ABINIT/check_kxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Given a XC functional (defined by ixc), check if Kxc (dVxc/drho) is avalaible.


  ixc = internal code for xc functional
  optdriver=type of calculation (ground-state, response function, GW, ...)






610 subroutine check_kxc(ixc,optdriver)
613 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
614 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
615 #undef ABI_FUNC
616 #define ABI_FUNC 'check_kxc'
617 !End of the abilint section
619  implicit none
621 !Arguments -------------------------------
622  integer, intent(in) :: ixc,optdriver
624 !Local variables -------------------------
625  logical :: kxc_available
626  character(len=500) :: msg
628 ! *********************************************************************
630  kxc_available=.false.
632  if (ixc>=0) then
633    kxc_available=(ixc/=16.and.ixc/=17.and.ixc/=26.and.ixc/=27)
634    if (.not.kxc_available) then
635      write(msg,'(a,i0,3a)') &
636 &     'The selected XC functional (ixc=',ixc,')',ch10,&
637 &     'does not provide Kxc (dVxc/drho) !'
638    end if
639  else if (ixc==-406.or.ixc==-427.or.ixc==-428.or.ixc==-456)then
640    kxc_available=.true.
641  else ! ixc<0 and not one of the allowed hybrids
642    kxc_available=libxc_functionals_has_kxc()
643    if (.not.kxc_available) then
644      write(msg,'(a,i0,7a)') &
645 &     'The selected XC functional (ixc=',ixc,'):',ch10,&
646 &     '   <<',trim(libxc_functionals_fullname()),'>>',ch10,&
647 &     'does not provide Kxc (dVxc/drho) !'
648    end if
649  end if
651  if (.not.kxc_available) then
652    write(msg,'(7a)') trim(msg),ch10,&
653 &   'However, with the current input options, ABINIT needs Kxc.',ch10,&
654 &   '>Possible action:',ch10,&
655 &   'Change the XC functional in psp file or input file.'
656    if (optdriver==0) then
657      write(msg,'(13a)') trim(msg),ch10,&
658 &     '>Possible action (2):',ch10,&
659 &     'If you are using density mixing for the SCF cycle',ch10,&
660 &     '(iscf>=10, which is the default for PAW),',ch10,&
661 &     'change to potential mixing (iscf=7, for instance).',ch10,&
662 &     '>Possible action (3):',ch10,&
663 &     'Switch to another value of densfor_pred (=5, for instance).'
664    end if
665    MSG_ERROR(msg)
666  end if
668 end subroutine check_kxc

ABINIT/drivexc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Driver of XC functionals. Treat spin-polarized as well as non-spin-polarized.
 Treat local approximations or GGAs.
 Optionally, deliver the XC kernel, or even the derivative
 of the XC kernel (the third derivative of the XC energy)


  ixc=number of the XC functional
  ndvxc= size of dvxc(npts,ndvxc)
  ngr2= size of grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)
  nvxcgrho= size of vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
  npts=number of real space points on which the density
   (and its gradients, if needed) is provided
  nspden=number of spin-density components (1 or 2)
  order=gives the maximal derivative of Exc computed.
    1=usual value (return exc and vxc)
    2=also computes the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc)
   -2=like 2, except (to be described)
    3=also computes the derivative of the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc,k3xc)
  rho_updn(npts,nspden)=the spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down density must
    be equal to the spin-up density,
    and both are half the total density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down density must be given
  Optional inputs:
  [el_temp]= electronic temperature (to be used for finite temperature XC functionals)
  [exexch]= choice of <<<local>>> exact exchange. Active if exexch=3 (only for GGA, and NOT for libxc)
  [grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)]=the square of the gradients of
    spin-up, spin-down, and total density
    If nspden=1, only the square of the gradient of the spin-up density
     must be given. In the calling routine, the square of the gradient
     of the spin-down density
     must be equal to the square of the gradient of the spin-up density,
     and both must be equal to one-quarter of the square of the
     gradient of the total density.
    If nspden=2, the square of the gradients of
     spin-up, spin-down, and total density must be given.
     Note that the square of the gradient of the total
     density is usually NOT related to the square of the
     gradient of the spin-up and spin-down densities,
     because the gradients are not usually aligned.
     This is not the case when nspden=1.
  [hyb_mixing]= mixing parameter for the native PBEx functionals (ixc=41 and 42)
  [lrho_updn(npts,nspden)]=the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up Laplacian density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down Laplacian density must
    be equal to the spin-up Laplacian density,
    and both are half the total Laplacian density.
    If nspden=2, the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities must be given
  [tau_updn(npts,nspden)]=the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up kinetic energy density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down kinetic energy density must
    be equal to the spin-up kinetic energy density,
    and both are half the total kinetic energy density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities must be given
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>, optional : libxc XC functionals.
    If not specified, the underlying xc_global(2) is used by libxc.
  [xc_tb09_c]= c parameter for the Tran-Blaha mGGA functional, within libxc


  exc(npts)=exchange-correlation energy density (hartree)
  vxcrho(npts,nspden)= (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_up$)) (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_down$)) (hartree)
  vxcgrho(npts,3)= 1/$|grad \rho_up|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_up|$)) (hartree)
                   1/$|grad \rho_dn|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_dn|$)) (hartree)
              and  1/$|grad \rho|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho|$))       (hartree)
     (will be zero if a LDA functional is used)
  vxclrho(npts,nspden)=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_up$))   (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_down$)) (hartree)
  vxctau(npts,nspden)=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
    derivative of XC energy density with respect to kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau).
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_up$))    (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_down$))  (hartree)
  Optional output:
   [dvxc(npts,ndvxc)]=partial second derivatives of the xc energy
   (This is a mess, to be rationalized !!)
   In case of local energy functional (option=1,-1 or 3):
    dvxc(npts,1+nspden)=              (Hartree*bohr^3)
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==2): dvxci(:,1)=dvxc/d$\rho$ , dvxc(:,2) empty
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==-2): also compute dvxci(:,2)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$
     if(nspden=2): dvxc(:,1)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$,
   In case of gradient corrected functional (option=2,-2, 4, -4, 5, 6, 7):
     dvxc(:,1)= d2Ex/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,2)= d2Ex/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,3)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,4)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,5)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,6)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,7)= 1/abs(grad(rho_up)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_up)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) /abs(grad(rho_up)))
     dvxc(:,8)= 1/abs(grad(rho_dn)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_dn)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) /abs(grad(rho_dn)))
     dvxc(:,9)= d2Ec/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,10)=d2Ec/drho_up drho_dn
     dvxc(:,11)=d2Ec/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,12)=dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,13)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,14)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,15)=1/abs(grad(rho)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho)) (dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) /abs(grad(rho)))

  if(abs(order)>2)  (only available for LDA and nspden=1)
   [d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc)]=partial third derivatives of the xc energy
    if nspden=1 d2vxc(npts,1)=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy
    if nspden=2 d2vxc(npts,1), d2vxc(npts,2), d2vxc(npts,3), d2vxc(npts,4) (3rd derivative of energy)
  [fxcT(npts)]=XC free energy of the electron gaz at finite temperature (to be used for plasma systems)






1208 subroutine drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
1209 &   dvxc,d2vxc,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,el_temp,exexch,fxcT,& !Optional arguments
1210 &   hyb_mixing,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c)  !Optional arguments
1213 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
1214 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
1215 #undef ABI_FUNC
1216 #define ABI_FUNC 'drivexc'
1217 !End of the abilint section
1219  implicit none
1221 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1222 !scalars
1223  integer,intent(in) :: ixc,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order
1224  integer,intent(in),optional :: exexch
1225  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: el_temp,hyb_mixing,xc_tb09_c
1226 !arrays
1227  real(dp),intent(in) :: rho_updn(npts,nspden)
1228  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: grho2_updn(npts,ngr2)
1229  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: lrho_updn(npts,nspden), tau_updn(npts,nspden)
1230  real(dp),intent(out) :: exc(npts),vxcrho(npts,nspden)
1231  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc),dvxc(npts,ndvxc),fxcT(:)
1232  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
1233  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxclrho(npts,nspden),vxctau(npts,nspden)
1234  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(inout),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
1236 !Local variables-------------------------------
1237 !scalars
1238  integer :: exexch_,ixc_from_lib,ixc1,ixc2,ndvxc_x,optpbe,ispden
1239  logical :: libxc_test,xc_err_ndvxc,xc_err_nvxcgrho1,xc_err_nvxcgrho2
1240  logical :: is_gga,is_mgga
1241  real(dp) :: alpha
1242  real(dp),parameter :: rsfac=0.6203504908994000e0_dp
1243  character(len=500) :: message
1244 !arrays
1245  real(dp),allocatable :: exci_rpa(:)
1246  real(dp),allocatable :: rhotot(:),rspts(:),vxci_rpa(:,:),zeta(:)
1247  real(dp),allocatable :: exc_c(:),exc_x(:),vxcrho_c(:,:),vxcrho_x(:,:)
1248  real(dp),allocatable :: d2vxc_c(:,:),d2vxc_x(:,:),dvxc_c(:,:),dvxc_x(:,:)
1249  real(dp),allocatable :: vxcgrho_x(:,:)
1250  type(libxc_functional_type) :: xc_funcs_vwn3(2),xc_funcs_lyp(2)
1252 ! *************************************************************************
1254 ! =================================================
1255 ! ==         Compatibility tests                 ==
1256 ! =================================================
1258 !Checks the values of order and other size parameters
1259  if( (order<1 .and. order/=-2) .or. order>4)then
1260    write(message, '(a,i0)' )&
1261 &   'The only allowed values for order are 1,2,-2 or 3, while it is found to be ',order
1262    MSG_BUG(message)
1263  end if
1264  xc_err_ndvxc=.false.
1265  xc_err_nvxcgrho1=.false.
1266  xc_err_nvxcgrho2=.false.
1267  if (ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(nvxcgrho/=2)
1268  if (order**2>1) then
1269    if ((ixc>=2.and.ixc<=6).or.(ixc==50)) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=1)
1270    if (ixc==1.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=nspden+1)
1271  end if
1272  if (order==2) then
1273    if ((ixc>=7.and.ixc<=10).or.(ixc==13)) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0)
1274    if (ixc==12.or.ixc==24) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=8.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
1275    if (ixc==11.or.ixc==14.or.ixc==15.or.ixc==23.or.ixc==41.or.ixc==42) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=15.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
1276  end if
1277  if (order==3) then
1278    if (ixc==3) xc_err_ndvxc=(ndvxc/=1)
1279    if (ixc==10.or.ixc==13) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0)
1280    if (ixc==12.or.ixc==24) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=8.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
1281    if (ixc==11.or.ixc==14.or.ixc==15.or.ixc==23.or.ixc==41.or.ixc==42) xc_err_nvxcgrho1=(ndvxc/=15.or.nvxcgrho/=3)
1282    if (ixc>=7.and.ixc<=9) xc_err_nvxcgrho2=(ndvxc/=1+nspden.or.nvxcgrho/=0.or.nd2vxc/=(3*nspden-2))
1283    if (ixc==50) xc_err_ndvxc=(nd2vxc/=0)
1284  end if
1285  if (xc_err_ndvxc) then
1286    write(message, '(7a,i0,a,i0,a)' )&
1287 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc:',ch10,&
1288 &   'the value of the spin polarization',ch10,&
1289 &   'is not compatible with the value of ixc:',ch10,&
1290 &   'ixc=',ixc,' (nspden=',nspden,')'
1291    MSG_BUG(message)
1292  end if
1293  if (xc_err_nvxcgrho1) then
1294    write(message,'(3a,i0,a,i0,a,i0)' )&
1295 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc or nvxcgrho:',ch10,&
1296 &   'ixc=',ixc,'ndvxc=',ndvxc,'nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho
1297    MSG_BUG(message)
1298  end if
1299  if (xc_err_nvxcgrho2) then
1300    write(message, '(3a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a,i0)' )&
1301 &   'Wrong value of ndvxc or nvxcgrho or nd2vxc:',ch10,&
1302 &   'ixc=',ixc,'ndvxc=',ndvxc,'nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'nd2vxc=',nd2vxc
1303    MSG_BUG(message)
1304  end if
1306 !Check libXC
1307  if (ixc<0 .or. ixc==1402) then
1308    libxc_test=libxc_functionals_check(stop_if_error=.true.)
1309  end if
1311  if (ixc<0) then
1312 !  Prepare the tests
1313    if(present(xc_funcs))then
1314      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1315      is_mgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1316      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1317    else
1318      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga()
1319      is_mgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga()
1320      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc()
1321    end if
1322 !  Check consistency between ixc passed in input and the one used to initialize the library.
1323    if (ixc /= ixc_from_lib) then
1324      write(message, '(a,i0,2a,i0,2a)')&
1325 &     'The value of ixc specified in input, ixc = ',ixc,ch10,&
1326 &     'differs from the one used to initialize the functional ',ixc_from_lib,ch10,&
1327 &     'Action: reinitialize the global structure funcs, see NOTES in m_libxc_functionals'
1328      MSG_BUG(message)
1329    end if
1330  else if (ixc==1420)then
1331    is_gga=.true.
1332    is_mgga=.false.
1333  end if
1335  if (ixc<0 .or. ixc==1402) then
1336 !  Check whether all the necessary arrays are present and have the correct dimensions
1337    if (is_gga .or. is_mgga) then
1338      if ( (.not. present(grho2_updn)) .or. (.not. present(vxcgrho)))  then
1339        write(message, '(5a,2L2,2a,2L2,2a,i10,a,i5,a,i5)' )&
1340 &       'At least one of the functionals is a GGA or a MGGA,',ch10,&
1341 &       'but not all the necessary arrays are present.',ch10,&
1342 &       'is_gga, is_mgga=',is_gga,is_mgga,ch10,&
1343 &       'present(grho2_updn),present(vxcgrho)=',present(grho2_updn),present(vxcgrho),ch10,&
1344 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'  ngr2=',ngr2
1345        MSG_BUG(message)
1346      end if
1347      if (ngr2==0.or.nvxcgrho/=3) then
1348        write(message, '(5a,i7,a,i6,a,i6)' )&
1349 &       'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
1350 &       'is not compatible with the value of nvxcgrho or ngr2',ch10,&
1351 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho,'  ngr2=',ngr2
1352        MSG_BUG(message)
1353      end if
1354    end if
1355    if (is_mgga) then
1356      if ( (.not. present(lrho_updn)) .or. (.not. present(vxclrho)) .or. &
1357      (.not. present(tau_updn))  .or. (.not. present(vxctau))          )  then
1358        write(message, '(5a,i7)' )&
1359 &       'At least one of the functionals is a MGGA,',ch10,&
1360 &       'but not all the necessary arrays are present.',ch10,&
1361 &       'ixc=',ixc
1362        MSG_BUG(message)
1363      end if
1364    end if
1365  end if
1367 !Checks the compatibility between the inputs and the presence of the optional arguments
1368  if(present(dvxc))then
1369    if(order**2<=1.or.ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27)then
1370      write(message, '(5a,i0,a,i0)' )&
1371 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
1372 &     'or the value of order is not compatible with the presence of the array dvxc',ch10,&
1373 &     'ixc=',ixc,'order=',order
1374      MSG_BUG(message)
1375    end if
1376  end if
1377  if(present(d2vxc))then
1378    if(order/=3.or.(ixc/=3.and.(((ixc>15).and.(ixc/=23)) .or.&
1379 &   (ixc>=0.and.ixc<7).or.(ixc>=40 .and. ixc/=1402))) )then
1380      write(message, '(5a,i6,a,i0)' )&
1381 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
1382 &     'or the value of order is not compatible with the presence of the array d2vxc',ch10,&
1383 &     'ixc=',ixc,'order=',order
1384      MSG_BUG(message)
1385    end if
1386  end if
1387  if(present(vxcgrho))then
1388    if(nvxcgrho==0.or. &
1389 &   ((((ixc>17.and.ixc/=23.and.ixc/=24.and.ixc/=26.and.ixc/=27) .or.&
1390 &   (ixc>= 0.and.ixc<7).or.(ixc>=40 .and. ixc/=1402)) .and. nvxcgrho /=3 ))) then
1391      if(ixc<31.and.ixc>34)then !! additional if to include ixc 31 to 34 in the list (these ixc are used for mgga test see below)
1392        write(message, '(5a,i0,a,i0)' )&
1393 &       'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
1394 &       'or the value of nvxcgrho is not compatible with the presence of the array vxcgrho',ch10,&
1395 &       'ixc=',ixc,'  nvxcgrho=',nvxcgrho
1396        MSG_BUG(message)
1397      end if
1398    end if
1399  end if
1400  if(present(grho2_updn))then
1401    if (ngr2/=2*nspden-1 ) then
1402      write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
1403 &     'drivexc : BUG -',ch10,&
1404 &     'ngr2 must be 2*nspden-1 !'
1405 !    MSG_BUG(message)
1406    end if
1407    if ((ixc>0.and.ixc<11).or.(ixc>17.and.ixc<23).or.ixc==25.or.(ixc>27.and.ixc<31).or. &
1408 &   (ixc>34.and.ixc<41).or.ixc==50) then
1409      write(message, '(5a,i0)' )&
1410 &     'The value of the number of the XC functional ixc',ch10,&
1411 &     'is not compatible with the presence of the array grho2_updn',ch10,&
1412 &     'ixc=',ixc
1413      MSG_BUG(message)
1414    end if
1415  end if
1416  if (present(exexch)) then
1417    if(exexch/=0.and.(.not.present(grho2_updn))) then
1418      message='exexch argument only valid for GGA!'
1419      MSG_BUG(message)
1420    end if
1421  end if
1422  if(ixc==31.or.ixc==32.or.ixc==33.or.ixc==34) then
1423    if((.not.(present(vxcgrho))) .or. (.not.(present(vxclrho))) .or. (.not.(present(vxctau))))then
1424      message = 'vxcgrho or vxclrho or vxctau is not present but they are all needed for MGGA XC tests.'
1425      MSG_BUG(message)
1426    end if
1427  end if
1428  if(ixc==50) then
1429    if(.not.(present(el_temp)).or.(.not.present(fxcT)))then
1430      message = 'el_temp or fxcT is not present but are needed for IIT XC functional.'
1431      MSG_BUG(message)
1432    end if
1433    if (size(fxcT)/=npts) then
1434      MSG_BUG('fxcT size must be npts!')
1435    end if
1436  end if
1438 ! =================================================
1439 ! ==  Intermediate quantities computation        ==
1440 ! =================================================
1442 !If needed, compute rhotot and rs
1443  if (ixc==1.or.ixc==2.or.ixc==3.or.ixc==4.or.ixc==5.or.ixc==6.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22.or.ixc==50) then
1444    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhotot,(npts))
1445    ABI_ALLOCATE(rspts,(npts))
1446    if(nspden==1)then
1447      rhotot(:)=two*rho_updn(:,1)
1448    else
1449      rhotot(:)=rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2)
1450    end if
1451    call invcb(rhotot,rspts,npts)
1452    rspts(:)=rsfac*rspts(:)
1453  end if
1455 !If needed, compute zeta
1456  if (ixc==1.or.ixc==21.or.ixc==22) then
1457    ABI_ALLOCATE(zeta,(npts))
1458    if(nspden==1)then
1459      zeta(:)=zero
1460    else
1461      zeta(:)=two*rho_updn(:,1)/rhotot(:)-one
1462    end if
1463  end if
1465 ! =================================================
1466 ! ==  XC energy, potentiel, ... computation      ==
1467 ! =================================================
1469  exexch_=0;if(present(exexch)) exexch_=exexch
1471 !>>>>> No exchange-correlation
1472  if (ixc==0.or.ixc==40) then
1473    exc=zero ; vxcrho=zero
1474    if(present(d2vxc)) d2vxc(:,:)=zero
1475    if(present(dvxc)) dvxc(:,:)=zero
1476    if(present(vxcgrho)) vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
1477    if(present(vxclrho)) vxclrho(:,:)=zero
1478    if(present(vxctau)) vxctau(:,:)=zero
1480 !>>>>> New Teter fit (4/93) to Ceperley-Alder data, with spin-pol option
1481  else if (ixc==1 .or. ixc==21 .or. ixc==22) then
1482 !  new Teter fit (4/93) to Ceperley-Alder data, with spin-pol option
1483    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1484      call xcspol(exc,npts,nspden,order,rspts,vxcrho,zeta,ndvxc)
1485    else
1486      call xcspol(exc,npts,nspden,order,rspts,vxcrho,zeta,ndvxc,dvxc)
1487    end if
1489 !>>>>> Perdew-Zunger fit to Ceperly-Alder data (no spin-pol)
1490  else if (ixc==2) then
1491    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1492      call xcpzca(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
1493    else
1494      call xcpzca(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
1495    end if
1497 !>>>>> Teter fit (4/91) to Ceperley-Alder values (no spin-pol)
1498  else if (ixc==3) then
1499    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1500      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
1501    else if (order == 2) then
1502      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc=dvxc)
1503    else if (order == 3) then
1504      call xctetr(exc,npts,order,rhotot,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),d2vxc=d2vxc,dvxc=dvxc)
1505    end if
1507 !>>>>> Wigner xc (no spin-pol)
1508  else if (ixc==4) then
1509    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1510      call xcwign(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
1511    else
1512      call xcwign(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
1513    end if
1515 !>>>>>  Hedin-Lundqvist xc (no spin-pol)
1516  else if (ixc==5) then
1517    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1518      call xchelu(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
1519    else
1520      call xchelu(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
1521    end if
1523 !>>>>> X-alpha (no spin-pol)
1524  else if (ixc==6) then
1525    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1526      call xcxalp(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1))
1527    else
1528      call xcxalp(exc,npts,order,rspts,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
1529    end if
1531 !>>>>> PBE and alternatives
1532  else if (((ixc>=7.and.ixc<=15).or.(ixc>=23.and.ixc<=24)).and.ixc/=10.and.ixc/=13) then
1533 !  Perdew-Wang LSD is coded in Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA, with optpbe=1
1534    if(ixc==7)optpbe=1
1535 !  x-only part of Perdew-Wang
1536    if(ixc==8)optpbe=-1
1537 !  Exchange + RPA correlation from Perdew-Wang
1538    if(ixc==9)optpbe=3
1539 !  Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA
1540    if(ixc==11)optpbe=2
1541 !  x-only part of PBE
1542    if(ixc==12)optpbe=-2
1543 !  C09x exchange of V. R. Cooper
1544    if(ixc==24)optpbe=-4
1545 !  revPBE of Zhang and Yang
1546    if(ixc==14)optpbe=5
1547 !  RPBE of Hammer, Hansen and Norskov
1548    if(ixc==15)optpbe=6
1549 !  Wu and Cohen
1550    if(ixc==23)optpbe=7
1551    if (ixc >=7.and.ixc<=9) then
1552      if (order**2 <= 1) then
1553        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1554      else if (order /=3) then
1555        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1556      else if (order ==3) then
1557        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1558      end if
1559    else if ((ixc >= 11 .and. ixc <= 15) .or. (ixc>=23 .and. ixc<=24)) then
1560      if (order**2 <= 1) then
1561        call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1562 &       dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1563      else if (order /=3) then
1564        if(ixc==12 .or. ixc==24)then
1565          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1566 &         dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1567        else if(ixc/=12 .or. ixc/=24) then
1568          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1569 &         dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1570        end if
1571      else if (order ==3) then
1572        if(ixc==12 .or. ixc==24)then
1573          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1574 &         d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1575        else if(ixc/=12 .or. ixc/=24) then
1576          call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1577 &         d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1578        end if
1579      end if
1580    end if
1582 !>>>>> RPA correlation from Perdew-Wang
1583  else if (ixc==10) then
1584    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1585      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
1586      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
1587      optpbe=3
1588      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1589      optpbe=1
1590      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1591      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
1592 !    PMA: second index of vxcrho is nspden while that of rpa is 2 they can mismatch
1593      vxcrho(:,1:min(nspden,2))=vxcrho(:,1:min(nspden,2))-vxci_rpa(:,1:min(nspden,2))
1594      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
1595      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
1596    else if (order /=3) then
1597      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
1598      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
1599      optpbe=3
1600      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1601      optpbe=1
1602      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1603      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
1604      vxcrho(:,:)=vxcrho(:,:)-vxci_rpa(:,:)
1605      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
1606      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
1607    else if (order ==3) then
1608      ABI_ALLOCATE(exci_rpa,(npts))
1609      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxci_rpa,(npts,2))
1610      optpbe=3
1611      call xcpbe(exci_rpa,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxci_rpa,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1612 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1613      optpbe=1
1614      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1615 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1616      exc(:)=exc(:)-exci_rpa(:)
1617      vxcrho(:,:)=vxcrho(:,:)-vxci_rpa(:,:)
1618      ABI_DEALLOCATE(exci_rpa)
1619      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxci_rpa)
1620    end if
1622 !>>>>> LDA xc energy like ixc==7, and Leeuwen-Baerends GGA xc potential
1623  else if(ixc==13) then
1624    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1625      optpbe=1
1626      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1627      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
1628    else if (order /=3) then
1629      optpbe=1
1630      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1631      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
1632    else if (order ==3) then
1633      optpbe=1
1634      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxci=dvxc)
1635      call xclb(grho2_updn,npts,nspden,rho_updn,vxcrho)
1636    end if
1638 !>>>>> HTCH93, HTCH120, HTCH107, HTCH147
1639  else if(ixc==16 .or. ixc==17 .or. ixc==26 .or. ixc==27) then
1640    call xchcth(vxcgrho,exc,grho2_updn,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,vxcrho)
1642 !>>>>> Only for test purpose (test various part of MGGA implementation)
1643  else if(ixc==31 .or. ixc==32 .or. ixc==33 .or. ixc==34) then
1644    exc(:)=zero
1645    vxcrho(:,:)=zero
1646    vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
1647    vxclrho(:,:)=zero
1648    vxctau(:,:)=zero
1650 !>>>>> Perdew-Wang LSD is coded in Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA, with optpbe=1
1651    optpbe=1
1652    select case(ixc)
1653    case (31)
1654      alpha=1.00d0-(1.00d0/1.01d0)
1655 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
1656      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1657      if (nspden==1) then
1658 !        it should be : exc_tot= exc_spin up + exc_spin down = 2*exc_spin up but this applies to tau and rho (so it cancels)
1659        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*tau_updn(:,1)/rho_updn(:,1)
1660      else
1661        do ispden=1,nspden
1662          exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*tau_updn(:,ispden)/(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
1663        end do
1664      end if
1665      vxctau(:,:)=alpha
1666    case (32)
1667      alpha=0.01d0
1668 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
1669      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1670      if (nspden==1) then
1671        exc(:)=exc(:)+2.0d0*alpha*lrho_updn(:,1)
1672        vxcrho(:,1) =vxcrho(:,1)+2.0d0*alpha*lrho_updn(:,1)
1673        vxclrho(:,1)=alpha*2.0d0*rho_updn(:,1)
1674      else
1675        do ispden=1,nspden
1676          exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*lrho_updn(:,ispden)
1677          vxcrho(:,ispden) =vxcrho(:,ispden)+alpha*(lrho_updn(:,1)+lrho_updn(:,2))
1678          vxclrho(:,ispden)=alpha*(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
1679        end do
1680      end if
1681    case (33)
1682      alpha=-0.010d0
1683 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
1684      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1685      if (nspden==1) then
1686 !        it should be : exc_tot= exc_spin up + exc_spin down = 2*exc_spin up but this applies to grho2 and rho
1687 !        (for grho2 it is a factor 4 to have total energy and for rho it is just a factor 2. So we end with factor 2 only)
1688        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*2.0d0*grho2_updn(:,1)/rho_updn(:,1)
1689        if(nvxcgrho==2)vxcgrho(:,1:2)=2.0d0*alpha
1690        if(nvxcgrho==3)vxcgrho(:,3)=2.0d0*alpha
1691      else
1692        exc(:)=exc(:)+alpha*grho2_updn(:,3)/(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
1693        if(nvxcgrho==2)vxcgrho(:,1:2)=2.0d0*alpha
1694        if(nvxcgrho==3)vxcgrho(:,3)=2.0d0*alpha
1695      end if
1696    case (34)
1697      alpha=-0.010d0
1698 !      Compute first LDA XC (exc,vxc) and then add fake MGGA XC (exc,vxc)
1699      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc)
1700      if (nspden==1) then
1701        exc(:)=exc(:)+16.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,1)
1702        vxcrho(:,1)=vxcrho(:,1)+16.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,1)
1703        vxctau(:,1)=16.0d0*alpha*rho_updn(:,1)
1704      else
1705        do ispden=1,nspden
1706          exc(:)=exc(:)+8.0d0*alpha*tau_updn(:,ispden)
1707          vxcrho(:,ispden)=vxcrho(:,ispden)+8.0d0*alpha*(tau_updn(:,1)+tau_updn(:,2))
1708          vxctau(:,ispden)=8.0d0*alpha*(rho_updn(:,1)+rho_updn(:,2))
1709        end do
1710      end if
1711    end select
1713 !>>>>> Hybrid PBE0 (1/4 and 1/3)
1714  else if(ixc>=41.and.ixc<=42) then
1715 !  Requires to evaluate exchange-correlation with PBE (optpbe=2)
1716 !  minus hyb_mixing*exchange with PBE (optpbe=-2)
1717    ndvxc_x=8
1718    ABI_ALLOCATE(exc_x,(npts))
1719    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcrho_x,(npts,nspden))
1720    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcgrho_x,(npts,nvxcgrho))
1721    exc_x=zero;vxcrho_x=zero;vxcgrho_x=zero
1722    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1723      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
1724      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1725 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1726      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
1727      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1728 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,exexch=exexch_,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1729      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
1730      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
1731      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
1732    else if (order /=3) then
1733      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_x,(npts,ndvxc_x))
1734      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
1735      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1736      dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1737      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
1738      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc_x,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1739 &     dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,dvxci=dvxc_x,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1740      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
1741      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
1742      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
1743      dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)=dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)-dvxc_x(:,1:ndvxc_x)*hyb_mixing
1744      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_x)
1745    else if (order ==3) then
1746 !    The size of exchange-correlation with PBE (optpbe=2)
1747 !    is the one which defines the size for ndvxc.
1748      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_x,(npts,ndvxc_x))
1749      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2vxc_x,(npts,nd2vxc))
1750      optpbe=2 !PBE exchange correlation
1751      call xcpbe(exc,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1752 &     d2vxci=d2vxc,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho,dvxci=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1753      optpbe=-2 !PBE exchange-only
1754      call xcpbe(exc_x,npts,nspden,optpbe,order,rho_updn,vxcrho_x,ndvxc_x,ngr2,nd2vxc,&
1755 &     d2vxci=d2vxc_x,dvxcdgr=vxcgrho_x,dvxci=dvxc_x,grho2_updn=grho2_updn)
1756      exc=exc-exc_x*hyb_mixing
1757      vxcrho=vxcrho-vxcrho_x*hyb_mixing
1758      vxcgrho=vxcgrho-vxcgrho_x*hyb_mixing
1759      d2vxc=d2vxc-d2vxc_x*hyb_mixing
1760      dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)=dvxc(:,1:ndvxc_x)-dvxc_x(:,1:ndvxc_x)*hyb_mixing
1761      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_x)
1762      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2vxc_x)
1763    end if
1764    ABI_DEALLOCATE(exc_x)
1765    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcrho_x)
1766    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcgrho_x)
1768 !>>>>> Ichimaru,Iyetomi,Tanaka,  XC at finite temp (e- gaz)
1769  else if (ixc==50) then
1770    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1771      call xciit(exc,fxcT,npts,order,rspts,el_temp,vxcrho(:,1))
1772    else
1773      call xciit(exc,fxcT,npts,order,rspts,el_temp,vxcrho(:,1),dvxc)
1774    end if
1776 !>>>>> GGA counterpart of the B3LYP functional
1777  else if(ixc==1402000) then
1778 !  Requires to evaluate exchange-correlation
1779 !  with 5/4 B3LYP - 1/4 B3LYPc, where
1780 !  B3LYPc = (0.19 Ec VWN3 + 0.81 Ec LYP)
1782 !  First evaluate B3LYP.
1783    if(present(xc_funcs))then
1784      if (abs(order)==1) then
1785        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1786 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1787      elseif (abs(order)==2) then
1788        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1789 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1790      else
1791        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1792 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1793      end if
1794    else
1795      if (abs(order)==1) then
1796        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1797 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho)
1798      elseif (abs(order)==2) then
1799        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1800 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
1801      else
1802        call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1803 &       vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
1804      end if
1805    end if
1807 !  Then renormalize B3LYP and subtract VWN3 contribution
1808    ABI_ALLOCATE(exc_c,(npts))
1809    ABI_ALLOCATE(vxcrho_c,(npts,nspden))
1810    if(order**2>1)then
1811      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvxc_c,(npts,ndvxc))
1812    end if
1813    if(order**2>4)then
1814      ABI_ALLOCATE(d2vxc_c,(npts,nd2vxc))
1815    end if
1816    exc_c=zero;vxcrho_c=zero
1817    call libxc_functionals_init(-30,nspden,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
1818    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1819      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1820 &     vxcrho_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
1821    elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
1822      dvxc_c=zero
1823      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1824 &     vxcrho_c,dvxc=dvxc_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
1825    else
1826      dvxc_c=zero
1827      d2vxc_c=zero
1828      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1829 &     vxcrho_c,dvxc=dvxc_c,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
1830    end if
1831    exc=1.25d0*exc-quarter*0.19d0*exc_c
1832    vxcrho=1.25d0*vxcrho-quarter*0.19d0*vxcrho_c
1833    if(order**2>1)dvxc=1.25d0*dvxc-quarter*0.19d0*dvxc_c
1834    if(order**2>4)d2vxc=1.25d0*d2vxc-quarter*0.19d0*d2vxc_c
1835    call libxc_functionals_end(xc_functionals=xc_funcs_vwn3)
1837 !  Then subtract LYP contribution
1838    call libxc_functionals_init(-131,nspden,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
1839    if (order**2 <= 1) then
1840      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1841 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
1842    elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
1843      dvxc_c=zero
1844      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1845 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc_c,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
1846    else
1847      dvxc_c=zero
1848      d2vxc_c=zero
1849      call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc_c,&
1850 &     vxcrho_c,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc_c,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
1851    end if
1852    exc=exc-quarter*0.81d0*exc_c
1853    vxcrho=vxcrho-quarter*0.81d0*vxcrho_c
1854    if(order**2>1)dvxc=dvxc-quarter*0.81d0*dvxc_c
1855    if(order**2>4)d2vxc=d2vxc-quarter*0.81d0*d2vxc_c
1856    call libxc_functionals_end(xc_functionals=xc_funcs_lyp)
1858    ABI_DEALLOCATE(exc_c)
1859    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxcrho_c)
1860    if(allocated(dvxc_c))then
1861      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvxc_c)
1862    end if
1863    if(allocated(d2vxc_c))then
1864      ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2vxc_c)
1865    end if
1867 !>>>>> All libXC functionals
1868  else if( ixc<0 ) then
1869    if (is_mgga) then
1870      if(present(xc_funcs))then
1871        if (PRESENT(xc_tb09_c)) then
1872          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1873 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_functionals=xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c)
1874        else
1875          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1876 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1877        end if
1878      else
1879        if (PRESENT(xc_tb09_c)) then
1880          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1881 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c)
1882        else
1883          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1884 &         vxcrho,grho2_updn,vxcgrho,lrho_updn,vxclrho,tau_updn,vxctau)
1885        end if
1886      end if
1887      ixc1 = (-ixc)/1000
1888      ixc2 = (-ixc) - ixc1*1000
1889      if(ixc1==206 .or. ixc1==207 .or. ixc1==208 .or. ixc1==209 .or. &
1890 &     ixc2==206 .or. ixc2==207 .or. ixc2==208 .or. ixc2==209    )then
1891 !      Assume that that type of mGGA can only be used with a LDA correlation (see doc)
1892        vxcgrho(:,:)=zero
1893        vxclrho(:,:)=zero
1894        vxctau(:,:)=zero
1895      end if
1896    elseif (is_gga) then
1897      if(present(xc_funcs))then
1898        if (order**2 <= 1) then
1899          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1900 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1901        else
1902          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1903 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1904        end if
1905      else
1906        if (order**2 <= 1) then
1907          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1908 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho)
1909        else
1910          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1911 &         vxcrho,grho2=grho2_updn,vxcgr=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
1912        end if
1913      end if
1914    else
1915      if(present(xc_funcs))then
1916        if (order**2 <= 1) then
1917          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1918 &         vxcrho,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1919        elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
1920          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1921 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1922        else
1923          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1924 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1925        end if
1926      else
1927        if (order**2 <= 1) then
1928          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1929 &         vxcrho)
1930        elseif (order**2 <= 4) then
1931          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1932 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc)
1933        else
1934          call libxc_functionals_getvxc(ndvxc,nd2vxc,npts,nspden,order,rho_updn,exc,&
1935 &         vxcrho,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
1936        end if
1937      end if
1938    end if
1940  end if
1942 ! =================================================
1943 ! ==              Finalization                   ==
1944 ! =================================================
1945 !Deallocate arrays
1946  if(allocated(rhotot)) then
1947    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhotot)
1948  end if
1949  if(allocated(rspts)) then
1950    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rspts)
1951  end if
1952  if(allocated(zeta)) then
1953    ABI_DEALLOCATE(zeta)
1954  end if
1956 end subroutine drivexc

ABINIT/drivexc_main [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Driver of XC functionals. Optionally, deliver the XC kernel, or even the derivative
 of the XC kernel (the third derivative of the XC energy)


  ixc=index of the XC functional
  mgga=1 if functional is metaGGA
  ndvxc=size of dvxc(npts,ndvxc)
  nd2vxc=size of d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc)
  ngr2=size of grho2(npts,ngr2)
  npts=number of real space points on which the density (and its gradients) is provided
  nspden=number of spin-density components (1 or 2)
  nvxcgrho=size of vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
  order=gives the maximal derivative of Exc computed.
    1=usual value (return exc and vxc)
    2=also computes the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc)
   -2=like 2, except (to be described)
    3=also computes the derivative of the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc,k3xc)
  rho(npts,nspden)=the spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down density must
    be equal to the spin-up density5
    and both are half the total density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down density must be given
  xclevel= XC functional level
  === Optional input arguments ===
  [el_temp]= electronic temperature (to be used for finite temperature XC functionals)
  [exexch]=choice of <<<local>>> exact exchange. Active if exexch=3 (only for GGA, and NOT for libxc)
  [grho2(npts,ngr2)]=the square of the gradients of
    spin-up, spin-down, and total density
    If nspden=1, only the square of the gradient of the spin-up density
     must be given. In the calling routine, the square of the gradient
     of the spin-down density
     must be equal to the square of the gradient of the spin-up density,
     and both must be equal to one-quarter of the square of the
     gradient of the total density.
    If nspden=2, the square of the gradients of
     spin-up, spin-down, and total density must be given.
     Note that the square of the gradient of the total
     density is usually NOT related to the square of the
     gradient of the spin-up and spin-down densities,
     because the gradients are not usually aligned.
     This is not the case when nspden=1.
  [hyb_mixing]= mixing parameter for the native PBEx functionals (ixc=41 and 42)
  [lrho(npts,nspden)]=the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up Laplacian density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down Laplacian density must
    be equal to the spin-up Laplacian density,
    and both are half the total Laplacian density.
    If nspden=2, the Laplacian of spin-up and spin-down densities must be given
  [tau(npts,nspden)]=the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities
    If nspden=1, only the spin-up kinetic energy density must be given.
    In the calling routine, the spin-down kinetic energy density must
    be equal to the spin-up kinetic energy density,
    and both are half the total kinetic energy density.
    If nspden=2, the spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy densities must be given
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>, optional : libxc XC functionals.
  [xc_tb09_c]=c parameter for the mgga TB09 functional, within libxc


  exc(npts)=exchange-correlation energy density (hartree)
  vxcrho(npts,nspden)= (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_up$)) (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\rho_down$)) (hartree)
  === Optional output arguments ===
  [dvxc]=partial second derivatives of the xc energy, only if abs(order)>1
   In case of local energy functional (option=1,-1 or 3):
    dvxc(npts,1+nspden)=              (Hartree*bohr^3)
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==2): dvxci(:,1)=dvxc/d$\rho$ , dvxc(:,2) empty
     if(nspden=1 .and. order==-2): also compute dvxci(:,2)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$
     if(nspden=2): dvxc(:,1)=dvxc($\uparrow$)/d$\rho(\downarrow)$,
   In case of gradient corrected functional (option=2,-2, 4, -4, 5, 6, 7):
     dvxc(:,1)= d2Ex/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,2)= d2Ex/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,3)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,4)= dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,5)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho_up))
     dvxc(:,6)= d2Ex/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho_dn))
     dvxc(:,7)= 1/abs(grad(rho_up)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_up)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_up))) /abs(grad(rho_up)))
     dvxc(:,8)= 1/abs(grad(rho_dn)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho_dn)) (dEx/d(abs(grad(rho_dn))) /abs(grad(rho_dn)))
     dvxc(:,9)= d2Ec/drho_up drho_up
     dvxc(:,10)=d2Ec/drho_up drho_dn
     dvxc(:,11)=d2Ec/drho_dn drho_dn
     dvxc(:,12)=dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,13)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_up / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,14)=d2Ec/d(abs(grad(rho))) drho_dn / abs(grad(rho))
     dvxc(:,15)=1/abs(grad(rho)) * d/d(abs(grad(rho)) (dEc/d(abs(grad(rho))) /abs(grad(rho)))
  [d2vxc]=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy, only if abs(order)>2
    (only available for LDA and nspden=1)
    if nspden=1 d2vxc(npts,1)=second derivative of the XC potential=3rd order derivative of energy
    if nspden=2 d2vxc(npts,1), d2vxc(npts,2), d2vxc(npts,3), d2vxc(npts,4) (3rd derivative of energy)
  [fxcT(npts)]=XC free energy of the electron gaz at finite temperature (to be used for plasma systems)
  [vxcgrho(npts,3)]= 1/$|grad \rho_up|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_up|$)) (hartree)
                     1/$|grad \rho_dn|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho_dn|$)) (hartree)
                and  1/$|grad \rho|$ (d($\rho$*exc)/d($|grad \rho|$))       (hartree)
     (will be zero if a LDA functional is used)
  [vxclrho(npts,nspden)]=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_up$))   (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\lrho_down$)) (hartree)
  [vxctau(npts,nspden)]=(only for meta-GGA, i.e. optional output)=
    derivative of XC energy density with respect to kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau).
                       (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_up$))    (hartree)
                  and  (d($\rho$*exc)/d($\tau_down$))  (hartree)






176 subroutine drivexc_main(exc,ixc,mgga,ndvxc,nd2vxc,ngr2,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order,rho,vxcrho,xclevel, &
177 &                       dvxc,d2vxc,el_temp,exexch,fxcT,grho2,& ! Optional arguments
178 &                       hyb_mixing,lrho,tau,vxcgrho,vxclrho,vxctau,xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c) ! Optional arguments
181 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
182 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
183 #undef ABI_FUNC
184 #define ABI_FUNC 'drivexc_main'
185 !End of the abilint section
187  implicit none
189 !Arguments ------------------------------------
190 !scalars
191  integer,intent(in) :: ixc,mgga,ndvxc,nd2vxc,ngr2,npts,nspden,nvxcgrho,order,xclevel
192  integer,intent(in),optional :: exexch
193  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: el_temp,hyb_mixing,xc_tb09_c
194 !arrays
195  real(dp),intent(in) :: rho(npts,nspden)
196  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: grho2(npts,ngr2),lrho(npts,nspden*mgga),tau(npts,nspden*mgga)
197  real(dp),intent(out) :: exc(npts),vxcrho(npts,nspden)
198  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: dvxc(npts,ndvxc),d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc),fxcT(:),vxcgrho(npts,nvxcgrho)
199  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: vxclrho(npts,nspden*mgga),vxctau(npts,nspden*mgga)
200  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(inout),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
202 !Local variables-------------------------------
203 !scalars
204  real(dp) :: hyb_mixing_,xc_tb09_c_
205  logical :: is_gga
207 !  *************************************************************************
209 !Checks input parameters
210  if (mgga==1) then
211    if (.not.present(lrho)) then
212      MSG_BUG('lrho arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
213    end if
214    if (.not.present(tau)) then
215      MSG_BUG('tau arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
216    end if
217    if (.not.present(vxclrho)) then
218      MSG_BUG('vxclrho arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
219    end if
220    if (.not.present(vxctau)) then
221      MSG_BUG('vxctau arg must be present in case of mGGA!')
222    end if
223  end if
224  if (present(fxcT)) then
225    if (.not.present(el_temp)) then
226      MSG_BUG('el_temp arg must be present together with fxcT!')
227    end if
228  end if
230  xc_tb09_c_=99.99_dp;if (present(xc_tb09_c)) xc_tb09_c_=xc_tb09_c
232  if(ixc==41)hyb_mixing_=quarter
233  if(ixc==42)hyb_mixing_=third
234  if (present(hyb_mixing)) hyb_mixing_=hyb_mixing
236 !>>>>> All libXC functionals
238  if (ixc<0) then
240    if (present(xc_funcs))then
241      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
242    else
243      is_gga=libxc_functionals_isgga()
244    end if
246    if (mgga==1) then
247      if (abs(xc_tb09_c_-99.99_dp)>tol12) then
248        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
249          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
250 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
251 &         xc_funcs=xc_funcs,xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c_)
252        else
253          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
254 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
255 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
256 &         xc_tb09_c=xc_tb09_c_)
257        end if
258      else
259        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
260          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
261 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
262 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau, &
263 &         xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
264        else
265          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
266 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
267 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau)
268        end if
269      end if
270    else if (is_gga) then
271      if (order**2<=1) then
272        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
273          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
274 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
275        else
276          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
277 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
278        end if
279      else
280        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
281          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
282 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc,xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
283        else
284          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
285 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho,dvxc=dvxc)
286        end if
287      end if
288    else
289      if (order**2<=1) then
290        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
291          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
292          xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
293        else
294          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho)
295        end if
296      else if (order**2<=4) then
297        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
298          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
299 &         dvxc=dvxc, xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
300        else
301          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
302 &         dvxc=dvxc)
303        end if
304      else
305        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
306          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
307 &         dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc, xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
308        else
309          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
310 &         dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
311        end if
312      end if
313    end if
315  else
317 !  Cases with gradient
318    if (xclevel==2)then
319      if (order**2<=1.or.ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27) then
320        if (ixc/=13) then
321          if (present(exexch)) then
322            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
323 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
324 &           exexch=exexch)
325          else
326            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
327 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
328          end if
329        else
330          if (present(exexch)) then
331            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
332 &           grho2_updn=grho2, &
333 &           exexch=exexch)
334          else
335            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
336 &           grho2_updn=grho2)
337          end if
338        end if
339      else if (order/=3) then
340        if (ixc/=13) then
341          if (present(exexch)) then
342            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
343 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
344 &           exexch=exexch)
345          else
346            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
347 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
348          end if
349        else
350          if (present(exexch)) then
351            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
352 &           dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2, &
353 &           exexch=exexch)
354          else
355            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
356 &           dvxc=dvxc,grho2_updn=grho2)
357          end if
358        end if
359      else if (order==3) then
360        if (ixc/=13) then
361          if (present(exexch)) then
362            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
363 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
364 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,exexch=exexch)
365          else
366            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
367 &           hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing_,dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho)
368          end if
369        else
370          if (present(exexch)) then
371            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
372 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2, &
373 &           exexch=exexch)
374          else
375            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
376 &           dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc,grho2_updn=grho2)
377          end if
378        end if
379      end if
382 !    Cases without gradient
383    else
384      if (order**2<=1) then
385        if (ixc>=31.and.ixc<=34) then !fake mgga functionals for testing purpose only (based on LDA functional)
386          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
387 &         grho2_updn=grho2,vxcgrho=vxcgrho, &
388 &         lrho_updn=lrho,vxclrho=vxclrho,tau_updn=tau,vxctau=vxctau)
389        else
390          if (present(fxcT)) then
391            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho,fxcT=fxcT,el_temp=el_temp)
392          else
393            call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho)
394          end if
395        end if
396      else if (order==3.and.(ixc==3.or.ixc>=7.and.ixc<=10)) then
397        call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
398 &       dvxc=dvxc,d2vxc=d2vxc)
399      else
400        if (present(fxcT)) then
401          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
402 &         dvxc=dvxc,fxcT=fxcT,el_temp=el_temp)
403        else
404          call drivexc(exc,ixc,npts,nspden,order,rho,vxcrho,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nvxcgrho, &
405 &         dvxc=dvxc)
406        end if
407      end if
408    end if
410  end if
412 end subroutine drivexc_main

ABINIT/echo_xc_name [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Write to log and output the xc functional which will be used for this dataset


  ixc = internal code for xc functional






433 subroutine echo_xc_name (ixc)
436 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
437 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
438 #undef ABI_FUNC
439 #define ABI_FUNC 'echo_xc_name'
440 !End of the abilint section
442  implicit none
444 !Arguments -------------------------------
445  integer, intent(in) :: ixc
447 !Local variables -------------------------
448  integer :: l_citation
449  character(len=500) :: message, citation
451 ! *********************************************************************
453  message =''
454  citation =''
456 !normal case (not libxc)
457  if (ixc >= 0) then
459    select case (ixc)
460    case (0)
461      message = 'No xc applied (usually for testing) - ixc=0'
462      citation = ''
463 !      LDA,LSD
464    case (1)
465      message = 'LDA: new Teter (4/93) with spin-polarized option - ixc=1'
466      citation = 'S. Goedecker, M. Teter, J. Huetter, PRB 54, 1703 (1996)' ! [[cite:Goedecker1996]]
467    case (2)
468      message = 'LDA: Perdew-Zunger-Ceperley-Alder - ixc=2'
469      citation = 'J.P.Perdew and A.Zunger, PRB 23, 5048 (1981) ' ! [[cite:Perdew1981]]
470    case (3)
471      message = 'LDA: old Teter (4/91) fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=3'
472      citation = ''
473    case (4)
474      message = 'LDA: Wigner - ixc=4'
475      citation = 'E.P.Wigner, Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 67 (1938)' ! [[cite:Wigner1938]]
476    case (5)
477      message = 'LDA: Hedin-Lundqvist - ixc=5'
478      citation = 'L.Hedin and B.I.Lundqvist, J. Phys. C4, 2064 (1971)' ! [[cite:Hedin1971]]
479    case (6)
480      message = 'LDA: "X-alpha" xc - ixc=6'
481      citation = 'Slater J. C., Phys. Rev. 81, 385 (1951)' ! [[cite:Slater1951]]
482    case (7)
483      message = 'LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7'
484      citation = 'J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)' ! [[cite:Perdew1992a]]
485    case (8)
486      message = 'LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD , exchange-only - ixc=8'
487      citation = 'J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)' ! [[cite:Perdew1992a]]
488    case (9)
489      message = 'LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 Ex+Ec_RPA  energy - ixc=9'
490      citation = 'J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)' ! [[cite:Perdew1992]]
491    case (10)
492      message = 'LDA: RPA LSD energy (only the energy !!) - ixc=10'
493      citation = ''
494 !      GGA
495    case (11)
496      message = 'GGA: Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional - ixc=11'
497      citation = 'J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)' ! [[cite:Perdew1996]]
498    case (12)
499      message = 'GGA: x-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional - ixc=12'
500      citation = 'J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)' ! [[cite:Perdew1996]]
501    case (13)
502      message = 'GGA: LDA (ixc==7) energy, and the xc _potential_ is given by van Leeuwen-Baerends GGA - ixc=13'
503      citation = 'R. van Leeuwen and E. J. Baerends PRA 49, 2421 (1994)' ! [[cite:VanLeeuwen1994]]
504    case (14)
505      message = 'GGA: revPBE functional - ixc=14'
506      citation = 'Zhang and Yang, PRL 80, 890 (1998)' ! [[cite:Zhang1998]]
507    case (15)
508      message = 'GGA: RPBE functional - ixc=15'
509      citation = 'Hammer, L. B. Hansen, and J. K. Norskov, PRB 59, 7413 (1999)' ! [[cite:Hammer1999]]
510    case (16)
511      message = 'GGA: HCTH93 functional - ixc=16'
512      citation = 'F.A. Hamprecht, A.J. Cohen, D.J. Tozer, N.C. Handy, JCP 109, 6264 (1998)' ! [[cite:Hamprecht1998]]
513    case (17)
514      message = 'GGA: HCTH120 functional - ixc=17'
515      citation = 'A.D. Boese, N.L. Doltsinis, N.C. Handy, and M. Sprik, JCP 112, 1670 (2000)' ! [[cite:Boese2000]]
516    case (23)
517      message = 'GGA: Wu Cohen functional - ixc=23'
518      citation = 'Z. Wu and R. E. Cohen, PRB 73, 235116 (2006)' ! [[cite:Wu2006]]
519    case (24)
520      message = 'GGA: C09x exchange functional - ixc=24'
521      citation = 'Valentino R. Cooper, PRB 81, 161104(R) (2010)' ! [[cite:Cooper2010]]
522    case (26)
523      message = 'GGA: HCTH147 functional - ixc=26'
524      citation = 'A.D. Boese, N.L. Doltsinis, N.C. Handy, and M. Sprik, JCP 112, 1670 (2000)' ! [[cite:Boese2000]]
525    case (27)
526      message = 'GGA: HCTH407 functional - ixc=27'
527      citation = 'A.D. Boese, and N.C. Handy, JCP 114, 5497 (2001)' ! [[cite:Boese2001]]
528 !      Fermi-Amaldi
529    case (20)
530      message = 'Fermi-Amaldi correction - ixc=20'
531      citation = ''
532    case (21)
533      message = 'Fermi-Amaldi correction with LDA(ixc=1) kernel - ixc=21'
534      citation = ''
535    case (22)
536      message = 'Fermi-Amaldi correction with hybrid BPG kernel - ixc=22'
537      citation = ''
538    case (31)
539      message = 'Meta-GGA fake1 - ixc=31'
540      citation = ''
541    case (32)
542      message = 'Meta-GGA fake2 - ixc=32'
543      citation = ''
544    case (33)
545      message = 'Meta-GGA fake3 - ixc=33'
546      citation = ''
547    case (34)
548      message = 'Meta-GGA fake4 - ixc=34'
549      citation = ''
550    case (40)
551      message = 'Hartree-Fock with mixing coefficient alpha=1'
552      citation = ''
553    case (41)
554      message = 'PBE0 with alpha=0.25'
555      citation = ''
556    case (42)
557      message = 'modified PBE0 with alpha=0.33'
558      citation = ''
559    case (50)
560      message = 'LDA at finite T Ichimaru-Iyetomy-Tanaka - ixc=50'
561      citation = 'Ichimaru S., Iyetomi H., Tanaka S., Phys. Rep. 149, 91-205 (1987) ' ! [[cite:Ichimaru1987]]
562    case default
563      write(message,'(a,i0)')" echo_xc_name does not know how to handle ixc = ",ixc
564      MSG_WARNING(message)
565    end select
567    message = " Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:" // ch10 &
568 &   // "  " // trim(message)
570    l_citation=len_trim(citation)
571    citation = " Citation for XC functional:" // ch10 // "  " // trim(citation)
573    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
574    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
576    if(l_citation/=0)then
577      call wrtout(ab_out,citation,'COLL')
578      call wrtout(std_out,citation,'COLL')
579    end if
581    message =' '
582    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
583    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
585  end if ! end libxc if
587 end subroutine echo_xc_name

ABINIT/m_drivexc [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Driver of XC functionals. Optionally, deliver the XC kernel, or even the derivative
 of the XC kernel (the third derivative of the XC energy)


  Copyright (C) 2012-2018 ABINIT group (MT, MJV, CE, TD, XG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .




22 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
23 #include "config.h"
24 #endif
26 #include "abi_common.h"
28 module m_drivexc
30  use defs_basis
31  use m_abicore
32  use m_errors
33  use libxc_functionals
35  use m_numeric_tools,    only : invcb
36  use m_xciit,            only : xciit
37  use m_xcpbe,            only : xcpbe
38  use m_xchcth,           only : xchcth
39  use m_xclda,  only : xcpzca, xcspol, xctetr, xcwign, xchelu, xcxalp, xclb
41  implicit none
43  private

ABINIT/mkdenpos [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Make a ground-state density positive everywhere:
 when the density (or spin-density) is smaller than xc_denpos,
 set it to the value of xc_denpos


  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  nspden=number of spin-density components (max. 2)
  option=0 if density rhonow is stored as (up,dn)
         1 if density rhonow is stored as (up+dn,up)
         Active only when nspden=2
  xc_denpos= lowest allowed density (usually for the computation of the XC functionals)


  (see side effects)


  iwarn=At input: iwarn=0 a warning will be printed when rho is negative
                  iwarn>0 no warning will be printed out
        At output: iwarn is increased by 1
  rhonow(nfft,nspden)=electron (spin)-density in real space,
     either on the unshifted grid (if ishift==0,
     then equal to rhor),or on the shifted grid


  At this stage, rhonow(:,1:nspden) contains the density in real space,
  on the unshifted or shifted grid. Now test for negative densities
  Note that, ignoring model core charge, as long as boxcut>=2
  the shifted density is derivable from the square of a Fourier
  interpolated charge density => CANNOT go < 0.
  However, actually can go < 0 to within machine precision;
  do not print useless warnings in this case, just fix it.
  Fourier interpolated core charge can go < 0 due to Gibbs
  oscillations; could avoid this by recomputing the model core
  charge at the new real space grid points (future work).





 968 subroutine mkdenpos(iwarn,nfft,nspden,option,rhonow,xc_denpos)
 971 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 972 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 973 #undef ABI_FUNC
 974 #define ABI_FUNC 'mkdenpos'
 975 !End of the abilint section
 977  implicit none
 979 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 980 !scalars
 981  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nspden,option
 982  integer,intent(inout) :: iwarn
 983  real(dp),intent(in) :: xc_denpos
 984 !arrays
 985  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhonow(nfft,nspden)
 987 !Local variables-------------------------------
 988 !scalars
 989  integer :: ifft,ispden,numneg
 990  real(dp) :: rhotmp,worst
 991  character(len=500) :: message
 992 !arrays
 993  real(dp) :: rho(2)
 995 ! *************************************************************************
 997  numneg=0
 998  worst=zero
1000  if(nspden==1)then
1002 !  Non spin-polarized
1003 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft,rhotmp) REDUCTION(MIN:worst) REDUCTION(+:numneg) SHARED(nfft,rhonow)
1004    do ifft=1,nfft
1005      rhotmp=rhonow(ifft,1)
1006      if(rhotmp<xc_denpos)then
1007        if(rhotmp<-xc_denpos)then
1008 !        This case is probably beyond machine precision considerations
1009          worst=min(worst,rhotmp)
1010          numneg=numneg+1
1011        end if
1012        rhonow(ifft,1)=xc_denpos
1013      end if
1014    end do
1015  else if (nspden==2) then
1017 !  Spin-polarized
1019 !  rhonow is stored as (up,dn)
1020    if (option==0) then
1022 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft,ispden,rho,rhotmp) REDUCTION(MIN:worst) REDUCTION(+:numneg) &
1023 !$OMP&SHARED(nfft,nspden,rhonow)
1024      do ifft=1,nfft
1025 !      For polarized case, rho(1) is spin-up density, rho(2) is spin-down density
1026        rho(1)=rhonow(ifft,1)
1027        rho(2)=rhonow(ifft,2)
1028        do ispden=1,nspden
1029          if (rho(ispden)<xc_denpos) then
1030            if (rho(ispden)<-xc_denpos) then
1031 !            This case is probably beyond machine precision considerations
1032              worst=min(worst,rho(ispden))
1033              numneg=numneg+1
1034            end if
1035            rhonow(ifft,ispden)=xc_denpos
1036          end if
1037        end do
1038      end do
1040 !    rhonow is stored as (up+dn,up)
1041    else if (option==1) then
1043 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft,ispden,rho,rhotmp) &
1044 !$OMP&REDUCTION(MIN:worst) REDUCTION(+:numneg) &
1045 !$OMP&SHARED(nfft,nspden,rhonow)
1046      do ifft=1,nfft
1047 !      For polarized case, rho(1) is spin-up density, rho(2) is spin-down density
1048        rho(1)=rhonow(ifft,2)
1049        rho(2)=rhonow(ifft,1)-rho(1)
1050        do ispden=1,nspden
1051          if (rho(ispden)<xc_denpos) then
1052            if (rho(ispden)<-xc_denpos) then
1053 !            This case is probably beyond machine precision considerations
1054              worst=min(worst,rho(ispden))
1055              numneg=numneg+1
1056            end if
1057            rho(ispden)=xc_denpos
1058            rhonow(ifft,1)=rho(1)+rho(2)
1059            rhonow(ifft,2)=rho(1)
1060          end if
1061        end do
1062      end do
1064    end if  ! option
1066  else
1067    MSG_BUG('nspden>2 not allowed !')
1068  end if ! End choice between non-spin polarized and spin-polarized.
1070  if (numneg>0) then
1071    if (iwarn==0) then
1072      write(message,'(a,i0,a,a,a,es10.2,a,e10.2,a,a,a,a)')&
1073 &     'Density went too small (lower than xc_denpos) at ',numneg,' points',ch10,&
1074 &     'and was set to xc_denpos = ',xc_denpos,'. Lowest was ',worst,'.',ch10,&
1075 &     'Likely due to too low boxcut or too low ecut for',' pseudopotential core charge.'
1076      MSG_WARNING(message)
1077    end if
1078    iwarn=iwarn+1
1079  end if
1081 end subroutine mkdenpos

ABINIT/size_dvxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Give the size of the array dvxc(npts,ndvxc) and the second dimension of the d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc)
 needed for the allocations depending on the routine which is called from the drivexc routine


  [add_tfw]= optional flag controling the addition of Weiszacker gradient correction to Thomas-Fermi XC energy
  ixc= choice of exchange-correlation scheme
  order=gives the maximal derivative of Exc computed.
    1=usual value (return exc and vxc)
    2=also computes the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc)
   -2=like 2, except (to be described)
    3=also computes the derivative of the kernel (return exc,vxc,kxc,k3xc)
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>


  ndvxc size of the array dvxc(npts,ndvxc) for allocation
  ngr2 size of the array grho2_updn(npts,ngr2) for allocation
  nd2vxc size of the array d2vxc(npts,nd2vxc) for allocation
  nvxcdgr size of the array dvxcdgr(npts,nvxcdgr) for allocation





702 subroutine size_dvxc(ixc,ndvxc,ngr2,nd2vxc,nspden,nvxcdgr,order,&
703 & add_tfw,xc_funcs) ! Optional
706 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
707 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
708 #undef ABI_FUNC
709 #define ABI_FUNC 'size_dvxc'
710 !End of the abilint section
712  implicit none
714 !Arguments----------------------
715  integer, intent(in) :: ixc,nspden,order
716  integer, intent(out) :: ndvxc,nd2vxc,ngr2,nvxcdgr
717  logical, intent(in), optional :: add_tfw
718  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(in),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
720 !Local variables----------------
721  logical :: add_tfw_,isgga,ismgga,is_hybrid
723 ! *************************************************************************
725  add_tfw_=.false.;if (present(add_tfw)) add_tfw_=add_tfw
726  isgga=.false. ; ismgga=.false. ; is_hybrid=.false.
727  if(ixc<0)then
728    if(present(xc_funcs))then
729      isgga=libxc_functionals_isgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
730      ismgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
731      is_hybrid=libxc_functionals_is_hybrid(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
732    else
733      isgga=libxc_functionals_isgga()
734      ismgga=libxc_functionals_ismgga()
735      is_hybrid=libxc_functionals_is_hybrid()
736    end if
737  end if
739  ngr2=0
740  nvxcdgr=0
741  ndvxc=0
742  nd2vxc=0
744 !Dimension for the gradient of the density (only allocated for GGA or mGGA)
745  if ((ixc>=11.and.ixc<=17).or.(ixc>=23.and.ixc<=24).or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27.or. &
746 & (ixc>=31.and.ixc<=34).or.(ixc==41.or.ixc==42).or.ixc==1402000.or.(add_tfw_)) ngr2=2*min(nspden,2)-1
747  if (ixc<0.and.isgga.or.ismgga.or.is_hybrid) ngr2=2*min(nspden,2)-1
749 !A-Only Exc and Vxc
750 !=======================================================================================
751  if (order**2 <= 1) then
752    if (((ixc>=11 .and. ixc<=15) .and. ixc/=13) .or. (ixc>=23 .and. ixc<=24) .or. &
753 &   (ixc==41 .or. ixc==42) .or. ixc==1402000) nvxcdgr=3
754    if (ixc==16.or.ixc==17.or.ixc==26.or.ixc==27) nvxcdgr=2
755    if (ixc<0) nvxcdgr=3
756    if (ixc>=31 .and. ixc<=34) nvxcdgr=3 !Native fake metaGGA functionals (for testing purpose only)
757    if (add_tfw_) nvxcdgr=3
759 !  B- Exc+Vxc and other derivatives
760 !  =======================================================================================
761  else
763 !  Definition of ndvxc and nvxcdgr, 2nd dimension of the arrays of 2nd-order derivatives
764 !  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
765    if (ixc==1 .or. ixc==21 .or. ixc==22 .or. (ixc>=7 .and. ixc<=10) .or. ixc==13) then
766 !    Routine xcspol: new Teter fit (4/93) to Ceperley-Alder data, with spin-pol option routine xcspol
767 !    Routine xcpbe, with different options (optpbe) and orders (order)
768      ndvxc=min(nspden,2)+1
769    else if (ixc>=2 .and. ixc<=6) then
770 !    Perdew-Zunger fit to Ceperly-Alder data (no spin-pol)     !routine xcpzca
771 !    Teter fit (4/91) to Ceperley-Alder values (no spin-pol)   !routine xctetr
772 !    Wigner xc (no spin-pol)                                   !routine xcwign
773 !    Hedin-Lundqvist xc (no spin-pol)                          !routine xchelu
774 !    X-alpha (no spin-pol)                                     !routine xcxalp
775      ndvxc=1
776    else if (ixc==12 .or. ixc==24) then
777 !    Routine xcpbe, with optpbe=-2 and different orders (order)
778      ndvxc=8
779      nvxcdgr=3
780    else if ((ixc>=11 .and. ixc<=15 .and. ixc/=13) .or. ixc==23 .or. ixc==41 .or. ixc==42) then
781 !    Routine xcpbe, with different options (optpbe) and orders (order)
782      ndvxc=15
783      nvxcdgr=3
784    else if(ixc==16 .or. ixc==17 .or. ixc==26 .or. ixc==27 ) then
785      nvxcdgr=2
786    else if (ixc==50) then
787      ndvxc=1 !  IIT xc (no spin-pol)
788    else if (ixc==1402000) then
789      ndvxc=15
790      nvxcdgr=3
791    else if (ixc<0) then
792      if(libxc_functionals_isgga() .or. libxc_functionals_ismgga() .or. libxc_functionals_is_hybrid()) then
793        ndvxc=15
794      else
795        ndvxc=3
796      end if
797      nvxcdgr=3
798    end if
799    if (add_tfw_) nvxcdgr=3
801 !  Definition of nd2vxc, 2nd dimension of the array of 3rd-order derivatives
802 !  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
803    if (order==3) then
804      if (ixc==3) nd2vxc=1 ! Non spin polarized LDA case
805      if ((ixc>=7 .and. ixc<=10) .or. (ixc==13)) nd2vxc=3*min(nspden,2)-2
806 !    Following line to be corrected when the calculation of d2vxcar is implemented for these functionals
807      if ((ixc>=11 .and. ixc<=15 .and. ixc/=13) .or. (ixc==23.and.ixc<=24) .or. (ixc==41.or.ixc==42)) nd2vxc=1
808      if(ixc==1402000)nd2vxc=3*min(nspden,2)-2
809      if ((ixc<0.and.(.not.(libxc_functionals_isgga().or.libxc_functionals_ismgga().or.libxc_functionals_is_hybrid() )))) &
810 &     nd2vxc=3*min(nspden,2)-2
811    end if
813  end if
815 end subroutine size_dvxc

ABINIT/xcmult [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 In the case of GGA, multiply the different gradient of spin-density
 by the derivative of the XC functional with respect
 to the norm of the gradient, then divide it by the norm of the gradient


  depsxc(nfft,nspgrad)=derivative of Exc with respect to the (spin-)density,
    or to the norm of the gradient of the (spin-)density,
    further divided by the norm of the gradient of the (spin-)density
   The different components of depsxc will be
   for nspden=1,         depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho)
         and if ngrad=2, depsxc(:,2)=1/2*1/|grad rho_up|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|)
                                      +   1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|)
         (do not forget : |grad rho| /= |grad rho_up| + |grad rho_down|
   for nspden=2,         depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho_up)
         and if ngrad=2, depsxc(:,3)=1/|grad rho_up|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|)
                         depsxc(:,4)=1/|grad rho_down|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_down|)
                         depsxc(:,5)=1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|)
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngrad = must be 2
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspgrad=number of spin-density and spin-density-gradient components


  (see side effects)


   at input :
    electron (spin)-density in real space and its gradient,
    either on the unshifted grid (if ishift==0,
      then equal to rhor), or on the shifted grid
     rhonow(:,:,1)=electron density in electrons/bohr**3
     rhonow(:,:,2:4)=gradient of electron density in el./bohr**4
   at output :
    rhonow(:,:,2:4) has been multiplied by the proper factor,
    described above.





868 subroutine xcmult (depsxc,nfft,ngrad,nspden,nspgrad,rhonow)
871 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
872 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
873 #undef ABI_FUNC
874 #define ABI_FUNC 'xcmult'
875 !End of the abilint section
877  implicit none
879 !Arguments ------------------------------------
880 !scalars
881  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,ngrad,nspden,nspgrad
882 !arrays
883  real(dp),intent(in) :: depsxc(nfft,nspgrad)
884  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhonow(nfft,nspden,ngrad*ngrad)
886 !Local variables-------------------------------
887 !scalars
888  integer :: idir,ifft
889  real(dp) :: rho_tot,rho_up
891 ! *************************************************************************
893  do idir=1,3
895    if(nspden==1)then
896 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(depsxc,idir,nfft,rhonow)
897      do ifft=1,nfft
898        rhonow(ifft,1,1+idir)=rhonow(ifft,1,1+idir)*depsxc(ifft,2)
899      end do
901    else
903 !    In the spin-polarized case, there are more factors to take into account
904 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft,rho_tot,rho_up) SHARED(depsxc,idir,nfft,rhonow)
905      do ifft=1,nfft
906        rho_tot=rhonow(ifft,1,1+idir)
907        rho_up =rhonow(ifft,2,1+idir)
908        rhonow(ifft,1,1+idir)=rho_up *depsxc(ifft,3)         + rho_tot*depsxc(ifft,5)
909        rhonow(ifft,2,1+idir)=(rho_tot-rho_up)*depsxc(ifft,4)+ rho_tot*depsxc(ifft,5)
910      end do
912    end if ! nspden==1
914  end do ! End loop on directions
916 end subroutine xcmult