ABINIT/instrng [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Read the input file, and product a string of character,
 with all data, to be analyzed in later routines. The length
 of this string is lenstr. This number is checked to be smaller
 than the dimension of the string of character, namely strln .


 Copyright (C) 1998-2017 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR).
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  filnam=name of the input file, to be read
  option= if 0, simple storing of the character string,
             no special treatment for ABINIT (comment delimiters, checks, include ...)
          if 1, suppresses text after an ABINIT comment delimiter (! or #),
             checks that a minus sign is followed by a number ...
                check for INCLUDE statement:
                if present, add string from included file
  strln=maximal number of character of string, as declared in the calling routine


  lenstr=actual number of character in string
  string*(strln)=string of character






 41 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 42 #include "config.h"
 43 #endif
 45 #include "abi_common.h"
 48 recursive subroutine instrng(filnam,lenstr,option,strln,string)
 50  use defs_basis
 51  use m_profiling_abi
 52  use m_errors
 54  use m_io_tools,  only : open_file
 56 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 57 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 58 #undef ABI_FUNC
 59 #define ABI_FUNC 'instrng'
 60  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 61  use interfaces_42_parser, except_this_one => instrng
 62 !End of the abilint section
 64  implicit none
 66 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 67 !scalars
 68  integer,intent(in) :: option,strln
 69  integer,intent(out) :: lenstr
 70  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filnam
 71  character(len=*),intent(out) :: string
 73 !Local variables-------------------------------
 74  character :: blank=' '
 75 !scalars
 76  integer,save :: include_level=-1
 77  integer :: ii,ii1,ii2,ij,iline,ios,iost,lenc,lenstr_inc,mline,nline1,input_unit
 78  logical :: include_found,ex
 79  character(len=1) :: string1
 80  character(len=3) :: string3
 81  character(len=500) :: filnam_inc,msg
 82  character(len=fnlen+20) :: line
 83  character(len=strlen),pointer :: string_inc
 85 !************************************************************************
 89 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 90 !read in string from file
 91 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 93 !The file can be included in another (prevent too many include levels)
 94  include_level=include_level+1
 95  if (include_level>2) then
 96    write(msg, '(3a)' ) &
 97 &   'At least 4 levels of included files are present in input file !',ch10,&
 98 &   'This is not allowed. Action: change your input file.'
 99    MSG_ERROR(msg)
100  end if
102 !Open data file and read one line at a time, compressing data
103 !and concatenating into single string:
104  if (open_file(filnam,msg,newunit=input_unit,form="formatted",status="old",action="read") /= 0) then
105    MSG_ERROR(msg)
106  end if
107  rewind (unit=input_unit)
109 !Initialize string to blanks
110  string=blank
111  lenstr=1
113 !Set maximum number lines to be read to some large number
114  mline=50000
115  do iline=1,mline
117 !  Keeps reading lines until end of input file
118    read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a)' ,iostat=ios) line(1:fnlen+20)
119 !  Hello ! This is a commentary. Please, do not remove me.
120 !  In fact, this commentary protect tests_v4 t47 for miscopying
121 !  the input file into the output string. It _is_ strange.
122 !  The number of lines in the commentary is also resulting from
123 !  a long tuning..
125 !  DEBUG
126 !  write(std_out,*)' instrng, iline=',iline,' ios=',ios,' echo :',trim(line(1:fnlen+20))
129 !  Exit the reading loop when arrived at the end
130    if(ios/=0)then
131      backspace(input_unit)
132      read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a1)' ,iostat=ios) string1
133      if(ios/=0)exit
134      backspace(input_unit)
135      read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a3)' ,iostat=ios) string3
136      if(string3=='end')exit
137      write(msg, '(3a,i0,11a)' ) &
138 &     'It is observed in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),', line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
139 &     'that there is a non-zero IO signal.',ch10,&
140 &     'This is normal when the file is completely read.',ch10,&
141 &     'However, it seems that the error appears while your file has not been completely read.',ch10,&
142 &     'Action: correct your file. If your file seems correct, then,',ch10,&
143 &     'add the keyword ''end'' at the very beginning of the last line of your input file.'
144      MSG_ERROR(msg)
145    end if
147 !  Find length of input line ignoring delimiter characters (# or !)
148 !  and any characters beyond it (allows for comments beyond # or !)
149    ii1=index(line(1:fnlen+20),'#')
150    ii2=index(line(1:fnlen+20),'!')
151    if ( (ii1==0 .and. ii2==0) .or. option==0 ) then
152 !    delimiter character was not found on line so use full line
153      ii=fnlen+20
154    else if(ii1==0)then
155 !    ii will represent length of line up to but not including !
156      ii=ii2-1
157    else if(ii2==0)then
158 !    ii will represent length of line up to but not including #
159      ii=ii1-1
160    else
161      ii=min(ii1,ii2)-1
162    end if
164 !  Checks that nothing is left beyond fnlen
165    if(ii>fnlen)then
166      do ij=fnlen+1,ii
167        if(line(ij:ij)/=' ')then
168          write(msg,'(3a,i0,3a,i0,3a)' ) &
169 &         'It is observed in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
170 &         'that more than ',fnlen,' columns are used.',ch10,&
171 &         'This is not allowed. Change this line of your input file.'
172          MSG_ERROR(msg)
173        end if
174      end do
175    end if
177    if (ii>0) then
178 !    Check for the occurence of a minus sign followed by a blank
179      ij=index(line(1:ii),'- ')
180      if (ij>0 .and. option==1) then
181        write(msg, '(3a,i0,11a)' ) &
182 &       'It is observed in the input file:, ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
183 &       'the occurence of a minus sign followed',ch10,&
184 &       'by a blank. This is forbidden.',ch10,&
185 &       'If the minus sign is meaningful, do not leave a blank',ch10,&
186 &       'between it and the number to which it applies.',ch10,&
187 &       'Otherwise, remove it.'
188        MSG_ERROR(msg)
189      end if
190 !    Check for the occurence of a tab
191      ij=index(line(1:ii),char(9))
192      if (ij>0 .and. option==1 ) then
193        write(msg, '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
194 &       'The occurence of a tab, in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
195 &       'is observed. This sign is confusing, and has been forbidden.'
196        MSG_ERROR(msg)
197      end if
199 !    Check for the occurence of a include statement
200      include_found=.false.
201      if (option==1) then
202 !      Look for include statement
203        ii1=index(line(1:ii),"include");ii2=index(line(1:ii),"INCLUDE")
204        include_found=(ii1>0.or.ii2>0)
205        if (include_found) then
206          ij=max(ii1,ii2);ii1=0;ii2=0
207 !        Look for quotes (ascii 34)
208          ii1=index(line(ij+7:ii),char(34))
209          if (ii1>1) ii2=index(line(ij+7+ii1:ii),char(34))
210 !        Look for quotes (ascii 39)
211          if (ii1==0.and.ii2==0) then
212            ii1=index(line(ij+7:ii),char(39))
213            if (ii1>1) ii2=index(line(ij+7+ii1:ii),char(39))
214          end if
215 !        Check if quotes are correctly set
216          ex=(ii1<=1.or.ii2<=1)
217          if (.not.ex) then
218            msg=line(ij+7:ij+5+ii1)
219            call incomprs(msg(1:ii1-1),lenc)
220            ex=(len(trim(msg))/=0)
221          end if
222          if (ex) then
223            write(msg, '(6a)' ) &
224 &           'A "include" statement has been found in input file: ',TRIM(filnam),ch10,&
225 &           'but there must be a problem with the quotes.',ch10,&
226 &           'Action: change your input file.'
227            MSG_ERROR(msg)
228          end if
229 !        Store included file name
230          filnam_inc=line(ij+7+ii1:ij+5+ii1+ii2)
231 !        Extract include statement from line
232          lenc=ii1+ii2+7
233          msg(1:ii-lenc)=line(1:ij-1)//line(ij+lenc:ii)
234          ii=ii-lenc;line(1:ii)=msg(1:ii)
235        end if
236      end if
238 !    Compress: remove repeated blanks, make all ASCII characters
239 !    less than a blank (and '=') to become a blank.
240      call incomprs(line(1:ii),lenc)
242    else
243 !    ii=0 means line starts with #, is entirely a comment line
244      lenc=0;include_found=.false.
245    end if
247 !  Check resulting total string length
248    if (lenstr+lenc>strln) then
249      write(msg, '(8a)' ) &
250 &     'The size of your input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' is such that the internal',ch10,&
251 &     'character string that should contain it is too small.',ch10,&
252 &     'Action: decrease the size of your input file,',ch10,&
253 &     'or contact the ABINIT group.'
254      MSG_ERROR(msg)
255    end if
257    if (lenc>0) then
258 !    Concatenate new compressed characters
259 !    with previous part of compressed string (unless all blank)
260      string(lenstr+1:lenstr+lenc)=line(1:lenc)
261    end if
262 !  Keep track of total string length
263    lenstr=lenstr+lenc
265 !  Eventually (recursively) read included file
266    if (include_found) then
267 !    Check file existence
268      inquire(file=filnam_inc ,iostat=iost,exist=ex)
269      if ((.not.ex).or.(iost/=0)) then
270        write(msg, '(5a)' ) &
271 &       'Input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' reading: the included file ',trim(filnam_inc),' cannot be found !'
272        MSG_ERROR(msg)
273      end if
274 !    Read included file (warning: recursive call !)
275      ABI_ALLOCATE(string_inc,)
276      call instrng(trim(filnam_inc),lenstr_inc,option,strln-lenstr,string_inc)
277 !    Check resulting total string length
278      if (lenstr+lenstr_inc>strln) then
279        write(msg, '(6a)' ) &
280 &       'The size of your input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' (including included files) is such that',ch10,&
281 &       'the internal character string that should contain it is too small !',ch10,&
282 &       'Action : decrease the size of your input file.'
283        MSG_ERROR(msg)
284      end if
285 !    Concatenate total string
286      string(lenstr+1:lenstr+lenstr_inc)=string_inc(1:lenstr_inc)
287      lenstr=lenstr+lenstr_inc
288      ABI_DEALLOCATE(string_inc)
289    end if
291 !  If mline is reached, something is wrong
292    if (iline>=mline) then
293      write(msg, '(a,i0,2a,i0,4a)' ) &
294 &     'The number of lines already read from input file=',iline,ch10,&
295 &     'is equal or greater than maximum allowed mline=',mline,ch10,&
296 &     'Action: you could decrease the length of the input file, or',ch10,&
297 &     'contact the ABINIT group.'
298      MSG_ERROR(msg)
299    end if
301 !  End loop on iline. Note that there is an "exit" instruction in the loop
302  end do
304  nline1=iline-1
305  close (unit=input_unit)
307  write(msg,'(a,i0,3a)')'-instrng: ',nline1,' lines of input have been read from file ',trim(filnam),ch10
308  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
310  include_level=include_level-1
314 end subroutine instrng