ABINIT/symbrav [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 From the list of symmetry operations, and the lattice vectors,
 determine the Bravais information (including the holohedry, the centering,
 the coordinate of the primitive vectors in the conventional vectors), 
 as well as the point group.


 Copyright (C) 2000-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 msym=dimension of symrel
 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
 symrel(3,3,msym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
                  of primitive translations
 tolsym=tolerance for the symmetries


 bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
              bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprimd in the axes
              of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
 ptgroup=symmetry point group
 [axis(3)]=Invariant axis in the conventional vector coordinates
   Set to (/0,0,0/) if the lattice belongs to the same holohedry as the lattice+atoms (+electric field + ...).






 44 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 45 #include "config.h"
 46 #endif
 48 #include "abi_common.h"
 50 subroutine symbrav(bravais,msym,nsym,ptgroup,rprimd,symrel,tolsym,axis)
 52  use defs_basis
 53  use m_profiling_abi
 54  use m_errors
 56 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 57 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 58 #undef ABI_FUNC
 59 #define ABI_FUNC 'symbrav'
 60  use interfaces_32_util
 61  use interfaces_41_geometry, except_this_one => symbrav
 62 !End of the abilint section
 64  implicit none
 66 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 67 !scalars
 68  integer,intent(in) :: msym,nsym
 69  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
 70  character(len=5),intent(out) :: ptgroup
 71 !arrays
 72  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,msym)
 73  integer,optional,intent(out) :: axis(3)
 74  integer,intent(out) :: bravais(11)
 75  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
 77 !Local variables-------------------------------
 78 !scalars
 79  integer :: iaxis,ii,bravais1now,ideform,iholohedry,invariant,isym
 80  integer :: jaxis,next_stage,nptsym,problem
 81  real(dp) :: norm,scprod
 82  character(len=500) :: message
 83 !arrays
 84  integer :: identity(3,3),axis_trial(3),hexa_axes(3,7),ortho_axes(3,13)
 85  integer,allocatable :: ptsymrel(:,:,:),symrelconv(:,:,:)
 86  real(dp) :: axes(3,3),axis_cart(3),axis_red(3)
 87  real(dp) :: rprimdconv(3,3),rprimdtry(3,3),rprimdnow(3,3)
 88  real(dp) :: rprimdconv_invt(3,3)
 90 !**************************************************************************
 92  identity(:,:)=0
 93  identity(1,1)=1 ; identity(2,2)=1 ; identity(3,3)=1
 95  ortho_axes(:,:)=0
 96  ortho_axes(1,1)=1
 97  ortho_axes(2,2)=1
 98  ortho_axes(3,3)=1
 99  ortho_axes(:,4)=(/0,1,1/)
100  ortho_axes(:,5)=(/1,0,1/)
101  ortho_axes(:,6)=(/1,1,0/)
102  ortho_axes(:,7)=(/0,1,-1/)
103  ortho_axes(:,8)=(/-1,0,1/)
104  ortho_axes(:,9)=(/1,-1,0/)
105  ortho_axes(:,10)=(/1,1,1/)
106  ortho_axes(:,11)=(/-1,1,1/)
107  ortho_axes(:,12)=(/1,-1,1/)
108  ortho_axes(:,13)=(/1,1,-1/)
110  hexa_axes(:,:)=0
111  hexa_axes(1,1)=1
112  hexa_axes(2,2)=1
113  hexa_axes(3,3)=1
114  hexa_axes(:,4)=(/1,-1,0/)
115  hexa_axes(:,5)=(/2,1,0/)
116  hexa_axes(:,6)=(/1,1,0/)
117  hexa_axes(:,7)=(/1,2,0/)
119 !Determine the point group from the list of symmetry operations.
120 !Also determine the holohedry, up to one undeterminacy : hR versus hP
121  call symptgroup(iholohedry,nsym,ptgroup,symrel)
123 !Loop over trial deformations
124 !This is needed in case the Bravais lattice determination from the lattice vectors
125 !has a higher holohedry than the real one, in which the symmetry
126 !operations for the atoms (or electric field, etc) are taken into account
127  iaxis=0
128  invariant=0
129  next_stage=0
130  rprimdnow(:,:)=rprimd(:,:)
131  rprimdtry(:,:)=rprimd(:,:)
132  ABI_ALLOCATE(symrelconv,(3,3,nsym))
134 !At most will have to try 65 deformations (13 axes, five stages)
135  do ideform=1,65
137    ABI_ALLOCATE(ptsymrel,(3,3,msym))
138    call symlatt(bravais,msym,nptsym,ptsymrel,rprimdtry,tolsym)
139    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ptsymrel)
141 !  Examine the agreement with bravais(1)
142 !  Warning : might change Bravais lattice hR to hP, if hexagonal axes
143    problem=0
144    select case (bravais(1))
145    case(7)
146      if(iholohedry<6)problem=1
147      if(iholohedry==6)problem=2
148    case(6)
149      if(iholohedry<4)problem=1
150      if(iholohedry==7 .or. iholohedry==4)problem=2
151 !      Here, change hR into hP
152      if(iholohedry==5)iholohedry=6
153    case(5)
154      if(iholohedry<4)problem=1
155      if(iholohedry==7 .or. iholohedry==6 .or. iholohedry==4)problem=2
156    case(4)
157      if(iholohedry<4)problem=1
158      if(iholohedry>4)problem=2
159    case(3)
160      if(iholohedry<3)problem=1
161      if(iholohedry>3)problem=2
162    case(2)
163      if(iholohedry<2)problem=1
164      if(iholohedry>2)problem=2
165    case(1)
166      if(iholohedry>1)problem=2
167    end select
169 !  This is the usual situation, in which the lattice belong to the same holohedry 
170 !  as the lattice+atoms (+electric field + ...)
171    if(problem==0)exit
173    if(problem==2)then
174      if(iaxis==0)then
175        write(message, '(3a,i3,3a,i3,7a)' )&
176 &       'The Bravais lattice determined only from the primitive',ch10,&
177 &       'vectors (rprim or angdeg), bravais(1)=',bravais(1),', is not compatible',ch10,&
178 &       'with the real one, iholohedry=',iholohedry,', obtained by taking into',ch10,&
179 &       'account the symmetry operations. This might be due to an insufficient',ch10,&
180 &       'number of digits in the specification of rprim (at least 10),',ch10,&
181 &       'or to an erroneous rprim or angdeg. If this is not the case, then ...'
182        MSG_BUG(message)
183      end if
184      if(iaxis==1)then
185        write(message, '(3a,3i3,2a,i3,2a,i3)' )&
186 &       'Could not succeed to determine the bravais lattice',ch10,&
187 &       'problem,iaxis,invariant=',problem,iaxis,invariant,ch10,&
188 &       'bravais(1)=',bravais(1),ch10,&
189 &       'iholohedry=',iholohedry
190        MSG_BUG(message)
191      end if
192    end if
194    if(problem==1)then  ! One is left with the problem=1 case, basically iholohedry is lower than bravais(1)
195      if(iaxis==0)then
196        write(message, '(a,a,a,i3,a,a,a,i3,a,a,a)' )&
197 &       'The Bravais lattice determined only from the primitive',ch10,&
198 &       'vectors, bravais(1)=',bravais(1),', is more symmetric',ch10,&
199 &       'than the real one, iholohedry=',iholohedry,', obtained by taking into',ch10,&
200 &       'account the atomic positions. Start deforming the primitive vector set.'
201        MSG_COMMENT(message)
202        next_stage=1
203      else if(iaxis/=0)then
204        if(bravais(1)<bravais1now)then
205          write(message, '(3a,i3,3a,i3,2a)' )&
206 &         'The Bravais lattice determined from modified primitive',ch10,&
207 &         'vectors, bravais(1)=',bravais(1),', has a lower symmetry than before,',ch10,&
208 &         'but is still more symmetric than the real one, iholohedry=',iholohedry,ch10,&
209 &         'obtained by taking into account the atomic positions.'
210          MSG_COMMENT(message)
211          next_stage=1
212        else if(iaxis==1)then
213          write(message, '(3a,3i3,2a,i3,2a,i3)' )&
214 &         'Could not succeed to determine the bravais lattice',ch10,&
215 &         'problem,iaxis,invariant=',problem,iaxis,invariant,ch10,&
216 &         'bravais(1)=',bravais(1),ch10,&
217 &         'iholohedry=',iholohedry
218          MSG_BUG(message)
219        end if
220      end if
221    end if ! problem==1
223    if(next_stage==1)then
224      bravais1now=bravais(1)
225      rprimdnow(:,:)=rprimdtry(:,:)
226 !    Generate the symmetry operations in the conventional vector coordinates
227      rprimdconv(:,1)=bravais(3:5)
228      rprimdconv(:,2)=bravais(6:8)
229      rprimdconv(:,3)=bravais(9:11)
230      axes(:,:)=zero
231      axes(1,1)=one ; axes(2,2)=one ; axes(3,3)=one
232      symrelconv(:,:,1:nsym)=symrel(:,:,1:nsym)
233      call symrelrot(nsym,rprimdconv,axes,symrelconv,tolsym)
234      if(bravais(1)/=6)then
235        iaxis=14
236      else
237        iaxis=8
238      end if
239      next_stage=0
240    end if
242    iaxis=iaxis-1
243    do jaxis=iaxis,1,-1
244      if(bravais(1)/=6)then
245        axis_trial(:)=ortho_axes(:,jaxis)
246      else
247        axis_trial(:)=hexa_axes(:,jaxis)
248      end if
249 !    DEBUG
250 !    write(std_out,*)' symbrav : try jaxis=',jaxis
251 !    write(std_out,*)' axis_trial=',axis_trial
252 !    ENDDEBUG
253      invariant=1
254 !    Examine whether all symmetry operations leave the axis invariant (might be reversed, though)
255      do isym=1,nsym
256        if(sum(abs(matmul(symrelconv(:,:,isym),axis_trial)+(-axis_trial(:))))/=0 .and. &
257 &       sum(abs(matmul(symrelconv(:,:,isym),axis_trial)+axis_trial(:)))/=0 )invariant=0
258      end do
259      if(invariant==1)then
260        iaxis=jaxis
261 !      write(message, '(2a,i3)' )ch10,' symbrav : found invariant axis, jaxis=',iaxis
262 !      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
263        exit
264      end if
265    end do
267    if(invariant==0)then
268 !    Not a single axis was invariant with respect to all operations ?!
269 !    do isym=1,nsym; write(std_out, '(a,10i4)' )' isym,symrelconv=',isym,symrelconv(:,:,isym); enddo 
270      write(message, '(3a,3i3,2a,i3,2a,i3)' )&
271 &     'Could not succeed to determine the bravais lattice (not a single invariant)',ch10,&
272 &     'problem,iaxis,invariant=',problem,iaxis,invariant,ch10,&
273 &     'bravais(1)=',bravais(1),ch10,&
274 &     'iholohedry=',iholohedry
275      MSG_BUG(message)
276    end if
278    call matr3inv(rprimdconv,rprimdconv_invt)
279    axis_red(:)=axis_trial(1)*rprimdconv_invt(1,:)+ &
280 &   axis_trial(2)*rprimdconv_invt(2,:)+ &
281 &   axis_trial(3)*rprimdconv_invt(3,:)
282    axis_cart(:)=axis_red(1)*rprimdnow(:,1)+ &
283 &   axis_red(2)*rprimdnow(:,2)+ &
284 &   axis_red(3)*rprimdnow(:,3)
285    norm=sum(axis_cart(:)**2)
286 !  Expand by a uniform, quite arbitrary, dilatation, along the invariant axis
287 !  Note : make these dilatation different, according to ideform 
288 !  XG 20151221  : Still, the interplay between the size of the deformation and the tolsym is not easy to address.
289 !  Indeed the deformation must be sufficiently large to be perceived by symlatt as a real breaking of the
290 !  symmetry of the lattice. In order to deal with all the small values od tolsym, it has been set at a minimum of tol3,
291 !  but it must also be larger than tolsym. Moreover, for some axis choice, the deformation is not aligned with the axis, decreasing
292 !  the effective deformation length. An additional factor of three is thus included, actually increased to six just to be sure...
293    do ii=1,3
294      scprod=axis_cart(1)*rprimdnow(1,ii)+axis_cart(2)*rprimdnow(2,ii)+axis_cart(3)*rprimdnow(3,ii) 
295      rprimdtry(:,ii)=rprimdnow(:,ii)+ideform*(max(tol3,six*tolsym)-tol6)*scprod/norm*axis_cart(:)
296    end do
298  end do ! ideform
300  if(bravais(1)/=iholohedry)then
301    write(message, '(3a,3i3,2a,i3,2a,i3)' )&
302 &   'Despite efforts, Could not succeed to determine the bravais lattice :',ch10,&
303 &   'bravais(1)=',bravais(1),ch10,&
304 &   'iholohedry=',iholohedry
305    MSG_BUG(message)
306  end if
308  ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrelconv)
310  if (PRESENT(axis)) then  ! Return symmetry axis.
311    axis=(/0,0,0/)
312    if (iaxis/=0) then
313      if(bravais(1)/=6)then
314        axis=ortho_axes(:,iaxis)
315      else
316        axis=hexa_axes(:,iaxis)
317      end if
318    end if
319  end if
321 end subroutine symbrav