ABINIT/m_inkpts [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Routines to initialize k-point and q-point sampling from input file.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_inkpts
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_nctk
29 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
30  use netcdf
31 #endif
32  use m_hdr
34  use m_time,      only : timab
35  use m_fstrings,  only : sjoin, itoa
36  use m_numeric_tools, only : isdiagmat
37  use m_geometry,  only : metric
38  use m_symfind,   only : symfind, symlatt
39  use m_cgtools,   only : set_istwfk
40  use m_parser,    only : intagm
41  use m_kpts,      only : getkgrid, testkgrid, mknormpath
43  implicit none
45  private

m_inkpts/inkpts [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inkpts ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize k points (list of k points, weights, storage)
 for one particular dataset, characterized by jdtset.
 Note that nkpt (and nkpthf) can be computed by calling this routine with input value of nkpt=0, provided kptopt /= 0.


 bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
              bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprim in the axes of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
 chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric, and stop if not.
 [impose_istwf_1]= (optional argument):
                 0: no restriction on istwfk
                 1: impose istwfk=1 for all k points
                 2: impose istwfk=1 for all k points non equal to zero
 iout=unit number for echoed output
 iscf= <= 0 => non-SCF, >0 => SCF.
 jdtset=number of the dataset looked for
 lenstr=actual length of the string
 kptopt=option for the generation of k points
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 getkerange_filepath= Path of file used to initialize k-point sampling if kptopt == 0 and string != ABI_NOFILE
 nqpt=number of q points (0 or 1)
 nsym=number of symetries
 occopt=option for occupation numbers
 qptn(3)=reduced coordinates of eventual q point shift (already normalized).
 response=0 if GS case, =1 if RF case.
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
 string*(*)=character string containing all the input data. Initialized previously in instrng.
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum
 comm= MPI communicator


 fockdownsampling(3)=echo of input variable fockdownsampling(3)
 kptnrm=normalisation of k points
 kptrlatt_orig(3,3)=Original value of kptrlatt as specified in the input file (if kptopt/=0)
 kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification (if kptopt/=0)
 kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector
 nshiftk_orig=Original number of k-point shifts (0 if not read)
 nshiftk=actual number of k-point shifts in shiftk (if kptopt/=0)
 shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)=shift vectors for k point generation (if kptopt/=0)
 If nkpt/=0  the following arrays are also output:
   istwfk(nkpt)=option parameters that describes the storage of wfs
   kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
   kpthf(3,nkpthf)=reduced coordinates of k points for Fock operator.
   wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
 ngkpt(3)=Number of divisions along the three reduced directions
   (0 signals that this variable has not been used.
 shiftk_orig(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)=Original shifts read from the input file
   (0 signals that this variable has not been read).


 nkpt=number of k points
  if non-zero at input, is only an input variable
  if zero at input, its actual value will be computed
 nkpthf=number of k points for Fock operator, computed if nkpt=0 at input


 Warning: this routine can be called with nkpt=0 (in which
 case it returns the true value of nkpt), which can lead
 to strange bugs in the debugging procedure, if one tries to print wtk or istwfk, in this case!


125 subroutine inkpts(bravais,chksymbreak,fockdownsampling,iout,iscf,istwfk,jdtset,&
126 & kpt,kpthf,kptopt,kptnrm,kptrlatt_orig,kptrlatt,kptrlen,lenstr,msym, getkerange_filepath, &
127 & nkpt,nkpthf,nqpt,ngkpt,nshiftk,nshiftk_orig,shiftk_orig,nsym,&
128 & occopt,qptn,response,rprimd,shiftk,string,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,comm,&
129 & impose_istwf_1) ! Optional argument
131 !Arguments ------------------------------------
132 !scalars
133  integer,intent(in) :: chksymbreak,iout,iscf,jdtset,kptopt,lenstr,msym,nqpt,nsym,occopt
134  integer,intent(in) :: response, comm
135  integer,intent(in),optional :: impose_istwf_1
136  integer,intent(inout) :: nkpt,nkpthf
137  integer,intent(out) :: nshiftk,nshiftk_orig
138  integer,intent(out) :: fockdownsampling(3)
139  real(dp),intent(out) :: kptnrm,kptrlen
140  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
141  character(len=*),intent(in) :: getkerange_filepath
142 !arrays
143  integer,intent(in) :: bravais(11),symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
144  integer,intent(out) :: istwfk(nkpt),kptrlatt(3,3),kptrlatt_orig(3,3),ngkpt(3)
145  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),qptn(3)
146  real(dp),intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt),kpthf(3,nkpthf),shiftk(3,MAX_NSHIFTK),wtk(nkpt),shiftk_orig(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
148 !Local variables-------------------------------
149 !scalars
150  integer,parameter :: master = 0
151  integer :: dkpt,ii,ikpt,jkpt,marr,ndiv_small,nkpt_computed,my_rank,nprocs
152  integer :: nsegment,prtkpt,tread,tread_kptrlatt,tread_ngkpt, ncid, fform, ierr
153  logical :: use_kerange
154  real(dp) :: fraction,norm,ucvol,wtksum
155  character(len=500) :: msg
156  type(hdr_type) :: hdr
157 !arrays
158  integer,allocatable :: ndivk(:),intarr(:), krange2ibz(:)
159  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),kpoint(3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
160  real(dp),allocatable :: kptbounds(:,:),dprarr(:)
162 ! *************************************************************************
164  call timab(192,1,tsec)
166  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
168  ! Compute the maximum size of arrays intarr and dprarr
169  marr = max(3*nkpt,3*MAX_NSHIFTK)
170  ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
171  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
173  ! Use zero to signal that these values have not been read.
174  ngkpt = 0
175  shiftk_orig = zero
176  kptrlatt_orig = 0; kptrlatt = 0
177  nshiftk_orig = 1; nshiftk = 1
178  use_kerange = .False.
180  !fockdownsampling(:)=1
181  !kptnrm = one
182  !kpthf = zero
184  ! MG: FIXME These values should be initialized because they are intent(out)
185  ! but several tests fails. So we keep this bug to avoid problems somewhere else
186  ! The initialization of the kpoints should be rewritten in a cleaner way
187  ! without all these side effects!
188  !shiftk = zero
189  ! Initializing these three variables is OK but we keep the bug to preserve the old behavior
190  !wtk = one
191  !kpt = zero
192  !istwfk = 1
194  ! Initialize kptrlen
195  kptrlen=30.0_dp
196  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptrlen',tread,'DPR')
197  if(tread==1)kptrlen=dprarr(1)
199  ! Initialize kpt, kptnrm and wtk according to kptopt.
200  if (kptopt == 0 .and. getkerange_filepath == ABI_NOFILE) then
201    ! For kptopt==0, one must have nkpt defined.
202    kpt(:,:)=zero
203    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'kpt',tread,'DPR')
204    if(tread==1) kpt(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nkpt), [3,nkpt])
206    kptnrm=one
207    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptnrm',tread,'DPR')
208    if(tread==1) kptnrm=dprarr(1)
210    ! Only read wtk when iscf >0 or iscf=-1 or iscf=-3 or (iscf=-2 and response=1)
211    ! (this last option is for Zach Levine)
212    ! Normalize the k-point weights when occopt/=2
213    ! Check that k point weights add to 1 when occopt==2
214    if  (iscf>0.or.iscf==-1.or.iscf==-3.or.(iscf==-2.and.response==1))  then
215      wtk = one
216      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'wtk',tread,'DPR')
217      if(tread==1) wtk(1:nkpt)=dprarr(1:nkpt)
219      wtksum=sum(wtk(:))
220      write(msg,'(a,i0,a,f12.6)')' inkpts: Sum of ',nkpt,' k point weights is',wtksum
221      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
223      if (wtksum < tol6) then
224        write(msg, '(3a)' )&
225        'This sum is too close to zero. ',ch10,&
226        'Action: correct the array wtk in the input file.'
227        ABI_ERROR(msg)
228      end if
229      if (abs(wtksum - one) > tol6) then
230        if (occopt==2) then
231          write(msg, '(a,1p,e18.8,a,a,a)' )&
232           'wtksum= ',wtksum,' /= 1.0 means wts do not add to 1 , while occopt=2.',ch10,&
233           'Action: correct the array wtk in input file.'
234          ABI_ERROR(msg)
235        else
236          write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' With present occopt= ',occopt,', renormalize it to one'
237          call wrtout(std_out,msg)
238          norm=one/wtksum
239          wtk(1:nkpt)=wtk(1:nkpt)*norm
240        end if
241      end if
242    end if
244  else if (kptopt == 0 .and. getkerange_filepath /= ABI_NOFILE) then
245    ! Initialize k-points from kerange_path file.
246    use_kerange = .True.
247    ABI_MALLOC(krange2ibz, (nkpt))
248    if (my_rank == master) then
249 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
250      NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, getkerange_filepath, xmpi_comm_self))
251      call hdr_ncread(hdr, ncid, fform)
252      ABI_CHECK(fform == fform_from_ext(""), sjoin("Error while reading:", getkerange_filepath, ", fform:", itoa(fform)))
253      ! TODO Add code for consistency check
254      !kptopt, nsym, occopt
255      !ABI_CHECK(nkpt == hdr%nkpt, "nkpt from kerange != nkpt")
256      NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "krange2ibz"), krange2ibz))
257      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
258 #else
259      ABI_ERROR("getkerange_filepath requires NETCDF support")
260 #endif
261    end if
263    call xmpi_bcast(krange2ibz, master, comm, ierr)
264    call hdr%bcast(master, my_rank, comm)
265    ! Hdr contains the kpts in the IBZ. Extract k-points in the pockets via krange2ibz.
266    nshiftk = hdr%nshiftk; nshiftk_orig = hdr%nshiftk_orig
267    istwfk = hdr%istwfk(krange2ibz(:))
268    kptrlatt = hdr%kptrlatt; kptrlatt_orig = hdr%kptrlatt_orig
269    ABI_CHECK(isdiagmat(hdr%kptrlatt), "kptrlatt is not diagonal!")
270    ngkpt(1) = hdr%kptrlatt(1, 1); ngkpt(2) = hdr%kptrlatt(2, 2); ngkpt(3) = hdr%kptrlatt(3, 3)
271    kpt = hdr%kptns(:, krange2ibz(:)) !; kpthf(3,nkpthf)
272    shiftk(:,1:nshiftk) = hdr%shiftk; shiftk_orig(:, 1:nshiftk_orig) = hdr%shiftk_orig
273    wtk = hdr%wtk(krange2ibz(:))
274    call hdr%free()
275    kptnrm = one
276    ABI_FREE(krange2ibz)
278  else if (kptopt < 0) then
279    ! Band structure calculation
280    nsegment=abs(kptopt)
282    if (iscf /= -2)then
283      write(msg,  '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
284       'For a negative kptopt, iscf must be -2,',ch10,&
285       'while it is found to be ',iscf,'.',ch10,&
286       'Action: change the value of iscf in your input file, or change kptopt.'
287      ABI_ERROR(msg)
288    end if
290    if(marr<3*nsegment+3)then
291      marr=3*nsegment+3
292      ABI_FREE(dprarr)
293      ABI_FREE(intarr)
294      ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
295      ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
296    end if
298    ABI_MALLOC(kptbounds,(3,nsegment+1))
299    ABI_MALLOC(ndivk,(nsegment))
301    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nsegment+3,string(1:lenstr),'kptbounds',tread,'DPR')
303    if(tread==1)then
304      kptbounds(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nsegment+3), [3,nsegment+1])
305    else
306      write(msg,'(5a)') &
307      'When kptopt is negative, kptbounds must be initialized ',ch10,&
308      'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
309      'Action: initialize kptbounds in your input file, or change kptopt.'
310      ABI_ERROR(msg)
311    end if
313    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nsegment,string(1:lenstr),'ndivk',tread,'INT')
314    if(tread==1)then
315      ndivk(1:nsegment)=intarr(1:nsegment)
316      ! The 1 stand for the first point
317      nkpt_computed=1+sum(ndivk(1:nsegment))
319      ! ndivk and ndivsm are mutually exclusive
320      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'ndivsm',tread,'INT')
321      if (tread == 1) then
322        ABI_ERROR("ndivk and ndivsm are mutually exclusive. Choose only one variable")
323      end if
325    else
326      ! Calculate ndivk such as the path is normalized
327      ! Note that if both ndivk and ndivsm are defined in in input file, only ndivk is used !
328      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'ndivsm',tread,'INT')
329      if(tread==1)then
330        ndiv_small=intarr(1)
331        call metric(gmet,gprimd,std_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
332        call mknormpath(nsegment+1,kptbounds,gmet,ndiv_small,ndivk,nkpt_computed)
333      else
334        write(msg,'(5a)') &
335         'When kptopt is negative, ndivsm or ndivk must be initialized ',ch10,&
336         'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
337         'Action: initialize ndivsm or ndivk in your input file, or change kptopt.'
338        ABI_ERROR(msg)
339      end if
340    end if
342    ! Check that the argument nkpt is coherent with nkpt_computed
343    if (nkpt/=0 .and. nkpt /= nkpt_computed) then
344      write(msg,  '(a,i0,5a,i0,7a)' ) &
345      'The argument nkpt = ',nkpt,', does not match',ch10,&
346      'the number of k points generated by kptopt, ndivk, kptbounds,',ch10,&
347      'and the eventual symmetries, that is, nkpt= ',nkpt_computed,'.',ch10,&
348      'However, note that it might due to the user,',ch10,&
349      'if nkpt is explicitely defined in the input file.',ch10,&
350      'In this case, please check your input file.'
351      ABI_ERROR(msg)
352    end if
354    if (nkpt/=0) then
355      ! The array kpt has the right dimension and we can generate the k-path
356      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nsegment+3,string(1:lenstr),'kptbounds',tread,'DPR')
357      if(tread==1)then
358        kptbounds(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nsegment+3), [3,nsegment+1])
359      else
360        write(msg, '(5a)') &
361        'When kptopt is negative, kptbounds must be initialized ',ch10,&
362        'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
363        'Action: initialize kptbounds in your input file, or change kptopt.'
364        ABI_ERROR(msg)
365      end if
367      ! First k point
368      jkpt=1
369      kpt(:,1)=kptbounds(:,1)
370      do ii=1,nsegment
371        dkpt=ndivk(ii)
372        do ikpt=1,dkpt
373          fraction=dble(ikpt)/dble(dkpt)
374          kpt(:,ikpt+jkpt)=fraction *kptbounds(:,ii+1)+(one-fraction)*kptbounds(:,ii)
375        end do
376        jkpt=jkpt+dkpt
377      end do
379    end if
381    kptnrm=one
382    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptnrm',tread,'DPR')
383    if(tread==1) kptnrm=dprarr(1)
385    ABI_FREE(kptbounds)
386    ABI_FREE(ndivk)
388  else if (kptopt>=1 .and. kptopt<=4) then
389    ! Read ngkpt
390    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'ngkpt',tread_ngkpt,'INT')
391    if(tread_ngkpt==1)then
392      ngkpt(1:3)=intarr(1:3)
393      do ii=1,3
394        if(ngkpt(ii)<1)then
395          write(msg,'(a,i0,3a,i0,3a)') &
396          'The input variable ngkpt(',ii,') must be strictly positive,',ch10,&
397          'while it is found to be ',ngkpt(ii),'.',ch10,&
398          'Action: change it in your input file, or change kptopt.'
399          ABI_ERROR(msg)
400        end if
401      end do
402    end if
404    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,9,string(1:lenstr),'kptrlatt',tread_kptrlatt,'INT')
405    if(tread_kptrlatt==1) kptrlatt(:,:)=reshape(intarr(1:9), [3,3])
407    if(tread_ngkpt==1 .and. tread_kptrlatt==1)then
408      write(msg, '(5a)') &
409      'The input variables ngkpt and kptrlatt cannot both ',ch10,&
410      'be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
411      'Action: change one of ngkpt or kptrlatt in your input file.'
412      ABI_ERROR(msg)
413    else if(tread_ngkpt==1)then
414      kptrlatt(:,:)=0
415      kptrlatt(1,1)=ngkpt(1)
416      kptrlatt(2,2)=ngkpt(2)
417      kptrlatt(3,3)=ngkpt(3)
418      ! Save kptrlatt for reference.
419      kptrlatt_orig = kptrlatt
420    end if
422    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nshiftk',tread,'INT')
423    if(tread==1)nshiftk=intarr(1)
425    if (nshiftk < 1 .or. nshiftk > MAX_NSHIFTK )then
426      write(msg,  '(a,i0,2a,i0,3a)' )&
427      'The only allowed values of nshiftk are between 1 and ',MAX_NSHIFTK,ch10,&
428      'while it is found to be',nshiftk,'.',ch10,&
429      'Action: change the value of nshiftk in your input file, or change kptopt.'
430      ABI_ERROR(msg)
431    end if
433    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nshiftk,string(1:lenstr),'shiftk',tread,'DPR')
434    if(tread==1)then
435      shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nshiftk), [3,nshiftk])
436      ! Save input shifts as they will be changes in getkgrid.
437      nshiftk_orig = nshiftk
438      shiftk_orig(:,1:nshiftk) = shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)
439    else
440      if(nshiftk/=1)then
441        write(msg,  '(3a,i0,2a)' )&
442        'When nshiftk is not equal to 1, shiftk must be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
443        'However, shiftk is not defined, while nshiftk=',nshiftk,ch10,&
444        'Action: change the value of nshiftk in your input file, or define shiftk.'
445        ABI_ERROR(msg)
446      end if
447      ! Default values used in indefo
448      nshiftk_orig = 1
449      shiftk_orig(:,1:nshiftk) = half
450    end if
452    prtkpt=0
453    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'prtkpt',tread,'INT')
454    if(tread==1)prtkpt=intarr(1)
456    if(sum(abs(kptrlatt(:,:)))==0)then
457      kptrlatt_orig = 0
458      do ii=1,3
459        kptrlatt_orig(ii,ii) = ngkpt(ii)
460      end do
461      ! The parameters of the k lattice are not known, compute kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk.
462      call testkgrid(bravais,iout,kptrlatt,kptrlen, msym,nshiftk,nsym,prtkpt,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum)
463    end if
465    ! TODO: Avoid call to getkgrid if eph
466    !eph_task = -1
467    !call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'eph_task',tread,'INT')
468    !if(tread==1) eph_task=intarr(1)
470    fockdownsampling(:)=1
471    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'fockdownsampling',tread,'INT')
472    if(tread==1)fockdownsampling=intarr(1:3)
474    call getkgrid(chksymbreak,0,iscf,kpt,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
475     msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
476     shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,nkpthf=nkpthf,kpthf=kpthf,downsampling=fockdownsampling)
478    kptnrm=one
480  else
481    write(msg,'(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
482    'The only values of kptopt allowed are smaller than 4.',ch10,&
483    'The input value of kptopt is: ',kptopt,'.',ch10,&
484    'Action: change kptopt in your input file.'
485    ABI_ERROR(msg)
486  end if
488  if (kptnrm < tol10) then
489    write(msg, '(5a)' )&
490    'The input variable kptnrm is lower than 1.0d-10,',ch10,&
491    'while it must be a positive, non-zero number.   ',ch10,&
492    'Action: correct the kptnrm in the input file.'
493    ABI_ERROR(msg)
494  end if
496  ! The k point number has been computed, and, if nkpt/=0, also the list of k points.
497  ! Also nkpthf has been computed, and, if nkpt/=0, also the list kpthf.
498  ! Now, determine istwfk, and eventually shift the k points by the value of qptn.
499  if (nkpt /= 0) then
500    istwfk(1:nkpt)=0
501    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'istwfk',tread,'INT')
502    if(tread==1) istwfk(1:nkpt)=intarr(1:nkpt)
504    ! Impose istwfk=1 for RF calculations or NSCF calculation with kpts from kerange.
505    if (response == 1 .or. use_kerange) istwfk(1:nkpt)=1
507    ! Also impose istwfk=1 for spinor calculations
508    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nspinor',tread,'INT')
509    if(tread/=0 .and. intarr(1)/=1)istwfk(1:nkpt)=1
511    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'pawspnorb',tread,'INT')
512    if(tread/=0 .and. intarr(1)/=0)istwfk(1:nkpt)=1
514    do ikpt=1,nkpt
515      if(istwfk(ikpt)==0)then
516        kpoint=kpt(:,ikpt)/kptnrm; if (nqpt/=0.and.response==0) kpoint=kpoint+qptn
517        istwfk(ikpt) = set_istwfk(kpoint)
518      end if
519      if (present(impose_istwf_1)) then
520        if (impose_istwf_1==1) then
521          istwfk(ikpt)=1
522        else if (impose_istwf_1==2.and.any(kpt(:,ikpt)>tol10)) then
523          istwfk(ikpt)=1
524        end if
525      end if
526    end do
527  end if
529  ! If nkpt was to be computed, transfer it from nkpt_computed
530  if (nkpt == 0) nkpt = nkpt_computed
532  ABI_FREE(intarr)
533  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
535  call timab(192,2,tsec)
537 end subroutine inkpts

m_inkpts/inqpt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_inkpts ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize the q point for one particular dataset, characterized by jdtset.


  chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric, and stop if not.
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  jdtset=number of the dataset looked for
  lenstr=actual length of the string
  msym=default maximal number of symmetries
  natom=number of atoms
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
  spinat(3,1:natom)=spin-magnetization of the atoms
  string*(*)=character string containing all the input data. Initialized previously in instrng.
  typat(natom)=type for each atom
  vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum
  xred(3,natom,nimage) =reduced coordinates of atoms


  qptn(3)=reduced coordinates of eventual q point (normalisation is already included)
  kptrlatt(3,3)=q-point lattice specification (if kptopt/=0)
  wtqc=weigth of the eventual current q point


568 subroutine inqpt(chksymbreak,iout,jdtset,lenstr,msym,natom,qptn,wtqc,rprimd,spinat,string,typat,vacuum,xred,qptrlatt)
570 !Arguments ------------------------------------
571 !scalars
572  integer,intent(in)   :: chksymbreak,iout,jdtset,lenstr,msym,natom
573  real(dp),intent(inout) :: wtqc
574  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
575 !arrays
576  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom),vacuum(3)
577  real(dp),intent(out) :: qptn(3)
578  integer,intent(inout) :: qptrlatt(3,3) !vz_i
579  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
580  real(dp),intent(in) :: spinat(3,natom)
581  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
583 !Local variables-------------------------------
584 !scalars
585  integer :: ii,iqpt,iscf_fake,marr,nptsym,nqpt_max,nqpt_computed,nshiftq,nsym_new,qptopt
586  integer :: tread,tread_q_sum,tread_qptrlatt,tread_ngqpt,use_inversion
587  real(dp) :: qptnrm,qptrlen,tolsym,ucvol
588  character(len=500) :: msg
589 !arrays
590  integer :: bravais(11), ngqpt(3)
591  integer, allocatable :: symafm_new(:), ptsymrel(:,:,:),symrel_new(:,:,:), intarr(:)
592  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),qpt(3),rmet(3,3),shiftq(3,MAX_NSHIFTK)
593  real(dp),allocatable :: qpts(:,:),tnons_new(:,:),wtq(:), dprarr(:)
595 ! *************************************************************************
597  ! Compute the maximum size of arrays intarr and dprarr (nshiftq is MAX_NSHIFTK at maximum)
598  marr=630
599  ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
600  ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
601  tread_q_sum=0
603  ! Find the method to generate the q-points
604  qptopt=0
605  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'qptopt',tread,'INT')
606  tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
607  if(tread==1)qptopt=intarr(1)
609  if(qptopt==0)then
610    ! Read qpt and qptnrm
611    qpt=zero
612    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'qpt',tread,'DPR')
613    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
614    if(tread==1) qpt(1:3)=dprarr(1:3)
616    qptnrm=1.0_dp
617    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'qptnrm',tread,'DPR')
618    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
620    if(tread==1) qptnrm=dprarr(1)
621    if(qptnrm<tol10)then
622      write(msg, '(5a)' )&
623      'The input variable qptnrm is lower than 1.0d-10,',ch10,&
624      'while it must be a positive, non-zero number.   ',ch10,&
625      'Action: correct the qptnrm in the input file.'
626      ABI_ERROR(msg)
627    end if
629    qptn(:)=qpt(:)/qptnrm
631    ! DBSP: one could want ot define wtq in order to reproduce what is obtained
632    ! with ngqpt but without having to do initialize the qgrid (extremly slow in case of large grid > 50x50x50
633    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'wtq',tread,'DPR')
634    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
635    if(tread==1) wtqc=dprarr(1)
637  else if (qptopt>=1 .and. qptopt<=4) then
638    ngqpt(:)=0
639    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'ngqpt',tread_ngqpt,'INT')
640    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread_ngqpt
642    if(tread_ngqpt==1)then
643      ngqpt(1:3)=intarr(1:3)
644      do ii=1,3
645        if(ngqpt(ii)<1)then
646          write(msg,  '(a,i0,a,a,a,i0,a,a,a)' ) &
647          'The input variable ngqpt(',ii,') must be strictly positive,',ch10,&
648          'while it is found to be',ngqpt(ii),'.',ch10,&
649          'Action: change it in your input file, or change qptopt.'
650          ABI_ERROR(msg)
651        end if
652      end do
653    end if
655    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,9,string(1:lenstr),'qptrlatt',tread_qptrlatt,'INT')
656    if(tread_qptrlatt==1) qptrlatt(:,:)=reshape(intarr(1:9), (/3,3/) )
657    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread_qptrlatt
659    if(tread_ngqpt==1 .and. tread_qptrlatt==1)then
660      write(msg, '(5a)' ) &
661      'The input variables ngqpt and qptrlatt cannot both ',ch10,&
662      'be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
663      'Action: change one of ngqpt or qptrlatt in your input file.'
664      ABI_ERROR(msg)
665    else if(tread_ngqpt==1)then
666      qptrlatt(:,:)=0
667      qptrlatt(1,1)=ngqpt(1)
668      qptrlatt(2,2)=ngqpt(2)
669      qptrlatt(3,3)=ngqpt(3)
670    end if
672    nshiftq=1
673    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nshiftq',tread,'INT')
674    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
675    if(tread==1)nshiftq=intarr(1)
677    if (nshiftq<1 .or. nshiftq>MAX_NSHIFTK) then
678      write(msg,  '(a,i0,2a,i0,3a)' )&
679      'The only allowed values of nshiftq are between 1 and,',MAX_NSHIFTK,ch10,&
680      'while it is found to be',nshiftq,'.',ch10,&
681      'Action: change the value of nshiftq in your input file, or change qptopt.'
682      ABI_ERROR(msg)
683    end if
685    shiftq=zero
686    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nshiftq,string(1:lenstr),'shiftq',tread,'DPR')
687    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
689    if(tread==1)then
690      shiftq(:,1:nshiftq)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nshiftq), (/3,nshiftq/) )
691    else
692      if(nshiftq/=1)then
693        write(msg,  '(3a,i0,2a)' )&
694        'When nshiftq is not equal to 1, shiftq must be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
695        'However, shiftq is not defined, while nshiftq=',nshiftq,ch10,&
696        'Action: change the value of nshiftq in your input file, or define shiftq.'
697        ABI_ERROR(msg)
698      end if
699    end if
701 !DEBUG
702 !write(std_out,'(a)')' m_inkpts%inqpt : before symlatt '
703 !call flush(std_out)
706    ! Re-generate symmetry operations from the lattice and atomic coordinates
707    ! This is a fundamental difference with respect to the k point generation.
708    tolsym=tol8
709    ABI_MALLOC(ptsymrel,(3,3,msym))
710    ABI_MALLOC(symafm_new,(msym))
711    ABI_MALLOC(symrel_new,(3,3,msym))
712    ABI_MALLOC(tnons_new,(3,msym))
713    call symlatt(bravais,dev_null,msym,nptsym,ptsymrel,rprimd,tolsym)
714    use_inversion=1
715    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
717 !DEBUG
718 !write(std_out,'(a)')' m_inkpts%inqpt : before symfind '
719 !call flush(std_out)
722    call symfind(gprimd,msym,natom,nptsym,1,nsym_new,0,&
723     ptsymrel,spinat,symafm_new,symrel_new,tnons_new,tolsym,typat,use_inversion,xred)
725 !DEBUG
726 !write(std_out,'(a)')' m_inkpts%inqpt : after symfind '
727 !call flush(std_out)
730    ! Prepare to compute the q-point grid in the ZB or IZB
731    iscf_fake=0 ! Do not need the weights
733    ! Compute the maximum number of q points
734    nqpt_max=0
735    ABI_MALLOC(qpts,(3,nqpt_max))
736    ABI_MALLOC(wtq,(nqpt_max))
737    call getkgrid(chksymbreak,0,iscf_fake,qpts,qptopt,qptrlatt,qptrlen,&
738      msym,nqpt_max,nqpt_computed,nshiftq,nsym_new,rprimd,&
739      shiftq,symafm_new,symrel_new,vacuum,wtq)
741    nqpt_max=nqpt_computed
742    ABI_FREE(qpts)
743    ABI_FREE(wtq)
745    ! Find the index of the q point within the set of q points that will be generated
746    iqpt=0
747    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'iqpt',tread,'INT')
748    tread_q_sum=tread_q_sum+tread
749    if(tread==1)iqpt=intarr(1)
751    ! Checks that iqpt is among the computed q points
752    if(iqpt<0)then
753      write(msg, '(a,i0,3a)' )&
754       'The input variable iqpt,',iqpt,' is negative, while it should be 0 or positive.',ch10,&
755       'Action: correct iqpt in the input file.'
756      ABI_ERROR(msg)
757    end if
759    if (iqpt > nqpt_computed) then
760      write(msg, '(a,i0,3a,i0,7a)' )&
761       'The input variable iqpt,',iqpt,' is bigger than the computed number of q-points in the grid,',ch10,&
762       'which is ',nqpt_max,'.',ch10,&
763       'The latter has been computed from the input variables qptrlatt, ngqpt, nshiftq,',ch10,&
764       'shiftq, as well as qptopt, the symmetries of the lattice, and spinat.',ch10,&
765       'Action: correct iqpt in the input file, or correct the computed q-point grid.'
766      ABI_ERROR(msg)
767    end if
769    ! Compute the q-point grid in the BZ or the IBZ
770    ABI_MALLOC(qpts,(3,nqpt_max))
771    ABI_MALLOC(wtq,(nqpt_max))
773    call getkgrid(chksymbreak,iout,iscf_fake,qpts,qptopt,qptrlatt,qptrlen,&
774     msym,nqpt_max,nqpt_computed,nshiftq,nsym_new,rprimd,&
775     shiftq,symafm_new,symrel_new,vacuum,wtq)
777    ! Transfer to qptn, and deallocate
778    qptn(:)=zero
779    if(iqpt/=0)then
780      qptn(:)=qpts(:,iqpt)
781      wtqc = wtq(iqpt)
782    end if
784    ABI_FREE(ptsymrel)
785    ABI_FREE(symafm_new)
786    ABI_FREE(symrel_new)
787    ABI_FREE(tnons_new)
788    ABI_FREE(qpts)
789    ABI_FREE(wtq)
791  else
792    write(msg, '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
793     'The only values of qptopt allowed are smaller than 4.',ch10,&
794     'The input value of qptopt is',qptopt,'.',ch10,&
795     'Action: change qptopt in your input file.'
796    ABI_ERROR(msg)
797  end if
799 ! See issue #31 on gitlab. Not really a good idea.
800 !if(nqpt==0 .and. tread_q_sum/=0)then
801 !  write(msg, '(5a)' ) &
802 !   'When nqpt is zero, the following input variables cannot be defined :',ch10, &
803 !   ' iqpt, ngqpt, nshiftq, qptopt, qpt, qptnrm, qptrlatt, shiftq, wtq . ',ch10, &
804 !   'Action: change nqpt to 1, or un-define all the variables above.'
805 !  ABI_ERROR(msg)
806 !endif
808  ABI_FREE(intarr)
809  ABI_FREE(dprarr)
811 end subroutine inqpt