ABINIT/m_rwwf [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




   Read/Write wavefunctions.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA,XG,GMR,MVer,MB,MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_rwwf
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_wffile
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_xmpi
29 #if defined HAVE_MPI2
30  use mpi
31 #endif
32  use m_nctk
33 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
34  use netcdf
35 #endif
37  use defs_abitypes, only : mpi_type
38  use m_time,   only : timab
40  implicit none
42  private
44 #if defined HAVE_MPI1
45  include 'mpif.h'
46 #endif

m_rwwf/readwf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rwwf ] [ Functions ]




  This subroutine reads the block of records related to one k point, and one spin-polarization, that
  contains the wavefunctions (as well as the eigenvalues).
  The disk file unitwf should have been prepared outside of this routine, in order to read the correct records.


  formeig=format of the eigenvalues
    0 => vector of eigenvalues
    1 => hermitian matrix of eigenvalues
  icg=shift to be given to the location of the cg array
  ikpt=index of current k point (only needed for error message)
  isppol=spin polarization currently treated (only needed for error message)
  kg_k(3,optkg*npw)=k+g data  (only if optkg==1)
  mband=maximum number of bands (dimension of cg, eigen and occ)
  mcg=dimension of cg
  nband=number of bands actually in cg, eigen and occ
  nband_disk=number of bands on the disk file
  npw=number of plane waves (on current proc)
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
  option= 1 for reading cg, eigen and occ,
         -1 for reading/skipping,
         -2 for reading cg only
          3 for reading the eigenvalues only
         -4 for reading a file written with 4
  optkg= if 1 , read or write kg_k ; if 0, do not care about kg_k
  wff=struct info for wavefunction


  Current kpt and spin updated
  cg(2,npw*nspinor*mband)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions,
  eigen((2*mband)**formeig *mband)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  occ(mband)=array for holding electronic occupations


  WARNING : occ is not read in the present status of this routine
  WARNING : skipping k-blocks is also done in the randac subroutine
  WARNING : reading the two first records is also done in the rdnpw routine


292 subroutine readwf(cg,eigen,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_k,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
293 &                 nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,occ,option,optkg,wff)
295 !Arguments ------------------------------------
296  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,mband,mcg,nband,npw
297  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,option,optkg
298  integer,intent(inout) :: nband_disk
299  integer,intent(inout),target :: kg_k(3,optkg*npw)
300  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: cg(2,mcg),eigen((2*mband)**formeig*mband),occ(mband)
301  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
302  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff
304 !Local variables-------------------------------
305  integer :: iband,indxx,ios,ipw,ispinor_index,nband1,ncid_hdr
306  integer :: npw1,npwso,npwso1,npwsotot,npwtot,nrec,nspinor1,nspinortot,unitwf,use_f90
307  integer :: band1,band2,ierr
308  character(len=500) :: msg
309  character(len=fnlen) :: fname
310  integer :: ikpt_this_proc,ispinor
311  integer,allocatable :: ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(:)
312 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
313  integer :: kg_varid,eig_varid,occ_varid,cg_varid,h1_varid,mband_varid,ncerr,ii,mband_file
314  integer,allocatable :: gall(:,:)
315  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_all(:,:,:),h1mat(:,:,:)
316 #endif
318 ! *********************************************************************
320  !write(std_out,*)"rwwf with ikpt, isppol, option, etsf",ikpt, isppol, option, wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF
322 !Check the options
323  if ( ALL(option /= [1,3,-1,-2,-4])) then
324    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')'The argument option should be -4, -2, -1, 1 or 3.  However, option=',option,'.'
325    ABI_BUG(msg)
326  end if
328  npwtot=npw; npwso=npw*nspinor
329  npwsotot=npwso
330  nspinortot=min(2,(1+mpi_enreg%paral_spinor)*nspinor)
332  unitwf=wff%unwff
333  ncid_hdr=unitwf
335  use_f90=0
336  if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN.or.(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER.and.wff%master==wff%me)) use_f90=1
338  if (option==1.or.option==-2) then
340    ! Compute mapping my_gtable --> sequential gtable.
341    if (any(wff%iomode==[IO_MODE_MPI, IO_MODE_ETSF]).and.nband>0) then
342      call xmpi_sum(npwsotot,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
343      npwtot=npwsotot/nspinortot
344      ABI_MALLOC(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq,(npwso))
345      if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kgtab)) then
346        ikpt_this_proc=mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
347        if ( ikpt_this_proc <= 0  ) then
348          ABI_BUG("rwwf: ikpt_this_proc <= 0")
349        end if
350        do ispinor=1,nspinor
351          ispinor_index=ispinor
352          if (mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor>1) ispinor_index=mpi_enreg%me_spinor + 1
353          ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(1+npw*(ispinor-1):npw*ispinor)=npwtot*(ispinor_index-1) &
354 &         + mpi_enreg%my_kgtab(1:npw,ikpt_this_proc)
355        end do
356      else
357        ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(1:npwso) = (/(ipw,ipw=1,npwso)/)
358      end if
359    end if
360  end if
362 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 !Read the first record: npw, nspinor, nband_disk
364 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
366  if (headform>=40.or.headform==0) then ! headform==0 refers to the current headform
367    call WffReadNpwRec(ios,ikpt,isppol,nband_disk,npw1,nspinor1,wff)
368    npwso1=npw1*nspinor1
369    if(ios/=0)then
370      inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
371      write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
372 &     'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
373 &     'the (npw,nspinor,nband) record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
374 &     'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
375 &     'Action: check your input wf file:',trim(fname)
376      ABI_ERROR(msg)
377    end if
379  else
380    ! Old format
381    if(use_f90==1)then
382      read (unitwf,iostat=ios) npwso1,nband_disk
383    else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
384      call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ios)
385      call xderiveRead(wff,npwso1,ios)
386      call xderiveRead(wff,nband_disk,ios)
387      call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ios)
388    end if
389    if(ios/=0)then
390      inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
391      write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
392 &     'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
393 &     'the (npw,nband) record of a wf file with headform <40 , unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
394 &     'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
395 &     'Action: check your input wf file:',trim(fname)
396      ABI_ERROR(msg)
397    end if
398  end if ! headform
400  if (option==1.or.option==-2) then !  Will read the wavefunction and/or kg data, so check npw and nspinor
402    if (headform>=40.or.headform==0) then ! New format. headform==0 refers to the current headform
403      if (npwtot/=npw1) then
404        write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0,a)') &
405 &       'Reading option of rwwf. One should have npwtot=npw1',ch10,&
406 &       'However, npwtot= ',npwtot,', and npw1= ',npw1,'.'
407        ABI_BUG(msg)
408      end if
409      if(nspinortot/=nspinor1)then
410        write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0,a)') &
411 &       'Reading option of rwwf. One should have nspinor=nspinor1',ch10,&
412 &       'However, nspinortot= ',nspinortot,', and nspinor1= ',nspinor1,'.'
413        ABI_BUG(msg)
414      end if
415    else ! Treat the Old format.
416      if(npwsotot/=npwso1)then
417        write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0,a)') &
418 &       'Reading option of rwwf. One should have npwso=npwso1',ch10,&
419 &       'However, npwsotot= ',npwsotot,', and npwso1= ',npwso1,'.'
420        ABI_BUG(msg)
421      end if
422    end if ! headform
423 !
424  end if ! option==1.or.option==2
426 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 !Read the second record: (k+G) vectors
428 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
430  if (headform>=40.or.headform==0) then ! headform==0 refers to the current headform
432    if ((option==1.or.option==-2.or.option==3).and.optkg/=0 )then
434      if(use_f90==1)then
435        read(unitwf,iostat=ios) kg_k(1:3,1:npw)
437      else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
438        call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ios)
439        if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kgtab)) then
440          ikpt_this_proc=mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
441          call xderiveRead(wff,kg_k(1:3,1:npw),3,npw,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,&
442 &         mpi_enreg%my_kgtab(1:npw,ikpt_this_proc),ios)
443        else
444 !        MG The call below uses MPI_SCAN but here we want to read the full set of G.
445          call xderiveRead(wff,kg_k(1:3,1:npw),3,npw,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
446          call xmpi_read_int2d(wff,kg_k(1:3,1:npw),wff%spaceComm_mpiio,xmpio_collective,ios)
447        end if
448        call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ios)
450 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
451      else if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
452        ! Read reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves for this k point (npw1 is npw_disk).
453        ! TODO: spinor parallelism
454        NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves", kg_varid))
455        if (npw == npw1) then
456          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, kg_varid, kg_k, start=[1,1,ikpt], count=[3,npw1,1])
457          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting kg_k")
458        else
459          write(std_out,*)"ETSF Reading distributed kg_k"
460          ABI_MALLOC(gall, (3, npw1))
461          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, kg_varid, gall, start=[1,1,ikpt], count=[3,npw1,1])
462          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting kg_k")
463          do ipw=1,npw
464            kg_k(:,ipw) = gall(:,ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(ipw))
465          end do
466          ABI_FREE(gall)
467        end if
468 #endif
469      end if
471    else ! option
472      call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff) ! Skip the record
473    end if
475    if(ios/=0)then
476      inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
477      write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)')  &
478 &     'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
479 &     'the k+g record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
480 &     'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
481 &     'Action: check your input wf file:',trim(fname)
482      ABI_ERROR(msg)
483    end if
484  end if ! headform
486 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 !Read the third record: eigenvalues
488 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 !The reading of occ should be enabled, BUT taking into account
490 !of headform of the disk file : occ was NOT present in the disk files with headform=22
492  nband1 = min(nband,nband_disk)
494 !===== Case formeig=0: read eigenvalues =====
495  if (formeig==0) then
497    if (option==1.or.option==3.or.option==-4) then
498      if(use_f90==1)then
499        read (unitwf,iostat=ios) eigen(1:nband1)
500      else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
501        call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ios)
502        call xderiveRead(wff,eigen,nband1,xmpi_comm_self,ios)
503        call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ios)
504      end if
505    else
506      call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff)
507    end if ! option
509    if(ios/=0)then
510      inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
511      write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
512 &     'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
513 &     'an eigenvalue record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
514 &     'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
515 &     'Action: check your input wf file.',trim(fname)
516      ABI_ERROR(msg)
517    end if
519 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
520    if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
521      ! get eigenvalues and occupations
522      NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "eigenvalues", eig_varid))
523      ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, eig_varid, eigen, start=[1,ikpt,isppol], count=[nband1,1,1])
524      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting eig_k")
526      NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "occupations", occ_varid))
527      ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, occ_varid, occ, start=[1,ikpt,isppol], count=[nband1,1,1])
528      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting occ_k")
529    end if
530 #endif
532 !  ===== Case formeig=1: read matrix of eigenvalues =====
533 !  Will be written later (together with wave-functions)
534  else if(formeig==1)then
535  end if ! formeig
537 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 !Read the wave-function coefficients
539 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
541 !Select bands
542  nband1=min(nband,nband_disk)
543  if(nband1>0.and.option/=-1)then
545 !  ===== Case formeig=0: read only wave-functions =====
546    if (formeig==0) then
548      if (option==1.or.option==-2) then
550        if (use_f90==1) then
551          do iband=1,nband1
552            ipw=(iband-1)*npwso+icg
553            read(unitwf,iostat=ios) cg(1:2,ipw+1:ipw+npwso)
554            if (ios/=0) exit
555          end do
556        else if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI) then
557          call WffReadWrite_mpio(wff,1,cg,mcg,icg,nband1,npwso,npwsotot,ind_cg_mpi_to_seq,ios)
558        end if
560      else if (option/=-4) then
561        do iband=1,nband1
562          call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff) ! Skip the record
563        end do
564      end if ! option
566      if(ios/=0)then
567        inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
568        write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
569 &       'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
570 &       'a RF wf record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
571 &       'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
572 &       'Action: check your input wf file.',trim(fname)
573        ABI_ERROR(msg)
574      end if
576 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
577      if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
578        ! The coefficients_of_wavefunctions on file have shape [cplex, mpw, nspinor, mband, nkpt, nsppol]
579        NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "coefficients_of_wavefunctions", cg_varid))
580        if (npw == npw1) then
581          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, cg_varid, cg(:, icg+1:), start=[1,1,1,1,ikpt,isppol], &
582          count=[2,npw,nspinor,nband1,1,1])
583          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting cg_k")
584        else
585          write(std_out,*)"ETSF Reading distributed cg"
586          ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg_all, (2, npw1*nspinor, nband1), ierr)
587          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, cg_varid, cg_all, start=[1,1,1,1,ikpt,isppol], &
588          count=[2,npw1,nspinor,nband1,1,1])
589          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting cg_k")
590          ii = icg
591          do iband=1,nband1
592            do ipw=1,npw
593              ii = ii + 1
594              cg(:,ii) = cg_all(:,ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(ipw),iband)
595            end do
596          end do
597          ABI_FREE(cg_all)
598        end if
599      end if
600 #endif
602 !    ===== Case formeig=1: read eigenvalues, occupations and wave-functions =====
603    else if(formeig==1)then
604      ! write(std_out,*)"nband1",nband1
605      ! ABI_CHECK(nband1==nband_disk,"nband != nband_disk")
607      if (wff%iomode /= IO_MODE_ETSF) then
608        indxx=0
609        do iband=1,nband1
611          if (option==1.or.option==3.or.option==-4) then
612            if(use_f90==1)then
613              read (unitwf,iostat=ios) eigen(1+indxx:2*nband1+indxx)
614            else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
615 !            Should use an access with a "view"
616              call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ios)
617              call xderiveRead(wff,eigen(1+indxx:2*nband1+indxx),2*nband1,xmpi_comm_self,ios)
618              call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ios)
619            end if
620            indxx=indxx+2*nband1
621          else
622            call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff) ! Skip the record
623          end if
625          if(ios/=0)then
626            inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
627            write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
628 &           'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
629 &           'a RF eigenvalue record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
630 &           'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
631 &           'Action: check your input wf file.',trim(fname)
632            ABI_ERROR(msg)
633          end if
635          if(option==1.or.option==-2)then
636            ipw=(iband-1)*npwso+icg
637            if(use_f90==1)then
638              ipw=(iband-1)*npwso+icg
639              read(unitwf,iostat=ios) cg(1:2,ipw+1:ipw+npwso)
640            else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
641 !            Should use an access with a "view"
642              call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ios)
643              call xderiveRead(wff,cg(1:2,ipw+1:ipw+npwso),2,npwso,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ind_cg_mpi_to_seq,ios)
644              call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ios)
645            end if
646          else if (option/=-4) then
647            call WffReadSkipRec(ios,1,wff) ! Skip the record
648          end if ! option
650          if(ios/=0)then
651            inquire (unit=unitwf, NAME=fname)
652            write(msg,'(3a,i4,2a,i4,4a)') &
653 &           'Reading option of rwwf. Trying to read',ch10,&
654 &           'a RF wf record of a wf file, unit=',unitwf,ch10,&
655 &           'gave iostat=',ios,'. Your file is likely not correct.',ch10,&
656 &           'Action: check your input wf file.',trim(fname)
657            ABI_ERROR(msg)
658          end if
659        end do ! iband
661      else
662 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
663         ! ETSF-IO
664        if (any(option == [1, 3, -4])) then
665           ! Read eigen. Remember that the matrix on file has shape [2, mband, mband, nkpt, nspin]
666           ! whereas the eigen array used in Abinit is packed. Read the full matrix first, then pack data.
667          NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_dimid(wff%unwff, "max_number_of_states", mband_varid))
668          NCF_CHECK(nf90_inquire_dimension(wff%unwff, mband_varid, len=mband_file))
669          h1_varid = nctk_idname(wff%unwff, "h1_matrix_elements")
671          ABI_MALLOC(h1mat, (2, mband_file, mband_file))
672          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, h1_varid, h1mat, start=[1,1,1,ikpt,isppol])
673          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting h1_matrix_elements")
675          indxx=1
676          do band2=1,nband1
677            do band1=1,nband1
678              eigen(indxx:indxx+1) = h1mat(:,band1,band2)
679              indxx = indxx + 2
680            end do
681          end do
682          ABI_FREE(h1mat)
683        end if
685        if (any(option == [1, -2])) then
686           ! Read wavefunctions.
687           ! The coefficients_of_wavefunctions on file have shape [cplex, mpw, nspinor, mband, nkpt, nsppol]
688          ABI_CHECK(npw == npw1, "npw != npw1 not coded")
690          cg_varid = nctk_idname(wff%unwff, "coefficients_of_wavefunctions")
691          ncerr = nf90_get_var(wff%unwff, cg_varid, cg(:, icg+1:), start=[1,1,1,1,ikpt,isppol], &
692          count=[2,npw,nspinor,nband1,1,1])
693          NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "getting cg_k")
694        end if
695 #endif
696      end if
698    end if ! formeig == 1
700  end if ! nband >0
702 !If fewer than all bands were read wind disk file forward to end of bands for this k point.
703 !Will have to fill the non-filled bands outside of this routine ...
704  if (nband<nband_disk .or. option==-1) then
705    nrec=(formeig+1)*(nband_disk-nband)
706    if(option==-1)nrec=(formeig+1)*nband_disk
707    call WffReadSkipRec(ios,nrec,wff)
708  end if
710 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 ! Free memory
712 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
713  if (allocated(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq)) then
714    ABI_FREE(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq)
715  end if
717 end subroutine readwf

m_rwwf/rwwf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rwwf ] [ Functions ]




  This subroutine reads (different options) or write (option=2) the block of records
  related to one k point, and one spin-polarization, that
  contains the wavefunctions (as well as the eigenvalues and occupations).
  If called with option -1, the records will be skipped.
  If called with option -2, only the wavefunctions are read.
  The disk file unitwf should have been prepared
  outside of this routine, in order to read or write the correct records.


  formeig=format of the eigenvalues
     0 => vector of eigenvalues
     1 => hermitian matrix of eigenvalues
  headform=format of the header of the wf file, also governing the k block format
    in case headform=0, use the default (current) format and headform
  icg=shift to be given to the location of the cg array
  ikpt=index of current k point (only needed for error message)
  isppol=spin polarization currently treated (only needed for error message)
  mband=maximum number of bands (dimension of cg, eigen and occ)
  mcg=dimention of cg
  nband=number of bands actually in cg, eigen and occ
   (if writing mode : must be larger or equal to nband_disk, only nband_disk bands are written ;
    if reading mode : can be equal, larger or smaller than nband_disk, but
     cg, eigen and occ will not be completely filled if nband>nband_disk)
  nband_disk=number of bands on the disk file
  npw=number of plane waves
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
  option= 2 for writing cg, eigen and occ,
          1 for reading cg and eigen,
         -1 for reading/skipping,
         -2 for reading cg only
          3 for reading the eigenvalues only
          4 for writing a file containing only eigenvalues and occupations (need to be read with option 4)
          5 for writing a file containing only eigenvalues and occupations, that can however be read with option 3)
         -4 for reading a file written with 4
                 (different from 3 which reads a normal option 2 file)
  optkg= if 1 , read or write kg_k ; if 0, do not care about kg_k
  tim_rwwf=timing code of the calling routine (set to 0 if not attributed)
  wff=struct info for wavefunction
   | unitwf=unit number for wavefunction


  cg(2,npw*nspinor*mband)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions,
    input if option=2; output if option=1 or -2
  eigen((2*mband)**formeig *mband)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
    input if option=2 or 4 or 5; output if option=1
  kg_k(3,optkg*npw)=k+g data  (only if optkg==1)
    input if option=2; output if option=1 or -2
  nband_disk=number of bands on disk
    input if option=2 or 4 or 5; output in the other cases
  occ(mband)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
    input if option=2 or 4 or 5; output if option=1
    no meaning if frmeig/=0


  WARNING : occ is not read in the present status of this routine
  WARNING : skipping k-blocks is also done in the randac subroutine
  WARNING : reading the two first records is also done in the rdnpw routine
  WARNING : writing the two first records is also done in the dfpt_vtowfk routine

 TODO!     if (mpi_enreg%flag_ind_kg_mpi_to_seq==1 ) then
  Some arguments are contained in the wff datastructure, and should be eliminated.
  option 3 should be called -3 (reading -> negative option) and others (-1,1) re-shuffled.


127 subroutine rwwf(cg,eigen,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_k,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
128 &               nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,occ,option,optkg,tim_rwwf,wff)
130 !Arguments ------------------------------------
131  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,mband,mcg,nband,npw
132  integer,intent(inout) :: nband_disk
133  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,option,optkg,tim_rwwf
134  integer,intent(inout),target :: kg_k(3,optkg*npw)
135  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: cg(2,mcg),eigen((2*mband)**formeig*mband),occ(mband)
136  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff
137  type(MPI_type), intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
139 !Local variables-------------------------------
140 !scalars
141  character(len=500) :: msg
142 !arrays
143  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
145 ! *************************************************************************
147  call timab(270+tim_rwwf,1,tsec)
149 !Might check that icg+npw*nband*nspinor is smaller than mcg
151 !Check that nband is smaller than mband, if one will not skip the records.
152  if (nband>mband .and. option/=-1)then
153    write(msg,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)')' One should have nband<=mband. However, nband=',nband,', and mband=',mband,'.'
154    ABI_BUG(msg)
155  end if
157 !Check that formeig is 0 or 1.
158  if ( ALL(formeig/=(/0,1/)) ) then
159    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' The argument formeig should be 0 or 1. However, formeig=',formeig,'.'
160    ABI_BUG(msg)
161  end if
163 !Check the value of option
164  if ( ALL( option /= (/1,2,3,4,5,-1,-2,-4/) )) then
165    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' The argument option should be between 1 and 5, or -1, -2, -4. However, option=',option,'.'
166    ABI_BUG(msg)
167  end if
169  if (option/=2.and.option/=4 .and. option/=5 ) then ! read
170    call readwf(cg,eigen,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_k,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
171 &   nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,occ,option,optkg,wff)
172  else                                ! write
173    call writewf(cg,eigen,formeig,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_k,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
174 &   nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,occ,option,optkg,wff)
175  end if
177  call timab(270+tim_rwwf,2,tsec)
179 end subroutine rwwf

m_rwwf/WffReadSkipK [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rwwf ] [ Functions ]




  (Wavefunction file, read action : skip one k-point blok)
  This subroutine skips the block of records
  related to one k point, and one spin-polarization, that
  contains the wavefunctions as well as the eigenvalues and occupations,
  in a wavefunction file that has been already initialized.


  formeig=format of the eigenvalues
   0 => vector of eigenvalues (for Ground-State files)
   1 => hermitian matrix of eigenvalues (for Response-Function files)
  headform=format of the header of the wf file, also governing the k block format
   in case headform=0, use the default (current) format and headform
  ikpt=index of current k point (only needed for error message)
  isppol=spin polarization currently treated (only needed for error message)
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  wff=structured info for wavefunction file




210 subroutine WffReadSkipK(formeig,headform,ikpt,isppol,mpi_enreg,wff)
212 !Arguments ------------------------------------
213 !scalars
214  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,headform,ikpt,isppol
215  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
216  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff
218 !Local variables-------------------------------
219 !scalars
220  integer :: icg,mband,mcg,nband,nband_disk,option,optkg,tim_rwwf
221  integer,parameter :: nspinor1=1,npw1=1
222 !arrays
223  integer,allocatable :: kg_dum(:,:)
224  real(dp) :: cg_dum(2,1),occ_dum(1)
225  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_dum(:)
227 ! *************************************************************************
229  ! No need to skip if netcdf
230  if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) return
232  option=-1
233  tim_rwwf=0 ; mcg=1 ; mband=1 ; icg=0 ; optkg=0 ; nband=0
234  ABI_MALLOC(eig_dum,(2**formeig))
235  ABI_MALLOC(kg_dum,(3,optkg*npw1))
237  call rwwf(cg_dum,eig_dum,formeig,headform,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_dum,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,nband,&
238 & nband_disk,npw1,nspinor1,occ_dum,option,optkg,tim_rwwf,wff)
240  ABI_FREE(eig_dum)
241  ABI_FREE(kg_dum)
243 end subroutine WffReadSkipK

m_rwwf/writewf [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rwwf ] [ Functions ]




  This subroutine writes the block of records
  related to one k point, and one spin-polarization, that
  contains the wavefunctions (as well as the eigenvalues and occupations).
  The disk file unitwf should have been prepared
  outside of this routine, in order to write the correct records.


  cg(2,npw*nspinor*mband)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions,
  eigen((2*mband)**formeig *mband)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  formeig=format of the eigenvalues
   0 => vector of eigenvalues
   1 => hermitian matrix of eigenvalues
  icg=shift to be given to the location of the cg array
  ikpt=index of current k point (only needed for error message)
  isppol=spin polarization currently treated (only needed for error message)
  kg_k(3,optkg*npw)=k+g data  (only if optkg==1)
  mband=maximum number of bands (dimension of cg, eigen and occ)
  mcg=dimension of cg
  nband=number of bands actually in cg, eigen and occ
   (must be larger or equal to nband_disk, only nband_disk bands are written)
  nband_disk=number of bands on the disk file
  npw=number of plane waves
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
  occ(mband)=array for holding electronic occupations
  option= 2 for writing cg, eigen and occ,
          4 for writing a file containing only eigenvalues and occupations
  optkg= if 1 , read or write kg_k ; if 0, do not care about kg_k
  wff=struct info for wavefunction


 (none, only writing)



  WARNING : skipping k-blocks is also done in the randac subroutine
  WARNING : writing the two first records is also done in the dfpt_vtowfk routine


 767 subroutine writewf(cg,eigen,formeig,icg,ikpt,isppol,kg_k,mband,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
 768 &                  nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,occ,option,optkg,wff)
 770 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 771  integer,intent(in) :: formeig,icg,ikpt,isppol,mband,mcg,nband,nband_disk,npw,nspinor,option,optkg
 772  integer,intent(in),target :: kg_k(3,optkg*npw)
 773  real(dp),intent(in),target :: cg(2,mcg),eigen((2*mband)**formeig*mband),occ(mband)
 774  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 775  type(wffile_type),intent(inout) :: wff
 777 !Local variables-------------------------------
 778  integer :: iband,ii,ios,ipw,ispinor_index,nband2,ncid_hdr,npwso,npwsotot,npwtot,nspinortot
 779  integer :: unitwf,use_f90
 780  character(len=500) :: msg
 781  integer :: ikpt_this_proc,ispinor,me_cart_3d
 782  integer,allocatable :: ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(:)
 783  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: cg_ptr(:,:)
 784 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 785  integer :: kg_varid,eig_varid,occ_varid,cg_varid,ncerr
 786  character(len=nctk_slen) :: kdep
 787 #endif
 788 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
 789  integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: off(1)
 790 #endif
 792 ! *********************************************************************
 794 !Check the options
 795  if ( ALL(option /= (/2,4,5/)) ) then
 796    write(msg,'(a,i0)')' The argument option should be 2, 4 or 5. However, option=',option
 797    ABI_BUG(msg)
 798  end if
 800  if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
 801    if(option==5)then
 802      write(msg,'(a,i0)')' With MPI-IO activated, the argument option should be 2 or 4. However, option=',option
 803      ABI_BUG(msg)
 804    end if
 805  end if
 807  if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_ETSF) then
 808    ! outkss still calls this routine!
 809    ABI_WARNING("You should use outwff or ncwrite_cg to write data in netcdf format!")
 810  end if
 812 !Check that nband_disk is not larger than nband (only for writing)
 813  if (nband<nband_disk) then
 814    write(msg,'(3a,i5,a,i5,a)') &
 815 &   'Writing option of rwwf. One should have nband<=nband_disk',ch10,&
 816 &   'However, nband= ',nband,', and nband_disk= ',nband_disk,'.'
 817    ABI_BUG(msg)
 818  end if
 820  npwtot=npw; npwso=npw*nspinor
 821  unitwf=wff%unwff; ncid_hdr=unitwf
 822  npwsotot=npwso
 823  nspinortot=min(2,(1+mpi_enreg%paral_spinor)*nspinor)
 825  use_f90=0
 826  if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_FORTRAN.or.(wff%iomode ==IO_MODE_FORTRAN_MASTER.and.wff%master==wff%me)) use_f90=1
 828  if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI) then
 830    call xmpi_sum(npwsotot,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
 831    npwtot=npwsotot/nspinortot
 833    if (option/=4) then
 834      ABI_MALLOC(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq,(npwso))
 835      if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kgtab)) then
 836        ikpt_this_proc=mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
 837        do ispinor=1,nspinor
 838          ispinor_index=ispinor
 839          if (mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor > 1) ispinor_index = mpi_enreg%me_spinor + 1
 840          ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(1+npw*(ispinor-1):npw*ispinor)=npwtot*(ispinor_index-1) &
 841 &         + mpi_enreg%my_kgtab(1:npw,ikpt_this_proc)
 842        end do
 843      else
 844        ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(1:npwso) = (/(ipw,ipw=1,npwso)/)
 845      end if
 846      !write(std_out,*)"MPI-IO ind_cg_mpi_to_seq", ind_cg_mpi_to_seq(1:5)
 847    end if
 848  end if
 850 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 851 !Write the first record: npw, nspinor, nband_disk
 852 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 853 !Not modified for netCDF: no need to add writing of nband_disk,npw,nspinor
 855  call WffWriteNpwRec(ios,nband_disk,npwtot,nspinortot,wff,opt_paral=2)
 857 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 858 !Write the second record: (k+G) vectors
 859 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 861  if (optkg/=0.and.option/=4) then
 862    if(use_f90==1)then
 863      write(unitwf) kg_k(1:3,1:optkg*npw)
 864    else if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI) then
 866      if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kgtab)) then
 867        me_cart_3d=xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enreg%comm_bandspinorfft)
 868        ikpt_this_proc=mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
 869        call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ios,me_cart_3d)
 870        if (mpi_enreg%me_spinor==0) then
 871          call xderiveWrite(wff,kg_k,3,npw,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft, &
 872 &         mpi_enreg%my_kgtab(1:npw,ikpt_this_proc),ios)
 873        end if
 874        call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ios,me_cart_3d)
 875      else
 876 !      MG does it work if we are not using FFT distribution ?
 877        call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ios )
 878        if (mpi_enreg%me_spinor==0) then
 879          call xderiveWrite(wff,kg_k,3,optkg*npw,Wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
 880        end if
 881        call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ios)
 882      end if
 884 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 885    else if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
 886      ! Write the reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves for this k point.
 887      NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves", kg_varid))
 888      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_att(wff%unwff, kg_varid, "k_dependent", kdep))
 889      if (kdep == "no") then
 890        ncerr = nf90_put_var(wff%unwff, kg_varid, kg_k, start=[1,1], count=[3,npw])
 891      else
 892        ncerr = nf90_put_var(wff%unwff, kg_varid, kg_k, start=[1,1,ikpt], count=[3,npw,1])
 893      end if
 894      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting kg_k")
 895 #endif
 896    end if ! end if wff%iomode
 897  else ! Still skip the record
 898    if (use_f90==1) then
 899      write(unitwf)
 900    else if (wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI) then
 901      call xderiveWRecInit(wff,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
 902      call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
 903    end if
 904  end if
 906 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 907 !Write the third record: eigenvalues and occupations
 908 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 910 !===== Case formeig=0: write eigenvalues and occupations =====
 911  if (formeig==0) then
 912    if (use_f90==1) then
 913      write(unitwf) (eigen(iband),iband=1,nband_disk),(occ(iband),iband=1,nband_disk)
 914    else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI) then
 915      if (wff%me_mpiio==0) then
 916        call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ios)
 917        call xderiveWrite(wff,eigen,nband_disk,xmpi_comm_self,ios)
 918        call xderiveWrite(wff,occ,nband_disk,xmpi_comm_self,ios)
 919        call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ios)
 920      end if
 921 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
 922      off(1)=wff%offwff
 923      call MPI_BCAST(off,1,wff%offset_mpi_type,0,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
 924      wff%offwff=off(1)
 925 #endif
 926 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 927    else if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) then
 928      ! Write eigenvalues and occupation factors.
 929      NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "eigenvalues", eig_varid))
 930      ncerr = nf90_put_var(wff%unwff, eig_varid, eigen, start=[1,ikpt,isppol], count=[mband,1,1])
 931      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting eig_k")
 933      NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "occupations", occ_varid))
 934      ncerr = nf90_put_var(wff%unwff, occ_varid, occ, start=[1,ikpt,isppol], count=[mband,1,1])
 935      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting occ_k")
 936 #endif
 937    end if
 939 !  ===== Case formeig=1: write matrix of eigenvalues =====
 940 !  Will be written later (together with wave-functions)
 941  else if(formeig==1)then
 942  end if ! formeig
 944 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 945 !Write the wave-function coefficients
 946 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 948 !===== Case formeig=0: write only wave-functions =====
 949  if (formeig==0) then
 950 !  If option=4, do not write wave functions
 951    if (option/=4) then
 952      if (use_f90==1) then
 953        do iband=1,nband_disk
 954          ipw=(iband-1)*npwso+icg
 955          if(option/=5)then
 956            write(unitwf) cg(1:2,ipw+1:ipw+npwso) ! VALGRIND complains some elements of cg are not initialized, but written
 957          else
 958            write(unitwf)
 959          end if
 960        end do
 961      else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
 962        cg_ptr => cg ! Need pointer to bypass "inout" intent attribute
 963        call WffReadWrite_mpio(wff,2,cg_ptr,mcg,icg,nband_disk,npwso,npwsotot,ind_cg_mpi_to_seq,ios)
 964        nullify(cg_ptr)
 965 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 966      else if (wff%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF .and. option/=5) then
 968        NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "reduced_coordinates_of_plane_waves", kg_varid))
 969        NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_att(wff%unwff, kg_varid, "k_dependent", kdep))
 971        ! The coefficients_of_wavefunctions on file have shape [cplex, mpw, nspinor, mband, nkpt, nsppol]
 972        NCF_CHECK(nf90_inq_varid(wff%unwff, "coefficients_of_wavefunctions", cg_varid))
 973        !write(std_out,*)"put cg, count: ",[2,npw,nspinor,nband,1,1]
 974        ncerr = nf90_put_var(wff%unwff, cg_varid, cg(:, icg+1:), start=[1,1,1,1,ikpt,isppol], &
 975        count=[2,npw,nspinor,nband,1,1])
 976        NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "putting cg_k")
 977        !write(std_out,*)"after cg"
 978 #endif
 979      end if
 980    end if ! option/=4
 982 !  ===== Case formeig=1: write eigenvalues and wave-functions =====
 983  else if(formeig==1)then
 985 !  Not available for NETCDF and ETSF_IO
 986    ABI_CHECK(wff%iomode /= IO_MODE_ETSF, "ETSF-write-eigen1 not coded!")
 988 !  ABI_CHECK(nband_disk==nband,"nband_disk!=nband")
 990    nband2=2*nband_disk
 991    do iband=1,nband_disk
 992      ipw=(iband-1)*npwso+icg
 993      ii=(iband-1)*nband2
 994      if(use_f90==1)then
 995        write(unitwf) eigen(1+ii:nband2+ii)
 996        if (option/=5) then
 997          write(unitwf) cg(1:2,1+ipw:npwso+ipw)
 998        else
 999          write(unitwf)
1000        end if
1001      else if(wff%iomode==IO_MODE_MPI)then
1002 !      Should use an access with a "view"
1003        call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ios)
1004        call xderiveWrite(wff,eigen(1+ii:ii+nband2),nband2,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
1005        call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ios)
1006        if (option/=4) then
1007          call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ios)
1008          call xderiveWrite(wff,cg(1:2,ipw+1:ipw+npwso),2,npwso,wff%spaceComm_mpiio,ios)
1009          call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ios)
1010        end if
1011      end if
1012    end do
1014  end if ! formeig
1016 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1017 !Final statements
1018 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1020  if (allocated(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq)) then
1021    ABI_FREE(ind_cg_mpi_to_seq)
1022  end if
1024  RETURN
1026 !Silence compiler warning.
1027  ABI_UNUSED((/ii,mpi_enreg%me/))
1029 end subroutine writewf