ABINIT/m_kpts [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





 Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (XG, MG, MJV, DRH, DCA, JCC, MM)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 #include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "abi_common.h"
21 module m_kpts
23  use defs_basis
24  use m_errors
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_crystal
27  use m_sort
28  use m_krank
29  use m_htetra
30  use m_xmpi
32  use m_time,           only : timab, cwtime, cwtime_report
33  use m_copy,           only : alloc_copy
34  use m_symtk,          only : mati3inv, mati3det, matr3inv, smallprim
35  use m_fstrings,       only : sjoin, itoa, ftoa, ltoa, ktoa
36  use m_numeric_tools,  only : wrap2_pmhalf
37  use m_geometry,       only : metric
38  use m_symkpt,         only : symkpt, symkpt_new
40  implicit none
42  private
44  public :: kpts_timrev_from_kptopt   ! Returns the value of timrev from kptopt
45  public :: kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt    ! Determines the IBZ, the weights and the BZ from kptrlatt
46  public :: tetra_from_kptrlatt       ! Create an instance of htetra_t from kptrlatt and shiftk
47  public :: symkchk                   ! Checks that the set of k points has the full space group symmetry,
48                                      ! modulo time reversal if appropriate.
49  public :: kpts_sort                 ! Order list of k-points according to the norm.
50  public :: kpts_pack_in_stars        !
51  public :: kpts_map                  ! Compute symmetry table.
52  public :: kpts_map_print            ! Print the symmetry table bz2ibz to a list of units with header.
53  public :: listkk                    ! Find correspondence between two set of k-points.
54  public :: getkgrid                  ! Compute the grid of k points in the irreducible Brillouin zone.
55  !FIXME: Deprecated
56  public :: get_full_kgrid            ! Create full grid of kpoints and find equivalent irred ones.
57                                      ! Duplicates work in getkgrid, but need all outputs of kpt_fullbz, and indkpt
59  private :: get_kpt_fullbz           ! Create full grid of kpoints from kptrlatt and shiftk
61  public :: smpbz                     ! Generate a set of special k (or q) points which samples in a homogeneous way the BZ
62  public :: testkgrid                 ! Test different grids of k points.
64  ! FIXME: deprecated
65  public :: mknormpath

m_kpts/get_full_kgrid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Create full grid of kpoints and find equivalent
 irred ones. Duplicates work in getkgrid, but need all outputs of kpt_fullbz, and indkpt


  kpt(3,nkpt)=irreducible kpoints
  kptrlatt(3,3)=lattice vectors for full kpoint grid
  nkpt=number of irreducible kpoints
  nkpt_fullbz=number of kpoints in full brillouin zone
  nshiftk=number of kpoint grid shifts
  nsym=number of symmetries
  shiftk(3,nshiftk)=kpoint shifts
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry matrices in real space


  indkpt(nkpt_fullbz)=non-symmetrized indices of the k-points (see symkpt.f)
  kpt_fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)=kpoints in full brillouin zone


  MG: The present implementation always assumes kptopt==1 !!!!

 TODO: This routine should be removed


1742 subroutine get_full_kgrid(indkpt,kpt,kpt_fullbz,kptrlatt,nkpt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk,nsym,shiftk,symrel)
1744 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1745 !scalars
1746  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk,nsym
1747 !arrays
1748  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3),symrel(3,3,nsym)
1749  integer,intent(out) :: indkpt(nkpt_fullbz)
1750  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt(3,nkpt),shiftk(3,nshiftk)
1751  real(dp),intent(out) :: kpt_fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)
1753 !Local variables-------------------------------
1754 !scalars
1755  integer :: ikpt,isym,itim,timrev
1756  integer :: symrankkpt
1757  character(len=500) :: msg
1758  type(krank_t) :: krank
1759 !arrays
1760  integer :: inv_symrel(3,3,nsym)
1761  real(dp) :: k2(3)
1763 ! *********************************************************************
1765 !Invert symrels => gives symrels for kpoints
1767  do isym=1,nsym
1768    call mati3inv (symrel(:,:,isym),inv_symrel(:,:,isym))
1769  end do
1771  call get_kpt_fullbz(kpt_fullbz,kptrlatt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk,shiftk)
1773  ! make full k-point rank arrays
1774  krank = krank_new(nkpt, kpt)
1776  !find equivalence to irred kpoints in kpt
1777  indkpt(:) = 0
1778  timrev=1 ! includes the time inversion symmetry
1779  do ikpt=1,nkpt_fullbz
1780    do isym=1,nsym
1781      do itim=1,(1-2*timrev),-2
1783        k2(:) = itim*(inv_symrel(:,1,isym)*kpt_fullbz(1,ikpt) + &
1784                      inv_symrel(:,2,isym)*kpt_fullbz(2,ikpt) + &
1785                      inv_symrel(:,3,isym)*kpt_fullbz(3,ikpt))
1787        symrankkpt = krank%get_rank(k2)
1788        if (krank%invrank(symrankkpt) /= -1) indkpt(ikpt) = krank%invrank(symrankkpt)
1790      end do ! loop time reversal symmetry
1791    end do !  loop sym ops
1793    if (indkpt(ikpt) == 0) then
1794      write(msg,'(a,i0)')' indkpt(ikpt) is still 0: no irred kpoint is equiv to ikpt ',ikpt
1795      ABI_BUG(msg)
1796    end if
1797  end do !  loop full kpts
1799  call krank%free()
1801 end subroutine get_full_kgrid

m_kpts/get_kpt_fullbz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Create full grid of kpoints from kptrlatt and shiftk


  kptrlatt(3,3)=lattice vectors for full kpoint grid
  nkpt_fullbz=number of kpoints in full brillouin zone
  nshiftk=number of kpoint grid shifts
  shiftk(3,nshiftk)=kpoint shifts


  kpt_fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)=kpoints in full brillouin zone


1822 subroutine get_kpt_fullbz(kpt_fullbz,kptrlatt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk,shiftk)
1824 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1825 !scalars
1826  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk
1827 !arrays
1828  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
1829  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk)
1830  real(dp),intent(out) :: kpt_fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)
1832 !Local variables-------------------------------
1833 !scalars
1834  integer, parameter :: max_number_of_prime=47
1835  integer :: det,ii,ikshft,iprim,jj,kk,nn
1836  character(len=500) :: msg
1837 !arrays
1838  integer :: boundmax(3),boundmin(3),common_factor(3)
1839  integer, parameter :: prime_factor(max_number_of_prime)=(/2,3,5,7,9, 11,13,17,19,23,&
1840 &  29,31,37,41,43, 47,53,59,61,67,&
1841 &  71,73,79,83,89, 97,101,103,107,109,&
1842 &  113,127,131,137,139, 149,151,157,163,167,&
1843 &  173,179,181,191,193, 197,199/)
1844  real(dp) :: k1(3),k2(3),klatt(3,3),rlatt(3,3),shift(3),test_rlatt(3,3)
1846 ! *********************************************************************
1848 !Identify first factors that can be used to rescale the three kptrlatt vectors
1849 !Only test a large set of prime factors, though ...
1850  do jj=1,3
1851    common_factor(jj)=1
1852    rlatt(:,jj)=kptrlatt(:,jj)
1853    do iprim=1,max_number_of_prime
1854      test_rlatt(:,jj)=rlatt(:,jj)/dble(prime_factor(iprim))
1855 !    If one of the components is lower than 1 in absolute value, then it is not worth to continue the search.
1856      if(minval(abs(abs(test_rlatt(:,jj))-half))<half-tol8)exit
1857      do
1858        if(sum(abs(test_rlatt(:,jj)-nint(test_rlatt(:,jj)) ))<tol8)then
1859          common_factor(jj)=prime_factor(iprim)*common_factor(jj)
1860          rlatt(:,jj)=rlatt(:,jj)/dble(prime_factor(iprim))
1861          test_rlatt(:,jj)=test_rlatt(:,jj)/dble(prime_factor(iprim))
1862        else
1863          exit
1864        end if
1865      end do
1866    end do
1867  end do
1868  call mati3det(kptrlatt,det)
1869  det=det/(common_factor(1)*common_factor(2)*common_factor(3))
1871  rlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt(:,:)
1872  call matr3inv(rlatt,klatt)
1873 !Now, klatt contains the three primitive vectors of the k lattice,
1874 !in reduced coordinates. One builds all k vectors that
1875 !are contained in the first Brillouin zone, with coordinates
1876 !in the interval [0,1[ . First generate boundaries of a big box.
1877 !In order to generate all possible vectors in the reciprocal space,
1878 !one must consider all multiples of the primitive ones, until a vector with only integers is found.
1879 !The maximum bound is the scale of the corresponding kptrlatt vector, times the determinant of kptrlatt. Also consider negative vectors.
1880 !On this basis, compute the bounds.
1881  do jj=1,3
1882 !  To accomodate the shifts, boundmin starts from -1
1883 !  Well, this is not a complete solution ...
1884    boundmin(jj)=-1-common_factor(jj)*abs(det)
1885    boundmax(jj)=common_factor(jj)*abs(det)
1886  end do
1888  nn=1
1889  do kk=boundmin(3),boundmax(3)
1890    do jj=boundmin(2),boundmax(2)
1891      do ii=boundmin(1),boundmax(1)
1892        do ikshft=1,nshiftk
1894 !        Coordinates of the trial k point with respect to the k primitive lattice
1895          k1(1)=ii+shiftk(1,ikshft)
1896          k1(2)=jj+shiftk(2,ikshft)
1897          k1(3)=kk+shiftk(3,ikshft)
1899 !        Reduced coordinates of the trial k point
1900          k2(:)=k1(1)*klatt(:,1)+k1(2)*klatt(:,2)+k1(3)*klatt(:,3)
1902 !        Eliminate the point if outside [0,1[
1903          if(k2(1)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(1)>one-tol10)cycle
1904          if(k2(2)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(2)>one-tol10)cycle
1905          if(k2(3)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(3)>one-tol10)cycle
1907 !        Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
1908          call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(1),k1(1),shift(1))
1909          call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(2),k1(2),shift(2))
1910          call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(3),k1(3),shift(3))
1911          if(nn > nkpt_fullbz) then
1912            write (msg,'(a,i0)')' nkpt_fullbz mis-estimated, exceed nn=',nn
1913            ABI_BUG(msg)
1914          end if
1915          kpt_fullbz(:,nn)=k1(:)
1916          nn=nn+1
1917        end do
1918      end do
1919    end do
1920  end do
1921  nn = nn-1
1923  if (nn /= nkpt_fullbz) then
1924    write (msg,'(2(a,i0),a,a)')' nkpt_fullbz= ',nkpt_fullbz,' underestimated  nn=',nn,&
1925 &   ch10, "Perhaps your k grid or shifts do not correspond to the symmetry?"
1926    ABI_BUG(msg)
1927  end if
1929 end subroutine get_kpt_fullbz

m_kpts/getkgrid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the grid of k points in the irreducible Brillouin zone.
 Note that nkpt (and nkpthf) can be computed by calling this routine with nkpt=0, provided that kptopt/=0.
 If downsampling is present, also compute a downsampled k grid.


 chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric (for kptopt=1,2 and 4), and stop if not.
 iout=unit number for echoed output . 0 if no output is wished.
 iscf= ( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)  MG: FIXME I don't understand why we have to pass the value iscf.
 kptopt=option for the generation of k points. defines whether spatial symmetries and/or time-reversal can be used)
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 nsym=number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum
 [downsampling(3) = input variable that governs the downsampling]


 kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector associated with the lattice of k points.
 nkpt_computed=number of k-points in the IBZ computed in the present routine
 If nkpt/=0  the following are also output:
   kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
   wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
 [fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone.
   In output: allocated array with the list of k-points in the BZ.
 [kpthf(3,nkpthf)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone, possibly downsampled (for Fock).


  msym not needed since nsym is the last index.


 nkpt=number of k points (might be zero, see output description)
 kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
 nshiftk=actual number of k-point shifts in shiftk
 shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)=shift vectors for k point generation
 [nkpthf] = number of k points in the full BZ, for the Fock operator.


1156 subroutine getkgrid(chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kpt,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
1157 & msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,&
1158 & fullbz,nkpthf,kpthf,downsampling) ! optional
1160 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1161 !scalars
1162  integer,intent(in) :: chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kptopt,msym,nkpt,nsym
1163  integer,intent(inout),optional :: nkpthf
1164  integer,intent(inout) :: nshiftk
1165  integer,intent(inout) :: nkpt_computed !vz_i
1166  real(dp),intent(out) :: kptrlen
1167 !arrays
1168  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
1169  integer,optional,intent(in) :: downsampling(3)
1170  integer,intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
1171  integer,allocatable :: indkpt(:)
1172  integer,allocatable :: bz2ibz_smap(:,:)
1173  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
1174  real(dp),intent(inout) :: shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
1175  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kpt(3,nkpt) !vz_i
1176  real(dp),intent(inout) :: wtk(nkpt)
1177  real(dp),optional,allocatable,intent(out) :: fullbz(:,:)
1178  real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: kpthf(:,:)
1180 !Local variables-------------------------------
1181  real(dp),allocatable :: kpt_tmp(:,:), wtk_tmp(:)
1183  call getkgrid_low(chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kpt_tmp,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
1184    msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk_tmp,indkpt,bz2ibz_smap,&
1185    fullbz,nkpthf,kpthf,downsampling)
1187  if (nkpt > 0) then
1188    kpt(:,1:nkpt) = kpt_tmp(:,1:nkpt)
1189    wtk(1:nkpt)   = wtk_tmp(1:nkpt)
1190  end if
1192  ABI_SFREE(kpt_tmp)
1193  ABI_SFREE(wtk_tmp)
1194  ABI_SFREE(indkpt)
1195  ABI_SFREE(bz2ibz_smap)
1197 end subroutine getkgrid

m_kpts/getkgrid_low [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the grid of k points in the irreducible Brillouin zone.
 Note that nkpt (and nkpthf) can be computed by calling this routine with nkpt=0, provided that kptopt/=0.
 If downsampling is present, also compute a downsampled k grid.


 chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric (for kptopt=1,2 and 4), and stop if not.
 iout=unit number for echoed output . 0 if no output is wished.
 iscf= ( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)  MG: FIXME I don't understand why we have to pass the value iscf.
 kptopt=option for the generation of k points (defines whether spatial symmetries and/or time-reversal can be used)
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 nsym=number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum
 [downsampling(3) = input variable that governs the downsampling]


 kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector associated with the lattice of k points.
 nkpt_computed=number of k-points in the IBZ computed in the present routine
 If nkpt/=0  the following are also output:
   kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
   wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
 bz2ibz_smap(nkbz, 6)= Mapping BZ --> IBZ.
 [fullbz(3,nkpt_fullbz)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone.
   In output: allocated array with the list of k-points in the BZ.
 [kpthf(3,nkpthf)]=k-points generated in the full Brillouin zone, possibly downsampled (for Fock).


  msym not needed since nsym is the last index.


 nkpt=number of k points (might be zero, see output description)
 kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
 nshiftk=actual number of k-point shifts in shiftk
 shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)=shift vectors for k point generation
 [nkpthf] = number of k points in the full BZ, for the Fock operator.


1246 subroutine getkgrid_low(chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kpt,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
1247 & msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,indkpt,bz2ibz_smap,&
1248 & fullbz,nkpthf,kpthf,downsampling) ! optional
1250 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1251 !scalars
1252  integer,intent(in) :: chksymbreak,iout,iscf,kptopt,msym,nkpt,nsym
1253  integer,intent(inout),optional :: nkpthf
1254  integer,intent(inout) :: nshiftk
1255  integer,intent(inout) :: nkpt_computed !vz_i
1256  real(dp),intent(out) :: kptrlen
1257 !arrays
1258  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
1259  integer,optional,intent(in) :: downsampling(3)
1260  integer,intent(inout) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
1261  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
1262  real(dp),intent(inout) :: shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
1263  integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: indkpt(:)
1264  integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: bz2ibz_smap(:,:)
1265  real(dp),allocatable,intent(out) :: kpt(:,:) !vz_i
1266  real(dp),allocatable,intent(out) :: wtk(:)
1267  real(dp),optional,allocatable,intent(out) :: fullbz(:,:)
1268  real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: kpthf(:,:)
1270 !Local variables-------------------------------
1271 !scalars
1272  integer, parameter :: max_number_of_prime=47
1273  integer :: brav,decreased,found,ii,ikpt,iprime,ishiftk,isym,jshiftk,kshiftk,mkpt,mult
1274  integer :: nkpthf_computed,nkpt_fullbz,nkptlatt,nshiftk2,nsym_used,option
1275  integer :: test_prime,timrev
1276  integer :: nkpt_use
1277  real(dp) :: length2,ucvol,ucvol_super
1278  character(len=500) :: msg
1279 !arrays
1280  integer, parameter :: prime_factor(max_number_of_prime)=(/2,3,5,7,9, 11,13,17,19,23,&
1281 &  29,31,37,41,43, 47,53,59,61,67,&
1282 &  71,73,79,83,89, 97,101,103,107,109,&
1283 &  113,127,131,137,139, 149,151,157,163,167,&
1284 &  173,179,181,191,193, 197,199/)
1285  integer :: kptrlatt2(3,3)
1286  integer,allocatable :: belong_chain(:),generator(:),number_in_chain(:)
1287  integer,allocatable :: repetition_factor(:),symrec(:,:,:)
1288 ! real(dp) :: cart(3,3)
1289  real(dp) :: dijk(3),delta_dmult(3),dmult(3),fact_vacuum(3),gmet(3,3)
1290  real(dp) :: gmet_super(3,3),gprimd(3,3),gprimd_super(3,3),klatt2(3,3)
1291  real(dp) :: klatt3(3,3),kptrlattr(3,3),ktransf(3,3),ktransf_invt(3,3)
1292  real(dp) :: metmin(3,3),minim(3,3),rmet(3,3),rmet_super(3,3),rprimd_super(3,3)
1293  real(dp),allocatable :: deltak(:,:),kpt_fullbz(:,:),shiftk2(:,:),shiftk3(:,:),spkpt(:,:),wtk_folded(:),wtk_fullbz(:)
1295 ! *************************************************************************
1297  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
1299  !call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1300  if (kptopt==1.or.kptopt==4) then
1301    ! Cannot use antiferromagnetic symmetry operations to decrease the number of k points
1302    !XG20191123: now, antiferromagnetic symmetry operations can be used to decrease the number of k points for kptopt==4
1303    nsym_used=0
1304    do isym=1,nsym
1305      if(symafm(isym)==1 .or. kptopt==4)nsym_used=nsym_used+1
1306    end do
1307    ABI_MALLOC(symrec,(3,3,nsym_used))
1308    nsym_used=0
1309    do isym=1,nsym ! Get the symmetry matrices in terms of reciprocal basis
1310      if(symafm(isym)==1 .or. kptopt==4)then
1311        nsym_used=nsym_used+1
1312        call mati3inv(symrel(:,:,isym),symrec(:,:,nsym_used))
1313      end if
1314    end do
1315  else if (kptopt==2) then
1316    !Use only the time-reversal
1317    nsym_used=1
1318    ABI_MALLOC(symrec,(3,3,1))
1319    symrec(1:3,1:3,1)=0
1320    do ii=1,3
1321      symrec(ii,ii,1)=1
1322    end do
1323  end if
1325  kptrlatt2(:,:)=kptrlatt(:,:)
1326  nshiftk2=nshiftk
1327  ABI_MALLOC(shiftk2,(3,MAX_NSHIFTK))
1328  ABI_MALLOC(shiftk3,(3,MAX_NSHIFTK))
1329  shiftk2(:,:)=shiftk(:,:)
1331 !Find a primitive k point lattice, if possible, by decreasing the number of shifts.
1332  if(nshiftk2/=1)then
1334    do
1335      ! Loop to be repeated if there has been a successful reduction of nshiftk2
1336      ABI_MALLOC(deltak,(3,nshiftk2))
1337      ABI_MALLOC(repetition_factor,(nshiftk2))
1338      ABI_MALLOC(generator,(nshiftk2))
1339      ABI_MALLOC(belong_chain,(nshiftk2))
1340      ABI_MALLOC(number_in_chain,(nshiftk2))
1342      decreased=0
1343      deltak(1,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(1,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(1,1)
1344      deltak(2,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(2,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(2,1)
1345      deltak(3,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk2(3,1:nshiftk2)-shiftk2(3,1)
1346      deltak(:,:)=deltak(:,:)-floor(deltak(:,:)+tol8)
1348 !    Identify for each shift, the smallest repetition prime factor that yields a reciprocal lattice vector.
1349      repetition_factor(:)=0
1350      repetition_factor(1)=1
1351      do ishiftk=2,nshiftk2
1352        do iprime=1,max_number_of_prime
1353          test_prime=prime_factor(iprime)
1354          dmult(:)=test_prime*deltak(:,ishiftk)
1355          if(sum(abs( dmult(:)-nint(dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
1356            repetition_factor(ishiftk)=test_prime
1357            exit
1358          end if
1359        end do
1360      end do
1362 !    Initialize the selection of tentative generators
1363      generator(:)=1
1364      do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
1365        if(repetition_factor(ishiftk)==0 .or. repetition_factor(ishiftk)==1)generator(ishiftk)=0
1366      end do
1368 !    Try different shifts as generators, by order of increasing repetition factor,
1369 !    provided they are equal or bigger than 2
1370      do iprime=1,max_number_of_prime
1371        do ishiftk=2,nshiftk2
1372          ! Note that ishiftk=1 is never a generator. It is the reference starting point.
1373          if(generator(ishiftk)==1 .and. repetition_factor(ishiftk)==prime_factor(iprime))then
1374 !          Test the generator : is it indeed closed ?
1375            if(prime_factor(iprime)/=2)then
1376              do mult=2,prime_factor(iprime)-1
1377                dmult(:)=mult*deltak(:,ishiftk)
1378                found=0
1379                do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
1380                  delta_dmult(:)=deltak(:,jshiftk)-dmult(:)
1381                  if(sum(abs(delta_dmult(:)-nint(delta_dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
1382                    found=1
1383                    exit
1384                  end if
1385                end do
1386                if(found==0)exit
1387              end do
1388              if(found==0)generator(ishiftk)=0
1389            end if
1390            if(generator(ishiftk)==0)cycle
1391          else
1392            cycle
1393          end if
1394 !        Now, test whether all k points can be found in all possible chains
1395          belong_chain(:)=0
1396          do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
1397 !          Initialize a chain starting from a k point not yet in a chain
1398            if(belong_chain(jshiftk)==0)then
1399              number_in_chain(:)=0   ! Not a member of the chain (yet)
1400              number_in_chain(jshiftk)=1   ! The first point in chain
1401              do mult=1,prime_factor(iprime)-1
1402                dmult(:)=mult*deltak(:,ishiftk)
1403                found=0
1404                do kshiftk=jshiftk+1,nshiftk2
1405                  delta_dmult(:)=deltak(:,kshiftk)-deltak(:,jshiftk)-dmult(:)
1406                  if(sum(abs(delta_dmult(:)-nint(delta_dmult(:)) ))<tol8)then
1407                    found=1
1408                    number_in_chain(kshiftk)=mult+1
1409                    exit
1410                  end if
1411                end do
1412                if(found==0)then
1413                  generator(ishiftk)=0
1414                  exit
1415                end if
1416              end do
1417              if(generator(ishiftk)==1)then
1418 !              Store the chain
1419                do kshiftk=1,nshiftk2
1420                  if(number_in_chain(kshiftk)/=0)belong_chain(kshiftk)=number_in_chain(kshiftk)
1421                end do
1422              else
1423                exit
1424              end if
1425            end if
1426          end do
1428          if(generator(ishiftk)==0)cycle
1430 !        For the generator based on ishiftk, all the k points have been found to belong to one chain.
1431 !        All the initializing k points in the different chains have belong_chain(:)=1 .
1432 !        They must be kept, and the others thrown away.
1433          ktransf(:,:)=0.0_dp
1434          ktransf(1,1)=1.0_dp
1435          ktransf(2,2)=1.0_dp
1436          ktransf(3,3)=1.0_dp
1437 !        Replace one of the unit vectors by the shift vector deltak(:,ishiftk).
1438 !        However, must pay attention not to make linear combinations.
1439 !        Also, choose positive sign for first-non-zero value.
1440          if(abs(deltak(1,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(1,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
1441            if(deltak(1,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,1)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
1442            if(deltak(1,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,1)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
1443          else if(abs(deltak(2,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(2,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
1444            if(deltak(2,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,2)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
1445            if(deltak(2,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,2)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
1446          else if(abs(deltak(3,ishiftk)-nint(deltak(3,ishiftk)))>tol8)then
1447            if(deltak(3,ishiftk)>0)ktransf(:,3)= deltak(:,ishiftk)
1448            if(deltak(3,ishiftk)<0)ktransf(:,3)=-deltak(:,ishiftk)
1449          end if
1450 !        Copy the integers to real(dp)
1451          kptrlattr(:,:)=kptrlatt2(:,:)
1452 !        Go to reciprocal space
1453          call matr3inv(kptrlattr,klatt2)
1454 !        Make the transformation
1455          do ii=1,3
1456            klatt3(:,ii)=ktransf(1,ii)*klatt2(:,1)+ktransf(2,ii)*klatt2(:,2)+ktransf(3,ii)*klatt2(:,3)
1457          end do
1458 !        Back to real space
1459          call matr3inv(klatt3,kptrlattr)
1460 !        real(dp) to integer
1461          kptrlatt2(:,:)=nint(kptrlattr(:,:))
1462 !        Prepare the transformation of the shifts
1463          call matr3inv(ktransf,ktransf_invt)
1464          decreased=1
1465          kshiftk=0
1466          do jshiftk=1,nshiftk2
1467            if(belong_chain(jshiftk)==1)then
1468              kshiftk=kshiftk+1
1469 !            Place the shift with index jshiftk in place of the one in kshiftk,
1470 !            also transform the shift from the old to the new coordinate system
1471              shiftk3(:,kshiftk)=ktransf_invt(1,:)*shiftk2(1,jshiftk)+&
1472 &             ktransf_invt(2,:)*shiftk2(2,jshiftk)+&
1473 &             ktransf_invt(3,:)*shiftk2(3,jshiftk)
1474            end if
1475          end do
1476          nshiftk2=nshiftk2/prime_factor(iprime)
1477          shiftk2(:,1:nshiftk2)=shiftk3(:,1:nshiftk2)-floor(shiftk3(:,1:nshiftk2)+tol8)
1478          if(kshiftk/=nshiftk2)then
1479            ABI_BUG('The search for a primitive k point lattice contains a bug.')
1480          end if
1482 !        If this trial shift was successful, must exit the loop on trial ishiftk,
1483 !        and reinitialize the global loop
1484          if(decreased==1)exit
1485        end do ! ishiftk
1486        if(decreased==1)exit
1487      end do ! iprime
1489      ABI_FREE(belong_chain)
1490      ABI_FREE(deltak)
1491      ABI_FREE(number_in_chain)
1492      ABI_FREE(repetition_factor)
1493      ABI_FREE(generator)
1495      if(decreased==0 .or. nshiftk2==1)exit
1497    end do ! Infinite loop
1499  end if !  End nshiftk being 1 or larger
1501 !Impose shiftk coordinates to be in [0,1[
1502  do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
1503    do ii=1,3
1504      if(shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)>one-tol8) shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)=shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)-1.0_dp
1505      if(shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)<-tol8)    shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)=shiftk2(ii,ishiftk)+1.0_dp
1506    end do
1507  end do
1509 !Compute the number of k points in the G-space unit cell
1510  nkptlatt=kptrlatt2(1,1)*kptrlatt2(2,2)*kptrlatt2(3,3) &
1511 & +kptrlatt2(1,2)*kptrlatt2(2,3)*kptrlatt2(3,1) &
1512 & +kptrlatt2(1,3)*kptrlatt2(2,1)*kptrlatt2(3,2) &
1513 & -kptrlatt2(1,2)*kptrlatt2(2,1)*kptrlatt2(3,3) &
1514 & -kptrlatt2(1,3)*kptrlatt2(2,2)*kptrlatt2(3,1) &
1515 & -kptrlatt2(1,1)*kptrlatt2(2,3)*kptrlatt2(3,2)
1517 !Check whether the number of k points is positive, otherwise, change the handedness of kptrlatt2
1518  if(nkptlatt<=0)then
1519    ! write(std_out,*)' getkgrid : nkptlatt is negative !'
1520    kptrlatt2(:,3)=-kptrlatt2(:,3)
1521    nkptlatt=-nkptlatt
1522    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
1523      shiftk2(3,ishiftk)=-shiftk2(3,ishiftk)
1524    end do
1525  end if
1527 !Determine the smallest supercell R-vector whose contribution
1528 !is not taken correctly into account in the k point integration.
1529 !Increase enormously the size of the cell when vacuum is present.
1530  fact_vacuum(:)=1
1531  if(vacuum(1)==1)fact_vacuum(1)=1000.0_dp
1532  if(vacuum(2)==1)fact_vacuum(2)=1000.0_dp
1533  if(vacuum(3)==1)fact_vacuum(3)=1000.0_dp
1534  do ii=1,3
1535    rprimd_super(:,ii)=fact_vacuum(1)*rprimd(:,1)*kptrlatt2(1,ii)+&
1536 &   fact_vacuum(2)*rprimd(:,2)*kptrlatt2(2,ii)+&
1537 &   fact_vacuum(3)*rprimd(:,3)*kptrlatt2(3,ii)
1538  end do
1540  call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,rprimd_super,ucvol_super)
1541  call smallprim(metmin,minim,rprimd_super)
1542  length2=min(metmin(1,1),metmin(2,2),metmin(3,3))
1543  kptrlen=sqrt(length2)
1545  !write(msg,'(a,es16.6)' )' getkgrid : length of smallest supercell vector (bohr)=',kptrlen
1546  !call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1547 ! If the number of shifts has been decreased, determine the set of kptrlatt2 vectors
1548 ! with minimal length (without using fact_vacuum)
1549 ! It is worth to determine the minimal set of vectors so that the kptrlatt that is output
1550 ! does not seem screwy, although correct but surprising.
1551  if(nshiftk/=nshiftk2)then
1552    do ii=1,3
1553      rprimd_super(:,ii)=rprimd(:,1)*kptrlatt2(1,ii)+rprimd(:,2)*kptrlatt2(2,ii)+rprimd(:,3)*kptrlatt2(3,ii)
1554    end do
1555    call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,rprimd_super,ucvol_super)
1556 !  Shift vectors in cartesian coordinates (reciprocal space)
1557    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
1558      shiftk3(:,ishiftk)=gprimd_super(:,1)*shiftk2(1,ishiftk)+&
1559 &     gprimd_super(:,2)*shiftk2(2,ishiftk)+&
1560 &     gprimd_super(:,3)*shiftk2(3,ishiftk)
1561    end do
1562    call smallprim(metmin,minim,rprimd_super)
1563    call metric(gmet_super,gprimd_super,-1,rmet_super,minim,ucvol_super)
1564 !  This is the new kptrlatt2
1565    do ii=1,3
1566      dijk(:)=gprimd(1,:)*minim(1,ii)+&
1567 &     gprimd(2,:)*minim(2,ii)+&
1568 &     gprimd(3,:)*minim(3,ii)
1569      kptrlatt2(:,ii)=nint(dijk(:))
1570    end do
1571 !  Shifts in the new set of kptrlatt vectors
1572    do ishiftk=1,nshiftk2
1573      shiftk2(:,ishiftk)=minim(1,:)*shiftk3(1,ishiftk)+&
1574 &     minim(2,:)*shiftk3(2,ishiftk)+&
1575 &     minim(3,:)*shiftk3(3,ishiftk)
1576    end do
1577  end if
1579 !brav=1 is able to treat all bravais lattices.
1580  brav=1
1581  mkpt=nkptlatt*nshiftk2
1583  ABI_MALLOC(spkpt,(3,mkpt))
1584  option=0
1585  if(iout/=0)option=1
1587  !call cwtime_report(' shifts', cpu, wall, gflops)
1589  if (present(downsampling))then
1590    call smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt2,mkpt,nkpthf_computed,nshiftk2,option,shiftk2,spkpt,downsampling=downsampling)
1591    if (present(kpthf) .and. nkpthf/=0) then
1592      ! Returns list of k-points in the Full BZ, possibly downsampled for Fock
1593      kpthf = spkpt(:,1:nkpthf)
1594    end if
1595    nkpthf=nkpthf_computed
1596  end if
1598  call smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt2,mkpt,nkpt_fullbz,nshiftk2,option,shiftk2,spkpt)
1599  !call cwtime_report(' smpbz', cpu, wall, gflops)
1601  if(kptopt==1 .or. kptopt==2 .or. kptopt==4)then
1603    ABI_MALLOC(indkpt,(nkpt_fullbz))
1604    ABI_MALLOC(kpt_fullbz,(3,nkpt_fullbz))
1605    ABI_MALLOC(bz2ibz_smap, (6, nkpt_fullbz))
1606 #if 1
1607    ABI_MALLOC(wtk_fullbz,(nkpt_fullbz))
1608    ABI_MALLOC(wtk_folded,(nkpt_fullbz))
1610    kpt_fullbz(:,:)=spkpt(:,1:nkpt_fullbz)
1611    wtk_fullbz(1:nkpt_fullbz)=1.0_dp/dble(nkpt_fullbz)
1613    timrev=1;if (kptopt==4) timrev=0
1615    indkpt = 0
1616    call symkpt(chksymbreak,gmet,indkpt,iout,kpt_fullbz,nkpt_fullbz,&
1617 &   nkpt_computed,nsym_used,symrec,timrev,wtk_fullbz,wtk_folded,bz2ibz_smap,xmpi_comm_self)
1619    ABI_FREE(symrec)
1620    ABI_FREE(wtk_fullbz)
1622    !do ikpt=1,nkpt_fullbz
1623    !  write(*,*) ikpt, indkpt(ikpt), bz2ibz_smap(1,ikpt), indkpt(bz2ibz_smap(1,ikpt))
1624    !end do
1625 #else
1626    kpt_fullbz(:,:)=spkpt(:,1:nkpt_fullbz)
1628    timrev=1;if (kptopt==4) timrev=0
1630    call symkpt_new(chksymbreak,gmet,indkpt,iout,kpt_fullbz,nkpt_fullbz,&
1631 &   nkpt_computed,nsym_used,symrec,timrev,bz2ibz_smap,xmpi_comm_self)
1633    ABI_FREE(symrec)
1634    ABI_CALLOC(wtk_folded,(nkpt_fullbz))
1635    do ii=1,nkpt_fullbz
1636     ikpt = indkpt(bz2ibz_smap(1,ii))
1637     wtk_folded(ikpt) = wtk_folded(ikpt) + one
1638    end do
1639    wtk_folded = wtk_folded / nkpt_fullbz
1640 #endif
1642  else if(kptopt==3)then
1643    ABI_ICALLOC(bz2ibz_smap, (6, nkpt_fullbz))
1644    bz2ibz_smap(1,:) = [(ii,ii=1,nkpt_fullbz)]
1645    bz2ibz_smap(2,:) = 1 !isym
1646    nkpt_computed=nkpt_fullbz
1647  end if
1648  !call cwtime_report(' symkpt', cpu, wall, gflops)
1650 !The number of k points has been computed from kptopt, kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk,
1651 !and the eventual symmetries, it is presently called nkpt_computed.
1652  nkpt_use = nkpt
1653  if (nkpt<0) nkpt_use = nkpt_computed
1655 !Check that the argument nkpt is coherent with nkpt_computed, if nkpt/=0.
1656  if(nkpt_use/=nkpt_computed .and. nkpt/=0)then
1657    write(msg, '(a,i0,5a,i0,7a)') &
1658    'The argument nkpt = ',nkpt_use,', does not match',ch10,&
1659    'the number of k points generated by kptopt, kptrlatt, shiftk,',ch10,&
1660    'and the eventual symmetries, that is, nkpt= ',nkpt_computed,'.',ch10,&
1661    'However, note that it might be due to the user,',ch10,&
1662    'if nkpt is explicitely defined in the input file.',ch10,&
1663    'In this case, please check your input file.'
1664    ABI_BUG(msg)
1665  end if
1667  ABI_MALLOC(kpt,(3,nkpt_use))
1668  ABI_MALLOC(wtk,(nkpt_use))
1670  if(kptopt==1 .or. kptopt==2 .or. kptopt==4)then
1672    if(nkpt_use/=0)then
1673      do ikpt=1,nkpt_use
1674        kpt(:,ikpt)=kpt_fullbz(:,indkpt(ikpt))
1675        if(iscf>=0 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf==-1.or.iscf==-2)wtk(ikpt)=wtk_folded(indkpt(ikpt))
1676      end do
1677    end if
1679    if (present(fullbz)) then
1680      ! Returns list of k-points in the Full BZ.
1681      ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(kpt_fullbz,fullbz)
1682    else
1683      ABI_FREE(kpt_fullbz)
1684    end if
1686    ABI_FREE(wtk_folded)
1688  else if(kptopt==3)then
1690    if(nkpt_use/=0)then
1691      kpt(:,1:nkpt_use)=spkpt(:,1:nkpt_use)
1692      if(iscf>1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf==-1.or.iscf==-2)wtk(1:nkpt_use)=1.0_dp/dble(nkpt_use)
1693    end if
1695    if (present(fullbz)) then
1696      ! Returns list of k-points in the Full BZ.
1697      ABI_MALLOC(fullbz,(3,nkpt_fullbz))
1698      fullbz = spkpt(:,1:nkpt_fullbz)
1699    end if
1701  end if
1703  ABI_FREE(spkpt)
1704  kptrlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt2(:,:)
1705  nshiftk=nshiftk2
1706  shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)=shiftk2(:,1:nshiftk)
1707  ABI_FREE(shiftk2)
1708  ABI_FREE(shiftk3)
1710 end subroutine getkgrid_low

m_kpts/kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Determines the irreducible wedge, the corresponding weights and the list
  of k-points in the Brillouin Zone starting from kptrlatt and the set shifts.


  cryst<crystal_t> = crystalline structure with info on symmetries and time-reversal.
  kptopt=option for the generation of k points
    (defines whether spatial symmetries and/or time-reversal can be used)
  kptrlatt(3,3)=integer coordinates of the primitive vectors of the
   lattice reciprocal to the k point lattice to be generated here
   If diagonal, the three values are the Monkhorst-Pack usual values, in case of simple cubic.
  nshiftk= number of shift vectors in the repeated cell
  shiftk(3,nshiftk) = vectors that will be used to determine the shifts from (0. 0. 0.).


  nkibz,nkbz = Number of points in IBZ and BZ, respectively.
  The following arrays are allocated and returned by the routine:
  kibz(3,nkibz) = k-points in the IBZ.
  wtk(nkibz) = weights of the k-points in the IBZ (normalized to one).
  kbz(3,nkbz) = k-points in the BZ.
  [new_kptrlatt] = New value of kptrlatt returned by getkgrid
  [new_shiftk(3,new_nshiftk)] = New set of shifts returned by getkgrid
  [bz2ibz(6,nkbz)]=Mapping BZ --> IBZ


130 subroutine kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt(cryst, kptrlatt, kptopt, nshiftk, shiftk, nkibz, kibz, wtk, nkbz, kbz, &
131                                   new_kptrlatt, new_shiftk, bz2ibz)  ! Optional
133 !Arguments ------------------------------------
134 !scalars
135  integer,intent(in) :: nshiftk,kptopt
136  integer,intent(out) :: nkibz,nkbz
137  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
138 !arrays
139  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
140  integer,optional,allocatable,intent(out) :: bz2ibz(:,:)
141  integer,optional,intent(out) :: new_kptrlatt(3,3)
142  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk)
143  real(dp),allocatable,intent(out) :: wtk(:),kibz(:,:),kbz(:,:)
144  real(dp),optional,allocatable,intent(out) :: new_shiftk(:,:)
146 !Local variables-------------------------------
147 !scalars
148  integer,parameter :: iout0 = 0, chksymbreak0 = 0, iscf2 = 2
149  integer :: my_nshiftk
150  real(dp) :: kptrlen
151 !arrays
152  integer,parameter :: vacuum0(3) = [0, 0, 0]
153  integer :: my_kptrlatt(3,3)
154  integer,allocatable :: indkpt(:),bz2ibz_smap(:,:)
155  real(dp) :: my_shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
157 ! *********************************************************************
159  ! Copy kptrlatt and shifts because getkgrid can change them
160  ! Be careful as getkgrid expects shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK).
161  ABI_CHECK_IRANGE(nshiftk, 1, MAX_NSHIFTK, "Invalid value of nshiftk")
162  my_nshiftk = nshiftk; my_shiftk = zero; my_shiftk(:,1:nshiftk) = shiftk
163  my_kptrlatt = kptrlatt
165  call getkgrid_low(chksymbreak0,iout0,iscf2,kibz,kptopt,my_kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
166    cryst%nsym,-1,nkibz,my_nshiftk,cryst%nsym,cryst%rprimd,my_shiftk,cryst%symafm,&
167    cryst%symrel,vacuum0,wtk,indkpt,bz2ibz_smap,fullbz=kbz)
169  if (present(bz2ibz)) then
170    ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(bz2ibz_smap, bz2ibz)
171  else
172    ABI_SFREE(bz2ibz_smap)
173  endif
174  ABI_SFREE(indkpt)
176  nkbz = size(kbz, dim=2)
178  ! Optionally, return new shifts and new_kptrlatt
179  if (present(new_shiftk)) then
180    ABI_MALLOC(new_shiftk, (3, my_nshiftk))
181    new_shiftk = my_shiftk(:, 1:my_nshiftk)
182  end if
183  if (present(new_kptrlatt)) new_kptrlatt = my_kptrlatt
185  DBG_CHECK(abs(sum(wtk) - one) < tol10, "sum(wtk) != one")
187 end subroutine kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt

m_kpts/kpts_map [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Compute symmetry table.




601 integer function kpts_map(mode, timrev, cryst, krank, nkpt2, kpt2, map, qpt, dksqmax_tol) result(ierr)
603 !Arguments ------------------------------------
604 !scalars
605  character(len=*),intent(in) :: mode
606  integer,intent(in) :: timrev, nkpt2
607  class(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
608  class(krank_t),intent(inout) :: krank
609  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: dksqmax_tol
610 !arrays
611  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt2(3, nkpt2)
612  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: qpt(3)
613  integer,intent(out) :: map(6, nkpt2)
615 !Local variables-------------------------------
616 !scalars
617  real(dp) :: dksqmax, my_tol
618 !arrays
619  real(dp) :: my_qpt(3)
621 ! *************************************************************************
623  my_qpt = zero; if (present(qpt)) my_qpt = qpt
625  select case (mode)
626  case("symrel")
627    ! Note symrel and use_symrec = .False.
628    ! These are the conventions for the symmetrization of the wavefunctions used in cgtk_rotate.
629    call krank%get_mapping(nkpt2, kpt2, dksqmax, cryst%gmet, map, &
630                           cryst%nsym, cryst%symafm, cryst%symrel, timrev, use_symrec=.False., qpt=my_qpt)
632  case("symrec")
633    ! Note symrec and use_symrec = .True.
634    ! These are the conventions for the symmetrization of the DVDB as well as the conventions
635    ! used in several BZ routines. We should always use this convention.
637    call krank%get_mapping(nkpt2, kpt2, dksqmax, cryst%gmet, map, &
638                           cryst%nsym, cryst%symafm, cryst%symrec, timrev, use_symrec=.True., qpt=my_qpt)
640  case default
641    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid mode:", mode))
642  end select
644  my_tol = tol12; if (present(dksqmax_tol)) my_tol = dksqmax_tol
646  ierr = merge(1, 0, dksqmax > my_tol)
647  if (ierr /= 0) call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" CRITICAL WARNING: dksqmax ", ftoa(dksqmax), " > ", ftoa(my_tol)))
649 end function kpts_map

m_kpts/kpts_map_print [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Print the symmetry table bz2ibz associated to the BZ bz and the IBZ ibz
  to a list of units with header. Mode corresponds to the value passed to kpts_map
  If prtvol is 0, max 20 entries are printed. Use prtvol > 0 to print all k-points.


663 subroutine kpts_map_print(units, header, mode, bz, ibz, bz2ibz, prtvol)
665 !Arguments ------------------------------------
666 !scalars
667  character(len=*),intent(in) :: header, mode
668  integer,intent(in) :: prtvol, units(:), bz2ibz(:,:)
669  real(dp),intent(in) :: bz(:,:), ibz(:,:)
671 !Local variables-------------------------------
672 !scalars
673  integer :: ik_ibz, ik_bz, isym_k, trev_k, g0_k(3)
674  logical :: isirr_k
675  character(len=5000) :: msg
677 ! *************************************************************************
679  call wrtout(units, " "//trim(header))
681  select case (mode)
682  case ("symrec")
683    call wrtout(units, &
684      " Legend: bz = TS(ibz) + g0 where isym is the index of the symrec operation S and itim is 1 if TR is used.")
685  case ("symrel")
686    call wrtout(units, &
687        " Legend: bz = TS^t(ibz) + g0 where isym is the index of the symrel operation S and itim is 1 if TR is used.")
688  case default
689    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid mode:", mode))
690  end select
692  ! yes, I'm a barbarian but Fortran string formatting is a pain.
693  msg = "        BZ                                       IBZ                                       ibz  isym  itim  g0"
694  call wrtout(units, msg)
696  do ik_bz=1,size(bz2ibz, dim=2)
697    if (prtvol == 0 .and. ik_bz > 20) then
698      call wrtout(units, "prtvol = 0, max 20 points are written"); exit
699    end if
700    ik_ibz = bz2ibz(1, ik_bz); isym_k = bz2ibz(2, ik_bz)
701    trev_k = bz2ibz(6, ik_bz); g0_k = bz2ibz(3:5, ik_bz)
702    isirr_k = (isym_k == 1 .and. trev_k == 0 .and. all(g0_k == 0))
703    write(msg, '(i6, 2x, 2(a,2x), 3(i4,2x), a)' ) &
704      ik_bz, trim(ktoa(bz(:, ik_bz))), trim(ktoa(ibz(:,ik_ibz))), ik_ibz, isym_k, trev_k, trim(ltoa(g0_k))
705    call wrtout(units, msg)
706  end do
708  call wrtout(units, ch10)
710 end subroutine kpts_map_print

m_kpts/kpts_pack_in_stars [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]







506 subroutine kpts_pack_in_stars(nkpt, kpts, kmap)
508 !Arguments ------------------------------------
509 !scalars
510  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt
511 !arrays
512  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kpts(3, nkpt)
513  integer,intent(inout) :: kmap(6, nkpt)
515 !Local variables-------------------------------
516 !scalars
517  integer :: ikpt, seen_ibz, ik_start, ik0, nkibz
518  integer :: ik_ibz, isym_k, trev_k, tsign, g0_k(3)
519  logical :: isirr_k
520 !arrays
521  integer,allocatable :: iperm(:), ibz_ids(:), kmap_ord(:,:), star_pos(:,:)
522  real(dp) :: swap_kpt(3), swap_kmap(6)
523  real(dp),allocatable :: kpts_ord(:,:)
525 ! *************************************************************************
527  ! Order according to ik_ibz index
528  ABI_MALLOC(ibz_ids, (nkpt))
529  ABI_MALLOC(iperm, (nkpt))
530  ibz_ids = kmap(1, :)
531  iperm = [(ikpt, ikpt=1, nkpt)]
533  call sort_int(nkpt, ibz_ids, iperm)
534  ABI_FREE(ibz_ids)
536  ! Rearrange items in _ord arrays.
537  ABI_MALLOC(kpts_ord, (3, nkpt))
538  ABI_MALLOC(kmap_ord, (6, nkpt))
539  do ikpt=1,nkpt
540    kpts_ord(:, ikpt) = kpts(:, iperm(ikpt))
541    kmap_ord(:, ikpt) = kmap(:, iperm(ikpt))
542  end do
544  ! We want each star group to start with the point in the IBZ so an extra shuffle is needed.
545  ! star_pos stores the beginning of the star group and the position of the base k0 for each star.
546  nkibz = maxval(kmap(1,:))
547  ABI_ICALLOC(star_pos, (2, nkibz))
549  seen_ibz = -1
550  do ikpt=1,nkpt
551    ik_ibz = kmap_ord(1, ikpt); isym_k = kmap_ord(2, ikpt)
552    trev_k = kmap_ord(6, ikpt); g0_k = kmap_ord(3:5, ikpt)
553    isirr_k = (isym_k == 1 .and. trev_k == 0 .and. all(g0_k == 0))
554    tsign = 1; if (trev_k == 1) tsign = -1
555    if (ik_ibz /= seen_ibz) then
556      star_pos(1, ik_ibz) = ikpt
557      seen_ibz = ik_ibz
558    end if
559    if (isirr_k) star_pos(2, ik_ibz) = ikpt
560  end do
562  ! Now put ik0 in the ik_start slot if needed.
563  do ik_ibz=1, nkibz
564    ik_start = star_pos(1, ik_ibz)
565    ik0 = star_pos(2, ik_ibz)
566    if (ik_start == ik0) cycle
568    swap_kpt = kpts_ord(:, ik_start)
569    swap_kmap = kmap_ord(:, ik_start)
571    kpts_ord(:, ik_start) = kpts_ord(:, ik0)
572    kmap_ord(:, ik_start) = kmap_ord(:, ik0)
573    kpts_ord(:, ik0) = swap_kpt
574    kmap_ord(:, ik0) = swap_kmap
575  end do
577  kpts = kpts_ord
578  kmap = kmap_ord
580  ABI_FREE(star_pos)
581  ABI_FREE(iperm)
582  ABI_FREE(kpts_ord)
583  ABI_FREE(kmap_ord)
585 end subroutine kpts_pack_in_stars

m_kpts/kpts_sort [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Order list of k-points according to the norm.




454 subroutine kpts_sort(gprimd, nkpt, kpts)
456 !Arguments ------------------------------------
457 !scalars
458  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt
459 !arrays
460  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3, 3)
461  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kpts(3, nkpt)
463 !Local variables-------------------------------
464 !scalars
465  integer :: ikpt
466 !arrays
467  integer,allocatable :: iperm(:)
468  real(dp),allocatable :: knorm2(:), kpts_ord(:,:)
470 ! *************************************************************************
472  ABI_MALLOC(knorm2, (nkpt))
473  do ikpt=1,nkpt
474    knorm2(ikpt) = dot_product(kpts(:,ikpt), matmul(gprimd, kpts(:, ikpt)))
475  end do
477  ABI_MALLOC(iperm, (nkpt))
478  iperm = [(ikpt, ikpt=1, nkpt)]
479  call sort_dp(nkpt, knorm2, iperm, tol12)
480  ABI_FREE(knorm2)
482  ABI_MALLOC(kpts_ord, (3, nkpt))
483  do ikpt=1,nkpt
484    kpts_ord(:, ikpt) = kpts(:, iperm(ikpt))
485  end do
486  kpts = kpts_ord
488  ABI_FREE(iperm)
489  ABI_FREE(kpts_ord)
491 end subroutine kpts_sort

m_kpts/kpts_timrev_from_kptopt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Returns the value of timrev from kptopt
  1 if the use of time-reversal is allowed; 0 otherwise


  kptopt=option for the generation of k points
    (defines whether spatial symmetries and/or time-reversal can be used)


87 integer pure function kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(kptopt) result(timrev)
89 !Arguments ------------------------------------
90 !scalars
91  integer,intent(in) :: kptopt
93 ! *********************************************************************
95  timrev = 1; if (any(kptopt == [3, 4])) timrev = 0
97 end function kpts_timrev_from_kptopt

m_kpts/listkk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Given a list of nkpt1 initial k points kptns1 and a list of nkpt2
 final k points kptns2, associates each final kpt with a "closest"
 initial k point (or symmetric thereof, also taking possible umklapp)
 as determined by a metric gmet, that commutes with the symmetry operations.
 The algorithm does not scale as nkpt1 times nkpt2, thanks
 to the ordering of the kptns1 and kptns2 vectors according to their
 lengths, and comparison first between vectors of similar lengths.
 Returns indirect indexing list indkk.


  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric (bohr^-2)
  kptns1(3,nkpt1)=list of initial k points (reduced coordinates)
  kptns2(3,nkpt2)=list of final k points
  nkpt1=number of initial k points
  nkpt2=number of final k points
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  sppoldbl=if 1, no spin-polarisation doubling
           if 2, spin-polarisation doubling using symafm
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symmat(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations (symrel or symrec, depending on value of use_symrec
  timrev=1 if the use of time-reversal is allowed; 0 otherwise
  comm=MPI communicator.
  [use_symrec]: if present and true, symmat assumed to be symrec, otherwise assumed to be symrel (default)


  dksqmax=maximal value of the norm**2 of the difference between
    a kpt2 vector and the closest k-point found from the kptns1 set, using symmetries.
  indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6)=describe k point number of kpt1 that allows to
    generate wavefunctions closest to given kpt2
    if sppoldbl=2, use symafm to generate spin down wfs from spin up wfs

    indkk(:,1)=k point number of kptns1
    indkk(:,2)=symmetry operation to be applied to kpt1, to give kpt1a
      (if 0, means no symmetry operation, equivalent to identity )
    indkk(:,3:5)=shift in reciprocal space to be given to kpt1a,
      to give kpt1b, that is the closest to kpt2.
    indkk(:,6)=1 if time-reversal was used to generate kpt1a from kpt1, 0 otherwise


  The tolerances tol12 and tol8 aims at giving a machine-independent ordering.
  (this trick is used in bonds.f, listkk.f, prtrhomxmn.f and rsiaf9.f)
  The tolerance tol12 is used for each component of the k vectors,
  and for the length of the vectors while the tolerance tol8 is used for
  the comparison of the squared lengths of the separate vectors.


 765 subroutine listkk(dksqmax, gmet, indkk, kptns1, kptns2, nkpt1, nkpt2, nsym, sppoldbl, symafm, symmat, timrev, comm, &
 766                   use_symrec) ! optional
 768 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 769 !scalars
 770  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt1,nkpt2,nsym,sppoldbl,timrev,comm
 771  real(dp),intent(out) :: dksqmax
 772  logical,optional,intent(in) :: use_symrec
 773 !arrays
 774  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(nsym),symmat(3,3,nsym)
 775  integer,intent(out) :: indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6)
 776  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),kptns1(3,nkpt1),kptns2(3,nkpt2)
 778 !Local variables-------------------------------
 779 !scalars
 780  integer,parameter :: usesym=1, limit=1
 781  integer :: nprocs, my_rank, ierr, isk_start, isk_stop
 782  integer :: l3,ig1,ig2,ig3,ii,ikpg1,ikpt1,ikpt2,ikpt2_done, isk
 783  integer :: ilarger,ismaller,itrial
 784  integer :: isppol,isym,itimrev,jkpt1,jsym,jtime
 785  integer :: nsym_used,timrev_used
 786  real(dp) :: dksq,dksqmn,lk2,llarger,ldiff,lsmaller,ltrial,min_l
 787  !real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
 788  character(len=500) :: msg
 789 !arrays
 790  integer :: dkint(3),jdkint(3),k1int(3),k2int(3)
 791  integer, allocatable :: isort(:), tmp_indkk(:,:)
 792  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
 793  real(dp) :: dk(3),kpg1(3),kpt1a(3),k1(3),k2(3)
 794  !real(dp) :: kasq,ka(3)
 795  real(dp),allocatable :: lkpg1(:),lkpg1_sorted(:)
 797 ! *************************************************************************
 799  call timab(1091, 1, tsec)
 800  !call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
 802  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
 804  if (sppoldbl<1 .or. sppoldbl>2) then
 805    write(msg, '(a,i0,a)' )'The value of sppoldbl is: ',sppoldbl,', but it should be either 1 or 2.'
 806    ABI_BUG(msg)
 807  end if
 809  ! When usesym=0, the old way of converting the wavefunctions (without using the symmetries), is recovered.
 810  nsym_used=nsym
 811  timrev_used=timrev
 812  if(usesym==0)nsym_used=1
 813  if(usesym==0)timrev_used=0
 815  ! Precompute the length of the kpt1 vectors, also taking into account possible umklapp vectors
 816  l3 = (2*limit+1)**3
 817  ABI_CALLOC(lkpg1, (l3*nkpt1))
 818  ABI_CALLOC(lkpg1_sorted, (l3*nkpt1))
 819  ABI_MALLOC(isort, (l3*nkpt1))
 820  isort = 0
 822  call xmpi_split_work(nkpt1, comm, isk_start, isk_stop)
 823  !write(std_out,*)' List of kpt1 vectors'; write(std_out,*)' Length of the kpt1 vectors:'
 825 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(k1, k1int, kpg1, ikpg1)
 826  do ikpt1=isk_start,isk_stop
 827    k1(:) = kptns1(:,ikpt1)  !; write(std_out,*)ikpt1,k1(:)
 828    k1int(:) = nint(k1(:) + tol12)
 829    k1(:) = k1(:) - k1int(:)
 830    do ig3=-limit,limit
 831      kpg1(3) = k1(3) + ig3
 832      do ig2=-limit,limit
 833        kpg1(2) = k1(2) + ig2
 834        do ig1=-limit,limit
 835          kpg1(1) = k1(1) + ig1
 837          ikpg1 = ig1 + limit + 1 + (2*limit+1)*(ig2+limit) + (2*limit+1)**2*(ig3+limit) + l3*(ikpt1-1)
 838          ! Compute the norm of the vector (also taking into account possible umklapp)
 839          lkpg1(ikpg1) = sqrt(gmet(1,1)*kpg1(1)**2+gmet(2,2)*kpg1(2)**2 + &
 840                              gmet(3,3)*kpg1(3)**2+two*(gmet(2,1)*kpg1(2)*kpg1(1) + &
 841                              gmet(3,2)*kpg1(3)*kpg1(2)+gmet(3,1)*kpg1(3)*kpg1(1)))
 842          lkpg1_sorted(ikpg1) = lkpg1(ikpg1)
 843          isort(ikpg1) = ikpg1
 844          !write(std_out,*)' ikpt1,ig1,ig2,ig3,lkpg1=',ikpt1,ig1,ig2,ig3,lkpg1(ikpg1)
 845        end do
 846      end do
 847    end do
 848  end do
 850  if (nprocs > 1) then
 851    call xmpi_sum(lkpg1_sorted, comm, ierr)
 852    call xmpi_sum(lkpg1, comm, ierr)
 853    call xmpi_sum(isort, comm, ierr)
 854  end if
 855  !call cwtime_report(" listkk_loop1", cpu, wall, gflops)
 857  call sort_dp(l3*nkpt1, lkpg1_sorted, isort, tol12)
 858  ! From "precompute" to "sort_dp" represents more than 50% of the overall wall time for large meshes.
 859  !call cwtime_report(" listkk_sort", cpu, wall, gflops)
 861  !write(std_out,*)' listkk : output list of kpt1 for checking purposes '
 862  !write(std_out,*)' ii,ikpt1,isort(ii)-l3*(ikpt1-1),lkpg1_sorted(ii),lkpg1(isort(ii)) '
 863  !do ii=1,l3*nkpt1
 864  !  ikpt1=(isort(ii)-1)/l3+1
 865  !  write(std_out,*)ii,ikpt1,isort(ii)-l3*(ikpt1-1),lkpg1_sorted(ii),lkpg1(isort(ii))
 866  !enddo
 868  dksqmax = zero
 869  indkk = 0
 870  ! TODO: Should change API to use this shape.
 871  ! workspace array for improved memory access.
 872  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_indkk, (6, nkpt2*sppoldbl))
 873  tmp_indkk = 0
 875  ! Split loop in contiguous blocks
 876  call xmpi_split_work(sppoldbl * nkpt2, comm, isk_start, isk_stop)
 878  do isppol=1,sppoldbl
 879    do ikpt2=1,nkpt2
 880      isk = ikpt2 + (isppol-1)*nkpt2
 881      if (isk < isk_start .or. isk > isk_stop) cycle
 883      ikpt2_done=0
 884      ! Precompute the length of the kpt2 vector, with the Umklapp vector such that it is the closest to the Gamma point
 885      k2(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)
 886      k2int(:)=nint(k2(:)+tol12)
 887      k2(:)=k2(:)-k2int(:)
 888      lk2=sqrt(gmet(1,1)*k2(1)**2+gmet(2,2)*k2(2)**2+&
 889               gmet(3,3)*k2(3)**2+two*(gmet(2,1)*k2(2)*k2(1)+&
 890               gmet(3,2)*k2(3)*k2(2)+gmet(3,1)*k2(3)*k2(1)))
 891      ! write(std_out, '(a,i4,7es16.6)' )' listkk : ikpt2,kptns2(:,ikpt2),k2(:),lk2=',ikpt2,kptns2(:,ikpt2),k2(:),lk2
 893      ! Find the kpt1 vector whose length is the most similar to the length of lk2 up to a tolerance.
 894      ! Use a bisection algorithm.
 895      ismaller=0; lsmaller=zero
 896      ilarger=l3*nkpt1+1; llarger=huge(one)
 898      ! This loop should never reach l3*nkpt1, since this is a bisection algorithm
 899      do ii=1,l3*nkpt1
 900        if((ilarger-ismaller)<2 .or. (llarger-lsmaller)<2*tol12)exit
 901        itrial=(ilarger+ismaller)/2 ; ltrial=lkpg1_sorted(itrial)
 902        if((ltrial-lk2)>tol12)then
 903          ilarger=itrial ; llarger=ltrial
 904        else if((ltrial-lk2)<-tol12)then
 905          ismaller=itrial ; lsmaller=ltrial
 906        else
 907          ismaller=itrial ; lsmaller=ltrial
 908          ilarger=itrial ; llarger=ltrial
 909        end if
 910      end do
 911      itrial=ismaller
 912      if(abs(llarger-lk2)<abs(lsmaller-lk2)-tol12)itrial=ilarger
 913      if(itrial==0)itrial=ilarger
 914      ismaller=itrial ; ilarger=itrial
 915      !write(std_out,*)' listkk : starting search at itrial=',itrial
 917      dksqmn=huge(one)
 919      ! The ii index is dummy. This avoids an infinite loop.
 920      do ii=1,l3*nkpt1
 921        ! If the difference in length between the trial vector and the target vector is bigger
 922        ! than the already achieved distance, the search is finished ...
 923        ldiff = abs(lkpg1_sorted(itrial) - lk2)
 924        ! write(std_out,*)' listkk : ii,itrial,lkpg1_sorted(itrial),lk2,ldiff,&
 925        ! dksqmn=',ii,itrial,lkpg1_sorted(itrial),lk2,ldiff,dksqmn
 927        if (ldiff**2 > dksqmn+tol8) exit
 929        ! If this k-point has already been examined in a previous batch, skip it
 930        ! First, compute the minimum of the difference of length of the sets of
 931        ! associated vectors thanks to Umklapp vectors with the target vector
 932        ikpt1 = (isort(itrial)-1) /l3 + 1
 933        min_l = minval(abs(lkpg1((ikpt1-1)*l3+1:(ikpt1-1)*l3+l3)-lk2))
 935        ! Then compare with the current ldiff
 936        ! write(std_out,*)' listkk : ikpt1,min_l,ldiff=',ikpt1,min_l,ldiff
 937        if (min_l > ldiff-tol12) then
 939          ! Now, will examine the trial vector, and the symmetric ones
 940          ! MG FIXME: Here there's a possible problem with the order of symmetries because
 941          ! in symkpt, time-reversal is the innermost loop. This can create inconsistencies in the symmetry tables.
 942          ! Besides, one should use symrel^{-1 T} to keep the correspondence between isym -> R or S
 943          do itimrev=0,timrev_used
 944            do isym=1,nsym_used
 946              ! Select magnetic characteristic of symmetries
 947              if (isppol == 1 .and. symafm(isym) == -1) cycle
 948              if (isppol == 2 .and. symafm(isym) == 1) cycle
 950              ! Compute symmetric point to kpt1
 951              if (usesym==1) then
 952                ! original code only used transpose(symrel)
 953                if (present(use_symrec)) then
 954                  if (use_symrec) then
 955                    kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(symmat(:,:,isym),kptns1(:,ikpt1))
 956                  else
 957                    kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(symmat(:,:,isym)),kptns1(:,ikpt1))
 958                  end if
 959                else
 960                  kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(symmat(:,:,isym)),kptns1(:,ikpt1))
 961                end if
 962                kpt1a(:)=(1-2*itimrev)*kpt1a(:)
 963              else
 964                kpt1a(:)=kptns1(:,ikpt1)
 965              end if
 967              ! Compute difference with respect to kpt2, modulo a lattice vector
 968              dk(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)-kpt1a(:)
 969              if (usesym==1) then
 970                ! The tolerance insure similar behaviour on different platforms
 971                ! XG120418: Actually, *assumes* that the closest point will have reduced
 972                ! coordinates differing by less than 1/2. There might be elongated cells where this is not correct ...
 973                dkint(:)=nint(dk(:)+tol12)
 974                dk(:)=dk(:)-dkint(:)
 975              else
 976                dkint(:)=0
 977              end if
 979              ! Compute norm of the difference vector, and update kpt1 if better.
 980              dksq=gmet(1,1)*dk(1)**2+gmet(2,2)*dk(2)**2+ &
 981                   gmet(3,3)*dk(3)**2+two*(gmet(2,1)*dk(2)*dk(1)+ &
 982                   gmet(3,2)*dk(3)*dk(2)+gmet(3,1)*dk(3)*dk(1))
 984              if (dksq < dksqmn+tol8) then
 985                ! If exactly the right point (without using symmetries neither umklapp vector), will exit the search
 986                ! Note that in this condition, each coordinate is tested separately, without squaring.
 987                ! So, it is a much stronger condition than dksqmn < tol12
 988                if (sum(abs(kptns2(:,ikpt2)-kptns1(:,ikpt1)))<3*tol12) ikpt2_done = 1
 990                ! Update in three cases: either if succeeded to have exactly the vector, or the distance is better,
 991                ! or the distance is only slightly worsened so select the lowest itimrev, isym or ikpt1,
 992                ! in order to respect previous ordering
 993                if (ikpt2_done==1 .or. &
 994                   dksq+tol12<dksqmn .or. &
 995                   ( abs(dksq-dksqmn)<tol12 .and. &
 996                    ((itimrev<jtime) .or. &
 997                    (itimrev==jtime .and. isym<jsym) .or. &
 998                    (itimrev==jtime .and. isym==jsym .and. ikpt1<jkpt1))))then
1000                  dksqmn = dksq
1001                  jkpt1 = ikpt1
1002                  jsym = isym
1003                  jtime = itimrev
1004                  jdkint(:) = dkint(:)
1006                  !if (ikpt2_done == 1) then
1007                  !  write(std_out,*)'Succeeded to lower dskmn,ikpt2_done=',dksqmn,ikpt2_done
1008                  !  write(std_out,*)'  ikpt1,ikpt2=',ikpt1, ikpt2
1009                  !  write(std_out,*)'  ikpt1,isym,dkint(:),itimrev=',ikpt1,isym,dkint(:),itimrev
1010                  !  ka(:) = kpt1a(:) + dkint(:)
1011                  !  kasq=gmet(1,1)*ka(1)**2+gmet(2,2)*ka(2)**2+&
1012                  !       gmet(3,3)*ka(3)**2+two*(gmet(2,1)*ka(2)*ka(1)+&
1013                  !       gmet(3,2)*ka(3)*ka(2)+gmet(3,1)*ka(3)*ka(1))
1014                  !  write(std_out,*)'             k1 = ',kpt1a(:)
1015                  !  write(std_out,*)'          dkint = ',dkint(:)
1016                  !  write(std_out,*)'      Actual k1 = ',ka(:)
1017                  !  write(std_out,*)'             k2 = ',kptns2(:,ikpt2)
1018                  !  write(std_out,*)'      Actual k1sq = ',kasq
1019                  !end if
1020                end if
1021              end if
1023              if (ikpt2_done==1) exit
1024            end do ! isym
1025            if (ikpt2_done==1) exit
1026          end do ! itimrev
1027          if (ikpt2_done==1) exit
1028        end if
1030        ! Update the interval that has been explored
1031        if (itrial < ismaller) ismaller = itrial
1032        if (itrial > ilarger) ilarger = itrial
1034        ! Select the next index to be tried (preferably the smaller indices, but this is a bit arbitrary).
1035        ! write(std_out,*)' before choosing the next index :'
1036        ! write(std_out,*)' ismaller,itrial,ilarger=',ismaller,itrial,ilarger
1037        ! write(std_out,*)' lkpg1_sorted(ismaller-1),lk2,lkpg1_sorted(ilarger+1)=',&
1038        ! lkpg1_sorted(ismaller-1),lk2,lkpg1_sorted(ilarger+1)
1040        if (ismaller>1 .and. ilarger<l3*nkpt1) then
1041          if (abs(lkpg1_sorted(ismaller-1)-lk2) < abs(lkpg1_sorted(ilarger+1)-lk2)+tol12) then
1042            itrial = ismaller-1
1043          else
1044            itrial = ilarger+1
1045          end if
1046        end if
1047        if (ismaller==1 .and. ilarger<l3*nkpt1) itrial = ilarger+1
1048        if (ismaller>1 .and. ilarger==l3*nkpt1) itrial = ismaller-1
1049        !if(ismaller==1 .and. ilarger==l3*nkpt1), we are done with the loop !
1050      end do ! ikpt1
1052      ! Store indices (lots of cache miss here)
1053      !indkk(isk, 1) = jkpt1
1054      !indkk(isk, 2) = jsym
1055      !indkk(isk, 3:5) = jdkint(:)
1056      !indkk(isk, 6) = jtime
1058      tmp_indkk(1, isk) = jkpt1
1059      tmp_indkk(2, isk) = jsym
1060      tmp_indkk(3:5, isk) = jdkint(:)
1061      tmp_indkk(6, isk) = jtime
1063      dksqmax = max(dksqmax, dksqmn)
1065      if (dksqmn < -tol12) then
1066        write(msg, '(a,es16.6)' )'The minimum square of dk has negative norm: dksqmn= ',dksqmn
1067        ABI_BUG(msg)
1068      end if
1070      ! DEBUG SECTION
1071      !if (dksqmn > tol5) then
1072      !   if (present(use_symrec)) then
1073      !     if (use_symrec) then
1074      !       kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(symmat(:,:,jsym),kptns1(:,jkpt1))
1075      !     else
1076      !       kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(symmat(:,:,jsym)),kptns1(:,jkpt1))
1077      !     end if
1078      !   else
1079      !     kpt1a(:) = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(symmat(:,:,jsym)),kptns1(:,jkpt1))
1080      !   end if
1081      !   kpt1a(:)=(1-2*jtime)*kpt1a(:)
1082      !   print *, "Cannot find k2: ", k2(:)
1083      !   print *, "Rotated TS(k1): ", kpt1a(:)
1084      !   print *, "with k1:        ", kptns1(:, jkpt1)
1085      !   print *, "dksqmn:         ", dksqmn
1086      !end if
1087      !END DEBUG
1089      !write(std_out,'(a,i6,i2,2x,i6,5i3,es24.14)' )' listkk: ikpt2,isppol,indkk(isk,:)=',ikpt2,isppol,indkk(isk,:),dksqmn
1090    end do ! ikpt2
1091  end do ! isppol
1093  ABI_FREE(isort)
1094  ABI_FREE(lkpg1)
1095  ABI_FREE(lkpg1_sorted)
1097  indkk = transpose(tmp_indkk)
1098  ABI_FREE(tmp_indkk)
1099  if (nprocs > 1) then
1100    call xmpi_sum(indkk, comm, ierr)
1101    dksqmn = dksqmax
1102    call xmpi_max(dksqmn, dksqmax, comm, ierr)
1103  end if
1105  call timab(1091, 2, tsec)
1106  !call cwtime_report(" listkk_end", cpu, wall, gflops)
1108 end subroutine listkk

m_kpts/mknormpath [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Please do not use this  routine, use make_normpath instead.
 mknormpath should be removed

  This simple routine generates a normalized path that can be used to plot a band
  structures in an easy way. For normalized path we mean a path where the number
  of division on each segment is proportional to the length of the segment itself.
  To generate the above mentioned path, the subroutine must be called twice.
  The first call reports the total number of divisions in the normalized path, dimension
  that is required to correctly allocate the array.
  The second call calculates the reduced coordinates of the circuit.


 nbounds=number of points defining the path
 ndiv_small=number of points to be used to sample the smallest
  segment defined by bounds(:,1:nbounds)
 bounds(3,nbounds)=points defining the path


 ndiv(nbounds-1)= number of divisions for each segment
 npt_tot=total number of points sampled along the circuit
 path(3,npt_tot)= normalized path in reciprocal space


  Do not use this routine, it is obsolete and should be replaced by make_path in m_bz_mesh.


3209 subroutine mknormpath(nbounds,bounds,gmet,ndiv_small,ndiv,npt_tot,path)
3211 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3212 !scalars
3213  integer,intent(in) :: nbounds,ndiv_small
3214  integer,intent(inout) :: npt_tot
3215 !arrays
3216  integer,intent(inout) :: ndiv(nbounds-1)
3217  real(dp),intent(in) :: bounds(3,nbounds),gmet(3,3)
3218  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: path(3,npt_tot)
3220 !Local variables-------------------------------
3221 !scalars
3222  integer :: idx,ii,jp
3223  real(dp) :: fct
3224  character(len=500) :: msg
3225 !arrays
3226  real(dp) :: dd(3),lng(nbounds-1)
3228 ! *************************************************************************
3230  if (ndiv_small<=0) then
3231    write(msg,'(3a,i0)')&
3232 &   'The argument ndiv_small should be a positive number,',ch10,&
3233 &   'however, ndiv_small=',ndiv_small
3234    ABI_ERROR(msg)
3235  end if
3237  do ii=1,nbounds-1
3238    dd(:)=bounds(:,ii+1)-bounds(:,ii)
3239    lng(ii)= sqrt( dd(1)*gmet(1,1)*dd(1)+ &
3240 &   dd(2)*gmet(2,2)*dd(2)+ &
3241 &   dd(3)*gmet(3,3)*dd(3)+ &
3242 &   2.0d0*(dd(1)*gmet(1,2)*dd(2)+ &
3243 &   dd(1)*gmet(1,3)*dd(3)+ &
3244 &   dd(2)*gmet(2,3)*dd(3)) &
3245 &   )
3246  end do
3247  write(std_out,*)lng
3248  fct=minval(lng)
3250 !Avoid division by zero if k(:,i+1)=k(:,i)
3251  if (abs(fct)<tol6) then
3252    write(msg,'(3a)')&
3253 &   'found two consecutive points in the path which are equal',ch10,&
3254 &   'This is not allowed, please modify the path in your input file'
3255    ABI_ERROR(msg)
3256  end if
3258  fct=fct/ndiv_small
3259  ndiv(:)=nint(lng(:)/fct)
3260 !The 1 stand for the first point
3261  npt_tot=sum(ndiv)+1
3263  if (.not.present(path)) then
3264    write(msg,'(2a,i8)')ch10,' mknormpath : total number of points on the path: ',npt_tot
3265    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3266    write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Number of divisions for each segment of the normalized path: '
3267    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3268    do ii=1,nbounds-1
3269      write(msg,'(2(3f8.5,a),i5,a)')&
3270      bounds(:,ii),' ==> ',bounds(:,ii+1),' ( ndiv: ',ndiv(ii),' )'
3271      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3272    end do
3273    write(msg,'(a)')ch10
3274    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3275  else
3276    write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Normalized Path: '
3277    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3278    idx=1
3279    do ii=1,nbounds-1
3280      do jp=1,ndiv(ii)
3281        path(:,idx)=bounds(:,ii)+(jp-1)*(path(:,ii+1)-path(:,ii))/ndiv(ii)
3282        write(msg,'(i4,4x,3(f8.5,1x))')idx,path(:,idx)
3283        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3284        idx=idx+1
3285      end do
3286    end do
3287  end if
3289 end subroutine mknormpath

m_kpts/smpbz [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Generate a set of special k (or q) points which samples in a homogeneous way
 the entire Brillouin zone of a simple lattice, face-centered cubic,
 body-centered lattice and hexagonal lattice.
 If kptrlatt is diagonal, the algorithm used here reduces to the usual
 Monkhorst-Pack set of k points.


  brav = 1 or -1 -> simple lattice; 2 -> face-centered cubic;
   3 -> body-centered lattice; 4 -> hexagonal lattice (D6h)
  downsampling(3) [optional, for brav=1 only]
    Three integer numbers, describing the downsampling of the k grid
    If present, in any case, only the first shiftk is taken into account
    The absolute value of one number gives, for the corresponding k-coordinate, the factor of decrease of the sampling
    If zero, only one point is used to sample along this direction
    The sign has also a meaning :
    - if three numbers are negative, perform a face-centered sampling
    - if two numbers are negative, perform a body-centered sampling
    - if one number is negative, perform a face-centered sampling for the two-dimensional lattice of the other directions
    - if one number is zero and at least one number is negative, perform face-centered sampling for the non-zero directions.
  iout = unit number for output
  kptrlatt(3,3)=integer coordinates of the primitive vectors of the
   lattice reciprocal to the k point lattice to be generated here
   If diagonal, the three values are the Monkhorst-Pack usual values, in case of simple cubic.
  mkpt = maximum number of k points
  nshiftk= number of shift vectors in the repeated cell
  option= Flag defining what will be printed of iout: 0 for k points, anything else for q points.
    Also, for q points, if the Gamma point is present, place it first in the list.
  shiftk(3,nshiftk) = vectors that will be used to determine the shifts from (0. 0. 0.).


  nkpt = number of k points
  spkpt(3,mkpt) = the nkpt first values contain the special k points
   obtained by the Monkhorst & Pack method, in reduced coordinates.
   These vectors have to be multiplied by the reciprocal basis vectors
   gprimd(3,3) (in cartesian coordinates) to obtain the special k points
   set in cartesian coordinates.


  also allows for more than one vector in repeated cell.
  this routine should be rewritten, to use the Wigner-Seitz cell,
  and thus unify the different treatments.
  References :
  H.J. Monkhorst and J.D. Pack, Phys. Rev. B 13, 5188 (1976) [[cite:Monkhorst1976]]
  J.D. Pack and H.J. Monkhorst, Phys. Rev. B 16, 1748 (1977) [[cite:Pack1977]]
  A.H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 18, 5897 (1978) [[cite:MacDonald1978]]
  R.A. Evarestov and V.P. Smirnov, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 119, 9 (1983) [[cite:Evarestov1983]]


1986 subroutine smpbz(brav,iout,kptrlatt,mkpt,nkpt,nshiftk,option,shiftk,spkpt,downsampling)
1988 !Arguments -------------------------------
1989 !scalars
1990  integer,intent(in) :: brav,iout,mkpt,nshiftk,option
1991  integer,intent(out) :: nkpt
1992 !arrays
1993  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
1994  integer,optional,intent(in) :: downsampling(3)
1995  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk)
1996  real(dp),intent(out) :: spkpt(3,mkpt)
1998 !Local variables -------------------------
1999 !scalars
2000  integer,parameter :: prtvol=0
2001  integer :: dividedown,ii,ikshft,jj,kk,nkpout,nkptlatt,nn,proddown
2002  real(dp) :: shift
2003  character(len=500) :: msg
2004 !arrays
2005  integer :: ads(3),boundmax(3),boundmin(3),cds(3),coord(3),ngkpt(3)
2006  integer, allocatable :: found1(:,:),found2(:,:),found3(:,:)
2007  real(dp) :: k1(3),k2(3),kcar(3),klatt(3,3),ktest(3),rlatt(3,3)
2009 ! *********************************************************************
2011 !DEBUG
2012 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option=',brav,iout,mkpt,nkpt,option
2013 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : kptrlatt(:,:)=',kptrlatt(:,:)
2014 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : nshiftk=',nshiftk
2015 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : shiftk(:,:)=',shiftk(:,:)
2016 !write(std_out,*)' smpbz : downsampling(:)=',downsampling(:)
2019  if(option/=0) call wrtout(iout,'       Homogeneous q point set in the B.Z.  ','COLL')
2021  if(abs(brav)/=1)then
2022 !  Only generate Monkhorst-Pack lattices
2023    if(kptrlatt(1,2)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(2,1)/=0 .or. &
2024 &   kptrlatt(1,3)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(3,1)/=0 .or. &
2025 &   kptrlatt(2,3)/=0 .or. kptrlatt(3,2)/=0     ) then
2026      write(msg, '(2a,a,3i0,a,a,3i4,a,a,3i4)' )&
2027 &     'When abs(brav)/=1, kptrlatt must be diagonal, while it is',ch10,&
2028 &     'kptrlatt(:,1)= ',kptrlatt(:,1),ch10,&
2029 &     'kptrlatt(:,2)= ',kptrlatt(:,2),ch10,&
2030 &     'kptrlatt(:,3)= ',kptrlatt(:,3)
2031      ABI_BUG(msg)
2032    end if
2034    ngkpt(1)=kptrlatt(1,1)
2035    ngkpt(2)=kptrlatt(2,2)
2036    ngkpt(3)=kptrlatt(3,3)
2037 !
2038    if( (ngkpt(1)<=0.or.ngkpt(2)<=0.or.ngkpt(3)<=0) .and. (ngkpt(1)/=0.or.ngkpt(2)/=0.or.ngkpt(3)/=0) ) then
2039      write(msg, '(5a,i4,a,a,i0,a,a,i0,a,a)' )&
2040 &     'All ngkpt (or ngqpt) must be strictly positive',ch10,&
2041 &     'or all ngk(q)pt must be zero (for Gamma sampling), but :',ch10,&
2042 &     'ngk(q)pt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
2043 &     'ngk(q)pt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
2044 &     'ngk(q)pt(3) = ',ngkpt(3),ch10,&
2045 &     'Action: correct ngkpt or ngqpt in the input file.'
2046      ABI_BUG(msg)
2047    end if
2048  end if
2050 !Just in case the user wants the grid downsampled to the Gamma point, checks that it is present, and possibly exits
2051  if(present(downsampling))then
2052    if(sum(abs(downsampling(:)))==0)then
2053      do ikshft=1,nshiftk
2054        if(sum(abs(shiftk(:,ikshft)))>tol12)cycle
2055        nkpt=1
2056        spkpt(:,1)=zero
2057        return
2058      end do
2059    end if
2060  end if
2062 !*********************************************************************
2064  if(abs(brav)==1)then
2066 !  Compute the number of k points in the G-space unit cell
2067 !  (will be multiplied by nshiftk later).
2068    nkptlatt=kptrlatt(1,1)*kptrlatt(2,2)*kptrlatt(3,3) &
2069 &   +kptrlatt(1,2)*kptrlatt(2,3)*kptrlatt(3,1) &
2070 &   +kptrlatt(1,3)*kptrlatt(2,1)*kptrlatt(3,2) &
2071 &   -kptrlatt(1,2)*kptrlatt(2,1)*kptrlatt(3,3) &
2072 &   -kptrlatt(1,3)*kptrlatt(2,2)*kptrlatt(3,1) &
2073 &   -kptrlatt(1,1)*kptrlatt(2,3)*kptrlatt(3,2)
2075    if(present(downsampling))then
2076      if(.not.(downsampling(1)==1 .and. downsampling(2)==1 .and. downsampling(3)==1))then
2077        if(nshiftk>1)then
2078          write(msg, '(a,3i4,2a,i4,4a)' )&
2079 &         'Real downsampling is activated, with downsampling(1:3)=',downsampling(1:3),ch10,&
2080 &         'However, nshiftk must be 1 in this case, while the input nshiftk=',nshiftk,ch10,&
2081 &         'Action: either choose not to downsample the k point grid (e.g. fockdownsampling=1),',ch10,&
2082 &         'or set nshiftk=1.'
2083          ABI_ERROR(msg)
2084        end if
2085        proddown=downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)
2086        if(proddown/=0)then
2087          dividedown=abs(proddown)
2088          if(minval(downsampling(:))<0)then   ! If there is at least one negative number
2089            dividedown=dividedown*2
2090            if(proddown>0)dividedown=dividedown*2 ! If there are two negative numbers
2091          end if
2092        end if
2093        if(mod(nkptlatt,dividedown)==0)then
2094          nkptlatt=nkptlatt/dividedown
2095        else
2096          write(msg, '(a,3i4,2a,i4,4a)' )&
2097 &         'The requested downsampling, with downsampling(1:3)=',downsampling(1:3),ch10,&
2098 &         'is not compatible with kptrlatt=',ch10,&
2099 &         kptrlatt(:,:),ch10,&
2100 &         'that gives nkptlatt=',nkptlatt,ch10,&
2101 &         'Action: either choose not to downsample the k point grid (e.g. fockdownsampling=1),',ch10,&
2102 &         'or modify your k-point grid and/or your downsampling in order for them to be compatible.'
2103          ABI_ERROR(msg)
2104        end if
2105      end if
2106    end if
2108 !  Simple Lattice
2109    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Simple Lattice Grid ','COLL')
2110    if (mkpt<nkptlatt*nshiftk) then
2111      write(msg, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
2112 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
2113 &     'at least',nkptlatt*nshiftk,',',ch10,&
2114 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
2115 &     'and recompile the code.'
2116      ABI_BUG(msg)
2117    end if
2119 !  Build primitive vectors of the k lattice
2120    rlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt(:,:)
2121    call matr3inv(rlatt,klatt)
2123 !  write(std_out,*)' First primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,1)
2124 !  write(std_out,*)' Second primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,2)
2125 !  write(std_out,*)' Third primitive vector of the k lattice :',klatt(:,3)
2127 !  Now, klatt contains the three primitive vectors of the k lattice,
2128 !  in reduced coordinates. One builds all k vectors that
2129 !  are contained in the first Brillouin zone, with coordinates
2130 !  in the interval [0,1[ . First generate boundaries of a big box.
2132    do jj=1,3
2134 !    Mathematically, one has to find the coordinates of the corners of a
2135 !    rectangular paralleliped with integer coordinates, that multiplies the klatt primitive cell and allows
2136 !    it to incorporate completely the [0,1]^3 box. Then take the minimum and maximum
2137 !    of these coordinates, and round them negatively and positively to the next integer.
2138 !    This can be done easily using kptrlatt, considering each coordinate in turn
2139 !    and boils down to enlarging the boundaries for jj by the value of kptrlatt(:,jj),
2140 !    acting on boundmin or boundmax depending on the sign ot kptrlatt(:,jj).
2141 !    XG171020 The coding before 171020 was correct, despite being very simple.
2142      boundmin(jj)=0 ; boundmax(jj)=0
2143      do ii=1,3
2144        if(kptrlatt(ii,jj)<0)boundmin(jj)=boundmin(jj)+kptrlatt(ii,jj)
2145        if(kptrlatt(ii,jj)>0)boundmax(jj)=boundmax(jj)+kptrlatt(ii,jj)
2146      end do
2148 !    To accomodate the shifts, boundmin and boundmax don't start from 0, but are enlarged by one
2149 !    positively and/or negatively.
2150 !    XG171020 Coding in v8.6.0 and before was not correct. This one is even simpler actually.
2151      boundmin(jj)=boundmin(jj)-ceiling(maxval(shiftk(jj,:))+tol14)
2152      boundmax(jj)=boundmax(jj)-floor(minval(shiftk(jj,:))-tol14)
2154    end do
2156    if(present(downsampling))then
2157      ABI_MALLOC(found1,(boundmin(2):boundmax(2),boundmin(3):boundmax(3)))
2158      ABI_MALLOC(found2,(boundmin(1):boundmax(1),boundmin(3):boundmax(3)))
2159      ABI_MALLOC(found3,(boundmin(1):boundmax(1),boundmin(2):boundmax(2)))
2160      found1=0 ; found2=0 ; found3=0
2161    end if
2163    nn=1
2164    do kk=boundmin(3),boundmax(3)
2165      coord(3)=kk
2166      do jj=boundmin(2),boundmax(2)
2167        coord(2)=jj
2168        do ii=boundmin(1),boundmax(1)
2169          coord(1)=ii
2171 !        Here, apply the downsampling : skip some of the trials
2172          if(present(downsampling))then
2174            if(downsampling(1)==0 .and. found1(coord(2),coord(3))==1)cycle
2175            if(downsampling(2)==0 .and. found2(coord(1),coord(3))==1)cycle
2176            if(downsampling(3)==0 .and. found3(coord(1),coord(2))==1)cycle
2178            ads(:)=abs(downsampling(:))
2179            if(ads(1)>0 .and. mod(coord(1),ads(1))/=0)cycle
2180            if(ads(2)>0 .and. mod(coord(2),ads(2))/=0)cycle
2181            if(ads(3)>0 .and. mod(coord(3),ads(2))/=0)cycle
2182            cds(:)=coord(:)/ads(:)
2183            if(minval(downsampling(:))<0)then   ! If there is at least one negative number
2185              if(downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)/=0)then  ! If there is no zero number
2186 !              Face-centered case
2187                if(downsampling(1)<0 .and. downsampling(2)<0 .and. downsampling(3)<0)then ! All three are negative
2188                  if(mod(sum(cds(:)),2)/=0)cycle
2189 !              One-face-centered case
2190                else if(downsampling(1)*downsampling(2)*downsampling(3)<0)then  ! Only one is negative
2191                  if(downsampling(1)<0 .and. mod(cds(2)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
2192                  if(downsampling(2)<0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
2193                  if(downsampling(3)<0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(2),2)/=0)cycle
2194 !              Body-centered case ! What is left : two are negative
2195                else
2196                  ! Either all are zero, or all are one, so skip when sum is 1 or 2.
2197                  if(sum(mod(cds(:),2))==1 .or. sum(mod(cds(:),2))==2)cycle
2198                end if
2199              else
2200                if(downsampling(1)==0 .and. mod(cds(2)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
2201                if(downsampling(2)==0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(3),2)/=0)cycle
2202                if(downsampling(3)==0 .and. mod(cds(1)+cds(2),2)/=0)cycle
2203              end if
2204            end if
2205          end if
2207          do ikshft=1,nshiftk
2209 !          Only the first shiftk is taken into account if downsampling
2210 !          if(.false.)then
2211            if(present(downsampling))then
2212              if(.not.(downsampling(1)==1 .and. downsampling(2)==1 .and. downsampling(3)==1))then
2213                if(ikshft>1)cycle
2214              end if
2215            end if
2217 !          Coordinates of the trial k point with respect to the k primitive lattice
2218            k1(1)=ii+shiftk(1,ikshft)
2219            k1(2)=jj+shiftk(2,ikshft)
2220            k1(3)=kk+shiftk(3,ikshft)
2221 !          Reduced coordinates of the trial k point
2222            k2(:)=k1(1)*klatt(:,1)+k1(2)*klatt(:,2)+k1(3)*klatt(:,3)
2223 !          Eliminate the point if outside [0,1[
2224            if(k2(1)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(1)>one-tol10)cycle
2225            if(k2(2)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(2)>one-tol10)cycle
2226            if(k2(3)<-tol10)cycle ; if(k2(3)>one-tol10)cycle
2227 !          Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
2228            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(1),k1(1),shift)
2229            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(2),k1(2),shift)
2230            call wrap2_pmhalf(k2(3),k1(3),shift)
2231            spkpt(:,nn)=k1(:)
2232            nn=nn+1
2234            if(present(downsampling))then
2235              found1(coord(2),coord(3))=1
2236              found2(coord(1),coord(3))=1
2237              found3(coord(1),coord(2))=1
2238            end if
2240          end do
2241        end do
2242      end do
2243    end do
2244    nkpt=nn-1
2246    if(present(downsampling))then
2247      ABI_FREE(found1)
2248      ABI_FREE(found2)
2249      ABI_FREE(found3)
2250    end if
2252    if(nkpt/=nkptlatt*nshiftk)then
2253      write(msg, '(a,i0,3a,i0,a)' )&
2254      'The number of k points ',nkpt,' is not equal to',ch10,&
2255      'nkptlatt*nshiftk which is ',nkptlatt*nshiftk,'.'
2256      ABI_BUG(msg)
2257    end if
2259  else if(brav==2)then
2261 !  Face-Centered Lattice
2262    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Face-Centered Lattice Grid ','COLL')
2263    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/2) then
2264      write(msg, '(a,a,a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
2265 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
2266 &     'at least',(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2,',',ch10,&
2267 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
2268 &     'and recompile the code.'
2269      ABI_BUG(msg)
2270    end if
2271    nn=1
2272    if (ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(2).or.ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(3)) then
2273      write(msg, '(4a,3(a,i0,a),a)' )&
2274 &     'For face-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)',ch10,&
2275 &     'must be equal, while they are :',ch10,&
2276 &     'ngqpt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
2277 &     'ngqpt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
2278 &     'ngqpt(3) = ',ngkpt(3),ch10,&
2279 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
2280      ABI_BUG(msg)
2281    end if
2282    if ((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/2)*2)) then
2283      write(msg, '(4a,3(a,i0,a),a)' )&
2284 &     'For face-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)*nshiftk',ch10,&
2285 &     'must be even, while they are :',ch10,&
2286 &     'ngqpt(1)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(1)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2287 &     'ngqpt(2)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(2)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2288 &     'ngqpt(3)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2289 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3)*nshiftk in the input file.'
2290      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2291    end if
2292    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
2293      spkpt(1,1)=0.0_dp
2294      spkpt(2,1)=0.0_dp
2295      spkpt(3,1)=0.0_dp
2296      nkpt=1
2297    else
2298      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
2299        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
2300          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
2301            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
2302              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
2303              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
2304              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
2305 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
2306              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
2307              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
2308              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
2309 !            Test whether it is inside the FCC BZ.
2310              ktest(1)=2*k2(1)-1.0d-10
2311              ktest(2)=2*k2(2)-2.0d-10
2312              ktest(3)=2*k2(3)-5.0d-10
2313              if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(2))+abs(ktest(3))<1.5_dp) then
2314                kcar(1)=ktest(1)+1.0d-10
2315                kcar(2)=ktest(2)+2.0d-10
2316                kcar(3)=ktest(3)+5.0d-10
2317                spkpt(1,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(2)+0.5_dp*kcar(3)
2318                spkpt(2,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(1)+0.5_dp*kcar(3)
2319                spkpt(3,nn)=0.5_dp*kcar(1)+0.5_dp*kcar(2)
2320                nn=nn+1
2321              end if
2322            end do
2323          end do
2324        end do
2325      end do
2326      nkpt=nn-1
2327      if(nkpt/=ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/2)then
2328        write(msg, '(a,i8,a,a,a,i8,a)' )&
2329 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
2330 &       '(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2 which is',&
2331 &       (ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2,'.'
2332        ABI_BUG(msg)
2333      end if
2334    end if
2336  else if(brav==3)then
2338 !  Body-Centered Lattice (not mandatory cubic !)
2339    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Body-Centered Lattice Grid ','COLL')
2340    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk/4) then
2341      write(msg, '(a,a,a,i8,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
2342 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
2343 &     'at least',(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4,',',ch10,&
2344 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
2345 &     'and recompile the code.'
2346      ABI_BUG(msg)
2347    end if
2348    nn=1
2349    if ((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(1)*nshiftk)/2)*2) .or.&
2350 &   (ngkpt(2)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(2)*nshiftk)/2)*2) .or.&
2351 &   (ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/=(((ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/2)*2) ) then
2352      write(msg, '(4a,3(a,i6,a),a)' )&
2353 &     'For body-centered lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:3)',ch10,&
2354 &     'must be even, while they are :',ch10,&
2355 &     'ngqpt(1)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(1)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2356 &     'ngqpt(2)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(2)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2357 &     'ngqpt(3)*nshiftk = ',ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,ch10,&
2358 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
2359      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2360    end if
2361    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
2362      spkpt(1,1)=0.0_dp
2363      spkpt(2,1)=0.0_dp
2364      spkpt(3,1)=0.0_dp
2365      nkpt=1
2366    else
2367      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
2368        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
2369          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
2370            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
2371              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
2372              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
2373              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
2374 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
2375              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
2376              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
2377              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
2378 !            Test whether it is inside the BCC BZ.
2379              ktest(1)=2*k2(1)-1.0d-10
2380              ktest(2)=2*k2(2)-2.0d-10
2381              ktest(3)=2*k2(3)-5.0d-10
2382              if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(2))<1._dp) then
2383                if (abs(ktest(1))+abs(ktest(3))<1._dp) then
2384                  if (abs(ktest(2))+abs(ktest(3))<1._dp) then
2385                    kcar(1)=ktest(1)+1.0d-10
2386                    kcar(2)=ktest(2)+2.0d-10
2387                    kcar(3)=ktest(3)+5.0d-10
2388                    spkpt(1,nn)=-0.5*kcar(1)+0.5*kcar(2)+0.5*kcar(3)
2389                    spkpt(2,nn)=0.5*kcar(1)-0.5*kcar(2)+0.5*kcar(3)
2390                    spkpt(3,nn)=0.5*kcar(1)+0.5*kcar(2)-0.5*kcar(3)
2391                    nn=nn+1
2392                  end if
2393                end if
2394              end if
2395            end do
2396          end do
2397        end do
2398      end do
2399      nkpt=nn-1
2400      if(nkpt==0)then
2401        write(msg, '(3a)' )&
2402 &       'BCC lattice, input ngqpt=0, so no kpt is generated.',ch10,&
2403 &       'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
2404        ABI_ERROR(msg)
2405      end if
2406      if(nkpt/=(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4)then
2407        write(msg, '(a,i0,3a,i0,a)' )&
2408 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,' is not equal to',ch10,&
2409 &       '(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4 which is',(ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)/4,'.'
2410        ABI_BUG(msg)
2411      end if
2412    end if
2414  else if(brav==4)then
2416 !  Hexagonal Lattice  (D6h)
2417    if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,'       Hexagonal Lattice Grid ','COLL')
2418    if (mkpt<ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)) then
2419      write(msg, '(a,a,a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
2420 &     'The value of mkpt is not large enough. It should be',ch10,&
2421 &     'at least',ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3),',',ch10,&
2422 &     'Action: set mkpt to that value in the main routine,',ch10,&
2423 &     'and recompile the code.'
2424      ABI_BUG(msg)
2425    end if
2426    nn=1
2427    if (ngkpt(1)/=ngkpt(2)) then
2428      write(msg, '(4a,2(a,i0,a),a)' )&
2429 &     'For hexagonal lattices, the numbers ngqpt(1:2)',ch10,&
2430 &     'must be equal, while they are:',ch10,&
2431 &     'ngqpt(1) = ',ngkpt(1),ch10,&
2432 &     'ngqpt(2) = ',ngkpt(2),ch10,&
2433 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
2434      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2435    end if
2436    if (ngkpt(1)==0.or.ngkpt(2)==0.or.ngkpt(3)==0) then
2437      write(msg, '(3a)' )&
2438 &     'For hexagonal lattices, ngqpt(1:3)=0 is not permitted',ch10,&
2439 &     'Action: modify ngqpt(1:3) in the input file.'
2440      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2441    else
2442      do kk=1,ngkpt(3)
2443        do jj=1,ngkpt(2)
2444          do ii=1,ngkpt(1)
2445            do ikshft=1,nshiftk
2446              k1(1)=(ii-1+shiftk(1,ikshft))/ngkpt(1)
2447              k1(2)=(jj-1+shiftk(2,ikshft))/ngkpt(2)
2448              k1(3)=(kk-1+shiftk(3,ikshft))/ngkpt(3)
2449 !            Wrap the trial values in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] .
2450              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(1),k2(1),shift)
2451              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(2),k2(2),shift)
2452              call wrap2_pmhalf(k1(3),k2(3),shift)
2453              spkpt(:,nn)=k2(:)
2454              nn=nn+1
2455            end do
2456          end do
2457        end do
2458      end do
2459      nkpt=nn-1
2460      if(nkpt/=ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk)then
2461        write(msg, '(a,i0,3a,i0,a)' )&
2462 &       'The number of k points ',nkpt,'  is not equal to',ch10,&
2463 &       'ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk which is',ngkpt(1)*ngkpt(2)*ngkpt(3)*nshiftk,'.'
2464        ABI_BUG(msg)
2465      end if
2466    end if
2468  else
2470    write(msg, '(a,i0,a,a,a)' )&
2471 &   'The calling routine asks brav= ',brav,'.',ch10,&
2472 &   'but only brav=1 or -1,2,3 or 4 are allowed.'
2473    ABI_BUG(msg)
2474  end if
2476  if (option/=0) then
2477 !  Put the Gamma point first
2478    if(nkpt>1)then
2479      do ii=1,nkpt
2480        if(sum(abs(spkpt(:,ii)))<tol8)then
2481          spkpt(:,ii)=spkpt(:,1)
2482          spkpt(:,1)=zero
2483          exit
2484        end if
2485      end do
2486    end if
2488    write(msg,'(a,i8)')' Grid q points  : ',nkpt
2489    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
2490    nkpout=nkpt
2491    if(nkpt>80)then
2492      call wrtout(iout,' greater than 80, so only write 20 of them ','COLL')
2493      nkpout=20
2494    end if
2495    do ii=1,nkpout
2496      write(msg, '(1x,i2,a2,3es16.8)' )ii,') ',spkpt(1,ii),spkpt(2,ii),spkpt(3,ii)
2497      call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
2498    end do
2499  end if
2501 end subroutine smpbz

m_kpts/symkchk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Checks that the set of k points chosen for a response function
 calculation has the full space group symmetry, modulo time reversal if appropriate.
 Returns ierr/=0 with error message if not satisfied
 Currently used only when strain perturbation is treated. Based on symkpt.


 kptns(3,nkpt)= k vectors in reciprocal space
 nkpt = number of k-points whose weights are wtk
 nsym=number of space group symmetries
 symrec(3,3,nsym)=3x3 matrices of the group symmetries (reciprocal space)
 timrev: if 1, the time reversal operation has to be taken into account
 if 0, no time reversal symmetry.


  msg=Error message if ierr /= 0


  This version should scale badly with the number of k-points. Replace loops with listkk


327 integer function symkchk(kptns,nkpt,nsym,symrec,timrev,errmsg) result(ierr)
329 !Arguments -------------------------------
330 !scalars
331  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nsym,timrev
332  character(len=*),intent(out) :: errmsg
333 !arrays
334  integer,intent(in) :: symrec(3,3,nsym)
335  real(dp),intent(in) :: kptns(3,nkpt)
337 !Local variables -------------------------
338 !scalars
339  integer :: identi,ii,ikpt,ikpt2,imatch,isym,jj,tident
340  real(dp) :: difk,reduce
341  character(len=500) :: msg
342 !arrays
343  real(dp) :: ksym(3)
345 ! *********************************************************************
346  ierr = 0
348  if(timrev/=1 .and. timrev/=0)then
349    write(errmsg, '(3a,i0,a)' )&
350     'timrev should be 0 or 1, while',ch10,&
351     'it is equal to ',timrev,'.'
352    ierr = 1; return
353  end if
355  if(nsym/=1)then
356    ! Find the identity symmetry operation
357    do isym=1,nsym
358      tident=1
359      do jj=1,3
360        if(symrec(jj,jj,isym)/=1)tident=0
361        do ii=1,3
362          if( ii/=jj .and.symrec(ii,jj,isym)/=0)tident=0
363        end do
364      end do
365      if(tident==1)then
366        identi=isym
367        call wrtout(std_out,sjoin(' symkchk: found identity with number:', itoa(identi)))
368        exit
369      end if
370    end do
371    if(tident==0)then
372      errmsg = 'Did not found the identity operation.'
373      ierr = 1; return
374    end if
375  end if
377 !Here begins the serious business
378 !The length sorting, etc. of symkpt have been dropped because the
379 !computational cost is estimated to be negligible.
381  if(nsym>1 .or. timrev==1)then
383 !  Outer loop over kpts
384    do ikpt=1,nkpt-1
386 !    Loop on the symmetries
387 !    For each k-point and each symmetry transformation, a matching
388 !    k-point must be found, modulo time reversal if appropriate
389      do isym=1,nsym
391 !      Get the symmetric of the vector
392        do ii=1,3
393          ksym(ii)= kptns(1,ikpt)*symrec(ii,1,isym)&
394 &         +kptns(2,ikpt)*symrec(ii,2,isym)&
395 &         +kptns(3,ikpt)*symrec(ii,3,isym)
396        end do
398 !      Second loop k-points
399        do ikpt2=1,nkpt
401 !        Test for match of symmetric and any vector (including original)
402          imatch=1
403          do ii=1,3
404            difk= ksym(ii)-kptns(ii,ikpt2)
405            reduce=difk-anint(difk)
406            if(abs(reduce)>tol8)imatch=0
407          end do
408          if(imatch==1)exit
410 !        Test for match with time reversal
411          if(timrev==1)then
412            imatch=1
413            do ii=1,3
414              difk= ksym(ii)+kptns(ii,ikpt2)
415              reduce=difk-anint(difk)
416              if(abs(reduce)>tol8)imatch=0
417            end do
418            if(imatch==1)exit
419          end if
421        end do ! End secondary loop over k-points
422        if (imatch/=1) then
423          write(errmsg, '(a,a,a,i0,a,i0,a,a,a,a)' )&
424           'k-point set must have full space-group symmetry',ch10,&
425           'there is no match for kpt: ',ikpt,' transformed by symmetry: ',isym,ch10,&
426           'Action: change kptopt to 2 or 3 and/or change or use shiftk',ch10,&
427           'shiftk = 0 0 0 is always a safe choice.'
428          ierr = 2; return
429        end if
431      end do ! End loop on isym
432    end do ! End primary loop over k-points
434    write(msg,'(a)')' symkchk : k-point set has full space-group symmetry.'
435    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg, 'COLL')
436  end if
438 end function symkchk

m_kpts/testkgrid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




 Test different grids of k points. The algorithm used is based on the idea of testing different
 one-dimensional sets of possible k point grids. It is not exhaustive (other families could be included),
 but should do a respectable job in all cases. The Monkhorst-Pack set of grids (defined with respect to
 symmetry axes, and not primitive axes) is always tested.


  bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
               bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprim in the axes of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  msym=default maximal number of symmetries
  nsym=number of symmetries
  prtkpt=if non-zero, will write the characteristics of k grids, then stop
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
  vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum


  kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
  nshiftk=number of k-point shifts in shiftk (always 1 from this routine)
  shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)=shift vectors for k point generation


  kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector associated with the lattice of k points.


 Note that nkpt can be computed by calling this routine with input value nkpt=0
 Note that kptopt is always =1 in this routine.


2541 subroutine testkgrid(bravais,iout,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
2542 & msym,nshiftk,nsym,prtkpt,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum)
2544 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2545 !scalars
2546  integer,intent(in) :: iout,msym,nsym,prtkpt
2547  integer,intent(out) :: nshiftk
2548  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kptrlen
2549 !arrays
2550  integer,intent(in) :: bravais(11),symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
2551  integer,intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
2552  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
2553  real(dp),intent(inout) :: shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK) !vz_i
2555 !Local variables-------------------------------
2556 !scalars
2557  integer,parameter :: kptopt=1,mkpt_list=100000
2558  integer :: ang90,center,dirvacuum,equal,igrid,igrid_current,iholohedry,ii,init_mult,iscale,iscf
2559  integer :: iset,mult1,mult2,mult3,ndims,nkpt,nkpt_current,nkpt_trial,nset
2560  real(dp) :: buffer_scale,determinant,fact,factor,kptrlen_current,kptrlen_max,kptrlen_target
2561  real(dp) :: kptrlen_trial,length1,length2,length3,length_axis1,length_axis2
2562  real(dp) :: length_axis3,merit_factor,mult1h,mult2h,mult3h,reduceda,reducedb
2563  real(dp) :: sca,scb,scc,surface,ucvol
2564  character(len=500) :: msg
2565 !arrays
2566  integer :: kptrlatt_current(3,3),kptrlatt_trial(3,3)
2567  integer,allocatable :: grid_list(:)
2568  real(dp) :: axes(3,3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),matrix1(3,3),matrix2(3,3)
2569  real(dp) :: metmin(3,3),minim(3,3),r2d(3,3),rmet(3,3),rsuper(3,3)
2570  real(dp) :: shiftk_current(3,MAX_NSHIFTK),shiftk_trial(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
2571  real(dp),allocatable :: kpt(:,:),kptrlen_list(:),wtk(:)
2573 ! *************************************************************************
2575  kptrlen_target=kptrlen
2577 !The vacuum array must be made of 0 or 1
2578  do ii=1,3
2579    if(vacuum(ii)/=0 .and. vacuum(ii)/=1)then
2580      write(msg,'(a,a,a,i1,a,i3,a,a)')&
2581 &     'The values of vacuum must be 0 or 1.',ch10,&
2582 &     'However, the input vacuum(',ii,') is',vacuum(ii),ch10,&
2583 &     'Action: correct vacuum in your input file.'
2584      ABI_ERROR(msg)
2585    end if
2586  end do
2588 !Specific preparation for 2-dimensional system
2589  if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
2591 !  Make the non-active vector orthogonal to the active vectors,
2592 !  and take it along the z direction
2593    if(vacuum(1)==1)then
2594      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,2)*rprimd(3,3)-rprimd(3,2)*rprimd(2,3)
2595      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,2)*rprimd(1,3)-rprimd(1,2)*rprimd(3,3)
2596      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,2)*rprimd(2,3)-rprimd(2,2)*rprimd(1,3)
2597      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,2)
2598      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,3)
2599      dirvacuum=1
2600    else if(vacuum(2)==1)then
2601      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,3)*rprimd(3,1)-rprimd(3,3)*rprimd(2,1)
2602      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,3)*rprimd(1,1)-rprimd(1,3)*rprimd(3,1)
2603      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,3)*rprimd(2,1)-rprimd(2,3)*rprimd(1,1)
2604      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,3)
2605      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,1)
2606      dirvacuum=2
2607    else if(vacuum(3)==1)then
2608      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,1)*rprimd(3,2)-rprimd(3,1)*rprimd(2,2)
2609      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,1)*rprimd(1,2)-rprimd(1,1)*rprimd(3,2)
2610      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,1)*rprimd(2,2)-rprimd(2,1)*rprimd(1,2)
2611      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,1)
2612      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,2)
2613      dirvacuum=3
2614    end if
2615    surface=sqrt(sum(r2d(:,3)**2))
2616 !  Identify the 2-D Bravais lattice
2617 !  DEBUG
2618 !  write(std_out,*)' r2d=',r2d(:,:)
2619 !  ENDDEBUG
2620    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,r2d,ucvol)
2621    call smallprim(metmin,minim,r2d)
2622 !  DEBUG
2623 !  write(std_out,*)' minim=',minim(:,:)
2624 !  ENDDEBUG
2625    ang90=0 ; equal=0 ; center=0
2626    axes(:,:)=minim(:,:)
2627    if(abs(metmin(1,2))<tol8)ang90=1
2628    if(abs(metmin(1,1)-metmin(2,2))<tol8)equal=1
2629    if(ang90==1)then
2630      if(equal==1)iholohedry=4
2631      if(equal==0)iholohedry=2
2632    else if(equal==1)then
2633      reduceda=metmin(1,2)/metmin(1,1)
2634      if(abs(reduceda+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2635        iholohedry=3
2636      else if(abs(reduceda-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2637        iholohedry=3
2638 !      Use conventional axes
2639        axes(:,2)=minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
2640      else
2641        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
2642        axes(:,1)=minim(:,1)+minim(:,2)
2643        axes(:,2)=minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
2644      end if
2645    else
2646      reduceda=metmin(1,2)/metmin(1,1)
2647      reducedb=metmin(1,2)/metmin(2,2)
2648      if(abs(reduceda+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2649        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
2650        axes(:,2)=2.0_dp*minim(:,2)+minim(:,1)
2651      else if(abs(reduceda-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2652        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
2653        axes(:,2)=2.0_dp*minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
2654      else if(abs(reducedb+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2655        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
2656        axes(:,1)=2.0_dp*minim(:,1)+minim(:,2)
2657      else if(abs(reducedb-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
2658        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
2659        axes(:,1)=2.0_dp*minim(:,1)-minim(:,2)
2660      else
2661        iholohedry=1
2662      end if
2663    end if
2664 !  Make sure that axes form a right-handed coordinate system
2665    determinant=axes(1,1)*axes(2,2)*axes(3,3) &
2666 &   +axes(1,2)*axes(2,3)*axes(3,1) &
2667 &   +axes(1,3)*axes(3,2)*axes(2,1) &
2668 &   -axes(1,1)*axes(3,2)*axes(2,3) &
2669 &   -axes(1,3)*axes(2,2)*axes(3,1) &
2670 &   -axes(1,2)*axes(2,1)*axes(3,3)
2671    if(determinant<zero)then
2672      axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1)
2673    end if
2674 !  Prefer symmetry axes on the same side as the primitive axes
2675    sca=axes(1,1)*r2d(1,1)+axes(2,1)*r2d(2,1)+axes(3,1)*r2d(3,1)
2676    scb=axes(1,2)*r2d(1,2)+axes(2,2)*r2d(2,2)+axes(3,2)*r2d(3,2)
2677    scc=axes(1,3)*rprimd(1,dirvacuum)&
2678 &   +axes(2,3)*rprimd(2,dirvacuum)&
2679 &   +axes(3,3)*rprimd(3,dirvacuum)
2680    if(sca<-tol8 .and. scb<-tol8)then
2681      axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1) ; sca=-sca
2682      axes(:,2)=-axes(:,2) ; scb=-scb
2683    end if
2684 !  Doing this might change the angle between vectors, so that
2685 !  the cell is not conventional anymore
2686 !  if(sca<-tol8 .and. scc<-tol8)then
2687 !  axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1) ; sca=-sca
2688 !  axes(:,3)=-axes(:,3) ; scc=-scc
2689 !  end if
2690 !  if(scb<-tol8 .and. scc<-tol8)then
2691 !  axes(:,2)=-axes(:,2) ; scb=-scb
2692 !  axes(:,3)=-axes(:,3) ; scc=-scc
2693 !  end if
2694    length_axis1=sqrt(axes(1,1)**2+axes(2,1)**2+axes(3,1)**2)
2695    length_axis2=sqrt(axes(1,2)**2+axes(2,2)**2+axes(3,2)**2)
2697 !  DEBUG
2698 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: iholohedry, center =',iholohedry,center
2699 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: axis 1=',axes(:,1)
2700 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: axis 2=',axes(:,2)
2701 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: axis 3=',axes(:,3)
2702 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: length_axis=',length_axis1,length_axis2
2703 !  ENDDEBUG
2705 !  End special treatment of 2-D case
2706  end if
2708 !3-dimensional system
2709  if(sum(vacuum(:))==0)then
2710    iholohedry=bravais(1)
2711    center=bravais(2)
2712    fact=1.0_dp
2713    if(center/=0)fact=0.5_dp
2714    matrix1(:,1)=bravais(3:5)*fact
2715    matrix1(:,2)=bravais(6:8)*fact
2716    matrix1(:,3)=bravais(9:11)*fact
2717    call matr3inv(matrix1,matrix2)
2718    do ii=1,3
2719      axes(:,ii)=rprimd(:,1)*matrix2(ii,1)+rprimd(:,2)*matrix2(ii,2)+rprimd(:,3)*matrix2(ii,3)
2720    end do
2721    length_axis1=sqrt(axes(1,1)**2+axes(2,1)**2+axes(3,1)**2)
2722    length_axis2=sqrt(axes(1,2)**2+axes(2,2)**2+axes(3,2)**2)
2723    length_axis3=sqrt(axes(1,3)**2+axes(2,3)**2+axes(3,3)**2)
2724 !  DEBUG
2725 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: axes=',axes(:,:)
2726 !  write(std_out,*)' length_axis=',length_axis1,length_axis2,length_axis3
2727 !  ENDDEBUG
2728  end if
2730 !This routine examine only primitive k lattices.
2731  nshiftk=1
2733 !If prtkpt/=0, will examine more grids than strictly needed
2734  buffer_scale=one
2735  if(prtkpt/=0)buffer_scale=two
2737  if(prtkpt/=0)then
2738    write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
2739      ' testkgrid : will perform the analysis of a series of k-grids.',ch10,&
2740      '  Note that kptopt=1 in this analysis, irrespective of its input value.',ch10,ch10,&
2741      ' Grid#    kptrlatt         shiftk         kptrlen       nkpt  iset',ch10
2742    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
2743    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
2744    ABI_MALLOC(grid_list,(mkpt_list))
2745    ABI_MALLOC(kptrlen_list,(mkpt_list))
2746    grid_list(:)=0
2747    kptrlen_list(:)=0.0_dp
2748  end if
2750  if(sum(vacuum(:))==3)then
2752    kptrlatt(:,:)=0
2753    kptrlatt(1,1)=1
2754    kptrlatt(2,2)=1
2755    kptrlatt(3,3)=1
2756    shiftk(:,1)=0.0_dp
2757    kptrlen=1000.0_dp
2758    nkpt_current=1
2759    igrid_current=1
2761    if(prtkpt/=0)then
2762      write(msg,&
2763 &     '(a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,es14.4,i8,i6,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a)' )&
2764 &     '    1  ',kptrlatt(:,1),'  ',shiftk(1,1),'  ',kptrlen,1,1,ch10,&
2765 &     '       ',kptrlatt(:,2),'  ',shiftk(2,1),ch10,&
2766 &     '       ',kptrlatt(:,3),'  ',shiftk(3,1),ch10
2767      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
2768      call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
2769 !    The unit cell volume is fake
2770      ucvol=kptrlen**3
2771    end if
2773  else
2775    nkpt=0 ; nkpt_current=0 ; iscf=1 ; iset=1
2776    kptrlen_current=0.0_dp
2777    mult1=0 ; mult2=0 ; mult3=0 ; init_mult=1
2778    ABI_MALLOC(kpt,(3,nkpt))
2779    ABI_MALLOC(wtk,(nkpt))
2780    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
2782 !  Loop on different grids, the upper limit is only to avoid an infinite loop
2783    do igrid=1,1000
2785      kptrlatt_trial(:,:)=0
2786      kptrlatt_trial(1,1)=1
2787      kptrlatt_trial(2,2)=1
2788      kptrlatt_trial(3,3)=1
2789      shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2791 !    1-dimensional system
2792      if(sum(vacuum(:))==2)then
2793        if(vacuum(1)==0)then
2794          kptrlatt_trial(1,1)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
2795        else if(vacuum(2)==0)then
2796          kptrlatt_trial(2,2)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
2797        else if(vacuum(3)==0)then
2798          kptrlatt_trial(3,3)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
2799        end if
2800      end if
2802 !    2-dimensional system
2803      if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
2805 !      Treat hexagonal holohedries separately
2806        if(iholohedry==3)then
2808 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: 2D, hexagonal'
2810          mult1=mult1+1
2811          nset=4
2812          if(iset==1)then
2813            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2814            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
2815            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2816          else if(iset==2)then
2817            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
2818            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
2819            shiftk_trial(1,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
2820            shiftk_trial(2,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
2821          else if(iset==3)then
2822            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
2823            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
2824            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2825          else if(iset==4)then
2826            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2827            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
2828            shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
2829            shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
2830          end if
2832        else
2833 !        Now treat all other holohedries
2834          length1=length_axis1*mult1
2835          length2=length_axis2*mult2
2836 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: (2d) length=',length1,length2
2837          if(abs(length1-length2)<tol8)then
2838            mult1=mult1+1
2839            mult2=mult2+1
2840          else if(length1>length2)then
2841            mult2=mult2+1
2842          else if(length2>length1)then
2843            mult1=mult1+1
2844          end if
2845          nset=4
2846 !        iset==5 and 6 are allowed only for centered lattice
2847          if(center==1)nset=6
2848          if(iset==1 .or. iset==2)then
2849            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2850            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult2
2851          else if(iset==3 .or. iset==4)then
2852            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1-axes(:,2)*mult2
2853            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2
2854          else if(iset==5 .or. iset==6)then
2855            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*(mult1-0.5_dp)-axes(:,2)*(mult2-0.5_dp)
2856            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,1)*(mult1-0.5_dp)+axes(:,2)*(mult2-0.5_dp)
2857          end if
2858 !        This was the easiest way to code all even mult1 and mult2 pairs:
2859 !        make separate series for this possibility.
2860          if(iset==2 .or. iset==4 .or. iset==6)then
2861            rsuper(:,1)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,1)
2862            rsuper(:,2)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,2)
2863          end if
2864          shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
2865          shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
2867        end if
2869 !      Put back the inactive direction
2870        if(dirvacuum==1)then
2871          rsuper(:,3)=rsuper(:,1)
2872          shiftk_trial(3,1)=shiftk_trial(1,1)
2873          rsuper(:,1)=rprimd(:,1)
2874          shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.0_dp
2875        else if(dirvacuum==2)then
2876          rsuper(:,3)=rsuper(:,1)
2877          shiftk_trial(3,1)=shiftk_trial(1,1)
2878          rsuper(:,1)=rsuper(:,2)
2879          shiftk_trial(1,1)=shiftk_trial(2,1)
2880          rsuper(:,2)=rprimd(:,2)
2881          shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.0_dp
2882        else if(dirvacuum==3)then
2883          rsuper(:,3)=rprimd(:,3)
2884          shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.0_dp
2885        end if
2887 !      The supercell and the corresponding shift have been generated !
2888 !      Convert cartesian coordinates into kptrlatt_trial
2889        do ii=1,3
2890          kptrlatt_trial(:,ii)=nint( gprimd(1,:)*rsuper(1,ii)+&
2891 &         gprimd(2,:)*rsuper(2,ii)+&
2892 &         gprimd(3,:)*rsuper(3,ii)  )
2893        end do
2895 !      End of 2-dimensional system
2896      end if
2898 !    3-dimensional system
2899      if(sum(vacuum(:))==0)then
2900 !      Treat hexagonal holohedries separately
2901        if(iholohedry==6)then
2902          length1=length_axis1*mult1
2903          length3=length_axis3*mult3
2904 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: (hex) lengths=',length1,length2
2905          if(abs(length1-length3)<tol8)then
2906            mult1=mult1+1
2907            mult3=mult3+1
2908          else if(length1>length3)then
2909            mult3=mult3+1
2910          else if(length3>length1)then
2911            mult1=mult1+1
2912          end if
2913          nset=4
2914          if(iset==1)then
2915            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2916            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
2917            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
2918            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2919            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
2920          else if(iset==2)then
2921            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
2922            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
2923            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
2924            shiftk_trial(1,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
2925            shiftk_trial(2,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
2926            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
2927          else if(iset==3)then
2928            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
2929            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
2930            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
2931            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2932            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
2933          else if(iset==4)then
2934            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2935            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
2936            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
2937            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
2938          end if
2940        else
2941 !        Now treat all other holohedries
2942          length1=length_axis1*mult1
2943          length2=length_axis2*mult2
2944          length3=length_axis3*mult3
2945 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: length=',length1,length2,length3
2946          if(length2>length1+tol8 .and. length3>length1+tol8)then
2947            mult1=mult1+1
2948          else if(length1>length2+tol8 .and. length3>length2+tol8)then
2949            mult2=mult2+1
2950          else if(length1>length3+tol8 .and. length2>length3+tol8)then
2951            mult3=mult3+1
2952          else if(abs(length2-length3)<tol8 .and. &
2953 &           abs(length1-length3)<tol8 .and. &
2954 &           abs(length1-length2)<tol8        )then
2955            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult2=mult2+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
2956          else if(abs(length1-length2)<tol8)then
2957            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult2=mult2+1
2958          else if(abs(length1-length3)<tol8)then
2959            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
2960          else if(abs(length2-length3)<tol8)then
2961            mult2=mult2+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
2962          end if
2963          nset=6
2964          if(center==-1 .or. center==-3)nset=8
2965          if(iset==1 .or. iset==2)then
2966 !          Simple lattice of k points
2967            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
2968            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult2
2969            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
2970            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
2971          else if(iset==3 .or. iset==4)then
2972 !          FCC lattice of k points = BCC lattice in real space
2973            rsuper(:,1)=-axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
2974            rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1-axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
2975            rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2-axes(:,3)*mult3
2976            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
2977          else if(iset==5 .or. iset==6)then
2978 !          BCC lattice of k points = FCC lattice in real space
2979            rsuper(:,1)=                 axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
2980            rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1                +axes(:,3)*mult3
2981            rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2
2982 !          The BCC lattice has no empty site with full symmetry
2983            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
2984          else if(iset==7 .or. iset==8)then
2985 !          iset==7 and 8 are allowed only for centered lattice
2986            mult1h=mult1-0.5_dp
2987            mult2h=mult2-0.5_dp
2988            mult3h=mult3-0.5_dp
2989            if(center==-1)then
2990 !            FCC lattice of k points = BCC lattice in real space
2991              rsuper(:,1)=-axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
2992              rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1h-axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
2993              rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h-axes(:,3)*mult3h
2994              shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
2995            else if(center==-3)then
2996 !            BCC lattice of k points = FCC lattice in real space
2997              rsuper(:,1)=                  axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
2998              rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1h                 +axes(:,3)*mult3h
2999              rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h
3000 !            The BCC lattice has no empty site with full symmetry
3001              shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
3002            end if
3003          end if
3004 !        This was the easiest way to code all even mult1, mult2, mult3 triplets:
3005 !        make separate series for this possibility.
3006          if(2*(iset/2)==iset)then
3007            rsuper(:,1)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,1)
3008            rsuper(:,2)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,2)
3009            rsuper(:,3)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,3)
3010          end if
3011        end if
3013 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: gprimd=',gprimd(:,:)
3014 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: rsuper=',rsuper(:,:)
3015 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: iset  =',iset
3017 !      The supercell and the corresponding shift have been generated!
3018 !      Convert cartesian coordinates into kptrlatt_trial
3019        do ii=1,3
3020          kptrlatt_trial(:,ii)=nint( gprimd(1,:)*rsuper(1,ii)+&
3021 &         gprimd(2,:)*rsuper(2,ii)+&
3022 &         gprimd(3,:)*rsuper(3,ii)  )
3023        end do
3025 !      End of 3-dimensional system
3026      end if
3028 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: before getkgrid'
3029 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: rprimd=',rprimd(:,:)
3030 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: kptrlatt_trial=',kptrlatt_trial(:,:)
3032      call getkgrid(0,0,iscf,kpt,&
3033 &     kptopt,kptrlatt_trial,kptrlen_trial,&
3034 &     msym,nkpt,nkpt_trial,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
3035 &     shiftk_trial,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk)
3037 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: after getkgrid'
3039 !    In case one does not need the full list of grids, will take a shortcut, and go to one of the last grids of the series,
3040 !    that generates a kptrlen_trial that is just below kptrlen.
3041      if(prtkpt==0 .and. init_mult==1 .and. kptrlen_trial<(half-tol8)*kptrlen )then
3042        iscale=int((one-tol8)*kptrlen/kptrlen_trial)
3043        mult1=mult1*iscale
3044        mult2=mult2*iscale
3045        mult3=mult3*iscale
3046        init_mult=0
3047 !       write(std_out,*)' testkgrid: iscale=',iscale
3048        kptrlatt_trial(:,:)=kptrlatt_trial(:,:)*iscale
3049        call getkgrid(0,0,iscf,kpt,&
3050 &       kptopt,kptrlatt_trial,kptrlen_trial,&
3051 &       msym,nkpt,nkpt_trial,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
3052 &       shiftk_trial,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk)
3053      end if
3055      if( (kptrlen_trial+tol8>kptrlen*(1.0_dp+tol8) .and. nkpt_current==0) .or. &
3056 &     (kptrlen_trial+tol8>kptrlen*(1.0_dp+tol8) .and. nkpt_trial<nkpt_current) .or. &
3057 &     (nkpt_trial==nkpt_current  .and. kptrlen_trial>kptrlen_current*(1.0_dp+tol8)))then
3059        kptrlatt_current(:,:)=kptrlatt_trial(:,:)
3060        nkpt_current=nkpt_trial
3061        shiftk_current(:,:)=shiftk_trial(:,:)
3062        kptrlen_current=kptrlen_trial
3063        igrid_current=igrid
3064      end if
3066      if(prtkpt/=0)then
3067        write(msg,'(i5,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,es14.4,i8,i6,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a)' )&
3068 &       igrid,'  ',kptrlatt_trial(:,1),'  ',shiftk_trial(1,1),&
3069 &       '  ',kptrlen_trial,nkpt_trial,iset,ch10,&
3070 &       '       ',kptrlatt_trial(:,2),'  ',shiftk_trial(2,1),ch10,&
3071 &       '       ',kptrlatt_trial(:,3),'  ',shiftk_trial(3,1),ch10
3072        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3073        call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
3075 !      Keep track of this grid, if it is worth
3076        if(kptrlen_trial > kptrlen_list(nkpt_trial)*(1.0_dp+tol8))then
3077          grid_list(nkpt_trial)=igrid
3078          kptrlen_list(nkpt_trial)=kptrlen_trial
3079        end if
3080      end if
3082 !    Treat 1-D case
3083      if( sum(vacuum(:))==2 .and. kptrlen_trial>buffer_scale*(1.0_dp+tol8)*kptrlen )exit
3085 !    Treat 2-D case or 3-D case
3086      if( sum(vacuum(:))<=1 .and. kptrlen_trial>buffer_scale*(1.0_dp+tol8)*kptrlen )then
3087 !      The present set of sets of k points is finished:
3088 !      either it was the last, or one has to go to the next one
3089        if(iset==nset)exit
3090        iset=iset+1
3091        mult1=0 ; mult2=0 ; mult3=0 ; init_mult=1
3092      end if
3094    end do ! igrid=1,1000
3096    ABI_FREE(kpt)
3097    ABI_FREE(wtk)
3099    kptrlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt_current(:,:)
3100    shiftk(:,:)=shiftk_current(:,:)
3101    kptrlen=kptrlen_current
3103  end if ! test on the number of dimensions
3105  if(prtkpt/=0)then
3107 !  sqrt(1/2) comes from the FCC packing, the best one
3108    factor=sqrt(0.5_dp)/ucvol/dble(nsym)
3109    ndims=3
3110    if(sum(vacuum(:))/=0)then
3111      if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
3112 !      sqrt(3/4) comes from the hex packing, the best one
3113 !      one multiplies by 2 because nsym is likely twice the number
3114 !      of symmetries that can be effectively used in 2D
3115        ndims=2 ; factor=sqrt(0.75_dp)/surface/dble(nsym)*2
3116        write(msg,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is bi-dimensional.'
3117      else if(sum(vacuum(:))==2)then
3118        ndims=1 ; factor=1/ucvol
3119        write(msg,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is uni-dimensional.'
3120      else if(sum(vacuum(:))==3)then
3121        ndims=0
3122        write(msg,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is zero-dimensional.'
3123      end if
3124      call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3125      call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
3126    end if
3128 !  The asymptotic value of the merit factor is determined
3129 !  by the set of symmetries: in 3D, if it includes the
3130 !  inversion symmetry, the limit will be 1, if not, it
3131 !  will be two. In 2D, if it includes the inversion symmetry
3132 !  and an operation that maps z on -z, it will tend to one,
3133 !  while if only one of these operations is present,
3134 !  it will tend to two, and if none is present, it will tend to four.
3135    write(msg,'(11a)' )ch10,&
3136 &   ' List of best grids, ordered by nkpt.',ch10,&
3137 &   '  (stop at a value of kptrlen 20% larger than the target value).',ch10,&
3138 &   '  (the merit factor will tend to one or two in 3 dimensions)',ch10,&
3139 &   '  (and to one, two or four in 2 dimensions)',ch10,ch10,&
3140 &   '    nkpt   kptrlen    grid#  merit_factor'
3141    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3142    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
3144    kptrlen_max=0.0_dp
3145    do ii=1,mkpt_list
3146      if(kptrlen_list(ii)>kptrlen_max*(1.0_dp+tol8))then
3147        kptrlen_max=kptrlen_list(ii)
3148        merit_factor=kptrlen_max**ndims/dble(ii)*factor
3149        write(msg, '(i6,es14.4,i6,f12.4)' )ii,kptrlen_max,grid_list(ii),merit_factor
3150        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3151        call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
3152      end if
3153      if(kptrlen_max>1.2_dp*(1.0_dp-tol8)*kptrlen_target)exit
3154    end do
3156    write(msg,'(a,a,es14.4,a,a,i6,a,a,a,es14.4,a,i6)' )ch10,&
3157 &   ' For target kptrlen=',kptrlen_target,',',&
3158 &   ' the selected grid is number',igrid_current,',',ch10,&
3159 &   '     giving kptrlen=',kptrlen_current,' with nkpt=',nkpt_current
3160    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
3161    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
3163    write(msg,'(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
3164 &   ' testkgrid : stop after analysis of a series of k-grids.',ch10,&
3165 &   '  For usual production runs, set prtkpt back to 0 (the default).'
3166    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL',do_flush=.True.)
3167    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL',do_flush=.True.)
3169    call abi_abort('PERS',exit_status=0,print_config=.false.)
3170  end if
3172 end subroutine testkgrid

m_kpts/tetra_from_kptrlatt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_kpts ] [ Functions ]




  Helper function to to create an instance and htetra from kptrlatt and shiftk


  cryst<cryst_t>=Crystalline structure.
  kptopt=Option for the k-point generation.
  kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
  nshiftk= number of shift vectors.
  shiftk(3,nshiftk)=shift vectors for k point generation
  nkibz=Number of points in the IBZ
  kibz(3,nkibz)=Reduced coordinates of the k-points in the IBZ.
  comm= MPI communicator


  tetra<htetra_t>=Tetrahedron object, fully initialized if ierr == 0.
  msg=Error message if ierr /= 0
  ierr=Exit status


216 type(htetra_t) function tetra_from_kptrlatt( &
217   cryst, kptopt, kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk, nkibz, kibz, comm, msg, ierr) result (htetra)
219 !Arguments ------------------------------------
220 !scalars
221  integer,intent(in) :: kptopt,nshiftk,nkibz,comm
222  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
223  character(len=*),intent(out) :: msg
224  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
225 !arrays
226  integer,intent(in) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
227  real(dp),intent(in) :: shiftk(3,nshiftk),kibz(3,nkibz)
229 !Local variables-------------------------------
230 !scalars
231  integer :: nkfull,my_nkibz,new_nshiftk
232  character(len=80) :: errorstring
233 !arrays
234  integer :: new_kptrlatt(3,3)
235  integer,allocatable :: indkk(:)
236  integer,allocatable :: bz2ibz(:,:)
237  real(dp) :: rlatt(3,3),klatt(3,3)
238  real(dp),allocatable :: kfull(:,:),my_kibz(:,:),my_wtk(:),new_shiftk(:,:)
240 ! *************************************************************************
242  ierr = 0
244  ! Refuse only 1 kpoint: the algorithms are no longer valid. DOH!
245  if (nkibz == 1) then
246    msg = 'You need at least 2 kpoints to use the tetrahedron method.'
247    ierr = 1; goto 10
248  end if
249  if (all(kptrlatt == 0)) then
250    msg = 'Cannot generate tetrahedron because input kptrlatt == 0.'
251    ierr = 1; goto 10
252  end if
253  if (kptopt <= 0) then
254    msg = sjoin("Cannot generate tetrahedron because input kptopt:", itoa(kptopt))
255    ierr = 1; goto 10
256  end if
258  call kpts_ibz_from_kptrlatt(cryst, kptrlatt, kptopt, nshiftk, shiftk, &
259    my_nkibz, my_kibz, my_wtk, nkfull, kfull, new_kptrlatt=new_kptrlatt, new_shiftk=new_shiftk, bz2ibz=bz2ibz)
261  ABI_FREE(my_wtk)
262  new_nshiftk = size(new_shiftk, dim=2)
264  if (my_nkibz /= nkibz .or. all(my_kibz /= kibz) ) then
265    msg = sjoin("Input nkibz:", itoa(nkibz), "does not agree with computed value:", itoa(my_nkibz))
266    ierr = 1; goto 10
267  end if
269  ! Do not support new_nshiftk > 1: lattice must be decomposed into boxes
270  ! and this is not always possible (I think) with bizarre shifts
271  ! normally at this point we have incorporated everything into
272  ! new_kptrlatt, and only 1 shift is needed (in particular for MP grids).
273  if (new_nshiftk > 1) then
274    write(msg, "(9a)") &
275      'Cannot create tetrahedron object...',ch10, &
276      'Only simple lattices are supported. Action: use nshiftk=1.',ch10, &
277      'new_shiftk: ', trim(ltoa(reshape(new_shiftk, [3*new_nshiftk]))),ch10, &
278      'new_kptrlatt: ', trim(ltoa(reshape(new_kptrlatt, [9])))
279    ierr = 2; goto 10
280  end if
282  rlatt = new_kptrlatt; call matr3inv(rlatt, klatt)
284  ABI_MALLOC(indkk, (nkfull))
285  indkk(:) = bz2ibz(1, :)
286  ABI_SFREE(bz2ibz)
288  call htetra_init(htetra, indkk, cryst%gprimd, klatt, kfull, nkfull, my_kibz, my_nkibz, ierr, errorstring, comm)
289  if (ierr /= 0) msg = errorstring
291  10 continue
293  ABI_SFREE(my_kibz)
294  ABI_SFREE(indkk)
295  ABI_SFREE(kfull)
296  ABI_SFREE(new_shiftk)
298 end function tetra_from_kptrlatt