ABINIT/psp1nl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Make Kleinman-Bylander form factors f_l(q) for each l from
 0 to lmax; Vloc is assumed local potential.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2017 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dr(mmax)=inverse of grid spacing for radial grid
  lloc=angular momentum of local channel (avoid doing integrals for this l)
  lmax=maximum ang momentum for which nonlocal form factor is desired.
  mmax=number of radial grid points for atomic grid
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mqgrid=number of grid points for q grid
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values at which form factors are returned
  rad(mmax)=radial grid values
  vloc(mmax)=local pseudopotential on radial grid
  vpspll(mmax,lmax+1)=nonlocal pseudopotentials for each l on radial grid
  wfll(mmax,lmax+1)=reference state wavefunctions on radial grid
  wksincos(mmax,2,2)=contains sine and cosine of 2*pi*r(:)*dq and 2*pi*r(:)*q
    at input :  wksincos(:,1,1)=sine of 2*pi*r(:)*dq
                wksincos(:,2,1)=cosine of 2*pi*r(:)*dq
    wksincos(:,:,2) is not initialized, will be used inside the routine


  ekb(mpsang)=Kleinman-Bylander energy,
              {{\ \begin{equation}
               \frac{\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))^2 dr]}
              {\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))   dr]}
               \end{equation} }}
              for each l
  ffspl(mqgrid,2,mpsang)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum


 u_l(r) is reference state wavefunction (input as wfll);
 j_l(q) is a spherical Bessel function;
 dV_l(r) = vpsp_l(r)-vloc(r) for angular momentum l;
 f_l(q) =$ \int_0^{rmax}[j_l(2\pi q r) u_l(r) dV_l(r) r dr]/\sqrt{dvms}$
 where dvms=$\displaystyle \int_0^{rmax}[(u_l(r) dV_l(r))^2 dr]$ is the mean
 square value of the nonlocal correction for angular momentum l.
 E_KB = $\displaystyle \frac{dvms}{\int_0^{rmax}[(u_l(r))^2 dV_l(r) dr]}$.
 This is the eigenvalue of the Kleinman-Bylander operator and sets
 the energy scale of the nonlocal psp corrections.
 Bessel functions replaced by besj, which accomodates args near 0.






 64 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 65 #include "config.h"
 66 #endif
 68 #include "abi_common.h"
 70 subroutine psp1nl(dr,ekb,ffspl,lloc,lmax,mmax,mpsang,mqgrid,&
 71 &                  qgrid,rad,vloc,vpspll,wfll,wksincos)
 73  use defs_basis
 74  use m_errors
 75  use m_profiling_abi
 76  use m_splines
 78  use m_special_funcs,   only : besjm
 80 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 81 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 82 #undef ABI_FUNC
 83 #define ABI_FUNC 'psp1nl'
 84  use interfaces_64_psp, except_this_one => psp1nl
 85 !End of the abilint section
 87  implicit none
 89 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 90 !scalars
 91  integer,intent(in) :: lloc,lmax,mmax,mpsang,mqgrid
 92 !arrays
 93  real(dp),intent(in) :: dr(mmax),qgrid(mqgrid),rad(mmax),vloc(mmax)
 94  real(dp),intent(in) :: vpspll(mmax,mpsang),wfll(mmax,mpsang)
 95  real(dp),intent(inout) :: wksincos(mmax,2,2)
 96  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekb(mpsang),ffspl(mqgrid,2,mpsang)
 98 !Local variables-------------------------------
 99 !scalars
100  integer,parameter :: dpsang=5
101  integer :: iq,ir,irmax,lp1
102  real(dp) :: dvwf,result,test,tpiq,yp1,ypn
103  character(len=500) :: message
104 !arrays
105  real(dp) :: ckb(dpsang),dvms(dpsang),eta(dpsang),renorm(dpsang)
106  real(dp),allocatable :: besjx(:),work1(:),work2(:),work3(:),work4(:),work5(:)
107  real(dp),allocatable :: work_spl(:)
109 ! *************************************************************************
111 !DEBUG
112 !write(std_out,*)' psp1nl : enter'
113 !stop
116 !Zero out Kleinman-Bylander energies ekb
117  ekb(:)=0.0d0
118 !Zero out eta and other parameters too (so 0 s show up in output later)
119  eta(:)=0.0d0
120  dvms(:)=0.0d0
121  ckb(:)=0.0d0
123 !Allow for no nonlocal correction (lmax=-1)
124  if (lmax/=-1) then
126 !  Check that lmax is within allowed range
127    if (lmax<0.or.lmax>3) then
128      write(message, '(a,i12,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
129 &     'lmax=',lmax,' is not an allowed value.',ch10,&
130 &     'Allowed values are -1 for no nonlocal correction or else',ch10,&
131 &     '0, 1, 2, or 3 for maximum l nonlocal correction.',ch10,&
132 &     'Action: check the input atomic psp data file for lmax.'
133      MSG_ERROR(message)
134    end if
136 !  Compute normalizing integrals eta=<dV> and mean square
137 !  nonlocal psp correction dvms=<dV^2>
138 !  "dvwf" consistently refers to dV(r)*wf(r) where dV=nonlocal correction
140    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(mmax+1))
141    ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(mmax+1))
142    ABI_ALLOCATE(work_spl,(mqgrid))
143    ABI_ALLOCATE(work5,(mmax))
144    ABI_ALLOCATE(besjx,(mmax))
146    do lp1=1,lmax+1
148 !    Only do the work if nonlocal correction is nonzero
149      if (lp1 /= lloc+1) then
151 !      integrand for 0 to r(mmax)
152        do ir=1,mmax
153          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)
154          work1(ir)=wfll(ir,lp1)*dvwf
155        end do
157 !      do integral
158 !      first need derivative of function; note use of
159 !      shifted indices to accomodate Mike Teter s choice of 0:mmax-1
160        call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,mmax-1,result)
161        eta(lp1)=result
163 !      DEBUG
164 !      write(std_out,*)' psp1nl : write eta(lp1)'
165 !      write(std_out,*)result
166 !      do ir=1,mmax,61
167 !      write(std_out,*)vpspll(ir,lp1),vloc(ir),wfll(ir,lp1)
168 !      end do
169 !      write(std_out,*)
170 !      do ir=1,mmax,61
171 !      write(std_out,*)work1(ir),rad(ir),dr(ir)
172 !      end do
173 !      ENDDEBUG
175        do ir=1,mmax
176          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)
177          work1(ir)=dvwf**2
178        end do
179        call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,mmax-1,result)
181        dvms(lp1)=result
183 !      If dvms is not 0 for any given angular momentum l,
184 !      compute Xavier Gonze s definition of the Kleinman-Bylander
185 !      energy E_KB = dvms/eta.  In this case also renormalize
186 !      the projection operator to u_KB(r)=$u_l(r) dV(r)/\sqrt{dvms}$.
187 !      This means dvwf gets multiplied by the normalization factor
188 !      "renorm"=$1/\sqrt{dvms}$ as seen below.
189 !      With dvwf=dV(r)*wf(r) for wf(r)=``radial'' wf, the integrand
190 !      for each angular momentum l is
191 !      Bessel_l(2 $\pi$ q r) * wf(r) * dV(r) * r;
192 !      NOTE presence of extra r in integrand.
194        if (dvms(lp1)/=0.0d0) then
195          ekb(lp1)=dvms(lp1)/eta(lp1)
196          renorm(lp1)=1.0d0/sqrt(dvms(lp1))
197 !        ckb is Kleinman-Bylander "cosine" (Xavier Gonze)
198          ckb(lp1)=eta(lp1)/sqrt(dvms(lp1))
199        else
200          ekb(lp1)=0.0d0
201        end if
202      end if
203    end do
205 !  Loop on angular momenta
206    do lp1=1,lmax+1
208 !    Compute form factor if ekb(lp1) not 0
209      if (ekb(lp1)/=0.0d0) then
211 !      do q=0 separately, non-zero if l=0
212        if(lp1==1)then
213          do ir=1,mmax
214            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
215            work1(ir)=rad(ir)*dvwf
216          end do
217          call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,mmax-1,result)
218          ffspl(1,1,lp1)=result
219        else
220 !        For l non-zero, f(q=0) vanishes !
221          ffspl(1,1,lp1)=0.0d0
222        end if
224 !      Prepare loop over q values
225        irmax=mmax+1
226        do ir=mmax,2,-1
227          test=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)*rad(ir)
228          work5(ir)=test
229          work1(ir)=0.0d0
230 !        Will ignore tail within decade of machine precision
231          if ((10.0d0+abs(test))==10.0d0 .and. irmax==ir+1) then
232            irmax=ir
233          end if
234        end do
235 !      Increase irmax a bit
236        irmax=irmax+4
237 !      Ask irmax to be lower than mmax
238        if(irmax>mmax-1)irmax=mmax-1
240        ABI_ALLOCATE(work3,(irmax-1))
241        ABI_ALLOCATE(work4,(irmax-1))
243 !      Loop over q values
244        do iq=2,mqgrid
245          tpiq=two_pi*qgrid(iq)
246          call sincos(iq,irmax,mmax,wksincos,rad,tpiq)
247          work3(:)=wksincos(2:irmax,2,2) !Temporary array (Intel compiler compatibility)
248          work4(:)=wksincos(2:irmax,1,2) !Temporary array (Intel compiler compatibility)
250 !        Handle r=0 separately
251          work1(1)=0.0d0
252          call besjm(tpiq,besjx(2:irmax),work3,(lp1-1),irmax-1,work4,rad(2:irmax))
253          do ir=2,irmax
254            work1(ir)=besjx(ir)*work5(ir)
255          end do
256 !        do integral
257          call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,irmax,result)
258          ffspl(iq,1,lp1)=result
259        end do
261 !      Compute yp1=derivative of f(q) at q=0
262        if(lp1/=2)then
263 !        For l/=1, yp1=0
264          yp1=0.0d0
265        else
266 !        For l=1, yp1=Int [2 Pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r)]/3
267          do ir=1,irmax
268            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
269            work1(ir)=(two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf/3.0d0
270          end do
271          call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,irmax,result)
272          yp1=result
273        end if
275 !      Compute ypn=derivative of f(q) at q=qgrid(mqgrid)
276        tpiq=two_pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
277 !      Treat ir=1, r=0, separately
278        work1(1)=0.0d0
279 !      Here, must distinguish l==0 from others
280        if(lp1==1)then
281 !        l==0 : ypn=$\int [2\pi r (-bes1(2\pi r q)) wf(r) dV(r) r dr]$
282 !        The sine and cosine of the last point were computed in the previous loop
283 !        So, there is no need to call sincos. Note that the rank of besj is 1.
284          call besjm(tpiq,besjx(2:irmax),work3,1,irmax-1,work4,rad(2:irmax))
285          do ir=2,irmax
286            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
287            work1(ir)=-besjx(ir)*two_pi*rad(ir)*rad(ir)*dvwf
288          end do
289        else
290 !        l==1 : ypn=$\int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_0(x)-(2/x)j_1(x)) dr]$
291 !        l==2 : ypn=$\int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_1(x)-(3/x)j_2(x)) dr]$
292 !        l==3 : ypn=$\int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_2(x)-(4/x)j_3(x)) dr]$
293 !        The sine and cosine of the last point were computed in the previous loop
294 !        Store first previously computed value with besj of order l, then use
295 !        besj of order l-1 (=lp1-2)
296          work1(2:irmax)=besjx(2:irmax)
297          call besjm(tpiq,besjx(2:irmax),work3,(lp1-2),irmax-1,work4,rad(2:irmax))
298          do ir=2,irmax
299            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
300            work1(ir)=(two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*&
301 &           ( besjx(ir) - ( dble(lp1)*work1(ir)/(tpiq*rad(ir)) ) )
302          end do
303        end if
304 !      work1 is ready for integration
305        call der_int(work1,work2,rad,dr,irmax,result)
306        ypn=result
308 !      Fit spline to get second derivatives by spline fit
309        call spline(qgrid,ffspl(:,1,lp1),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,&
310 &       ffspl(:,2,lp1))
312        ABI_DEALLOCATE(work3)
313        ABI_DEALLOCATE(work4)
315      else
317 !      KB energy is zero, put nonlocal correction at l=0 to 0
318        ffspl(:,:,lp1)=0.0d0
320      end if
322 !    End loop on angular momenta
323    end do
325    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
326    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
327    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work_spl)
328    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work5)
329    ABI_DEALLOCATE(besjx)
331 !  End of lmax/=-1 condition
332  end if
334 end subroutine psp1nl