ABINIT/fock2ACE [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute nonlocal contribution to the Fock part of the hamiltonian in the ACE formalism.
 optionally contribution to Fock forces


  cg(2,mcg)=wavefunctions (may be read from disk file)
  cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)=<p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each NL proj |p_lmn>
  fock <type(fock_type)>= quantities to calculate Fock exact exchange
  istwfk(nkpt)=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced coordinates (integers) of G vecs in basis
  kpt(3,nkpt)=k points in reduced coordinates
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mkmem=number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw= maximum number of plane waves
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nband(nkpt)=number of bands at each k point
  nfft=number of FFT grid points
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points in Brillouin zone
  nloalg(3)=governs the choice of the algorithm for non-local operator.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis and boundary at each k
  nspden=Number of spin Density components
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation numbers for each band over all k points
  optfor=1 if computation of forces is required
  paw_ij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=one-dimensional structure factor information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  typat(natom)=type of each atom
  usecprj=1 if cprj datastructure has been allocated
  gpu_option= GPU implementation to use, i.e. cuda, openMP, ... (0=not using GPU)
  wtk(nkpt)=weight associated with each k point
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point


 if optfor=1, fock%fock_common%forces


 804 subroutine fock2ACE(cg,cprj,fock,istwfk,kg,kpt,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,&
 805 &  mpw,my_natom,natom,nband,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,nloalg,npwarr,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,&
 806 &  ntypat,occ,optfor,paw_ij,pawtab,ph1d,psps,rprimd,typat,usecprj,gpu_option,wtk,xred,ylm)
 808 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 809 !scalars
 810  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfft,mkmem,mpsang,mpw,my_natom,natom,nfft,nkpt
 811  integer,intent(in) :: nspden,nsppol,nspinor,ntypat,optfor
 812  integer,intent(in) :: usecprj,gpu_option
 813  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 814  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 815 !arrays
 816  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk(nkpt),kg(3,mpw*mkmem),nband(nkpt*nsppol)
 817  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),nloalg(3),npwarr(nkpt)
 818  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
 819  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
 820  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpt(3,nkpt)
 821  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)
 822  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),wtk(nkpt),xred(3,natom)
 823  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*psps%useylm)
 824  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)
 825  type(paw_ij_type),intent(in) :: paw_ij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 826  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 827  type(fock_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: fock
 828 !Local variables-------------------------------
 829 !scalars
 830  integer :: bandpp,bdtot_index,dimffnl,iband,iband_cprj,iband_last,ibg,icg,ider
 831  integer :: ierr,info,idir,ikg,ikpt,ilm,ipw,isppol,istwf_k,kk,ll
 832  integer :: mband_cprj,me_distrb,my_ikpt,my_nspinor,nband_k,nband_cprj_k,ndat,nkpg
 833  integer :: npw_k,spaceComm
 834  integer :: use_ACE_old
 835  integer :: blocksize,iblock,jblock,iblocksize,jblocksize,nblockbd
 836 !integer, save :: counter=0
 837  type(gs_hamiltonian_type) :: gs_hamk
 838  logical :: compute_gbound
 839  character(len=500) :: msg
 840  type(fock_common_type),pointer :: fockcommon
 841 !arrays
 842  integer,allocatable :: kg_k(:,:)
 843  real(dp) :: kpoint(3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
 844  real(dp),allocatable :: bb(:,:,:),cwavef(:,:),cwavefk(:,:),ffnl_sav(:,:,:,:)
 845  real(dp),allocatable :: kpg_k(:,:),kpg_k_sav(:,:)
 846  real(dp),allocatable :: mkl(:,:,:),occblock(:),ph3d(:,:,:),ph3d_sav(:,:,:)
 847  real(dp),allocatable :: wi(:,:,:),weight(:),ylm_k(:,:),ylmgr_k(:,:,:)
 848  real(dp),allocatable,target :: ffnl(:,:,:,:)
 849  type(bandfft_kpt_type),pointer :: my_bandfft_kpt => null()
 850  type(pawcprj_type),target,allocatable :: cwaveprj(:,:)
 851  type(pawcprj_type),pointer :: cwaveprj_idat(:,:)
 853 !*************************************************************************
 855  call timab(1560,1,tsec)
 856  call timab(1561,1,tsec)
 858 !DEBUG
 859 !if(counter>0)return
 860 !counter=counter+1
 863 !Init mpicomm and me
 864  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1)then
 865    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
 866    me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
 867  else
 868 !* In case of HF calculation
 869    if (mpi_enreg%paral_hf==1) then
 870      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
 871      me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
 872    else
 873      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 874      me_distrb=mpi_enreg%me_cell
 875    end if
 876  end if
 878 !Some initializations
 879  my_nspinor=max(1,nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
 880  compute_gbound=.true.
 881  fockcommon => fock%fock_common
 882  use_ACE_old=fockcommon%use_ACE
 883  fockcommon%use_ACE=0
 884  fockcommon%e_fock0=zero
 886 !Initialize Hamiltonian (k- and spin-independent terms)
 888  call init_hamiltonian(gs_hamk,psps,pawtab,nspinor,nsppol,nspden,natom,&
 889 & typat,xred,nfft,mgfft,ngfft,rprimd,nloalg,usecprj=usecprj,&
 890 & comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,mpi_spintab=mpi_enreg%my_isppoltab,&
 891 & paw_ij=paw_ij,ph1d=ph1d,fock=fock,&
 892 & gpu_option=gpu_option)
 893  rmet = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(rprimd),rprimd)
 894  fockcommon%use_ACE=use_ACE_old
 896 !need to reorder cprj=<p_lmn|Cnk> (from unsorted to atom-sorted)
 897  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 898    call pawcprj_reorder(cprj,gs_hamk%atindx)
 899  end if
 902  bdtot_index=0;ibg=0;icg=0
 903  call timab(1561,2,tsec) ; call timab(1562,-1,tsec)
 905  do isppol=1,nsppol
 906    fockcommon%isppol=isppol
 907 !  Continue to initialize the Hamiltonian (PAW DIJ coefficients)
 908    call gs_hamk%load_spin(isppol,with_nonlocal=.true.)
 910 !  Loop over k points
 911    ikg=0
 912    do ikpt=1,nkpt
 913      fockcommon%ikpt=ikpt
 914      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 915      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
 916      kpoint(:)=kpt(:,ikpt)
 917      istwf_k=istwfk(ikpt)
 918      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_distrb)) then
 919        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
 920        cycle
 921      end if
 923 !    Parallelism over FFT and/or bands: define sizes and tabs
 924      if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
 925        my_ikpt=mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(ikpt)
 926        nblockbd=nband_k/(mpi_enreg%nproc_band*mpi_enreg%bandpp)
 927        bandpp=mpi_enreg%bandpp
 928        my_bandfft_kpt => bandfft_kpt(my_ikpt)
 929      else
 930        my_ikpt=ikpt
 931        bandpp=mpi_enreg%bandpp
 932        nblockbd=nband_k/bandpp
 933      end if
 934      blocksize=nband_k/nblockbd
 935      mband_cprj=mband/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
 936      nband_cprj_k=nband_k/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
 938      ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize))
 939      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 940        ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj,(natom,my_nspinor*bandpp))
 941        call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj,0,gs_hamk%dimcprj)
 942      else
 943        ABI_MALLOC(cwaveprj,(0,0))
 944      end if
 946      ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,mpw))
 948      do ipw=1,npw_k
 949        kg_k(:,ipw)=kg(:,ipw+ikg)
 950      end do
 952      ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k,(npw_k,mpsang*mpsang*psps%useylm))
 953      ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr_k,(0,0,0))
 954      if (psps%useylm==1) then
 956        do ilm=1,mpsang*mpsang
 957          do ipw=1,npw_k
 958            ylm_k(ipw,ilm)=ylm(ipw+ikg,ilm)
 959          end do
 960        end do
 961      end if
 963 !    Compute (k+G) vectors
 964      nkpg=3*nloalg(3)
 965      ABI_MALLOC(kpg_k,(npw_k,nkpg))
 966      if (nkpg>0) then
 967        call mkkpg(kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,nkpg,npw_k)
 968      end if
 971 !    Compute nonlocal form factors ffnl at all (k+G)
 972      ider=0;idir=0;dimffnl=1
 973      ABI_MALLOC(ffnl,(npw_k,dimffnl,psps%lmnmax,ntypat))
 974      call mkffnl(psps%dimekb,dimffnl,psps%ekb,ffnl,psps%ffspl,gs_hamk%gmet,gs_hamk%gprimd,&
 975 &     ider,idir,psps%indlmn,kg_k,kpg_k,kpoint,psps%lmnmax,psps%lnmax,psps%mpsang,psps%mqgrid_ff,&
 976 &     nkpg,npw_k,ntypat,psps%pspso,psps%qgrid_ff,rmet,psps%usepaw,psps%useylm,ylm_k,ylmgr_k)
 978 !    Load k-dependent part in the Hamiltonian datastructure
 979 !     - Compute 3D phase factors
 980 !     - Prepare various tabs in case of band-FFT parallelism
 981 !     - Load k-dependent quantities in the Hamiltonian
 983      ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,npw_k,gs_hamk%matblk))
 984      call gs_hamk%load_k(kpt_k=kpoint,istwf_k=istwf_k,npw_k=npw_k,&
 985 &     kg_k=kg_k,kpg_k=kpg_k,ffnl_k=ffnl,ph3d_k=ph3d,compute_gbound=compute_gbound,compute_ph3d=.true.)
 987 !    Load band-FFT tabs (transposed k-dependent arrays)
 988      if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
 989        call bandfft_kpt_savetabs(my_bandfft_kpt,ffnl=ffnl_sav,ph3d=ph3d_sav,kpg=kpg_k_sav)
 990        call prep_bandfft_tabs(gs_hamk,ikpt,mkmem,mpi_enreg)
 991        call gs_hamk%load_k(npw_fft_k=my_bandfft_kpt%ndatarecv, &
 992 &       kg_k     =my_bandfft_kpt%kg_k_gather, &
 993 &       kpg_k    =my_bandfft_kpt%kpg_k_gather, &
 994        ffnl_k   =my_bandfft_kpt%ffnl_gather, &
 995        ph3d_k   =my_bandfft_kpt%ph3d_gather,compute_gbound=compute_gbound)
 996      end if
 998 !    The following is now wrong. In sequential, nblockbd=nband_k/bandpp
 999 !    blocksize= bandpp (JB 2016/04/16)
1000 !    Note that in sequential mode iblock=iband, nblockbd=nband_k and blocksize=1
1001 !
1002      ABI_MALLOC(occblock,(blocksize))
1003      ABI_MALLOC(weight,(blocksize))
1004      occblock=zero;weight=zero
1006      if (fockcommon%optfor) then
1007        fockcommon%forces_ikpt=zero
1008      end if
1010      ABI_MALLOC(wi,(2,npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize,nblockbd))
1011      wi=zero
1012      ABI_MALLOC(mkl,(2,nband_k,nband_k))
1013      mkl=zero
1014 ! Calculate all the Wi for the current k-point
1016      do iblock=1,nblockbd
1018        iband=(iblock-1)*blocksize+1;iband_last=min(iband+blocksize-1,nband_k)
1019        iband_cprj=(iblock-1)*bandpp+1
1020        if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,iband,iband_last,isppol,me_distrb)) cycle
1022 !      Select occupied bandsddk
1023        occblock(:)=occ(1+(iblock-1)*blocksize+bdtot_index:iblock*blocksize+bdtot_index)
1024        weight(:)=wtk(ikpt)*occblock(:)
1026 !        Load contribution from n,k
1027        cwavef(:,1:npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize)=&
1028 &       cg(:,1+(iblock-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize+icg:iblock*npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize+icg)
1029        if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1030          call pawcprj_get(gs_hamk%atindx1,cwaveprj,cprj,natom,iband_cprj,ibg,ikpt,0,isppol,&
1031 &         mband_cprj,mkmem,natom,bandpp,nband_cprj_k,my_nspinor,nsppol,0,&
1032 &         mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
1033        end if
1035        if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
1036          msg='fock2ACE: Paral_kgb is not yet implemented for fock calculations'
1037          ABI_BUG(msg)
1038        end if
1039        ndat=mpi_enreg%bandpp
1040        if (gs_hamk%usepaw==0) cwaveprj_idat => cwaveprj
1042        do iblocksize=1,blocksize
1043          fockcommon%ieigen=(iblock-1)*blocksize+iblocksize
1044          fockcommon%iband=(iblock-1)*blocksize+iblocksize
1045          if (gs_hamk%usepaw==1) then
1046            cwaveprj_idat => cwaveprj(:,(iblocksize-1)*my_nspinor+1:iblocksize*my_nspinor)
1047          end if
1048          call timab(1562,2,tsec) ; call timab(1563,-1,tsec)
1049          call fock_getghc(cwavef(:,1+(iblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:iblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor),cwaveprj_idat,&
1050 &         wi(:,1+(iblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:iblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,iblock),gs_hamk,mpi_enreg)
1051          mkl(1,fockcommon%ieigen,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%eigen_ikpt(fockcommon%ieigen)
1052          call timab(1563,2,tsec) ; call timab(1562,-1,tsec)
1053          fockcommon%e_fock0=fockcommon%e_fock0+half*weight(iblocksize)*fockcommon%eigen_ikpt(fockcommon%ieigen)
1054          if (fockcommon%optfor) then
1055            fockcommon%forces(:,:)=fockcommon%forces(:,:)+weight(iblocksize)*fockcommon%forces_ikpt(:,:,fockcommon%ieigen)
1056          end if
1057        end do
1060      end do ! End of loop on block of bands
1062 ! Calculate Mkl for the current k-point
1063      ABI_MALLOC(cwavefk,(2,npw_k*my_nspinor))
1064      do iblock=1,nblockbd
1065        cwavef(:,1:npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize)=&
1066 &       cg(:,1+(iblock-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize+icg:iblock*npw_k*my_nspinor*blocksize+icg)
1067        do iblocksize=1,blocksize
1068          kk=(iblock-1)*blocksize+iblocksize
1069          cwavefk(:,:)=cwavef(:,1+(iblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:iblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor)
1070          do jblock=1,iblock
1071            do jblocksize=1,blocksize
1072              ll=(jblock-1)*blocksize+jblocksize
1073              if (ll<kk) then
1074                call dotprod_g(mkl(1,kk,ll),mkl(2,kk,ll),gs_hamk%istwf_k,npw_k,2,wi(:,1+(jblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:&
1075 &               jblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,jblock),cwavefk,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1076              end if
1077            end do
1078          end do
1079        end do
1080      end do ! End of loop on block of bands
1082      ABI_FREE(cwavefk)
1083      mkl=-mkl
1085 ! Cholesky factorisation of -mkl=Lx(trans(L)*. On output mkl=L
1086      call zpotrf("L",nband_k,mkl,nband_k,info)
1088 ! calculate trans(L-1)
1089      ABI_MALLOC(bb,(2,nband_k,nband_k))
1090      bb=zero
1091      do kk=1,nband_k
1092        bb(1,kk,kk)=one
1093      end do
1094      call ztrtrs("L","T","N",nband_k,nband_k,mkl,nband_k,bb,nband_k,info)
1095      fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi=zero
1097 ! Calculate ksi
1098      do kk=1,nband_k
1099        do jblock=1,nblockbd
1100          do jblocksize=1,blocksize
1101            ll=(jblock-1)*blocksize+jblocksize
1102            fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi(1,:,kk)=fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi(1,:,kk)+bb(1,ll,kk)*wi(1,1+(jblocksize-1)*&
1103 &           npw_k*my_nspinor:jblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,jblock)-&
1104 &           bb(2,ll,kk)*wi(2,1+(jblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:jblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,jblock)
1105            fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi(2,:,kk)=fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi(2,:,kk)+bb(1,ll,kk)*wi(2,1+(jblocksize-1)*&
1106            npw_k*my_nspinor:jblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,jblock)+&
1107 &           bb(2,ll,kk)*wi(1,1+(jblocksize-1)*npw_k*my_nspinor:jblocksize*npw_k*my_nspinor,jblock)
1108          end do
1109        end do
1110      end do
1112 !    DEBUG
1113 !    fock%fockACE(ikpt,isppol)%xi=zero
1114 !    ENDDEBUG
1116      ABI_FREE(wi)
1117      ABI_FREE(mkl)
1119 !    Restore the bandfft tabs
1120      if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
1121        call bandfft_kpt_restoretabs(my_bandfft_kpt,ffnl=ffnl_sav,ph3d=ph3d_sav,kpg=kpg_k_sav)
1122      end if
1124 !    Increment indices
1125      bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
1126      if (mkmem/=0) then
1127        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_cprj_k
1128        icg=icg+npw_k*my_nspinor*nband_k
1129        ikg=ikg+npw_k
1130      end if
1132      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1133        call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj)
1134      end if
1135      ABI_FREE(cwaveprj)
1136      ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1137      ABI_FREE(bb)
1138      ABI_FREE(occblock)
1139      ABI_FREE(weight)
1140      ABI_FREE(ffnl)
1141      ABI_FREE(kg_k)
1142      ABI_FREE(kpg_k)
1143      ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
1144      ABI_FREE(ylmgr_k)
1145      ABI_FREE(ph3d)
1146    end do ! End k point loop
1147  end do ! End loop over spins
1149  call timab(1562,2,tsec)
1150  call timab(1565,1,tsec)
1152 !Parallel case: accumulate (n,k) contributions
1153  if (xmpi_paral==1) then
1154    call xmpi_sum(fockcommon%e_fock0,spaceComm,ierr)
1155 !  Forces
1156    if (optfor==1) then
1157      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1158        call xmpi_sum(fockcommon%forces,spaceComm,ierr)
1159      end if
1160    end if
1161  end if
1163 !need to reorder cprj=<p_lmn|Cnk> (from atom-sorted to unsorted)
1164  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1165    call pawcprj_reorder(cprj,gs_hamk%atindx1)
1166  end if
1167 !Deallocate temporary space
1168  call gs_hamk%free()
1170  call timab(1565,2,tsec)
1171  call timab(1560,2,tsec)
1173 end subroutine fock2ACE

ABINIT/fock_ACE_getghc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Compute the matrix elements <G|Vx|psi> of the Fock operator in the ACE context.


  cwavef(2,npw*nspinor*ndat)= planewave coefficients of wavefunctions on which Fock operator is applied.
  gs_ham <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian to be applied
  mpi_enreg= information about MPI parallelization


  ghc(2,npw*ndat)= matrix elements <G|H|C> or <G|H-lambda.S|C> (if sij_opt>=0 or =-1 in getghc)
                   contains the fock exchange term for cwavef at the end.


  The current version assumes that :
   * nspinor = 1
   * no "my_nspinor"
   * no restriction to the value of istwfk_bz (but must be tested in all case)
   * all the data for the occupied states (cgocc_bz) are the same as those for the current states (cg)


1201 subroutine fock_ACE_getghc(cwavef,ghc,gs_ham,mpi_enreg)
1203 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1204 ! Scalars
1205  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1206  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),target,intent(inout) :: gs_ham
1207 ! Arrays
1208  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cwavef(:,:)!,ghc(2,gs_ham%npw_k)
1209  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ghc(:,:)
1211 !Local variables-------------------------------
1212 ! Scalars
1213  integer :: iband,ikpt,ipw,my_nspinor,nband_k,npw
1214  real(dp) :: doti,dotr,eigen
1215  type(fock_common_type),pointer :: fockcommon
1216 ! Arrays
1217  real(dp) :: tsec(2) 
1218  real(dp), allocatable :: ghc1(:,:),xi(:,:)
1220 ! *************************************************************************
1222  call timab(1580,1,tsec)
1224  ABI_CHECK(associated(gs_ham%fockcommon),"fock must be associated!")
1225  fockcommon => gs_ham%fockcommon
1227  ABI_CHECK(gs_ham%nspinor==1,"only allowed for nspinor=1!")
1228  ABI_CHECK(gs_ham%npw_k==gs_ham%npw_kp,"only allowed for npw_k=npw_kp (ground state)!")
1230  ikpt=fockcommon%ikpt
1231  npw=gs_ham%npw_k
1232  nband_k=fockcommon%nband(ikpt)
1233  my_nspinor=max(1,gs_ham%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
1234 !*Initialization of the array ghc1
1235 !*ghc1 will contain the exact exchange contribution to the Hamiltonian
1236  ABI_MALLOC(ghc1,(2,npw*my_nspinor))
1237  ghc1=zero
1238  ABI_MALLOC(xi,(2,npw*my_nspinor))
1240  do iband=1, nband_k
1241    xi(1,:)=gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(1,:,iband)
1242    xi(2,:)=gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(2,:,iband)
1244    call dotprod_g(dotr,doti,gs_ham%istwf_k,npw*my_nspinor,2,xi,cwavef,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1246    ghc1(1,:)=ghc1(1,:)-(dotr*gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(1,:,iband)-doti*gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(2,:,iband))
1247    ghc1(2,:)=ghc1(2,:)-(dotr*gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(2,:,iband)+doti*gs_ham%fockACE_k%xi(1,:,iband))
1248  end do
1249  ABI_FREE(xi)
1251 !* If the calculation is parallelized, perform an MPI_allreduce to sum all the contributions in the array ghc
1252 ! ghc(:,:)=ghc(:,:)/mpi_enreg%nproc_spkpt + ghc1(:,:)
1253  ghc(:,:)=ghc(:,:) + ghc1(:,:)
1255 ! call xmpi_sum(ghc,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ier)
1257 ! ============================================
1258 ! === Calculate the contribution to energy ===
1259 ! ============================================
1260 !* Only the contribution when cwavef=cgocc_bz are calculated, in order to cancel exactly the self-interaction
1261 !* at each convergence step. (consistent definition with the definition of hartree energy)
1262  if (fockcommon%ieigen/=0) then
1263    eigen=zero
1264 !* Dot product of cwavef and ghc
1265 !* inspired from the routine 54_spacepar/meanvalue_g but without the reference to parallelism and filtering
1266    if(gs_ham%istwf_k==2) then
1267      eigen=half*cwavef(1,1)*ghc1(1,1)
1268    else
1269      eigen=cwavef(1,1)*ghc1(1,1)+cwavef(2,1)*ghc1(2,1)
1270    end if
1271    do ipw=2,npw
1272      eigen=eigen+cwavef(1,ipw)*ghc1(1,ipw)+cwavef(2,ipw)*ghc1(2,ipw)
1273    end do
1274    if(gs_ham%istwf_k>=2) eigen=two*eigen
1275 !   call xmpi_sum(eigen,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ier)
1276    fockcommon%eigen_ikpt(fockcommon%ieigen)= eigen
1277    fockcommon%ieigen = 0
1278  end if
1280 ! ===============================
1281 ! === Deallocate local arrays ===
1282 ! ===============================
1284  ABI_FREE(ghc1)
1285  call timab(1580,2,tsec)
1287 end subroutine fock_ACE_getghc

ABINIT/fock_getghc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Compute the matrix elements <G|Vx|psi> of the Fock operator.


  cwavef(2,npw*nspinor*ndat)= planewave coefficients of wavefunctions on which Fock operator is applied.
  cwaveprj <type(pawcprj_type> = <cwavevf|proj>
  gs_ham <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian to be applied
  mpi_enreg= information about MPI parallelization


  ghc(2,npw*ndat)= matrix elements <G|H|C> or <G|H-lambda.S|C> (if sij_opt>=0 or =-1 in getghc)
                   contains the fock exchange term for cwavef at the end.


  The current version assumes that:
   * nspinor = 1
   * no "my_nspinor"
   * no restriction to the value of istwfk_bz (but must be tested in all case)
   * all the data for the occupied states (cgocc_bz) are the same as those for the current states (cg)


 90 subroutine fock_getghc(cwavef,cwaveprj,ghc,gs_ham,mpi_enreg)
 92 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 93 ! Scalars
 94  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 95  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),target,intent(inout) :: gs_ham
 96 ! Arrays
 97  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cwaveprj(:,:)
 98  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cwavef(:,:)!,ghc(2,gs_ham%npw_k)
 99  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ghc(:,:)
101 !Local variables-------------------------------
102 ! Scalars
103  integer,parameter :: tim_fourwf_fock_getghc=10,tim_fourdp_fock_getghc=10,ndat1=1
104  integer :: bdtot_jindex,choice,cplex_fock,cplex_dij,cpopt,i1,i2,i3,ia,iatom
105  integer :: iband_cprj,ider,idir,idir1,ier,ii,ind,ipw,ifft,itypat,izero,jband,jbg,jcg,jkg
106  integer :: jkpt,my_jsppol,jstwfk,lmn2_size,mgfftf,mpw,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6
107  integer :: n1f,n2f,n3f,n4f,n5f,n6f,natom,nband_k,ndij,nfft,nfftf,nfftotf,nhat12_grdim,nnlout
108  integer :: npw,npwj,nspden_fock,nspinor,paw_opt,signs,tim_nonlop
109  integer, save :: ncount=0
110  logical :: need_ghc,qeq0
111  real(dp),parameter :: weight1=one
112  real(dp) :: doti,eigen,imcwf,imcwocc,imvloc,invucvol,recwf,recwocc,revloc,occ,wtk
113  type(fock_common_type),pointer :: fockcommon
114  type(fock_BZ_type),pointer :: fockbz
115 ! Arrays
116  integer :: ngfft(18),ngfftf(18)
117  integer,pointer :: gboundf(:,:),kg_occ(:,:),gbound_kp(:,:)
118  real(dp) :: enlout_dum(1),dotr(6),fockstr(6),for1(3),qphon(3),qvec_j(3),tsec(2),gsc_dum(2,0),rhodum(2,1)
119  real(dp) :: rhodum0(0,1,1),str(3,3)
120  real(dp), allocatable :: dummytab(:,:),dijhat(:,:,:,:),dijhat_tmp(:,:),ffnl_kp_dum(:,:,:,:)
121  real(dp), allocatable :: gvnlxc(:,:),ghc1(:,:),ghc2(:,:),grnhat12(:,:,:,:),grnhat_12(:,:,:,:,:),forikpt(:,:)
122  real(dp), allocatable :: rho12(:,:,:),rhog_munu(:,:),rhor_munu(:,:),vlocpsi_r(:)
123  real(dp), allocatable :: vfock(:),psilocal(:,:,:),vectin_dum(:,:),vqg(:),forout(:,:),strout(:,:)
124  real(dp), allocatable,target ::cwavef_r(:,:,:,:)
125  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS  pointer :: cwaveocc_r(:,:,:,:)
126  type(pawcprj_type),pointer :: cwaveocc_prj(:,:)
128  real(dp) :: rprimd(3,3),for12(3)
130 ! *************************************************************************
131 !return
133  ncount=ncount+1
135  call timab(1504,1,tsec) ; call timab(1505,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1541,-1,tsec)
137  ABI_CHECK(associated(gs_ham%fockcommon),"fock_common must be associated!")
138  fockcommon => gs_ham%fockcommon
139  ABI_CHECK(associated(gs_ham%fockbz),"fock_bz must be associated!")
140  fockbz => gs_ham%fockbz
142  ABI_CHECK(gs_ham%nspinor==1,"only allowed for nspinor=1!")
143  ABI_CHECK(gs_ham%npw_k==gs_ham%npw_kp,"only allowed for npw_k=npw_kp (ground state)!")
144  if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
145    ABI_CHECK((size(cwaveprj,1)==gs_ham%natom.and.size(cwaveprj,2)==gs_ham%nspinor),"error on cwaveprj dims")
146  end if
147  need_ghc=(size(ghc,2)>0)
149 !Some constants
150  invucvol=1.d0/sqrt(gs_ham%ucvol)
151  call matr3inv(gs_ham%gprimd,rprimd)
152  cplex_fock=2;nspden_fock=1
153  natom=fockcommon%natom
154  nspinor=gs_ham%nspinor
155  mpw=maxval(fockbz%npwarr)
156  npw=gs_ham%npw_k
157  ider=0;izero=0
158  if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
159    nfft =fockcommon%pawfgr%nfftc ; ngfft =fockcommon%pawfgr%ngfftc
160    nfftf=fockcommon%pawfgr%nfft  ; ngfftf=fockcommon%pawfgr%ngfft
161    mgfftf=fockcommon%pawfgr%mgfft
162  else
163    nfft =gs_ham%nfft  ; nfftf =nfft
164    ngfft=gs_ham%ngfft ; ngfftf=ngfft
165    mgfftf=gs_ham%mgfft
166  end if
167  n1=ngfft(1);n2=ngfft(2);n3=ngfft(3)
168  n4=ngfft(4);n5=ngfft(5);n6=ngfft(6)
169  n1f=ngfftf(1);n2f=ngfftf(2);n3f=ngfftf(3)
170  n4f=ngfftf(4);n5f=ngfftf(5);n6f=ngfftf(6)
172 ! ===========================
173 ! === Initialize arrays   ===
174 ! ===========================
175 ! transient optfor and optstress
176 ! fockcommon%optfor=.false.
177 ! fockcommon%optstr=.false.
178 !*Initialization of local pointers
179 !*Initialization of the array cwavef_r
180 !*cwavef_r = current wavefunction in r-space
181  ABI_MALLOC(cwavef_r,(2,n4f,n5f,n6f))
182 !*rhormunu = overlap matrix between cwavef and (jkpt,mu) in R-space
183  ABI_MALLOC(rhor_munu,(cplex_fock,nfftf))
184 !*rhogmunu = overlap matrix between cwavef and (jkpt,mu) in G-space
185  ABI_MALLOC(rhog_munu,(2,nfftf))
186 !*dummytab = variables for fourwf
187  ABI_MALLOC(dummytab,(2,nfft))
188 !*vfock = Fock potential
189  ABI_MALLOC(vfock,(cplex_fock*nfftf))
190 !*vqg = 4pi/(G+q)**2
191  ABI_MALLOC(vqg,(nfftf))
193 !*Initialization of the array ghc1
194 !*ghc1 will contain the exact exchange contribution to the Hamiltonian
195  ABI_MALLOC(ghc1,(2,npw))
196  ABI_MALLOC(ghc2,(2,npw))
197  ghc1=zero
198  ghc2=zero
199 !*Initialization of the array vlocpsi_r
200 !*vlocpsi_r = partial local Fock operator applied to cwavef in r-space and summed over all occupied (jkpt,mu)
201  ABI_MALLOC(vlocpsi_r,(cplex_fock*nfftf))
202  vlocpsi_r=zero
204 !*Additional arrays in case of paw
205  if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
206    nhat12_grdim=0
207    if (fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
208      ider=3
209      ABI_MALLOC(strout,(2,npw*nspinor))
210    end if
211    if ((fockcommon%optfor).and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
212      ider=3
213      ABI_MALLOC(forout,(2,npw*nspinor))
214      ABI_MALLOC(forikpt,(3,natom))
215      forikpt=zero
216    end if
217    ABI_MALLOC(grnhat_12,(2,nfftf,nspinor**2,3,natom*(ider/3)))
218    ABI_MALLOC(gvnlxc,(2,npw*nspinor))
219    ABI_MALLOC(grnhat12,(2,nfftf,nspinor**2,3*nhat12_grdim))
220  end if
222  if (fockcommon%usepaw==1.or.fockcommon%optstr) then
223    ABI_MALLOC(gboundf,(2*mgfftf+8,2))
224    call sphereboundary(gboundf,gs_ham%istwf_k,gs_ham%kg_k,mgfftf,npw)
225  else
226    gboundf=>gs_ham%gbound_k
227  end if
228 ! ==========================================
229 ! === Get cwavef in real space using FFT ===
230 ! ==========================================
231  cwavef_r=zero
232  call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1541,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1512,-1,tsec)
233  call fourwf(0,rhodum0,cwavef,rhodum,cwavef_r,gboundf,gboundf,gs_ham%istwf_k,gs_ham%kg_k,gs_ham%kg_k,&
234 & mgfftf,mpi_enreg,ndat1,ngfftf,npw,1,n4f,n5f,n6f,0,tim_fourwf_fock_getghc,weight1,weight1,&
235 & gpu_option=gs_ham%gpu_option)
236  call timab(1512,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1541,-1,tsec)
237  cwavef_r=cwavef_r*invucvol
239 ! =====================================================
240 ! === Select the states in cgocc_bz with the same spin ===
241 ! =====================================================
242 !* Initialization of the indices/shifts, according to the value of isppol
243 !* bdtot_jindex = shift to be applied on the location of data in the array occ_bz ?
244  bdtot_jindex=0
245 !* jbg = shift to be applied on the location of data in the array cprj/occ
246  jbg=0;jcg=0
247  my_jsppol=fockcommon%isppol
248  if((fockcommon%isppol==2).and.(mpi_enreg%nproc_spkpt/=1)) my_jsppol=1
250 !===================================
251 !=== Loop on the k-points in IBZ ===
252 !===================================
253  jkg=0
255  if (associated(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)) then
256    nullify (gs_ham%ph3d_kp)
257  end if
259  call timab(1505,2,tsec) ; call timab(1506,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1541,-2,tsec)
261  do jkpt=1,fockbz%mkpt
263    call timab(1521,1,tsec)
265 !* nband_k = number of bands at point k_j
266    nband_k=fockbz%nbandocc_bz(jkpt,my_jsppol)
267 !* wtk = weight in BZ of this k point
268    wtk=fockbz%wtk_bz(jkpt) !*sqrt(gs_ham%ucvol)
269 !* jstwfk= how is stored the wavefunction
270    jstwfk=fockbz%istwfk_bz(jkpt)
271 !* npwj= number of plane wave in basis for the wavefunction
272    npwj=fockbz%npwarr(jkpt)
273 !* Basis sphere of G vectors
274    if (allocated(fockbz%cgocc)) then
275      gbound_kp => fockbz%gbound_bz(:,:,jkpt)
276      kg_occ => fockbz%kg_bz(:,1+jkg:npwj+jkg)
277    end if
278 !* Load k^prime hamiltonian in the gs_ham datastructure
279 !  Note: ffnl_kp / ph3d_kp / gbound_kp are not used
281    if (associated(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)) then
282      ABI_MALLOC(gs_ham%ph3d_kp,(2,npwj,gs_ham%matblk))
283    end if
285    call gs_ham%load_kprime(kpt_kp=fockbz%kptns_bz(:,jkpt),&
286 &   istwf_kp=jstwfk,npw_kp=npwj,kg_kp=fockbz%kg_bz(:,1+jkg:npwj+jkg))
287 !* Some temporary allocations needed for PAW
288    if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
289      ABI_MALLOC(vectin_dum,(2,npwj*nspinor))
290      vectin_dum=zero
291      ABI_MALLOC(ffnl_kp_dum,(npwj,0,gs_ham%lmnmax,gs_ham%ntypat))
292      call gs_ham%load_kprime(ffnl_kp=ffnl_kp_dum)
293    end if
295 ! ======================================
296 ! === Calculate the vector q=k_i-k_j ===
297 ! ======================================
298 !* Evaluation of kpoint_j, the considered k-point in reduced coordinates
299 !     kpoint_j(:)=fockbz%kptns_bz(:,jkpt)
300 !* the vector qvec is expressed in reduced coordinates.
301 !     qvec(:)=kpoint_i(:)-kpoint_j(:)
302    qvec_j(:)=gs_ham%kpt_k(:)-fockbz%kptns_bz(:,jkpt)
303    qeq0=(qvec_j(1)**2+qvec_j(2)**2+qvec_j(3)**2<1.d-15)
304    call bare_vqg(qvec_j,fockcommon%gsqcut,gs_ham%gmet,fockcommon%usepaw,fockcommon%hyb_mixing,&
305 &   fockcommon%hyb_mixing_sr,fockcommon%hyb_range_fock,nfftf,fockbz%nkpt_bz,ngfftf,gs_ham%ucvol,vqg)
307    call timab(1521,2,tsec)
309 ! =================================================
310 ! === Loop on the band indices jband of cgocc_k ===
311 ! =================================================
312    do jband=1,nband_k
314 !*   occ = occupancy of jband at this k point
315      occ=fockbz%occ_bz(jband+bdtot_jindex,my_jsppol)
316      if(occ<tol8) cycle
318 !    This timing is placed after the cycle ...
319      call timab(1522,1,tsec) ; call timab(1542,-1,tsec)
321 ! ==============================================
322 ! === Get cwaveocc_r in real space using FFT ===
323 ! ==============================================
324      if (allocated(fockbz%cwaveocc_bz)) then
325        cwaveocc_r => fockbz%cwaveocc_bz(:,:,:,:,jband+jbg,my_jsppol)
326      else
327        ABI_MALLOC(cwaveocc_r,(2,n4f,n5f,n6f))
328        cwaveocc_r=zero
329        call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1512,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1542,-2,tsec)
330        call fourwf(1,rhodum0,fockbz%cgocc(:,1+jcg+npwj*(jband-1):jcg+jband*npwj,my_jsppol),rhodum,cwaveocc_r, &
331 &       gbound_kp,gbound_kp,jstwfk,kg_occ,kg_occ,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,ndat1,ngfftf,&
332 &       npwj,1,n4f,n5f,n6f,0,tim_fourwf_fock_getghc,weight1,weight1,gpu_option=gs_ham%gpu_option)
333        call timab(1512,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1542,-1,tsec)
334        cwaveocc_r=cwaveocc_r*invucvol
335      end if
337 ! ================================================
338 ! === Get the overlap density matrix rhor_munu ===
339 ! ================================================
340 !* Calculate the overlap density matrix in real space = conj(cwaveocc_r)*cwavef_r
341 !* rhor_munu will contain the overlap density matrix.
342 ! vfock=-int{conj(cwaveocc_r)*cwavef_r*dr'/|r-r'|}
344      call timab(1522,2,tsec) ; call timab(1542,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1523,-1,tsec)
346      ind=0
347      do i3=1,n3f
348        do i2=1,n2f
349          do i1=1,n1f
350            ind=ind+1
351            recwf  =cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3)   ; imcwf  =cwavef_r(2,i1,i2,i3)
352            recwocc=cwaveocc_r(1,i1,i2,i3) ; imcwocc=cwaveocc_r(2,i1,i2,i3)
353            rhor_munu(1,ind)= recwocc*recwf+imcwocc*imcwf
354            rhor_munu(2,ind)= recwocc*imcwf-imcwocc*recwf
355          end do ! i1
356        end do ! i2
357      end do ! i3
359      call timab(1523,2,tsec)
361 ! =======================================================
362 ! === Add compensation charge density in the PAW case ===
363 ! =======================================================
365      call timab(1524,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1544,-1,tsec)
367      if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
368        iband_cprj=(my_jsppol-1)*fockbz%mkptband+jbg+jband
370        ABI_MALLOC(rho12,(2,nfftf,nspinor**2))
372        cwaveocc_prj=>fockbz%cwaveocc_prj(:,iband_cprj:iband_cprj+nspinor-1)
374        call pawmknhat_psipsi(cwaveprj,cwaveocc_prj,ider,izero,natom,natom,nfftf,ngfftf,&
375 &       nhat12_grdim,nspinor,fockcommon%ntypat,fockbz%pawang,fockcommon%pawfgrtab,grnhat12,rho12,&
376 &       fockcommon%pawtab,gprimd=gs_ham%gprimd,grnhat_12=grnhat_12,qphon=qvec_j,xred=gs_ham%xred,atindx=gs_ham%atindx)
378        rhor_munu(1,:)=rhor_munu(1,:)+rho12(1,:,nspinor)
379        rhor_munu(2,:)=rhor_munu(2,:)-rho12(2,:,nspinor)
380      end if
381      call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1513,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1544,-2,tsec)
382      ! Perform an FFT using fourwf to get rhog_munu = FFT^-1(rhor_munu)
383      call fourdp(cplex_fock,rhog_munu,rhor_munu,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,tim_fourdp_fock_getghc)
384      call timab(1513,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1544,-1,tsec)
386      if(fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
387        call strfock(gs_ham%gprimd,fockcommon%gsqcut,fockstr,fockcommon%hyb_mixing,fockcommon%hyb_mixing_sr,&
388 &       fockcommon%hyb_range_fock,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,fockbz%nkpt_bz,rhog_munu,gs_ham%ucvol,qvec_j)
389        fockcommon%stress_ikpt(:,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%stress_ikpt(:,fockcommon%ieigen)+fockstr(:)*occ*wtk
390        if (fockcommon%usepaw==0.and.(.not.need_ghc)) then
391          if (allocated(fockbz%cgocc)) then
392            ABI_FREE(cwaveocc_r)
393          end if
394          call timab(1524,2,tsec) ; call timab(1544,-2,tsec)
395          cycle
396        end if
397      end if
398      call timab(1524,2,tsec) ; call timab(1544,-2,tsec)
400 ! ===================================================
401 ! === Calculate the local potential vfockloc_munu ===
402 ! ===================================================
403 !* Apply the Poisson solver to "rhog_munu" while taking into account the effect of the vector "qvec"
404 !* This is precisely what is done in the subroutine hartre, with option cplex=2.
405 !* vfock will contain the local Fock potential, the result of hartre routine.
406 !* vfock = FFT( rhog_munu/|g+qvec|^2 )
407      call timab(1525,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1545,-1,tsec)
408 #if 0
410      call timab(1515,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1513,-1,tsec)
411      call hartre(cplex_fock,fockcommon%gsqcut,fockcommon%usepaw,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,&
412 &     mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,rhog_munu,rprimd,vfock,divgq0=fock%divgq0,qpt=qvec_j)
413      call timab(1513,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec)
415 #else
416      do ifft=1,nfftf
417        rhog_munu(1,ifft) = rhog_munu(1,ifft) * vqg(ifft)
418        rhog_munu(2,ifft) = rhog_munu(2,ifft) * vqg(ifft)
419      end do
421      call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1513,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1545,-2,tsec) 
422      call fourdp(cplex_fock,rhog_munu,vfock,+1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,tim_fourdp_fock_getghc)
423      call timab(1513,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1545,-1,tsec)
424 #endif
425      call timab(1525,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1545,-2,tsec)
427 !===============================================================
428 !======== Calculate Dij_Fock_hat contribution in case of PAW ===
429 !===============================================================
431      call timab(1526,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-1,tsec)
433      if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
434        qphon=qvec_j;nfftotf=product(ngfftf(1:3))
435        cplex_dij=1;ndij=nspden_fock
436        ABI_MALLOC(dijhat,(cplex_dij*gs_ham%dimekb1,natom,ndij,cplex_fock))
437        dijhat=zero
438        do iatom=1,natom
439          itypat=gs_ham%typat(iatom)
440          lmn2_size=fockcommon%pawtab(itypat)%lmn2_size
441          ABI_MALLOC(dijhat_tmp,(cplex_fock*cplex_dij*lmn2_size,ndij))
442          dijhat_tmp=zero
443          call pawdijhat(dijhat_tmp,cplex_dij,cplex_fock,gs_ham%gprimd,iatom,&
444 &         natom,ndij,nfftf,nfftotf,nspden_fock,nspden_fock,fockbz%pawang,fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom),&
445 &         fockcommon%pawtab(itypat),vfock,qphon,gs_ham%ucvol,gs_ham%xred)
446          do ii=1,cplex_fock
447            ind=(ii-1)*lmn2_size
448            dijhat(1:cplex_dij*lmn2_size,iatom,:,ii)=dijhat_tmp(ind+1:ind+cplex_dij*lmn2_size,:)
449          end do
450          ABI_FREE(dijhat_tmp)
451        end do
452        signs=2; cpopt=2;idir=0; paw_opt=1;nnlout=1;tim_nonlop=17
454        if(need_ghc) then
455          choice=1
456          call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1514,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-2,tsec)
457          call nonlop(choice,cpopt,cwaveocc_prj,enlout_dum,gs_ham,idir,(/zero/),mpi_enreg,&
458 &         ndat1,nnlout,paw_opt,signs,gsc_dum,tim_nonlop,vectin_dum,gvnlxc,enl=dijhat,&
459 &         select_k=K_H_KPRIME)
460          call timab(1514,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-1,tsec)
461          ghc2=ghc2-gvnlxc*occ*wtk       
462        end if
464 ! Forces calculation
466        if (fockcommon%optfor.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
467          choice=2; dotr=zero;doti=zero;cpopt=4;tim_nonlop=17
468          do iatom=1,natom
469            do idir=1,3
470              call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1514,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-2,tsec)
471              call nonlop(choice,cpopt,cwaveocc_prj,enlout_dum,gs_ham,idir,(/zero/),mpi_enreg,&
472 &             ndat1,nnlout,paw_opt,signs,gsc_dum,tim_nonlop,vectin_dum,&
473 &             forout,enl=dijhat,iatom_only=iatom,&
474 &             select_k=K_H_KPRIME)
475              call timab(1514,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-1,tsec)
476              call dotprod_g(dotr(idir),doti,gs_ham%istwf_k,npw,2,cwavef,forout,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
477              for1(idir)=zero
478              do ifft=1,fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd
479                ind=fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ifft)
480                for1(idir)=for1(idir)+vfock(2*ind-1)*grnhat_12(1,ind,1,idir,iatom)-&
481 &               vfock(2*ind)*grnhat_12(2,ind,1,idir,iatom)
482              end do
483            end do
484            do idir=1,3
485              for12(idir)=rprimd(1,idir)*for1(1)+rprimd(2,idir)*for1(2)+rprimd(3,idir)*for1(3)
486              forikpt(idir,iatom)=forikpt(idir,iatom)-(for12(idir)*gs_ham%ucvol/nfftf+dotr(idir))*occ*wtk
487            end do
488          end do
489        end if
491 ! Stresses calculation
492        if (fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
493          signs=2;choice=3;cpopt=4;tim_nonlop=17
495        ! first contribution
496          dotr=zero
497          do idir=1,6
498            call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1514,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-2,tsec)
499            call nonlop(choice,cpopt,cwaveocc_prj,enlout_dum,gs_ham,idir,(/zero/),mpi_enreg,&
500 &           ndat1,nnlout,paw_opt,signs,gsc_dum,tim_nonlop,vectin_dum,&
501 &           strout,enl=dijhat,select_k=K_H_KPRIME)
502            call timab(1514,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-1,tsec) 
503            call dotprod_g(dotr(idir),doti,gs_ham%istwf_k,npw,2,cwavef,strout,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
504            fockcommon%stress_ikpt(idir,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%stress_ikpt(idir,fockcommon%ieigen)-&
505 &           dotr(idir)*occ*wtk/gs_ham%ucvol
506          end do
507        ! second contribution
508          str=zero
509          do iatom=1,natom
510            do idir=1,3
511              do idir1=1,3
512                do ifft=1,fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd
513                  ind=fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(ifft)
514                  str(idir,idir1)=str(idir,idir1)+(vfock(2*ind-1)*grnhat_12(1,ind,1,idir,iatom)-&
515 &                 vfock(2*ind)*grnhat_12(2,ind,1,idir,iatom))*fockcommon%pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(idir1,ifft)
516                end do
517              end do
518            end do
519          end do
520          do idir=1,3
521            fockstr(idir)=str(idir,idir)
522          end do
523          fockstr(4)=(str(3,2)+str(2,3))*half
524          fockstr(5)=(str(3,1)+str(1,3))*half
525          fockstr(6)=(str(1,2)+str(2,1))*half
526          do idir=1,6
527            fockcommon%stress_ikpt(idir,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%stress_ikpt(idir,fockcommon%ieigen)+&
528 &           fockstr(idir)/nfftf*occ*wtk
529          end do
531        ! third contribution
532          doti=zero
533          do ifft=1,nfftf
534            doti=doti+vfock(2*ifft-1)*rho12(1,ifft,nspinor)-vfock(2*ifft)*rho12(2,ifft,nspinor)
535          end do
536          fockcommon%stress_ikpt(1:3,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%stress_ikpt(1:3,fockcommon%ieigen)-doti/nfftf*occ*wtk
537 !         doti=zero
538 !         do ifft=1,nfftf
539 !           doti=doti+vfock(2*ifft-1)*rhor_munu(1,ifft)-vfock(2*ifft)*rhor_munu(2,ifft)
540 !         end do
541 !         fockcommon%stress_ikpt(1:3,fockcommon%ieigen)=fockcommon%stress_ikpt(1:3,fockcommon%ieigen)+doti/nfftf*occ*wtk*half
542        end if ! end stresses
544        ABI_FREE(dijhat)
545        ABI_FREE(rho12)
546      end if !end PAW
547      call timab(1526,2,tsec) ; call timab(1546,-2,tsec)
549 ! =============================================================
550 ! === Apply the local potential vfockloc_munu to cwaveocc_r ===
551 ! =============================================================
552      call timab(1527,-1,tsec)
553      ind=0
554      do i3=1,ngfftf(3)
555        do i2=1,ngfftf(2)
556          do i1=1,ngfftf(1)
557            ind=ind+1
558 !          ind=i1+ngfftf(1)*(i2-1+ngfftf(2)*(i3-1))
559            revloc=vfock(2*ind-1) ; imvloc=vfock(2*ind)
560            recwocc=cwaveocc_r(1,i1,i2,i3) ; imcwocc=cwaveocc_r(2,i1,i2,i3)
561            vlocpsi_r(2*ind-1)=vlocpsi_r(2*ind-1)-(revloc*recwocc-imvloc*imcwocc)*occ*wtk
562            vlocpsi_r(2*ind  )=vlocpsi_r(2*ind  )-(revloc*imcwocc+imvloc*recwocc)*occ*wtk
563          end do
564        end do
565      end do
566      if (allocated(fockbz%cgocc)) then
567        ABI_FREE(cwaveocc_r)
568      end if
569      call timab(1527,2,tsec)
571    end do ! jband
573 ! ========================================================
574 ! === End of loop : update of shifts and deallocations ===
575 ! ==============================:=========================
576 !* Update of the shifts to be applied (reminder : mkmem is not 0, nspinor=1)
577    call timab(1528,1,tsec)
578    jcg=jcg+npwj*nband_k
579    jbg=jbg+nband_k
580    bdtot_jindex=bdtot_jindex+nband_k
581    jkg=jkg+npwj
582    if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
583      ABI_FREE(vectin_dum)
584      ABI_FREE(ffnl_kp_dum)
585    end if
586    if (associated(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)) then
587      ABI_FREE(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)
588    end if
589    call timab(1528,2,tsec)
591  end do ! jkpt
593 ! ========================================================
594 ! === After loop                                       ===
595 ! ========================================================
597  call timab(1506,2,tsec) ; call timab(1507,1,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
599  if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
600    if ((fockcommon%optfor).and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
601      call timab(1547,2,tsec) ; call timab(1548,-1,tsec)
602      call xmpi_sum(forikpt,mpi_enreg%comm_hf,ier)
603      call timab(1548,2,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
604      do iatom=1,natom !Loop over atom
605        ia=gs_ham%atindx(iatom)
606        fockcommon%forces_ikpt(:,ia,fockcommon%ieigen)=forikpt(:,iatom)
607      end do
608    end if
609  end if
610  if(fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
611    call timab(1547,2,tsec) ; call timab(1548,-1,tsec)
612    call xmpi_sum(fockcommon%stress_ikpt,mpi_enreg%comm_hf,ier)
613    call timab(1548,2,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
614  end if
616  if (.not.need_ghc) then
618 ! ===============================
619 ! === Deallocate local arrays ===
620 ! ===============================
621    ABI_FREE(cwavef_r)
622    ABI_FREE(ghc1)
623    ABI_FREE(ghc2)
624    ABI_FREE(rhor_munu)
625    ABI_FREE(rhog_munu)
626    ABI_FREE(vlocpsi_r)
627    ABI_FREE(dummytab)
628    ABI_FREE(vfock)
629    ABI_FREE(vqg)
630    if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
631      ABI_FREE(gvnlxc)
632      ABI_FREE(grnhat12)
633      if ((fockcommon%optfor).and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
634        ABI_FREE(forikpt)
635        ABI_FREE(forout)
636      end if
637      if (fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
638        ABI_FREE(strout)
639      end if
640      ABI_FREE(grnhat_12)
641    end if
642    if(fockcommon%usepaw==1.or.fockcommon%optstr) then
643      ABI_FREE(gboundf)
644    end if
645 !*Restore gs_ham datastructure
647    if (associated(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)) then
648      ABI_MALLOC(gs_ham%ph3d_kp,(2,gs_ham%npw_k,gs_ham%matblk))
649    end if
650    call gs_ham%load_kprime(kpt_kp=gs_ham%kpt_k,istwf_kp=gs_ham%istwf_k,&
651 &   npw_kp=gs_ham%npw_k,kg_kp=gs_ham%kg_k,ffnl_kp=gs_ham%ffnl_k,ph3d_kp=gs_ham%ph3d_k)
653 !   if (fockcommon%ieigen/=0) fockcommon%ieigen=0
655  else
657 !  *Restore gs_ham datastructure
659    if (associated(gs_ham%ph3d_kp)) then
660      ABI_MALLOC(gs_ham%ph3d_kp,(2,gs_ham%npw_k,gs_ham%matblk))
661    end if
662    call gs_ham%load_kprime(kpt_kp=gs_ham%kpt_k,istwf_kp=gs_ham%istwf_k,&
663 &   npw_kp=gs_ham%npw_k,kg_kp=gs_ham%kg_k,ffnl_kp=gs_ham%ffnl_k,ph3d_kp=gs_ham%ph3d_k)
665 !  * Perform an FFT using fourwf to get ghc1 = FFT^-1(vlocpsi_r)
666    ABI_MALLOC(psilocal,(cplex_fock*n4f,n5f,n6f))
667    call fftpac(1,mpi_enreg,nspden_fock,cplex_fock*n1f,n2f,n3f,cplex_fock*n4f,n5f,n6f,ngfft,vlocpsi_r,psilocal,2)
669    call timab(1515,2,tsec) ; call timab(1512,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-2,tsec)
670    call fourwf(0,rhodum0,rhodum,ghc1,psilocal,gboundf,gboundf,gs_ham%istwf_k,gs_ham%kg_k,gs_ham%kg_k,&
671 &   mgfftf,mpi_enreg,ndat1,ngfftf,1,npw,n4f,n5f,n6f,3,tim_fourwf_fock_getghc,weight1,weight1,&
672 &   gpu_option=gs_ham%gpu_option)
673    call timab(1512,2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-1,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
674    ABI_FREE(psilocal)
676    ghc1=ghc1*sqrt(gs_ham%ucvol)+ghc2
678 !  * If the calculation is parallelized, perform an MPI_allreduce to sum all the contributions in the array ghc
679    ghc(:,:)=ghc(:,:)/mpi_enreg%nproc_hf + ghc1(:,:)
681    call timab(1547,2,tsec) ; call timab(1548,-1,tsec)
682    call xmpi_sum(ghc,mpi_enreg%comm_hf,ier)
683    call timab(1548,2,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
685 !   ===============================
686 !   === Deallocate local PAW arrays ===
687 !   ===============================
688    if (fockcommon%usepaw==1) then
689      ABI_FREE(gvnlxc)
690      ABI_FREE(grnhat12)
691      if ((fockcommon%optfor).and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
692        ABI_FREE(forikpt)
693        ABI_FREE(forout)
694      end if
695      if (fockcommon%optstr.and.(fockcommon%ieigen/=0)) then
696        ABI_FREE(strout)
697      end if
698      ABI_FREE(grnhat_12)
699    end if
700    if(fockcommon%usepaw==1.or.fockcommon%optstr) then
701      ABI_FREE(gboundf)
702    end if
703 !   ============================================
704 !   === Calculate the contribution to energy ===
705 !   ============================================
706 !  * Only the contribution when cwavef=cgocc_bz are calculated, in order to cancel exactly the self-interaction
707 !  * at each convergence step. (consistent definition with the definition of hartree energy)
708    if (fockcommon%ieigen/=0) then
709      eigen=zero
710 !  * Dot product of cwavef and ghc
711 !  * inspired from the routine 54_spacepar/meanvalue_g but without the reference to parallelism and filtering
712      if(gs_ham%istwf_k==2) then
713        eigen=half*cwavef(1,1)*ghc1(1,1)
714      else
715        eigen=cwavef(1,1)*ghc1(1,1)+cwavef(2,1)*ghc1(2,1)
716      end if
717      do ipw=2,npw
718        eigen=eigen+cwavef(1,ipw)*ghc1(1,ipw)+cwavef(2,ipw)*ghc1(2,ipw)
719      end do
720      if(gs_ham%istwf_k>=2) eigen=two*eigen
721      call timab(1547,2,tsec) ; call timab(1548,-1,tsec)
722      call xmpi_sum(eigen,mpi_enreg%comm_hf,ier)
723      call timab(1548,2,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-1,tsec)
724      fockcommon%eigen_ikpt(fockcommon%ieigen)= eigen
725      if(fockcommon%use_ACE==0) fockcommon%ieigen = 0
726    end if
728 !   ===============================
729 !   === Deallocate local arrays ===
730 !   ===============================
731    ABI_FREE(cwavef_r)
732    ABI_FREE(ghc1)
733    ABI_FREE(ghc2)
734    ABI_FREE(rhor_munu)
735    ABI_FREE(rhog_munu)
736    ABI_FREE(vlocpsi_r)
737    ABI_FREE(dummytab)
738    ABI_FREE(vfock)
739    ABI_FREE(vqg)
741  endif
743  call timab(1504,2,tsec) ; call timab(1507,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1515,-2,tsec) ; call timab(1547,-2,tsec)
745  end subroutine fock_getghc

ABINIT/m_fock_getghc [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Copyright (C) 2013-2024 ABINIT group (CMartins, FJ, MT, XG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


14 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
15 #include "config.h"
16 #endif
18 #include "abi_common.h"
20 module m_fock_getghc
22  use defs_basis
23  use m_abicore
24  use m_errors
25  use m_xmpi
26  use m_fock
27  use m_pawcprj
28  !use m_cgtools
30  use defs_abitypes, only : mpi_type
31  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type
32  use m_time,         only : timab, time_accu
33  use m_symtk,        only : matr3inv
34  use m_cgtools,      only : dotprod_g
35  use m_kg,           only : mkkpg
36  use m_fftcore,      only : sphereboundary
37  use m_fft,          only : fftpac, fourwf, fourdp
38  use m_fstrings,     only : sjoin, itoa
39  use m_hamiltonian,  only : gs_hamiltonian_type, K_H_KPRIME, init_hamiltonian
40  use m_pawdij,       only : pawdijhat
41  use m_paw_nhat,     only : pawmknhat_psipsi
42  use m_spacepar,     only : hartre
43  use m_nonlop,       only : nonlop
44  use m_bandfft_kpt,      only : bandfft_kpt, bandfft_kpt_type, bandfft_kpt_savetabs,bandfft_kpt_restoretabs, &
45                                 prep_bandfft_tabs
46  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
47  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type
48  use m_mkffnl,           only : mkffnl
49  use m_mpinfo,           only : proc_distrb_cycle
51  implicit none
53  private