ABINIT/pspatm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Open atomic pseudopotential data file for a given atom,
 read the three first lines, make some checks, then
 call appropriate subroutine for the reading of
 V(r) and wf R(r) data for each angular momentum, and subsequent
 Fourier and Bessel function transforms for local and nonlocal potentials.
 Close psp file at end.

 Handles pseudopotential files produced by (pspcod=1 or 4) Teter code,
 or from the Goedecker-Teter-Hutter paper (pspcod=2),
 or from the Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter paper (pspcod=3 or 10)
 or "Phoney pseudopotentials" (Hamman grid in real space) (pspcod=5)
 or "Troullier-Martins pseudopotentials" from the FHI (pspcod=6)
 or "XML format" (pspcod=9)
 or "UPF PWSCF format" (pspcod=11)


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, FrD, AF, DRH)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dq= spacing of the q-grid
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice from main routine data file
   | pawxcdev=choice of XC development in PAW formalism
   | usexcnhat_orig=choice for use of nhat in Vxc in PAW formalism
   | xclevel= XC functional level
  ipsp=id in the array of the currently read pseudo.


    ->NORM-CONSERVING PSPS ONLY (pspcod/=7):
      (Real) Kleinman-Bylander energies (hartree)
             {{\ \begin{equation}
               \frac{\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))^2 dr]}
             {\int_0^\infty [Rl(r)^2 (Vl(r)-Vloc(r))   dr]}
              \end{equation} }}
             for number of basis functions (l,n) (dimekb=lnmax)
             If any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r}) dr]$(hartree)
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  pawrad <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  vlspl(mqgrid_vl,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  ffspl(mqgrid_ff,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector; if any, spin-orbit components begin at l=mpsang+1
  xcccrc=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr) from psp file
  xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives, from psp file (used in NC only)
    has_tvale=True if the pseudo provides the valence density (used in NC only)
    tvalespl(mqgrid_vl(1-usepaw),2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid
                                     (used in NC only)


 Input/Output :
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=at output, values depending on the read
                                    pseudo are set.
   | dimekb(IN)=dimension of ekb (see module defs_psp.f)
   | filpsp(IN)=name of formatted external file containing atomic psp data.
   | lmnmax(IN)=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
   |           =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
   | lnmax(IN)=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
   |           angular momentum of nonlocal pseudopotential
   | mpsang(IN)= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
   | mpssoang(IN)= 1+maximum (spin*angular momentum) for nonlocal pseudopotentials
   | mqgrid_ff(IN)=dimension of q (or G) grid for nl form factors (array ffspl)
   | mqgrid_vl(IN)=dimension of q (or G) grid for Vloc (array vlspl)
   | n1xccc(IN)=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
   | optnlxccc(IN)=option for nl XC core correction
   | positron(IN)=0 if electron GS calculation
   |              1 if positron GS calculation
   |              2 if electron GS calculation in presence of the positron
   | pspso(INOUT)=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
   |          if =0 : this input requires NO spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
   |          if =2 : this input requires HGH characteristics of the psp
   |          if =3 : this input requires HFN characteristics of the psp
   |          if =1 : this input will be changed at output to 1, 2, 3, according
   |                  to the intrinsic characteristics of the psp file
   | qgrid_ff(mqgrid_ff)(IN)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for nl form factors
   | qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)(IN)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for Vloc
   | usepaw(IN)= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
   | useylm(IN)=governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
   |            1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
   | vlspl_recipSpace(IN)=.true. if pseudo are expressed in reciprocal space.
   | znuclpsp(IN)=atomic number of atom as specified in input file to main routine


  Format expected for the three first lines of pseudopotentials
  (1) title (character) line
  (2) znucl,zion,pspdat
  (3) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well

  Dimensions of form factors and Vloc q grids must be the same in Norm-Conserving case






117 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
118 #include "config.h"
119 #endif
121 #include "abi_common.h"
123 subroutine pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,pawrad,pawtab,&
124 &  psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab,comm_mpi)
126  use defs_basis
127  use defs_datatypes
128  use defs_abitypes
129  use m_profiling_abi
130  use m_errors
131  use m_xmpi
132  use m_psps
134  use m_io_tools, only : open_file
135  use m_pawrad,   only : pawrad_type
136  use m_pawtab,   only : pawtab_type
137  use m_pawpsp,   only : pawpsp_bcast, pawpsp_read_pawheader, pawpsp_read_header_xml,&
138 &                       pawpsp_header_type, pawpsp_wvl, pawpsp_7in, pawpsp_17in
139  use m_pawxmlps,  only : paw_setup, ipsp2xml
140  use m_psxml2ab
141 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
142  use BigDFT_API, only : dictionary, atomic_info, dict_init, dict_free, UNINITIALIZED
143 #endif
145 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
146 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
147 #undef ABI_FUNC
148 #define ABI_FUNC 'pspatm'
149  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
150  use interfaces_18_timing
151  use interfaces_43_wvl_wrappers
152  use interfaces_64_psp, except_this_one => pspatm
153 !End of the abilint section
155  implicit none
157 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
158 !scalars
159  integer,intent(in) :: ipsp
160  integer, optional,intent(in) :: comm_mpi
161  real(dp),intent(in) :: dq
162  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,xcccrc
163  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
164  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
165  type(pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: pawrad
166  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab
167  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
168  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: psps
169 !arrays
170  integer,intent(out) :: indlmn(6,psps%lmnmax)
171  real(dp),intent(out) :: dvlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
172  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ekb(psps%dimekb*(1-psps%usepaw))
173  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ffspl(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax)
174  real(dp),intent(out) :: vlspl(psps%mqgrid_vl,2)
175  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6)
177 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
178 !scalars
179  integer :: ii,il,ilmn,iln,iln0,lloc,lmax,me,mmax
180  integer :: paral_mode,pspcod,pspdat,pspxc,useupf,usexml,xmlpaw,unt
181  real(dp) :: maxrad,qchrg,r2well,zion,znucl
182  character(len=500) :: message,errmsg
183  character(len=fnlen) :: title
184  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam
185  type(pawpsp_header_type):: pawpsp_header
186 !arrays
187  integer,allocatable :: nproj(:)
188  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
189  real(dp),allocatable :: e990(:),e999(:),ekb1(:),ekb2(:),epspsp(:),rcpsp(:)
190  real(dp),allocatable :: rms(:)
191 #if defined HAVE_PSML
192 !!  usexml= 0 for non xml ps format ; =1 for xml ps format
193  character(len=3) :: atmsymb
194  character(len=30) :: creator
195  type(pspheader_type) :: psphead
196 #endif
198 ! ******************************************************************************
200 !paral_mode defines how we access to the psp file
201 !  paral_mode=0: all processes access to the file (sequentially)
202 !  paral_mode=1: only proc. 0 access to the file and then broadcast
203  paral_mode=0
204  if (present(comm_mpi)) then
205    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.xmpi_comm_size(comm_mpi)>1) paral_mode=1
206  end if
207  me=0;if (paral_mode==1) me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm_mpi)
209  if (paral_mode == 1) then
210    ABI_CHECK(psps%usepaw==1, "paral_mode==1 is only compatible with PAW, see call to pawpsp_bcast below")
211  end if
213  nctab%has_tvale = .False.; nctab%has_tcore = .False.
215  if (me==0) then
216 !  Dimensions of form factors and Vloc q grids must be the same in Norm-Conserving case
217    if (psps%usepaw==0 .and. psps%mqgrid_ff/=psps%mqgrid_vl) then
218      write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a)' )&
219 &     'Dimension of q-grid for nl form factors (mqgrid_ff)',ch10,&
220 &     'is different from dimension of q-grid for Vloc (mqgrid_vl) !',ch10,&
221 &     'This is not allowed for norm-conserving psp.'
222      MSG_ERROR(message)
223    end if
225    write(message, '(a,t38,a)' )'- pspatm: opening atomic psp file',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
226    call wrtout(ab_out,  message,'COLL')
227    call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
228    !write(message, "(2a)")"- md5: ",trim(psps%md5_pseudos(ipsps))
230    !  Check if the file pseudopotential file is written in (XML| XML-PAW | UPF)
231    call test_xml_xmlpaw_upf(psps%filpsp(ipsp), usexml, xmlpaw, useupf)
233 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 !  allocate nproj here: can be read in now for UPF
235    ABI_ALLOCATE(nproj,(psps%mpssoang))
236    nproj(:)=0
238    if (usexml /= 1 .and. useupf /= 1) then
240 !    Open the atomic data file, and read the three first lines
241 !    These three first lines have a similar format in all allowed psp files
243 !    Open atomic data file (note: formatted input file)
244      if (open_file(psps%filpsp(ipsp), message, unit=tmp_unit, form='formatted', status='old') /= 0) then
245        MSG_ERROR(message)
246      end if
247      rewind (unit=tmp_unit,err=10,iomsg=errmsg)
249 !    Read and write some description of file from first line (character data)
250      read (tmp_unit,'(a)',err=10,iomsg=errmsg) title
251      write(message, '(a,a)' ) '- ',trim(title)
252      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
253      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
255 !    Read and write more data describing psp parameters
256      read (tmp_unit,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg) znucl,zion,pspdat
257      write(message,'(a,f9.5,f10.5,2x,i8,t47,a)')'-',znucl,zion,pspdat,'znucl, zion, pspdat'
258      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
259      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
261      read (tmp_unit,*,err=10,iomsg=errmsg) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
262      if(pspxc<0) then
263        write(message, '(i5,i8,2i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
264 &       pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
265      else
266        write(message, '(4i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
267 &       pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
268      end if
269      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
270      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
272    else if (usexml == 1 .and. xmlpaw == 0) then
274 ! the following is probably useless - already read in everything in inpspheads
275 #if defined HAVE_PSML
276 !     write(message,'(a,a)') &
277 !&     '- pspatm: Reading pseudopotential header in XML form from ', trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
278 !     call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
279 !     call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
281      call psxml2abheader( psps%filpsp(ipsp), psphead, atmsymb, creator, 0 )
282      znucl = psphead%znuclpsp
283      zion = psphead%zionpsp
284      pspdat = psphead%pspdat
285      pspcod = psphead%pspcod 
286      pspxc =  psphead%pspxc
287      lmax = psphead%lmax
288      !lloc   = 0 ! does this mean s? in psml case the local potential can be different from any l channel
289      lloc = -1
290      mmax = -1
291      r2well = 0
293      write(message,'(a,1x,a3,3x,a)') "-",atmsymb,trim(creator)
294      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
295      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
296      write(message,'(a,f9.5,f10.5,2x,i8,t47,a)')'-',znucl,zion,pspdat,'znucl, zion, pspdat'
297      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
298      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
299      if(pspxc<0) then
300        write(message, '(i5,i8,2i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
301 &       pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
302      else
303        write(message, '(4i5,i10,f10.5,t47,a)' ) &
304 &       pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well,'pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well'
305      end if
306      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
307      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
308 #else
309      write(message,'(a,a)')  &
310 &     'ABINIT is not compiled with XML support for reading this type of pseudopotential ', &
311 &     trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
312      MSG_BUG(message)
313 #endif
314 ! END useless
315    else if (usexml == 1 .and. xmlpaw == 1) then
316      write(message,'(a,a)')  &
317 &     '- pspatm : Reading pseudopotential header in XML form from ', trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
318      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
319      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
321 !PENDING: These routines will be added to libpaw:
322 !    Return header informations
323      call pawpsp_read_header_xml(lloc,lmax,pspcod,&
324 &     pspxc,paw_setup(ipsp2xml(ipsp)),r2well,zion,znucl)
325 !    Fill in pawpsp_header object:
326      call pawpsp_read_pawheader(pawpsp_header%basis_size,&
327 &     lmax,pawpsp_header%lmn_size,&
328 &     pawpsp_header%l_size,pawpsp_header%mesh_size,&
329 &     pawpsp_header%pawver,paw_setup(ipsp2xml(ipsp)),&
330 &     pawpsp_header%rpaw,pawpsp_header%rshp,pawpsp_header%shape_type)
332    else if (useupf == 1) then
333      if (psps%usepaw /= 0) then
334        MSG_ERROR("UPF format not allowed with PAW (USPP part not read yet)")
335      end if
337      pspcod = 11
338      r2well = 0
340 !    should initialize znucl,zion,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax
341      call upf2abinit (psps%filpsp(ipsp), znucl, zion, pspxc, lmax, lloc, mmax, &
342 &     psps, epsatm, xcccrc, indlmn, ekb, ffspl, nproj, vlspl, xccc1d)
344    else
345      MSG_ERROR("You should not be here! erroneous type or pseudopotential input")
346    end if
348 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 !  Check data for consistency against main routine input
351 !  Does required spin-orbit characteristics agree with format
352 !  TODO: in case of pspcod 5 (phoney) and 8 (oncvpsp) this is not specific enough.
353 !  they can be non-SOC as well.
354 !  HGH is ok - can always turn SOC on or off.
355 !  write(std_out,*) pspso
356    if((pspcod/=3).and.(pspcod/=5).and.(pspcod/=8).and.(pspcod/=10))then
357 !    If pspso requires internal characteristics, set it to 1 for non-HGH psps
358      if(psps%pspso(ipsp)==1) psps%pspso(ipsp)=0
359      if(psps%pspso(ipsp)/=0)then
360        write(message, '(3a,i0,3a)' )&
361 &       'Pseudopotential file cannot give spin-orbit characteristics,',ch10,&
362 &       'while pspso(itypat)= ',psps%pspso(ipsp),'.',ch10,&
363 &       'Action: check your pseudopotential and input files for consistency.'
364        MSG_ERROR(message)
365      end if
366    end if
368 !  Does nuclear charge znuclpsp agree with psp input znucl
369    !write(std_out,*)znucl,ipsp,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)
370    !MGNAG: v5[66] gives NAG in %znuclpsp if -nan
371    if (abs(psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)-znucl)>tol8) then
372      write(message, '(a,f10.5,2a,f10.5,5a)' )&
373 &     'Pseudopotential file znucl=',znucl,ch10,&
374 &     'does not equal input znuclpsp=',psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),' better than 1e-08 .',ch10,&
375 &     'znucl is read from the psp file in pspatm, while',ch10,&
376 &     'znuclpsp is read in iofn2.'
377      MSG_BUG(message)
378    end if
380 !  Is the highest angular momentum within limits?
381 !  Recall mpsang is 1+highest l for nonlocal correction.
382 !  Nonlocal corrections for s, p, d, and f are supported.
383    if (lmax+1>psps%mpsang) then
384      write(message, '(a,i0,a,i0,a,a)' )&
385 &     'input lmax+1= ',lmax+1,' exceeds mpsang= ',psps%mpsang,ch10,&
386 &     'indicates input lmax too large for dimensions.'
387      MSG_BUG(message)
388    end if
390 !  Check several choices for ixc against pspxc
391 !  ixc is from ABINIT code; pspxc is from atomic psp file
392    if (dtset%ixc==0) then
393      MSG_WARNING('Note that input ixc=0 => no xc is being used.')
394    else if(dtset%ixc/=pspxc) then
395      write(message, '(a,i0,3a,i0,9a)' )&
396 &     'Pseudopotential file pspxc= ',pspxc,',',ch10,&
397 &     'not equal to input ixc= ',dtset%ixc,'.',ch10,&
398 &     'These parameters must agree to get the same xc ',ch10,&
399 &     'in ABINIT code as in psp construction.',ch10,&
400 &     'Action: check psp design or input file.',ch10,&
401 &     'Assume experienced user. Execution will continue.'
402      MSG_WARNING(message)
403    end if
405    if (lloc>lmax .and. pspcod/=4 .and. pspcod/=8 .and. pspcod/=10) then
406      write(message, '(a,2i12,a,a,a,a)' )&
407 &     'lloc,lmax=',lloc,lmax,ch10,&
408 &     'chosen l of local psp exceeds range from input data.',ch10,&
409 &     'Action: check pseudopotential input file.'
410      MSG_ERROR(message)
411    end if
413 !  Does the pspcod agree with type of calculation (paw or not)?
414    if (((pspcod/=7.and.pspcod/=17).and.psps%usepaw==1).or.((pspcod==7.or.pspcod==17).and.psps%usepaw==0)) then
415      write(message, '(a,i2,a,a,i0,a)' )&
416 &     'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod= ',pspcod,ch10,&
417 &     'This is not an allowed value with usepaw= ',psps%usepaw,'.'
418      MSG_BUG(message)
419    end if
421    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace .and. &
422 &   (pspcod /= 2 .and. pspcod /= 3 .and. pspcod /= 10 .and. pspcod /= 7)) then
423 !    The following "if" statement can substitute the one just before once libBigDFT
424 !    has been upgraded to include pspcod 10
425 !    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace .and. (pspcod /= 2 .and. pspcod /= 3 .and. pspcod /= 10)) then
426      write(message, '(a,i2,a,a)' )&
427 &     'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod=',pspcod,ch10,&
428 &     'This is not an allowed value with real space computation.'
429      MSG_BUG(message)
430    end if
432 !  MJV 16/6/2009 added pspcod 11 for upf format
433    if( pspcod<1 .or. (pspcod>11.and.pspcod/=17) ) then
434      write(message, '(a,i0,4a)' )&
435 &     'In reading atomic psp file, finds pspcod= ',pspcod,ch10,&
436 &     'This is not an allowed value. Allowed values are 1 to 11 .',ch10,&
437 &     'Action: check pseudopotential input file.'
438      MSG_ERROR(message)
439    end if
441 !  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
442 !  Set various terms to 0 in case not defined below
443    ABI_ALLOCATE(e990,(psps%mpssoang))
444    ABI_ALLOCATE(e999,(psps%mpssoang))
445    ABI_ALLOCATE(rcpsp,(psps%mpssoang))
446    ABI_ALLOCATE(rms,(psps%mpssoang))
447    ABI_ALLOCATE(epspsp,(psps%mpssoang))
448    ABI_ALLOCATE(ekb1,(psps%mpssoang))
449    ABI_ALLOCATE(ekb2,(psps%mpssoang))
450    e990(:)=zero ;e999(:)=zero
451    rcpsp(:)=zero;rms(:)=zero
452    ekb1(:)=zero ;ekb2(:)=zero
453    epspsp(:)=zero
454    qchrg=0
456 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
457    if(pspcod==1 .or. pspcod==4)then
459 !    Teter pseudopotential (pspcod=1 or 4)
460      call psp1in(dq,ekb,ekb1,ekb2,epsatm,epspsp,&
461 &     e990,e999,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,&
462 &     mmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,pspcod,qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,&
463 &     rcpsp,rms,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
465    else if (pspcod==2)then
467 !    GTH pseudopotential
468      call psp2in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,zion)
469      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
471    else if (pspcod==3)then
473 !    HGH pseudopotential
474      call psp3in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps, psps%pspso(ipsp), &
475 &     vlspl,zion)
476      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
478    else if (pspcod==5)then
480 !    Old phoney pseudopotentials
481      call psp5in(ekb,ekb1,ekb2,epsatm,epspsp,&
482 &     e990,e999,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,&
483 &     mmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%pspso(ipsp),qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,&
484 &     rcpsp,rms,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
486    else if (pspcod==6)then
488 !    FHI pseudopotentials
489      call psp6in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
490 &     psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%optnlxccc,psps%positron,qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%useylm,vlspl,&
491 &     xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
493    else if (pspcod==7)then
494 !    PAW "pseudopotentials"
495      call pawpsp_7in(epsatm,ffspl,dtset%icoulomb,dtset%ixc,&
496 &     lmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,&
497 &     pawrad,pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,&
498 &     dtset%usewvl,dtset%usexcnhat_orig,vlspl,xcccrc,dtset%xclevel,&
499 &     dtset%xc_denpos,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
501    else if (pspcod==8)then
503 !    DRH pseudopotentials
504      call psp8in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
505 &     psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,nproj,psps%n1xccc,psps%pspso(ipsp),&
506 &     qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,psps%useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),nctab,maxrad)
508 #if defined DEV_YP_DEBUG_PSP
509      call psp_dump_outputs("DBG",pspcod,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpssoang, &
510 &     psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%n1xccc,mmax,maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,nctab, &
511 &     indlmn,nproj,ekb,ffspl,vlspl,xccc1d)
512 #endif
514    else if (pspcod==9)then
516 #if defined HAVE_PSML
517      call psp9in(psps%filpsp(ipsp),ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,mmax,&
518 &     psps%mpsang,psps%mpssoang,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,nproj,psps%n1xccc, &
519 &     psps%pspso(ipsp),qchrg,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,psps%useylm,vlspl,&
520 &     xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp),nctab,maxrad)
522 #if defined DEV_YP_DEBUG_PSP
523      call psp_dump_outputs("DBG",pspcod,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpssoang, &
524 &     psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%n1xccc,mmax,maxrad,epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,nctab, &
525 &     indlmn,nproj,ekb,ffspl,vlspl,xccc1d)
526 #endif
527 #else
528      write(message,'(2a)')  &
529 &     'ABINIT is not compiled with XML support for reading this type of pseudopotential ', &
530 &     trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
531      MSG_BUG(message)
532 #endif
534    else if (pspcod==10)then
536 !    HGH pseudopotential, full h/k matrix read
537      call psp10in(dtset,ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,lmax,nproj,psps, psps%pspso(ipsp), &
538 &     vlspl,zion)
539      xccc1d(:,:)=0.0d0 ; qchrg=0.0d0 ; xcccrc=0.0d0
541 !    NB for pspcod 11 the reading has already been done above.
542    else if (pspcod==17)then
543 !    PAW XML "pseudopotentials"
544      call pawpsp_17in(epsatm,ffspl,dtset%icoulomb,ipsp,dtset%ixc,lmax,&
545 &     psps%lnmax,mmax,psps%mqgrid_ff,psps%mqgrid_vl,pawpsp_header,pawrad,pawtab,&
546 &     dtset%pawxcdev,psps%qgrid_ff,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%usewvl,&
547 &     dtset%usexcnhat_orig,vlspl,xcccrc,&
548 &     dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos,zion,psps%znuclpsp(ipsp))
549    end if
551    close (unit=tmp_unit)
553 !  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
554    if (pspcod==2 .or. pspcod==3 .or. pspcod==10)then
555      write(message, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
556 &     ' pspatm : COMMENT -',ch10,&
557 &     '  the projectors are not normalized,',ch10,&
558 &     '  so that the KB energies are not consistent with ',ch10,&
559 &     '  definition in PRB44, 8503 (1991). ',ch10,&
560 &     '  However, this does not influence the results obtained hereafter.'
561      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
562      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
563 !    The following lines are added to keep backward compatibilty
564      maxrad=zero
565 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
566      do ii=1,size(psps%gth_params%psppar,1)-1 ! psppar first dim begins at 0
567        if (psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp)/=zero) maxrad=max(maxrad,psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp))
568      end do
569      if (abs(maxrad)<=tol12) then
570        psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=zero
571      else
572        psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=max( &
573 &       min(dtset%wvl_crmult*psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1),15._dp*maxrad)/dtset%wvl_frmult, &
574 &       psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))
575      end if
576 #endif
577    end if
579    if (pspcod/=7.and.pspcod/=17) then
580      write(message, '(a,f14.8,a,a)' ) '  pspatm : epsatm=',epsatm,ch10,&
581 &     '         --- l  ekb(1:nproj) -->'
582      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
583      call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
584      iln0=0
585      do ilmn=1,psps%lmnmax
586        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
587        if (iln>iln0) then
588          il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
589          if (indlmn(6,ilmn)==1) then
590            iln0=iln0+nproj(il+1)
591            !if (dtset%optdriver == RUNL_SIGMA) then
592            !  do ii=0,nproj(il+1)-1
593            !    ekb(iln+ii) = zero
594            !  end do
595            !end if
596            write(message, '(13x,i1,4f12.6)' ) il,(ekb(iln+ii),ii=0,nproj(il+1)-1)
597          else
598            iln0=iln0+nproj(il+psps%mpsang)
599            write(message, '(2x,a,i1,4f12.6)' ) 'spin-orbit ',il,(ekb(iln+ii),ii=0,nproj(il+psps%mpsang)-1)
600          end if
601          call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
602          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
603        end if
604      end do
605    end if
607    ! NC: Evalute spline-fit of the model core charge in reciprocal space.
608    ! TODO: Be careful, because we will be using the PAW part in which tcore is always avaiable!
609    ! Should add a test with 2 NC pseudos: one with NLCC and the other without!
610    if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
611      call nctab_eval_tcorespl(nctab, psps%n1xccc, xcccrc, xccc1d, psps%mqgrid_vl, psps%qgrid_vl)
612    end if
614    write(message,'(3a)') ' pspatm: atomic psp has been read ',' and splines computed',ch10
615    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
616    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
618    ABI_DEALLOCATE(e990)
619    ABI_DEALLOCATE(e999)
620    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rcpsp)
621    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rms)
622    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ekb1)
623    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ekb2)
624    ABI_DEALLOCATE(epspsp)
625    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nproj)
627    if (dtset%prtvol > 9 .and. psps%usepaw==0 .and. psps%lmnmax>3) then
629      write (filnam, '(a,i0,a)') trim(dtfil%fnameabo_pspdata), ipsp, ".dat"
630      if (open_file(filnam, message, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
631        MSG_ERROR(message)
632      end if
633      write (unt,*) '# Pseudopotential data in reciprocal space as used by ABINIT'
634      write (unt,'(a)', ADVANCE='NO') '# index       vlocal   '
635      if (psps%lnmax > 0) &
636 &     write (unt,'(a,I3)', ADVANCE='NO')   '           1st proj(l=', indlmn(1,1)
637      if (psps%lnmax > 1) &
638 &     write (unt,'(a,I3)', ADVANCE='NO')   ')            2nd(l=', indlmn(1,2)
639      if (psps%lnmax > 2) &
640 &     write (unt,'(a,I3,a)', ADVANCE='NO') ')            3rd(l=', indlmn(1,3), ')'
641      write (unt,*)
643      do ii = 1, psps%mqgrid_vl
644        write(unt, '(I5,E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ii, vlspl(ii,1)
645        if (psps%lnmax > 0) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,1)
646        if (psps%lnmax > 1) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,2)
647        if (psps%lnmax > 2) write(unt, '(E24.16)', ADVANCE='NO') ffspl(ii,1,3)
648        write(unt, *)
649      end do
650      close(unt)
652      write (filnam, '(a,i0,a)') trim(dtfil%fnameabo_nlcc_derivs), ipsp, ".dat"
653      if (open_file(filnam, message, newunit=unt) /= 0) then
654        MSG_ERROR(message)
655      end if
656      write (unt,*) '# Non-linear core corrections'
657      write (unt,*) '#  r, pseudocharge, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th derivatives'
658      do ii = 1, psps%n1xccc
659        write (unt,*) xcccrc*(ii-1)/(psps%n1xccc-1), xccc1d(ii,1), xccc1d(ii,2), &
660 &       xccc1d(ii,3), xccc1d(ii,4), &
661 &       xccc1d(ii,5), xccc1d(ii,6)
662      end do
663      close(unt)
664    end if
666  end if !me=0
668  if (paral_mode==1) then
669    call timab(48,1,tsec)
670    call pawpsp_bcast(comm_mpi,epsatm,ffspl,pawrad,pawtab,vlspl,xcccrc)
671    call timab(48,2,tsec)
672  end if
674  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
675    indlmn(:,:)=0
676    indlmn(1:6,1:pawtab%lmn_size)=pawtab%indlmn(1:6,1:pawtab%lmn_size)
677  end if
679 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
680 !WVL+PAW:
681  if (dtset%usepaw==1 .and. (dtset%icoulomb /= 0 .or. dtset%usewvl==1)) then
682 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
683    psps%gth_params%psppar(:,:,ipsp) = UNINITIALIZED(1._dp)
684    psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,:) = UNINITIALIZED(1._dp)
685    call wvl_descr_psp_fill(psps%gth_params, ipsp, psps%pspxc(1), int(psps%zionpsp(ipsp)), int(psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)), 0)
686 #endif
688 !  The following lines are added to keep backward compatibilty
689    maxrad=zero
690 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
691    do ii=1,size(psps%gth_params%psppar,1)-1 ! psppar first dim begins at 0
692      if (psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp)/=zero) maxrad=max(maxrad,psps%gth_params%psppar(ii,0,ipsp))
693    end do
694    if (abs(maxrad)<=tol12) then
695 !== MT COMMENT
696 !    Damien wants to activate this (in order to directly compare to bigDFT):
697      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)= psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2)
698 !    But, this changes strongly file references.
699 !    So, I keep this, waiting for Tonatiuh s validation
700      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)= &
701 &     (psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1)+psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))*half
702 !== MT COMMENT
703    else
704      psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,3)=max( &
705 &     min(dtset%wvl_crmult*psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,1),15._dp*maxrad)/dtset%wvl_frmult, &
706 &     psps%gth_params%radii_cf(ipsp,2))
707    end if
708    if(present(comm_mpi)) then
709      call pawpsp_wvl(psps%filpsp(ipsp),pawrad,pawtab,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wvl_ngauss,comm_mpi)
710    else
711      call pawpsp_wvl(psps%filpsp(ipsp),pawrad,pawtab,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wvl_ngauss)
712    end if
713 #endif
714  end if
716 !end of WVL+PAW section
717 !----------------------------------------------------
719  return
721  ! Handle IO error
722  10 continue
723  MSG_ERROR(errmsg)
725 end subroutine pspatm