ABINIT/cgtk_change_gsphere [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Transfer the G components of ndat wavefunctions from one sphere to another one.
  Can also be used to change the value of istwfk e.g. 2 --> 1


  ndat = Number of wavefunctions to transform.
  npw1, npw2 = Number of plane-waves in the (input, output) G-sphere
  istwf1, istwf2 = Storage mode of (input, output) wavefunctions.
  kg1(3,npw1), kg2(3,npw2) = Input/Output G-sphere
  cg1(2,npw1,ndat) = Input wavefunctions on kg1 sphere with istwf1 mode.
  work_ngfft(18)=Specify work dimensions. Must be large enough to accomodate kg1 and kg2


  cg2(2,npw2,ndat) = Output wavefunctions on kg2 sphere with istwf2 mode.
  work(2,work_ngfft(4),work_ngfft(5),work_ngfft(6)) = Workspace array


408 subroutine cgtk_change_gsphere(ndat, npw1, istwf1, kg1, cg1, npw2, istwf2, kg2, cg2, work_ngfft, work)
410 !Arguments ------------------------------------
411 !scalars
412  integer,intent(in) :: ndat,npw1,npw2,istwf1,istwf2
413 !arrays
414  integer,intent(in) :: kg1(3,npw1),kg2(3,npw2)
415  integer,intent(in) :: work_ngfft(18)
416  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg1(2,npw1,ndat)  ! TODO: Should be intent(in) but need to change sphere
417  real(dp),intent(out) :: cg2(2,npw2,ndat)
418  real(dp),intent(out) :: work(2,work_ngfft(4),work_ngfft(5),work_ngfft(6))
420 !Local variables ------------------------------
421 !scalars
422  integer :: n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,idat
424 !************************************************************************
426  n1 = work_ngfft(1); n2 = work_ngfft(2); n3 = work_ngfft(3)
427  n4 = work_ngfft(4); n5 = work_ngfft(5); n6 = work_ngfft(6)
429  !print *, "npw1", npw1, "npw2", npw2
431  do idat=1,ndat
432    ! Insert cg1 in work array taking into account istwf1 (intent in)
433    call sphere(cg1(:,:,idat),1,npw1,work,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg1,istwf1,to_box,me_g0,no_shift,identity_3d,one)
435    ! Extract cg2 from work array taking into account istwf2
436    call sphere(cg2(:,:,idat),1,npw2,work,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg2,istwf2,to_sph,me_g0,no_shift,identity_3d,one)
437  end do
439 end subroutine cgtk_change_gsphere

ABINIT/cgtk_fixphase [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Fix phase of all bands. Keep normalization but maximize real part
 (minimize imag part). Also fix the sign of real part
 by setting the first non-zero element to be positive.
 See also fxphas_seq in m_cgtools


  cg(2,mcg)= contains the wavefunction |c> coefficients.
  gsc(2,mgsc)= if useoverlap==1, contains the S|c> coefficients, where S is an overlap matrix.
  icg=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cg
  igsc=shift to be applied on the location of data in the array gsc
  istwfk=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs (set to 1 if usual complex vectors)
  mcg=size of second dimension of cg
  mgsc=size of second dimension of gsc
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nband_k=number of bands
  npw_k=number of planewaves
  useoverlap=describe the overlap of wavefunctions:
               0: no overlap (S=Identi0,ty_matrix)
               1: wavefunctions are overlapping


  cg(2,mcg)=same array with altered phase.
  gsc(2,mgsc)= same array with altered phase.


473 subroutine cgtk_fixphase(cg, gsc, icg, igsc, istwfk, mcg, mgsc, mpi_enreg, nband_k, npw_k, useoverlap, cprj, nspinor)
475 !Arguments ------------------------------------
476 !scalars
477  integer,intent(in) :: icg,igsc,istwfk,mcg,mgsc,nband_k,npw_k,useoverlap
478  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
479 !arrays
480  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg),gsc(2,mgsc*useoverlap)
481  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout),optional,target :: cprj(:,:)
482  integer,intent(in),optional :: nspinor
484 !Local variables-------------------------------
485 !scalars
486  logical :: do_cprj
487  integer :: iband,ierr,ii,indx,ncprj
488  real(dp) :: cim,cre,gscim,gscre,quotient,root1,root2,saa,sab,sbb,theta,thppi,xx,yy
489  character(len=500) :: msg
490 !arrays
491  real(dp) :: buffer2(nband_k,2),buffer3(nband_k,3),tsec(2)
492  real(dp),allocatable :: cimb(:),creb(:),saab(:),sabb(:),sbbb(:) !,sarr(:,:)
494 ! *************************************************************************
496  do_cprj=.false.
497  if (present(cprj)) then
498    do_cprj=.true.
499    ncprj = size(cprj,2)
500    if (ncprj/=nband_k*nspinor) then
501      ABI_ERROR('bad size for cprj')
502    end if
503  end if
505 !The general case, where a complex phase indeterminacy is present
506  if(istwfk==1)then
508    ABI_MALLOC(cimb,(nband_k))
509    ABI_MALLOC(creb,(nband_k))
510    ABI_MALLOC(saab,(nband_k))
511    ABI_MALLOC(sabb,(nband_k))
512    ABI_MALLOC(sbbb,(nband_k))
513    cimb(:)=zero ; creb(:)=zero
515 !  Loop over bands
516 !  TODO: MG store saa arrays in sarr(3,nband_k) to reduce false sharing.
517 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(PRIVATE) SHARED(nband_k,icg,npw_k,cg,saab,sbbb,sabb)
518    do iband=1,nband_k
519      indx=icg+(iband-1)*npw_k
521 !    Compute several sums over Re, Im parts of c
522      saa=zero; sbb=zero; sab=zero
523      do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
524        saa=saa+cg(1,ii)*cg(1,ii)
525        sbb=sbb+cg(2,ii)*cg(2,ii)
526        sab=sab+cg(1,ii)*cg(2,ii)
527      end do
528      saab(iband)=saa
529      sbbb(iband)=sbb
530      sabb(iband)=sab
531    end do
533 !  XG030513 : MPIWF : should transmit saab,sbbb,sabb from the procs
534 !  of the WF group to the master processor of the WF group
535    if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb == 1) then
536      buffer3(:,1)=saab(:)
537      buffer3(:,2)=sbbb(:)
538      buffer3(:,3)=sabb(:)
539      call timab(48,1,tsec)
540      call xmpi_sum(buffer3,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
541      if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
542        call xmpi_sum(buffer3,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
543      end if
544      call timab(48,2,tsec)
545      saab(:)=buffer3(:,1)
546      sbbb(:)=buffer3(:,2)
547      sabb(:)=buffer3(:,3)
548    end if
550 !  XG030513 : MPIWF this loop should only be executed by the master of the WF group
552    if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==0.or.mpi_enreg%me_fft==0) then
553      do iband=1,nband_k
554        indx=icg+(iband-1)*npw_k
556        saa=saab(iband)
557        sbb=sbbb(iband)
558        sab=sabb(iband)
560 !      Get phase angle theta
561        if (sbb+saa>tol8)then
562          if(abs(sbb-saa)>tol8*(sbb+saa) .or. 2*abs(sab)>tol8*(sbb+saa))then
563            if (abs(sbb-saa)>tol8*abs(sab)) then
564              quotient=sab/(sbb-saa)
565              theta=0.5_dp*atan(2.0_dp*quotient)
566            else
567 !            Taylor expansion of the atan in terms of inverse of its argument. Correct up to 1/x2, included.
568              theta=0.25_dp*(pi-(sbb-saa)/sab)
569            end if
570 !          Check roots to get theta for max Re part
571            root1=cos(theta)**2*saa+sin(theta)**2*sbb-2.0_dp*cos(theta)*sin(theta)*sab
572            thppi=theta+0.5_dp*pi
573            root2=cos(thppi)**2*saa+sin(thppi)**2*sbb-2.0_dp*cos(thppi)*sin(thppi)*sab
574            if (root2>root1) theta=thppi
575          else
576 !          The real part vector and the imaginary part vector are orthogonal, and of same norm. Strong indeterminacy.
577 !          Will determine the first non-zero coefficient, and fix its phase
578 !          Hypothesis : there is at least one non-zero element on the master node ...
579            do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
580              cre=cg(1,ii)
581              cim=cg(2,ii)
582              if(cre**2+cim**2>tol8**2*(saa+sbb))then
583                if(cre**2>tol8**2**cim**2)then
584                  theta=atan(cim/cre)
585                else
586 !                Taylor expansion of the atan in terms of inverse of its argument. Correct up to 1/x2, included.
587                  theta=pi/2-cre/cim
588                end if
589                exit
590              end if
591            end do
592          end if
593        else
594          write(msg,'(a,i0,5a)')&
595 &         'The eigenvector with band ',iband,' has zero norm.',ch10,&
596 &         'This usually happens when the number of bands (nband) is comparable to the number of planewaves (mpw)',ch10,&
597 &         'Action: Check the parameters of the calculation. If nband ~ mpw, then decrease nband or, alternatively, increase ecut'
598          ABI_ERROR(msg)
599        end if
601        xx=cos(theta)
602        yy=sin(theta)
604 !      Here, set the first non-zero element to be positive
605 !      Comment the next nine lines to recover the behaviour of pre v3.1.3g
606 !      Hypothesis : there is at least one non-zero element on the master node ...
607        do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
608          cre=cg(1,ii)
609          cim=cg(2,ii)
610          cre=xx*cre-yy*cim
611          if(abs(cre)>tol8)exit
612        end do
613        if(cre<zero)then
614          xx=-xx ; yy=-yy
615        end if
617        creb(iband)=xx
618        cimb(iband)=yy
620      end do
621    end if
623 !  XG030513 : MPIWF : should transmit creb(:),cimb(:) of the master
624 !  processor of the WF group to the others procs of the WF group
625    if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb == 1) then
626      call timab(48,1,tsec)
627      buffer2(:,1)=creb(:)
628      buffer2(:,2)=cimb(:)
629      call xmpi_sum(buffer2,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
630      if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
631        call xmpi_sum(buffer2,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
632      end if
633      call timab(48,2,tsec)
634      creb(:)=buffer2(:,1)
635      cimb(:)=buffer2(:,2)
636    end if
638 !  MG TODO: Scaling can be done with zscal
639 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(indx,xx,yy,cre,cim,gscre,gscim)
640    do iband=1,nband_k
641      indx=icg+(iband-1)*npw_k
643      xx=creb(iband)
644      yy=cimb(iband)
645 !    Alter phase of array |cg>
646      do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
647        cre=cg(1,ii)
648        cim=cg(2,ii)
649        cg(1,ii)=xx*cre-yy*cim
650        cg(2,ii)=xx*cim+yy*cre
651      end do
652      if (do_cprj) call pawcprj_zaxpby((/zero,zero/),(/xx,yy/),cprj(:,nspinor*(iband-1)+1:nspinor*iband),&
653 &                                                             cprj(:,nspinor*(iband-1)+1:nspinor*iband))
655 !    Alter phase of array S|cg>
656      if (useoverlap==1) then
657        indx=igsc+(iband-1)*npw_k
658        do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
659          gscre=gsc(1,ii)
660          gscim=gsc(2,ii)
661          gsc(1,ii)=xx*gscre-yy*gscim
662          gsc(2,ii)=xx*gscim+yy*gscre
663        end do
664      end if
665    end do ! iband
667    ABI_FREE(cimb)
668    ABI_FREE(creb)
669    ABI_FREE(saab)
670    ABI_FREE(sabb)
671    ABI_FREE(sbbb)
673  else  ! if istwfk/=1.  Storages that take into account the time-reversal symmetry : the freedom is only a sign freedom
675    ABI_MALLOC(creb,(nband_k))
676    creb(:)=zero
677 !  XG030513 : MPIWF : this loop should be done only by the master processor of the WF group
679    if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==0.or.mpi_enreg%me_fft==0) then
681 !    Loop over bands
682      do iband=1,nband_k
684        indx=icg+(iband-1)*npw_k
686 !      Here, set the first non-zero real element to be positive
687        do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
688          cre=cg(1,ii)
689          if(abs(cre)>tol8)exit
690        end do
691        creb(iband)=cre
693      end do ! iband
695    end if
696 !  XG030513 : MPIWF : should transmit cre(:) of the master processor of the WF group to the others
697    if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb == 1) then
698      call timab(48,1,tsec)
699      call xmpi_sum(creb,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
700      if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
701        call xmpi_sum(creb,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
702      end if
703      call timab(48,2,tsec)
704    end if
706    do iband=1,nband_k
707      cre=creb(iband)
708      if(cre<zero)then
709        indx=icg+(iband-1)*npw_k
710        do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
711          cg(1,ii)=-cg(1,ii)
712          cg(2,ii)=-cg(2,ii)
713        end do
714        if (do_cprj) call pawcprj_zaxpby((/zero,zero/),(/-one,zero/),cprj(:,iband:iband),cprj(:,iband:iband))
715        if(useoverlap==1)then
716          indx=igsc+(iband-1)*npw_k
717          do ii=1+indx,npw_k+indx
718            gsc(1,ii)=-gsc(1,ii)
719            gsc(2,ii)=-gsc(2,ii)
720          end do
721        end if
722      end if
723    end do ! iband
725    ABI_FREE(creb)
726  end if ! istwfk
728 end subroutine cgtk_fixphase

ABINIT/cgtk_rotate [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Reconstruct wavefunction cg2 in the BZ from the symmetrical image cg1 by applying a symmetry operation.
  Note that there are two possible conventions for mapping k-points:

      1) k2 = T symrel(:,:, isym)^t k1 + g0  (note transpose of symrel)

      2) k2 = T symrec(:,:, isym) k1 + g0

  where T is for time-reversal (itimrev)

  This routine assumes the FIRST convention that, unfortunately, is not very handy.
  The second convention, indeed, is the most natural one when mapping k-points.


  cryst=crystalline structure
  kpt1(3)=k-point in cg1.
  isym=Index of symmetry operation (symrel^T convention)
  itimrev=1 if time-reversal is needed else 0.
  g0(3)=g0 vector
  nspinor=Number of spinor components.
  ndat=Number of wavefunctions
  npw1, npw2=Number of G-vectors in kg1 and kg2.
  kg1(3,npw1), kg2(3,npw2) = G vectors in cg1, and cg2.
  istwf1, istwf2= Storage mode for cg1 and cg2
  work_ngfft(18)= Specifies the size of the workspace array work.
   IMPORTANT: must be large enough to accoung for all possible shifts of the g-sphere.
   The caller is responsible for computing the max size needed to handle all the possible symmetrization.
  cg1(2, npw1, nspinor, ndat)=Wavefunctions in the IBZ


  cg2(2, npw2, nspinor, ndat)= symmetrized wavefunctions.
  work(2, work_ngfft(4), work_ngfft(5), work_ngfft(6))) = workspace array. See comments in INPUTS section.


  Inspired to wfconv.


104 subroutine cgtk_rotate(cryst, kpt1, isym, itimrev, g0, nspinor, ndat, &
105                        npw1, kg1, npw2, kg2, istwf1, istwf2, cg1, cg2, work_ngfft, work)
107 !Arguments ------------------------------------
108 !scalars
109  integer,intent(in) :: isym, itimrev, nspinor, ndat, npw1, npw2, istwf1, istwf2
110  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
111 !arrays
112  integer,intent(in) :: g0(3), kg1(3,npw1), kg2(3,npw2), work_ngfft(18)
113  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt1(3), cg1(2,npw1,nspinor,ndat)
114  real(dp),intent(out) :: cg2(2,npw2,nspinor,ndat)
115  real(dp),intent(out) :: work(2,work_ngfft(4),work_ngfft(5),work_ngfft(6)) !*ndat) for threads?
117 !Local variables ------------------------------
118 !scalars
119  integer :: n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,ipw,idat,isp
120  real(dp) :: arg,ar,ai,bi,br,spinrots,spinrotx,spinroty,spinrotz
121  logical :: have_phase
122 !arrays
123  integer,parameter :: atindx(1) = 1
124  integer :: symrec(3,3), symrel(3,3)
125  real(dp) :: phktnons(2,1), tau(3), spinrot(4), tsec(2)
126  real(dp),allocatable :: phase1d(:,:), phase3d(:,:), wavef1(:,:)
128 !************************************************************************
130  ! Keep track of total time spent.
131  call timab(1780, 1, tsec)
133  ABI_CHECK_IRANGE(itimrev, 0, 1, "itimrev should be in [0, 1]")
135  n1 = work_ngfft(1); n2 = work_ngfft(2); n3 = work_ngfft(3)
136  n4 = work_ngfft(4); n5 = work_ngfft(5); n6 = work_ngfft(6)
138  symrel = cryst%symrel(:,:,isym)
139  call mati3inv(symrel, symrec) ! symrec = symrel^{-1t}
140  tau = cryst%tnons(:,isym)
141  have_phase = sum(tau ** 2) > tol8
143  ! Compute rotation in spinor space
144  if (nspinor == 2) call getspinrot(cryst%rprimd, spinrot, symrel)
145  if (itimrev == 1) symrec = -symrec
147  ! Need to compute phase factors associated with nonsymmorphic translations?
148  if (have_phase) then
150    ! Although the routine getph is originally written for atomic phase factors, it does precisely what we want
151    ABI_MALLOC(phase1d, (2, (2*n1+1)+(2*n2+1)+(2*n3+1)))
152    call getph(atindx, 1, n1, n2, n3, phase1d, tau)
154    arg = two_pi * (kpt1(1)*tau(1) + kpt1(2)*tau(2) + kpt1(3)*tau(3))
155    phktnons(1, 1) = cos(arg)
156    phktnons(2, 1) = sin(arg)
157    ! Convert 1D phase factors to 3D phase factors exp(i 2 pi (k1 + G).tnons )
158    ABI_MALLOC(phase3d, (2, npw1))
159    call ph1d3d(1, 1, kg1, 1, 1, npw1, n1, n2, n3, phktnons, phase1d, phase3d)
160    ABI_FREE(phase1d)
161  end if
163  ABI_MALLOC(wavef1, (2, npw1))
165  do idat=1,ndat
166    do isp=1,nspinor
167      wavef1 = cg1(:,:,isp,idat)
169      if (have_phase) then
170        ! Multiply by phase factors due to nonsymmorphic translations.
171        do ipw=1,npw1
172          ar = phase3d(1,ipw) * wavef1(1,ipw) - phase3d(2,ipw) * wavef1(2,ipw)
173          ai = phase3d(2,ipw) * wavef1(1,ipw) + phase3d(1,ipw) * wavef1(2,ipw)
174          wavef1(1, ipw) = ar
175          wavef1(2, ipw) = ai
176        end do
177      end if
179      ! Take into account time-reversal symmetry for SCALAR wavefunctions, if needed.
180      if (itimrev == 1 .and. nspinor == 1) wavef1(2, :npw1) = -wavef1(2, :npw1)
182      ! Insert wavef1 in work array.
183      call sphere(wavef1,ndat1,npw1,work,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg1,istwf1,to_box,me_g0,no_shift,identity_3d,one)
185      ! Apply rotation + g0 and extract data on the kg2 sphere: cg2(g) = work(S(g + g0))
186      call sphere(cg2(:,:,isp,idat),ndat1,npw2,work,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg2,istwf2,to_sph,me_g0,g0,symrec,one)
187    end do ! isp
189    if (nspinor == 2) then
190      if (itimrev == 1) then
191        ! Take care of time-reversal symmetry, if needed
192        !    1) Exchange spin-up and spin-down.
193        !    2) Make complex conjugate of one component, and change sign of other component
194        do ipw=1,npw2
195          ! Here, change sign of real part
196          ar = -cg2(1,ipw,1,idat)
197          ai =  cg2(2,ipw,1,idat)
198          ! Here, change sign of imaginary part
199          cg2(1,ipw,1,idat) =  cg2(1,ipw,2,idat)
200          cg2(2,ipw,1,idat) = -cg2(2,ipw,2,idat)
201          cg2(1,ipw,2,idat) = ar
202          cg2(2,ipw,2,idat) = ai
203        end do
204      end if ! itimrev==1
206      ! Rotation in spinor space (see also wfconv)
207      spinrots = spinrot(1); spinrotx = spinrot(2); spinroty = spinrot(3); spinrotz = spinrot(4)
208      do ipw=1,npw2
209        ar = cg2(1,ipw,1,idat)
210        ai = cg2(2,ipw,1,idat)
211        br = cg2(1,ipw,2,idat)
212        bi = cg2(2,ipw,2,idat)
213        cg2(1,ipw,1,idat) =  spinrots*ar - spinrotz*ai + spinroty*br - spinrotx*bi
214        cg2(2,ipw,1,idat) =  spinrots*ai + spinrotz*ar + spinroty*bi + spinrotx*br
215        cg2(1,ipw,2,idat) = -spinroty*ar - spinrotx*ai + spinrots*br + spinrotz*bi
216        cg2(2,ipw,2,idat) = -spinroty*ai + spinrotx*ar + spinrots*bi - spinrotz*br
217      end do
218    end if
219  end do ! idat
221  ABI_FREE(wavef1)
222  ABI_SFREE(phase3d)
224  call timab(1780, 2, tsec)
226 end subroutine cgtk_rotate

ABINIT/cgtk_rotate_symrec [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Reconstruct wavefunction cg2 in the BZ from the symmetrical image cg1 by applying a symmetry operation.
  Note that there are two possible conventions for mapping k-points:

      1) k2 = T symrel(:,:, isym)^t k1 + g0  (note transpose of symrel)

      2) k2 = T symrec(:,:, isym) k1 + g0

  where T is for time-reversal (itimrev)

  This routine assumes the SECOND convention.

  For scalar wavefunctions, we have (with S being a symrec operation)

  1) u_{Sk}(g) = e^{-i(Sk + g).tau)} u_k(S^{-1} g)   if g0 = 0 and no TR

  2) u_{-k}(g) = u_{k}(-g)^*                         for TR

  3) u_{k+g0}(g) = u_{k}(g+g0)                       if g0 != 0

ABINIT/m_cgtk [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_cgtk
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_time
30  use m_fstrings,  only : itoa, sjoin
31  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
32  use m_symtk,     only : mati3inv
33  use m_geometry,  only : getspinrot
34  use m_crystal,   only : crystal_t
35  use m_fftcore,   only : sphere
36  use m_kg,        only : ph1d3d, getph
37  use m_pawcprj,   only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_zaxpby
39  implicit none
41  private