ABINIT/initylmg [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Calculate the real spherical harmonics Ylm (and gradients)
 over a set of (reciprocal space) (k+G) vectors


  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations (b^-1)
  kg(3,mpw)=integer coordinates of G vectors in basis sphere
  kptns(3,nkpt)=k points in terms of reciprocal translations
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpsang=1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotential
  mpw   =maximum number of planewaves in basis sphere (large number)
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point
  nkpt  =number of k points
  npwarr(nkpt)=array holding npw for each k point
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for polarized
  optder= 0=compute Ylm(K)
          1=compute Ylm(K) and dYlm/dKi
          2=compute Ylm(K), dYlm/dKi and d2Ylm/dKidKj
         -1=compute only dYlm/dKi
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)


  if (optder>=0)
    ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang) = real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  if (optder>=1 or optder==-1)
    ylm_gr(mpw*mkmem,1:3,mpsang*mpsang)= gradients of real
    spherical harmonics wrt (G+k) in reduced coordinates
  if (optder>=2)
    ylm_gr(mpw*mkmem,4:9,mpsang*mpsang)= second gradients of
    real spherical harmonics wrt (G+k) in reduced coordinates


 Remember the expression of complex spherical harmonics:
 $Y_{lm}(%theta ,%phi)=sqrt{{(2l+1) over (4 %pi)}
 {fact(l-m) over fact(l+m)} } P_l^m(cos(%theta))
 func e^{i m %phi}$
 Remember the expression of real spherical harmonics as
   linear combination of complex spherical harmonics:
 $Yr_{lm}(%theta ,%phi)=(Re{Y_{l-m}}+(-1)^m Re{Y_{lm}})/sqrt{2}
 $Yr_{l-m}(%theta ,%phi)=(Im{Y_{l-m}}-(-1)^m Im{Y_{lm}})/sqrt{2}


 94 subroutine initylmg(gprimd, kg, kptns, mkmem, mpi_enreg, mpsang, mpw, &
 95                     nband, nkpt, npwarr, nsppol, optder, rprimd, ylm, ylm_gr)
 97 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 98 !scalars
 99  integer,intent(in) :: mkmem,mpsang,mpw,nkpt,nsppol,optder
100  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
101 !arrays
102  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),nband(nkpt*nsppol)
103  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr(nkpt)
104  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),kptns(3,nkpt),rprimd(3,3)
105  real(dp),intent(out) :: ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang)
106  real(dp),intent(out) :: ylm_gr(mpw*mkmem,3+6*(optder/2),mpsang*mpsang)
108 !Local variables ------------------------------
109 !scalars
110  integer :: dimgr,ia,ib,ii,ikg,ikpt,ilang,ipw
111  integer :: jj,kk,l0,ll
112  integer :: me_distrb,mm,npw_k
113  real(dp),parameter :: tol=1.d-10
114  real(dp) :: cphi,ctheta,fact,onem,rr,sphi,stheta,work1,work2
115  real(dp) :: xx,ylmcst,ylmcst2
116  real(dp) :: yy,zz
117  !character(len=500) :: message
118 !arrays
119  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/)
120  integer,parameter :: beta(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/)
121  integer,allocatable :: kg_k(:,:)
122  real(dp) :: dphi(3),dtheta(3),iphase(mpsang-1),kpg(3)
123  real(dp) :: rphase(mpsang-1)
124  real(dp),allocatable :: blm(:,:)
125  real(dp),allocatable :: ylmgr2_cart(:,:,:),ylmgr2_tmp(:,:)
126  real(dp),allocatable :: ylmgr_cart(:,:)
127  real(dp),allocatable :: ylmgr_red(:,:)
129 !*****************************************************************
131 !Begin executable
132  me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
133 !Initialisation of spherical harmonics (and gradients)
134  if (optder>=0) ylm(:,:)  =zero
135  if (optder/=0) ylm_gr(:,:,:)=zero
136  dimgr=3+6*(optder/2)
138 !Allocate some memory
139  if (optder/=0) then
140    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr_cart,(3,2))
141  end if
142  if (optder/=0.and.optder/=2) then
143    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr_red,(3,2))
144  end if
145  if (optder==2) then
146    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr2_cart,(3,3,2))
147    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr2_tmp,(3,3))
148    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr_red,(6,2))
149    ABI_MALLOC(blm,(5,mpsang*mpsang))
150  end if
152 !Loop over k-points:
153  ikg=0
154  do ikpt=1,nkpt
156    if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband(ikpt),-1,me_distrb)) cycle
159 !  Get k+G-vectors, for this k-point:
160    npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
161    ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,npw_k))
162    kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
164 !  Special case for l=0
165    if (optder>=0) ylm(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,1)=1._dp/sqrt(four_pi)
166    if (optder/=0) ylm_gr(1+ikg:npw_k+ikg,1:dimgr,1)=zero
168    if (mpsang>1) then
169 !    Loop over all k+G
170      do ipw=1,npw_k
172 !      Load k+G
173        kpg(1)=kptns(1,ikpt)+real(kg_k(1,ipw),dp)
174        kpg(2)=kptns(2,ikpt)+real(kg_k(2,ipw),dp)
175        kpg(3)=kptns(3,ikpt)+real(kg_k(3,ipw),dp)
177 !      Calculate module of k+G
178        xx=gprimd(1,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(1,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(1,3)*kpg(3)
179        yy=gprimd(2,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(2,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(2,3)*kpg(3)
180        zz=gprimd(3,1)*kpg(1)+gprimd(3,2)*kpg(2)+gprimd(3,3)*kpg(3)
181        rr=sqrt(xx**2+yy**2+zz**2)
183 !      Continue only for k+G<>0
184        if (rr>tol) then
186 !        Determine theta and phi
187          cphi=one
188          sphi=zero
189          ctheta=zz/rr
190          stheta=sqrt(abs((one-ctheta)*(one+ctheta)))
191          if (stheta>tol) then
192            cphi=xx/(rr*stheta)
193            sphi=yy/(rr*stheta)
194          end if
195          do mm=1,mpsang-1
196            rphase(mm)=dreal(dcmplx(cphi,sphi)**mm)
197            iphase(mm)=aimag(dcmplx(cphi,sphi)**mm)
198          end do
200 !        Determine gradients of theta and phi
201          if (optder/=0) then
202            dtheta(1)=ctheta*cphi
203            dtheta(2)=ctheta*sphi
204            dtheta(3)=-stheta
205            dphi(1)=-sphi
206            dphi(2)=cphi
207            dphi(3)=zero
208          end if
210 !        COMPUTE Ylm(K)
211 !        ============================================
212          if (optder>=0) then
213 !          Loop over angular momentum l
214            do ilang=2,mpsang
215              ll=ilang-1
216              l0=ll**2+ll+1
217              fact=1._dp/real(ll*(ll+1),dp)
218              ylmcst=sqrt(real(2*ll+1,dp)/four_pi)
219 !            Special case m=0
220              ylm(ikg+ipw,l0)=ylmcst*ass_leg_pol(ll,0,ctheta)
221 !            Compute for m>0
222              onem=one
223              do mm=1,ll
224                onem=-onem
225                work1=ylmcst*sqrt(fact)*onem*ass_leg_pol(ll,mm,ctheta)*sqrt(2._dp)
226                ylm(ikg+ipw,l0+mm)=work1*rphase(mm)
227                ylm(ikg+ipw,l0-mm)=work1*iphase(mm)
228                if (mm/=ll) fact=fact/real((ll+mm+1)*(ll-mm),dp)
229              end do ! End loop over m
230            end do  ! End loop over l
231          end if
233 !        COMPUTE dYlm/dKi
234 !        ============================================
235          if (optder/=0) then
236 !          Loop over angular momentum l
237            do ilang=2,mpsang
238              ll=ilang-1
239              l0=ll**2+ll+1
240              fact=1._dp/real(ll*(ll+1),dp)
241              ylmcst=sqrt(real(2*ll+1,dp)/four_pi)/rr
242 !            === Special case m=0 ===
243 !            1-compute gradients in cartesian coordinates
244              work1=ylmcst*plm_dtheta(ll,0,ctheta)
245              ylmgr_cart(1:3,1)=work1*dtheta(1:3)
246 !            2-Transfer gradients into reduced coordinates
247              do ii=1,3
248                ylmgr_red(ii,1)=(rprimd(1,ii)*ylmgr_cart(1,1)+&
249 &               rprimd(2,ii)*ylmgr_cart(2,1)+&
250 &               rprimd(3,ii)*ylmgr_cart(3,1))
251              end do
252 !            3-Store gradients
253              ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,1:3,l0) =ylmgr_red(1:3,1)
254 !            === Compute for m>0 ===
255              onem=one
256              do mm=1,ll
257                onem=-onem
258 !              1-compute gradients in cartesian coordinates
259                work1=ylmcst*sqrt(fact)*onem*plm_dtheta(ll,mm,ctheta)*sqrt(2._dp)
260                work2=ylmcst*sqrt(fact)*onem*plm_dphi  (ll,mm,ctheta)*sqrt(2._dp)
261                ylmgr_cart(1:3,1)=rphase(mm)*work1*dtheta(1:3)-iphase(mm)*work2*dphi(1:3)
262                ylmgr_cart(1:3,2)=iphase(mm)*work1*dtheta(1:3)+rphase(mm)*work2*dphi(1:3)
263 !              2-Transfer gradients into reduced coordinates
264                do kk=1,2
265                  do ii=1,3
266                    ylmgr_red(ii,kk)=(rprimd(1,ii)*ylmgr_cart(1,kk)+&
267 &                   rprimd(2,ii)*ylmgr_cart(2,kk)+&
268 &                   rprimd(3,ii)*ylmgr_cart(3,kk))
269                  end do
270                end do
271 !              3-Store gradients
272                ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,1:3,l0+mm) =ylmgr_red(1:3,1)
273                ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,1:3,l0-mm) =ylmgr_red(1:3,2)
274                if (mm/=ll) fact=fact/real((ll+mm+1)*(ll-mm),dp)
275              end do ! End loop over m
276            end do  ! End loop over l
277          end if
279 !        COMPUTE d2Ylm/dKidKj
280 !        ============================================
281          if (optder==2) then
282            call plm_coeff(blm,mpsang,ctheta)
283 !          Loop over angular momentum l
284            do ilang=2,mpsang
285              ll=ilang-1
286              l0=ll**2+ll+1
287              fact=1._dp/real(ll*(ll+1),dp)
288              ylmcst=sqrt(real(2*ll+1,dp)/four_pi)/(rr**2)
289 !            === Special case m=0 ===
290 !            1-compute gradients in cartesian coordinates
291              ylmgr2_cart(1,1,1)=ylmcst*(-blm(3,l0)*sphi*sphi+blm(4,l0)*cphi*cphi)
292              ylmgr2_cart(2,2,1)=ylmcst*(-blm(3,l0)*cphi*cphi+blm(4,l0)*sphi*sphi)
293              ylmgr2_cart(3,3,1)=ylmcst*blm(1,l0)
294              ylmgr2_cart(3,1,1)=ylmcst*blm(2,l0)*cphi
295              ylmgr2_cart(3,2,1)=ylmcst*blm(2,l0)*sphi
296              ylmgr2_cart(2,1,1)=ylmcst*(blm(3,l0)+blm(4,l0))*sphi*cphi
297              ylmgr2_cart(1,3,1)=ylmgr2_cart(3,1,1)
298              ylmgr2_cart(1,2,1)=ylmgr2_cart(2,1,1)
299              ylmgr2_cart(2,3,1)=ylmgr2_cart(3,2,1)
300 !            2-Transfer gradients into reduced coordinates
301              do jj=1,3
302                do ii=1,3
303                  ylmgr2_tmp(ii,jj)=(rprimd(1,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(1,ii,1)+&
304 &                 rprimd(2,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(2,ii,1)+&
305 &                 rprimd(3,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(3,ii,1))
306                end do
307              end do
308              do ii=1,6
309                ia=alpha(ii);ib=beta(ii)
310                ylmgr_red(ii,1)=(rprimd(1,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(1,ib)+&
311 &               rprimd(2,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(2,ib)+&
312 &               rprimd(3,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(3,ib))
313              end do
314              ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,4:9,l0) =ylmgr_red(1:6,1)
315 !            === Compute for m>0 ===
316              onem=one
317              do mm=1,ll
318                onem=-onem;ylmcst2=ylmcst*sqrt(fact)*sqrt(two)
319                ylmgr2_cart(1,1,1)=ylmcst2*((-blm(3,l0+mm)*sphi*sphi+blm(4,l0+mm)*cphi*cphi)*rphase(mm)-&
320 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*2.d0*cphi*sphi*mm*iphase(mm))
321                ylmgr2_cart(1,1,2)=ylmcst2*((-blm(3,l0+mm)*sphi*sphi+blm(4,l0+mm)*cphi*cphi)*iphase(mm)+&
322 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*2.d0*cphi*sphi*mm*rphase(mm))
323                ylmgr2_cart(2,2,1)=ylmcst2*((-blm(3,l0+mm)*cphi*cphi+blm(4,l0+mm)*sphi*sphi)*rphase(mm)+&
324 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*2.d0*cphi*sphi*mm*iphase(mm))
325                ylmgr2_cart(2,2,2)=ylmcst2*((-blm(3,l0+mm)*cphi*cphi+blm(4,l0+mm)*sphi*sphi)*iphase(mm)-&
326 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*2.d0*cphi*sphi*mm*rphase(mm))
327                ylmgr2_cart(3,3,1)=ylmcst2*blm(1,l0+mm)*rphase(mm)
328                ylmgr2_cart(3,3,2)=ylmcst2*blm(1,l0+mm)*iphase(mm)
329                ylmgr2_cart(3,1,1)=ylmcst2*(blm(2,l0+mm)*cphi*rphase(mm)-&
330 &               mm*iphase(mm)*sphi*onem*plm_dtheta(ll,mm,ctheta))
331                ylmgr2_cart(3,1,2)=ylmcst2*(blm(2,l0+mm)*cphi*iphase(mm)+&
332 &               mm*rphase(mm)*sphi*onem*plm_dtheta(ll,mm,ctheta))
333                ylmgr2_cart(3,2,1)=ylmcst2*(blm(2,l0+mm)*sphi*rphase(mm)+&
334 &               mm*iphase(mm)*cphi*onem*plm_dtheta(ll,mm,ctheta))
335                ylmgr2_cart(3,2,2)=ylmcst2*(blm(2,l0+mm)*sphi*iphase(mm)-&
336 &               mm*rphase(mm)*cphi*onem*plm_dtheta(ll,mm,ctheta))
337                ylmgr2_cart(2,1,1)=ylmcst2*((blm(3,l0+mm)+blm(4,l0+mm))*sphi*cphi*rphase(mm)-&
338 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*(sphi*sphi-cphi*cphi)*mm*iphase(mm))
339                ylmgr2_cart(2,1,2)=ylmcst2*((blm(3,l0+mm)+blm(4,l0+mm))*sphi*cphi*iphase(mm)+&
340 &               blm(5,l0+mm)*(sphi*sphi-cphi*cphi)*mm*rphase(mm))
341                ylmgr2_cart(1,3,:)=ylmgr2_cart(3,1,:)
342                ylmgr2_cart(1,2,:)=ylmgr2_cart(2,1,:)
343                ylmgr2_cart(2,3,:)=ylmgr2_cart(3,2,:)
344 !              2-Transfer gradients into reduced coordinates
345                do kk=1,2
346                  do jj=1,3
347                    do ii=1,3
348                      ylmgr2_tmp(ii,jj)=(rprimd(1,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(1,ii,kk)+&
349 &                     rprimd(2,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(2,ii,kk)+&
350 &                     rprimd(3,jj)*ylmgr2_cart(3,ii,kk))
351                    end do
352                  end do
353                  do ii=1,6
354                    ia=alpha(ii);ib=beta(ii)
355                    ylmgr_red(ii,kk)=(rprimd(1,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(1,ib)+&
356 &                   rprimd(2,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(2,ib)+&
357 &                   rprimd(3,ia)*ylmgr2_tmp(3,ib))
358                  end do
359                end do
360                ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,4:9,l0+mm) =ylmgr_red(1:6,1)
361                ylm_gr(ikg+ipw,4:9,l0-mm) =ylmgr_red(1:6,2)
362                if (mm/=ll) fact=fact/real((ll+mm+1)*(ll-mm),dp)
363              end do ! End loop over m
364            end do  ! End loop over l
365          end if
367 !        End condition r<>0
368        end if
370 !      End loop over k+G
371      end do
373 !    End condition l<>0
374    end if
376    ABI_FREE(kg_k)
378    ikg=ikg+npw_k
379  end do !  End Loop over k-points
381 !Release the temporary memory
382 !Allocate some memory
383  if (optder/=0) then
384    ABI_FREE(ylmgr_cart)
385  end if
386  if (optder/=0.and.optder/=2) then
387    ABI_FREE(ylmgr_red)
388  end if
389  if (optder==2) then
390    ABI_FREE(ylmgr2_cart)
391    ABI_FREE(ylmgr2_tmp)
392    ABI_FREE(ylmgr_red)
393    ABI_FREE(blm)
394  end if
396 end subroutine initylmg

ABINIT/initylmg_k [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Simplified interface to compute Ylm for a single k-point.
 See initylmg for the the meaning of the input variables.


409 subroutine initylmg_k(npw, mpsang, optder, rprimd, gprimd, kpt, kg, ylm, ylm_gr)
411 !Arguments ------------------------------------
412 !scalars
413  integer,intent(in) :: mpsang, npw, optder
414 !arrays
415  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt(3)
416  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,npw)
417  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3), rprimd(3,3)
418  real(dp),intent(out) :: ylm(npw, mpsang*mpsang)
419  real(dp),intent(out) :: ylm_gr(npw, 3+6*(optder/2), mpsang*mpsang)
421 !Local variables ------------------------------
422 !scalars
423  integer,parameter :: nkpt_1 = 1, nsppol_1 = 1
424  integer :: npwarr__(nkpt_1), nband__(nkpt_1 * nsppol_1)
425  real(dp) :: kptns__(3,nkpt_1)
426  type(MPI_type) :: seq_mpi_enreg
428 !*****************************************************************
430  call initmpi_seq(seq_mpi_enreg)
431  npwarr__(1) = npw
432  kptns__(:,1) = kpt
433  nband__ = 1 ! Not used in sequential
435  call initylmg(gprimd, kg, kptns__, nkpt_1, seq_mpi_enreg, mpsang, npw, &
436                nband__, nkpt_1, npwarr__, nsppol_1, optder, rprimd, ylm, ylm_gr)
438  call destroy_mpi_enreg(seq_mpi_enreg)
440 end subroutine initylmg_k

ABINIT/m_initylmg [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Calculate the real spherical harmonics Ylm (and gradients)
 over a set of (reciprocal space) (k+G) vectors


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (FJ, MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_initylmg
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_errors
28  use m_xmpi
30  use defs_abitypes,  only : MPI_type
31  use m_paw_sphharm,  only : ass_leg_pol, plm_dtheta, plm_dphi, plm_coeff
32  use m_mpinfo,       only : proc_distrb_cycle, destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
34  implicit none
36  private