ABINIT/psp8in [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize pspcod=8 (pseudopotentials in the format generated by DRH):
 continue to read the corresponding file, then compute the
 local and non-local potentials.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (DRH, XG, AF)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  lloc=angular momentum choice of local pseudopotential
  lmax=value of lmax mentioned at the second line of the psp file
  lmnmax=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
        =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
  lnmax=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
  mmax=maximum number of points in real space grid in the psp file
   angular momentum of nonlocal pseudopotential
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpssoang= 2*maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials - 1
  mqgrid=dimension of q (or G) grid for arrays.
  mqgrid_vl=dimension of q (or G) grid for valence charge (array qgrid_vl)
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values of q (or |G|) on grid from 0 to qmax
  qgrid_vl(psps%mqgrid_vl)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for valence charge
  pspso=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
   if =0 : this input requires NO spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
   if =2 : this input requires HGH or psp8 characteristics of the psp
   if =3 : this input requires HFN characteristics of the psp
  useylm=governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
         1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
  zion=nominal valence of atom as specified in psp file
  znucl=nuclear number of atom as specified in psp file


  ekb(lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander energy, as read from input file
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r} dr]$ (hartree)
  ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  nproj(mpssoang)=number of projection functions for each angular momentum
  qchrg is not used, and could be suppressed later
  vlspl(mqgrid,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  xcccrc=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr)
  xccc1d(n1xccc,6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives, from psp file
  nctab<nctab_t>=NC tables
    %has_tvale=True if the pseudo contains the pseudo valence charge
    %tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid 






 68 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 69 #include "config.h"
 70 #endif
 72 #include "abi_common.h"
 74 subroutine psp8in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,&
 75 &                  mmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl,nproj,n1xccc,pspso,qchrg,qgrid,qgrid_vl,&
 76 &                  useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,znucl,nctab,maxrad)
 78  use defs_basis
 79  use m_splines
 80  use m_errors
 81  use m_profiling_abi
 83  use defs_datatypes,  only : nctab_t
 84  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type, pawrad_init, pawrad_free
 85  use m_psps,          only : nctab_eval_tvalespl
 87 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 88 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 89 #undef ABI_FUNC
 90 #define ABI_FUNC 'psp8in'
 91  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 92  use interfaces_64_psp, except_this_one => psp8in
 93 !End of the abilint section
 95  implicit none
 97 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 98 !scalars
 99  integer,intent(in) :: lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl
100  integer,intent(in) :: pspso,n1xccc,useylm
101  real(dp),intent(in) :: zion,znucl
102  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,maxrad
103  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
104 !arrays
105  integer,intent(out) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax),nproj(mpssoang)
106  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)
107  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekb(lnmax),ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax),vlspl(mqgrid,2)
108  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(n1xccc,6) !vz_i
110 !Local variables-------------------------------
111 !scalars
112  integer :: extension_switch,iln,iln0,pspindex,ipsang,irad,jj,kk,ll,ll_err,llin
113  integer :: mm,nn,nso
114  real(dp) :: amesh,damesh,fchrg,rchrg,yp1,ypn
115  logical :: has_tvale
116  character(len=500) :: message,errmsg
117  type(pawrad_type) :: mesh
118 !arrays
119  integer, allocatable :: nproj_tmp(:)
120  real(dp),allocatable :: rad(:),vloc(:),vpspll(:,:),work_spl(:)
122 ! ***************************************************************************
124 !DEBUG
125 !write(std_out,*)' psp8in : enter and stop '
126 !stop
130 !File format of formatted drh psp input, as adapted for use
131 !by the ABINIT code (the 3 first lines
132 !have already been read in calling -pspatm- routine) :
134 !(1) title (character) line
135 !(2) znucl,zion,pspdat
136 !(3) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well  (r2well not used)
137 !(4) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg  (fchrg /=0 if core charge, qchrg not used)
138 !(5) nproj(0:lmax)  (several projectors allowed for each l)
139 !(6) extension_switch(2) (spin-orbit parameters)
140 !Then, for ll=0,lmax :
141 !if(nproj(ll)>0)
142 !1/<u1|vbkb1>, 1/<u2|vbkb2>, ...
143 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vbkb1(irad,ll), vbkb2(irad,ll), ...
144 !elseif ll=lloc
145 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vloc(irad)
146 !end if
147 !
148 !If(lloc>lmax)
149 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vloc(irad)
150 !end if
151 !
152 !vbkb are Bloechl-Kleinman-Bylander projectors,(vpsp(r,ll)-vloc(r))*u(r,ll),
153 !unnormalized
154 !Note that an arbitrary local potential is allowed.  Set lloc>lmax, and
155 !provide projectors for all ll<=lmax
156 !
157 !Finally, if fchrg>0,
158 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), xccc(irad),
159 !xccc'(irac), xccc''(irad), xccc'''(irad), xccc''''(irad)
160 !
161 !Model core charge for nonlinear core xc correction, and 4 derivatives
163  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg
164  write(message, '(3f20.14,t64,a)' ) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg,'rchrg,fchrg,qchrg'
165  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
166  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
168  ABI_ALLOCATE(nproj_tmp,(mpssoang))
170  nproj_tmp(:)=0
171  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
172  write(message, '(a,5i6)' ) '     nproj',nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
173  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
174  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
176 !place holder for future implementation of additional optional header
177 !lines without invalidating existing psp files
178 !Now (12/2014) extended to include spin-orbit projectors
180 ! The integer labeled "extension switch" on line 6
181 ! of the *.psp8 file will be set to 1 (non- or scalar-relativistic)
182 ! or 3 (relativistic) to signal this to Abinit that the file contains the pseudo valence charge.
184  has_tvale = .False.
185  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) extension_switch
186  if (any(extension_switch==[2, 3])) then
187    read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
188    write(message, '(5x,a,i6)' ) 'spin-orbit psp, extension_switch',extension_switch
189    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
190    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
191    write(message, '(5x,a,5i6)' ) '   nprojso',nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
192    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
193    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
194    has_tvale =  (extension_switch == 3)
195  else if (any(extension_switch==[0,1])) then
196    write(message, '(5x,a,i6)' ) 'extension_switch',extension_switch
197    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
198    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
199    has_tvale =  (extension_switch == 1)
200  else
201    write(message, '(a,i0,2a)' ) 'invalid extension_switch: ',extension_switch,ch10,&
202 &   'Should be [0,1] for scalar-relativistic psp or [2,3] to include spin-orbit'
203    MSG_ERROR(message)
204  end if
206  if(lloc<4) then
207    if (nproj_tmp(lloc+1)/=0) then
208      write(message, '(a,i4,a,a,i4,5a)' )&
209 &     'Pseudopotential input file has nproj=',nproj_tmp(lloc+1),ch10,&
210 &     'for angular momentum',lloc,' which is the local potential.',ch10,&
211 &     'Should be 0 for the local potential',ch10,&
212 &     'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
213      MSG_ERROR(message)
214    end if
215  end if
217 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
219 !Initialize array indlmn giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=lmn
220 ! if(pspso==2) then
221  if (any(extension_switch == [0,1])) then
222    nso=1
223  else if (any(extension_switch == [2,3])) then
224    nso=2
225    if (pspso==0) then
226      write (message, '(3a)') 'You are reading a pseudopotential file with spin orbit projectors',ch10,&
227 &     ' but internal variable pspso is 0 - this is not possible for oncvpsp. Set nspinor to 2 and so_psp 1'
228      MSG_COMMENT(message)
229    end if
230  else 
231    write(message, '(a,i0,2a)' ) 'invalid extension_switch: ',extension_switch,ch10,&
232 &   'Should be [0,1] for scalar-relativistic psp or [2,3] to include spin-orbit'
233    MSG_ERROR(message)
234  end if
236  pspindex=0;iln=0;indlmn(:,:)=0
237  do nn=1,nso
238    do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
239      ll=ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
240      if (nproj_tmp(ipsang)>0) then
241        do kk=1,nproj_tmp(ipsang)
242          iln=iln+1
243          do mm=1,2*ll*useylm+1
244            pspindex=pspindex+1
245            indlmn(1,pspindex)=ll
246            indlmn(2,pspindex)=mm-ll*useylm-1
247            indlmn(3,pspindex)=kk
248            indlmn(4,pspindex)=ll*ll+(1-useylm)*ll+mm
249            indlmn(5,pspindex)=iln
250            indlmn(6,pspindex)=nn
251          end do
252        end do
253      end if
254    end do
255  end do
257 ! repackage nproj_tmp for proper use by pspatm
258  nproj(:)=0
259  nproj(1:lmax+1)=nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
260  if(pspso==2) then
261    nproj(mpsang+1:mpsang+lmax)=nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
262  end if
264 !Can now allocate grids, potentials and projectors
265  ABI_ALLOCATE(rad,(mmax))
266  ABI_ALLOCATE(vloc,(mmax))
267  ABI_ALLOCATE(vpspll,(mmax,lnmax))
269 !Will now proceed at the reading of pots and projectors
271 !rad(:)=radial grid r(i)
272 !vpspll(:,1),...,vpspll(:,lnmax)=nonlocal projectors
273 !vloc(:)=local potential
275 !Read Vanderbilt-Kleinman-Bylander energies and projectors for each l
276 !or read local potential for l=lloc.
277 !Also get rad array (actually read more than once)
278  ll_err=0
279  iln0=0
280  do nn=1,nso
281    do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
282      ll=ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
283      if (nproj_tmp(ipsang)>0) then
284        read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin,ekb(iln0+1:iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang))
285        if(llin/=ll) then
286          ll_err=ipsang
287          exit
288        end if
289        do irad=1,mmax
290          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vpspll(irad,iln0+1:iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang))
291        end do
292        iln0=iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang)
293      elseif(ll==lloc .and. nn==1) then
294        read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin
295        if(llin/=ll) then
296          ll_err=ipsang
297          exit
298        end if
299        do irad=1,mmax
300          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vloc(irad)
301        end do
302      end if
303    end do !ipsang
304 !Provision for general local potential /= any angular momentum potential
305    if(nn==1 .and. lloc>lmax) then
306      read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin
307      if(llin==lloc) then
308        do irad=1,mmax
309          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vloc(irad)
310        end do
311      else
312        ll_err=lloc+1
313        exit
314      end if
315    end if
316  end do !nn
318  if(ll_err>0) then
319    write(message, '(5a,i4,a,i4,a,a)' )&
320 &   'Pseudopotential input file does not have angular momenta in order',ch10,&
321 &   'or has inconsistent general local potential index',ch10,&
322 &   'Expected',ll_err-1,' , got',ll,ch10,&
323 &   'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
324    MSG_ERROR(message)
325  end if
327 !Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
328  amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
329  damesh=zero
330  do irad=2,mmax-1
331    damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
332  end do
333  if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
334    write(message, '(5a)' )&
335 &   'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
336 &   'starting at zero.',ch10,&
337 &   'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
338    MSG_ERROR(message)
339  end if
341 !Get core charge function and derivatives, if needed
342  if(fchrg>1.0d-15)then
343    call psp8cc(mmax,n1xccc,rchrg,xccc1d)
344 !  The core charge function for pspcod=8
345 !  becomes zero beyond rchrg. Thus xcccrc must be set
346 !  equal to rchrg.
347    xcccrc=rchrg
348  else
349    xccc1d(:,:) = zero
350    xcccrc = zero
351    fchrg = zero
352    qchrg = zero
353  end if
355  maxrad = rad(mmax)
357 !!   DEBUG
358 !    write(std_out,*)' xcccrc = ', xcccrc, rchrg
359 !    write(std_out,*)
360 !    write(std_out,*) '# psp8in NLCC data ', n1xccc, xcccrc
361 !    do ii = 1, n1xccc
362 !    write(std_out,'(7e20.8)')xcccrc*(ii-1.d0)/(n1xccc-1.d0),xccc1d(ii,1),&
363 ! &         xccc1d(ii,2),xccc1d(ii,3),xccc1d(ii,4),xccc1d(ii,5),xccc1d(ii,6)
364 !    enddo
365 !    write(std_out,*)
366 !    stop
367 !!   ENDDEBUG
370 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
371 !Carry out calculations for local (lloc) pseudopotential.
372 !Obtain Fourier transform (1-d sine transform)
373 !to get q^2 V(q).
375  call psp8lo(amesh,epsatm,mmax,mqgrid,qgrid,&
376 & vlspl(:,1),rad,vloc,yp1,ypn,zion)
378 !Fit spline to q^2 V(q) (Numerical Recipes subroutine)
379  ABI_ALLOCATE(work_spl,(mqgrid))
380  call spline (qgrid,vlspl(:,1),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,work_spl)
381  vlspl(:,2)=work_spl(:)
382  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work_spl)
384 !!  DEBUG         
385 ! write(std_out,*)'# Vlocal = '
386 ! write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
387 ! write(std_out,*)' epsatm = ', epsatm
388 ! write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax  
389 ! write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
390 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
391 !   write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
392 ! enddo
393 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
394 !   write(std_out,'(a,i5,2f20.12)')'   iq, vlspl = ', ir, vlspl(ir,1), vlspl(ir,2)
395 ! enddo
396 ! write(std_out,*)
397 ! do ir = 1, mmax
398 !   write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vloc(ir)
399 ! enddo
400 ! write(std_out,*)
401 ! write(std_out,*)' yp1    = ', yp1
402 ! write(std_out,*)' ypn    = ', ypn
403 ! write(std_out,*)' zion   = ', zion
404 ! stop
405 !!  ENDDEBUG      
408 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
409 !Take care of non-local part
411 !Allow for option of no nonlocal corrections (lloc=lmax=0)
412  if (lloc==0.and.lmax==0) then
413    write(message, '(a,f5.1)' ) ' Note: local psp for atom with Z=',znucl
414    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
415    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
416  else
418 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
419 !  Compute Vanderbilt-KB form factors and fit splines
421    call psp8nl(amesh,ffspl,indlmn,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,&
422 &   mqgrid,qgrid,rad,vpspll)
424  end if
426 !!  DEBUG         
427 ! write(std_out,*)'# KB Projectors = '
428 ! write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
429 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
430 !   do il = 1, lnmax
431 !     write(std_out,*)' iq, il, ffspl = ', ir, il, ffspl(ir,1,il), ffspl(ir,2,il)
432 !   enddo
433 ! enddo
434 ! do il = 1, lmnmax
435 !   write(std_out,*)' indlmn = ', il, indlmn(:,il)
436 ! enddo
437 ! write(std_out,*)' lmax   = ', lmax
438 ! write(std_out,*)' lmnmax = ', lmnmax
439 ! write(std_out,*)' lnmax  = ', lnmax
440 ! write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax
441 ! write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
442 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
443 !   write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
444 ! enddo
445 ! do il = 1, lnmax
446 !   write(std_out,*)
447 !   write(std_out,*)'# il = ', il
448 !   do ir = 1, mmax
449 !     write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vpspll(ir,il)
450 !   enddo
451 ! enddo
452 ! stop
453 !!  ENDDEBUG      
455 ! Read pseudo valence charge in real space on the linear mesh
456 ! and transform it to reciprocal space on a regular grid. Use vloc as workspace.
457  vloc(:) = zero
458  if (has_tvale) then
459    do irad=1,mmax
460      read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vloc(irad)
461      vloc(irad) = vloc(irad) / four_pi
462    end do
464 !! DEBUG
465 !  do irad = 1, mmax
466 !    write(std_out,*)' Valence Charge  = ', rad(irad), vloc(irad)
467 !  enddo
468 !  stop
472    ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
473    amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
474    damesh=zero
475    do irad=2,mmax-1
476      damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
477    end do
478    if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
479      write(message, '(5a)' )&
480 &     'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
481 &     'starting at zero.',ch10,&
482 &     'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
483      MSG_ERROR(message)
484    end if
486    !  Evaluate spline-fit of the atomic pseudo valence charge in reciprocal space.
487    call pawrad_init(mesh,mesh_size=mmax,mesh_type=1,rstep=amesh)
488    call nctab_eval_tvalespl(nctab, zion, mesh, vloc, mqgrid_vl, qgrid_vl)
489    call pawrad_free(mesh)
490  end if
492  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vpspll)
495  ABI_DEALLOCATE(nproj_tmp)
497  return
499  ! Handle IO error
500  10 continue
501  MSG_ERROR(errmsg)
503 end subroutine psp8in