ABINIT/paw_symcprj [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]





  ik_ibz=The index of the k-point in the full BZ where the matrix elements have to be symmetrized.
  nspinor=Number of spinorial components
  nband_k=Number of bands stored in cprjnk_kibz for this k-point.
  Cryst<crystal_t>=data type gathering information on unit cell and symmetries.
     %ntypat=number of type of atoms
     %natom=number of atoms in the unit cell
     %typat(natom)=type of each atom
     %indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array:
      for each isym,iatom, fourth element is label of atom into which iatom is sent by the INVERSE of the
      symmetry operation symrel(isym); first three elements are the primitive translations that must be subtracted
      after the transformation to get back to the original unit cell.
  Kmesh<kmesh_t>: datatype gathering information on the k-point sampling.
     %nbz=number of k-points in the full Brillouin zone
     %nibz=number of k-points in the irreducible wedge
     %tab(nkbz)=table giving for each k-point in the BZ (array kbz), the corresponding irred. point in the IBZ.
       i.e k_BZ = (IS) kIBZ where S is one of the symrec operations and I is the inversion or the identity
     %tabi(nkbz)=for each k-point in the BZ defines whether inversion has to be considered in the
       relation k_BZ=(IS) k_IBZ (1 => only S; -1 => -S)
     %tabo(nkbz)= the symmetry operation S that takes k_IBZ to each k_BZ
  Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data.
  Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
     %lmax=Max angular momentum included in the PAW datasets used. mentioned at the second line of the psp file
     %zarot(2*lmax+1,2*lmax+1,lmax+1,nsym)=coefficients of the transformation of real spherical
      harmonics under the symmetry operations.


  Derivatives are not symmetrized.







 48 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 49 #include "config.h"
 50 #endif
 52 #include "abi_common.h"
 55 subroutine paw_symcprj(ik_bz,nspinor,nband_k,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,Cprj_bz)
 57  use defs_basis
 58  use m_profiling_abi
 59  use m_errors
 61  use m_crystal,   only : crystal_t
 62  use m_pawang,    only : pawang_type
 63  use m_pawtab,    only : pawtab_type
 64  use m_pawcprj,   only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy
 65  use m_bz_mesh,   only : kmesh_t, get_ibz_item, get_bz_item
 67 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 68 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 69 #undef ABI_FUNC
 70 #define ABI_FUNC 'paw_symcprj'
 71 !End of the abilint section
 73  implicit none
 75 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 76 !scalars
 77  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,nband_k,ik_bz
 78  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
 79  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
 80  type(Pawang_type),intent(in) :: Pawang
 81 !arrays
 82  type(Pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat)
 83  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: Cprj_bz(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k)
 85 !Local variables-------------------------------
 86 !scalars
 87  integer :: iatom,iat_sym,iband,ibsp_bz
 88  integer :: ibsp_ibz,ik_ibz,indexj,ispinor,isym,itim
 89  integer :: itypat,jl,jl0,jlmn,jln,jln0,jlpm,jm,jn,lmax,mm,ncpgr
 90  real(dp) :: arg,wtk
 91  logical :: isirred
 92 !arrays
 93  integer :: r0(3),nlmn_atom(Cryst%natom)
 94  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
 95  real(dp) :: dum(2,nspinor),kbz(3),kirr(3),phase(2),swp(2),tmp(2,nspinor)
 96  real(dp),allocatable :: DS_mmpl(:,:,:)
 97  type(pawcprj_type) :: Cprjnk_kibz(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k)
 99 ! *********************************************************************
101  ncpgr = Cprj_bz(1,1)%ncpgr
102  ABI_CHECK(ncpgr==0,"Derivatived of cprj are not coded")
104 !Get the index of the IBZ image associated to the BZ k-point ik_bz and related simmetry.
105  call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,ik_bz,kbz,ik_ibz,isym,itim,isirred=isirred)
107  if (isirred) RETURN  ! It is a point in the IBZ, Symmetrization is not needed.
108 !
109 !The corresponding point kirr in the IBZ.
110  call get_IBZ_item(Kmesh,ik_ibz,kirr,wtk)
112 !Local copy.
113  do iatom=1,Cryst%natom
114    nlmn_atom(iatom)=Pawtab(Cryst%typat(iatom))%lmn_size
115  end do
117  call pawcprj_alloc(Cprjnk_kibz,ncpgr,nlmn_atom)
118  call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_bz,Cprjnk_kibz)
119 !
120 !=== DS_mmpl is the rotation matrix for real spherical harmonics associated to symrec(:,:,isym) ===
121 !* Note the convention used by Blanco in Eq. 27 : DS_mmp multiply spherical harmonics as row vectors
122  lmax=Pawang%l_max-1 ! l_max is Max l+1
123  ABI_ALLOCATE(DS_mmpl,(2*lmax+1,2*lmax+1,lmax+1))
124  DS_mmpl=Pawang%zarot(:,:,:,isym)
125 !
126 !===========================================
127 !==== Loop over atoms to be symmetrized ====
128 !===========================================
129  do iatom=1,Cryst%natom
130    itypat=Cryst%typat(iatom)
131    iat_sym=Cryst%indsym(4,isym,iatom)
132    indlmn => Pawtab(itypat)%indlmn
133    r0=Cryst%indsym(1:3,isym,iatom) ! R^{-1} (xred(:,iatom)-tnons) = xred(:,iat_sym) + r0.
134    arg=two_pi*dot_product(kirr,r0)
135    phase(1)=COS(arg)
136    phase(2)=SIN(arg)
137 !
138 !  Loop over the (jl,jm,jn) components to be symmetrized.
139    jl0=-1; jln0=-1; indexj=1
140    do jlmn=1,Pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
141      jl  =indlmn(1,jlmn)
142      jm  =indlmn(2,jlmn)
143      jn  =indlmn(3,jlmn)
144      jln =indlmn(5,jlmn)
145      jlpm=1+jl+jm
146      if (jln/=jln0) indexj=indexj+2*jl0+1
147 !
148 !    === For each band, calculate contribution due to rotated real spherical harmonics ===
149 !    FIXME check this expression; according to Blanco I should have D(S^-1} but it seems D(S) is correct
150 !    Recheck spinorial case, presently is wrong
151      ibsp_ibz=0
152      ibsp_bz=0
153      do iband=1,nband_k
155        tmp(:,:)=zero
156        do ispinor=1,nspinor
157          ibsp_ibz=ibsp_ibz+1
158          do mm=1,2*jl+1
159            tmp(1,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)+DS_mmpl(mm,jlpm,jl+1)*Cprjnk_kibz(iat_sym,ibsp_ibz)%cp(1,indexj+mm)
160            tmp(2,ispinor)=tmp(2,ispinor)+DS_mmpl(mm,jlpm,jl+1)*Cprjnk_kibz(iat_sym,ibsp_ibz)%cp(2,indexj+mm)
161          end do
162        end do !ispinor
163 !      
164 !      * Apply the phase to account if the symmetric atom belongs to a different unit cell.
165        do ispinor=1,nspinor
166          dum(1,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)*phase(1)-tmp(2,ispinor)*phase(2)
167          dum(2,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)*phase(2)+tmp(2,ispinor)*phase(1)
168        end do
169 !      
170 !      * If required, apply time-reversal symmetry to retrieve the correct point in the BZ.
171        if (itim==2) then
172          if (nspinor==1) then
173            dum(2,1)=-dum(2,1)
174          else if (nspinor==2) then ! TODO rotate wavefunction in spinor space.
175            swp(:)=dum(:,1)
176            dum(1,1)= dum(1,2)
177            dum(2,1)=-dum(2,2)
178            dum(1,2)=-swp(1)
179            dum(2,2)= swp(2)
180          end if
181        end if
182 !      
183 !      ==== Save values ====
184        do ispinor=1,nspinor
185          ibsp_bz=ibsp_bz+1
186          Cprj_bz(iatom,ibsp_bz)%cp(1,jlmn)=dum(1,ispinor)
187          Cprj_bz(iatom,ibsp_bz)%cp(2,jlmn)=dum(2,ispinor)
188        end do
189      end do !iband
191      jl0=jl; jln0=jln
192    end do !jlmn
193  end do !iatom
195  call pawcprj_free(Cprjnk_kibz)
198 end subroutine paw_symcprj

ABINIT/paw_symcprj_op [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]





  ik_ibz=The index of the k-point in the full BZ where the matrix elements have to be symmetrized.
  nspinor=Number of spinorial components
  nband_k=Number of bands stored in cprjnk_kibz for this k-point.
  Cryst<crystal_t>=data type gathering information on unit cell and symmetries.
     %ntypat=number of type of atoms
     %natom=number of atoms in the unit cell
     %typat(natom)=type of each atom
     %indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array:
      for each isym,iatom, fourth element is label of atom into which iatom is sent by the INVERSE of the
      symmetry operation symrel(isym); first three elements are the primitive translations that must be subtracted
      after the transformation to get back to the original unit cell.
  Kmesh<kmesh_t>: datatype gathering information on the k-point sampling.
     %nbz=number of k-points in the full Brillouin zone
     %nibz=number of k-points in the irreducible wedge
     %tab(nkbz)=table giving for each k-point in the BZ (array kbz), the corresponding irred. point in the IBZ.
       i.e k_BZ = (IS) kIBZ where S is one of the symrec operations and I is the inversion or the identity
     %tabi(nkbz)=for each k-point in the BZ defines whether inversion has to be considered in the
       relation k_BZ=(IS) k_IBZ (1 => only S; -1 => -S)
     %tabo(nkbz)= the symmetry operation S that takes k_IBZ to each k_BZ
  Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data.
  Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
     %lmax=Max angular momentum included in the PAW datasets used. mentioned at the second line of the psp file
     %zarot(2*lmax+1,2*lmax+1,lmax+1,nsym)=coefficients of the transformation of real spherical
      harmonics under the symmetry operations.
  in_Cprj(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k)<pawcprj_type>=Input cprj


   out_Cprj(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k)<pawcprj_type>=Symmetrized cprj matrix elements.


  Derivatives are not symmetrized.






250 subroutine paw_symcprj_op(ik_bz,nspinor,nband_k,Cryst,Kmesh,Pawtab,Pawang,in_Cprj,out_Cprj)
252  use defs_basis
253  use m_profiling_abi
254  use m_errors
256  use m_crystal,   only : crystal_t
257  use m_bz_mesh,   only : kmesh_t, get_ibz_item, get_bz_item
258  use m_pawang,    only : pawang_type
259  use m_pawtab,    only : pawtab_type
260  use m_pawcprj,   only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy
262 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
263 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
264 #undef ABI_FUNC
265 #define ABI_FUNC 'paw_symcprj_op'
266 !End of the abilint section
268  implicit none
270 !Arguments ------------------------------------
271 !scalars
272  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,nband_k,ik_bz
273  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
274  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
275  type(Pawang_type),intent(in) :: Pawang
276 !arrays
277  type(Pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat)
278  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: in_Cprj(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k)
279  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: out_Cprj(Cryst%natom,nspinor*nband_k) !vz_i
281 !Local variables-------------------------------
282 !scalars
283  integer :: iatom,iat_sym,iband,ibsp_bz
284  integer :: ibsp_ibz,ik_ibz,indexj,ispinor,isym,itim
285  integer :: itypat,jl,jl0,jlmn,jln,jln0,jlpm,jm,jn,lmax,mm,ncpgr
286  real(dp) :: arg,wtk
287  logical :: isirred
288 !arrays
289  integer :: r0(3) !,nlmn_atom(Cryst%natom)
290  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
291  real(dp) :: dum(2,nspinor),kbz(3),kirr(3),phase(2),swp(2),tmp(2,nspinor)
292  real(dp),allocatable :: DS_mmpl(:,:,:)
294 ! *********************************************************************
296  ncpgr = in_Cprj(1,1)%ncpgr
297  ABI_CHECK(ncpgr==0,"Derivatived of cprj are not coded")
299 !Get the index of the IBZ image associated to the BZ k-point ik_bz and related simmetry.
300  call get_BZ_item(Kmesh,ik_bz,kbz,ik_ibz,isym,itim,isirred=isirred)
302  if (isirred) then  ! It is a point in the IBZ, Symmetrization is not needed.
303    call pawcprj_copy(in_Cprj,out_Cprj)
304    RETURN  
305  end if
306 !
307 !The corresponding point kirr in the IBZ.
308  call get_IBZ_item(Kmesh,ik_ibz,kirr,wtk)
309 !
310 !=== DS_mmpl is the rotation matrix for real spherical harmonics associated to symrec(:,:,isym) ===
311 !* Note the convention used by Blanco in Eq. 27 : DS_mmp multiply spherical harmonics as row vectors
312  lmax=Pawang%l_max-1 ! l_max is Max l+1
313  ABI_ALLOCATE(DS_mmpl,(2*lmax+1,2*lmax+1,lmax+1))
314  DS_mmpl=Pawang%zarot(:,:,:,isym)
316 !Local copy.
317 !do iatom=1,Cryst%natom
318 !nlmn_atom(iatom)=Pawtab(Cryst%typat(iatom))%lmn_size
319 !end do
320 !call pawcprj_alloc(out_Cprj,ncpgr,nlmn_atom)
321 !
322 !===========================================
323 !==== Loop over atoms to be symmetrized ====
324 !===========================================
325  do iatom=1,Cryst%natom
326    itypat=Cryst%typat(iatom)
327    iat_sym=Cryst%indsym(4,isym,iatom)
328    indlmn => Pawtab(itypat)%indlmn
329    r0=Cryst%indsym(1:3,isym,iatom) ! R^{-1} (xred(:,iatom)-tnons) = xred(:,iat_sym) + r0.
330    arg=two_pi*dot_product(kirr,r0)
331    phase(1)=COS(arg)
332    phase(2)=SIN(arg)
333 !  
334 !  Loop over the (jl,jm,jn) components to be symmetrized.
335    jl0=-1; jln0=-1; indexj=1
336    do jlmn=1,Pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
337      jl  =indlmn(1,jlmn)
338      jm  =indlmn(2,jlmn)
339      jn  =indlmn(3,jlmn)
340      jln =indlmn(5,jlmn)
341      jlpm=1+jl+jm
342      if (jln/=jln0) indexj=indexj+2*jl0+1
343 !    
344 !    === For each band, calculate contribution due to rotated real spherical harmonics ===
345 !    FIXME check this expression; according to Blanco I should have D(S^-1} but it seems D(S) is correct
346 !    Recheck spinorial case, presently is wrong
347      ibsp_ibz=0
348      ibsp_bz=0
349      do iband=1,nband_k
351        tmp(:,:)=zero
352        do ispinor=1,nspinor
353          ibsp_ibz=ibsp_ibz+1
354          do mm=1,2*jl+1
355            tmp(1,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)+DS_mmpl(mm,jlpm,jl+1)*in_Cprj(iat_sym,ibsp_ibz)%cp(1,indexj+mm)
356            tmp(2,ispinor)=tmp(2,ispinor)+DS_mmpl(mm,jlpm,jl+1)*in_Cprj(iat_sym,ibsp_ibz)%cp(2,indexj+mm)
357          end do
358        end do !ispinor
359 !      
360 !      * Apply the phase to account if the symmetric atom belongs to a different unit cell.
361        do ispinor=1,nspinor
362          dum(1,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)*phase(1)-tmp(2,ispinor)*phase(2)
363          dum(2,ispinor)=tmp(1,ispinor)*phase(2)+tmp(2,ispinor)*phase(1)
364        end do
365 !      
366 !      * If required, apply time-reversal symmetry to retrieve the correct point in the BZ.
367        if (itim==2) then
368          if (nspinor==1) then
369            dum(2,1)=-dum(2,1)
370          else if (nspinor==2) then ! TODO rotate wavefunction in spinor space.
371            swp(:)=dum(:,1)
372            dum(1,1)= dum(1,2)
373            dum(2,1)=-dum(2,2)
374            dum(1,2)=-swp(1)
375            dum(2,2)= swp(2)
376          end if
377        end if
378 !      
379 !      ==== Save values ====
380        do ispinor=1,nspinor
381          ibsp_bz=ibsp_bz+1
382          out_Cprj(iatom,ibsp_bz)%cp(1,jlmn)=dum(1,ispinor)
383          out_Cprj(iatom,ibsp_bz)%cp(2,jlmn)=dum(2,ispinor)
384        end do
385      end do !iband
387      jl0=jl; jln0=jln
388    end do !jlmn
389  end do !iatom
393 end subroutine paw_symcprj_op