ABINIT/init_occ_ent [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]





  Copyright (C) 2009-2017 ABINIT group (the_author)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .










 28 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 29 #include "config.h"
 30 #endif
 32 #include "abi_common.h"
 34 subroutine init_occ_ent(entfun,limit,nptsdiv2,occfun,occopt,option,smdfun,tphysel,tsmear,tsmearinv,xgrid)
 36  use defs_basis
 37  use m_splines
 38  use m_profiling_abi
 39  use m_errors
 41 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 42 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 43 #undef ABI_FUNC
 44 #define ABI_FUNC 'init_occ_ent'
 45 !End of the abilint section
 47  implicit none
 49 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 50 !scalars
 51  integer,intent(in) :: occopt,option
 52  real(dp),intent(in) :: tphysel,tsmear
 53  integer,intent(inout) :: nptsdiv2
 54  real(dp),intent(out) :: limit,tsmearinv
 55  real(dp),intent(inout) :: entfun(-nptsdiv2:nptsdiv2,2),occfun(-nptsdiv2:nptsdiv2,2)
 56  real(dp),intent(inout) :: smdfun(-nptsdiv2:nptsdiv2,2),xgrid(-nptsdiv2:nptsdiv2)
 59 !Local variables-------------------------------
 60 !scalars
 61  integer :: algo,ii,jj,nconvd2
 62  integer :: nmaxFD,nminFD
 63  integer,parameter :: nptsdiv2_def=6000
 64  integer,save :: dblsmr,occopt_prev=-9999
 65  real(dp),parameter :: maxFDarg=500.0_dp
 66  real(dp),save :: convlim,incconv,limit_occ,tphysel_prev=-9999,tsmear_prev=-9999
 67  real(dp) :: aa,dsqrpi,encorr,factor
 68  real(dp) :: expinc,expx22,expxo2,gauss,increm
 69  real(dp) :: resFD1,resFD2,resFD3,resFD4,resmom,resmom1,resmom2
 70  real(dp) :: resmom3,resmom4,secmom,smom1,smom2,thdmom,tmom1,tmom2,tmpexpsum
 71  real(dp) :: tmpsmdfun,tratio,tt,xx,yp1,ypn
 72  character(len=500) :: message
 73 !arrays
 74  real(dp),save :: entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def,2),occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def,2)
 75  real(dp),save :: smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def,2),xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def)
 76  real(dp),allocatable :: entder(:),occder(:),smd1(:),smd2(:)
 77  real(dp),allocatable :: smdder(:),tgrid(:),work(:),workfun(:)
 79 ! *************************************************************************
 81 !Initialize the occupation function and generalized entropy function,
 82 !at the beginning, or if occopt changed
 84  if(option==-1)then
 85    nptsdiv2 = nptsdiv2_def
 86    return
 87  end if
 90  if(occopt_prev/=occopt           .or. &
 91 & abs(tsmear_prev-tsmear)  >tol12 .or. &
 92 & abs(tphysel_prev-tphysel)>tol12       ) then
 93 !  write(std_out,*) 'INIT_OCC_ENT CHANGE ..........'
 94    occopt_prev=occopt
 95    tsmear_prev=tsmear
 96    tphysel_prev=tphysel
 98 !  Check whether input values of tphysel tsmear and occopt are consistent
 99    dblsmr = 0
100    if (abs(tphysel)>tol12) then
101 !    Use re-smearing scheme
102      if (abs(tsmear)>tol12) then
103        dblsmr = 1
104 !      Use FD occupations (one smearing) only with "physical" temperature tphysel
105      else if (occopt /= 3) then
106        write(message, '(a,i6,a)' )' tphysel /= 0, tsmear == 0, but occopt is not = 3, but ',occopt,'.'
107        MSG_ERROR(message)
108      end if
109    end if
110 !  write(std_out,*) 'getnel : input read.'
111 !  write(std_out,*) '  dblsmr = ', dblsmr
112 !  write(std_out,*) '  tphysel, tsmear = ', tphysel, tsmear
114    ABI_ALLOCATE(entder,(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def))
115    ABI_ALLOCATE(occder,(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def))
116    ABI_ALLOCATE(smdder,(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def))
117    ABI_ALLOCATE(workfun,(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def))
118    ABI_ALLOCATE(work,(-nptsdiv2_def:nptsdiv2_def))
120 !  Prepare the points on the grid
121 !  limit is the value of the argument that will give 0.0 or 1.0 , with
122 !  less than about 1.0d-15 error for 4<=occopt<=8, and less than about 1.0d-12
123 !  error for occopt==3. It is not worth to compute the function beyond
124 !  that point. Even with a less severe requirement, it is significantly
125 !  larger for occopt==3, with an exponential
126 !  tail, than for the other occupation functions, with a Gaussian tail.
127 !  Note that these values are useful in newocc.f also.
128    limit_occ=6.0_dp
129    if(occopt==3)limit_occ=30.0_dp
130    if(dblsmr /= 0) then
131      tratio = tsmear / tphysel
132      limit_occ=30.0_dp + 6.0_dp*tratio
133    end if
135 !  With nptsdiv2_def=6000 (thus increm=0.001 for 4<=occopt<=8,
136 !  and increm=0.005 for occopt==3, the O(1/N4) algorithm gives 1.0d-12
137 !  accuracy on the stored values occfun and entfun. These, together
138 !  with smdfun and xgrid_prev, need permanently about 0.67 MB, which is affordable.
139    increm=limit_occ/nptsdiv2_def
140    do ii=-nptsdiv2_def,nptsdiv2_def
141      xgrid_prev(ii)=ii*increm
142    end do
144 !  ---------------------------------------------------------
145 !  Ordinary (unique) smearing function
146 !  ---------------------------------------------------------
147    if (dblsmr == 0) then
149 !    Compute the unnormalized smeared delta function between -limit_occ and +limit_occ
150 !    (well, they are actually normalized ...)
151      if(occopt==3)then
153 !      Fermi-Dirac
154        do ii=0,nptsdiv2_def
155          xx=xgrid_prev(ii)
156          smdfun_prev( ii,1)=0.25_dp/(cosh(xx/2.0_dp)**2)
157          smdfun_prev(-ii,1)=smdfun_prev(ii,1)
158        end do
160      else if(occopt==4 .or. occopt==5)then
162 !      Cold smearing of Marzari, two values of the "a" parameter being possible
163 !      first value gives minimization of the bump
164        if(occopt==4)aa=-.5634
165 !      second value gives monotonic occupation function
166        if(occopt==5)aa=-.8165
168        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
169        do ii=0,nptsdiv2_def
170          xx=xgrid_prev(ii)
171          gauss=dsqrpi*exp(-xx**2)
172          smdfun_prev( ii,1)=gauss*(1.5_dp+xx*(-aa*1.5_dp+xx*(-1.0_dp+aa*xx)))
173          smdfun_prev(-ii,1)=gauss*(1.5_dp+xx*( aa*1.5_dp+xx*(-1.0_dp-aa*xx)))
174        end do
176      else if(occopt==6)then
178 !      First order Hermite-Gaussian of Paxton and Methfessel
179        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
180        do ii=0,nptsdiv2_def
181          xx=xgrid_prev(ii)
182          smdfun_prev( ii,1)=dsqrpi*(1.5_dp-xx**2)*exp(-xx**2)
183          smdfun_prev(-ii,1)=smdfun_prev(ii,1)
184        end do
186      else if(occopt==7)then
188 !      Gaussian smearing
189        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
190        do ii=0,nptsdiv2_def
191          xx=xgrid_prev(ii)
192          smdfun_prev( ii,1)=dsqrpi*exp(-xx**2)
193          smdfun_prev(-ii,1)=smdfun_prev(ii,1)
194        end do
196      else if(occopt==8)then
198 !      Constant value of the delta function over the smearing interval, for testing purposes only.
199        do ii=0,nptsdiv2_def
200          xx=xgrid_prev(ii)
201          if(xx>half+tol8)then
202            smdfun_prev( ii,1)=zero
203          else if(xx<half-tol8)then
204            smdfun_prev( ii,1)=one
205          else
206            smdfun_prev( ii,1)=half
207          end if
208          smdfun_prev(-ii,1)=smdfun_prev(ii,1)
209        end do
211      else
212        write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' Occopt=',occopt,' is not allowed in getnel. '
213        MSG_BUG(message)
214      end if
216 !    ---------------------------------------------------------
217 !    smear FD delta with occopt delta calculated in smdfun_prev
218 !    ---------------------------------------------------------
219    else if (dblsmr /= 0) then
221      nconvd2 = 6000
222      convlim = 10.0_dp
223      incconv = convlim / nconvd2
225 !    store smearing functions in smd1 and smd2
226      ABI_ALLOCATE(smd1,(-nconvd2:nconvd2))
227      ABI_ALLOCATE(smd2,(-nconvd2:nconvd2))
228      ABI_ALLOCATE(tgrid,(-nconvd2:nconvd2))
230 !    FD function in smd1( ii) and second smearing delta in smd2( ii)
231 !
232 !    smd1(:) contains delta_FD ( x )
233      do ii=0,nconvd2
234        tgrid(ii)=ii*incconv
235        tgrid(-ii)=-tgrid(ii)
236        tt=tgrid(ii)
237        smd1( ii)=0.25_dp/(cosh(tt/2.0_dp)**2)
238        smd1(-ii)=smd1(ii)
239      end do
241 !    check input values of occopt and fill smd2(:) with appropriate data:
242 !    smd2(:) contains delta_resmear ( x )
243      if(occopt == 3) then
244        write(message, '(a,a)' )&
245 &       'Occopt=3 is not allowed as a re-smearing.', &
246 &       'Use a single FD, or re-smear with a different delta type (faster cutoff). '
247        MSG_ERROR(message)
248      else if(occopt==4 .or. occopt==5)then
249 !      Cold smearing of Marzari, two values of the "a" parameter being possible
250 !      first value gives minimization of the bump
251        if(occopt==4)aa=-.5634
252 !      second value gives monotonic occupation function
253        if(occopt==5)aa=-.8165
255        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
256        do ii=0,nconvd2
257          tt=tgrid(ii)
258          gauss=dsqrpi*exp(-tt**2)
259          smd2( ii)=gauss*(1.5_dp+tt*(-aa*1.5_dp+tt*(-1.0_dp+aa*tt)))
260          smd2(-ii)=gauss*(1.5_dp+tt*( aa*1.5_dp+tt*(-1.0_dp-aa*tt)))
261        end do
262      else if(occopt==6)then
263        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
264        do ii=0,nconvd2
265          tt=tgrid(ii)
266          smd2( ii)=dsqrpi*(1.5_dp-tt**2)*exp(-tt**2)
267          smd2(-ii)=smd2(ii)
268        end do
269      else if(occopt==7)then
270        dsqrpi=1.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
271        do ii=0,nconvd2
272          tt=tgrid(ii)
273          smd2( ii)=dsqrpi*exp(-tt**2)
274          smd2(-ii)=smd2(ii)
275        end do
276      else if(occopt==8)then
277        do ii=0,nconvd2
278          tt=tgrid(ii)
279          if(tt>half+tol8)then
280            smd2( ii)=zero
281          else if(tt<half-tol8)then
282            smd2( ii)=one
283          else
284            smd2( ii)=half
285          end if
286          smd2(-ii)=smd2(ii)
287        end do
288      else
289        write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' Occopt= ',occopt,' is not allowed in getnel. '
290        MSG_BUG(message)
291      end if
294 !    Use O(1/N4) algorithm from Num Rec (see below)
295 !
296 !    The grid for the convoluted delta is taken (conservatively)
297 !    to be that for the FD delta ie 6000 pts in [-limit_occ;limit_occ]
298 !    Smearing functions are given on [-dbllim;dbllim] and the grid must
299 !    superpose the normal grid on [-limit_occ:limit_occ]
300 !    The maximal interval for integration of the convolution is
301 !    [-dbllim+limit_occ+lim(delta2);dbllim-limit_occ-lim(delta2)] =
302 !    [-dbllim+36;dbllim-36]
304 !    test the smdFD function for extreme values:
305 !    do jj=-nptsdiv2_def,-nptsdiv2_def
306 !    do ii=-nconvd2+4,nconvd2
307 !    call smdFD(xgrid_prev(jj) - tgrid(ii)*tratio, resFD)
308 !    write(std_out,*) 'ii jj = ', ii,jj, ' smdFD (', &
309 !    &    xgrid_prev(jj) - tgrid(ii)*tratio, ') ', resFD
310 !    end do
311 !    end do
313      expinc = exp(half*incconv*tratio)
315 !    jj = position of point at which we are calculating smdfun_prev
316      do jj=-nptsdiv2_def,nptsdiv2_def
317 !      Do not care about the 8 boundary points,
318 !      where the values should be extremely small anyway
319        smdfun_prev(jj,1)=0.0_dp
320 !      only add contribution with delta_FD > 1.0d-100
321        nmaxFD = floor  (( maxFDarg+xgrid_prev(jj)) / tratio / incconv )
322        nmaxFD = min (nmaxFD, nconvd2)
323        nminFD = ceiling((-maxFDarg+xgrid_prev(jj)) / tratio / incconv )
324        nminFD = max (nminFD, -nconvd2)
326 !      Calculate the Fermi-Dirac distrib at point xgrid_prev(jj)-tgrid(ii)*tratio
327        expxo2 = exp (-half*(xgrid_prev(jj) - (nminFD)*incconv*tratio))
328        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
329        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
330        resFD4 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
331        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
332        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
333        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
334        resFD3 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
335        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
336        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
337        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
338        resFD2 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
339        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
340        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
341        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
342        resFD1 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
344 !      core contribution to the integral with constant weight (48)
345        tmpsmdfun = 0.0_dp
346        do ii=nminFD+4,nmaxFD-4
347          expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
348 !        tmpexpsum = 1.0_dp / (expxo2 + 1.0_dp / expxo2 )
349          expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
350          tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
351          tmpsmdfun = tmpsmdfun + smd2(ii) * tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
352        end do
354 !      Add on end contributions for show (both functions smd and smdFD are very small
355        smdfun_prev(jj,1)=smdfun_prev(jj,1)       +48.0_dp*tmpsmdfun             &
356 &       + 31.0_dp*smd2(nminFD+3)*resFD1 -11.0_dp*smd2(nminFD+2)*resFD2 &
357 &       +  5.0_dp*smd2(nminFD+1)*resFD3 -       smd2(nminFD)*resFD4
359        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
360        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
361        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
362        resFD1 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
363        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
364        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
365        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
366        resFD2 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
367        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
368        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
369        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
370        resFD3 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
371        expxo2 = expxo2*expinc
372        expx22 = expxo2*expxo2
373        tmpexpsum = expxo2 / (expx22 + 1.0_dp)
374        resFD4 = tmpexpsum * tmpexpsum
376 !      Contribution above
377        smdfun_prev(jj,1)=smdfun_prev(jj,1)                                      &
378 &       + 31.0_dp*smd2(nmaxFD-3)*resFD1  -11.0_dp*smd2(nmaxFD-2)*resFD2 &
379 &       +  5.0_dp*smd2(nmaxFD-1)*resFD3  -       smd2(nmaxFD)*resFD4
380        smdfun_prev(jj,1)=incconv*smdfun_prev(jj,1)/48.0_dp
381      end do
383      secmom = 0.0_dp
384      thdmom = 0.0_dp
385      resmom4 = xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def  )*xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def  )*smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def  ,  1)
386      resmom3 = xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1)*xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1)*smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1,  1)
387      resmom2 = xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+2)*xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+2)*smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+2,  1)
388      resmom1 = xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+3)*xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+3)*smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+3,  1)
389      resmom  = xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+4)*xgrid_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+4)*smdfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+4,  1)
390      do ii=-nptsdiv2_def+4,nptsdiv2_def-1
391        secmom = secmom +                                   &
392 &       ( 17.0_dp*xgrid_prev(ii)  *xgrid_prev(ii)  *smdfun_prev(ii,  1)   &
393 &       +42.0_dp*xgrid_prev(ii-1)*xgrid_prev(ii-1)*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1)   &
394 &       -16.0_dp*xgrid_prev(ii-2)*xgrid_prev(ii-2)*smdfun_prev(ii-2,1)   &
395 &       + 6.0_dp*xgrid_prev(ii-3)*xgrid_prev(ii-3)*smdfun_prev(ii-3,1)   &
396 &       -       xgrid_prev(ii-4)*xgrid_prev(ii-4)*smdfun_prev(ii-4,1)  )
397        resmom4 = resmom3
398        resmom3 = resmom2
399        resmom2 = resmom1
400        resmom1 = resmom
401        resmom  = xgrid_prev(ii+1)  *xgrid_prev(ii+1)  *smdfun_prev(ii+1,  1)
402      end do
403      secmom=increm * secmom / 48.0_dp
404 !    thdmom=increm * thdmom / 48.0_dp
405 !
406 !    smom1  = second moment of delta in smd1(:)
407 !    smom2  = second moment of delta in smd2(:)
408 !
409      smom1  = 0.0_dp
410      smom2  = 0.0_dp
411      tmom1  = 0.0_dp
412      tmom2  = 0.0_dp
413      do ii=-nconvd2+4,nconvd2
414        smom1 = smom1+                                       &
415 &       ( 17.0_dp*tgrid(ii)  *tgrid(ii)  *smd1(ii)         &
416 &       +42.0_dp*tgrid(ii-1)*tgrid(ii-1)*smd1(ii-1)       &
417 &       -16.0_dp*tgrid(ii-2)*tgrid(ii-2)*smd1(ii-2)       &
418 &       + 6.0_dp*tgrid(ii-3)*tgrid(ii-3)*smd1(ii-3)       &
419 &       -       tgrid(ii-4)*tgrid(ii-4)*smd1(ii-4)  )
420        smom2 = smom2+                                       &
421 &       ( 17.0_dp*tgrid(ii)  *tgrid(ii)  *smd2(ii  )     &
422 &       +42.0_dp*tgrid(ii-1)*tgrid(ii-1)*smd2(ii-1)     &
423 &       -16.0_dp*tgrid(ii-2)*tgrid(ii-2)*smd2(ii-2)     &
424 &       + 6.0_dp*tgrid(ii-3)*tgrid(ii-3)*smd2(ii-3)     &
425 &       -       tgrid(ii-4)*tgrid(ii-4)*smd2(ii-4)  )
426      end do
427      smom1 =incconv * smom1  / 48.0_dp
428      smom2 =incconv * smom2  / 48.0_dp
429 !    tmom1 =incconv * tmom1  / 48.0_dp
430 !    tmom2 =incconv * tmom2  / 48.0_dp
432      encorr =  smom2*tratio*tratio/secmom
434 !    DEBUG
435 !    write(std_out,*) ' getnel : debug, secmoms = ', secmom, smom1, smom2
436 !    write(std_out,*) ' getnel : debug, thdmoms = ', thdmom, tmom1, tmom2
437 !    write(std_out,*) ' getnel : encorr = ', encorr
438 !    ENDDEBUG
440      ABI_DEALLOCATE(tgrid)
441      ABI_DEALLOCATE(smd1)
442      ABI_DEALLOCATE(smd2)
444    end if
446 !  --------------------------------------------------------
447 !  end of smearing function initialisation, dblsmr case
448 !  --------------------------------------------------------
451 !  Now that the smeared delta function has been initialized, compute the
452 !  occupation function
453    occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def,1)=zero
454    entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def,1)=zero
456 !  Different algorithms are possible, corresponding to the formulas
457 !  (4.1.11), (4.1.12) and (4.1.14) in Numerical recipes (pp 107 and 108),
458 !  with respective O(1/N2), O(1/N3), O(1/N4) convergence, where N is the
459 !  number of points in the interval.
460    algo=4
462    if(algo==2)then
464 !    Extended trapezoidal rule (4.1.11), taken in a cumulative way
465      do ii=-nptsdiv2_def+1,nptsdiv2_def
466        occfun_prev(ii,1)=occfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*(smdfun_prev(ii,1)+smdfun_prev(ii-1,1))/2.0_dp
467        entfun_prev(ii,1)=entfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*&
468 &       ( -xgrid_prev(ii)*smdfun_prev(ii,1) -xgrid_prev(ii-1)*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1) )/2.0_dp
469      end do
471    else if(algo==3)then
473 !    Derived from (4.1.12). Converges as O(1/N3).
474 !    Do not care about the following points,
475 !    where the values are extremely small anyway
476      occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1,1)=0.0_dp ;   entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1,1)=0.0_dp
477      do ii=-nptsdiv2_def+2,nptsdiv2_def
478        occfun_prev(ii,1)=occfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*&
479 &       ( 5.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii,1) + 8.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1) - smdfun_prev(ii-2,1) )/12.0_dp
480        entfun_prev(ii,1)=entfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*&
481 &       ( 5.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii)  )*smdfun_prev(ii,1)  &
482 &       +8.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii-1))*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1)&
483 &       -      (-xgrid_prev(ii-2))*smdfun_prev(ii-2,1) )/12.0_dp
484      end do
486    else if(algo==4)then
488 !    Derived from (4.1.14)- alternative extended Simpsons rule. Converges as O(1/N4).
489 !    Do not care about the following points,
490 !    where the values are extremely small anyway
491      occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1,1)=0.0_dp ;   entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+1,1)=0.0_dp
492      occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+2,1)=0.0_dp ;   entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+2,1)=0.0_dp
493      occfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+3,1)=0.0_dp ;   entfun_prev(-nptsdiv2_def+3,1)=0.0_dp
494      do ii=-nptsdiv2_def+4,nptsdiv2_def
495        occfun_prev(ii,1)=occfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*&
496 &       ( 17.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii,1)  &
497 &       +42.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1)&
498 &       -16.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii-2,1)&
499 &       + 6.0_dp*smdfun_prev(ii-3,1)&
500 &       -       smdfun_prev(ii-4,1) )/48.0_dp
501        entfun_prev(ii,1)=entfun_prev(ii-1,1)+increm*&
502 &       ( 17.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii)  )*smdfun_prev(ii,1)  &
503 &       +42.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii-1))*smdfun_prev(ii-1,1)&
504 &       -16.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii-2))*smdfun_prev(ii-2,1)&
505 &       + 6.0_dp*(-xgrid_prev(ii-3))*smdfun_prev(ii-3,1)&
506 &       -       (-xgrid_prev(ii-4))*smdfun_prev(ii-4,1) )/48.0_dp
507      end do
509    end if ! End of choice between different algorithms for integration
511 !  Normalize the functions (actually not needed for occopt=3..7)
512    factor=1.0_dp/occfun_prev(nptsdiv2_def,1)
513    smdfun_prev(:,1)=smdfun_prev(:,1)*factor
514    occfun_prev(:,1)=occfun_prev(:,1)*factor
515    entfun_prev(:,1)=entfun_prev(:,1)*factor
517 !  Compute the cubic spline fitting of the smeared delta function
518    yp1=0.0_dp ; ypn=0.0_dp
519    workfun(:)=smdfun_prev(:,1)
520    call spline(xgrid_prev, workfun, (2*nptsdiv2_def+1), yp1, ypn, smdder)
521    smdfun_prev(:,2)=smdder(:)
523 !  Compute the cubic spline fitting of the occupation function
524    yp1=0.0_dp ; ypn=0.0_dp
525    workfun(:)=occfun_prev(:,1)
526    call spline(xgrid_prev, workfun, (2*nptsdiv2_def+1), yp1, ypn, occder)
527    occfun_prev(:,2)=occder(:)
529 !  Compute the cubic spline fitting of the entropy function
530    yp1=0.0_dp ; ypn=0.0_dp
531    workfun(:)=entfun_prev(:,1)
532    call spline(xgrid_prev, workfun, (2*nptsdiv2_def+1), yp1, ypn, entder)
533    entfun_prev(:,2)=entder(:)
535    ABI_DEALLOCATE(entder)
536    ABI_DEALLOCATE(occder)
537    ABI_DEALLOCATE(smdder)
538    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work)
539    ABI_DEALLOCATE(workfun)
541  end if
543  if (abs(tphysel)<tol12) then
544    tsmearinv=one/tsmear
545  else
546    tsmearinv=one/tphysel
547  end if
549  entfun(:,:) = entfun_prev(:,:)
550  occfun(:,:) = occfun_prev(:,:)
551  smdfun(:,:) = smdfun_prev(:,:)
552  xgrid(:) = xgrid_prev(:)
553  limit = limit_occ
554  nptsdiv2 = nptsdiv2_def
556 end subroutine init_occ_ent