ABINIT/m_pspini [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Initialize pseudopotential datastructures from files.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MT, FrD, AF, DRH, YP)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_pspini
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_psxml2ab
29  use m_dtset
30  use m_dtfil
31  !use m_psps
33  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type, nctab_t, pspheader_type
34  use m_fstrings,  only : ftoa, sjoin
35  use m_time,      only : timab
36  use m_io_tools,  only : open_file
37  use m_pawrad,    only : pawrad_type
38  use m_pawtab,    only : pawtab_type, pawtab_set_flags
39  use m_psps,      only : psps_print, psps_ncwrite_path, nctab_init, nctab_free, nctab_mixalch, test_xml_xmlpaw_upf, &
40                          nctab_eval_tcorespl
41  use m_pawpsp,    only : pawpsp_bcast, pawpsp_read_pawheader, pawpsp_read_header_xml,&
42                          pawpsp_header_type, pawpsp_wvl, pawpsp_7in, pawpsp_17in
43  use m_pawxmlps,  only : paw_setup_free,paw_setuploc
44  use m_pspheads,  only : pawpsxml2ab
45 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
46  use BigDFT_API, only : dictionary, atomic_info, dict_init, dict_free, UNINITIALIZED
47 #endif
49  use m_psp1,       only : psp1in
50  use m_psp5,       only : psp5in
51  use m_psp6,       only : psp6in
52  use m_psp8,       only : psp8in
53  use m_psp9,       only : psp9in
54  use m_upf2abinit, only : upf1_to_abinit, upf2_to_abinit
55  use m_psp_hgh,    only : psp2in, psp3in, psp10in
56  use m_wvl_descr_psp,  only : wvl_descr_psp_fill
58  implicit none
60  private

ABINIT/psp_dump_outputs [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Debugging routines used to dumo PSP data in Yaml format.


1359 subroutine psp_dump_outputs(pfx,pspcod,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssoang, &
1360                             mqgrid,n1xccc,mmax,maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,nctab, &
1361                             indlmn,nproj,ekb,ffspl,vlspl,xccc1d)
1363 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1364 !scalars
1365  character(len=*), intent(in) :: pfx
1366  integer,intent(in) :: pspcod,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssoang,mqgrid,n1xccc
1367  integer,intent(in) :: mmax
1368  real(dp),intent(in) :: maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc
1369  type(nctab_t),intent(in) :: nctab
1370 !arrays
1371  integer,intent(in) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax),nproj(mpssoang)
1372  real(dp),intent(in) :: ekb(lnmax),ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax),vlspl(mqgrid,2)
1373  real(dp),intent(in) :: xccc1d(n1xccc,6)
1375 !Local variables ------------------------------
1376 !scalars
1377  integer, parameter :: dump = 64
1378  integer :: ierr, i, j ,k
1379  character(len=500) :: msg
1381  ! *********************************************************************
1383  open(unit=dump, file=trim(pfx)//"_psp_info.yaml", status='REPLACE', err=10, iostat=ierr)
1385  write(dump,'(3a)') "%YAML 1.2", ch10, "---"
1387  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Pseudopotential info"
1388  write(dump, '(a,1x,i8)') "pspcod:", pspcod
1390  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array dimensions"
1391  write(dump, '(a)') "dims:"
1392  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "lmnmax:", lmnmax
1393  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "lnmax:", lnmax
1394  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "mpssoang:", mpssoang
1395  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "mqgrid:", mqgrid
1396  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "n1xccc:", n1xccc
1397  write(dump, '(4x,a,1x,i8)') "mmax:", mmax
1399  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Quantities"
1400  write(dump, '(a,1x,e12.5)') "maxrad:", maxrad
1401  write(dump, '(a,1x,e12.5)') "epsatm:", epsatm
1402  write(dump, '(a,1x,e12.5)') "qchrg:", qchrg
1403  write(dump, '(a,1x,e12.5)') "xcccrc:", xcccrc
1405  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Structure: nctab"
1406  write(dump, '(a)') "nctab:"
1407  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,i4)') "mqgrid_vl", nctab%mqgrid_vl
1408  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,l4)') "has_tvale", nctab%has_tvale
1409  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,l4)') "has_tcore", nctab%has_tcore
1410  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,e12.5)') "dncdq0", nctab%dncdq0
1411  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,e12.5)') "d2ncdq0", nctab%d2ncdq0
1412  write(dump,'(4x,a,":",1x,e12.5)') "dnvdq0", nctab%dnvdq0
1414  if ( nctab%has_tvale ) then
1415    write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: nctab_tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)"
1416    write(dump, '(a)') "nctab_tvalespl:"
1417    do j=1,2
1418      do i=1,nctab%mqgrid_vl
1419        if ( i == 1 ) then
1420          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "- -", nctab%tvalespl(i,j)
1421        else
1422          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "  -", nctab%tvalespl(i,j)
1423        end if
1424      end do
1425    end do
1426  end if
1428  if ( nctab%has_tcore ) then
1429    write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: nctab_tcorespl(mqgrid_vl,2)"
1430    write(dump, '(a)') "nctab_tcorespl:"
1431    do j=1,2
1432      do i=1,nctab%mqgrid_vl
1433        if ( i == 1 ) then
1434          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "- -", nctab%tcorespl(i,j)
1435        else
1436          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "  -", nctab%tcorespl(i,j)
1437        end if
1438      end do
1439    end do
1440  end if
1442  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: integer indlmn(6,lmnmax)"
1443  write(dump, '(a)') "indlmn:"
1444  do i=1,lmnmax
1445    write(dump,'(4x,a,i4,5(",",i4),a)') "- [", indlmn(:,i), "]"
1446  end do
1448  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: integer nproj(mpssoang)"
1449  write(dump, '(a)') "nproj:"
1450  do i=1,mpssoang
1451    write(dump,'(4x,"-",1x,i4)') nproj(i)
1452  end do
1454  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: double ekb(lnmax)"
1455  write(dump, '(a)') "ekb:"
1456  do i=1,lnmax
1457    write(dump,'(4x,"-",1x,e12.5)') ekb(i)
1458  end do
1460  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax)"
1461  write(dump, '(a)') "ffspl:"
1462  do k=1,lnmax
1463    do j=1,2
1464      do i=1,mqgrid
1465        if ( (i == 1) .and. (j == 1) ) then
1466          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "- - -", ffspl(i,j,k)
1467        else if ( i == 1 ) then
1468          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "  - -", ffspl(i,j,k)
1469        else
1470          write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "    -", ffspl(i,j,k)
1471        end if
1472      end do
1473    end do
1474  end do
1476  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: vlspl(mqgrid,2)"
1477  write(dump, '(a)') "vlspl:"
1478  do j=1,2
1479    do i=1,mqgrid
1480      if ( i == 1 ) then
1481        write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "- -", vlspl(i,j)
1482      else
1483        write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "  -", vlspl(i,j)
1484      end if
1485    end do
1486  end do
1488  write(dump, '(2a)') ch10, "# Array: xccc1d(n1xccc,6)"
1489  write(dump, '(a)') "xccc1d:"
1490  do j=1,6
1491    do i=1,mqgrid
1492      if ( i == 1 ) then
1493        write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "- -", xccc1d(i,j)
1494      else
1495        write(dump,'(4x,a,1x,e12.5)') "  -", xccc1d(i,j)
1496      end if
1497    end do
1498  end do
1500  write (dump,'(2a)') ch10, "..."
1502  close(dump)
1504  return
1505  10 continue
1507  if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
1508    write(msg,'(a,a,a,i8)') "Error writing pseudopotential information", ch10, "IOSTAT=", ierr
1509    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1510  end if
1512 end subroutine psp_dump_outputs

ABINIT/pspatm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Open atomic pseudopotential data file for a given atom,
 read the three first lines, make some checks, then
 call appropriate subroutine for the reading of
 V(r) and wf R(r) data for each angular momentum, and subsequent
 Fourier and Bessel function transforms for local and nonlocal potentials.
 Close psp file at end.

 Handles pseudopotential files produced by (pspcod=1 or 4) Teter code,
 or from the Goedecker-Teter-Hutter paper (pspcod=2),
 or from the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter paper (pspcod=3 or 10)
 or "Phoney pseudopotentials" (Hamman grid in real space) (pspcod=5)
 or "Troullier-Martins pseudopotentials" from the FHI (pspcod=6)
 or "XML format" (pspcod=9)
 or "UPF1 PWSCF format" (pspcod=11)
 or "UPF2 PWSCF format" (pspcod=12)


  dq= spacing of the q-grid
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice from main routine data file
   | pawxcdev=choice of XC development in PAW formalism
   | usexcnhat_orig=choice for use of nhat in Vxc in PAW formalism
   | xclevel= XC functional level
  ipsp=id in the array of the currently read pseudo.


    ->NORM-CONSERVING PSPS ONLY (pspcod/=7):
      (Real) Kleinman-Bylander energies (hartree)
             {{\ \begin{equation}
               \frac{\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))^2 dr]}
             {\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))   dr]}
              \end{equation} }}
             for number of basis functions (l,n) (dimekb=lnmax)
             If any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}) dr]$(hartree)
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  vlspl(mqgrid_vl,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  ffspl(mqgrid_ff,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector; if any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  xcccrc=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr) from psp file
  xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives, from psp file (used in NC only)
    has_tvale=True if the pseudo provides the valence density (used in NC only)
    tvalespl(mqgrid_vl(1-usepaw),2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid
                                     (used in NC only)


 Input/Output :
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=at output, values depending on the read
                                    pseudo are set.
   | dimekb(IN)=dimension of ekb (see module defs_psp.f)
   | filpsp(IN)=name of formatted external file containing atomic psp data.
   | lmnmax(IN)=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
   |           =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
   | lnmax(IN)=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
   |           angular momentum of nonlocal pseudopotential
   | mpsang(IN)= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
   | mpssoang(IN)= 1+maximum (spin*angular momentum) for nonlocal pseudopotentials
   | mqgrid_ff(IN)=dimension of q (or G) grid for nl form factors (array ffspl)
   | mqgrid_vl(IN)=dimension of q (or G) grid for Vloc (array vlspl)
   | n1xccc(IN)=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
   | optnlxccc(IN)=option for nl XC core correction
   | positron(IN)=0 if electron GS calculation
   |              1 if positron GS calculation
   |              2 if electron GS calculation in presence of the positron
   | pspso(INOUT)=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
   |          if =0 : this input requires NO spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
   |          if =2 : this input requires HGH characteristics of the psp
   |          if =3 : this input requires HFN characteristics of the psp
   |          if =1 : this input will be changed at output to 1, 2, 3, according
   |                  to the intrinsic characteristics of the psp file
   | qgrid_ff(mqgrid_ff)(IN)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for nl form factors
   | qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)(IN)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for Vloc
   | usepaw(IN)= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
   | useylm(IN)=governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
   |            1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
   | vlspl_recipSpace(IN)=.true. if pseudo are expressed in reciprocal space.
   | znuclpsp(IN)=atomic number of atom as specified in input file to main routine


  Format expected for the three first lines of pseudopotentials
  (1) title (character) line
  (2) znucl,zion,pspdat
  (3) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well

  Dimensions of form factors and Vloc q grids must be the same in Norm-Conserving case


 786 subroutine pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,pawrad,pawtab,&
 787                   psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab,comm_mpi)
 789 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
 790 !scalars
 791  integer,intent(in) :: ipsp
 792  integer, optional,intent(in) :: comm_mpi
 793  real(dp),intent(in) :: dq
 794  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,xcccrc
 795  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 796  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 797  type(pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: pawrad
 798  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab
 799  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
 800  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: psps
 801 !arrays
 802  integer,intent(out) :: indlmn(6,psps%lmnmax)
 803  real(dp),intent(out) :: dvlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
 804  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ekb(psps%dimekb*(1-psps%usepaw))
 805  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ffspl(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax)
 806  real(dp),intent(out) :: vlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
 807  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6)
 809 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
 810 !scalars
 811  integer :: ii,il,ilmn,iln,iln0,lloc,lmax,me,mmax
 812  integer :: paral_mode,pspcod,pspdat,pspxc,useupf,usexml,xmlpaw,unt
 813  real(dp) :: maxrad,qchrg,r2well,zion,znucl
 814  logical,parameter :: nc_debug = .False.
 815  !logical,parameter :: nc_debug = .True.
 816  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
 817  character(len=fnlen) :: title, filnam
 818  type(pawpsp_header_type):: pawpsp_header
 819  type(pspheader_type) :: pspheads_tmp
 820 !arrays
 821  integer,allocatable :: nproj(:)
 822  real(dp) :: tsec(2),ecut_tmp(3,2)
 823  real(dp),allocatable :: e990(:),e999(:),ekb1(:),ekb2(:),epspsp(:),rcpsp(:)
 824  real(dp),allocatable :: rms(:)
 825 #if defined HAVE_LIBPSML
 826 !!  usexml= 0 for non xml ps format ; =1 for xml ps format
 827  character(len=3) :: atmsymb
 828  character(len=30) :: creator
 829  type(pspheader_type) :: psphead
 830 #endif
 832 ! ******************************************************************************
 834 !paral_mode defines how we access to the psp file
 835 !  paral_mode=0: all processes access to the file (sequentially)
 836 !  paral_mode=1: only proc. 0 access to the file and then broadcast
 837  paral_mode=0
 838  if (present(comm_mpi)) then
 839    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.xmpi_comm_size(comm_mpi)>1) paral_mode=1
 840  end if
 841  me=0;if (paral_mode==1) me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm_mpi)
 843  if (paral_mode == 1) then
 844    ABI_CHECK(psps%usepaw==1, "paral_mode==1 is only compatible with PAW, see call to pawpsp_bcast below")
 845  end if
 847  nctab%has_tvale = .False.; nctab%has_tcore = .False.
 848  pspcod = -1
 850  if (me==0) then
 851 !  Dimensions of form factors and Vloc q grids must be the same in Norm-Conserving case
 852    if (psps%usepaw==0 .and. psps%mqgrid_ff/=psps%mqgrid_vl) then
 853      write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a)' )&
 854        'Dimension of q-grid for nl form factors (mqgrid_ff)',ch10,&
 855        'is different from dimension of q-grid for Vloc (mqgrid_vl) !',ch10,&
 856        'This is not allowed for norm-conserving psp.'
 857      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 858    end if
 860    write(msg, '(a,t38,a)' )'- pspatm: opening atomic psp file',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
 861    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out],  msg)
 863    !  Check if the file pseudopotential file is written in (XML| XML-PAW | UPF)
 864    call test_xml_xmlpaw_upf(psps%filpsp(ipsp), usexml, xmlpaw, useupf)
 866    !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 867    !  allocate nproj here: can be read in now for UPF
 868    ABI_MALLOC(nproj,(psps%mpssoang))
 869    nproj(:)=0
 871    if (usexml /= 1 .and. useupf == 0) then
 873      ! Open the atomic data file, and read the three first lines
 874      ! These three first lines have a similar format in all allowed psp files
 875      ! Open atomic data file (note: formatted input file)
 876      if (open_file(psps%filpsp(ipsp), msg, unit=tmp_unit, form='formatted', status='old') /= 0) then
 877        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 878      end if
 879      rewind (unit=tmp_unit,err=10,iomsg=errmsg)
 881      ! Read and write some description of file from first line (character data)
 882      read (tmp_unit,'(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg) title
 883      write(msg, '(a,a)' ) '- ',trim(title)
 884      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 886      ! Read and write more data describing psp parameters
 887      read (tmp_unit,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg) znucl,zion,pspdat
 888      write(msg,'(a,f9.5,f10.5,2x,i8,t47,a)')'-',znucl,zion,pspdat,'znucl, zion, pspdat'
 889      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 891      read (tmp_unit,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
 892      if(pspxc<0) then
 893        write(msg, '(i5,i8,2i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
 894          pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
 895      else
 896        write(msg, '(4i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
 897          pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
 898      end if
 899      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 901    else if (usexml == 1 .and. xmlpaw == 0) then
 903 ! the following is probably useless - already read in everything in inpspheads
 904 #if defined HAVE_LIBPSML
 905      call psxml2abheader( psps%filpsp(ipsp), psphead, atmsymb, creator, 0 )
 906      znucl = psphead%znuclpsp
 907      zion = psphead%zionpsp
 908      pspdat = psphead%pspdat
 909      pspcod = psphead%pspcod
 910      pspxc =  psphead%pspxc
 911      lmax = psphead%lmax
 912      !lloc   = 0 ! does this mean s? in psml case the local potential can be different from any l channel
 913      lloc = -1
 914      mmax = -1
 915      r2well = 0
 917      write(msg,'(a,1x,a3,3x,a)') "-",atmsymb,trim(creator)
 918      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 919      write(msg,'(a,f9.5,f10.5,2x,i8,t47,a)')'-',znucl,zion,pspdat,'znucl, zion, pspdat'
 920      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 921      if(pspxc<0) then
 922        write(msg, '(i5,i8,2i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
 923          pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
 924      else
 925        write(msg, '(4i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
 926          pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
 927      end if
 928      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 929 #else
 930      write(msg,'(a,a)')  &
 931        'ABINIT is not compiled with XML support for reading this type of pseudopotential ', trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
 932      ABI_BUG(msg)
 933 #endif
 934 ! END useless
 935    else if (usexml == 1 .and. xmlpaw == 1) then
 936      write(msg,'(a,a)')  &
 937        '- pspatm : Reading pseudopotential header in XML form from ', trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
 938      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 940 !    Return header information
 941      call pawpsxml2ab(psps%filpsp(ipsp),ecut_tmp, pspheads_tmp,0)
 942      lmax=pspheads_tmp%lmax
 943      pspxc=pspheads_tmp%pspxc
 944      znucl=pspheads_tmp%znuclpsp
 945      pawpsp_header%basis_size=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%basis_size
 946      pawpsp_header%l_size=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%l_size
 947      pawpsp_header%lmn_size=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%lmn_size
 948      pawpsp_header%mesh_size=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%mesh_size
 949      pawpsp_header%pawver=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%pawver
 950      pawpsp_header%shape_type=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%shape_type
 951      pawpsp_header%rpaw=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%rpaw
 952      pawpsp_header%rshp=pspheads_tmp%pawheader%rshp
 953      lloc=0; pspcod=17
 955    else if (useupf /= 0) then
 956      if (psps%usepaw /= 0) then
 957        ABI_ERROR("UPF format not allowed with PAW (USPP part not read yet)")
 958      end if
 960      r2well = 0; qchrg=zero
 962      ! should initialize znucl,zion,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax
 963      if (useupf == 1) then
 964        pspcod = 11
 965        call upf1_to_abinit(psps%filpsp(ipsp), znucl, zion, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, &
 966                        psps, epsatm, xcccrc, indlmn, ekb, ffspl, nproj, vlspl, xccc1d)
 967      else
 968        pspcod = 12
 969        call upf2_to_abinit(ipsp, psps%filpsp(ipsp), dtset%vloc_rcut, znucl, zion, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, &
 970                            psps, epsatm, xcccrc, indlmn, ekb, ffspl, nproj, vlspl, xccc1d, nctab, maxrad)
 972        if (nc_debug) then
 973          call psp_dump_outputs("UPF2", pspcod, psps%lmnmax, psps%lnmax, psps%mpssoang, &
 974            psps%mqgrid_ff, psps%n1xccc, mmax, maxrad, epsatm, qchrg, xcccrc, nctab, &
 975            indlmn, nproj, ekb, ffspl, vlspl, xccc1d)
 976        end if
 977      end if
 979    else
 980      ABI_ERROR("You should not be here! erroneous type or pseudopotential input")
 981    end if
 983 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 984 !  Check data for consistency against main routine input
 986 !  Does required spin-orbit characteristics agree with format
 987 !  TODO: in case of pspcod 5 (phoney) and 8 (oncvpsp) this is not specific enough.
 988 !  they can be non-SOC as well.
 989 !  HGH is ok - can always turn SOC on or off.
 990 !  PAW is ok - can be used with or without SOC
 991 !  write(std_out,*) pspso
 992    if((pspcod/=3).and.(pspcod/=5).and.(pspcod/=8).and.(pspcod/=10).and. pspcod /= 12 .and. &
 993       (pspcod/=7).and.(pspcod/=17))then
 994 !    If pspso requires internal characteristics, set it to 1 for non-HGH psps
 995      if(psps%pspso(ipsp)==1) psps%pspso(ipsp)=0
 996      if(psps%pspso(ipsp) /= 0)then
 997        write(msg, '(3a,i0,3a)' )&
 998         'Pseudopotential file cannot give spin-orbit characteristics,',ch10,&
 999         'while pspso(itypat)= ',psps%pspso(ipsp),'.',ch10,&
1000         'Action: check your pseudopotential and input files for consistency.'
1001        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1002      end if
1003    end if
1005    !  Does nuclear charge znuclpsp agree with psp input znucl
1006    if (abs(psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)-znucl) > tol8) then
1007      write(msg, '(a,f10.5,2a,f10.5,5a)' )&
1008       'Pseudopotential file znucl: ',znucl,ch10,&
1009       'does not equal input znuclpsp: ',psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),' better than 1e-08 .',ch10,&
1010       'znucl is read from the psp file in pspatm, while',ch10,&
1011       'znuclpsp is read in iofn2.'
1012      ABI_BUG(msg)
1013    end if
1015 !  Is the highest angular momentum within limits?
1016 !  Recall mpsang is 1+highest l for nonlocal correction.
1017 !  Nonlocal corrections for s, p, d, and f are supported.
1018    if (lmax+1>psps%mpsang) then
1019      write(msg, '(a,i0,a,i0,a,a)' )&
1020      'input lmax+1: ',lmax+1,' exceeds mpsang: ',psps%mpsang,ch10,&
1021      'indicates input lmax too large for dimensions.'
1022      ABI_BUG(msg)
1023    end if
1025 !  Check several choices for ixc against pspxc
1026 !  ixc is from ABINIT code; pspxc is from atomic psp file
1027    if (dtset%ixc==0) then
1028      ABI_WARNING('Note that input ixc=0 => no xc is being used.')
1029    else if(dtset%ixc/=pspxc) then
1030      write(msg, '(a,i0,a,i0,8a)' )&
1031       'Pseudopotential file pspxc: ',pspxc,', not equal to input ixc: ',dtset%ixc,'.',ch10,&
1032       'These parameters must agree to get the same xc in ABINIT code as in psp construction.',ch10,&
1033       'Action: check psp design or input file.',ch10,&
1034       'Assume experienced user. Execution will continue.'
1035      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1036    end if
1038    if (lloc>lmax .and. pspcod/=4 .and. pspcod/=8 .and. pspcod/=10) then
1039      write(msg, '(a,2i12,a,a,a,a)' )&
1040       'lloc,lmax=',lloc,lmax,ch10,&
1041       'chosen l of local psp exceeds range from input data.',ch10,&
1042       'Action: check pseudopotential input file.'
1043      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1044    end if
1046 !  Does the pspcod agree with type of calculation (paw or not)?
1047    if (((pspcod/=7.and.pspcod/=17).and.psps%usepaw==1).or.((pspcod==7.or.pspcod==17).and.psps%usepaw==0)) then
1048      write(msg, '(a,i0,a,a,i0,a)' )&
1049       'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod= ',pspcod,ch10,&
1050       'This is not an allowed value with usepaw= ',psps%usepaw,'.'
1051      ABI_BUG(msg)
1052    end if
1054    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace .and. (pspcod /= 2 .and. pspcod /= 3 .and. pspcod /= 10 .and. pspcod /= 7)) then
1055 !    The following "if" statement can substitute the one just before once libBigDFT
1056 !    has been upgraded to include pspcod 10
1057 !    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace .and. (pspcod /= 2 .and. pspcod /= 3 .and. pspcod /= 10)) then
1058      write(msg, '(a,i0,2a)' )&
1059       'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod=',pspcod,ch10,&
1060       'This is not an allowed value with real space computation.'
1061      ABI_BUG(msg)
1062    end if
1064 !  MJV 16/6/2009 added pspcod 11 for upf format
1065    !if( pspcod<1 .or. (pspcod>11.and.pspcod/=17) ) then
1066    if( pspcod<1)  then
1067      write(msg, '(a,i0,4a)' )&
1068       'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod= ',pspcod,ch10,&
1069       'This is not an allowed value. Allowed values are 1-12 or 17 .',ch10,&
1070       'Action: check pseudopotential input file.'
1071      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1072    end if
1074 !  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1075 !  Set various terms to 0 in case not defined below
1076    ABI_MALLOC(e990,(psps%mpssoang))
1077    ABI_MALLOC(e999,(psps%mpssoang))
1078    ABI_MALLOC(rcpsp,(psps%mpssoang))
1079    ABI_MALLOC(rms,(psps%mpssoang))
1080    ABI_MALLOC(epspsp,(psps%mpssoang))
1081    ABI_MALLOC(ekb1,(psps%mpssoang))
1082    ABI_MALLOC(ekb2,(psps%mpssoang))
1083    e990(:)=zero ;e999(:)=zero
1084    rcpsp(:)=zero;rms(:)=zero
1085    ekb1(:)=zero ;ekb2(:)=zero
1086    epspsp(:)=zero
1087    qchrg=zero
1089 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1090    if (pspcod==1 .or. pspcod==4)then
1092      ! Teter pseudopotential (pspcod=1 or 4)
1093      call psp1in(dq,ekb,ekb1,ekb2,epsatm,epspsp,&
1094        e990,e999,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,&
1095        mmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,pspcod,qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,&
1096        rcpsp,rms,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
1098    else if (pspcod==2)then
1100      ! GTH pseudopotential
1101      call psp2in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,zion)
1102      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
1104    else if (pspcod==3)then
1106      ! HGH pseudopotential
1107      call psp3in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps, psps%pspso(ipsp), vlspl,zion)
1108      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
1110    else if (pspcod==5)then
1112      ! Old phoney pseudopotentials
1113      call psp5in(ekb,ekb1,ekb2,epsatm,epspsp,&
1114       e990,e999,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,&
1115       mmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%pspso(ipsp),qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,&
1116       rcpsp,rms,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
1118    else if (pspcod==6)then
1119      ! FHI pseudopotentials
1120      call psp6in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
1121        psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%optnlxccc,psps%positron,qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%useylm,vlspl,&
1122        xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
1124    else if (pspcod==7)then
1125      ! PAW "pseudopotentials"
1126      call pawpsp_7in(epsatm,ffspl,dtset%icoulomb,ABS(dtset%hyb_mixing),dtset%ixc,&
1127 &      lmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,&
1128 &      pawrad,pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,&
1129 &      dtset%usewvl,dtset%usexcnhat_orig,vlspl,xcccrc,dtset%xclevel,&
1130 &      dtset%xc_denpos,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),xc_taupos=dtset%xc_taupos)
1132    else if (pspcod==8)then
1134      ! DRH pseudopotentials
1135      call psp8in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
1136        psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%pspso(ipsp),&
1137        qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),nctab,maxrad)
1139      if (nc_debug) then
1140        call psp_dump_outputs("PSP8",pspcod,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpssoang, &
1141          psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%n1xccc,mmax,maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,nctab, &
1142          indlmn,nproj,ekb,ffspl,vlspl,xccc1d)
1143      end if
1145    else if (pspcod==9)then
1147 #if defined HAVE_LIBPSML
1148      call psp9in(psps%filpsp(ipsp),ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
1149        psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,nproj,psps%n1xccc, &
1150        psps%pspso(ipsp),qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,psps%useylm,vlspl,&
1151        xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),nctab,maxrad)
1153      if (nc_debug) then
1154        call psp_dump_outputs("PSML",pspcod,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpssoang, &
1155         psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%n1xccc,mmax,maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,nctab, &
1156         indlmn,nproj,ekb,ffspl,vlspl,xccc1d)
1157      end if
1158 #else
1159      write(msg,'(2a)')  &
1160        'ABINIT is not compiled with XML support for reading this type of pseudopotential ', trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
1161      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1162 #endif
1164    else if (pspcod==10)then
1166      ! HGH pseudopotential, full h/k matrix read
1167      call psp10in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps, psps%pspso(ipsp), vlspl,zion)
1168      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
1170      ! NB for pspcod 11 the reading has already been done above.
1171    else if (pspcod==17)then
1172      ! PAW XML pseudopotentials
1173      call pawpsp_17in(epsatm,ffspl,dtset%icoulomb,ipsp,ABS(dtset%hyb_mixing),dtset%ixc,lmax,&
1174 &     psps%lnmax,mmax,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,pawpsp_header,pawrad,pawtab,&
1175 &     dtset%pawxcdev,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%usewvl,&
1176 &     dtset%usexcnhat_orig,vlspl,xcccrc,&
1177 &     dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos,pspheads_tmp%zionpsp,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),&
1178 &     xc_taupos=dtset%xc_taupos)
1179      call paw_setup_free(paw_setuploc)
1180    end if
1182    close (unit=tmp_unit)
1184 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1185    if (pspcod==2 .or. pspcod==3 .or. pspcod==10)then
1186      write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
1187      ' pspatm : COMMENT -',ch10,&
1188      '  the projectors are not normalized,',ch10,&
1189      '  so that the KB energies are not consistent with ',ch10,&
1190      '  definition in PRB44, 8503 (1991). ',ch10,& ! [[cite:Gonze1991]]
1191      '  However, this does not influence the results obtained hereafter.'
1192      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1193 !    The following lines are added to keep backward compatibilty
1194      maxrad=zero
1195 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1196      do ii=1,size(psps%gth_params%psppar,1)-1 ! psppar first dim begins at 0
1197        if (psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp)/=zero) maxrad=max(maxrad,psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp))
1198      end do
1199      if (abs(maxrad)<=tol12) then
1200        psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=zero
1201      else
1202        psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=max( &
1203 &       min(dtset%wvl_crmult*psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1),15._dp*maxrad)/dtset%wvl_frmult, &
1204 &       psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))
1205      end if
1206 #endif
1207    end if
1209    if (pspcod/=7.and.pspcod/=17) then
1210      write(msg, '(a,f14.8,a,a)' ) '  pspatm : epsatm=',epsatm,ch10,'         --- l  ekb(1:nproj) -->'
1211      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1212      !print *, "nproj", nproj
1213      iln0=0
1214      do ilmn=1,psps%lmnmax
1215        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
1216        if (iln>iln0) then
1217          il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
1218          if (indlmn(6,ilmn)==1) then
1219            iln0=iln0+nproj(il+1)
1220            write(msg, '(13x,i1,4f12.6)' ) il,(ekb(iln+ii),ii=0,nproj(il+1)-1)
1221          else
1222            ! Note il = ll here i.e. the s channel in the SOC part is not included in nproj.
1223            iln0=iln0+nproj(il+psps%mpsang)
1224            if (dtset%spnorbscl /= one) then
1225              call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], &
1226                          sjoin(" Rescaling spin-orbit KB energies using spnorbscl.", ftoa(dtset%spnorbscl)))
1227              ekb(iln:iln + nproj(il + psps%mpsang) - 1) = ekb(iln:iln + nproj(il + psps%mpsang) - 1) * dtset%spnorbscl
1228            end if
1229            write(msg, '(2x,a,i1,4f12.6)' ) 'spin-orbit ',il,(ekb(iln+ii),ii=0,nproj(il+psps%mpsang)-1)
1230          end if
1231          call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1232        end if
1233      end do
1234    end if
1236    ! NC: Evalute spline-fit of the model core charge in reciprocal space.
1237    ! TODO: Be careful, because we will be using the PAW routines in which tcore is always available!
1238    ! Should add a test with 2 NC pseudos: one with NLCC and the other without!
1239    if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
1240      call nctab_eval_tcorespl(nctab, psps%n1xccc, xcccrc, xccc1d, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl)
1241    end if
1243    write(msg,'(3a)') ' pspatm: atomic psp has been read ',' and splines computed',ch10
1244    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1246    ABI_FREE(e990)
1247    ABI_FREE(e999)
1248    ABI_FREE(rcpsp)
1249    ABI_FREE(rms)
1250    ABI_FREE(ekb1)
1251    ABI_FREE(ekb2)
1252    ABI_FREE(epspsp)
1253    ABI_FREE(nproj)
1255    if (dtset%prtvol > 9 .and. psps%usepaw==0 .and. psps%lmnmax>3) then
1256      write (filnam, '(a,i0,a)') trim(dtfil%fnameabo_pspdata), ipsp, ".dat"
1257      if (open_file(filnam, msg, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
1258        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1259      end if
1260      write (unt,*) '# Pseudopotential data in reciprocal space as used by ABINIT'
1261      write (unt,'(a)', ADVANCE='NO') '# index       vlocal   '
1262      if (psps%lnmax > 0) write (unt,'(a,I3)', ADVANCE='NO')   '           1st proj(l=', indlmn(1,1)
1263      if (psps%lnmax > 1) write (unt,'(a,I3)', ADVANCE='NO')   ')            2nd(l=', indlmn(1,2)
1264      if (psps%lnmax > 2) write (unt,'(a,I3,a)', ADVANCE='NO') ')            3rd(l=', indlmn(1,3), ')'
1265      write (unt,*)
1267      do ii = 1, psps%mqgrid_vl
1268        write(unt, '(I5,E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ii, vlspl(ii,1)
1269        if (psps%lnmax > 0) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,1)
1270        if (psps%lnmax > 1) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,2)
1271        if (psps%lnmax > 2) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,3)
1272        write(unt, *)
1273      end do
1274      close(unt)
1276      write (filnam, '(a,i0,a)') trim(dtfil%fnameabo_nlcc_derivs), ipsp, ".dat"
1277      if (open_file(filnam, msg, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
1278        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1279      end if
1280      write (unt,*) '# Non-linear core corrections'
1281      write (unt,*) '#  r, pseudocharge, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th derivatives'
1282      do ii = 1, psps%n1xccc
1283        write (unt,*) xcccrc*(ii-1)/(psps%n1xccc-1), xccc1d(ii,1), xccc1d(ii,2), &
1284                      xccc1d(ii,3), xccc1d(ii,4), xccc1d(ii,5), xccc1d(ii,6)
1285      end do
1286      close(unt)
1287    end if
1289  end if ! me=0
1291  if (paral_mode==1) then
1292    call timab(48,1,tsec)
1293    call pawpsp_bcast(comm_mpi,epsatm,ffspl,pawrad,pawtab,vlspl,xcccrc)
1294    call timab(48,2,tsec)
1295  end if
1297  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1298    indlmn(:,:)=0
1299    indlmn(1:6,1:pawtab%lmn_size)=pawtab%indlmn(1:6,1:pawtab%lmn_size)
1300  end if
1302 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1303 !WVL+PAW:
1304  if (dtset%usepaw==1 .and. (dtset%icoulomb /= 0 .or. dtset%usewvl==1)) then
1305 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1306    psps%gth_params%psppar(:,:,ipsp) = UNINITIALIZED(1._dp)
1307    psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,:) = UNINITIALIZED(1._dp)
1308    call wvl_descr_psp_fill(psps%gth_params, ipsp, psps%pspxc(1), int(psps%zionpsp(ipsp)), int(psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)), 0)
1309 #endif
1311 !  The following lines are added to keep backward compatibilty
1312    maxrad=zero
1313 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1314    do ii=1,size(psps%gth_params%psppar,1)-1 ! psppar first dim begins at 0
1315      if (psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp)/=zero) maxrad=max(maxrad,psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp))
1316    end do
1317    if (abs(maxrad)<=tol12) then
1318 !== MT COMMENT
1319 !    Damien wants to activate this (in order to directly compare to bigDFT):
1320      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)= psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2)
1321 !    But, this changes strongly file references.
1322 !    So, I keep this, waiting for Tonatiuh s validation
1323      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3) = (psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1)+psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))*half
1324 !== MT COMMENT
1325    else
1326      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=max( &
1327        min(dtset%wvl_crmult*psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1),15._dp*maxrad)/dtset%wvl_frmult, &
1328        psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))
1329    end if
1330    if(present(comm_mpi)) then
1331      call pawpsp_wvl(psps%filpsp(ipsp),pawrad,pawtab,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wvl_ngauss,comm_mpi)
1332    else
1333      call pawpsp_wvl(psps%filpsp(ipsp),pawrad,pawtab,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wvl_ngauss)
1334    end if
1335 #endif
1336  end if
1338 !end of WVL+PAW section
1339 !----------------------------------------------------
1341  return
1343  ! Handle IO error
1344  10 continue
1345  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
1347 end subroutine pspatm

ABINIT/pspcor [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute ecore pseudoion-pseudoion correction energy from epsatm for
 different types of atoms in unit cell.


  natom=number of atoms in cell
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  typat(natom)=integer label of 'typat' for each atom in cell
  epsatm(ntypat)=pseudoatom energy for each type of atom
  zion(ntypat)=valence charge on each type of atom in cell


  ecore=resulting psion-psion energy in Hartrees


656 subroutine pspcor(ecore,epsatm,natom,ntypat,typat,zion)
658 !Arguments ------------------------------------
659 !scalars
660  integer,intent(in) :: natom,ntypat
661  real(dp),intent(out) :: ecore
662 !arrays
663  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
664  real(dp),intent(in) :: epsatm(ntypat),zion(ntypat)
666 !Local variables-------------------------------
667 !scalars
668  integer :: ia
669  real(dp) :: charge,esum
671 ! *************************************************************************
673  charge = 0.d0
674  esum = 0.d0
675  do ia=1,natom
676 !  compute pseudocharge:
677    charge=charge+zion(typat(ia))
678 !  add pseudocore energies together:
679    esum = esum + epsatm(typat(ia))
680  end do
682  ecore=charge*esum
684 end subroutine pspcor

ABINIT/pspini [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Looping over atom types 1 ... ntypat,
 read pseudopotential data filename, then call pspatm for each psp.
 Might combine the psps to generate pseudoatoms, thanks to alchemy.
 Also compute ecore=[Sum(i) zion(i)] * [Sum(i) epsatm(i)] by calling pspcor.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | iscf=parameter controlling scf or non-scf calculations
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice as input to main routine
   | natom=number of atoms in unit cell
   | pawxcdev=choice of XC development in PAW formalism
   | prtvol= control output volume
   | typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
   |              main routine, for each type of atom
  gsqcut=cutoff for G^2 based on ecut for basis sphere (bohr^-2)
  gsqcutdg=PAW only - cutoff for G^2 based on ecutdg (fine grid) for basis sphere (bohr^-2)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
   used to estimate real space mesh (if necessary)


  ecore=total psp core correction energy*ucvol (hartree*bohr^3)
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  gencond=general condition for new computation of pseudopotentials
          (if gencond=1, new psps have been re-computed)


  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=at output, psps is completely initialized
   At the input, it is already partially or completely initialized.


 The interplay with the multi-dataset mode is interesting:
 the pseudopotentials are independent of the dataset, but the largest q vector, the
 spin-orbit characteristics, the use of Ylm as well as ixc
 play a role in the set up of pseudopotentials (ixc plays a very minor
 role, however). So, the pseudopotential data ought not be recomputed
 when gsqcut, gsqcutdg, mqgrid_ff, mqgrid_vl, npspso, ixc, dimekb and useylm do not change.
 In many cases, this routine is also called just to write the psp line
 of the header, without reading again the psp. This psp line
 is constant throughout run.


124 subroutine pspini(dtset,dtfil,ecore,gencond,gsqcut,gsqcutdg,pawrad,pawtab,psps,rprimd,comm_mpi)
126 !Arguments ------------------------------------
127 !scalars
128  integer, optional,intent(in) :: comm_mpi
129  integer,intent(out) :: gencond
130  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,gsqcutdg
131  real(dp),intent(out) :: ecore
132  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
133  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
134 !arrays
135  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
136  type(pseudopotential_type), target,intent(inout) :: psps
137  type(pawrad_type), intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
138  type(pawtab_type), intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
140 !Local variables-------------------------------
141 !scalars
142  integer,parameter :: npspmax=50
143  integer,save :: dimekb_old=0,ifirst=1,ixc_old=-1,lmnmax_old=0,lnmax_old=0
144  integer,save :: mpssoang_old=0,mqgridff_old=0,mqgridvl_old=0,optnlxccc_old=-1
145  integer,save :: paw_size_old=-1,pawxcdev_old=-1,positron_old=-2,usekden_old=-1,usepaw_old=-1
146  integer,save :: usexcnhat_old=-1,usewvl_old=-1,useylm_old=-1
147  integer :: comm_mpi_,ierr,ii,ilang,ilmn,ilmn0,iproj,ipsp,ipspalch
148  integer :: ispin,itypalch,itypat,mtypalch,npsp,npspalch,ntypalch
149  integer :: ntypat,ntyppure,paw_size
150  logical :: has_coretau,has_kij,has_tproj,has_tvale,has_nabla,has_shapefncg,has_vminushalf,has_wvl
151  real(dp),save :: ecore_old=zero,gsqcut_old=zero,gsqcutdg_old=zero, spnorbscl_old=-one,hyb_mixing_old=-999.0_dp
152  real(dp) :: dq,epsatm_psp,qmax,rmax,xcccrc
153  character(len=500) :: msg
154  type(pawrad_type) :: pawrad_dum
155  type(pawtab_type) :: pawtab_dum
156  type(nctab_t) :: nctab_dum
157  type(nctab_t),pointer :: nctab_ptr
158 !arrays
159  integer :: paw_options(10)
160  integer,save :: paw_options_old(10)=(/-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1/)
161  integer,save :: pspso_old(npspmax),pspso_zero(npspmax)
162  integer,allocatable :: indlmn_alch(:,:,:),new_pspso(:)
163  integer,pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
164  real(dp),save :: epsatm(npspmax)
165  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
166  real(dp),allocatable :: dvlspl(:,:),dvlspl_alch(:,:,:),ekb(:),ekb_alch(:,:)
167  real(dp),allocatable :: epsatm_alch(:),ffspl(:,:,:),ffspl_alch(:,:,:,:)
168  real(dp),allocatable :: vlspl(:,:),vlspl_alch(:,:,:),xccc1d(:,:)
169  real(dp),allocatable :: xccc1d_alch(:,:,:),xcccrc_alch(:)
170  type(nctab_t),target,allocatable :: nctab_alch(:)
172 ! *************************************************************************
176  ! Keep track of time spent in this subroutine
177  call timab(15,1,tsec)
179 !-------------------------------------------------------------
180 ! Some initializations
181 !-------------------------------------------------------------
183 !Useful sizes
184  ntypat=psps%ntypat
185  mtypalch=psps%mtypalch
186  npsp=psps%npsp
187  if (npsp>npspmax) then
188    ABI_BUG("npsp>npspmax in pspini !")
189  end if
191 ! Set up q grids for atomic data represented in reciprocal space
192 ! make qmax 20% larger than largest expected:
193  qmax=1.2d0 * sqrt(gsqcut)
194 !ffnl is always computed in reciprocal space
195  dq=qmax/(one*(psps%mqgrid_ff-1))
196  do ii=1,psps%mqgrid_ff
197    psps%qgrid_ff(ii)=(ii-1)*dq
198  end do
199  if (psps%usepaw==1) qmax=1.2d0 * sqrt(gsqcutdg)
200 !If vlspl is computed in real space, qgrid contains a real space mesh
201 !the max is taken as the biggest distance in the box.
202  if (psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
203    dq=qmax/(one*(psps%mqgrid_vl-1))
204  else
205    rmax = (rprimd(1, 1) + rprimd(1, 2) + rprimd(1, 3)) ** 2
206    rmax = rmax + (rprimd(2, 1) + rprimd(2, 2) + rprimd(2, 3)) ** 2
207    rmax = rmax + (rprimd(3, 1) + rprimd(3, 2) + rprimd(3, 3)) ** 2
208    rmax = sqrt(rmax)
209    dq = rmax /(one*(psps%mqgrid_vl-1))
210  end if
211  do ii=1,psps%mqgrid_vl
212    psps%qgrid_vl(ii)=(ii-1)*dq
213  end do
215 !Determine whether new optional data requests have changed
216  paw_options=0;paw_size=0
217  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
218    paw_size=size(pawtab)
219    has_kij=(dtset%positron/=0.or.abs(dtset%effmass_free-one)>tol8.or.dtset%orbmag>0)
220    has_tvale=.true. ! Will be modified later (depending on PAW dataset format)
221    has_nabla=.false.
222    has_shapefncg=(dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.((dtset%iprcel>=20.and.dtset%iprcel<70).or.dtset%iprcel>=80))
223    has_wvl=(dtset%usewvl==1.or.dtset%icoulomb/=0)
224    has_tproj=(dtset%usewvl==1) ! projectors will be free at the end of the psp reading
225    has_vminushalf=(maxval(dtset%ldaminushalf)==1)
226    has_coretau=(dtset%usekden>=1)
227    if (has_kij)       paw_options(1)=1
228    if (has_tvale)     paw_options(2)=1
229    if (has_nabla)     paw_options(5)=1
230    if (has_shapefncg) paw_options(6)=1
231    if (has_wvl)       paw_options(7)=1
232    if (has_tproj)     paw_options(8)=1
233    if (has_vminushalf)paw_options(9)=1
234    if (has_coretau)   paw_options(10)=1
235    !if (dtset%prtvclmb /= 0) then
236    paw_options(3) = 1
237    paw_options(4) = 1
238    !end if
239  end if
241 !Determine whether the spin-orbit characteristic has changed
242 !Do not forget that the SO is not consistent with alchemy presently
243  ABI_MALLOC(new_pspso,(npsp))
244  if (ifirst==1) pspso_old(:)=-1
245  if (ifirst==1) pspso_zero(:)=-1
246  do ipsp=1,npsp
247    new_pspso(ipsp)=1
248 !  No new characteristics if it is equal to the old one,
249 !  or, if it is one, the old one is equal to the intrinsic characteristic one.
250    if (psps%pspso(ipsp)==pspso_old(ipsp).or. &
251 &   (psps%pspso(ipsp)==1.and.pspso_old(ipsp)==pspso_zero(ipsp))) then
252      new_pspso(ipsp)=0
253    end if
254 !  No new characteristics if PAW
255    if (psps%usepaw==1) new_pspso(ipsp)=0
256 !  Prepare the saving of the intrinsic pseudopotential characteristics
257    if(psps%pspso(ipsp)==1) pspso_zero(ipsp)=0
258  end do
260 !Compute the general condition for new computation of pseudopotentials
261  gencond=0
262  if(   ixc_old /= dtset%ixc                &
263 & .or. ABS(hyb_mixing_old - dtset%hyb_mixing)>tol8 &
264 & .or. mqgridff_old /= psps%mqgrid_ff      &
265 & .or. mqgridvl_old /= psps%mqgrid_vl      &
266 & .or. mpssoang_old /= psps%mpssoang       &
267 & .or. abs(gsqcut_old-gsqcut)>1.0d-10      &
268 & .or. (psps%usepaw==1.and.abs(gsqcutdg_old-gsqcutdg)>1.0d-10) &
269 & .or. dimekb_old /= psps%dimekb           &
270 & .or. lmnmax_old /= psps%lmnmax           &
271 & .or. lnmax_old  /= psps%lnmax            &
272 & .or. optnlxccc_old /= psps%optnlxccc     &
273 & .or. usepaw_old /= psps%usepaw           &
274 & .or. useylm_old /= psps%useylm           &
275 & .or. pawxcdev_old /= dtset%pawxcdev      &
276 & .or. (psps%usepaw == 0 .and. spnorbscl_old /= dtset%spnorbscl) &
277 & .or. positron_old /= dtset%positron      &
278 & .or. usewvl_old /= dtset%usewvl          &
279 & .or. paw_size_old /= paw_size            &
280 & .or. usekden_old/=dtset%usekden          &
281 & .or. usexcnhat_old/=dtset%usexcnhat_orig &
282 & .or. any(paw_options_old(:)/=paw_options(:)) &
283 & .or. sum(new_pspso(:))/=0                &
284 & .or. mtypalch>0                          &
285 & .or. (dtset%usewvl==1.and.psps%usepaw==1)&
286 & ) gencond=1
288  if (present(comm_mpi).and.psps%usepaw==1) then
289    if(xmpi_comm_size(comm_mpi)>1)then
290      call xmpi_sum(gencond,comm_mpi,ierr)
291    end if
292    if (gencond/=0) gencond=1
293  end if
294  ABI_FREE(new_pspso)
296 !-------------------------------------------------------------
297 ! Following section is only reached when new computation
298 ! of pseudopotentials is needed
299 !-------------------------------------------------------------
301  if (gencond==1) then
303    write(msg, '(a,a)' ) ch10,'--- Pseudopotential description ------------------------------------------------'
304    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
306    ABI_MALLOC(ekb,(psps%dimekb*(1-psps%usepaw)))
307    ABI_MALLOC(xccc1d,(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6))
308    ABI_MALLOC(ffspl,(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax))
309    ABI_MALLOC(vlspl,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2))
310    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
311      ABI_MALLOC(dvlspl,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2))
312    else
313      ABI_MALLOC(dvlspl,(0,0))
314    end if
316 !  PAW: reset flags for optional data
317    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
318      call pawtab_set_flags(pawtab,has_kij=paw_options(1),has_tvale=paw_options(2),&
319 &     has_vhnzc=paw_options(3),has_vhtnzc=paw_options(4),&
320 &     has_nabla=paw_options(5),has_shapefncg=paw_options(6),&
321 &     has_wvl=paw_options(7),has_tproj=paw_options(8),&
322 &     has_vminushalf=paw_options(9),has_coretau=paw_options(10))
323    end if
325 !  Read atomic pseudopotential data and get transforms
326 !  for each atom type: two cases, alchemy or not.
328    if(mtypalch==0)then
329      !  No alchemical pseudoatom, in all datasets, npsp=ntypat
331      do ipsp=1,npsp
333        xcccrc=zero
334        ekb(:)=zero;ffspl(:,:,:)=zero;vlspl(:,:)=zero
335        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :)=zero
336        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
337        indlmn=>psps%indlmn(:,:,ipsp)
338        indlmn(:,:)=0
340        write(msg, '(a,i4,a,t38,a)' )'- pspini: atom type',ipsp,'  psp file is',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
341        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
343        ! Read atomic psp V(r) and wf(r) to get local and nonlocal psp:
344        ! Cannot use the same call in case of bound checking, because of pawrad/pawtab
345        if(psps%usepaw==0)then
346          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm(ipsp),ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
347            pawrad_dum,pawtab_dum,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,psps%nctab(ipsp))
348          psps%ekb(:,ipsp)=ekb(:)
349          psps%xccc1d(:,:,ipsp)=xccc1d(:,:)
350        else
351          comm_mpi_=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_mpi)) comm_mpi_=comm_mpi
352          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm(ipsp),ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
353            pawrad(ipsp),pawtab(ipsp),psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_dum,comm_mpi=comm_mpi_)
354          if (dtset%usefock==1.and.pawtab(ipsp)%has_fock==0) then
355            ABI_BUG('The PAW data file does not contain Fock information. Change the PAW data file!')
356          end if
357        end if
359        ! Copy data to psps datastructure.
360        psps%xcccrc(ipsp)=xcccrc
361        psps%znucltypat(ipsp)=psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)
362        psps%ffspl(:,:,:,ipsp)=ffspl(:,:,:)
363        psps%vlspl(:,:,ipsp)=vlspl(:,:)
364        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, ipsp) = dvlspl(:, :)
365      end do ! ipsp
367    else
368      ! mtypalch/=0
370      npspalch=psps%npspalch
371      ntyppure=npsp-npspalch
372      ntypalch=psps%ntypalch
373      ABI_MALLOC(epsatm_alch,(npspalch))
374      ABI_MALLOC(ekb_alch,(psps%dimekb,npspalch*(1-psps%usepaw)))
375      ABI_MALLOC(ffspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax,npspalch))
376      ABI_MALLOC(xccc1d_alch,(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6,npspalch))
377      ABI_MALLOC(xcccrc_alch,(npspalch))
378      ABI_MALLOC(vlspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2,npspalch))
379      if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
380        ABI_MALLOC(dvlspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2,npspalch))
381      end if
382      ABI_MALLOC(indlmn,(6,psps%lmnmax))
383      ABI_MALLOC(indlmn_alch,(6,psps%lmnmax,npspalch))
385      ! Allocate NC tables used for mixing.
386      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
387        ABI_MALLOC(nctab_alch, (npspalch))
388        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
389          call nctab_init(nctab_alch(ipspalch), psps%mqgrid_vl, .False., .False.)
390        end do
391      end if
393      do ipsp=1,npsp
394        write(msg, '(a,i4,a,t38,a)' ) '- pspini: atom type',ipsp,'  psp file is',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
395        call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
397        xcccrc=zero
398        ekb(:)=zero;ffspl(:,:,:)=zero;vlspl(:,:)=zero
399        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :)=zero
400        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
401        indlmn(:,:)=0
403 !      Read atomic psp V(r) and wf(r) to get local and nonlocal psp:
404        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
405          if (ipsp <= ntyppure) then
406            ! Store data in nctab if pure atom.
407            nctab_ptr => psps%nctab(ipsp)
408          else
409            ! Store data in nctab_alch (to be mixed afterwards).
410            nctab_ptr => nctab_alch(ipsp-ntyppure)
411          end if
413          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm_psp,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
414 &         pawrad_dum,pawtab_dum,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_ptr)
416        else if (psps%usepaw==1) then
417          comm_mpi_=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_mpi)) comm_mpi_=comm_mpi
418          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm_psp,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
419 &         pawrad(ipsp),pawtab(ipsp),psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_dum,&
420 &         comm_mpi=comm_mpi_)
421        end if
423        if (ipsp<=ntyppure) then
424 !        Pure pseudopotentials, leading to pure pseudoatoms
425          epsatm(ipsp)=epsatm_psp
426          psps%znucltypat(ipsp)=psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)
427          if (psps%usepaw==0) psps%ekb(:,ipsp)=ekb(:)
428          psps%ffspl(:,:,:,ipsp)=ffspl(:,:,:)
429          psps%vlspl(:,:,ipsp)=vlspl(:,:)
430          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, ipsp)=dvlspl(:, :)
431          if (psps%usepaw==0) psps%xccc1d(:,:,ipsp)=xccc1d(:,:)
432          psps%xcccrc(ipsp)=xcccrc
433          psps%indlmn(:,:,ipsp)=indlmn(:,:)
435        else
436 !        Pseudopotentials for alchemical generation
437          ipspalch=ipsp-ntyppure
438          epsatm_alch(ipspalch)=epsatm_psp
439          ffspl_alch(:,:,:,ipspalch)=ffspl(:,:,:)
440          vlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=vlspl(:,:)
441          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=dvlspl(:,:)
442          if (psps%usepaw==0) then
443            ekb_alch(:,ipspalch)=ekb(:)
444            xccc1d_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=xccc1d(:,:)
445          end if
446          xcccrc_alch(ipspalch)=xcccrc
447          indlmn_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=indlmn(:,:)
448 !        write(std_out,'(a,6i4)' )' pspini : indlmn_alch(:,1,ipspalch)=',indlmn_alch(:,1,ipspalch)
449 !        write(std_out,'(a,6i4)' )' pspini : indlmn_alch(:,2,ipspalch)=',indlmn_alch(:,2,ipspalch)
450        end if
452      end do ! ipsp
454      ! Generate data for alchemical pseudos.
455      do itypalch=1,ntypalch
456        itypat=itypalch+ntyppure
457        psps%znucltypat(itypat)=200.0+itypalch    ! Convention for alchemical pseudoatoms
458        vlspl(:,:)=zero
459        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :) = zero
460        epsatm(itypat)=zero
461        xcccrc=zero
462        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
464 !      Here, linear combination of the quantities
465 !      MG: FIXME I think that the mixing of xcccrc is wrong when the xxccrc are different!
466 !      but this is minor bug since alchemical pseudos should not have XCCC (?)
467        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
468          epsatm(itypat) = epsatm(itypat) + epsatm_alch(ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
469          vlspl(:,:) = vlspl(:,:) + vlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
470          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
471            dvlspl(:,:) = dvlspl(:,:) + dvlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
472          end if
473          xcccrc = xcccrc + xcccrc_alch(ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
474          if (psps%usepaw==0) then
475            xccc1d(:,:) = xccc1d(:,:) + xccc1d_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
476          end if
477        end do ! ipspalch
479        psps%vlspl(:,:,itypat)=vlspl(:,:)
480        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, itypat) = dvlspl(:, :)
481        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
482          psps%xccc1d(:,:,itypat)=xccc1d(:,:)
483        end if
484        psps%xcccrc(itypat)=xcccrc
486        if (abs(xcccrc) > tol6) then
487          write(std_out, *)"xcccrc", xcccrc
488          ABI_WARNING("Alchemical pseudopotential with nlcc!")
489        end if
491 !      Combine the different non-local projectors : for the scalar part then
492 !      the spin-orbit part, treat the different angular momenta
493 !      WARNING : this coding does not work for PAW
494        ilmn=0
495        psps%indlmn(:,:,itypat)=0
496        do ispin=1,2
497          do ilang=0,3
498            if(ispin==2 .and. ilang==0)cycle
499            iproj=0
500            do ipspalch=1,npspalch
501              if(abs(psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch))>tol10)then
502                do ilmn0=1,psps%lmnmax
503                  if(indlmn_alch(5,ilmn0,ipspalch)/=0)then
504                    if(indlmn_alch(6,ilmn0,ipspalch)==ispin)then
505                      if(indlmn_alch(1,ilmn0,ipspalch)==ilang)then
506                        ilmn=ilmn+1         ! increment the counter
507                        iproj=iproj+1       ! increment the counter, this does not work for PAW
508                        if(ilmn>psps%lmnmax)then
509                          ABI_BUG('Problem with the alchemical pseudopotentials : ilmn>lmnmax.')
510                        end if
511                        psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)=ilang
512                        psps%indlmn(2,ilmn,itypat)=indlmn_alch(2,ilmn0,ipspalch)
513                        psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)=iproj                       ! This does not work for PAW
514                        psps%indlmn(4,ilmn,itypat)=ilmn                        ! This does not work for PAW
515                        psps%indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)=ilmn
516                        psps%indlmn(6,ilmn,itypat)=ispin
517                        ! The two lines below do not work for PAW
518                        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
519                          psps%ekb(ilmn,itypat)=psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch) *ekb_alch(ilmn0,ipspalch)
520                        end if
521                        psps%ffspl(:,:,ilmn,itypat)=ffspl_alch(:,:,ilmn0,ipspalch)
522                      end if ! ilang is OK
523                    end if ! ispin is OK
524                  end if ! ilmn0 exist
525                end do ! ilmn0
526              end if ! mixalch>tol10
527            end do ! ipspalch
528          end do ! ilang
529        end do ! ispin
531      end do ! itypalch
533      ABI_FREE(epsatm_alch)
534      ABI_FREE(ekb_alch)
535      ABI_FREE(ffspl_alch)
536      ABI_FREE(xccc1d_alch)
537      ABI_FREE(xcccrc_alch)
538      ABI_FREE(vlspl_alch)
539      if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
540        ABI_FREE(dvlspl_alch)
541      end if
542      ABI_FREE(indlmn_alch)
543      ABI_FREE(indlmn)
545      ! Mix NC tables.
546      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
547        call nctab_mixalch(nctab_alch, npspalch, ntypalch, psps%algalch, psps%mixalch, psps%nctab(ntyppure+1:))
548        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
549          call nctab_free(nctab_alch(ipspalch))
550        end do
551        ABI_FREE(nctab_alch)
552      end if
553    end if ! mtypalch
555    ABI_FREE(ekb)
556    ABI_FREE(ffspl)
557    ABI_FREE(vlspl)
558    ABI_FREE(xccc1d)
560    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
561      ABI_FREE(dvlspl)
562    end if
564  end if !  End condition of new computation needed
566 !-------------------------------------------------------------
567 ! Following section is always executed
568 !-------------------------------------------------------------
569 !One should move this section of code outside of pspini,
570 !but epsatm is needed, so should be in the psp datastructure.
571 !Compute pseudo correction energy. Will differ from an already
572 !computed one if the number of atom differ ...
573  call pspcor(ecore,epsatm,dtset%natom,ntypat,dtset%typat,psps%ziontypat)
574  if(abs(ecore_old-ecore)>tol8*abs(ecore_old+ecore))then
575    write(msg, '(2x,es15.8,t50,a)' ) ecore,'ecore*ucvol(ha*bohr**3)'
576    !  ecore is useless if iscf<=0, but at least it has been initialized
577    if(dtset%iscf>=0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
578    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
579  end if
581 !End of pseudopotential output section
582  write(msg, '(2a)' )'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
583  call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
585 !-------------------------------------------------------------
586 ! Keep track of this call to the routine
587 !-------------------------------------------------------------
589  if (ifirst==1) ifirst=0
591  mqgridff_old=psps%mqgrid_ff
592  mqgridvl_old=psps%mqgrid_vl
593  mpssoang_old=psps%mpssoang
594  spnorbscl_old = dtset%spnorbscl
595  ixc_old=dtset%ixc
596  hyb_mixing_old=dtset%hyb_mixing
597  gsqcut_old=gsqcut;if (psps%usepaw==1) gsqcutdg_old=gsqcutdg
598  lmnmax_old=psps%lmnmax
599  lnmax_old=psps%lnmax
600  optnlxccc_old=psps%optnlxccc
601  usepaw_old=psps%usepaw
602  dimekb_old=psps%dimekb
603  useylm_old=psps%useylm
604  pawxcdev_old=dtset%pawxcdev
605  positron_old=dtset%positron
606  usewvl_old = dtset%usewvl
607  usekden_old = dtset%usekden
608  usexcnhat_old=dtset%usexcnhat_orig
609  paw_size_old=paw_size
610  ecore_old=ecore
611  paw_options_old(:)=paw_options(:)
613  do ipsp=1,npsp
614    pspso_old(ipsp)=psps%pspso(ipsp)
615    if(pspso_zero(ipsp)==0)pspso_zero(ipsp)=psps%pspso(ipsp)
616  end do
617  psps%mproj = maxval(psps%indlmn(3,:,:))
619  if (gencond == 1) call psps_print(psps,std_out,dtset%prtvol)
621  ! Write the file and exit here if requested by the user.
622  if (abs(dtset%prtpsps) == 1) then
623    if (xmpi_comm_rank(xmpi_world) == 0) call psps_ncwrite_path(psps, trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//"")
624    if (dtset%prtpsps == -1) then
625      ABI_ERROR_NODUMP("prtpsps == -1 ==> aborting now")
626    end if
627  end if
629  call timab(15,2,tsec)
633 end subroutine pspini