ABINIT/fresid [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 If option=1, compute the forces due to the residual of the potential
 If option=2, generate approximate new density from old one,
              old atomic positions, and new atomic positions


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (XG, MM, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  | icoulomb=0 periodic treatment of Hartree potential, 1 use of Poisson solver
  | natom=number of atoms in cell.
  | nspden=number of spin-density components
  | typat(natom)=integer type for each atom in cell
  | usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  | xclevel= level of the XC functional
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
 ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 ntypat=number of types of atoms in cell.
 option=see below
 pawtab(ntypat*dtset%usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
 rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density in electrons/bohr**3 (slices of it if FTT parallelism).
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translation vectors (bohr)
 ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr**3).
 xred_new(3,natom)=new reduced coordinates for atoms in unit cell
 xred_old(3,natom)=old reduced coordinates for atoms in unit cell
 znucl(ntypat)=real(dp), atomic number of atom type


 gresid(3,natom)=forces due to the residual of the potential


 work(nfft,nspden)=functions on the fft grid (slices of it if FTT parallelism):
  if option==1, the POTENTIAL residual is input
  if option==2, the interpolated density is output


 FFT parallelism:
 At the beginning of this routine, the plane-waves are ditributed over all the processors.
 In the main part, all the processors perform the same calculations over the whole FFT grid.
 At the end, each processor gets its part of the whole FFT grid.
 These modifications are not efficient when large FFT grids are used.
 So they have to be considered as a first step before a comprehensive parallelization of this routine.






 64 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 65 #include "config.h"
 66 #endif
 68 #include "abi_common.h"
 70 subroutine fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,option,&
 71 &                 pawtab,rhor,rprimd,ucvol,work,xred_new,xred_old,znucl)
 73  use defs_basis
 74  use defs_abitypes
 75  use m_profiling_abi
 76  use m_cgtools
 77  use m_atomdata
 79  use m_pawtab,  only : pawtab_type
 80  use m_mpinfo,  only : pre_gather, pre_scatter
 82 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 83 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 84 #undef ABI_FUNC
 85 #define ABI_FUNC 'fresid'
 86 !End of the abilint section
 88  implicit none
 90 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 91 !scalars
 92  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,ntypat,option
 93  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 94  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 95  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 96 !arrays
 97  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
 98  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden),rprimd(3,3)
 99  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred_new(3,dtset%natom),xred_old(3,dtset%natom)
100  real(dp),intent(in) :: znucl(ntypat)
101  real(dp),intent(inout) :: work(nfft,dtset%nspden)
102  real(dp),intent(out) :: gresid(3,dtset%natom)
103  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
105 !Local variables-------------------------------
106 !real(dp), parameter :: app_remain=0.001_dp
107 !scalars
108  integer,parameter :: natnum=110
109  integer :: atmove,i1,i1_new,i1m,i1p,i2,i2_new,i2m,i2p,i3,i3_new,i3m,i3p
110  integer :: iatom,ifft,ifft_new,iloop,ind2m,ind2m3m,ind2p,ind2p3p,ind3m,ind3p
111  integer :: index,index_new,ishift,ishift1,ishift2,ishift3,ispden,ixp,mshift,mu
112  integer :: n1,n2,n3,n4,nfft_tmp,nfftot,nu,quit
113  real(dp),parameter :: app_remain=0.01_dp
114  real(dp) :: diff_rem1,diff_rem2,diff_rem3,difmag,difmag2
115  real(dp) :: difmag2_fact,difmag2_part,drho1,drho11,drho12,drho13,drho14
116  real(dp) :: drho1dn,drho1mx,drho1my,drho1mz,drho1tot,drho1up,drho2,drho21
117  real(dp) :: drho22,drho23,drho24,drho2dn,drho2mx,drho2my,drho2mz,drho2tot
118  real(dp) :: drho2up,drho3,drho31,drho32,drho33,drho34,drho3dn,drho3mx,drho3my
119  real(dp) :: drho3mz,drho3tot,drho3up,drhox00,drhox01,drhox10,drhox11,drhoxy0
120  real(dp) :: drhoxy1,drhoxyz,fact,range,range2,rcov,rcov2,rcovm1,rdiff1
121  real(dp) :: rdiff2,rdiff3,vresid1,vresid2,vresid3,vresid4,xx
122  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
123 !arrays
124  integer :: diff_igrid(3),igrid(3),irange(3)
125  integer,allocatable :: ii(:,:)
126  real(dp) :: diff_grid(3),diff_rem(3),diff_tau(3),diff_xred(3),lencp(3)
127  real(dp) :: rho_tot(4),rhosum(4),rmet(3,3),scale(3),tau(3)
128  real(dp),allocatable :: approp(:),atmrho(:,:),rhor_tot(:,:),rrdiff(:,:)
129  real(dp),allocatable :: work_tot(:,:)
130  logical,allocatable :: my_sphere(:)
132 ! *************************************************************************
134 !Compute lengths of cross products for pairs of primitive
135 !translation vectors (used in setting index search range below)
136  lencp(1)=cross_fr(rprimd(1,2),rprimd(2,2),rprimd(3,2),&
137 & rprimd(1,3),rprimd(2,3),rprimd(3,3))
138  lencp(2)=cross_fr(rprimd(1,3),rprimd(2,3),rprimd(3,3),&
139 & rprimd(1,1),rprimd(2,1),rprimd(3,1))
140  lencp(3)=cross_fr(rprimd(1,1),rprimd(2,1),rprimd(3,1),&
141 & rprimd(1,2),rprimd(2,2),rprimd(3,2))
143 !Compute factor R1.(R2xR3)/|R2xR3| etc for 1, 2, 3
144 !(recall ucvol=R1.(R2xR3))
145  scale(:)=ucvol/lencp(:)
147 !initialize diff_igrid, otherwise valgrind complains 
148  diff_igrid=0
150 !Compute metric tensor in real space rmet
151  do nu=1,3
152    rmet(:,nu)=rprimd(1,:)*rprimd(1,nu)+rprimd(2,:)*rprimd(2,nu)+rprimd(3,:)*rprimd(3,nu)
153  end do
155 !FFT parallelization: Starting from now, calculations are performed on the whole FFT grid
156 !and no more on slices. The nfft variable becomes nfft_tmp until the end
157  n1=ngfft(1);n2=ngfft(2);n3=ngfft(3)
158  n4=n3/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
159  nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3));nfft_tmp=nfftot
160  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
161    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhor_tot,(nfftot,dtset%nspden))
162    ABI_ALLOCATE(work_tot,(nfftot,dtset%nspden))
163    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
164      call pre_gather(rhor(:,ispden),rhor_tot(:,ispden),n1,n2,n3,n4,mpi_enreg)
165      call pre_gather(work(:,ispden),work_tot(:,ispden),n1,n2,n3,n4,mpi_enreg)
166    end do
167  end if
169  gresid(1:3,1:dtset%natom)=0.0_dp
170  quit=0
172 !Initialize appropriation function
173  ABI_ALLOCATE(approp,(nfft_tmp))
174  ABI_ALLOCATE(atmrho,(nfft_tmp,dtset%nspden))
175  ABI_ALLOCATE(my_sphere,(nfft_tmp))
177  approp(:)=app_remain
178 !First loop over atoms in unit cell : build appropriation function
179 !Second loop : compute forces
180  do iloop=1,2
182 !  Take into account the remaining density
183    if(option==2 .and. iloop==2)then
184      if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
185 !      FFT parallelization: All the processors perform the same calculation.
186 !      We divided by nproc_fft in order to "remove" the xmpi_sum made in mean_fftr
187        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
188          do ifft=1,nfft_tmp
189            work_tot(ifft,ispden)=rhor_tot(ifft,ispden)*approp(ifft)*app_remain
190          end do
191        end do
192        call mean_fftr(work_tot,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
193        rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)=rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
194      else
195        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
196          do ifft=1,nfft_tmp
197            work(ifft,ispden)=rhor(ifft,ispden)*approp(ifft)*app_remain
198          end do
199        end do
200        call mean_fftr(work,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
201      end if
203 !    This will be used to restore proper normalization of density
204      rho_tot(1:dtset%nspden)=rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)*nfftot
205    end if
207    do iatom=1,dtset%natom
209 !    Get the covalent radius
210      call atomdata_from_znucl(atom,znucl(dtset%typat(iatom))) 
211      rcov = atom%rcov
212 !    PAW choose PAW radius instead...
213      if (dtset%usepaw==1) rcov=max(rcov,pawtab(dtset%typat(iatom))%rpaw)
215 !    Set search range
216      rcov2=rcov**2
217      range=2._dp*rcov
218      range2=range**2
219      rcovm1=1.0_dp/rcov
221 !    Use range to compute an index range along R(1:3)
222 !    (add 1 to make sure it covers full range)
223      irange(1)=1+nint((range/scale(1))*dble(n1))
224      irange(2)=1+nint((range/scale(2))*dble(n2))
225      irange(3)=1+nint((range/scale(3))*dble(n3))
227 !    Allocate ii and rrdiff
228      mshift=2*maxval(irange(1:3))+1
229      ABI_ALLOCATE(ii,(mshift,3))
230      ABI_ALLOCATE(rrdiff,(mshift,3))
232 !    Consider each component in turn
233      do mu=1,3
235 !      Convert reduced coord of given atom to [0,1)
236        tau(mu)=mod(xred_old(mu,iatom)+1._dp-aint(xred_old(mu,iatom)),1._dp)
238 !      Use tau to find nearest grid point along R(mu)
239 !      (igrid=0 is the origin; shift by 1 to agree with usual index)
240        igrid(mu)=nint(tau(mu)*dble(ngfft(mu)))
242 !      Set up a counter that explore the relevant range
243 !      of points around the atom
244        ishift=0
245        do ixp=igrid(mu)-irange(mu),igrid(mu)+irange(mu)
246          ishift=ishift+1
247          ii(ishift,mu)=1+mod(ngfft(mu)+mod(ixp,ngfft(mu)),ngfft(mu))
248          rrdiff(ishift,mu)=dble(ixp)/dble(ngfft(mu))-tau(mu)
249        end do
251 !      If option 2, set up quantities related with the change of atomic coordinates
252        if(option==2 .and. iloop==2)then
253          diff_xred(mu)=xred_new(mu,iatom)-xred_old(mu,iatom)
254 !        Convert to [0,1)
255          diff_tau(mu)=mod(diff_xred(mu)+1._dp-aint(diff_xred(mu)),1._dp)
256 !        Convert to [0,ngfft)
257          diff_grid(mu)=diff_tau(mu)*dble(ngfft(mu))
258 !        Integer part
259          diff_igrid(mu)=int(diff_grid(mu))
260 !        Compute remainder
261          diff_rem(mu)=diff_grid(mu)-diff_igrid(mu)
263 !        DEBUG
264 !        write(std_out,*)' mu,diff',mu,diff_igrid(mu),diff_rem(mu)
265 !        ENDDEBUG
267        end if
269 !      End loop on mu
270      end do
272 !    May be the atom is fixed
273      atmove=1
274      if(option==2 .and. iloop==2)then
275        if(diff_xred(1)**2+diff_xred(2)**2+diff_xred(3)**2 < 1.0d-24)then
276          atmove=0
277        else
278          diff_rem1=diff_rem(1)
279          diff_rem2=diff_rem(2)
280          diff_rem3=diff_rem(3)
281        end if
282      end if
284 !    If second loop, initialize atomic density, and the variable
285 !    that says whether a fft point belongs to the sphere of the atom
286      if(iloop==2) then
287        atmrho(:,:)=0.0_dp
288        my_sphere(:)=.false.
289      end if
291 !    Conduct triple loop over restricted range of grid points for iatom
293      do ishift3=1,1+2*irange(3)
294 !      map back to [1,ngfft(3)] for usual fortran index in unit cell
295        i3=ii(ishift3,3)
296        i3m=i3-1 ; if(i3==1)i3m=n3
297        i3p=i3+1 ; if(i3==n3)i3p=1
299 !      find vector from atom location to grid point (reduced)
300        rdiff3=rrdiff(ishift3,3)
302        do ishift2=1,1+2*irange(2)
303          i2=ii(ishift2,2)
304          i2m=i2-1 ; if(i2==1)i2m=n2
305          i2p=i2+1 ; if(i2==n2)i2p=1
306          index=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3-1))
307          ind3m=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3m-1))
308          ind3p=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3p-1))
309          ind2m=n1*(i2m-1+n2*(i3-1))
310          ind2p=n1*(i2p-1+n2*(i3-1))
311          ind2p3p=n1*(i2p-1+n2*(i3p-1))
313          rdiff2=rrdiff(ishift2,2)
314 !        Prepare the computation of difmag2
315          difmag2_part=rmet(3,3)*rdiff3**2+rmet(2,2)*rdiff2**2&
316 &         +2.0_dp*rmet(3,2)*rdiff3*rdiff2
317          difmag2_fact=2.0_dp*(rmet(3,1)*rdiff3+rmet(2,1)*rdiff2)
319          do ishift1=1,1+2*irange(1)
320            rdiff1=rrdiff(ishift1,1)
322 !          Compute (rgrid-tau-Rprim)**2
323            difmag2= difmag2_part+rdiff1*(difmag2_fact+rmet(1,1)*rdiff1)
325 !          Only accept contribution inside defined range
326 !          This condition means that x, calculated below, cannot exceed 2.0_dp
327            if (difmag2<range2) then
329 !            Will compute contribution to appropriation function based on
330 !            rcov2, range2 and difmag2
331              i1=ii(ishift1,1)
332              ifft=i1+index
334              if(iloop==1)then
336 !              Build appropriation function
337                if (difmag2<rcov2)then
338                  approp(ifft)=approp(ifft)+1.0_dp
339                else
340                  difmag=sqrt(difmag2)
341                  xx=difmag*rcovm1
342 !                The following function is 1. at xx=1, 0. at xx=2, with vanishing
343 !                derivatives at these points.
344                  approp(ifft)=approp(ifft)+((2.0_dp*xx-9.0_dp)*xx+12.0_dp)*xx-4.0_dp
345                end if
347              else
349                if (difmag2<rcov2) then
350                  fact=one
351                else
352                  difmag=sqrt(difmag2)
353                  xx=difmag*rcovm1
354                  fact=((2.0_dp*xx-9.0_dp)*xx+12.0_dp)*xx-4.0_dp
355                end if
357 !              Build atomic density
358                if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
359                  atmrho(ifft,1:dtset%nspden)=atmrho(ifft,1:dtset%nspden) &
360 &                 +rhor_tot(ifft,1:dtset%nspden)*fact*approp(ifft)
361                else
362                  atmrho(ifft,1:dtset%nspden)=atmrho(ifft,1:dtset%nspden) &
363 &                 +rhor(ifft,1:dtset%nspden)*fact*approp(ifft)
364                end if
366 !              Compute the sphere of the atom : it is different for
367 !              option 1 and for option 2
368                i1p=i1+1 ; if(i1==n1)i1p=1
369                if(option==1)then
370                  i1m=i1-1 ; if(i1==1)i1m=n1
371                  my_sphere(ifft)=.true.
372                  my_sphere(i1p+index)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1m+index)=.true.
373                  my_sphere(i1+ind2p)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1+ind2m)=.true.
374                  my_sphere(i1+ind3p)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1+ind3m)=.true.
375                else
376                  my_sphere(ifft)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1p+index)=.true.
377                  my_sphere(i1+ind2p)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1p+ind2p)=.true.
378                  my_sphere(i1+ind3p)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1p+ind3p)=.true.
379                  my_sphere(i1+ind2p3p)=.true. ; my_sphere(i1p+ind2p3p)=.true.
380                end if
382              end if
384 !            End of condition on the range
385            end if
387 !          End loop on ishift1
388          end do
390 !        End loop on ishift2
391        end do
393 !      End loop on ishift3
394      end do
395 !    At the end of the second loop for each atom, compute the force
396 !    from the atomic densities, or translate density.
397 !    In the first case, use a two-point finite-difference approximation,
398 !    since this calculation serves only to decrease the error,
399 !    and should not be very accurate, but fast.
400 !    In the second case, using a crude trilinear interpolation scheme
401 !    for the same reason.
402 !    
403 !    The section is skipped if option==2 and the atom is fixed
404      if(iloop==2 .and. (option==1 .or. atmove==1) )then
406        do i3=1,n3
407          i3m=i3-1 ; if(i3==1)i3m=n3
408          i3p=i3+1 ; if(i3==n3)i3p=1
409 !        note: diff_igrid is only set  if(option==2 .and. iloop==2)
410          i3_new=i3+diff_igrid(3) ; if(i3_new > n3)i3_new=i3_new-n3
411          do i2=1,n2
412            i2m=i2-1 ; if(i2==1)i2m=n2
413            i2p=i2+1 ; if(i2==n2)i2p=1
414            i2_new=i2+diff_igrid(2) ; if(i2_new > n2)i2_new=i2_new-n2
415            index=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3-1))
416            index_new=n1*(i2_new-1+n2*(i3_new-1))
417            ind3m=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3m-1))
418            ind3p=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3p-1))
419            ind2m=n1*(i2m-1+n2*(i3-1))
420            ind2p=n1*(i2p-1+n2*(i3-1))
421            ind2m3m=n1*(i2m-1+n2*(i3m-1))
422            do i1=1,n1
423              ifft=i1+index
424              if(my_sphere(ifft))then
426                i1m=i1-1 ; if(i1==1)i1m=n1
428                if(option==1)then
429 !                Treat option 1 : computation of residual forces
430                  i1p=i1+1 ; if(i1==n1)i1p=1
431 !                Distinguish spin-unpolarized and spin-polarized
432                  if(dtset%nspden==1)then ! Non magnetic
433 !                  Note that the factor needed to obtain a true finite difference
434 !                  estimation of the derivative will be applied afterwards, for speed
435                    drho1=atmrho(i1p+index,1)-atmrho(i1m+index,1)
436                    drho2=atmrho(i1+ind2p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,1)
437                    drho3=atmrho(i1+ind3p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,1)
438                    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
439                      vresid1=work_tot(ifft,1)
440                    else
441                      vresid1=work(ifft,1)
442                    end if
443                    gresid(1,iatom)=gresid(1,iatom)+drho1*vresid1
444                    gresid(2,iatom)=gresid(2,iatom)+drho2*vresid1
445                    gresid(3,iatom)=gresid(3,iatom)+drho3*vresid1
446                  else if(dtset%nspden==2) then ! Collinear magnetism
447                    drho1tot=atmrho(i1p+index,1)-atmrho(i1m+index,1)
448                    drho2tot=atmrho(i1+ind2p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,1)
449                    drho3tot=atmrho(i1+ind3p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,1)
450                    drho1up=atmrho(i1p+index,2)-atmrho(i1m+index,2)
451                    drho2up=atmrho(i1+ind2p,2) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,2)
452                    drho3up=atmrho(i1+ind3p,2) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,2)
453                    drho1dn=drho1tot-drho1up
454                    drho2dn=drho2tot-drho2up
455                    drho3dn=drho3tot-drho3up
456                    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
457                      vresid1=work_tot(ifft,1)
458                      vresid2=work_tot(ifft,2)
459                    else
460                      vresid1=work(ifft,1)
461                      vresid2=work(ifft,2)
462                    end if
463                    gresid(1,iatom)=gresid(1,iatom)+drho1up*vresid1+drho1dn*vresid2
464                    gresid(2,iatom)=gresid(2,iatom)+drho2up*vresid1+drho2dn*vresid2
465                    gresid(3,iatom)=gresid(3,iatom)+drho3up*vresid1+drho3dn*vresid2
466                  else ! Non-collinear magnetism
467                    drho1tot=atmrho(i1p+index,1)-atmrho(i1m+index,1)
468                    drho1mx =atmrho(i1p+index,2)-atmrho(i1m+index,2)
469                    drho1my =atmrho(i1p+index,3)-atmrho(i1m+index,3)
470                    drho1mz =atmrho(i1p+index,4)-atmrho(i1m+index,4)
471                    drho2tot=atmrho(i1+ind2p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,1)
472                    drho2mx =atmrho(i1+ind2p,2) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,2)
473                    drho2my =atmrho(i1+ind2p,3) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,3)
474                    drho2mz =atmrho(i1+ind2p,4) -atmrho(i1+ind2m,4)
475                    drho3tot=atmrho(i1+ind3p,1) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,1)
476                    drho3mx =atmrho(i1+ind3p,2) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,2)
477                    drho3my =atmrho(i1+ind3p,3) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,3)
478                    drho3mz =atmrho(i1+ind3p,4) -atmrho(i1+ind3m,4)
479                    drho11=half*(drho1tot+drho1mz)
480                    drho12=half*(drho1tot-drho1mz)
481                    drho13= half*drho1mx
482                    drho14=-half*drho1my
483                    drho21=half*(drho2tot+drho2mz)
484                    drho22=half*(drho2tot-drho2mz)
485                    drho23= half*drho2mx
486                    drho24=-half*drho2my
487                    drho31=half*(drho3tot+drho3mz)
488                    drho32=half*(drho3tot-drho3mz)
489                    drho33= half*drho3mx
490                    drho34=-half*drho3my
491                    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
492                      vresid1=work_tot(ifft,1)
493                      vresid2=work_tot(ifft,2)
494                      vresid3=work_tot(ifft,3)
495                      vresid4=work_tot(ifft,4)
496                    else
497                      vresid1=work(ifft,1)
498                      vresid2=work(ifft,2)
499                      vresid3=work(ifft,3)
500                      vresid4=work(ifft,4)
501                    end if
502                    gresid(1,iatom)=gresid(1,iatom)+drho11*vresid1+drho12*vresid2+two*(drho13*vresid3+drho14*vresid4)
503                    gresid(2,iatom)=gresid(2,iatom)+drho21*vresid1+drho22*vresid2+two*(drho23*vresid3+drho24*vresid4)
504                    gresid(3,iatom)=gresid(3,iatom)+drho31*vresid1+drho32*vresid2+two*(drho33*vresid3+drho34*vresid4)
505                  end if
506 !                Treat the case option==2 now : trilinear interpolation of the density
507                else
508                  i1_new=i1+diff_igrid(1) ; if(i1_new > n1)i1_new=i1_new-n1
509                  ifft_new=i1_new+index_new
510                  do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
511                    drhox00=(atmrho(i1m+index,ispden)-atmrho(i1+index,ispden))*diff_rem1 &
512 &                   +atmrho(i1+index,ispden)
513                    drhox10=(atmrho(i1m+ind2m,ispden)-atmrho(i1+ind2m,ispden))*diff_rem1 &
514 &                   +atmrho(i1+ind2m,ispden)
515                    drhox01=(atmrho(i1m+ind3m,ispden)-atmrho(i1+ind3m,ispden))*diff_rem1 &
516 &                   +atmrho(i1+ind3m,ispden)
517                    drhox11=(atmrho(i1m+ind2m3m,ispden)-atmrho(i1+ind2m3m,ispden))*diff_rem1 &
518 &                   +atmrho(i1+ind2m3m,ispden)
519                    drhoxy0=(drhox10-drhox00)*diff_rem2+drhox00
520                    drhoxy1=(drhox11-drhox01)*diff_rem2+drhox01
521                    drhoxyz=(drhoxy1-drhoxy0)*diff_rem3+drhoxy0
522                    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
523                      work_tot(ifft_new,ispden)=work_tot(ifft_new,ispden)+drhoxyz
524                    else
525                      work(ifft_new,ispden)=work(ifft_new,ispden)+drhoxyz
526                    end if
527                    rho_tot(ispden)=rho_tot(ispden)+drhoxyz
528                  end do
529                end if
531 !              End condition of belonging to the sphere of influence of the atom
532              end if
533            end do
534          end do
535        end do
536 !      The finite-difference factor applied here also take
537 !      into account diverse factors
538        fact=-ucvol/dble(nfftot)
539        gresid(1,iatom)=gresid(1,iatom)*dble(n1)*.5_dp*fact
540        gresid(2,iatom)=gresid(2,iatom)*dble(n2)*.5_dp*fact
541        gresid(3,iatom)=gresid(3,iatom)*dble(n3)*.5_dp*fact
542      end if
544 !    Update work if the atom is fixed.
545      if(iloop==2 .and. option==2 .and. atmove==0)then
546        if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
547 !        FFT parallelization: All the processors perform the same calculation.
548 !        We divided by nproc_fft in order to "remove" the xmpi_sum made in mean_fftr
549          do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
550            do ifft=1,nfft_tmp
551              work_tot(ifft,ispden)=work_tot(ifft,ispden)+atmrho(ifft,ispden)
552            end do
553          end do
554          call mean_fftr(atmrho,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
555          rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)=rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
556        else
557          do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
558            do ifft=1,nfft_tmp
559              work(ifft,ispden)=work(ifft,ispden)+atmrho(ifft,ispden)
560            end do
561          end do
562          call mean_fftr(atmrho,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
563        end if
565        rho_tot(1:dtset%nspden)=rho_tot(1:dtset%nspden)+rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)*nfftot
566      end if
568      ABI_DEALLOCATE(ii)
569      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rrdiff)
571 !    End loop on atoms
572    end do
574 !  DEBUG
575 !  if(option==2)then
576 !  if(iloop==1)then
577 !  write(std_out,*)' fresid : rhor, approp'
578 !  do ifft=1,n1
579 !  write(std_out,*)ifft,rhor(ifft,1),approp(ifft)
580 !  end do
581 !  end if
582 !  if(iloop==2)then
583 !  write(std_out,*)' fresid : rhor, approp, work(:,:)'
584 !  do ifft=1,n1
585 !  write(std_out,'(i4,3es18.8)' )ifft,rhor(ifft,1),approp(ifft),work(ifft,1)
586 !  end do
587 !  do ifft=1,nfft_tmp
588 !  if(work(ifft,1)<0.0_dp)then
589 !  write(std_out,*)' f_fft negative value',work(ifft,1),' for ifft=',ifft
590 !  end if
591 !  if(rhor(ifft,1)<0.0_dp)then
592 !  write(std_out,*)' rhor  negative value',rhor(ifft,1),' for ifft=',ifft
593 !  end if
594 !  end do
595 !  end if
596 !  end if
599    if(quit==1)exit
601 !  At the end of the first loop, where the appropriation function is generated,
602 !  invert it, to save cpu time later.
603    if(iloop==1)approp(:)=1.0_dp/approp(:)
605 !  End first or second pass through atoms
606  end do
608 !Restore proper normalisation of density
609 !(Non-collinear magnetism: n, mx,my,mz integral conservation)
610  if(option==2)then
611    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
612 !    FFT parallelization: All the processors perform the same calculation.
613 !    We divided by nproc_fft in order to "remove" the xmpi_sum made in mean_fftr
614 !    Trangel: mpicomm now is optional in mean_fftr, no need to divide over nproc_fft
615      call mean_fftr(rhor_tot,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden)
616 !    rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)=rhosum(1:dtset%nspden)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
617    else
618      call mean_fftr(rhor,rhosum,nfft_tmp,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
619    end if
620 !  "!OCL NOPREEX" to avoid zero division after optimization (-Of) by MM
621 !  (Even if nspden=1, "1.0/rho_tot" will appear on vpp fujitsu
623    if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
624      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
625        fact=rhosum(ispden)*dble(nfftot)/rho_tot(ispden)
626        work_tot(:,ispden)=fact*work_tot(:,ispden)
627        call pre_scatter(work(:,ispden),work_tot(:,ispden),n1,n2,n3,n4,mpi_enreg)
628      end do
629    else
630      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
631        fact=rhosum(ispden)*dble(nfftot)/rho_tot(ispden)
632        work(:,ispden)=fact*work(:,ispden)
633      end do
634    end if
635 !  DEBUG
636 !  Here, zero all the hard work, for checking purposes !
637 !  work(:,:)=rhor(:,:)
639  end if
641  ABI_DEALLOCATE(approp)
642  ABI_DEALLOCATE(atmrho)
643  ABI_DEALLOCATE(my_sphere)
644  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
645    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhor_tot)
646    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work_tot)
647  end if
649 !DEBUG
650 !write(std_out,*)' fresid : exit '
651 !do iatom=1,dtset%natom
652 !write(std_out,*)iatom,gresid(1:3,iatom)
653 !enddo
656  contains
658    function cross_fr(xx,yy,zz,aa,bb,cc)
659 !Define magnitude of cross product of two vectors
661 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
662 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
663 #undef ABI_FUNC
664 #define ABI_FUNC 'cross_fr'
665 !End of the abilint section
667    real(dp) :: cross_fr
668    real(dp),intent(in) :: xx,yy,zz,aa,bb,cc
669    cross_fr=sqrt((yy*cc-zz*bb)**2+(zz*aa-xx*cc)**2+(xx*bb-yy*aa)**2)
670  end function cross_fr
672 end subroutine fresid