ABINIT/psp5nl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Make Kleinman-Bylander form factors f_l(q) for each l from
 0 to lmax; Vloc is assumed local potential.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, FrD, GZ)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  al=grid spacing in exponent for radial grid
  lmax=maximum ang momentum for which nonlocal form factor is desired.
   Usually lmax=1, sometimes = 0 (e.g. for oxygen); lmax <= 2 allowed.
  mmax=number of radial grid points for atomic grid
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mqgrid=number of grid points for q grid
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values at which form factors are returned
  rad(mmax)=radial grid values
  vloc(mmax)=local pseudopotential on radial grid
  vpspll(mmax,3)=nonlocal pseudopotentials for each l on radial grid
  wfll(mmax,3)=reference state wavefunctions on radial grid
                mmax and mqgrid


  ekb(mpsang)=Kleinman-Bylander energy,
             {{\\ \begin{equation}
               \frac{\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))^2 dr]}
               {\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))   dr]}
               \end{equation} }}
                for each l
  ffspl(mqgrid,2,mpsang)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum


 u_l(r) is reference state wavefunction (input as wf);
 j_l(q) is a spherical Bessel function;
 dV_l(r) = vpsp_l(r)-vloc(r) for angular momentum l;
 f_l(q) = $ \int_0^{rmax}[j_l(2\pi q r) u_l(r) dV_l(r) r dr]/\sqrt{dvms}$
 where dvms = $\int_0^{rmax} [(u_l(r) dV_l(r))^2 dr]$ is the mean
 square value of the nonlocal correction for angular momentum l.
 Xavier Gonze s E_KB = $ dvms/\int_0^{rmax}[(u_l(r))^2 dV_l(r) dr]$.
 This is the eigenvalue of the Kleinman-Bylander operator and sets
 the energy scale of the nonlocal psp corrections.






 60 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 61 #include "config.h"
 62 #endif
 64 #include "abi_common.h"
 66 subroutine psp5nl(al,ekb,ffspl,lmax,mmax,mpsang,mqgrid,qgrid,rad,vloc,vpspll,wfll)
 68  use defs_basis
 69  use m_profiling_abi
 70  use m_splines
 71  use m_errors
 73  use m_numeric_tools, only : ctrap
 75 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 76 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 77 #undef ABI_FUNC
 78 #define ABI_FUNC 'psp5nl'
 79 !End of the abilint section
 81  implicit none
 83 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 84 !scalars
 85  integer,intent(in) :: lmax,mmax,mpsang,mqgrid
 86  real(dp),intent(in) :: al
 87 !arrays
 88  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),rad(mmax),vloc(mmax),vpspll(mmax,mpsang)
 89  real(dp),intent(in) :: wfll(mmax,mpsang)
 90  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekb(mpsang),ffspl(mqgrid,2,mpsang)
 92 !Local variables-------------------------------
 93 !DEBUG
 94 !real(dp) :: norm,wf
 96 !scalars
 97  integer,parameter :: dpsang=5
 98  integer :: iq,ir,lp1
 99  real(dp) :: arg,bessel,dvwf,qr,result,yp1,ypn,ztor1
100  character(len=500) :: message
101 !arrays
102  real(dp) :: ckb(dpsang),dvms(dpsang),eta(dpsang),renorm(dpsang)
103  real(dp),allocatable :: work1(:),work2(:),work3(:),work4(:)
105 !*************************************************************************
107 !l=0,1,2 and 3 spherical Bessel functions
108 !The accuracy of the bes1, bes2, bes3 functions for small arguments
109 !may be insufficient. In the present version
110 !of the routines, some care is taken with the value of the argument.
111 !If smaller than 1.d-3, a two terms
112 !Taylor series expansion is prefered.
113 ! bes0(arg)=sin(arg)/arg
114 ! bes1(arg)=(sin(arg)-arg*cos(arg))/arg**2
115 ! bes2(arg)=( (3.0d0-arg**2)*sin(arg)-&
116 !& 3.0d0*arg*cos(arg) )      /arg**3
118 ! bes3(arg)=(15.d0*sin(arg)-15.d0*arg*cos(arg) &
119 !& -6.d0*arg**2*sin(arg)+arg**3*cos(arg) )/arg**4
121 !Zero out Kleinman-Bylander energies ekb
122  ekb(:)=0.0d0
124  ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(mmax))
125  ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(mmax))
126  ABI_ALLOCATE(work3,(mmax))
127  ABI_ALLOCATE(work4,(mmax))
129 !Allow for no nonlocal correction (lmax=-1)
130  if (lmax/=-1) then
132 !  Check that lmax is within allowed range
133    if (lmax<0.or.lmax>3) then
134      write(message, '(a,i12,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
135 &     'lmax=',lmax,' is not an allowed value.',ch10,&
136 &     'Allowed values are -1 for no nonlocal correction or else',ch10,&
137 &     '0, 1,2 or 3 for maximum l nonlocal correction.',ch10,&
138 &     'Action : check the input atomic psp data file for lmax.'
139      MSG_ERROR(message)
140    end if
142 !  Compute normalizing integrals eta=<dV> and mean square
143 !  nonlocal psp correction dvms=<dV^2>
144 !  "dvwf" consistently refers to dV(r)*wf(r) where dV=nonlocal correction
145    do lp1=1,lmax+1
147 !    integral from 0 to r1
148      dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)
149      ztor1=(wfll(1,lp1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/dble(2*(lp1-1)+3)
150 !    integrand for r1 to r(mmax) (incl extra factor of r)
151      do ir=1,mmax
152        dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)
153        work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(wfll(ir,lp1)*dvwf)
154      end do
155 !    do integral by corrected trapezoidal integration
156      call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
157      eta(lp1)=ztor1+result
159      dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)
160      ztor1=dvwf**2*rad(1)/dble(2*(lp1-1)+3)
161      do ir=1,mmax
162        dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)
163        work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(dvwf**2)
164      end do
165      call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
166      dvms(lp1)=ztor1+result
168 !    DEBUG
169 !    Compute the norm of wfll
170 !    wf=wfll(1,lp1)
171 !    ztor1=wf**2*rad(1)/dble(2*(lp1-1)+3)
172 !    do ir=1,mmax
173 !    wf=wfll(ir,lp1)
174 !    work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(wf**2)
175 !    end do
176 !    call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
177 !    norm=ztor1+result
178 !    write(std_out,*)' lp1, norm',lp1,norm
179 !    ENDDEBUG
181 !    If dvms is not 0 for any given angular momentum l,
182 !    compute Xavier Gonze s definition of the Kleinman-Bylander
183 !    energy E_KB = dvms/eta.  In this case also renormalize
184 !    the projection operator to u_KB(r)=$u_l(r)*dV(r)/\sqrt{dvms}$.
185 !    This means dvwf gets multiplied by the normalization factor
186 !    "renorm"=$1/\sqrt{dvms}$ as seen below.
187      if (dvms(lp1)/=0.0d0) then
188        ekb(lp1)=dvms(lp1)/eta(lp1)
189        renorm(lp1)=1.0d0/sqrt(dvms(lp1))
190 !      ckb is Kleinman-Bylander "cosine" (Xavier Gonze)
191        ckb(lp1)=eta(lp1)/sqrt(dvms(lp1))
192      else
193        ekb(lp1)=0.0d0
194      end if
196    end do
198 !  l=0 form factor if ekb(1) not 0 (lmax always at least 0)
199    if (ekb(1)/=0.0d0) then
201 !    do q=0 separately
202      lp1=1
203 !    0 to r1 integral
204      dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
205      ztor1=(rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/3.0d0
206 !    integrand
207      do ir=1,mmax
208        dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
209        work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*dvwf)
210      end do
211      call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
212      ffspl(1,1,1)=ztor1+result
214 !    do rest of q points
215      do iq=2,mqgrid
216        arg=two_pi*qgrid(iq)
217 !      0 to r1 integral
218        dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
219        ztor1=(bes0_psp5(arg*rad(1))*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/3.0d0
220 !      integrand
221        do ir=1,mmax
222          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
223          work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*bes0_psp5(arg*rad(ir))*dvwf)
224        end do
225        call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
226        ffspl(iq,1,1)=ztor1+result
227      end do
229 !    Compute yp1,ypn=derivatives of f(q) at q=0, q=qgrid(mqgrid)
230 !    yp1=0 for l=0
231      yp1=0.0d0
232 !    ypn=$ \int [2\pi r (-bes1(2\pi r q)) wf(r) dV(r) r dr]$
233      arg=two_pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
234      dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
235      qr=arg*rad(1)
236      if(qr<1.d-3)then
237        bessel=(10.d0-qr*qr)*qr/30.0d0
238      else
239        bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)
240      end if
241 !    ztor1=(-bes1(arg*rad(1))*two_pi*rad(1)*r(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/5.0d0
242      ztor1=(-bessel*two_pi*rad(1)*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/5.0d0
243      do ir=1,mmax
244        qr=arg*rad(ir)
245        if(qr<1.d-3)then
246          bessel=(10.d0-qr*qr)*qr/30.0d0
247        else
248          bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)
249        end if
250        dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
251 !      work(ir)=rad(ir)*(-bes1(arg*rad(ir))*two_pi*rad(ir)*rad(ir)*dvwf)
252        work1(ir)=rad(ir)*(-bessel*two_pi*rad(ir)*rad(ir)*dvwf)
253      end do
254      call ctrap(mmax,work1,al,result)
255      ypn=ztor1+result
257 !    Fit spline to get second derivatives by spline fit
258      call spline(qgrid,ffspl(1,1,1),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,ffspl(1,2,1))
260    else
261 !    or else put nonlocal correction at l=0 to 0
262      ffspl(:,:,1)=0.0d0
263    end if
265 !  Finished if lmax=0 (highest nonlocal correction)
266 !  Do l=1 form factor if ekb(2) not 0 and lmax>=1
267    if (lmax>0)then
268      if(ekb(2)/=0.0d0) then
270        lp1=2
271 !      do q=0 separately: f_1(q=0) vanishes !
272        ffspl(1,1,2)=0.0d0
274 !      do rest of q points
275        do iq=2,mqgrid
276          arg=two_pi*qgrid(iq)
277          dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
278          qr=arg*rad(1)
279          if(qr<1.d-3)then
280            bessel=(10.d0-qr*qr)*qr/30.0d0
281          else
282            bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)
283          end if
284 !        ztor1=(bes1(arg*rad(1))*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/5.0d0
285          ztor1=(bessel*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/5.0d0
287          do ir=1,mmax
288            qr=arg*rad(ir)
289            if(qr<1.d-3)then
290              bessel=(10.d0-qr*qr)*qr/30.0d0
291            else
292              bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)
293            end if
294            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
295            work2(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*bessel*dvwf)
296          end do
298          call ctrap(mmax,work2,al,result)
299          ffspl(iq,1,2)=ztor1+result
300        end do
302 !      Compute yp1,ypn for l=1
303 !      yp1=$\displaystyle \int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r)]/3$
304        dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
305        ztor1=((two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf)*rad(1)/(3.0d0*5.0d0)
306        do ir=1,mmax
307          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
308          work2(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf/3.0d0)
309        end do
310        call ctrap(mmax,work2,al,result)
311        yp1=ztor1+result
312 !      ypn=$\int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_0(x)-(2/x)j_1(x)) dr]$
313 !      where x=2 Pi qgrid(mqgrid) r
314        arg=two_pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
315        dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
316        qr=arg*rad(1)
317        if(qr<1.d-3)then
318          bessel=(10.d0-3.0d0*qr*qr)/30.0d0
319        else
320          bessel=bes0_psp5(qr)-2.d0*bes1_psp5(qr)/qr
321        end if
322 !      ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf* (bes0(arg*rad(1))-
323 !      2.0d0*bes1(arg*rad(1))/(arg*rad(1))) ) * rad(1)/5.0d0
324        ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf*bessel)*  rad(1)/5.0d0
326        do ir=1,mmax
327          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
328          qr=arg*rad(ir)
329          if(qr<1.d-3)then
330            bessel=(10.d0-3.0d0*qr*qr)/30.0d0
331          else
332            bessel=bes0_psp5(qr)-2.d0*bes1_psp5(qr)/qr
333          end if
334 !        work(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*
335 !        (bes0(arg*rad(ir))-2.d0*bes1(arg*rad(ir))/(arg*rad(ir))) )
336          work2(ir)=rad(ir)*(two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*bessel
337        end do
338        call ctrap(mmax,work2,al,result)
339        ypn=ztor1+result
341 !      Fit spline for l=1 Kleinman-Bylander form factor
342        call spline(qgrid,ffspl(1,1,2),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,ffspl(1,2,2))
344      else
345 !      or else put form factor to 0 for l=1
346        ffspl(:,:,2)=0.0d0
347      end if
348 !    Endif condition of lmax>0
349    end if
351 !  Finished if lmax=1 (highest nonlocal correction)
352 !  Do l=2 nonlocal form factor if eta(3) not 0 and lmax>=2
353    if (lmax>1)then
354      if(ekb(3)/=0.0d0) then
356        lp1=3
357 !      do q=0 separately; f_2(q=0) vanishes
358        ffspl(1,1,3)=0.0d0
360 !      do rest of q points
361        do iq=2,mqgrid
362          arg=two_pi*qgrid(iq)
363          dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
364          qr=arg*rad(1)
365          if(qr<1.d-3)then
366            bessel=qr*qr/15.0d0-qr**4/210.0d0
367          else
368            bessel=bes2_psp5(qr)
369          end if
370 !        ztor1=(bes2(arg*rad(1))*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/7.0d0
371          ztor1=(bessel*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/7.0d0
372          do ir=1,mmax
373            qr=arg*rad(ir)
374            if(qr<1.d-3)then
375              bessel=qr*qr/15.0d0-qr**4/210.0d0
376            else
377              bessel=bes2_psp5(qr)
378            end if
379            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
380 !          work(ir)=rad(ir)*(r(ir)*bes2(arg*rad(ir))*dvwf)
381            work3(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*bessel*dvwf)
382          end do
383          call ctrap(mmax,work3,al,result)
384          ffspl(iq,1,3)=ztor1+result
385        end do
387 !      Compute yp1,ypn for l=2
388 !      yp1=0 for l=2
389        yp1=0.0d0
390 !      ypn=$\int [2 \pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_1(x)-(3/x)j_2(x)) dr]$
391 !      where x=2 Pi qgrid(mqgrid) r
392        arg=two_pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
393        dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
394        qr=arg*rad(1)
395        if(qr<1.d-3)then
396          bessel=qr*2.0d0/15.0d0-qr**3*4.0d0/210.0d0
397        else
398          bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)-3.0d0*bes2_psp5(qr)/qr
399        end if
400 !      ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf* (bes1(arg*rad(1))-
401 !      3.0d0*bes2(arg*rad(1))/(arg*rad(1))) ) * rad(1)/7.0d0
402        ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf* bessel ) * rad(1)/7.0d0
403        do ir=1,mmax
404          qr=arg*rad(ir)
405          if(qr<1.d-3)then
406            bessel=qr*2.0d0/15.0d0-qr**3*4.0d0/210.0d0
407          else
408            bessel=bes1_psp5(qr)-3.0d0*bes2_psp5(qr)/qr
409          end if
410          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
411 !        work3(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*
412 !        (bes1(arg*rad(ir))-3.d0*bes2(arg*rad(ir))/(arg*rad(ir))) )
413          work3(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*bessel)
414        end do
415        call ctrap(mmax,work3,al,result)
416        ypn=ztor1+result
418 !      Fit spline for l=2 Kleinman-Bylander form factor
419        call spline(qgrid,ffspl(1,1,3),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,ffspl(1,2,3))
421      else
422 !      or else put form factor to 0 for l=1
423        ffspl(:,:,3)=0.0d0
424      end if
425 !    Endif condition of lmax>1
426    end if
428 !  Finished if lmax=2 (highest nonlocal correction)
429 !  Do l=3 nonlocal form factor if eta(4) not 0 and lmax>=3
430    if (lmax>2)then
431      if(ekb(4)/=0.0d0) then
433        lp1=4
434 !      do q=0 separately; f_3(q=0) vanishes
435        ffspl(1,1,4)=0.0d0
437 !      do rest of q points
438        do iq=2,mqgrid
439          arg=two_pi*qgrid(iq)
440          dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
441          qr=arg*rad(1)
442          if(qr<1.d-3)then
443            bessel=qr*qr*qr/105.0d0-qr**5/1890.0d0+qr**7/83160.0d0
444          else
445            bessel=bes3_psp5(qr)
446          end if
447 !        ztor1=(bes3(arg*rad(1))*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/9.0d0
448          ztor1=(bessel*rad(1)*dvwf)*rad(1)/9.0d0
449          do ir=1,mmax
450            qr=arg*rad(ir)
451            if(qr<1.d-3)then
452              bessel=qr*qr*qr/105.0d0-qr**5/1890.0d0+qr**7/83160.0d0
453            else
454              bessel=bes3_psp5(qr)
455            end if
456            dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
457 !          work(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*bes3(arg*rad(ir))*dvwf)
458            work4(ir)=rad(ir)*(rad(ir)*bessel*dvwf)
459          end do
460          call ctrap(mmax,work4,al,result)
461          ffspl(iq,1,4)=ztor1+result
462        end do
464 !      Compute yp1,ypn for l=3
465 !      yp1=0 for l=3
466        yp1=0.0d0
467 !      ypn=$\int [2\pi r^2 wf(r) dV(r) (j_2(x)-(4/x)j_3(x)) dr]$
468 !      where x=2 Pi qgrid(mqgrid) r
469        arg=two_pi*qgrid(mqgrid)
470        dvwf=(vpspll(1,lp1)-vloc(1))*wfll(1,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
471        qr=arg*rad(1)
472        if(qr<1.d-3)then
473          bessel=3.d0*qr**2/105.0d0-5.d0*qr**4/1890.0d0+7.d0*qr**6/83160.0d0
474        else
475          bessel=bes2_psp5(qr)-4.0d0*bes3_psp5(qr)/qr
476        end if
477 !      ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf* (bes2(arg*rad(1))-
478 !      3.0d0*bes3(arg*rad(1))/(arg*rad(1))) ) * rad(1)/9.0d0
479        ztor1=( (two_pi*rad(1)**2)*dvwf* bessel ) * rad(1)/9.0d0
480        do ir=1,mmax
481          qr=arg*rad(ir)
482          if(qr<1.d-3)then
483            bessel=3.d0*qr**2/105.0d0-5.d0*qr**4/1890.0d0+7.d0*qr**6/83160.0d0
484          else
485            bessel=bes2_psp5(qr)-4.0d0*bes3_psp5(qr)/qr
486          end if
487          dvwf=(vpspll(ir,lp1)-vloc(ir))*wfll(ir,lp1)*renorm(lp1)
488 !        work4(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*
489 !        (bes2(arg*rad(ir))-4.d0*bes3(arg*rad(ir))/(arg*rad(ir))) )
490          work4(ir)=rad(ir)*((two_pi*rad(ir)**2)*dvwf*bessel)
491        end do
492        call ctrap(mmax,work4,al,result)
493        ypn=ztor1+result
495 !      Fit spline for l=3 Kleinman-Bylander form factor
496        call spline(qgrid,ffspl(1,1,4),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,ffspl(1,2,4))
498      else
499 !      or else put form factor to 0 for l=3
500        ffspl(:,:,4)=0.0d0
501      end if
502 !    Endif condition of lmax>2
503    end if
505 !  Endif condition lmax/=-1
506  end if
508 !DEBUG
509 !write(std_out,*) 'EKB=',(ekb(iq),iq=1,3)
510 !write(std_out,*) 'COSKB=',(ckb(iq),iq=1,3)
513  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
514  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
515  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work3)
516  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work4)
518  contains
520    function  bes0_psp5(arg)
523 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
524 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
525 #undef ABI_FUNC
526 #define ABI_FUNC 'bes0_psp5'
527 !End of the abilint section
529    real(dp) :: bes0_psp5,arg
530    bes0_psp5=sin(arg)/arg
531  end function bes0_psp5
533    function bes1_psp5(arg)
536 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
537 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
538 #undef ABI_FUNC
539 #define ABI_FUNC 'bes1_psp5'
540 !End of the abilint section
542    real(dp) :: bes1_psp5,arg
543    bes1_psp5=(sin(arg)-arg*cos(arg))/arg**2
544  end function bes1_psp5
546    function bes2_psp5(arg)
549 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
550 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
551 #undef ABI_FUNC
552 #define ABI_FUNC 'bes2_psp5'
553 !End of the abilint section
555    real(dp) :: bes2_psp5,arg
556    bes2_psp5=( (3.0d0-arg**2)*sin(arg)-&
557 &   3.0d0*arg*cos(arg) )      /arg**3
558  end function bes2_psp5
560    function bes3_psp5(arg)
563 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
564 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
565 #undef ABI_FUNC
566 #define ABI_FUNC 'bes3_psp5'
567 !End of the abilint section
569    real(dp) :: bes3_psp5, arg
570    bes3_psp5=(15.d0*sin(arg)-15.d0*arg*cos(arg) &
571 &   -6.d0*arg**2*sin(arg)+arg**3*cos(arg) )/arg**4
572  end function bes3_psp5
574 end subroutine psp5nl