ABINIT/pspcor [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute ecore pseudoion-pseudoion correction energy from epsatm for
 different types of atoms in unit cell.


  natom=number of atoms in cell
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  typat(natom)=integer label of 'typat' for each atom in cell
  epsatm(ntypat)=pseudoatom energy for each type of atom
  zion(ntypat)=valence charge on each type of atom in cell


  ecore=resulting psion-psion energy in Hartrees





629 subroutine pspcor(ecore,epsatm,natom,ntypat,typat,zion)
631  use defs_basis
632  use m_profiling_abi
634 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
635 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
636 #undef ABI_FUNC
637 #define ABI_FUNC 'pspcor'
638 !End of the abilint section
640  implicit none
642 !Arguments ------------------------------------
643 !scalars
644  integer,intent(in) :: natom,ntypat
645  real(dp),intent(out) :: ecore
646 !arrays
647  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
648  real(dp),intent(in) :: epsatm(ntypat),zion(ntypat)
650 !Local variables-------------------------------
651 !scalars
652  integer :: ia
653  real(dp) :: charge,esum
655 ! *************************************************************************
657  charge = 0.d0
658  esum = 0.d0
659  do ia=1,natom
660 !  compute pseudocharge:
661    charge=charge+zion(typat(ia))
662 !  add pseudocore energies together:
663    esum = esum + epsatm(typat(ia))
664  end do
666  ecore=charge*esum
668 end subroutine pspcor

ABINIT/pspini [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Looping over atom types 1 ... ntypat,
 read pseudopotential data filename, then call pspatm for each psp.
 Might combine the psps to generate pseudoatoms, thanks to alchemy.
 Also compute ecore=[Sum(i) zion(i)] * [Sum(i) epsatm(i)] by calling pspcor.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | iscf=parameter controlling scf or non-scf calculations
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice as input to main routine
   | natom=number of atoms in unit cell
   | pawxcdev=choice of XC development in PAW formalism
   | prtvol= control output volume
   | typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
   |              main routine, for each type of atom
  gsqcut=cutoff for G^2 based on ecut for basis sphere (bohr^-2)
  gsqcutdg=PAW only - cutoff for G^2 based on ecutdg (fine grid) for basis sphere (bohr^-2)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
   used to estimate real space mesh (if necessary)


  ecore=total psp core correction energy*ucvol (hartree*bohr^3)
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  gencond=general condition for new computation of pseudopotentials
          (if gencond=1, new psps have been re-computed)


  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=at output, psps is completely initialized
   At the input, it is already partially or completely initialized.


 The interplay with the multi-dataset mode is interesting :
 the pseudopotentials
 are independent of the dataset, but the largest q vector, the
 spin-orbit characteristics, the use of Ylm as well as ixc
 play a role in the set up of pseudopotentials (ixc plays a very minor
 role, however). So, the pseudopotential data ought not be recomputed
 when gsqcut, gsqcutdg, mqgrid_ff, mqgrid_vl, npspso, ixc, dimekb and useylm do not change.
 In many cases, this routine is also called just to write the psp line
 of the header, without reading again the psp. This psp line
 is constant throughout run.






 65 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 66 #include "config.h"
 67 #endif
 69 #include "abi_common.h"
 71 subroutine pspini(dtset,dtfil,ecore,gencond,gsqcut,gsqcutdg,pawrad,pawtab,psps,rprimd,comm_mpi)
 73  use defs_basis
 74  use defs_datatypes
 75  use defs_abitypes
 76  use m_errors
 77  use m_profiling_abi
 78  use m_xmpi
 80  use m_psps,          only : psps_print, psps_ncwrite, nctab_init, nctab_free, nctab_mixalch
 81  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type
 82  use m_pawtab,        only : pawtab_type, pawtab_set_flags
 84 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 85 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 86 #undef ABI_FUNC
 87 #define ABI_FUNC 'pspini'
 88  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 89  use interfaces_18_timing
 90  use interfaces_64_psp, except_this_one => pspini
 91 !End of the abilint section
 93  implicit none
 95 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 96 !scalars
 97  integer, optional,intent(in) :: comm_mpi
 98  integer,intent(out) :: gencond
 99  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,gsqcutdg
100  real(dp),intent(out) :: ecore
101  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
102  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
103 !arrays
104  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
105 !no_abirules
106  type(pseudopotential_type), target,intent(inout) :: psps
107  type(pawrad_type), intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
108  type(pawtab_type), intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
110 !Local variables-------------------------------
111 !scalars
112  integer,parameter :: npspmax=50
113  integer,save :: dimekb_old=0,ifirst=1,ixc_old=-1,lmnmax_old=0,lnmax_old=0
114  integer,save :: mpssoang_old=0,mqgridff_old=0,mqgridvl_old=0,optnlxccc_old=-1
115  integer,save :: paw_size_old=-1,pawxcdev_old=-1,positron_old=-2,usepaw_old=-1
116  integer,save :: usexcnhat_old=-1,usewvl_old=-1,useylm_old=-1
117  integer :: comm_mpi_,ierr,ii,ilang,ilmn,ilmn0,iproj,ipsp,ipspalch
118  integer :: ispin,itypalch,itypat,mtypalch,npsp,npspalch,ntypalch
119  integer :: ntypat,ntyppure,paw_size
120  logical :: has_kij,has_tproj,has_tvale,has_nabla,has_shapefncg,has_vminushalf,has_wvl
121  real(dp),save :: ecore_old=zero,gsqcut_old=zero,gsqcutdg_old=zero
122  real(dp) :: dq,epsatm_psp,qmax,rmax,xcccrc
123  character(len=500) :: message
124  type(pawrad_type) :: pawrad_dum
125  type(pawtab_type) :: pawtab_dum
126  type(nctab_t) :: nctab_dum
127  type(nctab_t),pointer :: nctab_ptr
128 !arrays
129  integer :: paw_options(9)
130  integer,save :: paw_options_old(9)=(/-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1/)
131  integer,save :: pspso_old(npspmax),pspso_zero(npspmax)
132  integer,allocatable :: indlmn_alch(:,:,:),new_pspso(:)
133  integer,pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
134  real(dp),save :: epsatm(npspmax)
135  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
136  real(dp),allocatable :: dvlspl(:,:),dvlspl_alch(:,:,:),ekb(:),ekb_alch(:,:)
137  real(dp),allocatable :: epsatm_alch(:),ffspl(:,:,:),ffspl_alch(:,:,:,:)
138  real(dp),allocatable :: vlspl(:,:),vlspl_alch(:,:,:),xccc1d(:,:)
139  real(dp),allocatable :: xccc1d_alch(:,:,:),xcccrc_alch(:)
140  type(nctab_t),target,allocatable :: nctab_alch(:)
142 ! *************************************************************************
146 !Keep track of time spent in this subroutine
147  call timab(15,1,tsec)
149 !-------------------------------------------------------------
150 ! Some initializations
151 !-------------------------------------------------------------
153 !Useful sizes
154  ntypat=psps%ntypat
155  mtypalch=psps%mtypalch
156  npsp=psps%npsp
157  if (npsp>npspmax) then
158    MSG_BUG("npsp>npspmax in pspini !")
159  end if
161 !Size of grids for atomic data represented in reciprocal space
163 !Set up q grids, make qmax 20% larger than largest expected:
164  qmax=1.2d0 * sqrt(gsqcut)
165 !ffnl is always computed in reciprocal space
166  dq=qmax/(one*(psps%mqgrid_ff-1))
167  do ii=1,psps%mqgrid_ff
168    psps%qgrid_ff(ii)=(ii-1)*dq
169  end do
170  if (psps%usepaw==1) qmax=1.2d0 * sqrt(gsqcutdg)
171 !If vlspl is computed in real space, qgrid contains a real space mesh
172 !the max is taken as the biggest distance in the box.
173  if (psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
174    dq=qmax/(one*(psps%mqgrid_vl-1))
175  else
176    rmax = (rprimd(1, 1) + rprimd(1, 2) + rprimd(1, 3)) ** 2
177    rmax = rmax + (rprimd(2, 1) + rprimd(2, 2) + rprimd(2, 3)) ** 2
178    rmax = rmax + (rprimd(3, 1) + rprimd(3, 2) + rprimd(3, 3)) ** 2
179    rmax = sqrt(rmax)
180    dq = rmax /(one*(psps%mqgrid_vl-1))
181  end if
182  do ii=1,psps%mqgrid_vl
183    psps%qgrid_vl(ii)=(ii-1)*dq
184  end do
186 !Determine whether new optional data requests have changed
187  paw_options=0;paw_size=0
188  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
189    paw_size=size(pawtab)
190    has_kij=(dtset%positron/=0)
191    has_tvale=.true. ! Will be modified later (depending on PAW dataset format)
192    has_nabla=.false.
193    has_shapefncg=(dtset%optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.((dtset%iprcel>=20.and.dtset%iprcel<70).or.dtset%iprcel>=80))
194    has_wvl=(dtset%usewvl==1.or.dtset%icoulomb/=0)
195    has_tproj=(dtset%usewvl==1) ! projectors will be free at the end of the psp reading
196    has_vminushalf=(maxval(dtset%ldaminushalf)==1)
197    if (has_kij)       paw_options(1)=1
198    if (has_tvale)     paw_options(2)=1
199    if (has_nabla)     paw_options(5)=1
200    if (has_shapefncg) paw_options(6)=1
201    if (has_wvl)       paw_options(7)=1
202    if (has_tproj)     paw_options(8)=1
203    if (has_vminushalf)paw_options(9)=1
204    !if (dtset%prtvclmb /= 0) then
205    paw_options(3) = 1
206    paw_options(4) = 1
207    !end if
208  end if
210 !Determine whether the spin-orbit characteristic has changed
211 !Do not forget that the SO is not consistent with alchemy presently
212  ABI_ALLOCATE(new_pspso,(npsp))
213  if (ifirst==1) pspso_old(:)=-1
214  if (ifirst==1) pspso_zero(:)=-1
215  do ipsp=1,npsp
216    new_pspso(ipsp)=1
217 !  No new characteristics if it is equal to the old one,
218 !  or, if it is one, the old one is equal to the intrinsic characteristic one.
219    if (psps%pspso(ipsp)==pspso_old(ipsp).or. &
220 &   (psps%pspso(ipsp)==1.and.pspso_old(ipsp)==pspso_zero(ipsp))) then
221      new_pspso(ipsp)=0
222    end if
223 !  Prepare the saving of the intrinsic pseudopotential characteristics
224    if(psps%pspso(ipsp)==1) pspso_zero(ipsp)=0
225  end do
227 !Compute the general condition for new computation of pseudopotentials
228  gencond=0
229  if(   ixc_old /= dtset%ixc                &
230 & .or. mqgridff_old /= psps%mqgrid_ff      &
231 & .or. mqgridvl_old /= psps%mqgrid_vl      &
232 & .or. mpssoang_old /= psps%mpssoang       &
233 & .or. abs(gsqcut_old-gsqcut)>1.0d-10      &
234 & .or. (psps%usepaw==1.and.abs(gsqcutdg_old-gsqcutdg)>1.0d-10) &
235 & .or. dimekb_old /= psps%dimekb           &
236 & .or. lmnmax_old /= psps%lmnmax           &
237 & .or. lnmax_old  /= psps%lnmax            &
238 & .or. optnlxccc_old /= psps%optnlxccc     &
239 & .or. usepaw_old /= psps%usepaw           &
240 & .or. useylm_old /= psps%useylm           &
241 & .or. pawxcdev_old /= dtset%pawxcdev      &
242 & .or. positron_old /= dtset%positron      &
243 & .or. usewvl_old /= dtset%usewvl          &
244 & .or. paw_size_old /= paw_size            &
245 & .or. usexcnhat_old/=dtset%usexcnhat_orig &
246 & .or. any(paw_options_old(:)/=paw_options(:)) &
247 & .or. sum(new_pspso(:))/=0                &
248 & .or. mtypalch>0                          &
249 & .or. (dtset%usewvl==1.and.psps%usepaw==1)&
250 & ) gencond=1
252  if (present(comm_mpi).and.psps%usepaw==1) then
253    if(xmpi_comm_size(comm_mpi)>1)then
254      call xmpi_sum(gencond,comm_mpi,ierr)
255    end if
256    if (gencond/=0) gencond=1
257  end if
258  ABI_DEALLOCATE(new_pspso)
260 !-------------------------------------------------------------
261 ! Following section is only reached when new computation
262 ! of pseudopotentials is needed
263 !-------------------------------------------------------------
265  if (gencond==1) then
267    write(message, '(a,a)' ) ch10,&
268 &   '--- Pseudopotential description ------------------------------------------------'
269    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
271    ABI_ALLOCATE(ekb,(psps%dimekb*(1-psps%usepaw)))
272    ABI_ALLOCATE(xccc1d,(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6))
273    ABI_ALLOCATE(ffspl,(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax))
274    ABI_ALLOCATE(vlspl,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2))
275    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
276      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvlspl,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2))
277    else
278      ABI_ALLOCATE(dvlspl,(0,0))
279    end if
281 !  PAW: reset flags for optional data
282    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
283      call pawtab_set_flags(pawtab,has_kij=paw_options(1),has_tvale=paw_options(2),&
284 &     has_vhnzc=paw_options(3),has_vhtnzc=paw_options(4),&
285 &     has_nabla=paw_options(5),has_shapefncg=paw_options(6),&
286 &     has_wvl=paw_options(7),has_tproj=paw_options(8))
287 ! the following have to be included in pawtab_set_flags
288      do ipsp=1,psps%ntypat
289        pawtab(ipsp)%has_vminushalf=dtset%ldaminushalf(ipsp)
290      end do
291    end if
293 !  Read atomic pseudopotential data and get transforms
294 !  for each atom type : two cases, alchemy or not.
296 !  No alchemical pseudoatom, in all datasets, npsp=ntypat
297    if(mtypalch==0)then
299      do ipsp=1,npsp
301        xcccrc=zero
302        ekb(:)=zero;ffspl(:,:,:)=zero;vlspl(:,:)=zero
303        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :)=zero
304        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
305        indlmn=>psps%indlmn(:,:,ipsp)
306        indlmn(:,:)=0
308        write(message, '(a,i4,a,t38,a)' ) &
309 &       '- pspini: atom type',ipsp,'  psp file is',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
310        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
311        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
313 !      Read atomic psp V(r) and wf(r) to get local and nonlocal psp:
314 !      Cannot use the same call in case of bound checking, because of pawrad/pawtab
315        if(psps%usepaw==0)then
316          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm(ipsp),ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
317 &         pawrad_dum,pawtab_dum,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,psps%nctab(ipsp))
318          psps%ekb(:,ipsp)=ekb(:)
319          psps%xccc1d(:,:,ipsp)=xccc1d(:,:)
320        else
321          comm_mpi_=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_mpi)) comm_mpi_=comm_mpi
322          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm(ipsp),ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
323 &         pawrad(ipsp),pawtab(ipsp),psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_dum,&
324 &         comm_mpi=comm_mpi_)
325        end if
327        ! Copy data to psps datastructure.
328        psps%xcccrc(ipsp)=xcccrc
329        psps%znucltypat(ipsp)=psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)
330        psps%ffspl(:,:,:,ipsp)=ffspl(:,:,:)
331        psps%vlspl(:,:,ipsp)=vlspl(:,:)
332        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, ipsp) = dvlspl(:, :)
333      end do ! ipsp
335    else ! if mtypalch/=0
337      npspalch=psps%npspalch
338      ntyppure=npsp-npspalch
339      ntypalch=psps%ntypalch
340      ABI_ALLOCATE(epsatm_alch,(npspalch))
341      ABI_ALLOCATE(ekb_alch,(psps%dimekb,npspalch*(1-psps%usepaw)))
342      ABI_ALLOCATE(ffspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_ff,2,psps%lnmax,npspalch))
343      ABI_ALLOCATE(xccc1d_alch,(psps%n1xccc*(1-psps%usepaw),6,npspalch))
344      ABI_ALLOCATE(xcccrc_alch,(npspalch))
345      ABI_ALLOCATE(vlspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2,npspalch))
346      if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
347        ABI_ALLOCATE(dvlspl_alch,(psps%mqgrid_vl,2,npspalch))
348      end if
349      ABI_ALLOCATE(indlmn,(6,psps%lmnmax))
350      ABI_ALLOCATE(indlmn_alch,(6,psps%lmnmax,npspalch))
352      ! Allocate NC tables used for mixing.
353      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
354        ABI_DT_MALLOC(nctab_alch, (npspalch))
355        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
356          call nctab_init(nctab_alch(ipspalch), psps%mqgrid_vl, .False., .False.)
357        end do
358      end if
360      do ipsp=1,npsp
361        write(message, '(a,i4,a,t38,a)' ) &
362 &       '- pspini: atom type',ipsp,'  psp file is',trim(psps%filpsp(ipsp))
363        call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
365        xcccrc=zero
366        ekb(:)=zero;ffspl(:,:,:)=zero;vlspl(:,:)=zero
367        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :)=zero
368        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
369        indlmn(:,:)=0
371 !      Read atomic psp V(r) and wf(r) to get local and nonlocal psp:
372        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
373          if (ipsp <= ntyppure) then
374            ! Store data in nctab if pure atom.
375            nctab_ptr => psps%nctab(ipsp)
376          else
377            ! Store data in nctab_alch (to be mixed afterwards).
378            nctab_ptr => nctab_alch(ipsp-ntyppure)
379          end if
381          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm_psp,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
382 &         pawrad_dum,pawtab_dum,psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_ptr)
384        else if (psps%usepaw==1) then
385          comm_mpi_=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_mpi)) comm_mpi_=comm_mpi
386          call pspatm(dq,dtset,dtfil,ekb,epsatm_psp,ffspl,indlmn,ipsp,&
387 &         pawrad(ipsp),pawtab(ipsp),psps,vlspl,dvlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,nctab_dum,&
388 &         comm_mpi=comm_mpi_)
389        end if
391        if (ipsp<=ntyppure) then
392 !        Pure pseudopotentials, leading to pure pseudoatoms
393          epsatm(ipsp)=epsatm_psp
394          psps%znucltypat(ipsp)=psps%znuclpsp(ipsp)
395          if (psps%usepaw==0) psps%ekb(:,ipsp)=ekb(:)
396          psps%ffspl(:,:,:,ipsp)=ffspl(:,:,:)
397          psps%vlspl(:,:,ipsp)=vlspl(:,:)
398          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, ipsp)=dvlspl(:, :)
399          if (psps%usepaw==0) psps%xccc1d(:,:,ipsp)=xccc1d(:,:)
400          psps%xcccrc(ipsp)=xcccrc
401          psps%indlmn(:,:,ipsp)=indlmn(:,:)
403        else
404 !        Pseudopotentials for alchemical generation
405          ipspalch=ipsp-ntyppure
406          epsatm_alch(ipspalch)=epsatm_psp
407          ffspl_alch(:,:,:,ipspalch)=ffspl(:,:,:)
408          vlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=vlspl(:,:)
409          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=dvlspl(:,:)
410          if (psps%usepaw==0) then
411            ekb_alch(:,ipspalch)=ekb(:)
412            xccc1d_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=xccc1d(:,:)
413          end if
414          xcccrc_alch(ipspalch)=xcccrc
415          indlmn_alch(:,:,ipspalch)=indlmn(:,:)
416 !        write(std_out,'(a,6i4)' )' pspini : indlmn_alch(:,1,ipspalch)=',indlmn_alch(:,1,ipspalch)
417 !        write(std_out,'(a,6i4)' )' pspini : indlmn_alch(:,2,ipspalch)=',indlmn_alch(:,2,ipspalch)
418        end if
420      end do ! ipsp
422      ! Generate data for alchemical pseudos.
423      do itypalch=1,ntypalch
424        itypat=itypalch+ntyppure
425        psps%znucltypat(itypat)=200.0+itypalch    ! Convention for alchemical pseudoatoms
426        vlspl(:,:)=zero
427        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) dvlspl(:, :) = zero
428        epsatm(itypat)=zero
429        xcccrc=zero
430        if (psps%usepaw==0) xccc1d(:,:)=zero
432 !      Here, linear combination of the quantities
433 !      MG: FIXME I think that the mixing of xcccrc is wrong when the xxccrc are different!
434 !      but this is minor bug since alchemical pseudos should not have XCCC (?)
435        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
436          epsatm(itypat) = epsatm(itypat) + epsatm_alch(ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
437          vlspl(:,:) = vlspl(:,:) + vlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
438          if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
439            dvlspl(:,:) = dvlspl(:,:) + dvlspl_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
440          end if
441          xcccrc = xcccrc + xcccrc_alch(ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
442          if (psps%usepaw==0) then
443            xccc1d(:,:) = xccc1d(:,:) + xccc1d_alch(:,:,ipspalch) * psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch)
444          end if
445        end do ! ipspalch
447        psps%vlspl(:,:,itypat)=vlspl(:,:)
448        if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) psps%dvlspl(:, :, itypat) = dvlspl(:, :)
449        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
450          psps%xccc1d(:,:,itypat)=xccc1d(:,:)
451        end if
452        psps%xcccrc(itypat)=xcccrc
454        if (abs(xcccrc) > tol6) then
455          write(std_out, *)"xcccrc", xcccrc
456          MSG_WARNING("Alchemical pseudopotential with nlcc!")
457        end if
459 !      Combine the different non-local projectors : for the scalar part then
460 !      the spin-orbit part, treat the different angular momenta
461 !      WARNING : this coding does not work for PAW
462        ilmn=0
463        psps%indlmn(:,:,itypat)=0
464        do ispin=1,2
465          do ilang=0,3
466            if(ispin==2 .and. ilang==0)cycle
467            iproj=0
468            do ipspalch=1,npspalch
469              if(abs(psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch))>tol10)then
470                do ilmn0=1,psps%lmnmax
471                  if(indlmn_alch(5,ilmn0,ipspalch)/=0)then
472                    if(indlmn_alch(6,ilmn0,ipspalch)==ispin)then
473                      if(indlmn_alch(1,ilmn0,ipspalch)==ilang)then
474                        ilmn=ilmn+1         ! increment the counter
475                        iproj=iproj+1       ! increment the counter, this does not work for PAW
476                        if(ilmn>psps%lmnmax)then
477                          MSG_BUG('Problem with the alchemical pseudopotentials : ilmn>lmnmax.')
478                        end if
479                        psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)=ilang
480                        psps%indlmn(2,ilmn,itypat)=indlmn_alch(2,ilmn0,ipspalch)
481                        psps%indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)=iproj                       ! This does not work for PAW
482                        psps%indlmn(4,ilmn,itypat)=ilmn                        ! This does not work for PAW
483                        psps%indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)=ilmn
484                        psps%indlmn(6,ilmn,itypat)=ispin
485                        ! The two lines below do not work for PAW
486                        if (psps%usepaw==0) then
487                          psps%ekb(ilmn,itypat)=psps%mixalch(ipspalch,itypalch) *ekb_alch(ilmn0,ipspalch)
488                        end if
489                        psps%ffspl(:,:,ilmn,itypat)=ffspl_alch(:,:,ilmn0,ipspalch)
490                      end if ! ilang is OK
491                    end if ! ispin is OK
492                  end if ! ilmn0 exist
493                end do ! ilmn0
494              end if ! mixalch>tol10
495            end do ! ipspalch
496          end do ! ilang
497        end do ! ispin
499      end do ! itypalch
501      ABI_DEALLOCATE(epsatm_alch)
502      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ekb_alch)
503      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffspl_alch)
504      ABI_DEALLOCATE(xccc1d_alch)
505      ABI_DEALLOCATE(xcccrc_alch)
506      ABI_DEALLOCATE(vlspl_alch)
507      if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
508        ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvlspl_alch)
509      end if
510      ABI_DEALLOCATE(indlmn_alch)
511      ABI_DEALLOCATE(indlmn)
513      ! Mix NC tables.
514      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
515        call nctab_mixalch(nctab_alch, npspalch, ntypalch, psps%algalch, psps%mixalch, psps%nctab(ntyppure+1:))
516        do ipspalch=1,npspalch
517          call nctab_free(nctab_alch(ipspalch))
518        end do
519        ABI_DT_FREE(nctab_alch)
520      end if
521    end if ! mtypalch
523    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ekb)
524    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ffspl)
525    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vlspl)
526    ABI_DEALLOCATE(xccc1d)
528    if (.not.psps%vlspl_recipSpace) then
529      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dvlspl)
530    end if
532  end if !  End condition of new computation needed
534 !-------------------------------------------------------------
535 ! Following section is always executed
536 !-------------------------------------------------------------
537 !One should move this section of code outside of pspini,
538 !but epsatm is needed, so should be in the psp datastructure.
539 !Compute pseudo correction energy. Will differ from an already
540 !computed one if the number of atom differ ...
541  call pspcor(ecore,epsatm,dtset%natom,ntypat,dtset%typat,psps%ziontypat)
542  if(abs(ecore_old-ecore)>tol8*abs(ecore_old+ecore))then
543    write(message, '(2x,es15.8,t50,a)' ) ecore,'ecore*ucvol(ha*bohr**3)'
544 !  ecore is useless if iscf<=0, but at least it has been initialized
545    if(dtset%iscf>=0)then
546      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
547    end if
548    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
549  end if
551 !End of pseudopotential output section
552  write(message, '(2a)' )&
553 & '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
554  call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
556 !-------------------------------------------------------------
557 ! Keep track of this call to the routine
558 !-------------------------------------------------------------
560  if (ifirst==1) ifirst=0
562  mqgridff_old=psps%mqgrid_ff
563  mqgridvl_old=psps%mqgrid_vl
564  mpssoang_old=psps%mpssoang
565  ixc_old=dtset%ixc
566  gsqcut_old=gsqcut;if (psps%usepaw==1) gsqcutdg_old=gsqcutdg
567  lmnmax_old=psps%lmnmax
568  lnmax_old=psps%lnmax
569  optnlxccc_old=psps%optnlxccc
570  usepaw_old=psps%usepaw
571  dimekb_old=psps%dimekb
572  useylm_old=psps%useylm
573  pawxcdev_old=dtset%pawxcdev
574  positron_old=dtset%positron
575  usewvl_old = dtset%usewvl
576  usexcnhat_old=dtset%usexcnhat_orig
577  paw_size_old=paw_size
578  ecore_old=ecore
579  paw_options_old(:)=paw_options(:)
581  do ipsp=1,npsp
582    pspso_old(ipsp)=psps%pspso(ipsp)
583    if(pspso_zero(ipsp)==0)pspso_zero(ipsp)=psps%pspso(ipsp)
584  end do
585  psps%mproj = maxval(psps%indlmn(3,:,:))
587  if (gencond == 1) call psps_print(psps,std_out,dtset%prtvol)
589  ! Write the file and exit here if requested by the user.
590  if (abs(dtset%prtpsps) == 1) then
591    if (xmpi_comm_rank(xmpi_world) == 0) call psps_ncwrite(psps, trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//"")
592    if (dtset%prtpsps == -1) then
593      MSG_ERROR_NODUMP("prtpsps == -1 ==> aborting now")
594    end if
595  end if
597  call timab(15,2,tsec)
601 end subroutine pspini