ABINIT/xcpot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Process data after calling local or semi-local xc evaluators
 The derivative of Exc with respect to the density, gradient of density
 in case of GGAs, and Laplacian of density in case of meta-GGA
 are contained in depsxc(:,:).
 In case of GGAs (and meta-GGAs) the gradient of the density contained 
 in rhonow(:,:,2:4) is already multiplied by the local partial derivative
 of the XC functional.
 Can take into account a shift of the grid, for purpose of better accuracy


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, DRH)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  cplex=if 1, real space 1-order functions on FFT grid are REAL, if 2, COMPLEX
  depsxc(cplex*nfft,nspgrad)=derivative of Exc with respect to the (spin-)density,
    or to the norm of the gradient of the (spin-)density,
    further divided by the norm of the gradient of the (spin-)density
   The different components of depsxc will be
   for nspden=1,         depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho)
     and if ngrad=2,     depsxc(:,2)=1/2*1/|grad rho_up|*d(n.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|)
                                     +1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|)
     and if mgga=1,      depsxc(:,3)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho)
   for nspden>=2,        depsxc(:,1)=d(rho.exc)/d(rho_up)
     and if ngrad=2,     depsxc(:,3)=1/|grad rho_up|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_up|)
                         depsxc(:,4)=1/|grad rho_down|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho_down|)
                         depsxc(:,5)=1/|grad rho|*d(rho.exc)/d(|grad rho|)
     and if mgga=1,      depsxc(:,6)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho_up)
                         depsxc(:,7)=d(rho.exc)/d(lapl rho_down)
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in reciprocal space (bohr^-1)
  ishift : if ==0, do not shift the xc grid (usual case);
           if ==1, shift the xc grid
  mgga : 1 if we use a meta-GGA functional.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngrad : =1, only take into account derivative wrt the density ;
          =2, also take into account derivative wrt the gradient of the density.
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspgrad=number of spin-density and spin-density-gradient components
  qphon(3)=reduced coordinates for the phonon wavelength (needed if cplex==2).
  rhonow(cplex*nfft,nspden,ngrad*ngrad)=electron (spin)-density in real space and
     eventually its gradient already multiplied by the local partial derivative
     of the XC functional, either on the unshifted grid (if ishift==0,
     then equal to rhor), or on the shifted grid
    rhonow(:,:,1)=electron density in electrons/bohr**3
    if ngrad==2 : rhonow(:,:,2:4)=gradient of electron density in el./bohr**4,
     times local partial derivative of the functional, as required by the GGA
    In this routine, rhonow is used only in the GGA case (ngrad=2).


  (see side effects)


  vxc(cplex*nfft,nspden)=xc potential (spin up in first half and spin down in
   second half if nspden>=2). Contribution from the present shifted
   or unshifted grid is ADDED to the input vxc data.
  vxctau(cplex*nfft,nspden,4)=derivative of XC energy density with respect to
   kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau). The arrays vxctau(nfft,nspden,4) contains also
   the gradient of vxctau (gvxctau) which will be computed here in vxctau(:,:,2:4).






 81 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 82 #include "config.h"
 83 #endif
 85 #include "abi_common.h"
 87 subroutine xcpot (cplex,depsxc,gprimd,ishift,mgga,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ngrad,nspden,&
 88 & nspgrad,paral_kgb,qphon,rhonow,vxc,&
 89 & vxctau) ! optional argument
 91  use defs_basis
 92  use defs_abitypes
 93  use m_profiling_abi
 94  use m_errors
 96  use m_mpinfo,  only : ptabs_fourdp
 98 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 99 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
100 #undef ABI_FUNC
101 #define ABI_FUNC 'xcpot'
102  use interfaces_18_timing
103  use interfaces_53_ffts
104  use interfaces_56_xc, except_this_one => xcpot
105 !End of the abilint section
107  implicit none
109 !Arguments ------------------------------------
110 !scalars
111  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,ishift,mgga,nfft,ngrad,nspden,nspgrad,paral_kgb
112  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
113 !arrays
114  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
115  real(dp),intent(in) :: depsxc(cplex*nfft,nspgrad),gprimd(3,3),qphon(3)
116  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhonow(cplex*nfft,nspden,ngrad*ngrad)
117  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vxc(cplex*nfft,nspden) !vz_i
118  real(dp),intent(inout),optional :: vxctau(cplex*nfft,nspden,4)
120 !Local variables-------------------------------
121 !scalars
122  integer :: i1,i2,i3,id1,id2,id3,idir,ifft,ig1,ig2,ig3,ispden,n1,n2,n3,qeq0
123  real(dp),parameter :: lowden=1.d-14,precis=1.d-15
124  real(dp) :: gc23_idir,gcart_idir,ph123i,ph123r,ph1i,ph1r,ph23i,ph23r,ph2i,ph2r
125  real(dp) :: ph3i,ph3r,work_im,work_re
126  character(len=500) :: message
127 !arrays
128  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:)
129  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
130  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
131  real(dp),allocatable :: gcart1(:),gcart2(:),gcart3(:),ph1(:),ph2(:),ph3(:)
132  real(dp),allocatable :: wkcmpx(:,:),wkcmpxtau(:,:)
133  real(dp),allocatable :: work(:),workgr(:,:),worklp(:,:),worktau(:,:)
135 ! *************************************************************************
137  if (ishift/=0 .and. ishift/=1) then
138    write(message, '(a,i0)' )' ishift must be 0 or 1 ; input was',ishift
139    MSG_BUG(message)
140  end if
142  if (ngrad/=1 .and. ngrad/=2 ) then
143    write(message, '(a,i0)' )' ngrad must be 1 or 2 ; input was',ngrad
144    MSG_BUG(message)
145  end if
147 !Keep local copy of fft dimensions
148  n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
150 !Initialize computation of G in cartesian coordinates
151  id1=n1/2+2  ; id2=n2/2+2  ; id3=n3/2+2
153  !Get the distrib associated with this fft_grid 
154  call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,n2,n3,fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
156 !Check whether q=0
157  qeq0=0
158  if(qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2<1.d-15) qeq0=1
160  if(ishift==0)then ! Add the value of depsxc to vxc
161    do ispden=1,min(nspden,2)
162 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,depsxc,nfft,vxc,ispden)
163      do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
164        vxc(ifft,ispden)=vxc(ifft,ispden)+depsxc(ifft,ispden)
165      end do
166    end do
168  end if
170 !If the grid is shifted, or if gradient corrections are present, there must be FFTs.
171  if(ishift==1 .or. ngrad==2)then
173    ABI_ALLOCATE( wkcmpx,(2,nfft))
174    ABI_ALLOCATE(work,(cplex*nfft))
176    if(ishift==1)then
177      ABI_ALLOCATE( ph1,(2*n1))
178      ABI_ALLOCATE(ph2,(2*n2))
179      ABI_ALLOCATE(ph3,(2*n3))
180 !    Precompute phases (The phases correspond to a shift of density on real space
181 !    grid from center at 0 0 0 to (1/2)*(1/n1,1/n2,1/n3).)
182      call phase(n1,ph1)
183      call phase(n2,ph2)
184      call phase(n3,ph3)
185    end if
187    do ispden=1,min(nspden,2)
189 !    Initialize wkcmpx either to 0 or to the shifted vxc value
190      if(ishift==0)then
191 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(nfft,wkcmpx)
192        do ifft=1,nfft
193          wkcmpx(:,ifft)=zero
194        end do
196      else
197 !      Obtain depsxc(G)*phase in wkcmpx from input depsxc(r+delta)
198 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,depsxc,ispden,nfft,work)
199        do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
200          work(ifft)=depsxc(ifft,ispden)
201        end do
202        call timab(82,1,tsec)
203        call fourdp(cplex,wkcmpx,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
204        call timab(82,2,tsec)
205      end if
207 !    If gradient correction is present, take care of the three components now
208 !    Note : this operation is done on the eventually shifted grid
209      if(ngrad==2)then
210        ABI_ALLOCATE(gcart1,(n1))
211        ABI_ALLOCATE(gcart2,(n2))
212        ABI_ALLOCATE(gcart3,(n3))
213        ABI_ALLOCATE(workgr,(2,nfft))
214        if(mgga==1)  then
215          ABI_ALLOCATE(worklp,(2,nfft))
216        end if
217        if(present(vxctau))  then
218          ABI_ALLOCATE(worktau,(2,nfft))
219          ABI_ALLOCATE(wkcmpxtau,(2,nfft))
220        end if
222        do idir=1,3
223 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,idir,ispden,nfft,rhonow,work)
224          do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
225            work(ifft)=rhonow(ifft,ispden,1+idir)
226          end do
228          call timab(82,1,tsec)
229          call fourdp(cplex,workgr,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
230          call timab(82,2,tsec)
232 !        IF Meta-GGA then take care of the laplacian term involved.
233 !        Note : this operation is done on the eventually shifted grid
234          if(mgga==1)then
235 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,idir,ispden,nspden,nfft,depsxc,work)
236            do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
237              if(nspden==1)then
238                work(ifft)=depsxc(ifft,2+ispden)
239              else if(nspden==2)then
240                work(ifft)=depsxc(ifft,5+ispden)
241              end if
242            end do
244            call timab(82,1,tsec)
245            call fourdp(cplex,worklp,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
246            call timab(82,2,tsec)
247          end if
249          if(present(vxctau))then
250 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,ispden,nfft,vxctau,work)
251            do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
252              work(ifft)=vxctau(ifft,ispden,1)
253            end do
255            call timab(82,1,tsec)
256            call fourdp(cplex,worktau,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
257            call timab(82,2,tsec)
258          end if ! present vxctau
260          do i1=1,n1
261            ig1=i1-(i1/id1)*n1-1
262            gcart1(i1)=gprimd(idir,1)*two_pi*(dble(ig1)+qphon(1))
263          end do
264 !        Note that the G <-> -G symmetry must be maintained
265          if(mod(n1,2)==0 .and. qeq0==1)gcart1(n1/2+1)=zero
266          do i2=1,n2
267            ig2=i2-(i2/id2)*n2-1
268            gcart2(i2)=gprimd(idir,2)*two_pi*(dble(ig2)+qphon(2))
269          end do
270          if(mod(n2,2)==0 .and. qeq0==1)gcart2(n2/2+1)=zero
271          do i3=1,n3
272            ig3=i3-(i3/id3)*n3-1
273            gcart3(i3)=gprimd(idir,3)*two_pi*(dble(ig3)+qphon(3))
274          end do
275          if(mod(n3,2)==0 .and. qeq0==1)gcart3(n3/2+1)=zero
277 !        !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft,i1,i2,i3,gc23_idir,gcart_idir) &
278 !        !$OMP&SHARED(gcart1,gcart2,gcart3,n1,n2,n3,wkcmpx,workgr)
279          ifft = 0
280          do i3=1,n3
281            do i2=1,n2
282              gc23_idir=gcart2(i2)+gcart3(i3)
283              if (fftn2_distrib(i2)==mpi_enreg%me_fft) then
284                do i1=1,n1
285                  ifft=ifft+1
286                  gcart_idir=gc23_idir+gcart1(i1)
287 !                Multiply by - i 2pi G(idir) and accumulate in wkcmpx
288                  wkcmpx(1,ifft)=wkcmpx(1,ifft)+gcart_idir*workgr(2,ifft)
289                  wkcmpx(2,ifft)=wkcmpx(2,ifft)-gcart_idir*workgr(1,ifft)
290                  if(mgga==1)then
291 !                  Multiply by - i 2pi G(idir) and accumulate in wkcmpx
292                    wkcmpx(1,ifft)=wkcmpx(1,ifft)-gcart_idir**2*worklp(1,ifft)
293                    wkcmpx(2,ifft)=wkcmpx(2,ifft)-gcart_idir**2*worklp(2,ifft)
294                  end if
295                  if(present(vxctau))then
296                    wkcmpxtau(1,ifft)= gcart_idir*worktau(2,ifft)
297                    wkcmpxtau(2,ifft)=-gcart_idir*worktau(1,ifft)
298                  end if 
299                end do
300              end if
301            end do
302          end do
304          if(present(vxctau))then
305            call timab(82,1,tsec)
306            call fourdp(cplex,wkcmpxtau,work,1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
307            call timab(82,2,tsec)
309 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,ispden,nfft,vxctau,work)
310            do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
311              vxctau(ifft,ispden,1+idir)=work(ifft)
312            end do
313          end if ! present vxctau
315        end do ! enddo idir
316        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gcart1)
317        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gcart2)
318        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gcart3)
319        ABI_DEALLOCATE(workgr)
320        if(mgga==1)then
321          ABI_DEALLOCATE(worklp)
322        end if
323        if(present(vxctau)) then
324          ABI_DEALLOCATE(worktau)
325          ABI_DEALLOCATE(wkcmpxtau)
326        end if
327      end if
329 !    wkcmpx(:,:) contains now the full exchange-correlation potential, but
330 !    eventually for the shifted grid
332      if(ishift==1)then
333 !      Take away the phase to get depsxc(G)
334        ifft=0
335        do i3=1,n3
336          ph3r=ph3(2*i3-1)
337          ph3i=ph3(2*i3  )
338          do i2=1,n2
339            ph2r=ph2(2*i2-1)
340            ph2i=ph2(2*i2  )
341            ph23r=ph2r*ph3r-ph2i*ph3i
342            ph23i=ph2i*ph3r+ph2r*ph3i
343            if (fftn2_distrib(i2)==mpi_enreg%me_fft) then
344              do i1=1,n1
345                ifft=ifft+1
346                ph1r=ph1(2*i1-1)
347                ph1i=ph1(2*i1  )
348                ph123r=ph1r*ph23r-ph1i*ph23i
349                ph123i=ph1i*ph23r+ph1r*ph23i
350 !              Multiply by phase.  Must use intermediate variables !
351                work_re= ph123r*wkcmpx(1,ifft)+ph123i*wkcmpx(2,ifft)
352                work_im=-ph123i*wkcmpx(1,ifft)+ph123r*wkcmpx(2,ifft)
353                wkcmpx(1,ifft)=work_re
354                wkcmpx(2,ifft)=work_im
355              end do
356            end if
357          end do
358        end do
359      end if
361      call timab(82,1,tsec)
362      call fourdp(cplex,wkcmpx,work,1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,paral_kgb,0)
363      call timab(82,2,tsec)
365 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ifft) SHARED(cplex,ispden,nfft,vxc,work)
366      do ifft=1,cplex*nfft
367        vxc(ifft,ispden)=vxc(ifft,ispden)+work(ifft)
368      end do
370    end do ! End loop on spins
372    if(ishift==1)  then
373      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph1)
374      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph2)
375      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ph3)
376    end if
377    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wkcmpx)
378    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work)
380  end if ! End condition on ishift
382 end subroutine xcpot