ABINIT/smatrix_pawinit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Routine which computes paw part of the overlap used to compute LMWF wannier
  functions and berryphase


 Copyright (C) 2005-2018 ABINIT group (T Rangel,BAmadon,FJollet,PHermet)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)= <p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk>
                                          and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  dimcprj(natom)=array of dimensions of array cprj (not ordered)
  g1(3)= reciprocal vector to put k1+b inside the BZ. bb=k2-k1=b-G1
  ("b" is the true b, so we have to correct bb with G1).
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  ikpt1(3)=cartesian coordinates of k1
  ikpt2(3)=cartesian coordinates of k2
  isppol  = spin polarization
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nkpt=number of k points.
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  seed_name= seed_name of files containing cg for all k-points to be used with MPI
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  cm2: Inside sphere part of the overlap needed for constructing wannier function


  (only writing, printing)


  The mpi part will work with mlwfovlp but not for berryphase_new






 57 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 58 #include "config.h"
 59 #endif
 61 #include "abi_common.h"
 63  subroutine smatrix_pawinit(atindx1,cm2,cprj,ikpt1,ikpt2,isppol,&
 64 & g1,gprimd,kpt,mband,mbandw,mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
 65 & natom,nband,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,pawang,pawrad,pawtab,rprimd,&
 66 & seed_name,typat,xred)
 68  use defs_basis
 69  use defs_abitypes
 70  use m_errors
 71  use m_profiling_abi
 72  use m_xmpi
 74  use m_special_funcs, only : sbf8
 75  use m_pawang, only : pawang_type
 76  use m_pawrad, only : pawrad_type, simp_gen
 77  use m_pawtab, only : pawtab_type
 78  use m_paw_sphharm, only : initylmr
 79  use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_get, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_getdim
 81 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 82 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 83 #undef ABI_FUNC
 84 #define ABI_FUNC 'smatrix_pawinit'
 85 !End of the abilint section
 87  implicit none
 89 !Arguments---------------------------
 90 !scalars
 91  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt1,ikpt2,isppol,mband,mbandw,mkmem,natom,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol
 92  integer,intent(in) :: ntypat
 93  character(len=fnlen) ::  seed_name  !seed names of files containing cg info used in case of MPI
 94  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 95  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 97 !arrays
 98  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),g1(3),nband(nsppol*nkpt),typat(natom)
 99  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),kpt(3,nkpt),rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
100  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cm2(2,mbandw,mbandw)
101  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol)
102  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat)
103  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat)
105 !Local variables---------------------------
106 !scalars
107  integer :: dummy
108  integer :: iatom,iband1,iband2,icg1,icg2,idx1,idx2,ii
109  integer :: ilmn,ios,iunit,ir
110  integer :: iorder_cprj,isel,ispinor,itypat,j0lmn,jj,jlmn,klm,klmn,kln,ll,lm0,lmax
111  integer :: lmin,lmn_size,max_lmn,mesh_size,mm,nband_k
112  integer :: nprocs,spaceComm,rank !for mpi
113  real(dp) :: arg,bnorm,delta,intg,ppi,ppr,qijbtemp,qijtot,x1
114  real(dp) :: x2,xsum,xtemp,xx,yy,zz
115  character(len=500) :: message
116  character(len=fnlen) ::  cprj_file  !file containing cg info used in case of MPI
117  logical::lfile
119 !arrays
120  integer,allocatable :: dimcprj(:),nattyp_dum(:)
121  real(dp),parameter :: ili(7)=(/zero,-one,zero,one,zero,-one,zero/)
122  real(dp),parameter :: ilr(7)=(/one,zero,-one,zero,one,zero,-one/)
123  real(dp) :: bb(3),bb1(3),bbn(3),qijb(2),xcart(3,natom)
124  real(dp),allocatable :: ff(:),j_bessel(:,:),ylmb(:),ylmrgr_dum(:,:,:)
125  real(dp),allocatable :: sb_out(:)
126  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k1(:,:)
127  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k2(:,:)
129 ! *************************************************************************
133 !
134 !Allocate cprj_k1 and cprj_k2
135 !
136  ABI_ALLOCATE(dimcprj,(natom))
137  call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj,natom,nattyp_dum,ntypat,typat,pawtab,'R')
139  nband_k=nband(ikpt1)
140  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj_k1,(natom,nband_k*nspinor))
141  call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k1,0,dimcprj)
143  nband_k=nband(ikpt2)
144  ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cprj_k2,(natom,nband_k*nspinor))
145  call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k2,0,dimcprj)
146  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dimcprj)
148 !mpi initialization
149  spaceComm=MPI_enreg%comm_cell
150  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
151  rank=MPI_enreg%me_kpt
153  lfile=.false.
154 !
155 !write(std_out,*) "compute PAW overlap for k-points",ikpt1,ikpt2
156  do iatom=1,natom
157    xcart(:,iatom)=rprimd(:,1)*xred(1,iatom)+&
158 &   rprimd(:,2)*xred(2,iatom)+&
159 &   rprimd(:,3)*xred(3,iatom)
160  end do
162 !
163 !Calculate indices icg1 and icg2
164 !
165  icg1=0
166  do ii=1,isppol
167    ll=nkpt
168    if(ii==isppol) ll=ikpt1-1
169    do jj=1,ll
170 !    MPI: cycle over kpts not treated by this node
171      if ( ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(jj,1,ii)-rank)/=0) CYCLE
172 !    write(std_out,'("kpt loop2: ikpt",i3," rank ",i3)') jj,rank
173      icg1=icg1+nspinor*nband(jj+(ii-1)*nkpt)
174    end do
175  end do
176  icg2=0
177  do ii=1,isppol
178    ll=nkpt
179    if(isppol==ii) ll=ikpt2-1
180    do jj=1,ll
181 !    MPI: cycle over kpts not treated by this node
182      if (ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(jj,1,ii)-rank)/=0) CYCLE
183 !    write(std_out,'("kpt loop2: ikpt",i3," rank ",i3)') jj,rank
184      icg2=icg2+nspinor*nband(jj+(ii-1)*nkpt)
185    end do
186  end do
187 !
188 !MPI: if ikpt2 not found in this processor then
189 !read info from an unformatted file
190 !
191  if (nprocs>1) then
192    if (ABS(MPI_enreg%proc_distrb(ikpt2,1,isppol)-rank)/=0) then
193      lfile=.true.
194 !
195 !    get maximum of lmn_size
196      max_lmn=0
197      do itypat=1,ntypat
198        lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
199        if(lmn_size>max_lmn) max_lmn=lmn_size
200      end do
201 !
202 !    get file name and open it
203 !
204      write(cprj_file,'(a,I5.5,".",I1)') trim(seed_name),ikpt2,isppol
205      iunit=1000
206 !    write(std_out,*)'reading file',trim(cprj_file)
207      open (unit=iunit, file=cprj_file,form='unformatted',status='old',iostat=ios)
208      if(ios /= 0) then
209        write(message,*) " smatrix_pawinit: file",trim(cprj_file), "not found"
210        MSG_ERROR(message)
211      end if
212 !
213 !    start reading
214      do ii=1,mband*nspinor
215        do iatom=1,natom
216          itypat=typat(iatom)
217          lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
218          do ilmn=1,lmn_size
219            read(iunit)(cprj_k2(iatom,ii)%cp(jj,ilmn),jj=1,2)
220          end do !ilmn
221        end do
222      end do
223 !
224 !    close file
225 !
226      close (unit=iunit,iostat=ios)
227      if(ios /= 0) then
228        write(message,*) " smatrix_pawinit: error closing file ",trim(cprj_file)
229        MSG_ERROR(message)
230      end if
231 !
232    end if
233  end if !mpi
235 !Extract cprj_k1 and cprj_k2
236 !these contain the projectors cprj for just one k-point (ikpt1 or ikpt2)
238 !Extract cprj for k-point 1
239  iorder_cprj=0 !do not change the ordering of cprj
240  nband_k=nband(ikpt1)
241  dummy=1000 !index of file not implemented here, mkmem==0 not implemented
242  call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k1,cprj,natom,1,icg1,ikpt1,iorder_cprj,isppol,&
243 & mband,mkmem,natom,nband_k,nband_k,nspinor,nsppol,dummy,&
244 & mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
246 !Extract cprj for k-point 2
247  if( lfile .eqv. .false. ) then !if it was not already read above
248    iorder_cprj=0 !do not change the ordering of cprj
249    nband_k=nband(ikpt2)
250    dummy=1000 !index of file not implemented here, mkmem==0 not implemented
251    call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k2,cprj,natom,1,icg2,ikpt2,iorder_cprj,isppol,&
252 &   mband,mkmem,natom,nband_k,nband_k,nspinor,nsppol,dummy,&
253 &   mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
254  end if
256 !DEBUG
257 !if(ikpt2==2) then
258 !if(ikpt1==1) then
259 !do iband1=1,mbandw
260 !do iatom=1,natom
261 !itypat=typat(atindx1(iatom))
262 !lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
263 !do ilmn=1,1!lmn_size
264 !!write(500,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,2f13.7)')'iband ',iband1,' iatom ',iatom,' ilmn ',ilmn,' cprj',cprj(iatom,iband1+icg1)%cp(:,ilmn)
265 !write(500,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,2f13.7)')'iband ',iband1,' iatom ',atindx1(iatom),' ilmn ',ilmn,' cprj',cprj(atindx1(iatom),iband1+icg1)%cp(:,ilmn)
266 !write(500,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,2f13.7)')'iband ',iband1,' iatom ',iatom,' ilmn ',ilmn,' cprj_k1 ',cprj_k1(iatom,iband1)%cp(:,ilmn)
267 !end do
268 !end do
269 !end do
270 !end if
271 !end if
274 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
275 !--- Compute intermediate quantities: "b" vector=k2-k1 and its
276 !normalized value: bbn (and its norm: bnorm)
277 !compute also Ylm(b).
278  ABI_ALLOCATE(ylmb,(pawang%l_size_max*pawang%l_size_max))
279  ABI_ALLOCATE(ylmrgr_dum,(1,1,0))
280  bb(:)=kpt(:,ikpt2)-kpt(:,ikpt1)+g1(:)
281  bb1=bb
282  xx=gprimd(1,1)*bb(1)+gprimd(1,2)*bb(2)+gprimd(1,3)*bb(3)
283  yy=gprimd(2,1)*bb(1)+gprimd(2,2)*bb(2)+gprimd(2,3)*bb(3)
284  zz=gprimd(3,1)*bb(1)+gprimd(3,2)*bb(2)+gprimd(3,3)*bb(3)
285  bnorm=two_pi*dsqrt(xx**2+yy**2+zz**2)
286  if(bnorm<tol8) then
287 !  write(std_out,*) "WARNING: bnorm=",bnorm
288    bbn(:)=zero
289  else
290    xx=xx*two_pi
291    yy=yy*two_pi
292    zz=zz*two_pi
293    bb(1)=xx
294    bb(2)=yy
295    bb(3)=zz
296    bbn(1)=xx/bnorm
297    bbn(2)=yy/bnorm
298    bbn(3)=zz/bnorm
299  end if
301 !debug  bbn=0
302 !debug  bnorm=0
303 !bbn has to ne normalized
304  call initylmr(pawang%l_size_max,0,1,(/one/),1,bbn(:),ylmb(:),ylmrgr_dum)
305 !write(std_out,*) "ylmb(:)",ylmb(:)
306 !write(std_out,*) pawang%l_size_max
307 !write(std_out,*) "bbn",bbn(:)
308 !write(std_out,*) "xx,yy,zz",xx,yy,zz
309 !write(std_out,*) "bnorm",bnorm
310  ABI_DEALLOCATE(ylmrgr_dum)
312 !------- First Compute Qij(b)-
313  ABI_ALLOCATE(sb_out, (pawang%l_size_max))
314  cm2=zero
316  do iatom=1,natom
317    itypat=typat(iatom)
318    lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
319 !  ---  en coordonnnes reelles cartesiennes (espace reel)
320 !  ---  first radial part(see pawinit)
321    mesh_size=pawtab(itypat)%mesh_size
322    ABI_ALLOCATE(j_bessel,(mesh_size,pawang%l_size_max))
325 !  ---  compute bessel function for (br) for all angular momenta necessary
326 !  ---  and for all value of r.
327 !  ---  they are needed for radial part
328 !  ---  of the integration => j_bessel(ir,:)
329    do ir=1,mesh_size
330      arg=bnorm*pawrad(itypat)%rad(ir)
331      call sbf8(pawang%l_size_max,arg,sb_out)
332      j_bessel(ir,:) = sb_out
333    end do
335 !  do jlmn=1,pawang%l_size_max
336 !  write(665,*) "j_bessel",j_bessel(1:mesh_size,jlmn)
337 !  enddo
338 !  write(std_out,*) "bessel function computed"
339 !  ---  Compute \Sum b.R=xsum for future use
340    xtemp=zero
341    do mm=1,3
342      xtemp=xtemp+xred(mm,iatom)*bb1(mm)
343    end do
344    xtemp=xtemp*two_pi
345    xsum=zero
346    do mm=1,3
347      xsum=xsum+xcart(mm,iatom)*bbn(mm)*bnorm
348    end do
349 !  write(std_out,*)'xsum',xsum,xtemp,lmn_size
351 !  ---  Loop on jlmn and ilmn
352    qijtot=zero
353    do jlmn=1,lmn_size
354      j0lmn=jlmn*(jlmn-1)/2
355      do ilmn=1,jlmn
357        klmn=j0lmn+ilmn
358        klm=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(1,klmn);kln=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(2,klmn)
359        lmin=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(3,klmn);lmax=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(4,klmn)
360 !      ---  Sum over angular momenta
361 !      ---  compute radial part integration for each angular momentum => intg
362 !      ---  (3j) symbols follows the rule: l belongs to abs(li-lj), li+lj.
363        qijb=zero
364        do ll=lmin,lmax,2
365          lm0=ll*ll+ll+1
366          ABI_ALLOCATE(ff,(mesh_size))
367          ff(1:mesh_size)=(pawtab(itypat)%phiphj(1:mesh_size,kln)&
368 &         -pawtab(itypat)%tphitphj(1:mesh_size,kln))&
369 &         *j_bessel(1:mesh_size,ll+1)
370          call simp_gen(intg,ff,pawrad(itypat))
371          ABI_DEALLOCATE(ff)
372          qijbtemp=zero
373          do mm=-ll,ll
374            isel=pawang%gntselect(lm0+mm,klm)
375            if (isel>0) qijbtemp=qijbtemp&
376 &           +pawang%realgnt(isel)*ylmb(lm0+mm)
377          end do ! mm
378 !        ---     compute angular part with a summation
379 !        ---     qijb =\sum_{lm} intg(lm)*qijbtemp
380          qijb(1)=qijb(1) +intg*qijbtemp*ilr(ll+1)
381          qijb(2)=qijb(2) +intg*qijbtemp*ili(ll+1)
382 !        if(ilmn==jlmn) write(std_out,*) "intg, qij",intg,qijbtemp
383        end do ! ll
385 !      ---  Add exp(-i.b*R) for each atom.
386        if(ilmn==jlmn) qijtot=qijtot+qijb(1)
387 !      if(ilmn==jlmn) write(std_out,*) "qijtot",qijtot
388        x1=qijb(1)*dcos(-xsum)-qijb(2)*dsin(-xsum)
389        x2=qijb(1)*dsin(-xsum)+qijb(2)*dcos(-xsum)
390 !      x1 x2 necessary to avoid changing qijb(1) before
391 !      computing qijb(2)
392        qijb(1)=x1
393        qijb(2)=x2 !
394 !      if(ilmn==jlmn) write(std_out,*) "qij",jlmn,ilmn,qijb(1),qijb(2)
396        do iband1=1,mbandw ! limite inferieure a preciser
397          do iband2=1,mbandw
398            ppr=0.d0
399            ppi=0.d0
400            do ispinor=1,nspinor
401              idx1=iband1*nspinor-(nspinor-ispinor)
402              idx2=iband2*nspinor-(nspinor-ispinor) !to take into account spinors
403 !            write(std_out,*) "iband2",iband2
404 !            product of (a1+ia2)*(b1-ib2) (minus sign because conjugated)
405              ppr=ppr+&
406 !            real part a_1*b_1+a_2*b_2
407 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(1,ilmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(1,jlmn)+&
408 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(2,ilmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(2,jlmn)+&
409 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(1,ilmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(1,jlmn)+&
410 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(2,ilmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(2,jlmn)+&
411 !            add term on the other triangle  of the matrix
412 !            qij is the same for this part because phi are real.
413 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(1,jlmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(1,ilmn)+&
414 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(2,jlmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(2,ilmn)
415 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(1,jlmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(1,ilmn)+&
416 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(2,jlmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(2,ilmn)
417              ppi=ppi+&
418 !            imaginary part a_1*b_2-a_2*b_1
419 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(1,ilmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(2,jlmn)-&
420 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(2,ilmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(1,jlmn)+&
421 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(1,ilmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(2,jlmn)-&
422 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(2,ilmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(1,jlmn)+&
423 !            add term on the other triangle  of the matrix
424 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(1,jlmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(2,ilmn)-&
425 &             cprj_k1(iatom,idx1)%cp(2,jlmn)*cprj_k2(iatom,idx2)%cp(1,ilmn)
426 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(1,jlmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(2,ilmn)-&
427 !            &     cprj(iatom,idx1+icg1)%cp(2,jlmn)*cprj(iatom,idx2+icg2)%cp(1,ilmn)
428            end do !ispinor
429 !
430 !          delta: diagonal terms are counted twice ! so
431 !          we need a 0.5 factor for diagonal elements.
432            delta=one
433 !          write(std_out,*) "ppr and ppi computed",ikpt1,ikpt2,iband1,iband2
434            if(ilmn==jlmn) delta=half
435            cm2(1,iband1,iband2)= cm2(1,iband1,iband2)+ &
436 &           (qijb(1)*ppr-qijb(2)*ppi)*delta
437            cm2(2,iband1,iband2)= cm2(2,iband1,iband2)+ &
438 &           (qijb(2)*ppr+qijb(1)*ppi)*delta
439          end do ! iband2
440        end do ! iband1
442      end do ! ilmn
443    end do ! jlmn
444 !  write(std_out,*) "final qijtot",qijtot
445    ABI_DEALLOCATE(j_bessel)
446  end do ! iatom
448  ABI_DEALLOCATE(sb_out)
450  call pawcprj_free(cprj_k1)
451  call pawcprj_free(cprj_k2)
457  end subroutine smatrix_pawinit