msg="vxcttau1 needs to be present!"
1506      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1507    else if (size(vxcttau1)==0) then
1508      msg="vxcttau1 needs to be allocated!"
1509      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1510    end if
1511  end if
1513 !Precompute products Ylm*Ylpmp (and Grad(Ylm).Grad(Ylpmp) if mGGA)
1514  lmax=1+maxval(pawtab%indklmn(4,1:lmn2_size))
1515  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(yylmr,(lmax**2*(lmax**2+1)/2,angl_size))
1516  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(yylmgr,(lmax**2*(lmax**2+1)/2,angl_size*usekden))
1517  do ipts=1,angl_size
1518    do jlm=1,lmax**2
1519      j0lm=jlm*(jlm-1)/2
1520      do ilm=1,jlm
1521        klm=j0lm+ilm
1522        yylmr(klm,ipts)=pawang%ylmr(ilm,ipts)*pawang%ylmr(jlm,ipts)
1523      end do
1524    end do
1525  end do
1526  if (usekden==1) then
1527    yylmgr(:,:)=zero
1528    do ipts=1,angl_size
1529      do jlm=1,lmax**2
1530        j0lm=jlm*(jlm-1)/2
1531        do ilm=1,jlm
1532          klm=j0lm+ilm
1533          do ii=1,3
1534            yylmgr(klm,ipts)=yylmgr(klm,ipts) &
1535 &            +pawang%ylmrgr(ii,ilm,ipts)*pawang%ylmrgr(ii,jlm,ipts)
1536          end do
1537        end do
1538      end do
1539    end do
1540  end if
1542 !Init memory
1543  dijxc=zero
1544  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijxc_idij,(qphase*lmn2_size))
1545  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vxcij1,(qphase*ij_size))
1546  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vxcij2,(qphase*l_size))
1547  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vxctauij1,(qphase*ij_size*usekden))
1548  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
1549  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(gg,(mesh_size))
1550  vxcij1=zero;vxcij2=zero;vxctauij1=zero
1552 !----------------------------------------------------------
1553 !Loop over spin components
1554 !----------------------------------------------------------
1555  nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
1556  do idij=1,nsploop
1557    if (idij<=nsppol.or.(nspden==4.and.idij<=3)) then
1559      idijend=idij+idij/3
1560      do ispden=idij,idijend
1562        dijxc_idij=zero
1564 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1565 !      Loop on angular mesh
1566 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1567        do ipts=1,angl_size
1569 !        ===== Vxc_ij_1 (tmp) =====
1570          vxcij1=zero
1571          if (qphase==1) then
1572            do kln=1,ij_size
1573              ff(1:mesh_size)= &
1574 &               vxc1(1:mesh_size,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln) &
1575 &              -vxct1(1:mesh_size,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(1:mesh_size,kln)
1576              call simp_gen(vxcij1(kln),ff,pawrad)
1577            end do
1578            !if Meta GGA add 1/2*[<nabla_phi_i|vxctau1|nabla_phi_j>
1579            !                    -<nabla_tphi_i|vxcttau1|nabla_tphi_j>]
1580            if (usekden==1) then
1581              do jln=1,basis_size
1582                j0ln=jln*(jln-1)/2
1583                do iln=1,jln
1584                  kln=j0ln+iln
1585                  ff(2:mesh_size)=(vxctau1(2:mesh_size,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(2:mesh_size,kln) &
1586 &                                -vxcttau1(2:mesh_size,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(2:mesh_size,kln)) &
1587 &                                /pawrad%rad(2:mesh_size)**2
1588                  call pawrad_deducer0(ff,mesh_size,pawrad)
1589                  call simp_gen(vxctauij1(kln),ff,pawrad)
1590                  ff(1:mesh_size)=vxctau1(1:mesh_size,ipts,ispden) &
1591 &                               *pawtab%nablaphi(1:mesh_size,iln)*pawtab%nablaphi(1:mesh_size,jln) &
1592 &                               -vxcttau1(1:mesh_size,ipts,ispden) &
1593 &                               *pawtab%tnablaphi(1:mesh_size,iln)*pawtab%tnablaphi(1:mesh_size,jln)
1594                  call simp_gen(vxctauij,ff,pawrad)
1595                  vxcij1(kln)=vxcij1(kln)+half*vxctauij
1596                end do
1597              end do
1598            end if
1600          else
1601            do kln=1,ij_size
1602              do ir=1,mesh_size
1603                ir1=2*ir
1604                ff(ir)= &
1605 &                 vxc1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1606 &                -vxct1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1607                gg(ir)= &
1608 &                 vxc1(ir1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1609 &                -vxct1(ir1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1610              end do
1611              call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln-1),ff,pawrad)
1612              call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln  ),gg,pawrad)
1613            end do
1614            !if Meta GGA add 1/2*[<nabla_phi_i|vxctau1|nabla_phi_j>
1615            !                    -<nabla_tphi_i|vxcttau|nabla_tphi_j>]
1616            if (usekden==1) then
1617              do jln=1,basis_size
1618                j0ln=jln*(jln-1)/2
1619                do iln=1,jln
1620                  kln=j0ln+iln
1621                  do ir=2,mesh_size
1622                    ir1=2*ir
1623                    ff(ir)=vxctau1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1624 &                        -vxcttau1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1625                    gg(ir)=vxctau1(ir1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1626 &                        -vxcttau1(ir1,ipts,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1627                  end do
1628                  call pawrad_deducer0(ff,mesh_size,pawrad)
1629                  call pawrad_deducer0(gg,mesh_size,pawrad)
1630                  call simp_gen(vxctauij1(2*kln-1),ff,pawrad)
1631                  call simp_gen(vxctauij1(2*kln  ),gg,pawrad)
1632                  do ir=1,mesh_size
1633                    ir1=2*ir
1634                    ff(ir)=vxctau1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden) &
1635 &                        *pawtab%nablaphi(ir,iln)*pawtab%nablaphi(ir,jln) &
1636 &                        -vxcttau1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden) &
1637 &                        *pawtab%tnablaphi(ir,iln)*pawtab%tnablaphi(ir,jln)
1638                    gg(ir)=vxctau1(ir1,ipts,ispden) &
1639 &                        *pawtab%nablaphi(ir,iln)*pawtab%nablaphi(ir,jln) &
1640 &                        -vxcttau1(ir1,ipts,ispden) &
1641 &                        *pawtab%tnablaphi(ir,iln)*pawtab%tnablaphi(ir,jln)
1642                  end do
1643                  call simp_gen(vxctauij,ff,pawrad)
1644                  vxcij1(2*kln-1)=vxcij1(2*kln-1)+half*vxctauij
1645                  call simp_gen(vxctauij,gg,pawrad)
1646                  vxcij1(2*kln)=vxcij1(2*kln)+half*vxctauij
1647                end do
1648              end do
1649            end if
1651          end if
1653 !        ===== Vxc_ij_2 (tmp) =====
1654          vxcij2=zero
1655          if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1656            if (qphase==1) then
1657              do ils=1,l_size
1658                ff(1:mesh_size)=vxct1(1:mesh_size,ipts,ispden) &
1659 &                 *pawtab%shapefunc(1:mesh_size,ils) &
1660 &                 *pawrad%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
1661                call simp_gen(vxcij2(ils),ff,pawrad)
1662              end do
1663            else
1664              do ils=1,l_size
1665                do ir=1,mesh_size
1666                  ir1=2*ir
1667                  tmp=pawtab%shapefunc(ir,ils)*pawrad%rad(ir)**2
1668                  ff(ir)=vxct1(ir1-1,ipts,ispden)*tmp
1669                  gg(ir)=vxct1(ir1  ,ipts,ispden)*tmp
1670                end do
1671                call simp_gen(vxcij2(2*ils-1),ff,pawrad)
1672                call simp_gen(vxcij2(2*ils  ),gg,pawrad)
1673              end do
1674            end if
1675          end if
1677 !        ===== Integrate Vxc_ij_1 and Vxc_ij_2 over the angular mesh =====
1678 !        ===== and accummulate in total Vxc_ij                       =====
1679          if (qphase==1) then
1680            do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1681              klm=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn);kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
1682              lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn);lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
1683              dijxc_idij(klmn)=dijxc_idij(klmn)+vxcij1(kln) &
1684 &                            *pawang%angwgth(ipts)*yylmr(klm,ipts)*four_pi
1685              if (usekden==1) then
1686                dijxc_idij(klmn)=dijxc_idij(klmn)+half*vxctauij1(kln) &
1687 &                              *pawang%angwgth(ipts)*yylmgr(klm,ipts)*four_pi
1688              end if
1689              if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1690                vxcijhat=zero
1691                do ils=lmin,lmax,2
1692                  lm0=ils**2+ils+1
1693                  vr=four_pi*pawang%angwgth(ipts)*vxcij2(ils+1)
1694                  do mm=-ils,ils
1695                    ilslm=lm0+mm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
1696                    if (isel>0) then
1697                      tmp=pawang%ylmr(ilslm,ipts)*pawtab%qijl(ilslm,klmn)
1698                      vxcijhat=vxcijhat+vr*tmp
1699                    end if
1700                  end do
1701                end do
1702                dijxc_idij(klmn)=dijxc_idij(klmn)-vxcijhat
1703              end if
1704            end do ! Loop klmn
1705          else
1706            klmn1=1
1707            do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1708              klm=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn);kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
1709              lmin=pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn);lmax=pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)
1710              tmp=pawang%angwgth(ipts)*yylmr(klm,ipts)*four_pi
1711              dijxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijxc_idij(klmn1  )+vxcij1(2*kln-1)*tmp
1712              dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)+vxcij1(2*kln  )*tmp
1713              if (usekden==1) then
1714                tmp=pawang%angwgth(ipts)*yylmgr(klm,ipts)*four_pi
1715                dijxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijxc_idij(klmn1  )+half*vxctauij1(2*kln-1)*tmp
1716                dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)+half*vxctauij1(2*kln  )*tmp
1717              end if
1718              if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1719                vxcijhat=zero;vxcijhat_i=zero
1720                do ils=lmin,lmax,2
1721                  lm0=ils**2+ils+1;ils1=2*(ils+1)
1722                  vr=four_pi*pawang%angwgth(ipts)*vxcij2(ils1-1)
1723                  vi=four_pi*pawang%angwgth(ipts)*vxcij2(ils1  )
1724                  do mm=-ils,ils
1725                    ilslm=lm0+mm;isel=pawang%gntselect(ilslm,klm)
1726                    if (isel>0) then
1727                      tmp=pawang%ylmr(ilslm,ipts)*pawtab%qijl(ilslm,klmn)
1728                      vxcijhat  =vxcijhat  +vr*tmp
1729                      vxcijhat_i=vxcijhat_i+vi*tmp
1730                    end if
1731                  end do
1732                end do
1733                dijxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijxc_idij(klmn1  )-vxcijhat
1734                dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)-vxcijhat_i
1735              end if
1736              klmn1=klmn1+qphase
1737            end do ! Loop klmn
1738          end if
1740 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1741 !      End loop on angular points
1742        end do
1744 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1745 !      Deduce some part of Dij according to symmetries
1746 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1748        !if ispden=1 => real part of D^11_ij
1749        !if ispden=2 => real part of D^22_ij
1750        !if ispden=3 => real part of D^12_ij
1751        !if ispden=4 => imaginary part of D^12_ij
1752        klmn1=max(1,ispden-2);klmn2=1
1753        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1754          dijxc(klmn1,idij)=dijxc_idij(klmn2)
1755          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1756          klmn2=klmn2+qphase
1757        end do
1758        if (qphase==2) then
1759          !Same storage with exp^(-i.q.r) phase
1760          klmn1=max(1,ispden-2)+lmn2_size*cplex_dij;klmn2=2
1761          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1762            dijxc(klmn1,idij)=dijxc_idij(klmn2)
1763            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
1764            klmn2=klmn2+qphase
1765          end do
1766        endif
1768      end do !ispden
1770    !Non-collinear: D_ij(:,4)=D^21_ij=D^12_ij^*
1771    else if (nspden==4.and.idij==4) then
1772      dijxc(:,idij)=dijxc(:,idij-1)
1773      if (cplex_dij==2) then
1774        do klmn=2,lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
1775          dijxc(klmn,idij)=-dijxc(klmn,idij)
1776        end do
1777        if (qphase==2) then
1778          do klmn=2+lmn2_size*cplex_dij,2*lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
1779            dijxc(klmn,idij)=-dijxc(klmn,idij)
1780          end do
1781        end if
1782      end if
1784    !Antiferro: D_ij(:,2)=D^down_ij=D^up_ij
1785    else if (nsppol==1.and.idij==2) then
1786      dijxc(:,idij)=dijxc(:,idij-1)
1787    end if
1789 !----------------------------------------------------------
1790 !End loop on spin density components
1791  end do
1793 !Free temporary memory spaces
1796  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijxc_idij)
1799  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(vxctauij1)
1803 end subroutine pawdijxc

m_pawdij/pawdijxcm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the eXchange-Correlation contribution to the PAW pseudopotential strength Dij,
 using densities and potential expressed as (l,m) spherical moments
 (for one atom only):
   D_ij^XC= < Phi_i|Vxc( n1+ nc[+nhat])| Phi_j>
           -Intg_omega [ Vxc(tn1+tnc[+nhat])(r). Sum_L(Qij^L(r)). dr]


  cplex_dij=2 if dij is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  qphase=2 if dij contains a exp(-i.q.r) phase (as in the q<>0 RF case), 1 if not
  lmselect(lm_size)=select the non-zero LM-moments of on-site potentials
  ndij= number of spin components
  nspden=number of spin density components
  nsppol=number of independent spin WF components
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data, for current atom
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  vxc1(qphase*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                                 given on (l,m) spherical moments
  vxct1(qphase*mesh_size,lm_size,nspden)=all-electron on-site XC potential for current atom
                                  given on (l,m) spherical moments
  usexcnhat= 1 if compensation density is included in Vxc, 0 otherwise


  dijxc(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,ndij)=  D_ij^XC terms
    When Dij is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      dij(2*i-1,:) contains the real part, dij(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part
    When a exp(-i.q.r) phase is included (qphase=2):
          contains the real part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*cos(q.r)
          contains the imaginary part of the phase, i.e. D_ij*sin(q.r)


1848 subroutine pawdijxcm(dijxc,cplex_dij,qphase,lmselect,ndij,nspden,nsppol,&
1849 &                    pawang,pawrad,pawtab,vxc1,vxct1,usexcnhat)
1851 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
1852 !scalars
1853  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,nspden,nsppol,qphase,usexcnhat
1854  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
1855 !arrays
1856  logical :: lmselect(:)
1857  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxc1(:,:,:),vxct1(:,:,:)
1858  real(dp),intent(out) :: dijxc(:,:)
1859  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad
1860  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
1862 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
1863 !scalars
1864  integer :: idij,idijend,ij_size,ir,ir1,isel,ispden,klm,klm1,klmn,klmn1,klmn2,kln
1865  integer :: lm_size,lmn2_size,ll,mesh_size,nsploop
1866  real(dp) :: tmp,vxcij2,vxcij2_i
1867  character(len=500) :: msg
1868 !arrays
1869  real(dp),allocatable :: dijxc_idij(:),ff(:),gg(:),vxcij1(:)
1871 ! *************************************************************************
1873 !Useful data
1874  lm_size=pawtab%lcut_size**2
1875  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
1876  ij_size=pawtab%ij_size
1877  mesh_size=pawtab%mesh_size
1879 !Check data consistency
1880  if (size(dijxc,1)/=cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size.or.size(dijxc,2)/=ndij) then
1881    msg='invalid sizes for Dijxc !'
1882    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1883  end if
1884  if (size(lmselect)/=lm_size) then
1885    msg='invalid size for lmselect !'
1886    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1887  end if
1888  if (size(vxc1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.size(vxct1,1)/=qphase*mesh_size.or.&
1889 &    size(vxc1,2)/=lm_size.or.size(vxct1,2)/=lm_size.or.&
1890 &    size(vxc1,3)/=nspden.or.size(vxct1,3)/=nspden) then
1891    msg='invalid sizes for vxc1 or vxct1 !'
1892    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
1893  end if
1895 !Init memory
1896  dijxc=zero
1897  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijxc_idij,(qphase*lmn2_size))
1898  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(vxcij1,(qphase*ij_size))
1899  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
1900  LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(gg,(mesh_size))
1902 !----------------------------------------------------------
1903 !Loop over spin components
1904 !----------------------------------------------------------
1905  nsploop=nsppol;if (ndij==4) nsploop=4
1906  do idij=1,nsploop
1907    if (idij<=nsppol.or.(nspden==4.and.idij<=3)) then
1909      idijend=idij+idij/3
1910      do ispden=idij,idijend
1912        dijxc_idij=zero
1914 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1915 !      Summing over (l,m) moments
1916 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
1917        do klm=1,lm_size
1918          if (lmselect(klm)) then
1920 !          ===== Vxc_ij_1 (tmp) =====
1921            vxcij1=zero
1922            if (qphase==1) then
1923              do kln=1,ij_size
1924                ff(1:mesh_size)= &
1925 &                 vxc1(1:mesh_size,klm,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln) &
1926 &                -vxct1(1:mesh_size,klm,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(1:mesh_size,kln)
1927                call simp_gen(vxcij1(kln),ff,pawrad)
1928              end do
1929            else ! qphase==2
1930              do kln=1,ij_size
1931                do ir=1,mesh_size
1932                  ir1=2*ir
1933                  ff(ir)= &
1934 &                   vxc1(ir1-1,klm,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1935 &                  -vxct1(ir1-1,klm,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1936                  gg(ir)= &
1937 &                   vxc1(ir1,klm,ispden)*pawtab%phiphj(ir,kln) &
1938 &                  -vxct1(ir1,klm,ispden)*pawtab%tphitphj(ir,kln)
1939                end do
1940                call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln-1),ff,pawrad)
1941                call simp_gen(vxcij1(2*kln  ),gg,pawrad)
1942              end do
1943            end if
1945 !          ===== Vxc_ij_2 (tmp) =====
1946            vxcij2=zero;vxcij2_i=zero
1947            if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1948              ll=1+int(sqrt(dble(klm)-0.1_dp))
1949              if (qphase==1) then
1950                ff(1:mesh_size)=vxct1(1:mesh_size,klm,ispden) &
1951 &                             *pawtab%shapefunc(1:mesh_size,ll) &
1952 &                             *pawrad%rad(1:mesh_size)**2
1953                call simp_gen(vxcij2,ff,pawrad)
1954              else ! qphase==2
1955                do ir=1,mesh_size
1956                  ir1=2*ir
1957                  tmp=pawtab%shapefunc(ir,ll)*pawrad%rad(ir)**2
1958                  ff(ir)=vxct1(ir1-1,klm,ispden)*tmp
1959                  gg(ir)=vxct1(ir1  ,klm,ispden)*tmp
1960                end do
1961                call simp_gen(vxcij2  ,ff,pawrad)
1962                call simp_gen(vxcij2_i,gg,pawrad)
1963              end if
1964            end if
1966 !          ===== Accumulate over klm moments Vxc_ij_1 and Vxc_ij_2 =====
1967 !          ===== into total Vxc_ij                                 =====
1968            if (qphase==1) then
1969              do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1970                klm1=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
1971                kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
1972                isel=pawang%gntselect(klm,klm1)
1973                if (isel>0) &
1974 &                dijxc_idij(klmn)=dijxc_idij(klmn)+vxcij1(kln)*pawang%realgnt(isel)
1975                if (usexcnhat/=0) &
1976                  dijxc_idij(klmn)=dijxc_idij(klmn)-pawtab%qijl(klm,klmn)*vxcij2
1977              end do ! Loop klmn
1978            else ! qphase==2
1979              klmn1=1
1980              do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1981                klm1=pawtab%indklmn(1,klmn)
1982                kln=pawtab%indklmn(2,klmn)
1983                isel=pawang%gntselect(klm,klm1)
1984                if (isel>0) then
1985                  dijxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijxc_idij(klmn1) &
1986 &                                   +vxcij1(2*kln-1)*pawang%realgnt(isel)
1987                  dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijxc_idij(klmn1+1) &
1988 &                                   +vxcij1(2*kln  )*pawang%realgnt(isel)
1989                end if
1990                if (usexcnhat/=0) then
1991                  dijxc_idij(klmn1  )=dijxc_idij(klmn1) &
1992 &                                   -pawtab%qijl(klm,klmn)*vxcij2
1993                  dijxc_idij(klmn1+1)=dijxc_idij(klmn1+1) &
1994 &                                   -pawtab%qijl(klm,klmn)*vxcij2_i
1995                end if
1996                klmn1=klmn1+qphase
1997              end do ! Loop klmn
1998            end if
2000          end if ! klm selection
2001        end do  ! Loop klm
2003 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2004 !      Deduce some part of Dij according to symmetries
2005 !      ----------------------------------------------------------
2007        !if ispden=1 => real part of D^11_ij
2008        !if ispden=2 => real part of D^22_ij
2009        !if ispden=3 => real part of D^12_ij
2010        !if ispden=4 => imaginary part of D^12_ij
2011        klmn1=max(1,ispden-2);klmn2=1
2012        do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2013          dijxc(klmn1,idij)=dijxc_idij(klmn2)
2014          klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2015          klmn2=klmn2+qphase
2016        end do
2017        if (qphase==2) then
2018          !Same storage with exp^(-i.q.r) phase
2019          klmn1=max(1,ispden-2)+lmn2_size*cplex_dij;klmn2=2
2020          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
2021            dijxc(klmn1,idij)=dijxc_idij(klmn2)
2022            klmn1=klmn1+cplex_dij
2023            klmn2=klmn2+qphase
2024          end do
2025        endif
2027      end do !ispden
2029    !Non-collinear: D_ij(:,4)=D^21_ij=D^12_ij^*
2030    else if (nspden==4.and.idij==4) then
2031      dijxc(:,idij)=dijxc(:,idij-1)
2032      if (cplex_dij==2) then
2033        do klmn=2,lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
2034          dijxc(klmn,idij)=-dijxc(klmn,idij)
2035        end do
2036        if (qphase==2) then
2037          do klmn=2+lmn2_size*cplex_dij,2*lmn2_size*cplex_dij,cplex_dij
2038            dijxc(klmn,idij)=-dijxc(klmn,idij)
2039          end do
2040        end if
2041      end if
2043    !Antiferro: D_ij(:,2)=D^down_ij=D^up_ij
2044    else if (nsppol==1.and.idij==2) then
2045      dijxc(:,idij)=dijxc(:,idij-1)
2046    end if
2048 !----------------------------------------------------------
2049 !End loop on spin density components
2050  end do
2052 !Free temporary memory spaces
2053  LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijxc_idij)
2058 end subroutine pawdijxcm

m_pawdij/pawpupot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the PAW DFT+U on-site potential


  cplex_dij=2 if DFT+U pot. is COMPLEX (as in the spin-orbit case), 1 if dij is REAL
  ndij=number of spin components for Dij
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  noccmmp(cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij)=density matrix in the augm. region
  nocctot(ndij)=number of electrons in the correlated subspace
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data:
     %usepawu, %upawu, %jpau
     %vee(2*lpawu+1*4)=screened coulomb matrix


  vpawu(cplex_dij,lpawu*2+1,lpawu*2+1,ndij)=lda+u potential
                                 (see eg PRB 52, 5467 (1995) [[cite:Liechenstein1995]])
    When vpawu is complex (cplex_dij=2):
      vpawu(2*i-1,:) contains the real part
      vpawu(2*i,:) contains the imaginary part


4155  subroutine pawpupot(cplex_dij,ndij,noccmmp,nocctot,&
4156 &                    pawprtvol,pawtab,vpawu)
4158 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
4159 !scalars
4160  integer,intent(in) :: cplex_dij,ndij,pawprtvol
4161  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
4162 !arrays
4163  real(dp),intent(in) :: noccmmp(:,:,:,:),nocctot(:)
4164  real(dp),intent(out) :: vpawu(:,:,:,:)
4166 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
4167 !scalars
4168 !Option for interaction energy in case of non-collinear magnetism:
4169 !           1: E_int=-J/4.N.(N-2)                   (better)
4170 !           2: E_int=-J/2.(Nup.(Nup-1)+Ndn.(Ndn-1)) (Nup and Ndn are ill-defined)
4171 ! integer,parameter :: option_interaction=3
4173  integer :: iplex,ispden,jspden,lpawu,m1,m11,m2,m21,m3,m31,m4,m41,nspden_eff
4174  real(dp) :: mnorm,mx,my,mz,n_sig,n_msig,n_tot,VUKStemp,n_sigs,n_msigs
4175  real(dp),save :: VUKS
4176  character(len=500) :: msg
4177 !arrays
4178  real(dp),parameter :: factcg(3:4)=(/one,-one/)
4179  real(dp) :: n34_msig(cplex_dij),n34_sig(cplex_dij)
4180 !real(dp) :: n43_sig(cplex_dij)
4182 ! *****************************************************
4184 !Useful data
4185  lpawu=pawtab%lpawu
4187 !Check data consistency
4188  if(pawtab%usepawu<0) then
4189    msg = "usepawu<0 not allowed!"
4190    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4191  end if
4192  if(ndij==4.and.pawtab%option_interaction_pawu==3.and.pawtab%usepawu>=10) then
4193    msg = "Option_interaction==3 is not compatible with usepawu>=10 in pawpupot"
4194    LIBPAW_ERROR(msg)
4195  end if
4196  if (size(vpawu,1)/=cplex_dij.or.size(vpawu,2)/=2*lpawu+1.or.&
4197 &    size(vpawu,3)/=2*lpawu+1.or.size(vpawu,4)/=ndij) then
4198    write (msg,'(a,4I5, a,4I5)') ' invalid sizes for vpawu !',cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij, &
4199 &    ' /= ', size(vpawu,1), size(vpawu,2), size(vpawu,3), size(vpawu,4)
4200    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4201  end if
4202  if (size(noccmmp,1)/=cplex_dij.or.size(noccmmp,2)/=2*lpawu+1.or.&
4203 &    size(noccmmp,3)/=2*lpawu+1.or.size(noccmmp,4)/=ndij) then
4204    write (msg,'(a,4I5, a,4I5)') ' invalid sizes for noccmmp !',cplex_dij,2*lpawu+1,2*lpawu+1,ndij, &
4205 &    ' /= ', size(noccmmp,1), size(noccmmp,2), size(noccmmp,3), size(noccmmp,4)
4206    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4207  end if
4208  if (size(nocctot,1)/=ndij) then
4209    msg='invalid size for nocctot !'
4210    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4211  end if
4213 !=====================================================
4214 !Compute DFT+U Potential on the basis of projectors
4215 !cf PRB 52 5467 (1995) [[cite:Liechenstein1995]]
4216 !-----------------------------------------------------
4218  vpawu=zero ; nspden_eff=ndij
4219  do ispden=1,nspden_eff
4221    if (ispden<=2) then   ! cases ndij=4, ispden=1,2 or ndij<4
4222      jspden=min(nspden_eff,2)-ispden+1   ! (ispden,ndij)=(1,4)=>jspden=2
4224      if (nspden_eff<=2) then
4225        n_sig =nocctot(ispden)
4226        n_msig=nocctot(jspden)
4227        n_tot =n_sig+n_msig
4228      else
4229        n_tot=nocctot(1)
4230        mx=nocctot(2)
4231        my=nocctot(3)
4232        mz=nocctot(4)
4233        mnorm=sqrt(mx*mx+my*my+mz*mz)
4234        if (ispden==1) then
4235 !        n_sig =half*(n_tot+mnorm)
4236 !        n_msig=half*(n_tot-mnorm)
4237          n_sig =half*(n_tot+sign(mnorm,mz))
4238          n_msig=half*(n_tot-sign(mnorm,mz))
4239        else
4240 !        n_sig =half*(n_tot-mnorm)
4241 !        n_msig=half*(n_tot+mnorm)
4242          n_sig =half*(n_tot-sign(mnorm,mz))
4243          n_msig=half*(n_tot+sign(mnorm,mz))
4244        end if
4245      end if
4247      n_sigs =n_sig/(float(2*lpawu+1))
4248      n_msigs =n_msig/(float(2*lpawu+1))
4249      do m1=-lpawu,lpawu
4250        m11=m1+lpawu+1
4251        do m2=-lpawu,lpawu
4252          m21=m2+lpawu+1
4253          do m3=-lpawu,lpawu
4254            m31=m3+lpawu+1
4255            do m4=-lpawu,lpawu
4256              m41=m4+lpawu+1
4257              n34_sig(:) =noccmmp(:,m31,m41,ispden) ! spin sigma
4258              n34_msig(:)=noccmmp(:,m31,m41,jspden) ! opposite spin (-sigma)
4259              if(m31==m41.and.pawtab%usepawu==3) then
4260                n34_sig(1)= n34_sig(1) - n_sigs
4261                n34_msig(1)= n34_msig(1) - n_msigs
4262              end if
4263              do iplex=1,cplex_dij
4264                vpawu(iplex,m11,m21,ispden)=vpawu(iplex,m11,m21,ispden) &
4265 &               +n34_msig(iplex)*pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m21,m41) &
4266 &             +n34_sig(iplex)*(pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m21,m41)-pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21))
4267              end do
4268 !            if(abs(pawprtvol)>=3.and.m11==1.and.m21==1) then
4269 !            write(msg,'(a,i4,i4,2e20.10)') "m31,m41,vu=",m31,m41,&
4270 !            & vpawu(:,m11,m21,ispden)
4271 !            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4272 !            write(msg,'(a,4e20.10)') "vee",pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m21,m41),&
4273 !            & pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21)
4274 !            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4275 !            write(msg,'(a,4e20.10)') "n34_msig,n34_sig",n34_msig(1),n34_sig(1)
4276 !            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4277 !            end if
4278            end do
4279          end do
4280 !        if(abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4281 !        if(m11/=m21) then
4282 !        write(msg,'(a,i4,i4,2e20.10)') "vu=",m11,m21,vpawu(:,m11,m21,ispden)
4283 !        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4284 !        write(msg,'(a,2e20.10)') "vupred=",-pawtab%upawu*noccmmp(:,m21,m11,ispden)
4285 !        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4286 !        end if
4287 !        end if
4288        end do ! m2
4289        if(abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4290          write(msg,'(a,i3,14f11.5)') &
4291 &         "vpawu   ",m11, (vpawu(:,m11,m21,ispden),m21=1,2*lpawu+1)
4292          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4293          write(msg,'(a,i3,14f11.5)') &
4294 &         "noccmmp ",m11, (noccmmp(:,m11,m21,ispden),m21=1,2*lpawu+1)
4295          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4296        end if
4298 !      Full localized limit
4299        if(pawtab%usepawu==1.or.pawtab%usepawu==4) then ! not activated if usepawu=10 !!
4300 !        Here we compute vpawu=vpawu-v_dc
4301          vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)-pawtab%upawu*(n_tot-half)
4302          if (ndij/=4.or.pawtab%option_interaction_pawu==2) then
4303            if(pawtab%usepawu/=4) then
4304              vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+pawtab%jpawu*(n_sig-half)
4305            else
4306              vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*(n_tot-one)
4307            endif
4308          else if (ndij==4.and.(pawtab%usepawu==4.or.pawtab%option_interaction_pawu==1)) then
4309            vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*(n_tot-one)
4310          else if (ndij==4.and.pawtab%option_interaction_pawu==3) then
4311 !          Here vdc^{alpha,beta}=\vect{m}.\vect{sigma}^{\beta,\alpha}
4312            vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*(n_tot-one)
4313            if (ispden==1) then
4314              vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*mz
4315            else
4316              vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)-half*pawtab%jpawu*mz
4317            end if
4318          end if
4320 !        Around mean field
4321        else if(pawtab%usepawu==2) then
4322          vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)-n_msig*pawtab%upawu &
4323 &         -n_sig*(pawtab%upawu-pawtab%jpawu) &
4324 &         *(dble(2*lpawu)/dble(2*lpawu+1))
4325        end if
4327 !      if (abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4328 !      write(msg,'(a,i4,i4,2x,e20.10)') "vudiag= ",m11,m11,vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)
4329 !      call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4330 !      write(msg,'(a,2e20.10)') "vudiagpred= ",pawtab%upawu*(half-noccmmp(:,m11,m11,ispden))
4331 !      call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4332 !      end if
4333        if(abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4334          write(msg,*) "nocctot",nocctot
4335          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4336          write(msg,'(a,i3,14f11.5)') &
4337 &         "vpawu  2",m11, (vpawu(:,m11,m21,ispden),m21=1,2*lpawu+1)
4338          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4339          write(msg,'(a,i3,14f11.5)') &
4340 &         "noccmmp2",m11, (noccmmp(:,m11,m21,ispden),m21=1,2*lpawu+1)
4341          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4342        end if
4343      end do ! m1
4345    end if ! ispden<=2
4347 !  Non-collinear magnetism: add non-diagonal term; see (Eq 6) in PRB 72, 024458 (2005) [[cite:Shurikov2005]]
4348 !  BA Here, we compute the transpose --- with respect to spin indices --- of
4349 !  BA equation (6) of this reference, because of differences in notations,
4350 !  BA namely Eband=\sum rhoij^{alpha,beta}*Dij(beta,alpha) contrary to PRB 72, 024458 (2005) [[cite:Shurikov2005]]
4351    if (ispden>=3) then
4352      mx=nocctot(2)
4353      my=nocctot(3)
4354      do m1=-lpawu,lpawu
4355        m11=m1+lpawu+1
4356        do m2=-lpawu,lpawu
4357          m21=m2+lpawu+1
4358          do m3=-lpawu,lpawu
4359            m31=m3+lpawu+1
4360            do m4=-lpawu,lpawu
4361              m41=m4+lpawu+1
4362 !            n43_sig(:) =noccmmp(:,m41,m31,ispden)
4363 !            vpawu(1,m11,m21,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m21,ispden)-n43_sig(1)*pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21)
4364 !            vpawu(2,m11,m21,ispden)=vpawu(2,m11,m21,ispden)+n43_sig(2)*pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21)
4365              n34_sig(:) =noccmmp(:,m31,m41,ispden)
4366              vpawu(1,m11,m21,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m21,ispden)-n34_sig(1)*pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21)
4367              vpawu(2,m11,m21,ispden)=vpawu(2,m11,m21,ispden)-n34_sig(2)*pawtab%vee(m11,m31,m41,m21)
4368            end do
4369          end do
4370        end do
4371        if(pawtab%usepawu==1.and.pawtab%option_interaction_pawu==3) then ! not activated if usepawu=10 !!
4372          vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(1,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*mx
4373          if(ispden==3) then
4374            vpawu(2,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(2,m11,m11,ispden)-half*pawtab%jpawu*my
4375          else
4376            vpawu(2,m11,m11,ispden)=vpawu(2,m11,m11,ispden)+half*pawtab%jpawu*my
4377          end if
4378        end if
4379      end do
4380    end if
4382    if(abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4383      write(std_out,*) "vpawu, ispden",ispden
4384      do m11=1,2*lpawu+1
4385        write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f10.7,",",f10.7,")")))') &
4386 &         (vpawu(1:cplex_dij,m11,m21,ispden),m21=1,2*lpawu+1)
4387        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4388      end do
4389    end if
4391 !  Printing for test
4392    if (abs(pawprtvol)>=3) then
4393      if (ispden==1) VUKS=zero
4394      VUKStemp=zero
4395      do m1=-lpawu,lpawu
4396        m11=m1+lpawu+1
4397        do m2=-lpawu,lpawu
4398          m21=m2+lpawu+1
4399          VUKStemp=VUKStemp+vpawu(1,m11,m21,ispden)*noccmmp(1,m11,m21,ispden)
4400          if (cplex_dij == 2) then
4401            VUKStemp=VUKStemp-vpawu(2,m11,m21,ispden)*noccmmp(2,m11,m21,ispden)
4402          end if
4403          write(msg,'(a,2e20.10,2e20.10)') "m1,m2,vpawu,noccmmp= ", &
4404 &          vpawu(:,m11,m21,ispden),noccmmp(:,m11,m21,ispden)
4405          call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4406        end do
4407      end do
4408      VUKS=VUKS+VUKStemp
4409      write(msg,*) "pawpupot: VUKStemp= ",ispden,VUKStemp
4410      call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4411      if (ispden==nspden_eff) then
4412        write(msg,*) "pawpupot: VUKS= ",ispden,VUKS
4413        call wrtout(std_out,  msg,'COLL')
4414      end if
4415    end if
4417  end do ! Loop on ispden
4419  end subroutine pawpupot

m_pawdij/pawxpot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the PAW Local Exact-Exchange on-site potential


  ndij=number of spin components for Dij
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  paw_ij <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data:
  pawrhoij <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data


  paw_ij%vpawx(pawtab%lexexch*2+1,pawtab%lexexch*2+1)=local exact-exchange potential


4443  subroutine pawxpot(ndij,pawprtvol,pawrhoij,pawtab,vpawx)
4445 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
4446 !scalars
4447  integer,intent(in) :: ndij,pawprtvol
4448  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij
4449  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab
4450  real(dp),intent(out) :: vpawx(:,:,:)
4452 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
4453 !scalars
4454  integer :: cplex_rhoij,irhoij,irhoij1,ispden,jrhoij,jrhoij1,klmn,klmn1,lexexch,ll,lmn2_size
4455  integer :: m11,m21,m31,m41,n1,n2,n3,n4,nk,nn1,nn2,nspden_eff
4456  real(dp) :: tot
4457  character(len=500) :: msg
4458 !arrays
4459  integer :: indn(3,3)
4460  real(dp) :: factnk(6)
4462 ! *****************************************************
4464 !Useful data
4465  lexexch=pawtab%lexexch
4466  cplex_rhoij=pawrhoij%cplex_rhoij
4467  lmn2_size=pawtab%lmn2_size
4468  if (pawtab%nproju==1) nk=1
4469  if (pawtab%nproju==2) nk=6
4470  factnk(1)=one;factnk(2)=one;factnk(3)=one
4471  factnk(4)=two;factnk(5)=two;factnk(6)=two
4472  indn(1,1)=1;indn(1,2)=4;indn(1,3)=5
4473  indn(2,1)=4;indn(2,2)=2;indn(2,3)=6
4474  indn(3,1)=5;indn(3,2)=6;indn(3,3)=3
4476 !Check data consistency
4477  if (size(vpawx,1)/=1.or.size(vpawx,2)/=lmn2_size.or.&
4478 &    size(vpawx,3)/=ndij) then
4479    msg='invalid sizes for vpawx !'
4480    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4481  end if
4482  if (pawrhoij%qphase==2) then
4483    msg='pawxpot not compatible with qphase=2 (DFPT)!'
4484    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4485  end if
4487 !=====================================================
4488 !Compute local exact exchange Potential
4489 !on the basis of projectors.
4490 !-----------------------------------------------------
4492  vpawx=zero ; nspden_eff=ndij
4493  do ispden=1,nspden_eff
4494    jrhoij=1
4495    do irhoij=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
4496      klmn=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhoij)
4497      if(pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn)==0.and.pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn)==2*lexexch) then
4498        m11=pawtab%klmntomn(1,klmn);m21=pawtab%klmntomn(2,klmn)
4499        n1=pawtab%klmntomn(3,klmn);n2=pawtab%klmntomn(4,klmn)
4500        nn1=(n1*n2)/2+1
4501        jrhoij1=1
4502        do irhoij1=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
4503          klmn1=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhoij1)
4504          if(pawtab%indklmn(3,klmn1)==0.and.pawtab%indklmn(4,klmn1)==2*lexexch) then
4505            m31=pawtab%klmntomn(1,klmn1);m41=pawtab%klmntomn(2,klmn1)
4506            n3=pawtab%klmntomn(3,klmn1);n4=pawtab%klmntomn(4,klmn1)
4507            nn2=(n3*n4)/2+1
4508            do ll=1,lexexch+1
4509              vpawx(1,klmn,ispden)=vpawx(1,klmn,ispden)&
4510 &             -pawtab%vex(m11,m31,m41,m21,ll)*pawtab%dltij(klmn1) &
4511 &             *pawtab%fk(indn(nn1,nn2),ll)*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij1,ispden)
4512            end do
4514          end if
4515          jrhoij1=jrhoij1+cplex_rhoij
4516        end do !irhoij1
4517      end if
4518      jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
4519    end do !irhoij
4520  end do !ispden
4522 !Test
4523  if (abs(pawprtvol)>=2) then
4524    tot=zero
4525    do ispden=1,pawrhoij%nspden
4526      jrhoij=1
4527      do irhoij=1,pawrhoij%nrhoijsel
4528        klmn=pawrhoij%rhoijselect(irhoij)
4529        tot=tot+vpawx(1,klmn,ispden)*pawrhoij%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)*pawtab%dltij(klmn)
4530        jrhoij=jrhoij+cplex_rhoij
4531      end do
4532    end do
4533    write(msg, '(a,es22.15)' )" Vpawx: tot=",tot*half
4534    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
4535  end if
4537  end subroutine pawxpot

m_pawdij/symdij [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Symmetrize PAW non-local strengths Dij
 Symmetrize total Dij or one part of it


  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space(bohr^-1).
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  ipert=index of perturbation if pawrhoij is a pertubed rhoij
        no meaning for ground-state calculations (should be 0)
  [mpi_atmtab(:)]=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  [comm_atom]=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  option_dij=choose which part of Dij has to be symmetrized (which paw_ij(:)%dijxxx):
             0: total dij (dij)
             1: dij due to compensation charge (dijhat)
             2: dij due to +U (dijU)
             3: dij XC (dijxc)
             4: dij XC due to compensation charge (dijxc_hat)
             5: dij XC valence only (dijxc_val)
             6: dij spin-orbit (dijso)
             7: dij exact exchange (dijexxc)
             8: dij, RF frozen part (dijfr)
             9: dij due to nuclear dipoles
             10: dij Hartree
             11: dij Fock
  paw_ij(natom)%cplex_dij=1 if dij are REAL, 2 if they are COMPLEX
  paw_ij(natom)%qphase=2 if exp^(-i.q.r) phase from RF at q<>0, 1 otherwise
  paw_ij(natom)%lmn_size=number of (l,m,n) elements for the paw basis
  paw_ij(natom)%nspden=number of spin-density components
  paw_ij(natom)%nsppol=number of independant spin-density components
  paw_ij(natom)%dij(lmn2_size,nspden)=non-symmetrized paw dij quantities
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=angular mesh discretization and related data
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  [qphon(3)]=--optional-- (RF calculations only) - wavevector of the phonon
  rprimd(3,3)=real space primitive translations.
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries of group in terms of operations on
                   reciprocal space primitive translations


  paw_ij(natom)%dij???(cplex_dij*lmn2_size,nspden)=symmetrized dij quantities as output


4594 subroutine symdij(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,option_dij,&
4595 &                 paw_ij,pawang,pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,symafm,symrec, &
4596 &                 mpi_atmtab,comm_atom,qphon) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
4598 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
4599 !scalars
4600  integer,intent(in) :: ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,option_dij,pawprtvol
4601  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
4602  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
4603 !arrays
4604  integer,intent(in) :: indsym(4,nsym,natom),symafm(nsym),symrec(3,3,nsym)
4605  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
4606  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
4607  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: qphon(3)
4608  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
4609  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
4611 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
4612 !scalars
4613  integer :: at_indx,cplex_dij,iafm,iatom,iatom_tot,ii
4614  integer :: il,il0,ilmn,iln,iln0,ilpm,indexi,indexii,indexj,indexjj,indexjj0,indexk,indexkc,indexkc_q
4615  integer :: iplex,iq,irot,ispden,itypat,j0lmn,jl,jl0,jlmn,jln,jln0,jlpm,jspden
4616  integer :: klmn,klmnc,kspden,lmn_size,lmn2_size,mi,mj,my_comm_atom,my_cplex_dij,my_ndij,my_qphase
4617  integer :: mu,natinc,ndij0,ndij1,nu,qphase,sz1,sz2
4618  logical,parameter :: afm_noncoll=.true.  ! TRUE if antiferro symmetries are used with non-collinear magnetism
4619  logical :: antiferro,has_qphase,my_atmtab_allocated,noncoll,paral_atom,use_afm
4621 !Set to TRUE to choose an alternate algorithm (with another representation)
4622 !to symmetrize Dij within non-collinear magnetism or spin-orbit
4623  logical,parameter :: lsymnew=.false.
4625  real(dp) :: arg,factafm,zarot2
4626  character(len=6) :: pertstrg,wrt_mode
4627  character(len=500) :: msg
4628 !arrays
4629  integer :: nsym_used(2)
4630  integer, pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
4631  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
4632  real(dp) :: dijc(2),fact(2),factsym(2),phase(2)
4633  real(dp) :: rotdij(2,2,2),rotmag(2,3,2),sumdij(2,2,2),summag(2,3,2)
4634  real(dp),allocatable :: dijnew(:,:,:),dijtmp(:,:),symrec_cart(:,:,:)
4635  type(coeff2_type),target, allocatable :: my_tmp_dij(:)
4636  type(coeff2_type),pointer :: tmp_dij(:)
4639 !integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,symrel_conv(3,3)
4640 !real(dp) :: spinrot(4)
4641 !real(dp),allocatable :: dijtemp(:,:),sumrhoso(:,:)
4642 !complex(dpc) :: dijt(2,2),dijt2(2,2),Rspinrot(2,2)
4645 ! *********************************************************************
4647 !Tests consistency of options
4648  if (my_natom>0) then
4649    if ((option_dij==1.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijhat==0).or.&
4650 &   (option_dij==2.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijU==0).or.&
4651 &   (option_dij==3.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijxc==0).or.&
4652 &   (option_dij==4.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijxc_hat==0).or.&
4653 &   (option_dij==5.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijxc_val==0).or.&
4654 &   (option_dij==6.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijso==0).or.&
4655 &   (option_dij==7.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijexxc==0).or.&
4656 &   (option_dij==8.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijfr==0).or.&
4657 &   (option_dij==9.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijnd==0).or.&
4658 &   (option_dij==10.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijhartree==0).or.&
4659 &   (option_dij==11.and.paw_ij(1)%has_dijfock==0)) then
4660      msg='Incompatibilty between option_dij and allocation of Dij!'
4661      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4662    end if
4663  end if
4665 !Set up parallelism over atoms
4666  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
4667  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
4668  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
4669  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
4671 !Determine sizes of dij array according to options
4672  my_qphase=1;my_cplex_dij=1;my_ndij=1
4673  if (my_natom>0) then
4674    my_qphase=paw_ij(1)%qphase
4675    my_cplex_dij=paw_ij(1)%cplex_dij
4676    my_ndij=paw_ij(1)%ndij
4677    if (option_dij==4.or.option_dij==5.or.option_dij==9) my_qphase=1
4678    if (option_dij==10) my_cplex_dij=1
4679    if (option_dij==10) my_ndij=1
4680  end if
4682 !Antiferro case ?
4683  antiferro=.false.;if (my_natom>0) antiferro=(paw_ij(1)%nspden==2.and.paw_ij(1)%nsppol==1.and.my_ndij/=4)
4684 ! Non-collinear case
4685  noncoll=.false.;if (my_natom>0) noncoll=(my_ndij==4)
4686  if (my_natom>0) then
4687    if (noncoll.and.paw_ij(1)%cplex_dij/=2) then
4688      msg='cplex_dij must be 2 with ndij=4!'
4689      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4690    end if
4691  end if
4692 !Do we use antiferro symmetries ?
4693  use_afm=((antiferro).or.(noncoll.and.afm_noncoll))
4695 !Do we have a phase due to q-vector?
4696  has_qphase=.false.
4697  if (my_natom>0) then
4698    has_qphase=(paw_ij(1)%qphase==2)
4699    if (present(qphon)) then
4700      if (any(abs(qphon(1:3))>tol8).and.(.not.has_qphase)) then
4701        msg='Should have qphase=2 for a non-zero q!'
4702        LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4703      end if
4704    end if
4706 !  if(lsymnew.and.has_qphase) then
4707 !    msg='symdij: alternate algo not available for phonons at q<>0!'
4708 !    LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4709 !  end if
4711  end if
4713 !Printing of unsymetrized Dij
4714  if (abs(pawprtvol)>=1.and.option_dij==0.and.ipert/=natom+1.and.ipert/=natom+10) then
4715    wrt_mode='COLL';if (paral_atom) wrt_mode='PERS'
4716    pertstrg="DIJ";if (ipert>0) pertstrg="DIJ(1)"
4717    natinc=1;if(my_natom>1.and.pawprtvol>=0) natinc=my_natom-1
4718    write(msg, '(7a)') ch10," PAW TEST:",ch10,&
4719 &     ' ========= Values of ',trim(pertstrg),' before symetrization =========',ch10
4720    call wrtout(std_out,msg,wrt_mode)
4721    do iatom=1,my_natom,natinc
4722      iatom_tot=iatom; if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
4723      call pawdij_print_dij(paw_ij(iatom)%dij,paw_ij(iatom)%cplex_dij,paw_ij(iatom)%qphase,&
4724 &                iatom_tot,natom,paw_ij(iatom)%nspden,opt_prtvol=pawprtvol,mode_paral=wrt_mode)
4725    end do
4726    call wrtout(std_out,"",wrt_mode)
4727  end if
4729 !Symmetrization occurs only when nsym>1
4730  if (nsym>1.and.ipert/=natom+1.and.ipert/=natom+10) then
4732    if (pawang%nsym==0) then
4733      msg='pawang%zarot must be allocated!'
4734      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
4735    end if
4737 !  Have to make a temporary copy of dij
4738    LIBPAW_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij,(my_natom))
4739    if (my_natom>0) then
4740      do iatom=1,my_natom
4741        lmn2_size=paw_ij(iatom)%lmn2_size
4742        sz1=my_qphase*my_cplex_dij*lmn2_size;sz2=my_ndij
4743        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value,(sz1,sz2))
4744        LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijtmp,(sz1,sz2))
4745        if (option_dij==0) then
4746          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dij(:,:)
4747        else if (option_dij==1) then
4748          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(:,:)
4749        else if (option_dij==2) then
4750          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(:,:)
4751        else if (option_dij==3) then
4752          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(:,:)
4753        else if (option_dij==4) then
4754          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(:,:)
4755        else if (option_dij==5) then
4756          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(:,:)
4757        else if (option_dij==6) then
4758          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(:,:)
4759        else if (option_dij==7) then
4760          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(:,:)
4761        else if (option_dij==8) then
4762          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(:,:)
4763        else if (option_dij==9) then
4764          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(:,:)
4765        else if (option_dij==10) then
4766          dijtmp(:,1)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(:)
4767        else if (option_dij==11) then
4768          dijtmp(:,:)=paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(:,:)
4769        end if
4770        !Has to translate Dij^{alpha,beta} into (Dij, Dij magnetic field) format
4771        if (my_ndij==4) then
4772          my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(:,1)=dijtmp(:,1)+dijtmp(:,2)
4773          my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(:,2)=dijtmp(:,3)+dijtmp(:,4)
4774          my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(:,4)=dijtmp(:,1)-dijtmp(:,2)
4775          do klmn=1,paw_ij(iatom)%lmn2_size
4776            my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(2*klmn-1,3)=-dijtmp(2*klmn  ,3)+dijtmp(2*klmn  ,4)
4777            my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(2*klmn  ,3)= dijtmp(2*klmn-1,3)-dijtmp(2*klmn-1,4)
4778          end do
4780 !        if(lsymnew) my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(:,:)=dijtmp(:,:)
4782        else
4783          my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value(:,:)=dijtmp(:,:)
4784        end if
4785        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijtmp)
4786      end do
4787    end if
4789 !  Parallelism: gather all Dij
4790    if (paral_atom) then
4791      LIBPAW_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(tmp_dij,(natom))
4792      call pawdij_gather(my_tmp_dij,tmp_dij,my_comm_atom,my_atmtab)
4793      do iatom=1,my_natom
4794        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value)
4795      end do
4796      LIBPAW_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij)
4797    else
4798      tmp_dij=>my_tmp_dij
4799    end if
4801    if (noncoll) then
4802      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(symrec_cart,(3,3,nsym))
4803      do irot=1,nsym
4804        symrec_cart(:,:,irot)=symdij_symcart(gprimd,rprimd,symrec(:,:,irot))
4805      end do
4807 !    if(lsymnew) then
4808 !      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(sumrhoso,(my_cplex_dij,4))
4809 !    end if
4811    end if
4813    ndij1=1
4814    if (antiferro) ndij1=2
4815    if (noncoll)   ndij1=4
4816    ndij1=min(ndij1,my_ndij)
4817    ndij0=ndij1-1
4818    LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijnew,(my_cplex_dij,ndij1,my_qphase))
4820 !  Loops over atoms and spin components
4821    do iatom=1,my_natom
4822      iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
4823      itypat=paw_ij(iatom)%itypat
4824      lmn_size=paw_ij(iatom)%lmn_size
4825      lmn2_size=paw_ij(iatom)%lmn2_size
4826      cplex_dij=min(paw_ij(iatom)%cplex_dij,my_cplex_dij)
4827      qphase=min(paw_ij(iatom)%qphase,my_qphase)
4828      indlmn => pawtab(itypat)%indlmn
4831 !    if (noncoll.and.lsymnew) then
4832 !      LIBPAW_ALLOCATE(dijtemp,(cplex_dij,my_ndij))
4833 !    end if
4836      do ispden=1,paw_ij(iatom)%nsppol
4837        jspden=min(3-ispden,paw_ij(iatom)%nsppol)
4839 !      Loops over (il,im) and (jl,jm)
4840        jl0=-1;jln0=-1;indexj=1
4841        do jlmn=1,lmn_size
4842          jl=indlmn(1,jlmn)
4843          jlpm=1+jl+indlmn(2,jlmn)
4844          jln=indlmn(5,jlmn)
4845          if (jln/=jln0) indexj=indexj+2*jl0+1
4846          j0lmn=jlmn*(jlmn-1)/2
4847          il0=-1;iln0=-1;indexi=1
4848          do ilmn=1,jlmn
4849            il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
4850            ilpm=1+il+indlmn(2,ilmn)
4851            iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
4852            if (iln/=iln0) indexi=indexi+2*il0+1
4853            klmn=j0lmn+ilmn;klmnc=cplex_dij*(klmn-1)
4855            nsym_used(:)=0
4857            rotdij(:,:,:)=zero
4858            if (noncoll) rotmag(:,:,:)=zero
4860 !          if (noncoll.and.lsymnew) sumrhoso(:,:)=zero
4863 !          Loop over symmetries
4864            do irot=1,nsym
4866 !            if(lsymnew) then
4867 !              call mati3inv(symrec(:,:,irot),symrel_conv)
4868 !              call getspinrot(rprimd,spinrot,symrel_conv)
4869 !              Rspinrot(1,1)=cmplx(spinrot(1),-spinrot(4))
4870 !              Rspinrot(1,2)=cmplx(-spinrot(3),-spinrot(2))
4871 !              Rspinrot(2,1)=cmplx(spinrot(3),-spinrot(2))
4872 !              Rspinrot(2,2)=cmplx(spinrot(1),spinrot(4))
4873 !            end if
4875              if ((symafm(irot)/=1).and.(.not.use_afm)) cycle
4876              kspden=ispden;if (symafm(irot)==-1) kspden=jspden
4877              iafm=1;if ((antiferro).and.(symafm(irot)==-1)) iafm=2
4878              factafm=dble(symafm(irot))
4880              nsym_used(iafm)=nsym_used(iafm)+1
4881              at_indx=indsym(4,irot,iatom_tot)
4883              if (has_qphase) then
4884                arg=two_pi*(qphon(1)*indsym(1,irot,iatom)+qphon(2)*indsym(2,irot,iatom) &
4885 &                         +qphon(3)*indsym(3,irot,iatom))
4886                phase(1)=cos(arg);phase(2)=sin(arg)
4887              end if
4889              sumdij(:,:,:)=zero
4890              if (noncoll) summag(:,:,:)=zero
4892 !            Accumulate values over (mi,mj) and symmetries
4893              do mj=1,2*jl+1
4894                indexjj=indexj+mj;indexjj0=indexjj*(indexjj-1)/2
4895                do mi=1,2*il+1
4896                  indexii=indexi+mi
4897                  factsym(:)=one
4898                  if (indexii<=indexjj) then
4899                    indexk=indexjj0+indexii
4900                    factsym(2)=one
4901                  else
4902                    indexk=indexii*(indexii-1)/2+indexjj
4903                    factsym(2)=-one
4904                  end if
4905                  indexkc=cplex_dij*(indexk-1)
4906                  indexkc_q=indexkc+cplex_dij*lmn2_size
4909 !                if (noncoll.and.lsymnew) then
4910 !                  do iplex=1,cplex_dij
4911 !                    if(factafm>zero) then
4912 !                      dijtemp(iplex,1)=factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,1)
4913 !                      dijtemp(iplex,2)=factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,2)
4914 !                    else
4915 !                      dijtemp(iplex,1)=factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,2)
4916 !                      dijtemp(iplex,2)=factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,1)
4917 !                    end if
4918 !                    if(factsym(2)<zero) then ! to be changed if symafm
4919 !                      dijtemp(iplex,3)=factafm*factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,4)
4920 !                      dijtemp(iplex,4)=factafm*factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,3)
4921 !                    else
4922 !                      dijtemp(iplex,3)=factafm*factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,3)
4923 !                      dijtemp(iplex,4)=factafm*factsym(iplex)*tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+iplex,4)
4924 !                    end if
4925 !                  end do
4926 !                end if
4929 !                Be careful: use here R_rel^-1 in term of spherical harmonics
4930 !                which is tR_rec in term of spherical harmonics
4931 !                so, use transpose[zarot]....  however, we use here zarot (??)
4932                  zarot2=pawang%zarot(mi,ilpm,il+1,irot)*pawang%zarot(mj,jlpm,jl+1,irot)
4933 !                zarot2=pawang%zarot(ilpm,mi,il+1,irot)*pawang%zarot(jlpm,mj,jl+1,irot)
4935                  if((.not.noncoll).or.(.not.lsymnew)) then
4936                    fact(1)=factsym(1);fact(2)=factsym(2)*factafm   !????? What?  MT
4937                    sumdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,1)=sumdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,1) &
4938 &                           +fact(1:cplex_dij)*zarot2 &
4939 &                           *tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+1:indexkc+cplex_dij,kspden)
4940                    if (qphase==2) &
4941 &                    sumdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,2)=sumdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,2) &
4942 &                             +fact(1:cplex_dij)*zarot2 &
4943 &                             *tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc_q+1:indexkc_q+cplex_dij,kspden)
4944                  end if
4946                  if (noncoll.and.(.not.lsymnew)) then
4947                    fact(1)=factsym(1)*factafm;fact(2)=factsym(2)
4948                    do mu=1,3
4949                      summag(1:cplex_dij,mu,1)=summag(1:cplex_dij,mu,1) &
4950 &                             +fact(1:cplex_dij)*zarot2 &
4951 &                             *tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc+1:indexkc+cplex_dij,1+mu)
4952                    end do
4953                    if (qphase==2) then
4954                      do mu=1,3
4955                        summag(1:cplex_dij,mu,2)=summag(1:cplex_dij,mu,2) &
4956 &                               +fact(1:cplex_dij)*zarot2 &
4957 &                               *tmp_dij(at_indx)%value(indexkc_q+1:indexkc_q+cplex_dij,1+mu)
4958                      end do
4959                    end if
4960                  end if
4962 !                if (noncoll.and.(lsymnew)) then
4963 !                  dijt(1,1)=cmplx(dijtemp(1,1),dijtemp(2,1))
4964 !                  dijt(2,2)=cmplx(dijtemp(1,2),dijtemp(2,2))
4965 !                  dijt(1,2)=cmplx(dijtemp(1,3),dijtemp(2,3))
4966 !                  dijt(2,1)=cmplx(dijtemp(1,4),dijtemp(2,4))
4967 !                  dijt2(:,:)=czero
4968 !                  do i1=1,2
4969 !                    do i4=1,2
4970 !                      do i2=1,2
4971 !                        do i3=1,2
4972 !                          dijt2(i1,i4)=dijt2(i1,i4)+Rspinrot(i1,i2)*dijt(i2,i3)*conjg(Rspinrot(i4,i3))
4973 !                        end do
4974 !                      end do
4975 !                    end do
4976 !                  end do
4977 !                  do mu=1,4
4978 !                    if(mu==1) then
4979 !                      i1=1;i4=1
4980 !                    else if(mu==2) then
4981 !                      i1=2;i4=2
4982 !                    else if(mu==3) then
4983 !                      i1=1;i4=2
4984 !                    else if(mu==4) then
4985 !                      i1=2;i4=1
4986 !                    end if
4987 !                    sumrhoso(1,mu)=sumrhoso(1,mu)+zarot2*real(dijt2(i1,i4))
4988 !                    sumrhoso(2,mu)=sumrhoso(2,mu)+zarot2*imag(dijt2(i1,i4))
4989 !                  end do
4990 !                end if
4991                end do ! mi
4992              end do ! mj
4995 !            Apply phase for phonons
4996              if (has_qphase) then
4997                !Remember, Dij is stored as follows:
4998                ! Dij=  [Dij(2klmn-1)+i.Dij(2klmn)]
4999                !    +i.[Dij(lnm2_size+2klmn-1)+i.Dij(lmn2_size+2klmn)]
5000                if((.not.noncoll).or.(.not.lsymnew)) then
5001                  do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5002                    dijc(1)=sumdij(iplex,iafm,1)
5003                    dijc(2)=sumdij(iplex,iafm,2)
5004                    sumdij(iplex,iafm,1)=phase(1)*dijc(1)-phase(2)*dijc(2)
5005                    sumdij(iplex,iafm,2)=phase(1)*dijc(2)+phase(2)*dijc(1)
5006                  end do
5007                end if
5008                if (noncoll.and.(.not.lsymnew)) then
5009                  do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5010                    do mu=1,3
5011                      dijc(1)=summag(iplex,mu,1)
5012                      dijc(2)=summag(iplex,mu,2)
5013                      summag(iplex,mu,1)=phase(1)*dijc(1)-phase(2)*dijc(2)
5014                      summag(iplex,mu,2)=phase(1)*dijc(2)+phase(2)*dijc(1)
5015                    end do
5016                  end do
5017                end if
5019 !              if (noncoll.and.(lsymnew) then
5020 !                do mu=1,4
5021 !                  sumrhoso(1,mu)=phase(1)*sumrhoso(1,mu)-phase(2)*sumrhoso(2,mu)
5022 !                  sumrhoso(2,mu)=phase(1)*sumrhoso(2,mu)+phase(2)*sumrhoso(1,mu)
5023 !                  end do
5024 !                end do
5025 !              end if
5027              end if
5029 !            Add contribution of this rotation
5030              do iq=1,qphase
5031                rotdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,iq)=rotdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,iq) &
5032 &                                         +sumdij(1:cplex_dij,iafm,iq)
5033              end do
5034              if (noncoll.and.(.not.lsymnew)) then
5035 !              If non-collinear case, rotate Dij magnetization
5036 !              Should use symrel^1 but use transpose[symrec] instead
5037                do iq=1,qphase
5038                  do nu=1,3
5039                    do mu=1,3
5040                      !We need the transpose ?
5041                      rotmag(1:cplex_dij,mu,iq)=rotmag(1:cplex_dij,mu,iq) &
5042 &                       +symrec_cart(mu,nu,irot)*summag(1:cplex_dij,nu,iq)
5043                    end do
5044                  end do
5045                end do
5046              end if
5048            end do ! End loop over symmetries
5050            if((.not.noncoll).or.(.not.lsymnew)) then
5051 !            Store new value of dij
5052              do iq=1,qphase
5053                do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5054                  dijnew(iplex,1,iq)=rotdij(iplex,1,iq)/nsym_used(1)
5055                  if (abs(dijnew(iplex,1,iq))<=tol10) dijnew(iplex,1,iq)=zero
5056                end do
5057              end do
5059 !            Antiferromagnetic case: has to fill up "down" component of dij
5060              if (antiferro.and.nsym_used(2)>0) then
5061                do iq=1,qphase
5062                  do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5063                    dijnew(iplex,2,iq)=rotdij(iplex,2,iq)/nsym_used(2)
5064                    if (abs(dijnew(iplex,2,iq))<=tol10) dijnew(iplex,2,iq)=zero
5065                  end do
5066                end do
5067              end if
5069 !          else if (noncoll.and.(lsymnew)) then
5070 !            do mu=1,4
5071 !              do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5072 !                dijnew(iplex,mu,1)=sumrhoso(iplex,mu)/nsym_used(1)
5073 !                if (abs(dijnew(iplex,mu,1))<=tol10) dijnew(iplex,mu,1)=zero
5074 !              end do
5075 !            end do
5077            end if
5079 !          Non-collinear case: store new values of Dij magnetization
5080            if (noncoll.and.(.not.lsymnew)) then
5081 !            Select on-zero elements
5082              do iq=1,qphase
5083                do mu=1,3
5084                  do iplex=1,cplex_dij
5085                    rotmag(iplex,mu,iq)=rotmag(iplex,mu,iq)/nsym_used(1)
5086                    if (abs(rotmag(iplex,mu,iq))<=tol10) rotmag(iplex,mu,iq)=zero
5087                  end do
5088                end do
5089              end do
5090 !            Transfer back to Dij^{alpha,beta}
5091              if(.not.lsymnew) then
5092                !Remember: cplex_dij is 2 in that case
5093                do iq=1,qphase
5094                  dijnew(1,1,iq)=half*(dijnew(1,1,iq)+rotmag(1,3,iq))
5095                  dijnew(2,1,iq)=half*(dijnew(2,1,iq)+rotmag(2,3,iq))
5096                  dijnew(1,2,iq)=      dijnew(1,1,iq)-rotmag(1,3,iq)
5097                  dijnew(2,2,iq)=      dijnew(2,1,iq)-rotmag(2,3,iq)
5098                  dijnew(1,3,iq)=half*(rotmag(1,1,iq)+rotmag(2,2,iq))
5099                  dijnew(2,3,iq)=half*(rotmag(2,1,iq)-rotmag(1,2,iq))
5100                  dijnew(1,4,iq)=half*(rotmag(1,1,iq)-rotmag(2,2,iq))
5101                  dijnew(2,4,iq)=half*(rotmag(2,1,iq)+rotmag(1,2,iq))
5102                end do
5103              end if
5104            end if
5105 !          Transfer new value of Dij in suitable pointer
5106            ii=klmnc
5107            do iq=1,qphase
5108              if (option_dij==0) then
5109                paw_ij(iatom)%dij(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5110              else if (option_dij==1) then
5111                paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5112              else if (option_dij==2) then
5113                paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5114              else if (option_dij==3) then
5115                paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5116              else if (option_dij==4) then
5117                paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5118              else if (option_dij==5) then
5119                paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5120              else if (option_dij==6) then
5121                paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5122              else if (option_dij==7) then
5123                paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5124              else if (option_dij==8) then
5125                paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5126              else if (option_dij==9) then
5127                paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5128              else if (option_dij==10) then
5129                paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1,iq)
5130              else if (option_dij==11) then
5131                paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(ii+1:ii+cplex_dij,ispden:ispden+ndij0)=dijnew(1:cplex_dij,1:ndij1,iq)
5132              end if
5133              ii=ii+lmn2_size*cplex_dij
5134            end do
5136            il0=il;iln0=iln  ! End loops over (il,im) and (jl,jm)
5137          end do
5138          jl0=jl;jln0=jln
5139        end do
5141      end do ! ispden
5144 !    if (noncoll.and.lsymnew) then
5145 !      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijtemp)
5146 !    end if
5149    end do ! iatom
5151    LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(dijnew)
5152    if (noncoll)  then
5153      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(symrec_cart)
5155 !    if (lsymnew) then
5156 !      LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(sumrhoso)
5157 !    end if
5159    end if
5161    if (paral_atom) then
5162      do iatom=1,natom
5163        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(tmp_dij(iatom)%value)
5164      end do
5166    else
5167      do iatom=1,my_natom
5168        LIBPAW_DEALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij(iatom)%value)
5169      end do
5170      LIBPAW_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(my_tmp_dij)
5171    end if
5173  else if (ipert/=natom+1.and.ipert/=natom+10) then  ! nsym>1
5175 !  *********************************************************************
5176 !  If nsym==1, only cut small components of dij
5178    if (antiferro) then
5179      msg='In the antiferromagnetic case, nsym cannot be 1'
5180      LIBPAW_BUG(msg)
5181    end if
5183    do iatom=1,my_natom
5184      do ispden=1,my_ndij
5185        qphase=paw_ij(iatom)%qphase
5186        cplex_dij=paw_ij(iatom)%cplex_dij
5187        lmn2_size=paw_ij(iatom)%lmn2_size
5188        if (option_dij==0) then
5189          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5190            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dij(klmn,ispden)=zero
5191          end do
5192        else if (option_dij==1) then
5193          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5194            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhat(klmn,ispden)=zero
5195          end do
5196        else if (option_dij==2) then
5197          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5198            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijU(klmn,ispden)=zero
5199          end do
5200        else if (option_dij==3) then
5201          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5202            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc(klmn,ispden)=zero
5203          end do
5204        else if (option_dij==4) then
5205          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij
5206            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_hat(klmn,ispden)=zero
5207          end do
5208        else if (option_dij==5) then
5209          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij
5210            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijxc_val(klmn,ispden)=zero
5211          end do
5212        else if (option_dij==6) then
5213          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5214            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijso(klmn,ispden)=zero
5215          end do
5216        else if (option_dij==7) then
5217          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5218            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijexxc(klmn,ispden)=zero
5219          end do
5220        else if (option_dij==8) then
5221          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5222            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijfr(klmn,ispden)=zero
5223          end do
5224        else if (option_dij==9) then
5225          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij
5226            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijnd(klmn,ispden)=zero
5227          end do
5228        else if (option_dij==10.and.ispden==1) then
5229          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*qphase
5230            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(klmn))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijhartree(klmn)=zero
5231          end do
5232        else if (option_dij==11) then
5233          do klmn=1,lmn2_size*cplex_dij*qphase
5234            if (abs(paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(klmn,ispden))<=tol10) paw_ij(iatom)%dijfock(klmn,ispden)=zero
5235          end do
5236        end if
5237      end do
5238    end do
5240  end if  ! nsym>1
5242 !*********************************************************************
5243 !Printing of Dij
5245  if (abs(pawprtvol)>=1.and.option_dij==0.and.ipert/=natom+1.and.ipert/=natom+10) then
5246    wrt_mode='COLL';if (paral_atom) wrt_mode='PERS'
5247    pertstrg="DIJ";if (ipert>0) pertstrg="DIJ(1)"
5248    natinc=1;if(my_natom>1.and.pawprtvol>=0) natinc=my_natom-1
5249    write(msg, '(7a)') ch10," PAW TEST:",ch10,&
5250 &     ' ========= Values of ',trim(pertstrg),' after symetrization =========',ch10
5251    call wrtout(std_out,msg,wrt_mode)
5252    do iatom=1,my_natom,natinc
5253      iatom_tot=iatom; if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
5254      call pawdij_print_dij(paw_ij(iatom)%dij,paw_ij(iatom)%cplex_dij,paw_ij(iatom)%qphase,&
5255 &                iatom_tot,natom,paw_ij(iatom)%nspden,opt_prtvol=pawprtvol,mode_paral=wrt_mode)
5256    end do
5257    call wrtout(std_out,"",wrt_mode)
5258  end if
5260 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
5261  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
5263 !*********************************************************************
5264 !Small function: convert a symmetry operation
5265 !from reduced coordinates (integers) to cartesian coordinates (reals)
5266  contains
5267    function symdij_symcart(aprim,bprim,symred)
5269    real(dp) :: symdij_symcart(3,3)
5270    integer,intent(in) :: symred(3,3)
5271    real(dp),intent(in) :: aprim(3,3),bprim(3,3)
5272    integer :: ii,jj,kk
5273    real(dp) :: tmp(3,3)
5274    symdij_symcart=zero;tmp=zero
5275    do kk=1,3
5276      do jj=1,3
5277        do ii=1,3
5278          tmp(ii,jj)=tmp(ii,jj)+bprim(ii,kk)*dble(symred(jj,kk))
5279        end do
5280      end do
5281    end do
5282    do kk=1,3
5283      do jj=1,3
5284        do ii=1,3
5285          symdij_symcart(ii,jj)=symdij_symcart(ii,jj)+aprim(ii,kk)*tmp(jj,kk)
5286        end do
5287      end do
5288    end do
5289    end function symdij_symcart
5291 end subroutine symdij

m_pawdij/symdij_all [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_pawdij ] [ Functions ]




 Symmetrize all contributions to PAW non-local strengths Dij


  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space(bohr^-1).
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  ipert=index of perturbation if pawrhoij is a pertubed rhoij
        no meaning for ground-state calculations (should be 0)
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  paw_ij(natom)%cplex_dij=1 if dij are REAL, 2 if they are COMPLEX
  paw_ij(natom)%qphase=2 if exp^(-i.q.r) phase from RF at q<>0, 1 otherwise
  paw_ij(natom)%lmn_size=number of (l,m,n) elements for the paw basis
  paw_ij(natom)%nspden=number of spin-density components
  paw_ij(natom)%nsppol=number of independant spin-density components
  paw_ij(natom)%dij(lmn2_size,nspden)=non-symmetrized paw dij quantities
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=angular mesh discretization and related data
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  rprimd(3,3)=real space primitive translations.
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries of group in terms of operations on
                   reciprocal space primitive translations


  paw_ij(natom)%dij???(cplex_dij*qphase*lmn2_size,nspden)=symmetrized dij quantities as output


5333 subroutine symdij_all(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,&
5334 &                     paw_ij,pawang,pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,symafm,symrec,&
5335 &                     mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
5337 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
5338 !scalars
5339  integer,intent(in) :: ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,pawprtvol
5340  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
5341  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
5342 !arrays
5343  integer,intent(in) :: indsym(4,nsym,natom),symafm(nsym),symrec(3,3,nsym)
5344  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
5345  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
5346  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
5347  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
5349 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
5350 !scalars
5351  integer,parameter :: MAX_NOPTS=12
5352  integer :: ii,option_dij,my_comm_atom,nopt
5353  logical :: my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom
5354  character(len=500) :: msg
5355 !arrays
5356  integer :: options(MAX_NOPTS)
5357  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
5359 ! *********************************************************************
5361  nopt = 0
5362  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dij==2)) then
5363    nopt = nopt + 1
5364    options(nopt) = 0
5365  end if
5367  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijhat==2)) then
5368    nopt = nopt + 1
5369    options(nopt) = 1
5370  end if
5372  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijU==2))   then
5373    nopt = nopt + 1
5374    options(nopt) = 2
5375  end if
5377  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijxc==2)) then
5378    nopt = nopt + 1
5379    options(nopt) = 3
5380  end if
5382  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijxc_hat==2)) then
5383    nopt = nopt + 1
5384    options(nopt) = 4
5385  end if
5387  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijxc_val==2)) then
5388    nopt = nopt + 1
5389    options(nopt) = 5
5390  end if
5392  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijso==2)) then
5393    nopt = nopt + 1
5394    options(nopt) = 6
5395  end if
5397  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijexxc==2)) then
5398    nopt = nopt + 1
5399    options(nopt) = 7
5400  end if
5402  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijfr==2)) then
5403    nopt = nopt + 1
5404    options(nopt) = 8
5405  end if
5407  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijnd==2)) then
5408    nopt = nopt + 1
5409    options(nopt) = 9
5410  end if
5412  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijhartree==2)) then
5413    nopt = nopt + 1
5414    options(nopt) = 10
5415  end if
5417  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_dijfock==2)) then
5418    nopt = nopt + 1
5419    options(nopt) = 11
5420  end if
5422  if (ANY(paw_ij(:)%has_exexch_pot==2)) then
5423    nopt = nopt + 1
5424    options(nopt) = 10
5425    msg='symetrization of dij_exexch not coded!'
5426    LIBPAW_ERROR(msg)
5427  end if
5429 !Set up parallelism over atoms
5430  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom))
5431  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
5432  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
5433  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
5435  do ii=1,nopt
5436    option_dij = options(ii)
5437    if (paral_atom) then
5438      call symdij(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,option_dij,&
5439 &     paw_ij,pawang,pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,symafm,symrec,&
5440 &     comm_atom=my_comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
5441    else
5442      call symdij(gprimd,indsym,ipert,my_natom,natom,nsym,ntypat,option_dij,&
5443 &     paw_ij,pawang,pawprtvol,pawtab,rprimd,symafm,symrec)
5444    end if
5445  end do
5447 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
5448  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
5450 end subroutine symdij_all