ABINIT/drivexc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Driver of XC functionals. Treat spin-polarized as well as non-spin-polarized.
 Treat local approximations or GGAs.
 Optionally, deliver the XC kernel, or even the derivative
 of the XC kernel (the third derivative of the XC energy)


 Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  ixc=number of the XC functional
   (to be described)
  ndvxc= size of dvxc(npts,ndvxc)
  ngr2= size of grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)
  nvxcgrho= size of vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
  npts=number of real space points on which the density
   (and its gradients, if needed) is provided
  nspden=number of spin-density components (1 or 2)
  order=gives the maximal derivative of Exc computed.
    1=usual value (return exc and vxc)
    2=also computes the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc)
   -2=like 2, except (to be described)
    3=also computes the derivative of the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc,k3xc)
  rho_updn(npts,nspden)=the spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down density must
    be equal to the spin-up density,
    and both are half the total density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down density must be given
  Optional inputs:
  [el_temp]= electronic temperature (to be used for finite temperature XC functionals)
  [exexch]= choice of <<<local>>> exact exchange. Active if exexch=3 (only for GGA, and NOT for libxc)
  [grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)]=the square of the gradients of
    spin-up, spin-down, and total density
    If nspden=1, only the square of the gradient of the spin-up density
     must be given. In the calling routine, the square of the gradient
     of the spin-down density
     must be equal to the square of the gradient of the spin-up density,
     and both must be equal to one-quarter of the square of the
     gradient of the total density.
    If nspden=2, the square of the gradients of
     spin-up, spin-down, and total density must be given.
     Note that the square of the gradient of the total
     density is usually NOT related to the square of the
     gradient of the spin-up and spin-down densities,
     because the gradients are not usually aligned.
     This is not the case when nspden=1.
  [hyb_mixing]= mixing parameter for the native PBEx functionals (ixc=41 and 42)
  [lrho_updn(npts,nspden)]=the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up Laplacian density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down Laplacian density must
    be equal to the spin-up Laplacian density,
    and both are half the total Laplacian density.
    If nspden=2, the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities must be given
  [tau_updn(npts,nspden)]=the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up kinetic energy density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down kinetic energy density must
    be equal to the spin-up kinetic energy density,
    and both are half the total kinetic energy density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities must be given
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>, optional : libxc XC functionals. 
    If not specified, the underlying xc_global(2) is used by libxc.
  [xc_tb09_c]= c parameter for the Tran-Blaha mGGA functional, within libxc


  exc(npts)=exchange-correlation energy density (hartree)
  vxcrho(npts,nspden)= (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_up$)) (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_down$)) (hartree)
  vxcgrho(npts,3)= 1/$|grad \rho_up|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_up|$)) (hartree)
                   1/$|grad \rho_dn|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_dn|$)) (hartree)
              and  1/$|grad \rho|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho|$))       (hartree)
     (will be zero if a LDA functional is used)
  vxclrho(npts,nspden)=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_up$))   (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_down$)) (hartree)
  vxctau(npts,nspden)=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
    derivative of XC energy density with respect to kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau).
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_up$))    (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_down$))  (hartree)
  Optional output:
   [dvxc(npts,ndvxc)]=partial second derivatives of the xc energy
   (This is a mess, to be rationalized !!)
   In case of local energy functional (option=1,-1 or 3):
    dvxc(npts,1+nspden)=              (Hartree*bohr^3)
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==2): dvxci(:,1)=dvxc/d$\rho$ , dvxc(:,2) empty
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==-2): also compute dvxci(:,2)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$
     if(nspden=2): dvxc(:,1)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$,
   In case of gradient corrected functional (option=2,-2, 4, -4, 5, 6, 7):
     dvxc(:,1)= d2Ex/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,2)= d2Ex/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,3)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,4)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,5)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,6)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,7)= 1/abs(grad(rho_up)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_up)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) /abs(grad(rho_up)))
     dvxc(:,8)= 1/abs(grad(rho_dn)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_dn)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) /abs(grad(rho_dn)))
     dvxc(:,9)= d2Ec/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,10)=d2Ec/drho_up drho_dn
     dvxc(:,11)=d2Ec/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,12)=dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,13)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,14)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,15)=1/abs(grad(rho)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho)) (dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) /abs(grad(rho)))

  if(abs(order)>2)  (only available for LDA and nspden=1)
   [d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc)]=partial third derivatives of the xc energy
    if nspden=1 d2vxc(npts,1)=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy
    if nspden=2 d2vxc(npts,1), d2vxc(npts,2), d2vxc(npts,3), d2vxc(npts,4) (3rd derivative of energy)
  [fxcT(npts)]=XC free energy of the electron gaz at finite temperature (to be used for plasma systems)






134 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
135 #include "config.h"
136 #endif
138 #include "abi_common.h"
140 subroutine drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
141 &   dvxc,d2vxc,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,el_temp,exexch,fxcT,& !Optional arguments
142 &   hyb_mixing,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c)  !Optional arguments
145  use defs_basis
146  use m_profiling_abi
147  use m_errors
148  use libxc_functionals
150 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
151 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
152 #undef ABI_FUNC
153 #define ABI_FUNC 'drivexc'
154  use interfaces_41_xc_lowlevel, except_this_one => drivexc
155 !End of the abilint section
157  implicit none
159 !Arguments ------------------------------------
160 !scalars
161  integer,intent(in) :: ixc,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order
162  integer,intent(in),optional :: exexch
163  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: el_temp,hyb_mixing,xc_tb09_c
164 !arrays
165  real(dp),intent(in) :: rho_updn(npts,nspden)
166  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)
167  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: lrho_updn(npts,nspden), tau_updn(npts,nspden)
168  real(dp),intent(out) :: exc(npts),vxcrho(npts,nspden)
169  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc),dvxc(npts,ndvxc),fxcT(:)
170  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
171  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxclrho(npts,nspden),vxctau(npts,nspden)
172  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(inout),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
174 !Local variables-------------------------------
175 !scalars
176  integer :: exexch_,ixc_from_lib,ixc1,ixc2,ndvxc_x,optpbe,ispden
177  logical :: libxc_test,xc_err_ndvxc,xc_err_nvxcgrho1,xc_err_nvxcgrho2
178  logical :: is_gga,is_mgga
179  real(dp) :: alpha
180  real(dp),parameter :: rsfac=0.6203504908994000e0_dp
181  character(len=500) :: message
182 !arrays
183  real(dp),allocatable :: exci_rpa(:)
184  real(dp),allocatable :: rhotot(:),rspts(:),vxci_rpa(:,:),zeta(:)
185  real(dp),allocatable :: exc_c(:),exc_x(:),vxcrho_c(:,:),vxcrho_x(:,:)
186  real(dp),allocatable :: d2vxc_c(:,:),d2vxc_x(:,:),dvxc_c(:,:),dvxc_x(:,:)
187  real(dp),allocatable :: vxcgrho_x(:,:)
188  type(libxc_functional_type) :: xc_funcs_vwn3(2),xc_funcs_lyp(2)
190 ! *************************************************************************
192 ! =================================================
193 ! ==         Compatibility tests                 ==
194 ! =================================================
196 !Checks the values of order and other size parameters
197  if( (order<1 .and. order/=-2) .or. order>4)then
198    write(message, '(a,i0)' )&
199 &   'The only allowed values for order are 1,2,-2 or 3, while it is found to be ',order
200    MSG_BUG(message)
201  end if
202  xc_err_ndvxc=.false.
203  xc_err_nvxcgrho1=.false.
204  xc_err_nvxcgrho2=.false.
205  if (ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(nvxcgrho/=2)
206  if (order**2>1) then
207    if ((ixc>=2.and.ixc<=6).or.(ixc==50)) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=1)
208    if (ixc==1.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=nspden+1)
209  end if
210  if (order==2) then
211    if ((ixc>=7.and.ixc<=10).or.(ixc==13)) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0)
212    if (ixc==12.or.ixc==24) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=8.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
213    if (ixc==11.or.ixc==14.or.ixc==15.or.ixc==23.or.ixc==41.or.ixc==42) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=15.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
214  end if
215  if (order==3) then
216    if (ixc==3) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=1)
217    if (ixc==10.or.ixc==13) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0)
218    if (ixc==12.or.ixc==24) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=8.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
219    if (ixc==11.or.ixc==14.or.ixc==15.or.ixc==23.or.ixc==41.or.ixc==42) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=15.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
220    if (ixc>=7.and.ixc<=9) xc_err_nvxcgrho2=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0.or.nd2vxc/=(3*nspden-2))
221    if (ixc==50) xc_err_ndvxc=(nd2vxc/=0)
222  end if
223  if (xc_err_ndvxc) then
224    write(message, '(7a,i0,a,i0,a)' )&
225 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc:',ch10,&
226 &   'the value of the spin polarization',ch10,&
227 &   'is not compatible with the value of ixc:',ch10,&
228 &   'ixc=',ixc,' (nspden=',nspden,')'
229    MSG_BUG(message)
230  end if
231  if (xc_err_nvxcgrho1) then
232    write(message,'(3a,i0,a,i0,a,i0)' )&
233 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc or nvxcgrho:',ch10,&
234 &   'ixc=',ixc,'ndvxc=',ndvxc,'nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho
235    MSG_BUG(message)
236  end if
237  if (xc_err_nvxcgrho2) then
238    write(message, '(3a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a,i0)' )&
239 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc or nvxcgrho or nd2vxc:',ch10,&
240 &   'ixc=',ixc,'ndvxc=',ndvxc,'nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'nd2vxc=',nd2vxc
241    MSG_BUG(message)
242  end if
244 !Check libXC
245  if (ixc<0 .or. ixc==1402) then
246    libxc_test=libxc_functionals_check(stop_if_error=.true.)
247  end if
249  if (ixc<0) then
250 !  Prepare the tests
251    if(present(xc_funcs))then
252      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
253      is_mgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
254      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
255    else
256      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga()
257      is_mgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga()
258      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc()
259    end if
260 !  Check consistency between ixc passed in input and the one used to initialize the library.
261    if (ixc /= ixc_from_lib) then
262      write(message, '(a,i0,2a,i0,2a)')&
263 &     'The value of ixc specified in input, ixc = ',ixc,ch10,&
264 &     'differs from the one used to initialize the functional ',ixc_from_lib,ch10,&
265 &     'Action: reinitialize the global structure funcs, see NOTES in m_libxc_functionals'
266      MSG_BUG(message)
267    end if
268  else if (ixc==1420)then
269    is_gga=.true.
270    is_mgga=.false.
271  end if
273  if (ixc<0 .or. ixc==1402) then
274 !  Check whether all the necessary arrays are present and have the correct dimensions
275    if (is_gga .or. is_mgga) then
276      if ( (.not. present(grho2_updn)) .or. (.not. present(vxcgrho)))  then
277        write(message, '(5a,2L2,2a,2L2,2a,i10,a,i5,a,i5)' )&
278 &       'At least one of the functionals is a GGA or a MGGA,',ch10,&
279 &       'but not all the necessary arrays are present.',ch10,&
280 &       'is_gga, is_mgga=',is_gga,is_mgga,ch10,&
281 &       'present(grho2_updn),present(vxcgrho)=',present(grho2_updn),present(vxcgrho),ch10,&
282 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'  ngr2=',ngr2
283        MSG_BUG(message)
284      end if
285      if (ngr2==0.or.nvxcgrho/=3) then
286        write(message, '(5a,i7,a,i6,a,i6)' )&
287 &       'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
288 &       'is not compatible with the value of nvxcgrho or ngr2',ch10,&
289 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'  ngr2=',ngr2
290        MSG_BUG(message)
291      end if
292    end if
293    if (is_mgga) then
294      if ( (.not. present(lrho_updn)) .or. (.not. present(vxclrho)) .or. &
295      (.not. present(tau_updn))  .or. (.not. present(vxctau))          )  then
296        write(message, '(5a,i7)' )&
297 &       'At least one of the functionals is a MGGA,',ch10,&
298 &       'but not all the necessary arrays are present.',ch10,&
299 &       'ixc=',ixc
300        MSG_BUG(message)
301      end if
302    end if
303  end if
305 !Checks the compatibility between the inputs and the presence of the optional arguments
306  if(present(dvxc))then
307    if(order**2<=1.or.ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27)then
308      write(message, '(5a,i0,a,i0)' )&
309 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
310 &     'or the value of order is not compatible with the presence of the array dvxc',ch10,&
311 &     'ixc=',ixc,'order=',order
312      MSG_BUG(message)
313    end if
314  end if
315  if(present(d2vxc))then
316    if(order/=3.or.(ixc/=3.and.(((ixc>15).and.(ixc/=23)) .or.&
317 &   (ixc>=0.and.ixc<7).or.(ixc>=40 .and. ixc/=1402))) )then
318      write(message, '(5a,i6,a,i0)' )&
319 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
320 &     'or the value of order is not compatible with the presence of the array d2vxc',ch10,&
321 &     'ixc=',ixc,'order=',order
322      MSG_BUG(message)
323    end if
324  end if
325  if(present(vxcgrho))then
326    if(nvxcgrho==0.or. &
327 &   ((((ixc>17.and.ixc/=23.and.ixc/=24.and.ixc/=26.and.ixc/=27) .or.&
328 &   (ixc>= 0.and.ixc<7).or.(ixc>=40 .and. ixc/=1402)) .and. nvxcgrho /=3 ))) then
329      if(ixc<31.and.ixc>34)then !! additional if to include ixc 31 to 34 in the list (these ixc are used for mgga test see below)
330        write(message, '(5a,i0,a,i0)' )&
331 &       'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
332 &       'or the value of nvxcgrho is not compatible with the presence of the array vxcgrho',ch10,&
333 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho
334        MSG_BUG(message)
335      end if
336    end if
337  end if
338  if(present(grho2_updn))then
339    if (ngr2/=2*nspden-1 ) then
340      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
341 &     'drivexc : BUG -',ch10,&
342 &     'ngr2 must be 2*nspden-1 !'
343 !    MSG_BUG(message)
344    end if
345    if ((ixc>0.and.ixc<11).or.(ixc>17.and.ixc<23).or.ixc==25.or.(ixc>27.and.ixc<31).or. &
346 &   (ixc>34.and.ixc<41).or.ixc==50) then
347      write(message, '(5a,i0)' )&
348 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
349 &     'is not compatible with the presence of the array grho2_updn',ch10,&
350 &     'ixc=',ixc
351      MSG_BUG(message)
352    end if
353  end if
354  if (present(exexch)) then
355    if(exexch/=0.and.(.not.present(grho2_updn))) then
356      message='exexch argument only valid for GGA!'
357      MSG_BUG(message)
358    end if
359  end if
360  if(ixc==31.or.ixc==32.or.ixc==33.or.ixc==34) then
361    if((.not.(present(vxcgrho))) .or. (.not.(present(vxclrho))) .or. (.not.(present(vxctau))))then
362      message = 'vxcgrho or vxclrho or vxctau is not present but they are all needed for MGGA XC tests.'
363      MSG_BUG(message)
364    end if
365  end if
366  if(ixc==50) then
367    if(.not.(present(el_temp)).or.(.not.present(fxcT)))then
368      message = 'el_temp or fxcT is not present but are needed for IIT XC functional.'
369      MSG_BUG(message)
370    end if
371    if (size(fxcT)/=npts) then
372      MSG_BUG('fxcT size must be npts!')
373    end if
374  end if
376 ! =================================================
377 ! ==  Intermediate quantities computation        ==
378 ! =================================================
380 !If needed, compute rhotot and rs
381  if (ixc==1.or.ixc==2.or.ixc==3.or.ixc==4.or.ixc==5.or.ixc==6.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22.or.ixc==50) then
382    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhotot,(npts))
383    ABI_ALLOCATE(rspts,(npts))
384    if(nspden==1)then
385      rhotot(:)=two*rho_updn(:,1)
386    else
387      rhotot(:)=rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2)
388    end if
389    call invcb(rhotot,rspts,npts)
390    rspts(:)=rsfac*rspts(:)
391  end if
393 !If needed, compute zeta
394  if (ixc==1.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22) then
395    ABI_ALLOCATE(zeta,(npts))
396    if(nspden==1)then
397      zeta(:)=zero
398    else
399      zeta(:)=two*rho_updn(:,1)/rhotot(:)-one
400    end if
401  end if
403 ! =================================================
404 ! ==  XC energy, potentiel, ... computation      ==
405 ! =================================================
407  exexch_=0;if(present(exexch)) exexch_=exexch
409 !>>>>> No exchange-correlation
410  if (ixc==0.or.ixc==40) then
411    exc=zero ; vxcrho=zero
412    if(present(d2vxc)) d2vxc(:,:)=zero
413    if(present(dvxc)) dvxc(:,:)=zero
414    if(present(vxcgrho)) vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
415    if(present(vxclrho)) vxclrho(:,:)=zero
416    if(present(vxctau)) vxctau(:,:)=zero
418 !>>>>> New Teter fit (4/93) to Ceperley-Alder data, with spin-pol option
419  else if (ixc==1 .or. ixc==21 .or. ixc==22) then
420 !  new Teter fit (4/93) to Ceperley-Alder data, with spin-pol option
421    if (order**2 <= 1) then
422      call xcspol(exc,npts,nspden,order,rspts,vxcrho,zeta,ndvxc)
423    else
424      call xcspol(exc,npts,nspden,order,rspts,vxcrho,zeta,ndvxc,dvxc)
425    end if
427 !>>>>> Perdew-Zunger fit to Ceperly-Alder data (no spin-pol)
428  else if (ixc==2) then
429    if (order**2 <= 1) then
430      call xcpzca(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
431    else
432      call xcpzca(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
433    end if
435 !>>>>> Teter fit (4/91) to Ceperley-Alder values (no spin-pol)
436  else if (ixc==3) then
437    if (order**2 <= 1) then
438      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
439    else if (order == 2) then
440      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc=dvxc)
441    else if (order == 3) then
442      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),d2vxc=d2vxc,dvxc=dvxc)
443    end if
445 !>>>>> Wigner xc (no spin-pol)
446  else if (ixc==4) then
447    if (order**2 <= 1) then
448      call xcwign(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
449    else
450      call xcwign(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
451    end if
453 !>>>>>  Hedin-Lundqvist xc (no spin-pol)
454  else if (ixc==5) then
455    if (order**2 <= 1) then
456      call xchelu(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
457    else
458      call xchelu(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
459    end if
461 !>>>>> X-alpha (no spin-pol)
462  else if (ixc==6) then
463    if (order**2 <= 1) then
464      call xcxalp(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
465    else
466      call xcxalp(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
467    end if
469 !>>>>> PBE and alternatives
470  else if (((ixc>=7.and.ixc<=15).or.(ixc>=23.and.ixc<=24)).and.ixc/=10.and.ixc/=13) then
471 !  Perdew-Wang LSD is coded in Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA, with optpbe=1
472    if(ixc==7)optpbe=1
473 !  x-only part of Perdew-Wang
474    if(ixc==8)optpbe=-1
475 !  Exchange + RPA correlation from Perdew-Wang
476    if(ixc==9)optpbe=3
477 !  Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA
478    if(ixc==11)optpbe=2
479 !  x-only part of PBE
480    if(ixc==12)optpbe=-2
481 !  C09x exchange of V. R. Cooper
482    if(ixc==24)optpbe=-4
483 !  revPBE of Zhang and Yang
484    if(ixc==14)optpbe=5
485 !  RPBE of Hammer, Hansen and Norskov
486    if(ixc==15)optpbe=6
487 !  Wu and Cohen
488    if(ixc==23)optpbe=7
489    if (ixc >=7.and.ixc<=9) then
490      if (order**2 <= 1) then
491        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
492      else if (order /=3) then
493        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
494      else if (order ==3) then
495        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
496      end if
497    else if ((ixc >= 11 .and. ixc <= 15) .or. (ixc>=23 .and. ixc<=24)) then
498      if (order**2 <= 1) then
499        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
500 &       dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
501      else if (order /=3) then
502        if(ixc==12 .or. ixc==24)then
503          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
504 &         dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
505        else if(ixc/=12 .or. ixc/=24) then
506          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
507 &         dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
508        end if
509      else if (order ==3) then
510        if(ixc==12 .or. ixc==24)then
511          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
512 &         d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
513        else if(ixc/=12 .or. ixc/=24) then
514          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
515 &         d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
516        end if
517      end if
518    end if
520 !>>>>> RPA correlation from Perdew-Wang
521  else if (ixc==10) then
522    if (order**2 <= 1) then
523      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
524      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
525      optpbe=3
526      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
527      optpbe=1
528      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
529      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
530 !    PMA: second index of vxcrho is nspden while that of rpa is 2 they can mismatch
531      vxcrho(:,1:min(nspden,2))=vxcrho(:,1:min(nspden,2))-vxci_rpa(:,1:min(nspden,2))
532      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
533      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
534    else if (order /=3) then
535      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
536      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
537      optpbe=3
538      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
539      optpbe=1
540      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
541      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
542      vxcrho(:,:)=vxcrho(:,:)-vxci_rpa(:,:)
543      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
544      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
545    else if (order ==3) then
546      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
547      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
548      optpbe=3
549      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
550 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
551      optpbe=1
552      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
553 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
554      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
555      vxcrho(:,:)=vxcrho(:,:)-vxci_rpa(:,:)
556      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
557      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
558    end if
560 !>>>>> LDA xc energy like ixc==7, and Leeuwen-Baerends GGA xc potential
561  else if(ixc==13) then
562    if (order**2 <= 1) then
563      optpbe=1
564      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
565      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
566    else if (order /=3) then
567      optpbe=1
568      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
569      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
570    else if (order ==3) then
571      optpbe=1
572      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
573      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
574    end if
576 !>>>>> HTCH93, HTCH120, HTCH107, HTCH147
577  else if(ixc==16 .or. ixc==17 .or. ixc==26 .or. ixc==27) then
578    call xchcth(vxcgrho,exc,grho2_updn,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,vxcrho)
580 !>>>>> Only for test purpose (test various part of MGGA implementation)
581  else if(ixc==31 .or. ixc==32 .or. ixc==33 .or. ixc==34) then
582    exc(:)=zero
583    vxcrho(:,:)=zero
584    vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
585    vxclrho(:,:)=zero
586    vxctau(:,:)=zero
588 !>>>>> Perdew-Wang LSD is coded in Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA, with optpbe=1
589    optpbe=1
590    select case(ixc)
591    case (31)
592      alpha=1.00d0-(1.00d0/1.01d0)
593 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
594      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
595      if (nspden==1) then
596 !        it should be : exc_tot= exc_spin up + exc_spin down = 2*exc_spin up but this applies to tau and rho (so it cancels)
597        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*tau_updn(:,1)/rho_updn(:,1)
598      else
599        do ispden=1,nspden
600          exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*tau_updn(:,ispden)/(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
601        end do
602      end if
603      vxctau(:,:)=alpha
604    case (32)
605      alpha=0.01d0
606 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
607      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
608      if (nspden==1) then
609        exc(:)=exc(:)+2.0d0*alpha*lrho_updn(:,1)
610        vxcrho(:,1) =vxcrho(:,1)+2.0d0*alpha*lrho_updn(:,1)
611        vxclrho(:,1)=alpha*2.0d0*rho_updn(:,1)
612      else
613        do ispden=1,nspden
614          exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*lrho_updn(:,ispden)
615          vxcrho(:,ispden) =vxcrho(:,ispden)+alpha*(lrho_updn(:,1)+lrho_updn(:,2))
616          vxclrho(:,ispden)=alpha*(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
617        end do
618      end if
619    case (33)
620      alpha=-0.010d0
621 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
622      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
623      if (nspden==1) then
624 !        it should be : exc_tot= exc_spin up + exc_spin down = 2*exc_spin up but this applies to grho2 and rho
625 !        (for grho2 it is a factor 4 to have total energy and for rho it is just a factor 2. So we end with factor 2 only)
626        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*2.0d0*grho2_updn(:,1)/rho_updn(:,1)
627        if(nvxcgrho==2)vxcgrho(:,1:2)=2.0d0*alpha
628        if(nvxcgrho==3)vxcgrho(:,3)=2.0d0*alpha
629      else
630        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*grho2_updn(:,3)/(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
631        if(nvxcgrho==2)vxcgrho(:,1:2)=2.0d0*alpha
632        if(nvxcgrho==3)vxcgrho(:,3)=2.0d0*alpha
633      end if
634    case (34)
635      alpha=-0.010d0
636 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
637      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
638      if (nspden==1) then
639        exc(:)=exc(:)+16.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,1)
640        vxcrho(:,1)=vxcrho(:,1)+16.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,1)
641        vxctau(:,1)=16.0d0*alpha*rho_updn(:,1)
642      else
643        do ispden=1,nspden
644          exc(:)=exc(:)+8.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,ispden)
645          vxcrho(:,ispden)=vxcrho(:,ispden)+8.0d0*alpha*(tau_updn(:,1)+tau_updn(:,2))
646          vxctau(:,ispden)=8.0d0*alpha*(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
647        end do
648      end if
649    end select
651 !>>>>> Hybrid PBE0 (1/4 and 1/3)
652  else if(ixc>=41.and.ixc<=42) then
653 !  Requires to evaluate exchange-correlation with PBE (optpbe=2)
654 !  minus hyb_mixing*exchange with PBE (optpbe=-2)
655    ndvxc_x=8
656    ABI_ALLOCATE(exc_x,(npts))
657    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcrho_x,(npts,nspden))
658    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcgrho_x,(npts,nvxcgrho))
659    exc_x=zero;vxcrho_x=zero;vxcgrho_x=zero
660    if (order**2 <= 1) then
661      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
662      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
663 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
664      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
665      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
666 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
667      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
668      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
669      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
670    else if (order /=3) then
671      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_x,(npts,ndvxc_x))
672      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
673      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
674      dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
675      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
676      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc_x,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
677 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,dvxci=dvxc_x,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
678      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
679      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
680      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
681      dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)=dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)-dvxc_x(:,1:ndvxc_x)*hyb_mixing
682      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_x)
683    else if (order ==3) then
684 !    The size of exchange-correlation with PBE (optpbe=2)
685 !    is the one which defines the size for ndvxc.
686      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_x,(npts,ndvxc_x))
687      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2vxc_x,(npts,nd2vxc))
688      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
689      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
690 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
691      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
692      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc_x,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
693 &     d2vxci=d2vxc_x,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,dvxci=dvxc_x,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
694      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
695      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
696      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
697      d2vxc=d2vxc-d2vxc_x*hyb_mixing 
698      dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)=dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)-dvxc_x(:,1:ndvxc_x)*hyb_mixing
699      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_x)
700      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2vxc_x)
701    end if
702    ABI_DEALLOCATE(exc_x)
703    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcrho_x)
704    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcgrho_x)
706 !>>>>> Ichimaru,Iyetomi,Tanaka,  XC at finite temp (e- gaz)
707  else if (ixc==50) then
708    if (order**2 <= 1) then
709      call xciit(exc,fxcT,npts,order,rspts,el_temp,vxcrho(:,1))
710    else
711      call xciit(exc,fxcT,npts,order,rspts,el_temp,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
712    end if
714 !>>>>> GGA counterpart of the B3LYP functional
715  else if(ixc==1402000) then
716 !  Requires to evaluate exchange-correlation 
717 !  with 5/4 B3LYP - 1/4 B3LYPc, where
718 !  B3LYPc = (0.19 Ec VWN3 + 0.81 Ec LYP)
720 !  First evaluate B3LYP. 
721    if(present(xc_funcs))then
722      if (abs(order)==1) then
723        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
724 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
725      elseif (abs(order)==2) then
726        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
727 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
728      else 
729        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
730 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
731      end if
732    else
733      if (abs(order)==1) then
734        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
735 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho)
736      elseif (abs(order)==2) then
737        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
738 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
739      else
740        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
741 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
742      end if
743    end if
745 !  Then renormalize B3LYP and subtract VWN3 contribution
746    ABI_ALLOCATE(exc_c,(npts))
747    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcrho_c,(npts,nspden))
748    if(order**2>1)then
749      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_c,(npts,ndvxc))
750    end if
751    if(order**2>4)then
752      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2vxc_c,(npts,nd2vxc))
753    end if
754    exc_c=zero;vxcrho_c=zero
755    call libxc_functionals_init(-30,nspden,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
756    if (order**2 <= 1) then
757      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
758 &     vxcrho_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
759    elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
760      dvxc_c=zero
761      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
762 &     vxcrho_c,dvxc=dvxc_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
763    else
764      dvxc_c=zero
765      d2vxc_c=zero
766      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
767 &     vxcrho_c,dvxc=dvxc_c,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
768    end if
769    exc=1.25d0*exc-quarter*0.19d0*exc_c
770    vxcrho=1.25d0*vxcrho-quarter*0.19d0*vxcrho_c
771    if(order**2>1)dvxc=1.25d0*dvxc-quarter*0.19d0*dvxc_c
772    if(order**2>4)d2vxc=1.25d0*d2vxc-quarter*0.19d0*d2vxc_c
773    call libxc_functionals_end(xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
775 !  Then subtract LYP contribution
776    call libxc_functionals_init(-131,nspden,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
777    if (order**2 <= 1) then
778      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
779 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
780    elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
781      dvxc_c=zero
782      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
783 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
784    else
785      dvxc_c=zero
786      d2vxc_c=zero
787      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
788 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc_c,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
789    end if
790    exc=exc-quarter*0.81d0*exc_c
791    vxcrho=vxcrho-quarter*0.81d0*vxcrho_c
792    if(order**2>1)dvxc=dvxc-quarter*0.81d0*dvxc_c
793    if(order**2>4)d2vxc=d2vxc-quarter*0.81d0*d2vxc_c
794    call libxc_functionals_end(xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
796    ABI_DEALLOCATE(exc_c)
797    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcrho_c)
798    if(allocated(dvxc_c))then
799      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_c)
800    end if
801    if(allocated(d2vxc_c))then
802      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2vxc_c)
803    end if
805 !>>>>> All libXC functionals
806  else if( ixc<0 ) then
807    if (is_mgga) then
808      if(present(xc_funcs))then
809        if (PRESENT(xc_tb09_c)) then
810          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
811 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_functionals=xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c)
812        else
813          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
814 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
815        end if
816      else
817        if (PRESENT(xc_tb09_c)) then
818          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
819 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c)
820        else
821          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
822 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau)
823        end if
824      end if
825      ixc1 = (-ixc)/1000
826      ixc2 = (-ixc) - ixc1*1000
827      if(ixc1==206 .or. ixc1==207 .or. ixc1==208 .or. ixc1==209 .or. &
828 &     ixc2==206 .or. ixc2==207 .or. ixc2==208 .or. ixc2==209    )then
829 !      Assume that that type of mGGA can only be used with a LDA correlation (see doc)
830        vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
831        vxclrho(:,:)=zero
832        vxctau(:,:)=zero
833      end if
834    elseif (is_gga) then
835      if(present(xc_funcs))then
836        if (order**2 <= 1) then
837          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
838 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
839        else
840          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
841 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
842        end if
843      else
844        if (order**2 <= 1) then
845          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
846 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho)
847        else
848          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
849 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
850        end if
851      end if
852    else
853      if(present(xc_funcs))then
854        if (order**2 <= 1) then
855          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
856 &         vxcrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
857        elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
858          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
859 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
860        else
861          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
862 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
863        end if
864      else
865        if (order**2 <= 1) then
866          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
867 &         vxcrho)
868        elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
869          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
870 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc)
871        else
872          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
873 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
874        end if
875      end if
876    end if
878  end if
880 ! =================================================
881 ! ==              Finalization                   ==
882 ! =================================================
883 !Deallocate arrays
884  if(allocated(rhotot)) then
885    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhotot)
886  end if
887  if(allocated(rspts)) then
888    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rspts)
889  end if
890  if(allocated(zeta)) then
891    ABI_DEALLOCATE(zeta)
892  end if
894 end subroutine drivexc