ABINIT/m_rhotoxc [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MF, GZ, DRH, MT, SPr)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 #include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "abi_common.h"
21 module m_rhotoxc
23  use defs_basis
24  use m_xmpi
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_cgtools
28  use m_xcdata
29  use m_xc_vdw
30  use libxc_functionals
32  use defs_abitypes,      only : MPI_type
33  use m_time,             only : timab
34  use m_geometry,         only : metric
35  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype
36  use m_xcpositron,       only : xcpositron
37  use m_drivexc,          only : size_dvxc,drivexc,xcmult,mkdenpos
38  use m_xclda,            only : xctfw
39  use m_xctk,             only : xcden, xcpot
41  implicit none
43  private

ABINIT/rhotoxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Start from the density or spin-density, and
 compute xc correlation potential and energies.
 Eventually compute xc kernel (if option=-2, 2, 3, 10 or 12).
 Cannot be used with wavelets.


  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nhat(nfft,xcdata%nspden*nhatdim)= -PAW only- compensation density
  nhatdim= -PAW only- 0 if nhat array is not used ; 1 otherwise
  nhatgr(nfft,xcdata%nspden,3*nhatgrdim)= -PAW only- cartesian gradients of compensation density
  nhatgrdim= -PAW only- 0 if nhatgr array is not used ; 1 otherwise
  nkxc=second dimension of the kxc array. If /=0,
   the exchange-correlation kernel must be computed.
  non_magnetic_xc= if true, handle density/potential as non-magnetic (even if it is)
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft or cplx*nfft).
  option=0 or 1 for xc only (exc, vxc, strsxc),
         2 for xc and kxc (no paramagnetic part if xcdata%nspden=1)
        10 for xc  and kxc with only partial derivatives wrt density part (d2Exc/drho^2)
        12 for xc and kxc with only partial derivatives wrt density part (d2Exc/drho^2)
              and, in the case of hybrid functionals, substitution of the hybrid functional
              by the related auxiliary GGA functional for the computation of the xc kernel (not for other quantities)
         3 for xc, kxc and k3xc
        -2 for xc and kxc (with paramagnetic part if xcdata%nspden=1)
  rhor(nfft,xcdata%nspden)=electron density in real space in electrons/bohr**3
   (total in first half and spin-up in second half if xcdata%nspden=2)
   (total in first comp. and magnetization in comp. 2 to 4 if xcdata%nspden=4)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  usexcnhat= -PAW only- 1 if nhat density has to be taken into account in Vxc
  [vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential (only needed for Fermi-Amaldi functional)]
  xcdata <type(xcdata_type)>=storage for different input variables and derived parameters needed to compute the XC functional
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction (bohr^-3)

  === optional inputs ===
  [add_tfw]=flag controling the addition of Weiszacker gradient correction to Thomas-Fermi kin energy
  [taur(nfftf,xcdata%nspden*xcdata%usekden)]=array for kinetic energy density
  [xc_funcs(2)]= <type(libxc_functional_type)>, optional : libxc XC functionals. Must be coherent with xcdata.
  [xccctau3d(n3xccc)]=3D core electron kinetic energy density for XC core correction (bohr^-3)


  enxc=returned exchange and correlation energy (hartree).
  strsxc(6)= contribution of xc to stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3),
   given in order (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (3,2), (3,1), (2,1).
   (note: fxc is rho*exc in the following)
   Explicitely : strsxc(mu,nu) = (1/N) Sum(i=1,N)
    ( delta(mu,nu) * [  exc(i)rhotot(i)
               - depsxc_drho(up,i)*rhor(up,i)-depsxc_drho(dn,i)*rhor(dn,i)]
     - gradrho(up,mu)*gradrho(up,nu) * depsxc_dgradrho(up,i) / gradrho(up,i)
     - gradrho(dn,mu)*gradrho(dn,nu) * depsxc_dgradrho(dn,i) / gradrho(dn,i) )
  vxc(nfft,xcdata%nspden)=xc potential
    (spin up in first half and spin down in second half if xcdata%nspden=2)
    (v^11, v^22, Re[V^12], Im[V^12] if xcdata%nspden=4)
  vxcavg=<Vxc>=unit cell average of Vxc = (1/ucvol) Int [Vxc(r) d^3 r].

  === Only if abs(option)=2, -2, 3, 10, 12 (in case 12, for hybrids, substitution of the related GGA) ===
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange and correlation kernel (returned only if nkxc/=0)
    Content of Kxc array:
   ===== if LDA
    if xcdata%nspden==1: kxc(:,1)= d2Exc/drho2
              that is 1/2 ( d2Exc/drho_up drho_up + d2Exc/drho_up drho_dn )
                         kxc(:,2)= d2Exc/drho_up drho_dn
    if xcdata%nspden>=2: kxc(:,1)= d2Exc/drho_up drho_up
                         kxc(:,2)= d2Exc/drho_up drho_dn
                         kxc(:,3)= d2Exc/drho_dn drho_dn
   ===== if GGA or mGGA
    if xcdata%nspden==1:
       kxc(:,1)= d2Exc/drho2
       kxc(:,2)= 1/|grad(rho)| dExc/d|grad(rho)|
       kxc(:,3)= 1/|grad(rho)| d2Exc/d|grad(rho)| drho
       kxc(:,4)= 1/|grad(rho)| * d/d|grad(rho)| ( 1/|grad(rho)| dExc/d|grad(rho)| )
       kxc(:,5)= gradx(rho)
       kxc(:,6)= grady(rho)
       kxc(:,7)= gradz(rho)
    if xcdata%nspden>=2:
       kxc(:,1)= d2Exc/drho_up drho_up
       kxc(:,2)= d2Exc/drho_up drho_dn
       kxc(:,3)= d2Exc/drho_dn drho_dn
       kxc(:,4)= 1/|grad(rho_up)| dEx/d|grad(rho_up)|
       kxc(:,5)= 1/|grad(rho_dn)| dEx/d|grad(rho_dn)|
       kxc(:,6)= 1/|grad(rho_up)| d2Ex/d|grad(rho_up)| drho_up
       kxc(:,7)= 1/|grad(rho_dn)| d2Ex/d|grad(rho_dn)| drho_dn
       kxc(:,8)= 1/|grad(rho_up)| * d/d|grad(rho_up)| ( 1/|grad(rho_up)| dEx/d|grad(rho_up)| )
       kxc(:,9)= 1/|grad(rho_dn)| * d/d|grad(rho_dn)| ( 1/|grad(rho_dn)| dEx/d|grad(rho_dn)| )
       kxc(:,10)=1/|grad(rho)| dEc/d|grad(rho)|
       kxc(:,11)=1/|grad(rho)| d2Ec/d|grad(rho)| drho_up
       kxc(:,12)=1/|grad(rho)| d2Ec/d|grad(rho)| drho_dn
       kxc(:,13)=1/|grad(rho)| * d/d|grad(rho)| ( 1/|grad(rho)| dEc/d|grad(rho)| )
    Note about mGGA: 2nd derivatives involving Tau or Laplacian are not output

  === Only if abs(option)=3 ===
  [k3xc(nfft,nk3xc)]= -- optional -- third derivative of the XC energy functional of the density,
    at each point of the real space grid (only in the LDA or LSDA)
    Content of K3xc array:
    ===== if LDA
    if xcdata%nspden==1: k3xc(:,1)= d3Exc/drho3
    if xcdata%nspden>=2, k3xc(:,1)= d3Exc/drho_up drho_up drho_up
                  k3xc(:,2)= d3Exc/drho_up drho_up drho_dn
                  k3xc(:,3)= d3Exc/drho_up drho_dn drho_dn
                  k3xc(:,4)= d3Exc/drho_dn drho_dn drho_dn

 === Additional optional output ===
  [exc_vdw_out]= vdW-DF contribution to enxc (hartree)
  [vxctau(nfft,xcdata%nspden,4*xcdata%usekden)]=(only for meta-GGA)=
    vxctau(:,:,1): derivative of XC energy density with respect to kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau).
    vxctau(:,:,2:4): gradient of vxctau (gvxctau)
 === For the TB09 XC functional (modified Becke-Johnson) ===
  [grho1_over_rho1]=Integral of |Grad(rho^1)|/rho^1 over the augmentation region
                    Used to compute the c parameter of the TB09 XC functional


  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>= -- optional argument -- quantities for the electron-positron annihilation


 Start from the density, and compute Hartree (if option>=1) and xc correlation potential and energies.
 Eventually compute xc kernel (if option=-2, 2, 3, 10 or 12 - in the latter case, substitution by the related GGA kernel).
 Allows a variety of exchange-correlation functionals
 according to ixc. Here is a list of allowed values.
                                                    subroutine name
   <0 means use of libxc
    0 means no xc applied (usually for testing)
    1 means new Teter (4/93) with spin-pol option        xcspol
    2 means Perdew-Zunger-Ceperley-Alder                 xcpzca
    3 means old Teter (4/91) fit to Ceperley-Alder data  xctetr
    4 means Wigner                                       xcwign
    5 means Hedin-Lundqvist                              xchelu
    6 means "X-alpha" xc                                 xcxalp
    7 mean Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data xcpbe
    8 mean Perdew-Wang 92 LSD , exchange-only            xcpbe
    9 mean Perdew-Wang 92 Ex+Ec_RPA  energy              xcpbe
   10 means RPA LSD energy (only the energy !!)          xcpbe
   11 means Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA functional        xcpbe
   12 means x-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof GGA functional xcpbe
   13 means LDA (ixc==7), except that the xc potential
      is given within the van Leeuwen-Baerends GGA       xclb
   14 means revPBE GGA functional                        xcpbe
   15 means RPBE GGA functional                          xcpbe
   16 means HCTH GGA functional                          xchcth
   23 means WC GGA functional                            xcpbe
   24 means C09x GGA exchange functional                 xcpbe
   20 means Fermi-Amaldi correction
   21 means Fermi-Amaldi correction with LDA(ixc=1) kernel
   22 means Fermi-Amaldi correction with hybrid BPG kernel
 *Hybrid GGA
   41 means PBE0-1/4                                     xcpbe
   42 means PBE0-1/3                                     xcpbe
   50 means IIT xc                                       xciit

 NOTE: please update echo_xc_name.F90 if you add new functional (apart from libxc)

 Allow for improved xc quadrature (intxc=1) by using the usual FFT grid
 as well as another, shifted, grid, and combining both results.
 Spin-polarization is allowed only with ixc=0, 1, and GGAs until now.

 To make the variable names easier to understand, a rule notation is tentatively proposed here:
   rho ---> means density
   tau ---> means kinetic energy density
   exc ---> means exchange-correlation energy density per particle
   epsxc ---> means rho*exc == exchange-correlation energy density
   vxc ---> means exchange-correlation potential
   bigexc ---> means exchange-correlation energy E_xc (for the moment it is named "enxc")
   m_norm ---> means norm of magnetization

   g... --> means gradient of something (e.g. : grho --> means gradient of electron density)
   g...2 -> means square norm of gradient of something (e.g. : grho2 -> means square norm of gradient of electron density)
   l... --> means laplacian of something (e.g. : lrho --> means laplacian of electron density)
   d...d... --> means derivative of something with regards to something else.
   (d2...d...d...  ---> means second derivative of ... with regards to ... and to ...) etc...
   d... --> without the occurence of the second "d" means that this is an array of
            several derivative of the same quantity (e.g. : depsxc)

   ..._b ----> means a block of the quantity "..." (use in mpi loops which treat the data block by block)
   ..._updn -> means that spin up and spin down is available in that array
               as (..,1) and (..,2). (if xcdata%nspden >=2 of course).
   ..._apn --> in case of positrons are concerned.

   for more details about notations please see pdf in /doc/theory/MGGA/


 247 subroutine rhotoxc(enxc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft, &
 248 & nhat,nhatdim,nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,option, &
 249 & rhor,rprimd,strsxc,usexcnhat,vxc,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdata, &
 250 & add_tfw,exc_vdw_out,grho1_over_rho1,electronpositron,k3xc,taur,vhartr,vxctau,xc_funcs,xcctau3d) ! optional arguments
 252 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 253 !scalars
 254  integer,intent(in) :: nk3xc,n3xccc,nfft,nhatdim,nhatgrdim,nkxc,option
 255  integer,intent(in) :: usexcnhat
 256  logical,intent(in) :: non_magnetic_xc
 257  logical,intent(in),optional :: add_tfw
 258  real(dp),intent(out) :: enxc,vxcavg
 259  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: exc_vdw_out,grho1_over_rho1
 260  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 261  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
 262  type(xcdata_type), intent(in) :: xcdata
 263 !arrays
 264  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
 265  real(dp),intent(in) :: nhat(nfft,xcdata%nspden*nhatdim)
 266  real(dp),intent(in) :: nhatgr(nfft,xcdata%nspden,3*nhatgrdim)
 267  real(dp),intent(in),target :: rhor(nfft,xcdata%nspden)
 268  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),xccc3d(n3xccc)
 269  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: xcctau3d(:)
 270  real(dp),intent(out) :: kxc(nfft,nkxc),strsxc(6),vxc(nfft,xcdata%nspden)
 271  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: vhartr(nfft)
 272  real(dp),intent(in),target,optional :: taur(:,:)
 273  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: k3xc(1:nfft,1:nk3xc),vxctau(:,:,:)
 274  type(libxc_functional_type),intent(inout),optional :: xc_funcs(2)
 276 !Local variables-------------------------------
 277 !scalars
 278  integer :: auxc_ixc,cplex,ierr,ifft,ii,ixc,ixc_from_lib,indx,ipositron,ipts,ishift,ispden,iwarn,iwarnp
 279  integer :: jj,mpts,ndvxc,nd2vxc,nfftot,ngr,ngrad,ngrad_apn,nkxc_eff,npts
 280  integer :: nspden,nspden_apn,nspden_eff,nspden_updn,nspgrad,nvxcgrho,nvxclrho,nvxctau
 281  integer :: n3xctau,order,usefxc,nproc_fft,comm_fft,usegradient,usekden,uselaplacian
 282  logical :: my_add_tfw
 283  real(dp),parameter :: mot=-one/3.0_dp
 284  real(dp) :: coeff,divshft,doti,dstrsxc,dvdn,dvdz,epsxc,exc_str,factor,m_norm_min,s1,s2,s3
 285  real(dp) :: strdiag,strsxc1_tot,strsxc2_tot,strsxc3_tot,strsxc4_tot
 286  real(dp) :: strsxc5_tot,strsxc6_tot,ucvol
 287  real(dp) :: deltae_vdw,exc_vdw
 288  logical :: test_nhat,test_tb09,need_nhat,need_nhatgr,with_vxctau
 289  character(len=500) :: message
 290  real(dp) :: hyb_mixing, hyb_mixing_sr, hyb_range
 291 !arrays
 292  real(dp) :: gm_norm(3),grho(3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),qphon(3),rmet(3,3)
 293  real(dp) :: tsec(2),vxcmean(4)
 294  real(dp),allocatable :: d2vxc_b(:,:),depsxc(:,:),depsxc_apn(:,:),dvxc_apn(:),dvxc_b(:,:)
 295  real(dp),allocatable :: exc_b(:),fxc_b(:),fxc_apn(:),grho2_apn(:),grho2_b_updn(:,:),lrhonow(:,:),lrho_b_updn(:,:)
 296  real(dp),allocatable :: m_norm(:),nhat_up(:),rho_b_updn(:,:),rho_b(:),rhonow_apn(:,:,:)
 297  real(dp),allocatable :: tau_b_updn(:,:),vxc_apn(:,:),vxcgr_apn(:),vxcgrho_b_updn(:,:),vxcrho_b_updn(:,:)
 298  real(dp),allocatable :: vxc_b_apn(:),vxc_ep(:),vxctau_b_updn(:,:),vxclrho_b_updn(:,:)
 299  real(dp),allocatable,target :: rhonow(:,:,:),taunow(:,:,:)
 300  real(dp),pointer :: rhocorval(:,:),rhor_(:,:),taucorval(:,:),taur_(:,:)
 301  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: rhonow_ptr(:,:,:)
 302  real(dp) :: decdrho_vdw(nfft,xcdata%nspden),decdgrho_vdw(nfft,3,xcdata%nspden)
 303  real(dp) :: strsxc_vdw(3,3)
 304  type(libxc_functional_type) :: xc_funcs_auxc(2)
 306 ! *************************************************************************
 308 ! Note: the following cases seem to never be tested (should be fixed)
 309 !      - ipositron==2 and ngrad_apn==2
 310 !      - usewvl/=0
 311 !      - test_nhat and usexcnhat==1 and nspden==4
 313  call timab(81,1,tsec)
 315 !Optional arguments
 316  my_add_tfw=.false.;if (present(add_tfw)) my_add_tfw=add_tfw
 318 !Useful scalars
 319  nspden=xcdata%nspden
 320  ixc=xcdata%ixc
 321  auxc_ixc=xcdata%auxc_ixc
 322  n3xctau=0
 324 !nspden_updn: 1 for non-polarized, 2 for polarized
 325  nspden_updn=min(nspden,2)
 327 !The variable order indicates to which derivative of the energy
 328 !the computation must be done. Computing exc and vxc needs order=1 .
 329 !Meaningful values are 1, 2, 3. Lower than 1 is the same as 1, and larger
 330 !than 3 is the same as 3.
 331 !order=1 or 2 supported for all LSD and GGA ixc
 332 !order=3 supported only for ixc=3 and ixc=7
 333  order=1
 334  if(option==2.or.option==10.or.option==12)order=2
 335  if(option==-2)order=-2
 336  if(option==3)order=3
 338 !Sizes of local arrays
 339  if (present(xc_funcs)) then
 340    call size_dvxc(ixc,order,nspden_updn,&
 341 &            usegradient=usegradient,uselaplacian=uselaplacian,usekden=usekden,&
 342 &            nvxcgrho=nvxcgrho,nvxclrho=nvxclrho,nvxctau=nvxctau,&
 343 &            ndvxc=ndvxc,nd2vxc=nd2vxc,add_tfw=my_add_tfw,xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
 344  else
 345    call size_dvxc(ixc,order,nspden_updn,&
 346 &            usegradient=usegradient,uselaplacian=uselaplacian,usekden=usekden,&
 347 &            nvxcgrho=nvxcgrho,nvxclrho=nvxclrho,nvxctau=nvxctau,&
 348 &            ndvxc=ndvxc,nd2vxc=nd2vxc,add_tfw=my_add_tfw)
 349  end if
 351 !ngrad=1 is for LDAs or LSDs, ngrad=2 is for GGAs/mGGAs
 352  ngrad=1;if(xcdata%xclevel==2.or.usegradient==1) ngrad=2
 354 !nspden_eff: effective value of nspden used to compute gradients of density:
 355 !  1 for non-polarized system,
 356 !  2 for collinear polarized system or LDA (can be reduced to a collinear system)
 357 !  4 for non-collinear polarized system and GGA
 358  nspden_eff=nspden_updn;if (nspden==4.and.ngrad==2) nspden_eff=4
 360 !Number of kcxc components depends on option (force LDA type if option==10 or 12)
 361  nkxc_eff=nkxc;if (option==10.or.option==12) nkxc_eff=min(nkxc,3)
 363 !Check options
 364  if(option==3.and.nd2vxc==0.and.ixc/=0)then
 365    write(message, '(3a,i0)' )&
 366 &   'Third-order xc kernel can only be computed for ixc = 0, 3, 7 or 8,',ch10,&
 367 &   'while it is found to be ',ixc
 368    ABI_ERROR(message)
 369  end if
 370  if(nspden==4.and.xcdata%xclevel==2.and.(abs(option)==2))then
 371    ABI_BUG('When nspden==4 and GGA, the absolute value of option cannot be 2 !')
 372  end if
 373  if(ixc<0) then
 374    if (present(xc_funcs)) then
 375      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
 376    else
 377      ixc_from_lib=libxc_functionals_ixc()
 378    end if
 379 !  Check consistency between ixc passed in input and the one used to initialize the library.
 380    if (ixc /= ixc_from_lib) then
 381      write(message, '(a,i0,2a,i0,2a)')&
 382 &     'The value of ixc specified in input, ixc = ',ixc,ch10,&
 383 &     'differs from the one used to initialize the functional ',ixc_from_lib,ch10,&
 384 &     'Action: reinitialize the global structure funcs, see NOTES in m_libxc_functionals'
 385      ABI_BUG(message)
 386    end if
 387  end if
 389 !Handling of mGGA functionals
 390  with_vxctau=(present(vxctau))
 391  if (with_vxctau) with_vxctau=(size(vxctau)>0)
 392  if (usekden==1) then
 393    if (.not.present(taur)) then
 394      message=' For mGGA functionals, kinetic energy density is needed. Set input variable usekden to 1.'
 395      message=trim(message)//' Also use NC pseudopotentials without non-linear XC core correction.'
 396      ABI_BUG(message)
 397    else if (size(taur)/=nfft*nspden) then
 398      ABI_BUG('Invalid size for taur!')
 399    end if
 400    if (present(xcctau3d)) then
 401      n3xctau=size(xcctau3d)
 402      if (n3xctau/=0.and.n3xctau/=nfft) then
 403        ABI_BUG('Invalid size for xccctau3d!')
 404      end if
 405    end if
 406    if (with_vxctau) then
 407      if (size(vxctau)/=nfft*nspden*4) then
 408        ABI_BUG('Invalid size for vxctau!')
 409      end if
 410    end if
 411  end if
 412  if((usekden==1.or.uselaplacian==1).and.nspden==4)then
 413    !mGGA en NC-magnetism: how do we rotate tau kinetic energy density?
 414    message=' At present, meta-GGA (usekden=1 or uselaplacian=1) is not compatible with non-collinear magnetism (nspden=4).'
 415    ABI_ERROR(message)
 416  end if
 418 !MPI FFT communicator
 419  comm_fft = mpi_enreg%comm_fft; nproc_fft = mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
 421 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
 422  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 424 !In this routine, hartre, xcden and xcpot are called for real
 425 !densities and potentials, corresponding to zero wavevector
 426  cplex=1
 427  qphon(:)=zero
 428  iwarn=0
 429  nfftot=ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
 430  usefxc=0;if (ixc==50) usefxc=1
 432 !Initializations
 433  enxc=zero
 434  epsxc=zero
 435  vxc(:,:)=zero
 436  vxcavg=zero
 437  strsxc(:)=zero
 438  strsxc1_tot=zero;strsxc2_tot=zero;strsxc3_tot=zero
 439  strsxc4_tot=zero;strsxc5_tot=zero;strsxc6_tot=zero
 440  if (with_vxctau) vxctau(:,:,:)=zero
 441  if (nkxc/=0) kxc(:,:)=zero
 442  if(abs(option)==3.and.nk3xc/=0) k3xc(:,:)=zero
 443  ipositron=0
 444  if (present(electronpositron)) then
 445    ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
 446    if (ipositron==2) then
 447      electronpositron%e_xc  =zero
 448      electronpositron%e_xcdc=zero
 449    end if
 450  end if
 451  deltae_vdw = zero
 452  exc_vdw = zero
 453  decdrho_vdw(:,:) = zero
 454  decdgrho_vdw(:,:,:) = zero
 455  strsxc_vdw(:,:) = zero
 456  if (present(grho1_over_rho1)) grho1_over_rho1=zero
 458  if ((xcdata%xclevel==0.or.ixc==0).and.(.not.my_add_tfw)) then
 459 !  No xc at all is applied (usually for testing)
 460    ABI_WARNING('Note that no xc is applied (ixc=0).')
 462  else if (ixc/=20) then
 464 !  Test: has a compensation density to be added/substracted (PAW) ?
 465    need_nhat=(nhatdim==1.and.usexcnhat==0)
 466    need_nhatgr=(nhatdim==1.and.nhatgrdim==1.and.ngrad==2.and.xcdata%intxc==0)
 467    test_nhat=(need_nhat.or.need_nhatgr)
 469 !  The different components of depsxc will be
 470 !  for nspden=1,   depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho) == (depsxcdrho) == (vxcrho)
 471 !  and if ngrad=2, depsxc(:,2)=1/2*1/|grad rho_up|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|)
 472 !  +1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|)
 473 !  == (1/2 * 1/|grho_up| * depsxcd|grho_up|) +  1/|grho| * depsxcd|grho|
 474 !  (vxcgrho=1/|grho| * depsxcd|grho|)
 475 !  (do not forget : |grad rho| /= |grad rho_up| + |grad rho_down|
 476 !  and if use_laplacian, depsxc(:,3)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho) == (depsxcdlrho) == (vxclrho)
 477 !
 478 !  for nspden>=2,  depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho_up) == (depsxcdrho_up) == (vxcrho_up)
 479 !  depsxc(:,2)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho_down) == (depsxcdrho_dn) == (vxcrho_dn)
 480 !  and if ngrad=2, depsxc(:,3)=1/|grad rho_up|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|) == (1/|grho_up| * depsxcd|grho_up|) == (vxcgrho_up)
 481 !  depsxc(:,4)=1/|grad rho_down|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_down|) == (1/|grho_dn| * depsxcd|grho_dn|) == (vxcgrho_dn)
 482 !  depsxc(:,5)=1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|) == (1/|grho| * depsxcd|grho|) == (vxcgrho)
 483 !  and if use_laplacian, depsxc(:,6)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho_up) == (depsxcdlrho_up) == (vxclrho_up)
 484 !  depsxc(:,7)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho_dn) == (depsxcdlrho_dn) == (vxclrho_dn)
 485 !  Note: if nspden=4, rho_up=(rho+|m|)/2, rho_down=(rho-|m|)/2
 486    nspgrad=nspden_updn*ngrad;if(nspden_updn==2.and.ngrad==2)nspgrad=5
 487    if(uselaplacian==1) nspgrad=nspgrad+nspden_updn
 488    ABI_MALLOC(depsxc,(nfft,nspgrad))
 489    depsxc(:,:)=zero
 491 !  PAW: select the valence density (and magnetization) to use:
 492 !  link the correct density, according to usexcnhat option
 493    if ((.not.need_nhat).and.(.not.non_magnetic_xc)) then
 494      rhor_ => rhor
 495    else
 496      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_,(nfft,nspden))
 497      if (need_nhat) then
 498        do ispden=1,nspden
 499          do ifft=1,nfft
 500            rhor_(ifft,ispden)=rhor(ifft,ispden)-nhat(ifft,ispden)
 501          end do
 502        end do
 503      else
 504        do ispden=1,nspden
 505          do ifft=1,nfft
 506            rhor_(ifft,ispden)=rhor(ifft,ispden)
 507          end do
 508        end do
 509      end if
 510      if(non_magnetic_xc) then
 511        if(nspden==2) rhor_(:,2)=rhor_(:,1)*half
 512        if(nspden==4) rhor_(:,2:4)=zero
 513      endif
 514    end if
 515    if (usekden==1) then
 516      if(non_magnetic_xc) then
 517        ABI_MALLOC(taur_,(nfft,nspden))
 518        if(nspden==2) taur_(:,2)=taur_(:,1)*half
 519        if(nspden==4) taur_(:,2:4)=zero
 520      else
 521        taur_ => taur
 522      end if
 523    end if
 525 !  Some initializations for the electron-positron correlation
 526    if (ipositron==2) then
 527      nspden_apn=1;ngrad_apn=1;iwarnp=1
 528      if (electronpositron%ixcpositron==3.or.electronpositron%ixcpositron==31) ngrad_apn=2
 529      if (ngrad_apn==2.and.xcdata%xclevel<2) then
 530        message = 'GGA for the positron can only be performed with GGA pseudopotentials for the electron !'
 531        ABI_ERROR(message)
 532      end if
 533      if (ngrad_apn>1.and.option/=0.and.option/=1.and.option/=10.and.option/=12) then
 534        message = 'You cannot compute full GGA XC kernel for electrons-positron systems !'
 535        ABI_ERROR(message)
 536      end if
 537      ABI_MALLOC(depsxc_apn,(nfft,ngrad_apn))
 538    end if
 540 !  Non-collinear magnetism: store norm of magnetization
 541 !   m_norm_min= EPSILON(0.0_dp)**2 ! EB: TOO SMALL!!!
 542    m_norm_min=tol8  ! EB: tol14 is still too small, tests are underway
 543    if (nspden==4) then
 544      ABI_MALLOC(m_norm,(nfft))
 545      m_norm(:)=sqrt(rhor_(:,2)**2+rhor_(:,3)**2+rhor_(:,4)**2)
 546    end if
 548 !  rhocorval will contain effective density used to compute gradients:
 549 !  - with core density (if NLCC)
 550 !  - without compensation density (if PAW under certain conditions)
 551 !  - in (up+dn,up) or (n,mx,my,mz) format according to collinearity
 552 !  of polarization and use of gradients (GGA)
 553    if (n3xccc>0.or.test_nhat.or.nspden_eff/=nspden) then
 554      ABI_MALLOC(rhocorval,(nfft,nspden_eff))
 555      if (nspden==nspden_eff) then
 556        rhocorval(:,1:nspden)=rhor_(:,1:nspden)
 557      else if (nspden==4) then
 558        rhocorval(:,1)=rhor_(:,1)
 559        rhocorval(:,2)=half*(rhor_(:,1)+m_norm(:))
 560      else
 561        rhocorval=zero
 562      end if
 563    else
 564      rhocorval => rhor_
 565    end if
 566    if (usekden==1.and.(n3xctau>0.or.nspden_eff/=nspden)) then
 567      ABI_MALLOC(taucorval,(nfft,nspden_eff))
 568      if (nspden==nspden_eff) then
 569        taucorval(:,1:nspden)=taur_(:,1:nspden)
 570      else
 571        taucorval=zero
 572      end if
 573    else
 574      taucorval => taur_
 575    end if
 577 !  Add core electron density to effective density
 578    if (n3xccc>0) then
 579      rhocorval(:,1)=rhocorval(:,1)+xccc3d(:)
 580      if(nspden_eff==2) then
 581        rhocorval(:,2)=rhocorval(:,2)+half*xccc3d(:)
 582      end if
 583    end if
 584    if (n3xctau>0) then
 585      taucorval(:,1)=taucorval(:,1)+xcctau3d(:)
 586      if(nspden_eff==2) then
 587        taucorval(:,2)=taucorval(:,2)+half*xcctau3d(:)
 588      end if
 589    end if
 591 !  If PAW, substract compensation density from effective density:
 592 !  - if GGA, because nhat gradients are computed separately
 593    if (test_nhat.and.usexcnhat==1) then
 594      if (nspden==nspden_eff) then
 595        rhocorval(:,1:nspden)=rhocorval(:,1:nspden)-nhat(:,1:nspden)
 596      else if (nspden==4) then
 597        ABI_MALLOC(nhat_up,(nfft))
 598        do ifft=1,nfft
 599          if (m_norm(ifft)>m_norm_min) then
 600            nhat_up(ifft)=half*(nhat(ifft,1) &
 601 &           +(rhor_(ifft,2)*nhat(ifft,2) &
 602 &            +rhor_(ifft,3)*nhat(ifft,3) &
 603 &            +rhor_(ifft,4)*nhat(ifft,4))/m_norm(ifft))
 604          else
 605            nhat_up(ifft)=half*(nhat(ifft,1) &
 606 &           +sqrt(nhat(ifft,2)**2+nhat(ifft,3)**2+nhat(ifft,4)**2))
 607          end if
 608        end do
 609        rhocorval(:,1)=rhocorval(:,1)-nhat(:,1)
 610        rhocorval(:,2)=rhocorval(:,2)-nhat_up(:)
 611      end if
 612    end if
 614 !  rhonow will contain effective density (and gradients if GGA)
 615 !  taunow will contain effective kinetic energy density (if MetaGGA)
 616 !  lrhonow will contain the laplacian if we have a MGGA
 617    ABI_MALLOC(rhonow,(nfft,nspden_eff,ngrad*ngrad))
 618    ABI_MALLOC(lrhonow,(nfft,nspden_eff*uselaplacian))
 619    ABI_MALLOC(taunow,(nfft,nspden_eff,usekden))
 621 !  ====================================================================
 622 !  ====================================================================
 623 !  Loop on unshifted or shifted grids
 624    do ishift=0,xcdata%intxc
 626 !    Set up density on unshifted or shifted grid (will be in rhonow(:,:,1)),
 627 !    as well as the gradient of the density, also on the unshifted
 628 !    or shifted grid (will be in rhonow(:,:,2:4)), if needed.
 629      if (uselaplacian==1) then
 630        call xcden(cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,&
 631 &                 qphon,rhocorval,rhonow,lrhonow=lrhonow)
 632      else
 633        call xcden(cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,&
 634 &                 qphon,rhocorval,rhonow)
 635      end if
 636      if (usekden==1) then
 637        call xcden(cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,1,nspden_eff,&
 638 &                 qphon,taucorval,taunow)
 639      end if
 641 !    PAW+GGA: add "exact" gradients of compensation density
 642      !if (test_nhat.and.usexcnhat==1.and.ishift==0) then
 643      if (test_nhat.and.usexcnhat==1) then
 644        if (nspden==nspden_eff) then
 645          rhonow(:,1:nspden,1)=rhocorval(:,1:nspden)+nhat(:,1:nspden)
 646        else if (nspden==4) then
 647          rhonow(:,1,1)=rhocorval(:,1)+nhat(:,1)
 648          rhonow(:,2,1)=rhocorval(:,2)+nhat_up(:)
 649        end if
 650        if (ngrad==2.and.nhatgrdim==1.and.nspden==nspden_eff) then
 651          do ii=1,3
 652            jj=ii+1
 653            do ispden=1,nspden
 654              do ifft=1,nfft
 655                rhonow(ifft,ispden,jj)=rhonow(ifft,ispden,jj)+nhatgr(ifft,ispden,ii)
 656              end do
 657            end do
 658          end do
 659        end if
 660      end if
 662 !    Deallocate temporary arrays
 663      if (ishift==xcdata%intxc) then
 664        if (n3xccc>0.or.test_nhat.or.nspden_eff/=nspden)  then
 665          ABI_FREE(rhocorval)
 666        end if
 667        if (usekden==1.and.(n3xccc>0.or.nspden_eff/=nspden))  then
 668          ABI_FREE(taucorval)
 669        end if
 670        if (test_nhat.and.nspden/=nspden_eff.and.usexcnhat==1)  then
 671          ABI_FREE(nhat_up)
 672        end if
 673      end if
 675 !    In case of non-collinear magnetism, extract up and down density and gradients (if GGA)
 676      if (nspden==4.and.nspden_eff==nspden) then
 677        if (ngrad==2) then
 678          do ifft=1,nfft
 679            gm_norm(1:3)=zero
 680            if(m_norm(ifft)>m_norm_min) then
 681 !            if(m_norm(ifft)>rhonow(ifft,1,1)*tol10+tol14) then
 682              do jj=1,3  ! Compute here nabla(|m|)=(m.nabla(m))/|m| == (g|m| = m/|m| * gm)
 683                do ii=2,4
 684                  gm_norm(jj)=gm_norm(jj)+rhonow(ifft,ii,1+jj)*rhonow(ifft,ii,1)
 685                end do
 686              end do
 687              gm_norm(1:3)=gm_norm(1:3)/m_norm(ifft)
 688            end if
 689            rhonow(ifft,2,2)=half*(rhonow(ifft,1,2)+gm_norm(1))
 690            rhonow(ifft,2,3)=half*(rhonow(ifft,1,3)+gm_norm(2))
 691            rhonow(ifft,2,4)=half*(rhonow(ifft,1,4)+gm_norm(3))
 692          end do
 693        end if
 694        rhonow(:,2,1)=half*(rhonow(:,1,1)+m_norm(:))
 695        if (usekden==1) taunow(:,2,1)=half*(taunow(:,1,1)+m_norm(:))
 696      end if
 697 !    Make the density positive everywhere (but do not care about gradients)
 698      call mkdenpos(iwarn,nfft,nspden_updn,1,rhonow(:,1:nspden_updn,1),xcdata%xc_denpos)
 699      if (usekden==1) then
 700        call mkdenpos(iwarn,nfft,nspden_updn,1,taunow(:,1:nspden_updn,1),xcdata%xc_taupos)
 701      end if
 703 !    write(std_out,*) 'rhonow',rhonow
 705 !    Uses a block formulation, in order to save simultaneously
 706 !    CPU time and memory : xc routines
 707 !    are called only once over mpts times, while the amount of allocated
 708 !    space is kept at a low value, even if a lot of different
 709 !    arrays are allocated, for use in different xc functionals.
 711      mpts=4000
 712      if (usekden==1) mpts=nfft   ! Why?
 714      do ifft=1,nfft,mpts
 715 !      npts=mpts
 716 !      npts is the number of points to be treated in this bunch
 717        npts=min(nfft-ifft+1,mpts)
 719 !      Allocation of mandatory arguments of drivexc
 720        ABI_MALLOC(exc_b,(npts))
 721        ABI_MALLOC(rho_b,(npts))
 722        ABI_MALLOC(rho_b_updn,(npts,nspden_updn))
 723        ABI_MALLOC(vxcrho_b_updn,(npts,nspden_updn))
 724        vxcrho_b_updn(:,:)=zero
 726 !      Allocation of optional arguments of drivexc
 727        ABI_MALLOC(grho2_b_updn,(npts,(2*nspden_updn-1)*usegradient))
 728        ABI_MALLOC(lrho_b_updn,(npts,nspden_updn*uselaplacian))
 729        ABI_MALLOC(tau_b_updn,(npts,nspden_updn*usekden))
 730        ABI_MALLOC(vxcgrho_b_updn,(npts,nvxcgrho))
 731        ABI_MALLOC(vxclrho_b_updn,(npts,nvxclrho))
 732        ABI_MALLOC(vxctau_b_updn,(npts,nvxctau))
 733        ABI_MALLOC(dvxc_b,(npts,ndvxc))
 734        ABI_MALLOC(d2vxc_b,(npts,nd2vxc))
 735        ABI_MALLOC(fxc_b,(npts*usefxc))
 736        if (nvxcgrho>0) vxcgrho_b_updn(:,:)=zero
 737        if (nvxclrho>0) vxclrho_b_updn(:,:)=zero
 738        if (nvxctau>0) vxctau_b_updn(:,:)=zero
 740        do ipts=ifft,ifft+npts-1
 741 !        indx=ipts-ifft+1 varies from 1 to npts
 742          indx=ipts-ifft+1
 743          rho_b(indx)=rhonow(ipts,1,1)
 744          if(nspden_updn==1)then
 745            rho_b_updn(indx,1)=rhonow(ipts,1,1)*half
 746            if (usegradient==1) grho2_b_updn(indx,1)=quarter*(rhonow(ipts,1,2)**2 &
 747 &                                       +rhonow(ipts,1,3)**2+rhonow(ipts,1,4)**2)
 748            if (usekden==1) tau_b_updn(indx,1)=taunow(ipts,1,1)*half
 749            if (uselaplacian==1) lrho_b_updn(indx,1)=lrhonow(ipts,1)*half
 750          else
 751            rho_b_updn(indx,1)=rhonow(ipts,2,1)
 752            rho_b_updn(indx,2)=rhonow(ipts,1,1)-rhonow(ipts,2,1)
 753            if(usegradient==1)then
 754              grho2_b_updn(indx,1)=rhonow(ipts,2,2)**2+   &
 755 &             rhonow(ipts,2,3)**2+   &
 756 &             rhonow(ipts,2,4)**2
 757              grho2_b_updn(indx,2)=(rhonow(ipts,1,2)-rhonow(ipts,2,2))**2 +   &
 758 &             (rhonow(ipts,1,3)-rhonow(ipts,2,3))**2 +   &
 759 &             (rhonow(ipts,1,4)-rhonow(ipts,2,4))**2
 760              grho2_b_updn(indx,3)=rhonow(ipts,1,2)**2+   &
 761 &             rhonow(ipts,1,3)**2+   &
 762 &             rhonow(ipts,1,4)**2
 763            end if
 764            if (usekden==1) then
 765              tau_b_updn(indx,1)=taunow(ipts,2,1)
 766              tau_b_updn(indx,2)=taunow(ipts,1,1)-taunow(ipts,2,1)
 767            end if
 768            if (uselaplacian==1) then
 769              lrho_b_updn(indx,1)=lrhonow(ipts,2)
 770              lrho_b_updn(indx,2)=lrhonow(ipts,1)-lrhonow(ipts,2)
 771            end if
 772          end if
 773        end do
 774 !      In case of a hybrid functional, if one needs to compute the auxiliary GGA Kxc,
 775 !      a separate call to drivexc is first needed to compute Kxc using such auxiliary GGA,
 776 !      before calling again drivexc using the correct functional for Exc and Vxc.
 778        if(xcdata%usefock==1 .and. auxc_ixc/=0)then
 779          if (auxc_ixc<0) then
 780            call libxc_functionals_init(auxc_ixc,nspden,xc_functionals=xc_funcs_auxc)
 781          end if
 782          call drivexc(auxc_ixc,order,npts,nspden_updn,usegradient,0,0,&
 783 &          rho_b_updn,exc_b,vxcrho_b_updn,nvxcgrho,0,0,ndvxc,nd2vxc, &
 784 &          grho2_updn=grho2_b_updn,vxcgrho=vxcgrho_b_updn,dvxc=dvxc_b, &
 785 &          fxcT=fxc_b,hyb_mixing=xcdata%hyb_mixing,el_temp=xcdata%tphysel,&
 786 &          xc_funcs=xc_funcs_auxc)
 787 !        Transfer the xc kernel
 788          if (nkxc_eff==1.and.ndvxc==15) then
 789            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=half*(dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)+dvxc_b(1:npts,10))
 790          else if (nkxc_eff==3.and.ndvxc==15) then
 791            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)
 792            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2)=dvxc_b(1:npts,10)
 793            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,3)=dvxc_b(1:npts,2)+dvxc_b(1:npts,11)
 794          end if
 795          if (auxc_ixc<0) then
 796            call libxc_functionals_end(xc_functionals=xc_funcs_auxc)
 797          end if
 798        end if
 799        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
 800          call libxc_functionals_get_hybridparams(hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr=hyb_mixing_sr,&
 801 &                                                hyb_range=hyb_range,xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
 802        else
 803          call libxc_functionals_get_hybridparams(hyb_mixing=hyb_mixing,hyb_mixing_sr=hyb_mixing_sr,&
 804 &                                                hyb_range=hyb_range)
 805        end if
 807 !      Call to main XC driver
 808        if (present(xc_funcs)) then
 809          call drivexc(ixc,order,npts,nspden_updn,&
 810 &          usegradient,uselaplacian,usekden,&
 811 &          rho_b_updn,exc_b,vxcrho_b_updn,&
 812 &          nvxcgrho,nvxclrho,nvxctau,ndvxc,nd2vxc, &
 813 &          grho2_updn=grho2_b_updn,vxcgrho=vxcgrho_b_updn,&
 814 &          lrho_updn=lrho_b_updn,vxclrho=vxclrho_b_updn,&
 815 &          tau_updn=tau_b_updn,vxctau=vxctau_b_updn,&
 816 &          dvxc=dvxc_b,d2vxc=d2vxc_b,el_temp=xcdata%tphysel,fxcT=fxc_b,&
 817 &          hyb_mixing=xcdata%hyb_mixing,&
 818 &          xc_funcs=xc_funcs)
 819        else
 820          call drivexc(ixc,order,npts,nspden_updn,&
 821 &          usegradient,uselaplacian,usekden,&
 822 &          rho_b_updn,exc_b,vxcrho_b_updn,&
 823 &          nvxcgrho,nvxclrho,nvxctau,ndvxc,nd2vxc, &
 824 &          grho2_updn=grho2_b_updn,vxcgrho=vxcgrho_b_updn,&
 825 &          lrho_updn=lrho_b_updn,vxclrho=vxclrho_b_updn,&
 826 &          tau_updn=tau_b_updn,vxctau=vxctau_b_updn,&
 827 &          dvxc=dvxc_b,d2vxc=d2vxc_b,el_temp=xcdata%tphysel,fxcT=fxc_b,&
 828 &          hyb_mixing=xcdata%hyb_mixing)
 829        end if
 831 !      If fake meta-GGA, has to remove the core contribution
 832 !        when electronic effective mass has been modified
 833        if (n3xccc>0.and.(ixc==31.or.ixc==34.or.ixc==35)) then
 834          if (ixc==31.or.ixc==35) then
 835            coeff=one-(one/1.01_dp)
 836            if (nspden_updn==1) then
 837              coeff=half*coeff
 838              do ipts=1,npts
 839                exc_b(ipts)=exc_b(ipts)-coeff*xcctau3d(ifft+ipts-1) &
 840 &                         /rho_b_updn(ipts,1)
 841              end do
 842            else
 843              do ipts=1,npts
 844                exc_b(ipts)=exc_b(ipts)-coeff*xcctau3d(ifft+ipts-1) &
 845 &                         /(rho_b_updn(ipts,1)+rho_b_updn(ipts,2))
 846              end do
 847            end if
 848          else
 849            message = 'MetaGGA ixc=34 is not yet allowed with a core kinetic energy density!'
 850            ABI_ERROR(message)
 851          end if
 852        end if
 854 !      Gradient Weiszacker correction to a Thomas-Fermi functional
 855        if (my_add_tfw) then
 856          vxcgrho_b_updn(:,:)=zero
 857          call xctfw(xcdata%tphysel,exc_b,fxc_b,usefxc,rho_b_updn,vxcrho_b_updn,npts,nspden_updn, &
 858 &                   vxcgrho_b_updn,nvxcgrho,grho2_b_updn)
 859        end if
 861 !      Accumulate enxc, strsxc and store vxc (and eventually kxc)
 862        dstrsxc=zero
 863        do ipts=ifft,ifft+npts-1
 864          indx=ipts-ifft+1
 865          epsxc=epsxc+rho_b(indx)*exc_b(indx)  !will be normalized with respect to the volume later to get enxc ("bigexc").
 866          depsxc(ipts,1)=vxcrho_b_updn(indx,1)
 867          exc_str=exc_b(indx);if(usefxc==1) exc_str=fxc_b(indx)
 868          if(nspden_updn==1)then
 869            strdiag=rho_b(indx)*(exc_str-vxcrho_b_updn(indx,1))
 870          else if(nspden_updn==2)then
 871            depsxc(ipts,2)=vxcrho_b_updn(indx,2)
 872 !          Note : this is not the complete Vxc in the GGA case
 873            strdiag=rho_b(indx)*exc_str &
 874 &           -rho_b_updn(indx,1)*vxcrho_b_updn(indx,1)&
 875 &           -(rho_b(indx)-rho_b_updn(indx,1))*vxcrho_b_updn(indx,2)
 876          end if
 877          dstrsxc=dstrsxc+strdiag
 879 !        For GGAs, additional terms appear
 880 !        (the LB functional does not lead to additional terms)
 881          if(ngrad==2 .and. ixc/=13)then
 883 !          Treat explicitely spin up, spin down and total spin for spin-polarized
 884 !          Will exit when ispden=1 is finished if non-spin-polarized
 885            do ispden=1,3
 887              if(nspden_updn==1 .and. ispden>=2)exit
 889 !            If the norm of the gradient vanishes, then the different terms vanishes,
 890 !            but the inverse of the gradient diverges, so skip the update.
 891              if(grho2_b_updn(indx,ispden) < 1.0d-24) then
 892                depsxc(ipts,ispden+nspden_updn)=zero
 893                cycle
 894              end if
 896 !            Compute the derivative of n.e_xc wrt the
 897 !            spin up, spin down, or total density. In the non-spin-polarized
 898 !            case take the coefficient that will be multiplied by the
 899 !            gradient of the total density
 900              if(nspden_updn==1)then
 901 !              !              Definition of vxcgrho_b_updn changed in v3.3
 902                if (nvxcgrho == 3) then
 903                  coeff=half*vxcgrho_b_updn(indx,1) + vxcgrho_b_updn(indx,3)
 904                else
 905                  coeff=half*vxcgrho_b_updn(indx,1)
 906                end if
 907              else if(nspden_updn==2)then
 908                if (nvxcgrho == 3) then
 909                  coeff=vxcgrho_b_updn(indx,ispden)
 910                else if (ispden /= 3) then
 911                  coeff=vxcgrho_b_updn(indx,ispden)
 912                else if (ispden == 3) then
 913                  coeff=zero
 914                end if
 915              end if
 916              depsxc(ipts,ispden+nspden_updn)=coeff
 918 !            Store the gradient of up, down or total density, depending on ispden and nspden, at point ipts
 919              if(nspden_updn==1)then
 920                grho(1:3)=rhonow(ipts,1,2:4)
 921              else if(ispden==1 .and. nspden_updn==2)then
 922                grho(1:3)=rhonow(ipts,2,2:4)
 923              else if(ispden==2 .and. nspden_updn==2)then
 924                grho(1:3)=rhonow(ipts,1,2:4)-rhonow(ipts,2,2:4)
 925              else if(ispden==3 .and. nspden_updn==2)then
 926                grho(1:3)=rhonow(ipts,1,2:4)
 927              end if
 929 !            In case of ixc 31 (mGGA functional fake 1),
 930 !            skip the stress tensor to follow a LDA scheme (see doc/theory/MGGA/report_MGGA.pdf)
 931              if(ixc==31) cycle
 933 !            Compute the contribution to the stress tensor
 934              s1=-grho(1)*grho(1)*coeff
 935              s2=-grho(2)*grho(2)*coeff
 936              s3=-grho(3)*grho(3)*coeff
 937 !            The contribution of the next line comes from the part of Vxc
 938 !            obtained from the derivative wrt the gradient
 939              dstrsxc=dstrsxc+s1+s2+s3
 940              strsxc1_tot=strsxc1_tot+s1
 941              strsxc2_tot=strsxc2_tot+s2
 942              strsxc3_tot=strsxc3_tot+s3
 943              strsxc4_tot=strsxc4_tot-grho(3)*grho(2)*coeff
 944              strsxc5_tot=strsxc5_tot-grho(3)*grho(1)*coeff
 945              strsxc6_tot=strsxc6_tot-grho(2)*grho(1)*coeff
 947            end do
 948          end if
 950 !        For meta-GGAs, add the laplacian term (vxclrho) and/or kinetic energy density term (vxctau)
 951          if (usekden==1.and.with_vxctau) then
 952            if (nspden_updn==1)then
 953              vxctau(ipts,1,1) = vxctau_b_updn(indx,1)
 954            else if (nspden_updn==2)then
 955              vxctau(ipts,1,1) = vxctau_b_updn(indx,1)
 956              vxctau(ipts,2,1) = vxctau_b_updn(indx,2)
 957            end if
 958          end if
 959          if (uselaplacian==1) then
 960            if (nspden_updn==1)then
 961              depsxc(ipts,3) = vxclrho_b_updn(indx,1)
 962            else if (nspden_updn==2)then
 963              depsxc(ipts,6)   = vxclrho_b_updn(indx,1)
 964              depsxc(ipts,7)   = vxclrho_b_updn(indx,2)
 965            end if
 966          end if
 968        end do
 970 !      Additional electron-positron correlation terms
 971        if (ipositron==2) then
 972 !        Compute electron-positron XC energy per unit volume, potentials and derivatives
 973          ngr=0;if (ngrad_apn==2) ngr=npts
 974          ABI_MALLOC(fxc_apn,(npts))
 975          ABI_MALLOC(vxc_b_apn,(npts))
 976          ABI_MALLOC(vxcgr_apn,(ngr))
 977          ABI_MALLOC(vxc_ep,(npts))
 978          ABI_MALLOC(rhonow_apn,(npts,nspden_apn,1))
 979          ABI_MALLOC(grho2_apn,(ngr))
 980          rhonow_apn(1:npts,1,1)=electronpositron%rhor_ep(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)
 981          if (usexcnhat==0) rhonow_apn(1:npts,1,1)=rhonow_apn(1:npts,1,1)-electronpositron%nhat_ep(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)
 982          if (.not.electronpositron%posdensity0_limit) then
 983            call mkdenpos(iwarnp,npts,nspden_apn,1,rhonow_apn(:,1,1),xcdata%xc_denpos)
 984          end if
 985          if (ngrad_apn==2.and.usegradient==1) then
 986            if (nspden_apn==1) grho2_apn(:)=four*grho2_b_updn(:,1)
 987            if (nspden_apn==2) grho2_apn(:)=grho2_b_updn(:,3)
 988          end if
 989          if (ndvxc==0) then
 990            call xcpositron(fxc_apn,grho2_apn,electronpositron%ixcpositron,ngr,npts,&
 991 &           electronpositron%posdensity0_limit,rho_b,&
 992 &           rhonow_apn(:,1,1),vxc_b_apn,vxcgr_apn,vxc_ep)
 993          else
 994            ABI_MALLOC(dvxc_apn,(npts))
 995            call xcpositron(fxc_apn,grho2_apn,electronpositron%ixcpositron,ngr,npts,&
 996 &           electronpositron%posdensity0_limit,rho_b,&
 997 &           rhonow_apn(:,1,1),vxc_b_apn,vxcgr_apn,vxc_ep,dvxce=dvxc_apn)
 998          end if
 999          ABI_FREE(vxc_ep)
1000          ABI_FREE(rhonow_apn)
1001          ABI_FREE(grho2_apn)
1002 !        Accumulate electron-positron XC energies
1003          s1=zero
1004          do ipts=1,npts
1005            s1=s1+fxc_apn(ipts)
1006          end do
1007          electronpositron%e_xc=electronpositron%e_xc+s1*ucvol/dble(nfftot)
1008 !        Add electron-positron dVxc_el/dRho_el to electron-electron one
1009          if (ndvxc==1) dvxc_b(:,1)=dvxc_b(:,1)+dvxc_apn(:)
1010          if (ndvxc==3) then
1011            dvxc_b(:,1)=dvxc_b(:,1)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1012            dvxc_b(:,2)=dvxc_b(:,2)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1013            dvxc_b(:,3)=dvxc_b(:,3)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1014          end if
1015          if (ndvxc==15) then
1016            dvxc_b(:, 9)=dvxc_b(:, 9)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1017            dvxc_b(:,10)=dvxc_b(:,10)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1018            dvxc_b(:,11)=dvxc_b(:,11)+four*dvxc_apn(:)
1019          end if
1020 !        Modify stresses - Compute factors for GGA
1021          do ipts=ifft,ifft+npts-1
1022            indx=ipts-ifft+1
1023            depsxc_apn(ipts,1)=vxc_b_apn(indx)
1024            dstrsxc=dstrsxc+fxc_apn(indx)-rho_b(indx)*vxc_b_apn(indx)
1025            if (ngrad_apn==2) then
1026              depsxc_apn(ipts,2)=vxcgr_apn(indx)
1027              s1=-grho(1)*grho(1)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1028              s2=-grho(2)*grho(2)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1029              s3=-grho(3)*grho(3)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1030              dstrsxc=dstrsxc+s1+s2+s3
1031              strsxc1_tot=strsxc1_tot+s1
1032              strsxc2_tot=strsxc2_tot+s2
1033              strsxc3_tot=strsxc3_tot+s3
1034              strsxc4_tot=strsxc4_tot-grho(3)*grho(2)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1035              strsxc5_tot=strsxc5_tot-grho(3)*grho(1)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1036              strsxc6_tot=strsxc6_tot-grho(2)*grho(1)*vxcgr_apn(indx)
1037            end if ! GGA
1038          end do ! ipts
1039 !        Deallocations
1040          ABI_FREE(fxc_apn)
1041          ABI_FREE(vxc_b_apn)
1042          ABI_FREE(vxcgr_apn)
1043          if (ndvxc>0) then
1044            ABI_FREE(dvxc_apn)
1045          end if
1046        end if
1048 !      Transfer the xc kernel (if this must be done, and has not yet been done)
1049        if (nkxc_eff>0.and.ndvxc>0 .and. (xcdata%usefock==0 .or. auxc_ixc==0)) then
1050          if (nkxc_eff==1.and.ndvxc==15) then
1051            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=half*(dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)+dvxc_b(1:npts,10))
1052          else if (nkxc_eff==3.and.ndvxc==15) then
1053            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)
1054            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2)=dvxc_b(1:npts,10)
1055            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,3)=dvxc_b(1:npts,2)+dvxc_b(1:npts,11)
1056          else if (nkxc_eff==7.and.ndvxc==8) then
1057            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=half*dvxc_b(1:npts,1)
1058            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2)=half*dvxc_b(1:npts,3)
1059            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,3)=quarter*dvxc_b(1:npts,5)
1060            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,4)=eighth*dvxc_b(1:npts,7)
1061          else if (nkxc_eff==7.and.ndvxc==15) then
1062            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=half*(dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)+dvxc_b(1:npts,10))
1063            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2)=half*dvxc_b(1:npts,3)+dvxc_b(1:npts,12)
1064            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,3)=quarter*dvxc_b(1:npts,5)+dvxc_b(1:npts,13)
1065            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,4)=eighth*dvxc_b(1:npts,7)+dvxc_b(1:npts,15)
1066          else if (nkxc_eff==19.and.ndvxc==15) then
1067            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1)=dvxc_b(1:npts,1)+dvxc_b(1:npts,9)
1068            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2)=dvxc_b(1:npts,10)
1069            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,3)=dvxc_b(1:npts,2)+dvxc_b(1:npts,11)
1070            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,4)=dvxc_b(1:npts,3)
1071            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,5)=dvxc_b(1:npts,4)
1072            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,6)=dvxc_b(1:npts,5)
1073            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,7)=dvxc_b(1:npts,6)
1074            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,8)=dvxc_b(1:npts,7)
1075            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,9)=dvxc_b(1:npts,8)
1076            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,10)=dvxc_b(1:npts,12)
1077            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,11)=dvxc_b(1:npts,13)
1078            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,12)=dvxc_b(1:npts,14)
1079            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,13)=dvxc_b(1:npts,15)
1080          else ! All other cases
1081            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1:nkxc_eff)=zero
1082            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1:min(nkxc_eff,ndvxc))=dvxc_b(1:npts,1:min(nkxc_eff,ndvxc))
1083          end if
1084          if (nkxc_eff==7) then
1085            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,5)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,2)
1086            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,6)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,3)
1087            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,7)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,4)
1088          else if (nkxc_eff==19) then
1089            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,14)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,2)
1090            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,15)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2,2)
1091            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,16)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,3)
1092            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,17)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2,3)
1093            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,18)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1,4)
1094            kxc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,19)=rhonow(ifft:ifft+npts-1,2,4)
1095          end if
1096        end if
1098 !      Transfer the XC 3rd-derivative
1099        if (abs(option)==3.and.order==3.and.nd2vxc>0) then
1100          k3xc(ifft:ifft+npts-1,1:nd2vxc)=d2vxc_b(1:npts,1:nd2vxc)
1101        end if
1103 !      Add the diagonal part to the xc stress
1104        strsxc1_tot=strsxc1_tot+dstrsxc
1105        strsxc2_tot=strsxc2_tot+dstrsxc
1106        strsxc3_tot=strsxc3_tot+dstrsxc
1108 !      Accumulate integral of |Grad_rho|/Rho (to be used for TB09 XC)
1109        if (present(grho1_over_rho1).and.ixc<0) then
1110          if (present(xc_funcs)) then
1111            test_tb09=libxc_functionals_is_tb09(xc_functionals=xc_funcs)
1112          else
1113            test_tb09=libxc_functionals_is_tb09()
1114          end if
1115          if (test_tb09) then
1116            factor=merge(two,one,nspden_updn==1)
1117            jj=merge(1,3,nspden_updn==1)
1118            do ipts=ifft,ifft+npts-1
1119              indx=ipts-ifft+1
1120              if (abs(rho_b(indx))>tol10) then
1121                grho1_over_rho1=grho1_over_rho1+factor*sqrt(grho2_b_updn(indx,jj))/rho_b(indx)
1122              end if
1123            end do
1124          end if
1125        end if
1127        ABI_FREE(exc_b)
1128        ABI_FREE(rho_b)
1129        ABI_FREE(rho_b_updn)
1130        ABI_FREE(grho2_b_updn)
1131        ABI_FREE(vxcrho_b_updn)
1132        ABI_FREE(dvxc_b)
1133        ABI_FREE(d2vxc_b)
1134        ABI_FREE(vxcgrho_b_updn)
1135        ABI_FREE(fxc_b)
1136        ABI_FREE(vxclrho_b_updn)
1137        ABI_FREE(lrho_b_updn)
1138        ABI_FREE(tau_b_updn)
1139        ABI_FREE(vxctau_b_updn)
1141 !      End of the loop on blocks of data
1142      end do
1144      strsxc(1)=strsxc1_tot
1145      strsxc(2)=strsxc2_tot
1146      strsxc(3)=strsxc3_tot
1147      strsxc(4)=strsxc4_tot
1148      strsxc(5)=strsxc5_tot
1149      strsxc(6)=strsxc6_tot
1151 !    If GGA, multiply the gradient of the density by the proper
1152 !    local partial derivatives of the XC functional
1153      rhonow_ptr => rhonow
1154      if (ipositron==2) then
1155        ABI_MALLOC(rhonow_ptr,(nfft,nspden_eff,ngrad*ngrad))
1156        rhonow_ptr=rhonow
1157      end if
1158      if(ngrad==2 .and. ixc/=13)then
1159        call xcmult(depsxc,nfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,nspgrad,rhonow_ptr)
1160      end if
1162 !    Compute contribution from this grid to vxc, and ADD to existing vxc
1163      if (nspden/=4) then
1164        if(with_vxctau)then
1165          call xcpot(cplex,gprimd,ishift,uselaplacian,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,nspgrad,&
1166 &         qphon,depsxc=depsxc,rhonow=rhonow_ptr,vxc=vxc,vxctau=vxctau)
1167        else
1168          call xcpot(cplex,gprimd,ishift,uselaplacian,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,nspgrad,&
1169 &         qphon,depsxc=depsxc,rhonow=rhonow_ptr,vxc=vxc)
1170        end if
1172      else
1174 !      If non-collinear magnetism, restore potential in proper axis before adding it
1175        ABI_MALLOC(vxcrho_b_updn,(nfft,4))
1176        vxcrho_b_updn=zero
1177        call xcpot(cplex,gprimd,ishift,uselaplacian,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden_eff,nspgrad,&
1178 &       qphon,depsxc=depsxc,rhonow=rhonow_ptr,vxc=vxcrho_b_updn)
1179        do ifft=1,nfft
1180          dvdn=half*(vxcrho_b_updn(ifft,1)+vxcrho_b_updn(ifft,2))
1181          if(m_norm(ifft)>m_norm_min) then
1182 !          if(m_norm(ifft)>rhor_(ifft,1)*tol10+tol14) then
1183            dvdz=half*(vxcrho_b_updn(ifft,1)-vxcrho_b_updn(ifft,2))/m_norm(ifft)
1184            vxc(ifft,1)=vxc(ifft,1)+dvdn+rhor_(ifft,4)*dvdz
1185            vxc(ifft,2)=vxc(ifft,2)+dvdn-rhor_(ifft,4)*dvdz
1186            vxc(ifft,3)=vxc(ifft,3)+rhor_(ifft,2)*dvdz
1187            vxc(ifft,4)=vxc(ifft,4)-rhor_(ifft,3)*dvdz
1188          else
1189            vxc(ifft,1:2)=vxc(ifft,1:2)+dvdn
1190          end if
1191        end do
1192        ABI_FREE(vxcrho_b_updn)
1193      end if
1194      if (ipositron==2)  then
1195        ABI_FREE(rhonow_ptr)
1196      end if
1197      nullify(rhonow_ptr)
1199 !    Add electron-positron XC potential to electron-electron one
1200 !    Eventually compute GGA contribution
1201      if (ipositron==2) then
1202        ABI_MALLOC(rhonow_apn,(nfft,nspden_apn,ngrad_apn**2))
1203        rhonow_apn(1:nfft,1,1:ngrad_apn**2)=rhonow(1:nfft,1,1:ngrad_apn**2)
1204        if (ngrad_apn==2) then
1205          call xcmult(depsxc_apn,nfft,ngrad_apn,nspden_apn,ngrad_apn,rhonow_apn)
1206        end if
1207        ABI_MALLOC(vxc_apn,(nfft,nspden_apn))
1208        vxc_apn=zero
1209        call xcpot(cplex,gprimd,ishift,0,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad_apn,&
1210 &       nspden_apn,ngrad_apn,qphon,depsxc=depsxc_apn,rhonow=rhonow_apn,vxc=vxc_apn)
1211        vxc(:,1)=vxc(:,1)+vxc_apn(:,1)
1212        if (nspden_updn==2) vxc(:,2)=vxc(:,2)+vxc_apn(:,1)
1213        s1=zero
1214        do ipts=1,nfft
1215          s1=s1+vxc_apn(ipts,1)*rhonow(ipts,1,1)
1216        end do
1217        electronpositron%e_xcdc=electronpositron%e_xcdc+s1*ucvol/dble(nfftot)
1218        ABI_FREE(rhonow_apn)
1219        ABI_FREE(vxc_apn)
1220        ABI_FREE(depsxc_apn)
1221      end if
1223 !    End loop on unshifted or shifted grids
1224    end do
1226 !  Calculate van der Waals correction when requested
1227 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
1228    if ( (xcdata%vdw_xc > 0) .and. (xcdata%vdw_xc < 3) .and. (xc_vdw_status()) ) then
1229      call xc_vdw_aggregate(ucvol,gprimd,nfft,nspden_updn,ngrad*ngrad, &
1230 &     ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),rhonow, &
1231 &     deltae_vdw,exc_vdw,decdrho_vdw,decdgrho_vdw,strsxc_vdw)
1232    end if
1233 #else
1234    if ( (xcdata%vdw_xc > 0) .and. (xcdata%vdw_xc < 3) ) then
1235      write(message,'(3a)')&
1236 &     'vdW-DF functionals are not fully operational yet.',ch10,&
1237 &     'Action : modify vdw_xc'
1238      ABI_ERROR(message)
1239    end if
1240 #endif
1241 !  Normalize enxc, strsxc and vxc
1242    divshft=one/dble(xcdata%intxc+1)
1243    strsxc(:)=strsxc(:)/dble(nfftot)*divshft
1244    enxc=epsxc*ucvol/dble(nfftot)*divshft
1245    vxc=vxc*divshft
1246    if (with_vxctau) vxctau=vxctau*divshft
1247    if (present(grho1_over_rho1)) grho1_over_rho1=grho1_over_rho1*ucvol/dble(nfftot)*divshft
1249 !  Reduction in case of FFT distribution
1250    if (nproc_fft>1)then
1251      call timab(48,1,tsec)
1252      call xmpi_sum(strsxc,comm_fft ,ierr)
1253      call xmpi_sum(enxc  ,comm_fft ,ierr)
1254      if (present(grho1_over_rho1))  then
1255        call xmpi_sum(grho1_over_rho1,comm_fft ,ierr)
1256      end if
1257      if (ipositron==2) then
1258        s1=electronpositron%e_xc;s2=electronpositron%e_xcdc
1259        call xmpi_sum(s1,comm_fft ,ierr)
1260        call xmpi_sum(s2,comm_fft ,ierr)
1261        electronpositron%e_xc=s1;electronpositron%e_xcdc=s2
1262      end if
1263      call timab(48,2,tsec)
1264    end if
1266 !  Compute vxcavg
1267    call mean_fftr(vxc,vxcmean,nfft,nfftot,min(nspden,2),mpi_comm_sphgrid=comm_fft)
1268    if(nspden==1)then
1269      vxcavg=vxcmean(1)
1270    else
1271      vxcavg=half*(vxcmean(1)+vxcmean(2))
1272    end if
1274    ABI_FREE(depsxc)
1275    ABI_FREE(rhonow)
1276    ABI_FREE(lrhonow)
1277    ABI_FREE(taunow)
1278    if (need_nhat.or.non_magnetic_xc) then
1279      ABI_FREE(rhor_)
1280    end if
1281    if ((usekden==1).and.(non_magnetic_xc)) then
1282      ABI_FREE(taur_)
1283    end if
1284    if (allocated(m_norm))  then
1285      ABI_FREE(m_norm)
1286    end if
1288  end if
1290 !Treat separately the Fermi-Amaldi correction.
1291  if (ixc==20 .or. ixc==21 .or. ixc==22) then
1292    if(present(vhartr))then
1294 !    Fermi-Amaldi correction : minus Hartree divided by the
1295 !    number of electrons per unit cell. This is not size consistent, but
1296 !    interesting for isolated systems with a few electrons.
1297 !    nelect=ucvol*rhog(1,1)
1298      factor=-one/xcdata%nelect
1299      vxc(:,1)=factor*vhartr(:)
1300      if(nspden>=2) vxc(:,2)=factor*vhartr(:)
1302 !    Compute corresponding xc energy and stress as well as vxcavg
1303      call dotprod_vn(1,rhor,enxc,doti,nfft,nfftot,1,1,vxc,ucvol,mpi_comm_sphgrid=comm_fft)
1304      enxc=half*enxc
1305      strsxc(1:3)=-enxc/ucvol
1307 !    Compute average of vxc (one component only).
1308      call mean_fftr(vxc,vxcmean,nfft,nfftot,1,mpi_comm_sphgrid=comm_fft)
1309      vxcavg = vxcmean(1)
1310 !    For ixc=20, the local exchange-correlation kernel is zero, but the Hartree
1311 !    kernel will be modified in tddft. No other use of kxc should be made with ixc==20
1312      if(nkxc/=0 .and. ixc==20) kxc(:,:)=zero
1313 !    For ixc=21 or 22, the LDA (ixc=1) kernel has been computed previously.
1315    else
1317      ABI_BUG('When ixc=20,21 or 22, vhartr needs to be present in the call to rhotoxc !')
1319    end if
1321  end if
1323 !Add van der Waals terms
1324 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
1325  if ( (xcdata%vdw_xc > 0) .and. (xcdata%vdw_xc < 10) .and. (xc_vdw_status()) ) then
1326    enxc = enxc + exc_vdw + deltae_vdw
1327    do ispden=1,nspden
1328      vxc(:,ispden) = vxc(:,ispden) + decdrho_vdw(:,ispden)
1329    end do
1330    strsxc(1) = strsxc(1) + strsxc_vdw(1,1)
1331    strsxc(2) = strsxc(2) + strsxc_vdw(2,2)
1332    strsxc(3) = strsxc(3) + strsxc_vdw(3,3)
1333    strsxc(4) = strsxc(4) + strsxc_vdw(3,2)
1334    strsxc(5) = strsxc(5) + strsxc_vdw(3,1)
1335    strsxc(6) = strsxc(6) + strsxc_vdw(2,1)
1336  end if
1337 #endif
1338  if ( present(exc_vdw_out) ) exc_vdw_out = exc_vdw
1340  call timab(81,2,tsec)
1342  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1344 end subroutine rhotoxc