ABINIT/denfgr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Construct complete electron density on fine grid, by removing nhat
  and adding PAW corrections


   Copyright (C) 2005-2018 ABINIT group (JWZ)
   This file is distributed under the terms of the
   GNU General Public License, see ~ABINIT/COPYING
   or .


   atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
   gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
   mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
   comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
   my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
   natom= number of atoms in cell
   nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
   ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
   nhat(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)= compensation charge density used in PAW
   nspinor=Number of spinor components
   nsppol=Number of independent spin components.
   nspden= number of spin densities
   ntypat= number of types of atoms in the cell
   pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>= data about the fine grid
   pawrad(ntypat) <type(pawrad_type)>= radial mesh data for each type of atom
   pawrhoij(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= rho_ij data for each atom
   pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>= PAW functions around each type of atom
   rhor(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)= input density ($\tilde{n}+\hat{n}$ in PAW case)
   rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
   typat(natom)= list of atom types
   ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr**3)
   xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


 rhor_paw(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)= full electron density on the fine grid


   In PAW calculations, the valence density present in rhor includes the
   compensation charge density $\hat{n}$, and also doesn't include the on-site
   PAW contributions. For post-processing and proper visualization it is necessary
   to use the full electronic density, which is what this subroutine constructs.
   Specifically, it removes $\hat{n}$ from rhor, and also computes the on-site PAW
   terms. This is nothing other than the proper PAW treatment of the density
   operator $|\mathbf{r}\rangle\langle\mathbf{r}|$, and yields the formula
   Notice that this formula is expressed on the fine grid, and requires
   interpolating the PAW radial functions onto this grid, as well as calling
   initylmr in order to get the angular functions on the grid points.






 67 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 68 #include "config.h"
 69 #endif
 71 #include "abi_common.h"
 73  subroutine denfgr(atindx1,gmet,spaceComm_in,my_natom,natom,nattyp,ngfft,nhat,nspinor,nsppol,nspden,ntypat, &
 74 & pawfgr,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,prtvol,rhor,rhor_paw,rhor_n_one,rhor_nt_one,rprimd,typat,ucvol,xred,&
 75 & abs_n_tilde_nt_diff,znucl,mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! Optional arguments
 77  use defs_basis
 78  use m_profiling_abi
 79  use m_errors
 80  use m_xmpi
 81  use m_splines
 82  use m_sort
 84  use m_io_tools,    only : open_file
 85  use m_geometry,    only : xred2xcart
 86  use m_pptools,     only : printxsf
 87  use m_pawrad,      only : pawrad_type, pawrad_deducer0
 88  use m_pawtab,      only : pawtab_type,pawtab_get_lsize
 89  use m_pawfgrtab,   only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free
 90  use m_pawrhoij,    only : pawrhoij_type
 91  use m_pawfgr,      only : pawfgr_type
 92  use m_paw_sphharm, only : initylmr
 93  use m_paral_atom,  only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
 95 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 96 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 97 #undef ABI_FUNC
 98 #define ABI_FUNC 'denfgr'
 99  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
100  use interfaces_65_paw, except_this_one => denfgr
101 !End of the abilint section
103  implicit none
105 !Arguments ------------------------------------
106 !scalars
107  integer,intent(in) :: my_natom,natom,nspden,ntypat,prtvol,nsppol,nspinor
108  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
109  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
110  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
111 !arrays
112  integer,intent(in) :: spaceComm_in
113  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),typat(natom)
114  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
115  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),nhat(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)
116  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(pawfgr%nfft,nspden),rprimd(3,3)
117  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xred(3,natom)
118  real(dp),intent(out) :: rhor_paw(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)
119  real(dp),intent(out) :: rhor_n_one(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)
120  real(dp),intent(out) :: rhor_nt_one(pawfgr%nfft,nspden)
121  real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: abs_n_tilde_nt_diff(nspden)
122  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: znucl(ntypat)
123  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
124  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij(my_natom)
125  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
127 !Local variables-------------------------------
128 !scalars
129  integer,parameter :: master=0
130  integer :: delta,iatom,ierr,ifgd,ifftsph,inl,inrm,ipsang,irhoij
131  integer :: ispden,itypat,il,im,ilm,iln,ilmn
132  integer :: jl,jlm,jln,jm,j0lmn,jlmn
133  integer :: klmn,my_comm_atom,my_start_indx,my_end_indx
134  integer :: nfgd,nnl,normchoice,nprocs,optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2
135  integer :: optrad,option,my_rank,remainder,tmp_unt
136  real(dp) :: phj,phi,rR,tphj,tphi,ybcbeg,ybcend
137  logical :: my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom
138  character(len=500) :: message
139 !arrays
140  integer,allocatable :: l_size_atm(:),nrm_ifftsph(:)
141  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
142  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
143  real(dp) :: ylmgr(3,3,0)
144  real(dp) :: yvals(4),xcart(3,natom)
145  real(dp),allocatable :: diag(:),nrm(:),phigrd(:,:),tphigrd(:,:),ylm(:,:),ypp(:)
146  real(dp),allocatable :: phi_at_zero(:),tphi_at_zero(:)
147  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_tmp(:,:),tot_rhor(:)
148  character(len=fnlen) :: xsf_fname
149  type(pawfgrtab_type) :: local_pawfgrtab(my_natom)
151 ! ************************************************************************
155 !Set up parallelism over atoms (compatible only with band-FFT parallelism)
156  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
157  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
158  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
159  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,&
160 & my_natom_ref=my_natom)
162 !MG: FIXME It won't work if atom-parallelism is used
163 !but even the loop over atoms below should be rewritten in this case.
165 !use a local copy of pawfgrtab to make sure we use the correction in the paw spheres
166 !the usual pawfgrtab uses r_shape which may not be the same as r_paw
167  if (my_natom>0) then
168    if (paral_atom) then
169      call pawtab_get_lsize(pawtab,l_size_atm,my_natom,typat,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
170      call pawfgrtab_init(local_pawfgrtab,pawrhoij(1)%cplex,l_size_atm,nspden,typat,&
171 &     mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab,comm_atom=my_comm_atom)
172    else
173      call pawtab_get_lsize(pawtab,l_size_atm,my_natom,typat)
174      call pawfgrtab_init(local_pawfgrtab,pawrhoij(1)%cplex,l_size_atm,nspden,typat)
175    end if
176    ABI_DEALLOCATE(l_size_atm)
177  end if
179 !Note: call to nhatgrid: comm_fft not used because FFT parallelism
180 !is done manually below
181  optcut = 1 ! use rpaw to construct local_pawfgrtab
182  optgr0 = 0; optgr1 = 0; optgr2 = 0 ! dont need gY terms locally
183  optrad = 1 ! do store r-R
184  if (paral_atom) then
185    call nhatgrid(atindx1,gmet,my_natom,natom,nattyp,ngfft,ntypat,&
186 &   optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,local_pawfgrtab,pawtab,rprimd,typat,ucvol,xred,&
187 &   comm_atom=my_comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
188  else
189    call nhatgrid(atindx1,gmet,my_natom,natom,nattyp,ngfft,ntypat,&
190 &   optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,local_pawfgrtab,pawtab,rprimd,typat,ucvol,xred)
191  end if
192 !now local_pawfgrtab is ready to use
194 !Initialise output arrays.
195  rhor_paw=zero; rhor_n_one=zero; rhor_nt_one=zero
197 !Initialise and check parallell execution
198  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm_in)
199  nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm_in)
202 !loop over atoms in cell
203  do iatom = 1, my_natom
204    itypat = pawrhoij(iatom)%itypat
205    indlmn => pawtab(itypat)%indlmn
206    nfgd = local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd ! number of points in the fine grid for this PAW sphere
207    nnl = pawtab(itypat)%basis_size ! number of nl elements in PAW basis
209 !  Division of fine grid points among processors
210    if (nprocs==1) then ! Make sure everything runs with one proc
211      write(message,'(a)') '  In denfgr - number of processors:     1'
212      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
213      write(message,'(a)') '  Calculation of PAW density done in serial'
214      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
215      write(message,'(a,I6)') '  Number of fine grid points:',nfgd
216      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
217      my_start_indx = 1
218      my_end_indx = nfgd
219    else ! Divide up the fine grid points among the processors
220      write(message,'(a,I4)') '  In denfgr - number of processors: ',nprocs
221      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
222      write(message,'(a)') '  Calculation of PAW density done in parallel'
223      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
224      write(message,'(a,I6)') '  Number of fine grid points:',nfgd
225      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
226 !    Divide the fine grid points among the processors
227      delta = int(floor(real(nfgd)/real(nprocs)))
228      remainder = nfgd-nprocs*delta
229      my_start_indx = 1+my_rank*delta
230      my_end_indx = (my_rank+1)*delta
231 !    Divide the remainder points among the processors
232 !    by shuffling indices
233      if ((my_rank+1)>remainder) then
234        my_start_indx = my_start_indx + remainder
235        my_end_indx = my_end_indx + remainder
236      else
237        my_start_indx = my_start_indx + my_rank
238        my_end_indx = my_end_indx + my_rank + 1
239      end if
240      if (prtvol>9) then
241        write(message,'(a,I6)') '  My index Starts at: ',my_start_indx
242        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
243        write(message,'(a,I6)') '             Ends at: ',my_end_indx
244        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
245        write(message,'(a,I6)') '               # pts: ',my_end_indx+1-my_start_indx
246        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
247      end if
248    end if
250    write(message,'(a,I3,a,I3)') '  Entered loop for atom: ',iatom,' of:',natom
251    call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
253 !  obtain |r-R| values on fine grid
254    ABI_ALLOCATE(nrm,(nfgd))
255    do ifgd=1, nfgd
256      nrm(ifgd) = sqrt(dot_product(local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(:,ifgd),local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(:,ifgd)))
257    end do ! these are the |r-R| values
259 !  compute Ylm for each r-R vector.
260 !  ----
261    ipsang = 1 + (pawtab(itypat)%l_size - 1)/2 ! recall l_size=2*l_max+1
262    ABI_ALLOCATE(ylm,(ipsang*ipsang,nfgd))
263    option = 1 ! compute Ylm(r-R) for vectors
264    normchoice = 1 ! use computed norms of input vectors
265    call initylmr(ipsang,normchoice,nfgd,nrm,option,local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd,ylm,ylmgr)
267 !  in order to do spline fits, the |r-R| data must be sorted
268 !  ----
269    ABI_ALLOCATE(nrm_ifftsph,(nfgd))
270    nrm_ifftsph(:) = local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(:) ! copy of indices of points, to be rearranged by sort_dp
271    call sort_dp(nfgd,nrm,nrm_ifftsph,tol8) ! sort the nrm points, keeping track of which goes where
273 !  now make spline fits of phi and tphi  onto the fine grid around the atom
274 !  ----
275    ABI_ALLOCATE(phigrd,(nfgd,nnl))
276    ABI_ALLOCATE(tphigrd,(nfgd,nnl))
277    ABI_ALLOCATE(phi_at_zero,(nnl))
278    ABI_ALLOCATE(tphi_at_zero,(nnl))
279    ABI_ALLOCATE(ypp,(pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size))
280    ABI_ALLOCATE(diag,(pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size))
282    do inl = 1, nnl
284 !    spline phi onto points
285      ypp(:) = zero; diag(:) = zero; ybcbeg = zero; ybcend = zero;
286      call spline(pawrad(itypat)%rad,pawtab(itypat)%phi(:,inl),pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size,ybcbeg,ybcend,ypp)
287      call splint(pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size,pawrad(itypat)%rad,pawtab(itypat)%phi(:,inl),ypp,nfgd,nrm,phigrd(:,inl))
289 !    next splint tphi onto points
290      ypp(:) = zero; diag(:) = zero; ybcbeg = zero; ybcend = zero;
291      call spline(pawrad(itypat)%rad,pawtab(itypat)%tphi(:,inl),pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size,ybcbeg,ybcend,ypp)
292      call splint(pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size,pawrad(itypat)%rad,pawtab(itypat)%tphi(:,inl),ypp,nfgd,nrm,tphigrd(:,inl))
294 !    Find out the value of the basis function at zero using extrapolation
295      yvals = zero
296 !    Extrapolate only if this is an s-state (l=0)
297      if (indlmn(1,inl)==0) then
298        yvals(2:4) = pawtab(itypat)%phi(2:4,inl)/pawrad(itypat)%rad(2:4)
299        call pawrad_deducer0(yvals,4,pawrad(itypat))
300        write(std_out,*) 'phi_at_zero: ',yvals(1),' from:',yvals(2:4)
301      end if
302      phi_at_zero(inl) = yvals(1)
304      yvals = zero
305 !    Extrapolate only if this is an s-state (l=0)
306      if (indlmn(1,inl)==0) then
307        yvals(2:4) = pawtab(itypat)%tphi(2:4,inl)/pawrad(itypat)%rad(2:4)
308        call pawrad_deducer0(yvals,4,pawrad(itypat))
309        write(std_out,*) 'tphi_at_zero: ',yvals(1),' from:',yvals(2:4)
310      end if
311      tphi_at_zero(inl) = yvals(1)
313    end do ! end loop over nnl basis functions
314    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ypp)
315    ABI_DEALLOCATE(diag)
317 !  loop over basis elements for this atom
318 !  because we have to store things like <phi|r'><r'|phi>-<tphi|r'><r'|tphi> at each point of the
319 !  fine grid, there is no integration, and hence no simplifications of the Y_lm's. That's why
320 !  we have to loop through the basis elements in exhaustive detail, rather than just a loop over
321 !  lmn2_size or something comparable.
322 !  ----
323    if (prtvol>9) then
324      write(message,'(a,I3)') '  Entering j-loop over basis elements for atom:',iatom
325      call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
326    end if
328    do jlmn=1,pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
330      if (prtvol>9) then
331        write(message,'(2(a,I3))') '  Element:',jlmn,' of:',pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
332        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
333      end if
335      jl=indlmn(1,jlmn)
336      jm=indlmn(2,jlmn)
337      jlm=indlmn(4,jlmn)
338      jln=indlmn(5,jlmn)
339      j0lmn=jlmn*(jlmn-1)/2
341      if (prtvol>9) then
342        write(message,'(a,I3)') '  Entering i-loop for j:',jlmn
343        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
344      end if
346      do ilmn=1,jlmn
348        if (prtvol>9) then
349          write(message,'(2(a,I3))') '    Element:',ilmn,' of:',jlmn
350          call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
351        end if
353        il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
354        im=indlmn(2,ilmn)
355        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn)
356        ilm=indlmn(4,ilmn)
357        klmn=j0lmn+ilmn
359        if (prtvol>9) then
360          write(message,'(a)') '    Entering loop over nonzero elems of rhoij'
361          call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
362        end if
364 !      Loop over non-zero elements of rhoij
365        do irhoij=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nrhoijsel
366          if (klmn==pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijselect(irhoij)) then ! rho_ij /= 0 for this klmn
368            do ifgd=my_start_indx, my_end_indx ! loop over fine grid points in current PAW sphere
369              ifftsph = local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ifgd) ! index of the point on the grid
371 !            have to retrieve the spline point to use since these were sorted
372              do inrm=1, nfgd
373                if(nrm_ifftsph(inrm) == ifftsph) exit ! have found nrm point corresponding to nfgd point
374              end do ! now inrm is the index of the sorted nrm vector to use
376 !            avoid division by zero
377              if(nrm(inrm) > zero) then
378                rR = nrm(inrm) ! value of |r-R| in the following
379 !              recall that <r|phi>=u(r)*Slm(r^)/r
380                phj  = phigrd(inrm,jln)*ylm(jlm,ifgd)/rR
381                phi  = phigrd(inrm,iln)*ylm(ilm,ifgd)/rR
382                tphj = tphigrd(inrm,jln)*ylm(jlm,ifgd)/rR
383                tphi = tphigrd(inrm,iln)*ylm(ilm,ifgd)/rR
384              else
385 !              use precalculated <r|phi>=u(r)*Slm(r^)/r at r=0
386                phj  = phi_at_zero(jln)*ylm(jlm,ifgd)
387                phi  = phi_at_zero(iln)*ylm(ilm,ifgd)
388                tphj = tphi_at_zero(jln)*ylm(jlm,ifgd)
389                tphi = tphi_at_zero(iln)*ylm(ilm,ifgd)
390              end if ! check if |r-R| = 0
392              do ispden=1,nspden
393                if (pawrhoij(iatom)%cplex == 1) then
394                  rhor_paw(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_paw(ifftsph,ispden) + &
395 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(irhoij,ispden)*(phj*phi - tphj*tphi)
397                  rhor_n_one(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_n_one(ifftsph,ispden) + &
398 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(irhoij,ispden)*phj*phi
400                  rhor_nt_one(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_nt_one(ifftsph,ispden) + &
401 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(irhoij,ispden)*tphj*tphi
402                else
403                  rhor_paw(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_paw(ifftsph,ispden) + &
404 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(2*irhoij-1,ispden)*(phj*phi - tphj*tphi)
406                  rhor_n_one(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_n_one(ifftsph,ispden) + &
407 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(2*irhoij-1,ispden)*phj*phi
409                  rhor_nt_one(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor_nt_one(ifftsph,ispden) + &
410 &                 pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijp(2*irhoij-1,ispden)*tphj*tphi
411                end if ! end check on cplex rhoij
413              end do ! end loop over nsdpen
414            end do ! end loop over nfgd
415          end if ! end selection on rhoij /= 0
416        end do ! end loop over non-zero rhoij
417      end do ! end loop over ilmn atomic basis states
418    end do ! end loop over jlmn atomic basis states
420    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nrm)
421    ABI_DEALLOCATE(nrm_ifftsph)
422    ABI_DEALLOCATE(phigrd)
423    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tphigrd)
424    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylm)
425    ABI_DEALLOCATE(phi_at_zero)
426    ABI_DEALLOCATE(tphi_at_zero)
427  end do     ! Loop on atoms
429 !MPI sum on each node the different contributions to the PAW densities.
430  call xmpi_sum(rhor_paw,spaceComm_in,ierr)
431  call xmpi_sum(rhor_n_one,spaceComm_in,ierr)
432  call xmpi_sum(rhor_nt_one,spaceComm_in,ierr)
433  if (paral_atom) then
434    call xmpi_sum(rhor_paw,my_comm_atom,ierr)
435    call xmpi_sum(rhor_n_one,my_comm_atom,ierr)
436    call xmpi_sum(rhor_nt_one,my_comm_atom,ierr)
437  end if
439  call wrtout(std_out,' *** Partial contributions to PAW rhor summed ***','PERS')
440  call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm_in)
442 !Add the plane-wave contribution \tilde{n} and remove \hat{n}
443 !BE careful here since the storage mode of rhoij and rhor is different.
444  select case (nspinor)
445  case (1)
446    if (nsppol==1)  then
447      rhor_paw = rhor_paw + rhor - nhat
448    else  ! Spin-polarised case: rhor_paw contains rhor_paw(spin_up,spin_down) but we need rhor_paw(total,spin_up)
449      ABI_ALLOCATE(tot_rhor,(pawfgr%nfft))
450 !
451 !      AE rhor
452      tot_rhor(:) = SUM(rhor_paw,DIM=2)
453      rhor_paw(:,2) = rhor_paw(:,1)
454      rhor_paw(:,1) = tot_rhor
455      rhor_paw = rhor_paw + rhor - nhat
456 !
457 !      onsite AE rhor
458      tot_rhor(:) = SUM(rhor_n_one,DIM=2)
459      rhor_n_one(:,2) = rhor_n_one(:,1)
460      rhor_n_one(:,1) = tot_rhor
461 !
462 !      onsite PS rhor
463      tot_rhor(:) = SUM(rhor_nt_one,DIM=2)
464      rhor_nt_one(:,2) = rhor_nt_one(:,1)
465      rhor_nt_one(:,1) = tot_rhor
467      ABI_DEALLOCATE(tot_rhor)
468    end if
470  case (2)
471 !    * if nspden==4, rhor contains (n^11, n^22, Re[n^12], Im[n^12].
472 !    Storage mode for rhoij is different, See pawaccrhoij.
473    MSG_ERROR("nspinor 2 not coded")
474  case default
475    write(message,'(a,i0)')" Wrong value for nspinor=",nspinor
476    MSG_ERROR(message)
477  end select
479 !if (prtvol>9) then ! Check normalisation
480 !write(message,'(a,F8.4)') '  PAWDEN - NORM OF DENSITY: ',SUM(rhor_paw(:,1))*ucvol/PRODUCT(pawfgr%ngfft(1:3))
481 !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
482 !end if
484  if (present(abs_n_tilde_nt_diff).AND.present(znucl)) then
485    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor_tmp,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
486    do ispden=1,nspden
487      rhor_tmp(:,ispden) = zero
488      do iatom=1,my_natom
489        do ifgd=1,local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd ! loop over fine grid points in current PAW sphere
490          ifftsph = local_pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ifgd) ! index of the point on the grid
491          rhor_tmp(ifftsph,ispden) = rhor(ifftsph,ispden) - nhat(ifftsph,ispden) &
492 &         - rhor_nt_one(ifftsph,ispden)
493        end do !ifgd
494      end do ! iatom
495    end do ! ispden
496    if (paral_atom) then
497      call xmpi_sum(rhor_tmp,my_comm_atom,ierr)
498    end if
500    if (my_rank==master) then
501      do ispden=1,nspden
502 !      Write to xsf file
503        call xred2xcart(natom,rprimd,xcart,xred)
504        write(xsf_fname,'(a,I0,a)') 'N_tilde_onsite_diff_sp',ispden,'.xsf'
505        if (open_file(xsf_fname,message, unit=tmp_unt,status='unknown',form='formatted') /= 0) then
506          MSG_ERROR(message)
507        end if
508        call printxsf(ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),rhor_tmp(:,ispden),rprimd,&
509 &       (/zero,zero,zero/),natom,ntypat,typat,xcart,znucl,tmp_unt,0)
510        close(tmp_unt)
511        abs_n_tilde_nt_diff(ispden) = SUM(ABS(rhor_tmp(:,ispden)))/pawfgr%nfft
512        write(message,'(4(a),F16.9,2(a,I0),a)') ch10,'  Wrote xsf file with \tilde{n}-\tilde{n}^1.',ch10,&
513 &       '  Value of norm |\tilde{n}-\tilde{n}^1|:',&
514 &       abs_n_tilde_nt_diff(ispden),' spin: ',ispden,' of ',nspden,ch10
515        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
516      end do
517    end if
518    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor_tmp)
520  else if ((present(abs_n_tilde_nt_diff).AND.(.NOT.present(znucl))) &
521 &   .OR.(.NOT.present(abs_n_tilde_nt_diff).AND.(present(znucl)))) then
522    write(message,'(a)') ' Both abs_n_tilde_nt_diff *and* znucl must be passed',ch10,&
523 &   'to denfgr for |\tilde{n}-\tilde{n}^1| norm evaluation.'
524    MSG_ERROR(message)
525  end if
527  call pawfgrtab_free(local_pawfgrtab)
529 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
530  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
532  call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm_in)
536  end subroutine denfgr