ABINIT/macroin [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Treat "macro" input variables, that can :
 - initialize several other input variables for one given dataset
 - initialize several other input variables for a set of datasets.
 Note that the treatment of these different types of macro input variables is different.
 Documentation of such input variables is very important, including the
 proper echo, in the output file, of what such input variables have done.

 Important information : all the "macro" input variables should be properly
 identifiable to be so, and it is proposed to make them start with the string "macro".


 Copyright (C) 2009-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  ndtset_alloc=number of datasets, corrected for allocation of at
               least one data set.
  ecut_tmp(3,2,10)= possible ecut values as read in psp files


  dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datafiles_type>contains all input variables,
   some of which are given a value here.
   The dataset with number 0 should NOT be modified in the present routine.






 42 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 43 #include "config.h"
 44 #endif
 46 #include "abi_common.h"
 49 subroutine macroin(dtsets,ecut_tmp,lenstr,ndtset_alloc,string)
 51  use defs_basis
 52  use defs_abitypes
 53  use m_profiling_abi
 54  use m_xmpi
 55  use m_errors
 57  use m_parser,    only : intagm
 59 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 60 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 61 #undef ABI_FUNC
 62 #define ABI_FUNC 'macroin'
 63 !End of the abilint section
 65  implicit none
 67 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 68 !scalars
 69  integer,intent(in) :: ndtset_alloc,lenstr
 70  character(len=*),intent(inout) :: string
 71 !arrays
 72  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut_tmp(3,2,10)
 73  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc) !vz_i ziontypat
 75 !Local variables -------------------------------
 76 !scalars
 77  integer :: idtset,iatom,jdtset,marr,tread
 78 !!arrays
 79  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:)
 80  real(dp) :: ecutmax(3),ecutdgmax(3)
 81  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:)
 82  character(len=500) :: message
 83 !******************************************************************
 85  do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
 86    jdtset=dtsets(idtset)%jdtset
 87    if (dtsets(idtset)%macro_uj>0) then
 88      dtsets(idtset)%irdwfk   = 1        ! preconverged wave function compulsory
 89 !    dtsets(idtset)%nline    = maxval((/ int(dtsets(idtset)%natom/2) , 6 /))   ! using default value: \DeltaU< 1%
 90 !    dtsets(idtset)%nnsclo   = 4        ! using default value: \DeltaU< 1%
 91      dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs   = 10d-8    ! convergence on the potential; 10d-8^= 10d-5 on occupation
 92      dtsets(idtset)%diemix   = 0.45_dp  ! fastest convergence: dn= E^(-istep * 0.229 )
 93      dtsets(idtset)%dmatpuopt= 3        ! normalization of the occupation operator
 94 !    dtsets(idtset)%nstep    = 255      ! expected convergence after 10 \pm 3, 30 as in default normally suficient
 95 !    dtsets(idtset)%iscf     = 17       ! mixing on potential, 17: default for PAW
 96    end if ! macro_uj
 98   !Read parameters
 99    marr=dtsets(idtset)%npsp;if (dtsets(idtset)%npsp<3) marr=3
100    marr=max(marr,dtsets(idtset)%nimage)
101    ABI_ALLOCATE(intarr,(marr))
102    ABI_ALLOCATE(dprarr,(marr))
104    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),"accuracy",tread,'INT')
106    ecutmax=-one
107    ecutdgmax=-one
108    do iatom=1,dtsets(idtset)%natom
109      ecutmax(:)=max(ecutmax(:),ecut_tmp(:,1,dtsets(idtset)%typat(iatom)))
110      ecutdgmax(:)=max(ecutdgmax(:),ecut_tmp(:,2,dtsets(idtset)%typat(iatom)))
111    end do
113    if(tread==1) then
114      dtsets(idtset)%accuracy=intarr(1)
115      if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==1) then
116        if (ecutmax(1)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(1)
117        if (ecutdgmax(1)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(1)
118        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=1.5_dp
119        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
120          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=1.5_dp
121          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=1
122          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=0
123          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=10
124          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=0
125          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
126        end if
127        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
128        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
129        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol3
130        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=1.0d-3
131        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
132        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=1
133        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=0
134        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=4
135        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=30
136        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=0
137        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=0
138      else if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==2) then
139        if (ecutmax(2)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(2)
140        if (ecutdgmax(2)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(2)
141        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=1.8_dp
142        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
143          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=1.8_dp
144          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=1
145          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=0
146          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=7
147          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=1
148          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
149        end if
150        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
151        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
152        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol5
153        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=5.0d-4
154        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
155        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=1
156        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=0
157        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=7
158        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=30
159        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=0
160        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=0
161      else if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==3) then
162        if (ecutmax(2)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(2)
163        if (ecutdgmax(2)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(2)
164        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=1.8_dp
165        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
166          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=1.8_dp
167          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=1
168          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=0
169          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=7
170          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=1
171          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
172        end if
173        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
174        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
175        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol7
176        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=1.0d-4
177        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
178        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=2
179        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=1
180        if(xmpi_paral==1) dtsets(idtset)%timopt = 0
181        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=7
182        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=30
183        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=1
184        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=1
185      else if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==4) then
186        if (ecutmax(3)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(3)
187        if (ecutdgmax(3)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(3)
188        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=two
189        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
190          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=two
191          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=1
192          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=0
193          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=5
194          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=1
195          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
196        end if
197        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
198        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
199        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol9
200        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=5.0d-5
201        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
202        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=2
203        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=1
204        if(xmpi_paral==1) dtsets(idtset)%timopt = 0
205        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=7
206        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=30
207        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=1
208        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=1
209      else if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==5) then
210        if (ecutmax(2)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(2)
211        if (ecutdgmax(2)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(2)
212        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=two
213        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
214          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=two
215          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=2
216          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=1
217          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=5
218          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=1
219          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
220        end if
221        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
222        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
223        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol10
224        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=1.0d-6
225        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
226        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=2
227        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=1
228        if(xmpi_paral==1) dtsets(idtset)%timopt = 0
229        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=15
230        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=50
231        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=1
232        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=1
233      else if (dtsets(idtset)%accuracy==6) then
234        if (ecutmax(3)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(3)
235        if (ecutdgmax(3)>zero.and.dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg=ecutdgmax(3)
236        dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin=two
237        if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1) then
238          dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg=two
239          dtsets(idtset)%pawxcdev=2
240          dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=1
241          dtsets(idtset)%pawovlp=5
242          dtsets(idtset)%pawnhatxc=1
243          dtsets(idtset)%mqgriddg=0
244        end if
245        dtsets(idtset)%mqgrid=0
246        dtsets(idtset)%tolimg=5.0d-5
247        dtsets(idtset)%tolvrs=tol12
248        dtsets(idtset)%tolmxf=1.0d-6
249        dtsets(idtset)%toldff=zero
250        dtsets(idtset)%optforces=2
251        dtsets(idtset)%timopt=1
252        if(xmpi_paral==1) dtsets(idtset)%timopt = 0
253        dtsets(idtset)%npulayit=15
254        dtsets(idtset)%nstep=50
255        dtsets(idtset)%prteig=1
256        dtsets(idtset)%prtden=1
257      elseif(dtsets(idtset)%accuracy>6)then
258        write(message, '(a,a,a)' )&
259 &       'accuracy >6 is forbiden !',ch10,&
260 &       'Action : check your input data file.'
261        MSG_ERROR(message)
262      end if
263    else
264      if (ecutmax(3)>zero) dtsets(idtset)%ecut=ecutmax(3)
265    end if
266    ABI_DEALLOCATE(intarr)
267    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dprarr)
268  end do
270 end subroutine macroin