ABINIT/psp9in [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize pspcod=9 (pseudopotentials from the PSML XML format):
 continue to read the corresponding file, then compute the
 local and non-local potentials.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2018 ABINIT group (JJ, MVer)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  filpsp=filename of the PSML pseudopotential
  lloc=angular momentum choice of local pseudopotential
  lmax=value of lmax mentioned at the second line of the psp file
  lmnmax=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
        =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
  lnmax=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
  mmax=maximum number of points in real space grid in the psp file
   angular momentum of nonlocal pseudopotential
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpssoang= 2*maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials - 1
  mqgrid=dimension of q (or G) grid for arrays.
  mqgrid_vl=dimension of q (or G) grid for valence charge (array qgrid_vl)
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values of q (or |G|) on grid from 0 to qmax
  qgrid_vl(psps%mqgrid_vl)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for valence charge
  pspso=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
   if =0 : this input requires NO spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
   if =2 : this input requires HGH or psp8 characteristics of the psp
   if =3 : this input requires HFN characteristics of the psp
  useylm=governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
         1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
  zion=nominal valence of atom as specified in psp file
  znucl=nuclear number of atom as specified in psp file


  ekb(lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander energy,
             {{\ \begin{equation}
               \frac{\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))^2 dr]}
             {\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))   dr]}
              \end{equation} }}
             for each (l,n)
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r} dr]$ (hartree)
  ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  nproj(mpssoang)=number of projection functions for each angular momentum
  qchrg is not used, and could be suppressed later
  vlspl(mqgrid,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  xcccrc=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr)
  xccc1d(n1xccc,6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives, from psp file
  nctab<nctab_t>=NC tables
    %has_tvale=True if the pseudo contains the pseudo valence charge
    %tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid 






 76 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 77 #include "config.h"
 78 #endif
 80 #include "abi_common.h"
 82 subroutine psp9in(filpsp,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,&
 83 &                  mmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl,nproj,n1xccc,pspso,qchrg,qgrid,qgrid_vl,&
 84 &                  useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,znucl,nctab,maxrad)
 86  use defs_basis
 87  use m_splines
 88  use m_errors
 89  use m_profiling_abi
 91  use defs_datatypes,  only : nctab_t
 92  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type, pawrad_init, pawrad_free
 93  use m_psps,          only : nctab_eval_tvalespl
 95 #if defined HAVE_PSML
 96  use m_psml
 97 #endif
 99 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
100 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
101 #undef ABI_FUNC
102 #define ABI_FUNC 'psp9in'
103  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
104  use interfaces_64_psp, except_this_one => psp9in
105 !End of the abilint section
107  implicit none
109 !Arguments ------------------------------------
110 !scalars
111  integer,intent(in) :: lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl
112  integer,intent(in) :: pspso,n1xccc,useylm
113  integer,intent(out) :: mmax
114  real(dp),intent(in) :: zion,znucl
115  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,maxrad
116  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
117  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filpsp
118 !arrays
119  integer,intent(out) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax),nproj(mpssoang)
120  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)
121  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekb(lnmax),ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax),vlspl(mqgrid,2)
122  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(n1xccc,6) !vz_i
124 !Local variables-------------------------------
125 !no_abirules
126 !scalars
127 #if defined HAVE_PSML
128  integer :: iln,pspindex,ipsang,irad,kk,ll
129  integer :: mm,nn,nso,ii,ir,il
130  integer :: nshells
131  integer :: iproj,irelt,nders
132  integer :: np_dn, np_lj, np_nr, np_so, np_sr, np_up, val_l, val_n
133  real(dp) :: amesh,damesh,fchrg,rchrg,yp1,ypn,zval
134  real(dp) :: rmax,rmatch,z,chgvps
135  real(dp) :: val_occ
136  logical :: has_nlcc,has_spin
137  logical :: has_tvale,oncvpsp
138  character(len=500) :: message
139  character(len=30)  :: creator
140  character(len=7), parameter  :: oncvpsp_name = "ONCVPSP"
141  type(pawrad_type) :: mesh
142 #endif
143 !arrays
144 #if defined HAVE_PSML
145  integer, allocatable :: idx_so(:),idx_sr(:)
146  real(dp),allocatable :: rad(:),vloc(:),vpspll(:,:),work_spl(:)
147  type(ps_t) :: psxml
148 #endif
150 ! ***************************************************************************
152 #if defined HAVE_PSML
154  call ps_destroy(psxml)
155  call psml_reader(filpsp,psxml,debug=.true.)
157 !Identify the atomic code that generated the pseudopotential
158  call ps_Provenance_Get(psxml, 1, creator=creator)
159 !Check whether the pseudopotential has been created with ONCVPSP,
160 !Don Hamann's code
161  oncvpsp = (trim(creator(1:7)) .eq. trim(oncvpsp_name))
162 !DEBUG
163 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : creator : ', creator
164 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : oncvpsp : ', oncvpsp
167 ! SIESTA's ATOM uses spherical harmonics, while ONCVPSP uses Legendre
168 ! polynomials, which means we have to check the consistency of input variables
169 ! wrt the pseudos
170 !
171 ! Note: commented because NC pseudos do not have non-diagonal terms
172 !
173 ! if ( oncvpsp ) then
174 !   if ( useylm /= 0 ) then
175 !     write(message,'(3a)') "ONCVPSP pseudos use Legendre polynomials but we use spherical harmonics", &
176 !&      ch10, "ACTION: set useylm to 0 in your input file"
177 !     MSG_ERROR(message)
178 !   endif
179 ! else
180 !   if ( useylm == 0 ) then
181 !     write(message,'(3a)') "ATOM pseudos use spherical harmonics but we use Legendre polynomials", &
182 !&      ch10, "ACTION: set useylm to 1 in your input file"
183 !     MSG_ERROR(message)
184 !   endif
185 ! endif
187 ! The atomic number is a real number instead of a simple integer
188 ! z (in Abinit), atomic-number in the header of the PSML file.
189 ! z      = ps_AtomicNumber(psxml)
190 !
191 ! The difference between the number of protons in the nucleus and the
192 ! sum of the populations of the core shells is the effective atomic number 
193 ! of the pseudo-atom, Zval (in Abinit), z-pseudo in the header of the
194 ! PSML file.
195 ! zval   = ps_Zpseudo(psxml)
197  call ps_PseudoAtomSpec_Get(psxml, &
198 & atomic_number=z, z_pseudo=zval, &
199 & spin_dft=has_spin, core_corrections=has_nlcc)
201 !---
203 !Feb 2015: shifted to Hamann grid for convenience - libpsml interpolates anyway
204 !
205 ! The following lines are taken from the oncvpsp.f90 subroutine of the oncvpsp
206 ! code implemented by D. Hamann
207 ! The atomic number of the element is read from the header of the XML file
208 ! Logarithmic grid defined by Hamann in oncvpsp code
209 ! z    = psxml%header%z
210 ! amesh = 1.012d0
211 ! al    = dlog(amesh)
212 ! rr1   = .0005d0/z
213 ! mmax  = dlog(45.0d0 /rr1)/al
214 !
215 ! ABI_ALLOCATE( rad,(mmax) )
216 !
217 ! do ir = 1, mmax
218 !   rad(ir) = rr1 * dexp(al*(ir-1))
219 ! end do
221 !Determine the maximum number of points in the grid ---
222  rmax  = 6.0_dp
223  amesh = 0.01_dp
224  mmax  = int(rmax/amesh)
225 ! if(mod(mmax,2) .eq. 0) mmax = mmax + 1
227 !Print core charge info, for compatibility with psp8
228  rchrg  = zero
229  fchrg  = zero
230  if (has_nlcc) then
231    rchrg = amesh * (mmax - 2)
232 !  PSML does not store fchrg for now but we know we have core corrections,
233 !  then let's set it arbitrarily to 1.0
234    fchrg = one
235  else
236    write(message, '(a)' ) '- psp9in: No XC core correction.'
237    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
238  end if
239  write(message, '(3f20.14,t64,a)' ) rchrg,fchrg,zero,'rchrg,fchrg,qchrg'
240  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
241  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
243 !Do we have a valence charge?
244  call ps_ValenceConfiguration_Get(psxml, nshells=nshells)
245  has_tvale = (nshells > 0)
247 ! Compute the valence charge of the reference configuration used to 
248 ! generate the pseudopotential
249  chgvps = 0.0_dp
250 ! Loop on all the shells included in the valence
251  do il = 1, nshells
252 !  Sum the corresponding occupation of each shell
253 !  FIXME: What if there is spin?
254    call ps_ValenceShell_Get(psxml, il, n=val_n, l=val_l, occupation=val_occ)
255    chgvps = chgvps + val_occ
256    write(std_out,*)' psp9in : n, l, occupation = ',   &
257 &   val_n, val_l, val_occ
258  end do
260 !DEBUG
261 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : atomic number'
262 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   z = ', z
263 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : valence charge of the reference configuration'
264 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   chgvps = ', chgvps
265 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : nominal valence charge'
266 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   zval = ', zval
267 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   mqgrid_vl = ', mqgrid_vl
268 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : parameters to define the points of the grid'
269 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   amesh = ', amesh
270 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   rmax = ', rmax
271 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in :   mmax = ', mmax
274 ! TODO: should be simple to average these and get difference for SREL+SOC,
275 ! but also the Ekb etc...
276  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_DOWN, number=np_dn)
277  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_LJ, number=np_lj)
278  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_NONREL, number=np_nr)
279  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_SO, number=np_so)
280  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_SREL, number=np_sr)
281  call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_UP, number=np_up)
282  if (np_lj > 0) then
283    message = 'For the moment LJ format projectors are not supported; SREL + SO is the internal abinit format'
284    MSG_BUG(message)
285  end if
287  if (np_up > 0 .or. np_dn > 0) then
288    write (message,'(3a)') 'For the moment separate spin up and down format projectors are not supported;',ch10,&
289 &   ' spin average is the internal abinit format'
290    MSG_BUG(message)
291  end if
293 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
295 !Initialize array indlmn giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=lmn
296  if(pspso==2) then
297    nso=2
298  else
299    nso=1
300  end if
302 !Find the number of projectors per angular momentum shell
303  nproj(:)=0
304  if (np_nr > 0) then
305    call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_NONREL, indexes=idx_sr)
306    do iproj = 1, np_nr
307      call ps_Projector_Get(psxml, idx_sr(iproj), l=il)
308      nproj(il+1) = nproj(il+1) + 1
309    end do
310  else
311    if (np_sr > 0) then
312      call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_SREL, indexes=idx_sr)
313      do iproj = 1, np_sr
314        call ps_Projector_Get(psxml, idx_sr(iproj), l=il)
315        nproj(il+1) = nproj(il+1) + 1
316      end do
317    else ! this should not happen
318      MSG_BUG('Your psml potential should have either scalar- or non- relativistic projectors')
319    end if
320  end if
322  write(message, '(a,5i6)' ) '     nproj',nproj(1:lmax+1)
323  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
324  call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
326  irelt = 0
327  if (nso == 2) then
328    call ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter(psxml, set=SET_SO, indexes=idx_so)
329    do iproj = 1, np_so
330      call ps_Projector_Get(psxml, idx_so(iproj), l=il)
331      nproj(il+lmax+2) = nproj(il+lmax+2) + 1
332      irelt = 1
333    end do
334  end if
336  pspindex=0;iln=0;indlmn(:,:)=0
337  do nn=1,nso
338    do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
339      ll=ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
340      if (nproj(ipsang)>0) then
341        do kk=1,nproj(ipsang)
342          iln=iln+1
343          do mm=1,2*ll*useylm+1
344            pspindex=pspindex+1
345            indlmn(1,pspindex)=ll                      ! l angular momentum channel
346            indlmn(2,pspindex)=mm-ll*useylm-1          ! hash of position in m
347            indlmn(3,pspindex)=kk                      ! index of projector
348            indlmn(4,pspindex)=ll*ll+(1-useylm)*ll+mm  ! hash of position in l(l+1) array
349            indlmn(5,pspindex)=iln                     ! absolute index of l, n disregarding m values
350            indlmn(6,pspindex)=nn                      ! spin orbit index!!! NOT the n shell index
351          end do
352        end do
353      end if
354    end do
355  end do
357 ! Determine whether the atomic calculation to generate the pseudopotential
358 ! is relativistic or not
360 !DEBUG
361 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : pseudopotential generation relativity ', ps_Relativity(psxml) 
362 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : SOC pseudopotential? (1=yes, 0 =no) '
363 !write(std_out,*)' psp9in : irelt = ', irelt
364 !write(ab_out,*)' psp9in : irelt = ', irelt
367 !Can now allocate grids, potentials and projectors
368  ABI_ALLOCATE(rad,(mmax))
369  ABI_ALLOCATE(vloc,(mmax))
370  ABI_ALLOCATE(vpspll,(mmax,lnmax))
372 !Feb 2015: shifted to Hamann grid for convenience - libpsml interpolates anyway
373  do ir=1,mmax
374    rad(ir) = amesh * (ir - 1)
375  end do
376 !! DEBUG
377 ! do ir = 2, mmax
378 !   write(std_out,'(i5,f20.12)')ir, rad(ir)
379 ! end do
381 !---
382  write(ab_out, '(a,i5,es16.6,es16.6)')'  psp9in : mmax, amesh, rad(mmax) = ', mmax, amesh, rad(mmax)
384 !Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
385  amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
386  damesh=zero
387  do irad=2,mmax-1
388    damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
389  end do
390  if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
391    write(message, '(5a)' )&
392 &   'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
393 &   'starting at zero.',ch10,&
394 &   'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
395    MSG_ERROR(message)
396  end if
398 !Take care of the non-linear core corrections
399 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 ! xcccrc           : XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr)
401 !                    It is defined as the radius where the pseudo-core
402 !                    charge density becomes zero
403 !                    (here we have set up a tolerance of 1.d-12).
405  rmatch = zero
406  nders  = 0
407  if (has_nlcc) then
409 !    In Abinit, at least for the Troullier-Martins pseudopotential,
410 !    the pseudocore charge density and its derivatives (xccc1d)
411 !    are introduced in a linear grid.
412 !    This grid is normalized, so the radial coordinates run between
413 !    from 0 and 1 (from 0 to xcccrc, where xcccrc is the radius
414 !    where the pseudo-core becomes zero).
416    call ps_CoreCharge_get(psxml, rc=rmatch, nderivs=nders)
417    write (message,'(1X,A,A,5X,A,1X,F8.3,A,5X,A,I8,A)') &
418 &   "Reading pseudocore charge",ch10, &
419 &   "- matching radius:",rmatch,ch10, &
420 &   "- number of continuous derivatives",nders,ch10
421    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
423 !Get core charge function and derivatives, if needed
424    if(fchrg>1.0d-15)then
425      call psp9cc(psxml,mmax,n1xccc,rad,rchrg,xccc1d)
426 !  The core charge function for pspcod=9
427 !  becomes zero beyond rchrg. Thus xcccrc must be set
428 !  equal to rchrg.
429      xcccrc=rchrg
430    else
431      xccc1d(:,:) = zero
432      xcccrc = zero
433      fchrg = zero
434      qchrg = zero
435    end if
437    maxrad = rad(mmax)
439  end if ! has_nlcc
441 !!   DEBUG
442 !    write(std_out,*)' xcccrc = ', xcccrc, rchrg
443 !    write(std_out,*)
444 !    write(std_out,*) '# psp8in NLCC data ', n1xccc, xcccrc
445 !    do ii = 1, n1xccc
446 !    write(std_out,'(7e20.8)')xcccrc*(ii-1.d0)/(n1xccc-1.d0),xccc1d(ii,1),&
447 ! &         xccc1d(ii,2),xccc1d(ii,3),xccc1d(ii,4),xccc1d(ii,5),xccc1d(ii,6)
448 !    enddo
449 !    write(std_out,*)
450 !    stop
451 !!   ENDDEBUG
454 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
455 !Carry out calculations for local (lloc) pseudopotential.
456 !Obtain Fourier transform (1-d sine transform)
457 !to get q^2 V(q).
459 !Read and process vlocal:
460 !The local potential is given by a <radfunc> element under the <local-potential>
461 !element.
462 !After reading, this is a copy of the treatment to the 
463 !local part carry out in psp8 
464 !i.e. (as in Hamann pseudopotential)
465 !
466 !Read the local component of the pseudopotential
467  vloc = zero
468  do ir = 1, mmax
469    vloc(ir) = ps_LocalPotential_Value(psxml, rad(ir))
470  end do 
472  call psp8lo(amesh,epsatm,mmax,mqgrid,qgrid,&
473 & vlspl(:,1),rad,vloc,yp1,ypn,zion)
475 !Fit spline to q^2 V(q) (Numerical Recipes subroutine)
476  ABI_ALLOCATE(work_spl,(mqgrid))
477  call spline (qgrid,vlspl(:,1),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,work_spl)
478  vlspl(:,2)=work_spl(:)
479  ABI_DEALLOCATE(work_spl)
481 !!  DEBUG         
482 ! write(std_out,*)'# Vlocal = '
483 ! write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
484 ! write(std_out,*)' epsatm = ', epsatm
485 ! write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax  
486 ! write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
487 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
488 !   write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
489 ! enddo
490 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
491 !   write(std_out,'(a,i5,2f20.12)')'   iq, vlspl = ', ir, vlspl(ir,1), vlspl(ir,2)
492 ! enddo
493 ! write(std_out,*)
494 ! do ir = 1, mmax
495 !   write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vloc(ir)
496 ! enddo
497 ! write(std_out,*)
498 ! write(std_out,*)' yp1    = ', yp1
499 ! write(std_out,*)' ypn    = ', ypn
500 ! write(std_out,*)' zion   = ', zion
501 ! stop
502 !!  ENDDEBUG      
505 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
506 !Take care of non-local part
508 !Zero out all Kleinman-Bylander energies to initialize
509  do ii = 1, lmnmax ! loop over all possible projectors
510    if (indlmn(6,ii) == 1) then
511      call ps_Projector_Get(psxml, idx_sr(indlmn(5,ii)), ekb=ekb(indlmn(5,ii)))
512    else if (indlmn(6,ii) == 2) then
513      call ps_Projector_Get(psxml, idx_so(indlmn(5,ii)), ekb=ekb(indlmn(5,ii)))
514    end if
515  end do
517 !Read the KB projectors from the PSML file
518 !Note than in the PSML file the radial part of the projector is stored,
519 !while Abinit expects the radial part times the radii.
520 !We have to multiply by r after reading it.
521 !Note than in Hamann's format (psp8), Abinit directly reads r * radial_part_KB
522  vpspll = zero
523  do ii = 1, lmnmax
524    if (indlmn(6,ii) == 1) then
525      do ir = 1, mmax
526        vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii)) = ps_Projector_Value(psxml, idx_sr(indlmn(5,ii)), rad(ir))
527        vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii)) = rad(ir) * vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii))
528      end do 
529    else if (indlmn(6,ii) == 2) then
530      do ir = 1, mmax
531        vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii)) = ps_Projector_Value(psxml, idx_so(indlmn(5,ii)), rad(ir))
532        vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii)) = rad(ir) * vpspll(ir, indlmn(5,ii))
533      end do 
534    end if
535  end do 
537 !Allow for option of no nonlocal corrections (lloc=lmax=0)
538  if (lloc==0.and.lmax==0) then
539    write(message, '(a,f5.1)' ) ' Note: local psp for atom with Z=',znucl
540    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
541    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
542  else
544 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
545 !  Compute Vanderbilt-KB form factors and fit splines
547    call psp8nl(amesh,ffspl,indlmn,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,&
548 &   mqgrid,qgrid,rad,vpspll)
550  end if
552 !!  DEBUG         
553 ! write(std_out,*)'# KB Projectors = '
554 ! write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
555 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
556 !   do il = 1, lnmax
557 !     write(std_out,*)' iq, il, ffspl = ', ir, il, ffspl(ir,1,il), ffspl(ir,2,il)
558 !   enddo
559 ! enddo
560 ! do il = 1, lmnmax
561 !   write(std_out,*)' indlmn = ', il, indlmn(:,il)
562 ! enddo
563 ! write(std_out,*)' lmax   = ', lmax
564 ! write(std_out,*)' lmnmax = ', lmnmax
565 ! write(std_out,*)' lnmax  = ', lnmax
566 ! write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax
567 ! write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
568 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
569 !   write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
570 ! enddo
571 ! do il = 1, lnmax
572 !   write(std_out,*)
573 !   write(std_out,*)'# il = ', il
574 !   do ir = 1, mmax
575 !     write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vpspll(ir,il)
576 !   enddo
577 ! enddo
578 ! stop
579 !!  ENDDEBUG      
581 ! Read pseudo valence charge in real space on the linear mesh
582 ! and transform it to reciprocal space on a regular grid. Use vloc as workspace.
583  vloc(:) = zero
584  if (has_tvale) then
585    do irad=1,mmax
586      vloc(irad) = ps_ValenceCharge_Value(psxml,rad(irad))
587      vloc(irad) = vloc(irad) / four_pi
588    end do
590 !! DEBUG
591 !  do irad = 1, mmax
592 !    write(std_out,*)' Valence Charge  = ', rad(irad), vloc(irad)
593 !  enddo
594 !  stop
598    ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
599    amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
600    damesh=zero
601    do irad=2,mmax-1
602      damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
603    end do
604    if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
605      write(message, '(5a)' )&
606 &     'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
607 &     'starting at zero.',ch10,&
608 &     'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
609      MSG_ERROR(message)
610    end if
612    !  Evaluate spline-fit of the atomic pseudo valence charge in reciprocal space.
613    call pawrad_init(mesh,mesh_size=mmax,mesh_type=1,rstep=amesh)
614    call nctab_eval_tvalespl(nctab, zion, mesh, vloc, mqgrid_vl, qgrid_vl)
615    call pawrad_free(mesh)
616  end if
618  ABI_DEALLOCATE(vpspll)
621  if (allocated(idx_sr)) then
622    ABI_FREE_NOCOUNT(idx_sr)
623  end if
624  if (allocated(idx_so)) then
625    ABI_FREE_NOCOUNT(idx_so)
626  end if
628  call ps_destroy(psxml)
630 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
632 #else
633  ABI_UNUSED(mpsang)
634  ABI_UNUSED(pspso)
635  ABI_UNUSED(qgrid_vl)
636  ABI_UNUSED(nctab%mqgrid_vl)
637 !Initialize some arguments, for portability at compile time
638  indlmn=0 ; mmax=0 ; nproj=0
639  ekb=zero ; epsatm=zero ; ffspl=zero ; qchrg=zero ; vlspl=zero ; xcccrc=zero ; xccc1d=zero
641  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)filpsp ! Just to keep filpsp when HAVE_PSML is false
642  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)lloc   ! Just to keep lloc when HAVE_PSML is false
643  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)lmax   ! Just to keep lmax when HAVE_PSML is false
644  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)mpsang ! Just to keep mpsang when HAVE_PSML is false
645  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)pspso  ! Just to keep pspso when HAVE_PSML is false
646  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)qgrid  ! Just to keep qgrid when HAVE_PSML is false
647  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)qgrid_vl ! Just to keep qgrid_vl when HAVE_PSML is false
648  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)useylm ! Just to keep useylm when HAVE_PSML is false
649  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)zion   ! Just to keep zion when HAVE_PSML is false
650  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)znucl  ! Just to keep znucl when HAVE_PSML is false
651 #endif
653 end subroutine psp9in