ABINIT/testkgrid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Test different grids of k points. The algorithm used is based on the idea of testing different
 one-dimensional sets of possible k point grids. It is not exhaustive (other families could be included),
 but should do a respectable job in all cases. The Monkhorst-Pack set of grids (defined with respect to
 symmetry axes, and not primitive axes) is always tested.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
               bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprim in the axes of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  msym=default maximal number of symmetries
  nsym=number of symetries
  prtkpt=if non-zero, will write the characteristics of k grids, then stop
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
  vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum


  kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification
  nshiftk=number of k-point shifts in shiftk (always 1 from this routine)
  shiftk(3,210)=shift vectors for k point generation


  kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector associated with the lattice of k points.


 Note that nkpt can be computed by calling this routine with input value nkpt=0
 Note that kptopt is always =1 in this routine.






 53 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 54 #include "config.h"
 55 #endif
 57 #include "abi_common.h"
 59 subroutine testkgrid(bravais,iout,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
 60 & msym,nshiftk,nsym,prtkpt,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum)
 62  use defs_basis
 63  use m_errors
 64  use m_profiling_abi
 65  use m_xmpi
 67  use m_geometry,     only : metric
 69 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 70 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 71 #undef ABI_FUNC
 72 #define ABI_FUNC 'testkgrid'
 73  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 74  use interfaces_16_hideleave
 75  use interfaces_32_util
 76  use interfaces_41_geometry
 77  use interfaces_56_recipspace, except_this_one => testkgrid
 78 !End of the abilint section
 80  implicit none
 82 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 83 !scalars
 84  integer,intent(in) :: iout,msym,nsym,prtkpt
 85  integer,intent(out) :: nshiftk
 86  real(dp),intent(inout) :: kptrlen
 87 !arrays
 88  integer,intent(in) :: bravais(11),symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
 89  integer,intent(out) :: kptrlatt(3,3)
 90  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
 91  real(dp),intent(inout) :: shiftk(3,210) !vz_i
 93 !Local variables-------------------------------
 94 !scalars
 95  integer,parameter :: kptopt=1,mkpt_list=100000
 96  integer :: ang90,center,dirvacuum,equal,igrid,igrid_current,iholohedry,ii,init_mult,iscale,iscf
 97  integer :: iset,mult1,mult2,mult3,ndims,nkpt,nkpt_current,nkpt_trial,nset
 98  real(dp) :: buffer_scale,determinant,fact,factor,kptrlen_current,kptrlen_max,kptrlen_target
 99  real(dp) :: kptrlen_trial,length1,length2,length3,length_axis1,length_axis2
100  real(dp) :: length_axis3,merit_factor,mult1h,mult2h,mult3h,reduceda,reducedb
101  real(dp) :: sca,scb,scc,surface,ucvol
102  character(len=500) :: message
103 !arrays
104  integer :: kptrlatt_current(3,3),kptrlatt_trial(3,3)
105  integer,allocatable :: grid_list(:)
106  real(dp) :: axes(3,3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),matrix1(3,3),matrix2(3,3)
107  real(dp) :: metmin(3,3),minim(3,3),r2d(3,3),rmet(3,3),rsuper(3,3)
108  real(dp) :: shiftk_current(3,210),shiftk_trial(3,210)
109  real(dp),allocatable :: kpt(:,:),kptrlen_list(:),wtk(:)
111 ! *************************************************************************
113  kptrlen_target=kptrlen
115 !The vacuum array must be made of 0 or 1
116  do ii=1,3
117    if(vacuum(ii)/=0 .and. vacuum(ii)/=1)then
118      write(message,'(a,a,a,i1,a,i3,a,a)')&
119 &     'The values of vacuum must be 0 or 1.',ch10,&
120 &     'However, the input vacuum(',ii,') is',vacuum(ii),ch10,&
121 &     'Action : correct vacuum in your input file.'
122      MSG_ERROR(message)
123    end if
124  end do
126 !Specific preparation for 2-dimensional system
127  if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
129 !  Make the non-active vector orthogonal to the active vectors,
130 !  and take it along the z direction
131    if(vacuum(1)==1)then
132      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,2)*rprimd(3,3)-rprimd(3,2)*rprimd(2,3)
133      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,2)*rprimd(1,3)-rprimd(1,2)*rprimd(3,3)
134      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,2)*rprimd(2,3)-rprimd(2,2)*rprimd(1,3)
135      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,2)
136      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,3)
137      dirvacuum=1
138    else if(vacuum(2)==1)then
139      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,3)*rprimd(3,1)-rprimd(3,3)*rprimd(2,1)
140      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,3)*rprimd(1,1)-rprimd(1,3)*rprimd(3,1)
141      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,3)*rprimd(2,1)-rprimd(2,3)*rprimd(1,1)
142      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,3)
143      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,1)
144      dirvacuum=2
145    else if(vacuum(3)==1)then
146      r2d(1,3)=rprimd(2,1)*rprimd(3,2)-rprimd(3,1)*rprimd(2,2)
147      r2d(2,3)=rprimd(3,1)*rprimd(1,2)-rprimd(1,1)*rprimd(3,2)
148      r2d(3,3)=rprimd(1,1)*rprimd(2,2)-rprimd(2,1)*rprimd(1,2)
149      r2d(:,1)=rprimd(:,1)
150      r2d(:,2)=rprimd(:,2)
151      dirvacuum=3
152    end if
153    surface=sqrt(sum(r2d(:,3)**2))
154 !  Identify the 2-D Bravais lattice
155 !  DEBUG
156 !  write(std_out,*)' r2d=',r2d(:,:)
158    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,r2d,ucvol)
159    call smallprim(metmin,minim,r2d)
160 !  DEBUG
161 !  write(std_out,*)' minim=',minim(:,:)
163    ang90=0 ; equal=0 ; center=0
164    axes(:,:)=minim(:,:)
165    if(abs(metmin(1,2))<tol8)ang90=1
166    if(abs(metmin(1,1)-metmin(2,2))<tol8)equal=1
167    if(ang90==1)then
168      if(equal==1)iholohedry=4
169      if(equal==0)iholohedry=2
170    else if(equal==1)then
171      reduceda=metmin(1,2)/metmin(1,1)
172      if(abs(reduceda+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
173        iholohedry=3
174      else if(abs(reduceda-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
175        iholohedry=3
176 !      Use conventional axes
177        axes(:,2)=minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
178      else
179        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
180        axes(:,1)=minim(:,1)+minim(:,2)
181        axes(:,2)=minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
182      end if
183    else
184      reduceda=metmin(1,2)/metmin(1,1)
185      reducedb=metmin(1,2)/metmin(2,2)
186      if(abs(reduceda+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
187        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
188        axes(:,2)=2.0_dp*minim(:,2)+minim(:,1)
189      else if(abs(reduceda-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
190        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
191        axes(:,2)=2.0_dp*minim(:,2)-minim(:,1)
192      else if(abs(reducedb+0.5_dp)<tol8)then
193        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
194        axes(:,1)=2.0_dp*minim(:,1)+minim(:,2)
195      else if(abs(reducedb-0.5_dp)<tol8)then
196        iholohedry=2 ; center=1
197        axes(:,1)=2.0_dp*minim(:,1)-minim(:,2)
198      else
199        iholohedry=1
200      end if
201    end if
202 !  Make sure that axes form a right-handed coordinate system
203    determinant=axes(1,1)*axes(2,2)*axes(3,3) &
204 &   +axes(1,2)*axes(2,3)*axes(3,1) &
205 &   +axes(1,3)*axes(3,2)*axes(2,1) &
206 &   -axes(1,1)*axes(3,2)*axes(2,3) &
207 &   -axes(1,3)*axes(2,2)*axes(3,1) &
208 &   -axes(1,2)*axes(2,1)*axes(3,3)
209    if(determinant<zero)then
210      axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1)
211    end if
212 !  Prefer symmetry axes on the same side as the primitive axes
213    sca=axes(1,1)*r2d(1,1)+axes(2,1)*r2d(2,1)+axes(3,1)*r2d(3,1)
214    scb=axes(1,2)*r2d(1,2)+axes(2,2)*r2d(2,2)+axes(3,2)*r2d(3,2)
215    scc=axes(1,3)*rprimd(1,dirvacuum)&
216 &   +axes(2,3)*rprimd(2,dirvacuum)&
217 &   +axes(3,3)*rprimd(3,dirvacuum)
218    if(sca<-tol8 .and. scb<-tol8)then
219      axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1) ; sca=-sca
220      axes(:,2)=-axes(:,2) ; scb=-scb
221    end if
222 !  Doing this might change the angle between vectors, so that
223 !  the cell is not conventional anymore
224 !  if(sca<-tol8 .and. scc<-tol8)then
225 !  axes(:,1)=-axes(:,1) ; sca=-sca
226 !  axes(:,3)=-axes(:,3) ; scc=-scc
227 !  end if
228 !  if(scb<-tol8 .and. scc<-tol8)then
229 !  axes(:,2)=-axes(:,2) ; scb=-scb
230 !  axes(:,3)=-axes(:,3) ; scc=-scc
231 !  end if
232    length_axis1=sqrt(axes(1,1)**2+axes(2,1)**2+axes(3,1)**2)
233    length_axis2=sqrt(axes(1,2)**2+axes(2,2)**2+axes(3,2)**2)
235 !  DEBUG
236 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : iholohedry, center =',iholohedry,center
237 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : axis 1=',axes(:,1)
238 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : axis 2=',axes(:,2)
239 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : axis 3=',axes(:,3)
240 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : length_axis=',length_axis1,length_axis2
243 !  End special treatment of 2-D case
244  end if
246 !3-dimensional system
247  if(sum(vacuum(:))==0)then
248    iholohedry=bravais(1)
249    center=bravais(2)
250    fact=1.0_dp
251    if(center/=0)fact=0.5_dp
252    matrix1(:,1)=bravais(3:5)*fact
253    matrix1(:,2)=bravais(6:8)*fact
254    matrix1(:,3)=bravais(9:11)*fact
255    call matr3inv(matrix1,matrix2)
256    do ii=1,3
257      axes(:,ii)=rprimd(:,1)*matrix2(ii,1)+rprimd(:,2)*matrix2(ii,2)+rprimd(:,3)*matrix2(ii,3)
258    end do
259    length_axis1=sqrt(axes(1,1)**2+axes(2,1)**2+axes(3,1)**2)
260    length_axis2=sqrt(axes(1,2)**2+axes(2,2)**2+axes(3,2)**2)
261    length_axis3=sqrt(axes(1,3)**2+axes(2,3)**2+axes(3,3)**2)
262 !  DEBUG
263 !  write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : axes=',axes(:,:)
264 !  write(std_out,*)' length_axis=',length_axis1,length_axis2,length_axis3
266  end if
268 !This routine examine only primitive k lattices.
269  nshiftk=1
271 !If prtkpt/=0, will examine more grids than strictly needed
272  buffer_scale=one
273  if(prtkpt/=0)buffer_scale=two
275  if(prtkpt/=0)then
276    write(message,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
277 &   ' testkgrid : will perform the analysis of a series of k-grids.',ch10,&
278 &   '  Note that kptopt=1 in this analysis, irrespective of its input value.',ch10,ch10,&
279 &   ' Grid#    kptrlatt         shiftk         kptrlen       nkpt  iset',ch10
280    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
281    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
282    ABI_ALLOCATE(grid_list,(mkpt_list))
283    ABI_ALLOCATE(kptrlen_list,(mkpt_list))
284    grid_list(:)=0
285    kptrlen_list(:)=0.0_dp
286  end if
288  if(sum(vacuum(:))==3)then
290    kptrlatt(:,:)=0
291    kptrlatt(1,1)=1
292    kptrlatt(2,2)=1
293    kptrlatt(3,3)=1
294    shiftk(:,1)=0.0_dp
295    kptrlen=1000.0_dp
296    nkpt_current=1
297    igrid_current=1
299    if(prtkpt/=0)then
300      write(message,&
301 &     '(a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,es14.4,i8,i6,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a)' )&
302 &     '    1  ',kptrlatt(:,1),'  ',shiftk(1,1),'  ',kptrlen,1,1,ch10,&
303 &     '       ',kptrlatt(:,2),'  ',shiftk(2,1),ch10,&
304 &     '       ',kptrlatt(:,3),'  ',shiftk(3,1),ch10
305      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
306      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
307 !    The unit cell volume is fake
308      ucvol=kptrlen**3
309    end if
311  else
313    nkpt=0 ; nkpt_current=0 ; iscf=1 ; iset=1
314    kptrlen_current=0.0_dp
315    mult1=0 ; mult2=0 ; mult3=0 ; init_mult=1
316    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpt,(3,nkpt))
317    ABI_ALLOCATE(wtk,(nkpt))
318    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
320 !  Loop on different grids, the upper limit is only to avoid an infinite loop
321    do igrid=1,1000
323      kptrlatt_trial(:,:)=0
324      kptrlatt_trial(1,1)=1
325      kptrlatt_trial(2,2)=1
326      kptrlatt_trial(3,3)=1
327      shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
329 !    1-dimensional system
330      if(sum(vacuum(:))==2)then
331        if(vacuum(1)==0)then
332          kptrlatt_trial(1,1)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
333        else if(vacuum(2)==0)then
334          kptrlatt_trial(2,2)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
335        else if(vacuum(3)==0)then
336          kptrlatt_trial(3,3)=2*igrid ; shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
337        end if
338      end if
340 !    2-dimensional system
341      if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
343 !      Treat hexagonal holohedries separately
344        if(iholohedry==3)then
346 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : 2D, hexagonal'
348          mult1=mult1+1
349          nset=4
350          if(iset==1)then
351            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
352            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
353            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
354          else if(iset==2)then
355            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
356            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
357            shiftk_trial(1,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
358            shiftk_trial(2,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
359          else if(iset==3)then
360            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
361            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
362            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
363          else if(iset==4)then
364            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
365            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
366            shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
367            shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
368          end if
370        else
371 !        Now treat all other holohedries
372          length1=length_axis1*mult1
373          length2=length_axis2*mult2
374 !        DEBUG
375 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : (2d) length=',length1,length2
376 !        ENDDEBUG
377          if(abs(length1-length2)<tol8)then
378            mult1=mult1+1
379            mult2=mult2+1
380          else if(length1>length2)then
381            mult2=mult2+1
382          else if(length2>length1)then
383            mult1=mult1+1
384          end if
385          nset=4
386 !        iset==5 and 6 are allowed only for centered lattice
387          if(center==1)nset=6
388          if(iset==1 .or. iset==2)then
389            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
390            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult2
391          else if(iset==3 .or. iset==4)then
392            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1-axes(:,2)*mult2
393            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2
394          else if(iset==5 .or. iset==6)then
395            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*(mult1-0.5_dp)-axes(:,2)*(mult2-0.5_dp)
396            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,1)*(mult1-0.5_dp)+axes(:,2)*(mult2-0.5_dp)
397          end if
398 !        This was the easiest way to code all even mult1 and mult2 pairs :
399 !        make separate series for this possibility.
400          if(iset==2 .or. iset==4 .or. iset==6)then
401            rsuper(:,1)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,1)
402            rsuper(:,2)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,2)
403          end if
404          shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.5_dp
405          shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.5_dp
407        end if
409 !      Put back the inactive direction
410        if(dirvacuum==1)then
411          rsuper(:,3)=rsuper(:,1)
412          shiftk_trial(3,1)=shiftk_trial(1,1)
413          rsuper(:,1)=rprimd(:,1)
414          shiftk_trial(1,1)=0.0_dp
415        else if(dirvacuum==2)then
416          rsuper(:,3)=rsuper(:,1)
417          shiftk_trial(3,1)=shiftk_trial(1,1)
418          rsuper(:,1)=rsuper(:,2)
419          shiftk_trial(1,1)=shiftk_trial(2,1)
420          rsuper(:,2)=rprimd(:,2)
421          shiftk_trial(2,1)=0.0_dp
422        else if(dirvacuum==3)then
423          rsuper(:,3)=rprimd(:,3)
424          shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.0_dp
425        end if
427 !      The supercell and the corresponding shift have been generated !
428 !      Convert cartesian coordinates into kptrlatt_trial
429        do ii=1,3
430          kptrlatt_trial(:,ii)=nint( gprimd(1,:)*rsuper(1,ii)+&
431 &         gprimd(2,:)*rsuper(2,ii)+&
432 &         gprimd(3,:)*rsuper(3,ii)  )
433        end do
435 !      End of 2-dimensional system
436      end if
438 !    3-dimensional system
439      if(sum(vacuum(:))==0)then
440 !      Treat hexagonal holohedries separately
441        if(iholohedry==6)then
442          length1=length_axis1*mult1
443          length3=length_axis3*mult3
444 !        DEBUG
445 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : (hex) lengths=',length1,length2
446 !        ENDDEBUG
447          if(abs(length1-length3)<tol8)then
448            mult1=mult1+1
449            mult3=mult3+1
450          else if(length1>length3)then
451            mult3=mult3+1
452          else if(length3>length1)then
453            mult1=mult1+1
454          end if
455          nset=4
456          if(iset==1)then
457            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
458            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
459            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
460            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
461            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
462          else if(iset==2)then
463            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
464            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
465            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
466            shiftk_trial(1,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
467            shiftk_trial(2,1)=1.0_dp/3.0_dp
468            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
469          else if(iset==3)then
470            rsuper(:,1)=(axes(:,1)-axes(:,2))  *mult1
471            rsuper(:,2)=(axes(:,1)+2*axes(:,2))*mult1
472            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
473            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
474            shiftk_trial(3,1)=0.5_dp
475          else if(iset==4)then
476            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
477            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult1
478            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
479            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
480          end if
482        else
483 !        Now treat all other holohedries
484          length1=length_axis1*mult1
485          length2=length_axis2*mult2
486          length3=length_axis3*mult3
487 !        DEBUG
488 !        write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : length=',length1,length2,length3
489 !        ENDDEBUG
490          if(length2>length1+tol8 .and. length3>length1+tol8)then
491            mult1=mult1+1
492          else if(length1>length2+tol8 .and. length3>length2+tol8)then
493            mult2=mult2+1
494          else if(length1>length3+tol8 .and. length2>length3+tol8)then
495            mult3=mult3+1
496          else if(abs(length2-length3)<tol8 .and. &
497 &           abs(length1-length3)<tol8 .and. &
498 &           abs(length1-length2)<tol8        )then
499            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult2=mult2+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
500          else if(abs(length1-length2)<tol8)then
501            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult2=mult2+1
502          else if(abs(length1-length3)<tol8)then
503            mult1=mult1+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
504          else if(abs(length2-length3)<tol8)then
505            mult2=mult2+1 ; mult3=mult3+1
506          end if
507          nset=6
508          if(center==-1 .or. center==-3)nset=8
509          if(iset==1 .or. iset==2)then
510 !          Simple lattice of k points
511            rsuper(:,1)=axes(:,1)*mult1
512            rsuper(:,2)=axes(:,2)*mult2
513            rsuper(:,3)=axes(:,3)*mult3
514            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
515          else if(iset==3 .or. iset==4)then
516 !          FCC lattice of k points = BCC lattice in real space
517            rsuper(:,1)=-axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
518            rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1-axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
519            rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2-axes(:,3)*mult3
520            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
521          else if(iset==5 .or. iset==6)then
522 !          BCC lattice of k points = FCC lattice in real space
523            rsuper(:,1)=                 axes(:,2)*mult2+axes(:,3)*mult3
524            rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1                +axes(:,3)*mult3
525            rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1+axes(:,2)*mult2
526 !          The BCC lattice has no empty site with full symmetry
527            shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
528          else if(iset==7 .or. iset==8)then
529 !          iset==7 and 8 are allowed only for centered lattice
530            mult1h=mult1-0.5_dp
531            mult2h=mult2-0.5_dp
532            mult3h=mult3-0.5_dp
533            if(center==-1)then
534 !            FCC lattice of k points = BCC lattice in real space
535              rsuper(:,1)=-axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
536              rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1h-axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
537              rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h-axes(:,3)*mult3h
538              shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.5_dp
539            else if(center==-3)then
540 !            BCC lattice of k points = FCC lattice in real space
541              rsuper(:,1)=                  axes(:,2)*mult2h+axes(:,3)*mult3h
542              rsuper(:,2)= axes(:,1)*mult1h                 +axes(:,3)*mult3h
543              rsuper(:,3)= axes(:,1)*mult1h+axes(:,2)*mult2h
544 !            The BCC lattice has no empty site with full symmetry
545              shiftk_trial(:,1)=0.0_dp
546            end if
547          end if
548 !        This was the easiest way to code all even mult1, mult2, mult3 triplets :
549 !        make separate series for this possibility.
550          if(2*(iset/2)==iset)then
551            rsuper(:,1)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,1)
552            rsuper(:,2)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,2)
553            rsuper(:,3)=2.0_dp*rsuper(:,3)
554          end if
555        end if
557 !      DEBUG
558 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : gprimd=',gprimd(:,:)
559 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : rsuper=',rsuper(:,:)
560 !      write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : iset  =',iset
561 !      ENDDEBUG
564 !      The supercell and the corresponding shift have been generated !
565 !      Convert cartesian coordinates into kptrlatt_trial
566        do ii=1,3
567          kptrlatt_trial(:,ii)=nint( gprimd(1,:)*rsuper(1,ii)+&
568 &         gprimd(2,:)*rsuper(2,ii)+&
569 &         gprimd(3,:)*rsuper(3,ii)  )
570        end do
572 !      End of 3-dimensional system
573      end if
575 !    DEBUG
576 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : before getkgrid'
577 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : rprimd=',rprimd(:,:)
578 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : kptrlatt_trial=',kptrlatt_trial(:,:)
579 !    ENDDEBUG
581      call getkgrid(0,0,iscf,kpt,&
582 &     kptopt,kptrlatt_trial,kptrlen_trial,&
583 &     msym,nkpt,nkpt_trial,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
584 &     shiftk_trial,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk)
586 !    DEBUG
587 !    write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : after getkgrid'
588 !    ENDDEBUG
590 !    In case one does not need the full list of grids, will take a shortcut, and go to one of the last grids of the series,
591 !    that generates a kptrlen_trial that is just below kptrlen.
592      if(prtkpt==0 .and. init_mult==1 .and. kptrlen_trial<(half-tol8)*kptrlen )then
593        iscale=int((one-tol8)*kptrlen/kptrlen_trial)
594        mult1=mult1*iscale
595        mult2=mult2*iscale
596        mult3=mult3*iscale
597        init_mult=0
598 !       DEBUG
599 !       write(std_out,*)' testkgrid : iscale=',iscale
600 !       ENDDEBUG
601        kptrlatt_trial(:,:)=kptrlatt_trial(:,:)*iscale
602        call getkgrid(0,0,iscf,kpt,&
603 &       kptopt,kptrlatt_trial,kptrlen_trial,&
604 &       msym,nkpt,nkpt_trial,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
605 &       shiftk_trial,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk)
606      end if
608      if( (kptrlen_trial+tol8>kptrlen*(1.0_dp+tol8) .and. nkpt_current==0) .or. &
609 &     (kptrlen_trial+tol8>kptrlen*(1.0_dp+tol8) .and. nkpt_trial<nkpt_current) .or. &
610 &     (nkpt_trial==nkpt_current  .and. kptrlen_trial>kptrlen_current*(1.0_dp+tol8)))then
612        kptrlatt_current(:,:)=kptrlatt_trial(:,:)
613        nkpt_current=nkpt_trial
614        shiftk_current(:,:)=shiftk_trial(:,:)
615        kptrlen_current=kptrlen_trial
616        igrid_current=igrid
617      end if
619      if(prtkpt/=0)then
620        write(message,'(i5,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,es14.4,i8,i6,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a,a,3i4,a,es14.4,a)' )&
621 &       igrid,'  ',kptrlatt_trial(:,1),'  ',shiftk_trial(1,1),&
622 &       '  ',kptrlen_trial,nkpt_trial,iset,ch10,&
623 &       '       ',kptrlatt_trial(:,2),'  ',shiftk_trial(2,1),ch10,&
624 &       '       ',kptrlatt_trial(:,3),'  ',shiftk_trial(3,1),ch10
625        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
626        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
628 !      Keep track of this grid, if it is worth
629        if(kptrlen_trial > kptrlen_list(nkpt_trial)*(1.0_dp+tol8))then
630          grid_list(nkpt_trial)=igrid
631          kptrlen_list(nkpt_trial)=kptrlen_trial
632        end if
633      end if
635 !    Treat 1-D case
636      if( sum(vacuum(:))==2 .and. kptrlen_trial>buffer_scale*(1.0_dp+tol8)*kptrlen )exit
638 !    Treat 2-D case or 3-D case
639      if( sum(vacuum(:))<=1 .and. kptrlen_trial>buffer_scale*(1.0_dp+tol8)*kptrlen )then
640 !      The present set of sets of k points is finished :
641 !      either it was the last, or one has to go to the next one
642        if(iset==nset)exit
643        iset=iset+1
644        mult1=0 ; mult2=0 ; mult3=0 ; init_mult=1
645      end if
647    end do ! igrid=1,1000
649    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpt)
650    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wtk)
652    kptrlatt(:,:)=kptrlatt_current(:,:)
653    shiftk(:,:)=shiftk_current(:,:)
654    kptrlen=kptrlen_current
656  end if ! test on the number of dimensions
658  if(prtkpt/=0)then
660 !  sqrt(1/2) comes from the FCC packing, the best one
661    factor=sqrt(0.5_dp)/ucvol/dble(nsym)
662    ndims=3
663    if(sum(vacuum(:))/=0)then
664      if(sum(vacuum(:))==1)then
665 !      sqrt(3/4) comes from the hex packing, the best one
666 !      one multiplies by 2 because nsym is likely twice the number
667 !      of symmetries that can be effectively used in 2D
668        ndims=2 ; factor=sqrt(0.75_dp)/surface/dble(nsym)*2
669        write(message,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is bi-dimensional.'
670      else if(sum(vacuum(:))==2)then
671        ndims=1 ; factor=1/ucvol
672        write(message,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is uni-dimensional.'
673      else if(sum(vacuum(:))==3)then
674        ndims=0
675        write(message,'(2a)' )ch10,' Note that the system is zero-dimensional.'
676      end if
677      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
678      call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
679    end if
681 !  The asymptotic value of the merit factor is determined
682 !  by the set of symmetries : in 3D, if it includes the
683 !  inversion symmetry, the limit will be 1, if not, it
684 !  will be two. In 2D, if it includes the inversion symmetry
685 !  and an operation that maps z on -z, it will tend to one,
686 !  while if only one of these operations is present,
687 !  it will tend to two, and if none is present, it will tend to four.
688    write(message,'(11a)' )ch10,&
689 &   ' List of best grids, ordered by nkpt.',ch10,&
690 &   '  (stop at a value of kptrlen 20% larger than the target value).',ch10,&
691 &   '  (the merit factor will tend to one or two in 3 dimensions)',ch10,&
692 &   '  (and to one, two or four in 2 dimensions)',ch10,ch10,&
693 &   '    nkpt   kptrlen    grid#  merit_factor'
694    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
695    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
697    kptrlen_max=0.0_dp
698    do ii=1,mkpt_list
699      if(kptrlen_list(ii)>kptrlen_max*(1.0_dp+tol8))then
700        kptrlen_max=kptrlen_list(ii)
701        merit_factor=kptrlen_max**ndims/dble(ii)*factor
702        write(message, '(i6,es14.4,i6,f12.4)' )ii,kptrlen_max,grid_list(ii),merit_factor
703        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
704        call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
705      end if
706      if(kptrlen_max>1.2_dp*(1.0_dp-tol8)*kptrlen_target)exit
707    end do
709    write(message,'(a,a,es14.4,a,a,i6,a,a,a,es14.4,a,i6)' )ch10,&
710 &   ' For target kptrlen=',kptrlen_target,',',&
711 &   ' the selected grid is number',igrid_current,',',ch10,&
712 &   '     giving kptrlen=',kptrlen_current,' with nkpt=',nkpt_current
713    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
714    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL')
716    write(message,'(a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
717 &   ' testkgrid : stop after analysis of a series of k-grids.',ch10,&
718 &   '  For usual production runs, set prtkpt back to 0 (the default).'
719    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL',do_flush=.True.)
720    call wrtout(iout,message,'COLL',do_flush=.True.)
722    call xmpi_abort()
723    call leave_new('PERS',exit_status=0,print_config=.false.)
725  end if
727 end subroutine testkgrid