ABINIT/psp8nl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Make Kleinman-Bylander/Bloechl form factors f_ln(q) for each
  projector n for each angular momentum l excepting an l corresponding
  to the local potential.
 Note that an arbitrary local potential can be used, so all l from
  0 to lmax may be represented.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, FrD, GZ)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  amesh=grid spacing for uniform (linear) radial grid
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  lmax=maximum ang momentum for which nonlocal form factor is desired.
    lmax <= 2 allowed.
  lmnmax=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
        =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
  lnmax=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
  mmax=number of radial grid points for atomic grid
  mqgrid=number of grid points for q grid
  pspso=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
   if =0 : this input requires NO spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
   if =2 : this input requires HGH or psp8 characteristics of the psp
   if =3 : this input requires HFN characteristics of the psp
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values at which form factors are returned
  rad(mmax)=radial grid values
  vpspll(mmax,lnmax)=nonlocal projectors for each (l,n) on linear
   radial grid.  Here, these are the  product of the reference
   wave functions and (v(l,n)-vloc), calculated in the psp generation
   program and normalized so that integral(0,rc(l)) vpsll^2 dr = 1,
   which leads to the the usual convention for the energies ekb(l,n)
   also calculated in the psp generation program.


  ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_ln(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each (l,n).


 u_l(r) is reference state wavefunction (input as wf);
 j_l(q) is a spherical Bessel function;
 dV_l(r) = vpsp_l(r)-vloc(r) for angular momentum l;
 f_l(q) = $ \int_0^{rmax}[j_l(2\pi q r) u_l(r) dV_l(r) r dr]/\sqrt{dvms}$
 where dvms = $\int_0^{rmax} [(u_l(r) dV_l(r))^2 dr]$ is the mean
 square value of the nonlocal correction for angular momentum l.
 Xavier Gonze s E_KB = $ dvms/\int_0^{rmax}[(u_l(r))^2 dV_l(r) dr]$.
 This is the eigenvalue of the Kleinman-Bylander operator and sets
 the energy scale of the nonlocal psp corrections.






 67 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 68 #include "config.h"
 69 #endif
 71 #include "abi_common.h"
 73 subroutine psp8nl(amesh,ffspl,indlmn,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,&
 74 &                 mqgrid,qgrid,rad,vpspll)
 76  use defs_basis
 77  use m_splines
 78  use m_profiling_abi
 80  use m_special_funcs,  only : sbf8
 81  use m_numeric_tools, only : ctrap
 83 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 84 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 85 #undef ABI_FUNC
 86 #define ABI_FUNC 'psp8nl'
 87 !End of the abilint section
 89  implicit none
 91 !Arguments----------------------------------------------------------
 92 !scalars
 93  integer,intent(in) :: lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,mqgrid
 94  real(dp),intent(in) :: amesh
 95 !arrays
 96  integer,intent(in) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax)
 97  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),rad(mmax),vpspll(mmax,lnmax)
 98  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax) !vz_i
100 !Local variables-------------------------------
101 !Following parameter controls accuracy of Fourier transform based on qmax
102 !and represents the minimun number of integration points in one period.
103 !scalars
104  integer,parameter :: NPT_IN_2PI=200
105  integer :: iln,iln0,ilmn,iq,ir,irmu,irn,ll,mesh_mult,mmax_new,mvpspll
106  real(dp) :: amesh_new,arg,c1,c2,c3,c4,dri,qmesh,result,tv,xp,xpm1,xpm2,xpp1
107  real(dp) :: yp1,ypn
108 !arrays
109  real(dp) :: sb_out(4)
110  real(dp),allocatable :: rad_new(:),vpspll_new(:,:),work(:,:),work2(:)
112 ! *************************************************************************
114 !Find r mesh spacing necessary for accurate integration at qmax
115  amesh_new=2.d0*pi/(NPT_IN_2PI*qgrid(mqgrid))
117 !Choose submultiple of input mesh
118  mesh_mult=int(amesh/amesh_new) + 1
119  mmax_new=mesh_mult*(mmax-1)+1
120  amesh_new=amesh/dble(mesh_mult)
122  ABI_ALLOCATE(rad_new,(mmax_new))
123  ABI_ALLOCATE(vpspll_new,(mmax_new,lnmax))
125  if(mesh_mult==1) then
126    rad_new(:)=rad(:)
127  else
128 !  Set up new radial mesh
129    irn=1
130    do ir=1,mmax-1
131      do irmu=0,mesh_mult-1
132        rad_new(irn)=rad(ir)+dble(irmu)*amesh_new
133        irn=irn+1
134      end do
135    end do
136    rad_new(mmax_new)=rad(mmax)
137  end if
139 !Interpolate projectors onto new grid if called for
140 !Cubic polynomial interpolation is used which is consistent
141 !with the original interpolation of these functions from
142 !a log grid to the input linear grid.
143  dri = one/amesh
144  do irn=1,mmax_new
145 !  index to find bracketing input mesh points
146    if(mesh_mult>1) then
147      ir = irn/mesh_mult + 1
148      ir = max(ir,2)
149      ir = min(ir,mmax-2)
150 !    interpolation coefficients
151      xp = dri * (rad_new(irn) - rad(ir))
152      xpp1 = xp + one
153      xpm1 = xp - one
154      xpm2 = xp - two
155      c1 = -xp * xpm1 * xpm2 * sixth
156      c2 = xpp1 * xpm1 * xpm2 * half
157      c3 = - xp * xpp1 * xpm2 * half
158      c4 = xp * xpp1 * xpm1 * sixth
159 !    Now do the interpolation on all projectors for this grid point
161      iln0=0
162      do ilmn=1,lmnmax
163        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
164        if (iln>iln0) then
165          iln0=iln
166          tv =  c1 * vpspll(ir - 1, iln) &
167 &         + c2 * vpspll(ir    , iln) &
168 &         + c3 * vpspll(ir + 1, iln) &
169 &         + c4 * vpspll(ir + 2, iln)
170          if(abs(tv)>tol10) then
171            vpspll_new(irn,iln)=tv
172            mvpspll=irn
173          else
174            vpspll_new(irn,iln)=zero
175          end if
176        end if
177      end do
179    else
180 !    With no mesh multiplication, just copy projectors
181      ir=irn
182      iln0=0
183      do ilmn=1,lmnmax
184        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
185        if (iln>iln0) then
186          iln0=iln
187          tv = vpspll(ir,iln)
188          if(abs(tv)>tol10) then
189            vpspll_new(irn,iln)=tv
190            mvpspll=irn
191          else
192            vpspll_new(irn,iln)=zero
193          end if
194        end if
195      end do
197    end if
198  end do !irn
200  ABI_ALLOCATE(work,(mvpspll,lnmax))
202 !Loop over q values
203  do iq=1,mqgrid
204    arg=2.d0*pi*qgrid(iq)
206 !  Set up integrands
207    do  ir=1,mvpspll
208      call sbf8(lmax+1,arg*rad_new(ir),sb_out)
209      iln0=0
210      do ilmn=1,lmnmax
211        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
212        if (iln>iln0) then
213          iln0=iln
214          ll=indlmn(1,ilmn)
215          work(ir,iln)=sb_out(ll+1)*vpspll_new(ir,iln)*rad_new(ir)
216        end if
217      end do
218    end do !ir
220 !  Do integral from zero to rad_new(mvpspll)
221    iln0=0
222    do ilmn=1,lmnmax
223      iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
224      if (iln>iln0) then
225        iln0=iln
226        call ctrap(mvpspll,work(1,iln),amesh_new,result)
227        ffspl(iq,1,iln)=result
228      end if
229    end do
231 !  End loop over q mesh
232  end do !iq
234 !Fit splines for form factors
235  ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(mqgrid))
236  qmesh=qgrid(2)-qgrid(1)
238  iln0=0
239  do ilmn=1,lmnmax
240    iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
241    if (iln>iln0) then
242      iln0=iln
243 !    Compute derivatives of form factors at ends of interval
244      yp1=(-50.d0*ffspl(1,1,iln)+96.d0*ffspl(2,1,iln)-72.d0*ffspl(3,1,iln)&
245 &     +32.d0*ffspl(4,1,iln)- 6.d0*ffspl(5,1,iln))/(24.d0*qmesh)
246      ypn=(6.d0*ffspl(mqgrid-4,1,iln)-32.d0*ffspl(mqgrid-3,1,iln)&
247 &     +72.d0*ffspl(mqgrid-2,1,iln)-96.d0*ffspl(mqgrid-1,1,iln)&
248 &     +50.d0*ffspl(mqgrid,1,iln))/(24.d0*qmesh)
250      call spline(qgrid,ffspl(1,1,iln),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,ffspl(1,2,iln))
251    end if
252  end do
254  ABI_DEALLOCATE(rad_new)
255  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vpspll_new)
257  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
259 end subroutine psp8nl