ABINIT/m_parser [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 This module contains (low-level) procedures to parse and validate input files.


 Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (XG, MJV, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_parser
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_atomdata
28  use m_xmpi
29 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
30  use netcdf
31 #endif
32  use m_nctk
33  !use m_nctk,      only : write_var_netcdf    ! FIXME Deprecated
35  use m_io_tools,  only : open_file
36  use m_fstrings,  only : sjoin, strcat, itoa, inupper, ftoa, tolower, toupper, next_token, &
37                          endswith, char_count, find_digit !, startswith,
38  use m_geometry,  only : xcart2xred, det3r, mkrdim
40  implicit none
42  private

defs_abitypes/ab_dimensions [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_abitypes ] [ Types ]




 One record for each dimension of arrays used in ABINIT.
 Will be used to e.g.:
 - contain the maximum size attained over all datasets (mxvals)
 - indicate whether this dimension is the same for all datasets or not (multivals).
 Used for example inside outvars


60  type,public :: ab_dimensions
62     integer :: ga_n_rules   ! maximal value of input ga_n_rules for all the datasets
63     integer :: gw_nqlwl     ! maximal value of input gw_nqlwl for all the datasets
64     integer :: lpawu        ! maximal value of input lpawu for all the datasets
65     integer :: mband
66     integer :: mband_upper ! maximal value of input nband for all the datasets
67                            ! Maybe this one could be removed
68     integer :: natom
69     integer :: natpawu     ! maximal value of number of atoms on which +U is applied for all the datasets
70     integer :: natsph      ! maximal value of input natsph for all the datasets
71     integer :: natsph_extra  ! maximal value of input natsph_extra for all the datasets
72     integer :: natvshift   ! maximal value of input natvshift for all the datasets
73     integer :: nberry = 20 ! This is presently a fixed value. Should be changed.
74     integer :: nbandhf
75     integer :: nconeq      ! maximal value of input nconeq for all the datasets
76     integer :: n_efmas_dirs
77     integer :: nfreqsp
78     integer :: n_projection_frequencies
79     integer :: nimage
80     integer :: nimfrqs
81     integer :: nkpt       ! maximal value of input nkpt for all the datasets
82     integer :: nkptgw     ! maximal value of input nkptgw for all the datasets
83     integer :: nkpthf     ! maximal value of input nkpthf for all the datasets
84     integer :: nnos       ! maximal value of input nnos for all the datasets
85     integer :: nqptdm     ! maximal value of input nqptdm for all the datasets
86     integer :: nshiftk
87     integer :: nsp
88     integer :: nspinor    ! maximal value of input nspinor for all the datasets
89     integer :: nsppol     ! maximal value of input nsppol for all the datasets
90     integer :: nsym       ! maximum number of symmetries
91     integer :: ntypalch
92     integer :: ntypat     ! maximum number of types of atoms
93     integer :: nzchempot  ! maximal value of input nzchempot for all the datasets
95  end type ab_dimensions

m_parser/append_xyz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Translate the data from a xyz file (xyz_fname),
 and add it at the end of the usual ABINIT input data string (string),
 taking into account the dtset (dtset_char)


  dtset_char*2=possible dtset label
  xyz_fname = name of the xyz file
  strln=maximal number of characters of string, as declared in the calling routine



  lenstr=actual number of characters in string
  string*(strln)=string of characters  (upper case) to which the xyz data are appended


2285 subroutine append_xyz(dtset_char,lenstr,string,xyz_fname,strln)
2287 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2288 !scalars
2289  integer,intent(in) :: strln
2290  integer,intent(inout) :: lenstr
2291  character(len=2),intent(in) :: dtset_char
2292  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: xyz_fname
2293  character(len=strln),intent(inout) :: string
2295 !Local variables-------------------------------
2296  character :: blank=' '
2297 !scalars
2298  integer :: unitxyz, iatom, natom, mu
2299  integer :: lenstr_new
2300  integer :: lenstr_old
2301  integer :: ntypat
2302  real(dp) :: znucl
2303  character(len=5) :: string5
2304  character(len=20) :: string20
2305  character(len=500) :: msg
2306  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
2307 !arrays
2308  real(dp),allocatable :: xcart(:,:)
2309  integer, save :: atomspecies(200) = 0
2310  character(len=500), save :: znuclstring = ""
2311  character(len=2),allocatable :: elementtype(:)
2313 !************************************************************************
2315  lenstr_new=lenstr
2317  if (dtset_char == "-1") then
2318    ! write znucl
2319    lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2320    lenstr_new=lenstr_new+7+len_trim(znuclstring)+1
2321    string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=" ZNUCL"//blank//trim(znuclstring)//blank
2323    ! write ntypat
2324    ntypat = sum(atomspecies)
2325    write(string20,'(i10)') ntypat
2326    lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2327    lenstr_new=lenstr_new+8+len_trim(string20)+1
2328    string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=" NTYPAT"//blank//trim(string20)//blank
2330    return
2331  end if
2333  ! open file with xyz data
2334  if (open_file(xyz_fname, msg, newunit=unitxyz, status="unknown") /= 0) then
2335    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2336  end if
2337  write(msg, '(3a)')' importxyz : Opened file ',trim(xyz_fname),'; content stored in string_xyz'
2338  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2340  ! check number of atoms is correct
2341  read(unitxyz,*) natom
2343  write(string5,'(i5)')natom
2344  lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2345  lenstr_new=lenstr_new+7+len_trim(dtset_char)+1+5
2346  string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=" _NATOM"//trim(dtset_char)//blank//string5
2348  ABI_MALLOC(xcart,(3,natom))
2349  ABI_MALLOC(elementtype,(natom))
2351  ! read dummy line
2352  read(unitxyz,*)
2354  ! read atomic types and positions
2355  do iatom = 1, natom
2356    read(unitxyz,*) elementtype(iatom), xcart(:,iatom)
2357    xcart(:,iatom)=xcart(:,iatom)/Bohr_Ang
2358    ! extract znucl for each atom type
2359    call atomdata_from_symbol(atom,elementtype(iatom))
2360    znucl = atom%znucl
2361    if (znucl > 200) then
2362      write (msg,'(5a)')&
2363      'found element beyond Z=200 ', ch10,&
2364      'Solution: increase size of atomspecies in append_xyz', ch10
2365      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2366    end if
2367    ! found a new atom type
2368    if (atomspecies(int(znucl)) == 0) then
2369      write(string20,'(f10.2)') znucl
2370      znuclstring = trim(znuclstring) // " " // trim(string20) // " "
2371    end if
2372    atomspecies(int(znucl)) = 1
2373  end do
2374  close (unitxyz)
2377  !Write the element types
2378  lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2379  lenstr_new=lenstr_new+7+len_trim(dtset_char)+1
2380  string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=" _TYPAX"//trim(dtset_char)//blank
2381  do iatom=1,natom
2382    lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2383    lenstr_new=lenstr_new+3
2384    string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=elementtype(iatom)//blank
2385  end do
2386  lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2387  lenstr_new=lenstr_new+3
2388  string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)="XX " ! end card for TYPAX
2390  !Write the coordinates
2391  lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2392  lenstr_new=lenstr_new+8+len_trim(dtset_char)+1
2393  string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=" _XCART"//trim(dtset_char)//blank
2395  do iatom=1,natom
2396    do mu=1,3
2397      write(string20,'(f20.12)')xcart(mu,iatom)
2398      lenstr_old=lenstr_new
2399      lenstr_new=lenstr_new+20
2400      string(lenstr_old+1:lenstr_new)=string20
2401    end do
2402  end do
2404  ABI_FREE(elementtype)
2405  ABI_FREE(xcart)
2407  !Check the length of the string
2408  if(lenstr_new>strln)then
2409    write(msg,'(3a)')&
2410    'The maximal size of the input variable string has been exceeded.',ch10,&
2411    'The use of a xyz file is more character-consuming than the usual input file. Sorry.'
2412    ABI_BUG(msg)
2413  end if
2415  !Update the length of the string
2416  lenstr=lenstr_new
2418 end subroutine append_xyz

m_parser/chkdpr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input real(dp) variable, and
 write a sophisticated error message when it is erroneous.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkdpr,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkdpr.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 minimal_flag=if 0, the reference_value must be matched within 1.0d-10
              if 1, admit values larger or equal to reference_value
              if -1, admit values smaller or equal to reference_value
 reference_value=see the description of minimal_flag
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)


 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.
 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.


2458 subroutine chkdpr(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2459 &  ierr,input_name,input_value,minimal_flag,reference_value,unit)
2461 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2462 !scalars
2463  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,minimal_flag,unit
2464  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2465  real(dp),intent(in) :: input_value,reference_value
2466  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2467 !arrays
2468  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4)
2469  character(len=*),intent(in) :: cond_string(4)
2471 !Local variables-------------------------------
2472 !scalars
2473  integer :: icond,ok
2474  character(len=500) :: msg
2476 !******************************************************************
2478  if(cond_number<0 .or. cond_number>4)then
2479    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)' )'The value of cond_number is ',cond_number,'but it should be positive and < 5.'
2480    ABI_BUG(msg)
2481  end if
2483 !Checks the allowed values
2484  ok=0
2485  if(minimal_flag==1 .and. input_value>=reference_value-tol10)      ok=1
2486  if(minimal_flag==-1 .and. input_value<=reference_value+tol10)     ok=1
2487  if(minimal_flag==0 .and. abs(input_value-reference_value)<=tol10) ok=1
2489  ! If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2490  if(ok==0)then
2491    ierr=1
2492    write(msg, '(a,a)' ) ch10,' chkdpr: ERROR -'
2493    if(cond_number/=0)then
2494      do icond=1,cond_number
2495        ! The following format restricts cond_values(icond) to be between -99 and 999
2496        write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a,i4,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2497        '  Context : the value of the variable ',trim(cond_string(icond)),' is',cond_values(icond),'.'
2498      end do
2499    end if
2500    write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a,es20.12,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2501     '  The value of the input variable ',trim(input_name),' is',input_value,','
2502    if(minimal_flag==0)then
2503      write(msg, '(2a,a,es20.12,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  while it must be equal to ',reference_value,'.'
2504    else if(minimal_flag==1)then
2505      write(msg, '(2a,a,es20.12,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  while it must be larger or equal to',reference_value,'.'
2506    else if(minimal_flag==-1)then
2507      write(msg, '(2a,a,es20.12,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  while it must be smaller or equal to',reference_value,'.'
2508    end if
2510    if(cond_number==0 .or. advice_change_cond==0)then
2511      write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2512      '  Action: you should change the input variable ',trim(input_name),'.'
2513    else if(cond_number==1)then
2514      write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2515      '  Action: you should change the input variables ',trim(input_name),' or ',trim(cond_string(1)),'.'
2516    else if(cond_number==2)then
2517      write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2518      '  Action: you should change one of the input variables ',trim(input_name),',',ch10,&
2519      '   ',trim(cond_string(1)),' or ',trim(cond_string(2)),'.'
2520    else if(cond_number==3)then
2521      write(msg, '(2a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
2522      '  Action: you should change one of the input variables ',trim(input_name),',',ch10,&
2523      '   ',trim(cond_string(1)),', ',trim(cond_string(2)),' or ',trim(cond_string(3)),'.'
2524    end if
2526    call wrtout(unit,msg)
2527    ABI_WARNING(msg)
2528  end if
2530 end subroutine chkdpr

m_parser/chkint [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input integer variable, and
 write a sophisticated error message when it is erroneous.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkint,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.
 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 list_number=number of allowed values (maximum 40).
 list_values=list of allowed values
 minmax_flag=if 0, only values in the list are allowed
              if 1, admit values larger or equal to minmax_value
              if -1, admit values smaller or equal to minmax_value
 minmax_value=see the description of minmax_flag
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.

 in order to ask only for a minimal value, set list_number
 as well as minmax_flag to 1, and put the minimal value in both
 list_values and minmax_value.

 Examples :
  List of values - ionmov must be equal to 0, 1, 3, 8, or 9
   call chkint(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'ionmov',ionmov,5,(/0,1,3,8,9/),0,0,iout)

  Larger or equal to a given value - nberry >= limit
   call chkint(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'nberry',nberry,1,(/limit/),1,limit,iout)

  Smaller or equal to a given value - nberry <= limit
   call chkint(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'nberry',nberry,1,(/limit/),-1,limit,iout)

  Conditional cases (examples to be provided - see chkinp.f for the time being)


2590 subroutine chkint(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2591                   ierr,input_name,input_value,list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2593 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2594 !scalars
2595  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value,list_number
2596  integer,intent(in) :: minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit
2597  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2598  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2599 !arrays
2600  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4),list_values(list_number)
2601  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: cond_string(4)
2603 !Local variables-------------------------------
2604 !scalars
2605  integer :: ilist,ok
2607 !******************************************************************
2609  ! Checks the allowed values
2610  ok=0
2611  if(list_number>0)then
2612    do ilist=1,list_number
2613      if(input_value == list_values(ilist))ok=1
2614    end do
2615  end if
2616  if(minmax_flag==1 .and. input_value>=minmax_value)ok=1
2617  if(minmax_flag==-1 .and. input_value<=minmax_value)ok=1
2619  ! If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2620  if(ok==0)then
2621    call chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2622     ierr,input_name,input_value,&
2623     list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2624  end if
2626  ! reset all cond_strings
2627  cond_string(:)='#####'
2629 end subroutine chkint

m_parser/chkint_eq [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input integer variable against a list, and
 write a sophisticated error message when the value does not appear
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkint,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.

 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 list_number=number of allowed values (maximum 40).
 list_values=list of allowed values
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.


2670 subroutine chkint_eq(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2671                      ierr,input_name,input_value,list_number,list_values,unit)
2673 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2674 !scalars
2675  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value,list_number
2676  integer,intent(in) :: unit
2677  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2678  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2679 !arrays
2680  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4),list_values(list_number)
2681  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: cond_string(4)
2683 !Local variables-------------------------------
2684 !scalars
2685  integer :: ilist,minmax_flag,minmax_value,ok
2687 !******************************************************************
2689  !Checks the allowed values
2690  ok=0
2691  if(list_number>0)then
2692    do ilist=1,list_number
2693      if(input_value == list_values(ilist))ok=1
2694    end do
2695  end if
2696  minmax_flag=0
2697  minmax_value=0
2699  !If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2700  if(ok==0)then
2701    call chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2702      ierr,input_name,input_value,&
2703      list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2704  end if
2706 ! reset all cond_strings
2707  cond_string(:)='#####'
2709 end subroutine chkint_eq

m_parser/chkint_ge [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input integer variable, expected to be greater than some value, and
 write a sophisticated error message when it is erroneous.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkint_ge,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.

 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint_ge.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 minmax_value=see the description of minmax_flag
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.


2749 subroutine chkint_ge(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2750                      ierr,input_name,input_value,minmax_value,unit)
2752 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2753 !scalars
2754  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value
2755  integer,intent(in) :: minmax_value,unit
2756  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2757  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2758 !arrays
2759  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4)
2760  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: cond_string(4)
2762 !Local variables-------------------------------
2763 !scalars
2764  integer :: list_number,minmax_flag,ok
2765  integer, allocatable :: list_values(:)
2767 !******************************************************************
2769  !Checks the allowed values
2770  ok=0
2771  minmax_flag=1
2772  if(input_value>=minmax_value)ok=1
2773  list_number=1
2774  ABI_MALLOC(list_values,(1))
2775  list_values=minmax_value
2777  !If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2778  if(ok==0)then
2779    call chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2780      ierr,input_name,input_value,&
2781      list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2782  end if
2784  ABI_FREE(list_values)
2786  ! reset all cond_strings
2787  cond_string(:)='#####'
2789 end subroutine chkint_ge

m_parser/chkint_le [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input integer variable, expected to be lower than some value, and
 write a sophisticated error message when it is erroneous.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkint_le,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.

 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint_le.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 minmax_value=see the description of minmax_flag
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.


2829 subroutine chkint_le(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2830                      ierr,input_name,input_value,minmax_value,unit)
2832 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2833 !scalars
2834  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value
2835  integer,intent(in) :: minmax_value,unit
2836  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2837  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2838 !arrays
2839  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4)
2840  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: cond_string(4)
2842 !Local variables-------------------------------
2843 !scalars
2844  integer :: list_number,minmax_flag,ok
2845  integer, allocatable :: list_values(:)
2847 !******************************************************************
2849  !Checks the allowed values
2850  ok=0
2851  minmax_flag=-1
2852  if(input_value<=minmax_value)ok=1
2853  !write(std_out,*)' chkint_le : input_value,minmax_value=',input_value,minmax_value
2855  list_number=1
2856  ABI_MALLOC(list_values,(1))
2857  list_values=minmax_value
2859  !If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2860  if(ok==0)then
2861    call chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2862      ierr,input_name,input_value,list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2863  end if
2865  ABI_FREE(list_values)
2867  ! reset all cond_strings
2868  cond_string(:)='#####'
2870 end subroutine chkint_le

m_parser/chkint_ne [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Checks the value of an input integer variable against a list, and
 write a sophisticated error message when the value appears in the list.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkint,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.

 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 list_number=number of NOT allowed values (maximum 40).
 list_values=list of allowed values
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.


2911 subroutine chkint_ne(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2912                      ierr,input_name,input_value, list_number,list_values,unit)
2914 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2915 !scalars
2916  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value,list_number
2917  integer,intent(in) :: unit
2918  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
2919  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
2920 !arrays
2921  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4),list_values(list_number)
2922  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: cond_string(4)
2924 !Local variables-------------------------------
2925 !scalars
2926  integer :: ilist,minmax_flag,minmax_value,ok
2928 !******************************************************************
2930  !Checks the allowed values
2931  ok=1
2932  if(list_number>0)then
2933    do ilist=1,list_number
2934      if(input_value == list_values(ilist))ok=0
2935    end do
2936  end if
2937  minmax_flag=2
2938  minmax_value=0
2940  !If there is something wrong, compose the message, and print it
2941  if(ok==0)then
2942    call chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
2943      ierr,input_name,input_value,&
2944      list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
2945  end if
2947  ! reset all cond_strings
2948  cond_string(:)='#####'
2950 end subroutine chkint_ne

m_parser/chkint_prt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 During the checking of the value of a variable,
 write a sophisticated error message when it is erroneous.
 A few conditions might have been checked before calling chkval,
 and these are mentioned in the error message.

 See the examples in the NOTES


 advice_change_cond= if 1, and if an error is detected, will
  advice to change the value of the conditions.
 cond_number= number of conditions checked before calling chkint.
 cond_string(cond_number)= name of the variables associated to the conditions.
 cond_values(cond_number)= value of the variables associated to the conditions. WARNING : only integers are allowed !
 input_name=name of the input variable to be checked
 input_value=value of the input variable to be checked
 list_number=number of allowed values (maximum 40).
 list_values=list of allowed values
 minmax_flag=if 0, only values in the list are allowed
              if 1, admit values larger or equal to minmax_value
              if -1, admit values smaller or equal to minmax_value
              if 2, values in the list are not allowed
 minmax_value=see the description of minmax_flag
 unit=unit number for clean output file


  (only side effect)

 ierr= switch it to 1 if an error was detected. No action otherwise.


 cond_values(cond_number) or list_values(list_number)
 must be between -99 and 999 to be printed correctly.

 for the time being, at most 3 conditions are allowed.
 In order to ask only for a minimal value, set list_number
 as well as minmax_flag to 1, and put the minimal value in both
 list_values and minmax_value.

  List of values - ionmov must be equal to 0, 1, 3, 8, or 9
   call chkint_prt(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'ionmov',ionmov,5,(/0,1,3,8,9/),0,0,iout)

  Larger or equal to a given value - nberry >= limit
   call chkint_prt(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'nberry',nberry,1,(/limit/),1,limit,iout)

  Smaller or equal to a given value - nberry <= limit
   call chkint_prt(0,0,cond_string,cond_values,ierr,'nberry',nberry,1,(/limit/),-1,limit,iout)

  Conditional cases (examples to be provided - see chkinp.f for the time being)


3011 subroutine chkint_prt(advice_change_cond,cond_number,cond_string,cond_values,&
3012                       ierr,input_name,input_value,list_number,list_values,minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit)
3014 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3015 !scalars
3016  integer,intent(in) :: advice_change_cond,cond_number,input_value,list_number
3017  integer,intent(in) :: minmax_flag,minmax_value,unit
3018  integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
3019  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_name
3020 !arrays
3021  integer,intent(in) :: cond_values(4),list_values(list_number)
3022  character(len=*),intent(in) :: cond_string(4)
3024 !Local variables-------------------------------
3025 !scalars
3026  integer :: icond
3027  character(len=500) :: msg
3029 !******************************************************************
3031  if(cond_number<0 .or. cond_number>4)then
3032    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)' )'The value of cond_number is ',cond_number,' but it should be positive and < 5.'
3033    ABI_BUG(msg)
3034  end if
3036  if(list_number<0 .or. list_number>40)then
3037    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)' )'The value of list_number is',list_number,' but it should be between 0 and 40.'
3038    ABI_BUG(msg)
3039  end if
3041  !Compose the message, and print it
3042  ierr=1
3043  write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,' chkint_prt: ERROR -'
3044  if(cond_number/=0)then
3045    do icond=1,cond_number
3046      ! The following format restricts cond_values(icond) to be between -99 and 999
3047      write(msg, '(5a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3048       ' Context: the value of the variable ',trim(cond_string(icond)),' is ',cond_values(icond),'.'
3049    end do
3050  end if
3051  write(msg, '(5a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3052   '  The value of the input variable ',trim(input_name),' is ',input_value,', while it must be'
3053  if(minmax_flag==2)then
3054    write(msg, '(3a,20(i0,1x))' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3055    '  different from one of the following: ',list_values(1:list_number)
3056  else if(list_number>1 .or. minmax_flag==0 .or. list_values(1)/=minmax_value )then
3057    ! The following format restricts list_values to be between -99 and 999
3058    if(list_number/=1)then
3059      write(msg, '(3a,40(i0,1x))' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3060      '  equal to one of the following: ',list_values(1:list_number)
3061    else
3062      write(msg, '(3a,40(i0,1x))' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  equal to ',list_values(1)
3063    end if
3064    if(minmax_flag==1)then
3065      ! The following format restricts minmax_value to be between -99 and 999
3066      write(msg, '(3a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  or it must be larger or equal to ',minmax_value,'.'
3067    else if(minmax_flag==-1)then
3068      write(msg, '(3a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  or it must be smaller or equal to ',minmax_value,'.'
3069    end if
3070  else if(minmax_flag==1)then
3071    ! The following format restricts minmax_value to be between -99 and 999
3072    write(msg, '(3a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  larger or equal to ',minmax_value,'.'
3073  else if(minmax_flag==-1)then
3074    ! The following format restricts minmax_value to be between -99 and 999
3075    write(msg, '(3a,i0,a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  smaller or equal to ',minmax_value,'.'
3076  end if
3077  if(cond_number==0 .or. advice_change_cond==0)then
3078    write(msg, '(5a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,'  Action: you should change the input variable ',trim(input_name),'.'
3079  else if(cond_number==1)then
3080    write(msg, '(7a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3081     '  Action: you should change the input variables ',trim(input_name),' or ',trim(cond_string(1)),'.'
3082  else if(cond_number==2)then
3083    write(msg, '(11a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3084     '  Action: you should change one of the input variables ',trim(input_name),',',ch10,&
3085     '   ',trim(cond_string(1)),' or ',trim(cond_string(2)),'.'
3086  else if(cond_number==3)then
3087    write(msg, '(13a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
3088     '  Action: you should change one of the input variables ',trim(input_name),',',ch10,&
3089     '   ',trim(cond_string(1)),', ',trim(cond_string(2)),' or ',trim(cond_string(3)),'.'
3090  end if
3091  call wrtout([unit, std_out], msg)
3093 end subroutine chkint_prt

m_parser/chkvars_in_string [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Analyze variable names in string. Ignore tokens withing double quotation marks.
  Abort if name is not recognized.


    0 if parser does not accept multiple datasets and +* syntax (e.g. anaddb)
    1 if parser accepts multiple datasets and +* syntax (e.g. abinit)

  list_vars(len=*)=string with the (upper case) names of the variables (excluding logicals and chars).
  list_vars_img(len=*)=string with the (upper case) names of the variables (excluding logicals and chars),
   for which the image can be specified.
  list_logicals(len=*)=string with the (upper case) names of the logical variables.
  list_strings(len=*)=string with the (upper case) names of the character variables.
  string(len=*)=string (with upper case) from the input file.


  Abort if variable name is not recognized.


3683 subroutine chkvars_in_string(protocol, list_vars, list_vars_img, list_logicals, list_strings, string)
3685 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3686 !scalars
3687  integer,intent(in) :: protocol
3688  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
3689  character(len=*),intent(in) :: list_logicals,list_strings,list_vars, list_vars_img
3691 !Local variables-------------------------------
3692  character,parameter :: blank=' '
3693 !scalars
3694  integer :: index_blank,index_current,index_endfullword, index_endword,index_endwordnow,index_list_vars
3695  character(len=500) :: msg
3697 !************************************************************************
3699  !write(std_out,"(3a)")"Checking vars in string:", ch10, trim(string)
3701  index_current=1
3702  do
3703    ! Infinite do-loop, to identify the presence of each potential variable names
3705    if(len_trim(string)<=index_current)exit
3706    index_blank=index(string(index_current:),blank)+index_current-1
3708    if(index('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',string(index_current:index_current))/=0)then
3710      index_endfullword = index_blank -1
3711      index_endword = index_blank -1
3713      if (protocol == 1) then
3714        ! Skip characters like : + or the digits at the end of the word
3715        ! Start from the blank that follows the end of the word
3716        do index_endword=index_blank-1,index_current,-1
3717          if(index('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',string(index_endword:index_endword))/=0)exit
3718        end do
3719      end if
3720      !write(std_out,*)"Will analyze:", string(index_current:index_endword)
3722      ! Find the index of the potential variable name in the list of variables
3723      index_list_vars=index(list_vars,blank//string(index_current:index_endword)//blank)
3725      ! Treat the complications due to the possibility of images
3726      if (index_list_vars==0 .and. protocol==1) then
3728        ! Treat possible LASTIMG appendix
3729        if(index_endword-6>=1)then
3730          if(string(index_endword-6:index_endword)=='LASTIMG')index_endword=index_endword-7
3731        end if
3733        ! Treat possible IMG appendix
3734        if(index_endword-2>=1)then
3735          if(string(index_endword-2:index_endword)=='IMG')index_endword=index_endword-3
3736        end if
3738        index_endwordnow=index_endword
3740        ! Again skip characters like : + or the digits before IMG
3741        ! Start from the blank that follows the end of the word
3742        do index_endword=index_endwordnow,index_current,-1
3743          if(index('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',string(index_endword:index_endword))/=0)exit
3744        end do
3746        ! Find the index of the potential variable name in the list of variables for which
3747        ! the image index can be specified
3748        index_list_vars=index(list_vars_img,blank//string(index_current:index_endword)//blank)
3749      end if
3751      if(index_list_vars==0)then
3753        ! Treat possible logical input variables
3754        if(index(list_logicals,blank//string(index_current:index_endword)//blank)/=0)then
3755          index_blank=index(string(index_current:),blank)+index_current-1
3756          if(index(' F T ',string(index_blank:index_blank+2))==0)then
3757            write(msg, '(8a)' )&
3758             'Found token `',string(index_current:index_endword),'` in the input file.',ch10,&
3759             'This variable should be given a logical value (T or F), but the following string was found:',&
3760             string(index_blank:index_blank+2),ch10,&
3761             'Action: check your input file. You likely misused the input variable.'
3762             ABI_ERROR(msg)
3763          else
3764            index_blank=index_blank+2
3765          end if
3767        else if(index(list_strings,blank//string(index_current:index_endword)//blank)/=0)then
3768          ! Treat possible string input variables
3769          ! Every following string is accepted
3770          index_current=index(string(index_current:),blank)+index_current
3771          index_blank=index(string(index_current:),blank)+index_current-1
3773        else
3774          ! If still not admitted, then there is a problem
3775          write(msg, '(9a)' )&
3776          'Found token: `',string(index_current:index_endfullword),'` in the input file.',ch10,&
3777          'This name is not one of the registered input variable names (see',ch10,&
3778          'Action: check your input file. Perhaps you mistyped the input variable,',ch10,&
3779          'or specified "img", although this was not permitted for this input variable.'
3780          ABI_ERROR(msg)
3781        end if
3782      end if
3783    end if
3785    index_current=index_blank+1
3787    if (string(index_current:index_current) == '"') then
3788      do
3789        index_current = index_current + 1
3790        if (string(index_current:index_current) == '"') exit
3791        if (index_current > len_trim(string)) then
3792          ABI_ERROR('Cannot find closing quotation mark " in string. You likely forgot to close a string')
3793        end if
3794      end do
3796    end if
3798  end do
3800 end subroutine chkvars_in_string

m_parser/geo_bcast [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Brodcast object


4357 subroutine geo_bcast(self, master, comm)
4359 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4360  class(geo_t),intent(inout) :: self
4361  integer,intent(in) :: master, comm
4363 !Local variables-------------------------------
4364  integer :: ierr, my_rank, list_int(2)
4366 !************************************************************************
4368  if (xmpi_comm_size(comm) == 1) return
4369  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
4371  if (my_rank == master) list_int = [self%natom, self%ntypat]
4372  call xmpi_bcast(list_int, master, comm, ierr)
4374  if (my_rank /= master) then
4375    self%natom = list_int(1); self%ntypat = list_int(2)
4376    call self%malloc()
4377  end if
4379  call xmpi_bcast(self%rprimd, master, comm, ierr)
4380  call xmpi_bcast(self%xred, master, comm, ierr)
4381  call xmpi_bcast(self%typat, master, comm, ierr)
4382  call xmpi_bcast(self%znucl, master, comm, ierr)
4383  call xmpi_bcast(self%title, master, comm, ierr)
4384  call xmpi_bcast(self%fileformat, master, comm, ierr)
4386 end subroutine geo_bcast

m_parser/geo_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Free memory.


4421 subroutine geo_free(self)
4423 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4424  class(geo_t),intent(inout) :: self
4426 !************************************************************************
4428  ABI_SFREE(self%typat)
4429  ABI_SFREE(self%xred)
4430  ABI_SFREE(self%znucl)
4432 end subroutine geo_free

m_parser/geo_from_abivar_string [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Build object form abinit `structure` variable


  comm=MPI communicator. Used for performing IO.


3815 type(geo_t) function geo_from_abivar_string(string, comm) result(new)
3816 !type(geo_t) function geo_from_structure_string(string, comm) result(new)
3818 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3819  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
3820  integer,intent(in) :: comm
3822 !Local variables-------------------------------
3823  integer :: ii
3824  character(len=len(string)) :: prefix
3826 !************************************************************************
3828  !print *, "in geo_from_abivar_string: `", trim(string), "`"
3830  ii = index(string, ":")
3831  ABI_CHECK(ii > 0, sjoin("Expecting string of the form `type:content`, got:", string))
3832  prefix = adjustl(string(1:ii-1))
3834  select case (prefix)
3836  case ("poscar")
3837    ! Build geo ifrom POSCAR from file.
3838    new = geo_from_poscar_path(trim(string(ii+1:)), comm)
3840  case ("abivars")
3841    ! Build geo from from file with Abinit variables.
3842    new = geo_from_abivars_path(trim(string(ii+1:)), comm)
3844  case ("abifile")
3845    if (endswith(string(ii+1:), ".nc")) then
3846      ! Build geo from netcdf file.
3847      new = geo_from_netcdf_path(trim(string(ii+1:)), comm)
3848    else
3849      ! Assume Fortran file with Abinit header.
3850      ABI_ERROR("structure variable with Fortran file is not yet implemented.")
3851      !new = geo_from_fortran_file_with_hdr(string(ii+1:), comm)
3852      !cryst = crystal_from_file(string(ii+1:), comm)
3853      !if (cryst%isalchemical()) then
3854      !  ABI_ERROR("Alchemical mixing is not compatibile with `structure` input variable!")
3855      !end if
3856      !new%natom = cryst%natom
3857      !new%ntypat = cryst%ntypat
3858      !new%rprimd = cryst%rprimd
3859      !call alloc_copy(cryst%typat, new%typat)
3860      !call alloc_copy(cryst%xred, new%xred)
3861      !call alloc_copy(cryst%znucl, new%znucl)
3862      !call cryst%free()
3863    end if
3865  case default
3866    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid prefix: `", prefix, "`"))
3867  end select
3869 end function geo_from_abivar_string

m_parser/geo_from_abivars_path [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]





3880 type(geo_t) function geo_from_abivars_path(path, comm) result(new)
3882 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3883  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
3884  integer,intent(in) :: comm
3886 !Local variables-------------------------------
3887  integer,parameter :: master = 0, option1 = 1
3888  integer :: jdtset, iimage, nimage, iatom, itypat
3889  integer :: my_rank, lenstr, ierr, ii, start, tread, marr
3890  !character(len=500) :: msg
3891  character(len=strlen) :: string, raw_string
3892 !arrays
3893  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:)
3894  real(dp) :: acell(3), rprim(3,3)
3895  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:)
3896  character(len=5),allocatable :: symbols(:)
3898 !************************************************************************
3900  ! Master node reads string and broadcasts
3901  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
3903  if (my_rank == master) then
3904    ! Below part copied from `parsefile`. strlen from defs_basis module
3905    call instrng(path, lenstr, option1, strlen, string, raw_string)
3906    ! To make case-insensitive, map characters of string to upper case.
3907    call inupper(string(1:lenstr))
3908    !call chkvars_in_string(protocol1, list_vars, list_logicals, list_strings, string)
3909  end if
3911  if (xmpi_comm_size(comm) > 1) then
3912    call xmpi_bcast(string, master, comm, ierr)
3913    call xmpi_bcast(lenstr, master, comm, ierr)
3914  end if
3916  ! ==============================
3917  ! Now all procs parse the string
3918  ! ==============================
3920  jdtset = 0; iimage = 0; nimage = 0
3922  ! Get the number of atom in the unit cell. Read natom from string
3923  marr = 1
3924  ABI_MALLOC(intarr, (marr))
3925  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr, (marr))
3927  call intagm(dprarr, intarr, jdtset, marr, 1, string(1:lenstr), 'natom', tread, 'INT')
3928  ABI_CHECK(tread /= 0, sjoin("natom is required in file:", path))
3929  new%natom = intarr(1)
3931  marr = max(12, 3*new%natom)
3932  ABI_REMALLOC(intarr, (marr))
3933  ABI_REMALLOC(dprarr, (marr))
3935  ! Set up unit cell from acell, rprim, angdeg
3936  call get_acell_rprim(lenstr, string, jdtset, iimage, nimage, marr, acell, rprim)
3938  ! Compute different matrices in real and reciprocal space, also checks whether ucvol is positive.
3939  call mkrdim(acell, rprim, new%rprimd)
3941  ! Parse atomic positions.
3942  ! Only xcart is supported here because it makes life easier and we don't need to handle symbols + Units
3943  ii = index(string(1:lenstr), "XRED_SYMBOLS")
3944  ABI_CHECK(ii /= 0, "In structure mode only `xred_symbols` with coords followed by element symbol are supported")
3946  new%fileformat = "abivars"
3947  ABI_MALLOC(new%xred, (3, new%natom))
3949  ABI_MALLOC(symbols, (new%natom))
3950  start = ii + len("XRED_SYMBOLS")
3951  do iatom=1,new%natom
3952    call inarray(start, "xred_symbols", dprarr, intarr, marr, 3, string, "DPR")
3953    new%xred(:, iatom) = dprarr(1:3)
3954    ABI_CHECK(next_token(string, start, symbols(iatom)) == 0, "Error while reading element symbol.")
3955    symbols(iatom) = tolower(symbols(iatom))
3956    symbols(iatom)(1:1) = toupper(symbols(iatom)(1:1))
3957    !write(std_out, *)"xred", new%xred(:, iatom), "symbol:", trim(symbols(iatom))
3958  end do
3960  call typat_from_symbols(symbols, new%ntypat, new%typat)
3962  ! Note that the first letter should be capitalized, rest must be lower case
3963  ABI_MALLOC(new%znucl, (new%ntypat))
3964  do iatom=1,new%natom
3965    itypat = new%typat(iatom)
3966    new%znucl(itypat) = symbol2znucl(symbols(iatom))
3967  end do
3969  ABI_FREE(symbols)
3970  ABI_FREE(intarr)
3971  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
3973  !call new%print_abivars(std_out)
3975 contains
3977 subroutine typat_from_symbols(symbols, ntypat, typat)
3979 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3980  character(len=*),intent(in) :: symbols(:)
3981  integer,intent(out) :: ntypat
3982  integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: typat(:)
3984 !Local variables-------------------------------
3985  integer :: ii, jj, nstr, found
3987 !************************************************************************
3989  nstr = size(symbols)
3990  ABI_ICALLOC(typat, (nstr))
3992  typat(1) = 1
3993  ntypat = 1
3994  do ii=2, nstr
3995    found = 0
3996    do jj=1, ntypat
3997      if (symbols(ii) == symbols(typat(jj))) then
3998        found = jj; exit
3999      end if
4000    end do
4001    if (found == 0) then
4002      ntypat = ntypat + 1
4003      typat(ii) = ntypat
4004    else
4005      typat(ii) = found
4006    end if
4007  end do
4009 end subroutine typat_from_symbols
4011 end function geo_from_abivars_path

m_parser/geo_from_netdf_path [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]





4275 type(geo_t) function geo_from_netcdf_path(path, comm) result(new)
4277 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4278  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
4279  integer,intent(in) :: comm
4281 !Local variables-------------------------------
4282  integer, parameter :: master = 0
4283  integer :: ncid, npsp, dimid, itime
4284  logical :: has_nimage
4286 !************************************************************************
4288  new%fileformat = "netcdf"
4290 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
4291  if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) == master) then
4292    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, path, xmpi_comm_self))
4294    if (endswith(path, "")) then
4295      ! See def_file_hist.
4296      !ABI_ERROR("Cannot yet read structure from file")
4297      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "natom", new%natom))
4298      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "ntypat", new%ntypat))
4300      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "npsp", npsp))
4301      ABI_CHECK(npsp == new%ntypat, 'Geo from HIST file with alchemical mixing!')
4302      has_nimage = nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "nimage", dimid) == nf90_noerr
4303      ABI_CHECK(.not. has_nimage, "Cannot initialize structure from when file contains images.")
4305      call new%malloc()
4307      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "typat"), new%typat))
4308      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "znucl"), new%znucl))
4310      ! time is NF90_UNLIMITED
4311      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "time", itime))
4313      ! dim3 = [xyz_id, xyz_id, time_id]
4314      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "rprimd"), new%rprimd, start=[1,1,itime]))
4316      ! dim3 = [xyz_id, natom_id, time_id]
4317      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "xred"), new%xred, start=[1,1,itime]))
4319    else
4320      ! Assume netcdf file produced by calling crystal%ncwrite
4321      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "number_of_atoms", new%natom))
4322      NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "number_of_atom_species", new%ntypat))
4324      ! Test if alchemical. NB: nsps added in crystal_ncwrite in v9.
4325      if (nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "number_of_pseudopotentials", dimid) == nf90_noerr) then
4326        NCF_CHECK(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimid, len=npsp))
4327        ABI_CHECK(npsp == new%ntypat, 'Geo from HIST file with alchemical mixing!')
4328      end if
4330      call new%malloc()
4332      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "primitive_vectors"), new%rprimd))
4333      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "atom_species"), new%typat))
4334      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "atomic_numbers"), new%znucl))
4335      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "reduced_atom_positions"), new%xred))
4336    end if
4338    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
4339  end if
4340 #endif
4342  call new%bcast(master, comm)
4343  !call new%print_abivars(std_out)
4345 end function geo_from_netcdf_path

m_parser/geo_from_poscar_path [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]





4022 type(geo_t) function geo_from_poscar_path(path, comm) result(new)
4024 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4025  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
4026  integer,intent(in) :: comm
4028 !Local variables-------------------------------
4029  integer,parameter :: master = 0
4030  integer :: unt, my_rank
4031  character(len=500) :: msg
4033 !************************************************************************
4035  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
4037  if (my_rank == master) then
4038    if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form='formatted', status='old', action="read") /= 0) then
4039      ABI_ERROR(msg)
4040    end if
4041    new = geo_from_poscar_unit(unt)
4042    close(unt)
4043  end if
4045  if (xmpi_comm_size(comm) > 1) call new%bcast(master, comm)
4047 end function geo_from_poscar_path

m_parser/geo_from_poscar_unit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Build object from string with seperator `sep`. Usually sep = newline = ch10


4059 type(geo_t) function geo_from_poscar_unit(unit) result(new)
4061 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4062  integer,intent(in) :: unit
4064 !Local variables-------------------------------
4065  !integer,parameter :: marr = 3
4066  integer :: beg, iatom, itypat, ierr, ii, cnt
4067  real(dp) :: scaling_constant
4068  character(len=500) :: line, system, iomsg
4069  character(len=5) :: symbol
4070 !arrays
4071  integer,allocatable :: nattyp(:)
4072  logical,allocatable :: duplicated(:)
4073  character(len=5),allocatable :: symbols(:), dupe_symbols(:)
4074  real(dp),allocatable :: xcart(:,:)
4076 !************************************************************************
4078  ! Example of POSCAR (with 6 figures --> space group won't be recognized by Abinit
4079  ! See also
4081  ! Mg1 B2
4082  ! 1.0
4083  ! 2.672554 1.543000 0.000000
4084  ! -2.672554 1.543000 0.000000
4085  ! 0.000000 0.000000 3.523000
4086  ! Mg B
4087  ! 1 2
4088  ! direct
4089  ! 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Mg
4090  ! 0.333333 0.666667 0.500000 B
4091  ! 0.666667 0.333333 0.500000 B
4093  new%fileformat = "poscar"
4094  read(unit, "(a)", err=10, iomsg=iomsg) new%title
4095  read(unit, *, err=10, iomsg=iomsg) scaling_constant
4096  do ii=1,3
4097    read(unit, *, err=10, iomsg=iomsg) new%rprimd(:, ii)
4098  end do
4100  ! Read line with the names of the atoms.
4101  read(unit, "(a)", err=10, iomsg=iomsg) line
4102  !print *, "line:", trim(line)
4104  new%ntypat = 0
4105  do ii=1,2
4106    if (ii == 2) then
4107      ABI_MALLOC(symbols, (new%ntypat))
4108    end if
4109    itypat = 0; beg = 1
4110    do
4111      ierr = next_token(line, beg, symbol)
4112      !print *, "ierr:", ierr, "beg:", beg, "symbol:", trim(symbol)
4113      if (ierr /= 0) exit
4114      if (ii == 1) new%ntypat = new%ntypat + 1
4115      if (ii == 2) then
4116        itypat = itypat + 1
4117        symbols(itypat) = trim(symbol)
4118      end if
4119    end do
4120  end do
4121  !write(std_out, *)"ntypat: ", new%ntypat, "symbols: ", symbols
4123  ! TODO: Handle case in which not all atoms are not grouped by type
4124  ABI_MALLOC(duplicated, (new%ntypat))
4125  duplicated = .False.
4126  do itypat=1,new%ntypat-1
4127    do ii=itypat+1, new%ntypat
4128      if (symbols(itypat) == symbols(ii)) duplicated(ii) = .True.
4129    end do
4130  end do
4132  ! number of atoms of each type.
4133  ! NOTE: Assuming ntypat == npsp thus alchemical mixing is not supported.
4134  ! There's a check in the main parser though.
4135  ABI_MALLOC(nattyp, (new%ntypat))
4136  read(unit, *, err=10, iomsg=iomsg) nattyp
4137  new%natom = sum(nattyp)
4138  ABI_FREE(nattyp)
4140  if (any(duplicated)) then
4141    ! Need to recompute ntypat and symbols taking into account duplication.
4142    ABI_WARNING("Found POSCAR with duplicated symbols")
4143    ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(symbols, dupe_symbols)
4144    new%ntypat = count(.not. duplicated)
4145    ABI_MALLOC(symbols, (new%ntypat))
4146    cnt = 0
4147    do ii=1,size(duplicated)
4148      if (.not. duplicated(ii)) then
4149        cnt = cnt + 1; symbols(cnt) = dupe_symbols(ii)
4150      end if
4151    end do
4152    ABI_FREE(dupe_symbols)
4153  end if
4155  ! At this point, we can allocate Abinit arrays.
4156  call new%malloc()
4158  ! Note that first letter should be capitalized, rest must be lower case
4159  do itypat=1,new%ntypat
4160    new%znucl(itypat) = symbol2znucl(symbols(itypat))
4161  end do
4163  read(unit, *, err=10, iomsg=iomsg) system
4164  system = tolower(system)
4165  if (system /= "cartesian" .and. system /= "direct") then
4166    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Expecting `cartesian` or `direct` for the coordinate system but got:", system))
4167  end if
4169  ! Parse atomic positions.
4170  do iatom=1,new%natom
4172    ! This should implement the POSCAR format.
4173    read(unit, *, err=10, iomsg=iomsg) new%xred(:, iatom), symbol
4174    if (len_trim(symbol) == 0) then
4175      if (new%ntypat == 1) then
4176        ABI_COMMENT("POTCAR without element symbol after coords but this is not critical because ntypat == 1")
4177        symbol = symbols(1)
4178      else
4179        ABI_ERROR("POTCAR positions should be followed by element symbol.")
4180      end if
4181    end if
4183    ! This to handle symbol + oxidation state e.g. Li1+
4184    !print *, symbol
4185    ii = find_digit(symbol)
4186    if (ii /= 0) symbol = symbol(:ii-1)
4188    do itypat=1, new%ntypat
4189      if (symbols(itypat) == symbol) then
4190        new%typat(iatom) = itypat; exit
4191      end if
4192    end do
4193    if (itypat == new%ntypat + 1) then
4194      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find symbol:`", symbol, " `in initial symbol list. Typo or POSCAR without symbols?."))
4195    end if
4196  end do
4198  ! Convert ang -> bohr
4199  if (scaling_constant > zero) then
4200    new%rprimd = scaling_constant * new%rprimd * Ang_Bohr
4201  else if (scaling_constant < zero) then
4202    ! A negative scale factor is treated as a volume. translate scaling_constant to a lattice vector scaling.
4203    new%rprimd = Ang_Bohr * new%rprimd * (-scaling_constant / abs(det3r(new%rprimd))) ** (one / three)
4204  else
4205    ABI_CHECK(scaling_constant > zero, sjoin("scaling constant must be /= 0 but found:", ftoa(scaling_constant)))
4206  end if
4208  if (system == "cartesian") then
4209    ! Go from cartesian to reduced.
4210    ABI_MALLOC(xcart, (3, new%natom))
4211    xcart = new%xred * Ang_Bohr
4212    call xcart2xred(new%natom, new%rprimd, xcart, new%xred)
4213    ABI_FREE(xcart)
4214  end if
4216  ABI_FREE(symbols)
4217  ABI_FREE(duplicated)
4218  return
4220  10 ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Error while parsing POSCAR file,", ch10, "iomsg:", trim(iomsg)))
4222 end function geo_from_poscar_unit

m_parser/geo_malloc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Allocate memory once %natom and %ntypat are know


4398 subroutine geo_malloc(self)
4400 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4401  class(geo_t),intent(inout) :: self
4403 !************************************************************************
4405  ABI_MALLOC(self%typat, (self%natom))
4406  ABI_MALLOC(self%xred, (3, self%natom))
4407  ABI_MALLOC(self%znucl, (self%ntypat))
4409 end subroutine geo_malloc

m_parser/geo_print_abivars [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Print Abinit variables corresponding to POSCAR


4234 subroutine geo_print_abivars(self, unit)
4236 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4237  class(geo_t),intent(in) :: self
4238  integer,intent(in) :: unit
4240 !Local variables-------------------------------
4241  integer :: ii, iatom, itypat
4243 !************************************************************************
4245  if (unit == dev_null) return
4247  write(unit, "(2a)")"# fileformat: ", trim(self%fileformat)
4248  if (len_trim(self%title) > 0) write(unit, "(2a)")"# ",trim(self%title)
4249  write(unit, "(a, i0)")" natom ", self%natom
4250  write(unit, "(a, i0)")" ntypat ", self%ntypat
4251  write(unit, sjoin("(a, ", itoa(self%natom), "(i0,1x))")) " typat ", self%typat
4252  write(unit, sjoin("(a, ", itoa(self%ntypat), "(f5.1,1x))")) " znucl ", self%znucl
4253  write(unit, "(a)")" acell 1 1 1 Bohr"
4254  write(unit, "(a)")" rprim "
4255  do ii=1,3
4256    write(unit, "(2x, 3(f11.7,1x))") self%rprimd(:, ii)
4257  end do
4258  write(unit, "(a)")" xred"
4259  do iatom=1,self%natom
4260    itypat = self%typat(iatom)
4261    write(unit, "(2x, 3(f11.7,1x),3x,2a)") self%xred(:, iatom) , " # ", trim(znucl2symbol(self%znucl(itypat)))
4262  end do
4264 end subroutine geo_print_abivars

m_parser/geo_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Types ]




  Small object describing the crystalline structure read from an external file
  or a string given in the input file.


131  type,public :: geo_t
133   integer :: natom = 0
134   ! Number of atoms
136   integer :: ntypat = 0
137   ! Number of type of atoms
139   character(len=500) :: title = ""
140   ! Optional title read for external file e.g. POSCAR
142   character(len=500) :: fileformat = ""
143   ! (poscar, netcdf)
145   integer,allocatable :: typat(:)
146   ! typat(natom)
147   ! Type of each natom.
149   real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3)
151   real(dp),allocatable :: xred(:,:)
152   ! xred(3,natom)
153   ! Reduced coordinates.
155   real(dp),allocatable :: znucl(:)
156   ! znucl(ntypat)
157   ! Nuclear charge for each type of pseudopotential
158   ! Note that ntypat must be equal to npsp --> no alchemical mixing
160  contains
162    procedure :: free => geo_free
163    ! Free memory.
165    procedure :: malloc => geo_malloc
166    ! Allocate memory
168    procedure :: bcast => geo_bcast
169    ! Brodcast object
171    procedure :: print_abivars => geo_print_abivars
172    !  Print Abinit variables corresponding to POSCAR
174  end type geo_t
176  public :: geo_from_abivar_string   ! Build object form abinit variable
177  public :: geo_from_poscar_path     ! Build object from POSCAR filepath.
179  public :: intagm_img   !  Read input file variables according to images path definition (1D array)
181  interface intagm_img
182    module procedure intagm_img_1D
183    module procedure intagm_img_2D
184  end interface intagm_img
187 CONTAINS  !===========================================================

m_parser/get_acell_rprim [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Get acell and rprim from string


 string*(*)=character string containing all the input data. Initialized previously in instrng.
 jdtset=number of the dataset looked for
 iimage= index of the current image
 nimage=Number of images.
 marr=dimension of the intarr and dprarr arrays, as declared in the calling subroutine.


 acell(3)=length of primitive vectors
 rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations



4457 subroutine get_acell_rprim(lenstr, string, jdtset, iimage, nimage, marr, acell, rprim)
4459 !Arguments ------------------------------------
4460  integer,intent(in) :: lenstr, jdtset, iimage, nimage, marr
4461  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
4462  real(dp),intent(out) :: acell(3)
4463  real(dp),intent(out) :: rprim(3,3)
4465 !Local variables-------------------------------
4466  integer :: tacell, tangdeg, tread, trprim, mu
4467  real(dp) :: a2, aa, cc, cosang
4468  character(len=500) :: msg
4469 !arrays
4470  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:)
4471  real(dp) :: angdeg(3)
4472  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:)
4474 !************************************************************************
4476  ABI_MALLOC(intarr, (marr))
4477  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr, (marr))
4479  acell(1:3) = one
4480  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'acell',tacell,'LEN')
4481  if(tacell==1) acell(1:3)=dprarr(1:3)
4482  call intagm_img(acell,iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,3,string,"acell",tacell,'LEN')
4484  ! Check that input length scales acell(3) are > 0
4485  do mu=1,3
4486    if(acell(mu) <= zero) then
4487      write(msg, '(a,i0,a, 1p,e14.6,4a)' )&
4488       'Length scale ',mu,' is input as acell: ',acell(mu),ch10,&
4489       'However, length scales must be > 0 ==> stop',ch10,&
4490       'Action: correct acell in input file.'
4491      ABI_ERROR(msg)
4492    end if
4493  end do
4495  ! Initialize rprim, or read the angles
4496  tread=0
4497  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,9,string(1:lenstr),'rprim',trprim,'DPR')
4498  if (trprim==1) rprim(:,:) = reshape( dprarr(1:9), [3, 3])
4499  call intagm_img(rprim,iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,3,3,string,"rprim",trprim,'DPR')
4501  if(trprim==0)then
4502    ! If none of the rprim were read ...
4503    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'angdeg',tangdeg,'DPR')
4504    angdeg(:)=dprarr(1:3)
4505    call intagm_img(angdeg,iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,3,string,"angdeg",tangdeg,'DPR')
4507    if(tangdeg==1)then
4508      !call wrtout(std_out,' ingeo: use angdeg to generate rprim.')
4510      ! Check that input angles are positive
4511      do mu=1,3
4512        if(angdeg(mu)<=0.0_dp) then
4513          write(msg, '(a,i0,a,1p,e14.6,a,a,a,a)' )&
4514           'Angle number ',mu,' is input as angdeg: ',angdeg(mu),ch10,&
4515           'However, angles must be > 0 ==> stop',ch10,&
4516           'Action: correct angdeg in the input file.'
4517          ABI_ERROR(msg)
4518        end if
4519      end do
4521      ! Check that the sum of angles is smaller than 360 degrees
4522      if(angdeg(1)+angdeg(2)+angdeg(3)>=360.0_dp) then
4523        write(msg, '(a,a,a,es14.4,a,a,a)' )&
4524         'The sum of input angles (angdeg(1:3)) must be lower than 360 degrees',ch10,&
4525         'while it is: ',angdeg(1)+angdeg(2)+angdeg(3),'.',ch10,&
4526         'Action: correct angdeg in the input file.'
4527        ABI_ERROR(msg)
4528      end if
4530      if( abs(angdeg(1)-angdeg(2))<tol12 .and. &
4531          abs(angdeg(2)-angdeg(3))<tol12 .and. &
4532          abs(angdeg(1)-90._dp)+abs(angdeg(2)-90._dp)+abs(angdeg(3)-90._dp)>tol12 )then
4533        ! Treat the case of equal angles (except all right angles):
4534        ! generates trigonal symmetry wrt third axis
4535        cosang=cos(pi*angdeg(1)/180.0_dp)
4536        a2=2.0_dp/3.0_dp*(1.0_dp-cosang)
4537        aa=sqrt(a2)
4538        cc=sqrt(1.0_dp-a2)
4539        rprim(1,1)=aa        ; rprim(2,1)=0.0_dp                 ; rprim(3,1)=cc
4540        rprim(1,2)=-0.5_dp*aa ; rprim(2,2)= sqrt(3.0_dp)*0.5_dp*aa ; rprim(3,2)=cc
4541        rprim(1,3)=-0.5_dp*aa ; rprim(2,3)=-sqrt(3.0_dp)*0.5_dp*aa ; rprim(3,3)=cc
4542        ! write(std_out,*)' ingeo: angdeg=',angdeg(1:3), aa,cc=',aa,cc
4543      else
4544        ! Treat all the other cases
4545        rprim(:,:)=0.0_dp
4546        rprim(1,1)=1.0_dp
4547        rprim(1,2)=cos(pi*angdeg(3)/180.0_dp)
4548        rprim(2,2)=sin(pi*angdeg(3)/180.0_dp)
4549        rprim(1,3)=cos(pi*angdeg(2)/180.0_dp)
4550        rprim(2,3)=(cos(pi*angdeg(1)/180.0_dp)-rprim(1,2)*rprim(1,3))/rprim(2,2)
4551        rprim(3,3)=sqrt(1.0_dp-rprim(1,3)**2-rprim(2,3)**2)
4552      end if
4554    end if
4555  end if ! No problem if neither rprim nor angdeg are defined: use default rprim
4557  ABI_FREE(intarr)
4558  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
4560 end subroutine get_acell_rprim

m_parser/importxyz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Examine the input string, to see whether data from xyz
 file(s) has to be incorporated.
 For each such xyz file, translate the relevant
 information into intermediate input variables compatible
 with the usual ABINIT formatting, then append it
 to the input string.


  string_raw*(strln)=raw string of character from input file (with original case)
  strln=maximal number of character of string, as declared in the calling routine



  lenstr=actual number of character in string
  string_upper*(strln)=string of character
   the string (with upper case) from the input file, to which the xyz data are appended to it


2169 subroutine importxyz(lenstr,string_raw,string_upper,strln)
2171 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2172 !scalars
2173  integer,intent(in) :: strln
2174  integer,intent(inout) :: lenstr
2175  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_raw
2176  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: string_upper
2178 !Local variables-------------------------------
2179  character :: blank=' '
2180 !scalars
2181  integer :: dtset_len,ixyz,ii,index_already_done,index_xyz_fname
2182  integer :: index_xyz_fname_end,index_xyz_token,kk
2183  character(len=2) :: dtset_char
2184  character(len=500) :: msg
2185  character(len=fnlen) :: xyz_fname
2187 !************************************************************************
2189  index_already_done=1
2190  ixyz=0
2192  do
2193    ! Infinite do-loop, to identify the presence of the xyzFILE token
2194    index_xyz_token=index(string_upper(index_already_done:lenstr),"XYZFILE")
2195    if(index_xyz_token==0)exit
2197    ixyz=ixyz+1
2198    if(ixyz==1)then
2199      write(msg,'(80a)')('=',ii=1,80)
2200      call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2201    end if
2203    ! The xyzFILE token has been identified
2204    index_xyz_token=index_already_done+index_xyz_token-1
2206    ! Find the related dataset tag, and length
2207    dtset_char=string_upper(index_xyz_token+7:index_xyz_token+8)
2208    if(dtset_char(1:1)==blank)dtset_char(2:2)=blank
2209    dtset_len=len_trim(dtset_char)
2211    ! Find the name of the xyz file
2212    index_xyz_fname=index_xyz_token+8+dtset_len
2213    index_xyz_fname_end=index(string_upper(index_xyz_fname:lenstr),blank)
2215    if(index_xyz_fname_end ==0 )then
2216      write(msg, '(5a,i4,2a)' )&
2217      'Could not find the name of the xyz file.',ch10,&
2218      'index_xyz_fname_end should be non-zero, while it is :',ch10,&
2219      'index_xyz_fname_end=',index_xyz_fname_end,ch10,&
2220      'Action: check the filename that was provided after the XYZFILE input variable keyword.'
2221      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2222    end if
2224    index_xyz_fname_end=index_xyz_fname_end+index_xyz_fname-1
2226    index_already_done=index_xyz_fname_end
2228    ! Initialize xyz_fname to a blank line
2229    xyz_fname=repeat(blank,fnlen)
2230    xyz_fname=string_raw(index_xyz_fname:index_xyz_fname_end-1)
2232    write(msg, '(3a)') ch10, ' importxyz : Identified token XYZFILE, referring to file ',trim(xyz_fname)
2233    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out],msg)
2235    ! Append the data from the xyz file to the string, and update the length of the string
2236    call append_xyz(dtset_char,lenstr,string_upper,xyz_fname,strln)
2238    ! erase the file name from string_upper
2239    string_upper(index_xyz_fname:index_xyz_fname_end-1) = blank
2240  end do
2242  if (index_already_done > 1) then
2243    ! Initialize xyz_fname to a blank line
2244    xyz_fname=repeat(blank,fnlen)
2245    call append_xyz("-1",lenstr,string_upper,xyz_fname,strln)
2246  end if
2248  if(ixyz/=0)then
2249    call incomprs(string_upper,lenstr)
2250    ! A blank is needed at the beginning of the string
2251    do kk=lenstr,1,-1
2252      string_upper(kk+1:kk+1)=string_upper(kk:kk)
2253    end do
2254    string_upper(1:1)=blank
2255    lenstr=lenstr+1
2256    write(msg,'(a,80a,a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10
2257    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2258  end if
2260 end subroutine importxyz

m_parser/inarray [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Read the array of narr numbers located immediately after a specified blank in a string of character.
 Might read instead one word, after the specified blank. Takes care of multipliers.


  cs=character token (starts with a blank)
  marr=dimension of the intarr and dprarr arrays, as declared in the
   calling subroutine.
  narr=actual size of array to be read in  (if typevarphys='KEY', only narr=1 is allowed)
  string=character string containing the data.
  typevarphys=variable type (might indicate the physical meaning of
   for dimensionality purposes)
   'INT' => integer
   'DPR' => real(dp) (no special treatment)
   'LEN' => real(dp) (expect a "length", identify bohr, au, nm or angstrom,
            and return in au -atomic units=bohr- )
   'ENE' => real(dp) (expect a "energy", identify Ha, hartree, eV, meV, Ry, Rydberg)
   'BFI' => real(dp) (expect a "magnetic field", identify T, Tesla)
   'TIM' => real(dp) (expect a "time", identify S, Second)
   'LOG' => integer, but read logical variable T,F,.true., or .false.


  intarr(1:narr), dprarr(1:narr)
   integer or real(dp) arrays, respectively into which data is read. Use these arrays even for scalars.
  errcod: if /= 0, then something went wrong in subroutine "inread"

   b1=absolute location in string of blank which follows the token (will be modified in the execution)


1976 subroutine inarray(b1,cs,dprarr,intarr,marr,narr,string,typevarphys)
1978 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1979 !scalars
1980  integer,intent(in) :: marr,narr
1981  integer,intent(inout) :: b1
1982  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
1983  character(len=*),intent(in) :: typevarphys
1984  character(len=*),intent(in) :: cs
1985 !arrays
1986  integer,intent(inout) :: intarr(marr)
1987  real(dp),intent(out) :: dprarr(marr)
1989 !Local variables-------------------------------
1990  character(len=1), parameter :: blank=' '
1991 !scalars
1992  integer :: asciichar,b2,errcod,ii,integ,istar,nrep,strln
1993  real(dp) :: factor,real8
1994  character(len=3) :: typevar
1995  character(len=500*4) :: msg
1997 ! *************************************************************************
1999 !DEBUG
2000 ! write(std_out,'(5a)' )' inarray: token: ',trim(cs),' "',cs(1:6),'"'
2001 ! if(trim(cs)==' UPAWU1')then
2002 !   write(std_out,'(2a)' )'          string: ',trim(string(b1:))
2003 !   write(std_out,'(a,i0)' )'        narr: ',narr
2004 !   write(std_out,'(2a)' )'          typevarphys: ',typevarphys
2005 ! endif
2008  ii = 0
2009  typevar='INT'
2010  if(typevarphys=='LOG') typevar='INT'
2011  if(typevarphys=='DPR' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' .or. &
2012     typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM') typevar='DPR'
2014  strln=len_trim(string)
2016  do while (ii < narr)
2018    ! Relative location of next blank after data
2019    ! b1 is the last character of the string
2020    if (b1>=strln) exit
2022    b2 = index(string(b1+1:),blank)
2023    ! If no second blank is found put the second blank just beyond strln
2024    if(b2==0) b2=strln-b1+1
2026    ! nrep tells how many times to repeat input in array:
2027    nrep=1
2029    ! Check for *, meaning repeated input (as in list-directed input):
2030    istar=index(string(b1+1:b1+b2-1),'*')
2031    if (istar/=0) then
2032      if (istar==1) then ! Simply fills the array with the data, repeated as many times as needed
2033        nrep=narr-ii
2034        errcod=0
2035      else
2036        call inread(string(b1+1:b1+istar-1),istar-1,'INT',nrep,real8,errcod)
2037      end if
2038      if (errcod/=0) exit
2039      ! Shift starting position of input field:
2040      b1=b1+istar
2041      b2=b2-istar
2042    end if
2044    ! Read data internally by calling inread at entry ini:
2045    call inread(string(b1+1:b1+b2-1),b2-1,typevarphys,integ,real8,errcod)
2046    if (errcod/=0) exit
2048    ! Allow for list-directed input with repeat number nrep:
2049    if(typevar=='INT')then
2050      intarr(1+ii:min(nrep+ii,narr))=integ
2051    else if(typevar=='DPR')then
2052      dprarr(1+ii:min(nrep+ii,narr))=real8
2053    else
2054      ABI_BUG('Disallowed typevar: '//typevar)
2055    end if
2056    ii=min(ii+nrep,narr)
2058    !  Find new absolute location of next element of array:
2059    b1=b1+b2
2061  end do ! while (ii<narr). Note "exit" instructions within loop.
2063  if (errcod /= 0) then
2064    write(msg, '(5a,i0,12a)' ) &
2065    'An error occurred reading data for keyword `',trim(cs),'`,',ch10,&
2066    'looking for ',narr,' elements.', ch10, &
2067    'There is a problem with the input string:',ch10,trim(string(b1:)), ch10, &
2068    'Maybe a disagreement between the declared dimension of the array,',ch10,&
2069    'and the number of items provided. ',ch10,&
2070    'Action: correct your input file and especially the keyword: ', trim(cs)
2071    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2072  end if
2074  ! In case of 'LEN', 'ENE', 'BFI', or 'TIM', try to identify the unit
2075  if (typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' .or. typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM') then
2076    do
2077      ! Relative location of next blank after data
2078      if(b1>=strln)exit   ! b1 is the last character of the string
2079      b2=index(string(b1+1:),blank)
2080      ! If no second blank is found put the second blank just beyond strln
2081      if(b2==0) b2=strln-b1+1
2083 !DEBUG
2084 ! if(trim(cs)==' UPAWU1')then
2085 !     write(std_out,*)' inarray : strln=',strln
2086 !     write(std_out,*)' inarray : b1=',b1,' b2=',b2
2087 !     write(std_out,*)' inarray : string(b1+1:)=',string(b1+1:)
2088 !     write(std_out,*)' typevarphys==',typevarphys
2089 ! endif
2092      ! Identify the presence of a non-digit character
2093      asciichar=iachar(string(b1+1:b1+1))
2094      if(asciichar<48 .or. asciichar>57)then
2095        factor=one
2096        if(typevarphys=='LEN' .and. b2>=3)then
2097          if(string(b1+1:b1+6)=='ANGSTR')then
2098            factor=one/Bohr_Ang
2099          else if(string(b1+1:b1+3)=='NM ')then
2100            factor=ten/Bohr_Ang
2101          end if
2102        else if(typevarphys=='ENE' .and. b2>=3)then
2103          if(string(b1+1:b1+3)=='RY ')then
2104            factor=half
2105          else if(string(b1+1:b1+3)=='RYD')then
2106            factor=half
2107          else if(string(b1+1:b1+3)=='EV ')then
2108            factor=one/Ha_eV
2109          else if(string(b1+1:b1+4)=='MEV ')then
2110            factor=one/Ha_meV
2111          else if(string(b1+1:b1+7)=='Kelvin ')then
2112             factor=kb_HaK
2113          end if
2114        else if(typevarphys=='ENE' .and. b2>=2)then
2115          if(string(b1+1:b1+2)=='K ') factor=kb_HaK
2116        else if(typevarphys=='BFI' .and. b2>=2)then
2117          if(string(b1+1:b1+2)=='T ' .or. string(b1+1:b1+2)=='TE') factor=BField_Tesla
2118        else if (typevarphys=='TIM' .and. b2>=2) then
2119          if( string(b1+1:b1+2)=='SE' .or. string(b1+1:b1+2)=='S ') factor=one/Time_Sec
2120        endif
2122        dprarr(1:narr)=dprarr(1:narr)*factor
2123        exit
2124      else
2125        ! A digit has been observed, go to the next sequence
2126        b1=b1+b2
2127        cycle
2128      end if
2130    end do
2131  end if
2133 !DEBUG
2134 ! if(trim(cs)==' UPAWU1')then
2135 !   write(std_out,*)' dprarr(1:narr)==',dprarr(1:narr)
2136 !   stop
2137 ! endif
2138 !write(std_out,*)' inarray : exit '
2141 end subroutine inarray

m_parser/incomprs [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Compresses input character string into the following form:
 (1) Replaces tabs and all other characters lexically less than
 SP (blank) with SP (blank), where lexically less than refers to
 the ASCII collating sequence (SP is hex 20, dec 32).
 The use of llt is needed e.g. on the IBM 9000 because it does not
 handle tab characters sensibly in its AIX fortran.
 Also replace occurences of '=' by a SP.
 (2) Removes all repeated blanks, ignoring trailing blanks
 after first (returns nontrailing final length in arg 'length').
 (3) Makes first character in string NONBLANK.  This is done
 to prevent double blanks from occurring when compressed string
 is concatenated with other compressed strings.
 (4) Makes last character (string(length:length)) a blank.
 If input string is entirely blank or tabs, simply returns with length=0.


  (see side effects)


  length=nonblank, nontab length of string as defined above

  string=at input:  character string
         at output: repeated blanks and tabs have been removed and
                    remaining tabs have been replaced by blanks


 923 subroutine incomprs(string,length)
 925 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 926 !scalars
 927  integer,intent(out) :: length
 928  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: string
 930 !Local variables-------------------------------
 931  character(len=1) :: blank=' '
 932 !scalars
 933  integer :: bb,f1,ii,jj,kk,l1,lbef,lcut,lold,stringlen
 934 !arrays
 935  character(len=500) :: msg
 937 ! *************************************************************************
 939  ! String length determined by calling program declaration of "string"
 940  stringlen=len(string)
 941  length=stringlen
 943  ! Only proceed if string has nonzero length
 944  if (length>0) then
 945    ! Find last nonblank character (i.e. nonblank and nontab length)
 946    length=len_trim(string)
 947    if (length==0) then
 948      ! Line is all blanks or tabs so do not proceed
 949      ! write(std_out,*)' incomprs: blank line encountered'
 950    else
 952      ! Replace all characters lexically less than SP, and '=', by SP (blank)
 953      call inreplsp(string(1:length))
 955      ! Continue with parsing
 956      ! l1 is set to last nonblank, nontab character position
 957      l1=length
 958      do ii=1,l1
 959        if (string(ii:ii)/=blank) exit
 960      end do
 962      ! f1 is set to first nonblank, nontab character position
 963      f1=ii
 964      ! lbef is number of characters in string starting at
 965      ! first nonblank, nontab and going to last
 966      lbef=l1-f1+1
 968      ! Process characters one at a time from right to left:
 969      bb=0
 970      lcut=lbef
 971      do ii=1,lbef
 972        jj=lbef+f1-ii
 973        ! set bb=position of next blank coming in from right
 974        if (string(jj:jj)==blank) then
 975          if (bb==0) bb=jj
 976        else
 977          if (bb/=0) then
 978            ! if several blanks in a row were found, cut from string
 979            if (jj<bb-1) then
 980              ! lold becomes string length before cutting blanks
 981              lold=lcut
 982              ! lcut will be new string length
 983              lcut=lcut-(bb-1-jj)
 984              ! redefine string with repeated blanks gone
 985              do kk=1,f1+lcut-1-jj
 986                string(jj+kk:jj+kk)=string(kk+bb-1:kk+bb-1)
 987              end do
 988            end if
 989            bb=0
 990          end if
 991        end if
 992      end do
 994      ! Remove initial blanks in string if any
 995      if (f1>1) string(1:lcut)=string(f1:f1+lcut-1)
 997      ! Add blank on end unless string had no extra space
 998      if (lcut==stringlen) then
 999        write(msg,'(a,i7,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)')&
1000        'For input file, with data forming a string of',stringlen,' characters,',ch10,&
1001        'no double blanks or tabs were found.',ch10,&
1002        'This is unusual for an input file (or any file),',ch10,&
1003        'and may cause parsing trouble.  Is this a binary file?',ch10
1004        ABI_WARNING(msg)
1005      else
1006        length=lcut+1
1007        string(length:length)=blank
1008      end if
1009    end if
1010  end if
1012 end subroutine incomprs

m_parser/ingeo_img_1D [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Read input file variables according to images path definition (1D array)

  This function is exposed through generic interface that allows to
  initialize some of the geometry variables in the case of "images".
  Set up: acell, scalecart, rprim, angdeg, xred, xcart, vel
  These variables can be defined for a set of images of the cell.
  They also can be be defined along a path (in the configuration space).
  The path must be defined with its first and last points, but also
  with intermediate points.


  iimage=index of the current image
  jdtset=number of the dataset looked for
  lenstr=actual length of the input string
  nimage=number of images
  size1,size2, ...: size of array to be read (dp_data)
  string=character string containing 'tags' and data.
  token=character string for tagging the data to be read in input string
  typevarphys= variable type (for dimensionality purposes)


  dp_data(size1,size2,...)=data to be read (double precision)
  tread_ok=flag to be set to 1 if the data have been found in input string


 The routine is a generic interface calling subroutine according to the
 number of arguments of the variable to be read


1699 subroutine intagm_img_1D(dp_data,iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,size1,string,token,tread_ok,typevarphys)
1701 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1702 !scalars
1703  integer,intent(in) :: iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,size1
1704  integer,intent(inout) :: tread_ok
1705  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dp_data(size1)
1706  character(len=*),intent(in) :: typevarphys
1707  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
1708  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
1709 !arrays
1711 !Local variables-------------------------------
1712 !scalars
1713  integer :: iimage_after,iimage_before,marr,tread_after,tread_before,tread_current
1714  real(dp) :: alpha
1715  character(len=10) :: stringimage
1716  character(len=3*len(token)+10) :: token_img
1717 !arrays
1718  integer, allocatable :: intarr(:)
1719  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:),dp_data_after(:),dp_data_before(:)
1721 ! *************************************************************************
1723 !Nothing to do in case of a single image
1724  if (nimage<=1) return
1726  marr=size1
1727  ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
1728  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
1730 !First, try to read data for current image
1731  tread_current=0
1732  write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage
1733  token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1734  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1,string(1:lenstr),&
1735 &            token_img,tread_current,typevarphys)
1736  if (tread_current==1)then
1737    dp_data(1:size1)=dprarr(1:size1)
1738    tread_ok=1
1739  end if
1740  if (tread_current==0.and.iimage==nimage) then
1741 !  If the image is the last one, try to read data for last image (_lastimg)
1742    token_img=trim(token)//'_lastimg'
1743    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1,string(1:lenstr),&
1744 &              token_img,tread_current,typevarphys)
1745    if (tread_current==1)then
1746      dp_data(1:size1)=dprarr(1:size1)
1747      tread_ok=1
1748    end if
1749  end if
1751  if (tread_current==0) then
1753 !  The current image is not directly defined in the input string
1754    ABI_MALLOC(dp_data_before,(size1))
1755    ABI_MALLOC(dp_data_after,(size1))
1757 !  Find the nearest previous defined image
1758    tread_before=0;iimage_before=iimage
1759    do while (iimage_before>1.and.tread_before/=1)
1760      iimage_before=iimage_before-1
1761      write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage_before
1762      token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1763      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1,string(1:lenstr),&
1764 &                token_img,tread_before,typevarphys)
1765      if (tread_before==1) dp_data_before(1:size1)=dprarr(1:size1)
1766    end do
1767    if (tread_before==0) then
1768      iimage_before=1
1769      dp_data_before(1:size1)=dp_data(1:size1)
1770    end if
1772 !  Find the nearest following defined image
1773    tread_after=0;iimage_after=iimage
1774    do while (iimage_after<nimage.and.tread_after/=1)
1775      iimage_after=iimage_after+1
1776      write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage_after
1777      token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1778      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1,string(1:lenstr),&
1779 &                token_img,tread_after,typevarphys)
1780      if (tread_after==1) dp_data_after(1:size1)=dprarr(1:size1)
1781      if (tread_after==0.and.iimage_after==nimage) then
1782        token_img=trim(token)//'_lastimg'
1783        call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1,string(1:lenstr),&
1784 &                  token_img,tread_after,typevarphys)
1785        if (tread_after==1) dp_data_after(1:size1)=dprarr(1:size1)
1786      end if
1787    end do
1788    if (tread_after==0) then
1789      iimage_after=nimage
1790      dp_data_after(1:size1)=dp_data(1:size1)
1791    end if
1793 !  Interpolate image data
1794    if (tread_before==1.or.tread_after==1) then
1795      alpha=real(iimage-iimage_before,dp)/real(iimage_after-iimage_before,dp)
1796      dp_data(1:size1)=dp_data_before(1:size1) &
1797 &                    +alpha*(dp_data_after(1:size1)-dp_data_before(1:size1))
1798      tread_ok=1
1799    end if
1801    ABI_FREE(dp_data_before)
1802    ABI_FREE(dp_data_after)
1804  end if
1806  ABI_FREE(intarr)
1807  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
1809 end subroutine intagm_img_1D

m_parser/ingeo_img_2D [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Read input file variables according to images path definition (2D array)



1825 subroutine intagm_img_2D(dp_data,iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,size1,size2,string,token,tread_ok,typevarphys)
1827 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1828 !scalars
1829  integer,intent(in) :: iimage,jdtset,lenstr,nimage,size1,size2
1830  integer,intent(inout) :: tread_ok
1831  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dp_data(size1,size2)
1832  character(len=*),intent(in) :: typevarphys
1833  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
1834  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
1835 !arrays
1837 !Local variables-------------------------------
1838 !scalars
1839  integer :: iimage_after,iimage_before,marr,tread_after,tread_before,tread_current
1840  real(dp) :: alpha
1841  character(len=10) :: stringimage
1842  character(len=3*len(token)+10) :: token_img
1843 !arrays
1844  integer, allocatable :: intarr(:)
1845  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:),dp_data_after(:,:),dp_data_before(:,:)
1847 ! *************************************************************************
1849 !Nothing to do in case of a single image
1850  if (nimage<=1) return
1852  marr=size1*size2
1853  ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
1854  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
1856 !First, try to read data for current image
1857  tread_current=0
1858  write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage
1859  token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1860  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1*size2,string(1:lenstr),&
1861 &            token_img,tread_current,typevarphys)
1862  if (tread_current==1)then
1863    dp_data(1:size1,1:size2)=reshape( dprarr(1:size1*size2),(/size1,size2/) )
1864    tread_ok=1
1865  end if
1866  if (tread_current==0.and.iimage==nimage) then
1867 !  In the image is the last one, try to read data for last image (_lastimg)
1868    token_img=trim(token)//'_lastimg'
1869    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1*size2,string(1:lenstr),&
1870 &              token_img,tread_current,typevarphys)
1871    if (tread_current==1)then
1872      dp_data(1:size1,1:size2)=reshape( dprarr(1:size1*size2),(/size1,size2/) )
1873      tread_ok=1
1874    end if
1875  end if
1877  if (tread_current==0) then
1879 !  The current image is not directly defined in the input string
1880    ABI_MALLOC(dp_data_before,(size1,size2))
1881    ABI_MALLOC(dp_data_after,(size1,size2))
1883 !  Find the nearest previous defined image
1884    tread_before=0;iimage_before=iimage
1885    do while (iimage_before>1.and.tread_before/=1)
1886      iimage_before=iimage_before-1
1887      write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage_before
1888      token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1889      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1*size2,string(1:lenstr),&
1890 &                token_img,tread_before,typevarphys)
1891      if (tread_before==1) &
1892 &      dp_data_before(1:size1,1:size2)=reshape( dprarr(1:size1*size2),(/size1,size2/) )
1893    end do
1894    if (tread_before==0) then
1895      iimage_before=1
1896      dp_data_before(1:size1,1:size2)=dp_data(1:size1,1:size2)
1897    end if
1899 !  Find the nearest following defined image
1900    tread_after=0;iimage_after=iimage
1901    do while (iimage_after<nimage.and.tread_after/=1)
1902      iimage_after=iimage_after+1
1903      write(stringimage,'(i10)') iimage_after
1904      token_img=trim(token)//'_'//trim(adjustl(stringimage))//'img'
1905      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1*size2,string(1:lenstr),&
1906 &                token_img,tread_after,typevarphys)
1907      if (tread_after==1) &
1908 &      dp_data_after(1:size1,1:size2)=reshape( dprarr(1:size1*size2),(/size1,size2/) )
1909      if (tread_after==0.and.iimage_after==nimage) then
1910        token_img=trim(token)//'_lastimg'
1911        call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,size1*size2,string(1:lenstr),&
1912 &                  token_img,tread_after,typevarphys)
1913        if (tread_after==1) &
1914 &        dp_data_after(1:size1,1:size2)=reshape( dprarr(1:size1*size2),(/size1,size2/) )
1915      end if
1916    end do
1917    if (tread_after==0) then
1918      iimage_after=nimage
1919      dp_data_after(1:size1,1:size2)=dp_data(1:size1,1:size2)
1920    end if
1922 !  Interpolate image data
1923    if (tread_before==1.or.tread_after==1) then
1924      alpha=real(iimage-iimage_before,dp)/real(iimage_after-iimage_before,dp)
1925      dp_data(1:size1,1:size2)=dp_data_before(1:size1,1:size2) &
1926 &       +alpha*(dp_data_after(1:size1,1:size2)-dp_data_before(1:size1,1:size2))
1927      tread_ok=1
1928    end if
1930    ABI_FREE(dp_data_before)
1931    ABI_FREE(dp_data_after)
1933  end if
1935  ABI_FREE(intarr)
1936  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
1938 end subroutine intagm_img_2D

m_parser/inread [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Carry out internal read from input character string, starting
 at first character in string, reading ndig digits (including possible
 sign, decimal, and exponent) by computing the appropriate format and
 performing a formatted read (list-directed read would be perfect for
 this application but is inconsistent with internal read according to Fortran90 standard).
 In case of a real number, this routine
 is also able to read SQRT(number): return the square root of the number.


  string=character string.
  ndig=length of field to be read (including signs, decimals, and exponents).
  typevarphys=variable type (might indicate the physical meaning for dimensionality purposes)
   'DPR','LEN','ENE'=>real(dp) (no special treatment)
   'LOG'=>integer, but read logical variable T,F,.true., or .false.
   'KEY'=>character, returned in token


  outi or outr (integer or real respectively)
  errcod, =0 for success, 1,2 for ini, inr failure resp.


319 subroutine inread(string,ndig,typevarphys,outi,outr,errcod)
321 !Arguments ------------------------------------
322 !scalars
323  integer,intent(in) :: ndig
324  integer,intent(out) :: errcod,outi
325  real(dp),intent(out) :: outr
326  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
327  character(len=*),intent(in) :: typevarphys
329 !Local variables-------------------------------
330 !scalars
331  integer :: done,idig,index_slash,sign
332  real(dp) :: den,num
333  logical :: logi
334  character(len=500) :: msg
335  character(len=100) :: iomsg
337 ! *************************************************************************
339  !write(std_out,*)'inread: enter with string(1:ndig): ',string(1:ndig)
340  !write(std_out,*)'typevarphys: ',typevarphys
342  if (typevarphys=='INT') then
344    ! integer input section
345    read(unit=string(1:ndig), fmt=*, iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) outi
347    if(errcod/=0)then
348      ! integer reading error
349      write(msg,'(a,i0,8a)' ) &
350        "Attempted to read ndig: ",ndig," integer digits", ch10, &
351        "from string(1:ndig)= `",string(1:ndig),"` to initialize an integer variable",ch10,&
352        "iomsg: ", trim(iomsg)
353      ABI_WARNING(msg)
354      errcod=1
355    end if
357  else if (typevarphys=='DPR' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' &
358          .or. typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM') then
360    ! real(dp) input section
361    ! Special treatment of SQRT(xxx) or -SQRT(xxx) chains of characters, where xxx can be a fraction
362    done=0
363    if (ndig>5) then
364      if(string(1:5)=='SQRT(' .and. string(ndig:ndig)==')')then
365        done=1 ; sign=1
366      else if(string(1:6)=='-SQRT(' .and. string(ndig:ndig)==')')then
367        done=1 ; sign=2
368      end if
370      if(done==1)then
371        index_slash=index(string(5+sign:ndig-1),'/')
372        if(index_slash==0)then
373          read (unit=string(5+sign:ndig-1),fmt=*,iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) outr
374        else if(index_slash/=0)then
375          read (unit=string(5+sign:5+sign+index_slash-2),fmt=*,iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) num
376          if(errcod==0)then
377            read (unit=string(5+sign+index_slash:ndig-1),fmt=*,iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) den
378            if(errcod==0)then
379              if(abs(den)<tol12)then
380                errcod=1
381              else
382                outr=num/den
383              end if
384            end if
385          end if
386        end if
387        if(outr<-tol12)then
388          errcod=1
389        else
390          outr=sqrt(outr)
391          if(sign==2)outr=-outr
392        end if
393      end if
394    end if
396    ! Special treatment of fractions
397    if(done==0)then
398      index_slash=index(string(1:ndig),'/')
399      if(index_slash/=0)then
400        done=1
401        read (unit=string(1:index_slash-1), fmt=*, iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) num
402        if(errcod==0)then
403          read (unit=string(index_slash+1:ndig), fmt=*, iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) den
404          if(errcod==0)then
405            if(abs(den)<tol12)then
406              errcod=1
407            else
408              outr=num/den
409            end if
410          end if
411        end if
412      end if
413    end if
415    ! Normal treatment of floats
416    if(done==0) read (unit=string(1:ndig), fmt=*, iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) outr
418    ! Treatment of errors
419    if(errcod/=0)then
420      ! real(dp) data reading error
421      write(msg,'(a,i0,8a)' ) &
422         'Attempted to read ndig: ',ndig,' floating point digits,',ch10, &
423         'from string(1:ndig): `',string(1:ndig),'` to initialize a floating variable.',ch10, &
424         "iomsg: ", trim(iomsg)
425      ABI_WARNING(msg)
426      errcod=2
427    end if
429  else if (typevarphys=='LOG') then
431    read (unit=string(1:ndig), fmt=*, iostat=errcod, iomsg=iomsg) logi
433    if(errcod/=0)then
434      ! integer reading error
435      write(msg,'(a,i0,8a)' ) &
436        "Attempted to read ndig: ",ndig," integer digits", ch10, &
437        "from string(1:ndig): `",string(1:ndig),"` to initialize a logical variable.",ch10,&
438        "iomsg: ", trim(iomsg)
439      ABI_WARNING(msg)
440      errcod=3
441    end if
443    if(logi)outi=1
444    if(.not.logi)outi=0
446  else
447    write(msg,'(4a)' ) &
448    'Argument typevarphys must be INT, DPR, LEN, ENE, BFI, TIM or LOG ',ch10,&
449    'but input value was: ',trim(typevarphys)
450    ABI_ERROR(msg)
451  end if
453  if (errcod /= 0)then
454    do idig=1,ndig
455      if( string(idig:idig) == 'O' )then
456        write(msg,'(3a)' ) &
457        'Note that this string contains the letter O. ',ch10,&
458        'It is likely that this letter should be replaced by the number 0.'
459        ABI_WARNING(msg)
460        exit
461      end if
462    end do
463  end if
465 end subroutine inread

m_parser/inreplsp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Replace all occurrences of characters lexically less than SP (blank)
 by SP in the input string, returning modified string of same length.
 Also replace a '=' by a SP.


  string=character string to be modified


  (see side effects)


  string=same character string with ASCII (decimal) 0-31 replaced by 32.


866 subroutine inreplsp(string)
868 !Arguments ------------------------------------
869 !scalars
870  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: string
872 !Local variables-------------------------------
873 !scalars
874  integer :: ilenth,length
876 ! *************************************************************************
878  ! Get length of string. Proceed only if string has nonzero length
879  length=len(string); if (length == 0) return
881  !  Do replacement by going through input character string one character at a time
882  do ilenth=1,length
883    if (llt(string(ilenth:ilenth),' ')) string(ilenth:ilenth)=' '
884    if (string(ilenth:ilenth)=='=') string(ilenth:ilenth)=' '
885  end do
887 end subroutine inreplsp

m_parser/instrng [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Read the input file, and product a string of character,
 with all data, to be analyzed in later routines. The length
 of this string is lenstr. This number is checked to be smaller
 than the dimension of the string of character, namely strln.


  filnam=name of the input file, to be read
  option= if 0, simple storing of the character string,
             no special treatment for ABINIT (comment delimiters, checks, include ...)
          if 1, suppresses text after an ABINIT comment delimiter (! or #),
             checks that a minus sign is followed by a number ...
                check for INCLUDE statement:
                if present, add string from included file
  strln=maximal number of character of string, as declared in the calling routine


  lenstr=actual number of character in string
  string*(strln)=preprocessed string of character
  raw_string=string without any preprocessing (comments are included)


495 recursive subroutine instrng(filnam, lenstr, option, strln, string, raw_string)
497 !Arguments ------------------------------------
498 !scalars
499  integer,intent(in) :: option,strln
500  integer,intent(out) :: lenstr
501  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filnam
502  character(len=*),intent(out) :: string
503  character(len=*),intent(out) :: raw_string
505 !Local variables-------------------------------
506  character :: blank=' '
507 !scalars
508  integer,save :: include_level=-1
509  integer :: b0,b1,b2,b3,ierr,ii,ii1,ii2,ij,iline,ios,iost,isign
510  integer :: lenc,lenstr_inc,len_val,mline,nline1,input_unit,shift,sign,lenstr_raw
511  logical :: include_found, ex
512 !arrays
513  integer :: bs(2)
514  character(len=1) :: string1
515  character(len=3) :: string3
516  character(len=500) :: filnam_inc,msg
517  character(len=fnlen) :: shell_var, shell_value
518  character(len=fnlen+20) :: line
519  character(len=strlen),pointer :: string_inc, raw_string_inc
521 !************************************************************************
525 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
526 !read in string from file
527 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
529  ! The file can be included in another (prevent too many include levels)
530  include_level=include_level+1
531  if (include_level>2) then
532    write(msg, '(3a)' ) &
533    'At least 4 levels of included files are present in input file !',ch10,&
534    'This is not allowed. Action: change your input file.'
535    ABI_ERROR(msg)
536  end if
538  ! Open data file and read one line at a time, compressing data
539  ! and concatenating into single string:
540  if (open_file(filnam,msg,newunit=input_unit,form="formatted",status="old",action="read") /= 0) then
541    ABI_ERROR(msg)
542  end if
543  rewind (unit=input_unit)
545  ! Initialize string to blanks
546  string=blank
547  lenstr=1
548  lenstr_raw = 0
550  ! Set maximum number lines to be read to some large number
551  mline=500000
552  do iline=1,mline
554    ! Keeps reading lines until end of input file
555    read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a)' ,iostat=ios) line(1:fnlen+20)
556    !  Hello ! This is a commentary. Please, do not remove me.
557    !  In fact, this commentary protect tests_v4 t47 for miscopying
558    !  the input file into the output string. It _is_ strange.
559    !  The number of lines in the commentary is also resulting from
560    !  a long tuning..
562    ! write(std_out,*)' instrng, iline=',iline,' ios=',ios,' echo :',trim(line(1:fnlen+20))
564    ! Exit the reading loop when arrived at the end
565    if (ios/=0) then
566      backspace(input_unit)
567      read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a1)' ,iostat=ios) string1
568      if(ios/=0)exit
569      backspace(input_unit)
570      read (unit=input_unit,fmt= '(a3)' ,iostat=ios) string3
571      if(string3=='end') exit
572      write(msg, '(3a,i0,11a)' ) &
573       'It is observed in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),', line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
574       'that there is a non-zero IO signal.',ch10,&
575       'This is normal when the file is completely read.',ch10,&
576       'However, it seems that the error appears while your file has not been completely read.',ch10,&
577       'Action: correct your file. If your file seems correct, then,',ch10,&
578       'add the keyword ''end'' at the very beginning of the last line of your input file.'
579      ABI_ERROR(msg)
580    end if
582    ! Save raw line in raw_string including comments that may be needed by external processors
583    ! e.g. AbiPy may need the JSON section with pseudos. Also add new line.
584    ii2 = len_trim(line) + 1
585    if (lenstr_raw + ii2 > strln) then
586      write(msg, '(8a)' ) &
587       'The size of your input file: ',trim(filnam),' is such that the internal',ch10,&
588       'character string that should contain it is too small.',ch10,&
589       'Action: decrease the size of your input file,',ch10,&
590       'or contact the ABINIT group.'
591      ABI_ERROR(msg)
592    end if
594    raw_string(lenstr_raw+1:lenstr_raw+ii2) = trim(line) // new_line("A")
595    lenstr_raw = lenstr_raw + ii2
597    ! TODO: Ignore sections inside TEST_INFO markers so that we don't need to prepend comment markers.
598    !in_testinfo = 0
599    !if startswith(line, "#%%<BEGIN TEST_INFO") in_testinfo = 1
600    !if (in_testinfo /= 0) cycle
601    !if startswith(line, "#%%<END TEST_INFO> ") then
602    !  in_testinfo = 0; cycle
603    !end if
605    ! Find length of input line ignoring delimiter characters (# or !)
606    ! and any characters beyond it (allows for comments beyond # or !)
607    ii1=index(line(1:fnlen+20),'#')
608    ii2=index(line(1:fnlen+20),'!')
609    if ( (ii1==0 .and. ii2==0) .or. option==0 ) then
610      ! delimiter character was not found on line so use full line
611      ii=fnlen+20
612    else if(ii1==0)then
613      ! ii will represent length of line up to but not including !
614      ii=ii2-1
615    else if(ii2==0)then
616      ! ii will represent length of line up to but not including #
617      ii=ii1-1
618    else
619      ii=min(ii1,ii2)-1
620    end if
622    ! Checks that nothing is left beyond fnlen
623    if(ii>fnlen)then
624      !write(std_out, *)"line: `", line(1:fnlen+20), "`"
625      do ij=fnlen+1,ii
626        if(line(ij:ij)/=' ')then
627          write(msg,'(3a,i0,3a,i0,3a)' ) &
628           'It is observed in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
629           'that more than ',fnlen,' columns are used.',ch10,&
630           'This is not allowed. Change this line of your input file.'
631          ABI_ERROR(msg)
632        end if
633      end do
634    end if
636    if (ii>0) then
637      ! Check for the occurence of a minus sign followed by a blank
638      ij=index(line(1:ii),'- ')
639      if (ij>0 .and. option==1) then
640        write(msg, '(3a,i0,11a)' ) &
641        'It is observed in the input file:, ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
642        'the occurence of a minus sign followed',ch10,&
643        'by a blank. This is forbidden.',ch10,&
644        'If the minus sign is meaningful, do not leave a blank',ch10,&
645        'between it and the number to which it applies.',ch10,&
646        'Otherwise, remove it.'
647        ABI_ERROR(msg)
648      end if
649      ! Check for the occurence of a tab
650      ij=index(line(1:ii),char(9))
651      if (ij>0 .and. option==1 ) then
652        write(msg, '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
653         'The occurence of a tab, in the input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' line number ',iline,',',ch10,&
654         'is observed. This sign is confusing, and has been forbidden.'
655        ABI_ERROR(msg)
656      end if
658      ! Check for the occurence of a include statement
659      include_found=.false.
660      if (option==1) then
661        ! Look for include statement
662        ii1=index(line(1:ii),"include");ii2=index(line(1:ii),"INCLUDE")
663        include_found=(ii1>0.or.ii2>0)
664        if (include_found) then
665          ij=max(ii1,ii2);ii1=0;ii2=0
666          ! Look for quotes (ascii 34)
667          ii1=index(line(ij+7:ii),char(34))
668          if (ii1>1) ii2=index(line(ij+7+ii1:ii),char(34))
669          ! Look for quotes (ascii 39)
670          if (ii1==0.and.ii2==0) then
671            ii1=index(line(ij+7:ii),char(39))
672            if (ii1>1) ii2=index(line(ij+7+ii1:ii),char(39))
673          end if
674          ! Check if quotes are correctly set
675          ex=(ii1<=1.or.ii2<=1)
676          if (.not.ex) then
677            msg=line(ij+7:ij+5+ii1)
678            call incomprs(msg(1:ii1-1),lenc)
679            ex=(len(trim(msg))/=0)
680          end if
681          if (ex) then
682            write(msg, '(6a)' ) &
683             'A "include" statement has been found in input file: ',TRIM(filnam),ch10,&
684             'but there must be a problem with the quotes.',ch10,&
685             'Action: change your input file.'
686            ABI_ERROR(msg)
687          end if
688          ! Store included file name
689          filnam_inc=line(ij+7+ii1:ij+5+ii1+ii2)
690          ! Extract include statement from line
691          lenc=ii1+ii2+7
692          msg(1:ii-lenc)=line(1:ij-1)//line(ij+lenc:ii)
693          ii=ii-lenc;line(1:ii)=msg(1:ii)
694        end if
695      end if
697      ! Compress: remove repeated blanks, make all ASCII characters
698      ! less than a blank (and '=') to become a blank.
699      call incomprs(line(1:ii),lenc)
701    else
702      ! ii=0 means line starts with #, is entirely a comment line
703      lenc=0;include_found=.false.
704    end if
706    ! Check resulting total string length
707    if (lenstr+lenc>strln) then
708      write(msg, '(8a)' ) &
709       'The size of your input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' is such that the internal',ch10,&
710       'character string that should contain it is too small.',ch10,&
711       'Action: decrease the size of your input file,',ch10,&
712       'or contact the ABINIT group.'
713      ABI_ERROR(msg)
714    end if
716    if (lenc>0) then
717      ! Concatenate new compressed characters
718      ! with previous part of compressed string (unless all blank)
719      string(lenstr+1:lenstr+lenc)=line(1:lenc)
720    end if
721    ! Keep track of total string length
722    lenstr=lenstr+lenc
724    ! Eventually (recursively) read included file
725    if (include_found) then
726      ! Check file existence
727      inquire(file=filnam_inc ,iostat=iost,exist=ex)
728      if (.not. ex .or. iost /= 0) then
729        write(msg, '(5a)' ) &
730         'Input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' reading: the included file ',trim(filnam_inc),' cannot be found !'
731        ABI_ERROR(msg)
732      end if
733      ! Read included file (warning: recursive call !)
734      ABI_MALLOC(string_inc,)
735      ABI_MALLOC(raw_string_inc,)
736      call instrng(trim(filnam_inc),lenstr_inc,option,strln-lenstr,string_inc,raw_string_inc)
737      ! Check resulting total string length
738      if (lenstr+lenstr_inc>strln) then
739        write(msg, '(6a)' ) &
740         'The size of your input file: ',TRIM(filnam),' (including included files) is such that',ch10,&
741         'the internal character string that should contain it is too small !',ch10,&
742         'Action: decrease the size of your input file.'
743        ABI_ERROR(msg)
744      end if
745      ! Concatenate total string
746      string(lenstr+1:lenstr+lenstr_inc)=string_inc(1:lenstr_inc)
747      lenstr=lenstr+lenstr_inc
748      ABI_FREE(string_inc)
749      ABI_FREE(raw_string_inc)
750    end if
752    ! If mline is reached, something is wrong
753    if (iline>=mline) then
754      write(msg, '(a,i0,2a,i0,4a)' ) &
755      'The number of lines already read from input file: ',iline,ch10,&
756      'is equal or greater than maximum allowed mline: ',mline,ch10,&
757      'Action: you could decrease the length of the input file, or',ch10,&
758      'increase mline in this routine.'
759      ABI_ERROR(msg)
760    end if
762  end do !  End loop on iline. Note that there is an "exit" instruction in the loop
764  nline1=iline-1
765  close (unit=input_unit)
767  !write(std_out,'(a,a)')' incomprs : 1, string=',string(:lenstr)
769 !Substitute environment variables, if any
770  b0=0
771  do
772    b0=b0+1
773    b1 = index(string(b0:lenstr), '$')
774    if(b1==0 .or. b1>=lenstr)exit
775    b1 = b0 + b1 - 1
776    !Identify delimiter, either a '"', or a "'", or a blank, or a /
777    b2=index(string(b1+1:lenstr),'"')
778    b3=index(string(b1+1:lenstr),"'")
779    if(b3/=0 .and. b3<b2)b2=b3
780    b3=index(string(b1+1:lenstr),' ')
781    if(b3/=0 .and. b3<b2)b2=b3
782    b3=index(string(b1+1:lenstr),'/')
783    if(b3/=0 .and. b3<b2)b2=b3
784    if(b2/=0)then
785      shell_var=string(b1+1:b1+b2-1)
786      !write(std_out,'(a,a)')' shell_var=',shell_var(:b2-1)
787      call get_environment_variable(shell_var(:b2-1),shell_value,status=ierr,length=len_val)
788      if (ierr == -1) ABI_ERROR(sjoin(shell_var(:b2-1), "is present but value of environment variable is too long"))
789      if (ierr == +1) ABI_ERROR(sjoin(shell_var(:b2-1), "environment variable is not defined!"))
790      if (ierr == +2) ABI_ERROR(sjoin(shell_var(:b2-1), "used in input file but processor does not support environment variables"))
791      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(shell_var(:b2-1), " found in environment, with value ",shell_value(:len_val)))
792      string(1:lenstr-(b2-b1)+len_val)=string(1:b1-1)//shell_value(:len_val)//string(b1+b2:lenstr)
793      lenstr=lenstr-(b2-b1)+len_val
794    endif
795  enddo
796  !write(std_out,'(a)')string(:lenstr)
798  ! Identify concatenate string '" // "' with an arbitrary number of blanks before and after the //
799  ! Actually, at this stage, there is no consecutive blanks left...
800  do
801    b1 = index(string(1:lenstr), '//')
802    if(b1/=0)then
803      !See whether there are preceeding and following '"'
804      do sign=-1,1,2
805        isign=(1+sign)/2  !  0 for minus sign, 1 for plus sign
806        do ii=1,lenstr
807          shift=-ii+isign*(1+2*ii)  !  -ii for minus sign,  1+ii for plus sign
808          if( (isign==0 .and. b1+shift<1) .or. (isign==1 .and. b1+shift>lenstr) )then
809            bs(isign+1)=0 ; exit
810          endif
811          if (string(b1+shift:b1+shift)=='"') then
812            bs(isign+1)=shift ; exit
813          else if (string(b1+shift:b1+shift)/=' ') then
814            bs(isign+1)=0 ; exit
815          endif
816        enddo
817        if(bs(isign+1)==0)exit
818      enddo
819      if(bs(1)==0 .or. bs(2)==0)exit
820      !the two shifts have been found, they give delimiters of the '" // "' chain
821      string(1:lenstr-4)=string(1:b1+bs(1)-1)//string(b1+bs(2)+1:lenstr)
822      lenstr=lenstr+bs(1)-1-bs(2)
823    else
824      exit
825    endif
826  enddo
828  !write(std_out,'(a,a)')' incomprs : 2, string=',string(:lenstr)
830  ! Make sure we don't have unmatched quotation marks
831  if (mod(char_count(string(:lenstr), '"'), 2) /= 0) then
832    ABI_ERROR('Your input file contains unmatched quotation marks `"`. This confuses the parser. Check your input.')
833  end if
835  include_level = include_level - 1
837  write(msg,'(a,i0,3a)')'-instrng: ',nline1,' lines of input have been read from file ',trim(filnam),ch10
838  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
839  !write(std_out, "(3a)")"string after instrng:", ch10, string(:lenstr)
843 end subroutine instrng

m_parser/intagm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Search input 'string' for specific 'token'. Search depends on
 input dataset through 'jdtset'. Then, return the information mentioned after 'token'.
 See the "notes" section


  jdtset=see the notes section
  marr=dimension of the intarr and dprarr arrays, as declared in the calling subroutine.
  narr=actual size of array to be read in.
  string=character string containing 'tags' and data.
  token=character string for 'tag'.
  typevarphys= variable type (might indicate the physical meaning of for dimensionality purposes)
   'DPR'=>real(dp) (no special treatment)
   'LEN'=>real(dp) (expect a "length", identify bohr, au, nm or angstrom,
       and return in au -atomic units=bohr- )
   'ENE'=>real(dp) (expect a "energy", identify Ha, hartree, eV, Ry, meV, Rydberg, K, Kelvin)
   'LOG'=>integer, but read logical variable T,F,.true., or .false.
   'KEY'=>character, returned in key_value
   'INT_OR_KEY'=>integer scalar (returned in intarr(1)) or character (returned in key_value)


  intarr(1:narr), dprarr(1:narr)
   integer or real(dp) arrays, respectively (see typevarphys),
   into which data is read if typevarphys/='KEY'. Use these arrays even for scalars.
  tread is an integer: tread = 0 => no data was read
                       tread = 1 => data was read
  ds_input is an optional integer flag:
           ds_input = 0 => value was found which is not specific to jdtset
           ds_input > 0 => value was found which is specific to jdtset
   one could add more information, eg whether a ? or a : was used, etc...
   [key_value]=Stores the value of key if typevarphys=="KEY" or typevarphys=="INT_OR_KEY".
      The string must be large enough to contain the output. fnlen is OK in many cases
      except when reading a list of files. The routine aborts if key_value cannot store the output.
      Output string is left justified.


 If jdtset==0:

  Search compressed 'string' for blank//'token'//blank and
  read input data beside 'token', to be read into appropriate variable.
  For this routine to find a given token, the token has to be preceded
  and followed by blanks--i.e. the first token should not start out as
  the first character in the input file.  This is checked in the calling
  subroutine 'input'. Calls inread which performs internal read from
  specified string.  Also calls upper which maps characters to all upper case.
  Also checks whether there is an occurence of blank//'token'//digit,
  in which case the input file might be erroneous, so stops.

 If jdtset is a positive number:

  (1) First search for modified string, blank//'token'//jdtset//blank

  (2a) if the occurence of (1) is not found,
       look for other modified strings,
       (issue an error message if more than one occurs)
       where jdtset=dozens*10+unities (decimal decomposition of jdtset)
       if one of them exists, just take the value
       Note that unities is a one-digit number, while dozens might be bigger than 9.

  (2b-2c) search for a series, with the following tokens :
       (issue an error message if more than one occurs, or
       goto (3) if none exist)

      if it exists, then a series might have been defined in the input file
      must thus find either the increment, blank//'token'//'+'//blank,
      or the multiplicative factor, blank//'token'//'*'//blank

      if it exists, then a series for the inner loop
      might have been defined in the input file
      must thus find either the increment, blank//'token'//'?'//'+'//blank,
      or the multiplicative factor, blank//'token'//'?'//'*'//blank

      if it exists, then a series for the outer loop
      might have been defined in the input file
      must thus find either the increment, blank//'token'//'+'//'?'//blank,
      or the multiplicative factor, blank//'token'//'*'//'?'//blank

  (3) if neither (1) nor (2) are found, search for the 'normal'
       string, blank//'token'//blank


1110 subroutine intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,narr,string,token,tread,typevarphys,ds_input,key_value)
1112 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1113 !scalars
1114  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset,marr,narr
1115  integer,intent(out) :: tread
1116  integer,intent(out),optional :: ds_input
1117  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
1118  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
1119  character(len=*),intent(in) :: typevarphys
1120  character(len=*),optional,intent(out) :: key_value
1121 !arrays
1122  integer,intent(inout) :: intarr(marr)
1123  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dprarr(marr)
1125 !Local variables-------------------------------
1126  character(len=1), parameter :: blank=' '
1127 !scalars
1128  integer :: b1,b2,b3,cs1len,cslen,dozens,ier,ii,itoken,itoken1,itoken2,itoken2_1colon
1129  integer :: itoken2_1plus,itoken2_1times,itoken2_2colon,itoken2_2plus
1130  integer :: itoken2_2times,itoken2_colon,itoken2_plus,itoken2_times
1131  integer :: itoken_1colon,itoken_1plus,itoken_1times,itoken_2colon,itoken_2plus
1132  integer :: itoken_2times,itoken_colon,itoken_plus,itoken_times,number,opttoken
1133  integer :: sum_token,toklen,trial_cslen,trial_jdtset,unities
1134  integer :: ds_input_
1135  character(len=4) :: appen
1136  character(len=3) :: typevar
1137  character(len=500) :: msg
1138  character(len=fnlen) :: cs,cs1,cs1colon,cs1plus,cs1times,cs2colon,cs2plus
1139  character(len=fnlen) :: cs2times,cscolon,csplus,cstimes,trial_cs
1140 !arrays
1141  integer,allocatable :: int1(:),int2(:)
1142  real(dp),allocatable :: dpr1(:),dpr2(:)
1144 ! *************************************************************************
1146  ABI_CHECK(marr >= narr, sjoin("marr", itoa(marr)," < narr ", itoa(narr), "for token:", token))
1148  ds_input_ = -1
1149  dozens=jdtset/10
1150  unities=jdtset-10*dozens
1152  if(jdtset<0)then
1153    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' jdtset: ',jdtset,', while it should be non-negative.'
1154    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1155  end if
1157  if(jdtset > 9999)then
1158    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' jdtset: ',jdtset,', while it must be lower than 10000.'
1159    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1160  end if
1162  ! Default values: nothing has been read
1163  itoken=0
1164  opttoken=0
1165  ! Initialise flags in case of opttoken >= 2 later.
1166  itoken_times=0
1167  itoken_plus=0
1168  itoken_colon=0
1169  cslen=1
1171  if (narr/=0) then
1173    toklen=len_trim(token)
1175    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1176    ! (1) try to find the token with dataset number appended
1177    if (jdtset > 0) then
1179      call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
1180      cs=blank//token(1:toklen)//trim(appen)//blank
1181      if(jdtset<10) then
1182        cslen=toklen+3
1183      else if(jdtset<100) then
1184        cslen=toklen+4
1185      else if(jdtset<1000) then
1186        cslen=toklen+5
1187      else if(jdtset<10000)then
1188        cslen=toklen+6
1189      end if
1190      ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1191      call inupper(cs)
1192      ! Absolute index of blank//token//blank in string:
1193      itoken=index(string,cs(1:cslen))
1194      ! Look for another occurence of the same token in string, if so, leaves:
1195      itoken2=index(string,cs(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1196      if(itoken/=itoken2)then
1197        write(msg, '(7a)' )&
1198        'There are two occurences of the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'" in the input file.',ch10,&
1199        'This is confusing, so it has been forbidden.',ch10,&
1200        'Action: remove one of the two occurences.'
1201        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1202      end if
1204      if(itoken/=0) then
1205        opttoken=1
1206        ds_input_=jdtset
1207      end if
1208    end if
1210    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1211    ! (2a) try to find the token appended with a string that contains the metacharacter "?".
1212    if (jdtset>0 .and. opttoken==0)then
1214      ! Use the metacharacter for the dozens, and save in cs and itoken
1215      write(appen,'(i1)')unities
1216      cs=blank//token(1:toklen)//'?'//trim(appen)//blank
1217      cslen=toklen+4
1218      ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1219      call inupper(cs)
1220      ! Absolute index of blank//token//blank in string:
1221      itoken=index(string,cs(1:cslen))
1222      ! Look for another occurence of the same token in string, if so, leaves:
1223      itoken2=index(string,cs(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1224      if(itoken/=itoken2)then
1225        write(msg, '(7a)' )&
1226         'There are two occurences of the keyword: "',cs(1:cslen),'" in the input file.',ch10,&
1227         'This is confusing, so it has been forbidden.',ch10,&
1228         'Action: remove one of the two occurences.'
1229        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1230      end if
1231      if(itoken/=0) then
1232        opttoken=1
1233        ds_input_=jdtset
1234      end if
1236      ! Use the metacharacter for the units, and save in cs1 and itoken1
1237      write(appen,'(i1)')dozens
1238      cs1=blank//token(1:toklen)//trim(appen)//'?'//blank
1239      ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1240      call inupper(cs1)
1241      ! Absolute index of blank//token//blank in string:
1242      itoken1=index(string,cs1(1:cslen))
1243      ! Look for another occurence of the same token in string, if so, leaves:
1244      itoken2=index(string,cs1(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1245      if(itoken1/=itoken2)then
1246        write(msg, '(7a)' )&
1247        'There are two occurences of the keyword "',cs1(1:cslen),'" in the input file.',ch10,&
1248        'This is confusing, so it has been forbidden.',ch10,&
1249        'Action: remove one of the two occurences.'
1250        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1251      end if
1253      if(itoken/=0 .and. itoken1/=0)then
1254        write(msg, '(9a)' )&
1255        'The keywords: "',cs(1:cslen),'" and: "',cs1(1:cslen),'"',ch10,&
1256        'cannot be used together in the input file.',ch10,&
1257        'Action: remove one of the two keywords.'
1258        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1259      end if
1261      if(itoken1/=0)then
1262        opttoken=1
1263        itoken=itoken1
1264        cs=cs1
1265        ds_input_=jdtset
1266      end if
1268    end if
1270    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1271    ! (2b) try to find the tokens defining a series
1272    if (opttoken==0) then
1274      cs=token(1:toklen)
1276      cslen=toklen+3
1277      cs1len=toklen+4
1279      cscolon=blank//token(1:toklen)//':'//blank
1280      csplus=blank//token(1:toklen)//'+'//blank
1281      cstimes=blank//token(1:toklen)//'*'//blank
1283      cs1colon=blank//token(1:toklen)//'?'//':'//blank
1284      cs1plus=blank//token(1:toklen)//'?'//'+'//blank
1285      cs1times=blank//token(1:toklen)//'?'//'*'//blank
1287      cs2colon=blank//token(1:toklen)//':'//'?'//blank
1288      cs2plus=blank//token(1:toklen)//'+'//'?'//blank
1289      cs2times=blank//token(1:toklen)//'*'//'?'//blank
1291      ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1292      call inupper(cscolon)
1293      call inupper(csplus)
1294      call inupper(cstimes)
1295      call inupper(cs1colon)
1296      call inupper(cs1plus)
1297      call inupper(cs1times)
1298      call inupper(cs2colon)
1299      call inupper(cs2plus)
1300      call inupper(cs2times)
1302      ! Absolute index of tokens in string:
1303      itoken_colon=index(string,cscolon(1:cslen))
1304      itoken_plus=index(string,csplus(1:cslen))
1305      itoken_times=index(string,cstimes(1:cslen))
1306      itoken_1colon=index(string,cs1colon(1:cs1len))
1307      itoken_1plus=index(string,cs1plus(1:cs1len))
1308      itoken_1times=index(string,cs1times(1:cs1len))
1309      itoken_2colon=index(string,cs2colon(1:cs1len))
1310      itoken_2plus=index(string,cs2plus(1:cs1len))
1311      itoken_2times=index(string,cs2times(1:cs1len))
1313      ! Look for another occurence of the same tokens in string
1314      itoken2_colon=index(string,cscolon(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1315      itoken2_plus=index(string,csplus(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1316      itoken2_times=index(string,cstimes(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1317      itoken2_1colon=index(string,cs1colon(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1318      itoken2_1plus=index(string,cs1plus(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1319      itoken2_1times=index(string,cs1times(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1320      itoken2_2colon=index(string,cs2colon(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1321      itoken2_2plus=index(string,cs2plus(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1322      itoken2_2times=index(string,cs2times(1:cs1len), BACK=.true. )
1324      if(jdtset==0)then
1326        ! If the multi-dataset mode is not used, no token should have been found
1327        if(itoken_colon+itoken_plus+itoken_times+ itoken_2colon+itoken_2plus+itoken_2times > 0 ) then
1328          write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a, a)' )&
1329          'Although the multi-dataset mode is not activated,',ch10,&
1330          'the keyword "',trim(cs),'" has been found',ch10,&
1331          'appended with  + * or :  .',ch10,&
1332          'This is not allowed.',ch10,&
1333          'Action: remove the appended keyword, or',ch10,&
1334          'use the multi-dataset mode (ndtset/=0).'
1335          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1336        end if
1337        if(itoken_1colon+itoken_1plus+itoken_1times > 0 ) then
1338          write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1339          'Although the multi-dataset mode is not activated,',ch10,&
1340          'the keyword "',trim(cs),'" has been found',ch10,&
1341          'appended with ? , then + * or :  .',ch10,&
1342          'This is not allowed.',ch10,&
1343          'Action: remove the appended keyword, or',ch10,&
1344          'use the multi-dataset mode (ndtset/=0).'
1345          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1346        end if
1348      else
1350        ! If the multi-dataset mode is used, exactly zero or two token must be found
1351        sum_token=0
1352        if(itoken_colon/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1353        if(itoken_plus /=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1354        if(itoken_times/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1355        if(itoken_1colon/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1356        if(itoken_1plus /=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1357        if(itoken_1times/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1358        if(itoken_2colon/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1359        if(itoken_2plus /=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1360        if(itoken_2times/=0)sum_token=sum_token+1
1362        if(sum_token/=0 .and. sum_token/=2) then
1363          write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,i0,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1364          'The keyword "',trim(cs),'" has been found to take part',ch10,&
1365          'to series definition in the multi-dataset mode  ',sum_token,' times.',ch10,&
1366          'This is not allowed, since it should be used once with ":",',ch10,&
1367          'and once with "+" or "*".',ch10,&
1368          'Action: change the number of occurences of this keyword.'
1369          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1370        end if
1372        ! If the multi-dataset mode is used, make sure that no twice the same combined keyword happens
1373        ier=0
1374        if(itoken_colon/=itoken2_colon)then
1375          ier=1 ; cs=cscolon
1376        end if
1377        if(itoken_plus/=itoken2_plus)then
1378          ier=1 ; cs=csplus
1379        end if
1380        if(itoken_times/=itoken2_times)then
1381          ier=1 ; cs=cstimes
1382        end if
1383        if(itoken_1colon/=itoken2_1colon)then
1384          ier=1 ; cs=cs1colon
1385        end if
1386        if(itoken_1plus/=itoken2_1plus)then
1387          ier=1 ; cs=cs1plus
1388        end if
1389        if(itoken_1times/=itoken2_1times)then
1390          ier=1 ; cs=cs1times
1391        end if
1392        if(itoken_2colon/=itoken2_2colon)then
1393          ier=1 ; cs=cs2colon
1394        end if
1395        if(itoken_2plus/=itoken2_2plus)then
1396          ier=1 ; cs=cs2plus
1397        end if
1398        if(itoken_2times/=itoken2_2times)then
1399          ier=1 ; cs=cs2times
1400        end if
1401        if(ier==1)then
1402          write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1403          'There are two occurences of the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'" in the input file.',ch10,&
1404          'This is confusing, so it has been forbidden.',ch10,&
1405          'Action: remove one of the two occurences.'
1406          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1407        end if
1409        ! Select the series according to the presence of a colon flag
1410        if(itoken_colon>0)then
1411          opttoken=2
1412          ds_input_=jdtset
1413        else if(itoken_1colon>0)then
1414          opttoken=3
1415          cscolon=cs1colon ; csplus=cs1plus ; cstimes=cs1times
1416          itoken_colon=itoken_1colon
1417          itoken_plus=itoken_1plus ; itoken_times=itoken_1times
1418          cslen=cs1len
1419          ds_input_=jdtset
1420        else if(itoken_2colon>0)then
1421          opttoken=4
1422          cscolon=cs2colon ; csplus=cs2plus ; cstimes=cs2times
1423          itoken_colon=itoken_2colon
1424          itoken_plus=itoken_2plus ; itoken_times=itoken_2times
1425          cslen=cs1len
1426          ds_input_=jdtset
1427        end if
1429        ! Make sure that the proper combination of : + and * is found .
1430        if(itoken_colon > 0 .and. (itoken_plus==0 .and. itoken_times==0) )then
1431          write(msg, '(13a)' )&
1432          'The keyword "',cscolon(1:cslen),'" initiate a series,',ch10,&
1433          'but there is no occurence of "',csplus(1:cslen),'" or "',cstimes(1:cslen),'".',ch10,&
1434          'Action: either suppress the series, or make the increment',ch10,&
1435          'or the factor available.'
1436          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1437        end if
1438        if(itoken_plus/=0 .and. itoken_times/=0)then
1439          write(msg, '(a,a, a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1440          'The combined occurence of keywords "',csplus(1:cslen),'" and "',cstimes(1:cslen),'" is not allowed.',ch10,&
1441          'Action: suppress one of them in your input file.'
1442          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1443        end if
1444        if(itoken_colon==0 .and. (itoken_plus/=0 .or. itoken_times/=0) ) then
1445          cs=csplus
1446          if(itoken_times/=0)cs=cstimes
1447          write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1448          'The keyword "',cscolon(1:cslen),'" does not appear in the input file.',ch10,&
1449          'However, the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'" appears.',ch10,&
1450          'This is forbidden.',ch10,&
1451          'Action: make the first appear, or suppress the second.'
1452          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1453        end if
1455        ! At this stage, either
1456        !    - itoken_colon vanish as well as itoken_plus and itoken_times
1457        !    - itoken_colon does not vanish,
1458        ! as well as one of itoken_plus or itoken_times
1460      end if ! End the condition of multi-dataset mode
1461    end if ! End the check on existence of a series
1463    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1464    ! (3) if not found, try to find the token with non-modified string
1465    if (opttoken==0) then
1467      cs=blank//token(1:toklen)//blank
1468      cslen=toklen+2
1470      ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1471      call inupper(cs)
1473      ! Absolute index of blank//token//blank in string:
1474      itoken=index(string,cs(1:cslen))
1476      ! Look for another occurence of the same token in string, if so, leaves:
1477      itoken2=index(string,cs(1:cslen), BACK=.true. )
1478      if (itoken/=itoken2) then
1479        write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1480        'There are two occurences of the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'" in the input file.',ch10,&
1481        'This is confusing, so it has been forbidden.',ch10,&
1482        'Action: remove one of the two occurences.'
1483        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1484      end if
1486      if(itoken/=0) then
1487        opttoken=1
1488        ds_input_=0
1489      end if
1491    end if
1493    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1494    ! If jdtset==0, means that the multi-dataset mode is not used, so
1495    ! checks whether the input file contains a multi-dataset keyword,
1496    ! and if this occurs, stop. Check also the forbidden occurence of
1497    ! use of 0 as a multi-dataset index.
1498    ! Note that the occurence of series initiators has already been checked.
1500    do trial_jdtset=0,9
1501      if(jdtset==0 .or. trial_jdtset==0)then
1502        write(appen,'(i1)')trial_jdtset
1503        trial_cs=blank//token(1:toklen)//trim(appen)
1504        trial_cslen=toklen+2
1505        ! Map token to all upper case (make case-insensitive):
1506        call inupper(trial_cs)
1507        ! Look for an occurence of this token in string, if so, leaves:
1508        itoken2=index(string,trial_cs(1:trial_cslen))
1509        if(itoken2/=0)then
1510          if(trial_jdtset==0)then
1511            write(msg, '(7a)' )&
1512            'There is an occurence of the keyword "',trim(token),'" appended with 0 in the input file.',ch10,&
1513            'This is forbidden.',ch10,&
1514            'Action: remove this occurence.'
1515          else
1516            write(msg, '(5a,i0,5a)' )&
1517            'In the input file, there is an occurence of the ',ch10,&
1518            'keyword "',trim(token),'", appended with the digit "',trial_jdtset,'".',ch10,&
1519            'This is forbidden when ndtset = =0 .',ch10,&
1520            'Action: remove this occurence, or change ndtset.'
1521          end if
1522          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1523        end if
1524      end if
1525    end do
1527  end if
1529  !===========================================================================
1530  ! At this stage, the location of the keyword string is known, as well
1531  ! as its length. So, can read the data.
1532  ! Usual reading if opttoken==1 (need itoken).
1533  ! If opttoken>=2, the characteristics of a series must be read
1534  ! (need itoken_colon and either itoken_plus or itoken_times)
1536  tread = 0
1537  typevar='INT'
1539  if(typevarphys=='LOG')typevar='INT'
1540  if(typevarphys=='DPR' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' .or. &
1541     typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM') typevar='DPR'
1543  if (typevarphys=='KEY' .or. typevarphys=='INT_OR_KEY') then
1544    ! Consistency check for keyword (no multidataset, no series)
1545    if (opttoken>=2) then
1546      write(msg, '(10a)' )&
1547        'For the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'", of ',trim(typevarphys),' type,',ch10,&
1548        'a series has been defined in the input file.',ch10,&
1549        'This is forbidden.',ch10,'Action: check your input file.'
1550      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1551    end if
1552    if (narr>=2) then
1553      write(msg, '(10a)' )&
1554        'For the keyword "',cs(1:cslen),'", of ',trim(typevarphys),' type,',ch10,&
1555        'the number of data requested is larger than 1.',ch10,&
1556        'This is forbidden.',ch10,'Action: check your input file.'
1557      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1558    end if
1559  end if
1561  ! There is something to be read if opttoken>=1
1562  if (opttoken==1) then
1564    ! write(std_out,*)' intagm : opttoken==1 , token has been found, will read '
1565    ! Absolute location in string of blank which follows token:
1566    b1 = itoken + cslen - 1
1568    if (typevarphys == 'KEY'  .or. typevarphys=='INT_OR_KEY') then
1569      ! In case of typevarphys='KEY', the chain of character will be returned in cs.
1570      ABI_CHECK(present(key_value), "typevarphys == KEY or INT_OR_KEY requires optional argument key_value")
1571      if (typevarphys == 'INT_OR_KEY') then
1572        ABI_CHECK(narr==1, "typevarphys == INT_OR_KEY requires narr==1")
1573      end if
1574      b2 = index(string(b1+1:), '"')
1575      b3=0 ; do ii=b1,b1+b2-1 ; if (string(ii:ii)/=blank) b3=1 ; end do
1576      if (typevarphys == 'KEY') then
1577        ABI_CHECK(b2 /= 0, sjoin('Cannot find first " defining string for token:', token))
1578        ABI_CHECK(b3 == 0, sjoin('There are chars between token name and first " for token:', token))
1579      end if
1580      if (typevarphys == 'KEY' .or. (b2/=0.and.b3==0)) then
1581        b2 = b1 + b2 + 1
1582        b3 = index(string(b2:), '"')
1583        ABI_CHECK(b3 /= 0, sjoin('Cannot find second " defining string for token:', token))
1584        b3 = b3 + b2 - 2
1585        if ((b3 - b2 + 1) > len(key_value)) then
1586          ABI_ERROR("Len of key_value too small to contain value parsed from file")
1587        end if
1588        key_value = adjustl(string(b2:b3))
1589      else if (typevarphys == 'INT_OR_KEY') then
1590        ! Read the scalar that follows the blank
1591        call inarray(b1,cs,dprarr,intarr,marr,narr,string,'INT')
1592      endif
1594    else
1595      ! Read the array (or eventual scalar) that follows the blank
1596      call inarray(b1,cs,dprarr,intarr,marr,narr,string,typevarphys)
1597    end if
1599    ! if this point is reached then data has been read in successfully
1600    tread = 1
1602  else if(opttoken>=2) then
1604    ! write(std_out,*)' intagm : opttoken>=2 , token has been found, will read '
1605    ABI_MALLOC(dpr1,(narr))
1606    ABI_MALLOC(dpr2,(narr))
1607    ABI_MALLOC(int1,(narr))
1608    ABI_MALLOC(int2,(narr))
1610    ! Absolute location in string of blank which follows token//':':
1611    b1=itoken_colon+cslen-1
1612    call inarray(b1,cscolon,dpr1,int1,narr,narr,string,typevarphys)
1614    ! Initialise number even if the if series treat all cases.
1615    number=1
1616    ! Define the number of the term in the series
1617    if(opttoken==2)number=jdtset-1
1618    if(opttoken==3)number=unities-1
1619    if(opttoken==4)number=dozens-1
1621    ! Distinguish additive and multiplicative series
1622    if(itoken_plus/=0)then
1624      b1=itoken_plus+cslen-1
1625      call inarray(b1,csplus,dpr2,int2,narr,narr,string,typevarphys)
1627      if(typevar=='INT')then
1628        intarr(1:narr)=int1(:)+int2(:)*number
1629      else if(typevar=='DPR')then
1630        dprarr(1:narr)=dpr1(:)+dpr2(:)*number
1631      end if
1633    else if(itoken_times/=0)then
1635      b1=itoken_times+cslen-1
1636      call inarray(b1,cstimes,dpr2,int2,narr,narr,string,typevarphys)
1637      if(typevar=='INT')then
1638        intarr(1:narr)=int1(:)*int2(:)**number
1639      else if(typevar=='DPR')then
1640        dprarr(1:narr)=dpr1(:)*dpr2(:)**number
1641      end if
1643    end if
1645    tread = 1
1647    ABI_FREE(dpr1)
1648    ABI_FREE(dpr2)
1649    ABI_FREE(int1)
1650    ABI_FREE(int2)
1651  end if
1653  if(present(ds_input)) ds_input = ds_input_
1655  !write(std_out,*) ' intagm : exit value tread=',tread
1656  !write(std_out,*) ' intarr =',intarr(1:narr)
1657  !write(std_out,*) ' dprarr =',dprarr(1:narr)
1659 end subroutine intagm

m_parser/parsefile [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




  Glue function, to read the given file, put it into a string,
  change everything to uppercase, remove carriage returns and
  non significant blank characters. May also read a XYZ input
  file if specified. Finally read ndtset input variable.


  filnamin= the file to read
  comm=MPI communicator


  lenstr= the length of the resulting string.
  ndtset= the number of declared datasets.
  string= contains on output the content of the file, ready for parsing.


211 subroutine parsefile(filnamin, lenstr, ndtset, string, comm)
213 !Arguments ------------------------------------
214  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filnamin
215  integer,intent(in) :: comm
216  integer,intent(out) :: ndtset,lenstr
217  character(len=strlen),intent(out) :: string
219 !Local variables-------------------------------
220 !scalars
221  integer,parameter :: master=0, option1= 1
222  integer :: marr,tread,lenstr_noxyz,ierr
223  character(len=strlen) :: string_raw, string_with_comments
224  character(len=500) :: msg
225 !arrays
226  integer :: intarr(1)
227  real(dp) :: dprarr(1)
229 ! *************************************************************************
231  ! Read the input file, and store the information in a long string of characters
232  ! Note: this is done only by me=0, and then string and other output vars are BCASTED
234  if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) == master) then
236    ! strlen from defs_basis module
237    call instrng(filnamin, lenstr, option1, strlen, string, string_with_comments)
239    ! Copy original file, without change of case
240    string_raw=string
242    ! To make case-insensitive, map characters of string to upper case.
243    call inupper(string(1:lenstr))
245    ! Might import data from xyz file(s) into string
246    ! Need string_raw to deal properly with xyz filenames
247    ! TODO: This capabilty can now be implemented via the structure:"xyx:path" variable
248    lenstr_noxyz = lenstr
249    call importxyz(lenstr,string_raw,string,strlen)
251    ! Make sure we don't have unmatched quotation marks
252    if (mod(char_count(string(:lenstr), '"'), 2) /= 0) then
253      ABI_ERROR('Your input file contains unmatched quotation marks `"`. This confuses the parser. Check your input.')
254    end if
256    ! Take ndtset from the input string
257    ndtset=0; marr=1
258    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,0,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),"ndtset",tread,'INT')
259    if (tread==1) ndtset=intarr(1)
260    ! Check that ndtset is within bounds
261    if (ndtset<0 .or. ndtset>9999) then
262      write(msg, '(a,i0,4a)' )&
263      'Input ndtset must be non-negative and < 10000, but was ',ndtset,ch10,&
264      'This is not allowed.',ch10,'Action: modify ndtset in the input file.'
265      ABI_ERROR(msg)
266    end if
267  end if ! master
269  if (xmpi_comm_size(comm) > 1) then
270    ! Broadcast data.
271    call xmpi_bcast(lenstr, master, comm, ierr)
272    call xmpi_bcast(ndtset, master, comm, ierr)
273    call xmpi_bcast(string, master, comm, ierr)
274    call xmpi_bcast(string_raw, master, comm, ierr)
275  end if
277  ! Save input string in global variable so that we can access it in ntck_open_create
278  ! XG20200720: Why not saving string ? string_raw is less processed than string ...
279  ! MG: Because we don't want a processed string without comments.
280  ! Abipy may use the commented section to extract additional metadata e.g. the pseudos md5
281  INPUT_STRING = trim(string_with_comments)
283  !write(std_out,'(4a)')"string_with_comments", ch10, trim(string_with_comments), ch10
284  !write(std_out,'(4a)')"INPUT_STRING", ch10, trim(INPUT_STRING), ch10
285  !write(std_out,'(a)')string(:lenstr)
286  !stop
288 end subroutine parsefile

m_parser/prttagm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Eventually print the content of dprarr (if typevarphys='DPR','LEN', 'ENE', 'TIM' and 'BFI'),
 or intarr (if typevarphys='INT'), arrays of effective dimensions narr and 0:ndtset_alloc
 For the second dimension, the 0 index relates to a default.
 Print the array only if the content for at least one value of the second
 index is different from the default.
 Print a generic value if the non-default values are all equal.
 Print the detail of all values otherwise.
 The input variable 'length' controls the print format, and, in the case
 of the real(dp) variable, the way two numbers are determined to be
 different or not.


  intarr(1:marr,0:ndtset_alloc), dprarr(1:marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
   integer or real(dp) arrays, respectively,
   containing the data to be printed. Use these arrays even for scalars.
   For the first index, only the range 1:narr is relevant.
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)=list of dataset indices.
  length= if 1, short format for printing, if 2, long format for printing
     special formats: if 3, INT : for symrel or kptrlatt
                      if 4, INT : for type
                      if 5, INT : for mkmem, mkqmem, mk1mem
                      if 6, INT : for kptrlatt
                      if 3, DPR : for tnons
                      if 4, DPR : for wtk and znucl
                      if 5, DPR : for atvshift
                      if 6, DPR : very short format for printing
     If the typevarphys is 'DPR', a negative value of 'length' will request that
        the equality of real(dp) numbers is determined by an ABSOLUTE
        difference criterion only. The absolute value of length is used
        to determine the format, as above.

  marr=first dimension of the intarr and dprarr arrays, as declared in the
   calling subroutine.
  narr=actual first dimension of intarr and dprarr.
  narrm=used when the effective first dimension of intarr is variable
        in this case narrm(0:ndtset_alloc)
  ncid= NETCDF id
  ndtset_alloc=govern second dimension of intarr and dprarr
  token=character string for 'tag'.  Assumed no longer than 9 characters
  typevarphys=physical variable type (might indicate the physical meaning of
   for dimensionality purposes)
   'DPR'=>real(dp) (no special treatment)
   'LEN'=>real(dp) (output in bohr and angstrom)
   'ENE'=>real(dp) (output in hartree and eV)
   'BFI'=>real(dp) (output in Tesla)
   'TIM'=>real(dp) (output in second)
  use_narrm= if 0, use of scalar 'narr' instead of array 'narrm'
  [firstchar]= (optional) first character of the line (default=' ')
  [forceprint]= (optional) control if output is forced even if a variable is equal to its default value:
                0: not printed out if equal to default value
                1: output forced even if equal to default value in both TEXT and NETCDF file
                2: output forced even if equal to default value in NETCDF file only
                3: output forced even if equal to default value in TEXT file only


  (only writing)


3163 subroutine prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,&
3164                     marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,use_narrm,&
3165                     firstchar,forceprint)  ! optional
3167 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3168 !scalars
3169  integer,intent(in) :: iout,length,marr,narr,ndtset_alloc,ncid,use_narrm
3170  integer,intent(in),optional :: forceprint
3171  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
3172  character(len=3),intent(in) :: typevarphys
3173  character(len=1),intent(in),optional :: firstchar
3174 !arrays
3175  integer,intent(in) :: intarr(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
3176  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)
3177  integer,intent(in) :: narrm(0:ndtset_alloc)
3178  real(dp),intent(in) :: dprarr(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
3180 !Local variables-------------------------------
3181 !character(len=*), parameter :: long_beg     ='(a,a16,a,1x,(t22,'
3182  character(len=*), parameter :: format_1     ='",a16,a,t22,'
3183  character(len=*), parameter :: format_2     ='",t22,'
3184  character(len=*), parameter :: short_int    ='10i5)'
3185  character(len=*), parameter :: long_int     ='8i8)'
3186  character(len=*), parameter :: veryshort_dpr='f11.5)'
3187  character(len=*), parameter :: short_dpr    ='es16.8)'
3188  character(len=*), parameter :: long_dpr     ='es18.10)'
3189  character(len=*), parameter :: veryshort_dim='f11.5),a'
3190  character(len=*), parameter :: short_dim    ='es16.8),a'
3191  character(len=*), parameter :: long_dim     ='es18.10),a'
3192  character(len=*), parameter :: f_symrel     ='3(3i3,1x),4x,3(3i3,1x))'
3193  character(len=*), parameter :: f_type       ='20i3)'
3194  character(len=*), parameter :: f_mem        ='8i8)'
3195  character(len=*), parameter :: f_tnons      ='3f11.7,3x,3f11.7)'
3196  character(len=*), parameter :: f_wtk        ='6f11.5)'
3197  character(len=*), parameter :: f_atvshift   ='5f11.5)'
3198  character(len=*), parameter :: f_kptrlatt   ='3(3i5,2x))'
3199 !scalars
3200  integer :: iarr,idtset,jdtset,multi,ndtset_eff,narr_eff
3201  logical :: print_netcdf,print_out
3202  real(dp),parameter :: tol21=1.0d-21
3203  real(dp) :: diff,scale_factor,sumtol
3204  character(len=4) :: digit
3205  character(len=1) :: first_column
3206  character(len=4) :: appen
3207  character(len=8) :: out_unit
3208  character(len=50) :: format_dp,format_int,full_format
3209  character(len=500) :: msg
3211 ! *************************************************************************
3213 !###########################################################
3214 !### 01. Check consistency of input
3216  if(len_trim(token)>16)then
3217    write(msg, '(3a,i0,2a)' )&
3218    'The length of the name of the input variable ',trim(token),' is ',len_trim(token),ch10,&
3219    'This exceeds 16 characters, the present maximum in routine prttagm.'
3220    ABI_ERROR(msg)
3221  end if
3223  if(ndtset_alloc<1)then
3224    write(msg, '(a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
3225    'ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it should be >= 1.',ch10,&
3226    'This happened for token=',token,'.'
3227    ABI_BUG(msg)
3228  end if
3230  if(ndtset_alloc>9999)then
3231    write(msg, '(a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
3232    'ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it must be lower than 10000.',ch10,&
3233    'This happened for token=',token,'.'
3234    ABI_BUG(msg)
3235  end if
3237  if(narr>99 .and. (typevarphys=='ENE'.or.typevarphys=='LEN'))then
3238    write(msg, '(3a,i0,a)' )' typevarphys=',typevarphys,' with narr=',narr,'  is not allowed.'
3239    ABI_BUG(msg)
3240  end if
3242  if ((narr>0).or.(use_narrm/=0)) then
3244    print_out=.true.;print_netcdf=.true.
3245    multi=0
3247 !  ###########################################################
3248 !  ### 02. Treatment of integer 'INT'
3250    if(typevarphys=='INT')then
3252 !    Determine whether the different non-default occurences are all equal
3254      if (use_narrm==0) then ! use of scalar 'narr' instead of array 'narrm'
3255        if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
3256          do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3257            do iarr=1,narr
3258              if(intarr(iarr,1)/=intarr(iarr,idtset))multi=1
3259            end do
3260          end do
3261        end if
3262      else
3263 !      If the sizes of the arrays are different we can not compare them
3264 !      So we have to assume they are different
3265        multi=1
3266      end if
3268 !    If they are all equal, then determine whether they are equal to the default
3269      if(multi==0)then
3270        print_out=.false.
3271        do iarr=1,narr
3272          if (intarr(iarr,1)/=intarr(iarr,0)) print_out=.true.
3273        end do
3274        print_netcdf=print_out
3275      end if
3277      if (present(forceprint)) then
3278        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==3) print_out=.true.
3279        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==2) print_netcdf=.true.
3280      end if
3282 !    Print only if the values differ from the default
3283      if (print_out.or.print_netcdf.or.(ncid<0))then
3284        ndtset_eff=ndtset_alloc
3285        if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0)) ndtset_eff=1
3286        do idtset=1,ndtset_eff
3288 !        Initialize the character in the first column
3289          first_column=' ';if (present(firstchar)) first_column=firstchar
3290          if(abs(length)==5)first_column='P'
3291 !        Initialize the format
3292          if(abs(length)==1)format_int=trim(short_int)
3293          if(abs(length)==2)format_int=trim(long_int)
3294          if(abs(length)==3)format_int=trim(f_symrel)
3295          if(abs(length)==4)format_int=trim(f_type)
3296          if(abs(length)==5)format_int=trim(f_mem)
3297          if(abs(length)==6)format_int=trim(f_kptrlatt)
3298 !        Initialize the dataset number string, and print
3299          if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))then
3300            appen=' '
3301          else
3302            jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
3303            call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
3304          end if
3305 !        full_format=trim(long_beg)//trim(format_int)
3306          full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1)//'("'// first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(format_int)//")"
3308 !        narr_eff could be narr or narrm(idtset)
3309 !        It depends if the size is variable for different datasets
3310          if (use_narrm==0)then
3311            narr_eff=narr
3312          else
3313            narr_eff=narrm(idtset)
3314          end if
3316          if (narr_eff/=0) then
3318            if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)
3319 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
3320            if (print_netcdf) then
3321              call write_var_netcdf(intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),&
3322 &             dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),marr,narr_eff,abs(ncid),typevarphys,token//appen)
3323            end if
3324 #endif
3325          end if
3327        end do
3328      end if !(print==1)
3330 !    ###########################################################
3331 !    ### 03. Treatment of real 'DPR', 'LEN', 'ENE', 'BFI', 'TIM'
3333    else if (typevarphys=='DPR' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' .or. typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM') then
3335      if((ndtset_alloc>1).and.(use_narrm==0))then
3336        do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3337          do iarr=1,narr
3338 !          The determination of effective equality is more difficult than in the
3339 !          integer case :
3340 !          - if length > 0, ask for a relative accuracy, and also include
3341 !          the case of zero values, thanks to tol21.
3342 !          - if length < 0, ask for absolute accuracy.
3343            diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,1)-dprarr(iarr,idtset) )
3344            if(length>0)then
3345              sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,1))+abs(dprarr(iarr,idtset))+10*tol21
3346              if(diff>sumtol*tol11)multi=1
3347            else
3348              if(diff>tol14)multi=1
3349            end if
3350          end do
3351        end do
3352      elseif (use_narrm/=0) then
3353        multi=1 ! Assume that values could not be compared between different datasets.
3354 !      Nevertheless, checks whether not all dataset might be equal to the default, despite varying dimensions (e.g. all zeroes)
3355        print_out=.false.
3356        do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3357          if(narrm(idtset)>narrm(0))then
3358            print_out=.true.
3359          else
3360            do iarr=1,narrm(idtset)
3361              diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,idtset)-dprarr(iarr,0) )
3362              if(length>0)then
3363                sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,idtset))+abs(dprarr(iarr,0))+10*tol21
3364                if(diff>sumtol*tol11)print_out=.true.
3365              else
3366                if(diff>tol14)print_out=.true.
3367              end if
3368            end do
3369          end if
3370        end do
3371        print_netcdf=print_out
3372      end if
3374      if(multi==0)then
3375        print_out=.false.
3376        do iarr=1,narr
3377          diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,1)-dprarr(iarr,0) )
3378          if(length>0)then
3379            sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,1))+abs(dprarr(iarr,0))+10*tol21
3380            if(diff>sumtol*tol11)print_out=.true.
3381          else
3382            if(diff>tol14)print_out=.true.
3383          end if
3384        end do
3385        print_netcdf=print_out
3386      end if
3388      if (present(forceprint)) then
3389        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==3) print_out=.true.
3390        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==2) print_netcdf=.true.
3391      end if
3393      if(print_out.or.print_netcdf.or.(ncid<0))then
3394 !      Select the proper format
3395        ndtset_eff=ndtset_alloc
3396        if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))ndtset_eff=1
3397        narr_eff=narr
3398        if(use_narrm/=0)then
3399          narr_eff=maxval(narrm(1:ndtset_eff))
3400        end if
3401        if(abs(length)==1 .or. abs(length)==2 .or. abs(length)==6)then
3402          if(typevarphys=='DPR')then
3403            digit='3'
3404            if(abs(length)==1)format_dp=digit//short_dpr
3405            if(abs(length)==2)format_dp=digit//long_dpr
3406            if(abs(length)==6)format_dp=digit//veryshort_dpr
3407    else if(typevarphys=='ENE' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='BFI' .or. typevarphys=='TIM')then
3408            if (narr<10) write(digit,'(i1)')narr_eff
3409            if (narr> 9) write(digit,'(i2)')narr_eff
3410            if(abs(length)==1)format_dp=digit//short_dim
3411            if(abs(length)==2)format_dp=digit//long_dim
3412            if(abs(length)==6)format_dp=digit//veryshort_dim
3413          end if
3414        else
3415          if(abs(length)==3)format_dp=f_tnons
3416          if(abs(length)==4)format_dp=f_wtk
3417          if(abs(length)==5)format_dp=f_atvshift
3418        end if
3419        do idtset=1,ndtset_eff
3421 !        narr_eff could be narr or narrm(idtset)
3422 !        It depends if the size is variable for different datasets
3423          if (use_narrm==0)then
3424            narr_eff=narr
3425          else
3426            narr_eff=narrm(idtset)
3427          end if
3429          if (narr_eff/=0) then
3431 !          Initialize the character in the first column
3432            first_column=' ';if (present(firstchar)) first_column=firstchar
3433 !          Define scale_factor
3434            scale_factor=one !EB to what this is still usefull ???
3435 !          EB remove           if(typevarphys=='BFI')scale_factor=one/BField_Tesla
3436 !          Define out_unit
3437            if(typevarphys=='ENE')out_unit=' Hartree'
3438            if(typevarphys=='LEN')out_unit=' Bohr   '
3439            if(typevarphys=='BFI')out_unit='   ' !EB remove Tesla unit
3440            if(typevarphys=='TIM')out_unit=' Second'
3441 !          Format, according to the length of the dataset string
3442            if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))then
3443              appen=' '
3444            else
3445              jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
3446              call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
3447            end if
3448            ! full_format=trim(long_beg)//trim(format_dp)
3449            full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1)//'("'// first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(format_dp)//")"
3450            ! write(ab_out,*)' trim(long_beg)=',trim(long_beg)
3451            ! write(ab_out,*)' trim(format_dp)=',trim(format_dp)
3452            ! write(ab_out,*)' trim(full_format)=',trim(full_format)
3453            if(typevarphys=='DPR')then
3454              if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)*scale_factor
3455            else
3456              if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)*scale_factor,trim(out_unit)
3457            end if
3458 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
3459            if (print_netcdf) then
3460              call write_var_netcdf(intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),&
3461                marr,narr_eff,abs(ncid),'DPR',token//trim(appen))
3462            end if
3463 #endif
3465          end if
3467        end do
3468      end if
3470 !    ###########################################################
3471 !    ### 04. The type is neither 'INT' nor 'DPR','ENE','LEN','BFI','TIM'
3472    else
3473      ABI_BUG('Disallowed typevarphys = '//TRIM(typevarphys))
3474    end if
3476  end if ! End condition of narr>0
3478 end subroutine prttagm

m_parser/prttagm_images [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_parser ] [ Functions ]




 Extension to prttagm to include the printing of
 images information, in those cases the same variable
 is printed several times for each dataset

 Cases where images information are relevant includes xcart, xred, acell, fcart.

 (see prttagm.F90)


  (only writing)


3501 subroutine prttagm_images(dprarr_images,iout,jdtset_,length,&
3502 & marr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,&
3503 & mxnimage,nimagem,ndtset,prtimg,strimg,firstchar,forceprint)
3505 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3506 !scalars
3507  integer,intent(in) :: iout,length,marr,ndtset_alloc,ncid
3508  integer,intent(in) :: mxnimage,ndtset
3509  integer,intent(in),optional :: forceprint
3510  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
3511  character(len=3),intent(in) :: typevarphys
3512  character(len=1),intent(in),optional :: firstchar
3513 !arrays
3514  integer,intent(in) :: prtimg(mxnimage,0:ndtset_alloc)
3515  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)
3516  integer,intent(in) :: nimagem(0:ndtset_alloc)
3517  character(len=8),intent(in) :: strimg(mxnimage)
3518  integer,intent(in) :: narrm(0:ndtset_alloc)
3519  real(dp),intent(in) :: dprarr_images(marr,mxnimage,0:ndtset_alloc)
3521 !Local variables-------------------------------
3522  integer :: iarr,idtset,iimage,jdtset,multi_narr,narr
3523  integer :: intarr_images(marr,mxnimage,0:ndtset_alloc)
3524  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:,:)
3525  real(dp), allocatable :: dprarr(:,:)
3526  logical :: print_out,print_netcdf,test_multiimages
3527  character(len=1) :: first_column
3528  character(len=4) :: appen
3529  character(len=16) :: keywd
3530  character(len=50) :: full_format
3531  character(len=*), parameter :: format_1  ='",a16,t22,'
3532  character(len=*), parameter :: format_1a ='",a16,a,t22,'
3533  character(len=*), parameter :: format_2  ='",t22,'
3534  character(len=*), parameter :: long_dpr  ='3es18.10)'
3536 ! *************************************************************************
3538 !Test whether for this variable, the content of different images differ.
3539 !test_multiimages=.false. if, for all datasets, the content is identical.
3540  test_multiimages=.false.
3541  do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3542    if(nimagem(idtset)>1)then
3543      do iarr=1,narrm(idtset)
3544        if(sum(abs( dprarr_images(iarr,2:nimagem(idtset),idtset)- &
3545 &       dprarr_images(iarr,1              ,idtset)))>tol12)then
3546          test_multiimages=.true.
3547        end if
3548      end do
3549    end if
3550  end do
3552  if(nimagem(0)==0)test_multiimages=.true.
3554 !If there is no differences between images, one is back to the usual prttagm routine.
3555 !Note the treatment of firstchar and forceprint has to be transmitted to prttagm.
3556  if(.not.test_multiimages)then
3558    narr=narrm(1)
3559    ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr,0:ndtset_alloc))
3560    ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr,0:ndtset_alloc))
3561    dprarr=zero
3562    do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc
3563      dprarr(1:narrm(idtset),idtset)=dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),1,idtset)
3564    end do
3565    multi_narr=0
3566    if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
3567      do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3568        if(narrm(1)/=narrm(idtset))multi_narr=1
3569      end do
3570    end if
3571    if (present(firstchar).and.present(forceprint)) then
3572      call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,marr,narr,&
3573        narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,multi_narr,&
3574        firstchar=firstchar,forceprint=forceprint)
3575    else if (present(firstchar)) then
3576      call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,marr,narr,&
3577        narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,multi_narr,&
3578        firstchar=firstchar)
3579    else if (present(forceprint)) then
3580      call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,marr,narr,&
3581        narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,multi_narr,&
3582        forceprint=forceprint)
3583    else
3584      call prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,marr,narr,&
3585        narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,multi_narr)
3586    end if
3587    ABI_FREE(intarr)
3588    ABI_FREE(dprarr)
3590  else
3592    first_column=' ';if (present(firstchar)) first_column=firstchar
3594    do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
3596      if (narrm(idtset)>0)then
3597        do iimage=1,nimagem(idtset)
3599          print_out=.true.
3600          if (prtimg(iimage,idtset)==0) print_out=.false.
3601          if (nimagem(0)>=nimagem(idtset)) then
3602            if (sum(abs(dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset) &
3603 &           -dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,0)))<tol12) print_out=.false.
3604          end if
3605          print_netcdf=print_out
3607          if (present(forceprint)) then
3608            if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==3) print_out=.true.
3609            if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==2) print_netcdf=.true.
3610          end if
3612          if (print_out.or.print_netcdf.or.(ncid<0))then
3613            keywd=token//trim(strimg(iimage))
3615            if(ndtset>0)then
3616              jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
3617              call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
3618              if (print_out) then
3619                full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1a)//'("'// &
3620 &               first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(long_dpr)//")"
3621                write(iout,full_format) &
3622 &               trim(keywd),appen,dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)
3623              end if
3624 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
3625              if (print_netcdf) then
3626                call write_var_netcdf(intarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset),&
3627 &               dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset),&
3628 &               marr,narrm(idtset),ncid,'DPR',trim(keywd)//appen)
3629              end if
3630 #endif
3631            else
3633              if (print_out) then
3634                full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1)//'("'// &
3635 &               first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(long_dpr)//")"
3636                write(iout,full_format) &
3637 &               trim(keywd),dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset)
3638              end if
3639 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
3640              if (print_netcdf) then
3641                call write_var_netcdf(intarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset),&
3642 &               dprarr_images(1:narrm(idtset),iimage,idtset),&
3643 &               marr,narrm(idtset),abs(ncid),'DPR',trim(keywd))
3644              end if
3645 #endif
3647            end if
3648          end if
3649        end do
3650      end if
3651    end do
3653  end if
3655 end subroutine prttagm_images