ABINIT/irrzg [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Find the irreducible zone in reciprocal space under the
 symmetry group with real space rotations in symrel(3,3,nsym).
 The (integer) rotation matrices symrel(3,3,nsym) express the new
 real space positions (e.g. rotated atom positions) in REDUCED
 coordinates, i.e. in coordinates expressed as fractions of real space
 primitive translations (atomic coordinates xred).  tnons(3,nsym) express
 the associated nonsymmorphic translations, again in reduced coordinates.
 Special data structure created in irrzon.
 First half holds mapping from irr zone to full zone;
 part of second half holds repetition number info.
 work1 is a work array to keep track of grid points found so far.
 In case nspden=2 and nsppol=1, one has to take care of antiferromagnetic
 operations. The subgroup of non-magnetic operations is used
 to generate irrzon(:,:,2) and phnons(:,:,2), while the
 full group is used to generate irrzon(:,:,1) and phnons(:,:,1)


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in group
  n1,n2,n3=box dimensions of real space grid (or fft box)
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry matrices in real space (integers)
  tnons(3,nsym)=reduced nonsymmorphic translations
 (symrel and tnons are in terms of real space primitive translations)


  irrzon(n1*n2*n3,2+(nspden/4),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=integer array which contains the locations of related
   grid points and the repetition number for each symmetry class.
  phnons(2,n1*n2*n3,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=phases associated with nonsymmorphic translations






 54 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 55 #include "config.h"
 56 #endif
 58 #include "abi_common.h"
 60 subroutine irrzg(irrzon,nspden,nsppol,nsym,n1,n2,n3,phnons,symafm,symrel,tnons)
 62  use defs_basis
 63  use m_profiling_abi
 64  use m_errors
 65  use m_sort
 67 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 68 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 69 #undef ABI_FUNC
 70 #define ABI_FUNC 'irrzg'
 71  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 72 !End of the abilint section
 74  implicit none
 76 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 77 !scalars
 78  integer,intent(in) :: n1,n2,n3,nspden,nsppol,nsym
 79 !arrays
 80  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym)
 81  integer,intent(out) :: irrzon(n1*n2*n3,2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
 82  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym)
 83  real(dp),intent(out) :: phnons(2,n1*n2*n3,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))
 85 !Local variables-------------------------------
 86 !scalars
 87  integer :: i1,i2,i3,id1,id2,id3,ifft,imagn,ind1,ind2,ipt,irep,isym,izone
 88  integer :: izonemax,j1,j2,j3,jj,k1,k2,k3,l1,l2,l3,nfftot,npt,nsym_used
 89  integer :: nzone,setzer,sppoldbl
 90  real(dp) :: arg,ph1i,ph1r,ph2i,ph2r,tau1,tau2,tau3
 91  logical,parameter :: afm_noncoll=.true. ! TRUE if antiferro symmetries are used in non-collinear magnetism
 92  character(len=500) :: message
 93 !arrays
 94  integer,allocatable :: class(:),iperm(:),symafm_used(:),symrel_used(:,:,:)
 95  integer,allocatable :: work1(:)
 96  real(dp),allocatable :: tnons_used(:,:),work2(:,:)
 98 ! *************************************************************************
100  ABI_ALLOCATE(class,(nsym))
101  ABI_ALLOCATE(iperm,(nsym))
102  ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(n1*n2*n3))
103  ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(2,n1*n2*n3))
105  nfftot=n1*n2*n3
107  id1=n1/2+2
108  id2=n2/2+2
109  id3=n3/2+2
111  sppoldbl=nspden/nsppol;if (nspden==4) sppoldbl=1
113  do imagn=1,sppoldbl
115 !  Treat in a similar way the case of the full group and the non-magnetic subgroup
116    nsym_used=0
117    do isym=1,nsym
118      if( (imagn==1 .and. sppoldbl==2) .or. symafm(isym)==1 .or. &
119 &     ((nspden==4).and.afm_noncoll) )then
120        nsym_used=nsym_used+1
121      end if
122    end do
124    if(imagn==2 .and. nsym_used/=nsym/2)then
125      write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,i4,a,i0)' )&
126 &     '  The number of ferromagnetic symmetry operations must be',ch10,&
127 &     '  half the total number of operations, while it is observed that',ch10,&
128 &     '  nsym=',nsym,' and nsym_magn=',nsym_used
129      MSG_BUG(message)
130    end if
132    ABI_ALLOCATE(symafm_used,(nsym_used))
133    ABI_ALLOCATE(symrel_used,(3,3,nsym_used))
134    ABI_ALLOCATE(tnons_used,(3,nsym_used))
136    nsym_used=0
137    do isym=1,nsym
138      if( (imagn==1 .and. sppoldbl==2) .or. symafm(isym)==1 .or.  &
139 &     ((nspden==4).and.afm_noncoll) ) then
140        nsym_used=nsym_used+1
141        symrel_used(:,:,nsym_used)=symrel(:,:,isym)
142        tnons_used(:,nsym_used)=tnons(:,isym)
143        symafm_used(nsym_used)=symafm(isym)
144      end if
145    end do
146    if ((nspden/=4).or.(.not.afm_noncoll)) symafm_used=1
149 !  Zero out work array--later on, a zero entry will mean that
150 !  a given grid point has not yet been assigned to an ibz point
151    work1(1:nfftot)=0
152    irrzon(:,2,imagn)=0
154 !  Initialize at G=0 (always in irreducible zone)
155    nzone=1
156    irrzon(1,1,imagn)=1
157    irrzon(1,2,imagn)=nsym_used
158 !  Set phase exp(2*Pi*I*G dot tnons) for G=0
159    phnons(1,1,imagn)=one
160    phnons(2,1,imagn)=zero
161    npt=1
162 !  setting work1(1)=1 indicates that first grid point (G=0) is
163 !  in the iz (irreducible zone)
164    work1(1)=1
166    ind1=0
168 !  Loop over reciprocal space grid points:
169    do i3=1,n3
170      do i2=1,n2
171        do i1=1,n1
173          ind1=ind1+1
175 !        Check to see whether present grid point is equivalent to
176 !        any previously identified ibz point--if not, a new ibz point
177 !        has been found
179          if (work1(ind1)==0) then
181 !          A new class has been found.
183 !          Get location of G vector (grid point) centered at 0 0 0
184            l3=i3-(i3/id3)*n3-1
185            l2=i2-(i2/id2)*n2-1
186            l1=i1-(i1/id1)*n1-1
188            do isym=1,nsym_used
190 !            Get rotated G vector Gj for each symmetry element
191 !            -- here we use the TRANSPOSE of symrel_used; assuming symrel_used expresses
192 !            the rotation in real space, the transpose is then appropriate
193 !            for G space symmetrization (p. 1172d,e of notes, 2 June 1995).
194              j1=symrel_used(1,1,isym)*l1+&
195 &             symrel_used(2,1,isym)*l2+symrel_used(3,1,isym)*l3
196              j2=symrel_used(1,2,isym)*l1+&
197 &             symrel_used(2,2,isym)*l2+symrel_used(3,2,isym)*l3
198              j3=symrel_used(1,3,isym)*l1+&
199 &             symrel_used(2,3,isym)*l2+symrel_used(3,3,isym)*l3
201 !            Map into [0,n-1] and then add 1 for array index in [1,n]
202              k1=1+mod(n1+mod(j1,n1),n1)
203              k2=1+mod(n2+mod(j2,n2),n2)
204              k3=1+mod(n3+mod(j3,n3),n3)
205 !            k1=1+map(j1,n1)
206 !            k2=1+map(j2,n2)
207 !            k3=1+map(j3,n3)
209 !            Get linear index of rotated point Gj
210              ind2=k1+n1*((k2-1)+n2*(k3-1))
212 !            Store info for new class:
213              class(isym)=ind2
214              iperm(isym)=isym
216 !            Setting work array element to 1 indicates grid point has been
217 !            identified with iz point
218              work1(ind2)=1
220 !            End of loop on isym
221            end do
223 !          Sort integers into ascending order in each class
224 !          (this lumps together G vectors with the same linear index, i.e.
225 !          groups together symmetries which land on the same Gj)
226            call sort_int(nsym_used,class,iperm)
228 !          Check repetition factor (how many identical copies of Gj occur
229 !          from all symmetries applied to G)
230            irep=0
231            do isym=1,nsym_used
232              if (class(isym)==class(1)) then
233                irep=irep+1
234              end if
235            end do
236            ipt=nsym_used/irep
238 !          Repetition factor must be divisor of nsym_used:
239            if (nsym_used/=(ipt*irep)) then
240              write(message, '(a,i5,a,i6,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
241 &             '  irep=',irep,' not a divisor of nsym_used=',nsym_used,ch10,&
242 &             ' This usually indicates that',&
243 &             ' the input symmetries do not form a group.',ch10,&
244 &             ' Action : check the input symmetries carefully do they',&
245 &             ' form a group ? If they do, there is a code bug.'
246              MSG_ERROR(message)
247            end if
249 !          Compute phases for any nonsymmorphic symmetries
250 !          exp(-2*Pi*I*G dot tau(j)) for each symmetry j with
251 !          (possibly zero) nonsymmorphic translation tau(j)
252            do jj=1,nsym_used
253 !            First get nonsymmorphic translation and see if nonzero
254 !            (iperm grabs the symmetries in the new order after sorting)
255              isym=iperm(jj)
256              tau1=tnons_used(1,isym)
257              tau2=tnons_used(2,isym)
258              tau3=tnons_used(3,isym)
259              if (abs(tau1)>tol12.or.abs(tau2)>tol12&
260 &             .or.abs(tau3)>tol12) then
261 !              compute exp(-2*Pi*I*G dot tau) using original G
262                arg=two_pi*(dble(l1)*tau1+dble(l2)*tau2+dble(l3)*tau3)
263                work2(1,jj)=cos(arg)
264                work2(2,jj)=-sin(arg)
265              else
266                work2(1,jj)=one
267                work2(2,jj)=zero
268              end if
269            end do
271 !          All phases arising from symmetries which map to the same
272 !          G vector must actually be the same because
273 !          rho(Strans*G)=exp(2*Pi*I*(G) dot tau_S) rho(G)
274 !          must be satisfied; if exp(2*Pi*I*(G) dot tau_S) can be different
275 !          for two different symmetries S which both take G to the same St*G,
276 !          then the related Fourier components rho(St*G) must VANISH.
277 !          Thus: set "phase" to ZERO here in that case.
278 !          The G mappings occur in sets of irep members; if irep=1 then
279 !          all the G are unique.
280 !          MT 090212:
281 !          In the case of antiferromagn. symetries, one can have
282 !          rho(Strans*G)= -exp(2*Pi*I*(G) dot tau_S) rho(G)
283 !          (look at the minus !)
284 !          A special treatment is then operated on phons.
285 !          The later must be consistent with the use of phnons array
286 !          in symrhg.F90 routine.
287 !          XG 001108 :
288 !          Note that there is a tolerance on the
289 !          accuracy of tnons, especially when they are found from
290 !          the symmetry finder (with xred that might be a bit inaccurate)
291            if (irep > 1) then
292              do jj=1,nsym_used,irep
293                setzer=0
294                ph1r=work2(1,jj);ph1i=work2(2,jj)
295                do j1=jj,jj+irep-1
296                  ph2r=work2(1,j1);ph2i=work2(2,j1)
297                  if (((ph2r+ph1r)**2+(ph2i+ph1i)**2) <= tol14) then
298                    if (setzer/=1) setzer=-1
299                  else if (((ph2r-ph1r)**2+(ph2i-ph1i)**2) > tol14) then
300                    setzer=1
301                  end if
302                end do
303 !              Setzer= 0: phnons are all equal
304 !              Setzer=-1: phnons are equal in absolute value
305 !              Setzer= 1: some phnons are different
306                if (setzer/=0) then
307                  if (setzer==-1) then
308                    if (afm_noncoll.and.nspden==4) then
309                      arg=symafm_used(iperm(jj))
310                      if (all(symafm_used(iperm(jj:jj+irep-1))==arg)) then
311                        setzer=1
312                      else
313                        do j1=jj,jj+irep-1
314                          work2(:,j1)=work2(:,j1)*dble(symafm_used(iperm(j1)))
315                        end do
316                      end if
317                    else
318                      setzer=1
319                    end if
320                  end if
321                  if (setzer==1) work2(:,jj:jj+irep-1)=zero
322                end if
323              end do
324 !            Compress data if irep>1:
325              jj=0
326              do isym=1,nsym_used,irep
327                jj=jj+1
328                class(jj)=class(isym)
329                work2(1,jj)=work2(1,isym)
330                work2(2,jj)=work2(2,isym)
331              end do
332            end if
334 !          Put new unique points into irrzon array:
335            irrzon(1+npt:ipt+npt,1,imagn)=class(1:ipt)
337 !          Put repetition number into irrzon array:
338            irrzon(1+nzone,2,imagn)=irep
340 !          DEBUG
341 !          write(std_out,'(a,6i7)' )' irrzg : izone,i1,i2,i3,imagn,irrzon(859,2,1)=',&
342 !          &      1+nzone,i1,i2,i3,imagn,irrzon(859,2,1)
343 !          ENDDEBUG
345 !          Put phases (or 0) in phnons array:
346            phnons(:,1+npt:ipt+npt,imagn)=work2(:,1:ipt)
348 !          Update number of points in irrzon array:
349 !          (irep must divide evenly into nsym_used !)
350            npt=npt+ipt
352 !          Update number of classes:
353            nzone=nzone+1
355          end if
356 !        
357 !        End of loop on reciprocal space points, with indices i1, i2, i3
358        end do
359      end do
360    end do
362    if (allocated(symafm_used))  then
363      ABI_DEALLOCATE(symafm_used)
364    end if
365    if (allocated(symrel_used))  then
366      ABI_DEALLOCATE(symrel_used)
367    end if
368    if (allocated(tnons_used))  then
369      ABI_DEALLOCATE(tnons_used)
370    end if
372  end do ! imagn
374 !Make sure number of real space points accounted for equals actual number of grid points
375  if (npt/=n1*n2*n3) then
376    write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i10,a,i10,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
377 &   ' irrzg : ERROR -',ch10,&
378 &   '  npt=',npt,' and n1*n2*n3=',n1*n2*n3,' are not equal',ch10,&
379 &   '  This says that the total of all points in the irreducible',&
380 &   '  sector in real space',ch10,&
381 &   '  and all symmetrically equivalent',&
382 &   '  points, npt, does not equal the actual number',ch10,&
383 &   '  of real space grid points.'
384    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
385    write(message,'(3a)') &
386 &   ' This may mean that the input symmetries do not form a group',ch10,&
387 &   ' Action : check input symmetries carefully for errors.'
388    MSG_ERROR(message)
389  end if
391 !Perform some checks
392  do imagn=1,sppoldbl
394    do ifft=1,nfftot
395      if (irrzon(ifft,1,imagn)<1.or.irrzon(ifft,1,imagn)>nfftot) then
396        write(message,'(a,4i0,a,a)')&
397 &       '  ifft,irrzon(ifft,1,imagn),nfftot,imagn=',ifft,irrzon(ifft,1,imagn),nfftot,imagn,ch10,&
398 &       '  =>irrzon goes outside acceptable bounds.'
399        MSG_BUG(message)
400      end if
401    end do
403    izonemax=0
404    do izone=1,nfftot
405 !    Global bounds
406      if (irrzon(izone,2,imagn)<0.or.irrzon(izone,2,imagn)>(nsym/imagn)) then
407        write(message, '(a,5i7,a,a)' )&
408 &       ' izone,nzone,irrzon(izone,2,imagn),nsym,imagn =',izone,nzone,irrzon(izone,2,imagn),nsym,imagn,ch10,&
409 &       '  =>irrzon goes outside acceptable bounds.'
410        MSG_BUG(message)
411      end if
412 !    Second index only goes up to nzone
413      if(izonemax==0)then
414        if (irrzon(izone,2,imagn)==0)izonemax=izone-1
415      end if
416      if(izonemax/=0)then
417        if (irrzon(izone,2,imagn)/=0) then
418          message = ' beyond izonemax, irrzon(izone,2,imagn) should be zero'
419          MSG_BUG(message)
420        end if
421      end if
422    end do
424  end do ! imagn
426  ABI_DEALLOCATE(class)
427  ABI_DEALLOCATE(iperm)
428  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
429  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
431 end subroutine irrzg