ABINIT/prttagm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Eventually print the content of dprarr (if typevarphys='DPR','LEN', 'ENE' and 'BFI'),
 or intarr (if typevarphys='INT'), arrays of effective dimensions narr and 0:ndtset_alloc
 For the second dimension, the 0 index relates to a default.
 Print the array only if the content for at least one value of the second
 index is different from the default.
 Print a generic value if the non-default values are all equal.
 Print the detail of all values otherwise.
 The input variable 'length' controls the print format, and, in the case
 of the real(dp) variable, the way two numbers are determined to be
 different or not.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  intarr(1:marr,0:ndtset_alloc), dprarr(1:marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
   integer or real(dp) arrays, respectively,
   containing the data to be printed. Use these arrays even for scalars.
   For the first index, only the range 1:narr is relevant.
  iout=unit number for echoed output
  jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)=list of dataset indices.
  length= if 1, short format for printing, if 2, long format for printing
     special formats: if 3, INT : for symrel or kptrlatt
                      if 4, INT : for type
                      if 5, INT : for mkmem, mkqmem, mk1mem
                      if 6, INT : for kptrlatt
                      if 3, DPR : for tnons
                      if 4, DPR : for wtk and znucl
                      if 5, DPR : for atvshift
                      if 6, DPR : very short format for printing
     If the typevarphys is 'DPR', a negative value of 'length' will request that
        the equality of real(dp) numbers is determined by an ABSOLUTE
        difference criterion only. The absolute value of length is used
        to determine the format, as above.

  marr=first dimension of the intarr and dprarr arrays, as declared in the
   calling subroutine.
  narr=actual first dimension of intarr and dprarr.
  narrm=used when the effective first dimension of intarr is variable
        in this case narrm(0:ndtset_alloc)
  ncid= NETCDF id
  ndtset_alloc=govern second dimension of intarr and dprarr
  token=character string for 'tag'.  Assumed no longer than 9 characters
  typevarphys=physical variable type (might indicate the physical meaning of
   for dimensionality purposes)
   'DPR'=>real(dp) (no special treatment)
   'LEN'=>real(dp) (output in bohr and angstrom)
   'ENE'=>real(dp) (output in hartree and eV)
   'BFI'=>real(dp) (output in Tesla)
  use_narrm= if 0, use of scalar 'narr' instead of array 'narrm'
  [firstchar]= (optional) first character of the line (default=' ')
  [forceprint]= (optional) control if output is forced even if a variable is equal to its default value:
                0: not printed out if equal to default value
                1: output forced even if equal to default value in both TEXT and NETCDF file
                2: output forced even if equal to default value in NETCDF file only
                3: output forced even if equal to default value in TEXT file only


  (only writing)






 81 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 82 #include "config.h"
 83 #endif
 85 #include "abi_common.h"
 88 subroutine prttagm(dprarr,intarr,iout,jdtset_,length,&
 89 & marr,narr,narrm,ncid,ndtset_alloc,token,typevarphys,use_narrm,&
 90   firstchar,forceprint)  ! optional
 92  use defs_basis
 93  use m_errors
 94  use m_profiling_abi
 96  use m_nctk,   only : write_var_netcdf
 98 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 99 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
100 #undef ABI_FUNC
101 #define ABI_FUNC 'prttagm'
102  use interfaces_32_util
103 !End of the abilint section
105  implicit none
107 !Arguments ------------------------------------
108 !scalars
109  integer,intent(in) :: iout,length,marr,narr,ndtset_alloc,ncid,use_narrm
110  integer,intent(in),optional :: forceprint
111  character(len=*),intent(in) :: token
112  character(len=3),intent(in) :: typevarphys
113  character(len=1),intent(in),optional :: firstchar
114 !arrays
115  integer,intent(in) :: intarr(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
116  integer,intent(in) :: jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)
117  integer,intent(in) :: narrm(0:ndtset_alloc)
118  real(dp),intent(in) :: dprarr(marr,0:ndtset_alloc)
120 !Local variables-------------------------------
121 !character(len=*), parameter :: long_beg     ='(a,a16,a,1x,(t22,'
122  character(len=*), parameter :: format_1     ='",a16,a,t22,'
123  character(len=*), parameter :: format_2     ='",t22,'
124  character(len=*), parameter :: short_int    ='10i5)'
125  character(len=*), parameter :: long_int     ='8i8)'
126  character(len=*), parameter :: veryshort_dpr='f11.5)'
127  character(len=*), parameter :: short_dpr    ='es16.8)'
128  character(len=*), parameter :: long_dpr     ='es18.10)'
129  character(len=*), parameter :: veryshort_dim='f11.5),a'
130  character(len=*), parameter :: short_dim    ='es16.8),a'
131  character(len=*), parameter :: long_dim     ='es18.10),a'
132  character(len=*), parameter :: f_symrel     ='3(3i3,1x),4x,3(3i3,1x))'
133  character(len=*), parameter :: f_type       ='20i3)'
134  character(len=*), parameter :: f_mem        ='8i8)'
135  character(len=*), parameter :: f_tnons      ='3f11.7,3x,3f11.7)'
136  character(len=*), parameter :: f_wtk        ='6f11.5)'
137  character(len=*), parameter :: f_atvshift   ='5f11.5)'
138  character(len=*), parameter :: f_kptrlatt   ='3(3i5,2x))'
139 !scalars
140  integer :: iarr,idtset,jdtset,multi,ndtset_eff,narr_eff
141  logical :: print_netcdf,print_out
142  real(dp),parameter :: tol21=1.0d-21
143  real(dp) :: diff,scale_factor,sumtol
144  character(len=4) :: digit
145  character(len=1) :: first_column
146  character(len=4) :: appen
147  character(len=8) :: out_unit
148  character(len=50) :: format_dp,format_int,full_format
149  character(len=500) :: message
151 ! *************************************************************************
153 !###########################################################
154 !### 01. Check consistency of input
156  if(len_trim(token)>16)then
157    write(message, '(3a,i0,2a)' )&
158 &   'The length of the name of the input variable ',trim(token),' is ',len_trim(token),ch10,&
159 &   'This exceeds 16 characters, the present maximum in routine prttagm.'
160    MSG_ERROR(message)
161  end if
163  if(ndtset_alloc<1)then
164    write(message, '(a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
165 &   'ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it should be >= 1.',ch10,&
166 &   'This happened for token=',token,'.'
167    MSG_BUG(message)
168  end if
170  if(ndtset_alloc>9999)then
171    write(message, '(a,i0,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
172 &   'ndtset_alloc=',ndtset_alloc,', while it must be lower than 10000.',ch10,&
173 &   'This happened for token=',token,'.'
174    MSG_BUG(message)
175  end if
177  if(narr>99 .and. (typevarphys=='ENE'.or.typevarphys=='LEN'))then
178    write(message, '(3a,i0,a)' )' typevarphys=',typevarphys,' with narr=',narr,'  is not allowed.'
179    MSG_BUG(message)
180  end if
182  if ((narr>0).or.(use_narrm/=0)) then
184    print_out=.true.;print_netcdf=.true.
185    multi=0
187 !  ###########################################################
188 !  ### 02. Treatment of integer 'INT'
190    if(typevarphys=='INT')then
192 !    Determine whether the different non-default occurences are all equal
194      if (use_narrm==0) then ! use of scalar 'narr' instead of array 'narrm'
195        if(ndtset_alloc>1)then
196          do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
197            do iarr=1,narr
198              if(intarr(iarr,1)/=intarr(iarr,idtset))multi=1
199            end do
200          end do
201        end if
202      else
203 !      If the sizes of the arrays are different we can not compare them
204 !      So we have to assume they are different
205        multi=1
206      end if
208 !    If they are all equal, then determine whether they are equal to the default
209      if(multi==0)then
210        print_out=.false.
211        do iarr=1,narr
212          if (intarr(iarr,1)/=intarr(iarr,0)) print_out=.true.
213        end do
214        print_netcdf=print_out
215      end if
217      if (present(forceprint)) then
218        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==3) print_out=.true.
219        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==2) print_netcdf=.true.
220      end if
222 !    Print only if the values differ from the default
223      if (print_out.or.print_netcdf.or.(ncid<0))then
224        ndtset_eff=ndtset_alloc
225        if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0)) ndtset_eff=1
226        do idtset=1,ndtset_eff
228 !        Initialize the character in the first column
229          first_column=' ';if (present(firstchar)) first_column=firstchar
230          if(abs(length)==5)first_column='P'
231 !        Initialize the format
232          if(abs(length)==1)format_int=trim(short_int)
233          if(abs(length)==2)format_int=trim(long_int)
234          if(abs(length)==3)format_int=trim(f_symrel)
235          if(abs(length)==4)format_int=trim(f_type)
236          if(abs(length)==5)format_int=trim(f_mem)
237          if(abs(length)==6)format_int=trim(f_kptrlatt)
238 !        Initialize the dataset number string, and print
239          if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))then
240            appen=' '
241          else
242            jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
243            call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
244          end if
245 !        full_format=trim(long_beg)//trim(format_int)
246          full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1)//'("'// first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(format_int)//")"
248 !        narr_eff could be narr or narrm(idtset)
249 !        It depends if the size is variable for different datasets
250          if (use_narrm==0)then
251            narr_eff=narr
252          else
253            narr_eff=narrm(idtset)
254          end if
256          if (narr_eff/=0) then
258            if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)
259 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
260            if (print_netcdf) then
261              call write_var_netcdf(intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),&
262 &             dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),marr,narr_eff,abs(ncid),typevarphys,token//appen)
263            end if
264 #endif
265          end if
267        end do
268      end if !(print==1)
270 !    ###########################################################
271 !    ### 03. Treatment of real 'DPR', 'LEN', 'ENE', 'BFI'
273    else if (typevarphys=='DPR' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='ENE' .or. typevarphys=='BFI') then
275      if((ndtset_alloc>1).and.(use_narrm==0))then
276        do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
277          do iarr=1,narr
278 !          The determination of effective equality is more difficult than in the
279 !          integer case :
280 !          - if length > 0, ask for a relative accuracy, and also include
281 !          the case of zero values, thanks to tol21.
282 !          - if length < 0, ask for absolute accuracy.
283            diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,1)-dprarr(iarr,idtset) )
284            if(length>0)then
285              sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,1))+abs(dprarr(iarr,idtset))+10*tol21
286              if(diff>sumtol*tol11)multi=1
287            else
288              if(diff>tol14)multi=1
289            end if
290          end do
291        end do
292      elseif (use_narrm/=0) then
293        multi=1 ! Assume that values could not be compared between different datasets.
294 !      Nevertheless, checks whether not all dataset might be equal to the default, despite varying dimensions (e.g. all zeroes)
295        print_out=.false.
296        do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
297          if(narrm(idtset)>narrm(0))then
298            print_out=.true.
299          else
300            do iarr=1,narrm(idtset)
301              diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,idtset)-dprarr(iarr,0) )
302              if(length>0)then
303                sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,idtset))+abs(dprarr(iarr,0))+10*tol21
304                if(diff>sumtol*tol11)print_out=.true.
305              else
306                if(diff>tol14)print_out=.true.
307              end if
308            end do
309          end if
310        end do
311        print_netcdf=print_out
312      end if
314      if(multi==0)then
315        print_out=.false.
316        do iarr=1,narr
317          diff=abs( dprarr(iarr,1)-dprarr(iarr,0) )
318          if(length>0)then
319            sumtol=abs(dprarr(iarr,1))+abs(dprarr(iarr,0))+10*tol21
320            if(diff>sumtol*tol11)print_out=.true.
321          else
322            if(diff>tol14)print_out=.true.
323          end if
324        end do
325        print_netcdf=print_out
326      end if
328      if (present(forceprint)) then
329        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==3) print_out=.true.
330        if (forceprint==1.or.forceprint==2) print_netcdf=.true.
331      end if
333      if(print_out.or.print_netcdf.or.(ncid<0))then
334 !      Select the proper format
335        ndtset_eff=ndtset_alloc
336        if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))ndtset_eff=1
337        narr_eff=narr
338        if(use_narrm/=0)then
339          narr_eff=maxval(narrm(1:ndtset_eff))
340        end if
341        if(abs(length)==1 .or. abs(length)==2 .or. abs(length)==6)then
342          if(typevarphys=='DPR')then
343            digit='3'
344            if(abs(length)==1)format_dp=digit//short_dpr
345            if(abs(length)==2)format_dp=digit//long_dpr
346            if(abs(length)==6)format_dp=digit//veryshort_dpr
347          else if(typevarphys=='ENE' .or. typevarphys=='LEN' .or. typevarphys=='BFI')then
348            if (narr<10) write(digit,'(i1)')narr_eff
349            if (narr> 9) write(digit,'(i2)')narr_eff
350            if(abs(length)==1)format_dp=digit//short_dim
351            if(abs(length)==2)format_dp=digit//long_dim
352            if(abs(length)==6)format_dp=digit//veryshort_dim
353          end if
354        else
355          if(abs(length)==3)format_dp=f_tnons
356          if(abs(length)==4)format_dp=f_wtk
357          if(abs(length)==5)format_dp=f_atvshift
358        end if
359        do idtset=1,ndtset_eff
361 !        narr_eff could be narr or narrm(idtset)
362 !        It depends if the size is variable for different datasets
363          if (use_narrm==0)then
364            narr_eff=narr
365          else
366            narr_eff=narrm(idtset)
367          end if
369          if (narr_eff/=0) then
371 !          Initialize the character in the first column
372            first_column=' ';if (present(firstchar)) first_column=firstchar
373 !          Define scale_factor
374            scale_factor=one !EB to what this is still usefull ???
375 !          EB remove           if(typevarphys=='BFI')scale_factor=one/BField_Tesla
376 !          Define out_unit
377            if(typevarphys=='ENE')out_unit=' Hartree'
378            if(typevarphys=='LEN')out_unit=' Bohr   '
379            if(typevarphys=='BFI')out_unit='   ' !EB remove Tesla unit
380 !          Format, according to the length of the dataset string
381            if((multi==0).or.(ncid<0))then
382              appen=' '
383            else
384              jdtset=jdtset_(idtset)
385              call appdig(jdtset,'',appen)
386            end if
387 !          full_format=trim(long_beg)//trim(format_dp)
388            full_format='("'//first_column//trim(format_1)//'("'// first_column//trim(format_2)//trim(format_dp)//")"
389 !          DEBUG
390 !          write(ab_out,*)' trim(long_beg)=',trim(long_beg)
391 !          write(ab_out,*)' trim(format_dp)=',trim(format_dp)
392 !          write(ab_out,*)' trim(full_format)=',trim(full_format)
393 !          ENDDEBUG
394            if(typevarphys=='DPR')then
395              if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)*scale_factor
396            else
397              if (print_out) write(iout,full_format) token,trim(appen),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset)*scale_factor,trim(out_unit)
398            end if
399 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
400            if (print_netcdf) then
401              call write_var_netcdf(intarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),dprarr(1:narr_eff,idtset),&
402 &             marr,narr_eff,abs(ncid),'DPR',token//trim(appen))
403            end if
404 #endif
406          end if
408        end do
409      end if
411 !    ###########################################################
412 !    ### 04. The type is neither 'INT' nor 'DPR','ENE','LEN','BFI'
413    else
414      MSG_BUG('Disallowed typevarphys = '//TRIM(typevarphys))
415    end if
417  end if ! End condition of narr>0
419 end subroutine prttagm