ABINIT/dfpt_mkffkg [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Prepare the application of the projectors to the shifted wavefunctions,
 by precomputing the k+G factors and their product with the form factors
 Do this on a block of plane waves.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, MT, DRH)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  choice=governs the combination of k+G vectors to be computed
  ffnl(npw,nffnl,lmnmax,ntypat)=nonlocal form factors on basis sphere.
  gmet(3,3)=metric tensor for G vecs (in bohr**-2)
  nffnl=3rd dimension of ffnl(2, conventional, or 3 for 2nd derivatives)
  idir=direction of the perturbation (needed if choice==2 and ndgxdt==1,
       or if choice==5)
  indlmn(6,i,ntypat)=array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,spin for i=ln
  ipw1 = index of the first plane wave treated in this block
  ispinor=1 or 2, gives the spinorial component of ffnl to be used
  itypat = type of atom, needed for ffnl
  kg_k(3,npw)=integer coords of planewaves in basis sphere
  kpg_k(npw,npkg)= (k+G) components and related data
  kpt(3)=real components of k point in terms of recip. translations
  lmnmax=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
  mblkpw=first dimension of kpgx
  ndgxdt=number of components of first order derivative
  nffkg=number of products of ffnls with combinations of k+G
  nincpw=number of plane waves in the block
  nkpg=second size of array kpg_k
  nlang = number of angular momenta to be treated = 1 + highest ang. mom.
  nloalg(3)=governs the choice of the algorithm for non-local operator.
  npw  = total number of plane waves in reciprocal space
  ntens=second dimension of kpgx, number of distinct tensorial products
  ntypat = number of type of atoms, dimension needed for ffnl


  kpgx(mblkpw,ntens)=different tensorial products of k+G
  ffkg(nffkg,mblkpw)=different products of ffnls with k+G
  parity(nffkg)=parity of the tensorial product of k+G (2 if even, 1 of odd)


  This routine must be thread-safe as it is called inside loops that are OpenMP parallelized.
  Please, do not add variables with the save attribute or SIDE EFFECTS.





 60 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 61 #include "config.h"
 62 #endif
 64 #include "abi_common.h"
 67 subroutine dfpt_mkffkg(choice,ffkg,ffnl,gmet,idir,indlmn,ipw1,ispinor,itypat,&
 68 &                  kg_k,kpg_k,kpgx,kpt,lmnmax,mblkpw,ndgxdt,nffkg,nffnl,nincpw,nkpg,nlang,&
 69 &                  npw,ntens,ntypat,parity)
 71  use defs_basis
 72  use m_profiling_abi
 74 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 75 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 76 #undef ABI_FUNC
 77 #define ABI_FUNC 'dfpt_mkffkg'
 78 !End of the abilint section
 80  implicit none
 82 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 83 !scalars
 84  integer,intent(in) :: choice,idir,ipw1,ispinor,itypat,lmnmax,mblkpw,ndgxdt
 85  integer,intent(in) :: nffkg,nffnl,nincpw,nkpg,nlang,npw,ntens,ntypat
 86 !arrays
 87  integer,intent(in) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax,ntypat),kg_k(3,npw)
 88  integer,intent(out) :: parity(nffkg)
 89  real(dp),intent(in) :: ffnl(npw,nffnl,lmnmax,ntypat),gmet(3,3),kpg_k(npw,nkpg)
 90  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt(3)
 91  real(dp),intent(out) :: ffkg(nffkg,mblkpw),kpgx(mblkpw,ntens)
 93 !Local variables-------------------------------
 94 !scalars
 95  integer :: iffkg,ig,ii,ilang,ilang2,ilangx,ilmn,iln,iln0,iproj,ipw,jj
 96  integer :: nffkge
 97  real(dp) :: ffkg_now,kpg_x,kpg_y,kpg_z
 99 ! *************************************************************************
101  jj=0;ilangx=0
103 !This will be useless after all the modifications have been done
104  do ipw=1,nincpw
105    kpgx(ipw,1)=1.0d0
106  end do
108 !Initialize kpgx array related to tensors defined below
109  if ( nlang>=2 .or. choice==2 .or. choice==3 .or. choice==4 .or. choice==5&
110 & .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23) then
111    if (nkpg>=3) then
112      kpgx(1:nincpw,2)=kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,1)
113      kpgx(1:nincpw,3)=kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,2)
114      kpgx(1:nincpw,4)=kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,3)
115    else
116      ig=ipw1
117      do ipw=1,nincpw
118        kpgx(ipw,2)=kpt(1)+dble(kg_k(1,ig))
119        kpgx(ipw,3)=kpt(2)+dble(kg_k(2,ig))
120        kpgx(ipw,4)=kpt(3)+dble(kg_k(3,ig))
121        ig=ig+1
122      end do
123    end if
124  end if
125  if (nlang>=3 .or. choice==3 .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23) then
126 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 2 symmetric tensor (6 components), l=2
127 !  Compressed storage is 11 22 33 32 31 21
128    if (nkpg>=9) then
129      kpgx(1:nincpw,5) =kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,4)
130      kpgx(1:nincpw,6) =kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,5)
131      kpgx(1:nincpw,7) =kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,6)
132      kpgx(1:nincpw,8) =kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,7)
133      kpgx(1:nincpw,9) =kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,8)
134      kpgx(1:nincpw,10)=kpg_k(ipw1+1:ipw1+nincpw,9)
135    else
136      do ipw=1,nincpw
137        kpgx(ipw, 5) =      kpgx(ipw, 2)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
138        kpgx(ipw, 6) =      kpgx(ipw, 3)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
139        kpgx(ipw, 7) =      kpgx(ipw, 4)*kpgx(ipw, 4)
140        kpgx(ipw, 8) =      kpgx(ipw, 4)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
141        kpgx(ipw, 9) =      kpgx(ipw, 4)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
142        kpgx(ipw,10) =      kpgx(ipw, 3)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
143      end do
144    end if
145  end if
146  if (nlang>=4 .or. ((choice==3.or.choice==23) .and. nlang>=2) .or. choice==6) then
147 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 3 symmetric tensor (10 components), l=3
148 !  Compressed storage is 111 221 331 321 311 211 222 332 322 333
149    do ipw=1,nincpw
150      kpgx(ipw,11) =     kpgx(ipw, 5)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
151      kpgx(ipw,12) =     kpgx(ipw, 6)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
152      kpgx(ipw,13) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
153      kpgx(ipw,14) =     kpgx(ipw, 8)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
154      kpgx(ipw,15) =     kpgx(ipw, 9)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
155      kpgx(ipw,16) =     kpgx(ipw,10)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
156      kpgx(ipw,17) =     kpgx(ipw, 6)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
157      kpgx(ipw,18) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
158      kpgx(ipw,19) =     kpgx(ipw, 8)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
159      kpgx(ipw,20) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 4)
160    end do
161  end if
162  if (((choice==3.or.choice==23) .and. nlang>=3) .or. choice==6) then
163 !  Add additional tensors for strain gradients
164 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 4 symmetric tensor (15 components), l=2
165 !  Compressed storage is 1111 2211 3311 3211 3111 2111 2221 3321 3221
166 !  3331 2222 3322 3222 3332 3333
167    do ipw=1,nincpw
168      kpgx(ipw,21) =     kpgx(ipw, 5)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
169      kpgx(ipw,22) =     kpgx(ipw, 6)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
170      kpgx(ipw,23) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
171      kpgx(ipw,24) =     kpgx(ipw, 8)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
172      kpgx(ipw,25) =     kpgx(ipw, 9)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
173      kpgx(ipw,26) =     kpgx(ipw,10)*kpgx(ipw, 5)
174      kpgx(ipw,27) =     kpgx(ipw, 6)*kpgx(ipw,10)
175      kpgx(ipw,28) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw,10)
176      kpgx(ipw,29) =     kpgx(ipw, 8)*kpgx(ipw,10)
177      kpgx(ipw,30) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 9)
178      kpgx(ipw,31) =     kpgx(ipw, 6)*kpgx(ipw, 6)
179      kpgx(ipw,32) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 6)
180      kpgx(ipw,33) =     kpgx(ipw, 8)*kpgx(ipw, 6)
181      kpgx(ipw,34) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 8)
182      kpgx(ipw,35) =     kpgx(ipw, 7)*kpgx(ipw, 7)
183    end do
184  end if
185  if (((choice==3.or.choice==23) .and. nlang>=4) .or. (choice==6 .and. nlang>=2)) then
186 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 5 symmetric tensor (21 components), l=3
187 !  Compressed storage is 11111 22111 33111 32111 31111 21111
188 !  22211 33211 32211     33311 22221 33221 32221 33321 33331
189 !  22222 33222 32222     33322 33332 33333
190    do ipw=1,nincpw
191      kpgx(ipw,36) =     kpgx(ipw,21)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
192      kpgx(ipw,37) =     kpgx(ipw,22)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
193      kpgx(ipw,38) =     kpgx(ipw,23)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
194      kpgx(ipw,39) =     kpgx(ipw,24)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
195      kpgx(ipw,40) =     kpgx(ipw,25)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
196      kpgx(ipw,41) =     kpgx(ipw,26)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
197      kpgx(ipw,42) =     kpgx(ipw,27)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
198      kpgx(ipw,43) =     kpgx(ipw,28)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
199      kpgx(ipw,44) =     kpgx(ipw,29)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
200      kpgx(ipw,45) =     kpgx(ipw,30)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
201      kpgx(ipw,46) =     kpgx(ipw,31)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
202      kpgx(ipw,47) =     kpgx(ipw,32)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
203      kpgx(ipw,48) =     kpgx(ipw,33)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
204      kpgx(ipw,49) =     kpgx(ipw,34)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
205      kpgx(ipw,50) =     kpgx(ipw,35)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
206      kpgx(ipw,51) =     kpgx(ipw,31)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
207      kpgx(ipw,52) =     kpgx(ipw,32)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
208      kpgx(ipw,53) =     kpgx(ipw,33)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
209      kpgx(ipw,54) =     kpgx(ipw,34)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
210      kpgx(ipw,55) =     kpgx(ipw,35)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
211      kpgx(ipw,56) =     kpgx(ipw,35)*kpgx(ipw, 4)
212    end do
213  end if
214  if (choice==6 .and. nlang>=3) then
215 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 6 symmetric tensor (28 components)
216 !  Compressed storage is
217 !  111111 221111 331111 321111 311111 211111 222111 332111 322111
218 !  333111 222211 332211 322211 333211 333311 222221 332221 322221
219 !  333221 333321 333331 222222 332222 322222 333222 333322 333332
220 !  333333
221    do ipw=1,nincpw
222      kpgx(ipw,57) =     kpgx(ipw,36)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
223      kpgx(ipw,58) =     kpgx(ipw,37)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
224      kpgx(ipw,59) =     kpgx(ipw,38)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
225      kpgx(ipw,60) =     kpgx(ipw,39)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
226      kpgx(ipw,61) =     kpgx(ipw,40)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
227      kpgx(ipw,62) =     kpgx(ipw,41)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
228      kpgx(ipw,63) =     kpgx(ipw,42)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
229      kpgx(ipw,64) =     kpgx(ipw,43)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
230      kpgx(ipw,65) =     kpgx(ipw,44)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
231      kpgx(ipw,66) =     kpgx(ipw,45)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
232      kpgx(ipw,67) =     kpgx(ipw,46)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
233      kpgx(ipw,68) =     kpgx(ipw,47)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
234      kpgx(ipw,69) =     kpgx(ipw,48)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
235      kpgx(ipw,70) =     kpgx(ipw,49)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
236      kpgx(ipw,71) =     kpgx(ipw,50)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
237      kpgx(ipw,72) =     kpgx(ipw,51)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
238      kpgx(ipw,73) =     kpgx(ipw,52)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
239      kpgx(ipw,74) =     kpgx(ipw,53)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
240      kpgx(ipw,75) =     kpgx(ipw,54)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
241      kpgx(ipw,76) =     kpgx(ipw,55)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
242      kpgx(ipw,77) =     kpgx(ipw,56)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
243      kpgx(ipw,78) =     kpgx(ipw,51)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
244      kpgx(ipw,79) =     kpgx(ipw,52)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
245      kpgx(ipw,80) =     kpgx(ipw,53)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
246      kpgx(ipw,81) =     kpgx(ipw,54)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
247      kpgx(ipw,82) =     kpgx(ipw,55)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
248      kpgx(ipw,83) =     kpgx(ipw,56)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
249      kpgx(ipw,84) =     kpgx(ipw,56)*kpgx(ipw, 4)
250    end do
251  end if
252  if (choice==6 .and. nlang==4) then
253 !  Define (k+G) part of rank 7 symmetric tensor (36 components)
254 !  Compressed storage is
255 !  1111111 2211111 3311111 3211111 3111111 2111111 2221111 3321111 3221111
256 !  3331111 2222111 3322111 3222111 3332111 3333111 2222211 3322211 3222211
257 !  3332211 3333211 3333311 2222221 3322221 3222221 3332221 3333221 3333321
258 !  3333331 2222222 3322222 3222222 3332222 3333222 3333322 3333332 3333333
259    do ipw=1,nincpw
260      kpgx(ipw,85) =     kpgx(ipw,57)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
261      kpgx(ipw,86) =     kpgx(ipw,58)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
262      kpgx(ipw,87) =     kpgx(ipw,59)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
263      kpgx(ipw,88) =     kpgx(ipw,60)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
264      kpgx(ipw,89) =     kpgx(ipw,61)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
265      kpgx(ipw,90) =     kpgx(ipw,62)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
266      kpgx(ipw,91) =     kpgx(ipw,63)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
267      kpgx(ipw,92) =     kpgx(ipw,64)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
268      kpgx(ipw,93) =     kpgx(ipw,65)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
269      kpgx(ipw,94) =     kpgx(ipw,66)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
270      kpgx(ipw,95) =     kpgx(ipw,67)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
271      kpgx(ipw,96) =     kpgx(ipw,68)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
272      kpgx(ipw,97) =     kpgx(ipw,69)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
273      kpgx(ipw,98) =     kpgx(ipw,70)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
274      kpgx(ipw,99) =     kpgx(ipw,71)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
275      kpgx(ipw,100) =    kpgx(ipw,72)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
276      kpgx(ipw,101) =    kpgx(ipw,73)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
277      kpgx(ipw,102) =    kpgx(ipw,74)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
278      kpgx(ipw,103) =    kpgx(ipw,75)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
279      kpgx(ipw,104) =    kpgx(ipw,76)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
280      kpgx(ipw,105) =    kpgx(ipw,77)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
281      kpgx(ipw,106) =    kpgx(ipw,78)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
282      kpgx(ipw,107) =    kpgx(ipw,79)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
283      kpgx(ipw,108) =    kpgx(ipw,80)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
284      kpgx(ipw,109) =    kpgx(ipw,81)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
285      kpgx(ipw,110) =    kpgx(ipw,82)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
286      kpgx(ipw,111) =    kpgx(ipw,83)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
287      kpgx(ipw,112) =    kpgx(ipw,84)*kpgx(ipw, 2)
288      kpgx(ipw,113) =    kpgx(ipw,78)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
289      kpgx(ipw,114) =    kpgx(ipw,79)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
290      kpgx(ipw,115) =    kpgx(ipw,80)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
291      kpgx(ipw,116) =    kpgx(ipw,81)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
292      kpgx(ipw,117) =    kpgx(ipw,82)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
293      kpgx(ipw,118) =    kpgx(ipw,83)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
294      kpgx(ipw,119) =    kpgx(ipw,84)*kpgx(ipw, 3)
295      kpgx(ipw,120) =    kpgx(ipw,84)*kpgx(ipw, 4)
296    end do
297  end if
299 !*****************************************************************************
300 !
301 !Packing of composite projectors in ffkg
303  iffkg=0
305 !Treat composite projectors for the energy
306  iln0=0
307  do ilmn=1,lmnmax
308    iln=indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
309    if (iln>iln0) then
310      iln0=iln
311      ilang=1+indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
312      iproj=indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
313      if(iproj>0)then
314        ilang2=(ilang*(ilang+1))/2
316        if(ilang==1)then
317 !        Treat s-component separately
318          ig=ipw1
319          iffkg=iffkg+1
320          do ipw=1,nincpw
321            ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,1,ilmn,itypat)
322            ig=ig+1
323          end do
324          parity(iffkg)=2
325        else
326 !        Treat other components (could be made faster by treating explicitely
327 !        each angular momentum)
328          do ii=1,ilang2
329 !          Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
330            jj=ii+((ilang-1)*ilang*(ilang+1))/6
331            ig=ipw1
332            iffkg=iffkg+1
333            do ipw=1,nincpw
334              ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,1,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
335              ig=ig+1
336            end do
337            if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=1
338            if(ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=2
339          end do
340        end if
342 !      End condition if(iproj>0)
343      end if
345 !    End loop on ilang (ilmn)
346    end if
347  end do
349 !This is the number of composite projectors for the energy
350  nffkge=iffkg
352 !Second, treat forces : actually, this part could be rationalized,
353 !since the outcome is a multiplication by three of the number
354 !of composite projectors for the energy, while less should be needed
355  if((choice==2.or.choice==23) .and. ndgxdt/=1)then
356    do ii=1,nffkge
357      do ipw=1,nincpw
358        ffkg(iffkg+1,ipw)=ffkg(ii,ipw)*kpgx(ipw,2)
359        ffkg(iffkg+2,ipw)=ffkg(ii,ipw)*kpgx(ipw,3)
360        ffkg(iffkg+3,ipw)=ffkg(ii,ipw)*kpgx(ipw,4)
361      end do
362      parity(iffkg+1)=3-parity(ii)
363      parity(iffkg+2)=parity(iffkg+1)
364      parity(iffkg+3)=parity(iffkg+1)
365      iffkg=iffkg+3
366    end do
367  end if
368 !Note that the additional number of projectors for forces is 3*nffkge
370 !Third, treat first-derivative of the non-local operator
371 !with respect to an atomic displacement in one direction :
372  if(choice==2 .and. ndgxdt==1)then
373    do ii=1,nffkge
374      do ipw=1,nincpw
375        ffkg(iffkg+1,ipw)=ffkg(ii,ipw)*kpgx(ipw,idir+1)
376      end do
377      parity(iffkg+1)=3-parity(ii)
378      iffkg=iffkg+1
379    end do
380  end if
381 !Note that the additional number of projectors for this case is nffkge
384 !Fourth, treat dynamical matrices : like forces, this part could be rationalized.
385  if(choice==4)then
386    do ii=1,nffkge
387      do ipw=1,nincpw
388        kpg_x=kpgx(ipw,2) ; kpg_y=kpgx(ipw,3) ; kpg_z=kpgx(ipw,4)
389        ffkg_now=ffkg(ii,ipw)
390        ffkg(iffkg+1,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_x
391        ffkg(iffkg+2,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_y
392        ffkg(iffkg+3,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_z
393        ffkg(iffkg+4,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_x*kpg_x
394        ffkg(iffkg+5,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_y*kpg_y
395        ffkg(iffkg+6,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_z*kpg_z
396        ffkg(iffkg+7,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_z*kpg_y
397        ffkg(iffkg+8,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_z*kpg_x
398        ffkg(iffkg+9,ipw)=ffkg_now*kpg_y*kpg_x
399      end do
400      parity(iffkg+1:iffkg+3)=3-parity(ii)
401      parity(iffkg+4:iffkg+9)=parity(ii)
402      iffkg=iffkg+9
403    end do
404  end if
405 !Note that the additional number of projectors for dynamical matrices is 9*nffkge
407 !Treat composite projectors for the stress or 1st derivative contribution
408 !to frozen-wavefunction part of elastic tensor
409 !as well as, for ddk perturbation, the part that depend on ffnl(:,2,..)
410  if(choice==3 .or. choice==5 .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23)then
412    iln0=0
413    do ilmn=1,lmnmax
414      if (ispinor==indlmn(6,ilmn,itypat)) then
415        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
416        if (iln>iln0) then
417          iln0=iln
418          ilang=1+indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
419          iproj=indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
420          if(iproj>0)then
421 !          number of unique tensor components
422            if(choice==3 .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23)ilangx=((ilang+2)*(ilang+3))/2
423            if(choice==5)ilangx=(ilang*(ilang+1))/2
425            do ii=1,ilangx
426 !            Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
427              if(choice==3 .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23)jj=ii+((ilang+1)*(ilang+2)*(ilang+3))/6
428              if(choice==5)jj=ii+((ilang-1)*ilang*(ilang+1))/6
429              ig=ipw1
430              iffkg=iffkg+1
431              if(choice==3 .or. choice==6 .or. choice==23)then
432                do ipw=1,nincpw
433                  ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,2,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
434                  ig=ig+1
435                end do
436              else
437                do ipw=1,nincpw
438                  ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,2,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)*&
439 &                 (kpgx(ipw,2)*gmet(1,idir)+ &
440 &                 kpgx(ipw,3)*gmet(2,idir)+ &
441 &                 kpgx(ipw,4)*gmet(3,idir) )
442                  ig=ig+1
443                end do
444              end if
445              if(ilang==1 .or. ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=2
446              if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=1
447              if(choice==5)parity(iffkg)=3-parity(iffkg)
448            end do
450 !          End condition if(iproj>0)
451          end if
452 !        End condition on iln
453        end if
454 !      End condition if(ispinor=indlmn(6,...))
455      end if
456 !    End loop on ilmn
457    end do
459 !  End condition of stress
460  end if
462 !Treat composite projectors for the 2nd derivative wrt 2 strains
463 !and wrt one strain and one atomic displacement (internal strain)
464 !contributions to frozen-wavefunction part of (generalized) elastic tensor.
465 !There are 3 sets on terms (in historical order):
466 !first,  terms with ffnl(:,3,...) and rank+4 tensors.
467 !second, terms with ffnl(:,1,...) and rank+1 tensors.
468 !third,  terms with ffnl(:,2,...) and rank+3 tensors.
470  if(choice==6)then
472    iln0=0
473    do ilmn=1,lmnmax
474      if (ispinor==indlmn(6,ilmn,itypat)) then
475        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
476        if (iln>iln0) then
477          iln0=iln
478          ilang=1+indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
479          iproj=indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
481          if(iproj>0)then
482 !          First set of terms
483 !          number of unique tensor components
484            ilangx=((ilang+4)*(ilang+5))/2
486            do ii=1,ilangx
487 !            Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
488              jj=ii+((ilang+3)*(ilang+4)*(ilang+5))/6
489              ig=ipw1
490              iffkg=iffkg+1
491              do ipw=1,nincpw
492                ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,3,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
493                ig=ig+1
494              end do
495              if(ilang==1 .or. ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=2
496              if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=1
497            end do
499 !          Second set of terms
500 !          number of unique tensor components
501            ilangx=((ilang+1)*(ilang+2))/2
503            do ii=1,ilangx
504 !            Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
505              jj=ii+((ilang)*(ilang+1)*(ilang+2))/6
506              ig=ipw1
507              iffkg=iffkg+1
508              do ipw=1,nincpw
509                ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,1,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
510                ig=ig+1
511              end do
512              if(ilang==1 .or. ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=1
513              if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=2
514            end do
516 !          Third set of terms
517 !          number of unique tensor components
518            ilangx=((ilang+3)*(ilang+4))/2
520            do ii=1,ilangx
521 !            Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
522              jj=ii+((ilang+2)*(ilang+3)*(ilang+4))/6
523              ig=ipw1
524              iffkg=iffkg+1
525              do ipw=1,nincpw
526                ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,2,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
527                ig=ig+1
528              end do
529              if(ilang==1 .or. ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=1
530              if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=2
531            end do
533 !          End condition if(iproj>0)
534          end if
535 !        End condition on iln
536        end if
537 !      End condition if(ispinor=indlmn(6,...))
538      end if
539 !    End loop on ilmn
540    end do
542 !  End condition of 2nd strain derivatives
543  end if
545 !For ddk perturbation, treat the part that depend on ffnl(:,1,..)
546 !no contribution from s state
547  if(nlang>=2 .and. choice==5)then
548    iln0=0
549    do ilmn=1,lmnmax
550      if (ispinor==indlmn(6,ilmn,itypat)) then
551        iln=indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
552        if (iln>iln0) then
553          iln0=iln
554          ilang=1+indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
555          if (ilang>=2) then
556            iproj=indlmn(3,ilmn,itypat)
557            if(iproj>0)then
558              ilang2=(ilang*(ilang-1))/2
560              do ii=1,ilang2
561 !              Get the starting address for the relevant tensor
562                jj=ii+((ilang-2)*(ilang-1)*ilang)/6
563                ig=ipw1
564                iffkg=iffkg+1
565                do ipw=1,nincpw
566                  ffkg(iffkg,ipw)=ffnl(ig,1,ilmn,itypat)*kpgx(ipw,jj)
567                  ig=ig+1
568                end do
569                if(ilang==2 .or. ilang==4)parity(iffkg)=2
570                if(ilang==3)parity(iffkg)=1
571              end do
573 !            End condition if(iproj>0)
574            end if
575 !          End condition if(ilang>=2)
576          end if
577 !        End condition if(iln>iln0)
578        end if
579 !      End condition if(ispinor=indlmn(6,...))
580      end if
581 !    End loop on ilmn
582    end do
583 !  End condition of p,d or f state
584  end if
586 !DEBUG
587 !write(std_out,*)' dfpt_mkffkg : exit '
590 end subroutine dfpt_mkffkg