ABINIT/m_dtfil [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




   object and procedures dealing with input/output filenames


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (XG, MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_dtfil
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_dtset
30  use m_build_info,   only : abinit_version
31  use defs_abitypes,  only : MPI_type
32  use m_clib,         only : clib_rename
33  use m_fstrings,     only : int2char4, rmquotes, sjoin, strcat, basename
34  use m_io_tools,     only : open_file, file_exists
35  use m_libpaw_tools, only : libpaw_log_flag_set
36  use m_parser,       only : parsefile, intagm
38  implicit none
40  private

m_dtfil/datafiles_type [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Types ]




 The datafiles_type structures datatype gather all the variables
 related to files, such as filename, and file units.
 For one dataset, it is initialized in 95_drive/dtfil_init1.F90,
 and will not change at all during the treatment of the dataset.


 57  type, public :: datafiles_type
 59 ! WARNING : if you modify this datatype, please check whether there might be creation/destruction/copy routines,
 60 ! declared in another part of ABINIT, that might need to take into account your modification.
 62 ! These keywords are only used in algorithms using images of the cell
 63   integer :: getwfk_from_image
 64    ! index of image from which read WFK file (0 if standard WFK)
 65    !    -1: the same image as current one
 66    !     0: no image
 67    !    >0: index of an image
 69   integer :: getden_from_image
 70    ! index of image from which read DEN file (0 if standard DEN)
 71    !    -1: the same image as current one
 72    !     0: no image
 73    !    >0: index of an image
 75   integer :: getkden_from_image
 76    ! index of image from which read KDEN file (0 if standard KDEN)
 77    !    -1: the same image as current one
 78    !     0: no image
 79    !    >0: index of an image
 81   integer :: getpawden_from_image
 82    ! index of image from which read PAWDEN file (0 if standard PAWDEN)
 83    !    -1: the same image as current one
 84    !     0: no image
 85    !    >0: index of an image
 87   integer :: ireadddb
 88    ! ireadddb non-zero  if the ddb file must be read
 90   integer :: ireadden
 91    ! ireadden non-zero  if the den file must be read
 93   integer :: ireadkden
 94    ! ireadkden non-zero  if the kden file must be read
 96   integer :: ireadwf
 97    ! if(optdriver/=1), that is, no response-function computation,
 98    !   ireadwf non-zero  if the wffk file must be read
 99    !   (if irdwfk non-zero or getwfk non-zero)
100    ! if(optdriver==1), that is, response-function computation,
101    !   ireadwf non-zero  if the wff1 file must be read
102    !   (if ird1wf non-zero or get1wf non-zero)
104   integer :: unchi0  ! unit number for chi0 files
105   integer :: unddb   ! unit number for Derivative DataBase
106   integer :: unddk   ! unit number for ddk 1WF file
107   integer :: undkdk  ! unit number for 2WF file (dkdk)
108   integer :: undkde  ! unit number for 2WF file (dkde)
109   integer :: unkg    ! unit number for k+G data
110   integer :: unkgq   ! unit number for k+G+q data
111   integer :: unkg1   ! unit number for first-order k+G+q data
112   integer :: unkss   ! unit number for KSS file
113   integer :: unqps   ! unit number for QPS file
114   integer :: unscr   ! unit number for SCR file
115   integer :: unwff1  ! unit number for wavefunctions, number one
116   integer :: unwff2  ! unit number for wavefunctions, number two
117   integer :: unwff3  ! unit number for wavefunctions, number three
118   integer :: unwffgs ! unit number for ground-state wavefunctions
119   integer :: unwffkq ! unit number for k+q ground-state wavefunctions
120   integer :: unwft1  ! unit number for wavefunctions, temporary one
121   integer :: unwft2  ! unit number for wavefunctions, temporary two
122   integer :: unwft3  ! unit number for wavefunctions, temporary three
123   integer :: unwftgs ! unit number for ground-state wavefunctions, temporary
124   integer :: unwftkq ! unit number for k+q ground-state wavefunctions, temporary
125   integer :: unylm   ! unit number for Ylm(k) data
126   integer :: unylm1  ! unit number for first-order Ylm(k+q) data
127   integer :: unpaw   ! unit number for temporary PAW data (for ex. rhoij_nk) (Paw only)
128   integer :: unpaw1  ! unit number for temporary PAW first-order cprj1=<c1_k,q|p>(1) data
129   integer :: unpawq  ! unit number for temporary PAW cprjq=<c+_k+q|p> at k+qdata
130   integer :: unpos   ! unit number for restart molecular dynamics
132   ! TODO: All this strings should be initialized with ABI_NOFILE
133   ! so that we can easily test for path /= ABI_NOFILE instead of getwfk /= 0 or irdwfk /= 0
135   character(len=fnlen) :: filnam_ds(5)
136    ! if no dataset mode, the five names from the standard input:
137    !   ab_in, ab_out, abi, abo, tmp
138    ! if dataset mode, the same 5 filenames, appended with //'_DS'//trim(jdtset)
140   character(len=fnlen) :: filddbsin
141    ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'DDB'
142    ! if dataset mode, and getddb==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'DDB'
143    ! if dataset mode, and getddb/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jgetddb)//'DDB'
145   character(len=fnlen) :: fildensin
146    ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'DEN'
147    ! if dataset mode, and getden==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'DEN'
148    ! if dataset mode, and getden/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jgetden)//'DEN'
150   character(len=fnlen) :: fildvdbin
151    ! if no dataset mode              : abi//'DVDB'
152    ! if dataset mode, and getdvdb==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'DVDB'
153    ! if dataset mode, and getdvdb/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jgetdvdb)//'DVDB'
155   character(len=fnlen) :: filpotin
156    ! Filename used to read POT file.
157    ! Initialize via getpot_filepath
159   character(len=fnlen) :: filkdensin
160    ! if no dataset mode              : abi//'KDEN'
161    ! if dataset mode, and getkden==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'KDEN'
162    ! if dataset mode, and getkden/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jgetkden)//'KDEN'
164   character(len=fnlen) :: filpawdensin
165    ! if no dataset mode                : abi//'PAWDEN'
166    ! if dataset mode, and getpawden==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'PAWDEN'
167    ! if dataset mode, and getpawden/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jgetpawden)//'PAWDEN'
169   character(len=fnlen) :: filsigephin
170    ! Filename used to read file.
171    ! Initialize via getsigeph_filepath
173   character(len=fnlen) :: filgstorein
174    ! Filename used to read GSTOR.ncE file.
175    ! Initialize via getgstore_filepath
177   character(len=fnlen) :: filstat
178    ! tmp//'_STATUS'
180   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffk
181    ! the name of the ground-state wavefunction file to be read (see driver.F90)
183   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffq
184    ! the name of the k+q ground-state wavefunction file to be read (see driver.F90)
185    ! only useful in the response-function case
187   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffddk
188    ! the generic name of the ddk response wavefunction file(s) to be read (see driver.F90)
189    ! (the final name is formed by appending the number of the perturbation)
190    ! only useful in the response-function case
192   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffdelfd
193    ! the generic name of the electric field response wavefunction file(s) to be read (see driver.F90)
194    ! (the final name is formed by appending the number of the perturbation)
195    ! only useful in the response-function case
197   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffdkdk
198    ! the generic name of the 2nd order dkdk response wavefunction file(s) to be read (see driver.F90)
199    ! (the final name is formed by appending the number of the perturbation)
200    ! only useful in the response-function case
202   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewffdkde
203    ! the generic name of the 2nd order dkde response wavefunction file(s) to be read (see driver.F90)
204    ! (the final name is formed by appending the number of the perturbation)
205    ! only useful in the response-function case
207   character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewff1
208    ! the generic name of the first-order wavefunction file(s) to be read (see driver.F90)
209    ! (the final name is formed by appending the number of the perturbation)
210    ! only useful in the response-function case
212   character(len=fnlen) :: fildens1in   ! to be described by MVeithen
213   character(len=fnlen) :: fname_tdwf
214   character(len=fnlen) :: fname_w90
216   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_wf1
217   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_wf2
218   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_1wf1
219   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_1wf2
220   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_wfgs
221   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_wfkq
222    ! Set of filenames formed from trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//APPEN where APPEN is _WF1, _WF2 ...
223    ! See dtfil_init
225   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_kg
226   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_kgq
227   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_kg1
228   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_dum
229   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_ylm
230   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_ylm1
231   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_paw
232   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_paw1
233   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_pawq
234    ! Set of filenames formed from trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//APPEN where APPEN is _KG, _DUM, followed
235    ! by the index of the processor.
236    ! See dtfil_init
238   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_cg
239   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_cprj
240   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_eig
241   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_1wf1_eig
242   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_fft
243   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_fft_mgga
244   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_kgs
245   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_sustr
246   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_tdexcit
247   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_tdwf
249 !@Bethe-Salpeter
250 ! New files introduced for the Bethe-Salpeter part.
252    character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_bsham_reso
253     ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'BSR'
254     ! if dataset mode, and getbsreso==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'BSR'
255     ! if dataset mode, and getbsreso/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jget_reso_bsham)//'BSR'
257    character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_bsham_coup
258     ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'BSC'
259     ! if dataset mode, and getbscoup==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'BSC'
260     ! if dataset mode, and getbscoup/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jget_coup_bsham)//'BSC'
262   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_bseig
263    ! The name of the file containing the eigenstates and eigenvalues of the Bethe-Salpeter Hamiltonian
264    ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'BS_EIG'
265    ! if dataset mode, and getbseig==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'BS_EIG'
266    ! if dataset mode, and getbseig/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jget_bseig)//'BS_EIG'
268    character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_haydock
269    ! The prefix used to construct the names of the files containing the coefficients of the
270    ! continued fractions produced by the Haydock iterative algorithm.
271    ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'HAYDOCK'
272    ! if dataset mode, and gethaydock==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'HAYDOCK'
273    ! if dataset mode, and gethaydock/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jget_bseig)//'HAYDOCK'
275    character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_wfkfine
276    ! The name of the file containing the wavefunctions on a fine grid
277    ! if no dataset mode             : abi//'WFK'
278    ! if dataset mode, and gethaydock==0 : abi//'_DS'//trim(jdtset)//'WFK'
279    ! if dataset mode, and gethaydock/=0 : abo//'_DS'//trim(jget_bseig)//'WFK'
281 !END @BEthe-Salpeter
283 !The following filenames do not depend on itimimage, iimage and itime loops.
284 !Note the following convention:
285 !  fnameabo_* are filenames used for ouput results (writing)
286 !  fnameabi_* are filenames used for data that should be read by the code.
287 !  fnametmp_* are filenames used for temporary files that should be erased at the end of each dataset.
288 !
289 !If a file does not have the corresponding "abi" or the corresponding "abo" name, that means that
290 !that particular file is only used for writing or for reading results, respectively.
292   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_efmas
293   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_hes
294   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_phfrq
295   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_phvec
296   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_qps
297   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_scr            ! SCReening file (symmetrized inverse dielectric matrix)
298   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_sus            ! KS independent-particle polarizability file
299   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabi_chkp_rdm       ! Checkpoint for GW@DFA to read
300   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_ddb
301   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_den
302   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_ks_den         ! KS DEN file at Sigma level
303   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_chkp_rdm       ! Checkpoint for GW@DFA to write
304   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_dos
305   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_dvdb
306   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_eelf
307   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_eig
308   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_eigi2d
309   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_eigr2d
310   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_em1
311   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_em1_lf
312   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_em1_nlf
313   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_fan
314   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_gkk
315   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_gw
316   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_gw_nlf_mdf
317   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_kss
318   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_moldyn
319   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_pot
320   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_qps            ! Quasi-Particle band structure file.
321   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_qp_den
322   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_qp_pawden      ! Full QP density
323   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_qp_dos
324   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_qp_eig
325   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_rpa
326   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_rpa_nlf_mdf
327   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_scr
328   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_sgm
329   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_sgr
330   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_sig
331   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_spcur
332   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_sus
333   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_td_ener
334   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_vha
335   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_vpsp
336   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_vso
337   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_vxc
338   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_wan
339   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_wfk
340   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_wfq
341   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_w90
342   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_1wf
343   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_gwdiag
344   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_nlcc_derivs
345   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_pspdata
347 !The following filenames are initialized only iniside itimimage, iimage and itime loops,
348 !and are appended with the adequate specifier 'app'.
350   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app
351   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_atmden_core
352   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_atmden_full
353   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_atmden_val
354   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_n_tilde
355   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_n_one
356   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_nt_one
357   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_bxsf
358   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_cif
359   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_den
360   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_dos
361   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_elf
362   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_elf_down
363   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_elf_up
364   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_eig
365   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_fatbands
366   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_gden1
367   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_gden2
368   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_gden3
369   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_geo
370   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_kden
371   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_lden
372   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_nesting
373   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_pawden
374   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_pot
375   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_opt
376   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_opt2
377   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_stm
378   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vclmb
379   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vha
380   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vhxc
381   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vhpsp
382   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vpsp
383   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vxc
384   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_wfk
385   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_1dm
386   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vha_1dm
387   character(len=fnlen) :: fnameabo_app_vclmb_1dm
388   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_app_den
389   character(len=fnlen) :: fnametmp_app_kden
391  end type datafiles_type

m_dtfil/dtfil_init [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize most of the dtfil structured variable
 (what is left should be initialized inside the itimimage,
 iimage and itime loops).


 dtset=<type datasets_type>contain all input variables for the current dataset
 filnam(5)=character strings giving file names
 filstat=character strings giving name of status file
 idtset=number of the dataset
 jdtset_(0:ndtset)=actual index of the datasets
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 ndtset=number of datasets
 [image_index]= index of image to be used when appending
             "_IMGxxx" string to file names. To be used only when an algorithm
             using images of the cell is activated


 dtfil=<type datafiles_type>infos about file names, file unit numbers
  (part of which were initialized previously)


 The array filnam is used for the name of input and output files,
 and roots for generic input, output or temporary files.
 Pseudopotential file names are set in pspini and pspatm,
 using another name. The name filstat will be needed beyond gstate to check
 the appearance of the "exit" flag, to make a hasty exit, as well as
 in order to output the status of the computation.


441 subroutine dtfil_init(dtfil,dtset,filnam,filstat,idtset,jdtset_,mpi_enreg,ndtset,&
442 &                      image_index) ! optional argument
444 !Arguments ------------------------------------
445 !scalars
446  integer, intent(in) :: idtset,ndtset
447  integer, optional, intent(in) :: image_index
448  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filstat
449  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
450  type(datafiles_type),intent(inout) :: dtfil !vz_i
451 !arrays
452  integer :: jdtset_(0:ndtset)
453  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(5)
454  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
456 !Local variables-------------------------------
457 !scalars
458 ! Define input and output unit numbers (do not forget, unit 5 and 6 are standard input and output)
459 ! Also, unit number 21, 22 and 23 are used in dfpt_nstdy, for the 3 dot wavefunctions.
460 ! Unit 50,51,52 and 53 are used in dfpt_looppert (for ipert=natom+2, ipert=natom+10 and ipert=natom+11).
461 ! Others unit numbers will be used in the case of the variational and 2n+1 expressions.
462 ! In defs_basis, one defines :
463 !   std_in=5, ab_in=5, std_out=6, ab_out=7, tmp_unit=9, tmp_unit2=10
464 ! TODO: Remove all these units and use get_unit API
465  integer,parameter :: unchi0=42,unddb=16,unddk=50,undkdk=54,undkde=55,unkg1=19,unkg=17,unkgq=18
466  integer,parameter :: unpaw=26,unpaw1=27,unpawq=28,unpos=30
467  integer,parameter :: unwff1=1,unwff2=2,unwff3=8,unwffgs=3,unwfkq=4,unwft1=11
468  integer,parameter :: unwft2=12,unwft3=15,unwftgs=13,unwftkq=14,unylm=24,unylm1=25
469  integer,parameter :: unkss=40,unscr=41,unqps=43
470  integer :: ii,iimage,ireadden,ireadkden,ireadwf,ixx,jdtset,will_read
471  character(len=10) :: appen,tag
472  character(len=9) :: stringvar
473  character(len=15) :: stringfile
474  character(len=500) :: msg
475  character(len=fnlen) :: filsus,filddbsin,fildens1in,fildensin,filpawdensin,filkdensin,filqps,filscr,fil_efmas
476  character(len=fnlen) :: fnamewff1,fnamewffddk,fnamewffdelfd,fnamewffdkdk,fnamewffdkde,fnamewffk,fnamewffq
477  character(len=fnlen) :: filbseig,filfft,filhaydock,fil_bsreso,fil_bscoup
478  character(len=fnlen) :: filwfkfine
479  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam_ds(5)
480  character(len=fnlen) :: tmpfil(14)
481  integer :: idtmpfil(14)
483 !******************************************************************
487  iimage=0;if (present(image_index)) iimage=image_index
489  dtfil%unchi0 =unchi0
490  dtfil%unddb  =unddb
491  dtfil%unddk  =unddk
492  dtfil%undkde =undkde
493  dtfil%undkdk =undkdk
494  dtfil%unkg   =unkg
495  dtfil%unkgq  =unkgq
496  dtfil%unkg1  =unkg1
497  dtfil%unkss  =unkss
498  dtfil%unqps  =unqps
499  dtfil%unscr  =unscr
500  dtfil%unwff1 =unwff1
501  dtfil%unwff2 =unwff2
502  dtfil%unwff3 =unwff3
503  dtfil%unwffgs=unwffgs
504  dtfil%unwffkq=unwfkq
505  dtfil%unwft1 =unwft1
506  dtfil%unwft2 =unwft2
507  dtfil%unwft3 =unwft3
508  dtfil%unwftgs=unwftgs
509  dtfil%unwftkq=unwftkq
510  dtfil%unylm  =unylm
511  dtfil%unylm1 =unylm1
512  dtfil%unpaw  =unpaw
513  dtfil%unpaw1 =unpaw1
514  dtfil%unpawq =unpawq
515  dtfil%unpos  =unpos
516  filnam_ds(1:5)=filnam(1:5)
517  jdtset=dtset%jdtset
519  ! If multi dataset mode, special treatment of filenames 3 and 4 (density and
520  ! wavefunctions input and output, as well as other output files)
521  if(ndtset>0)then
522    call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
523    filnam_ds(3)=trim(filnam(3))//'_DS'//trim(appen)
524    filnam_ds(4)=trim(filnam(4))//'_DS'//trim(appen)
525  end if
527  ! If multi image mode (nimage>1), special treatment of filenames 4 and 5
528  if(iimage>0)then
529    call appdig(iimage,'',appen)
530    filnam_ds(4)=trim(filnam_ds(4))//'_IMG'//trim(appen)
531    filnam_ds(5)=trim(filnam_ds(5))//'_IMG'//trim(appen)
532  end if
534  ! According to getwfk and irdwfk, build _WFK file name, referred as fnamewffk
535  if (iimage >0 .and. dtfil%getwfk_from_image /= 0) then
536    if (dtfil%getwfk_from_image==-1) then
537      call appdig(iimage,'',appen)
538    else
539      call appdig(dtfil%getwfk_from_image,'',appen)
540    end if
541    stringfile='_IMG'//trim(appen)//'_WFK'
542  else
543    stringfile='_WFK'
544  end if
545  stringvar='wfk'
546  call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffk,dtset%getwfk,idtset,dtset%irdwfk,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
547                  getpath=dtset%getwfk_filepath)
549  if (dtset%optdriver /= RUNL_RESPFN) ireadwf = will_read
550  if(ndtset/=0 .and. dtset%optdriver==RUNL_RESPFN .and. will_read==0)then
551    write(msg, '(5a,i0,3a,i0,a,i0,3a)' )&
552    'At least one of the input variables irdwfk and getwfk ',ch10,&
553    'must refer to a valid _WFK file, in the response function',ch10,&
554    'case, while for idtset = ',idtset,',',ch10,&
555    'they are irdwfk= ',dtset%irdwfk,', and getwfk= ',dtset%getwfk,'.',ch10,&
556    'Action: correct irdwfk or getwfk in your input file.'
557    ABI_ERROR(msg)
558  end if
560 !Treatment of the other get wavefunction variable, if response function case or nonlinear case
561  if (ANY(dtset%optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_NONLINEAR, RUNL_EPH, RUNL_LONGWAVE])) then
563    ! According to getwfq and irdwfq, build _WFQ file name, referred as fnamewffq
564    stringfile='_WFQ' ; stringvar='wfq'
565    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffq,dtset%getwfq,idtset,dtset%irdwfq,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
566                    getpath=dtset%getwfq_filepath)
567    ! If fnamewffq is not initialized thanks to getwfq or irdwfq, use fnamewffk
568    if(will_read==0) fnamewffq = fnamewffk
570    ! According to get1wf and ird1wf, build _1WF file name, referred as fnamewff1
571    stringfile='_1WF' ; stringvar='1wf'
572    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewff1,dtset%get1wf,idtset,dtset%ird1wf,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
573    ireadwf=will_read
575    ! According to getddk and irdddk, build _1WF file name, referred as fnamewffddk
576    stringfile='_1WF' ; stringvar='ddk'
577    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffddk,dtset%getddk,idtset,dtset%irdddk,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
579    ! According to getdelfd, build _1WF file name, referred as fnamewffdelfd
580    stringfile='_1WF' ; stringvar='delfd'
581    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffdelfd,dtset%getdelfd,idtset,0,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
583    ! According to getdkdk, build _1WF file name, referred as fnamewffdkdk
584    stringfile='_1WF' ; stringvar='dkdk'
585    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffdkdk,dtset%getdkdk,idtset,0,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
587    ! According to getdkde, build _1WF file name, referred as fnamewffdkde
588    stringfile='_1WF' ; stringvar='dkde'
589    call mkfilename(filnam,fnamewffdkde,dtset%getdkde,idtset,0,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
590  end if
592 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
593  ! Build name of files from dtfil%filnam_ds(3)
595  ! According to getddb, build _DDB file name, referred as filddbsin
596  stringfile='_DDB'; stringvar='ddb'
597  call mkfilename(filnam,filddbsin,dtset%getddb,idtset,dtset%irdddb,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
598                   getpath=dtset%getddb_filepath)
600  ! According to getpot, build _POT file name
601  stringfile='_POT'; stringvar='pot'
602  call mkfilename(filnam, dtfil%filpotin, 0, idtset, 0, jdtset_, ndtset, stringfile, stringvar, will_read, &
603                   getpath=dtset%getpot_filepath)
605  ! According to getdvdb, build _DVDB file name
606  stringfile='_DVDB'; stringvar='dvdb'
607  call mkfilename(filnam,dtfil%fildvdbin,dtset%getdvdb,idtset,dtset%irddvdb,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
608                   getpath=dtset%getdvdb_filepath)
609  if (will_read == 0) dtfil%fildvdbin = ABI_NOFILE
611  ! According to getsigeph_filepath, build _SIGEPH file name
612  stringfile=''; stringvar='sigeph'
613  call mkfilename(filnam, dtfil%filsigephin, 0, idtset, 0, jdtset_, ndtset, stringfile, stringvar, will_read, &
614                   getpath=dtset%getsigeph_filepath)
615  ! If getsigeph_filepath is not used, will read the output as assumed in the transport driver when called after sigeph
616  if (will_read == 0) dtfil%filsigephin = strcat(filnam_ds(4), "")
618  ! According to getgstore_filepath, build _GSTORE file name
619  stringfile=''; stringvar='gstore'
620  call mkfilename(filnam, dtfil%filgstorein, 0, idtset, 0, jdtset_, ndtset, stringfile, stringvar, will_read, &
621                  getpath=dtset%getgstore_filepath)
622  if (will_read == 0) dtfil%filgstorein = ABI_NOFILE
624  ! According to getden, build _DEN file name, referred as fildensin
625  ! A default is available if getden is 0
626  if (iimage>0.and.dtfil%getden_from_image/=0) then
627    if (dtfil%getden_from_image==-1) then
628      call appdig(iimage,'',appen)
629    else
630      call appdig(dtfil%getden_from_image,'',appen)
631    end if
632    stringfile='_IMG'//trim(appen)//'_DEN'
633  else
634    stringfile='_DEN'
635  end if
636  stringvar='den'
637  call mkfilename(filnam,fildensin,dtset%getden,idtset,dtset%irdden,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar, will_read, &
638                  getpath=dtset%getden_filepath)
639  if(will_read==0)fildensin=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_DEN'
640  ireadden=will_read
641  if ((dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GWLS.or.dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) .and.dtset%iscf<0) ireadden=1
643  ! According to getkden and usekden, build _KDEN file name, referred as filkdensin
644  ! A default is available if getkden is 0
645  if(dtset%usekden==1)then
646    if (iimage>0.and.dtfil%getkden_from_image/=0) then
647      if (dtfil%getkden_from_image==-1) then
648        call appdig(iimage,'',appen)
649      else
650        call appdig(dtfil%getkden_from_image,'',appen)
651      end if
652      stringfile='_IMG'//trim(appen)//'_KDEN'
653    else
654      stringfile='_KDEN'
655    end if
656    stringvar='kden'
657    call mkfilename(filnam,filkdensin,dtset%getkden,idtset,dtset%irdkden,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
658    if(will_read==0)filkdensin=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_KDEN'
659    ireadkden=will_read
660    if ((dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.or.dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GWLS).and.dtset%iscf<0) ireadkden=1
661  else
662    ireadkden=0
663  end if
665  ! According to getpawden, build _PAWDEN file name, referred as filpawdensin
666  ! A default is available if getpawden is 0
667  if (iimage>0.and.dtfil%getpawden_from_image/=0) then
668    if (dtfil%getpawden_from_image==-1) then
669      call appdig(iimage,'',appen)
670    else
671      call appdig(dtfil%getpawden_from_image,'',appen)
672    end if
673    stringfile='_IMG'//trim(appen)//'_PAWDEN'
674  else
675    stringfile='_PAWDEN'
676  end if
677  stringvar='pawden'
678  call mkfilename(filnam,filpawdensin,dtset%getpawden,idtset,dtset%irdden,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
679  if(will_read==0)filpawdensin=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_PAWDEN'
681  ! According to get1den, build _DEN file name, referred as fildens1in
682  ! A default is available if get1den is 0
683  stringfile='_DEN' ; stringvar='1den'
684  call mkfilename(filnam,fildens1in,dtset%get1den,idtset,dtset%ird1den,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
685  if(will_read==0)fildens1in=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_DEN'
687  ! According to getefmas and irdefmas, build _EFMAS file name, referred as fil_efmas
688  ! A default is available if getefmas is 0
689  stringfile='' ; stringvar='efmas'
690  call mkfilename(filnam,fil_efmas,dtset%getefmas,idtset,dtset%irdefmas,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
691  if(will_read==0)fil_efmas=trim(filnam_ds(3))//''
693  ! According to getscr and irdscr, build _SCR file name, referred as filscr
694  ! A default is available if getscr is 0
695  stringfile='_SCR' ; stringvar='scr'
696  call mkfilename(filnam,filscr,dtset%getscr,idtset,dtset%irdscr,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
697                  getpath=dtset%getscr_filepath)
698  if(will_read==0)filscr=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_SCR'
700  ! According to getsuscep and irdsuscep, build _SUS file name, referred as filsus
701  ! A default is available if getsuscep is 0
702  stringfile='_SUS' ; stringvar='sus'
703  call mkfilename(filnam,filsus,dtset%getsuscep,idtset,dtset%irdsuscep,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
704  if(will_read==0)filsus=TRIM(filnam_ds(3))//'_SUS'
706  ! According to getqps and irdqps, build _QPS file name, referred as filqps
707  ! A default is available if getqps is 0
708  stringfile='_QPS' ; stringvar='qps'
709  call mkfilename(filnam,filqps,dtset%getqps,idtset,dtset%irdqps,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
710  if(will_read==0)filqps=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_QPS'
712  ! According to getbseig and irdbseig, build _BSEIG file name, referred as filbseig
713  ! A default is available if getbseig is 0
714  stringfile='_BSEIG' ; stringvar='bseig'
715  call mkfilename(filnam,filbseig,dtset%getbseig,idtset,dtset%irdbseig,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
716  if(will_read==0)filbseig=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_BSEIG'
718  ! According to gethaydock and irdhaydock, build _HAYD file name, referred as filhaydock.
719  ! A default is available if gethaydock is 0
720  stringfile='_HAYDR_SAVE' ; stringvar='haydock'
721  call mkfilename(filnam,filhaydock,dtset%gethaydock,idtset,dtset%irdhaydock,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
722  if(will_read==0)filhaydock=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_HAYDR_SAVE'
724  ! According to getbsr and irdbsr, build _BSR file name, referred as fil_bsreso
725  ! A default is available if getbsr is 0
726  stringfile='_BSR' ; stringvar='bsreso'
727  call mkfilename(filnam,fil_bsreso,dtset%getbsreso,idtset,dtset%irdbsreso,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
728  if(will_read==0) fil_bsreso=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_BSR'
730  ! According to getbsc and irdbsc, build _BSC file name, referred as fil_bscoup
731  ! A default is available if getbsc is 0
732  stringfile='_BSC' ; stringvar='bscoup'
733  call mkfilename(filnam,fil_bscoup,dtset%getbscoup,idtset,dtset%irdbscoup,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read)
734  if(will_read==0)fil_bscoup=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_BSC'
736  ! According to getwfkfine and irdwfkfine, build _WFK file name, referred as filwfkfine
737  ! A default is avaible if getwfkfine is 0
738  stringfile='_WFK' ; stringvar='wfkfine'
739  call mkfilename(filnam,filwfkfine,dtset%getwfkfine,idtset,dtset%irdwfkfine,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfile,stringvar,will_read, &
740                  getpath=dtset%getwfkfine_filepath)
741  if(will_read==0)filwfkfine=trim(filnam_ds(3))//'_WFK'
743  dtfil%ireadden      =ireadden
744  dtfil%ireadkden     =ireadkden
745  dtfil%ireadwf       =ireadwf
746  dtfil%filnam_ds(1:5)=filnam_ds(1:5)
748  dtfil%fnameabi_bsham_reso=fil_bsreso
749  dtfil%fnameabi_bsham_coup=fil_bscoup
750  dtfil%fnameabi_bseig=filbseig
751  dtfil%fnameabi_haydock=filhaydock
752  dtfil%fnameabi_sus  =filsus
753  dtfil%fnameabi_qps  =filqps
754  dtfil%fnameabi_scr  =filscr
755  dtfil%fnameabi_efmas=fil_efmas
756  dtfil%filddbsin     =filddbsin
757  dtfil%fildensin     =fildensin
758  dtfil%fildens1in    =fildens1in
759  dtfil%filkdensin    =filkdensin
760  dtfil%filpawdensin  =filpawdensin
761  dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine = filwfkfine
762  dtfil%filstat       =filstat
763  dtfil%fnamewffk     =fnamewffk
764  dtfil%fnamewffq     =fnamewffq
765  dtfil%fnamewffddk   =fnamewffddk
766  dtfil%fnamewffdelfd =fnamewffdelfd
767  dtfil%fnamewffdkdk  =fnamewffdkdk
768  dtfil%fnamewffdkde  =fnamewffdkde
769  dtfil%fnamewff1     =fnamewff1
771  dtfil%fnameabi_hes=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(3))//'_HES'
772  dtfil%fnameabi_phfrq=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(3))//'_PHFRQ'
773  dtfil%fnameabi_phvec=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(3))//'_PHVEC'
774  dtfil%fnameabi_chkp_rdm =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(3))//'_CHKP_RDM_'
776 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
777  ! Build name of files from dtfil%filnam_ds(4)
779  dtfil%fnameabo_ddb=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_DDB'
780  dtfil%fnameabo_den=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_DEN'
781  dtfil%fnameabo_dos=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_DOS'
782  dtfil%fnameabo_dvdb=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_DVDB'
783  dtfil%fnameabo_eelf=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EELF'
784  dtfil%fnameabo_eig=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EIG'
785  dtfil%fnameabo_eigi2d=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EIGI2D'
786  dtfil%fnameabo_eigr2d=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EIGR2D'
787  dtfil%fnameabo_em1=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EM1'
788  dtfil%fnameabo_em1_lf=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EM1_LF'
789  dtfil%fnameabo_em1_nlf=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_EM1_NLF'
790  dtfil%fnameabo_fan=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_FAN'
791  dtfil%fnameabo_gkk=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_GKK'
792  dtfil%fnameabo_gw=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_GW' ! TODO change name
793  dtfil%fnameabo_gwdiag=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_GWDIAG'
794  dtfil%fnameabo_kss=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_KSS'
795  dtfil%fnameabo_moldyn=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_MOLDYN'
796  dtfil%fnameabo_pot=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_POT'
797  dtfil%fnameabo_qps=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_QPS'
798  dtfil%fnameabo_qp_den=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_QP_DEN'
799  dtfil%fnameabo_qp_pawden=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_QP_PAWDEN'
800  dtfil%fnameabo_qp_dos=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_QP_DOS'
801  dtfil%fnameabo_qp_eig=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'' ! TODO change name
802  dtfil%fnameabo_rpa=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_RPA'
803  dtfil%fnameabo_scr=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SCR'
804  dtfil%fnameabo_ks_den=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_KS_DEN'
805  dtfil%fnameabo_chkp_rdm=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_CHKP_RDM_'
806  dtfil%fnameabo_sgm=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SGM'
807  dtfil%fnameabo_sgr=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SGR'
808  dtfil%fnameabo_sig=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SIG'
809  dtfil%fnameabo_spcur=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SPCUR'
810  dtfil%fnameabo_sus=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_SUS'
811  dtfil%fnameabo_td_ener=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_TDENER'
812  dtfil%fnameabo_vha=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_VHA'
813  dtfil%fnameabo_vpsp=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_VPSP'
814  dtfil%fnameabo_vso=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_VSO'
815  dtfil%fnameabo_vxc=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_VXC'
816  dtfil%fnameabo_wan=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_WAN'
817  dtfil%fnameabo_wfk=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_WFK'
818  dtfil%fnameabo_wfq=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_WFQ'
819  dtfil%fnameabo_w90=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_w90'
820  dtfil%fnameabo_1wf=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_1WF'
821  dtfil%fnameabo_nlcc_derivs=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_nlcc_derivs_'
822  dtfil%fnameabo_pspdata=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//'_pspdata_'
824 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
825  ! Build name of files from dtfil%filnam_ds(5)
826  dtfil%fnametmp_eig=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_EIG'
827  dtfil%fnametmp_1wf1_eig=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_1WF1_EIG' ! This appendix should be changed !
828  dtfil%fnametmp_kgs=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_KGS'
829  dtfil%fnametmp_sustr=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_SUSTR'
830  dtfil%fnametmp_tdexcit=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_TDEXCIT'
831  dtfil%fnametmp_tdwf=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_TDWF'
832  dtfil%fnametmp_cg=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_cg'
833  dtfil%fnametmp_cprj=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_cprj'
835  !'_WF1' -> dtfil%unwft1
836  !'_WF2' -> dtfil%unwft2
837  !'_KG' ->  dtfil%unkg
838  !'_DUM' -> tmp_unit (real dummy name)
839  !'_YLM' -> dtfil%unylm
840  !'_PAW' -> dtfil%unpaw
842  tmpfil(1)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_WF1'  ! tmpfil(1)
843  tmpfil(2)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_WF2'  ! tmpfil(2)
845  tmpfil(3)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_KG'   ! tmpfil(3)
846  tmpfil(4)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_DUM'  ! tmpfil(4)
847  tmpfil(5)=' '  ! to avoid Valgrind complain.
848  tmpfil(6)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_YLM'  ! tmpfil(6)
849  tmpfil(7)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_PAW'  ! tmpfil(7)
851  if(xmpi_paral==1)then ! parallel case: the index of the processor must be appended
852    call int2char4(mpi_enreg%me,tag)
853    ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
854    ixx=1
855    if (xmpi_mpiio == 1 .and. dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_MPI ) ixx=3
856    do ii=ixx,7
857      tmpfil(ii)=trim(tmpfil(ii))//'_P-'//trim(tag)
858    end do
859  end if
861  dtfil%fnametmp_wf1=trim(tmpfil(1))
862  dtfil%fnametmp_wf2=trim(tmpfil(2))
864  dtfil%fnametmp_kg =trim(tmpfil(3))
865  dtfil%fnametmp_dum=trim(tmpfil(4))
866  dtfil%fnametmp_ylm=trim(tmpfil(6))
867  dtfil%fnametmp_paw=trim(tmpfil(7))
869 !Create names for the temporary files based on dtfil%filnam_ds(5)
870 !by appending adequate string.
871 !'_1WF1' -> dtfil%unwft1
872 !'_1WF2' -> dtfil%unwft2
873 !'_KG'   -> dtfil%unkg
874 !'_KGQ'  -> dtfil%unkgq (not used for the time being)
875 !'_KG1'  -> dtfil%unkg1
876 !'_DUM'  -> tmp_unit (real dummy name)
877 !'_WFGS' -> dtfil%unwftgs
878 !'_WFKQ' -> dtfil%unwftkq
879 !'_YLM'  -> dtfil%unylm
880 !'_YLM1' -> dtfil%unylm1
881 !'_PAW'  -> dtfil%unpaw
882 !'_PAW1' -> dtfil%unpaw1
883 !'_PAWQ' -> dtfil%unpawq
884  tmpfil(1) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_1WF1'
885  tmpfil(2) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_1WF2'
886  tmpfil(3) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_KG'
887  tmpfil(4) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_KGQ'
888  tmpfil(5) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_KG1'
889  tmpfil(6) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_DUM'
890  tmpfil(7) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_WFGS'
891  tmpfil(8) =trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_WFKQ'
892  tmpfil(9) =' ' ! for Valgrind, to avoid uninitialized
893  tmpfil(10)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_YLM'
894  tmpfil(11)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_YLM1'
895  tmpfil(12)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_PAW'
896  tmpfil(13)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_PAW1'
897  tmpfil(14)=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_PAWQ'
899  if(xmpi_paral==1) then
900    idtmpfil(:)=0
901    do ii=1,14
902      idtmpfil(ii)=ii
903    end do
904    if (xmpi_mpiio==1.and.dtset%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
905      idtmpfil(1)=0              !_1wf1
906      idtmpfil(2)=0              ! s1wf2
907      idtmpfil(7)=0              !  WFGS
908      idtmpfil(8)=0              !  WFKQ
909    end if
910    call int2char4(mpi_enreg%me,tag)
911    ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
912    do ii=1,14
913      if(idtmpfil(ii) /= 0) tmpfil(ii)=trim(tmpfil(ii))//'_P-'//trim(tag)
914    end do
915  end if
917  dtfil%fnametmp_1wf1=trim(tmpfil(1))
918  dtfil%fnametmp_1wf2=trim(tmpfil(2))
919  dtfil%fnametmp_kg  =trim(tmpfil(3))
920  dtfil%fnametmp_kgq =trim(tmpfil(4))
921  dtfil%fnametmp_kg1 =trim(tmpfil(5))
922  dtfil%fnametmp_dum =trim(tmpfil(6))
923  dtfil%fnametmp_wfgs=trim(tmpfil(7))
924  dtfil%fnametmp_wfkq=trim(tmpfil(8))
925  dtfil%fnametmp_ylm =trim(tmpfil(10))
926  dtfil%fnametmp_ylm1=trim(tmpfil(11))
927  dtfil%fnametmp_paw =trim(tmpfil(12))
928  dtfil%fnametmp_paw1=trim(tmpfil(13))
929  dtfil%fnametmp_pawq=trim(tmpfil(14))
931  ! Prepare the name of the _FFT file
932  filfft=trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(5))//'_FFT'
933  if(xmpi_paral==1 .or. mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1)then
934    call int2char4(mpi_enreg%me,tag)
935    ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
936    filfft=trim(filfft)//'_P-'//trim(tag)
937  end if
938  dtfil%fnametmp_fft=filfft
939  dtfil%fnametmp_fft_mgga=trim(filfft)//'_MGGA'
941  ! These keywords are only used in algorithms using images of the cell
942  if (iimage==0) then
943    dtfil%getwfk_from_image   =0
944    dtfil%getden_from_image   =0
945    dtfil%getkden_from_image  =0
946    dtfil%getpawden_from_image=0
947  end if
951 end subroutine dtfil_init

m_dtfil/dtfil_init_img [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize few scalars in the dtfil structured variable
 when an alogrithm using image of the cell is selected.
 (initialize index of images from which read files)


  dtset=<type datasets_type>=input variables for the current dataset
  dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datasets_type>=input variables for all datasets
  idtset=number of the dataset
  jdtset(0:ndtset)=actual index of the datasets
  ndtset=number of datasets
  ndtset_alloc=number of datasets, corrected for allocation of at least one data set



 dtfil=<type datafiles_type>= only getxxx_from_image flags are modified


1156 subroutine dtfil_init_img(dtfil,dtset,dtsets,idtset,jdtset,ndtset,ndtset_alloc)
1158 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1159 !scalars
1160  integer, intent(in) :: idtset,ndtset,ndtset_alloc
1161  type(datafiles_type),intent(out) :: dtfil
1162  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1163 !arrays
1164  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset(0:ndtset)
1165  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)
1167 !Local variables -------------------------
1168 !scalars
1169  integer :: iget
1171 ! *********************************************************************
1175 !Default values
1176  dtfil%getwfk_from_image   =0 ! Get standard WFK from previous dataset
1177  dtfil%getden_from_image   =0 ! Get standard DEN from previous dataset
1178  dtfil%getkden_from_image  =0 ! Get standard KDEN from previous dataset
1179  dtfil%getpawden_from_image=0 ! Get standard PAWDEN from previous dataset
1181  if (dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.dtset%nimage>1) then
1183 !  Define getwfk_from_image
1184    if (dtset%getwfk/=0.or.dtset%irdwfk/=0) then
1185      iget=-1
1186      if(dtset%getwfk<0) iget=jdtset(idtset+dtset%getwfk)
1187      if(dtset%getwfk>0) iget=dtset%getwfk
1188      if(dtset%irdwfk>0) iget=0
1189      if (iget>=0) then
1190        if (iget==0.or.dtsets(iget)%nimage==dtset%nimage) then
1191          dtfil%getwfk_from_image=-1     ! Get WFK from the same image of previous dataset
1192        else if (dtsets(iget)%nimage>1) then
1193          dtfil%getwfk_from_image=1      ! Get WFK from the first image of previous dataset
1194        end if
1195      end if
1196    end if
1198 !  Define getden_from_image
1199    if (dtset%getden/=0.or.dtset%irdden/=0) then
1200      iget=-1
1201      if(dtset%getden<0) iget=jdtset(idtset+dtset%getden)
1202      if(dtset%getden>0) iget=dtset%getden
1203      if(dtset%irdden>0) iget=0
1204      if (iget>=0) then
1205        if (iget==0.or.dtsets(iget)%nimage==dtset%nimage) then
1206          dtfil%getden_from_image=-1     ! Get DEN from the same image of previous dataset
1207        else if (dtsets(iget)%nimage>1) then
1208          dtfil%getden_from_image=1      ! Get DEN from the first image of previous dataset
1209        end if
1210      end if
1211    end if
1213 !  Define getkden_from_image
1214    if (dtset%getkden/=0.or.dtset%irdkden/=0) then
1215      iget=-1
1216      if(dtset%getkden<0) iget=jdtset(idtset+dtset%getkden)
1217      if(dtset%getkden>0) iget=dtset%getkden
1218      if(dtset%irdkden>0) iget=0
1219      if (iget>=0) then
1220        if (iget==0.or.dtsets(iget)%nimage==dtset%nimage) then
1221          dtfil%getkden_from_image=-1     ! Get KDEN from the same image of previous dataset
1222        else if (dtsets(iget)%nimage>1) then
1223          dtfil%getkden_from_image=1      ! Get KDEN from the first image of previous dataset
1224        end if
1225      end if
1226    end if
1228 !  Define getpawden_from_image
1229    if (dtset%getpawden/=0.or.dtset%irdpawden/=0) then
1230      iget=-1
1231      if(dtset%getpawden<0) iget=jdtset(idtset+dtset%getpawden)
1232      if(dtset%getpawden>0) iget=dtset%getpawden
1233      if(dtset%irdpawden>0) iget=0
1234      if (iget>=0) then
1235        if (iget==0.or.dtsets(iget)%nimage==dtset%nimage) then
1236          dtfil%getpawden_from_image=-1     ! Get PAWDEN from the same image of previous dataset
1237        else if (dtsets(iget)%nimage>1) then
1238          dtfil%getpawden_from_image=1      ! Get PAWDEN from the first image of previous dataset
1239        end if
1240      end if
1241    end if
1242  end if
1244  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1246 end subroutine dtfil_init_img

m_dtfil/dtfil_init_time [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Inside the itimimage, iimage and itime loops (this is only needed for optdriver=0),
 initialize the remaining parts of dtfil.


 iapp=indicates the eventual suffix to be appended to the generic output root
         if 0 : no suffix to be appended (called directly from gstate)
         if positive : append "_TIM//iapp" (called from move or brdmin)
         if -1 : append "_TIM0" (called from brdmin)
         if -2, -3, -4, -5: append "_TIMA", ... ,"_TIMD", (called from move)



 dtfil=<type datafiles_type>infos about file names, file unit numbers
  (part of which were initialized previously)


 978 subroutine dtfil_init_time(dtfil,iapp)
 980 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 981 !scalars
 982  integer, intent(in) :: iapp
 983  type(datafiles_type),intent(inout) :: dtfil
 985 !Local variables-------------------------------
 986 !scalars
 987  character(len=fnlen) :: filapp,filprot
 989 !******************************************************************
 993 !--------------------------------------------------------
 994 !Names based on dtfil%filnam_ds(4)+iapp
 996 !Prepare the name of the auxiliary files DOS, EIG...
 997  call fappnd(filapp,dtfil%filnam_ds(4),iapp)
 998  dtfil%fnameabo_app=trim(filapp)
 999  dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_core=trim(filapp)//'_ATMDEN_CORE'
1000  dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_val=trim(filapp)//'_ATMDEN_VAL'
1001  dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_full=trim(filapp)//'_ATMDEN_FULL'
1002  dtfil%fnameabo_app_n_tilde=trim(filapp)//'_N_TILDE'
1003  dtfil%fnameabo_app_n_one=trim(filapp)//'_N_ONE'
1004  dtfil%fnameabo_app_nt_one=trim(filapp)//'_NT_ONE'
1005  dtfil%fnameabo_app_bxsf=trim(filapp)//'_BXSF'
1006  dtfil%fnameabo_app_cif=trim(filapp)//'.cif'
1007  dtfil%fnameabo_app_den=trim(filapp)//'_DEN'
1008  dtfil%fnameabo_app_dos=trim(filapp)//'_DOS'
1009  dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig=trim(filapp)//'_EIG'
1010  dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf=trim(filapp)//'_ELF'
1011  dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf_down=trim(filapp)//'_ELF_DOWN'
1012  dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf_up=trim(filapp)//'_ELF_UP'
1013  dtfil%fnameabo_app_fatbands=trim(filapp)//'_FATBANDS'
1014  dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden1=trim(filapp)//'_GDEN1'
1015  dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden2=trim(filapp)//'_GDEN2'
1016  dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden3=trim(filapp)//'_GDEN3'
1017  dtfil%fnameabo_app_geo=trim(filapp)//'_GEO'
1018  dtfil%fnameabo_app_kden=trim(filapp)//'_KDEN'
1019  dtfil%fnameabo_app_lden=trim(filapp)//'_LDEN'
1020  dtfil%fnameabo_app_nesting=trim(filapp)//'_NEST'
1021  dtfil%fnameabo_app_opt=trim(filapp)//'_OPT'
1022  dtfil%fnameabo_app_opt2=trim(filapp)//'_OPT2'
1023  dtfil%fnameabo_app_pawden=trim(filapp)//'_PAWDEN'
1024  dtfil%fnameabo_app_pot=trim(filapp)//'_POT'
1025  dtfil%fnameabo_app_stm=trim(filapp)//'_STM'
1026  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vclmb=trim(filapp)//'_VCLMB'
1027  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vha=trim(filapp)//'_VHA'
1028  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vhxc=trim(filapp)//'_VHXC'
1029  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vpsp=trim(filapp)//'_VPSP'
1030  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vxc=trim(filapp)//'_VXC'
1031  dtfil%fnameabo_app_wfk=trim(filapp)//'_WFK'
1032  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vha_1dm=trim(filapp)//'_VHA_1DM'
1033  dtfil%fnameabo_app_vclmb_1dm=trim(filapp)//'_VCLMB_1DM'
1034  dtfil%fnameabo_app_1dm=trim(filapp)//'_1DM'
1036 !--------------------------------------------------------
1037 !Names based on dtfil%filnam_ds(5)+iapp
1039 !Prepare the name of the auxiliary files for protection
1040  call fappnd(filprot,dtfil%filnam_ds(5),iapp)
1041  dtfil%fnametmp_app_den=trim(filprot)//'_DEN'
1042  dtfil%fnametmp_app_kden=trim(filprot)//'_KDEN'
1044  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1046 end subroutine dtfil_init_time

m_dtfil/fappnd [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Create the modified root name to be used for output of density, potential,
 and geometry files. See the description of the iapp input variable.


 filnam= generic output root name
 iapp=indicates the eventual suffix to be appended to the generic output root
      (the suffixe depends on the presence of the suff (optional) argument.
        if 0 : no suffix to be appended (called directly from gstate)
        if positive : append "_SUF//iapp" (called from move or brdmin)
        if -1 : append "_SUF0" (called from brdmin)
        if -2, -3, -4, -5: append "_SUFA", ... ,"_SUFD", (called from move)
      SUF can be TIM (default) or IMG
 [suff]= --optional argument--indicates the suffixe to be appended:
         SUF=TIM (default) or SUF=IMG or ...


 filapp= filename with appended string


1075 subroutine fappnd(filapp,filnam,iapp,&
1076 &                 suff) ! optional argument
1078 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1079 !scalars
1080  integer,intent(in) :: iapp
1081  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam
1082  character(len=fnlen),intent(out) :: filapp
1083  character(len=3),optional,intent(in) :: suff
1085 !Local variables-------------------------------
1086 !scalars
1087  integer :: ndig
1088  character(len=3) :: suffixe
1089  character(len=8) :: nchar
1090  character(len=500) :: msg
1092 ! *************************************************************************
1094  if(iapp==0)then
1095    filapp=trim(filnam)
1096  else
1097    suffixe="TIM"
1098    if (present(suff)) suffixe=trim(suff(1:3))
1099    if(iapp>0)then
1100 !    Create character string for filename. Determine the number of digits in iapp.
1101      ndig=int(log10(dble(iapp)+0.5_dp))+1
1102 !    Make integer format field of exact size (internal write)
1103 !    for assumed nchar string of 8 characters
1104      write(nchar, '(i8)' ) iapp
1105      if (ndig>8) then
1106        write(msg,'(5a,i0,2a,i0,2a)')&
1107         'Requested file name extension has more than the allowed 8 digits.',ch10,&
1108         'Action: resubmit the job with smaller value for ntime.',ch10,&
1109         'Value computed here was ndig=',ndig,ch10,&
1110         'iapp= ',iapp,' filnam= ',trim(filnam)
1111        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1112      end if
1113 !    Concatenate into character string, picking off exact number of digits
1114 !    The potential or density label will be appended in ioarr
1115      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//nchar(9-ndig:8)
1116    else if(iapp==-1)then
1117      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//'0'
1118    else if(iapp==-2)then
1119      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//'A'
1120    else if(iapp==-3)then
1121      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//'B'
1122    else if(iapp==-4)then
1123      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//'C'
1124    else if(iapp==-5)then
1125      filapp=trim(filnam)//'_'//suffixe(1:3)//'D'
1126    end if
1127  end if
1129 end subroutine fappnd

m_dtfil/iofn1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Begin by eventual redefinition of unit std_in and std_out
 Then, print greetings for interactive user.
 Next, read filenames from unit std_in, AND check that new
 output file does not already exist.


  input_path: String with input file path. Empty string activates files file legacy mode.
  comm=MPI communicator.


  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam(5)=character strings giving file names
  character(len=fnlen) :: filstat=character strings giving name of status file


 If it does exist, isfile will create a new name to avoid overwriting the output file.
 Also create name of status file

 File names refer to following files, in order:
  (1) Formatted input file  (std_in)
  (2) Formatted output file (std_out)
  (3) Root name for generic input files (wavefunctions, potential, density ...)
  (4) Root name for generic output files (wavefunctions, potential, density, DOS, hessian ...)
  (5) Root name for generic temporary files (wftmp1,wftmp2,kgunit,status ...)


1538 subroutine iofn1(input_path, filnam, filstat, comm)
1540 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1541  integer,intent(in) :: comm
1542  character(len=fnlen), intent(in) :: input_path
1543  character(len=fnlen), intent(out) :: filstat
1544  character(len=fnlen), intent(out) :: filnam(5)
1546 !Local variables-------------------------------
1547  character(len=1) :: blank
1548  integer,parameter :: master = 0
1549  integer :: me, ios, nproc, ierr, ndtset, lenstr, marr, jdtset, tread, i1,i2
1550  logical :: ex
1551  character(len=fnlen) :: fillog, tmpfil, fname
1552  character(len=10) :: tag
1553  character(len=500) :: msg, errmsg
1554  character(len=strlen) :: string
1555 !arrays
1556  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:)
1557  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:)
1558 !*************************************************************************
1560  ! NOTE: In this routine it's very important to perform tests
1561  ! on possible IO errors (err=10, iomsg) because we are initializing the IO stuff
1562  ! It there's some problem with the hardware or some misconfiguration,
1563  ! it's very likely that the code will crash here and we should try to give useful error messages.
1565  blank = ' '; tmpfil = ''
1567  ! Determine who I am in comm
1568  me = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1570  ! Define values of do_write_log and do_write_status parameters
1571  ! if a _NOLOG file exists no LOG file and no STATUS file are created for each cpu core
1572  ! if a _LOG file exists, a LOG file and a STATUS file are created for each cpu core
1573  ! if the #_of_cpu_core>NPROC_NO_EXTRA_LOG OR presence of ABI_MAIN_LOG_FILE, LOG file is only created for master proc
1574  ! if the #_of_cpu_core>NPROC_NO_EXTRA_STATUS OR presence of ABI_MAIN_LOG_FILE, STATUS file is only created for master proc
1575  inquire(file=ABI_NO_LOG_FILE, iostat=ios, exist=ex)
1576  if (ios /= 0) ex=.false.
1577  if (ex) then
1578    do_write_log=.false. ; do_write_status=.false.
1579    call abi_log_status_state(new_do_write_log=.false.,new_do_write_status=.false.)
1580    call libpaw_log_flag_set(.false.)
1581  else
1582    inquire(file=ABI_ENFORCE_LOG_FILE, iostat=ios, exist=ex)
1583    if (ios/=0) ex=.false.
1584    if (ex) then
1585      do_write_log=.true. ; do_write_status=.true.
1586      call abi_log_status_state(new_do_write_log=.true.,new_do_write_status=.true.)
1587      call libpaw_log_flag_set(.true.)
1588    else
1589      inquire(file=ABI_MAIN_LOG_FILE, iostat=ios, exist=ex)
1590      if (ios /= 0) ex=.false.
1591      if (ex .and. me /= master) then
1592        do_write_log=.false. ; do_write_status=.false.
1593        call abi_log_status_state(new_do_write_log=.false.,new_do_write_status=.false.)
1594        call libpaw_log_flag_set(.false.)
1595      else
1596        if (me /= master) then
1597          do_write_log= (nproc<NPROC_NO_EXTRA_LOG)
1598          call abi_log_status_state(new_do_write_log=(nproc<NPROC_NO_EXTRA_LOG))
1599          call libpaw_log_flag_set((nproc<NPROC_NO_EXTRA_LOG))
1600          do_write_status= (nproc<NPROC_NO_EXTRA_STATUS)
1601          call abi_log_status_state(new_do_write_status=(nproc<NPROC_NO_EXTRA_STATUS))
1602        end if
1603      end if
1604    end if
1605  end if
1606  !do_write_log = .True.
1608  if (me == master) then
1609    !  Eventually redefine standard input and standard output
1610    if (do_write_log) then
1611 #if defined READ_FROM_FILE
1612      ! Take care of the output file
1613      tmpfil(1:fnlen)=blank
1614      tmpfil(1:3)='log'
1615      call isfile(tmpfil,'new')
1616      close(std_out, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
1617      if (open_file(tmpfil,msg,unit=std_out,form='formatted',status='new',action="write") /= 0) then
1618        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1619      end if
1620 #endif
1621    else
1622      ! Redirect standard output to null
1623      close(std_out, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
1624      if (open_file(NULL_FILE, msg, unit=std_out, action="write") /= 0) then
1625        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1626      end if
1627    end if
1629 #if defined READ_FROM_FILE
1630    ! Now take care of the "files" file
1631    tmpfil(1:fnlen)=blank
1632    tmpfil(1:9)='ab.files'
1633    write(msg, '(4a)' )&
1634     'Because of CPP option READ_FROM_FILE,',ch10,&
1635     'read file "ab.files" instead of standard input ' ,ch10
1636    ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1637    call isfile(tmpfil,'old')
1638    close(std_in, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
1639    if (open_file(tmpfil,msg,unit=std_in,form='formatted',status='old',action="read") /= 0) then
1640      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1641    end if
1642 #endif
1644    ! Print greetings for interactive user
1645    write(std_out,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg)' ABINIT ',trim(abinit_version)
1646    write(std_out,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg)' '
1648    if (len_trim(input_path) == 0) then
1649      ! Legacy Files file mode.
1650      write(std_out, "(2a)")" DeprecationWarning: ",ch10
1651      write(std_out, "(a)") "     The files file has been deprecated in Abinit9 and will be removed in Abinit10."
1652      write(std_out, "(2a)")"     Use the syntax `abinit t01.abi` where t01.abi is an input with pseudopotentials e.g.",ch10
1653      write(std_out, "(3a)")'            pseudos = "al.psp8, as.psp8"',ch10,ch10
1655      write(std_out,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg)' Give name for formatted input file: '
1656      read(std_in, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) filnam(1)
1657      write(std_out, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) trim(filnam(1))
1658      write(std_out,*)' Give name for formatted output file:'
1659      read (std_in, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) filnam(2)
1660      write (std_out, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) trim(filnam(2))
1661      write(std_out,*)' Give root name for generic input files:'
1662      read (std_in, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) filnam(3)
1663      write (std_out, '(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg ) trim(filnam(3))
1664      write(std_out,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg )' Give root name for generic output files:'
1665      read (std_in, '(a)', err=10, iomsg=errmsg ) filnam(4)
1666      write (std_out, '(a)', err=10, iomsg=errmsg ) trim(filnam(4))
1667      write(std_out,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)' Give root name for generic temporary files:'
1668      read (std_in, '(a)', err=10, iomsg=errmsg ) filnam(5)
1669      write (std_out, '(a)', err=10, iomsg=errmsg ) trim(filnam(5))
1671    else
1672      ! Get prefix from input file. Default values are provided
1673      filnam(1) = input_path
1674      filnam(2) = trim(input_path)//".abo"
1675      filnam(3) = "i"
1676      filnam(4) = "o"
1677      filnam(5) = "t"
1679      fname = basename(input_path)
1680      i1 = index(fname, ".")
1681      !if (i1 /= 0) then
1682      if (i1 > 1) then
1683        ! file ext is present --> use prefix to initialize filnam
1684        i2 = index(input_path, ".", back=.True.)
1685        filnam(2) = input_path(:i2) // "abo"
1686        filnam(3) = fname(:i1-1) // "i"
1687        filnam(4) = fname(:i1-1) // "o"
1688        filnam(5) = fname(:i1-1) // "t"
1689      end if
1691      ! Read the file, stringify it and return the number of datasets.
1692      call parsefile(input_path, lenstr, ndtset, string, xmpi_comm_self)
1694      marr = max(1, ndtset)
1695      ABI_MALLOC(dprarr, (marr))
1696      ABI_MALLOC(intarr, (marr))
1697      jdtset = 0
1699      ! Allow user to change default values
1700      call intagm(dprarr, intarr, jdtset, marr, 1, string(1:lenstr), "output_file", tread, 'KEY', key_value=filnam(2))
1701      call intagm(dprarr, intarr, jdtset, marr, 1, string(1:lenstr), "indata_prefix", tread, 'KEY', key_value=filnam(3))
1702      call intagm(dprarr, intarr, jdtset, marr, 1, string(1:lenstr), "outdata_prefix", tread, 'KEY', key_value=filnam(4))
1703      call intagm(dprarr, intarr, jdtset, marr, 1, string(1:lenstr), "tmpdata_prefix", tread, 'KEY', key_value=filnam(5))
1705      ABI_FREE(dprarr)
1706      ABI_FREE(intarr)
1707    end if
1709    ! Check that old input file exists
1710    call isfile(filnam(1), 'old')
1711    ! Check that new output file does NOT exist
1712    call isfile(filnam(2), 'new')
1714    ! Check that root name for generic input and output differ
1715    if ( trim(filnam(3)) == trim(filnam(4)) ) then
1716      write(msg, '(3a)' )&
1717      'Root name for generic input and output files must differ ',ch10,&
1718      'Action: correct your "file" file.'
1719      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1720    end if
1722    ! Check that root names are at least 20 characters less than fnlen
1723    if ( len_trim(filnam(3)) >= (fnlen-20) ) then
1724      write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,a)' )&
1725      'Root name for generic input files is too long. ',ch10,&
1726      'It must be 20 characters less than the maximal allowed ',ch10,&
1727      'length of names, that is ',fnlen,', while it is: ',len_trim(filnam(3)),ch10,&
1728      'Action: correct your "file" file.'
1729      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1730    end if
1731    if ( len_trim(filnam(4)) >= (fnlen-20) ) then
1732      write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,a)' )&
1733      'Root name for generic output files is too long. ',ch10,&
1734      'It must be 20 characters less than the maximal allowed ',ch10,&
1735      'length of names, that is ',fnlen,', while it is: ',len_trim(filnam(4)),ch10,&
1736      'Action: correct your "file" file.'
1737      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1738    end if
1739    if ( len_trim(filnam(5)) >= (fnlen-20) ) then
1740      write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,a)' )&
1741      'Root name for generic temporary files is too long. ',ch10,&
1742      'It must be 20 characters less than the maximal allowed ',ch10,&
1743      'length of names, that is ',fnlen,', while it is: ',len_trim(filnam(5)),ch10,&
1744      'Action: correct your "file" file.'
1745      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1746    end if
1748    ! TODO: Create directories if needed but I need C routines to be portable.
1749    !i = index(filnam(5), "/"); if (i > 0) call mkdir(filnam(5)(1:i-1), ierr)
1750    !i = index(filnam(6), "/"); if (i > 0) call mkdir(filnam(6)(1:i-1), ierr)
1752  end if ! master only
1754  ! Communicate filenames to all processors
1755  call xmpi_bcast(filnam,master,comm,ierr)
1757  ! Create a name for the status file, based on filnam(5)
1758  filstat=trim(filnam(5))//'_STATUS'
1760  ! Redefine the log unit if not the master
1761  if (me /= master) then
1762    call int2char4(me,tag)
1763    ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
1764    filstat=trim(filstat)//'_P-'//trim(tag)
1765    if (do_write_log) then
1766      fillog=trim(filnam(5))//'_LOG_'//trim(tag)
1767      close(std_out, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
1768      if (open_file(fillog,msg,unit=std_out,status='unknown',action="write") /= 0) then
1769        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1770      end if
1771    else
1772      close(std_out, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
1773      if (open_file(NULL_FILE,msg,unit=std_out,action="write") /= 0) then
1774        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1775      end if
1776    end if
1777  end if
1779  call xmpi_barrier(comm)
1780  return
1782  ! Handle possibe IO errors
1783  10 continue
1784  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
1786 end subroutine iofn1

m_dtfil/isfile [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 Inquire Status of FILE
 Checks that for status =
      'old': file already exists
      'new': file does not exist; if file exists,
 filnam is modified to filnam.A or filnam.B,....


 filnam=character string to specify filename
 status='old' or 'new'


 stops processing if old file does not exist; changes name
 and returns new name in redefined filnam if new file already exists.


1410 subroutine isfile(filnam, status)
1412 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1413 !scalars
1414  character(len=3),intent(in) :: status
1415  character(len=fnlen),intent(inout) :: filnam
1417 !Local variables-------------------------------
1418 !scalars
1419  logical :: ex,found
1420  integer :: ii,ios, ioserr
1421  character(len=500) :: msg
1422  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam_tmp, trialnam
1424 ! *************************************************************************
1426  filnam_tmp=filnam
1428  if (status=='old') then
1429    ! Check that old file exists
1430    inquire(file=filnam,iostat=ios,exist=ex)
1432    if (ios/=0) then
1433      write(msg,'(4a,i0,2a)')&
1434      'Checks for existence of file: ',trim(filnam),ch10,&
1435      'but INQUIRE statement returns error code',ios,ch10,&
1436      'Action: identify which problem appears with this file.'
1437      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1438    else if (.not.ex) then
1439      write(msg, '(5a)' )&
1440      'Checks for existence of file: ',trim(filnam),ch10,&
1441      'but INQUIRE finds file does not exist.',&
1442      'Action: check file name and re-run.'
1443      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1444    end if
1446  else if (status=='new') then
1448    ! Check that new output file does NOT exist
1449    ioserr = 0
1450    trialnam = filnam
1451    ii = 0
1452    inquire(file=trim(trialnam),iostat=ios,exist=ex)
1453    if (ios /= 0) then
1454      write(msg,'(3a)') &
1455      'Something is wrong with permissions for reading/writing on this filesystem.',ch10,&
1456      'Action: Check permissions.'
1457      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1458    end if
1460    if ( ex .eqv. .true. ) then
1461      write(msg,'(3a)')'Output file: ',trim(trialnam),' already exists.'
1462      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1463      found=.false.
1465      ii=1
1466      do while ( (found .eqv. .false.) .and. (ii < 10000) )
1467        call int2char4(ii,msg)
1468        trialnam=trim(trim(filnam_tmp)//msg)
1469        inquire(file=trim(trialnam),iostat=ios,exist=ex)
1470        if ( (ex .eqv. .false.) .and. (ios == 0)) then
1471          found  = .true.
1472        end if
1473        if ( ios /= 0 )  ioserr=ioserr+1
1474        if ( ioserr > 10 ) then
1475          ! There is a problem => stop
1476          write(msg, '(2a,i0,2a)' )&
1477          'Check for permissions of reading/writing files on the filesystem', &
1478          '10 INQUIRE statements returned an error code like ',ios,ch10,&
1479          'Action: Check permissions'
1480          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1481        end if
1482        ii=ii+1
1483      end do
1484      if ( found .eqv. .true. ) then
1485        write(msg,'(4a)') 'Renaming old: ',trim(filnam),' to: ',trim(trialnam)
1486        ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1487        ioserr = clib_rename(filnam, trialnam)
1488        if ( ioserr /= 0 ) then
1489          write(msg,'(4a)') 'Failed to rename file: ', trim(filnam),' to: ',trim(trialnam)
1490          ABI_ERROR(msg)
1491        end if
1492      else
1493        write(msg,'(3a)')&
1494        'Have used all names of the form filenameXXXX, X in [0-9]',ch10,&
1495        'Action: clean up your directory and start over.'
1496        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1497      end if
1498    end if
1499    ! if ii > 0 we iterated so rename abi_out to abi_outXXXX and just write to abi_out
1500  else
1501    ABI_BUG(sjoin('Input status:', status, ' not recognized.'))
1502  end if
1504 end subroutine isfile

m_dtfil/mkfilename [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_dtfil ] [ Functions ]




 From the root (input or output) file names, produce a real file name.


 filnam(5)=the root file names (only filnam(3) and filnam(4) are really needed)
 get=input 'get variable', if 1, must get the file from another dataset
 idtset=number of the dataset
 ird=input 'iread variable', if 1, must get the file from the input root
 jdtset_(0:ndtset)=actual index of the dataset
 ndtset=number of datasets
 stringfil=the string of characters to be appended e.g. '_WFK' or '_DEN'
 stringvar=the string of characters to be appended
   that defines the 'get' or 'ird' variables, e.g. 'wfk' or 'ddk'
 [getpath]=String with filename to be used as input, exclude get and ird option.


 filnam_out=the new file name
 will_read=1 if the file must be read ; 0 otherwise (ird and get were zero)


1275 subroutine mkfilename(filnam,filnam_out,get,idtset,ird,jdtset_,ndtset,stringfil,stringvar,will_read, &
1276                       getpath) ! Optional
1278 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1279 !scalars
1280  integer,intent(in) :: get,idtset,ird,ndtset
1281  integer,intent(out) :: will_read
1282  character(len=*),intent(in) :: stringfil
1283  character(len=*),intent(in) :: stringvar
1284  character(len=fnlen),intent(out) :: filnam_out
1285  character(len=fnlen),optional,intent(in) :: getpath
1286 !arrays
1287  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset)
1288  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(5)
1290 !Local variables-------------------------------
1291 !scalars
1292  integer :: jdtset,jget
1293  character(len=4) :: appen
1294  character(len=500) :: msg
1295  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam_appen
1297 ! *************************************************************************
1299  ! Here, defaults if no get variable
1300  will_read=ird
1302  filnam_appen = trim(filnam(3))
1303  if (ndtset > 0) then
1304    jdtset = jdtset_(idtset)
1305    call appdig(jdtset, '', appen)
1306    filnam_appen = trim(filnam_appen)//'_DS'//appen
1307  end if
1308  filnam_out = trim(filnam_appen)//trim(stringfil)
1310  if (present(getpath)) then
1311    if (getpath /= ABI_NOFILE) then
1312      if (ird /= 0 .or. get /= 0)then
1313        write(msg, '(11a,i0,3a,i0,a,i0,7a)' ) &
1314        'When the input variable: ', trim(getpath), ' is used ',ch10, &
1315        'the input variables ird',trim(stringvar),' and get',trim(stringvar),' cannot be',ch10,&
1316        'simultaneously non-zero, while for idtset = ',idtset,',',ch10,&
1317        'they are ',ird,', and ',get,'.',ch10,&
1318        'Action: correct ird',trim(stringvar),' or get',trim(stringvar),' in your input file.'
1319        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1320      end if
1321      filnam_out = rmquotes(getpath)
1322      write(msg, '(5a)')' mkfilename: get', trim(stringvar), " from: ",trim(filnam_out), ch10
1323      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1324      ! Check whether file exists taking into account a possible NC file extension.
1325      if (xmpi_comm_rank(xmpi_world) == 0) then
1326        if (.not. file_exists(filnam_out) .and. .not. file_exists(strcat(filnam_out, ".nc"))) then
1327          ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find file:", filnam_out, "(with or without .nc extension)"))
1328        end if
1329      end if
1330      will_read = 1; return
1331    end if
1332  end if
1334  ! Treatment of the multi-dataset case (get is not relevant otherwise)
1335  if (ndtset /= 0) then
1337    if(ndtset==1 .and. get<0 .and. (jdtset_(1)+get>0)) then
1338      write(msg, '(7a,i0,a,i0,5a)' )&
1339      'You cannot use a negative value of get',trim(stringvar),' with only 1 dataset!',ch10, &
1340      'If you want to refer to a previously computed dataset,',ch10, &
1341      'you should give the absolute index of it (i.e. ', jdtset_(idtset)+get,' instead of ',get,').',ch10, &
1342      'Action: correct get',trim(stringvar),' in your input file.'
1343      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1344    end if
1346    if (idtset + get < 0) then
1347      write(msg, '(5a,i0,3a,i0,4a)' )&
1348      'The sum of idtset and get',trim(stringvar),' cannot be negative,',ch10,&
1349      'while they are idtset = ',idtset,', and get',trim(stringvar),' = ',get,ch10,&
1350      'Action: correct get',trim(stringvar),' in your input file.'
1351      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1352    end if
1354    if(get>0 .or. (get<0 .and. idtset+get>0) )then
1356      if(ird/=0 .and. get/=0)then
1357        write(msg, '(7a,i0,3a,i0,a,i0,7a)' )&
1358        'The input variables ird',trim(stringvar),' and get',trim(stringvar),' cannot be',ch10,&
1359        'simultaneously non-zero, while for idtset = ',idtset,',',ch10,&
1360        'they are ',ird,', and ',get,'.',ch10,&
1361        'Action: correct ird',trim(stringvar),' or get',trim(stringvar),' in your input file.'
1362        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1363      end if
1365      will_read=1
1367      ! Compute the dataset from which to take the file, and the corresponding index
1368      if(get<0 .and. idtset+get>0) jget=jdtset_(idtset+get)
1369      if(get>0) jget=get
1370      call appdig(jget,'',appen)
1372      ! Note use of output filename (filnam(4))
1373      filnam_out=trim(filnam(4))//'_DS'//trim(appen)//trim(stringfil)
1375      if(jdtset>=100)then
1376        write(msg, '(5a,i5,2a)' )&
1377        ' mkfilename : get',trim(stringvar) ,'/=0, take file ',trim(stringfil),' from output of DATASET ',jget,'.',ch10
1378      else
1379        write(msg, '(5a,i3,2a)' )&
1380        ' mkfilename : get',trim(stringvar) ,'/=0, take file ',trim(stringfil),' from output of DATASET ',jget,'.',ch10
1381      end if
1382      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1383    end if ! conditions on get and idtset
1384  end if ! ndtset/=0
1386 end subroutine mkfilename