ABINIT/getchc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute <C_left|H|C> for input vectors |C> and |C_left>.
 Note that |C_left> can be an array of "ndat" wavefunctions if only the non-local part is computed


 cpopt=flag defining the status of cwaveprj%cp(:)=<Proj_i|Cnk> scalars (PAW only)
       (same meaning as in nonlop.F90 routine)
       if cpopt=-1, <p_lmn|in> (and derivatives) are computed here (and not saved)
       if cpopt= 0, <p_lmn|in> are computed here and saved
       if cpopt= 1, <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are computed here and saved
       if cpopt= 2  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory;
       if cpopt= 3  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory; first derivatives are computed here and saved
       if cpopt= 4  <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are already in memory;
 cwavef(2,npw*my_nspinor)=planewave coefficients of wavefunction.
 cwavef_left(2,npw*my_nspinor)=planewave coefficients of wavefunction left.
 cwaveprj(natom,my_nspinor*(1+cpopt))= wave function projected on nl projectors
 cwaveprj_left(natom,my_nspinor*(1+cpopt))= wave function projected on nl projectors (for left WF)
 cwavef_r(2,n4,n5,n6,nspinor) = wave function in real space
 cwavef_left_r(2,n4,n5,n6,nspinor) = wave function in real space (for left WF)
 gs_ham <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian to be applied
 lambda=factor to be used when computing <G|H-lambda.S|C> - only for sij_opt=-1
        Typically lambda is the eigenvalue (or its guess)
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 ndat=number of left wavefunctions
 sij_opt= -PAW ONLY-  if  0, only matrix elements <G|H|C> have to be computed
    (S=overlap)       if  1, matrix elements <G|S|C> have to be computed in gsc in addition to ghc
                      if -1, matrix elements <G|H-lambda.S|C> have to be computed in ghc (gsc not used)
 type_calc= option governing which part of Hamitonian is to be applied:
            1: local part only
            2: non-local+Fock+kinetic only (added to the existing Hamiltonian)
            3: local + kinetic only (added to the existing Hamiltonian)
 ===== Optional inputs =====
   [kg_fft_k(3,:)]=optional, (k+G) vector coordinates to be used for the FFT tranformation
                   instead of the one contained in gs_ham datastructure.
                   Typically used for real WF (in parallel) which are FFT-transformed 2 by 2.
   [kg_fft_kp(3,:)]=optional, (k^prime+G) vector coordinates to be used for the FFT tranformation
   [select_k]=optional, option governing the choice of k points to be used.
             gs_ham datastructure contains quantities needed to apply Hamiltonian
             in reciprocal space between 2 kpoints, k and k^prime (equal in most cases);
             if select_k=1, <k^prime|H|k>       is applied [default]
             if select_k=2, <k|H|k^prime>       is applied
             if select_k=3, <k|H|k>             is applied
             if select_k=4, <k^prime|H|k^prime> is applied


   chc(2*ndat)=matrix elements <C_left|H|C> (if sij_opt>=0)
                           or <C_left|H-lambda.S|C> (if sij_opt=-1)



108 subroutine getchc(chc,cpopt,cwavef,cwavef_left,cwaveprj,cwaveprj_left,cwavef_r,cwavef_left_r,&
109 &                 gs_ham,lambda,mpi_enreg,ndat,&
110 &                 sij_opt,type_calc,&
111 &                 kg_fft_k,kg_fft_kp,select_k) ! optional arguments
113 !Arguments ------------------------------------
114 !scalars
115  integer,intent(in) :: cpopt,ndat
116  integer,intent(in) :: sij_opt,type_calc
117  integer,intent(in),optional :: select_k
118  real(dp),intent(in) :: lambda
119  real(dp),intent(inout) :: chc(2*ndat)
120  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
121  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout),target :: gs_ham
122 !arrays
123  integer,intent(in),optional,target :: kg_fft_k(:,:),kg_fft_kp(:,:)
124  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cwavef(:,:),cwavef_left(:,:),cwavef_r(:,:,:,:,:),cwavef_left_r(:,:,:,:,:)
125  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout),target :: cwaveprj(:,:),cwaveprj_left(:,:)
127 !Local variables-------------------------------
128 !scalars
129  integer,parameter :: re=1,im=2
130  integer :: choice,cpopt_here,i1,i2,i3,idat,idir
131  integer :: ig,igspinor,ispinor,ispinor_left,my_nspinor
132  integer :: nnlout,nffttot,npw,npw_k1,npw_k2,nspinortot,n1,n2,n3
133  integer :: paw_opt,select_k_,shift1,shift2,signs,tim_nonlop
134  logical :: k1_eq_k2,has_fock
135  logical :: nspinor1TreatedByThisProc,nspinor2TreatedByThisProc
136  character(len=500) :: msg
137 !arrays
138  integer, pointer :: gbound_k1(:,:),gbound_k2(:,:),kg_k1(:,:),kg_k2(:,:)
139  real(dp) :: enlout(ndat),enlout_im(ndat),lambda_ndat(ndat),tsec(2),z_tmp(2)
140  real(dp),allocatable :: gsc(:,:),gvnlxc(:,:)
141  real(dp), pointer :: kinpw_k1(:),kinpw_k2(:),kpt_k1(:),kpt_k2(:)
143 ! *********************************************************************
147 !Keep track of total time spent in getchc:
148  call timab(1370,1,tsec)
150 !Select k-dependent objects according to select_k input parameter
151  select_k_=1;if (present(select_k)) select_k_=select_k
152  if (select_k_==KPRIME_H_K) then
153 !  <k^prime|H|k>
154    npw_k1    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_k ; npw_k2    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_kp
155    kpt_k1    => gs_ham%kpt_k     ; kpt_k2    => gs_ham%kpt_kp
156    kg_k1     => gs_ham%kg_k      ; kg_k2     => gs_ham%kg_kp
157    gbound_k1 => gs_ham%gbound_k  ; gbound_k2 => gs_ham%gbound_kp
158    kinpw_k1  => gs_ham%kinpw_k   ; kinpw_k2  => gs_ham%kinpw_kp
159  else if (select_k_==K_H_KPRIME) then
160 !  <k|H|k^prime>
161    npw_k1    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_kp; npw_k2    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_k
162    kpt_k1    => gs_ham%kpt_kp    ; kpt_k2    => gs_ham%kpt_k
163    kg_k1     => gs_ham%kg_kp     ; kg_k2     => gs_ham%kg_k
164    gbound_k1 => gs_ham%gbound_kp ; gbound_k2 => gs_ham%gbound_k
165    kinpw_k1  => gs_ham%kinpw_kp  ; kinpw_k2  => gs_ham%kinpw_k
166  else if (select_k_==K_H_K) then
167 !  <k|H|k>
168    npw_k1    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_k ; npw_k2    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_k
169    kpt_k1    => gs_ham%kpt_k     ; kpt_k2    => gs_ham%kpt_k
170    kg_k1     => gs_ham%kg_k      ; kg_k2     => gs_ham%kg_k
171    gbound_k1 => gs_ham%gbound_k  ; gbound_k2 => gs_ham%gbound_k
172    kinpw_k1  => gs_ham%kinpw_k   ; kinpw_k2  => gs_ham%kinpw_k
173  else if (select_k_==KPRIME_H_KPRIME) then
174 !  <k^prime|H|k^prime>
175    npw_k1    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_kp; npw_k2    =  gs_ham%npw_fft_kp
176    kpt_k1    => gs_ham%kpt_kp    ; kpt_k2    => gs_ham%kpt_kp
177    kg_k1     => gs_ham%kg_kp     ; kg_k2     => gs_ham%kg_kp
178    gbound_k1 => gs_ham%gbound_kp ; gbound_k2 => gs_ham%gbound_kp
179    kinpw_k1  => gs_ham%kinpw_kp  ; kinpw_k2  => gs_ham%kinpw_kp
180  end if
181  k1_eq_k2=(all(abs(kpt_k1(:)-kpt_k2(:))<tol8))
182  if (.not.k1_eq_k2) then
183    ABI_ERROR('getchc is not implemented yet for k1/=k2')
184  end if
186 !Check sizes
187  my_nspinor=max(1,gs_ham%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
188  if (size(cwavef)<2*npw_k1*my_nspinor) then
189    msg='wrong size for cwavef!'
190    ABI_BUG(msg)
191  end if
192  if (gs_ham%usepaw==1.and.cpopt>=0) then
193    if (size(cwaveprj)<gs_ham%natom*my_nspinor) then
194      msg='wrong size for cwaveprj!'
195      ABI_BUG(msg)
196    end if
197  end if
198  if (gs_ham%usepaw==1) then
199    if (size(cwaveprj_left)<gs_ham%natom*my_nspinor*ndat) then
200      msg='wrong size for cwaveprj_left!'
201      ABI_BUG(msg)
202    end if
203  end if
205 !Eventually overwrite plane waves data for FFT
206  if (present(kg_fft_k)) then
207    kg_k1 => kg_fft_k ; kg_k2 => kg_fft_k
208    npw_k1=size(kg_k1,2) ; npw_k2=size(kg_k2,2)
209  end if
210  if (present(kg_fft_kp)) then
211    kg_k2 => kg_fft_kp ; npw_k2=size(kg_k2,2)
212  end if
214 !paral_kgb constraint
215  if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1.and.(.not.k1_eq_k2)) then
216    msg='paral_kgb=1 not allowed for k/=k_^prime!'
217    ABI_BUG(msg)
218  end if
220 !Do we add Fock exchange term ?
221  has_fock=(associated(gs_ham%fockcommon))
222  if (has_fock) then
223    ABI_BUG('Fock not implemented yet')
224  end if
225 ! if (has_fock) fock => gs_ham%fockcommon
227 !Parallelization over spinors management
228  if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==0) then
229    shift1=npw_k1;shift2=npw_k2
230    nspinor1TreatedByThisProc=.true.
231    nspinor2TreatedByThisProc=(nspinortot==2)
232  else
233    shift1=0;shift2=0
234    nspinor1TreatedByThisProc=(mpi_enreg%me_spinor==0)
235    nspinor2TreatedByThisProc=(mpi_enreg%me_spinor==1)
236  end if
238  npw=gs_ham%npw_k
239  nspinortot=gs_ham%nspinor
241 !============================================================
242 ! Application of the local potential
243 !============================================================
245  if ((type_calc==0).or.(type_calc==1).or.(type_calc==3)) then
247    call timab(1371,1,tsec)
248 !  Need a Vlocal
249    if (.not.associated(gs_ham%vlocal)) then
250      ABI_BUG("We need vlocal in gs_ham!")
251    end if
252    if (ndat>1) then
253      ABI_ERROR("ndat should be 1 for the local part")
254    end if
256    n1=gs_ham%ngfft(1)
257    n2=gs_ham%ngfft(2)
258    n3=gs_ham%ngfft(3)
259    nffttot=n1*n2*n3
260    chc = zero
261 !  Treat scalar local potentials
262    if (gs_ham%nvloc==1) then
263      if (gs_ham%istwf_k==2) then
264        do i3=1,n3
265          do i2=1,n2
266            do i1=1,n1
267              chc(1) = chc(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,1)*cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3,1)*cwavef_left_r(1,i1,i2,i3,1)
268            end do
269          end do
270        end do
271        chc(2)=zero
272      else
273        do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
274          do i3=1,n3
275            do i2=1,n2
276              do i1=1,n1
277                z_tmp(1) = cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor) &
278 &                 +cwavef_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)
279                z_tmp(2) = cwavef_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor) &
280 &                 -cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)
281                chc(1) = chc(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,1)*z_tmp(1)
282                chc(2) = chc(2) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,1)*z_tmp(2)
283              end do
284            end do
285          end do
286        end do
287      end if
288    else ! nvloc = 4
289      do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
290        do ispinor_left=1,my_nspinor
291          do i3=1,n3
292            do i2=1,n2
293              do i1=1,n1
294                z_tmp(1) = cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor_left) &
295 &                        +cwavef_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor_left)
296                z_tmp(2) = cwavef_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor_left) &
297 &                        -cwavef_r(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*cwavef_left_r(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor_left)
298                if (ispinor==ispinor_left) then
299                  ! Then vloc is real : vloc_uu = vloc(1) and vloc_dd = vloc(2)
300                  chc(1) = chc(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*z_tmp(1)
301                  chc(2) = chc(2) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)*z_tmp(2)
302                else if (ispinor==1.and.ispinor_left==2) then ! Psi(left)_d^* Psi_u vloc_ud
303                  ! Otherwise vloc is complex Re(vloc_ud) = vloc(3)
304                  !                           Im(vloc_ud) = vloc(4)
305                  !                               vloc_du = (vloc_ud)^*
306                  chc(1) = chc(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,3)*z_tmp(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,4)*z_tmp(2)
307                  chc(2) = chc(2) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,3)*z_tmp(1) - gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,4)*z_tmp(2)
308                else if (ispinor==2.and.ispinor_left==1) then ! Psi(left)_u^* Psi_d vloc_ud
309                  chc(1) = chc(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,3)*z_tmp(1) - gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,4)*z_tmp(2)
310                  chc(2) = chc(2) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,3)*z_tmp(1) + gs_ham%vlocal(i1,i2,i3,4)*z_tmp(2)
311                end if
312              end do
313            end do
314          end do
315        end do
316      end do
317    end if
318    chc = chc / dble(nffttot)
320    call timab(1371,2,tsec)
322  end if ! type_calc
324  if ((type_calc==0).or.(type_calc==2).or.(type_calc==3).or.(type_calc==4)) then
326 !============================================================
327 ! Application of the non-local potential and the Fock potential
328 !============================================================
330   if ((type_calc==0).or.(type_calc==2).or.(type_calc==4)) then
332      signs=1 ; choice=1 ; nnlout=1 ; idir=0 ; tim_nonlop=15
333      cpopt_here=-1;if (gs_ham%usepaw==1) cpopt_here=cpopt
334      ABI_MALLOC(gvnlxc,(0,0))
335      ABI_MALLOC(gsc,(0,0))
336 !     if (has_fock) then
337 !       if (gs_ham%usepaw==1) then
338 !         cpopt_here=max(cpopt,0)
339 !         if (cpopt<2) then
340 !           ABI_DATATYPE_ALLOCATE(cwaveprj_fock,(gs_ham%natom,my_nspinor*ndat))
341 !           ABI_ALLOCATE(dimcprj,(gs_ham%natom))
342 !           call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj,gs_ham%natom,gs_ham%nattyp,gs_ham%ntypat,&
343 !&           gs_ham%typat,fock%pawtab,'O')
344 !           call pawcprj_alloc(cwaveprj_fock,0,dimcprj)
345 !           ABI_DEALLOCATE(dimcprj)
346 !         else
347 !           cwaveprj_fock=>cwaveprj
348 !         end if
349 !         cwaveprj_nonlop=>cwaveprj_fock
350 !       else
351 !         cwaveprj_nonlop=>cwaveprj
352 !         cwaveprj_fock=>cwaveprj
353 !       end if
354 !     else
355 !     end if
356      paw_opt=gs_ham%usepaw ; if (sij_opt/=0) paw_opt=sij_opt+3
357      lambda_ndat = lambda
359      enlout=zero
360      enlout_im=zero
361      call nonlop(choice,cpopt_here,cwaveprj,enlout,gs_ham,idir,lambda_ndat,mpi_enreg,1,&
362 &     nnlout,paw_opt,signs,gsc,tim_nonlop,cwavef,gvnlxc,select_k=select_k_,&
363 &     cprjin_left=cwaveprj_left,enlout_im=enlout_im,ndat_left=ndat)
365      do idat=1,ndat
366        chc(2*idat-1) = chc(2*idat-1) + enlout(idat)
367        chc(2*idat  ) = chc(2*idat  ) + enlout_im(idat)
368      end do
370      ABI_FREE(gvnlxc)
371      ABI_FREE(gsc)
373    end if ! if(type_calc...
375 !============================================================
376 ! Assemble kinetic, local, nonlocal and Fock contributions
377 !============================================================
379    if (type_calc==0.or.type_calc==2.or.type_calc==3) then
381      if (ndat>1) then
382        ABI_ERROR("ndat should be 1 for the kinetic part")
383      end if
385      call timab(1372,1,tsec)
386 !    Add modified kinetic contributions
387      !  to <CP|H|C(n,k)>.
388      if (gs_ham%istwf_k==1) then
389 !      !!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(igspinor) COLLAPSE(2)
390        do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
391          do ig=1,npw_k2
392            igspinor=ig+npw_k2*(ispinor-1)
393            if (kinpw_k2(ig)<huge(zero)*1.d-11) then
394              chc(1) = chc(1) +  kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(re,igspinor)*cwavef_left(re,igspinor)
395              chc(1) = chc(1) +  kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(im,igspinor)*cwavef_left(im,igspinor)
396              chc(2) = chc(2) +  kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(im,igspinor)*cwavef_left(re,igspinor)
397              chc(2) = chc(2) -  kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(re,igspinor)*cwavef_left(im,igspinor)
398            end if
399          end do ! ig
400        end do ! ispinor
401      else if (gs_ham%istwf_k==2.and.mpi_enreg%me_g0==1) then
402        if (kinpw_k2(1)<huge(zero)*1.d-11) then
403          chc(1) = chc(1) + kinpw_k2(1)*cwavef(re,1)*cwavef_left(re,1)
404        end if
405        do ig=2,npw_k2
406          if (kinpw_k2(ig)<huge(zero)*1.d-11) then
407            chc(1) = chc(1) + 2*kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(re,ig)*cwavef_left(re,ig)
408            chc(1) = chc(1) + 2*kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(im,ig)*cwavef_left(im,ig)
409          end if
410        end do
411      else
412        do ig=1,npw_k2
413          if (kinpw_k2(ig)<huge(zero)*1.d-11) then
414            chc(1) = chc(1) + 2*kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(re,ig)*cwavef_left(re,ig)
415            chc(1) = chc(1) + 2*kinpw_k2(ig)*cwavef(im,ig)*cwavef_left(im,ig)
416          end if
417        end do ! ig
418      end if
419 !    Special case of PAW + Fock : only return Fock operator contribution in gvnlxc
420 !     if (gs_ham%usepaw==1 .and. has_fock)then
421 !       gvnlxc=gvnlxc-gvnlc
422 !       ABI_DEALLOCATE(gvnlc)
423 !     endif
424 !
425 !     if ((type_calc==0).or.(type_calc==2)) then
426 !       if (has_fock.and.gs_ham%usepaw==1.and.cpopt<2) then
427 !         call pawcprj_free(cwaveprj_fock)
428 !         ABI_DATATYPE_DEALLOCATE(cwaveprj_fock)
429 !       end if
430 !     end if
431      call timab(1372,2,tsec)
432    end if
434  end if ! type_calc
436  call timab(1370,2,tsec)
440 end subroutine getchc

ABINIT/getcsc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute <C_left|S|C> for input vectors |C> and |C_left>.
 Note that |C_left> can be an array of "ndat" wavefunctions


  cpopt=flag defining the status of cwaveprj%cp(:)=<Proj_i|Cnk> scalars (PAW only)
        (same meaning as in nonlop.F90 routine)
        if cpopt=-1, <p_lmn|in> (and derivatives) are computed here (and not saved)
        if cpopt= 0, <p_lmn|in> are computed here and saved
        if cpopt= 1, <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are computed here and saved
        if cpopt= 2  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory;
        if cpopt= 3  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory; first derivatives are computed here and saved
        if cpopt= 4  <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are already in memory;
  cwavef(2,npw*my_nspinor)=planewave coefficients of wavefunction.
  cwavef_left(2,npw*my_nspinor)=planewave coefficients of wavefunction left.
  cprj(natom,my_nspinor*(1+cpopt))= wave function projected on nl projectors
  cprj_left(natom,my_nspinor*(1+cpopt))= wave function projected on nl projectors (for left WF)
  gs_ham <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)>=all data for the Hamiltonian to be applied
  lambda=factor to be used when computing <G|H-lambda.S|C> - only for sij_opt=-1
         Typically lambda is the eigenvalue (or its guess)
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  ndat=number of left wavefunctions
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization


   csc(2*ndat)=matrix elements <C_left|S|C>


478 subroutine getcsc(csc,cpopt,cwavef,cwavef_left,cprj,cprj_left,gs_ham,mpi_enreg,ndat,&
479 &                 tim_getcsc,&
480 &                 select_k) ! optional arguments
482 !Arguments ------------------------------------
483 !scalars
484  integer,intent(in) :: cpopt,ndat,tim_getcsc
485  integer,intent(in),optional :: select_k
486  real(dp),intent(out) :: csc(2*ndat)
487  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
488  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),intent(inout) :: gs_ham
489 !arrays
490  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cwavef(:,:)
491  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: cwavef_left(:,:)
492  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(:,:)
493  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout),target :: cprj_left(:,:)
495 !Local variables-------------------------------
496 !scalars
497  integer :: choice,idat,idir,istwf_k
498  integer :: npw,nspinor,paw_opt,select_k_,signs,tim_nonlop,nnlout
499  !character(len=500) :: msg
500 !arrays
501  real(dp) :: tsec(2),real_csc(ndat)
502  real(dp),allocatable :: gsc(:,:),gvnlxc(:,:)
503  real(dp),allocatable :: enlout(:),enlout_im(:)
504 ! real(dp) :: dum
505 ! real(dp),pointer :: cwavef_left_idat(:,:)
506 ! *********************************************************************
510  call timab(1360+tim_getcsc,1,tsec)
512  istwf_k = gs_ham%istwf_k
513  npw = gs_ham%npw_k
514  nspinor = gs_ham%nspinor
516  if (size(cwavef,2)/=npw*nspinor) then
517    ABI_BUG('Wrong size for cwavef')
518  end if
519  if (size(cwavef_left,2)/=npw*nspinor*ndat) then
520    ABI_BUG('Wrong size for cwavef_left')
521  end if
523  call timab(1361,1,tsec)
524  if (istwf_k==1) then
525    call zgemv('C',npw*nspinor,ndat,cone,cwavef_left,npw*nspinor,cwavef,1,czero,csc,1)
526  else ! nspinor==1 in that case
527    call dgemv('C',2*npw,ndat,one,cwavef_left,2*npw,cwavef,1,zero,real_csc,1)
528    do idat=1,ndat
529      csc(2*idat-1) = two*real_csc(idat)
530      csc(2*idat  ) = zero
531    end do
532    if (istwf_k==2 .and. mpi_enreg%me_g0==1) then ! Gamma k-point and I have G=0
533      do idat=1,ndat
534        csc(2*idat-1) = csc(2*idat-1) - cwavef_left(1,1+npw*(idat-1))*cwavef(1,1)
535      end do
536    end if
537  end if
538  call timab(1361,2,tsec)
541  if (gs_ham%usepaw==1) then
543    if (size(cprj,2)/=nspinor) then
544       ABI_BUG('Wrong size for cprj')
545    end if
546    if (size(cprj_left,2)/=nspinor*ndat) then
547       ABI_BUG('Wrong size for cprj_left')
548    end if
550    select_k_=1;if (present(select_k)) select_k_=select_k
551    choice=1 ; nnlout=1 ; idir=0 ; tim_nonlop=16 ; paw_opt=3
552    ABI_MALLOC(gsc,(0,0))
553    ABI_MALLOC(gvnlxc,(0,0))
554    ABI_MALLOC(enlout   ,(ndat))
555    ABI_MALLOC(enlout_im,(ndat))
556    enlout=zero
557    enlout_im=zero
558    signs=1
559    call nonlop(choice,cpopt,cprj,enlout,gs_ham,idir,(/zero/),mpi_enreg,1,&
560 &   nnlout,paw_opt,signs,gsc,tim_nonlop,cwavef,gvnlxc,select_k=select_k_,&
561 &   cprjin_left=cprj_left,enlout_im=enlout_im,ndat_left=ndat)
562    do idat=1,ndat
563      csc(2*idat-1) = csc(2*idat-1) + enlout(idat)
564      csc(2*idat  ) = csc(2*idat  ) + enlout_im(idat)
565    end do
566    ABI_FREE(gsc)
567    ABI_FREE(gvnlxc)
568    ABI_FREE(enlout   )
569    ABI_FREE(enlout_im)
571  end if
573  call timab(1360+tim_getcsc,2,tsec)
577 end subroutine getcsc

ABINIT/m_getchc [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Compute <G|H|C> for input vector |C> expressed in reciprocal space;


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, LSI, MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_getchc
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_xmpi
29  use defs_abitypes, only : mpi_type
30  use m_time,        only : timab
31  use m_pawcprj,     only : pawcprj_type!, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_getdim
32 ! use m_bandfft_kpt, only : bandfft_kpt, bandfft_kpt_get_ikpt
33  use m_hamiltonian, only : gs_hamiltonian_type, KPRIME_H_K, K_H_KPRIME, K_H_K, KPRIME_H_KPRIME
34  use m_nonlop,      only : nonlop
35 ! use m_fock,        only : fock_common_type, fock_get_getghc_call
36 ! use m_fock_getghc, only : fock_getghc, fock_ACE_getghc
37  use m_cgtools,     only : dotprod_g
39  implicit none
41  private