ABINIT/drivexc_main [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Driver of XC functionals.Optionally, deliver the XC kernel, or even the derivative
 of the XC kernel (the third derivative of the XC energy)


 Copyright (C) 2012-2018 ABINIT group (MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  ixc=index of the XC functional
  mgga=1 if functional is metaGGA
  ndvxc=size of dvxc(npts,ndvxc)
  nd2vxc=size of d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc)
  ngr2=size of grho2(npts,ngr2)
  npts=number of real space points on which the density (and its gradients) is provided
  nspden=number of spin-density components (1 or 2)
  nvxcgrho=size of vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
  order=gives the maximal derivative of Exc computed.
    1=usual value (return exc and vxc)
    2=also computes the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc)
   -2=like 2, except (to be described)
    3=also computes the derivative of the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc,k3xc)
  rho(npts,nspden)=the spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down density must
    be equal to the spin-up density5
    and both are half the total density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down density must be given
  xclevel= XC functional level
  === Optional input arguments ===
  [el_temp]= electronic temperature (to be used for finite temperature XC functionals)
  [exexch]=choice of <<<local>>> exact exchange. Active if exexch=3 (only for GGA, and NOT for libxc)
  [grho2(npts,ngr2)]=the square of the gradients of
    spin-up, spin-down, and total density
    If nspden=1, only the square of the gradient of the spin-up density
     must be given. In the calling routine, the square of the gradient
     of the spin-down density
     must be equal to the square of the gradient of the spin-up density,
     and both must be equal to one-quarter of the square of the
     gradient of the total density.
    If nspden=2, the square of the gradients of
     spin-up, spin-down, and total density must be given.
     Note that the square of the gradient of the total
     density is usually NOT related to the square of the
     gradient of the spin-up and spin-down densities,
     because the gradients are not usually aligned.
     This is not the case when nspden=1.
  [hyb_mixing]= mixing parameter for the native PBEx functionals (ixc=41 and 42)
  [lrho(npts,nspden)]=the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up Laplacian density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down Laplacian density must
    be equal to the spin-up Laplacian density,
    and both are half the total Laplacian density.
    If nspden=2, the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities must be given
  [tau(npts,nspden)]=the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up kinetic energy density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down kinetic energy density must
    be equal to the spin-up kinetic energy density,
    and both are half the total kinetic energy density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities must be given
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>, optional : libxc XC functionals. 
  [xc_tb09_c]=c parameter for the mgga TB09 functional, within libxc


  exc(npts)=exchange-correlation energy density (hartree)
  vxcrho(npts,nspden)= (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_up$)) (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_down$)) (hartree)
  === Optional output arguments ===
  [dvxc]=partial second derivatives of the xc energy, only if abs(order)>1
   In case of local energy functional (option=1,-1 or 3):
    dvxc(npts,1+nspden)=              (Hartree*bohr^3)
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==2): dvxci(:,1)=dvxc/d$\rho$ , dvxc(:,2) empty
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==-2): also compute dvxci(:,2)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$
     if(nspden=2): dvxc(:,1)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$,
   In case of gradient corrected functional (option=2,-2, 4, -4, 5, 6, 7):
     dvxc(:,1)= d2Ex/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,2)= d2Ex/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,3)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,4)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,5)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,6)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,7)= 1/abs(grad(rho_up)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_up)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) /abs(grad(rho_up)))
     dvxc(:,8)= 1/abs(grad(rho_dn)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_dn)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) /abs(grad(rho_dn)))
     dvxc(:,9)= d2Ec/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,10)=d2Ec/drho_up drho_dn
     dvxc(:,11)=d2Ec/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,12)=dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,13)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,14)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,15)=1/abs(grad(rho)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho)) (dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) /abs(grad(rho)))
  [d2vxc]=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy, only if abs(order)>2
    (only available for LDA and nspden=1)
    if nspden=1 d2vxc(npts,1)=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy
    if nspden=2 d2vxc(npts,1), d2vxc(npts,2), d2vxc(npts,3), d2vxc(npts,4) (3rd derivative of energy)
  [fxcT(npts)]=XC free energy of the electron gaz at finite temperature (to be used for plasma systems)
  [vxcgrho(npts,3)]= 1/$|grad \rho_up|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_up|$)) (hartree)
                     1/$|grad \rho_dn|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_dn|$)) (hartree)
                and  1/$|grad \rho|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho|$))       (hartree)
     (will be zero if a LDA functional is used)
  [vxclrho(npts,nspden)]=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_up$))   (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_down$)) (hartree)
  [vxctau(npts,nspden)]=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
    derivative of XC energy density with respect to kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau).
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_up$))    (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_down$))  (hartree)






127 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
128 #include "config.h"
129 #endif
131 #include "abi_common.h"
133 subroutine drivexc_main(exc,ixc,mgga,ndvxc,nd2vxc,ngr2,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order,rho,vxcrho,xclevel, &
134 &                       dvxc,d2vxc,el_temp,exexch,fxcT,grho2,& ! Optional arguments
135 &                       hyb_mixing,lrho,tau,vxcgrho,vxclrho,vxctau,xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c) ! Optional arguments
137  use defs_basis
138  use m_profiling_abi
139  use m_errors
140  use libxc_functionals
142 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
143 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
144 #undef ABI_FUNC
145 #define ABI_FUNC 'drivexc_main'
146  use interfaces_41_xc_lowlevel, except_this_one => drivexc_main
147 !End of the abilint section
149  implicit none
151 !Arguments ------------------------------------
152 !scalars
153  integer,intent(in) :: ixc,mgga,ndvxc,nd2vxc,ngr2,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order,xclevel
154  integer,intent(in),optional :: exexch
155  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: el_temp,hyb_mixing,xc_tb09_c
156 !arrays
157  real(dp),intent(in) :: rho(npts,nspden)
158  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: grho2(npts,ngr2),lrho(npts,nspden*mgga),tau(npts,nspden*mgga)
159  real(dp),intent(out) :: exc(npts),vxcrho(npts,nspden)
160  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: dvxc(npts,ndvxc),d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc),fxcT(:),vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
161  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxclrho(npts,nspden*mgga),vxctau(npts,nspden*mgga)
162  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(inout),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
164 !Local variables-------------------------------
165 !scalars
166  real(dp) :: hyb_mixing_,xc_tb09_c_
167  logical :: is_gga
169 !  *************************************************************************
171 !Checks input parameters
172  if (mgga==1) then
173    if (.not.present(lrho)) then
174      MSG_BUG('lrho arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
175    end if
176    if (.not.present(tau)) then
177      MSG_BUG('tau arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
178    end if
179    if (.not.present(vxclrho)) then
180      MSG_BUG('vxclrho arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
181    end if
182    if (.not.present(vxctau)) then
183      MSG_BUG('vxctau arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
184    end if
185  end if
186  if (present(fxcT)) then
187    if (.not.present(el_temp)) then
188      MSG_BUG('el_temp arg must be present together with fxcT!')
189    end if
190  end if
192  xc_tb09_c_=99.99_dp;if (present(xc_tb09_c)) xc_tb09_c_=xc_tb09_c
194  if(ixc==41)hyb_mixing_=quarter
195  if(ixc==42)hyb_mixing_=third
196  if (present(hyb_mixing)) hyb_mixing_=hyb_mixing
198 !>>>>> All libXC functionals
200  if (ixc<0) then
202    if (present(xc_funcs))then
203      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
204    else
205      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga()
206    end if
208    if (mgga==1) then
209      if (abs(xc_tb09_c_-99.99_dp)>tol12) then
210        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
211          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
212 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
213 &         xc_funcs=xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c_)
214        else
215          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
216 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
217 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
218 &         xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c_)
219        end if
220      else
221        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
222          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
223 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
224 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
225 &         xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
226        else
227          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
228 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
229 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau)
230        end if
231      end if
232    else if (is_gga) then
233      if (order**2<=1) then
234        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
235          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
236 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
237        else
238          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
239 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
240        end if
241      else
242        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
243          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
244 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
245        else
246          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
247 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
248        end if
249      end if
250    else
251      if (order**2<=1) then
252        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
253          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
254          xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
255        else
256          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho)
257        end if
258      else if (order**2<=4) then
259        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
260          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
261 &         dvxc=dvxc, xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
262        else
263          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
264 &         dvxc=dvxc)
265        end if
266      else
267        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
268          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
269 &         dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc, xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
270        else
271          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
272 &         dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
273        end if
274      end if
275    end if
277  else
279 !  Cases with gradient
280    if (xclevel==2)then
281      if (order**2<=1.or.ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27) then
282        if (ixc/=13) then
283          if (present(exexch)) then
284            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
285 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
286 &           exexch=exexch)
287          else
288            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
289 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
290          end if
291        else
292          if (present(exexch)) then
293            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
294 &           grho2_updn=grho2, &
295 &           exexch=exexch)
296          else
297            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
298 &           grho2_updn=grho2)
299          end if
300        end if
301      else if (order/=3) then
302        if (ixc/=13) then
303          if (present(exexch)) then
304            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
305 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
306 &           exexch=exexch)
307          else
308            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
309 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
310          end if
311        else
312          if (present(exexch)) then
313            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
314 &           dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2, &
315 &           exexch=exexch)
316          else
317            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
318 &           dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2)
319          end if
320        end if
321      else if (order==3) then
322        if (ixc/=13) then
323          if (present(exexch)) then
324            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
325 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
326 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,exexch=exexch)
327          else
328            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
329 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
330          end if
331        else
332          if (present(exexch)) then
333            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
334 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2, &
335 &           exexch=exexch)
336          else
337            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
338 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2)
339          end if
340        end if
341      end if
344 !    Cases without gradient
345    else
346      if (order**2<=1) then
347        if (ixc>=31.and.ixc<=34) then !fake mgga functionals for testing purpose only (based on LDA functional)
348          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
349 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
350 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau)
351        else
352          if (present(fxcT)) then
353            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho,fxcT=fxcT,el_temp=el_temp)
354          else
355            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho)
356          end if
357        end if
358      else if (order==3.and.(ixc==3.or.ixc>=7.and.ixc<=10)) then
359        call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
360 &       dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
361      else
362        if (present(fxcT)) then
363          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
364 &         dvxc=dvxc,fxcT=fxcT,el_temp=el_temp)
365        else
366          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
367 &         dvxc=dvxc)
368        end if
369      end if
370    end if
372  end if
374 end subroutine drivexc_main