ABINIT/metcon_so [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Carries out specialized metric tensor contractions needed for
 l=0,1,2,3 nonlocal Kleinman-Bylander pseudopotential operation
 in the spin-orbit case.
 Full advantage is taken of the full permutational symmetry of these


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, GZ)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  rank=0,1,2, or 3 = rank of input tensor aa
  gmet(3,3)=metric tensor (array is symmetric but stored as 3x3)
  amet(3,3)=real or imaginary part of one spin matrix element of the
            "spin metric" tensor
  aa(2,(rank+1)*(rank+2)/2)=unique elements of complex input tensor


  bb(2,(rank+1)*(rank+2)/2)=unique elements of complex output tensor


 All tensors are stored in a compressed storage mode defined below;
 input and output conform to this scheme.
 When tensor elements occur repeatedly due to symmetry, the
 WEIGHT IS INCLUDED in the output tensor element to simplify later
 contractions with other tensors of the same rank and form, i.e. the
 next contraction is then simply a dot product over the unique elements.

 Definitions of the contractions:

 rank=0:  bb=0

 rank=1:  bb(i)= $amet(i,l) aa(l)$  (3 elements in, 3 elements out)

 rank=2:  bb(i,j)= $[3 gmet(i,l) amet(j,m)] aa(l,m)$
          (6 elements in, 6 elements out)

 rank=3:  bb(i,j,k)= $[{15 \over 2} g(i,l) g(j,m) a(k,n) - {3 \over 2} g(i,j) g(l,m) a(k,n)] aa(l,m,n)$
          (10 elements in, 10 elements out)
          In this rank 3 case, the second term is NOT symmetric in all
          permutations of i,j,k, but the final tensor b(ijk) may be
          symmetrized over all permutations because it will be
          contracted with a completely symmetric tensor.

 The compressed storage scheme is based on storing
 a symmetric 3x3 matrix as
     (1 . .)
     (6 2 .)
     (5 4 3)
 which leads to the following mappings for all ranks
 where the compressed storage index is to the right of the arrow:
 rank=0 1->1 (only a scalar)
 rank=1 1->1 2->2 3->3 (standard vector, no compression)
 rank=2 11->1 22->2 33->3 32->4 31->5 21->6
  weights   1     1     1     2     2     2
 rank=3 111->1 221->2 331->3 321->4 311->5 211->6 222->7 332->8 322->9 333->10
  weights    1      3      3      6      3      3      1      3      3       1





 75 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 76 #include "config.h"
 77 #endif
 79 #include "abi_common.h"
 82 subroutine metcon_so(rank,gmet,amet,aa,bb)
 84  use defs_basis
 85  use m_errors
 87 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 88 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 89 #undef ABI_FUNC
 90 #define ABI_FUNC 'metcon_so'
 91 !End of the abilint section
 93  implicit none
 95 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 96 !scalars
 97  integer,intent(in) :: rank
 98 !arrays
 99  real(dp),intent(in) :: aa(2,((rank+1)*(rank+2))/2),amet(3,3),gmet(3,3)
100  real(dp),intent(out) :: bb(2,((rank+1)*(rank+2))/2)
102 !Local variables-------------------------------
103 !scalars
104  integer :: ii,jj
105  real(dp) :: tmpiii,tmpijk
106  character(len=500) :: message
107 !arrays
108  real(dp) :: vector(3)
110 ! *************************************************************************
112  if (rank==0) then
113 !  Simply copy scalar, re and im
114    bb(1,1)=0.d0
115    bb(2,1)=0.d0
116 !  
117  else if (rank==1) then
118 !  Apply gmet to input vector, re and im
119    do ii=1,2
120      do jj=1,3
121        bb(ii,jj)=amet(jj,1)*aa(ii,1)+amet(jj,2)*aa(ii,2)+amet(jj,3)*aa(ii,3)
122      end do
123    end do
125  else if (rank==2) then
126 !  Apply rank2 expression, re and im
127    do ii=1,2
128 !    Write out components of contraction
129 !    (1,1)->1
130      bb(ii,1)=3.0d0*(gmet(1,1)*amet(1,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
131 &     gmet(1,2)*amet(1,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(1,3)*amet(1,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
132 &     (gmet(1,2)*amet(1,1)+gmet(1,1)*amet(1,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
133 &     (gmet(1,3)*amet(1,1)+gmet(1,1)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
134 &     (gmet(1,3)*amet(1,2)+gmet(1,2)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,4))
135 !    (2,2)->2
136      bb(ii,2)=3.0d0*(gmet(2,1)*amet(2,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
137 &     gmet(2,2)*amet(2,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(2,3)*amet(2,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
138 &     (gmet(2,2)*amet(2,1)+gmet(2,1)*amet(2,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
139 &     (gmet(2,3)*amet(2,1)+gmet(2,1)*amet(2,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
140 &     (gmet(2,3)*amet(2,2)+gmet(2,2)*amet(2,3))*aa(ii,4) )
141 !    (3,3)->3
142      bb(ii,3)=3.0d0*(gmet(3,1)*amet(3,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
143 &     gmet(3,2)*amet(3,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(3,3)*amet(3,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
144 &     (gmet(3,2)*amet(3,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(3,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
145 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(3,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(3,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
146 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(3,2)+gmet(3,2)*amet(3,3))*aa(ii,4) )
147 !    (3,2)->4
148      bb(ii,4)=3.0d0*(gmet(3,1)*amet(2,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
149 &     gmet(3,2)*amet(2,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(3,3)*amet(2,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
150 &     (gmet(3,2)*amet(2,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(2,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
151 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(2,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(2,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
152 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(2,2)+gmet(3,2)*amet(2,3))*aa(ii,4) )
153      bb(ii,4)=bb(ii,4)+3.0d0*(amet(3,1)*gmet(2,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
154 &     amet(3,2)*gmet(2,2)*aa(ii,2)+amet(3,3)*gmet(2,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
155 &     (amet(3,2)*gmet(2,1)+amet(3,1)*gmet(2,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
156 &     (amet(3,3)*gmet(2,1)+amet(3,1)*gmet(2,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
157 &     (amet(3,3)*gmet(2,2)+amet(3,2)*gmet(2,3))*aa(ii,4) )
158 !    (3,1)->5
159      bb(ii,5)=3.0d0*(gmet(3,1)*amet(1,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
160 &     gmet(3,2)*amet(1,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(3,3)*amet(1,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
161 &     (gmet(3,2)*amet(1,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(1,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
162 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(1,1)+gmet(3,1)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
163 &     (gmet(3,3)*amet(1,2)+gmet(3,2)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,4) )
164      bb(ii,5)=bb(ii,5)+3.0d0*(amet(3,1)*gmet(1,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
165 &     amet(3,2)*gmet(1,2)*aa(ii,2)+amet(3,3)*gmet(1,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
166 &     (amet(3,2)*gmet(1,1)+amet(3,1)*gmet(1,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
167 &     (amet(3,3)*gmet(1,1)+amet(3,1)*gmet(1,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
168 &     (amet(3,3)*gmet(1,2)+amet(3,2)*gmet(1,3))*aa(ii,4) )
169 !    (2,1)->6
170      bb(ii,6)=3.0d0*(gmet(2,1)*amet(1,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
171 &     gmet(2,2)*amet(1,2)*aa(ii,2)+gmet(2,3)*amet(1,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
172 &     (gmet(2,2)*amet(1,1)+gmet(2,1)*amet(1,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
173 &     (gmet(2,3)*amet(1,1)+gmet(2,1)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
174 &     (gmet(2,3)*amet(1,2)+gmet(2,2)*amet(1,3))*aa(ii,4) )
175      bb(ii,6)=bb(ii,6)+3.0d0*(amet(2,1)*gmet(1,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
176 &     amet(2,2)*gmet(1,2)*aa(ii,2)+amet(2,3)*gmet(1,3)*aa(ii,3)+&
177 &     (amet(2,2)*gmet(1,1)+amet(2,1)*gmet(1,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
178 &     (amet(2,3)*gmet(1,1)+amet(2,1)*gmet(1,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
179 &     (amet(2,3)*gmet(1,2)+amet(2,2)*gmet(1,3))*aa(ii,4) )
180 !    Include appropriate weights for multiplicity
181      bb(ii,4)=bb(ii,4)
182      bb(ii,5)=bb(ii,5)
183      bb(ii,6)=bb(ii,6)
184    end do
186  else if (rank==3) then
187 !  Apply rank2 expression, re and im
188    do ii=1,2
189 !    Carry out g(l,m)g(j,n)*aa(l,m,n) contraction to get vector(j)
190      do jj=1,3
191        tmpiii=   gmet(1,1)*amet(jj,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
192 &       gmet(2,2)*amet(jj,2)*aa(ii,7)+&
193 &       gmet(3,3)*amet(jj,3)*aa(ii,10)
194        tmpijk=  (gmet(1,2)*amet(jj,3)+&
195 &       gmet(3,1)*amet(jj,2)+&
196 &       gmet(2,3)*amet(jj,1)+&
197 &       gmet(3,2)*amet(jj,1)+&
198 &       gmet(1,3)*amet(jj,2)+&
199 &       gmet(2,1)*amet(jj,3)) *aa(ii,4)
200        vector(jj)=tmpiii + tmpijk +&
201 &       (gmet(1,2)*amet(jj,1)+&
202 &       gmet(2,1)*amet(jj,1)+&
203 &       gmet(1,1)*amet(jj,2)) *aa(ii,6)+&
204 &       (gmet(1,2)*amet(jj,2)+&
205 &       gmet(2,1)*amet(jj,2)+&
206 &       gmet(2,2)*amet(jj,1)) *aa(ii,2)+&
207 &       (gmet(1,3)*amet(jj,1)+&
208 &       gmet(3,1)*amet(jj,1)+&
209 &       gmet(1,1)*amet(jj,3)) *aa(ii,5)+&
210 &       (gmet(1,3)*amet(jj,3)+&
211 &       gmet(3,1)*amet(jj,3)+&
212 &       gmet(3,3)*amet(jj,1)) *aa(ii,3)+&
213 &       (gmet(2,3)*amet(jj,2)+&
214 &       gmet(3,2)*amet(jj,2)+&
215 &       gmet(2,2)*amet(jj,3)) *aa(ii,9)+&
216 &       (gmet(2,3)*amet(jj,3)+&
217 &       gmet(3,2)*amet(jj,3)+&
218 &       gmet(3,3)*amet(jj,2)) *aa(ii,8)
219      end do
220 !    Write out components of contraction
221 !    (111)->1
222      bb(ii,1) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,1,1,1)-1.5d0*(gmet(1,1)*vector(1))
223 !    (221)->2
224      bb(ii,2) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,2,2,1)-0.5d0*(gmet(1,2)*vector(2)+&
225 &     gmet(1,2)*vector(2)+gmet(2,2)*vector(1))
226 !    (331)->3
227      bb(ii,3) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,3,1)-0.5d0*(gmet(1,3)*vector(3)+&
228 &     gmet(1,3)*vector(3)+gmet(3,3)*vector(1))
229 !    (321)->4
230      bb(ii,4) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,2,1)-0.5d0*(gmet(1,3)*vector(2)+&
231 &     gmet(1,2)*vector(3)+gmet(3,2)*vector(1))
232 !    (311)->5
233      bb(ii,5) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,1,1)-0.5d0*(gmet(1,3)*vector(1)+&
234 &     gmet(1,1)*vector(3)+gmet(3,1)*vector(1))
235 !    (211)->6
236      bb(ii,6) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,2,1,1)-0.5d0*(gmet(1,2)*vector(1)+&
237 &     gmet(1,1)*vector(2)+gmet(2,1)*vector(1))
238 !    (222)->7
239      bb(ii,7) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,2,2,2)-1.5d0*(gmet(2,2)*vector(2))
241 !    (332)->8
242      bb(ii,8) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,3,2)-0.5d0*(gmet(2,3)*vector(3)+&
243 &     gmet(2,3)*vector(3)+gmet(3,3)*vector(2))
244 !    (322)->9
245      bb(ii,9) =7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,2,2)-0.5d0*(gmet(2,3)*vector(2)+&
246 &     gmet(2,2)*vector(3)+gmet(3,2)*vector(2))
247 !    (333)->10
248      bb(ii,10)=7.5d0*con_metso(ii,3,3,3)-1.5d0*(gmet(3,3)*vector(3))
249 !    Include appropriate weights for multiplicity
250      bb(ii,2)=3.d0*bb(ii,2)
251      bb(ii,3)=3.d0*bb(ii,3)
252      bb(ii,4)=6.d0*bb(ii,4)
253      bb(ii,5)=3.d0*bb(ii,5)
254      bb(ii,6)=3.d0*bb(ii,6)
255      bb(ii,8)=3.d0*bb(ii,8)
256      bb(ii,9)=3.d0*bb(ii,9)
257    end do
259  else
260    write(message, '(a,i0,a,a,a)' )&
261 &   'Input rank=',rank,' not allowed.',ch10,&
262 &   'Possible values are 0,1,2,3 only.'
263    MSG_BUG(message)
264  end if
266  contains
268 !This function defines the l=3 contraction in
269 !terms of the free indices of the contracted tensor (re and im)
271    function cona_metso(ii,i1,i2,i3)
274 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
275 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
276 #undef ABI_FUNC
277 #define ABI_FUNC 'cona_metso'
278 !End of the abilint section
280    real(dp) :: cona_metso
281    integer,intent(in) :: ii,i1,i2,i3
282    real(dp) :: coniii, conijk
284    coniii=gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,1)*aa(ii,1)+&
285 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,2)*aa(ii,7)+&
286 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,3)*aa(ii,10)
287    conijk=aa(ii,4)*&
288 &   (gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,3)+&
289 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,1)+&
290 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,2)+&
291 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,1)+&
292 &   gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,2)+&
293 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,3))
294    cona_metso=coniii+conijk+&
295 &   (gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,1)+&
296 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,1)+&
297 &   gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,2))*aa(ii,6)+&
298 &   (gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,2)+&
299 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,2)+&
300 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,1))*aa(ii,2)+&
301 &   (gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,1)+&
302 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,1)+&
303 &   gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,3))*aa(ii,5)+&
304 &   (gmet(i1,1)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,3)+&
305 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,1)*amet(i3,3)+&
306 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,1))*aa(ii,3)+&
307 &   (gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,3)+&
308 &   gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,2)+&
309 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,2))*aa(ii,9)+&
310 &   (gmet(i1,2)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,3)+&
311 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,2)*amet(i3,3)+&
312 &   gmet(i1,3)*gmet(i2,3)*amet(i3,2))*aa(ii,8)
313  end function cona_metso
316    function con_metso(ii,i1,i2,i3)
319 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
320 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
321 #undef ABI_FUNC
322 #define ABI_FUNC 'con_metso'
323 !End of the abilint section
325    real(dp) :: con_metso
326    integer,intent(in) :: ii,i1,i2,i3
328    con_metso=(cona_metso(ii,i3,i1,i2)+cona_metso(ii,i2,i3,i1)+cona_metso(ii,i1,i2,i3))/3.d0
330  end function con_metso
332 end subroutine metcon_so