ABINIT/symaxes [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Determines the type of symmetry operation, for
 the proper symmetries 2,2_1,3,3_1,3_2,4,4_1,4_2,4_3,6,6_1,...6_5


 Copyright (C) 2000-2018 ABINIT group (RC, XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 center=type of bravais lattice centering
        center=0        no centering
        center=-1       body-centered
        center=-3       face-centered
        center=1        A-face centered
        center=2        B-face centered
        center=3        C-face centered
 iholohedry=type of holohedry
            iholohedry=1   triclinic      1bar
            iholohedry=2   monoclinic     2/m
            iholohedry=3   orthorhombic   mmm
            iholohedry=4   tetragonal     4/mmm
            iholohedry=5   trigonal       3bar m  (rhombohedral Bravais latt)
            iholohedry=6   hexagonal      6/mmm
            iholohedry=7   cubic          m3bar m
 isym=number of the symmetry operation that is currently analyzed
 isymrelconv=symrel matrix for the particular operation, in conv. axes
 ordersym=order of the symmetry operation
 tnons_order=order of the screw translation
 trialt(3)=screw translation associated with the symmetry operation
           in conventional axes (all components in the range ]-1/2,1/2] )


 label=a user friendly label for the rotation
 type_axis=type of the symmetry operation


 It is assumed that the symmetry operations will be entered in the
 symrel tnonsconv arrays, for the CONVENTIONAL cell.
 For proper symmetries (rotations), the
 associated translation is determined.

 There is a subtlety with translations associated with rotations :
 all the rotations with axis
 parallel to the one analysed do not all have the
 same translation characteristics. This is clearly seen
 in the extended Hermann-Mauguin symbols, see the international
 table for crystallography, chapter 4.
 In the treatment that we adopt, one will distinguish
 the cases of primitive Bravais lattices, and centered
 bravais lattices. In the latter case, in the present routine,
 at the exception of the trigonal axis for the
 cubic system, we explicitely generate the correct ratio of different
 translations, so that their type can be explicitely assigned,
 without confusion. By contrast, for primitive lattices,
 the "tnons" that has been transmitted to the present routine
 might be one of the few possible translations vectors,
 nearly at random. We deal with this case by the explicit
 examination of the system classes, and the identification
 of such a possibility. In particular:
 (1) for the trigonal axis in the rhombohedral Bravais lattice,
 or in the cubic system, there is an equal number of 3, 3_1,
 and 3_2 axes parallel to each other, in a cell that
 is primitive (as well as conventional). In this particular case,
 in the present
 routine, all 3, 3_1 and 3_2 axes are assigned to be 3 axes,
 independently of the centering.
 (2) for the 4- or 6- axes, no confusion is possible :
 in the primitive cell, there is only one possible translation,
 while in the centered cells, the correct ratio of translation
 vectors will be generated
 (3) for the binary axes, there is no problem when the cell
 is centered, but there are problems
 (3a) for the tP Bravais lattice, for an axis in a tertiary direction,
 (see the description of the lattice symmetry directions
  table 2.4.1 of the international tables for crystallography),
  where the family of axes is made equally of 2 and 2_1 axis.
  In this case, we attribute the binary axis to the specific class
  of "tertiary 2-axis". We keep track of the 2 or 2_1
  characteristics of all other binary axes
 (3b) for the tI Bravais lattice, in all the directions,
  there is an equal number of 2 and 2_1 axes. We distinguish
  the primary and secondary family from the tertiary family.
 (3c) for the hP Bravais lattice, each binary axis can present
  no translation or be a screw axis (in the same direction).
  For primary axes, one need the "2" and "2_1" classification,
  while for secondary and tertiary axes, the associated
  translation vector will have not importance.
  However, one will need to distinguish secondary from
  tertiary, and these from primary axes.
  So, this is the most complicated case, for binary axes,
  with the following sets of binary axes : "2", "2_1",
  "secondary 2" and "tertiary 2".
 (3d) for the hR Bravais lattice, each binary axis can present
  no translation or be a screw axis (in the same direction).
  There is no distinction between tertiary axes and other, so that
  we simply assign a binary axis to "2-axis"
 (3e) for the cP lattice, the binary axes along tertiary directions
  can also have different translation vectors, while for the primary
  direction, there is no such ambiguity. So, we will attribute
  tertiary 2 axis to the "tertiary 2-axis" set (there are always 6),
  and attribute 2 and 2_1 primary axes to the corresponding sets.






119 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
120 #include "config.h"
121 #endif
123 #include "abi_common.h"
126 subroutine symaxes(center,iholohedry,isym,isymrelconv,label,ordersym,tnons_order,trialt,type_axis)
128  use defs_basis
129  use m_profiling_abi
130  use m_errors
132 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
133 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
134 #undef ABI_FUNC
135 #define ABI_FUNC 'symaxes'
136  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
137 !End of the abilint section
139  implicit none
141 !Arguments ------------------------------------
142 !scalars
143  integer,intent(in) :: center,iholohedry,isym,ordersym,tnons_order
144  integer,intent(out) :: type_axis
145  character(len=128),intent(out) :: label
146 !arrays
147  integer,intent(in) :: isymrelconv(3,3)
148  real(dp),intent(in) :: trialt(3)
150 !Local variables-------------------------------
151 !scalars
152  logical,parameter :: verbose=.FALSE.
153  character(len=500) :: message
154  integer :: direction,directiontype
155  real(dp),parameter :: nzero=1.0d-6
157 !**************************************************************************
159 !DEBUG
160 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : enter, isym=',isym
161 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : iholohedry, ',iholohedry
162 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : center, ',center
163 !stop
166  select case(ordersym)
168  case(2)                       ! point symmetry 2
169 !    Must characterize directiontype for cP, tP, tI, and hP Bravais lattices
170    directiontype=1
171    if( iholohedry==4 .or. iholohedry==7) then ! tP or cP Bravais lattices
172      if(abs(isymrelconv(1,1))+ &
173 &     abs(isymrelconv(2,2))+ &
174 &     abs(isymrelconv(3,3))  ==1) directiontype=3
175    else if(iholohedry==6)then   ! hP Bravais lattice
176      if(sum(isymrelconv(:,:))/=-1 )directiontype=2
177      if(sum(isymrelconv(:,:))==0 .or. sum(isymrelconv(:,:))==-3 )&
178 &     directiontype=3
179 !      directiontype=1 corresponds to a primary axis
180 !      directiontype=2 corresponds to a tertiary axis
181 !      directiontype=3 corresponds to a secondary axis
182    end if
184 !    DEBUG
185 !    write(std_out,*)' directiontype=',directiontype
186 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(1:3)=',isymrelconv(:,1)
187 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(4:6)=',isymrelconv(:,2)
188 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(7:9)=',isymrelconv(:,3)
189 !    write(std_out,'(a,i)' )' tnons_order=',tnons_order
190 !    ENDDEBUG
192 !    Now, classify the 2 axes
193    if(directiontype==2)then
194      type_axis=4                 ! secondary 2  (only in the hP Bravais latt case)
195      write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary 2-axis '
197    else if(directiontype==3 .and. iholohedry==4)then
198      type_axis=21                ! tertiary 2
199      write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary 2-axis '
200    else if(directiontype==3 .and. &
201 &     center==0 .and. (iholohedry==6.or.iholohedry==7) )then
202      type_axis=21                ! tertiary 2
203      write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary 2-axis '
204    else if(tnons_order==1 .or. (iholohedry==4 .and. center==-1) .or. &
205 &     iholohedry==5)then
206      type_axis=9                 ! 2
207      write(label,'(a)') 'a 2-axis '
208    else
209      type_axis=20                ! 2_1
210      write(label,'(a)') 'a 2_1-axis '
211    end if
213  case(3)                       ! point symmetry 3
214    if(tnons_order==1)then
215      type_axis=10                ! 3
216      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3-axis '
217    else if(iholohedry==5 .or. iholohedry==7)then
218 !      This is a special situation : in the same family of parallel 3-axis,
219 !      one will have an equal number of 3, 3_1 and 3_2 axes, so that
220 !      it is non-sense to try to classify one of them.
221      type_axis=10                ! 3, 3_1 or 3_2, undistinguishable
222      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3, 3_1 or 3_2 axis '
223    else
224 !      DEBUG
225 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
226 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
227 !      ENDDEBUG
228 !      Must recognize 3_1 or 3_2
229      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 3+
230        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=22   ! 3_1
231        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=23   ! 3_2
232      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==-1)then  ! 3-
233        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=23   ! 3_2
234        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=22   ! 3_1
235      end if
236      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3_1 or 3_2-axis '
237    end if
239  case(4)                       ! point symmetry 4
240    if(tnons_order==1)then
241      type_axis=12                ! 4
242      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4-axis '
243    else if(tnons_order==2)then
244      type_axis=25                ! 4_2
245      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_2-axis '
246    else if(center/=0)then
247      type_axis=24                ! 4_1 or 4_3
248      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_1 or 4_3-axis '
249    else
250 !      DEBUG
251 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
252 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
253 !      ENDDEBUG
254 !      Must recognize 4_1 or 4_3, along the three primary directions
255      do direction=1,3
256        if(isymrelconv(direction,direction)==1)then  !
257          if( (direction==1 .and. isymrelconv(2,3)==-1) .or. &
258 &         (direction==2 .and. isymrelconv(3,1)==-1) .or. &
259 &         (direction==3 .and. isymrelconv(1,2)==-1)       )then ! 4+
260            if(abs(trialt(direction)-quarter)<nzero)type_axis=24    ! 4_1
261            if(abs(trialt(direction)+quarter)<nzero)type_axis=26    ! 4_3
262          else if( (direction==1 .and. isymrelconv(2,3)==1) .or. &
263 &           (direction==2 .and. isymrelconv(3,1)==1) .or. &
264 &           (direction==3 .and. isymrelconv(1,2)==1)       )then ! 4-
265            if(abs(trialt(direction)-quarter)<nzero)type_axis=26    ! 4_3
266            if(abs(trialt(direction)+quarter)<nzero)type_axis=24    ! 4_1
267          end if
268        end if
269      end do
270      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_1 or 4_3-axis '
271    end if
273  case(6)                       ! point symmetry 6
274    if(tnons_order==1)then
275      type_axis=14                ! 6
276      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6-axis '
277    else if(tnons_order==2)then
278      type_axis=29                ! 6_3
279      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_3-axis '
280    else if(tnons_order==3)then
281 !      DEBUG
282 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
283 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
284 !      ENDDEBUG
285 !      Must recognize 6_2 or 6_4
286      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==1)then  ! 6+
287        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=28   ! 6_2
288        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=30   ! 6_4
289      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 6-
290        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=30   ! 6_4
291        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=28   ! 6_2
292      end if
293      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_2 or 6_4-axis '
294    else
295 !      DEBUG
296 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
297 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
298 !      ENDDEBUG
299 !      Must recognize 6_1 or 6_5
300      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==1)then  ! 6+
301        if(abs(trialt(3)-sixth)<nzero)type_axis=27   ! 6_1
302        if(abs(trialt(3)+sixth)<nzero)type_axis=31   ! 6_5
303      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 6-
304        if(abs(trialt(3)-sixth)<nzero)type_axis=31   ! 6_5
305        if(abs(trialt(3)+sixth)<nzero)type_axis=27   ! 6_1
306      end if
307      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_1 or 6_5-axis '
308    end if
310  end select
312  if (verbose) then
313    write(message,'(a,i3,a,a)')' symaxes : the symmetry operation no. ',isym,' is ', trim(label)
314    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
315  end if
317 end subroutine symaxes