ABINIT/crystal_from_file [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Build crystal_t object from netcdf file




2017 type(crystal_t) function crystal_from_file(path, comm) result(new)
2019 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2020 !scalars
2021  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
2022  integer,intent(in) :: comm
2024 !Local variables-------------------------------
2025 !scalars
2026  integer :: fform
2027  type(hdr_type) :: hdr
2029 ! *************************************************************************
2031  ! Assume file with Abinit header
2032  ! TODO: Should add routine to read crystal from structure without hdr
2033  call hdr_read_from_fname(hdr, path, fform, comm)
2034  ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, "fform == 0")
2035  new = hdr%get_crystal()
2036  call hdr%free()
2038 end function crystal_from_file

ABINIT/ebands_from_file [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Build and ebands_t object from file. Supports Fortran and netcdf files
  provided they have a Abinit header and obviously GS eigenvalues


  path: File name.
  comm: MPI communicator.



1963 type(ebands_t) function ebands_from_file(path, comm) result(new)
1965 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1966 !scalars
1967  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
1968  integer,intent(in) :: comm
1970 !Local variables-------------------------------
1971 !scalars
1972  integer :: ncid, fform
1973  type(hdr_type) :: hdr
1974 !arrays
1975  real(dp),pointer :: gs_eigen(:,:,:)
1977 ! *************************************************************************
1979  ! NOTE: Assume file with header. Must use wfk_read_eigenvalues to handle Fortran WFK
1980  if (endswith(path, "_WFK") .or. endswith(path, "")) then
1981    call wfk_read_eigenvalues(path, gs_eigen, hdr, comm)
1982    new = ebands_from_hdr(hdr, maxval(hdr%nband), gs_eigen)
1984  else if (endswith(path, ".nc")) then
1985 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1986    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, path, comm))
1987    call hdr_ncread(hdr, ncid, fform)
1988    ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, "fform == 0")
1989    ABI_MALLOC(gs_eigen, (hdr%mband, hdr%nkpt, hdr%nsppol))
1990    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "eigenvalues"), gs_eigen))
1991    new = ebands_from_hdr(hdr, maxval(hdr%nband), gs_eigen)
1992    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
1993 #endif
1994  else
1995    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Don't know how to construct crystal structure from: ", path, ch10, "Supported extensions: _WFK or .nc"))
1996  end if
1998  ABI_FREE(gs_eigen)
1999  call hdr%free()
2001 end function ebands_from_file

ABINIT/get_dtsets_pspheads [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Parse input file, get list of pseudos for files file and build list of datasets
  pseudopotential headers, maxval of dimensions needed in outvars


  input_path: Input filename specifed on the command line. zero lenght if files file syntax is used.
    Mainly used to check whether pseudos are defined in the input to avoid entering the files file
    branch that prompts for pseudos.
  path: Input Filename
  comm: MPI communicator


  lenstr= the length of the resulting string.
  ndtset= the number of declared datasets.
  string= contains on output the content of the file, ready for parsing.
  dtsets(0:ndtset): List of datasets
  dmatpuflag=flag controlling the use of an initial density matrix in PAW+U (max. value over datasets)
  mx<ab_dimensions>=datatype storing the maximal dimensions.
  pspheads(npsp)=<type pspheader_type>=all the important information from the
   pseudopotential file headers, as well as the psp file names


1769 subroutine get_dtsets_pspheads(input_path, path, ndtset, lenstr, string, timopt, dtsets, pspheads, mx, dmatpuflag, comm)
1771 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1772 !scalars
1773  integer,intent(out) :: lenstr, ndtset
1774  type(ab_dimensions),intent(out) :: mx
1775  character(len=strlen), intent(out) :: string
1776  character(len=*),intent(in) :: input_path, path
1777  integer,intent(in) :: comm
1778  integer,intent(out) :: timopt, dmatpuflag
1779 !arrays
1780  type(dataset_type),allocatable,intent(out)  :: dtsets(:)
1781  type(pspheader_type),allocatable,intent(out):: pspheads(:)
1783 !Local variables-------------------------------
1784 !scalars
1785  integer :: ipsp,ios, me, ndtset_alloc, nprocs
1786  integer :: istatr,istatshft, papiopt, npsp, ii, idtset, msym, usepaw
1787  character(len=fnlen) :: filpsp
1788  character(len=500) :: msg
1789 !arrays
1790  integer,allocatable :: mband_upper_(:)
1791  real(dp) :: ecut_tmp(3,2,10),tsec(2)
1792  real(dp),allocatable :: zionpsp(:)
1793  character(len=fnlen), allocatable :: pspfilnam_(:), pseudo_paths(:)
1795 !************************************************************************
1797  me = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1799  ! Read the file, stringify it and return the number of datasets.
1800  call parsefile(path, lenstr, ndtset, string, comm)
1802  ndtset_alloc = ndtset; if (ndtset == 0) ndtset_alloc=1
1803  ABI_MALLOC(dtsets, (0:ndtset_alloc))
1805  timopt = 1; if (xmpi_paral==1) timopt = 0
1807  ! Continue to analyze the input string, get upper dimensions, and allocate the remaining arrays.
1808  call invars0(dtsets, istatr, istatshft, lenstr, msym, mx%natom, mx%nimage, mx%ntypat, &
1809               ndtset, ndtset_alloc, npsp, pseudo_paths, papiopt, timopt, string, comm)
1811  ! Enable PAPI timers
1812  call time_set_papiopt(papiopt)
1814  dtsets(:)%timopt = timopt
1815  dtsets(0)%timopt = 1
1816  if (xmpi_paral == 1) dtsets(0)%timopt = 0
1818  call timab(timopt,5,tsec)
1820  ! Initialize pspheads, that contains the important information
1821  ! from the pseudopotential headers, as well as the psp filename
1822  call timab(102,1,tsec)
1823  call timab(1021,3,tsec)
1825  usepaw = 0
1826  ABI_MALLOC(pspheads, (npsp))
1827  if (npsp > 10) then
1828    ABI_BUG('ecut_tmp is not well defined.')
1829  end if
1830  ecut_tmp = -one
1832  pspheads(:)%usewvl = dtsets(1)%usewvl
1834  if (me == 0) then
1835     ABI_MALLOC(pspfilnam_, (npsp))
1837     if (len_trim(pseudo_paths(1)) == 0) then
1838       ! Enter Legacy `files file` mode --> Read the name of the psp file from files file.
1840       ! Catch possible mistake done by user (input without pseudos and `abinit` syntax)
1841       ! else the code starts to prompt for pseudos and execution gets stuck
1842       if (len_trim(input_path) /= 0) then
1843         ABI_ERROR("`pseudos` variable must be specified in input when the code is invoked with the `abinit` syntax")
1844       end if
1846       ! Finish to read the "file" file completely, as npsp is known,
1847       do ipsp=1,npsp
1848         write(std_out,'(/,a)' )' Please give name of formatted atomic psp file (and finish with a newline character)'
1849         read (std_in, '(a)' , iostat=ios ) filpsp
1850         ! It might be that a file name is missing
1851         if (ios /= 0) then
1852           write(msg, '(5a)' )&
1853           'There are not enough names of pseudopotentials provided in the files file.',ch10,&
1854           'Action: check first the variable ntypat (and/or npsp) in the input file;',ch10,&
1855           'if they are correct, complete your files file.'
1856           ABI_ERROR(msg)
1857         end if
1858         pspfilnam_(ipsp) = trim(filpsp)
1859         write(std_out,'(a,i0,2a)' )' For atom type ',ipsp,', psp file is ',trim(filpsp)
1860       end do ! ipsp
1862     else
1863       ! Get pseudopotential paths from input file.
1864       pspfilnam_ = pseudo_paths
1865       do ipsp=1,npsp
1866         write(std_out,'(a,i0,2a)' )' For atom type ',ipsp,', psp file is ',trim(pspfilnam_(ipsp))
1867       end do
1868     end if
1870     ! Now read the psp headers
1871     call inpspheads(pspfilnam_, npsp, pspheads, ecut_tmp)
1872     ABI_FREE(pspfilnam_)
1874     if (minval(abs(pspheads(1:npsp)%pspcod - 7)) == 0) usepaw=1
1875     if (minval(abs(pspheads(1:npsp)%pspcod - 17)) == 0) usepaw=1
1876  end if ! me == 0
1878  ABI_FREE(pseudo_paths)
1880  ! Communicate pspheads to all processors
1881  call pspheads_comm(npsp, pspheads, usepaw)
1883  ! If (all) pspcod are 7 then this is a PAW calculation. Initialize (default) the value of ratsph
1884  do idtset=0,ndtset_alloc
1885     dtsets(idtset)%usepaw = usepaw
1886     if (usepaw == 0) then
1887       dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(:)=two
1888     else
1889       ! Note that the following coding assumes that npsp=ntypat for PAW, which is true as of now (XG20101024).
1890       ! dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(1:npsp)=token%pspheads(1:npsp)%pawheader%rpaw
1891       do ipsp=1,npsp
1892         dtsets(idtset)%ratsph(ipsp) = pspheads(ipsp)%pawheader%rpaw
1893       end do
1894     endif
1895  end do
1897  ! Take care of other dimensions, and part of the content of dtsets that is or might be needed early.
1898  ABI_MALLOC(zionpsp, (npsp))
1899  do ii=1,npsp
1900    zionpsp(ii) = pspheads(ii)%zionpsp
1901  end do
1903  ABI_MALLOC(mband_upper_, (0:ndtset_alloc))
1905  ! Get MAX dimension over datasets
1906  call invars1m(dmatpuflag, dtsets, ab_out, lenstr, mband_upper_, mx,&
1907                msym, ndtset, ndtset_alloc, string, npsp, zionpsp, comm)
1909  ABI_FREE(zionpsp)
1910  call timab(1021,2,tsec)
1911  call timab(1022,3,tsec)
1913  ! Provide defaults for the variables that have not yet been initialized.
1914  call indefo(dtsets, ndtset_alloc, nprocs)
1916  call timab(1022,2,tsec)
1917  call timab(1023,3,tsec)
1919  ! Perform some global initialization, depending on the value of
1920  ! pseudopotentials, parallelism variables, or macro input variables
1921  call macroin(dtsets, ecut_tmp, lenstr, ndtset_alloc, string)
1923  ! If all the pseudopotentials have the same pspxc, override the default value for dtsets 1 to ndtset
1924  if (minval(abs((pspheads(1:npsp)%pspxc - pspheads(1)%pspxc)))==0) then
1925    dtsets(1:ndtset_alloc)%ixc = pspheads(1)%pspxc
1926  end if
1928  ! Call the main input routine.
1929  call invars2m(dtsets,ab_out,lenstr,mband_upper_,msym,ndtset,ndtset_alloc,npsp,pspheads,string, comm)
1931  call macroin2(dtsets, ndtset_alloc)
1933  mx%mband = dtsets(1)%mband
1934  do ii=1,ndtset_alloc
1935     mx%mband = max(dtsets(ii)%mband, mx%mband)
1936  end do
1938  call timab(1023,2,tsec)
1939  call timab(102,2,tsec)
1941  ABI_FREE(mband_upper_)
1943 end subroutine get_dtsets_pspheads

ABINIT/m_common [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module gathers routines used by higher-level procedures.
  Mainly printing routines.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, AF, GMR, LBoeri, MT)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_common
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_errors
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_exit
29  use m_fftcore
30  use m_fock
31  use m_io_tools
32 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
33  use m_xc_vdw
34 #endif
35 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
36  use netcdf
37 #endif
38  use m_nctk
39  use m_crystal
40  use m_wfk
41  use m_ebands
42  use m_hdr
43  use m_xmpi
44  use m_dtset
45  use m_xpapi
46  use m_yaml
47  use m_invars2
48  use m_dtset
50  use m_fstrings,          only : indent, endswith, sjoin, itoa
51  use m_electronpositron,  only : electronpositron_type
52  use m_energies,          only : energies_type, energies_eval_eint
53  use m_pair_list,         only : pair_list
54  use m_geometry,          only : mkrdim, metric
55  use m_kg,                only : getcut
56  use m_parser,            only : parsefile, ab_dimensions
57  use m_invars1,           only : invars0, invars1m, indefo
58  use m_time,              only : timab, time_set_papiopt
59  use defs_abitypes,       only : MPI_type
60  use defs_datatypes,      only : pspheader_type, ebands_t
61  use m_pspheads,          only : inpspheads, pspheads_comm
62  use m_kpts,              only : kpts_timrev_from_kptopt
64  implicit none
66  private

ABINIT/prteigrs [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print out eigenvalues band by band and k point by k point.
 If option=1, do it in a standard way, for self-consistent calculations.
 If option=2, print out residuals and eigenvalues, in a format
 adapted for nonself-consistent calculations, within the loops.
 If option=3, print out eigenvalues, in a format
 adapted for nonself-consistent calculations, at the end of the job.
 If option=4, print out derivatives of eigenvalues (same format as option==3, except header that is printed)
 If option=5, print out Fan contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged)
                  (same format as option==3, except header that is printed)
 If option=6, print out DDW contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged)
                  (same format as option==3, except header that is printed)
 If option=7, print out Fan+DDW contribution to zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged)
                  (same format as option==3, except header that is printed)


  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=eigenvalues (hartree)
   or, if option==4, diagonal of derivative of eigenvalues
   or, if option==5...7, zero-point motion correction to eigenvalues (averaged)
  enunit=choice parameter: 0=>output in hartree; 1=>output in eV;
   2=> output in both hartree and eV
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree) / for electrons thermalized in the conduction bands when occopt==9
  fermih=fermi energy (Hartree) for holes thermalized in the VB when occopt==9
  fname_eig=filename of printing the eigenenergies
  iout=unit number for formatted output file
  iscf=option for self-consistency
  kptns(3,nkpt)=k points in reduced coordinates
  kptopt=option for the generation of k points
  mband=maximum number of bands
  nband(nkpt)=number of bands at each k point
  nbdbuf= number of buffer bands
  nkpt=number of k points
  nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial
    (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations)
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  occ(maxval(nband(:))*nkpt*nsppol)=occupancies for each band and k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  option= (see above)
  prteig=control print eigenenergies
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging
  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals (hartree**2)
  tolwfr=tolerance on band residual of wf, hartrees**2 (needed when option=2)
  vxcavg=average of vxc potential
  wtk(nkpt)=k-point weights


  (only writing)


1183 subroutine prteigrs(eigen,enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,iout,iscf,kptns,kptopt,mband,nband,&
1184 &  nbdbuf,nkpt,nnsclo_now,nsppol,occ,occopt,option,prteig,prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk)
1186 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1187 !scalars
1188  integer,intent(in) :: enunit,iout,iscf,kptopt,mband,nbdbuf,nkpt,nnsclo_now,nsppol
1189  integer,intent(in) :: occopt,option,prteig,prtvol
1190  real(dp),intent(in) :: fermie,fermih,tolwfr,vxcavg
1191  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname_eig
1192 !arrays
1193  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*nsppol)
1194  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol),kptns(3,nkpt)
1195  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1196  real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk(nkpt)
1198 !Local variables-------------------------------
1199 !scalars
1200  integer,parameter :: nkpt_max=50
1201  integer :: band_index,iband,ienunit,ii,ikpt,isppol,nband_index,nband_k,nkpt_eff,tmagnet,tmetal,temp_unit
1202  real(dp) :: convrt,magnet,residk,rhodn,rhoup
1203  character(len=2) :: ibnd_fmt,ikpt_fmt
1204  character(len=7) :: strunit1,strunit2
1205  character(len=39) :: kind_of_output
1206  character(len=500) :: msg
1208 ! *************************************************************************
1210  if (enunit<0.or.enunit>2) then
1211    ABI_BUG(sjoin('enunit must be 0, 1 or 2. Argument was:', itoa(enunit)))
1212  end if
1214  if (prteig > 0) then
1215    call wrtout(iout, sjoin(' prteigrs : about to open file ', fname_eig))
1216    if (open_file(fname_eig, msg, newunit=temp_unit, status='unknown', form='formatted') /= 0) then
1217      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1218    end if
1219    rewind(temp_unit) ! always rewind disk file and print latest eigenvalues
1220  end if
1222  kind_of_output=              ' Eigenvalues                          '
1223  if(option==4) kind_of_output=' Expectation of eigenvalue derivatives'
1224  if(option==5) kind_of_output=' Fan corrections to eigenvalues at T=0'
1225  if(option==6) kind_of_output=' DDW corrections to eigenvalues at T=0'
1226  if(option==7) kind_of_output=' Fan+DDW corrs   to eigenvalues at T=0'
1228  nkpt_eff=nkpt
1230  !write(msg,'(a,5i5)')' prtvol,iscf,kptopt,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max ',prtvol,iscf,kptopt,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max
1231  !call wrtout(iout,msg)
1233  if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. (iscf/=-2 .or. kptopt>0) .and. nkpt_eff>nkpt_max)nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
1234  if( (prtvol==0.or.prtvol==1) .and. (iscf/=-2 .or. kptopt>0) .and. nkpt_eff>1 .and. iout==ab_out)nkpt_eff=1
1236  if(option==1 .or. (option>=3 .and. option<=7))then
1238    do ienunit=0,1
1240      if (enunit==1 .and. ienunit==0)cycle
1241      if (enunit==0 .and. ienunit==1)cycle
1242      ! Print eigenvalues in hartree for enunit=0 or 2
1243      ! The definition of two different strings is quite ridiculous. Historical reasons ...
1245      if (ienunit==0)then
1246        convrt=one
1247        strunit1='hartree'
1248        strunit2='hartree'
1249      end if
1250      if (ienunit==1)then
1251        convrt=Ha_eV
1252        strunit1='   eV  '
1253        strunit2='eV     '
1254      end if
1256      band_index=0
1258      if(ienunit==0)then  ! XG20140730 I do not know why this is only done when ienunit==0
1259        tmetal=0
1260        if(option==1 .and. occopt>=3 .and. occopt<=8)tmetal=1
1261        tmagnet=0
1262        if(tmetal==1 .and. nsppol==2)then
1263          tmagnet=1
1264          rhoup = 0._dp
1265          rhodn = 0._dp
1266          nband_index = 1
1267          do isppol=1,nsppol
1268            do ikpt=1,nkpt
1269              nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1270              do iband=1,nband_k
1271                if(isppol==1) rhoup = rhoup + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
1272                if(isppol==2) rhodn = rhodn + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
1273                nband_index = nband_index + 1
1274              end do
1275            end do
1276          end do
1277          magnet = abs(rhoup - rhodn)
1278        end if
1279      end if
1281      if(iscf>=0 .and. (ienunit==0 .or. option==1))then
1282        if (occopt == 9) then
1283           write(msg, '(3a,f10.5,a,f10.5,3a,f10.5)' ) &
1284           ' Fermi energy for thermalized electrons and holes (',trim(strunit2),') =',&
1285           convrt*fermie,', ',convrt*fermih,'   Average Vxc (',trim(strunit2),')=',convrt*vxcavg
1286        else
1287           write(msg, '(3a,f10.5,3a,f10.5)' ) &
1288           ' Fermi (or HOMO) energy (',trim(strunit2),') =',convrt*fermie,'   Average Vxc (',trim(strunit2),')=',convrt*vxcavg
1289        end if
1290        call wrtout(iout,msg)
1291        if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1292      end if
1294      ! if( (iscf>=0 .or. iscf==-3) .and. ienunit==0)then     ! This is the most correct
1295      if(iscf>=0 .and. ienunit==0)then ! For historical reasons
1296        if(tmagnet==1)then
1297          write(msg, '(a,es16.8,a,a,es16.8,a,es16.8)' )&
1298 &         ' Magnetization (Bohr magneton)=',magnet,ch10,&
1299 &         ' Total spin up =',rhoup,'   Total spin down =',rhodn
1300          call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1301          if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1302        end if
1303      end if
1305      ! Loop over spins (suppress spin data if nsppol not 2)
1306      do isppol=1,nsppol
1308        ikpt_fmt="i4" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i6" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9"
1309        if (nsppol==2.and.isppol==1) then
1310          write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' )trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points, SPIN UP:'
1311        else if (nsppol==2.and.isppol==2) then
1312          write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' )trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points, SPIN DOWN:'
1313        else
1314          write(msg, '(4a,'//ikpt_fmt//',2x,a)' )trim(kind_of_output),' (',strunit1,') for nkpt=',nkpt,'k points:'
1315        end if
1316        call wrtout(iout,msg)
1317        if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1319        if(ienunit==0)then
1320          if(option>=4 .and. option<=7)then
1321            msg = '  (in case of degenerate eigenvalues, averaged derivative)'
1322            call wrtout(iout,msg)
1323            if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1324          end if
1325        end if
1327        do ikpt=1,nkpt
1328          nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1329          ikpt_fmt="i4" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i6" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9"
1330          ibnd_fmt="i3" ; if(nband_k>=1000)ibnd_fmt="i6" ; if(nband_k>=1000000)ibnd_fmt="i9"
1331          if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then
1332            write(msg, '(a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,'//ibnd_fmt//',a,f9.5,a,3f8.4,a)' ) &
1333 &           ' kpt#',ikpt,', nband=',nband_k,', wtk=',wtk(ikpt)+tol10,', kpt=',kptns(1:3,ikpt)+tol10,' (reduced coord)'
1334            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1335            if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1336            do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8
1337              write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (convrt*eigen(iband+band_index), iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8))
1338              call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1339              if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1340            end do
1341            if(ienunit==0 .and. option==1 .and. occopt>=3 .and. occopt<=8)then
1342              write(msg, '(5x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//')' )  ' occupation numbers for kpt#',ikpt
1343              call wrtout(iout,msg)
1344              do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8
1345                write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (occ(iband+band_index),iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8))
1346                call wrtout(iout,msg)
1347              end do
1348            end if
1350          else
1351            if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then
1352              write(msg, '(a,a)' )' prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.',ch10
1353              call wrtout(iout,msg)
1354            end if
1355            if (prteig > 0) then
1356              write(msg, '(a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,'//ibnd_fmt//',a,f9.5,a,3f8.4,a)' ) &
1357 &             ' kpt#',ikpt,', nband=',nband_k,', wtk=',wtk(ikpt)+tol10,', kpt=',kptns(1:3,ikpt)+tol10,' (reduced coord)'
1358              call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1359              do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8
1360                write(msg, '(8(f10.5,1x))' ) (convrt*eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+ii*8,min(nband_k,8+ii*8))
1361                call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1362              end do
1363            end if
1364          end if
1365          band_index=band_index+nband_k
1366        end do ! do ikpt=1,nkpt
1367      end do ! do isppol=1,nsppol
1369    end do ! End loop over Hartree or eV
1371  else if(option==2)then
1373    band_index=0
1374    do isppol=1,nsppol
1376      if(nsppol==2)then
1377        if(isppol==1)write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,' SPIN UP channel '
1378        if(isppol==2)write(msg, '(2a)' ) ch10,' SPIN DOWN channel '
1379        call wrtout(iout,msg)
1380        if(prteig>0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1381      end if
1383      do ikpt=1,nkpt
1384        nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1385        ikpt_fmt="i5" ; if(nkpt>=10000)ikpt_fmt="i7" ; if(nkpt>=1000000)ikpt_fmt="i9"
1387        if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then
1388          write(msg, '(1x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' ) &
1389 &         'Non-SCF case, kpt',ikpt,' (',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),'), residuals and eigenvalues='
1390          call wrtout(iout,msg)
1391          if (prteig > 0) then
1392            write(msg, '(1x,a,'//ikpt_fmt//',a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' ) &
1393 &           'Non-SCF case, kpt',ikpt,' eig(',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),') '
1394            call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1395          end if
1396          do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/8
1397            write(msg, '(1p,8e10.2)' )(resid(iband+band_index),iband=1+8*ii,min(8+8*ii,nband_k))
1398            call wrtout(iout,msg)
1399          end do
1400          do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/6
1401            write(msg, '(1p,6e12.4)' )(eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+6*ii,min(6+6*ii,nband_k))
1402            call wrtout(iout,msg)
1403            if (prteig > 0) call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1404          end do
1405        else
1406          if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then
1407            write(msg, '(a,a)' )' prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.',ch10
1408            call wrtout(iout,msg)
1409          end if
1410          if (prteig > 0) then
1411            write(msg, '(1x,a,i5,a,f9.5,2f9.5,a)' )'Non-SCF kpt',ikpt,' eig(',(kptns(ii,ikpt),ii=1,3),') '
1412            call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1413            do ii=0,(nband_k-1)/6
1414              write(msg, '(1p,6e12.4)' )(eigen(iband+band_index),iband=1+6*ii,min(6+6*ii,nband_k))
1415              call wrtout(temp_unit,msg)
1416            end do
1417          end if
1418        end if
1420        ! Don't include the buffer in the output.
1421        if (nbdbuf>0) then
1422          residk=maxval(resid(band_index+1:band_index+nband_k-nbdbuf))
1423        else
1424          residk=maxval(resid(band_index+1:band_index+nband_k))
1425        end if
1426        if (residk>tolwfr) then
1427          write(msg, '(1x,a,2i5,a,1p,e13.5)' ) &
1428           ' prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt=',nnsclo_now,ikpt,' max resid (excl. the buffer)=',residk
1429          call wrtout(iout,msg)
1430        end if
1432        band_index=band_index+nband_k
1433      end do
1434    end do
1435    call wrtout(iout," ")
1437  else
1438    ABI_BUG(sjoin('option:', itoa(option),', is not allowed.'))
1439  end if
1441  if (prteig > 0) close (temp_unit)
1443 end subroutine prteigrs

ABINIT/prtene [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print components of total energy in nice format


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | berryphase
   | kptopt
   | occopt
   | positron=option for electron-positron calculation
   | tphysel="physical" electronic temperature with FD occupations
   | tsmear=smearing energy or temperature (if metal)
  energies <type(energies_type)>=values of parts of total energy
  iout=unit number to which output is written
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation


  (only writing)


1471 subroutine prtene(dtset,energies,iout,usepaw)
1473 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1474 !scalars
1475  integer,intent(in) :: iout,usepaw
1476  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1477  type(energies_type),intent(in) :: energies
1479 !Local variables-------------------------------
1480 !scalars
1481  integer :: ipositron,optdc
1482  logical :: directE_avail,testdmft
1483  real(dp) :: eent,enevalue,etotal,etotaldc,exc_semilocal
1484  ! Do not modify the length of these strings
1485  character(len=14) :: eneName
1486  character(len=500) :: msg
1487  type(yamldoc_t) :: edoc, dc_edoc
1488 !arrays
1489  !character(len=10) :: EPName(1:2)=(/"Positronic","Electronic"/)
1491 ! *************************************************************************
1493  directE_avail=(usepaw==0.or.dtset%pawspnorb==0.or.dtset%pawcpxocc==2.or.dtset%kptopt==1.or.dtset%kptopt==2)
1495 !============= Evaluate some parts of the energy ===========
1497  optdc=-1;ipositron=merge(0,2,dtset%positron==0)
1498  if (abs(energies%e_ewald)<1.e-15_dp.and.abs(energies%e_hartree)<1.e-15_dp) ipositron=1
1499  call energies_eval_eint(energies,dtset,usepaw,optdc,etotal,etotaldc)
1501 !Here, treat the case of metals
1502 !In re-smeared case the free energy is defined with tphysel
1503  if(dtset%occopt>=3 .and. dtset%occopt<=8)then
1504    if (abs(dtset%tphysel) < tol10) then
1505      eent=-dtset%tsmear * energies%entropy
1506    else
1507      eent=-dtset%tphysel * energies%entropy
1508    end if
1509  else
1510    eent=zero
1511  end if
1512 ! If DMFT is used and DMFT Entropy is not computed, then do not print
1513 ! non interacting entropy
1514  testdmft=(dtset%dmftcheck>=0.and.dtset%usedmft>=1.and.(sum(dtset%upawu(:,1))>=tol8.or.  &
1515 & sum(dtset%jpawu(:,1))>tol8).and.dtset%dmft_entropy==0)
1516  if(testdmft) eent=zero
1518  etotal   = etotal   + eent
1519  etotaldc = etotaldc + eent
1521 !============= Printing of Etotal by direct scheme ===========
1523  if (dtset%icoulomb == 1) then
1524    eneName =  "Ion-ion energy"
1525  else
1526    eneName = "Ewald energy"
1527  end if
1528  enevalue = energies%e_ewald
1531  if (optdc==0.or.optdc==2) then
1533    if (directE_avail) then
1534      edoc = yamldoc_open('EnergyTerms', info='Components of total free energy in Hartree', &
1535                          width=20, real_fmt='(es21.14)')
1536      call edoc%add_real('kinetic', energies%e_kinetic)
1537      if(abs(energies%e_extfpmd)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
1538        call edoc%add_real('kinetic_extfpmd',energies%e_extfpmd)
1539        call edoc%add_real('total_kinetic',energies%e_extfpmd+energies%e_kinetic)
1540      end if
1541      if (ipositron/=1) then
1542        exc_semilocal=energies%e_xc+energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0+energies%e_hybcomp_v
1543        ! XG20181025 This should NOT be a part of the semilocal XC energy, but treated separately.
1544        ! At present, there is still a problem with the variational formulation for the Fock term with PAW.
1545        ! So, for the time being, keep it inside.
1546        if(usepaw==1)exc_semilocal=exc_semilocal+energies%e_fock
1547        call edoc%add_real('hartree', energies%e_hartree)
1548        call edoc%add_real('xc', exc_semilocal)
1549        call edoc%add_real(eneName, enevalue)
1550        call edoc%add_real('psp_core', energies%e_corepsp)
1551 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
1552        if ( (dtset%vdw_xc > 0) .and. (dtset%vdw_xc < 10) .and. (xc_vdw_status()) ) then
1553          call edoc%add_real('VdWaals_df', energies%e_xc_vdw)
1554        end if
1555 #endif
1556      end if
1557      call edoc%add_real('local_psp', energies%e_localpsp)
1558      if (usepaw==0) then
1559        if(abs(energies%e_fock0)<tol8)then
1560          call edoc%add_real('non_local_psp', energies%e_nlpsp_vfock)
1561        else
1562          call edoc%add_real('non_local_psp+x', energies%e_nlpsp_vfock-energies%e_fock0)
1563        endif
1564      else
1565        call edoc%add_real('spherical_terms', energies%e_paw)
1566        !!!XG20181025 Does not work (yet)...
1567        !!!if(abs(energies%e_nlpsp_vfock)>tol8)then
1568        !!!  write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' )'    Fock-type term  = ',energies%e_nlpsp_vfock
1569        !!!  call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1570        !!!  write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) '    -frozen Fock en.= ',-energies%e_fock0
1571        !!!  call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1572        !!!endif
1573      end if
1574      if (ANY(ABS(dtset%nucdipmom)>tol8)) then
1575        call edoc%add_real('nucl. magn. dipoles',energies%e_nucdip)
1576      end if
1577      if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7).and.ipositron/=1) then
1578        call edoc%add_real('VdWaals_dft_d', energies%e_vdw_dftd)
1579      end if
1580      if (dtset%nzchempot>=1) then
1581        call edoc%add_real('chem_potential', energies%e_chempot)
1582      end if
1583      if(dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8.and.ipositron==0) then
1584        call edoc%add_real('internal', etotal-eent)
1585        if(.not.testdmft) then
1586          call edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent)
1587        end if
1588      else if (ipositron/=0) then
1589        if (dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8) then
1590          call edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent)
1591        end if
1592        !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,a)' ) &
1593        ! '    >>> ',EPName(ipositron),' E= ',etotal-energies%e0_electronpositron -energies%e_electronpositron,ch10
1594        !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1595        !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,2a,es21.14)' ) &
1596        ! '    ',EPName(3-ipositron),' ener.= ',energies%e0_electronpositron,ch10,&
1597        ! '    EP interaction E= '             ,energies%e_electronpositron
1598        !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1599        if(ipositron == 1) then
1600         call edoc%add_real('positronic', etotal - energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron)
1601         call edoc%add_real('electronic', energies%e0_electronpositron)
1602        else
1603         call edoc%add_real('electronic', etotal- energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron)
1604         call edoc%add_real('positronic', energies%e0_electronpositron)
1605        end if
1606        call edoc%add_real('electron_positron_interaction', energies%e_electronpositron)
1607      end if
1608      if ((dtset%berryopt==4 .or.  dtset%berryopt==6 .or. dtset%berryopt==7 .or.  &
1609           dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17) .and.ipositron/=1) then
1610        call edoc%add_real('electric', energies%e_elecfield)
1611        call edoc%add_real('kohn_sham', etotal-energies%e_elecfield)
1612      end if
1613      call edoc%add_real('total_energy', etotal)
1615    else
1616      write(msg, '(9a)' ) &
1617      ' COMMENT: ',ch10,&
1618      '  "Direct" decomposition of total free energy cannot be printed out !!!',ch10,&
1619      '  PAW contribution due to spin-orbit coupling cannot be evaluated',ch10,&
1620      '  without the knowledge of imaginary part of Rhoij atomic occupancies',ch10,&
1621      '  (computed only when pawcpxocc=2).'
1622      call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1623    end if
1624  end if
1625 !============= Printing of Etotal by double-counting scheme ===========
1627  if (optdc>=1) then
1629    dc_edoc = yamldoc_open('EnergyTermsDC', info='"Double-counting" decomposition of free energy', &
1630                           width=20, real_fmt="(es21.14)")
1631    call dc_edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues)
1632    if(abs(energies%e_extfpmd)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
1633      call dc_edoc%add_real('kinetic_extfpmd_dc',energies%edc_extfpmd)
1634    end if
1635    if (ipositron/=1) then
1636      !write(msg, '(2(a,es21.14,a),a,es21.14)' ) &
1637      !  '    '//eneName//'  =',enevalue,ch10,&
1638      !  '    PspCore energy  = ',energies%e_corepsp-energies%e_corepspdc,ch10,&
1639      !  '    Dble-C XC-energy= ',-energies%e_hartree+energies%e_xc-energies%e_xcdc -energies%e_fock0 + &
1640      !  energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0
1641      !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1642      call dc_edoc%add_real(eneName, enevalue)
1643      call dc_edoc%add_real('psp_core', energies%e_corepsp-energies%e_corepspdc)
1644      call dc_edoc%add_real('xc_dc', -energies%e_hartree+energies%e_xc-energies%e_xcdc - energies%e_fock0 + &
1645                                      energies%e_hybcomp_E0-energies%e_hybcomp_v0)
1646    end if
1647    if ((dtset%berryopt==4 .or.  dtset%berryopt==6 .or. dtset%berryopt==7 .or.  &
1648         dtset%berryopt==14 .or. dtset%berryopt==16 .or. dtset%berryopt==17).and.ipositron/=1) then
1649      call dc_edoc%add_real('electric_field', energies%e_elecfield)
1650    end if
1651    if (usepaw==1) then
1652      call dc_edoc%add_real('spherical_terms', energies%e_pawdc)
1653    end if
1654    if ((dtset%vdw_xc>=5.and.dtset%vdw_xc<=7).and.ipositron/=1) then
1655      call dc_edoc%add_real('VdWaals_dft_d', energies%e_vdw_dftd)
1656    end if
1657    if (dtset%nzchempot>=1) then
1658      call dc_edoc%add_real('chem_potential', energies%e_chempot)
1659    end if
1660    if(dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8.and.ipositron==0) then
1661      if(.not.testdmft) then
1662        !write(msg, '(a,es21.14,a,a,a,es21.14)' ) &
1663        ! '    >>>>> Internal E= ',etotaldc-eent,ch10,ch10,&
1664        ! '    -kT*entropy     = ',eent
1665        !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1666        call dc_edoc%add_real('internal', etotaldc-eent)
1667        call dc_edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent)
1668      else
1669        call dc_edoc%add_real('internal', etotaldc-eent)
1670      end if
1671    else if (ipositron/=0) then
1672      if (dtset%occopt>=3 .and. dtset%occopt<=8) then
1673        call dc_edoc%add_real('-kT*entropy', eent)
1674      end if
1675      !write(msg, '(a,es21.14,4a,es21.14,a)' ) &
1676      !  '    - EP dble-ct En.= ',-energies%edc_electronpositron,ch10,&
1677      !  '    >>> ',EPName(ipositron),' E= ',etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron -energies%e_electronpositron,ch10
1678      !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1679      !write(msg, '(3a,es21.14,2a,es21.14)' ) &
1680      ! '    ',EPName(3-ipositron),' ener.= ',energies%e0_electronpositron,ch10,&
1681      ! '    EP interaction E= '            ,energies%e_electronpositron
1682      !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1683      call dc_edoc%add_real('electron_positron_dc', -energies%edc_electronpositron)
1684      if(ipositron == 1) then
1685        call dc_edoc%add_real('positronic', etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron)
1686        call dc_edoc%add_real('electronic', energies%e0_electronpositron)
1687      else
1688        call dc_edoc%add_real('electronic', etotaldc-energies%e0_electronpositron-energies%e_electronpositron)
1689        call dc_edoc%add_real('positronic', energies%e0_electronpositron)
1690      end if
1691      call dc_edoc%add_real('electron_positron_interaction', energies%e_electronpositron)
1692    end if
1695    write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) '    >>>> Etotal (DC)= ',etotaldc
1696    !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1697    call dc_edoc%add_real('total_energy_dc', etotaldc)
1698  end if
1700 !======= Additional printing for compatibility  ==========
1702  if (usepaw==0.and.optdc==0) then
1703    call edoc%add_real('total_energy_eV', etotal*Ha_eV)
1704    call edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues)
1705  end if
1707  if ((optdc==0.or.optdc==2).and.(.not.directE_avail)) then
1708    !write(msg, '(a,a,es18.10)' ) ch10,' Band energy (Ha)= ',energies%e_eigenvalues
1709    !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1710    call edoc%add_real('band_energy', energies%e_eigenvalues)
1711  end if
1713  if (usepaw==1) then
1714    if ((optdc==0.or.optdc==2).and.(directE_avail)) then
1715      call edoc%add_real('total_energy_eV', etotal*Ha_eV)
1716    end if
1717    if (optdc>=1) then
1718      !if (optdc==1) write(msg, '(a,a,es21.14)' ) ch10,'  >Total DC energy in eV        = ',etotaldc*Ha_eV
1719      !if (optdc==2) write(msg, '(a,es21.14)' ) '  >Total DC energy in eV        = ',etotaldc*Ha_eV
1720      !call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1721      call dc_edoc%add_real('total_energy_dc_eV', etotaldc*Ha_eV)
1722    end if
1723  end if
1725  if( dtset%icoulomb/=1.and.abs(dtset%cellcharge(1))>tol8) then
1726    write(msg, '(6a)' ) &
1727      ch10,' Calculation was performed for a charged system with PBC',&
1728      ch10,' You may consider including the monopole correction to the total energy',&
1729      ch10,' The correction is to be divided by the dielectric constant'
1730    call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
1731    call edoc%add_real('monopole_correction', energies%e_monopole)
1732    call edoc%add_real('monopole_correction_eV', energies%e_monopole*Ha_eV)
1733  end if
1735  ! Write components of total energies in Yaml format.
1736  call edoc%write_and_free(iout)
1737  if (optdc >= 1) call dc_edoc%write_and_free(iout)
1739 end subroutine prtene

ABINIT/scprqt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Conducts printing inside the scfcv.F90 routine, according to the value of choice.
 Also checks the convergence with respect to the different criteria.
 Eventually send a signal to quit the SCF cycle.


  choice= if 1 => called at the initialisation of scfcv.f
          if 2 => called during the loop in scfcv.f
          if 3 => called at the end of scfcv.f
  cpus=cpu time limit in seconds
  deltae=change in energy between the previous and present SCF cycle
  diffor=maximum absolute change in component of fcart between present and previous SCF cycle.
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | chkexit= if non-zero, check whether the user wishes to exit
   | enunit=parameter determining units of output energies
   | ionmov=governs the movement of atoms (see help file)
   | kptopt=option for the generation of k points
   | mband=maximum number of bands
   | natom=number of atoms in cell.
   | nnsclo_now=number of non-self-consistent loops for the current vtrial
   |  (often 1 for SCF calculation, =nstep for non-SCF calculations)
   | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
   | occopt=option for occupancies
   | prtxml=1 if values have to be stored in an XML file.
   | prteig=
   | prtstm=print STM input variable
   | prtvol= control print volume
   | usedmatpu=DFT+U: number of SCF steps keeping occ. matrix fixed
   | usefock=1 if Fock operator is present (hence possibility of a double loop)
   | usepawu=0 if no DFT+U; /=0 if DFT+U
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation (optional argument)
  etotal=total energy (hartree)
  favg(3)=average of forces (ha/bohr)
  fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces (hartree/bohr)
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree) / for electrons thermalized in the conduction bands when occopt==9
  fermih=fermi energy (Hartree) for holes thermalized in the VB when occopt==9
  fname_eig=filename for printing of the eigenenergies
  fock <type(fock_type)>=quantities for the fock operator (optional argument)
  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam1=character strings giving input file name
  initGS= 1 if one GS SCF cycle has already be done
  iscf=( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)
   iscf =1 => determination of the largest eigenvalue of the SCF cycle
   iscf =2 => SCF cycle, simple mixing
   iscf =3 => SCF cycle, anderson mixing
   iscf =5 => SCF cycle, CG based on estimations of gradients of the energy
   iscf =6 => SCF cycle, CG based on true minimization of the energy
   iscf =-3, although non-SCF, the energy is computed, so print it here.
  istep=number of the SCF iteration (needed if choice=2)
  istep_fock_outer=number of outer SCF iteration in the double loop approach
  istep_mix=number of inner SCF iteration in the double loop approach
  kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
  maxfor=maximum absolute value of fcart
  moved_atm_inside: if==1, the atoms are allowed to move.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands at each k point, for each polarization
  nkpt=number of k points
  nstep=number of steps expected in iterations.
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band at each k point.
  optres=0 if the residual (res2) is a POTENTIAL residual
         1 if the residual (res2) is a DENSITY residual
  prtfor=1 only if forces have to be printed (0 otherwise)
  prtxml=1 if XML file has to be output
  res2=square of the density/potential residual
  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins
  residm=maximum value from resid array (except for nbdbuf highest bands)
         in Wavelets mode, it is used as the maximum value for the gradient norm.
  response= if 0, GS case, if 1, RF case.
  tollist(12)=tolerance list. Presently, the following are defined :
    tollist(1)=tolmxf ; tollist(2)=tolwfr ; tollist(3)=toldff
    tollist(4)=toldfe ; tollist(5)=toleig ; tollist(6)=tolvrs
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
  vxcavg=mean of the vxc potential
  wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  quit= 0 if the SCF cycle is not finished; 1 otherwise.
  conv_retcode=Only if choice==3, != 0 if convergence is not achieved.


 170 subroutine scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
 171 &  eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,filnam1,initGS,&
 172 &  iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,kpt,maxfor,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,&
 173 &  nband,nkpt,nstep,occ,optres,&
 174 &  prtfor,prtxml,quit,res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,usepaw,&
 175 &  vxcavg,wtk,xred,conv_retcode,&
 176 &  electronpositron, fock) ! optional arguments)
 178 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 179 !scalars
 180  integer,intent(in) :: choice,initGS,iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix
 181  integer,intent(in) :: moved_atm_inside,nkpt,nstep
 182  integer,intent(in) :: optres,prtfor,prtxml,response,usepaw
 183  integer,intent(out) :: quit,conv_retcode
 184  real(dp),intent(in) :: cpus,deltae,diffor,etotal,fermie,fermih,maxfor,res2,residm
 185  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxcavg
 186  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: fname_eig,filnam1
 187  type(electronpositron_type),pointer,optional :: electronpositron
 188  type(fock_type),pointer,optional :: fock
 189  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 190  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 191 !arrays
 192  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 193  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),favg(3)
 194  real(dp),intent(in) :: fcart(3,dtset%natom),kpt(3,nkpt)
 195  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 196  real(dp),intent(in) :: resid(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol),tollist(12)
 197  real(dp),intent(in) :: wtk(nkpt),xred(3,dtset%natom)
 199 !Local variables-------------------------------
 200 !scalars
 201  integer,parameter :: master=0
 202  integer,save :: toldfe_ok,toldff_ok,tolrff_ok,ttoldfe,ttoldff,ttolrff,ttolvrs,ttolwfr
 203  integer :: iatom,iband,iexit,ikpt,ii,ishift,isppol,my_rank
 204  integer :: nband_index,nband_k,nnsclohf
 205  integer :: openexit,option,tmagnet,usefock
 206 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
 207  integer :: ivdw
 208 #endif
 209  real(dp),save :: toldfe,toldff,tolrff,tolvrs,tolwfr,vdw_df_threshold
 210  real(dp) :: diff_e,diff_f,magnet,rhodn,rhoup
 211  logical :: noquit,use_dpfft
 212  character(len=500) :: message, message2, message3
 213  character(len=2) :: format_istep
 214  character(len=5) :: format_magnet
 215  character(len=8) :: colname
 216  character(len=1) :: firstchar
 217  type(yamldoc_t) :: ydoc
 218 !arrays
 219  real(dp) :: residm_band(dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol), f_tmp(3)
 221 ! *********************************************************************
 225  my_rank = mpi_enreg%me_cell
 227  quit=0; conv_retcode=0
 228  usefock=dtset%usefock
 229  nnsclohf=dtset%nnsclohf
 230  use_dpfft = .False.
 232  tmagnet=0
 233  if(response==0.and.(iscf>0.or.iscf==-3).and.dtset%nsppol==2.and.dtset%occopt>2)tmagnet=1
 235  ishift=0
 236  residm_band = zero
 237  do isppol=1, dtset%nsppol
 238    do ikpt=1, nkpt
 239      do iband=1, nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 240        ishift = ishift+1
 241        residm_band(iband, isppol) = max (resid(ishift), residm_band(iband, isppol))
 242      end do
 243    end do
 244  end do
 246  select case (choice)
 247  case (1)
 248    ! choice= if 1 => called at the initialisation of scfcv.f
 249    ! Examine tolerance criteria
 250    ! NB: The tests on tolwfr and the presence of tolerances in the SCF case are
 251    ! also done at the level of the parser in chkinp.
 252    tolwfr=tollist(2)
 253    toldff=tollist(3)
 254    toldfe=tollist(4)
 255    tolvrs=tollist(6)
 256    tolrff=tollist(7)
 257    vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8)
 258    ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0;
 259    if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(zero))ttolwfr=1
 260    if(abs(toldff)>tiny(zero))ttoldff=1
 261    if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(zero))ttolrff=1
 262    if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(zero))ttoldfe=1
 263    if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(zero))ttolvrs=1
 264    !  If non-scf calculations, tolwfr must be defined
 265    if(ttolwfr /= 1 .and. (iscf<0 .and. iscf/=-3) )then
 266      write(message,'(a,a,a,es14.6,a,a)')&
 267       'when iscf <0 and /= -3, tolwfr must be strictly',ch10,&
 268       'positive, while it is ',tolwfr,ch10,&
 269       'Action: change tolwfr in your input file and resubmit the job.'
 270      ABI_ERROR(message)
 271    end if
 272    ! toldff only allowed when prtfor==1
 273    ! FIXME: this test should be done on input, not during calculation
 274    if((ttoldff == 1 .or. ttolrff == 1) .and. prtfor==0 )then
 275      ABI_ERROR('toldff only allowed when prtfor=1!')
 276    end if
 277    ! If SCF calculations, one and only one of these can differ from zero
 278    if( (iscf>0 .or. iscf==-3) .and.(ttolwfr==1.and.ttoldff+ttoldfe+ttolvrs+ttolrff>1) &
 279     .and. (ttolwfr==0.and.ttoldff+ttoldfe+ttolvrs+ttolrff/=1) ) then
 280      write(message,'(6a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,es14.6,a,a,es14.6,a,a,a)' )&
 281 &     'For the SCF case, one and only one of the input tolerance criteria ',ch10,&
 282 &     'toldff, tolrff, toldfe or tolvrs ','must differ from zero, while they are',ch10,&
 283 &     'toldff=',toldff,', tolrff=',tolrff,', toldfe=',toldfe,ch10,&
 284 &     'and tolvrs=',tolvrs,' .',ch10,&
 285 &     'Action: change your input file and resubmit the job.'
 286      ABI_ERROR(message)
 287    end if
 289    if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 290      write(colname, "(A)") "grdnorm "
 291    else
 292      write(colname, "(A)") "residm  "
 293    end if
 294    if (nstep>0 .and. (iscf>=0 .or.iscf==-3) .and. dtset%prtstm==0) then
 295      if(tmagnet==1)then
 296        if (prtfor==0) then
 297          if (optres==0) then
 298            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 299 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  vres2    magn'
 300          else
 301            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 302 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  nres2    magn'
 303          end if
 304        else
 305          if (optres==0) then
 306            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 307 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  vres2   diffor   maxfor   magn'
 308          else
 309            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 310 &           '     iter   Etot(hartree)     deltaE(h) ',colname,'  nres2   diffor   maxfor   magn'
 311          end if
 312        end if
 313      else
 314        if(response==0)then
 315          if (prtfor==0) then
 316            if (optres==0) then
 317              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 318                '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ', colname, '   vres2'
 319            else
 320              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 321                '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ', colname, '   nres2'
 322            end if
 323          else
 324            if (optres==0) then
 325              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 326               '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ',colname,'   vres2    diffor    maxfor '
 327            else
 328              write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 329               '     iter   Etot(hartree)      deltaE(h)  ',colname,'   nres2    diffor    maxfor '
 330            end if
 331          end if
 332        else
 333          if (optres==0) then
 334            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 335             '     iter   2DEtotal(Ha)        deltaE(Ha) ', colname, '  vres2'
 336          else
 337            write(message, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
 338             '     iter   2DEtotal(Ha)        deltaE(Ha) ', colname, '  nres2'
 339          end if
 340        end if
 341      end if
 343      ydoc = yamldoc_open('BeginCycle')
 344      call ydoc%add_ints("iscf, nstep, nline, wfoptalg", &
 345                         [dtset%iscf, dtset%nstep, dtset%nline, dtset%wfoptalg], dict_key="solver")
 346      call ydoc%add_reals("tolwfr, toldff, toldfe, tolvrs, tolrff", & ! , vdw_df_threshold", &
 347                         [tolwfr, toldff, toldfe, tolvrs, tolrff], & !, vdw_df_threshold], &
 348                         real_fmt="(es8.2)", dict_key="tolerances", ignore=zero)
 350      !if (dtset%use_yaml == 1) then
 351      call ydoc%write_and_free(ab_out, newline=.False.)
 352      !else
 353      !call ydoc%write_and_free(std_out, newline=.False.)
 354      !end if
 356      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 357    end if
 359  case (2)
 361    ! Examine tolerance criteria
 362    tolwfr=tollist(2)
 363    toldff=tollist(3)
 364    toldfe=tollist(4)
 365    tolvrs=tollist(6)
 366    tolrff=tollist(7)
 367    vdw_df_threshold=tollist(8)
 368    ttolwfr=0 ; ttoldff=0 ; ttoldfe=0 ; ttolvrs=0; ttolrff=0;
 369    if(abs(tolwfr)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolwfr=1
 370    if(abs(toldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1
 371    if(abs(tolrff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolrff=1
 372    if(abs(toldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1
 373    if(abs(tolvrs)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttolvrs=1
 375    ! Conduct printing. If extra output follows, then put a blank line into the output here
 376    if (dtset%prtvol>=10) call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], ' ')
 378    ! Calculate up and down charge and magnetization
 379    if(tmagnet==1) then
 380      rhoup = zero
 381      rhodn = zero
 382      nband_index = 1
 383      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
 384        do ikpt=1,nkpt
 385          nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 386          do iband=1,nband_k
 387            if(isppol==1) rhoup = rhoup + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
 388            if(isppol==2) rhodn = rhodn + wtk(ikpt)*occ(nband_index)
 389            nband_index = nband_index + 1
 390          end do
 391        end do
 392      end do
 393      magnet = abs(rhoup - rhodn)
 394    end if
 396    if (prtxml == 1) then
 397      write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <scfcvStep'
 398      write(message, "(es22.10)") etotal
 399      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' eTotal="', trim(message) ,'"'
 400      write(message, "(es20.8)") deltae
 401      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaETotal="', trim(message) ,'"'
 402      write(message, "(es20.8)") residm
 403      write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
 404      write(message, "(es20.8)") res2
 405      if (optres == 0) then
 406        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' potResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
 407      else
 408        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' denResid="', trim(message) ,'"'
 409      end if
 410      if (tmagnet== 1) then
 411        write(message, "(es20.8)") magnet
 412        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' magn="', trim(message) ,'"'
 413      end if
 414      if (prtfor == 1) then
 415        write(message, "(es20.8)") diffor
 416        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' deltaForces="', trim(message) ,'"'
 417        write(message, "(es20.8)") maxfor
 418        write(ab_xml_out, "(A,A,A)", advance = "NO") ' maxForces="', trim(message) ,'"'
 419      end if
 420      write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") " />"
 421    end if
 423    ! Print total (free) energy (hartree) and other convergence measures
 424    if(dtset%prtstm==0)then
 425      format_istep='i3'
 426      if(istep>99)format_istep='i5'
 427      if(istep>9999)format_istep='i7'
 428      if(tmagnet==1)then
 429        if(magnet<10)then
 430          format_magnet='f6.3)'
 431        else if(magnet<100)then
 432          format_magnet='f6.2)'
 433        else
 434          format_magnet='f6.1)'
 435        end if
 436        if (prtfor==0) then
 437          write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) &
 438 &         ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,magnet
 439        else
 440          write(message, '(a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es9.2,es8.1,es9.2,0p,'//format_magnet ) &
 441 &         ' ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor,magnet
 442        end if
 443      else
 444        firstchar=' '
 445        if (response/=0.and.istep==1) firstchar="-"
 446        if (response==0) then
 447          if (prtfor==0) then
 448            write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,3es10.3)' ) &
 449 &           firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2
 450          else
 451            write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,5es10.3)' ) &
 452 &           firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2,diffor,maxfor
 453          end if
 454        else
 455          write(message, '(2a,'//format_istep//',1p,g22.14,1x,3es10.3)' ) &
 456 &         firstchar,'ETOT',istep,etotal,deltae,residm,res2
 457        end if
 458      end if
 459      !if (etot_yaml_doc%stream%length /= 0) call etot_yaml_doc%add_tabular_line('  '//message(6:))
 460      call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
 462      if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
 463        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'PERS')
 464      elseif(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==0) then
 465        call wrtout(std_out,  message,'COLL')
 466      end if
 468    end if ! dtset%prtstm==0
 470    ! Print positions/forces every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and iscf>0 or -3 and GS case
 471    if (dtset%prtvol>=10.and.(iscf>=0.or.iscf==-3).and.response==0.and.dtset%prtstm==0) then
 472      call wrtout(ab_out," ",'COLL')
 474      ! Print up and down charge and magnetization
 475      if(tmagnet==1) then
 476        write(message,'(a,f11.6,a,f11.6,a,f10.6)')&
 477 &       ' #electrons spin up=',rhoup,', spin down=',rhodn,', magnetization=',magnet
 478        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 479      end if
 481      ! Moreover, print atomic positions if dtset%ionmov==4, and moved_atm_inside==1
 482      if (dtset%ionmov==4 .and. moved_atm_inside==1)then
 483        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], ' reduced coordinates :')
 484        do iatom=1,dtset%natom
 485          write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,xred(:,iatom)
 486          call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 487        end do
 488      end if
 490      ! Slightly change favg for printing reasons
 491      if (prtfor>0) then
 492        f_tmp(:)=favg(:)
 493        if(abs(favg(1))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero
 494        if(abs(favg(2))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero
 495        if(abs(favg(3))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero
 496        write(message, '(a,3es10.2)' )' cartesian forces (ha/bohr); non-corrected avg=',f_tmp(:)
 497        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 498        do iatom=1,dtset%natom
 499          f_tmp(:)=fcart(:,iatom)
 500          if(abs(fcart(1,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(1)=zero
 501          if(abs(fcart(2,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(2)=zero
 502          if(abs(fcart(3,iatom))<1.0d-13)f_tmp(3)=zero
 503          write(message, '(i5,1x,3es21.11)' ) iatom,f_tmp(:)
 504          call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 505        end do
 506      end if
 508    end if
 510    ! Print eigenvalues every step if dtset%prtvol>=10 and GS case
 511    if (my_rank == master .and. (dtset%prtvol>=10 .and. response==0 .and. dtset%tfkinfunc==0 .and. dtset%usewvl==0)) then
 512      option=1
 513      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,ab_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
 514 &     nband,dtset%nbdbuf,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk)
 515      call prteigrs(eigen,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermih,fname_eig,std_out,iscf,kpt,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,&
 516 &     nband,dtset%nbdbuf,nkpt,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk)
 517    end if
 519    if(response==0)then
 520      write(message, '(a,1p,e15.7,a)'  ) ' scprqt: <Vxc>=',vxcavg,' hartree'
 521      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 522    end if
 524    ! Check whether exiting was required by the user.
 525    openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0
 526    call exit_check(cpus,filnam1,iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit)
 527    if (iexit/=0) quit=1
 529    ! In special cases, do not quit even if convergence is reached
 530    noquit=((istep<nstep).and.(usepaw==1).and.(dtset%usepawu/=0).and.&
 531 &   (dtset%usedmatpu/=0).and.(istep<=abs(dtset%usedmatpu)).and.&
 532 &   (dtset%usedmatpu<0.or.initGS==0))
 534    ! Additional stuff for electron/positron
 535    if (present(electronpositron)) then
 536      if (associated(electronpositron)) then
 537        if (electronpositron%istep_scf==1) then
 538          toldff_ok=0;tolrff_ok=0;toldfe_ok=0
 539        end if
 540      end if
 541    end if
 543    ! Stopping criteria in the SCF case
 544    if(iscf>1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0) then
 545      ! Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion : if the change of energy is less than
 546      ! input vdw_df_threshold, trigger the calculation of vdW interactions
 547      ! write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') &
 548      ! &      '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, &
 549      ! &      (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold),ch10
 550      ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 551 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
 552      call xc_vdw_trigger( (abs(deltae)<vdw_df_threshold) )
 553 #endif
 554      ! Here treat the tolwfr criterion: if maximum residual is less than
 555      ! input tolwfr, stop steps (exit loop here)
 556      if (ttolwfr == 1 .and. (ttolvrs+ttoldfe+ttoldff+ttolrff==0) .and. .not. noquit) then
 557        if (residm < tolwfr) then
 558          if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
 559            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, &
 560            ' At SCF step',istep,'   max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.'
 561          else
 562            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a)' )ch10, &
 563            ' At SCF step',istep,'   max grdnorm=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' =>converged.'
 564          end if
 565          call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 566          quit=1
 567        else
 568          use_dpfft = residm < tol7
 569        end if
 570      end if
 572      ! Here treat the toldff criterion: if maximum change of fcart is less than
 573      ! input toldff twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
 574      if (ttoldff==1) then
 575        if (istep==1) then
 576          toldff_ok=0
 577        else if (diffor < toldff) then
 578          toldff_ok=toldff_ok+1
 579          ! add warning for forces which are 0 by symmetry. Also added Matteo check below that the wave
 580          ! functions are relatively converged as well
 581          if (diffor < tol12) then
 582            write (message,'(3a)') ' toldff criterion is satisfied, but your forces are suspiciously low.', ch10,&
 583 &           ' Check if the forces are 0 by symmetry: in that case you can not use the toldff convergence criterion!'
 584            ABI_WARNING(message)
 585            if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0
 586          end if
 587        else
 588          toldff_ok=0
 589          use_dpfft = diffor < tol6
 590        end if
 592        if(toldff_ok>=2 .and..not.noquit)then
 593          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 594            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 595 &           ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are converged : ',ch10,&
 596 &           '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,' < toldff=',toldff
 597            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 598            quit=1
 599          else if (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm < tolwfr )then
 600            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 601 &           ' At SCF step',istep,', max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' AND forces are converged : ',ch10,&
 602 &           '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,' < toldff=',toldff
 603            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 604            quit=1
 605         end if
 606        end if
 607      end if
 609      ! Here treat the tolrff criterion: if maximum change of fcart is less than
 610      ! input tolrff times fcart itself twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
 611      if (ttolrff==1) then
 612        if (istep==1) then
 613          tolrff_ok=0
 614          ! 27/7/2009: added test for absolute value of maxfor, otherwise if it is 0 this never exits the scf loop.
 615        else if (diffor < tolrff*maxfor .or. (maxfor < tol16 .and. diffor < tol16)) then
 616          tolrff_ok=tolrff_ok+1
 617            ! Thu Mar 12 19:01:40 MG: added additional check on res2 to make sure the SCF cycle is close to convergence.
 618            ! Needed for structural relaxations otherwise the stress tensor is wrong and the relax algo makes wrong moves.
 619          if (maxfor < tol16 .and. res2 > tol9) tolrff_ok=0
 620        else
 621          tolrff_ok=0
 622          use_dpfft = diffor < tolrff * maxfor * five
 623        end if
 624        if(tolrff_ok>=2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
 625          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 626            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) ch10, &
 627            ' At SCF step',istep,', forces are sufficiently converged : ',ch10,&
 628            '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,&
 629            ' is less than < tolrff=',tolrff, ' times max force'
 630            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 631            quit=1
 632          else if (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm < tolwfr) then
 633            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) ch10, &
 634            ' At SCF step',istep,', max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' AND forces are sufficiently converged : ',ch10,&
 635            '  for the second time, max diff in force=',diffor,&
 636            ' is less than < tolrff=',tolrff, ' times max force'
 637            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 638            quit=1
 639          end if
 640        end if
 641      end if
 643      ! Here treat the toldfe criterion: if the change of energy is less than
 644      ! input toldfe twice consecutively, stop steps (exit loop here)
 645      if (ttoldfe==1) then
 646        if (istep==1) then
 647          toldfe_ok=0
 648        else if (abs(deltae)<toldfe) then
 649          toldfe_ok=toldfe_ok+1
 650        else
 651          toldfe_ok=0
 652          use_dpfft = abs(deltae) < tol8
 653        end if
 654        ! Fock : tolwfr not taken into account
 655        if(usefock/=0.and.nnsclohf>=2) then
 656          if (toldfe_ok==2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
 657            write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) &
 658             ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - frozen Fock etot converged : ',ch10,&
 659             '  for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe
 660            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 661            quit=1
 662          end if
 663        ! No Fock : take into account tolwfr if ttolwfr/=0
 664        else if(toldfe_ok>=2 .and. (.not.noquit))then
 665          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 666            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 667             ' At SCF step',istep,', etot is converged : ',ch10,&
 668             '  for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe
 669            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 670            quit=1
 671          else if (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm < tolwfr) then
 672            write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 673             ' At SCF step',istep,', max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' AND etot is converged : ',ch10,&
 674             '  for the second time, diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe
 675            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 676            quit=1
 677          end if
 678        end if
 679        if(usefock==1 .and. nnsclohf>1)then
 680          if(istep_mix==1 .and. (.not.noquit))then
 681 !          The change due to the update of the Fock operator is sufficiently small. No need to meet it a second times.
 682            if (abs(deltae)<toldfe) then
 683              write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) &
 684              ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - etot converged : ',ch10,&
 685              '  update of Fock operator yields diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' < toldfe=',toldfe
 686              call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 687              fock%fock_common%fock_converged=.true.
 688              quit=1
 689            endif
 690          endif
 691 !TODO: separate messages: if HF is imposing a continuation of the loop, then abs(deltae) is actually not > toldfe
 692          if(istep_mix==nnsclohf .and. quit==0)then
 693            write(message, '(a,i3,a,i3,a,a,a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) &
 694            ' Outer loop step',istep_fock_outer,' - inner step',istep_mix,' - frozen Fock etot NOT converged : ',ch10,&
 695            '  diff in etot=',abs(deltae),' > toldfe=',toldfe
 696            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 697          endif
 698        endif
 700 !      Here treat the vdw_df_threshold criterion for non-SCF vdW-DF
 701 !      calculations: If input vdw_df_threshold is lesss than toldfe
 702 !      then the vdW-DF is triggered once selfconsistency criteria is
 703 !      reached for the first time.
 704 !      write(message,'(1x,a,e10.3,1x,a,e10.3,1x,l1,a)') &
 705 !      &      '[vdW-DF][DEBUG] deltae=',deltae,'vdw_df_threshold=',vdw_df_threshold, &
 706 !      &      (abs(deltae)<toldfe),ch10
 707 !      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
 708 #if defined DEV_YP_VDWXC
 709        ivdw = 0
 710        if ( toldfe > vdw_df_threshold ) then
 711          ivdw = ivdw + 1
 712        end if
 713        call xc_vdw_trigger((toldfe_ok==1 .and. toldfe>vdw_df_threshold))
 714        if ( ivdw == 2) then
 715          quit=1
 716        end if
 717 #endif
 718      end if
 720      ! Here treat the tolvrs criterion: if density/potential residual (squared)
 721      ! is less than input tolvrs, stop steps (exit loop here)
 722      if (ttolvrs==1 .and. .not. noquit) then
 723        if (ttolwfr==0) then
 724          if (res2 < tolvrs) then
 725            if (optres==0) then
 726              write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
 727               ' At SCF step',istep,'       vres2   =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
 728            else
 729              write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
 730               ' At SCF step',istep,'       nres2   =',res2,' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
 731            end if
 732            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 733            quit=1
 734          else
 735            use_dpfft = res2 < tol5
 736          end if
 737        else if (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm < tolwfr) then
 738          if (res2 < tolvrs) then
 739            if (optres==0) then
 740              write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
 741               ' At SCF step',istep,'  max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' AND vres2   =',res2,&
 742               & ' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
 743            else
 744              write(message, '(a,a,i5,a,1p,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,e10.2,a,e10.2,a)' ) ch10,&
 745               ' At SCF step',istep,'  max residual=',residm,' < tolwfr=',tolwfr,' AND nres2   =',res2,&
 746               & ' < tolvrs=',tolvrs,' =>converged.'
 747            end if
 748            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 749            quit=1
 750          else
 751            use_dpfft = res2 < tol5
 752          end if
 753        end if
 754      end if
 756      if (quit==1.and.noquit) then
 757        write(message, '(a,a,a)' ) ch10, &
 758         ' SCF cycle will continue as it is in an initialization stage',' (occ. matrix was kept constant)...'
 759        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 760      end if
 762    end if
 764    ! Activate FFT in double-precision.
 765    if (use_dpfft) then
 766      if (fftcore_mixprec == 1) call wrtout(std_out, " Approaching convergence. Activating FFT in double-precision")
 767      ii = fftcore_set_mixprec(0)
 768    end if
 770  case (3)
 771    ! If wavefunction convergence was not reached (for nstep>0) print a warning and return conv_retcode
 772    conv_retcode = 0
 773    if(nstep>0) then
 774      if (.not. converged()) then
 775        conv_retcode = 1
 777        if(iscf>=1 .or. iscf==-3 .or. iscf == 0)then
 778          write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,&
 779          ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
 780          '  nstep=',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge;'
 782          write(std_out,'(6a,i0,3a)')ch10,&
 783          "--- !ScfConvergenceWarning",ch10,&
 784          "message: |",ch10,&
 785          '    nstep ',nstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge.',ch10,&
 786          "..."
 787            !ABI_WARNING_CLASS(message, "ScfConvergenceWarning")
 788        else
 789          write(message, '(a,a,a,a,i5,a)' ) ch10,&
 790          ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
 791          '  nstep=',nstep,' was not enough non-SCF iterations to converge;'
 793          write(std_out,'(8a)')ch10,&
 794          "--- !NscfConvergenceWarning",ch10,&
 795          "message: |",ch10,TRIM(indent(message)),ch10,&
 796          "..."
 797            !ABI_WARNING_CLASS(message, "NScfConvergenceWarning")
 798        end if
 799        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 801        if (ttolwfr==1 .and. residm > tolwfr) then
 802          if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
 803            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 804            '  maximum residual=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10
 806            write(message2, '(a,es11.3,2a)' ) &
 807            '  maximum residual each band. tolwfr= ',tolwfr,ch10,&
 808            '  iband, isppol, individual band residuals (max over all k-points):'
 809            call wrtout(std_out, message2,'COLL')
 810            do isppol = 1, dtset%nsppol
 811              do iband = 1, dtset%mband
 812                write(message3, '(2i6, es11.3)') iband, isppol, residm_band(iband,isppol)
 813                call wrtout(std_out,message3,'COLL')
 814              end do
 815            end do
 817          else
 818            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 819            '  maximum grdnorm=',residm,' exceeds tolwfr=',tolwfr,ch10
 820          end if
 822        else if (ttoldff==1) then
 823          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 824          '  maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds toldff=',toldff,ch10
 826        else if (ttolrff==1) then
 827          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 828          '  maximum force difference=',diffor,' exceeds tolrff*maxfor=',tolrff*maxfor,ch10
 830        else if (ttoldfe==1) then
 831          write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 832          '  maximum energy difference=',abs(deltae),' exceeds toldfe=',toldfe,ch10
 834        else if(ttolvrs==1)then
 835          if (optres==0) then
 836            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 837            '  potential residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10
 838          else
 839            write(message, '(a,es11.3,a,es11.3,a)' ) &
 840            '  density residual=',res2,' exceeds tolvrs=',tolvrs,ch10
 841          end if
 842        end if
 843        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 845        if (prtxml == 1) then
 846          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <status cvState="Failed"'
 847        end if
 849      else
 850        ! Convergence is OK
 851        if (prtxml == 1) then
 852          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)", advance = "NO") '      <status cvState="Ok"'
 853        end if
 854      end if ! test for convergence reached or not
 856      if (prtxml == 1) then
 857        if (ttoldfe == 1) then
 858          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 859            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldfe" />'
 860          else
 861            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldfe+tolwfr" />'
 862          end if
 863        else if (ttoldff == 1) then
 864          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 865            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldff" />'
 866          else
 867            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="toldff+tolwfr" />'
 868          end if
 869        else if (ttolrff == 1) then
 870          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 871              write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolrff" />'
 872          else
 873              write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolrff+tolwfr" />'
 874          end if
 875        else if (ttolvrs == 1) then
 876          if (ttolwfr==0) then
 877            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolvrs" />'
 878          else
 879            write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolvrs+tolwfr" />'
 880          end if
 881        else if (ttolwfr == 1) then
 882          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' stop-criterion="tolwfr" />'
 883        else
 884          write(ab_xml_out, "(A)") ' />'
 885        end if
 886      end if
 888      ! If enabled, output a YAML document with the ETOT iterations
 889      !if (etot_yaml_doc%stream%length > 0) call etot_yaml_doc%write_and_free(ab_out)
 890    end if ! nstep == 0 : no output
 892  case default
 893    write(message, '(a,i0,a)' )' choice = ',choice,' is not an allowed value.'
 894    ABI_BUG(message)
 895  end select
 897  ! Additional stuff for the Fock+SCF cycle
 898  if (present(fock)) then
 899    if (associated(fock)) then
 900      fock%fock_common%scf_converged=(quit==1)
 901      ! At present, the decision that the Fock loop is converged is not taken here
 902      if (.not.fock%fock_common%fock_converged)quit=0
 903    end if
 904  end if
 906  ! Additional stuff for the two-component DFT SCF cycle (electrons+positron)
 907  if (present(electronpositron)) then
 908    if (associated(electronpositron)) then
 909      electronpositron%scf_converged=(quit==1)
 910      if (dtset%positron<0) then
 911        diff_e=abs(etotal-electronpositron%etotal_prev)
 912        diff_f=abs(maxfor-electronpositron%maxfor_prev)
 913      end if
 914      if (choice==1) then
 915        ttoldff=0;ttoldfe=0
 916        if(abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldff=1
 917        if(abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp))ttoldfe=1
 918        if (dtset%positron<0.and.ttoldff+ttoldfe/=1.and.iscf>0) then
 919          ABI_ERROR('one and only one of toldff or toldfe must differ from zero !')
 920        end if
 921      end if
 922      if (choice==2) then
 923        if (dtset%positron<0.and.istep<=nstep) then
 924          if (electronpositron%scf_converged) then
 925            if (electronpositron%istep/=electronpositron%nstep) then
 926              if ((.not.noquit).and.&
 927 &             (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe.or.diff_f<electronpositron%postoldff).and.&
 928 &             (mod(electronpositron%calctype,2)==0.or.(dtset%positron>-20.and.dtset%positron/=-2))) then
 929                if (diff_e<electronpositron%postoldfe) then
 930                  write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 931 &                 ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,&
 932 &                 ' etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation',ch10,&
 933 &                 ' is converged :  diff(etot_el-etot_pos)=',diff_e,' < postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe
 934                else
 935                  write(message, '(2a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10, &
 936 &                 ' At SCF step',istep,', the difference between',ch10,&
 937 &                 ' max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation',ch10,&
 938 &                 ' is converged :  diff(maxfor_el-maxfor_pos)=',diff_f,' < postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff
 939                end if
 940                call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 941              else
 942                quit=0
 943              end if
 944            end if
 945          end if
 946        end if
 947      end if
 948      if (choice==3) then
 949        if (dtset%positron<0.and.nstep>0)then
 950          if (diff_e>=electronpositron%postoldfe.and.abs(dtset%postoldfe)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
 951            write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,&
 952 &           ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
 953 &           '  posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,&
 954 &           '  etotal from electronic calculation and etotal from positronic calculation;',ch10,&
 955 &           '  diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldfe=',electronpositron%postoldfe
 956            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 957          end if
 958          if (diff_f>=electronpositron%postoldff.and.abs(dtset%postoldff)>tiny(0.0_dp)) then
 959            write(message, '(4a,i5,5a,es11.3,a,es11.3)' ) ch10,&
 960 &           ' scprqt:  WARNING -',ch10,&
 961 &           '  posnstep=',dtset%posnstep,' was not enough SCF cycles to converge difference between',ch10,&
 962 &           '  max. force from electronic calculation and max. force from positronic calculation;',ch10,&
 963 &           '  diff=',diff_e,' exceeds postoldff=',electronpositron%postoldff
 964            call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
 965          end if
 966        end if
 967      end if
 968    end if
 969  end if
 971  call flush_unit(ab_out)
 973  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
 975  contains
 977    logical function converged()
 979    ! LB-02/01/2017:
 980    ! This code avoids evaluation of undefined variables (which could happen in respfn, apparently)
 981    logical :: loc_conv
 982    loc_conv = .true.
 983    if (ttolwfr==1) then
 984      if (residm > tolwfr) loc_conv=.false.
 985    end if
 986    if (ttoldff==1) then
 987      if (diffor > toldff) loc_conv=.false.
 988    end if
 989    if (ttolrff==1) then
 990      if (diffor > tolrff*maxfor .and. maxfor > tol16) loc_conv=.false.
 991    end if
 992    if (ttoldfe==1) then
 993      if (abs(deltae) > toldfe) loc_conv=.false.
 994    end if
 995    if (ttolvrs==1) then
 996      if (res2  > tolvrs) loc_conv=.false.
 997    end if
 998    converged = loc_conv
1000  end function converged
1002 end subroutine scprqt

ABINIT/setup1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Call near top of main routine to handle setup of various arrays,
 filenames, checking of input data, etc.


  acell(3)=length scales (bohr)
  ecut_eff=effective energy cutoff (hartree) for planewave basis sphere
  ecutc_eff=- PAW only - effective energy cutoff (hartree) for the coarse grid
  natom=number of atoms
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngfftc(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for the coarse grid
  nkpt=number of k points
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms
  response=0 if called by gstate, =1 if called by respfn
  rprim(3,3)=dimensionless real space primitive translations
  usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation


  bantot=total number of bands at all k points
  gmet(3,3)=metric for reciprocal space inner products (bohr^-2)
  gprimd(3,3)=dimens. primitive translations for reciprocal space (bohr**-1)
  gsqcut_eff=Fourier cutoff on G^2 for "large sphere" of radius double
  gsqcutc_eff=(PAW) Fourier cutoff on G^2 for "large sphere" of radius double for the coarse FFT grid
   that of the basis sphere--appropriate for charge density rho(G),
   Hartree potential, and pseudopotentials, corresponding to ecut_eff
  rmet(3,3)=real space metric (bohr**2)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3)




1044 subroutine setup1(acell,bantot,dtset,ecut_eff,ecutc_eff,gmet,&
1045 &  gprimd,gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,ngfft,ngfftc,nkpt,nsppol,&
1046 &  response,rmet,rprim,rprimd,ucvol,usepaw)
1048 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1049 !scalars
1050  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1051  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nsppol
1052  integer,intent(in) :: response,usepaw
1053  integer,intent(out) :: bantot
1054  real(dp),intent(in) :: ecut_eff,ecutc_eff
1055  real(dp),intent(out) :: gsqcut_eff,gsqcutc_eff,ucvol
1056 !arrays
1057  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),ngfftc(18)
1058  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),rprim(3,3)
1059  real(dp),intent(out) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3)
1060  real(dp),intent(out) :: rprimd(3,3)
1062 !Local variables-------------------------------
1063 !scalars
1064  integer :: ikpt,isppol
1065  real(dp) :: boxcut,boxcutc
1066  character(len=500) :: message
1067 !arrays
1068  real(dp) :: k0(3)
1070 ! ************************************************************************
1072 !Compute bantot
1073  bantot=0
1074  do isppol=1,nsppol
1075    do ikpt=1,nkpt
1076      bantot=bantot+dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1077    end do
1078  end do
1080  if(dtset%nqpt>1.or.dtset%nqpt<0) then
1081    write(message,'(a,i0,5a)')&
1082    'nqpt =',dtset%nqpt,' is not allowed',ch10,&
1083    '(only 0 or 1 are allowed).',ch10,&
1084    'Action: correct your input file.'
1085    ABI_ERROR(message)
1086  end if
1088  ! Compute dimensional primitive translations rprimd
1089  call mkrdim(acell,rprim,rprimd)
1091  ! Obtain dimensional translations in reciprocal space gprimd,
1092  ! metrics and unit cell volume, from rprimd.
1093  ! Also output rprimd, gprimd and ucvol
1094  call metric(gmet,gprimd,ab_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
1096  ! Get boxcut for given acell, gmet, ngfft, and ecut_eff
1097  ! (center at 000 for groundstate, center at q for respfn):
1098  ! boxcut=ratio of basis sphere diameter to fft box side
1099  k0(:)=0.0_dp
1100  if(response==1 .and. dtset%nqpt==1)then
1101    k0(:)=dtset%qptn(:)
1102    write(message, '(a)' )' setup1 : take into account q-point for computing boxcut.'
1103    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
1104  end if
1105  if (usepaw==1) then
1106    write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Coarse grid specifications (used for wave-functions):'
1107    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
1108    call getcut(boxcutc,ecutc_eff,gmet,gsqcutc_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfftc)
1109    write(message,'(2a)') ch10,' Fine grid specifications (used for densities):'
1110    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], message)
1111    call getcut(boxcut,ecut_eff,gmet,gsqcut_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfft)
1112  else
1113    call getcut(boxcut,ecut_eff,gmet,gsqcut_eff,dtset%iboxcut,ab_out,k0,ngfft)
1114    gsqcutc_eff=gsqcut_eff
1115  end if
1117  ! Check that boxcut>=2 if dtset%intxc=1; otherwise dtset%intxc must be set=0
1118  if (boxcut<2.0_dp.and.dtset%intxc==1) then
1119    write(message, '(a,es12.4,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
1120    'boxcut= ',boxcut,' is < 2.0  => intxc must be 0;',ch10,&
1121    'Need larger ngfft to use intxc=1.',ch10,&
1122    'Action: you could increase ngfft, or decrease ecut, or put intxcn=0.'
1123    ABI_ERROR(message)
1124  end if
1126 end subroutine setup1