ABINIT/m_paw_tools [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module contains miscelaneous routines used in the PAW context.


 Copyright (C) 2018-2024 ABINIT group (FJ,MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 MODULE m_paw_tools
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_xmpi
28  use m_dtset
30  use m_paral_atom,       only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
31  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype,EP_POSITRON
32  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type
33  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
34  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify, paw_ij_gather
35  use m_pawdij,           only : pawdij_print_dij
36  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_gather, pawrhoij_nullify, &
37 &                               pawrhoij_print_rhoij
38  use m_paw_io,           only : pawio_print_ij
39  use m_paw_sphharm,      only : mat_mlms2jmj, mat_slm2ylm
40  use m_paw_correlations, only : setnoccmmp
42  implicit none
44  private
46 !public procedures.
47  public :: chkpawovlp
48  public :: pawprt
50 CONTAINS  !========================================================================================

m_paw_tools/chkpawovlp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_paw_tools ] [ Functions ]




 Verify that the PAW spheres are not overlapping


  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nremit [optional] = if non-zero initialize the number of possible remits before stop
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  pawovlp=percentage of voluminal overlap ratio allowed to continue execution
          (if negative value, execution always continues)
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data:
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric ($\textrm{bohr}^{2}$).
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  (only checking)



 80 subroutine chkpawovlp(natom,ntypat,pawovlp,pawtab,rmet,typat,xred,nremit)
 82 !Arguments ---------------------------------------------
 83 !scalars
 84  integer,intent(in) :: natom,ntypat
 85  integer,intent(in),optional :: nremit
 86  real(dp) :: pawovlp
 87 !arrays
 88  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
 89  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmet(3,3),xred(3,natom)
 90  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
 92 !Local variables ---------------------------------------
 93 !scalars
 94  integer :: decrease_nremit,ia,ib,ii,t1,t2,t3
 95  integer,save :: nremit_counter=0
 96  logical :: stop_on_error
 97  real(dp) :: dd,dif1,dif2,dif3,ha,hb,norm2
 98  real(dp) :: ratio_percent,va,vb,vv
 99  character(len=750) :: message
100 !arrays
101  integer :: iamax(2),ibmax(2),iovl(2)
102  real(dp) :: norm2_min(2),r2cut(2),ratio_percent_max(2),rcuta(2),rcutb(2)
105 ! *************************************************************************
109 ! if(present(nremit))then
110 !   if(nremit/=0)nremit_counter=abs(nremit)
111 ! else
112 !   nremit_counter=0
113 ! endif
115 !DEBUG
116 !    write(std_out,'(a,a,i4)')ch10,' m_paw_tools, chkpawovlp : enter, saved nremit_counter=',nremit_counter
119  if(present(nremit))then
120    if(nremit/=0)nremit_counter=abs(nremit)
121 !DEBUG
122 !    write(std_out,'(a,i4)')' m_paw_tools, chkpawovlp : optional arg nremit present, nremit=',nremit
124  else
125    nremit_counter=0
126  endif
127  !DEBUG
128 !    write(std_out,'(a,i4)')' m_paw_tools, chkpawovlp : after init, nremit_counter=',nremit_counter
132  iamax(:)=-1;ibmax(:)=-1
133  norm2_min(:)=-1.d0;ratio_percent_max(:)=-1.d0
134  iovl(:)=0
136 !Loop on "overlapping" atoms with the maximum overlap
137  do ia=1,natom
139    rcuta(1)=pawtab(typat(ia))%rpaw
140    rcuta(2)=pawtab(typat(ia))%rshp
142    do ib=ia,natom
144      rcutb(1)=pawtab(typat(ib))%rpaw
145      rcutb(2)=pawtab(typat(ib))%rshp
146      r2cut(1)=(rcuta(1)+rcutb(1))**2
147      r2cut(2)=(rcuta(2)+rcutb(2))**2
149 !    Visit the box and its first images:
150      do t3=-1,1
151        do t2=-1,1
152          do t1=-1,1
154            dif1=xred(1,ia)-(xred(1,ib)+dble(t1))
155            dif2=xred(2,ia)-(xred(2,ib)+dble(t2))
156            dif3=xred(3,ia)-(xred(3,ib)+dble(t3))
157            norm2=sqnrm_pawovlp(dif1,dif2,dif3)
159            do ii=1,2
161              if(norm2>tol10.and.norm2<r2cut(ii)) then
163                iovl(ii)=iovl(ii)+1
165 !              Compute the overlap ratio:
166                dd=sqrt(norm2)
167                va=4._dp/3._dp*pi*rcuta(ii)**3
168                vb=4._dp/3._dp*pi*rcutb(ii)**3
169                ha=(rcutb(ii)**2-(dd-rcuta(ii))**2)/(two*dd)
170                hb=(rcuta(ii)**2-(dd-rcutb(ii))**2)/(two*dd)
171                vv=pi/3.d0*(ha**2*(three*rcuta(ii)-ha)+hb**2*(three*rcutb(ii)-hb))
172                ratio_percent=100._dp*min(vv/min(va,vb),one)
173                if (ratio_percent>ratio_percent_max(ii)) then
174                  ratio_percent_max(ii)=ratio_percent
175                  norm2_min(ii)=norm2
176                  iamax(ii)=ia;ibmax(ii)=ib
177                end if
179              end if
180            end do
181          end do
182        end do
183      end do
184    end do
185  end do
187  !DEBUG
188  !write(std_out,'(a,f8.4)')' chkpawovlp : maxval(ratio_percent_max(1:2))=',maxval(ratio_percent_max(1:2))
191  stop_on_error=(abs(pawovlp)<=tol6.or.(pawovlp>tol6.and.(maxval(ratio_percent_max(1:2))>pawovlp)))
192  decrease_nremit=0
194 !Print adapted message with overlap value
195  if (iovl(1)+iovl(2)>0) then
197    do ii=1,2
199      if(ratio_percent_max(ii)>zero)then
200        if (ii==1) write(message,' (a)' ) 'PAW SPHERES ARE OVERLAPPING!'
201        if (ii==2) write(message, '(a)' ) 'PAW COMPENSATION DENSITIES ARE OVERLAPPING !'
203        if (iovl(ii)==1) then
204          write(message, '(3a)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
205 &         '   There is one pair of overlapping atoms.'
206        else
207          write(message, '(3a,i5,a)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
208 &         '   There are ', iovl(ii),' pairs of overlapping atoms.'
209        end if
210        write(message, '(3a,i3,a,i3,a)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
211         '   The maximum overlap percentage is obtained for the atoms ',iamax(ii),' and ',ibmax(ii),'.'
212        write(message, '(2a,2(a,i3),a,f9.5)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
213 &       '    | Distance between atoms ',iamax(ii),' and ',ibmax(ii),' is  : ',sqrt(norm2_min(ii))
214        if(ii==1)then
215          write(message, '(2a,2(a,i3,a,f9.5,a))' ) trim(message),ch10,&
216 &         '    | PAW radius of the sphere around atom ',iamax(ii),' is: ',pawtab(typat(iamax(ii)))%rpaw,ch10,&
217 &         '    | PAW radius of the sphere around atom ',ibmax(ii),' is: ',pawtab(typat(ibmax(ii)))%rpaw,ch10
218        else if(ii==2)then
219          write(message, '(2a,2(a,i3,a,f9.5,a))' ) trim(message),ch10,&
220 &         '    | Radius of the compensation sphere around atom ',iamax(ii),' is: ',pawtab(typat(iamax(ii)))%rshp,ch10,&
221 &         '    | Radius of the compensation sphere around atom ',ibmax(ii),' is: ',pawtab(typat(ibmax(ii)))%rshp,ch10
222        endif
223        write(message, '(2a,f7.4,a)' ) trim(message),&
224 &       '    | This leads to a (voluminal) overlap ratio of ',ratio_percent_max(ii),' %'
225        if (ii==1) then
226          write(message, '(3a)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
227 &         'THIS IS DANGEROUS, as PAW formalism assumes non-overlapping PAW spheres.'
228        else if (ii==2) then
229          write(message, '(3a)' ) trim(message),ch10,&
230 &         'THIS IS DANGEROUS, as PAW formalism assumes non-overlapping compensation densities.'
231        end if
232        if (stop_on_error .and. nremit_counter==0) then
233          ABI_ERROR_NOSTOP(message,ia) !ia is dummy
234        else
235          ABI_WARNING(message)
236          if(stop_on_error .and. nremit_counter/=0)decrease_nremit=1
237        end if
238      endif ! ratio_percent_max(ii)>zero
240    enddo ! ii
242 !  Print advice
243    if (stop_on_error) then
244      write(message, '(3a)' )&
245 &     '  Action: 1- decrease cutoff radius of PAW dataset',ch10,&
246 &     '    OR  2- ajust "pawovlp" input variable to allow overlap (risky)'
247      if(nremit_counter==0)then
248        ABI_ERROR(message)
249      endif
250    end if
252    nremit_counter=nremit_counter-decrease_nremit
254 !  Print last message if execution continues:
255    if (pawovlp<=tol6) then
256      write(message, '(6a)' ) &
257 &     '       Results might be approximate,',ch10,&
258 &     '       and even inaccurate (if overlap is too big) !',ch10,&
259 &     '       Assume experienced user. Execution will continue.',ch10
260      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
261    else if (ratio_percent_max(1)<=pawovlp .and. ratio_percent_max(2)<=pawovlp) then
262      write(message, '(8a)' ) &
263 &     '       Overlap ratio seems to be acceptable (less than value',ch10,&
264 &     '       of "pawovlp" input parameter): execution will continue.',ch10,&
265 &     '       But be aware that results might be approximate,',ch10,&
266 &     '       and even inaccurate (depending on your physical system) !',ch10
267      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
268    else if(decrease_nremit==1)then
269           write(message, '(3a)' ) &
270 &     '       First time that overlap is bigger than "pawovlp" input parameter.',ch10,&
271 &     '       Execution will continue, but such overlap will not be tolerated twice.'
272      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
273    end if
275  end if !iovl>0
279  contains
281    function sqnrm_pawovlp(u1,u2,u3)
282 !squared norm of a vector
283    real(dp) :: sqnrm_pawovlp
284    real(dp),intent(in) :: u1,u2,u3
286    sqnrm_pawovlp=rmet(1,1)*u1*u1+rmet(2,1)*u2*u1+rmet(3,1)*u3*u1&
287 &   +rmet(1,2)*u1*u2+rmet(2,2)*u2*u2+rmet(3,2)*u3*u2&
288 &   +rmet(1,3)*u1*u3+rmet(2,3)*u2*u3+rmet(3,3)*u3*u3
290  end function sqnrm_pawovlp
292 end subroutine chkpawovlp

m_paw_tools/pawprt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_paw_tools ] [ Functions ]




 Print out data concerning PAW formalism
 (pseudopotential strength, augmentation occupancies...)
 To be called at the end of the SCF cycle


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (FJ,MT,BA)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | enunit=parameter determining units of output energies
   | kptopt=option for the generation of k points
   | natom=number of atoms in cell
   | ntypat = number of atom types
   | pawprtvol= printing volume
   | pawspnorb=flag: 1 if spin-orbit coupling is activated
   | typat(natom)=type of each atom
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  mpi_atmtab(:)=--optional-- indexes of the atoms treated by current proc
  comm_atom=--optional-- MPI communicator over atoms
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  paw_ij(my_natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data


  (only printing)


335 subroutine pawprt(dtset,my_natom,paw_ij,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
336 &                 electronpositron,& ! optional argument
337 &                 mpi_atmtab,comm_atom) ! optional arguments (parallelism)
339 !Arguments ------------------------------------
340 !scalars
341  integer,intent(in) :: my_natom
342  integer,optional,intent(in) :: comm_atom
343  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
344  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
345 !arrays
346  integer,optional,target,intent(in) :: mpi_atmtab(:)
347  type(paw_ij_type),target,intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom)
348  type(pawrhoij_type),target,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom)
349  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat)
351 !Local variables-------------------------------
352 !scalars
353  integer,parameter :: natmax=2
354  integer :: cplex_dij,group1,group2,iat,iatom,ierr,ii,im1,im2,ipositron,ispden
355  integer :: i_unitfi,itypat,ll,llp,me_atom,my_comm_atom,natprt,ndij,nspden,nsppol
356  integer :: unitfi,unt
357  real(dp) :: mnorm,mx,my,mz,ntot,valmx,localm
358  logical :: my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,useexexch,usepawu
359  type(pawang_type):: pawang_dum
360  character(len=7),parameter :: dspin1(6)=(/"up     ","down   ","up-up  ","dwn-dwn","up-dwn ","dwn-up "/)
361  character(len=8),parameter :: dspin2(6)=(/"up      ","down    ","dens (n)","magn (x)","magn (y)","magn (z)"/)
362  character(len=500) :: msg
363 !arrays
364  integer :: idum(1)
365  integer :: idum1(0),idum3(0,0,0)
366  integer,allocatable :: jatom(:)
367  integer,pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
368  real(dp) :: rdum2(0,0),rdum4(0,0,0,0)
369  complex(dpc),allocatable :: noccmmp_ylm(:,:,:),noccmmp_jmj(:,:),noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)
370  type(paw_ij_type), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: paw_ij_all(:)
371  type(pawrhoij_type),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: pawrhoij_all(:)
373 ! *********************************************************************
377 !Set up parallelism over atoms
378  paral_atom=(present(comm_atom).and.(my_natom/=dtset%natom))
379  nullify(my_atmtab);if (present(mpi_atmtab)) my_atmtab => mpi_atmtab
380  my_comm_atom=xmpi_comm_self;if (present(comm_atom)) my_comm_atom=comm_atom
381  call get_my_atmtab(my_comm_atom,my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated,paral_atom,dtset%natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
382  me_atom=xmpi_comm_rank(my_comm_atom)
384 !Continue only if comm_atom contains the master of the output comm
385  if (paral_atom) then
386    call xmpi_comm_group(abinit_comm_output,group1,ierr)
387    call xmpi_comm_group(my_comm_atom,group2,ierr)
388    call xmpi_group_translate_ranks(group1,1,(/0/),group2,idum,ierr)
389    call xmpi_group_free(group1)
390    call xmpi_group_free(group2)
391    if (idum(1)==xmpi_undefined) then
392      call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
393      return
394    end if
395  end if
397 !Initializations
398  natprt=natmax;if (dtset%natom==1) natprt=1
399  if (dtset%pawprtvol<0) natprt=dtset%natom
400  ABI_MALLOC(jatom,(natprt))
401  if (natprt==1) then
402    jatom(1)=1
403  else if (natprt==2) then
404    jatom(1)=1;jatom(2)=dtset%natom
405  else if (natprt==dtset%natom) then
406    do iat=1,dtset%natom
407      jatom(iat)=iat
408    end do
409  else
410    ABI_BUG("invalid value of natprt!")
411  end if
412  usepawu=(count(pawtab(:)%usepawu/=0)>0)
413  useexexch=(count(pawtab(:)%useexexch/=0)>0)
414  ipositron=0
415  if (present(electronpositron)) then
416    if (associated(electronpositron)) ipositron=electronpositron%calctype
417  end if
419 !Main title
420  write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,&
421 & ' ==== Results concerning PAW augmentation regions ===='
422  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
423  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
424  msg=' '
425  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
426  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
428 !If atomic data are distributed, retrieve all Dij on master proc
429  if (paral_atom) then
430    if (me_atom==0) then
431      ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij_all,(dtset%natom))
432      call paw_ij_nullify(paw_ij_all)
433    else
434      ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij_all,(0))
435    end if
436    call paw_ij_gather(paw_ij,paw_ij_all,0,my_comm_atom)
437  else
438    paw_ij_all => paw_ij
439  end if
441 !Print out pseudopotential strength
442 !----------------------------------
443  if (me_atom==0) then
444    do i_unitfi=1,2
445      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
446      do unt=1,2
447        if (((unt==1).and.(dtset%enunit==0.or.dtset%enunit==2)).or.&
448 &          ((unt==2).and.(dtset%enunit==1.or.dtset%enunit==2))) then
449          if ((unt==1).and.(dtset%enunit==0.or.dtset%enunit==2)) then
450            write(msg,'(a)') ' Total pseudopotential strength Dij (hartree):'
451          else if ((unt==2).and.(dtset%enunit==1.or.dtset%enunit==2)) then
452            write(msg,'(a)') ' Total pseudopotential strength Dij (eV):'
453          end if
454          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
455          if (ipositron>0) then
456            if (electronpositron%has_pos_ham==0) then
457              write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the electronic Dij'
458            else
459              write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the positronic Dij'
460            end if
461            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
462          end if
463          valmx=100._dp;if (ipositron>0) valmx=-1._dp
464          do iat=1,natprt
465            iatom=jatom(iat)
466            call pawdij_print_dij(paw_ij_all(iatom)%dij,paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij,&
467 &                  paw_ij_all(iatom)%qphase,iatom,dtset%natom,paw_ij_all(iatom)%nspden,&
468 &                  test_value=valmx,unit=unitfi,Ha_or_eV=unt,opt_prtvol=dtset%pawprtvol)
469          end do
470        end if
471        msg=' '
472        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
473      end do
474    end do
475  end if
476  if (paral_atom.and.(.not.usepawu).and.(.not.useexexch)) then
477    call paw_ij_free(paw_ij_all)
478    ABI_FREE(paw_ij_all)
479  end if
481 !If atomic data are distributed, retrieve all Rhoij on master proc
482  if (paral_atom) then
483    if (me_atom==0) then
484      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_all,(dtset%natom))
485    else
486      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_all,(0))
487    end if
488    call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_all)
489    call pawrhoij_gather(pawrhoij,pawrhoij_all,0,my_comm_atom,&
490 &   with_grhoij=.false.,with_lmnmix=.false.,&
491 &   with_rhoij_=.false.,with_rhoijres=.false.)
492  else
493    pawrhoij_all => pawrhoij
494  end if
496 !Print out SYMMETRIZED occupancies of the partial waves
497 !------------------------------------------------------
498  if (me_atom==0) then
499    do i_unitfi=1,2
500      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
501      write(msg,'(a)') ' Augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
502      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
503      if (ipositron>0) then
504        if (electronpositron%particle==EP_POSITRON) then
505          write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the electronic Rhoij'
506        else
507          write(msg,'(a)') ' -Note: these are the positronic Rhoij'
508        end if
509        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
510      end if
511      if (dtset%pawspnorb>0.and.pawrhoij_all(1)%cplex_rhoij==1.and.dtset%kptopt/=1.and.dtset%kptopt/=2) then
512        write(msg,'(6a)') ' pawprt: - WARNING:',ch10,&
513 &       '       Spin-orbit coupling is activated but only real part of Rhoij occupancies',ch10,&
514 &       '       has been computed; they could have an imaginary part (not printed here).'
515        call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
516      end if
517      valmx=25._dp;if (ipositron>0) valmx=-1._dp
518      do iat=1,natprt
519        iatom=jatom(iat);nspden=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nspden
520        call pawrhoij_print_rhoij(pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex_rhoij,&
521 &                    pawrhoij_all(iatom)%qphase,iatom,dtset%natom,&
522 &                    rhoijselect=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijselect,&
523 &                    test_value=valmx,unit=unitfi,opt_prtvol=dtset%pawprtvol)
524      end do
525      msg=' '
526      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
527    end do
528  end if
530 !PAW+U or local exact-exchange: print out +U components of occupancies
531 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
532  if ((usepawu.or.useexexch).and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
533    do i_unitfi=1,2
534      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
535      if(useexexch) write(msg,'(a)') &
536 &     ' "Local exact-exchange" part of augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
537      if(usepawu) write(msg,'(a)') &
538 &     ' "PAW+U" part of augmentation waves occupancies Rhoij:'
539      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
540      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
541        itypat=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%itypat
542        nspden=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%nspden
543        ll=-1;if (pawtab(itypat)%usepawu/=0) ll=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
544        llp=-1;if (pawtab(itypat)%useexexch/=0) llp=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
545        if (ll/=llp.and.ll/ then
546          ABI_BUG("lpawu/=lexexch forbidden!")
547        end if
548        ll=max(ll,llp)
549        if (ll>=0) then
550          call pawrhoij_print_rhoij(pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijp,pawrhoij_all(iatom)%cplex_rhoij,&
551 &                      pawrhoij_all(iatom)%qphase,iatom,dtset%natom,&
552 &                      rhoijselect=pawrhoij_all(iatom)%rhoijselect,&
553 &                      l_only=ll,indlmn=pawtab(itypat)%indlmn,&
554 &                      unit=unitfi,opt_prtvol=dtset%pawprtvol)
555        end if
556      end do ! iatom
557      msg=' '
558      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
559    end do
560  end if
562 !PAW+U: print out occupations for correlated orbitals
563 !----------------------------------------------------
564  if (usepawu.and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
565    do i_unitfi=1,2
566      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
567      write(msg,'(3a)') &
568 &     ' ---------- DFT+U DATA --------------------------------------------------- ',ch10
569      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
570      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
571        itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lpawu
572        nspden=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nspden;ndij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
573        cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
574        if ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu/=0)) then
575          write(msg,fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a)') " ====== For Atom ", iatom,&
576 &         ", occupations for correlated orbitals. lpawu =",ll,ch10
577          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
578          if(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu>=10) then
579            write(msg,fmt='(a)') "  (This is PAW atomic orbital occupations)"
580            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
581            write(msg,fmt='(a)') "  (For Wannier orbital occupations, refer to DFT+DMFT occupations above)"
582            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
583          end if
584          if(nspden==2) then
585            do ispden=1,nspden
586              write(msg,fmt='(a,i4,a,i3,a,f10.5)') " Atom", iatom,&
587 &             ". Occ. for lpawu and for spin",ispden," =",paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(ispden)
588              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
589            end do
590            localm=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(2)-paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(1)
591            write(msg,fmt='(a,i4,a,2x,f12.6)') " => On atom",iatom,&
592 &           ",  local Mag. for lpawu is  ",localm
593            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
594          end if
595          if(ndij==4) then
596            ntot=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(1)
597            mx=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(2)
598            my=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(3)
599            mz=paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot(4)
600            mnorm=sqrt(mx*mx+my*my+mz*mz)
601            write(msg,'(a,i4,a,2x,e15.8)') " => On atom",iatom,", for  lpawu, local Mag. x is  ",mx
602            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
603            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               local Mag. y is  ",my
604            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
605            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               local Mag. z is  ",mz
606            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
607            write(msg,'(14x,a,2x,e15.8)') "               norm of Mag. is  ",mnorm
608            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
609            write(msg,fmt='(8x,a,2x,f10.5)') " (along mag axis)    occ. for majority spin is = ",&
610 &           half*(ntot+mnorm)
611            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
612            write(msg,fmt='(8x,a,2x,f10.5)') " (along mag axis)    occ. for minority spin is = ",&
613 &           half*(ntot-mnorm)
614            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
615          end if
616          write(msg,'(3a)') ch10," == Occupation matrix for correlated orbitals:",ch10
617          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
618          do ispden=1,ndij
619            if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4.and.(cplex_dij==1)) write(msg,fmt='(a)') " Up component only..."
620            if (nspden==2) write(msg,fmt='(a,i3)')" Occupation matrix for spin",ispden
621            if (ndij==4.or.(cplex_dij==2)) &
622 &           write(msg,fmt='(2a)')  " Occupation matrix for component ",trim(dspin1(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
623            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
624            do im1=1,ll*2+1
625              if(cplex_dij==1)&
626 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))') (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
627              if(cplex_dij==2)&
628 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f9.5,",",f9.5,")")))')&
629 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
630              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
631            end do
632            write(msg,'(2a)') ch10,' '
633            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
634          end do
635 !        Transformation matrices: real->complex spherical harmonics
636          if(paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij==4) then
637            ABI_MALLOC(noccmmp_ylm,(2*ll+1,2*ll+1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij))
638            noccmmp_ylm=czero
639            ABI_MALLOC(noccmmp_slm,(2*ll+1,2*ll+1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij))
640            noccmmp_slm=czero
641 !          Go from real notation for complex noccmmp to complex notation in noccmmp_slm
642            noccmmp_slm(:,:,:)=cmplx(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,:,:,:),paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(2,:,:,:))
643            ii=std_out;if (unitfi==ab_out) ii=-1
644            call mat_slm2ylm(ll,noccmmp_slm,noccmmp_ylm,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij,&
645 &           1,1,dtset%pawprtvol,ii,'COLL') ! optspin=1 because up spin are first
646            do ispden=1,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij
647              write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,&
648 &             "== Occupation matrix in the complex harmonics basis for component ",&
649 &             trim(dspin1(ispden+2*(paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij/4)))
650              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
651              do im1=1,ll*2+1
652                write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f9.5,",",f9.5,")")))') &
653 &               (noccmmp_ylm(im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
654                call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
655              end do
656            end do
657            write(msg,'(a)') ch10
658            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
659            if (dtset%pawspnorb>0) then
660              ABI_MALLOC(noccmmp_jmj,(2*(2*ll+1),2*(2*ll+1)))
661              noccmmp_jmj=czero
662              ii=std_out;if (unitfi==ab_out) ii=-1
663              call mat_mlms2jmj(ll,noccmmp_ylm,noccmmp_jmj,paw_ij_all(iatom)%ndij,&
664 &             1,1,dtset%pawprtvol,-1,'COLL') !  optspin=1: up spin are first
665              write(msg,'(3a)') ch10,"== Occupation matrix in the J (= L-1/2, L+1/2) and M_J basis"
666              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
667              do im1=1,2*(ll*2+1)
668                write(msg,'(12(1x,18(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))') &
669 &               (noccmmp_jmj(im1,im2),im2=1,2*(ll*2+1))
670                call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
671              end do
672              write(msg,'(a)') ch10
673              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
674              ABI_FREE(noccmmp_jmj)
675            end if ! pawspnorb
676            ABI_FREE(noccmmp_ylm)
677            ABI_FREE(noccmmp_slm)
678          end if ! ndij==4
679        end if ! ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%usepawu/=0))
680      end do
681    end do
682  end if
684 !Exact exchange: print out occupations for correlated orbitals
685 !-------------------------------------------------------------
686  if (useexexch.and.ipositron/=1.and.me_atom==0) then
687    nspden=paw_ij_all(1)%nspden;nsppol=paw_ij_all(1)%nsppol;ndij=paw_ij_all(1)%ndij
688    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
689      itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
690      cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
691      if (ll>=0.and.pawtab(itypat)%useexexch/=0) then
692        ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp,(cplex_dij,2*ll+1,2*ll+1,ndij))
693        ABI_MALLOC(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot,(nspden))
694      end if
695    end do
696    call setnoccmmp(1,0,rdum4,0,0,idum3,dtset%natom,dtset%natom,0,1,nsppol,0,dtset%ntypat,&
697 &   paw_ij_all,pawang_dum,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrhoij_all,pawtab,rdum2,idum1,dtset%typat,1,0)
698    do i_unitfi=1,2
699      unitfi=ab_out;if (i_unitfi==2) unitfi=std_out
700      write(msg, '(3a)' ) &
701 &     ' ---------- Exact Exchange --------------------------------------------------- ',ch10
702      call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
703      do iatom=1,dtset%natom
704        itypat=dtset%typat(iatom);ll=pawtab(itypat)%lexexch
705        cplex_dij=paw_ij_all(iatom)%cplex_dij
706        if ((ll>=0).and.(pawtab(itypat)%useexexch/=0)) then
707          write(msg,fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a)') " ====== For Atom",iatom,&
708 &         ", occupations for correlated orbitals. l =",ll,ch10
709          call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
710          do ispden=1,ndij
711            if (nspden==1.and.ndij/=4) write(msg,fmt='(a)')   " Up component only..."
712            if (nspden==2) write(msg,fmt='(a,i3)')" Occupation matrix for spin",ispden
713            if (ndij==4) write(msg,fmt='(2a)')  " Occupation matrix for component ",&
714 &           trim(dspin2(ispden+2*(ndij/4)))
715            call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
716            do im1=1,ll*2+1
717              if(cplex_dij==1)&
718 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,f10.5)))')&
719 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(1,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
720              if(cplex_dij==2)&
721 &             write(msg,'(12(1x,9(1x,"(",f7.3,",",f7.3,")")))') &
722 &             (paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp(:,im1,im2,ispden),im2=1,ll*2+1)
723              call wrtout(unitfi,msg,'COLL')
724            end do
725            call wrtout(unitfi,' ','COLL')
726          end do
727        end if
728      end do
729    end do
730    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
731      if (allocated(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp)) then
732        ABI_FREE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%noccmmp)
733      end if
734      if (allocated(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot)) then
735        ABI_FREE(paw_ij_all(iatom)%nocctot)
736      end if
737    end do
738  end if
740  msg=' '
741  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
742  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
744 !Destroy temporary stored atomic data
745  ABI_FREE(jatom)
746  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
747  if (paral_atom) then
748    call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij_all)
749    ABI_FREE(pawrhoij_all)
750    if (usepawu.or.useexexch) then
751      call paw_ij_free(paw_ij_all)
752      ABI_FREE(paw_ij_all)
753    end if
754  end if
758 end subroutine pawprt