ABINIT/symfind [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Symmetry finder.
 From the symmetries of the Bravais lattice (ptsymrel),
 select those that leave invariant the system, and generate
 the corresponding tnons vectors.
 The algorithm is explained in T.G. Worlton and J.L. Warren, Comp. Phys. Comm. 3, 88 (1972)


 Copyright (C) 2000-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 berryopt    =  4/14, 6/16, 7/17: electric or displacement field 
 efield=cartesian coordinates of the electric field
 gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for reciprocal space
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 natom=number of atoms in cell.
 noncoll=1 if non-collinear magnetism is activated
         else 0
 nptsym=number of point symmetries of the Bravais lattice
 nucdipmom(3,natom) (optional) array of nuclear dipole moments
 nzchempot=if non-zero, means that a z-spatially varying chemical potential is added 
 ptsymrel(3,3,1:msym)= nptsym point-symmetry operations
   of the Bravais lattice in real space in terms
   of primitive translations.
 spinat(3,natom)=initial spin of each atom, in unit of hbar/2.
 tolsym=tolerance for the symmetries
 typat(natom)=integer identifying type of atom.
 use_inversion=1 if inversion can be included in set of symmetries
 xred(3,natom)=reduced coordinates of atoms in terms of real space
   primitive translations


 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 symafm(1:msym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of nsym symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,1:msym)= nsym symmetry operations in real space in terms
  of primitive translations
 tnons(3,1:msym)=nonsymmorphic translations for each symmetry (would
  be 0 0 0 each for a symmorphic space group)






 59 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 60 #include "config.h"
 61 #endif
 63 #include "abi_common.h"
 65  subroutine symfind(berryopt,efield,gprimd,jellslab,msym,natom,noncoll,nptsym,nsym,&
 66 &  nzchempot,ptsymrel,spinat,symafm,symrel,tnons,tolsym,typat,use_inversion,xred,&
 67 &  nucdipmom)
 69  use defs_basis
 70  use m_errors
 71  use m_profiling_abi
 73 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 74 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 75 #undef ABI_FUNC
 76 #define ABI_FUNC 'symfind'
 77  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 78 !End of the abilint section
 80  implicit none
 82 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 83 !scalars
 84  integer,intent(in) :: berryopt,jellslab,msym,natom,noncoll,nptsym,nzchempot,use_inversion
 85  integer,intent(out) :: nsym
 86  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
 87 !arrays
 88  integer,intent(in) :: ptsymrel(3,3,msym),typat(natom)
 89  integer,intent(inout) :: symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym) !vz_i
 90  real(dp),intent(in) :: efield(3),gprimd(3,3),spinat(3,natom),xred(3,natom)
 91  real(dp),optional :: nucdipmom(3,natom)
 92  real(dp),intent(inout) :: tnons(3,msym) !vz_i
 94 !Local variables-------------------------------
 95 ! TRUE if antiferro symmetries are used with non-collinear magnetism
 96 !scalars
 97  integer :: found3,foundcl,iatom,iatom0,iatom1,iatom2,iatom3,iclass,iclass0,ii
 98  integer :: isym,jj,kk,natom0,nclass,ntrial,printed,trialafm,trialok
 99  real(dp) :: spinatcl2,spinatcl20,det
100  logical,parameter :: afm_noncoll=.true.
101  logical :: test_sameabscollin,test_sameabsnoncoll,test_samespin
102  character(len=500) :: message
103 !arrays
104  integer,allocatable :: class(:,:),natomcl(:),typecl(:)
105  real(dp) :: diff(3),efieldrot(3),sxred0(3),symnucdipmom2(3)
106  real(dp) :: symspinat2(3),symxred2(3),trialnons(3)
107  real(dp),allocatable :: spinatcl(:,:),spinatred(:,:)
109 !**************************************************************************
111 !DEBUG
112 ! write(std_out,*)' symfind : enter'
113 ! call flush(6)
114 ! write(std_out,*)' symfind : nzchempot= ',nzchempot
115 ! write(std_out,*)'   ptsymrel matrices are :'
116 ! do isym=1,nptsym
117 ! write(std_out,'(i4,4x,9i4)' )isym,ptsymrel(:,:,isym)
118 ! end do
119 ! write(std_out,*)' symfind : natom=',natom
120 ! do iatom=1,natom
121 ! write(std_out,*)'  atom number',iatom
122 ! write(std_out,*)'   typat   =',typat(iatom)
123 ! write(std_out,*)'   spinat  =',spinat(:,iatom)
124 ! write(std_out,*)'   xred    =',xred(:,iatom)
125 ! end do
126 ! call flush(6)
129 !Find the number of classes of atoms (type and spinat must be identical,
130 !spinat might differ by a sign, if aligned with the z direction)
131 !natomcl(iclass) will contain the number of atoms in the class
132 !typecl(iclass) will contain the type of the atoms in the class
133 !spinatcl(1:3,iclass) will contain the spinat of the atoms in the class
134 !class(1:natomclass(iclass),iclass) will contain the index of the
135 !atoms belonging to the class
136  ABI_ALLOCATE(class,(natom+3,natom))
137  ABI_ALLOCATE(natomcl,(natom))
138  ABI_ALLOCATE(typecl,(natom))
139  ABI_ALLOCATE(spinatcl,(3,natom))
141 !Initialise with the first atom
142  nclass=1
143  natomcl(1)=1
144  typecl(1)=typat(1)
145  spinatcl(:,1)=spinat(:,1)
146  class(1,1)=1
147  if(natom>1)then
148    do iatom=2,natom
149 !    DEBUG
150 !    write(std_out,*)' symfind : examine iatom=',iatom
151 !    ENDDEBUG
152      foundcl=0
153      do iclass=1,nclass
154 !      Compare the typat and spinat of atom iatom with existing ones.
155 !      Admit either identical spinat, or z-aligned spinat with same
156 !      absolute magnitude
157        if( typat(iatom)==typecl(iclass)) then
158          test_samespin=  &
159 &         abs(spinat(1,iatom)-spinatcl(1,iclass))<tolsym .and. &
160 &         abs(spinat(2,iatom)-spinatcl(2,iclass))<tolsym .and. &
161 &         abs(spinat(3,iatom)-spinatcl(3,iclass))<tolsym
162          test_sameabscollin= &
163 &         noncoll==0 .and.&
164 &         abs(spinat(1,iatom))<tolsym .and. abs(spinatcl(1,iclass))<tolsym .and.&
165 &         abs(spinat(2,iatom))<tolsym .and. abs(spinatcl(2,iclass))<tolsym .and.&
166 &         abs(abs(spinat(3,iatom))-abs(spinatcl(3,iclass)))<tolsym
167          test_sameabsnoncoll= &
168 &         noncoll==1 .and. afm_noncoll .and. &
169 &         abs(spinat(1,iatom)+spinatcl(1,iclass))<tolsym .and. &
170 &         abs(spinat(2,iatom)+spinatcl(2,iclass))<tolsym .and. &
171 &         abs(spinat(3,iatom)+spinatcl(3,iclass))<tolsym
172          if( test_samespin .or. test_sameabscollin .or. test_sameabsnoncoll) then
173 !          DEBUG
174 !          write(std_out,*)' symfind : find it belongs to class iclass=',iclass
175 !          write(std_out,*)' symfind : spinat(:,iatom)=',spinat(:,iatom)
176 !          write(std_out,*)' symfind : spinatcl(:,iclass)=',spinatcl(:,iclass)
177 !          write(std_out,*)' symfind : test_samespin,test_sameabscollin,test_sameabsnoncoll=',&
178 !          &      test_samespin,test_sameabscollin,test_sameabsnoncoll
179 !          ENDDEBUG
180            natomcl(iclass)=natomcl(iclass)+1
181            class(natomcl(iclass),iclass)=iatom
182            foundcl=1
183            exit
184          end if
185        end if
186      end do
187 !    If no class with these characteristics exist, create one
188      if(foundcl==0)then
189        nclass=nclass+1
190        natomcl(nclass)=1
191        typecl(nclass)=typat(iatom)
192        spinatcl(:,nclass)=spinat(:,iatom)
193        class(1,nclass)=iatom
194      end if
195    end do
196  end if
198 !DEBUG
199 !write(std_out,*)' symfind : found ',nclass,' nclass of atoms'
200 !do iclass=1,nclass
201 !write(std_out,*)'  class number',iclass
202 !write(std_out,*)'   natomcl =',natomcl(iclass)
203 !write(std_out,*)'   typecl  =',typecl(iclass)
204 !write(std_out,*)'   spinatcl=',spinatcl(:,iclass)
205 !write(std_out,*)'   class   =',(class(iatom,iclass),iatom=1,natomcl(iclass))
206 !end do
209 !Select the class with the least number of atoms, and non-zero spinat if any
210 !It is important to select a magnetic class of atom, if any, otherwise
211 !the determination of the initial (inclusive) set of symmetries takes only
212 !non-magnetic symmetries, and not both magnetic and non-magnetic ones, see later.
213  iclass0=1
214  natom0=natomcl(1)
215  spinatcl20=spinatcl(1,1)**2+spinatcl(2,1)**2+spinatcl(3,1)**2
216  if(nclass>1)then
217    do iclass=2,nclass
218      spinatcl2=spinatcl(1,iclass)**2+spinatcl(2,iclass)**2+spinatcl(3,iclass)**2
219      if( (natomcl(iclass)<natom0 .and. (spinatcl20<tolsym .or. spinatcl2>tolsym))  &
220 &     .or. (spinatcl20<tolsym .and. spinatcl2>tolsym)                         )then
221        iclass0=iclass
222        natom0=natomcl(iclass)
223        spinatcl20=spinatcl2
224      end if
225    end do
226  end if
228  printed=0
230 !DEBUG
231 !write(std_out,*)' symfind : has selected iclass0=',iclass0
232 !write(std_out,*)' #    iatom     xred             spinat '
233 !do iatom0=1,natomcl(iclass0)
234 !iatom=class(iatom0,iclass0)
235 !write(std_out,'(2i4,6f10.4)' )iatom0,iatom,xred(:,iatom),spinat(:,iatom)
236 !end do
239 !If non-collinear spinat have to be used, transfer them in reduced coordinates
240  if (noncoll==1) then
241    ABI_ALLOCATE(spinatred,(3,natom))
242    do iatom=1,natom
243      do ii=1,3
244        spinatred(ii,iatom)=gprimd(1,ii)*spinat(1,iatom) &
245 &       +gprimd(2,ii)*spinat(2,iatom) &
246 &       +gprimd(3,ii)*spinat(3,iatom)
247      end do
248    end do
249  end if
251 !Big loop over each symmetry operation of the Bravais lattice
252  nsym=0
253  do isym=1,nptsym
255 !  ji: Check whether symmetry operation leaves efield invariant
256    if (berryopt==4 .or. berryopt==6 .or. berryopt==7 .or. &
257 &   berryopt==14 .or. berryopt==16 .or. berryopt==17) then
258      efieldrot(:) = ptsymrel(:,1,isym)*efield(1) +  &
259 &     ptsymrel(:,2,isym)*efield(2) +  &
260 &     ptsymrel(:,3,isym)*efield(3)
261      diff(:)=efield(:)-efieldrot(:)
262      if( (diff(1)**2+diff(2)**2+diff(3)**2) > tolsym**2 ) cycle
263    end if
265    if (use_inversion==0) then
266      det=ptsymrel(1,1,isym)*ptsymrel(2,2,isym)*ptsymrel(3,3,isym)+&
267 &     ptsymrel(2,1,isym)*ptsymrel(3,2,isym)*ptsymrel(1,3,isym)+&
268 &     ptsymrel(1,2,isym)*ptsymrel(2,3,isym)*ptsymrel(3,1,isym) - &
269 &     (ptsymrel(3,1,isym)*ptsymrel(2,2,isym)*ptsymrel(1,3,isym)+&
270 &     ptsymrel(2,1,isym)*ptsymrel(1,2,isym)*ptsymrel(3,3,isym)+&
271 &     ptsymrel(3,2,isym)*ptsymrel(2,3,isym)*ptsymrel(1,1,isym))
272      if(det==-1) cycle
273    end if
275 !  jellium slab and spatially varying chemical potential cases:
276 !  (actually, an inversion symmetry/mirror plane perpendicular to z symmetry operation might still be allowed... TO BE DONE !)
277    if (jellslab/=0 .or. nzchempot/=0) then
278 !    check whether symmetry operation produce a rotation only in the xy plane
279      if( ptsymrel(1,3,isym)/=0 .or. ptsymrel(2,3,isym)/=0 .or. &
280 &     ptsymrel(3,1,isym)/=0 .or. ptsymrel(3,2,isym)/=0 ) cycle
281 !    check whether symmetry operation does not change the z
282      if( ptsymrel(3,3,isym)/=1 ) cycle
283    end if
285 !  Select a tentative set of associated translations
286 !  First compute the symmetric of the first atom in the smallest class,
287 !  using the point symmetry
288    iatom0=class(1,iclass0)
289    sxred0(:)=ptsymrel(:,1,isym)*xred(1,iatom0)+ &
290 &   ptsymrel(:,2,isym)*xred(2,iatom0)+ &
291 &   ptsymrel(:,3,isym)*xred(3,iatom0)
293 !  From the set of possible images, deduce tentative translations,
294 !  and magnetic factor then test whether it send each atom on a symmetric one
295    ntrial=0
296    do ii=1,natom0
297      iatom1=class(ii,iclass0)
299 !    The tentative translation is found
300      trialnons(:)=xred(:,iatom1)-sxred0(:)
301      trialafm=1
302      if(abs(spinat(3,iatom1)-spinat(3,iatom0))>tolsym)trialafm=-1
304      if(sum(abs(spinat(:,iatom1)*trialafm-spinat(:,iatom0)))>tolsym)then
305        write(message,'(3a,3i5)')&
306 &       'Problem with matching the spin part within a class.',ch10,&
307 &       'isym,iatom0,iatom1=',isym,iatom0,iatom1
308        MSG_ERROR_CLASS(message, "TolSymError")
309      end if
310 !    jellium slab case: check whether symmetry operation has no translational
311 !    component along z
312      if( jellslab/=0 .and. abs(trialnons(3)) > tolsym ) cycle
313      trialok=1
315 !    DEBUG
316 !    write(std_out,*)' isym,trialnons(:),trialafm =',isym,trialnons(:),trialafm
317 !    ENDDEBUG
319 !    Loop over all classes, then all atoms in the class,
320 !    to find whether they have a symmetric
321      do iclass=1,nclass
322        do jj=1,natomcl(iclass)
324          iatom2=class(jj,iclass)
325 !        Generate the tentative symmetric position of iatom2
326          symxred2(:)=ptsymrel(:,1,isym)*xred(1,iatom2)+ &
327 &         ptsymrel(:,2,isym)*xred(2,iatom2)+ &
328 &         ptsymrel(:,3,isym)*xred(3,iatom2)+ trialnons(:)
329 !        Generate the tentative symmetric spinat of iatom2
330          if (noncoll==0) then
331            symspinat2(:)=trialafm*spinat(:,iatom2)
332          else
333            symspinat2(:)=trialafm*(ptsymrel(:,1,isym)*spinatred(1,iatom2)+ &
334 &           ptsymrel(:,2,isym)*spinatred(2,iatom2)+ &
335 &           ptsymrel(:,3,isym)*spinatred(3,iatom2))
336          end if
337          if(present(nucdipmom)) then
338 !        Generate the tentative symmetric nuclear dipole moment of iatom2
339            symnucdipmom2(:)=(ptsymrel(:,1,isym)*nucdipmom(1,iatom2)+ &
340 &           ptsymrel(:,2,isym)*nucdipmom(2,iatom2)+ &
341 &           ptsymrel(:,3,isym)*nucdipmom(3,iatom2))
342          end if
344 !        DEBUG
345 !        write(std_out,'(a,3f12.4,a,3f12.4)') ' Send atom at xred=',xred(:,iatom2),' to ',symxred2(:)
346 !        ENDDEBUG
348 !        Check whether there exists an atom of the same class at the
349 !        same location, with the correct spinat and nuclear dipole moment
350          do kk=1,natomcl(iclass)
352            found3=1
353            iatom3=class(kk,iclass)
354 !          Check the location
355            diff(:)=xred(:,iatom3)-symxred2(:)
356            diff(:)=diff(:)-nint(diff(:))
357            if( (diff(1)**2+diff(2)**2+diff(3)**2) > tolsym**2 )found3=0
358 !          Check the spinat
359            if (noncoll==0) then
360              diff(:)=spinat(:,iatom3)-symspinat2(:)
361            else
362              diff(:)=spinatred(:,iatom3)-symspinat2(:)
363            end if
364            if( (diff(1)**2+diff(2)**2+diff(3)**2) > tolsym**2 )found3=0
365            if(present(nucdipmom)) then
366 !            Check the nuclear dipole moment
367              diff(:) = nucdipmom(:,iatom3) - symnucdipmom2(:)
368              if(any(diff>tolsym))found3=0
369            end if
371            if(found3==1)exit
373 !          End loop over iatom3
374          end do
376          if(found3==0)then
377            trialok=0
378            exit
379          end if
381 !        End loop over iatom2
382        end do
384        if(trialok==0)exit
386 !      End loop over all classes
387      end do
389      if(trialok==1)then
390        nsym=nsym+1
391        if(nsym>msym)then
392          write(message,'(3a,i0,4a)')&
393 &         'The number of symmetries (including non-symmorphic translations)',ch10,&
394 &         'is larger than maxnsym=',msym,ch10,&
395 &         'Action: increase maxnsym in the input, or take a cell that is primitive, ',ch10,&
396 &         'or at least smaller than the present one.'
397          MSG_ERROR(message)
398        end if
399        ntrial=ntrial+1
400        symrel(:,:,nsym)=ptsymrel(:,:,isym)
401        symafm(nsym)=trialafm
402        tnons(:,nsym)=trialnons(:)-nint(trialnons(:)-tolsym)
403      end if
405 !    End the loop on tentative translations
406    end do
408 !  End big loop over each symmetry operation of the Bravais lattice
409  end do
411  ABI_DEALLOCATE(class)
412  ABI_DEALLOCATE(natomcl)
413  ABI_DEALLOCATE(spinatcl)
414  ABI_DEALLOCATE(typecl)
415  if (noncoll==1)   then
416    ABI_DEALLOCATE(spinatred)
417  end if
419 !DEBUG
420  write(message,'(a,I0,a)')' symfind : exit, nsym=',nsym,ch10
421  write(message,'(2a)') trim(message),'   symrel matrices, symafm and tnons are :'
422  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
423  do isym=1,nsym
424    write(message,'(i4,4x,3i4,2x,3i4,2x,3i4,4x,i4,4x,3f8.4)' ) isym,symrel(:,:,isym),&
425 &   symafm(isym),tnons(:,isym)
426    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
427  end do
429 !stop
432 end subroutine symfind