ABINIT/m_upf2abinit [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Procedures to read NC pseudos in UPF1/UPF2 format and convert data into
  the internal ABINIT representation.


  Copyright (C) 2009-2024 ABINIT group (MJV, MG, DRH)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_upf2abinit
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_errors
28  use m_atomdata
29  use m_splines
31  use defs_datatypes,  only : pseudopotential_type
32  use m_io_tools,      only : open_file
33  use m_numeric_tools, only : smooth, nderiv, ctrap
34  use m_copy,          only : alloc_copy
35  use m_paw_numeric,   only : jbessel => paw_jbessel
36  use m_pawpsp,        only : pawpsp_nl
37  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type, pawrad_init, pawrad_free, simp_gen
38  use m_psptk,         only : cc_derivatives, psp8lo, psp8nl
40  implicit none
42  private

ABINIT/psp11lo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute sine transform to transform from V(r) to q^2 V(q).
 Computes integrals on logarithmic grid using related uniform
 grid in exponent and corrected trapezoidal integration.
 Generalized from psp5lo for non-log grids using dr/di weights.


  drdi=derivative of radial grid wrt index
  mmax=number of radial r grid points
  mqgrid=number of grid points in q from 0 to qmax.
  qgrid(mqgrid)=q grid values (bohr**-1).
  rad(mmax)=r grid values (bohr).
  vloc(mmax)=V(r) on radial grid.
  zion=nominal valence charge of atom.


  epsatm=$ 4\pi\int[r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}dr]$.
   =q^2 V(q)
   = -\frac{Zv}{\pi}
     + q^2 4\pi\int[(\frac{\sin(2\pi q r)}{2\pi q r})(r^2 V(r)+r Zv)dr].
  yp1,ypn=derivative of q^2 V(q) wrt q at q=0 and q=qmax (needed for spline fitter).


 912 subroutine psp11lo(drdi,epsatm,mmax,mqgrid,qgrid,q2vq,rad,vloc,yp1,ypn,zion)
 914 !Arguments----------------------------------------------------------
 915 !scalars
 916  integer,intent(in) :: mmax,mqgrid
 917  real(dp),intent(in) :: zion
 918  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,yp1,ypn
 919 !arrays
 920  real(dp),intent(in) :: drdi(mmax)
 921  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),rad(mmax),vloc(mmax)
 922  real(dp),intent(out) :: q2vq(mqgrid)
 924 !Local variables-------------------------------
 925 !scalars
 926  integer :: iq,ir
 927  real(dp),parameter :: scale=10.0d0
 928  real(dp) :: arg,result_ctrap,test,ztor1
 929 !arrays
 930  real(dp),allocatable :: work(:)
 932 ! *************************************************************************
 934  ABI_MALLOC(work,(mmax))
 936  ! Do q=0 separately (compute epsatm)
 937  ! Do integral from 0 to r1
 938  ztor1=(zion/2.0d0+rad(1)*vloc(1)/3.d0)*rad(1)**2
 940  ! Set up integrand for q=0: $ \int[r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}) dr]$
 941  ! with extra factor of drdi to convert to uniform grid
 942  do ir = 1, mmax
 943    ! First handle tail region
 944    test=vloc(ir)+zion/rad(ir)
 945    ! Ignore small contributions, or impose a cut-off in the case
 946    ! the pseudopotential data are in single precision.
 947    ! (it is indeed expected that vloc is very close to zero beyond 20,
 948    ! so a value larger than 2.0d-8 is considered anomalous)
 949    if (abs(test)<1.0d-20 .or. (rad(ir)>20.0d0 .and. abs(test)>2.0d-8) ) then
 950      work(ir)=zero
 951    else
 952      work(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*vloc(ir)+zion)
 953    end if
 954    work(ir)=work(ir)*drdi(ir)
 955  end do
 957  ! Do integral from r(1) to r(max)
 958  call ctrap(mmax,work,one,result_ctrap)
 959  epsatm=4.d0*pi*(result_ctrap+ztor1)
 961  q2vq(1)=-zion/pi
 963  ! Loop over q values
 964  do iq=2,mqgrid
 965    arg=2.d0*pi*qgrid(iq)
 966    ! ztor1=$ -Zv/\pi + 2q \int_0^{r1}[\sin(2\pi q r)(rV(r)+Zv) dr]$
 967    ztor1=(vloc(1)*sin(arg*rad(1))/arg-(rad(1)*vloc(1)+zion) * cos(arg*rad(1)) )/pi
 969    ! set up integrand
 970    do  ir=1,mmax
 971      !test=vloc(ir)+zion/rad(ir)
 972      !Ignore contributions within decade of machine precision (suppressed ...)
 973      !if ((scale+abs(test)).eq.scale) then
 974      !work(ir)=zero
 975      !else
 976      work(ir)=sin(arg*rad(ir))*(rad(ir)*vloc(ir)+zion)
 977      !end if
 978      work(ir)=work(ir)*drdi(ir)
 979    end do
 980    ! do integral from r(1) to r(mmax)
 981    call ctrap(mmax,work,one,result_ctrap)
 983    ! store q^2 v(q)
 984    ! FIXME: I only see one factor q, not q^2, but the same is done in other pspXlo.F90
 985    q2vq(iq)=ztor1+2.d0*qgrid(iq)*result_ctrap
 987  end do
 989  ! Compute derivatives of q^2 v(q) at ends of interval
 990  yp1=0.0d0
 991  !ypn=$ 2\int_0^\infty[(\sin(2\pi qmax r)+(2\pi qmax r)*\cos(2\pi qmax r)(r V(r)+Z) dr]$
 992  !integral from 0 to r1
 993  arg=2.0d0*pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
 994  ztor1=zion*rad(1)*sin(arg*rad(1))
 995  ztor1=ztor1+ 3.d0*rad(1)*vloc(1)*cos(arg*rad(1))/arg + (rad(1)**2-1.0d0/arg**2)*vloc(1)*sin(arg*rad(1))
 996  !integral from r(mmax) to infinity is overkill; ignore
 997  !set up integrand
 998  do ir=1,mmax
 999    !test=vloc(ir)+zion/rad(ir)
1000    !Ignore contributions within decade of machine precision (supressed ...)
1001    !if ((scale+abs(test)).eq.scale) then
1002    !work(ir)=0.0d0
1003    !else
1004    work(ir)=(sin(arg*rad(ir))+arg*rad(ir)*cos(arg*rad(ir))) * (rad(ir)*vloc(ir)+zion)
1005    !end if
1006    work(ir)=work(ir)*drdi(ir)
1007  end do
1009  call ctrap(mmax,work,one,result_ctrap)
1010  ypn=2.0d0 * (ztor1 + result_ctrap)
1011  ABI_FREE(work)
1013 end subroutine psp11lo

ABINIT/upf1_to_abinit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  This routine wraps a call to a PWSCF module, which reads in
  a UPF1 (PWSCF / Espresso) format pseudopotential, then transfers
  data to abinit internal variables.
  "UPF1 PWSCF format" (pspcod=11)


  filpsp = name of file with UPF data
  psps = sturcture with global dimension data for pseudopotentials, header info ...
    used contents:


  pspxc = index of xc functional for this pseudo
  lmax_ = maximal angular momentum
  lloc = local component chosen for pseudopotential
  mmax = maximum number of points in real space radial grid
  znucl = charge of species nucleus
  zion = valence charge
  epsatm = integral of local potential - coulomb potential of zion
  xcccrc = radius for non linear core correction
  ekb(dimekb)= Kleinman Bylander energies, see pspatm.F90
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}) dr]$(hartree)
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  vlspl(mqgrid_vl,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  ffspl(mqgrid_ff,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector; if any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  nproj= number of projectors for each channel
  xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives,
                              from psp file (used in NC only)


 97 subroutine upf1_to_abinit(filpsp, znucl, zion, pspxc, lmax_, lloc, mmax, &
 98                           psps, epsatm, xcccrc, indlmn, ekb, ffspl, nproj_l, vlspl, xccc1d)
101  use pseudo_pwscf ! pwscf module with all data explicit!
102  use m_read_upf_pwscf, only : read_pseudo
103  use m_pspheads,      only : upfxc2abi
105 !Arguments -------------------------------
106  character(len=fnlen), intent(in) :: filpsp
107  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
108  integer, intent(out) :: pspxc, lmax_, lloc, mmax
109  real(dp), intent(out) :: znucl, zion
110  real(dp), intent(out) :: epsatm, xcccrc
111  !arrays
112  integer, intent(out)  :: indlmn(6,psps%lmnmax)
113  integer, intent(out)  :: nproj_l(psps%mpssoang)
114  real(dp), intent(inout) :: ekb(psps%dimekb)
115  real(dp), intent(inout) :: ffspl(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax)
116  real(dp), intent(out) :: vlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
117  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xccc1d(psps%n1xccc,6)
119 !Local variables -------------------------
120  integer :: ir, iproj, ll, iunit
121  real(dp) :: yp1, ypn
122  character(len=500) :: msg
123  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
124  logical, allocatable :: found_l(:)
125  real(dp), allocatable :: work_spl(:), ff(:), ff1(:), ff2(:), rad_cc(:), proj(:,:)
127 ! *********************************************************************
129  ! ######### in module pseudo: ############
130  !
131  !  only npsx = 1 is used here
132  !  grids are allocated for much larger fixed length (ndm=2000)
133  !  number of species (6) and projectors (8) as well...
134  !
135  !  psd(npsx) = specied string
136  !  pseudotype = uspp / nc string
137  !  dft(npsx) = exchange correlation string (20 chars)
138  !  lmax(npsx) = maximum l channel
139  !  mesh(npsx) = number of points for local pot
140  !  nbeta(npsx) = number of projectors (beta functions for uspp)
141  !  nlcc(npsx) = flag for presence of NL core correction
142  !  zp(npsx) = valence ionic charge
143  !  r(ndm,npsx) = radial mesh
144  !  rab(ndm,npsx) = dr / di for radial mesh
145  !  rho_atc(ndm,npsx) = NLCC pseudocharge density
146  !  vloc0(ndm,npsx) = local pseudopotential
147  !  betar(ndm, nbrx, npsx) = projector functions in real space mesh
148  !  lll(nbrx,npsx) = angular momentum channel for each projector
149  !  ikk2(nbrx,npsx) = maximum index for each projector function
150  !  dion(nbrx,nbrx,npsx) = dij or Kleinman Bylander energies
151  !
152  ! ########  end description of pseudo module contents ##########
154  if (open_file (filpsp,msg,newunit=iunit,status='old',form='formatted') /= 0) then
155    ABI_ERROR(msg)
156  end if
158  ! read in psp data to static data in pseudo module, for ipsx == 1
159  call read_pseudo(1,iunit)
160  close (iunit)
162  ! convert from Rydberg to Ha units
163  vloc0 = half * vloc0
164  dion = half * dion
166  ! if upf file is a USPP one, stop
167  if (pseudotype == 'US') then
168    ABI_ERROR('upf1_to_abinit: USPP UPF files not supported')
169  end if
171  ! copy over to abinit internal arrays and vars
172  ! FIXME: The API is broken. It does not recognize PBEsol
173  ! should use upfdft_to_ixc
174  call upfxc2abi(dft(1), pspxc)
175  lmax_ = lmax(1)
177  ! Check if the local component is one of the angular momentum channels
178  ! effectively if one of the ll is absent from the NL projectors
179  ABI_MALLOC(found_l, (0:lmax_))
180  found_l = .true.
181  do ll = 0, lmax_
182    if (any(lll(1:nbeta(1),1) == ll)) found_l(ll) = .false.
183  end do
185  if (count(found_l) /= 1) then
186    lloc = -1
187  else
188    do ll = 0, lmax_
189      if (found_l(ll)) then
190        lloc = ll
191        exit
192      end if
193    end do
194  end if
196  ABI_FREE(found_l)
197  !FIXME: do something about lloc == -1
199  call atomdata_from_symbol(atom,psd(1))
200  znucl = atom%znucl
201  zion = zp(1)
202  mmax = mesh(1)
204  call psp11lo(rab(1:mmax,1), epsatm, mmax, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl, &
205               vlspl(:,1), r(1:mmax,1), vloc0(1:mmax,1), yp1, ypn, zion)
208  ! Fit spline to q^2 V(q) (Numerical Recipes subroutine)
209  ABI_MALLOC(work_spl, (psps%mqgrid_vl))
211  call spline (psps%qgrid_vl,vlspl(:,1),psps%mqgrid_vl,yp1,ypn,work_spl)
213  vlspl(:,2) = work_spl(:)
214  ABI_FREE(work_spl)
216  ! this has to do the FT of the projectors to reciprocal space
217  ! allocate proj to avoid temporary copy.
218  ABI_MALLOC(proj, (mmax,1:nbeta(1)))
219  proj = betar(1:mmax,1:nbeta(1), 1)
221  call psp11nl(ffspl, indlmn, mmax, psps%lnmax, psps%lmnmax, psps%mqgrid_ff, &
222               nbeta(1), proj, lll(1:nbeta(1),1), ikk2(1:nbeta(1),1), &
223               psps%qgrid_ff, r(1:mmax,1), rab(1:mmax,1), psps%useylm)
225  ABI_FREE(proj)
227  nproj_l = 0
228  do iproj = 1, nbeta(1)
229    ll = lll(iproj,1)
230    nproj_l(ll+1) = nproj_l(ll+1) + 1
231  end do
233  ! shape = dimekb  vs. shape = n_proj
234  do ll = 1, nbeta(1)
235    ekb(ll) = dion(ll,ll,1)
236  end do
238  xcccrc = zero; xccc1d = zero
239  ! if we find a core density, do something about it
240  ! rho_atc contains the nlcc density
241  ! rho_at contains the total density
242  if (nlcc(1)) then
243    ABI_MALLOC(ff, (mmax))
244    ABI_MALLOC(ff1, (mmax))
245    ABI_MALLOC(ff2, (mmax))
246    ff(1:mmax) = rho_atc(1:mmax,1) ! model core charge without derivative factor
248    ff1 = zero
249    call nderiv(one,ff,ff1,mmax,1) ! first derivative
250    ff1(1:mmax) = ff1(1:mmax) / rab(1:mmax,1)
251    call smooth(ff1, mmax, 15) ! run 15 iterations of smoothing
253    ff2 = zero
254    call nderiv(one, ff1, ff2, mmax, 1) ! second derivative
255    ff2(1:mmax) = ff2(1:mmax) / rab(1:mmax,1)
256    call smooth(ff2, mmax, 15) ! run 15 iterations of smoothing?
258    ! determine a good rchrg = xcccrc
259    do ir = mmax, 1, -1
260      if (abs(ff(ir)) > 1.e-6) then
261        xcccrc = r(ir,1)
262        exit
263      end if
264    end do
265    ABI_MALLOC(rad_cc, (mmax))
266    rad_cc = r(1:mmax,1)
267    rad_cc(1) = zero ! force this so that the core charge covers whole spline interval.
269    call cc_derivatives(rad_cc,ff,ff1,ff2,mmax,psps%n1xccc,xcccrc,xccc1d)
271    ABI_FREE(rad_cc)
272    ABI_FREE(ff)
273    ABI_FREE(ff1)
274    ABI_FREE(ff2)
275  end if ! nlcc present
277 end subroutine upf1_to_abinit

ABINIT/upf2_to_abinit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  This routine wraps a call to a PWSCF module, which reads in
  a UPF2 (PWSCF / Espresso) format pseudopotential, then transfers
  data to abinit internal variables.
  "UPF2 PWSCF format" (pspcod=12)


  filpsp = name of file with UPF2 data
  vloc_rcut= Real-space cutoff for local part
  psps = sturcture with global dimension data for pseudopotentials, header info ...
    used contents:


  pspxc = index of xc functional for this pseudo
  lmax_ = maximal angular momentum
  lloc = local component chosen for pseudopotential
  mmax = maximum number of points in real space radial grid
  znucl = charge of species nucleus
  zion = valence charge
  epsatm = integral of local potential - coulomb potential of zion
  xcccrc = radius for non linear core correction
  ekb(dimekb)= Kleinman Bylander energies, see pspatm.F90
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}) dr]$(hartree)
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  vlspl(mqgrid_vl,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  ffspl(mqgrid_ff,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector; if any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  nproj= number of projectors for each channel
  xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives,
                              from psp file (used in NC only)
  nctab<nctab_t>=NC tables
    %has_tvale=True if the pseudo contains the pseudo valence charge
    %tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid


329 subroutine upf2_to_abinit(ipsp, filpsp, vloc_rcut, znucl, zion, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, &
330                           psps, epsatm, xcccrc, indlmn, ekb, ffspl, nproj_l, vlspl, xccc1d, nctab, maxrad)
332  use pseudo_types,        only : pseudo_upf, deallocate_pseudo_upf !, pseudo_config
333  use read_upf_new_module, only : read_upf_new
334  use defs_datatypes,      only : nctab_t
335  use m_psps,              only : nctab_eval_tvalespl
336  use m_pspheads,          only : upfdft_to_ixc, upf2_jl2srso
338 !Arguments -------------------------------
339  integer,intent(in) :: ipsp
340  character(len=fnlen), intent(in) :: filpsp
341  real(dp),intent(in) :: vloc_rcut
342  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
343  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
344  integer, intent(out) :: pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax
345  real(dp), intent(out) :: znucl, zion, epsatm, xcccrc, maxrad
346  !arrays
347  integer, intent(out)  :: indlmn(6,psps%lmnmax), nproj_l(psps%mpssoang)
348  real(dp), intent(inout) :: ekb(psps%dimekb)
349  real(dp), intent(inout) :: ffspl(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax)
350  real(dp), intent(out) :: vlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
351  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xccc1d(psps%n1xccc,6)
353 !Local variables -------------------------
354  integer :: ierr, ir, irad, iprj, il, ll, smooth_niter, nso, nn, iln, kk, mm, pspindex, iwfc !, iq
355  integer :: atmwfc_lmax, mmax_cut
356  !real(dp),parameter :: vloc_rcut = 10.0_dp  ! QE Value
357  !real(dp),parameter :: vloc_rcut = 6.0_dp   ! PseudoDojo value used to generate psp8 files
358  real(dp) :: yp1, ypn, amesh, damesh, intg
359  character(len=500) :: msg
360  logical :: linear_mesh, debug
361  type(pseudo_upf) :: upf
362  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
363  type(pawrad_type) :: mesh
364  integer :: my_nproj_l(0:3), my_nprojso_l(1:3), units(2)
365  !integer :: nproj_tmp(psps%mpssoang)
366  integer,allocatable :: awfc_indlmn(:,:)
367  logical,allocatable :: found_l(:)
368  real(dp),allocatable :: work_spl(:), ff(:), ff1(:), ff2(:), rad_cc(:), proj(:,:), chi_tmp(:)
369  real(dp),allocatable :: vsr(:,:,:), esr(:,:), vso(:,:,:), eso(:,:)
371 ! *********************************************************************
373  units = [std_out, ab_out]
375  ! See also
376  ! and
377  call read_upf_new(filpsp, upf, ierr)
378  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, sjoin("read_upf_new returned ierr:", itoa(ierr)))
380  call atomdata_from_symbol(atom, upf%psd)
381  znucl = atom%znucl
382  zion = upf%zp
383  mmax = upf%mesh
384  maxrad = upf%rmax
386  ABI_CHECK(upfdft_to_ixc(upf%dft, pspxc, msg) == 0, msg)
387  lmax = upf%lmax
389  ! Write some description of file
390  write(msg, '(3(a,1x))' ) '-',trim(upf%psd), trim(upf%generated)
391  call wrtout(units, msg)
392  write(msg,'(a,f9.5,f10.5,2x,a,t47,a)')'-',znucl,zion,trim(upf%date),'znucl, zion, pspdat'
393  call wrtout(units, msg)
394  write(msg, '(5(i0,1x),t47,a)' ) 12, pspxc, lmax, upf%lloc, mmax,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax'
395  call wrtout(units, msg)
397  ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
398  linear_mesh = .True.
399  amesh = upf%r(2) - upf%r(1); damesh = zero
400  do irad=2,mmax-1
401    damesh = max(damesh, abs(upf%r(irad)+amesh-upf%r(irad+1)))
402  end do
403  linear_mesh = damesh < tol8
405  if (.not. linear_mesh .or. abs(upf%r(1)) > tol16) then
406    write(msg,'(3a)')&
407    'Assuming pseudized valence charge given on linear radial mesh starting at zero.',ch10,&
408    'Action: check your pseudopotential file.'
409    ABI_ERROR(msg)
410  end if
412  ! Check if the local component is one of the angular momentum channels
413  ! effectively if one of the ll is absent from the NL projectors
414  ABI_MALLOC(found_l, (0:lmax))
415  found_l = .true.
416  do ll=0,lmax
417    if (any(upf%lll(1:upf%nbeta) == ll)) found_l(ll) = .false.
418  end do
420  if (count(found_l) /= 1) then
421    lloc = -1
422  else
423    do ll=0,lmax
424      if (found_l(ll)) then
425        lloc = ll
426        exit
427      end if
428    end do
429  end if
430  ABI_FREE(found_l)
431  !FIXME: do something about lloc == -1
433  ! convert vloc from Rydberg to Ha
434  upf%vloc = half * upf%vloc
436  ! =================================================
437  ! This comment is from q-e/Modules/read_pseudo.F90
438  ! =================================================
440  ! the radial grid is defined up to r(mesh) but we introduce
441  ! an auxiliary variable msh to limit the grid up to rcut=10 a.u.
442  ! This is used to cut off the numerical noise arising from the
443  ! large-r tail in cases like the integration of V_loc-Z/r
444  !
445  ! NB: In QE, the default value for vloc_rcut is 10 Bohr.
446  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Cutting radial-mesh for vloc using vloc_rcut:", ftoa(vloc_rcut), "(Bohr)"))
447  mmax_cut = mmax
448  do ir=1,upf%mesh
449    if (upf%r(ir) > vloc_rcut) then
450      mmax_cut = ir
451      ! msh is forced to be odd for simpson integration (maybe obsolete?)
452      mmax_cut = 2 * ( (mmax_cut + 1) / 2) - 1
453      exit
454    end if
455  end do
457  !write(std_out,*)" UPF file with mmax: ", mmax, " with r_max:", upf%r(mmax)
458  !write(std_out,*)" Using mmax_cut: ", mmax_cut, " with r_cut:", upf%r(mmax_cut)
460  ! Note mmax_cut here.
461  if (linear_mesh) then
462    call psp8lo(amesh, epsatm, mmax_cut, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl, &
463                vlspl(:,1), upf%r, upf%vloc, yp1, ypn, zion)
464  else
465    call psp11lo(upf%rab, epsatm, mmax_cut, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl,&
466                 vlspl(:,1), upf%r, upf%vloc, yp1, ypn, zion)
467  end if
469  ! Fit spline to q^2 V(q) (Numerical Recipes subroutine)
470  ABI_MALLOC(work_spl, (psps%mqgrid_vl))
472  call spline(psps%qgrid_vl, vlspl(:,1), psps%mqgrid_vl, yp1, ypn, work_spl)
474  vlspl(:,2) = work_spl(:)
475  ABI_FREE(work_spl)
477  debug = .False.!; debug = .True.
478  if (debug) then
479    write(std_out,*)'# Vlocal upf = '
480    write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
481    write(std_out,*)' epsatm = ', epsatm
482    write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax
483    write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', psps%mqgrid_vl
484    do ir = 1, psps%mqgrid_vl
485      write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, psps%qgrid_vl(ir)
486    enddo
487    do ir = 1, psps%mqgrid_vl
488      write(std_out,'(a,i5,2f20.12)')'   iq, vlspl = ', ir, vlspl(ir,1), vlspl(ir,2)
489    enddo
490    write(std_out,*)
491    do ir = 1, mmax
492      write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', upf%r(ir), upf%vloc(ir)
493    enddo
494    write(std_out,*)
495    write(std_out,*)' yp1    = ', yp1
496    write(std_out,*)' ypn    = ', ypn
497    write(std_out,*)' zion   = ', zion
498    !stop
499  end if
501  nproj_l = 0
503  if (.not. upf%has_so) then
504    do iprj=1,upf%nbeta
505      ll = upf%lll(iprj)
506      nproj_l(ll+1) = nproj_l(ll+1) + 1
507    end do
508    write(msg, '(a,*(i6))' ) '     nproj',nproj_l
509    call wrtout(units, msg)
511    ! shape = dimekb  vs. shape = n_proj
512    ! convert from Rydberg to Ha
513    do ll=1,upf%nbeta
514      ekb(ll) = upf%dion(ll,ll) * half
515    end do
517    ! this has to do the FT of the projectors to reciprocal space
518    ! allocate proj to avoid temporary copy.
519    ABI_MALLOC(proj, (mmax,1:upf%nbeta))
520    proj = upf%beta(1:mmax,1:upf%nbeta)
522    call psp11nl(ffspl, indlmn, mmax, psps%lnmax, psps%lmnmax, psps%mqgrid_ff, &
523                 upf%nbeta, proj, upf%lll(1:upf%nbeta), upf%kbeta(1:upf%nbeta), &
524                 psps%qgrid_ff, upf%r(1:mmax), upf%rab(1:mmax), psps%useylm)
526    ! This to reproduce psp8in version with linear meshes.
527    ! Compute Vanderbilt-KB form factors and fit splines
528    call psp8nl(amesh, ffspl, indlmn, lmax, psps%lmnmax, psps%lnmax, mmax, &
529                psps%mqgrid_ff, psps%qgrid_ff, upf%r, proj)
531    ABI_FREE(proj)
533  else
534    call upf2_jl2srso(upf, my_nproj_l, my_nprojso_l, vsr, esr, vso, eso)
536    write(msg, '(a,*(i6))' ) '     nproj',my_nproj_l
537    call wrtout(units, msg)
538    write(msg, '(5x,a)' ) "spin-orbit psp"
539    call wrtout(units, msg)
540    write(msg, '(5x,a,*(i6))' ) '   nprojso',my_nprojso_l
541    call wrtout(units, msg)
543    ABI_CALLOC(proj, (mmax, psps%lnmax))
544    pspindex = 0; iln=0; indlmn(:,:)=0
545    nso = 2
547    if (psps%pspso(ipsp) == 0) then
548      write (msg, '(3a)') 'You are reading a pseudopotential file with spin orbit projectors',ch10,&
549      ' but internal variable pspso is 0'
550      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
551      nso = 1
552    end if
554    do nn=1,nso
555      !do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
556      !  ll = ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
557      do il=1,lmax+1
558        ll = il - 1
559        if (nn == 1) then
560          ! SR part
561          do iprj=1,my_nproj_l(ll)
562            iln = iln + 1
563            ekb(iln) = esr(iprj, il)
564            proj(:,iln) = vsr(:, iprj, il)
565            nproj_l(il) = my_nproj_l(ll)
566            kk = iprj
567            do mm=1,2*ll*psps%useylm+1
568              pspindex = pspindex + 1
569              indlmn(1,pspindex) = ll
570              indlmn(2,pspindex) = mm-ll*psps%useylm-1
571              indlmn(3,pspindex) = kk
572              indlmn(4,pspindex) = ll*ll+(1-psps%useylm)*ll+mm
573              indlmn(5,pspindex) = iln
574              indlmn(6,pspindex) = nn
575              !print *, "indlmn:", indlmn(:,pspindex), "pspindex:", pspindex
576            end do
577          end do
579        else
580          ! SOC part
581          if (ll == 0) cycle
582          do iprj=1,my_nprojso_l(ll)
583            iln = iln + 1
584            ekb(iln) = eso(iprj, il)
585            proj(:,iln) = vso(:,iprj,il)
586            ! Note ll in nproj_l i.e. the s channel in the SOC part is not included in nproj.
587            nproj_l(ll + psps%mpsang) = my_nprojso_l(ll)
588            kk = iprj !+ my_nproj_l(ll)
589            do mm=1,2*ll*psps%useylm+1
590              pspindex = pspindex + 1
591              indlmn(1,pspindex) = ll
592              indlmn(2,pspindex) = mm-ll*psps%useylm-1
593              indlmn(3,pspindex) = kk
594              indlmn(4,pspindex) = ll*ll+(1-psps%useylm)*ll+mm
595              indlmn(5,pspindex) = iln
596              indlmn(6,pspindex) = nn
597              !print *, "indlmn:", indlmn(:,pspindex), "pspindex:", pspindex
598            end do
599          end do
600        end if
602      end do ! il
603    end do ! nn
605    ! This to reproduce psp8in version with linear meshes.
606    ! Compute Vanderbilt-KB form factors and fit splines
607    call psp8nl(amesh, ffspl, indlmn, lmax, psps%lmnmax, psps%lnmax, mmax, &
608                psps%mqgrid_ff, psps%qgrid_ff, upf%r, proj)
610    ABI_FREE(proj)
611    ABI_FREE(vsr)
612    ABI_FREE(esr)
613    ABI_FREE(vso)
614    ABI_FREE(eso)
615    !ABI_WARNING("upf2_to_abinit: UPF2 with SOC")
616  end if
618  ! if we find a core density, do something about it
619  ! rho_atc contains the nlcc density
620  ! rho_at contains the total density
622  ! In Abinit, at least for the Troullier-Martins pseudopotential,
623  ! the pseudocore charge density and its derivatives (xccc1d)
624  ! are introduced in a linear grid.
625  ! This grid is normalized, so the radial coordinates run between
626  ! from 0 and 1 (from 0 to xcccrc, where xcccrc is the radius
627  ! where the pseudo-core becomes zero).
629  xcccrc = zero; xccc1d = zero
631  if (upf%nlcc) then
632    ABI_MALLOC(ff, (mmax))
633    ABI_MALLOC(ff1, (mmax))
634    ABI_MALLOC(ff2, (mmax))
635    ! model core charge without derivative factor
636    ff(1:mmax) = upf%rho_atc(1:mmax)
637    !smooth_niter = 15 ! run 15 iterations of smoothing?
638    smooth_niter = 0   ! Don't smooth core charges to be consistent with the treatment done in psp8in
640    ff1 = zero
641    call nderiv(one, ff, ff1, mmax, 1) ! first derivative
642    ff1(1:mmax) = ff1(1:mmax) / upf%rab(1:mmax)
643    call smooth(ff1, mmax, smooth_niter)
645    ff2 = zero
646    call nderiv(one, ff1, ff2, mmax, 1) ! second derivative
647    ff2(1:mmax) = ff2(1:mmax) / upf%rab(1:mmax)
648    call smooth(ff2, mmax, smooth_niter)
650    ! determine a good rchrg = xcccrc
651    do ir = mmax, 1, -1
652      !if (abs(ff(ir)) > tol6) then
653      if (abs(ff(ir)) > tol20) then
654        xcccrc = upf%r(ir); exit
655      end if
656    end do
657    !xcccrc = upf%r(mmax)
659    ABI_MALLOC(rad_cc, (mmax))
660    rad_cc = upf%r(1:mmax)
661    rad_cc(1) = zero ! force this so that the core charge covers whole spline interval.
663    call cc_derivatives(rad_cc, ff, ff1, ff2, mmax, psps%n1xccc, xcccrc, xccc1d)
664    !call psp8cc(mmax, psps%n1xccc, xcccrc, xccc1d)
666    ABI_FREE(rad_cc)
667    ABI_FREE(ff)
668    ABI_FREE(ff1)
669    ABI_FREE(ff2)
670  end if ! nlcc present
672  ! Read pseudo valence charge in real space on the linear mesh
673  ! and transform it to reciprocal space on a regular grid
674  ! TODO: Spline input data on linear mesh if not linear
675  ABI_MALLOC(ff, (mmax))
676  ff = upf%rho_at(1:mmax) / four_pi
677  where (abs(upf%r) > tol16)
678    ff = ff / upf%r(1:mmax) ** 2
679  else where
680    ff = zero
681  end where
683  ! Evaluate spline-fit of the atomic pseudo valence charge in reciprocal space.
684  call pawrad_init(mesh, mesh_size=mmax, mesh_type=1, rstep=amesh)
685  call nctab_eval_tvalespl(nctab, zion, mesh, ff, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl)
687  nctab%num_tphi = upf%nwfc
688  if (upf%nwfc > 0) then
689    ! Store atomic wavefunctions and metadata in nctab, then compute form factors for spline.
690    ! NB: lchi is the radial part of the KS equation, multiplied by r.
691    ABI_MALLOC(awfc_indlmn, (6, upf%nwfc))
692    awfc_indlmn = huge(1)
693    atmwfc_lmax = -1
694    ABI_MALLOC(chi_tmp, (upf%mesh))
696    do iwfc=1, upf%nwfc
697      !print *, "label: ", upf%els(iwfc); print *, "n", upf%nchi(iwfc)
698      !print *, "nn", upf%nn(iwfc); print *, "j", upf%jchi(iwfc)
699      !print *, "l", upf%lchi(iwfc); print *, "occ:", upf%oc(iwfc)
700      atmwfc_lmax = max(atmwfc_lmax, upf%lchi(iwfc))
701      chi_tmp = upf%chi(:, iwfc) ** 2; call simp_gen(intg, chi_tmp, mesh)
702      !write(std_out, *)" wavefunction (before rescaling) integrates to: ",intg
703      upf%chi(:, iwfc) = upf%chi(:, iwfc) / sqrt(intg)
704      chi_tmp = upf%chi(:, iwfc) ** 2; call simp_gen(intg, chi_tmp, mesh)
705      !write(std_out, *)" wavefunction (after rescaling) integrates to: ",intg
707      ! NB: we only need ll (1), and iln (5) in psp8nl
708      awfc_indlmn(1, iwfc) = upf%lchi(iwfc)
709      awfc_indlmn(5, iwfc) = iwfc
710    end do
711    ABI_FREE(chi_tmp)
713    ! All this sfree/remalloc stuff is for handling memory in multi dataset mode!
714    ABI_REMALLOC(nctab%tphi_qspl, (psps%mqgrid_ff, 2, upf%nwfc))
715    ABI_SFREE(nctab%tphi_n)
716    ABI_SFREE(nctab%tphi_l)
717    ABI_SFREE(nctab%tphi_occ)
718    ABI_SFREE(nctab%tphi_jtot)
719    call alloc_copy(upf%nchi, nctab%tphi_n)
720    call alloc_copy(upf%lchi, nctab%tphi_l)
721    call alloc_copy(upf%oc, nctab%tphi_occ)
722    nctab%has_jtot = upf%has_so
723    if (upf%has_so) call alloc_copy(upf%jchi, nctab%tphi_jtot)
725    !call psp8nl(amesh, nctab%tphi_qspl, awfc_indlmn, atmwfc_lmax, upf%nwfc, upf%nwfc, mmax, &
726    !            psps%mqgrid_ff, psps%qgrid_ff, upf%r, upf%chi)
728    !do iwfc=1, upf%nwfc
729    !  do iq=1,psps%mqgrid_ff
730    !    write(555, *) nctab%tphi_qspl(iq,:,iwfc)
731    !  end do
732    !end do
734    !do iwfc=1, upf%nwfc
735    !  where (abs(upf%r) > tol16)
736    !    upf%chi(:,iwfc) = upf%chi(:,iwfc) / upf%r
737    !  else where
738    !    upf%chi(:,iwfc) = zero
739    !  end where
740    !end do
742    call pawpsp_nl(nctab%tphi_qspl, awfc_indlmn, upf%nwfc, upf%nwfc, psps%mqgrid_ff, psps%qgrid_ff, mesh, upf%chi)
744    !do iwfc=1, upf%nwfc
745    !  do iq=1,psps%mqgrid_ff
746    !    write(666, *) nctab%tphi_qspl(iq,:,iwfc)
747    !  end do
748    !end do
750    ABI_FREE(awfc_indlmn)
751    !stop "nwfc"
752  end if ! upf%nwfc > 0
754  ABI_FREE(ff)
755  call pawrad_free(mesh)
756  call deallocate_pseudo_upf(upf)
758 end subroutine upf2_to_abinit

m_upf2abinit/psp11nl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_upf2abinit ] [ Functions ]




 Fourier transform the real space UPF projector functions to reciprocal space


  lmax=maximum ang momentum for which nonlocal form factor is desired.
   Usually lmax=1, sometimes = 0 (e.g. for oxygen); lmax <= 2 allowed.
  mmax=number of radial grid points for atomic grid
  lnmax= maximum index for all l channel projectors, dimension of ffspl
  lmnmax= maximum index for all projectors, dimension of indlmn
  mqgrid=number of grid points for q grid
  n_proj = total number of NL projectors read in
  proj = projector functions times r, on a real space grid
  proj_l = angular momentum channel for each projector
  proj_nr = max number of r-points used for each projector
  qgrid(mqgrid)=q-values at which form factors are returned
  r(mmax)=radial grid values
  drdi=derivative of grid point wrt index
  useylm = input to use m dependency of NL part, or only Legendre polynomials


  ffspl(mqgrid,2,mpsang)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum
  indlmn = indexing of each projector, for n, l, m, s, ln, lmn (see pspatm.F90)


791 subroutine psp11nl(ffspl,indlmn, mmax, lnmax, lmnmax, mqgrid, n_proj, &
792                    proj, proj_l, proj_nr, qgrid, r, drdi, useylm)
794 !Arguments ------------------------------------
795 !scalars
796  integer,intent(in) :: mmax, lnmax, lmnmax, mqgrid, useylm, n_proj
797 !arrays
798  integer, intent(in) :: proj_l(n_proj)
799  integer, intent(in) :: proj_nr(n_proj)
800  integer, intent(out) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax)
801  real(dp),intent(in) :: r(mmax)
802  real(dp),intent(in) :: drdi(mmax)
803  real(dp),intent(in) :: proj(mmax,n_proj)
804  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid)
805  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax) !vz_i
807 !Local variables-------------------------------
808 !scalars
809  integer,parameter :: bessorder = 0 ! never calculate derivatives of bessel functions
810  integer :: iproj, nr, ll, llold, ipsang, i_indlmn
811  integer :: iproj_1l, ir, iq, mm
812  real(dp) :: res, arg, besfact, dummy, dummy2
813  real(dp), allocatable :: work(:)
814  character(len=500) :: msg
816 !*************************************************************************
818  ffspl = zero; indlmn = 0; i_indlmn = 0
819  llold = -1; iproj_1l = 1
821  ! loop over all projectors
822  do iproj=1,n_proj
823    if (iproj > lmnmax) then
824      write(msg,'(a,2i0)') ' Too many projectors found. n_proj, lmnmax = ',n_proj, lmnmax
825      ABI_ERROR(msg)
826    end if
828    nr = proj_nr(iproj)
829    ABI_MALLOC(work, (nr))
830    ll = proj_l(iproj)
831    if (ll < llold) then
832      ABI_ERROR('UPF projectors are not in order of increasing ll')
833    else if (ll == llold) then
834      iproj_1l = iproj_1l + 1
835    else
836      iproj_1l = 1
837      llold = ll
838    end if
840    ! determine indlmn for this projector (keep in UPF order and enforce that they are in increasing ll)
841    ! indlmn(6,lmnmax,ntypat)
842    ! For each type of psp,
843    ! array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,spin for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
844    !                                or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
845    ! NB: spin is used for NC pseudos with SOC term: 1 if scalar term (spin diagonal), 2 if SOC term.
846    do mm=1,2*ll*useylm+1
847      i_indlmn = i_indlmn + 1
848      indlmn(1, i_indlmn) = ll
849      indlmn(2, i_indlmn) = mm-ll*useylm-1
850      indlmn(3, i_indlmn) = iproj_1l
851      indlmn(4, i_indlmn) = ll*ll+(1-useylm)*ll+mm
852      indlmn(5, i_indlmn) = iproj
853      indlmn(6, i_indlmn) = 1 !spin? FIXME: to get j for relativistic cases
854    end do
856    ! FT projectors to reciprocal space q
857    do iq=1,mqgrid
858      arg = two_pi * qgrid(iq)
860      ! FIXME: add semianalytic form for integral from 0 to first point
861      do ir=1,nr
862        call jbessel(besfact, dummy, dummy2, ll, bessorder, arg*r(ir))
863        work(ir) = drdi(ir) * besfact * proj(ir, iproj) * r(ir) !* r(ir)
864      end do
865      call ctrap (nr, work, one, res)
866      ffspl(iq, 1, iproj) = res
867    end do
868    ABI_FREE(work)
869  end do ! iproj
871  ! add derivative of ffspl(:,1,:) for spline interpolation later
872  ABI_MALLOC(work, (mqgrid))
873  do ipsang=1,lnmax
874    call spline(qgrid,ffspl(:,1,ipsang),mqgrid,zero,zero,ffspl(:,2,ipsang))
875  end do
876  ABI_FREE(work)
878 end subroutine psp11nl