ABINIT/m_xcpositron [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Compute electron-positron correlation potentials and energy density.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (GJ,MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .




21 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
22 #include "config.h"
23 #endif
25 #include "abi_common.h"
27 module m_xcpositron
29  use defs_basis
30  use m_errors
31  use m_abicore
33  use m_numeric_tools,      only : invcb
35  implicit none
37  private

ABINIT/xcpositron [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute electron-positron correlation potentials and energy density.
 Used electron-positron correlation functional is controlled by ixcpositron argument.
 Returns Fxc, Vxc_pos, Vxc_el from input rhor_pos and rhor_el for positron and electrons.


  grhoe2(ngr)=square of the gradient of electronic density rhoe (needed for GGA)
  ixcpositron=type of electron-positron correlation functional:
     1:  LDA zero positron density limit parametrized by Arponen & Pajanne
         and provided by Boronski & Nieminen [1,2]
     11: LDA zero positron density limit parametrized by Arponen & Pajanne
         and fitted by Sterne & Kaiser [1,3]
     2:  LDA electron-positron correlation
         provided by Puska, Seitsonen, and Nieminen [1,4]
     3:  GGA zero positron density limit parametrized by Arponen & Pajanne
         and provided by Boronski & Nieminen [1,2,5]
     31: GGA zero positron density limit parametrized by Arponen & Pajanne
         and fitted by Sterne & Kaiser [1,3,5]
     See references below
  ngr=size of grho2 array (0 if LDA, npt if GGA)
  npt=number of real space points on which density is provided
  posdensity0_limit=True if we are in the zero positron density limit
  rhoer(npt)=electron density (bohr^-3)
  rhopr(npt)=positron density (bohr^-3)


  fnxc(npt)=correlation energy per unit volume fxc
  vxce(npt)=correlation potential for electron dfxc/drhoe (hartree)
  vxcp(npt)=correlation potential for positron dfxc/drhop (hartree)
  vxcegr(ngr)= 1/|gradRhoe| dfxc/d|gradRhoe| (empty if LDA, i.e. ngr=0)
  Optional outputs:
    dvxce(npt)=partial second derivatives of the xc energy wr to the electronic density
    dvxcp(npt)=partial second derivatives of the xc energy wr to the positronic density


   References for electron-positron correlation functionals:
         [1] J. Arponen and E. Pajanne, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 121, 343 (1979) [[cite:Arponen1979a]].
         [2] E. Boronski and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 34, 3820 (1986) [[cite:Boronski1986]].
         [3] P.A. Sterne and J.H. Kaiser, Phys. Rev. B 43, 13892 (1991) [[cite:Sterne1991]].
         [4] M.J. Puska, A.P. Seitsonen and R.M. Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 52, 10947 (1994) [[cite:Puska1994]].
         [5] B. Barbiellini, M.J. Puska, T. Torsti and R.M.Nieminen, Phys. Rev. B 51, 7341 (1995) [[cite:Barbiellini1995]]






102 subroutine xcpositron(fnxc,grhoe2,ixcpositron,ngr,npt,posdensity0_limit,rhoer,rhopr,vxce,vxcegr,vxcp,&
103 &                     dvxce,dvxcp) ! optional arguments
106 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
107 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
108 #undef ABI_FUNC
109 #define ABI_FUNC 'xcpositron'
110 !End of the abilint section
112  implicit none
114 !Arguments ------------------------------------
115 !scalars
116  integer,intent(in) :: ixcpositron,ngr,npt
117  logical,intent(in) :: posdensity0_limit
118 !arrays
119  real(dp),intent(in) :: grhoe2(ngr),rhoer(npt),rhopr(npt)
120  real(dp),intent(out) :: fnxc(npt),vxce(npt),vxcegr(ngr),vxcp(npt)
121  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: dvxce(npt),dvxcp(npt)
123 !Local variables-------------------------------
124 !scalars
125  integer,parameter :: idebug=0
126  integer :: ipt
127  logical :: gga,need_dvxce,need_dvxcp
128  real(dp),parameter :: alpha_gga=0.22_dp
129  real(dp),parameter :: ap_a1=-1.56_dp,ap_b1=0.051_dp,ap_c1=-0.081_dp,ap_d1=1.14_dp
130  real(dp),parameter :: ap_a2=-0.92305_dp,ap_b2=-0.05459_dp
131  real(dp),parameter :: ap_a3=-0.6298_dp,ap_b3=-13.15111_dp,ap_c3=2.8655_dp
132  real(dp),parameter :: ap_a4=-179856.2768_dp,ap_b4=186.4207_dp,ap_c4=-0.524_dp
133  real(dp),parameter :: ap_psn_limit=0.7_dp
134  real(dp),parameter :: ap_psn_1=0.9_dp*ap_psn_limit,ap_psn_2=1.1_dp*ap_psn_limit
135  real(dp),parameter :: fpi3=third*four_pi
136  real(dp),parameter :: psn_aa=69.7029_dp,psn_ba=-107.4927_dp,psn_bb=141.8458_dp
137  real(dp),parameter :: psn_ca=23.7182_dp,psn_cb=-33.6472_dp ,psn_cc=5.21152_dp
138  real(dp),parameter :: sk_a=-1.56_dp,sk_b=0.1324_dp,sk_c=-4.092_dp,sk_d=51.96_dp,sk_e=0.7207_dp
139  real(dp),parameter :: rsfac=0.6203504908994000_dp
140  real(dp) :: arse,brse,crse,darse,dbrse,dcrse,d2arse,d2brse,d2crse
141  real(dp) :: d2eps,deps,dexc,dexcdg,dexc_p,d2expgga,dexpgga,d2invrs,dinvrs,d2kf,dkf,d2nqtf2,dnqtf2
142  real(dp) :: drse,drsp,d2exc,d2exc_p,d2rse,d2rsp,d2sqr,dsqr
143  real(dp) :: eexp,eps,exc,exc_p,expgga,invf,dinvf,d2invf,invrhoe,invrhop,invrs,invsqr
144  real(dp) :: kf,logrs,nqtf2,opr2,ratio_ap,ratio_psn,rhoe,rhop,rse,rsp,sqr
145  character(len=500) :: msg
146 !arrays
147  real(dp),allocatable :: rsepts(:),rsppts(:)
149 ! *************************************************************************
151  gga=(ngr==npt)
152  need_dvxce=present(dvxce)
153  need_dvxcp=present(dvxcp)
155  if (gga.and.ixcpositron==2) then
156    msg = 'xcpositron: GGA not yet implemented for ixcpositron=2 !'
157    MSG_ERROR(msg)
158  end if
159  if (posdensity0_limit.and.ixcpositron==2) then
160    msg = 'xcpositron: ixcpositron=2 cannot be treated in the zero positron density limit !'
161    MSG_ERROR(msg)
162  end if
163  if (abs(ixcpositron)/=1.and.ixcpositron/=11.and.ixcpositron/=2.and.ixcpositron/=3.and.ixcpositron/=31) then
164    msg = 'xcpositron: unknown electron-positron correlation !'
165    MSG_ERROR(msg)
166  end if
168 !Compute density radii for rhor_el, rhor_pos
169  ABI_ALLOCATE(rsepts,(npt))
170  call invcb(rhoer(:),rsepts,npt)
171  rsepts(:)=rsfac*rsepts(:)
172  if (ixcpositron==2) then
173    ABI_ALLOCATE(rsppts,(npt))
174    call invcb(rhopr(:),rsppts,npt)
175    rsppts(:)=rsfac*rsppts(:)
176  end if
178 !Loop over grid points
179 !----------------------------------------------------
180  do ipt=1,npt
182    rhoe=rhoer(ipt)
183    rhop=rhopr(ipt)
184    exc=zero;dexc=zero;d2exc=zero;dexcdg=zero
186    rse=rsepts(ipt)
187    invrhoe=one/rhoe
188    drse=-third*rse*invrhoe
189    if (need_dvxce) d2rse= four/nine*rse*invrhoe**2
191 !  Arponen & Pajane parametrization for electron
192    if (ixcpositron/=11.and.ixcpositron/=31) then
193      if (rse<0.302_dp) then
194        invrs=one/rse;invsqr=sqrt(invrs);logrs=log(rse)
195        exc =ap_a1*invsqr+(ap_b1*logrs+ap_c1)*logrs+ap_d1
196        dexc=drse*invrs*(-half*ap_a1*invsqr+two*ap_b1*logrs+ap_c1)
197        if (need_dvxce) d2exc=(d2rse/drse-drse*invrs)*dexc+drse**2*invrs**2*(quarter*ap_a1*invsqr+two*ap_b1)
198      else if (rse>=0.302_dp.and.rse<=0.56_dp) then
199        invrs=one/rse
200        exc =ap_a2+ap_b2*invrs**2
201        dexc=-drse*ap_b2*two*invrs**3
202        if (need_dvxce) d2exc=d2rse/drse*dexc+six*drse**2*ap_b2*invrs**4
203      else if (rse>0.56_dp.and.rse<=8.0_dp) then
204        invrs=one/(rse+2.5_dp)
205        dinvrs=-drse*invrs**2
206 ! jmb : d2rse initialized only if need_dvxce = .True.
207        if (need_dvxce) d2invrs=-d2rse*invrs**2-two*invrs*drse**2
208        exc =ap_a3+ap_b3*invrs**2+ap_c3*invrs
209        dexc=two*ap_b3*invrs*dinvrs+ap_c3*dinvrs
210        if (need_dvxce) d2exc=two*ap_b3*dinvrs**2+(two*ap_b3*invrs+ap_c3)*d2invrs
211      else
212        exc  =ap_a4*rhoe**2+ap_b4*rhoe+ap_c4
213        dexc =two*ap_a4*rhoe+ap_b4
214        if (need_dvxce) d2exc=two*ap_a4
215      end if
217 !    Sterne & Kaiser parametrization for electron
218    else
219      eexp=exp(-(rse+sk_c)**2/sk_d)
220      opr2=(one+rse**2)
221      arse=atan(rse)
222      exc = sk_a/sqrt(arse)+sk_b*eexp+sk_e
223      dexc= -(two*sk_b*eexp*(sk_c+rse)/sk_d + sk_a/(two*opr2*sqrt(arse)**3))*drse
224      if (need_dvxce) d2exc=-(two*sk_b*eexp*(sk_c+rse)/sk_d + sk_a/(two*opr2*arse**1.5_dp))*d2rse &
225 &     +(two*sk_b*eexp*(two*sk_c**2-sk_d+four*sk_c*rse+two*rse**2)/sk_d**2 &
226 &     +sk_a*(three+four*rse*arse)/(four*opr2**2*sqrt(arse)**5))*drse**2
227    end if
229 !  Puska, Seitsonen and Nieminen parametrization for positron
230    if (ixcpositron==2.and.rse>=ap_psn_1) then
231      rsp=rsppts(ipt)
232      invrhop=one/rhop
233      drsp=-third*rsp*invrhop
234      if (need_dvxcp) d2rsp= four/nine*rsp*invrhop**2
235      exc_p=zero;dexc_p=zero;d2exc_p=zero
236      if (rsp<0.302_dp) then
237        invrs=one/rsp;invsqr=sqrt(invrs);logrs=log(rsp)
238        exc_p =ap_a1*invsqr+(ap_b1*logrs+ap_c1)*logrs+ap_d1
239        dexc_p=drsp*invrs*(-half*ap_a1*invsqr+two*ap_b1*logrs+ap_c1)
240        if (need_dvxcp) d2exc_p=(d2rsp/drsp-drsp*invrs)*dexc_p+drsp**2*invrs**2*(quarter*ap_a1*invsqr+two*ap_b1)
241      else if (rsp>=0.302_dp.and.rsp<=0.56_dp) then
242        invrs=one/rsp
243        exc_p =ap_a2+ap_b2*invrs**2
244        dexc_p=-drsp*ap_b2*two*invrs**3
245        if (need_dvxcp) d2exc_p=d2rsp/drsp*dexc_p+six*drsp**2*ap_b2*invrs**4
246      else if (rsp>0.56_dp.and.rsp<=8.0_dp) then
247        invrs=one/(rsp+2.5_dp)
248        dinvrs=-drsp*invrs**2
249 ! jmb : d2rsp initialized only if need_dvxcp = .True.*
250        if (need_dvxcp) d2invrs=-d2rsp*invrs**2-two*invrs*drsp**2
251        exc_p =ap_a3+ap_b3*invrs**2+ap_c3*invrs
252        dexc_p=two*ap_b3*invrs*dinvrs+ap_c3*dinvrs
253        if (need_dvxcp) d2exc_p=two*ap_b3*dinvrs**2+(two*ap_b3*invrs+ap_c3)*d2invrs
254      else
255        exc_p  =ap_a4*rhop**2+ap_b4*rhop+ap_c4
256        dexc_p =two*ap_a4*rhop+ap_b4
257        if (need_dvxcp) d2exc_p=two*ap_a4
258      end if
259    end if
261 !  GGA correction
262    if (gga) then
263      kf=(three*pi*pi*rhoe)**third
264      nqtf2=(rhoe*sqrt(four*kf/pi))**2
265      eps=grhoe2(ipt)/nqtf2
266      if (eps<zero) then
267        MSG_ERROR('xcpositron: problem, negative GGA espilon !')
268      end if
269      expgga=exp(-alpha_gga*eps*third)
271      dkf=pi*pi/(sqrt(three*pi*pi*rhoe)**third)
272      d2kf=-two*pi*pi*pi*pi*(three*pi*pi*rhoe)**(-5.0_dp/3.0_dp)
273      sqr=sqrt(four*kf/pi)
274      dsqr=(four*dkf/pi)/(two*sqr)
275      d2sqr=two/(pi*sqr*dkf)*(d2kf*sqr-dsqr*dkf)
276      nqtf2=(rhoe*sqr)**two
277      dnqtf2=two*(sqr+rhoe*dsqr)*rhoe*sqr
278      d2nqtf2=two*(rhoe*sqr*(two*dsqr+rhoe*d2sqr) &
279 &     +sqr*(sqr+rhoe*dsqr) &
280 &     +rhoe*(sqr+rhoe*dsqr) )
281      deps=-grhoe2(ipt)*dnqtf2/(nqtf2**two)
282      d2eps=-grhoe2(ipt)/(nqtf2*nqtf2*dnqtf2)*(d2nqtf2*nqtf2*nqtf2-two*nqtf2*dnqtf2*dnqtf2)
283      dexpgga=-alpha_gga*third*deps*expgga
284      d2expgga=-alpha_gga*third*(d2eps*expgga+deps*dexpgga)
286      exc   = exc  *expgga
287      dexc=(dexc*expgga+exc*dexpgga)
288      if (need_dvxce) d2exc=d2exc*expgga+two*dexc*dexpgga+exc*d2expgga
289      if (abs(grhoe2(ipt))<1.e24_dp) dexcdg=-exc*alpha_gga*two_thirds/nqtf2
290    end if
292 !  Computation of XC energy, potentials and kernels
293 !  Zero positron density limit
294    if (ixcpositron/=2.or.rse<ap_psn_1) then
295      fnxc(ipt)=rhop*exc
296      vxce(ipt)=rhop*dexc
297      vxcp(ipt)=exc
298      if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=rhop*d2exc
299      if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=zero
300      if (gga)       vxcegr(ipt)=rhop*dexcdg
301    else
302 !    Puska, Seitsonen and Nieminen functional
303      arse=psn_aa+psn_ba*rse+psn_ca*rse**2
304      brse=psn_ba+psn_bb*rse+psn_cb*rse**2
305      crse=psn_ca+psn_cb*rse+psn_cc*rse**2
306      darse=(psn_ba+two*psn_ca*rse)*drse
307      dbrse=(psn_bb+two*psn_cb*rse)*drse
308      dcrse=(psn_cb+two*psn_cc*rse)*drse
309      invf=arse+brse*rsp+crse*rsp**2+invrhop/exc+invrhoe/exc_p
310      fnxc(ipt)=one/invf
311      dinvf=darse+dbrse*rsp+dcrse*rsp**2-invrhop*dexc/exc**2-invrhoe**2/exc_p
312      vxce(ipt)=-dinvf/invf**2
313      if (need_dvxce) then
314        d2arse=darse*d2rse/drse+two*psn_ca*drse**2
315        d2brse=dbrse*d2rse/drse+two*psn_cb*drse**2
316        d2crse=dcrse*d2rse/drse+two*psn_cc*drse**2
317        d2invf=d2arse+d2brse*rsp+d2crse*rsp**2 &
318 &       +invrhop*(two*dexc**2/exc-d2exc)/exc**2+two*invrhoe**3/exc_p
319        dvxce(ipt)=(two*dinvf**2/invf-d2invf)/invf**2
320      end if
321      dinvf=(brse+two*crse*rsp)*drsp-invrhop**2/exc-invrhoe*dexc_p/exc_p**2
322      vxcp(ipt)=-dinvf/invf**2
323      if (need_dvxcp) then
324        d2invf=two*crse*drsp+(brse+two*crse*rsp)*d2rsp &
325 &       +two*invrhop**3/exc+invrhoe*(two*dexc_p**2/exc_p-d2exc_p)/exc_p**2
326        dvxcp(ipt)=(two*dinvf**2/invf-d2invf)/invf**2
327      end if
328 !    For small rse, use pure Arponen/Pajanne functional
329 !    Around the limit (rse=0.7, see PSN paper), switch smoothly from PSN to AP
330      if (rse>=ap_psn_1.and.rse<=ap_psn_2) then
331        ratio_psn=(rse-ap_psn_1)/(ap_psn_2-ap_psn_1);ratio_ap=one-ratio_psn
332        fnxc(ipt)=ratio_psn*fnxc(ipt)+ratio_ap*rhop*exc
333        vxce(ipt)=ratio_psn*vxce(ipt)+ratio_ap*rhop*dexc
334        vxcp(ipt)=ratio_psn*vxcp(ipt)+ratio_ap*exc
335        if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=ratio_psn*dvxce(ipt)+ratio_ap*rhop*d2exc
336        if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=ratio_psn*dvxcp(ipt)
337      end if
338    end if
340 !  Debug statements: use polynomial functionals
341    if (idebug>0) then
342      if (idebug==4) then ! order 4
343        fnxc(ipt)=tol3*((rhop**4+rhoe**4)/12._dp+(rhop**3*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**3)/3._dp+rhop**2*rhoe**2)
344        vxce(ipt)=tol3*((rhop**3*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**3)/3._dp+rhop**2*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**2)
345        vxcp(ipt)=tol3*((rhop**3*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**3)/3._dp+rhop**2*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**2)
346        if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=tol3*(rhop**3/3._dp+rhop*rhoe**2+rhop**2+two*rhop*rhoe)
347        if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=tol3*(rhoe**3/3._dp+rhoe*rhop**2+rhoe**2+two*rhop*rhoe)
348      end if
349      if (idebug==3) then ! order 3
350        fnxc(ipt)=tol3*((rhop**3+rhoe**3)*third+rhop**2*rhoe+rhop*rhoe**2)
351        vxce(ipt)=tol3*(rhop+rhoe)**2
352        vxcp(ipt)=tol3*(rhop+rhoe)**2
353        if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=tol3*two*rhoe
354        if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=tol3*two*rhop
355      end if
356      if (idebug==2) then ! order 2
357        fnxc(ipt)=tol3*(rhop+rhoe)**2
358        vxce(ipt)=tol3*two*(rhop+rhoe)
359        vxcp(ipt)=tol3*two*(rhop+rhoe)
360        if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=tol3*two
361        if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=tol3*two
362      end if
363      if (idebug==1) then ! order 1
364        fnxc(ipt)=tol3*(rhop+rhoe)
365        vxce(ipt)=tol3
366        vxcp(ipt)=tol3
367        if (need_dvxce) dvxce(ipt)=zero
368        if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(ipt)=zero
369      end if
370    end if
372  end do ! ipt
374  ABI_DEALLOCATE(rsepts)
375  if (ixcpositron==2) then
376    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rsppts)
377  end if
379 !Convert everything in Hartree units
380  fnxc(:)=half*fnxc(:)
381  vxce(:)=half*vxce(:)
382  vxcp(:)=half*vxcp(:)
383  if (need_dvxce) dvxce(:)=half*dvxce(:)
384  if (need_dvxcp) dvxcp(:)=half*dvxcp(:)
385  if (gga)       vxcegr(:)=half*vxcegr(:)
387 end subroutine xcpositron