ABINIT/isopress [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 performs one half step on isopress parameters according to Martyna et al.


  amass(natom)=mass of each atom, in unit of electronic mass (=amu*1822...)
  dtion= ionic time step
  press= current pressure of the system
  prtarget= target pressure
  ucvol= unit cell volume
  vel= current velocity


  Only updates variables


  isotemp_data: updates the thermostat parameters (saved variables: bouh !)
  vel=update the velocities


746  subroutine isopress(amass,bmass,dtion,ekin,iatfix,ktemp,mttk_vars,natom,nnos,qmass,&
747    & strten,strtarget,ucvol,vel,vlogv)
749  implicit none
751 !Arguments ------------------------------------
752 !scalars
753  integer,intent(in) :: nnos,natom
754  real(dp),intent(in) :: dtion,ktemp,ucvol,bmass
755  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vlogv
756  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekin
757  type(mttk_type) :: mttk_vars
758 !arrays
759  real(dp),intent(in) :: amass(natom),strtarget(6),strten(6)
760  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vel(3,natom)
761  real(dp),intent(in) :: qmass(:)
762  integer,intent(in) :: iatfix(:,:)
764 !Local variables ------------------------------
765 !scalars
766  integer :: iatom,idir,inos
767  real(dp) :: alocal,glogv,gn1kt,gnkt,nfree,odnf,press,prtarget,scale
768  logical :: DEBUG=.FALSE.
769 !character(len=500) :: message
770 !arrays
771  real(dp),allocatable :: glogs(:),vlogs(:),xlogs(:)
773 !***************************************************************************
774 !Beginning of executable session
775 !***************************************************************************
777  if(DEBUG) then
778    write(std_out,*) ch10,'***',ch10
779    write(std_out,*)' isopress : enter '
780    write(std_out,*)' strtarget=',strtarget
781    write(std_out,*)' bmass=',bmass
782    write(std_out,*)' dtion=',dtion
783    write(std_out,*)' ktemp=',ktemp
784    write(std_out,*)' natom=',natom
785    write(std_out,*)' nnos=',nnos
786    write(std_out,*)' strten=',strten
787    write(std_out,*)' ucvol=',ucvol
788  end if
790  ABI_MALLOC(glogs,(nnos))
791  ABI_MALLOC(vlogs,(nnos))
792  ABI_MALLOC(xlogs,(nnos))
793  glogs(:)=mttk_vars%glogs(:)
794  vlogs(:)=mttk_vars%vlogs(:)
795  xlogs(:)=mttk_vars%xlogs(:)
796  glogv   =mttk_vars%glogv
797  scale=one
798 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
799  nfree=zero
800  ekin=zero
801  do iatom=1,natom
802    do idir=1,3
803 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
804 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
805      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
806        ekin=ekin+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
807 !      Counts the degrees of freedom
808        nfree=nfree+one
809      end if
810    end do
811  end do
812  prtarget=-(strtarget(1)+strtarget(2)+strtarget(3))/three
813  press=-(strten(1)+strten(2)+strten(3))/three
814  gnkt=nfree*ktemp
815  gn1kt=(nfree+one)*ktemp
816  odnf=one+three/nfree
817 !Update the forces
818  glogs(1)=(two*ekin+bmass*vlogv*vlogv-gn1kt)/qmass(1)
819  glogv=(odnf*two*ekin+three*(press-prtarget)*ucvol)/bmass
820 !Update thermostat velocity
821  vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
822  do inos=1,nnos-1
823    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(nnos+1-inos))
824    vlogs(nnos-inos)=vlogs(nnos-inos)*alocal*alocal+&
825 &   dtion/four*glogs(nnos-inos)*alocal
826  end do
827 !Update dLog(V)/dt
828  alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(1))
829  vlogv=vlogv*alocal**2+dtion/four*glogv*alocal
830 !Update the particle velocities
831  alocal=exp(-dtion/two*(vlogs(1)+odnf*vlogv))
832  scale=scale*alocal
833  ekin=ekin*alocal**2
834  glogv=(odnf*two*ekin+three*(press-prtarget)*ucvol)/bmass
835 !Update the thermostat positions
836  do inos=1,nnos
837    xlogs(inos)=xlogs(inos)+vlogs(inos)*dtion/two
838  end do
839 !Update dLog(V)/dt
840  alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(1))
841  vlogv=vlogv*alocal**2+dtion/four*glogv*alocal
842 !Update the forces
843  glogs(1)=(two*ekin+bmass*vlogv*vlogv-gn1kt)/qmass(1)
844 !Update the thermostat velocities
845  do inos=1,nnos-1
846    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(inos+1))
847    vlogs(inos)=vlogs(inos)*alocal*alocal+dtion/four*glogs(inos)*alocal
848    glogs(inos+1)=(qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)*vlogs(inos)-ktemp)/qmass(inos+1)
849  end do
850  vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
851  vel(:,:)=vel(:,:)*scale
852 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
853  ekin=zero
854  do iatom=1,natom
855    do idir=1,3
856 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
857 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
858      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
859        ekin=ekin+half*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
860      end if
861    end do
862  end do
863 !Compute the thermostat kinetic energy and add it to the ionic one
864 !First thermostat
865  ekin=ekin+half*qmass(1)*vlogs(1)**2+xlogs(1)*(nfree+one)*ktemp
866 !Other thermostats
867  do inos=2,nnos
868    ekin=ekin+half*qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)**2+xlogs(inos)*ktemp
869  end do
870 !Barostat
871  ekin=ekin+half*bmass*vlogv**2+prtarget*ucvol
872  ABI_FREE(glogs)
873  ABI_FREE(vlogs)
874  ABI_FREE(xlogs)
876 !DEBUG
877 !write(std_out,*) 'EKIN',ekin
878 !write(std_out,*) 'VLOGV',vlogv
879 !write(std_out,*)'ekin added T',half*qmass(:)*vlogs(:)**2,xlogs(:)*(nfree)*ktemp
880 !write(std_out,*)'ekin added P',half*bmass*vlogv**2,prtarget*ucvol
881 !write(std_out,*)'ekin last',ekin
883 end subroutine isopress

ABINIT/isostress [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 performs one half step on isostress parameters according to Martyna et al.


  amass(natom)=mass of each atom, in unit of electronic mass (=amu*1822...)
  dtion= ionic time step
  press= current pressure of the system
  prtarget= target pressure
  ucvol= unit cell volume
  vel= current velocity


  Only updates variables


  isotemp_data: updates the thermostat parameters (saved variables: bouh !)
  vel=update the velocities


 914  subroutine isostress(amass,bmass,dtion,ekin,iatfix,ktemp,mttk_vars,natom,nnos,&
 915    & qmass,strten,strtarget,ucvol,vel)
 917  use m_linalg_interfaces
 918  implicit none
 920 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 921 !scalars
 922  integer,intent(in) :: natom,nnos
 923  real(dp),intent(in) :: dtion,ktemp,ucvol,bmass
 924  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekin
 925  type(mttk_type) :: mttk_vars
 926 !arrays
 927  real(dp),intent(in) :: amass(natom),strtarget(6),strten(6),qmass(:)
 928  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vel(3,natom)
 929  integer, intent(in) :: iatfix(:,:)
 931 !Local variables ------------------------------
 932 !scalars
 933  integer,parameter :: lwork=8
 934  integer :: iatom,idir,info,inos,jdir
 935  real(dp) :: akinb,alocal,gn1kt,gnd2kt,nfree,odnf,trvg !,gnkt,scale
 936  logical  :: DEBUG=.FALSE.
 937 !character(len=500) :: message
 938 !arrays
 939  real(dp) :: akin(3,3),expdiag(3),gboxg(3,3),identity(3,3),press(3,3)
 940  real(dp) :: prtarget(3,3),tvtemp(3,3),uv(3),vboxg(3,3),veig(3),vtemp(3,3)
 941  real(dp) :: work(lwork)
 942  real(dp),allocatable :: glogs(:),vlogs(:),xlogs(:)
 944 !***************************************************************************
 945 !Beginning of executable session
 946 !***************************************************************************
 948  if(DEBUG) then
 949    write(std_out,*) ch10,'***',ch10
 950    write(std_out,*)' isostress : enter '
 951    write(std_out,*)' strtarget=',strtarget
 952    write(std_out,*)' bmass=',bmass
 953    write(std_out,*)' dtion=',dtion
 954    write(std_out,*)' ktemp=',ktemp
 955    write(std_out,*)' natom=',natom
 956    write(std_out,*)' nnos=',nnos
 957    write(std_out,*)' strten=',strten
 958    write(std_out,*)' ucvol=',ucvol
 959  end if
 961  ABI_MALLOC(glogs,(nnos))
 962  ABI_MALLOC(vlogs,(nnos))
 963  ABI_MALLOC(xlogs,(nnos))
 964  glogs(:)=mttk_vars%glogs(:)
 965  vlogs(:)=mttk_vars%vlogs(:)
 966  xlogs(:)=mttk_vars%xlogs(:)
 967  vboxg(:,:)=mttk_vars%vboxg(:,:)
 968  identity(:,:)=zero
 969  do idir=1,3
 970    identity(idir,idir)=one
 971  end do
 973 !write(std_out,*) 'isostress 02'
 974 !##########################################################
 975 !### 03. Compute the ionic kinetic energy
 977  nfree=zero
 978  ekin=zero
 979  do iatom=1,natom
 980    do idir=1,3
 981 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
 982 !    coordinates, so that this exprtargetion is wrong
 983      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
 984        ekin=ekin+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
 985 !      Counts the degrees of freedom
 986        nfree=nfree+one
 987      end if
 988    end do
 989  end do
 991  gn1kt=(nfree+one)*ktemp
 992  gnd2kt=(nfree+9)*ktemp
 993  odnf=one+three/nfree
 994  akin(:,:)=zero
 995  do iatom=1,natom
 996    do idir=1,3
 997      do jdir=1,3
 998 !      Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
 999 !      coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
1000        akin(idir,jdir)=akin(idir,jdir)+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)*vel(jdir,iatom)
1001      end do
1002    end do
1003  end do
1004  akinb=zero
1005  do idir=1,3
1006    do jdir=1,3
1007      akinb=akinb+0.5d0*bmass*vboxg(idir,jdir)**2
1008    end do
1009  end do
1010 !Compute the pressure: from Voigt to tensor notation+kinetic energy
1011  do idir=1,3
1012    press(idir,idir)=-strten(idir)
1013    prtarget(idir,idir)=-strtarget(idir)
1014  end do
1015  press(3,2)=-strten(4); press(1,3)=-strten(5); press(2,1)=-strten(6)
1016  prtarget(3,2)=-strtarget(4); prtarget(1,3)=-strtarget(5); prtarget(2,1)=-strtarget(6)
1017  press(2,3)=press(3,2); press(3,1)=press(1,3); press(1,2)=press(2,1)
1018  prtarget(2,3)=prtarget(3,2); prtarget(3,1)=prtarget(1,3); prtarget(1,2)=prtarget(2,1)
1019 !Update the forces
1020  glogs(1)=(two*ekin+two*akinb-gnd2kt)/qmass(1)
1021  gboxg(:,:)=(two*ekin/nfree*identity(:,:)+two*akin(:,:)+(press(:,:)-prtarget(:,:))*ucvol)/bmass
1022 !Update thermostat velocity
1023  if (nnos > 0) vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
1024  do inos=1,nnos-1
1025    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(nnos+1-inos))
1026    vlogs(nnos-inos)=vlogs(nnos-inos)*alocal*alocal+&
1027 &   dtion/four*glogs(nnos-inos)*alocal
1028  end do
1029 !Update box velocity
1030  alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(1))
1032  if(DEBUG) then
1033    write(std_out,*)' gboxg(:,:)=',gboxg(:,:)
1034    write(std_out,*)' vboxg(:,:)=',vboxg(:,:)
1035    write(std_out,*)' alocal=',alocal
1036  end if
1038  vboxg(:,:)=vboxg(:,:)*alocal**2+dtion/four*gboxg(:,:)*alocal
1039 !Update the thermostat positions
1040  do inos=1,nnos
1041    xlogs(inos)=xlogs(inos)+vlogs(inos)*dtion/two
1042  end do
1043 !Update the particle velocities
1044  trvg=(vboxg(1,1)+vboxg(2,2)+vboxg(3,3))/nfree
1045  vtemp(:,:)=vboxg(:,:)+(trvg+vlogs(1))*identity(:,:)
1046  call dsyev('V','U',3,vtemp,3,veig,work,lwork,info)
1047 !On exit, we have vtemp=U such that tU vtemp U = veig
1048  tvtemp(:,:)=transpose(vtemp)
1050  if(DEBUG) then
1051    write(std_out,*)' vboxg(:,:)=',vboxg(:,:)
1052    write(std_out,*)' vtemp(:,:)=',vtemp(:,:)
1053    write(std_out,*)' veig(:)=',veig(:)
1054  end if
1056  expdiag(1)=exp(-veig(1)*dtion/two)
1057  expdiag(2)=exp(-veig(2)*dtion/two)
1058  expdiag(3)=exp(-veig(3)*dtion/two)
1059  !if(DEBUG) then
1060  !  write(std_out,*)' isostress : expdiag(:)=',expdiag(:)  ! Do not remove this line : seems to be needed for g95 compilo
1061  !end if
1062  do iatom=1,natom
1063    uv(:)=matmul(tvtemp,vel(:,iatom))
1064    uv(:)=uv(:)*expdiag(:)
1065    vel(:,iatom)=matmul(vtemp,uv)
1066  end do
1067 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
1068  nfree=zero
1069  ekin=zero
1070  do iatom=1,natom
1071    do idir=1,3
1072 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
1073 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
1074      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
1075        ekin=ekin+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
1076        if(DEBUG) then
1077          write(std_out,*)'kin',iatom,ekin,vel(idir,iatom)
1078        end if
1079 !      Counts the degrees of freedom
1080        nfree=nfree+one
1081      end if
1082    end do
1083  end do
1084  gn1kt=(nfree+one)*ktemp
1085  gnd2kt=(nfree+9)*ktemp
1086  odnf=one+three/nfree
1087  akin(:,:)=zero
1088  do iatom=1,natom
1089    do idir=1,3
1090      do jdir=1,3
1091 !      Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
1092 !      coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
1093        akin(idir,jdir)=akin(idir,jdir)+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)*vel(jdir,iatom)
1094      end do
1095    end do
1096  end do
1097  gboxg(:,:)=(two*ekin/nfree*identity(:,:)+two*akin(:,:)+(press(:,:)-prtarget(:,:))*ucvol)/bmass
1098 !Update box velocity
1099  alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(1))
1100  vboxg(:,:)=vboxg(:,:)*alocal**2+dtion/four*gboxg(:,:)*alocal
1101 !Compute the box kinetic energy
1102  akinb=zero
1103  do idir=1,3
1104    do jdir=1,3
1105      akinb=akinb+0.5d0*bmass*vboxg(idir,jdir)**2
1106    end do
1107  end do
1108  glogs(1)=(two*ekin+two*akinb-gnd2kt)/qmass(1)
1109 !Update the thermostat velocities
1110  do inos=1,nnos-1
1111    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(inos+1))
1112    vlogs(inos)=vlogs(inos)*alocal*alocal+dtion/four*glogs(inos)*alocal
1113    glogs(inos+1)=(qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)*vlogs(inos)-ktemp)/qmass(inos+1)
1114  end do
1115  if (nnos > 0) vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
1116 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
1117  ekin=zero
1118  do iatom=1,natom
1119    do idir=1,3
1120 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
1121 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
1122      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
1123        ekin=ekin+half*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
1124      end if
1125    end do
1126  end do
1127 !Compute the thermostat kinetic energy and add it to the ionic one
1128 !First thermostat
1129  ekin=ekin+half*qmass(1)*vlogs(1)**2+xlogs(1)*(nfree+nine)*ktemp
1130 !Other thermostats
1131  do inos=2,nnos
1132    ekin=ekin+half*qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)**2+xlogs(inos)*ktemp
1133  end do
1134 !Barostat kinetic energy
1135  akinb=zero
1136  do idir=1,3
1137    do jdir=1,3
1138      akinb=akinb+0.5d0*bmass*vboxg(idir,jdir)**2
1139    end do
1140  end do
1141 !ekin is the invariant minus the potential energy
1142  ekin=ekin+akinb+prtarget(1,1)*ucvol
1144  mttk_vars%vboxg(:,:)=vboxg(:,:)
1145  mttk_vars%glogs(:)=glogs(:)
1146  mttk_vars%vlogs(:)=vlogs(:)
1147  mttk_vars%xlogs(:)=xlogs(:)
1148  ABI_FREE(glogs)
1149  ABI_FREE(vlogs)
1150  ABI_FREE(xlogs)
1152  if(DEBUG) then
1153 !  write(std_out,*)'ekin added T',half*qmass(:)*vlogs(:)**2,xlogs(:)*(nfree)*ktemp
1154 !  write(std_out,*)'ekin added P',akinb,prtarget*ucvol
1155 !  write(std_out,*)'ekin last',ekin
1156    write(std_out,*) ch10,' exiting from isostress',ch10
1157  end if
1159 end subroutine isostress

ABINIT/isotemp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 performs one half step on isotemp parameters according to Martyna et al.


  amass(natom)=mass of each atom, in unit of electronic mass (=amu*1822...)


  Only updates variables


  isotemp_data: updates the thermostat parameters
  vel=update the velocities


613 subroutine isotemp(amass,dtion,ekin,iatfix,ktemp,mttk_vars,natom,nnos,qmass,vel)
615  implicit none
617 !Arguments ------------------------------------
618 !scalars
619  integer,intent(in) :: natom
620  integer,intent(in) :: nnos
621  real(dp),intent(in) :: dtion,ktemp
622  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekin
623  type(mttk_type) :: mttk_vars
624 !arrays
625  real(dp),intent(in) :: amass(natom)
626  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vel(3,natom)
627  real(dp),intent(in) :: qmass(:)
628  integer,intent(in) :: iatfix(:,:)
630 !Local variables ------------------------------
631 !scalars
632  integer :: iatom,idir,inos
633  real(dp) :: alocal,gnkt,nfree,scale
634  !character(len=500) :: message
635 !arrays
636  real(dp),allocatable :: glogs(:),vlogs(:),xlogs(:)
638 !***************************************************************************
639 !Beginning of executable session
640 !***************************************************************************
642  ABI_MALLOC(glogs,(nnos))
643  ABI_MALLOC(vlogs,(nnos))
644  ABI_MALLOC(xlogs,(nnos))
645  glogs(:)=mttk_vars%glogs(:)
646  vlogs(:)=mttk_vars%vlogs(:)
647  xlogs(:)=mttk_vars%xlogs(:)
648  scale=one
649 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
650  nfree=zero
651  ekin=zero
652  do iatom=1,natom
653    do idir=1,3
654 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
655 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
656      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
657        ekin=ekin+0.5d0*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
658 !      Counts the degrees of freedom
659        nfree=nfree+one
660      end if
661    end do
662  end do
663  gnkt=nfree*ktemp
664 !Update the forces
665  glogs(1)=(two*ekin-gnkt)/qmass(1)
666  vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
667  do inos=1,nnos-1
668    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(nnos+1-inos))
669    vlogs(nnos-inos)=vlogs(nnos-inos)*alocal*alocal+&
670 &   dtion/four*glogs(nnos-inos)*alocal
671  end do
672 !Update the particle velocities
673  alocal=exp(-dtion/two*vlogs(1))
674  scale=scale*alocal
675 !Update the forces
676  glogs(1)=(scale*scale*two*ekin-gnkt)/qmass(1)
677 !Update the thermostat positions
678  do inos=1,nnos
679    xlogs(inos)=xlogs(inos)+vlogs(inos)*dtion/two
680  end do
681 !Update the thermostat velocities
682  do inos=1,nnos-1
683    alocal=exp(-dtion/eight*vlogs(inos+1))
684    vlogs(inos)=vlogs(inos)*alocal*alocal+dtion/four*glogs(inos)*alocal
685    glogs(inos+1)=(qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)*vlogs(inos)-ktemp)/qmass(inos+1)
686  end do
687  vlogs(nnos)=vlogs(nnos)+glogs(nnos)*dtion/four
688  vel(:,:)=vel(:,:)*scale
689 !Compute the ionic kinetic energy
690  ekin=zero
691  do iatom=1,natom
692    do idir=1,3
693 !    Warning : the fixing of atomis is implemented in reduced
694 !    coordinates, so that this expression is wrong
695      if (iatfix(idir,iatom) == 0) then
696        ekin=ekin+half*amass(iatom)*vel(idir,iatom)**2
697      end if
698    end do
699  end do
700 !Compute the thermostat kinetic energy and add it to the ionic one
701  ekin=ekin+half*qmass(1)*vlogs(1)**2+xlogs(1)*nfree*ktemp
702  do inos=2,nnos
703    ekin=ekin+half*qmass(inos)*vlogs(inos)**2+xlogs(inos)*ktemp
704  end do
705  mttk_vars%glogs(:)=glogs(:)
706  mttk_vars%vlogs(:)=vlogs(:)
707  mttk_vars%xlogs(:)=xlogs(:)
708  ABI_FREE(glogs)
709  ABI_FREE(vlogs)
710  ABI_FREE(xlogs)
711 !DEBUG
712 !write(std_out,*)'ekin added',half*qmass(1)*vlogs(1)**2,xlogs(1)*(nfree)*ktemp
715 end subroutine isotemp

ABINIT/m_pred_isothermal [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Ionmov predictors (13) Isothermal integrator
 This program is decribed in the following paper
 Explicit integrators for extended systems dynamics
 Glenn J Martyna et al.
 Mol. Phys., 1996, Vol. 87, pp. 1117-1157 [[cite:Martyna1996]]


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, JCC, JYR, SE)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


20 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
21 #include "config.h"
22 #endif
24 #include "abi_common.h"
26 module m_pred_isothermal
28  use defs_basis
29  use m_errors
30  use m_abicore
31  use m_abimover
32  use m_abihist
33  use m_linalg_interfaces
35  use m_numeric_tools,  only : uniformrandom
36  use m_geometry,       only : mkrdim, xcart2xred, xred2xcart, metric
38  implicit none
40  private

ABINIT/pred_isothermal [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Ionmov predictors (13) Isothermal integrator

 Reversible integrator of Martyna at al.
 The equation of motion of the ions in contact with a thermostat
 and a barostat are solved with the algorithm proposed by Martyna,
 Tuckermann Tobias and Klein, Mol. Phys., 1996, p. 1117. [[cite:Martyna1996]]
 Related parameters : the time step (dtion),
 the initial temperature mdtemp(1), the final temperature mdtemp(2),
 the number of thermostats (nnos), and the masses of thermostats (qmass).
 If optcell=1 or 2, the mass of the barostat (bmass) must be given in addition.

 There are three sub cases according to the value of optcell
 optcell=0: isothermal
 optcell=1: homogeneous cell fluctuations
 optcell=2: full cell fluctuation in addition to temperature control.


 ab_mover <type(abimover)> : Datatype with all the information
                                needed by the preditor
 itime  : Index of the present iteration
 ntime  : Maximal number of iterations
 zDEBUG : if true print some debugging information


 hist <type(abihist)> : History of positions,forces
                               acell, rprimd, stresses


 84 subroutine pred_isothermal(ab_mover,hist,itime,mttk_vars,ntime,zDEBUG,iexit)
 86  implicit none
 88 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 89 !scalars
 90  type(abimover),intent(in)       :: ab_mover
 91  type(abihist),intent(inout) :: hist
 92  type(mttk_type),intent(inout) :: mttk_vars
 93  integer,intent(in) :: itime
 94  integer,intent(in) :: ntime
 95  integer,intent(in) :: iexit
 96  logical,intent(in) :: zDEBUG
 98 !Local variables-------------------------------
 99 !scalars
100  integer  :: ii,kk,iatom,idim,idum=5,ierr
101  integer,parameter :: lwork=8
102  real(dp) :: ucvol,ucvol0,ucvol_next,mttk_aloc,mttk_aloc2,mttk_bloc,ekin
103  real(dp) :: massvol=0
104  real(dp),parameter :: esh2=one/six,esh4=esh2/20._dp,esh6=esh4/42._dp
105  real(dp),parameter :: esh8=esh6/72._dp,nosetol=tol10,v2tol=tol8
106  real(dp) :: etotal,rescale_vel,polysh,s1,s2,sigma2,v2gauss,vtest
107  real(dp),save :: ktemp,vlogv
108  character(len=5000) :: message
109 !arrays
110  real(dp),allocatable,save :: fcart_m(:,:),vel_nexthalf(:,:)
112  real(dp) :: mttk_alc(3),mttk_alc2(3),mttk_blc(3),mttk_psh(3)
113  real(dp) :: mttk_tv(3,3),mttk_vt(3,3),mttk_ubox(3,3)
114  real(dp) :: mttk_uu(3),mttk_uv(3),mttk_veig(3)
115  real(dp) :: acell(3),acell0(3),acell_next(3)
116  real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3),rprimd0(3,3),rprim(3,3),rprimd_next(3,3),rprim_next(3,3)
117  real(dp) :: gprimd(3,3)
118  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3)
119  real(dp) :: rmet(3,3)
120  real(dp) :: fcart(3,ab_mover%natom)
121  real(dp) :: xcart(3,ab_mover%natom),xcart_next(3,ab_mover%natom)
122  real(dp) :: xred(3,ab_mover%natom),xred_next(3,ab_mover%natom)
123  real(dp) :: vel(3,ab_mover%natom)
124  real(dp) :: strten(6),work(lwork)
126 !***************************************************************************
127 !Beginning of executable session
128 !***************************************************************************
130  if(iexit/=0)then
131    if (allocated(fcart_m))       then
132      ABI_FREE(fcart_m)
133    end if
134    if (allocated(vel_nexthalf))  then
135      ABI_FREE(vel_nexthalf)
136    end if
137    return
138  end if
140 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 01'
141 !##########################################################
142 !### 01. Debugging and Verbose
144  if(zDEBUG)then
145    write(std_out,'(a,3a,41a,36a)') ch10,('-',kk=1,3),&
146 &   'Debugging and Verbose for pred_isothermal',('-',kk=1,36)
147    write(std_out,*) 'ionmov: ',13
148    write(std_out,*) 'itime:  ',itime
149  end if
151 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 01'
152 !##########################################################
153 !### 01. Allocate the vectors vin, vout and hessian matrix
154 !###     These arrays could be allocated from a previus
155 !###     dataset that exit before itime==ntime
157  if(itime==1)then
158    if (allocated(fcart_m))       then
159      ABI_FREE(fcart_m)
160    end if
161    if (allocated(vel_nexthalf))  then
162      ABI_FREE(vel_nexthalf)
163    end if
164  end if
166  if (.not.allocated(fcart_m))       then
167    ABI_MALLOC(fcart_m,(3,ab_mover%natom))
168  end if
169  if (.not.allocated(vel_nexthalf))  then
170    ABI_MALLOC(vel_nexthalf,(3,ab_mover%natom))
171  end if
173 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 02'
174 !##########################################################
175 !### 02. Obtain the present values from the history
177  call hist2var(acell,hist,ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xred,zDEBUG)
179  fcart(:,:)=hist%fcart(:,:,hist%ihist)
180  strten(:) =hist%strten(:,hist%ihist)
181  vel(:,:)  =hist%vel(:,:,hist%ihist)
182  etotal    =hist%etot(hist%ihist)
184  do ii=1,3
185    rprim(ii,1:3)=rprimd(ii,1:3)/acell(1:3)
186  end do
187  call xred2xcart(ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xcart,xred)
189  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
191  if(zDEBUG)then
192    write (std_out,*) 'fcart:'
193    do kk=1,ab_mover%natom
194      write (std_out,*) fcart(:,kk)
195    end do
196    write (std_out,*) 'vel:'
197    do kk=1,ab_mover%natom
198      write (std_out,*) vel(:,kk)
199    end do
200    write (std_out,*) 'strten:'
201    write (std_out,*) strten(1:3),ch10,strten(4:6)
202    write (std_out,*) 'etotal:'
203    write (std_out,*) etotal
204  end if
206 !Save initial values
207  acell0(:)=acell(:)
208  rprimd0(:,:)=rprimd(:,:)
209  ucvol0=ucvol
211 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 03'
212 !##########################################################
213 !### 05. Seconde half velocity step
215  if (itime>1) then
217 !  Next Half velocity step
218    do idim=1,3
219      fcart_m(idim,:)=fcart(idim,:)/ab_mover%amass(:)
220    end do
221    vel(:,:)=vel_nexthalf(:,:)+ab_mover%dtion/two*fcart_m(:,:)
223    if (ab_mover%optcell==0) then
224 !    Update Thermostat variables and velocity
225      call isotemp(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
226 &     ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,ab_mover%qmass,vel)
227    else if (ab_mover%optcell==1) then
228 !    Update Thermostat variables and velocity
229      call isopress(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%bmass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
230 &     ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,ab_mover%qmass,&
231 &     strten,ab_mover%strtarget,ucvol,vel,vlogv)
232    else if (ab_mover%optcell==2) then
233 !    Next half step for extended variables
234      call isostress(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%bmass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
235 &     ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,&
236 &     ab_mover%qmass,strten,ab_mover%strtarget,ucvol,vel)
237    end if
239    if(itime==2) massvol=ekin+etotal
241    if (ab_mover%optcell==2) then
242 !    Evolution of cell and volume
243      acell_next(:)=acell(:)
244      ucvol_next=ucvol
245    end if
247    call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
248    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
250    if(zDEBUG)then
251      write(std_out,*) 'Second half velocity step'
252      write(std_out,*) 'Cell parameters:'
253      write(std_out,*) 'rprimd:'
254      do kk=1,3
255        write(std_out,*) rprimd(:,kk)
256      end do
257      write(std_out,*) 'rprim:'
258      do kk=1,3
259        write(std_out,*) rprim(:,kk)
260      end do
261      write(std_out,*) 'acell:'
262      write(std_out,*) acell(:)
263      write(std_out,*) 'Conserved energy:',(ekin+etotal)-massvol,ekin,etotal
264      write(std_out,*) 'Volume of unitqry cell (ucvol):',ucvol
265    end if
267  end if ! if (itime>1)
269 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 04'
270 !##########################################################
271 !### 03. Compute the next values
273 !The temperature is linear between initial and final values
274 !It is here converted from Kelvin to Hartree (kb_HaK)
275  ktemp=(ab_mover%mdtemp(1)+((ab_mover%mdtemp(2)-ab_mover%mdtemp(1))/dble(ntime-1))*(itime-1))*kb_HaK
277  if(zDEBUG)then
278    write(std_out,*) 'Temperature in Kelvin (ktemp):',ktemp
279    write(std_out,*) 'Initial temp (mdtemp(1)):',ab_mover%mdtemp(1)
280    write(std_out,*) 'Final temp (mdtemp(2)):',ab_mover%mdtemp(2)
281    write(std_out,*) 'Delay for atom permutation (delayperm)',ab_mover%delayperm
282    write(std_out,*) 'dtion',ab_mover%dtion
283    write(std_out,*) 'nnos:', ab_mover%nnos
284    write(std_out,*) 'qmass', ab_mover%qmass(:)
285    write(std_out,*) 'bmass',ab_mover%bmass
286  end if
288  if(itime==1) then
289    mttk_vars%glogs(:)=zero; mttk_vars%vlogs(:)=zero; mttk_vars%xlogs(:)=zero
290    mttk_vars%vboxg(:,:)=zero
291    vlogv=zero
292 !  v2gauss is twice the kinetic energy
293    v2gauss=0.0_dp
294    do iatom=1,ab_mover%natom
295      do idim=1,3
296        v2gauss=v2gauss+vel(idim,iatom)*vel(idim,iatom)*ab_mover%amass(iatom)
297      end do
298    end do
300 !  If there is no kinetic energy
301    if (v2gauss<=v2tol.and.itime==1) then
302 !    Maxwell-Boltzman distribution
303      v2gauss=zero
304      vtest=zero
305      do iatom=1,ab_mover%natom
306        do idim=1,3
307          vel(idim,iatom)=sqrt(kb_HaK*ab_mover%mdtemp(1)/ab_mover%amass(iatom))*cos(two_pi*uniformrandom(idum))
308          vel(idim,iatom)=vel(idim,iatom)*sqrt(-2._dp*log(uniformrandom(idum)))
309        end do
310      end do
312 !    Get rid of center-of-mass velocity
313      s1=sum(ab_mover%amass(:))
314      do idim=1,3
315        s2=sum(ab_mover%amass(:)*vel(idim,:))
316        vel(idim,:)=vel(idim,:)-s2/s1
317      end do
319 !    Recompute v2gauss
320      do iatom=1,ab_mover%natom
321        do idim=1,3
322          v2gauss=v2gauss+vel(idim,iatom)*vel(idim,iatom)*ab_mover%amass(iatom)
323          vtest=vtest+vel(idim,iatom)/(3._dp*ab_mover%natom)
324        end do
325      end do
327 !    Now rescale the velocities to give the exact temperature
328      rescale_vel=sqrt(3._dp*ab_mover%natom*kb_HaK*ab_mover%mdtemp(1)/v2gauss)
329      vel(:,:)=vel(:,:)*rescale_vel
331 !    Recompute v2gauss with the rescaled velocities
332      v2gauss=zero
333      do iatom=1,ab_mover%natom
334        do idim=1,3
335          v2gauss=v2gauss+vel(idim,iatom)*vel(idim,iatom)*ab_mover%amass(iatom)
336        end do
337      end do
339 !    Compute the variance and print
340      sigma2=(v2gauss/(3._dp*ab_mover%natom)-ab_mover%amass(1)*vtest**2)/kb_HaK
342      if (zDEBUG)then
343        write(message, '(a)' )&
344 &       ' Rescaling or initializing velocities to initial temperature'
345        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
346        write(message, '(a,d12.5,a,D12.5)' )&
347 &       ' --- Scaling factor :',rescale_vel,' Asked T (K) ',ab_mover%mdtemp(1)
348        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
349        write(message, '(a,d12.5,a,D12.5)' )&
350 &       ' --- Effective temperature',v2gauss/(3*ab_mover%natom*kb_HaK),' From variance', sigma2
351        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
352      end if
354    end if !(v2gauss<=v2tol.and.itime==1)
355  end if !(itime==1)
357 !XG070613 : Do not take away the following line , seems needed for the pathscale compiler
359  if (zDEBUG) write(std_out,*) 'vboxg',mttk_vars%vboxg(:,:)
362 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 05'
363 !##########################################################
364 !### 03. First half velocity step
366 !write(std_out,*) 'FIRST HALF VELOCITY STEP',ucvol
367 !write(std_out,*) 'OPTCELL option selected:',ab_mover%optcell
368 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIMD'
369 !do kk=1,3
370 !write(std_out,*) rprimd(:,kk)
371 !end do
372 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIM'
373 !do kk=1,3
374 !write(std_out,*) rprim(:,kk)
375 !end do
376 !write(std_out,*) 'ACELL'
377 !write(std_out,*) acell(:)
379 !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
380 !%%% BEGIN sub case optcell=0 Isothermal Ensemble
381 !%%%
382  if(ab_mover%optcell==0) then
383 !  There is no evolution of cell
384    acell_next(:)=acell(:)
385    ucvol_next=ucvol
386    rprim_next(:,:)=rprim(:,:)
387    rprimd_next(:,:)=rprimd(:,:)
388 !  Update Thermostat variables and scale velocitie
389    call isotemp(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
390 &   ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,ab_mover%qmass,vel)
392 !  Half velocity step
393    do idim=1,3
394      fcart_m(idim,:)=fcart(idim,:)/ab_mover%amass(:)
395    end do
396    vel_nexthalf(:,:)=vel(:,:)+ab_mover%dtion/two*fcart_m(:,:)
397 !  New positions
398 !  Convert input xred (reduced coordinates) to xcart (cartesian)
399    call xred2xcart(ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xcart,xred)
400    xcart_next(:,:)=xcart(:,:)+vel_nexthalf(:,:)*ab_mover%dtion
401 !  Convert back to xred (reduced coordinates)
402    call xcart2xred(ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xcart_next,xred_next)
403 !  %%%
404 !  %%% END sub case optcell=0 Isothermal Ensemble
405 !  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
407 !  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
408 !  %%% BEGIN sub case optcell=1 Isothermal-Isenthalpic
409 !  %%%       Ensemble (homogeneous cell deformation)
410 !  %%%
411  else if (ab_mover%optcell==1) then
412 !  Only homogeneous evolution of cell
413 !  Evolution of cell we keep rprim constant
414    rprim_next(:,:)=rprim(:,:)
415 !  Update Thermostat variables and velocity
416    call isopress(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%bmass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
417 &   ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,ab_mover%qmass,&
418 &   strten,ab_mover%strtarget,ucvol,vel,vlogv)
420 !  Half velocity step
421    do idim=1,3
422      fcart_m(idim,:)=fcart(idim,:)/ab_mover%amass(:)
423    end do
424    vel_nexthalf(:,:)=vel(:,:)+ab_mover%dtion/two*fcart_m(:,:)
425 !  New positions
426    mttk_aloc=exp(ab_mover%dtion/two*vlogv)
427    mttk_aloc2=(vlogv*ab_mover%dtion/two)**2
428    polysh=(((esh8*mttk_aloc2+esh6)*mttk_aloc2+esh4)*mttk_aloc2+esh2)*mttk_aloc2+one
429    mttk_bloc=mttk_aloc*polysh*ab_mover%dtion
430 !  Convert input xred (reduced coordinates) to xcart (cartesian)
431    call xred2xcart(ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xcart,xred)
432    xcart_next(:,:)=xcart(:,:)*mttk_aloc**2+vel_nexthalf(:,:)*mttk_bloc
433 !  Update the volume and related quantities
434    acell_next(:)=acell(:)*exp(ab_mover%dtion*vlogv)
435 !  ucvol=ucvol*exp(ab_mover%dtion*vlogv)
436    call mkrdim(acell_next,rprim,rprimd_next)
437    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd_next,ucvol_next)
438 !  Convert back to xred (reduced coordinates)
439    call xcart2xred(ab_mover%natom,rprimd_next,xcart_next,xred_next)
440 !  Computation of the forces for the new positions
441 !  Compute DFT forces (big loop)
444 !  This should be in mover.F90
446 !  !      If metric has changed since the initialization, update the Ylm's
447 !  if (ab_mover%optcell/=0.and.psps%useylm==1.and.itime>1)then
448 !  option=0;if (ab_mover%iscf>0) option=1
449 !  call initylmg(gprimd,kg,ab_mover%kptns,ab_mover%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,ab_mover%mpw,ab_mover%nband,ab_mover%nkpt,&
450 !  &         npwarr,ab_mover%nsppol,option,rprimd_next,ylm,ylmgr)
451 !  end if
454 !  %%%
455 !  %%% END sub case optcell=1 Isothermal-Isenthalpic
456 !  %%%     Ensemble (homogeneous cell deformation)
457 !  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
459 !  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
460 !  %%% BEGIN sub case optcell=2 Isothermal-Isenthalpic
461 !  %%%       Ensemble (full cell deformation)
462 !  %%%
463  else if (ab_mover%optcell==2) then
464    acell_next=acell
465 !  Fisrt half step for extended variables
466    call isostress(ab_mover%amass,ab_mover%bmass,ab_mover%dtion,ekin,ab_mover%iatfix,&
467 &   ktemp,mttk_vars,ab_mover%natom,ab_mover%nnos,&
468 &   ab_mover%qmass,strten,ab_mover%strtarget,ucvol,vel)
469 !  Half velocity step
470    do idim=1,3
471      fcart_m(idim,:)=fcart(idim,:)/ab_mover%amass(:)
472    end do
473    vel_nexthalf(:,:)=vel(:,:)+ab_mover%dtion/two*fcart_m(:,:)
474 !  Convert input xred (reduced coordinates) to xcart (cartesian)
475    call xred2xcart(ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xcart,xred)
476 !  New positions
477    mttk_vt(:,:)=mttk_vars%vboxg(:,:)
478    call dsyev('V','U',3,mttk_vt,3,mttk_veig,work,lwork,ierr)
479    mttk_tv(:,:)=transpose(mttk_vt)
480    mttk_alc(:)=exp(ab_mover%dtion/two*mttk_veig(:))
481    mttk_alc2(:)=(mttk_veig(:)*ab_mover%dtion/two)**2
482    mttk_psh(:)=(((esh8*mttk_alc2(:)+esh6)*mttk_alc2(:)+esh4)*mttk_alc2(:)+esh2)*mttk_alc2(:)+one
483    mttk_blc(:)=mttk_alc(:)*mttk_psh(:)*ab_mover%dtion
484 !  Update the positions
485    do iatom=1,ab_mover%natom
486      mttk_uu(:)=matmul(mttk_tv,xcart(:,iatom))
487      mttk_uv(:)=matmul(mttk_tv,vel_nexthalf(:,iatom))
488      mttk_uu(:)=mttk_uu(:)*mttk_alc(:)**2+mttk_uv(:)*mttk_blc(:)
489      xcart_next(:,iatom)=matmul(mttk_vt,mttk_uu)
490    end do
491 !  Update the box (rprimd and rprim)
492    mttk_ubox(:,:)=matmul(mttk_tv,rprimd)
493    do idim=1,3
494      mttk_ubox(:,idim)=mttk_ubox(:,idim)*mttk_alc(:)**2
495    end do
496    rprimd_next(:,:)=matmul(mttk_vt,mttk_ubox)
497    do idim=1,3
498      rprim_next(idim,:)=rprimd_next(idim,:)/acell(:)
499    end do
500 !  Update the volume
501    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd_next,ucvol)
502 !  Convert back to xred (reduced coordinates)
503    call xcart2xred(ab_mover%natom,rprimd_next,xcart_next,xred_next)
504 !  Computation of the forces for the new positions
507 !  This should be in mover.F90
509 !  !      If metric has changed since the initialization, update the Ylm's
510 !  if (ab_mover%optcell/=0.and.psps%useylm==1.and.itime>1)then
511 !  option=0;if (ab_mover%iscf>0) option=1
512 !  call initylmg(gprimd,kg,ab_mover%kptns,ab_mover%mkmem,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,ab_mover%mpw,ab_mover%nband,ab_mover%nkpt,&
513 !  &         npwarr,ab_mover%nsppol,option,rprimd_next,ylm,ylmgr)
514 !  end if
516 !  %%%
517 !  %%% END sub case optcell=2 Isothermal-Isenthalpic
518 !  %%%     Ensemble (full cell deformation)
519 !  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
520  else
521    write(message, '(a,i12,a,a)' )&
522 &   '  Disallowed value for optcell=',ab_mover%optcell,ch10,&
523 &   '  Allowed values with ionmov==13 : 0 to 2.'
524    ABI_BUG(message)
525  end if
527 !write(std_out,*) 'OLD PARAMETERS'
528 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIMD'
529 !do kk=1,3
530 !write(std_out,*) rprimd(:,kk)
531 !end do
532 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIM'
533 !do kk=1,3
534 !write(std_out,*) rprim(:,kk)
535 !end do
536 !write(std_out,*) 'ACELL'
537 !write(std_out,*) acell(:)
539 !write(std_out,*) 'NEXT PARAMETERS'
540 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIMD'
541 !do kk=1,3
542 !write(std_out,*) rprimd_next(:,kk)
543 !end do
544 !write(std_out,*) 'RPRIM'
545 !do kk=1,3
546 !write(std_out,*) rprim_next(:,kk)
547 !end do
548 !write(std_out,*) 'ACELL'
549 !write(std_out,*) acell_next(:)
552 !Those are the values store into the history
553  rprim=rprim_next
554  rprimd=rprimd_next
555  xred=xred_next
556  xcart=xcart_next
557  acell=acell_next
559 !write(std_out,*) 'isothermal 06'
560 !##########################################################
561  !### 06. Update the history with the prediction
563 !Increase indexes
564  hist%ihist = abihist_findIndex(hist,+1)
566 !Fill the history with the variables
567 !xred, acell, rprimd, vel
568  call var2hist(acell,hist,ab_mover%natom,rprimd,xred,zDEBUG)
569  hist%vel(:,:,hist%ihist)=vel(:,:)
570  hist%time(hist%ihist)=real(itime,kind=dp)*ab_mover%dtion
572  if(zDEBUG)then
573    write (std_out,*) 'fcart:'
574    do kk=1,ab_mover%natom
575      write (std_out,*) fcart(:,kk)
576    end do
577    write (std_out,*) 'vel:'
578    do kk=1,ab_mover%natom
579      write (std_out,*) vel(:,kk)
580    end do
581    write (std_out,*) 'strten:'
582    write (std_out,*) strten(1:3),ch10,strten(4:6)
583    write (std_out,*) 'etotal:'
584    write (std_out,*) etotal
585  end if
587 end subroutine pred_isothermal