ABINIT/forces [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Assemble gradients of various total energy terms with respect
 to reduced coordinates, including possible symmetrization,
 in order to produce forces.
     fcart(i,iat) = d(Etot)/(d(r(i,iat)))


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, FJ, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
 berryopt    =  4/14: electric field is on -> add the contribution of the
                      -ebar_i p_i - Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j  terms to the total energy
     = 6/16, or 7/17: electric displacement field is on  -> add the contribution of the
                      Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j  terms to the total energy
   | efield = cartesian coordinates of the electric field in atomic units
   | dfield = cartesian coordinates of the electric displacement field in atomic units
   | iatfix(3,natom)=1 for frozen atom along specified direction, 0 for unfrozen
   | ionmov=governs the movement of atoms (see help file)
   | densfor_pred=governs the mixed electronic-atomic part of the preconditioner
   | natom=number of atoms in cell
   | nconeq=number of atomic constraint equations
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | nsym=number of symmetries in space group
   | prtvol=integer controlling volume of printed output
   | typat(natom)=type integer for each atom in cell
   | wtatcon(3,natom,nconeq)=weights for atomic constraints
  fock <type(fock_type)>= quantities to calculate Fock exact exchange
  grchempottn(3,natom)=d(E_chemical potential)/d(xred) (hartree)
  grewtn(3,natom)=d(Ewald)/d(xred) (hartree)
  grnl(3*natom)=gradients of Etot due to nonlocal contributions
  grvdw(3,ngrvdw)=gradients of energy due to Van der Waals DFT-D dispersion (hartree)
  gsqcut=cutoff value on G**2 for (large) sphere inside FFT box.
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngrvdw=size of grvdw(:,:); can be 0 or natom according to dtset%vdw_xc
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*dtset%usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim phase (structure factor) array
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhog(2,nfft)=Fourier transform of charge density (bohr^-3)
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=array for electron density in electrons/bohr**3
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries in reciprocal space, reduced coordinates
  usefock=1 if fock operator is used; 0 otherwise.
  vresid(nfft,nspden)=potential residual (if non-collinear magn., only trace of it)
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree) in real space
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
  xred_old(3,natom)=previous reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  diffor=maximal absolute value of changes in the components of
         force between the input and the output.
  favg(3)=mean of the forces before correction for translational symmetry
  forold(3,natom)=cartesian forces of previous SCF cycle (hartree/bohr)
  fred(3,natom)=symmetrized grtn = d(etotal)/d(xred)
  gresid(3,natom)=forces due to the residual of the density/potential
  grhf(3,natom)=Hellman-Feynman derivatives of the total energy
  grxc(9+3*natom)=d(Exc)/d(xred) if core charges are used
  maxfor=maximal absolute value of the output array force.
  synlgr(3,natom)=symmetrized d(enl)/d(xred)


  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  fcart(3,natom)=forces in cartesian coordinates (Ha/Bohr)
    Note : unlike fred, this array has been corrected by enforcing
    the translational symmetry, namely that the sum of force
    on all atoms is zero.


 * Symmetrization of gradients with respect to reduced
   coordinates xred is conducted according to the expression
   [d(e)/d(t(n,a))]_symmetrized = (1/Nsym) Sum(S) symrec(n,m,S)*
   where t(m,b)= (symrel^-1)(m,n)*(t(n,a)-tnons(n)) and tnons
   is a possible nonsymmorphic translation.  The label "b" here
   refers to the atom which gets rotated into "a" under symmetry "S".
   symrel is the symmetry matrix in real space, which is the inverse
   transpose of symrec.  symrec is the symmetry matrix in reciprocal
   space.  sym_cartesian = R * symrel * R^-1 = G * symrec * G^-1
   where the columns of R and G are the dimensional primitive translations
   in real and reciprocal space respectively.
 * Note the use of "symrec" in the symmetrization expression above.






114 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
115 #include "config.h"
116 #endif
118 #include "abi_common.h"
120 subroutine forces(atindx1,diffor,dtefield,dtset,favg,fcart,fock,&
121 &                  forold,fred,grchempottn,gresid,grewtn,&
122 &                  grhf,grnl,grvdw,grxc,gsqcut,indsym,&
123 &                  maxfor,mgfft,mpi_enreg,n1xccc,n3xccc,&
124 &                  nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ngrvdw,ntypat,&
125 &                  pawrad,pawtab,ph1d,psps,rhog,rhor,rprimd,symrec,synlgr,usefock,&
126 &                  vresid,vxc,wvl,wvl_den,xred,&
127 &                  electronpositron) ! optional argument
129  use defs_basis
130  use defs_datatypes
131  use defs_abitypes
132  use defs_wvltypes
133  use m_profiling_abi
134  use m_efield
135  use m_errors
137  use m_geometry,         only : fred2fcart, metric
138  use m_fock,             only : fock_type
139  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type
140  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
141  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype
142  use libxc_functionals,  only : libxc_functionals_is_hybrid
143  use m_fft,              only : zerosym
145 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
146 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
147 #undef ABI_FUNC
148 #define ABI_FUNC 'forces'
149  use interfaces_18_timing
150  use interfaces_53_ffts
151  use interfaces_56_xc
152  use interfaces_64_psp
153  use interfaces_67_common, except_this_one => forces
154 !End of the abilint section
156  implicit none
158 !Arguments ------------------------------------
159 !scalars
160  integer,intent(in) :: mgfft,n1xccc,n3xccc,nfft,ngrvdw,ntypat,usefock
161  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut
162  real(dp),intent(out) :: diffor,maxfor
163  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
164  type(efield_type),intent(in) :: dtefield
165  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
166  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
167  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
168  type(wvl_internal_type), intent(in) :: wvl
169  type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(inout) :: wvl_den
170  type(fock_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: fock
171 !arrays
172  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(dtset%natom),indsym(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom)
173  integer,intent(in) :: nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),symrec(3,3,dtset%nsym)
174  real(dp),intent(in) :: grchempottn(3,dtset%natom),grewtn(3,dtset%natom),grvdw(3,ngrvdw),grnl(3*dtset%natom)
175  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*dtset%natom)
176  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfft),rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden),rprimd(3,3)
177  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxc(nfft,dtset%nspden)
178  real(dp),intent(inout) :: fcart(3,dtset%natom),forold(3,dtset%natom)
179  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vresid(nfft,dtset%nspden),xred(3,dtset%natom)
180  real(dp),intent(out) :: favg(3),fred(3,dtset%natom),gresid(3,dtset%natom)
181  real(dp),intent(out) :: grhf(3,dtset%natom)
182  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grxc(3,dtset%natom)
183  real(dp),intent(out) :: synlgr(3,dtset%natom)
184  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
185  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
187 !Local variables-------------------------------
188 !scalars
189  integer :: coredens_method,fdir,iatom,idir,indx,ipositron,itypat,mu
190  integer :: optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,option,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,vloc_method
191  real(dp) :: eei_dum1,eei_dum2,ucvol,ucvol_local,vol_element
192  logical :: calc_epaw3_forces, efield_flag
193  logical :: is_hybrid_ncpp
194 !arrays
195  integer :: qprtrb_dum(3)
196  real(dp) :: dummy6(6),ep3(3),fioncart(3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3)
197  real(dp) :: rmet(3,3),strn_dummy6(6),strv_dummy6(6),tsec(2),vprtrb_dum(2)
198  real(dp),allocatable :: atmrho_dum(:),atmvloc_dum(:),dyfrlo_dum(:,:,:)
199  real(dp),allocatable :: dyfrn_dum(:,:,:),dyfrv_dum(:,:,:)
200  real(dp),allocatable :: dyfrx2_dum(:,:,:),eltfrn_dum(:,:),gauss_dum(:,:)
201  real(dp),allocatable :: epawf3red(:,:),fin(:,:),fionred(:,:),grl(:,:),grnl_tmp(:,:),grtn(:,:)
202  real(dp),allocatable :: grtn_indx(:,:),v_dum(:),vxctotg(:,:)
203  real(dp),allocatable :: xccc3d_dum(:)
205 ! *************************************************************************
207  call timab(69,1,tsec)
209 !Save input value of forces
210  ABI_ALLOCATE(fin,(3,dtset%natom))
211  fin(:,:)=fcart(:,:)
213 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
214  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
216 !Check if we're in hybrid norm conserving pseudopotential
217  is_hybrid_ncpp=(psps%usepaw==0 .and. &
218 & (dtset%ixc==41.or.dtset%ixc==42.or.libxc_functionals_is_hybrid()))
219 !=======================================================================
220 !========= Local pseudopotential and core charge contributions =========
221 !=======================================================================
223  ABI_ALLOCATE(grl,(3,dtset%natom))
225 !Determine by which method the local ionic potential and/or the pseudo core
226 !  charge density contributions have to be computed
227 !Local ionic potential:
228 ! Method 1: PAW
229 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, icoulomb>0, wavelets
230  vloc_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) vloc_method=2
231  if (dtset%icoulomb>0) vloc_method=2
232  if (psps%usewvl==1) vloc_method=2
233 !Pseudo core charge density:
234 ! Method 1: PAW, nc_xccc_gspace
235 ! Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, wavelets
236  coredens_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) coredens_method=2
237  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) coredens_method=1
238  if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==0) coredens_method=2
239  if (psps%usewvl==1) coredens_method=2
241 !Local ionic potential and/or pseudo core charge by method 1
242  if (vloc_method==1.or.coredens_method==1) then
243    call timab(550,1,tsec)
244    optv=0;if (vloc_method==1) optv=1
245    optn=0;if (coredens_method==1) optn=n3xccc/nfft
246    optatm=0;optdyfr=0;optgr=1;optstr=0;optn2=1;opteltfr=0
247    if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1.and.psps%usepaw==0.and.is_hybrid_ncpp) then
248      MSG_BUG(' Not yet implemented !')
249    end if
250    if (coredens_method==1.and.n3xccc>0) then
251      ABI_ALLOCATE(v_dum,(nfft))
252      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxctotg,(2,nfft))
253      v_dum(:)=vxc(:,1);if (dtset%nspden>=2) v_dum(:)=0.5_dp*(v_dum(:)+vxc(:,2))
254      call fourdp(1,vxctotg,v_dum,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,dtset%paral_kgb,0)
255      call zerosym(vxctotg,2,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),&
256 &     comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
257      ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_dum)
258    else
259      ABI_ALLOCATE(vxctotg,(0,0))
260    end if
261 !  Allocate (unused) dummy variables, otherwise some compilers complain
262    ABI_ALLOCATE(gauss_dum,(0,0))
263    ABI_ALLOCATE(atmrho_dum,(0))
264    ABI_ALLOCATE(atmvloc_dum,(0))
265    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfrn_dum,(0,0,0))
266    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfrv_dum,(0,0,0))
267    ABI_ALLOCATE(eltfrn_dum,(0,0))
268    call atm2fft(atindx1,atmrho_dum,atmvloc_dum,dyfrn_dum,dyfrv_dum,&
269 &   eltfrn_dum,gauss_dum,gmet,gprimd,&
270 &   grxc,grl,gsqcut,mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,&
271 &   optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,psps,pawtab,ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,qprtrb_dum,&
272 &   rhog,strn_dummy6,strv_dummy6,ucvol,psps%usepaw,vxctotg,vxctotg,vxctotg,vprtrb_dum,psps%vlspl,&
273 &   comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
274 &   paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
275    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gauss_dum)
276    ABI_DEALLOCATE(atmrho_dum)
277    ABI_DEALLOCATE(atmvloc_dum)
278    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfrn_dum)
279    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfrv_dum)
280    ABI_DEALLOCATE(eltfrn_dum)
281    ABI_DEALLOCATE(vxctotg)
282    if (n3xccc==0.and.coredens_method==1) grxc=zero
283    call timab(550,2,tsec)
284  end if
286 !Local ionic potential by method 2
287  if (vloc_method==2) then
288    option=2
289    ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfrlo_dum,(3,3,dtset%natom))
290    ABI_ALLOCATE(grtn_indx,(3,dtset%natom))
291    ABI_ALLOCATE(v_dum,(nfft))
292    call mklocl(dtset,dyfrlo_dum,eei_dum1,gmet,gprimd,grtn_indx,gsqcut,dummy6,mgfft,&
293 &   mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,option,pawtab,ph1d,psps,&
294 &   qprtrb_dum,rhog,rhor,rprimd,ucvol,vprtrb_dum,v_dum,wvl,wvl_den,xred)
295    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
296 !    Has to use the indexing array atindx1
297      grl(1:3,atindx1(iatom))=grtn_indx(1:3,iatom)
298    end do
299    ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfrlo_dum)
300    ABI_DEALLOCATE(grtn_indx)
301    ABI_DEALLOCATE(v_dum)
302 !  If gradients are computed in real space, we need to symmetrize the system before summing.
303 !  Rshaltaf: I changed the following line to include surfaces BC
304    if (dtset%icoulomb == 1 .or. dtset%icoulomb == 2) then
305      ABI_ALLOCATE(grnl_tmp,(3,dtset%natom))
306      call sygrad(grnl_tmp,dtset%natom,grl,dtset%nsym,symrec,indsym)
307      grl(:, :) = grnl_tmp(:, :)
308      ABI_DEALLOCATE(grnl_tmp)
309    end if
310  end if
312 !Pseudo core electron density by method 2
313  if (coredens_method==2) then
314    if (n1xccc/=0) then
315      call timab(53,1,tsec)
316      option=2
317      ABI_ALLOCATE(dyfrx2_dum,(3,3,dtset%natom))
318      ABI_ALLOCATE(xccc3d_dum,(n3xccc))
319      if (is_hybrid_ncpp) then
320        call xchybrid_ncpp_cc(dtset,eei_dum1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,n3xccc,rhor,rprimd,&
321 &       dummy6,eei_dum2,xccc3d_dum,grxc=grxc,xcccrc=psps%xcccrc,xccc1d=psps%xccc1d,xred=xred,n1xccc=n1xccc)
322      else
323        if (psps%usewvl==0.and.psps%usepaw==0.and.dtset%icoulomb==0) then
324          call mkcore(dummy6,dyfrx2_dum,grxc,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
325 &         ngfft(1),n1xccc, ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,vxc,&
326 &         psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d_dum,xred)
327        else if (psps%usewvl==0.and.(psps%usepaw==1.or.dtset%icoulomb==1)) then
328          call mkcore_alt(atindx1,dummy6,dyfrx2_dum,grxc,dtset%icoulomb,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfft,&
329 &         dtset%nspden,nattyp,ntypat,ngfft(1),n1xccc,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),option,rprimd,&
330 &         ucvol,vxc,psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d_dum,xred,pawrad,pawtab,psps%usepaw)
331        else if (psps%usewvl==1.and.psps%usepaw==1) then
332          ucvol_local=ucvol
333 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
334 !        ucvol_local=product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids)*real(product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims),dp)
335 !        call mkcore_wvl_old(atindx1,dummy6,dyfrx2_dum,wvl%atoms%astruct%geocode,grxc,wvl%h,dtset%natom,&
336 ! &           nattyp,nfft,wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,:),dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
337 ! &           wvl%Glr%d%n1,wvl%Glr%d%n1i,wvl%Glr%d%n2,wvl%Glr%d%n2i,wvl%Glr%d%n3,wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%n3pi,&
338 ! &           n3xccc,option,pawrad,pawtab,psps%gth_params%psppar,rprimd,ucvol_local,vxc,xccc3d_dum,xred,&
339 ! &           mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
340          call mkcore_wvl(atindx1,dummy6,grxc,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
341 &         n1xccc,n3xccc,option,pawrad,pawtab,rprimd,vxc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d_dum,&
342 &         psps%xcccrc,xred,wvl_den,wvl,mpi_comm_wvl=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl)
343 #endif
344        end if
345      end if
346      ABI_DEALLOCATE(xccc3d_dum)
347      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dyfrx2_dum)
348      call timab(53,2,tsec)
349    else
350      grxc(:,:)=zero
351    end if
352  end if
354 !=======================================================================
355 !===================== Nonlocal contributions ==========================
356 !=======================================================================
358 !Only has to apply symmetries
359  ABI_ALLOCATE(grnl_tmp,(3,dtset%natom))
360  do iatom=1,dtset%natom
361    indx=3*(iatom-1);grnl_tmp(1:3,atindx1(iatom))=grnl(indx+1:indx+3)
362  end do
363  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
364    call sygrad(synlgr,dtset%natom,grnl_tmp,dtset%nsym,symrec,indsym)
365  else
366    synlgr = grnl_tmp
367  end if
368  ABI_DEALLOCATE(grnl_tmp)
370 !=======================================================================
371 !============ Density/potential residual contributions =================
372 !=======================================================================
374  if (dtset%usewvl==0.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)>=1.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)<=3) then
375    call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,1,&
376 &   pawtab,rhor,rprimd,ucvol,vresid,xred,xred,psps%znuclpsp)
377  else if (dtset%usewvl==0.and.(abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==4.or.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==6)) then
378    call fresidrsp(atindx1,dtset,gmet,gprimd,gresid,gsqcut,mgfft,&
379 &   mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,psps,pawtab,ph1d,&
380 &   psps%qgrid_vl,ucvol,psps%usepaw,vresid,psps%zionpsp,psps%znuclpsp)
381  else
382    gresid(:,:)=zero
383  end if
385 !=======================================================================
386 !======================= Other contributions ===========================
387 !=======================================================================
389 !Ewald energy contribution to forces as already been computed in "ewald"
391 !Potential residual contribution to forces as already been computed (forstr)
393 !Add Berry phase contributions (berryopt == 4/6/7/14/16/17)
394 !(compute the electric field force on the ion cores)
395  efield_flag = (dtset%berryopt==4 .or. dtset%berryopt==6 .or. dtset%berryopt==7 .or. &
396 & dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17)
397  calc_epaw3_forces = (efield_flag .and. dtset%optforces /= 0 .and. psps%usepaw == 1)
398  if ( efield_flag ) then
399    ABI_ALLOCATE(fionred,(3,dtset%natom))
400    fionred(:,:)=zero
401    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
402      itypat=dtset%typat(iatom)
403 ! force on ion due to electric field, cartesian representation
404      fioncart(:)=psps%ziontypat(itypat)*dtset%efield(:)
405 ! form fionred = rprimd^T * fioncart, note that forces transform
406 ! oppositely to coordinates, because they are derivative with respect to
407 ! coordinates
408      call dgemv('T',3,3,one,rprimd,3,fioncart,1,zero,fionred(1:3,iatom),1)
409 !     do mu=1,3
410 !       fionred(mu,iatom)=rprimd(1,mu)*fioncart(1) &
411 !&       +rprimd(2,mu)*fioncart(2) &
412 !&       +rprimd(3,mu)*fioncart(3)
413 !     end do
414    end do
415  end if
417 !(compute additional F3-type force due to projectors for electric field with PAW)
418  if ( efield_flag .and. calc_epaw3_forces ) then
419    ABI_ALLOCATE(epawf3red,(3,dtset%natom))
420 ! dtefield%epawf3(iatom,idir,fdir) contains
421    epawf3red(:,:)=zero
422    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
423      do fdir = 1, 3
424        do idir = 1, 3
425 ! vol_element is volume/pt for integration of epawf3. volume is BZ volume
426 ! so 1/ucvol, and number of kpts is nstr(idir)*nkstr(idir)
427          vol_element=one/(ucvol*dtefield%nstr(idir)*dtefield%nkstr(idir))
428          ep3(idir) = vol_element*dtefield%epawf3(iatom,idir,fdir)
429        end do
430        epawf3red(fdir,iatom) = -ucvol*dot_product(dtset%red_efieldbar(1:3),ep3(1:3))
431      end do
432    end do ! end loop over iatom
433  end if
435 !This was incorrect coding. Bug found by Jiawang Hong
436 !if (dtset%berryopt==4) then
437 !allocate(fionred(3,dtset%natom));fionred(:,:)=zero
438 !iatom = 0
439 !do itypat=1,ntypat
440 !do iattyp=1,nattyp(itypat)
441 !iatom=iatom+1
442 !fioncart(:)=psps%ziontypat(itypat)*dtset%efield(:)
443 !do mu=1,3
444 !fionred(mu,iatom)=rprimd(1,mu)*fioncart(1) &
445 !&         +rprimd(2,mu)*fioncart(2) &
446 !&         +rprimd(3,mu)*fioncart(3)
447 !end do
448 !end do
449 !end do
450 !end if
452 !=======================================================================
453 !======= Assemble the various contributions to the forces ==============
454 !=======================================================================
456 !Collect grads of etot wrt reduced coordinates
457 !This gives non-symmetrized Hellman-Feynman reduced gradients
458  ABI_ALLOCATE(grtn,(3,dtset%natom))
459  grtn(:,:)=grl(:,:)+grchempottn(:,:)+grewtn(:,:)+synlgr(:,:)+grxc(:,:)
460 ! grtn(:,:)=grl(:,:)+grewtn(:,:)+synlgr(:,:)+grxc(:,:)
462  if (usefock==1 .and. associated(fock).and.fock%fock_common%optfor) then
463    grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)+fock%fock_common%forces(:,:)
464  end if
465  if (ngrvdw==dtset%natom) grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)+grvdw(:,:)
466 ! note that fionred is subtracted, because it really is a force and we need to
467 ! turn it back into a gradient. The fred2fcart routine below includes the minus
468 ! sign to convert gradients back to forces
469  if ( efield_flag ) grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)-fionred(:,:)
470 ! epawf3red is added, because it actually is a gradient, not a force
471  if ( efield_flag .and. calc_epaw3_forces ) grtn(:,:) = grtn(:,:) + epawf3red(:,:)
473 !Symmetrize explicitly for given space group and store in grhf :
474  call sygrad(grhf,dtset%natom,grtn,dtset%nsym,symrec,indsym)
476 !If residual forces are too large, there must be a problem: cancel them !
477  if (dtset%usewvl==0.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)>0.and.abs(dtset%densfor_pred)/=5) then
478    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
479      do mu=1,3
480        if (abs(gresid(mu,iatom))>10000._dp*abs(grtn(mu,iatom))) gresid(mu,iatom)=zero
481      end do
482    end do
483  end if
485 !Add residual potential correction
486  grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)+gresid(:,:)
488 !Additional stuff for electron-positron
489  ipositron=0
490  if (present(electronpositron)) then
491    if (associated(electronpositron)) then
492      if (allocated(electronpositron%fred_ep)) ipositron=electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)
493    end if
494  end if
495  if (abs(ipositron)==1) then
496    grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)-grxc(:,:)-grchempottn(:,:)-grewtn(:,:)-gresid(:,:)-two*grl(:,:)
497 !  grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)-grxc(:,:)-grewtn(:,:)-gresid(:,:)-two*grl(:,:)
498    grl(:,:)=-grl(:,:);grxc(:,:)=zero;gresid(:,:)=zero
499    if (ngrvdw==dtset%natom) grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)-grvdw(:,:)
500    if ( dtset%berryopt== 4 .or. dtset%berryopt== 6 .or. dtset%berryopt== 7 .or. &
501 &   dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17)  then
502      grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)+fionred(:,:)
503      fionred(:,:)=zero
504    end if
505  end if
506  if (ipositron>0) grtn(:,:)=grtn(:,:)+electronpositron%fred_ep(:,:)
508 !Symmetrize all grads explicitly for given space group:
509  if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
510    call sygrad(fred,dtset%natom,grtn,dtset%nsym,symrec,indsym)
511  else
512    fred = grtn
513  end if
515 !Conversion to cartesian coordinates (bohr) AND
516 !Subtract off average force from each force component
517 !to avoid spurious drifting of atoms across cell.
518 ! notice that fred2fcart multiplies fred by -1 to convert it
519 ! from a gradient (input) to a force (output)
521  call fred2fcart(favg,(dtset%jellslab==0 .and. dtset%nzchempot==0),fcart,fred,gprimd,dtset%natom)
523 !Compute maximal force and maximal difference
524  maxfor=zero;diffor=zero
525  do iatom=1,dtset%natom
526    do mu=1,3
527      if (dtset%iatfix(mu,iatom) /= 1) then
528        maxfor=max(maxfor,abs(fcart(mu,iatom)))
529        diffor=max(diffor,abs(fcart(mu,iatom)-fin(mu,iatom)))
530      else if (dtset%ionmov==4 .or. dtset%ionmov==5) then
531 !      Make the force vanish on fixed atoms when ionmov=4 or 5
532 !      This is because fixing of atom cannot be imposed at the
533 !      level of a routine similar to brdmin or moldyn for these options.
534        fcart(mu,iatom)=zero
535      end if
536    end do
537  end do
539 !Apply any generalized constraints to the forces
540  if (dtset%nconeq>0) call constrf(diffor,fcart,forold,fred,dtset%iatfix,dtset%ionmov,maxfor,&
541 & dtset%natom,dtset%nconeq,dtset%prtvol,rprimd,dtset%wtatcon,xred)
543 !=======================================================================
544 !Memory deallocations
548  if ( efield_flag )  then
549    ABI_DEALLOCATE(fionred)
550    if ( calc_epaw3_forces ) then
551      ABI_DEALLOCATE(epawf3red)
552    end if
553  end if
555  call timab(69,2,tsec)
557 end subroutine forces