m_paw_dfpt/dsdr_k_paw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_paw_dfpt ] [ Functions ]




 compute on-site terms for forces and stresses for finite electric fields with PAW


  cprj_k (pawcprj_type) :: cprj for occupied bands at point k
  cprj_kb :: cprj for occupied bands at point k+b
  dtefield :: structure referring to all efield and berry's phase variables
  kdir :: integer giving direction along which overlap is computed for ket
  kfor :: integer indicating whether to compute forward (1) or backward (2)
    along kpt string
  natom :: number of atoms in cell
  typat :: typat(natom) type of each atom



 dsdr :: array of the on-site PAW parts of the derivatives with respect to atm
               positions and/or strains of the overlaps between Bloch states at points
               k and k+b, for the various pairs of bands


 This routine assumes that the cprj are not explicitly ordered by
 atom type.


2063  subroutine dsdr_k_paw(cprj_k,cprj_kb,dsdr,dtefield,kdir,kfor,mband,natom,ncpgr,typat)
2065 !Arguments---------------------------
2066 !scalars
2067  integer,intent(in) :: kdir,kfor,mband,natom,ncpgr
2068  character(len=500) :: message
2069  type(efield_type),intent(in) :: dtefield
2070  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprj_k(natom,dtefield%nspinor*mband)
2071  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprj_kb(natom,dtefield%nspinor*mband)
2073 !arrays
2074  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
2075  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dsdr(2,natom,ncpgr,dtefield%mband_occ,dtefield%mband_occ)
2077 !Local variables---------------------------
2078 !scalars
2079  integer :: iatom,iband,ibs,icpgr,ilmn,ispinor,itypat
2080  integer :: jband,jbs,jlmn,klmn,nspinor
2081  complex(dpc) :: cpk,cpkb,dcpk,dcpkb,cterm,paw_onsite
2083 ! *************************************************************************
2085 !initialize dsdr
2086  dsdr(:,:,:,:,:) = zero
2088 ! if 3 gradients we are in the ctocprj choice 2 case
2089 ! and the 3 gradients are due to the atomic displacements
2090 ! if 6 gradients we are in the ctocprj choice 3 case
2091 ! and the 6 gradients are due to the strains
2092 ! if 9 gradients we are in the ctocprj choice 23 case
2093 ! and the first six are due to strain, last three due to displacements
2094  if (ncpgr /= 3 .and. ncpgr /= 6 .and. ncpgr /= 9) then
2095    message = ' dsdr_k_paw called with ncpgr /= 3, 6, or 9 (no gradients) '
2096    ABI_BUG(message)
2097  end if
2099  nspinor = dtefield%nspinor
2101  do iatom = 1, natom
2102    itypat = typat(iatom)
2104    do ilmn=1,dtefield%lmn_size(itypat)
2105      do jlmn=1,dtefield%lmn_size(itypat)
2106        klmn=max(ilmn,jlmn)*(max(ilmn,jlmn)-1)/2 + min(ilmn,jlmn)
2107        paw_onsite = cmplx(dtefield%qijb_kk(1,klmn,iatom,kdir),&
2108 &       dtefield%qijb_kk(2,klmn,iatom,kdir))
2109        if (kfor > 1) paw_onsite = conjg(paw_onsite)
2110        do iband = 1, dtefield%mband_occ
2111          do jband = 1, dtefield%mband_occ
2112            do ispinor = 1, nspinor
2113              do icpgr = 1, ncpgr
2114                ibs = nspinor*(iband-1) + ispinor
2115                jbs = nspinor*(jband-1) + ispinor
2116                cpk=cmplx(cprj_k(iatom,ibs)%cp(1,ilmn),cprj_k(iatom,ibs)%cp(2,ilmn))
2117                dcpk=cmplx(cprj_k(iatom,ibs)%dcp(1,icpgr,ilmn),cprj_k(iatom,ibs)%dcp(2,icpgr,ilmn))
2118                cpkb=cmplx(cprj_kb(iatom,jbs)%cp(1,jlmn),cprj_kb(iatom,jbs)%cp(2,jlmn))
2119                dcpkb=cmplx(cprj_kb(iatom,jbs)%dcp(1,icpgr,jlmn),cprj_kb(iatom,jbs)%dcp(2,icpgr,jlmn))
2120                cterm=paw_onsite*(conjg(dcpk)*cpkb+conjg(cpk)*dcpkb)
2121                dsdr(1,iatom,icpgr,iband,jband) = dsdr(1,iatom,icpgr,iband,jband)+real(cterm)
2122                dsdr(2,iatom,icpgr,iband,jband) = dsdr(2,iatom,icpgr,iband,jband)+aimag(cterm)
2123              end do ! end loop over icpgr
2124            end do ! end loop over ispinor
2125          end do ! end loop over jband
2126        end do ! end loop over iband
2127      end do ! end loop over ilmn
2128    end do ! end loop over jlmn
2130  end do ! end loop over atoms
2132  end subroutine    dsdr_k_paw

m_paw_dfpt/m_paw_dfpt [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module contains several routines related to the 1st and 2nd order derivatives
    (in the DFPT approach) of PAW on-site quantities.


 Copyright (C) 2018-2024 ABINIT group (MT,AM,FJ,JWZ)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 MODULE m_paw_dfpt
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_errors
29  use m_time, only : timab
31  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type
32  use m_pawang,       only : pawang_type
33  use m_pawrad,       only : pawrad_type
34  use m_pawtab,       only : pawtab_type
35  use m_paw_an,       only : paw_an_type
36  use m_paw_ij,       only : paw_ij_type
37  use m_pawcprj,      only : pawcprj_type
38  use m_pawdij,       only : pawdijhartree,pawdiju_euijkl
39  use m_pawrhoij,     only : pawrhoij_type,pawrhoij_free,pawrhoij_gather,pawrhoij_nullify
40  use m_pawfgrtab,    only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_free, pawfgrtab_nullify, pawfgrtab_gather
41  use m_paw_finegrid, only : pawgylm, pawrfgd_fft, pawexpiqr
42  use m_pawxc,        only : pawxc_dfpt, pawxcm_dfpt
43  use m_paw_denpot,   only : pawdensities,pawaccenergy,pawaccenergy_nospin
44  use m_paral_atom,   only : get_my_atmtab,free_my_atmtab
45  use m_atm2fft,      only : dfpt_atm2fft
46  use m_distribfft,   only : distribfft_type,init_distribfft_seq,destroy_distribfft
47  use m_geometry,     only : metric, stresssym
48  use m_efield,       only : efield_type
50  implicit none
52  private
54 !public procedures.
55  public :: pawdfptenergy ! Compute Hartree+XC PAW on-site contrib. to a 1st or 2nd-order energy
56  public :: pawgrnl       ! Compute derivatives of total energy due to NL terms (PAW Dij derivatives)
57  public :: dsdr_k_paw    ! Compute PAW on-site terms for forces/stresses for finite electric fields
59 CONTAINS  !========================================================================================

m_paw_dfpt/pawdfptenergy [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_paw_dfpt ] [ Functions ]




 This routine compute the Hartree+XC+U PAW on-site contributions to a 1st-order or 2nd-order energy.
  These contributions are equal to:
       Int{ VHxc[n1_a^(j1);nc^(j1)].n1_b^(j2) }
      -Int{ VHxc[tild_n1_a^(j1)+hat_n1_a^(j1);tild_n_c^(j1)].(tild_n1_b+n1_b)^(j2) }
 Some typical uses:
  A-Contribution to non-stationary expression of the 2nd-order total energy:
    In that case, n1_a^(1)[r]=n1^(j1)[r] and n1_b[r]=delta_n1^(j2)[r]
    where j1 and j2 are two given perturbations,
    and delta_n1^(j)[r] is the 1s-order density only due to change of WF overlap.
    See PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]], Eq.(80).
       Int{ VHxc[n1^(j1);nc^(j1)].delta_n1^(j2) }
      -Int{ VHxc[tild_n1^(j1)+hat_n1^(j1);tild_n_c^(j1)].delta_(tild_n1+hat_n1)^(j2) }
  B-Contribution to first-order Fermi energy:
    In that case, n1_a^(1)[r]=n1^(j1)[r] and n1_b[r]=n1[r,EFermi]
    where j1 is the current perturbation, and n1[r,EFermi] is the density at Fermi level.
       Int{ VHxc[n1^(j1);nc^(j1)].n1[r,EFermi] }
      -Int{ VHxc[tild_n1^(j1)+hat_n1^(j1);tild_n_c^(j1)].(tild_n1+hat_n1)[r,EFermi] }


  ipert1,ipert2=indexes of perturbations (j1) and (j2)
                if ipert2<=0, we compute a first-order energy
                if ipert2> 0, we compute a second-order energy
  ixc= choice of exchange-correlation scheme
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=total number of atoms in cell
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  nzlmopt_a= For the n1_a density:
            if -1, compute all LM-moments of the density and use non-zero LM-moments
            if  0, compute all LM-moments of the density and use all LM-moments
            if +1, compute only non-zero LM-moments of the density (stored before)
  nzlmopt_b= For the n1_b density:
            if -1, compute all LM-moments of the density and use non-zero LM-moments
            if  0, compute all LM-moments of the density and use all LM-moments
            if +1, compute only non-zero LM-moments of the density (stored before)
  paw_an0(natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays for 0th-order quantities given on angular mesh
  paw_an1(natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays for 1st-order quantities given on angular mesh
                                     This corresponds to (j1) perturbation
  paw_ij1(natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
                                     This corresponds to (j1) perturbation
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawprtvol=control print volume and debugging output for PAW
  pawrad(ntypat) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij_a(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij 1st-order occupancies for the (j1) perturbation
  pawrhoij_b(natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>=
    if ipert2> 0: paw rhoij 1st-order occupancies for the (j2) perturbation corrsponding to n1_b^(j2)[r]
    if ipert2<=0: paw rhoij occupancies corresponding to n1_b[r]
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  pawxcdev=Choice of XC development (0=no dev. (use of angular mesh) ; 1 or 2=dev. on moments)
  xclevel= XC functional level


  delta_energy(2)= real and imaginary parts of contributions to non-stationary expression for the
              second derivative of the total energy


    ==== if paw_an1(:)%has_vxc<2, compute 1st-order XC potentials
      paw_an1(natom)%vxc1(cplex_a*mesh_size,:,nspden) =AE 1st-order XC potential Vxc^(j1)
      paw_an1(natom)%vxct1(cplex_a*mesh_size,:,nspden)=PS 1st-order XC potential tVxc^(j1)
    ==== if paw_ij1(:)%has_dijhartree<2, compute 1st-order Dij_hartree
      paw_ij1(natom)%dijhartree(cplex_a*lmn2_size)=Hartree contribution to Dij^(j1)
    ==== if paw_ij1(:)%has_dijU<2, compute 1st-order Dij_U
      paw_ij1(natom)%diju(cplex_a*lmn2_size)=DFT+U contribution to Dij^(j1)


139 subroutine pawdfptenergy(delta_energy,ipert1,ipert2,ixc,my_natom,natom,ntypat,nzlmopt_a,nzlmopt_b,&
140 &                        paw_an0,paw_an1,paw_ij1,pawang,pawprtvol,pawrad,pawrhoij_a,pawrhoij_b,&
141 &                        pawtab,pawxcdev,xclevel, &
142 &                        mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
144 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
145 !scalars
146  integer,intent(in) :: ipert1,ipert2,ixc,my_natom,natom,ntypat,nzlmopt_a,nzlmopt_b
147  integer,intent(in) :: pawprtvol,pawxcdev,xclevel
148  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
149  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
150 !arrays
151  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
152  real(dp),intent(out) :: delta_energy(2)
153  type(paw_an_type),intent(in) :: paw_an0(my_natom)
154  type(paw_an_type),intent(inout) :: paw_an1(my_natom)
155  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij1(my_natom)
156  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
157  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(in) :: pawrhoij_a(my_natom),pawrhoij_b(my_natom)
158  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
160 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
161 !scalars
162  integer, parameter :: PAWU_ALGO_1=1,PAWU_ALGO_2=2
163  integer :: cplex_a,cplex_b,cplex_vxc1,iatom,iatom_tot,ierr,itypat,lm_size_a,lm_size_b,mesh_size
164  integer :: my_comm_atom,nspden,opt_compch,optexc,optvxc,pawu_algo,qphase_dijh1,qphase_diju1
165  integer :: usecore,usepawu,usetcore,usexcnhat
166  logical :: my_atmtab_allocated,non_magnetic_xc,paral_atom
167  real(dp) :: compch,eexc,eexc_im
168  character(len=500) :: msg
169 !arrays
170  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
171  logical,allocatable :: lmselect_a(:),lmselect_b(:),lmselect_tmp(:)
172  real(dp) :: delta_energy_h(2),delta_energy_u(2),delta_energy_xc(2),tsec(2)
173  real(dp),allocatable :: kxc_dum(:,:,:),nhat1(:,:,:),rho1(:,:,:),trho1(:,:,:)
175 ! *************************************************************************
179  call timab(567,1,tsec)
181  if (.not.(ipert1==natom+1.or.ipert1==natom+10.or.ipert1==natom+11 &
182 & .or.ipert2==natom+1.or.ipert2==natom+10.or.ipert2==natom+11)) then
183    if((abs(nzlmopt_a)/=1.and.nzlmopt_a/=0).or.(abs(nzlmopt_b)/=1.and.nzlmopt_b/=0)) then
184      msg='invalid value for nzlmopt!'
185      ABI_BUG(msg)
186    end if
187    if (my_natom>0) then
188      if(paw_ij1(1)%has_dijhartree==0) then
189        msg='dijhartree must be allocated!'
190        ABI_BUG(msg)
191      end if
192      if (any(pawtab(1:ntypat)%usepawu/=0)) then
193        if(paw_ij1(1)%has_dijU==0) then
194          msg='dijU must be allocated!'
195          ABI_BUG(msg)
196        end if
197      end if
198      if(paw_an1(1)%has_vxc==0) then
199        msg='vxc1 and vxct1 must be allocated!'
200        ABI_BUG(msg)
201      end if
202      if(paw_an0(1)%has_kxc==0) then
203        msg='kxc1 must be allocated!'
204        ABI_BUG(msg)
205      end if
206      if ((ipert1<=natom.or.ipert1==natom+1.or.ipert1==natom+10.or.ipert1==natom+11).and.paw_an0(1)%has_kxc/=2) then
207        msg='XC kernels for ground state must be in memory!'
208        ABI_BUG(msg)
209      end if
210      if (paw_ij1(1)%qphase/=paw_an1(1)%cplex) then
211        msg='paw_ij1()%qphase and paw_an1()%cplex must be equal!'
212        ABI_BUG(msg)
213      end if
214      if (pawrhoij_a(1)%qphase<paw_an1(1)%cplex.or.pawrhoij_b(1)%qphase<paw_an1(1)%cplex) then
215        msg='pawrhoij()%qphase must be >=paw_an1()%cplex!'
216        ABI_BUG(msg)
217      end if
218      if (paw_ij1(1)%nspden/=paw_an1(1)%nspden) then
219        msg='paw_ij1()%nspden and paw_an1()%nspden must be equal!'
220        ABI_BUG(msg)
221      end if
222      if (pawrhoij_a(1)%nspden/=pawrhoij_b(1)%nspden) then
223        msg='pawrhoij_a()%nspden must =pawrhoij_b()%nspden !'
224        ABI_BUG(msg)
225      end if
226    end if
227  end if
229 !Set up parallelism over atoms
230  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
231  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
232  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
233  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
235 !Init contribution to 1st-order (or 2nd-order) energy
236  delta_energy(1:2)=zero
238 !For some perturbations, nothing else to do
239  if (ipert1==natom+1.or.ipert1==natom+10.or.ipert1==natom+11 .or. &
240 &    ipert2==natom+1.or.ipert2==natom+10.or.ipert2==natom+11) return
242 !Various inits
243  opt_compch=0;optvxc=1;optexc=3
244  usecore=0;usetcore=0  ! This is true for phonons and Efield pert.
245  usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(1:ntypat)%usexcnhat)
246  delta_energy_xc(1:2)=zero
247  delta_energy_h(1:2)=zero
248  delta_energy_u(1:2)=zero
250 !================ Loop on atomic sites =======================
251  do iatom=1,my_natom
252    iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=my_atmtab(iatom)
254    itypat=pawrhoij_a(iatom)%itypat
255    mesh_size=pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size
256    nspden=paw_an1(iatom)%nspden
257    cplex_a=pawrhoij_a(iatom)%qphase
258    cplex_b=pawrhoij_b(iatom)%qphase
259    cplex_vxc1=paw_an1(iatom)%cplex
260    qphase_dijh1=paw_ij1(iatom)%qphase
261    qphase_diju1=paw_ij1(iatom)%qphase
262    lm_size_a=paw_an1(iatom)%lm_size
263    if (ipert2<=0) lm_size_b=paw_an0(iatom)%lm_size
264    if (ipert2> 0) lm_size_b=paw_an1(iatom)%lm_size
265    usepawu=pawtab(itypat)%usepawu
266    pawu_algo=merge(PAWU_ALGO_1,PAWU_ALGO_2,ipert1<=0.and.ipert2<=0.and.usepawu>=0)
267    non_magnetic_xc=(mod(abs(usepawu),10)==4)
269 !  If Vxc potentials are not in memory, compute them
270    if (paw_an1(iatom)%has_vxc/=2) then
271      ABI_MALLOC(rho1 ,(cplex_a*mesh_size,lm_size_a,nspden))
272      ABI_MALLOC(trho1,(cplex_a*mesh_size,lm_size_a,nspden))
273      ABI_MALLOC(nhat1,(cplex_a*mesh_size,lm_size_a,nspden*usexcnhat))
274      ABI_MALLOC(lmselect_a,(lm_size_a))
275      lmselect_a(:)=paw_an1(iatom)%lmselect(:)
276      ABI_MALLOC(lmselect_tmp,(lm_size_a))
277      lmselect_tmp(:)=.true.
278      if (nzlmopt_a==1) lmselect_tmp(:)=lmselect_a(:)
279 !    Compute on-site 1st-order densities
280      call pawdensities(compch,cplex_a,iatom_tot,lmselect_tmp,lmselect_a,&
281 &     lm_size_a,nhat1,nspden,nzlmopt_a,opt_compch,1-usexcnhat,-1,0,pawang,pawprtvol,&
282 &     pawrad(itypat),pawrhoij_a(iatom),pawtab(itypat),rho1,trho1)
283      ABI_FREE(lmselect_tmp)
284 !    Compute on-site 1st-order xc potentials
285      if (pawxcdev/=0) then
286        call pawxcm_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%coredens,cplex_a,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,paw_an0(iatom)%kxc1,&
287 &       lm_size_a,lmselect_a,nhat1,paw_an0(iatom)%nkxc1,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optvxc,&
288 &       pawang,pawrad(itypat),rho1,usecore,0,&
289 &       paw_an1(iatom)%vxc1,xclevel)
290        call pawxcm_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1),cplex_a,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,paw_an0(iatom)%kxct1,&
291 &       lm_size_a,lmselect_a,nhat1,paw_an0(iatom)%nkxc1,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optvxc,&
292 &       pawang,pawrad(itypat),trho1,usetcore,2*usexcnhat,&
293 &       paw_an1(iatom)%vxct1,xclevel)
294      else
295        call pawxc_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%coredens,cplex_a,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,paw_an0(iatom)%kxc1,&
296 &       lm_size_a,lmselect_a,nhat1,paw_an0(iatom)%nkxc1,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optvxc,&
297 &       pawang,pawrad(itypat),rho1,usecore,0,&
298 &       paw_an0(iatom)%vxc1,paw_an1(iatom)%vxc1,xclevel)
299        call pawxc_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1),cplex_a,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,paw_an0(iatom)%kxct1,&
300 &       lm_size_a,lmselect_a,nhat1,paw_an0(iatom)%nkxc1,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optvxc,&
301 &       pawang,pawrad(itypat),trho1,usetcore,2*usexcnhat,&
302 &       paw_an0(iatom)%vxct1,paw_an1(iatom)%vxct1,xclevel)
303      end if
305      paw_an1(iatom)%has_vxc=2
306      ABI_FREE(lmselect_a)
307      ABI_FREE(rho1)
308      ABI_FREE(trho1)
309      ABI_FREE(nhat1)
310    end if ! has_vxc
312 !  Compute contribution to 1st-order (or 2nd-order) energy from 1st-order XC potential
313    ABI_MALLOC(rho1 ,(cplex_b*mesh_size,lm_size_b,nspden))
314    ABI_MALLOC(trho1,(cplex_b*mesh_size,lm_size_b,nspden))
315    ABI_MALLOC(nhat1,(cplex_b*mesh_size,lm_size_b,nspden*usexcnhat))
316    ABI_MALLOC(lmselect_b,(lm_size_b))
317    if (ipert2<=0) lmselect_b(:)=paw_an0(iatom)%lmselect(:)
318    if (ipert2> 0) lmselect_b(:)=paw_an1(iatom)%lmselect(:)
319    ABI_MALLOC(lmselect_tmp,(lm_size_b))
320    lmselect_tmp(:)=.true.
321    if (nzlmopt_b==1) lmselect_tmp(:)=lmselect_b(:)
322 !  Compute on-site 1st-order densities
323    call pawdensities(compch,cplex_b,iatom_tot,lmselect_tmp,lmselect_b,&
324 &   lm_size_b,nhat1,nspden,nzlmopt_b,opt_compch,1-usexcnhat,-1,0,pawang,pawprtvol,&
325 &   pawrad(itypat),pawrhoij_b(iatom),pawtab(itypat),rho1,trho1)
326    ABI_FREE(lmselect_tmp)
327 !  Compute contributions to 1st-order (or 2nd-order) energy
328    if (pawxcdev/=0) then
329      ABI_MALLOC(kxc_dum,(mesh_size,pawang%angl_size,0))
330      call pawxcm_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%coredens,cplex_b,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,kxc_dum,&
331 &     lm_size_b,lmselect_b,nhat1,0,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optexc,pawang,pawrad(itypat),&
332 &     rho1,usecore,0,paw_an1(iatom)%vxc1,xclevel,d2enxc_im=eexc_im)
333      delta_energy_xc(1)=delta_energy_xc(1)+eexc
334      delta_energy_xc(2)=delta_energy_xc(2)+eexc_im
335      call pawxcm_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1),&
336 &     cplex_b,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,kxc_dum,&
337 &     lm_size_b,lmselect_b,nhat1,0,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optexc,pawang,pawrad(itypat),&
338 &     trho1,usetcore,2*usexcnhat,paw_an1(iatom)%vxct1,xclevel,&
339 &     d2enxc_im=eexc_im)
340      ABI_FREE(kxc_dum)
341      delta_energy_xc(1)=delta_energy_xc(1)-eexc
342      delta_energy_xc(2)=delta_energy_xc(2)-eexc_im
343    else
344      ABI_MALLOC(kxc_dum,(mesh_size,lm_size_b,0))
345      call pawxc_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%coredens,cplex_b,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,kxc_dum,&
346 &     lm_size_b,lmselect_b,nhat1,0,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optexc,pawang,pawrad(itypat),&
347 &     rho1,usecore,0,paw_an0(iatom)%vxc1,paw_an1(iatom)%vxc1,xclevel,d2enxc_im=eexc_im)
348      delta_energy_xc(1)=delta_energy_xc(1)+eexc
349      delta_energy_xc(2)=delta_energy_xc(2)+eexc_im
350      call pawxc_dfpt(pawtab(itypat)%tcoredens(:,1),&
351 &     cplex_b,cplex_vxc1,eexc,ixc,kxc_dum,&
352 &     lm_size_b,lmselect_b,nhat1,0,non_magnetic_xc,mesh_size,nspden,optexc,pawang,pawrad(itypat),&
353 &     trho1,usetcore,2*usexcnhat,paw_an0(iatom)%vxct1,paw_an1(iatom)%vxct1,xclevel,&
354 &     d2enxc_im=eexc_im)
355      ABI_FREE(kxc_dum)
356      delta_energy_xc(1)=delta_energy_xc(1)-eexc
357      delta_energy_xc(2)=delta_energy_xc(2)-eexc_im
358    end if
359    ABI_FREE(lmselect_b)
360    ABI_FREE(rho1)
361    ABI_FREE(trho1)
362    ABI_FREE(nhat1)
364 !  If Dij_hartree are not in memory, compute them
365    if (paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijhartree/=2) then
366      call pawdijhartree(paw_ij1(iatom)%dijhartree,qphase_dijh1,paw_ij1(iatom)%nspden,&
367 &     pawrhoij_a(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
368      paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijhartree=2
369    end if
371 !  Compute contribution to 1st-order(or 2nd-order) energy from 1st-order Hartree potential
372    call pawaccenergy_nospin(delta_energy_h(1),pawrhoij_b(iatom),paw_ij1(iatom)%dijhartree, &
373 &                           1,qphase_dijh1,pawtab(itypat),epaw_im=delta_energy_h(2))
375 !  Compute contribution to 1st-order(or 2nd-order) energy from 1st-order PAW+U potential
376    if (usepawu/=0.and.pawu_algo==PAWU_ALGO_2) then
377 !    If DijU are not in memory, compute them
378      if (paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijU/=2) then ! We force the recomputation of dijU in when cplex=2 to get diju_im
379        call pawdiju_euijkl(paw_ij1(iatom)%dijU,paw_ij1(iatom)%cplex_dij,qphase_diju1,&
380 &                          paw_ij1(iatom)%ndij,pawrhoij_a(iatom),pawtab(itypat))
381        paw_ij1(iatom)%has_dijU=2
382      end if
383 !    Compute contribution to 1st-order(or 2nd-order) energy
384      call pawaccenergy(delta_energy_u(1),pawrhoij_b(iatom),paw_ij1(iatom)%dijU,paw_ij1(iatom)%cplex_dij, &
385 &                      qphase_diju1,paw_ij1(iatom)%ndij,pawtab(itypat),epaw_im=delta_energy_u(2))
386 !    Add FLL double-counting contribution
387      if (ipert1==0) then ! If j1/=0, Dij^FLL^(j1)=0 because it is constant
388        call pawaccenergy_nospin(delta_energy_u(1),pawrhoij_b(iatom),pawtab(itypat)%euij_fll,1,1,&
389 &                               pawtab(itypat),epaw_im=delta_energy_u(2))
390      end if
391    end if
393 !  ================ End loop on atomic sites =======================
394  end do
396 !Final building of 1st-order (or 2nd-order) energy
397  delta_energy(1:2)=delta_energy_xc(1:2)+delta_energy_h(1:2)+delta_energy_u(1:2)
399 !Reduction in case of parallelism
400  if (paral_atom) then
401    call xmpi_sum(delta_energy,my_comm_atom,ierr)
402  end if
404 !Destroy atom table used for parallelism
405  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
407  call timab(567,2,tsec)
411 end subroutine pawdfptenergy

m_paw_dfpt/pawgrnl [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_paw_dfpt ] [ Functions ]




 PAW: Add to GRadients of total energy due to non-local term of Hamiltonian
      the contribution due to Dij derivatives
 In particular, compute contribution to forces, stresses, dyn. matrix
 Remember: Vnl=Sum_ij[|p_i>Dij<p_j|]


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  dimnhat=second dimension of array nhat (0 or # of spin components)
  distribfft<type(distribfft_type)>=--optional-- contains all the information related
                                    to the FFT parallelism and plane sharing
  dyfr_cplex=1 if dyfrnl is real, 2 if it is complex
  gsqcut=Fourier cutoff on G^2 for "large sphere" of radius double that of the basis sphere
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  me_g0=--optional-- 1 if the current process treat the g=0 plane-wave (only needed when comm_fft is present)
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  comm_fft=--optional-- MPI communicator over FFT components (=mpi_comm_grid is not present)
  mpi_comm_grid=--optional-- MPI communicator over real space grid components (=comm_fft is not present)
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=total number of atoms in cell
  nattyp(ntypat)=array describing how many atoms of each type in cell
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nhat(nfft,dimnhat)=compensation charge density on rectangular grid in real space
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  optgr= 1 if gradients with respect to atomic position(s) have to be computed
  optgr2= 1 if 2nd gradients with respect to atomic position(s) have to be computed
  optstr= 1 if gradients with respect to strain(s) have to be computed
  optstr2= 1 if 2nd gradients with respect to strain(s) have to be computed
  paral_kgb=--optional-- 1 if "band-FFT" parallelism is activated (only needed when comm_fft is present)
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim phase (structure factor) information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  qphon(3)=wavevector of the phonon
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries in reciprocal space, reduced coordinates
  typat(natom)=types of atoms
  ucvol=unit cell volume
  vtrial(nfft,nspden)= total local potential
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=XC potential
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  At input, this terms contain contribution from non-local projectors derivatives
  At output, they are updated with the contribution of Dij derivatives
  ==== if optgr=1 ====
   grnl(3*natom) =gradients of NL energy wrt atomic coordinates
  ==== if optstr=1 ====
   nlstr(6) =gradients of NL energy wrt strains
  ==== if optgr2=1 ====
   dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,natom) =2nd gradients of NL energy wrt atomic coordinates
  ==== if optstr=2 ====
    eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6)=non-symmetrized non-local contribution to the elastic tensor


   In the case of parallelisation over atoms and calculation of dynamical matrix (optgr2=1)
   several data are gathered and no more distributed inside this routine.


 486 subroutine pawgrnl(atindx1,dimnhat,dyfrnl,dyfr_cplex,eltfrnl,grnl,gsqcut,mgfft,my_natom,natom,&
 487 &          nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nhat,nlstr,nspden,nsym,ntypat,optgr,optgr2,optstr,optstr2,&
 488 &          pawang,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1d,psps,qphon,rprimd,symrec,typat,ucvol,vtrial,vxc,xred,&
 489 &          mpi_atmtab,comm_atom,comm_fft,mpi_comm_grid,me_g0,paral_kgb,distribfft) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
 491 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 492 !scalars
 493  integer,intent(in) :: dimnhat,dyfr_cplex,mgfft,my_natom,natom,nfft,nspden,nsym,ntypat
 494  integer,intent(in) :: optgr,optgr2,optstr,optstr2
 495  integer,optional,intent(in) :: me_g0,comm_atom,comm_fft,mpi_comm_grid,paral_kgb
 496  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,ucvol
 497  type(distribfft_type),optional,target,intent(in) :: distribfft
 498  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 499  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 500 !arrays
 501  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18)
 502  integer,intent(in) :: symrec(3,3,nsym),typat(natom)
 503  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
 504  real(dp),intent(in) :: nhat(nfft,dimnhat),ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom),qphon(3)
 505  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),vxc(nfft,nspden),xred(3,natom)
 506  real(dp),intent(in),target :: vtrial(nfft,nspden)
 507  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,natom*optgr2)
 508  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6),grnl(3*natom*optgr)
 509  real(dp),intent(inout) :: nlstr(6*optstr)
 510  type(pawfgrtab_type),target,intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(:)
 511  type(pawrhoij_type),target,intent(inout) ::  pawrhoij(:)
 512  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
 514 !Local variables-------------------------------
 515 !scalars
 516  integer :: bufind,bufsiz,cplex,dimvtrial,eps_alpha,eps_beta,eps_gamma,eps_delta,iatm,iatom
 517  integer :: iatom_pawfgrtab,iatom_pawrhoij,iatom_tot,iatshft,ic,idiag,idir,ier,ilm,indx,irhoij
 518  integer :: isel,ishift_grhoij,ishift_gr,ishift2_gr,ishift_gr2,ishift_str,ishift_str2,ishift_str2is,ispden
 519  integer :: ispvtr,itypat,jatom,jatom_tot,jatm,jc,jrhoij,jtypat,klm,klmn,klmn1,ll,lm_size
 520  integer :: lm_sizej,lmax,lmin,lmn2_size,me_fft,mu,mua,mub,mushift,my_me_g0,my_comm_atom,my_comm_fft
 521  integer :: my_comm_grid,my_paral_kgb,n1,n2,n3,nfftot,nfgd,nfgd_jatom
 522  integer :: ngrad,ngrad_nondiag,ngradp,ngradp_nondiag,ngrhat,nsploop
 523  integer :: opt1,opt2,opt3,qne0,usexcnhat
 524  logical,parameter :: save_memory=.true.
 525  logical :: has_phase,my_atmtab_allocated
 526  logical :: paral_atom,paral_atom_pawfgrtab,paral_atom_pawrhoij,paral_grid
 527  real(dp) :: dlt_tmp,fact_ucvol,grhat_x,hatstr_diag,rcut_jatom,ro,ro_d,ucvol_
 528  character(len=500) :: msg
 529  type(distribfft_type),pointer :: my_distribfft
 530  type(pawfgrtab_type),pointer :: pawfgrtab_iatom,pawfgrtab_jatom
 531  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_iatom,pawrhoij_jatom
 532 !arrays
 533  integer,parameter :: alpha(9)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,1/),beta(9)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1,3,3,2/)
 534  integer,parameter :: eps1(6)=(/1,2,3,2,3,1/),eps2(6)=(/1,2,3,3,1,2/)
 535  integer,parameter :: mu9(9)=(/1,2,3,4,5,6,4,5,6/)
 536  integer,allocatable :: atindx(:),atm_indx(:),mu4(:)
 537  integer,allocatable,target :: ifftsph_tmp(:)
 538  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ffti3_local(:),fftn3_distrib(:),ifft_jatom(:)
 539  integer, pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
 540  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),hatstr(6),rdum(1),rdum2(1),rmet(3,3),tmp(12)
 541  real(dp) :: work1(dyfr_cplex,3,3),work2(dyfr_cplex,3,3)
 542  real(dp),allocatable :: buf(:,:),buf1(:),dyfr(:,:,:,:,:),eltfr(:,:)
 543  real(dp),allocatable :: grhat_tmp(:,:),grhat_tmp2(:,:),hatgr(:)
 544  real(dp),allocatable :: prod(:,:),prodp(:,:),vloc(:),vpsp1_gr(:,:),vpsp1_str(:,:)
 545  real(dp),allocatable,target :: rfgd_tmp(:,:)
 546  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: gylm_jatom(:,:),gylmgr_jatom(:,:,:),gylmgr2_jatom(:,:,:),expiqr_jatom(:,:)
 547  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: rfgd_jatom(:,:),vtrial_(:,:)
 548  type(coeff2_type),allocatable :: prod_nondiag(:),prodp_nondiag(:)
 549  type(pawfgrtab_type),pointer :: pawfgrtab_(:),pawfgrtab_tot(:)
 550  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_(:),pawrhoij_tot(:)
 552 ! *************************************************************************
 556 !Compatibility tests
 557  qne0=0;if (qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2>=1.d-15) qne0=1
 558  if (my_natom>0) then
 559    if ((optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1).and.pawrhoij(1)%ngrhoij==0) then
 560      msg='pawgrnl: inconsistency between variables optgr2/optstr2 and ngrhoij!'
 561      ABI_BUG(msg)
 562    end if
 563    if (pawfgrtab(1)%rfgd_allocated==0) then
 564      if ((optgr2==1.and.qne0==1).or.optstr2==1) then
 565        msg='pawgrnl: pawfgrtab()%rfgd array must be allocated!'
 566        ABI_BUG(msg)
 567      end if
 568    end if
 569    if (pawrhoij(1)%qphase/=1) then
 570      msg='pawgrnl: not supposed to be called with pawrhoij(:)%qphase=2!'
 571      ABI_BUG(msg)
 572    end if
 573  end if
 575 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 576 !Parallelism setup
 578 !Set up parallelism over atoms
 579  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=natom))
 580  paral_atom_pawfgrtab=(size(pawfgrtab)/=natom)
 581  paral_atom_pawrhoij=(size(pawrhoij)/=natom)
 582  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
 583  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
 584  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
 585  if (paral_atom) then
 586    ABI_MALLOC(atm_indx,(natom))
 587    atm_indx=-1
 588    do iatom=1,my_natom
 589      atm_indx(my_atmtab(iatom))=iatom
 590    end do
 591  end if
 593 !Set up parallelism over real space grid and/or FFT
 594  n1=ngfft(1);n2=ngfft(2);n3=ngfft(3);nfftot=n1*n2*n3
 595  my_comm_grid=xmpi_comm_self;my_comm_fft=xmpi_comm_self;me_fft=0
 596  my_me_g0=1;my_paral_kgb=0;paral_grid=.false.;nullify(my_distribfft)
 597  if (present(mpi_comm_grid).or.present(comm_fft)) then
 598    if (present(mpi_comm_grid)) my_comm_grid=mpi_comm_grid
 599    if (present(comm_fft)) my_comm_fft=comm_fft
 600    if (.not.present(mpi_comm_grid)) my_comm_grid=comm_fft
 601    if (.not.present(comm_fft)) my_comm_fft=mpi_comm_grid
 602    paral_grid=(xmpi_comm_size(my_comm_grid)>1)
 603    me_fft=xmpi_comm_rank(my_comm_fft)
 604  end if
 605  if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
 606    if (present(comm_fft)) then
 607      if ((.not.present(paral_kgb)).or.(.not.present(me_g0)).or.(.not.present(distribfft))) then
 608        ABI_BUG(' Need paral_kgb, me_g0 and distribfft with comm_fft !')
 609      end if
 610      my_me_g0=me_g0;my_paral_kgb=paral_kgb
 611      my_distribfft => distribfft
 612    else
 613      ABI_MALLOC(my_distribfft,)
 614      call init_distribfft_seq(my_distribfft,'f',n2,n3,'fourdp')
 615    end if
 616    if (n2 == my_distribfft%n2_coarse) then
 617      fftn3_distrib => my_distribfft%tab_fftdp3_distrib
 618      ffti3_local => my_distribfft%tab_fftdp3_local
 619    else
 620      fftn3_distrib => my_distribfft%tab_fftdp3dg_distrib
 621      ffti3_local => my_distribfft%tab_fftdp3dg_local
 622    end if
 623  else
 624    nullify(my_distribfft,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
 625  end if
 627 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 628 !Initializations
 630 !Compute different geometric tensors
 631 !ucvol is not computed here but provided as input arg
 632  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol_)
 633  fact_ucvol=ucvol/dble(nfftot)
 635 !Retrieve local potential according to the use of nhat in XC
 636  usexcnhat=maxval(pawtab(1:ntypat)%usexcnhat)
 637  if (usexcnhat==0) then
 638 !  dimvtrial=nspden
 639    dimvtrial=1
 640    ABI_MALLOC(vtrial_,(nfft,dimvtrial))
 641 !!!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ic) SHARED(nfft,vtrial,vtrial_,vxc)
 642    do ic=1,nfft
 643      vtrial_(ic,1:dimvtrial)=vtrial(ic,1:dimvtrial)-vxc(ic,1:dimvtrial)
 644    end do
 645  else
 646    dimvtrial=nspden
 647    vtrial_ => vtrial
 648  end if
 650 !Initializations and allocations
 651  ngrhat=0;ngrad=0;ngradp=0;ngrad_nondiag=0;ngradp_nondiag=0
 652  ishift_grhoij=0;ishift_gr=0;ishift_gr2=0;ishift_str=0;ishift_str2=0;ishift_str2is=0;ishift2_gr=0
 653  cplex=1;if (qne0==1) cplex=2
 654  if (optgr==1) then
 655    ABI_MALLOC(hatgr,(3*natom))
 656    hatgr=zero
 657    ngrad=ngrad+3
 658    ngrhat=ngrhat+3
 659    ishift_gr2=ishift_gr2+3
 660  end if
 661  if (optgr2==1) then
 662    mu=min(dyfr_cplex,cplex)
 663    ngrad =ngrad +9
 664    ngradp=ngradp+3
 665    ngrad_nondiag = ngrad_nondiag +9*mu
 666    ngradp_nondiag= ngradp_nondiag+3*mu
 667    ngrhat= ngrhat+9*mu
 668  end if
 669  if (optstr==1) then
 670    hatstr=zero
 671    ngrad=ngrad+6
 672    ngrhat=ngrhat+6
 673    ishift_gr=ishift_gr+6
 674    ishift_gr2=ishift_gr2+6
 675    ishift_str2=ishift_str2+6
 676    ishift_str2is = ishift_str2is+6
 677  end if
 678  if (optstr2==1) then
 679    ngrad =ngrad+6*(6+3)
 680    ngradp=ngradp+(6+3)
 681    ngrad_nondiag =ngrad_nondiag+6*(6+3)
 682    ngradp_nondiag=ngradp_nondiag+3
 683    ishift2_gr=ishift2_gr+3
 684    ngrhat=ngrhat+6*(6+3)
 685    ishift_gr=ishift_gr+(6+3)
 686    ishift_gr2=ishift_gr2+6*(6+3)
 687    ishift_str2is=ishift_str2is+36
 688    ishift_grhoij = 6
 689  end if
 691 !DEBUG
 692 !   write(6,*)' preparatory computations : usexcnhat, nspden, dimvtrial=',usexcnhat, nspden, dimvtrial
 694 !nsploop=nspden;if (dimvtrial<nspden) nsploop=2
 695  nsploop=nspden;if (dimvtrial<nspden .and. nspden==4) nsploop=1
 696  if (optgr2/=1.and.optstr2/=1) then
 697    ABI_MALLOC(grhat_tmp,(ngrhat,1))
 698  else
 699    ABI_MALLOC(grhat_tmp,(ngrhat,natom))
 700    grhat_tmp=zero
 701    ABI_MALLOC(prod_nondiag,(natom))
 702    ABI_MALLOC(prodp_nondiag,(natom))
 703    ABI_MALLOC(atindx,(natom))
 704    if(optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1)then
 705      ABI_MALLOC(vpsp1_gr,(cplex*nfft,3))
 706      vpsp1_gr(:,:)= zero
 707    end if
 708    if (optgr2==1) then
 709      ABI_MALLOC(dyfr,(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,natom))
 710      dyfr=zero
 711    end if
 712    if (optstr2==1) then
 713      ABI_MALLOC(vpsp1_str,(cplex*nfft,6))
 714      ABI_MALLOC(grhat_tmp2,(18,natom))
 715      ABI_MALLOC(eltfr,(6+3*natom,6))
 716      eltfr=zero
 717    end if
 718    ABI_MALLOC(mu4,(4))
 719    atindx(:)=0
 720    do iatom=1,natom
 721      iatm=0
 722      do while (atindx(iatom)==0.and.iatm<natom)
 723        iatm=iatm+1;if (atindx1(iatm)==iatom) atindx(iatom)=iatm
 724      end do
 725    end do
 726  end if
 728 !The computation of dynamical matrix and elastic tensor requires the knowledge of
 729 !g_l(r-R).Y_lm(r-R) and derivatives for all atoms
 730 !Compute them here, except memory saving is activated
 731  if ((.not.save_memory).and.(optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1)) then
 732    do jatom=1,size(pawfgrtab)
 733      jatom_tot=jatom;if (paral_atom_pawfgrtab) jatom_tot=my_atmtab(jatom)
 734      pawfgrtab_jatom => pawfgrtab(jatom)
 735      lm_sizej=pawfgrtab_jatom%l_size**2
 736      opt1=0;opt2=0;opt3=0
 737      if (pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm_allocated==0) then
 738        if (allocated(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm))  then
 739          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm)
 740        end if
 741        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm,(pawfgrtab_jatom%nfgd,lm_sizej))
 742        pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm_allocated=2;opt1=1
 743      end if
 744      if (pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr_allocated==0) then
 745        if (allocated(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr))  then
 746          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr)
 747        end if
 748        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr,(3,pawfgrtab_jatom%nfgd,lm_sizej))
 749        pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr_allocated=2;opt2=1
 750      end if
 751      if (opt1+opt2+opt3>0) then
 752        call pawgylm(pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm,pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr,&
 753 &       pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr2,lm_sizej,pawfgrtab_jatom%nfgd,&
 754 &       opt1,opt2,opt3,pawtab(typat(jatom_tot)),pawfgrtab_jatom%rfgd)
 755      end if
 756      if (optgr2==1.and.qne0==1) then
 757        if (pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr_allocated==0) then
 758          if (allocated(pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr))  then
 759            ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr)
 760          end if
 761          pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr_allocated=2
 762          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr,(2,nfgd))
 763          call pawexpiqr(pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr,gprimd,pawfgrtab_jatom%nfgd,&
 764 &         qphon,pawfgrtab_jatom%rfgd,xred(:,jatom_tot))
 765        end if
 766      end if
 767    end do
 768  end if
 770 !The computation of dynamical matrix and elastic tensor might require some communications
 771  if ((optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1).and.paral_atom.and.paral_atom_pawfgrtab.and.(.not.save_memory)) then
 772    ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_tot,(natom))
 773    call pawfgrtab_nullify(pawfgrtab_tot)
 774    call pawfgrtab_gather(pawfgrtab,pawfgrtab_tot,my_comm_atom,ier,mpi_atmtab=my_atmtab)
 775  else
 776    pawfgrtab_tot => pawfgrtab
 777  end if
 778  if ((optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1).and.paral_atom.and.paral_atom_pawrhoij) then
 779    ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_tot,(natom))
 780    call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_tot)
 781    call pawrhoij_gather(pawrhoij,pawrhoij_tot,-1,my_comm_atom, &
 782 &   with_rhoijres=.false.,with_rhoij_=.false.,with_lmnmix=.false.)
 783  else
 784    pawrhoij_tot => pawrhoij
 785  end if
 787  if (save_memory) then
 788    pawfgrtab_ => pawfgrtab
 789    pawrhoij_  => pawrhoij
 790  else
 791    pawfgrtab_ => pawfgrtab_tot
 792    pawrhoij_  => pawrhoij_tot
 793  end if
 795 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 796 !Loops over types and atoms
 798  iatshft=0
 799  do itypat=1,ntypat
 801    lmn2_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size
 802    lm_size=pawtab(itypat)%lcut_size**2
 804    do iatm=iatshft+1,iatshft+nattyp(itypat)
 806      iatom_tot=atindx1(iatm)
 807      iatom=iatom_tot
 808      if (paral_atom) then
 809        if (save_memory.or.(optgr2/=1.and.optstr2/=1)) iatom=atm_indx(iatom_tot)
 810      end if
 812      if (iatom==-1) cycle
 813      iatom_pawfgrtab=iatom_tot;if (paral_atom_pawfgrtab) iatom_pawfgrtab=iatom
 814      iatom_pawrhoij =iatom_tot;if (paral_atom_pawrhoij)  iatom_pawrhoij =iatom
 815      pawfgrtab_iatom => pawfgrtab_(iatom_pawfgrtab)
 816      pawrhoij_iatom  => pawrhoij_(iatom_pawrhoij)
 818      idiag=1;if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) idiag=iatm
 819      nfgd=pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
 821      ABI_MALLOC(vloc,(nfgd))
 822      if (ngrad>0)  then
 823        ABI_MALLOC(prod,(ngrad,lm_size))
 824      end if
 825      if (ngradp>0)  then
 826        ABI_MALLOC(prodp,(ngradp,lm_size))
 827      end if
 828      if (ngrad_nondiag>0.and.ngradp_nondiag>0) then
 829        do jatm=1,natom
 830          jtypat=typat(atindx1(jatm))
 831          lm_sizej=pawtab(jtypat)%lcut_size**2
 832          ABI_MALLOC(prod_nondiag(jatm)%value,(ngrad_nondiag,lm_sizej))
 833          ABI_MALLOC(prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value,(ngradp_nondiag,lm_sizej))
 834          prod_nondiag(jatm)%value=zero
 835          prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value=zero
 836        end do
 837      end if
 839      grhat_tmp=zero
 840      if(optstr2==1) grhat_tmp2=zero
 842 !    ------------------------------------------------------------------
 843 !    Compute some useful data
 845 !    Eventually compute g_l(r).Y_lm(r) derivatives for the current atom (if not already done)
 846      if ((optgr==1.or.optstr==1).and.(optgr2/=1).and.(optstr2/=1)) then
 847        if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated==0) then
 848          if (allocated(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr))  then
 849            ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr)
 850          end if
 851          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr,(3,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,lm_size))
 852          pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated=2
 853          call pawgylm(rdum,pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr,rdum2,lm_size,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,&
 854 &         0,1,0,pawtab(itypat),pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd)
 855        end if
 857      end if
 858      if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
 859        opt1=0;opt2=0;opt3=0
 860        if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm_allocated==0) then
 861          if (allocated(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm))  then
 862            ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm)
 863          end if
 864          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm,(pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,lm_size))
 865          pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm_allocated=2;opt1=1
 866        end if
 867        if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated==0) then
 868          if (allocated(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr))  then
 869            ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr)
 870          end if
 871          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr,(3,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,lm_size))
 872          pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated=2;opt2=1
 873        end if
 874        if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2_allocated==0) then
 875          if (allocated(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2))  then
 876            ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2)
 877          end if
 878          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2,(6,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,lm_size))
 879          pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2_allocated=2;opt3=1
 880        end if
 881        if (opt1+opt2+opt3>0) then
 882          call pawgylm(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm,pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr,&
 883 &         pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2,lm_size,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd,&
 884 &         opt1,opt2,opt3,pawtab(itypat),pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd)
 885        end if
 886      end if
 888 !    Eventually compute exp(-i.q.r) factors for the current atom (if not already done)
 889      if (optgr2==1.and.qne0==1.and.(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr_allocated==0)) then
 890        if (allocated(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr))  then
 891          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr)
 892        end if
 893        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr,(2,nfgd))
 894        call pawexpiqr(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr,gprimd,nfgd,qphon,&
 895 &       pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd,xred(:,iatom))
 896        pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr_allocated=2
 897      end if
 898      has_phase=(optgr2==1.and.pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr_allocated/=0)
 900 !    Eventually compute 1st-order potential
 901      if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
 902        call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,iatom_tot,&
 903 &       mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,natom,3,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,ph1d,&
 904 &       psps%qgrid_vl,qphon,typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,atmvlocr1=vpsp1_gr,&
 905 &       vspl=psps%vlspl,comm_fft=my_comm_fft,me_g0=my_me_g0,&
 906 &       paral_kgb=my_paral_kgb,distribfft=my_distribfft)
 907        if (cplex==1) then
 908          do ic=1,nfft
 909            tmp(1:3)=vpsp1_gr(ic,1:3)
 910            do mu=1,3
 911              vpsp1_gr(ic,mu)=-(gprimd(mu,1)*tmp(1)+gprimd(mu,2)*tmp(2)+gprimd(mu,3)*tmp(3))
 912            end do
 913          end do
 914        else ! cplex=2
 915          do ic=1,nfft
 916            jc=2*ic;tmp(1:3)=vpsp1_gr(jc-1,1:3);tmp(4:6)=vpsp1_gr(jc,1:3)
 917            do mu=1,3
 918              vpsp1_gr(jc-1,mu)=-(gprimd(mu,1)*tmp(1)+gprimd(mu,2)*tmp(2)+gprimd(mu,3)*tmp(3))
 919              vpsp1_gr(jc  ,mu)=-(gprimd(mu,1)*tmp(4)+gprimd(mu,2)*tmp(5)+gprimd(mu,3)*tmp(6))
 920            end do
 921          end do
 922        end if
 923      end if
 924      if (optstr2==1) then
 925        vpsp1_str(:,:) = zero
 926        call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,natom+3,&
 927 &       mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,natom,6,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,&
 928 &       ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,qphon,typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,atmvlocr1=vpsp1_str,&
 929 &       vspl=psps%vlspl,comm_fft=my_comm_fft,me_g0=my_me_g0,&
 930 &       paral_kgb=my_paral_kgb,distribfft=my_distribfft)
 931      end if
 933 !    ------------------------------------------------------------------
 934 !    Loop over spin components
 936      do ispden=1,nsploop
 938 !      ----- Retrieve potential (subtle if nspden=4 ;-)
 939        if (nspden/=4) then
 940          ispvtr=min(dimvtrial,ispden)
 941          do ic=1,nfgd
 942            jc = pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 943            vloc(ic)=vtrial_(jc,ispvtr)
 944          end do
 945        else
 946          if (ispden==1) then
 947            ispvtr=min(dimvtrial,2)
 948            do ic=1,nfgd
 949              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 950              vloc(ic)=half*(vtrial_(jc,1)+vtrial_(jc,ispvtr))
 951            end do
 952          else if (ispden==4) then
 953            ispvtr=min(dimvtrial,2)
 954            do ic=1,nfgd
 955              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 956              vloc(ic)=half*(vtrial_(jc,1)-vtrial_(jc,ispvtr))
 957            end do
 958          else if (ispden==2) then
 959            ispvtr=min(dimvtrial,3)
 960            do ic=1,nfgd
 961              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 962              vloc(ic)=vtrial_(jc,ispvtr)
 963            end do
 964          else ! ispden=3
 965            ispvtr=min(dimvtrial,4)
 966            do ic=1,nfgd
 967              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 968              vloc(ic)=-vtrial_(jc,ispvtr)
 969            end do
 970          end if
 971        end if
 973 !      -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 974 !      ----- Compute projected scalars (integrals of vloc and Q_ij^hat) ------
 975 !      ----- and/or their derivatives ----------------------------------------
 977        if (ngrad>0) prod=zero
 978        if (ngradp>0) prodp=zero
 980 !      ==== Contribution to forces ====
 981        if (optgr==1) then
 982          do ilm=1,lm_size
 983            do ic=1,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
 984              do mu=1,3
 985                prod(mu+ishift_gr,ilm)=prod(mu+ishift_gr,ilm)-&
 986 &               vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mu,ic,ilm)
 987              end do
 988            end do
 989          end do
 990        end if ! optgr
 992 !      ==== Contribution to stresses ====
 993        if (optstr==1) then
 994          do ilm=1,lm_size
 995            do ic=1,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
 996              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
 997              do mu=1,6
 998                mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
 999                prod(mu+ishift_str,ilm)=prod(mu+ishift_str,ilm) &
1000 &               +half*vloc(ic)&
1001 &               *(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mua,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(mub,ic)&
1002 &               +pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mub,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(mua,ic))
1003              end do
1004            end do
1005          end do
1006        end if ! optstr
1007 !DEBUG
1008 !   write(6,*)' after loops on ilm, ic, mu : ispden,lm_size, pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd=',ispden,lm_size, pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
1009 !   write(6,*)' after loops on ilm, ic, mu, writes ilm, prod(1+ishift_str,ilm:lm_size) when bigger than tol10 (ilm between 1 and lm_size)'
1010 !   do ilm=1, lm_size
1011 !     if( abs(prod(1+ishift_str,ilm))>tol6 )then
1012 !       write(6,*)ilm,prod(1+ishift_str,ilm)
1013 !     endif
1014 !   enddo
1017 !      ==== Diagonal contribution to frozen wf part of dyn. matrix ====
1018        if (optgr2==1) then
1019 !        Diagonal contribution
1020          do ilm=1,lm_size
1021            do ic=1,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
1022              do mu=1,9
1023                prod(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm) &
1024 &               +half*vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu9(mu),ic,ilm)
1025              end do
1026              do mu=1,3
1027                prodp(ishift_gr+mu,ilm)=prodp(ishift_gr+mu,ilm) &
1028 &               -vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mu,ic,ilm)
1029              end do
1030            end do
1031          end do
1032        end if ! optgr2
1034 !      ==== Diagonal contribution to elastic tensor ====
1035        if (optstr2==1) then
1036          do ilm=1,lm_size
1037            do ic=1,pawfgrtab_iatom%nfgd
1038              mu=1
1039              jc=pawfgrtab_iatom%ifftsph(ic)
1040              do mua=1,6
1041                eps_alpha=eps1(mua);eps_beta=eps2(mua);
1042                do mub=1,6
1043                  eps_gamma=eps1(mub);eps_delta=eps2(mub);
1044                  mu4 = zero
1045                  call pawgrnl_convert(mu4,eps_alpha,eps_beta,eps_gamma,eps_delta)
1046 !                v_loc*d2glylm
1047                  prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) + half*half*vloc(ic)*( &
1048 &                 pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_gamma,ic)*&
1049 &                 pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(2),ic,ilm)&
1050 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_gamma,ic)*&
1051                  pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(4),ic,ilm)&
1052 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic) *pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_delta,ic)*&
1053                  pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(1),ic,ilm)&
1054 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_delta,ic)*&
1055                  pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(3),ic,ilm))
1056                  if(eps_gamma==eps_beta)then
1057                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1058 &                   +half*half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_delta,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic))
1059                  end if
1060                  if(eps_gamma==eps_alpha)then
1061                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1062 &                   +half*half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_delta,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic))
1063                  end if
1064                  if(eps_delta==eps_beta)then
1065                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1066 &                   +half*half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_gamma,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic))
1067                  end if
1068                  if(eps_delta==eps_alpha)then
1069                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1070 &                   +half*half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_gamma,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic))
1071                  end if
1072 !                d(vloc)/d(eps_gammadelta) * d(gylm)/d(eps_alphabeta)
1073                  prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)&
1074 &                 +vpsp1_str(jc,mub)*half*(&
1075 &                 (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_alpha,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic)&
1076 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_beta,ic,ilm) *pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic)))
1077 !                d(vloc)/d(eps_alphabeta)  * d(gylm)/d(eps_gammadelta)
1078                  prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)&
1079 &                 +vpsp1_str(jc,mua)*half*(&
1080 &                 (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_gamma,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_delta,ic)&
1081 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_delta,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_gamma,ic)))
1082 !                delta_alphabeta * dv_loc/depsgammadelta * (gylm)
1083                  if (mua<=3) then
1084                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1085 &                   +vpsp1_str(jc,mub)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm(ic,ilm)
1086                  end if
1087 !                delta_gammadelta * dv_loc/depsalphabeta * (gylm)
1088                  if (mub<=3) then
1089                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1090 &                   +vpsp1_str(jc,mua) * pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm(ic,ilm)
1091                  end if
1092 !                delta_gammadelta * v_loc * d(gylm)/d(eps_alphabeta)
1093                  if (mub<=3) then
1094                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1095 &                   +half*vloc(ic)&
1096 &                   *(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_beta,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic)&
1097 &                   + pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_alpha,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic))
1098                  end if
1099 !                delta_alphabeta * v_loc * d(gylm)/d(eps_gammadelta)
1100                  if (mua<=3) then
1101                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1102 &                   +half*vloc(ic)&
1103 &                   *(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_gamma,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_delta,ic)&
1104 &                   + pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_delta,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_gamma,ic))
1105                  end if
1106 !                delta_gammadelta delta_alphabeta * v_loc * (gylm)
1107                  if (mua<=3.and.mub<=3) then
1108                    prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2+mu,ilm) &
1109 &                   +vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm(ic,ilm)
1110                  end if
1111                  mu=mu+1
1112                end do !end loop mub
1113              end do !end loop mua
1114 !            vloc * d(gylm)/d(eps_alphabeta)
1115              do mu=1,6
1116                mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1117                prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)&
1118 &               +half*vloc(ic)*&
1119 &               (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mua,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(mub,ic)&
1120 &               +pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(mub,ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(mua,ic))
1121 !              d(vloc)/d(eps_alphabeta or gammadelta) * gylm
1122                prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)&
1123 &               +vpsp1_str(jc,mu)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm(ic,ilm)
1124 !              delta_alphabeta * vloc * gylm
1125                if (mu<=3) then
1126                  prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)=prodp(ishift_str2+mu,ilm)&
1127 &                 +vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm(ic,ilm)
1128                end if
1131                do idir=1,3
1132 !                v_loc*d2glylm/dR contribution:
1133                  eps_alpha=alpha(mu);eps_beta=beta(mu);
1134                  call pawgrnl_convert(mu4,eps_alpha,eps_beta,idir,idir)
1135                  prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)&
1136 &                 -half*vloc(ic)&
1137 &                 *(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(3),ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_alpha,ic)&
1138 &                 +pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2(mu4(1),ic,ilm)*pawfgrtab_iatom%rfgd(eps_beta,ic))
1139                  if (idir==eps_beta)then
1140                    prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)&
1141 &                   -half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_alpha,ic,ilm))
1142                  end if
1143                  if (idir==eps_alpha)then
1144                    prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)&
1145 &                   -half*vloc(ic)*(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(eps_beta,ic,ilm))
1146                  end if
1147 !                delta_gammadelta * v_loc * d(gylm)/dR
1148                  if (mu<=3) then
1149                    prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)-&
1150                    vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(idir,ic,ilm)
1151                  end if
1152 !                dv_loc/deps_alph_beta * d(gylm)/dR
1153                  prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)=prod(ishift_str2is+(mu-1)*3+idir,ilm)-&
1154                  vpsp1_str(jc,mu)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(idir,ic,ilm)
1155                end do
1156              end do
1157              do idir=1,3
1158 !              v_loc * d(gylm)/dR
1159                prodp(6+idir,ilm) = prodp(6+idir,ilm)-vloc(ic)*pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr(idir,ic,ilm)
1160              end do !end loop idir
1163            end do
1164          end do
1165        end if !optstr2
1167 !      Off-diagonal contributions
1168        if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
1169          do jatm=1,natom
1170            jatom_tot=atindx1(jatm);jtypat=typat(jatom_tot)
1171            jatom=jatom_tot;if (paral_atom.and.save_memory) jatom=atm_indx(jatom_tot)
1172            lm_sizej=pawtab(jtypat)%lcut_size**2
1174 !          Retrieve data for the atom j
1175            if (save_memory.and.jatom/=iatom) then
1176              rcut_jatom=pawtab(jtypat)%rshp
1177              call pawrfgd_fft(ifftsph_tmp,gmet,n1,n2,n3,nfgd_jatom,rcut_jatom,rfgd_tmp,rprimd,&
1178 &             ucvol,xred(:,jatom_tot),fft_distrib=fftn3_distrib,fft_index=ffti3_local,me_fft=me_fft)
1179              ifft_jatom => ifftsph_tmp ; rfgd_jatom => rfgd_tmp
1180              ABI_MALLOC(gylm_jatom,(nfgd_jatom,lm_sizej))
1181              ABI_MALLOC(gylmgr_jatom,(3,nfgd_jatom,lm_sizej))
1182              opt1=1;opt2=1;opt3=0;gylmgr2_jatom=>gylmgr_jatom
1183              call pawgylm(gylm_jatom,gylmgr_jatom,gylmgr2_jatom,lm_sizej,nfgd_jatom,&
1184 &             opt1,opt2,opt3,pawtab(typat(jatom_tot)),rfgd_jatom)
1185              if (optgr2==1.and.qne0==1) then
1186                ABI_MALLOC(expiqr_jatom,(2,nfgd_jatom))
1187                call pawexpiqr(expiqr_jatom,gprimd,nfgd_jatom,qphon,rfgd_jatom,xred(:,jatom_tot))
1188              end if
1189            else
1190              pawfgrtab_jatom => pawfgrtab_tot(jatom)
1191              nfgd_jatom      =  pawfgrtab_jatom%nfgd
1192              ifft_jatom      => pawfgrtab_jatom%ifftsph
1193              rfgd_jatom      => pawfgrtab_jatom%rfgd
1194              gylm_jatom      => pawfgrtab_jatom%gylm
1195              gylmgr_jatom    => pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr
1196              gylmgr2_jatom   => pawfgrtab_jatom%gylmgr2
1197              expiqr_jatom    => pawfgrtab_jatom%expiqr
1198            end if
1200 !          ==== Off-diagonal contribution to frozen wf part of dyn. matrix ====
1201            if (optgr2==1) then
1202              mu = min(dyfr_cplex,cplex)
1203              prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+1:ishift_gr2+(9*mu),:) = zero
1204              prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+1:ishift2_gr +(3*mu),:) = zero
1205              if (has_phase.or.cplex==2) then
1206                if (dyfr_cplex==1.or.cplex==1) then
1207                  do ilm=1,lm_sizej
1208                    do ic=1,nfgd_jatom
1209                      jc=2*ifft_jatom(ic)
1210                      tmp(1:3)=vpsp1_gr(jc-1,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(1,ic) &
1211 &                     -vpsp1_gr(jc  ,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(2,ic)
1212                      do mu=1,9
1213                        mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1214                        prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)=prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm) &
1215 &                       +tmp(mua)*gylmgr_jatom(mub,ic,ilm)
1216                      end do
1217                      do mu=1,3
1218                        prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm) &
1219 &                       -tmp(mu)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1220                      end do
1221                    end do
1222                  end do
1223                else
1224                  do ilm=1,lm_sizej
1225                    do ic=1,nfgd_jatom
1226                      jc=2*ifft_jatom(ic)
1227                      tmp(1:3)=vpsp1_gr(jc-1,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(1,ic) &
1228 &                     -vpsp1_gr(jc  ,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(2,ic)
1229                      tmp(4:6)=vpsp1_gr(jc-1,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(2,ic) &
1230 &                     +vpsp1_gr(jc  ,1:3)*expiqr_jatom(1,ic)
1231                      do mu=1,9
1232                        mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1233                        prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)=prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm) &
1234 &                       +tmp(mua  )*gylmgr_jatom(mub,ic,ilm)
1235                        prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+9+mu,ilm)=prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+9+mu,ilm) &
1236 &                       +tmp(3+mua)*gylmgr_jatom(mub,ic,ilm)
1237                      end do
1238                      do mu=1,3
1239                        prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm) &
1240 &                       -tmp(  mu)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1241                        prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+3+mu,ilm)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+3+mu,ilm) &
1242 &                       -tmp(3+mu)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1243                      end do
1244                    end do
1245                  end do
1246                end if
1247              else ! no phase
1248                do ilm=1,lm_sizej
1249                  do ic=1,nfgd_jatom
1250                    jc=ifft_jatom(ic)
1251                    do mu=1,9
1252                      mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1253                      prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)=prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm) &
1254 &                     +vpsp1_gr(jc,mua)*gylmgr_jatom(mub,ic,ilm)
1255                    end do
1256                    do mu=1,3
1257                      prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mu,ilm) &
1258 &                     -vpsp1_gr(jc,mu)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1259                    end do
1260                  end do
1261                end do
1262              end if
1263            end if ! optgr2
1265 !          ==== Off-diagonal contribution to elastic tensor ====
1266            if (optstr2==1) then
1267              prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+1:ishift_str2is+18,:)=zero
1268              prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(1:3,:)=zero
1269              do ilm=1,lm_sizej
1270                do ic=1,nfgd_jatom
1271                  mu=1;jc=ifft_jatom(ic)
1273                  do mua=1,6
1274                    eps_alpha=eps1(mua);eps_beta=eps2(mua);
1275 !                  d(-vloc)/dR * d(gylm)/d(eps_gamma_delta)
1276                    do idir=1,3
1277                      prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,ilm)=&
1278 &                     prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,ilm)&
1279 &                     -vpsp1_gr(jc,idir)*half&
1280 &                     *(gylmgr_jatom(eps_alpha,ic,ilm) * rfgd_jatom(eps_beta ,ic)&
1281 &                     +gylmgr_jatom(eps_beta ,ic,ilm) * rfgd_jatom(eps_alpha,ic))
1282 !                    delta_alphabeta * d(-v_loc/dr) * gylm
1283                      if (mua<=3) then
1284                        prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,ilm)=&
1285 &                       prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,ilm)&
1286 &                       -vpsp1_gr(jc,idir)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1287                      end if
1288                    end do ! dir
1289                  end do ! mua
1290                  do idir=1,3
1291 !                  d(-v_loc/dr) * gylm
1292                    prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(idir,ilm) = prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(idir,ilm)&
1293 &                   -vpsp1_gr(jc,idir)*gylm_jatom(ic,ilm)
1294                  end do !end loop idir
1296                end do
1297              end do
1298            end if ! optstr2
1300 !          Release temp memory allocated for atom j
1301            if (save_memory.and.jatom/=iatom) then
1302              ABI_FREE(ifftsph_tmp)
1303              ABI_FREE(rfgd_tmp)
1304              ABI_FREE(gylm_jatom)
1305              ABI_FREE(gylmgr_jatom)
1306              if (optgr2==1.and.qne0==1) then
1307                ABI_FREE(expiqr_jatom)
1308              end if
1309            end if
1311          end do ! loop on atoms j
1312        end if ! optgr2 or optstr2
1314 !      --- Apply scaling factor on integrals ---
1315        if (ngrad >0) prod (:,:)=prod (:,:)*fact_ucvol
1316        if (ngradp>0) prodp(:,:)=prodp(:,:)*fact_ucvol
1317        if (ngrad_nondiag>0) then
1318          do jatm=1,natom
1319            prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)=prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)*fact_ucvol
1320          end do
1321        end if
1322        if (ngradp_nondiag>0) then
1323          do jatm=1,natom
1324            prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)*fact_ucvol
1325          end do
1326        end if
1328 !      --- Reduction in case of parallelization ---
1329        if (paral_grid) then
1330          if (ngrad>0) then
1331            call xmpi_sum(prod,my_comm_grid,ier)
1332          end if
1333          if (ngradp>0) then
1334            call xmpi_sum(prodp,my_comm_grid,ier)
1335          end if
1336          if (ngrad_nondiag>0.or.ngradp_nondiag>0) then
1337            bufsiz=0;bufind=0
1338            do jatm=1,natom
1339              jtypat=typat(atindx1(jatm))
1340              bufsiz=bufsiz+pawtab(jtypat)%lcut_size**2
1341            end do
1342            ABI_MALLOC(buf,(ngrad_nondiag+ngradp_nondiag,bufsiz))
1343            do jatm=1,natom
1344              jtypat=typat(atindx1(jatm))
1345              lm_sizej=pawtab(jtypat)%lcut_size**2
1346              if (ngrad_nondiag> 0) buf(1:ngrad_nondiag,bufind+1:bufind+lm_sizej)= &
1347 &             prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)
1348              if (ngradp_nondiag>0) buf(ngrad_nondiag+1:ngrad_nondiag+ngradp_nondiag, &
1349 &             bufind+1:bufind+lm_sizej)=prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)
1350              bufind=bufind+lm_sizej*(ngrad_nondiag+ngradp_nondiag)
1351            end do
1352            call xmpi_sum(buf,my_comm_grid,ier)
1353            bufind=0
1354            do jatm=1,natom
1355              jtypat=typat(atindx1(jatm))
1356              lm_sizej=pawtab(jtypat)%lcut_size**2
1357              if (ngrad> 0) prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)= &
1358 &             buf(1:ngrad_nondiag,bufind+1:bufind+lm_sizej)
1359              if (ngradp>0) prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(:,:)= &
1360 &             buf(ngrad_nondiag+1:ngrad_nondiag+ngradp_nondiag,bufind+1:bufind+lm_sizej)
1361              bufind=bufind+lm_sizej*(ngrad_nondiag+ngradp_nondiag)
1362            end do
1363            ABI_FREE(buf)
1364          end if
1365        end if
1367 !      ----------------------------------------------------------------
1368 !      Compute final sums (i.e. derivatives of Sum_ij[rho_ij.Intg{Qij.Vloc}]
1370 !      ---- Compute terms common to all gradients
1371        jrhoij=1
1372        do irhoij=1,pawrhoij_iatom%nrhoijsel
1373          klmn=pawrhoij_iatom%rhoijselect(irhoij)
1374          klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1375          lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1376          lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1377          ro =pawrhoij_iatom%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)
1378          ro_d=ro*pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)
1379          do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1380            do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1381              isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1382              if (isel>0) then
1383                grhat_x=ro_d*pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1384                do mu=1,ngrad
1385                  grhat_tmp(mu,idiag)=grhat_tmp(mu,idiag)+grhat_x*prod(mu,ilm)
1386 ! DEBUG
1387 !               if(mu==ishift_str+1 .and. &
1388 !&                  (abs(grhat_x*prod(mu,ilm))>tol6 .or. irhoij==1 )      )then
1389 !                 write(6,'(a,5i4,3es16.6)')&
1390 !&                  'mu,idiag,ilm,irhoij,ll, grhat_tmp(mu,idiag),grhat_x,prod(mu,ilm)=',&
1391 !&                   mu,idiag,ilm,irhoij,ll, grhat_tmp(mu,idiag),grhat_x,prod(mu,ilm)
1392 !               endif
1394                end do
1395              end if
1396            end do
1397          end do
1398          jrhoij=jrhoij+pawrhoij_iatom%cplex_rhoij
1399        end do
1401 ! DEBUG
1402 !      write(6,*)' Accumulation of grhat_tmp : idiag,grhat_tmp(ishift_str+1,idiag),',idiag,grhat_tmp(ishift_str+1,idiag)
1405 !      ---- Add additional (diagonal) terms for dynamical matrix
1406 !      ---- Terms including rhoij derivatives
1407        if (optgr2==1) then
1408          klmn1=1
1409          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1410            klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1411            lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1412            lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1413            dlt_tmp=pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)
1414            do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1415              do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1416                isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1417                if (isel>0) then
1418                  ro_d= dlt_tmp*pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1419                  do mu=1,9
1420                    mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1421                    grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,idiag)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,idiag)&
1422 &                   +ro_d*pawrhoij_iatom%grhoij(ishift_grhoij+mua,klmn1,ispden)*prodp(mub+ishift_gr,ilm)
1423                  end do
1424                end if
1425              end do
1426            end do
1427            klmn1=klmn1+pawrhoij_iatom%cplex_rhoij
1428          end do ! klmn
1429        end if ! optgr2
1431 !      ---- Add additional (diagonal) terms for elastic tensor
1432 !      ---- Terms including rhoij derivatives
1433        if (optstr2==1)then
1434          klmn1=1
1435          do klmn=1,lmn2_size
1436            klm =pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1437            lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1438            lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1439            dlt_tmp=pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)
1440            do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1441              do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1442                isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1443                if (isel>0) then
1444                  ro_d=dlt_tmp*pawtab(itypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1445                  mu=1
1446                  do mua=1,6
1447                    do mub=1,6
1448                      grhat_tmp(ishift_str2+mu,iatm)= grhat_tmp(ishift_str2+mu,iatm)&
1449 &                     +ro_d*pawrhoij_iatom%grhoij(mub,klmn1,ispden)*prodp(mua,ilm)
1450                      grhat_tmp(ishift_str2+mu,iatm)= grhat_tmp(ishift_str2+mu,iatm)&
1451 &                     +ro_d*pawrhoij_iatom%grhoij(mua,klmn1,ispden)*prodp(mub,ilm)
1452                      mu=mu+1
1453                    end do
1454 !                  INTERNAL STRAIN CONTRIBUTION
1455                    do idir=1,3
1456                      grhat_tmp(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,iatm) = grhat_tmp(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,iatm)&
1457 &                     +ro_d*pawrhoij_iatom%grhoij(ishift_grhoij+idir,klmn1,ispden)*prodp(mua,ilm)
1458                      grhat_tmp(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,iatm) = grhat_tmp(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+idir,iatm)&
1459 &                     +ro_d*pawrhoij_iatom%grhoij(mua,klmn1,ispden)*prodp(6+idir,ilm)
1460                    end do
1461                  end do
1462                end if
1463              end do
1464            end do
1465            klmn1=klmn1+pawrhoij_iatom%cplex_rhoij
1466          end do
1467        end if ! optstr2
1469 !      ---- Add off-diagonal additional contributions for second gradients
1470        if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
1471          do jatm=1,natom
1472            jatom_tot=atindx1(jatm);jtypat=typat(jatom_tot)
1473            pawrhoij_jatom => pawrhoij_tot(jatom_tot)
1475 !          ---- Dynamical matrix
1476            if (optgr2==1) then
1478 !            Off-diagonal term including rhoij
1479              if (dyfr_cplex==1.or.cplex==1) then
1480                jrhoij=1
1481                do irhoij=1,pawrhoij_jatom%nrhoijsel
1482                  klmn=pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijselect(irhoij)
1483                  klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1484                  lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1485                  lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1486                  ro  =pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)
1487                  ro_d=ro*pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1488                  do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1489                    do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1490                      isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1491                      if (isel>0) then
1492                        grhat_x=ro_d*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1493                        do mu=1,9
1494                          grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm) &
1495 &                         +grhat_x*prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)
1496                        end do
1497                      end if
1498                    end do
1499                  end do
1500                  jrhoij=jrhoij+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1501                end do
1502              else
1503                jrhoij=1;mushift=ishift_gr2+9
1504                do irhoij=1,pawrhoij_jatom%nrhoijsel
1505                  klmn=pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijselect(irhoij)
1506                  klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1507                  lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1508                  lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1509                  ro  =pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)
1510                  ro_d=ro*pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1511                  do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1512                    do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1513                      isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1514                      if (isel>0) then
1515                        grhat_x=ro_d*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1516                        do mu=1,9
1517                          grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)&
1518 &                         +grhat_x*prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+mu,ilm)
1519                          grhat_tmp(mushift+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(mushift+mu,jatm)&
1520 &                         +grhat_x*prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_gr2+9+mu,ilm)
1521                        end do
1522                      end if
1523                    end do
1524                  end do
1525                  jrhoij=jrhoij+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1526                end do
1527              end if
1529 !            Off-diagonal term including rhoij derivative
1530              if (dyfr_cplex==1.or.cplex==1) then
1531                klmn1=1
1532                do klmn=1,pawrhoij_jatom%lmn2_size
1533                  klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1534                  lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1535                  lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1536                  dlt_tmp=pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1537                  do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1538                    do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1539                      isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1540                      if (isel>0) then
1541                        ro_d=dlt_tmp*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1542                        do mu=1,9
1543                          mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1544                          grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm) &
1545 &                         +ro_d*pawrhoij_jatom%grhoij(ishift_grhoij+mua,klmn1,ispden) &
1546 &                         *prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mub,ilm)
1547                        end do
1548                      end if
1549                    end do
1550                  end do
1551                  klmn1=klmn1+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1552                end do ! klmn
1553              else ! ngradp_nondiag>=6
1554                klmn1=1;mushift=ishift_gr2+9
1555                do klmn=1,pawrhoij_jatom%lmn2_size
1556                  klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1557                  lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1558                  lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1559                  dlt_tmp=pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1560                  do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1561                    do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1562                      isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1563                      if (isel>0) then
1564                        ro_d=dlt_tmp*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1565                        do mu=1,9
1566                          mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1567                          grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm) &
1568 &                         +ro_d*pawrhoij_jatom%grhoij(ishift_grhoij+mua,klmn1,ispden) &
1569 &                         *prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+mub,ilm)
1570                          grhat_tmp(mushift+mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp(mushift+mu,jatm) &
1571 &                         +ro_d*pawrhoij_jatom%grhoij(ishift_grhoij+mua,klmn1,ispden) &
1572 &                         *prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift2_gr+3+mub,ilm)
1573                        end do
1574                      end if
1575                    end do
1576                  end do
1577                  klmn1=klmn1+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1578                end do
1579              end if
1580            end if ! optgr2
1582 !          ---- Elastic tensor
1583            if (optstr2==1)then
1585 !            Off-diagonal term including rhoij
1586              jrhoij=1;
1587              do irhoij=1,pawrhoij_jatom%nrhoijsel
1588                klmn=pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijselect(irhoij)
1589                klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1590                lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1591                lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1592                ro  =pawrhoij_jatom%rhoijp(jrhoij,ispden)
1593                ro_d=ro*pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1594                do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1595                  do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1596                    isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1597                    if (isel>0) then
1598                      grhat_x=ro_d*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1599                      do mu=1,18
1600                        grhat_tmp2(mu,jatm)=grhat_tmp2(mu,jatm) &
1601 &                       +grhat_x*prod_nondiag(jatm)%value(ishift_str2is+mu,ilm)
1602                      end do
1603                    end if
1604                  end do
1605                end do
1606                jrhoij=jrhoij+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1607              end do
1608 !            Off-diagonal term including rhoij derivative
1609              klmn1=1
1610              do klmn=1,pawrhoij_jatom%lmn2_size
1611                klm =pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(1,klmn)
1612                lmin=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(3,klmn)
1613                lmax=pawtab(jtypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
1614                dlt_tmp=pawtab(jtypat)%dltij(klmn)
1615                do ll=lmin,lmax,2
1616                  do ilm=ll**2+1,(ll+1)**2
1617                    isel=pawang%gntselect(ilm,klm)
1618                    if (isel>0) then
1619                      ro_d=dlt_tmp*pawtab(jtypat)%qijl(ilm,klmn)
1620                      mu=1
1621                      do mua=1,6
1622                        do idir=1,3
1623                          grhat_tmp2((mua-1)*3+idir,jatm) = grhat_tmp2((mua-1)*3+idir,jatm) &
1624 &                         +ro_d*pawrhoij_jatom%grhoij(mua,klmn1,ispden) &
1625 &                         *prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value(idir,ilm)
1626                        end do
1627                      end do
1628                    end if
1629                  end do
1630                end do
1631                klmn1=klmn1+pawrhoij_jatom%cplex_rhoij
1632              end do
1633            end if ! optstr2
1635          end do ! jatm
1636        end if ! optgr2 or optstr2
1638 !    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1639 !    End of loop over spin components
1641      end do ! ispden
1643 !    Eventually free temporary space for g_l(r).Y_lm(r) factors
1644      if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm_allocated==2) then
1645        ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm)
1646        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm,(0,0))
1647        pawfgrtab_iatom%gylm_allocated=0
1648      end if
1649      if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated==2) then
1650        ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr)
1651        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr,(0,0,0))
1652        pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr_allocated=0
1653      end if
1654      if (pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2_allocated==2) then
1655        ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2)
1656        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2,(0,0,0))
1657        pawfgrtab_iatom%gylmgr2_allocated=0
1658      end if
1659      if (pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr_allocated==2) then
1660        ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr)
1661        ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr,(0,0))
1662        pawfgrtab_iatom%expiqr_allocated=0
1663      end if
1665 !    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1666 !    Copy results in corresponding arrays
1668 !    ==== Forces ====
1669 !    Convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates
1670      if (optgr==1) then
1671        mushift=3*(iatm-1)
1672        tmp(1:3)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr+1:ishift_gr+3,idiag)
1673        do mu=1,3
1674          hatgr(mu+mushift)=rprimd(1,mu)*tmp(1)+rprimd(2,mu)*tmp(2)+rprimd(3,mu)*tmp(3)
1675        end do
1676      end if
1678 !    ==== Stresses ====
1679      if (optstr==1) then
1680 !      This is contribution Eq.(41) of Torrent2008.
1681 !DEBUG
1682 !   write(6,*)' after loop on ispden,ishift_str,idiag,hatstr(1),grhat_tmp(ishift_str+1)',hatstr(1),grhat_tmp(ishift_str+1,idiag)
1684        hatstr(1:6)=hatstr(1:6)+grhat_tmp(ishift_str+1:ishift_str+6,idiag)
1685      end if
1687 !    ==== Frozen wf part of dyn. matrix ====
1688      if (optgr2==1) then
1689        do jatm=1,natom
1690          do mu=1,9
1691            mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1692            dyfr(1,mub,mua,jatm,iatm)=grhat_tmp(ishift_gr2+mu,jatm)
1693          end do
1694          if (dyfr_cplex==2.and.cplex==2) then
1695            mushift=ishift_gr2+9
1696            do mu=1,9
1697              mua=alpha(mu);mub=beta(mu)
1698              dyfr(2,mub,mua,jatm,iatm)=grhat_tmp(mushift+mu,jatm)
1699            end do
1700          end if
1701        end do
1702      end if
1704 !    ==== Elastic tensor ====
1705      if (optstr2==1) then
1706        eltfr(1:6,1:6)=eltfr(1:6,1:6)+ &
1707 &       reshape(grhat_tmp(ishift_str2+1:ishift_str2+36,iatm),(/6,6/))
1708 !      Convert internal Strain in reduced coordinates
1709        do mua = 1,6
1710          tmp(1:3)=grhat_tmp(ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+1:ishift_str2is+(mua-1)*3+3,iatm)
1711          do idir=1,3
1712            eltfr(6+(iatm-1)*3+idir,mua)=eltfr(6+(iatm-1)*3+idir,mua)+ &
1713 &           (rprimd(1,idir)*tmp(1)+rprimd(2,idir)*tmp(2)+rprimd(3,idir)*tmp(3))
1714          end do
1715          do jatm=1,natom
1716            tmp(1:3)=grhat_tmp2((mua-1)*3+1:(mua-1)*3+3,jatm)
1717            do idir=1,3
1718              eltfr(6+(iatm-1)*3+idir,mua)=eltfr(6+(iatm-1)*3+idir,mua)+ &
1719 &             (rprimd(1,idir)*tmp(1)+rprimd(2,idir)*tmp(2)+rprimd(3,idir)*tmp(3))
1720            end do
1721          end do
1722        end do
1723      end if
1725 !    ----------------------------------------------------------------
1726 !    End loops on types and atoms
1728      ABI_FREE(vloc)
1729      if (ngrad>0)  then
1730        ABI_FREE(prod)
1731      end if
1732      if (ngradp>0)  then
1733        ABI_FREE(prodp)
1734      end if
1735      if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
1736        do jatm=1,natom
1737          ABI_FREE(prod_nondiag(jatm)%value)
1738          ABI_FREE(prodp_nondiag(jatm)%value)
1739        end do
1740      end if
1741    end do ! iatm
1742    iatshft=iatshft+nattyp(itypat)
1743  end do ! itypat
1745 !DEBUG
1746 !  write(6,*)' before parallelization over atoms hatstr(1)',hatstr(1)
1749 !Reduction in case of parallelisation over atoms
1750  if (paral_atom) then
1751    bufsiz=3*natom*optgr+6*optstr
1752    if (save_memory) bufsiz=bufsiz+9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2*optgr2+6*(6+3*natom)*optstr2
1753    if (bufsiz>0) then
1754      ABI_MALLOC(buf1,(bufsiz))
1755      if (optgr==1) buf1(1:3*natom)=hatgr(1:3*natom)
1756      indx=optgr*3*natom
1757      if (optstr==1) buf1(indx+1:indx+6)=hatstr(1:6)
1758      indx=indx+optstr*6
1759      if (save_memory) then
1760        if (optgr2==1) then
1761          buf1(indx+1:indx+9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2)= &
1762 &         reshape(dyfr,(/9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2/))
1763          indx=indx+9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2
1764        end if
1765        if (optstr2==1) then
1766          buf1(indx+1:indx+6*(6+3*natom))= &
1767 &         reshape(eltfr,(/6*(6+3*natom)/))
1768          indx=indx+6*(6+3*natom)
1769        end if
1770      end if
1771      call xmpi_sum(buf1,my_comm_atom,ier)
1772      if (optgr==1) hatgr(1:3*natom)=buf1(1:3*natom)
1773      indx=optgr*3*natom
1774      if (optstr==1) hatstr(1:6)=buf1(indx+1:indx+6)
1775      indx=indx+optstr*6
1776      if (save_memory) then
1777        if (optgr2==1) then
1778          dyfr(1:dyfr_cplex,1:3,1:3,1:natom,1:natom)= &
1779 &         reshape(buf1(indx+1:indx+9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2),(/dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,natom/))
1780          indx=indx+9*dyfr_cplex*natom**2
1781        end if
1782        if (optstr2==1) then
1783          eltfr(1:6+3*natom,1:6)= &
1784 &         reshape(buf1(indx+1:indx+6*(6+3*natom)),(/6+3*natom,6/))
1785          indx=indx+6*(6+3*natom)
1786        end if
1787      end if
1788      ABI_FREE(buf1)
1789    end if
1790  end if
1792 !Deallocate additional memory
1793  ABI_FREE(grhat_tmp)
1794  if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
1795    ABI_FREE(mu4)
1796    ABI_FREE(atindx)
1797    if (optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1) then
1798      ABI_FREE(vpsp1_gr)
1799    end if
1800    if (optstr2==1) then
1801      ABI_FREE(grhat_tmp2)
1802      ABI_FREE(vpsp1_str)
1803    end if
1804    ABI_FREE(prod_nondiag)
1805    ABI_FREE(prodp_nondiag)
1806    if (.not.save_memory) then
1807      do jatom=1,size(pawfgrtab)
1808        pawfgrtab_jatom => pawfgrtab(jatom)
1809        if (pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylm_allocated==2) then
1810          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylm)
1811          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylm,(0,0))
1812          pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylm_allocated=0
1813        end if
1814        if (pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr_allocated==2) then
1815          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr)
1816          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr,(0,0,0))
1817          pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr_allocated=0
1818        end if
1819        if (pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr2_allocated==2) then
1820          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr2)
1821          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr2,(0,0,0))
1822          pawfgrtab(jatom)%gylmgr2_allocated=0
1823        end if
1824        if (pawfgrtab(jatom)%expiqr_allocated==2) then
1825          ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab(jatom)%expiqr)
1826          ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab(jatom)%expiqr,(0,0))
1827          pawfgrtab(jatom)%expiqr_allocated=0
1828        end if
1829      end do
1830    end if
1831    if (paral_atom) then
1832      if ((.not.save_memory).and.paral_atom_pawfgrtab) then
1833        call pawfgrtab_free(pawfgrtab_tot)
1834        ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab_tot)
1835      end if
1836      if (paral_atom_pawrhoij) then
1837        call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij_tot)
1838        ABI_FREE(pawrhoij_tot)
1839      end if
1840    end if
1841  end if
1843 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1844 !Update non-local gradients
1846 !===== Update forces =====
1847  if (optgr==1) then
1848    grnl(1:3*natom)=grnl(1:3*natom)+hatgr(1:3*natom)
1849    ABI_FREE(hatgr)
1850  end if
1852 !===== Convert stresses (add diag and off-diag contributions) =====
1853  if (optstr==1) then
1855 !  Has to compute int[nhat*vtrial]. See Eq.(40) in Torrent2008 .
1856    hatstr_diag=zero
1857    if (nspden==1.or.dimvtrial==1) then
1858      do ic=1,nfft
1859        hatstr_diag=hatstr_diag+vtrial_(ic,1)*nhat(ic,1)
1860      end do
1861    else if (nspden==2) then
1862      do ic=1,nfft
1863        hatstr_diag=hatstr_diag+vtrial_(ic,1)*nhat(ic,2)+vtrial_(ic,2)*(nhat(ic,1)-nhat(ic,2))
1864      end do
1865    else if (nspden==4) then
1866      do ic=1,nfft
1867        hatstr_diag=hatstr_diag+half*(vtrial_(ic,1)*(nhat(ic,1)+nhat(ic,4)) &
1868 &       +vtrial_(ic,2)*(nhat(ic,1)-nhat(ic,4))) &
1869 &       +vtrial_(ic,3)*nhat(ic,2)-vtrial_(ic,4)*nhat(ic,3)
1870      end do
1871    end if
1872    hatstr_diag=hatstr_diag*fact_ucvol
1873    if (paral_grid) then
1874      call xmpi_sum(hatstr_diag,my_comm_grid,ier)
1875    end if
1877 !  Convert hat contribution
1879 !DEBUG
1880 !  write(6,*)' hatstr(1),hatstr_diag,nlstr(1)=',hatstr(1),hatstr_diag,nlstr(1)
1883    hatstr(1:3)=(hatstr(1:3)+hatstr_diag)/ucvol
1884    hatstr(4:6)= hatstr(4:6)/ucvol
1886 !  Add to already computed NL contrib
1887    nlstr(1:6)=nlstr(1:6)+hatstr(1:6)
1889 !  Apply symmetries
1890    call stresssym(gprimd,nsym,nlstr,symrec)
1891  end if
1893 !===== Convert dynamical matrix (from cartesian to reduced coordinates) =====
1894  if (optgr2==1) then
1895    do iatm=1,natom
1896      do jatm=1,natom
1897        do mua=1,3
1898          do mub=1,3
1899            work1(1,mua,mub)=dyfr(1,mub,mua,jatm,iatm)+dyfr(1,mua,mub,iatm,jatm)
1900          end do
1901        end do
1902        if (dyfr_cplex==2) then
1903          do mua=1,3
1904            do mub=1,3
1905              work1(2,mua,mub)=dyfr(2,mub,mua,jatm,iatm)-dyfr(2,mua,mub,iatm,jatm)
1906            end do
1907          end do
1908        end if
1909        do mu=1,3
1910          work2(:,:,mu)=rprimd(1,mu)*work1(:,:,1)+rprimd(2,mu)*work1(:,:,2)+rprimd(3,mu)*work1(:,:,3)
1911        end do
1912        do mub=1,3
1913          do mua=1,3
1914            dyfrnl(:,mua,mub,jatm,iatm)=dyfrnl(:,mua,mub,jatm,iatm) &   ! Already contains NL projectors contribution
1915 &          +rprimd(1,mua)*work2(:,1,mub) &
1916 &           +rprimd(2,mua)*work2(:,2,mub) &
1917 &           +rprimd(3,mua)*work2(:,3,mub)
1918          end do
1919        end do
1920      end do
1921    end do
1922    ABI_FREE(dyfr)
1923  end if
1925 !===== Update elastic tensor =====
1926  if (optstr2==1) then
1927    eltfrnl(1:6+3*natom,1:6)=eltfrnl(1:6+3*natom,1:6)+eltfr(1:6+3*natom,1:6)
1928    ABI_FREE(eltfr)
1929  end if
1931 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1932 !End
1934 !Destroy temporary space
1935  if (usexcnhat==0)  then
1936    ABI_FREE(vtrial_)
1937  end if
1939 !Destroy atom tables used for parallelism
1940  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
1941  if (paral_atom) then
1942    ABI_FREE(atm_indx)
1943  end if
1945 !Destroy FFT tables used for parallelism
1946  if ((optgr2==1.or.optstr2==1).and.(.not.present(comm_fft))) then
1947    call destroy_distribfft(my_distribfft)
1948    ABI_FREE(my_distribfft)
1949  end if

pawgrnl/pawgrnl_convert [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ pawgrnl ] [ Functions ]




  notation: Convert index of the elastic tensor:
    - voigt notation       => 32
    - normal notation      => 3 3 2 2
    - notation for gylmgr2 => 32 32 32 32 => 4 4 4


  eps_alpha, eps_beta, eps_delta, eps_gamma


  mu4(4) = array with index for the second derivative of gylm


  mu4(4) = input : array with index for the second derivative of gylm
           output: the 4 indexes for the calculation of the second derivative of gylm


1979 subroutine pawgrnl_convert(mu4,eps_alpha,eps_beta,eps_gamma,eps_delta)
1981 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1982  !scalar
1983  integer,intent(in)  :: eps_alpha,eps_beta
1984  integer,optional,intent(in)  :: eps_gamma,eps_delta
1985  !array
1986  integer,intent(inout) :: mu4(4)
1988 !Local variables-------------------------------
1989  integer :: eps1,eps2,i,j,k
1990  integer,allocatable :: mu_temp(:)
1992 ! *************************************************************************
1994  ABI_MALLOC(mu_temp,(4))
1995  if (present(eps_gamma).and.present(eps_delta)) then
1996    mu_temp(1)=eps_alpha
1997    mu_temp(2)=eps_beta
1998    mu_temp(3)=eps_gamma
1999    mu_temp(4)=eps_delta
2000  else
2001    mu_temp(1)=eps_alpha
2002    mu_temp(2)=eps_beta
2003    mu_temp(3)= 0
2004    mu_temp(4)= 0
2005  end if
2006  k=1
2007  do i=1,2
2008    eps1=mu_temp(i)
2009    do j=1,2
2010      eps2=mu_temp(2+j)
2011      if(eps1==eps2) then
2012        if(eps1==1) mu4(k)=1;
2013        if(eps1==2) mu4(k)=2;
2014        if(eps1==3) mu4(k)=3;
2015      else
2016        if((eps1==3.and.eps2==2).or.(eps1==2.and.eps2==3)) mu4(k)=4;
2017        if((eps1==3.and.eps2==1).or.(eps1==1.and.eps2==3)) mu4(k)=5;
2018        if((eps1==1.and.eps2==2).or.(eps1==2.and.eps2==1)) mu4(k)=6;
2019      end if
2020      k=k+1
2021    end do
2022  end do
2023  ABI_FREE(mu_temp)
2025 end subroutine pawgrnl_convert
2026 ! ------------------------------------------------
2028 end subroutine pawgrnl