ABINIT/wfconv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This subroutine treats the wavefunctions for one k point,
 and converts them to other parameters.


 Copyright (C) 2000-2018 ABINIT group (XG,TD)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  ceksp2=if 1, center the output sphere of pw on Gamma; if 0, on each k-point (usual).
  cg1(2,mcg1)=wavefunction array
  debug= if 1, print some messages ; otherwise, 0.
  ecut1=kinetic energy cutoffs for basis sphere 1 (hartree)
  ecut2=kinetic energy cutoff beyond which the coefficients of wf2 vanish (Ha)
  ecut2_eff=kinetic energy cut-off for basis sphere 2 (hartree)
  exchn2n3d=if 1, n2 and n3 are exchanged
  formeig option (format of the eigenvalues and eigenvector) :
   0 => ground-state format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with random numbers, vector of eigenvalues)
   1 => respfn format (initialisation of
        eigenvectors with 0 s, hermitian matrix of eigenvalues)
  gmet1(3,3)=reciprocal space metric (bohr^-2) for input wf
  gmet2(3,3)=reciprocal space metric (bohr^-2) for output wf
  icg1=shift to be given to the location of the data in the array cg1
  icg2=shift to be given to the location of the data in the array cg2
  ikpt1=number of the k point actually treated (input wf numbering)
  ikpt10=number of the k point previously treated (input wf numbering)
  ikpt2=number of the k point actually treated (output numbering)
  indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6)=describe k point number of kptns1 that allows to
   generate wavefunctions closest to given kpt2 (and possibly isppol2=2)
   indkk(:,1)=k point number of kpt1
   indkk(:,2)=symmetry operation to be applied to kpt1, to give kpt1a
    (if 0, means no symmetry operation, equivalent to identity )
   indkk(:,3:5)=shift in reciprocal space to be given to kpt1a,
    to give kpt1b, that is the closest to kpt2.
   indkk(:,6)=1 if time-reversal was used to generate kpt1a from kpt1, 0 otherwise
  inplace= if 0, cg1 and cg2 are different in the calling routine,
           if 1, cg1 and cg2 are identical (they have the same memory location)
    This is also true for the pairs (eig_k1,eig_k2) and (occ_k1,occ_k2)
  isppol2=spin variable for output wavefunctions
  istwfk1(nkpt1)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set1
  istwfk2(nkpt2)=input parameter that describes the storage of wfs in set2
  kg1(3,mpw1)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point (input wf)
  kg2(3,mpw2)=dimensionless coords of G vecs in basis sphere at k point (output wf)
  kptns1(3,nkpt1)=k point set for input wavefunctions
  kptns2(3,nkpt2)=k point set for output wavefunctions
  mband1=dimension of eig_k1 and occ_k1 arrays
  mband2=dimension of eig_k2 and occ_k2 arrays
  mcg1=dimension of cg1 array (at least npw1*nspinor1*nbd1)
  mcg2=dimension of cg2 array (at least npw2*nspinor2*nbd2)
  mpi_enreg1=informations about MPI parallelization for set 1
  mpi_enreg2=informations about MPI parallelization for set 2
  mpw1=dimension of kg1, can be set to 0 if not needed
  mpw2=dimension of kg2, can be set to 0 if not needed
  nbd1=number of bands contained in cg1,eig_k1,occ_k1 at this k-point - spin (at input)
  nbd2=number of bands contained in cg2,eig_k2,occ_k2 at this k-point - spin (at output)
  ngfft1(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for input wavefunctions
  ngfft2(18)=all needed information about 3D FFT, for output wavefunctions
             see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt1=number of k points for input wavefunctions
  nkpt2=number of k points for output wavefunctions
  npw1=number of planewaves for input wavefunctions
  npw2=number of planewaves for output wavefunctions
  nspinor1=number of spinors for input wavefunctions
  nspinor2=number of spinors for output wavefunctions
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  occ_k1(mband1)=occupation numbers
  optorth=1 if the WFs are orthogonalized before leaving the routine
  randalg=1 if "good" (but non-portable) random numbers should be used, 0 for compatibility
  restart=if 2, conversion between wavefunctions
          if 1, direct restart is allowed (see hdr_check.f)
  rprimd2(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
   needed only for the spinor rotation
  sppoldbl= if 1, no doubling of the number if spins thanks to antiferromagn
    if 2, deduce nsppol=2 from nsppol=1, using Shubnikov symmetries
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
   of primitive translations
  tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetry operations


  cg2(2,mcg2)=wavefunction array
  occ_k2(mband2)=occupation (completed with zeros)


  ikpt10=at input, number of the k point previously treated (input wf numbering)
     (if this is the first call for the present k point set, ikpt10 should be 0)
         at output, number of the k point just treated (input wf numbering)
  kg1, kg2, npw1 and npw2 should not be modified by kpgsph (TD).


 Note that this routine can make an in-place conversion
 (see the input variable "inplace"),
 if cg1 and cg2 are equal, as well as the pairs (icg1,icg2),
 (eig_k1,eig_k2),(occ_k1,occ_k2) and (mband1,mband2)

 It can also be used to fill or to initialize wavefunctions
 at one k point
 (filling with random numbers or 0''s, according to the value
 of formeig), if the input number of bands (nbd1) is 0.
 In the latter case, one should use the same values of input
 wavefunction parameters
 than for output wavefunction parameters, except nbd1.

 The input parameters are indexed with 1, the output parameters
 are indexed with 2.

 Some of the arguments are arrays dimensioned with nkpt1 or nkpt2.
 Note that for these, only the elements for ikpt1 or ikpt2 will be used.

 The number of input bands must already be minimal at the input.
 This means, when input and output nspinor are equal : nbd1<nbd2
 When the two nspinor differ, one must have nbd1/nspinor1<nbd2/nspinor2






134 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
135 #include "config.h"
136 #endif
138 #include "abi_common.h"
140 subroutine wfconv(ceksp2,cg1,cg2,debug,ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff,&
141 & eig_k1,eig_k2,exchn2n3d,formeig,gmet1,gmet2,icg1,icg2,&
142 & ikpt1,ikpt10,ikpt2,indkk,inplace,isppol2,istwfk1,istwfk2,&
143 & kg1,kg2,kptns1,kptns2,mband1,mband2,mcg1,mcg2,mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2,&
144 & mpw1,mpw2,nbd1,nbd2,ngfft1,ngfft2,nkpt1,nkpt2,npw1,npw2,nspinor1,nspinor2,&
145 & nsym,occ_k1,occ_k2,optorth,randalg,restart,rprimd2,sppoldbl,symrel,tnons)
147  use defs_basis
148  use defs_abitypes
149  use m_errors
150  use m_profiling_abi
151  use m_xmpi
153  use m_fftcore,  only : kpgsph, sphere
154  use m_cgtools,  only : cg_envlop
155  use m_kg,       only : ph1d3d, getph
157 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
158 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
159 #undef ABI_FUNC
160 #define ABI_FUNC 'wfconv'
161  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
162  use interfaces_18_timing
163  use interfaces_32_util
164  use interfaces_41_geometry
165  use interfaces_52_fft_mpi_noabirule
166  use interfaces_66_wfs, except_this_one => wfconv
167 !End of the abilint section
169  implicit none
171 !Arguments ------------------------------------
172 !scalars
173  integer,intent(in) :: ceksp2,debug,exchn2n3d,formeig,icg1,icg2,ikpt1
174  integer,intent(in) :: ikpt2,inplace,isppol2,mband1,mband2,mcg1,mcg2,mpw1,mpw2
175  integer,intent(in) :: nbd1,nbd2,nkpt1,nkpt2,nspinor1,nspinor2,nsym
176  integer,intent(in) :: optorth,randalg,restart,sppoldbl
177  integer,intent(inout) :: ikpt10,npw1,npw2
178  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut1,ecut2,ecut2_eff
179  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg1,mpi_enreg2
180 !arrays
181  integer,intent(in) :: indkk(nkpt2*sppoldbl,6),istwfk1(nkpt1),istwfk2(nkpt2)
182  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft1(18),ngfft2(18),symrel(3,3,nsym)
183  integer,intent(inout) :: kg1(3,mpw1),kg2(3,mpw2)
184  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet1(3,3),gmet2(3,3),kptns1(3,nkpt1),kptns2(3,nkpt2)
185  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd2(3,3),tnons(3,nsym)
186  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg1(2,mcg1),cg2(2,mcg2)
187  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig_k1(mband1*(2*mband1)**formeig)
188  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eig_k2(mband2*(2*mband2)**formeig),occ_k1(mband1)
189  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ_k2(mband2)
191 !Local variables ------------------------------
192 !scalars
193  integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50,tobox=1,tosph=-1
194  integer :: conv_tnons,convert,fftalg,fold1,fold2,foldim,foldre,i1,i2,iband
195  integer :: iband_first,iband_last,icgmod,ierr,index,ipw
196  integer :: ispinor,ispinor1,ispinor2,ispinor_first,ispinor_last
197  integer :: istwf10_k,istwf1_k,istwf2_k,isym,itimrev,jsign
198  integer :: mgfft1,mgfft2,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6
199  integer :: nbremn,npwtot,nspinor_index,nspinor1_this_proc,nspinor2_this_proc
200  integer :: order,ortalgo,seed
201  real(dp) :: ai,ar,arg,bi,br,eig_tmp,spinrots,spinrotx,spinroty,spinrotz
202  character(len=500) :: message
203  integer, parameter :: int64 = selected_int_kind(18)
204  !arrays
205  integer :: atindx(1),identity(3,3),ngfft_now(18),no_shift(3),shiftg(3)
206  integer :: symm(3,3),symrel_conv(3,3)
207  integer,allocatable :: gbound1(:,:),gbound2(:,:)
208  real(dp) :: kpoint1(3),kpoint2_sph(3),phktnons(2,1),spinrot(4),tnons_conv(3),tsec(2)
209  real(dp),allocatable :: cfft(:,:,:,:),dum(:,:),phase1d(:,:),phase3d(:,:)
210  real(dp),allocatable :: wavef1(:,:),wavef2(:,:),wavefspinor(:,:)
212 ! *************************************************************************
214  mgfft1=maxval(ngfft1(1:3))
215  mgfft2=maxval(ngfft2(1:3))
216  if(.false.)write(std_out,*)occ_k1 ! just to keep occ_k1 as an argument before resolving the issue of its transfer
218  if(nspinor1/=1 .and. nspinor1/=2)then
219    write(message,'(a,i0)')'The argument nspinor1 must be 1 or 2, while it is nspinor1 = ',nspinor1
220    MSG_BUG(message)
221  end if
223  if(nspinor2/=1 .and. nspinor2/=2)then
224    write(message,'(a,i0)')' The argument nspinor2 must be 1 or 2, while it is nspinor2=',nspinor2
225    MSG_BUG(message)
226  end if
228  if(nspinor1==2 .and. mod(nbd1,2)/=0)then
229    write(message,'(a,i0)')' When nspinor1 is 2, nbd1 must be even, while it is nbd1 = ',nbd1
230    MSG_BUG(message)
231  end if
233  if(nspinor2==2 .and. mod(nbd2,2)/=0)then
234    write(message,'(a,i0)')'  When nspinor2 is 2, nbd2 must be even, while it is nbd2=',nbd2
235    MSG_BUG(message)
236  end if
238  if(nbd1/nspinor1>nbd2/nspinor2)then
239    write(message, '(3a,2i6,3a,2i6,a)' )&
240 &   'In wfconv, the nbd/nspinor ratio cannot decrease. However,',ch10,&
241 &   'the initial quantities are nbd1,nspinor1=',nbd1,nspinor1,', and',ch10,&
242 &   'the requested final quantities are nbd2,nspinor2=',nbd2,nspinor2,'.'
243    MSG_BUG(message)
244  end if
246  ngfft_now(1:3)=ngfft1(1:3)
247  ngfft_now(8:18)=ngfft1(8:18)
248 !This line is the reason why ngfft_now has to be introduced
249  ngfft_now(7)=101
250  ngfft_now(4:6)=ngfft_now(1:3)
251  n1=ngfft_now(1) ; n2=ngfft_now(2) ; n3=ngfft_now(3)
252  n4=ngfft_now(4) ; n5=ngfft_now(5) ; n6=ngfft_now(6)
253  fftalg=ngfft_now(7)
255 !Parallelization over spinors management
256  nspinor1_this_proc=max(1,nspinor1/mpi_enreg1%nproc_spinor)
257  nspinor2_this_proc=max(1,nspinor2/mpi_enreg2%nproc_spinor)
259 !In order to generate IN PLACE new wfs from old wfs, the loop
260 !over bands and spinors must be done in one direction or the other,
261 !depending on npw1 and npw2, nspinor1 and nspinor2.
262 !If nspinor1=1 and nspinor2=2 , note that one will generate
263 !from nbd1 states of npw1 coefficients,
264 !2*nbd1 states of 2*npw2 coefficients. nbd1 cancels in comparing
265 !these expressions, but nspinor2 appears squared.
266 !The same line of thought works for the case nspinor1=2 and nspinor2=1
267  order=1
268  iband_first=1   ; iband_last=nbd1
269  ispinor_first=1 ; ispinor_last=nspinor1
270  if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==1)then
271    order=2 ; iband_last=nbd1-1 ; ispinor_last=1
272  end if
273 !Here, reverse the order if needed
274  if( npw2*nspinor2**2 > npw1*nspinor1**2 )then
275    order=-order
276    iband_first=iband_last       ; iband_last=1
277    ispinor_first=ispinor_last   ; ispinor_last=1
278  end if
280  kpoint1(:)=kptns1(:,ikpt1)
281  istwf1_k=istwfk1(ikpt1)
283  kpoint2_sph(:)=0.0_dp
284  if(ceksp2==0)kpoint2_sph(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)
285  istwf2_k=istwfk2(ikpt2)
287 !DEBUG
288 !write(std_out,*)'ecut1,ecut2_eff=',ecut1,ecut2_eff
289 !write(std_out,*)'gmet1,gmet2=',gmet1,gmet2
290 !write(std_out,*)'kpoint1,kpoint2_sph=',kpoint1,kpoint2_sph
291 !write(std_out,*)'nspinor1,nspinor2',nspinor1,nspinor2
292 !write(std_out,*)'istwf1_k,istwf2_k=',istwf1_k,istwf2_k
293 !write(std_out,*)'nbd1,tol8=',nbd1,tol8
296 !Determine whether it will be needed to convert the existing
297 !wavefunctions, or simply to complete them.
299  convert=0
300  if(nbd1/=0)then
301    if(abs(ecut2_eff-ecut1)>tol8)convert=convert+1
302    if(sum(abs(gmet2(:,:)-gmet1(:,:)))>tol8)convert=convert+2
303    if(sum(abs(kpoint2_sph(:)-kpoint1(:)))>tol8)convert=convert+4
304    if(nspinor2/=nspinor1)convert=convert+8
305    if(istwf2_k/=istwf1_k)convert=convert+16
306  end if
308 !This is a supplementary check
309  if(restart==1 .and. convert/=0)then
310    MSG_BUG('Restart==1 and convert/=0 are exclusive')
311  end if
313 !Determine whether symmetries must be used
314  conv_tnons=0
315  no_shift(:)=0
316  identity(:,:)=0
317  identity(1,1)=1 ; identity(2,2)=1 ; identity(3,3)=1
318  isym=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,2)
319 !DEBUG
320 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : isym=',isym
322  itimrev=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,6)
323  if(isym/=0)then
324    symrel_conv(:,:)=symrel(:,:,isym)
325    call mati3inv(symrel_conv,symm)
326    shiftg(:)=indkk(ikpt2+(sppoldbl-1)*(isppol2-1)*nkpt2,3:5)
327    tnons_conv(:)=tnons(:,isym)
328    if(sum(tnons_conv(:)**2)>tol8)then
329 !    Need to compute phase factors associated with nonsymmorphic translations.
330      conv_tnons=1
331      ABI_ALLOCATE(phase3d,(2,npw1))
332      ABI_ALLOCATE(phase1d,(2,(2*n1+1)+(2*n2+1)+(2*n3+1)))
333 !    Although the routine getph is originally written for
334 !    atomic phase factors, it does precisely what we want
335      atindx(1)=1
336      call getph(atindx,1,n1,n2,n3,phase1d,tnons_conv)
337    end if
338    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2)then
339 !    Compute rotation in spinor space
340      call getspinrot(rprimd2,spinrot,symrel_conv)
341    end if
342  else
343    shiftg(:)=0
344    symm(:,:)=identity(:,:)
345    spinrot(:)=zero
346    spinrot(1)=one
347  end if
348  if(itimrev/=0)then
349    symm(:,:)=-symm(:,:)
350  end if
352 !DEBUG
353 !write(std_out,'(a,i3,2x,3i3,2x,9i3)')' wfconv : isym,shiftg,symm=',isym,shiftg,symm
354 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : ecut2_eff,ecut1=',ecut2_eff,ecut1
355 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : istwf1_k,istwf2_k=',istwf1_k,istwf2_k
356 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : kpoint1(:),kpoint2_sph(:)=',&
357 !& kpoint1(:),kpoint2_sph(:)
358 !write(std_out,*)' wfconv : nspinor1,nspinor2=',nspinor1,nspinor2
361 !if (mpi_enreg1%fft_option_lob==0) mpi_enreg1%fft_option_lob=1
362 !if (mpi_enreg2%fft_option_lob==0) mpi_enreg2%fft_option_lob=1
364  if (restart==2.and.(convert/=0.or.(nbd2/nspinor2>nbd1/nspinor1.and.formeig==0))) then
365 !  kg2 is needed both for FFT grid conversion and for envlop
366 !  Choose the center of the sphere : either gamma, or each k-point
367    kpoint2_sph(:)=0.0_dp
368    if(ceksp2==0)kpoint2_sph(:)=kptns2(:,ikpt2)
369    istwf2_k=istwfk2(ikpt2)
370    call kpgsph(ecut2_eff,exchn2n3d,gmet2,0,ikpt2,istwf2_k,kg2,kpoint2_sph,1,mpi_enreg2,mpw2,npw2)
371  end if
373  if(convert/=0)then
374    istwf10_k=0
375    if(ikpt10/=0)istwf10_k=istwfk1(ikpt10)
377 !  Only need G sphere if different from last time
378    if ( ikpt1/=ikpt10 .or. istwf1_k/=istwf10_k ) then
380      call kpgsph (ecut1,exchn2n3d,gmet1,0,ikpt1,istwf1_k,kg1,kpoint1,1,mpi_enreg1,mpw1,npw1)
381      if (debug>0) then
382        write(message, '(a,f8.3,a,a,3f8.5,a,a,i3,a,3(a,3es16.8,a),a,3i4,a,i5,a)' )&
383 &       ' wfconv: called kpgsph with ecut1=',ecut1,ch10,&
384 &       '  kpt1=',kptns1(1:3,ikpt1),ch10,&
385 &       '  istwf1_k=',istwf1_k,ch10,&
386 &       '  gmet1= ',gmet1(1:3,1),ch10,&
387 &       '         ',gmet1(1:3,2),ch10,&
388 &       '         ',gmet1(1:3,3),ch10,&
389 &       '  ngfft=',ngfft_now(1:3),' giving npw1=',npw1,'.'
390        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
391      end if
392      ikpt10 = ikpt1
393      istwf10_k=istwf1_k
394    end if
396    if(conv_tnons==1)then
397      arg=two_pi*(kpoint1(1)*tnons_conv(1)+ kpoint1(2)*tnons_conv(2)+ kpoint1(3)*tnons_conv(3) )
398      phktnons(1,1)=cos(arg)
399      phktnons(2,1)=sin(arg)
400 !    Convert 1D phase factors to 3D phase factors exp(i 2 pi (k+G).tnons )
401      call ph1d3d(1,1,kg1,1,1,npw1,n1,n2,n3,phktnons,phase1d,phase3d)
402    end if
404    ABI_ALLOCATE(cfft,(2,n4,n5,n6))
405    ABI_ALLOCATE(wavef1,(2,npw1))
406    ABI_ALLOCATE(wavef2,(2,npw2))
407    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2) then
408      ABI_ALLOCATE(wavefspinor,(2,2*npw2))
409    end if
410    ABI_ALLOCATE(gbound1,(2*mgfft1+8,2))
411    ABI_ALLOCATE(gbound2,(2*mgfft2+8,2))
412    call sphereboundary(gbound1,istwf1_k,kg1,mgfft1,npw1)
413    call sphereboundary(gbound2,istwf2_k,kg2,mgfft2,npw2)
415 !  Take old wf from sphere->box, the new from box->sphere
416 !  One pays attention not to have a problem of erasing data when replacing
417 !  a small set of coefficient by a large set, or the reverse.
418 !  This is the reason of the use of order, _first and _last variables,
419 !  defined earlier.
420    nspinor_index=mpi_enreg1%me_spinor+1
421    do iband=iband_first,iband_last,order
422      do ispinor1=ispinor_first,ispinor_last,order
423        ispinor=ispinor1
424        if (mpi_enreg1%paral_spinor==1) then
425          if (ispinor1==nspinor_index) then
426            ispinor=1
427          else
428            if (nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2) wavefspinor(:,(ispinor1-1)*npw2+1:ispinor1*npw2)=zero
429            cycle
430          end if
431        end if
433 !      Copy input wf
434        i1=(ispinor-1)*npw1+(iband-1)*nspinor1_this_proc*npw1+icg1
435        wavef1(:,1:npw1)=cg1(:,i1+1:i1+npw1)
437 !      Make symmetry-induced conversion, if needed (translation part)
438        if(conv_tnons==1)then
440          do ipw=1,npw1
441            ar=phase3d(1,ipw)*wavef1(1,ipw)-phase3d(2,ipw)*wavef1(2,ipw)
442            ai=phase3d(2,ipw)*wavef1(1,ipw)+phase3d(1,ipw)*wavef1(2,ipw)
443            wavef1(1,ipw)=ar
444            wavef1(2,ipw)=ai
445          end do
446        end if
448 !      Take into account time-reversal symmetry, if needed, in the scalar case
449        if(itimrev==1 .and. (nspinor1==1 .or. nspinor2==1))then
451          do ipw=1,npw1
452            wavef1(2,ipw)=-wavef1(2,ipw)
453          end do
454        end if
456 !      DEBUG
457 !      write(std_out,*)' wfconv : before sphere, isym,ispinor=',isym,ispinor
458 !      write(std_out,*)' no_shift,identity=',no_shift,identity
459 !      write(std_out,*)' shiftg,symm=',shiftg,symm
460 !      stop
461 !      This debugging sequence is an attempt to rotate spinors,
462 !      and works indeed for test13, when symmetry 9 is used ...
463 !      if(isym==9 .and. ispinor==1)then
464 !      write(std_out,*)' wfconv : gives a 120 degree rotation to first component'
465 !      do ipw=1,npw1
466 !      ar=-            half*wavef1(1,ipw)-sqrt(three)*half*wavef1(2,ipw)
467 !      ai= sqrt(three)*half*wavef1(1,ipw)-            half*wavef1(2,ipw)
468 !      wavef1(1,ipw)=ar
469 !      wavef1(2,ipw)=ai
470 !      end do
471 !      end if
472 !      ENDDEBUG
474 !      Convert wf, and also include the symmetry operation and shiftg.
475        call sphere(wavef1,1,npw1,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg1,istwf1_k,tobox,&
476 &       mpi_enreg1%me_g0,no_shift,identity,one)
478        call sphere(wavef2,1,npw2,cfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,kg2,istwf2_k,tosph,&
479 &       mpi_enreg2%me_g0,shiftg,symm,one)
481        if(nspinor2==1 )then
482          i2=(ispinor-1)*npw2+(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
483          cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
484        else if(nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2)then
485 !        Will treat this case outside of the ispinor loop
486          i2=(ispinor1-1)*npw2
487          wavefspinor(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
488        else if(nspinor1==1 .and. nspinor2==2)then
489 !        The number of bands is doubled, and the number of coefficients
490 !        is doubled also
491          if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==0) then
492            i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
493            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
494            cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=zero
495            cg2(:,i2+2*npw2+1:i2+3*npw2)=zero
496            cg2(:,i2+3*npw2+1:i2+4*npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
497          else
498            i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
499            if (nspinor_index==1) then
500              cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
501              cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=zero
502            else
503              cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=zero
504              cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=wavef2(:,1:npw2)
505            end if
506          end if
507        end if
508      end do ! ispinor=ispinor_first,ispinor_last,order
510      if(nspinor1==2.and.nspinor2==2)then
511 !      Take care of possible parallelization over spinors
512        if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==1) then
513          call xmpi_sum(wavefspinor,mpi_enreg2%comm_spinor,ierr)
514        end if
515 !      Take care of time-reversal symmetry, if needed
516        if(itimrev==1)then
517 !        Exchange spin-up and spin-down
518 !        Make complex conjugate of one component,
519 !        and change sign of other component
520 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ipw,ar,ai) SHARED(wavefspinor,npw2)
521          do ipw=1,npw2
522 !          Here, change sign of real part
523            ar=-wavefspinor(1,ipw)
524            ai= wavefspinor(2,ipw)
525            wavefspinor(1,ipw)= wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)
526 !          Here, change sign of imaginary part
527            wavefspinor(2,ipw)=-wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)
528            wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)=ar
529            wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)=ai
530          end do
531        end if ! itimrev==1
533 !      Rotation in spinor space
534 !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(PRIVATE) SHARED(npw2,spinrot,wavefspinor)
535        spinrots=spinrot(1)
536        spinrotx=spinrot(2)
537        spinroty=spinrot(3)
538        spinrotz=spinrot(4)
539 !$OMP DO
540        do ipw=1,npw2
541          ar=wavefspinor(1,ipw)
542          ai=wavefspinor(2,ipw)
543          br=wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)
544          bi=wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)
545          wavefspinor(1,ipw)     = spinrots*ar-spinrotz*ai +spinroty*br-spinrotx*bi
546          wavefspinor(2,ipw)     = spinrots*ai+spinrotz*ar +spinroty*bi+spinrotx*br
547          wavefspinor(1,npw2+ipw)=-spinroty*ar-spinrotx*ai +spinrots*br+spinrotz*bi
548          wavefspinor(2,npw2+ipw)=-spinroty*ai+spinrotx*ar +spinrots*bi-spinrotz*br
549        end do
550 !$OMP END DO
553 !      Save wavefunction
554        i2=(iband-1)*nspinor2_this_proc*npw2+icg2
555        if (mpi_enreg2%paral_spinor==0) then
556          cg2(:,i2     +1:i2+  npw2)=wavefspinor(:,1:npw2)
557          cg2(:,i2+npw2+1:i2+2*npw2)=wavefspinor(:,npw2+1:2*npw2)
558        else
559          if (nspinor_index==1) then
560            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavefspinor(:,1:npw2)
561          else
562            cg2(:,i2+1:i2+npw2)=wavefspinor(:,npw2+1:2*npw2)
563          end if
564        end if
565      end if ! nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2
567    end do
569 !  Take care of copying eig and occ when nspinor increases or decreases
570    if(nspinor1==1.and.nspinor2==2)then
571      if(formeig==0)then
572 !      Note the reverse order, needed in case inplace=1
573        do iband=nbd1,1,-1
574 !        use eig_tmp to avoid bug on ifort10.1 x86_64
575          eig_tmp=eig_k1(iband)
576          eig_k2(2*iband-1:2*iband)=eig_tmp
577 !        occ_tmp=occ_k1(iband)*0.5_dp
578 !        occ_k2(2*iband-1:2*iband )=occ_tmp
579        end do
580      else
581        call wrtout(std_out,' wfconv: not yet coded, formeig=1!',"COLL")
582      end if
583    end if
584    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==1)then
585      if(formeig==0)then
586        do iband=1,nbd1
587 !        use eig_tmp to avoid bug on ifort10.1 x86_64
588          eig_tmp=eig_k1(2*iband-1)
589          eig_k2(iband)=eig_tmp
590 !        occ_tmp=occ_k1(2*iband-1)*2.0_dp
591 !        occ_k2(iband)=occ_tmp
592        end do
593      else
594        call wrtout(std_out,' wfconv: not yet coded, formeig=1!',"COLL")
595      end if
596    end if
598    ABI_DEALLOCATE(cfft)
599    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gbound1)
600    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gbound2)
601    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wavef1)
602    ABI_DEALLOCATE(wavef2)
603    if(nspinor1==2 .and. nspinor2==2) then
604      ABI_DEALLOCATE(wavefspinor)
605    end if
607  else if(convert==0)then
609    if(inplace==0)then
610 !    Must copy cg, eig and occ if not in-place while convert==0
611 !    Note that npw1=npw2, nspinor1=nspinor2
612      cg2(:,1+icg2:npw1*nspinor1_this_proc*nbd1+icg2)=&
613 &     cg1(:,1+icg1:npw1*nspinor1_this_proc*nbd1+icg1)
614      eig_k2(:)=eig_k1(:)
615 !    occ_k2(:)=occ_k1(:)
616    end if
618  end if ! End of if convert/=0
620  if(conv_tnons==1) then 
621    ABI_DEALLOCATE(phase1d)
622    ABI_DEALLOCATE(phase3d)
623  end if
626 !If not enough bands, complete with random numbers or zeros
627  if(nbd2/nspinor2>nbd1/nspinor1)then
628    if(formeig==0)then
630 !    Ground state wf and eig case
631      eig_k2((nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1:nbd2)=huge(0.0_dp)/10.0_dp
632      occ_k2((nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1:nbd2)=0.0_dp
633      index=(nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2*npw2*nspinor2_this_proc
635 !    Initialisation of wavefunctions
636 !    One needs to initialize wfs in such a way to avoid symmetry traps,
637 !    and to avoid linear dependencies between wavefunctions
638 !    No need for a difference for different k points and/or spin-polarization
640      if (mpi_enreg1%paral_kgb == 1) then
641        npwtot=npw2
642        call timab(539,1,tsec)
643        call xmpi_sum(npwtot, mpi_enreg1%comm_bandfft, ierr)
644        call timab(539,2,tsec)
645      end if
647      do iband=(nbd1/nspinor1)*nspinor2+1,nbd2
648        do ispinor2=1,nspinor2_this_proc
649          ispinor=ispinor2;if (nspinor2_this_proc/=nspinor2) ispinor=mpi_enreg2%me_spinor+1
650          jsign=1;if (ispinor==2) jsign=-1
652          do ipw=1,npw2
653            index=index+1
654 !          Different seed for different planewave and band
655 !          DEBUG seq==par
656 !          if(.false.) then
657 !          ENDDEBUG seq==par
659            if ( mpi_enreg2%paral_kgb /= 1) then
660              seed=(iband-1)*npw2*nspinor2 + (ispinor-1)*npw2 + ipw
661            else
662              seed=jsign*(iband*(kg2(1,ipw)*npwtot*npwtot + kg2(2,ipw)*npwtot + kg2(3,ipw)))
663            end if
665            if(randalg == 0) then
666 !            For portability, use only integer numbers
667 !            The series of couples (fold1,fold2) is periodic with a period of
668 !            3x5x7x11x13x17x19x23x29x31, that is, larger than 2**32, the largest integer*4
669 !            fold1 is between 0 and 34, fold2 is between 0 and 114. As sums of five
670 !            uniform random variables, their distribution is close to a gaussian
671              fold1=mod(seed,3)+mod(seed,5)+mod(seed,7)+mod(seed,11)+mod(seed,13)
672              fold2=mod(seed,17)+mod(seed,19)+mod(seed,23)+mod(seed,29)+mod(seed,31)
673 !            The gaussian distributions are folded, in order to be back to a uniform distribution
674 !            foldre is between 0 and 20, foldim is between 0 and 18
675              foldre=mod(fold1+fold2,21)
676              foldim=mod(3*fold1+2*fold2,19)
677              cg2(1,index+icg2)=dble(foldre)
678              cg2(2,index+icg2)=dble(foldim)
679            else
680              ! (AL) Simple linear congruential generator from
681              ! numerical recipes, modulo'ed and 64bit'ed to avoid
682              ! overflows (NAG doesn't like overflows, even though
683              ! they are perfectly legitimate here). Then, we get some
684              ! lowest order bits and sum them, as the previous
685              ! generator, to get quasi-normal numbers.
686              ! This is clearly suboptimal and might cause problems,
687              ! but at least it doesn't seem to create linear
688              ! dependencies and local minima like the previous one.
689              ! it's not trivial to generate good reproductible random
690              ! numbers in parallel. Patches welcome !
691              ! Note a fun fortran fact : MOD simply ignores 64 bits integer
692              ! and casts them into 32bits, so we use MODULO.
693              fold1 = modulo(1664525_int64 * seed  + 1013904223_int64, 2147483648_int64)
694              fold2 = modulo(1664525_int64 * fold1 + 1013904223_int64, 2147483648_int64)
695              fold1=modulo(fold1,3)+modulo(fold1,5)+modulo(fold1,7)+modulo(fold1,11)+modulo(fold1,13)
696              fold2=modulo(fold2,3)+modulo(fold2,5)+modulo(fold2,7)+modulo(fold2,11)+modulo(fold2,13)
697              cg2(1,index+icg2)=dble(fold1)/34-0.5
698              cg2(2,index+icg2)=dble(fold2)/34-0.5
699            end if
700          end do
701        end do
703 !      XG030513 : MPIWF need to impose cg to zero when at Gamma
704 !      Time-reversal symmetry for k=gamma impose zero imaginary part at G=0
705 !      XG : I do not know what happens for spin-orbit here :
706        if(istwf2_k==2 .and. mpi_enreg2%me_g0==1) then 
707          cg2(2,1+(iband-1)*npw2*nspinor2_this_proc+icg2)=zero
708        end if
709      end do
711 !    Multiply with envelope function to reduce kinetic energy
712      icgmod=icg2+npw2*nspinor2_this_proc*(nbd1/nspinor1)
713      nbremn=nbd2-nbd1
714      call cg_envlop(cg2,ecut2,gmet2,icgmod,kg2,kpoint2_sph,mcg2,nbremn,npw2,nspinor2_this_proc)
716      if(ikpt2<=nkpt_max)then
717        write(message,'(3(a,i6))')' wfconv:',nbremn,' bands initialized randomly with npw=',npw2,', for ikpt=',ikpt2
718        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
719      end if
721    else if(formeig==1)then
723 !    For response function, put large numbers in the remaining of the
724 !    eigenvalue array (part of it was already filled in calling routine)
725 !    WARNING : Change of nspinor not yet coded
726      eig_k2(1+2*nbd1*nbd2 : 2*nbd2*nbd2)=huge(0.0_dp)/10.0_dp
727 !    Initialisation of wfs with 0 s
728      index=npw2*nbd1*nspinor2_this_proc
729      do iband=nbd1+1,nbd2
730        do ipw=1,npw2*nspinor2_this_proc
731          index=index+1
732          cg2(:,index+icg2)=zero
733        end do
734      end do
736      if(ikpt2<=nkpt_max)then
737        nbremn=nbd2-nbd1
738        write(message,'(a,i6,a,i7,a,i4)')' wfconv :',nbremn,' bands set=0 with npw=',npw2,', for ikpt=',ikpt2
739        call wrtout(std_out,message,'PERS')
740      end if
742    end if ! End of initialisation to 0
743  end if
745 !Orthogonalize GS wfs
746  !if (.False.) then
747  if (optorth==1.and.formeig==0.and.mpi_enreg2%paral_kgb/=1) then
748    ABI_ALLOCATE(dum,(2,0))
749    ortalgo=0 !;ortalgo=3
750    call pw_orthon(icg2,0,istwf2_k,mcg2,0,npw2*nspinor2_this_proc,nbd2,ortalgo,dum,0,cg2,&
751 &   mpi_enreg2%me_g0,mpi_enreg2%comm_bandspinorfft)
752    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dum)
753  end if
755 end subroutine wfconv