ABINIT/m_epjdos [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Tools for the computiation of electronic PJDOSes


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MVer, XG, SM, MT, BAmadon, MG, MB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_epjdos
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_xmpi
27  use m_errors
28  use m_htetra
29  use m_splines
30  use m_cgtools
31  use m_atomdata
32  use m_crystal
33  use m_ebands
34  use m_nctk
35 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
36  use netcdf
37 #endif
38  use m_hdr
39  use m_mpinfo
40  use m_sort
41  use m_dtset
43  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
44  use defs_datatypes,   only : ebands_t, pseudopotential_type
45  use m_occ,            only : dos_hdr_write
46  use m_time,           only : cwtime, timab
47  use m_io_tools,       only : open_file
48  use m_numeric_tools,  only : simpson, simpson_int
49  use m_fstrings,       only : int2char4, strcat
50  use m_special_funcs,  only : jlspline_t, jlspline_new, jlspline_free, jlspline_integral
51  use m_kpts,           only : tetra_from_kptrlatt
52  use m_kg,             only : ph1d3d, getph
53  use m_gsphere,        only : getkpgnorm
54  use m_fftcore,        only : sphereboundary
55  use m_fft,            only : fftpac, fourwf, fourdp
56  use m_pawrad,         only : pawrad_type, simp_gen
57  use m_pawtab,         only : pawtab_type
58  use m_pawcprj,        only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_get, pawcprj_free
59  use m_initylmg,       only : initylmg
61  implicit none
63  private

m_epjdos/dens_in_sph [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




  Calculate integrated density in sphere around each atom


  cg      = wavefunction coefficitents in recip space
  gmet    = metric in recip space
  istwfk  = storage mode for cg coefficients
  kg_k    = G vector indices
  natom   = number of atoms
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  npw_k   = number of plane waves for this kpoint
  ph1d    = phase factors for different atoms for all G vectors
  rmax(natom) = max radius to integrate to (in bohr)


  cmax = integrated density for each atom for a rmax-radius sphere

  cg should not be modified by fourwf.


1238 subroutine dens_in_sph(cmax,cg,gmet,istwfk,kg_k,natom,ngfft,mpi_enreg,npw_k,&
1239 &                       ph1d,rmax,ucvol)
1241 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1242 !scalars
1243  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk,natom,npw_k
1244  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
1245  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1246 !arrays
1247  integer,intent(in) :: kg_k(3,npw_k),ngfft(18)
1248  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3)
1249  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1d(2,(2*ngfft(1)+1+2*ngfft(2)+1+2*ngfft(3)+1)*natom)
1250  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmax(natom)
1251  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,npw_k)
1252  real(dp),intent(out) :: cmax(natom)
1254 !Local variables -------------------------
1255 !scalars
1256  integer,parameter :: tim_fourwf=0
1257  integer :: cplex,i1,i2,i3,iatom,id1,id2,id3,ifft,mgfft,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,nfft,nfftot
1258  real(dp) :: cmaxr,g1,g2,g3,norm,weight
1259 !arrays
1260  integer :: ngfft_here(18)
1261  integer,allocatable :: garr(:,:),gbound(:,:)
1262  real(dp),allocatable :: denpot(:,:,:),fofgout(:,:),fofr(:,:,:,:),gnorm(:)
1263  real(dp),allocatable :: ph3d(:,:,:),phkxred(:,:),rhog(:,:),rhor(:)
1264  real(dp),allocatable :: sphrhog(:,:)
1266 ! *********************************************************************
1268  n1=ngfft(1)
1269  n2=ngfft(2)
1270  n3=ngfft(3)
1271  n4=ngfft(4)
1272  n5=ngfft(5)
1273  n6=ngfft(6)
1274  nfftot = n1*n2*n3
1275  nfft=n1*n2*n3
1276  ngfft_here(:) = ngfft(:)
1277 !fourwf doesnt work with other options for mode 0 (fft G -> r)
1278  ngfft_here(7)=111
1279  ngfft_here(8)=256
1280  mgfft=maxval(ngfft_here(1:3))
1282  call sqnorm_g(norm,istwfk,npw_k,cg,mpi_enreg%me_g0,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1284  if (abs(one-norm) > tol6) then
1285    write(std_out,'(a,f8.5)' ) ' dens_in_sph : this state is not normalized : norm=',norm
1286  end if
1288 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1289 !inverse FFT of wavefunction to real space => density in real space
1290 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1291  ABI_MALLOC(gbound,(2*mgfft+8,2))
1292  call sphereboundary(gbound,istwfk,kg_k,mgfft,npw_k)
1294  weight = one
1295  cplex=1
1296  ABI_MALLOC(denpot,(cplex*n4,n5,n6))
1297  denpot(:,:,:)=zero
1298  ABI_MALLOC(fofgout,(2,npw_k))
1299  ABI_MALLOC(fofr,(2,n4,n5,n6))
1300  call fourwf(cplex,denpot,cg,fofgout,fofr,gbound,gbound, &
1301 & istwfk,kg_k,kg_k,mgfft,mpi_enreg,1,ngfft_here,npw_k,&
1302 & npw_k,n4,n5,n6,1,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1303  ABI_FREE(fofgout)
1304  ABI_FREE(fofr)
1305  ABI_FREE(gbound)
1307  norm = sum(denpot(:,:,:))/nfftot
1308  if (abs(one-norm) > tol6) then
1309    write(std_out,'(a,f8.5)') ' dens_in_sph : this state is not normalized in real space : norm=',norm
1310  end if
1312 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1313 !FFT of new density: we obtain n(G) in rhog(1,:)
1314 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1316 !Change the packing of the reciprocal space density
1317  ABI_MALLOC(rhor,(nfft))
1318  call fftpac(1,mpi_enreg,1,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,ngfft,rhor,denpot,1)
1320  ABI_MALLOC(rhog,(2,nfft))
1321  call fourdp(1,rhog,rhor,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
1323  ABI_FREE(rhor)
1324  ABI_FREE(denpot)
1326  do ifft=1,nfft
1327    rhog(:,ifft) = rhog(:,ifft) / ucvol
1328  end do
1330 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1331 !calculate norms of G vectors
1332 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1334  ABI_MALLOC(garr,(3,nfft))
1335  ABI_MALLOC(gnorm,(nfft))
1336  id3=ngfft(3)/2+2 ; id2=ngfft(2)/2+2 ; id1=ngfft(1)/2+2
1337  do i3=1,n3
1338    g3=i3-(i3/(id3))*ngfft(3)-one
1339    do i2=1,n2
1340      g2=i2-(i2/(id2))*ngfft(2)-one
1341      do i1=1,n1
1342        g1=i1-(i1/(id1))*ngfft(1)-one
1343        ifft=i1+(i2-1)*n1+(i3-1)*n1*n2
1344        garr(1,ifft)=nint(g1)
1345        garr(2,ifft)=nint(g2)
1346        garr(3,ifft)=nint(g3)
1347        gnorm(ifft)=sqrt(gmet(1,1)*g1*g1 + &
1348 &       two*gmet(2,1)*g2*g1 + &
1349 &       two*gmet(3,1)*g3*g1 + &
1350 &       gmet(2,2)*g2*g2 + &
1351 &       gmet(3,2)*g3*g2 + &
1352 &       gmet(3,3)*g3*g3)
1353      end do
1354    end do
1355  end do
1357 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1358 !For each atom call sphericaldens to calculate
1359 !n(G) * 1/|G|^3  *  int_0^2*\pi*r_{max}*|G| 4 \pi y^2 j_0 (y) dy
1360 !for all G vectors put into array sphrhog
1361 !scalar product of phase factors with spherically convoluted density
1362 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1364 !largest mem occupation = nfft * (2(sphrog) +2*1(ph3d) +3(garr) +2(rhog) +1(gnorm)) = nfft * 10
1365  ABI_MALLOC(sphrhog,(2,nfft))
1366  ABI_MALLOC(phkxred,(2,natom))
1367  phkxred(1,:)=one
1368  phkxred(2,:)=zero
1369  ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,nfft,1))
1371  do iatom=1,natom
1373    call sphericaldens(rhog,gnorm,nfft,rmax(iatom),sphrhog)
1374 !  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1375 !  Compute the phases for the whole set of fft vectors
1376 !  -----------------------------------------------------------------
1378    call ph1d3d(iatom,iatom,garr,natom,natom,nfft,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),phkxred,ph1d,ph3d)
1380 !  For the phase factors, take the compex conjugate, before evaluating the scalar product
1381    do ifft=1,nfft
1382      ph3d(2,ifft,1)=-ph3d(2,ifft,1)
1383    end do
1384    cplex=2
1385    call dotprod_v(cplex,cmaxr,nfft,1,0,ph3d,sphrhog,mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1386    cmax(iatom) = cmaxr
1387 !  write(std_out,'(a,i4,a,es14.6,a,es12.6)' )' dens_in_sph : At ', iatom, ' has ',cmaxr, ' el.s in a sphere of rad ', rmax
1388  end do
1390  ABI_FREE(rhog)
1391  ABI_FREE(gnorm)
1392  ABI_FREE(garr)
1393  ABI_FREE(sphrhog)
1394  ABI_FREE(ph3d)
1395  ABI_FREE(phkxred)
1397 end subroutine dens_in_sph

m_epjdos/dos_calcnwrite [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




 calculate DOS and write results to file(s)


  dos_fractions= projections of wavefunctions on each angular momentum Ylm
     which is the weight going into the DOS for an l-decomposed dos
  dos_fractions_m= same as dos_fractions, but m-decomposed not just l-
  dos_fractions_paw1= contribution to dos fractions from the PAW partial waves (phi)
  dos_fractions_pawt1= contribution to dos fractions from the PAW pseudo partial waves (phi_tild)
  dtset     structured datatype, in particular one uses :
   kptrlatt(3,3)=lattice vectors for full kpoint grid
   nshiftk      =number of kpoint grid shifts
   pawprtdos    =option to output the individual contributions to the partial DOS (0, 1 or 2)
   shiftk(3,nshiftk)=kpoint shifts
   usepaw       =option for PAW
  crystal<crystal_t>=Object defining the unit cell and its symmetries.
  ebands<ebands_t>=Band structure data.
  fermie=Fermi energy
  fildata=name of the DOS output file
  mbesslang=maximum angular momentum for Bessel function expansion
  prtdosm=option for the m-contributions to the partial DOS
  ndosfraction= number of types of DOS we are calculating, e.g. the number
    of l channels. Could be much more general, for other types of partial DOS
  paw_dos_flag= option for partial dos in PAW
  comm=MPI communicator.


  (no explicit output)


334 subroutine dos_calcnwrite(dos,dtset,crystal,ebands,fildata,comm)
336 !Arguments ------------------------------------
337 !scalars
338  integer,intent(in) :: comm
339  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fildata
340  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
341  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
342  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
343  type(epjdos_t),intent(in) :: dos
345 !Local variables-------------------------------
346 !scalars
347  integer,parameter :: bcorr0=0,master=0
348  integer :: iat,iband,iene,ikpt,isppol,natsph,natsph_extra,nkpt,nsppol,i1,i2
349  integer :: nene,prtdos,unitdos,ierr,prtdosm,paw_dos_flag,mbesslang,ndosfraction
350  integer :: my_rank,nprocs,cnt,ifrac,ii
351  real(dp),parameter :: dos_max=9999.9999_dp
352  real(dp) :: buffer,deltaene,enemax,enemin,integral_DOS,max_occ
353  real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
354  logical :: bigDOS,iam_master
355  character(len=10) :: tag
356  character(len=500) :: frmt,frmt_extra,msg
357  type(htetra_t) :: tetra
358 !arrays
359  integer,allocatable :: unt_atsph(:)
360  real(dp) :: list_dp(3)
361  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_eigen(:),total_dos(:,:,:),eig_dos(:,:)
362  real(dp),allocatable :: dos_m(:,:,:),dos_paw1(:,:,:),dos_pawt1(:,:,:)
363  real(dp),allocatable :: wdt(:,:)
365 ! *********************************************************************
367 !DEBUG
368 !write(std_out,*)' m_epjdos%dos_calcncwrite, enter '
371  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm); iam_master = (my_rank == master)
373  prtdosm = dos%prtdosm; paw_dos_flag = dos%paw_dos_flag
374  mbesslang = dos%mbesslang; ndosfraction = dos%ndosfraction
376  nkpt = dtset%nkpt; nsppol = dtset%nsppol
378 !m-decomposed DOS not compatible with PAW-decomposed DOS
379  if (prtdosm>=1.and.paw_dos_flag==1) then
380    msg = 'm-decomposed DOS (prtdosm>=1) not compatible with PAW-decomposed DOS (pawprtdos=1) !'
381    ABI_ERROR(msg)
382  end if
384 !Refuse nband different for different kpoints
385 !Note: This means we can pass ebands%eig(:,:,:) instead of eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol) in packed form
386  do isppol=1,nsppol
387    do ikpt=1,nkpt
388      if ( dtset%nband(nkpt*(isppol-1) + ikpt) /= dtset%nband(1) ) then
389        write(std_out,*) 'tetrahedron: skip subroutine.'
390        write(std_out,*) 'nband must be the same for all kpoints'
391        write(std_out,*) 'nband=', dtset%nband
392        ABI_WARNING('tetrahedron: skip subroutine. See message above')
393        return
394      end if
395    end do
396  end do
398  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
400  tetra = tetra_from_kptrlatt(crystal, dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, &
401    dtset%shiftk, dtset%nkpt, dtset%kpt, comm, msg, ierr)
402  if (ierr /= 0) then
403    call tetra%free()
404    ABI_WARNING(msg)
405    return
406  end if
408  natsph=dtset%natsph; natsph_extra=dtset%natsph_extra
410  ! Master opens the DOS files.
411  if (iam_master) then
412    if (any(dtset%prtdos == [2, 5])) then
413      if (open_file(fildata, msg, newunit=unitdos, status='unknown', form='formatted', action="write") /= 0) then
414        ABI_ERROR(msg)
415      end if
417    else if (dtset%prtdos == 3) then
418      ! unt_atsph(0) is used for the total DOS.
419      ABI_MALLOC(unt_atsph,(0:natsph+natsph_extra))
421      ! Open file for total DOS as well.
422      if (open_file(strcat(fildata, '_TOTAL'), msg, newunit=unt_atsph(0), &
423                    status='unknown', form='formatted', action="write") /= 0) then
424        ABI_ERROR(msg)
425      end if
427      do iat=1,natsph
428        call int2char4(dtset%iatsph(iat),tag)
429        ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
430        if (open_file(strcat(fildata, '_AT', tag), msg, newunit=unt_atsph(iat), &
431                      status='unknown', form='formatted', action="write") /= 0) then
432          ABI_ERROR(msg)
433        end if
434      end do
435      ! do extra spheres in vacuum too. Use _ATEXTRA[NUM] suffix
436      do iat=1,natsph_extra
437        call int2char4(iat,tag)
438        ABI_CHECK((tag(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
439        if (open_file(strcat(fildata, '_ATEXTRA', tag), msg, newunit=unt_atsph(natsph+iat), &
440                      status='unknown', form='formatted', action="write") /= 0) then
441          ABI_ERROR(msg)
442        end if
443      end do
444    end if
445  end if
447  ! Write the header of the DOS file, and determine the energy range and spacing
448  prtdos=dtset%prtdos
449  buffer=0.01_dp ! Size of the buffer around the min and max ranges
451  ! A Similar section is present is getnel. Should move all DOS stuff to m_ebands
452  ! Choose the lower and upper energies
453  enemax = maxval(ebands%eig) + buffer
454  enemin = minval(ebands%eig) - buffer
456  ! Extend the range to a nicer value
457  enemax=0.1_dp*ceiling(enemax*10._dp)
458  enemin=0.1_dp*floor(enemin*10._dp)
460  ! Choose the energy increment
461  if(abs(dtset%dosdeltae)<tol10)then
462    deltaene=0.001_dp
463    if(dtset%prtdos>=2)deltaene=0.0005_dp ! Higher resolution possible (and wanted) for tetrahedron
464  else
465    deltaene=dtset%dosdeltae
466  end if
467  nene=nint((enemax-enemin)/deltaene)+1
469  call xmpi_bcast(nene, master, comm, ierr)
470  if (iam_master) list_dp(1:3) = [deltaene, enemin, enemax]
471  call xmpi_bcast(list_dp, master, comm, ierr)
472  deltaene = list_dp(1); enemin = list_dp(2); enemax = list_dp(3)
474  if (iam_master) then
475    if (any(dtset%prtdos == [2, 5])) then
476      call dos_hdr_write(deltaene,ebands%eig,enemax,enemin,ebands%fermie,ebands%fermih,&
477      dtset%mband,dtset%nband,nene,nkpt,nsppol,dtset%occopt,prtdos,&
478      dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,unitdos)
479    else if (dtset%prtdos == 3) then
480      do iat=0,natsph+natsph_extra
481        call dos_hdr_write(deltaene,ebands%eig,enemax,enemin,ebands%fermie,ebands%fermih,&
482        dtset%mband,dtset%nband,nene,nkpt,nsppol,dtset%occopt,prtdos,&
483        dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,unt_atsph(iat))
484      end do
485    end if
486  end if
488  ! Tetra weights
489  ABI_MALLOC(wdt, (nene, 2))
491  ! Allocate arrays to store DOSes and fill with zeros.
492  ! 1--> DOS , 2--> IDOS
493  ABI_MALLOC(total_dos,(nene,ndosfraction,2))
494  ABI_MALLOC(eig_dos, (nene, 2))
496  if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
497    ABI_MALLOC(dos_paw1,(nene,ndosfraction,2))
498    ABI_MALLOC(dos_pawt1,(nene,ndosfraction,2))
499  end if
500  if (prtdosm>=1) then
501    ABI_MALLOC(dos_m, (nene,ndosfraction*mbesslang,2))
502  end if
504 !Get maximum occupation value (2 or 1)
505  max_occ = one; if (dtset%nspinor == 1 .and. nsppol == 1) max_occ = two
507 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
508 !For each spin polarisation and band, interpolate band over kpoints
509 !calculate integration weights and DOS contib from
510 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
512  ! Workspace arrays.
513  ABI_MALLOC(tmp_eigen,(nkpt))
515  cnt = 0
516  do isppol=1,nsppol
518    total_dos = zero; eig_dos = zero
519    if (prtdosm>=1) dos_m = zero
520    if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
521      dos_paw1 = zero; dos_pawt1 = zero
522    end if
524    do ikpt=1,nkpt
525       do iband=1,ebands%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*ebands%nkpt)
526         cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nprocs) /= my_rank) cycle ! Mpi parallelism.
528         ! Accumulate total DOS from eigenvalues (this is the **exact** total DOS)
529         tmp_eigen(:) = ebands%eig(iband, :, isppol)
530         call tetra%get_onewk(ikpt,bcorr0,nene,nkpt,tmp_eigen,enemin,enemax,max_occ,wdt)
531         wdt = wdt*ebands%wtk(ikpt)
532         eig_dos = eig_dos + wdt
534         ! Accumulate L-DOS.
535         do ii=1,2
536           do ifrac=1,ndosfraction
537             total_dos(:,ifrac,ii) = total_dos(:,ifrac,ii) + wdt(:,ii) * dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,ifrac)
538           end do
539         end do
541         if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
542           ! Accumulate L-DOS (on-site terms).
543           do ii=1,2
544             do ifrac=1,ndosfraction
545               dos_paw1(:,ifrac,ii) = dos_paw1(:,ifrac,ii) + wdt(:,ii) * dos%fractions_paw1(ikpt,iband,isppol,ifrac)
546               dos_pawt1(:,ifrac,ii) = dos_pawt1(:,ifrac,ii) + wdt(:,ii) * dos%fractions_pawt1(ikpt,iband,isppol,ifrac)
547             end do
548           end do
549         end if
551         if (prtdosm>=1) then
552          ! Accumulate LM-DOS.
553          do ii=1,2
554            do ifrac=1,ndosfraction*mbesslang
555              dos_m(:,ifrac,ii) = dos_m(:,ifrac,ii) + wdt(:,ii) * dos%fractions_m(ikpt, iband, isppol, ifrac)
556            end do
557          end do
558         end if
560       end do ! ikpt
561    end do ! iband
563    ! Collect results on master
564    call xmpi_sum_master(eig_dos, master, comm, ierr)
565    call xmpi_sum_master(total_dos, master, comm, ierr)
566    bigDOS=(maxval(total_dos(:,:,1))>999._dp)
568    if (paw_dos_flag == 1) then
569      call xmpi_sum_master(dos_paw1, master, comm, ierr)
570      call xmpi_sum_master(dos_pawt1, master, comm, ierr)
571    end if
572    if (prtdosm >= 1) call xmpi_sum_master(dos_m, master, comm, ierr)
574    ! Write the DOS value in the DOS file
575    ! Print the data for this energy. Note the upper limit (dos_max), to be consistent with the format.
576    ! The use of "E" format is not adequate, for portability of the self-testing procedure.
577    ! header lines depend on the type of DOS (projected etc...) which is output
579    if (.not. iam_master) goto 10
580    call write_extra_headers()
582    if (prtdos==2) then
583      ! E, DOS, IDOS
584      do iene=1,nene
585        write(unitdos, '(f11.5,1x,2(f10.4,1x))') &
586         enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, min(total_dos(iene,:,1), dos_max), total_dos(iene,:,2)
587      end do
589    else if (prtdos==3) then
591      ! Write E, DOS, IDOS
592      do iene=1,nene
593        write(unt_atsph(0), '(f11.5,1x,2(f10.4,1x))') &
594         enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, min(eig_dos(iene,1), dos_max), eig_dos(iene,2)
595      end do
597      ! E, DOS(L=1,LMAX), IDOS(L=1,LMAX)
598      ! Here we assume mpsang = 5 in the format.
599      if (paw_dos_flag/=1.or.dtset%pawprtdos==2) then
600        frmt = '(f11.5,1x,5(f9.4,1x),10x,5(f8.2,1x),10x,25(f8.2,1x))'
601        if (bigDOS) frmt = '(f11.5,1x,5(f10.4,1x),10x,5(f8.2,1x),10x,25(f8.2,1x))'
602        ! for extra atoms in vacuum need more precision
603        frmt_extra = '(f11.5,1x,5(f20.16,1x),10x,5(f20.16,1x),10x,25(f20.16,1x))'
605        do iat=1,natsph
606          i1 = (iat-1)*mbesslang+1; i2 = iat*mbesslang
607          if (prtdosm==0) then
608            do iene=1,nene
609              write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
610                min(total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 1), dos_max), total_dos(iene, i1:i2,2)
611            end do
612          else
613            do iene=1,nene
614              write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
615                min(total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 1), dos_max),&
616                total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 2),&
617                min(dos_m(iene,(iat-1)*mbesslang**2+1:iat*mbesslang**2,1), dos_max)
618            end do
619          end if
620        end do
622        ! Extra spheres.
623        do iat=natsph+1,natsph+natsph_extra
624          i1 = (iat-1)*mbesslang+1; i2 = iat*mbesslang
625          if (prtdosm==0) then
626            do iene=1,nene
627              write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt_extra) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
628               total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 1), &
629               total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 2)
630            end do
631          else
632            do iene=1,nene
633              write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt_extra) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
634               total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 1),&
635               total_dos(iene, i1:i2, 2),&
636               dos_m(iene,(iat-1)*mbesslang**2+1:iat*mbesslang**2, 1)
637            end do
638          end if
639        end do
641      else
642        frmt = '(f11.5,1x,5(f9.4,1x),3(6x,5f9.4))'
643        if (bigDOS) frmt = '(f11.5,1x,5(f10.4,1x),3(6x,5f10.4))'
644        ! for extra atom spheres in vacuum need more precision
645        frmt_extra = '(f11.5,1x,5(f20.16,1x),3(6x,5f20.16))'
647        do iat=1,natsph
648          i1 = iat*5-4; i2 = iat*5
649          do iene=1,nene
650            write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
651             min(total_dos(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
652             min(total_dos(iene,i1:i2,1) - dos_paw1(iene,i1:i2,1) + dos_pawt1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
653             min(dos_paw1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
654             min(dos_pawt1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max)
655          end do
656        end do
658        ! Extra spheres.
659        do iat=natsph+1,natsph+natsph_extra
660          i1 = iat*5-4; i2 = iat*5
661          do iene=1,nene
662            write(unt_atsph(iat), fmt=frmt_extra) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, &
663              min(total_dos(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
664              min(total_dos(iene,i1:i2,1) - dos_paw1(iene,i1:i2,1) + dos_pawt1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
665              min(dos_paw1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max),&
666              min(dos_pawt1(iene,i1:i2,1), dos_max)
667          end do
668        end do
669      end if
671    else if (prtdos==5)then
672      ! E, SPIN-DOS
673      frmt = '(f11.5,1x,7(f9.4,1x),10x,7(f8.2,1x))'
674      if (bigDOS) frmt = '(f11.5,1x,7(f10.4,1x),10x,7(f8.2,1x))'
675      do iene=1,nene
676        write(unitdos, fmt=frmt) enemin + (iene-1)*deltaene, min(total_dos(iene,1:7,1), dos_max), total_dos(iene,1:7,2)
677      end do
678    end if
680 10 continue
681    integral_DOS=sum(total_dos(nene,:,2))
682    write(msg, '(a,es16.8)' ) ' tetrahedron : integrate to',integral_DOS
683    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
684  end do ! isppol
686  ! Close files.
687  if (iam_master) then
688    if (any(prtdos == [2, 5])) then
689      close(unitdos)
690    else if (prtdos == 3) then
691      do iat=0,natsph+natsph_extra
692        close(unt_atsph(iat))
693      end do
694      ABI_FREE(unt_atsph)
695    end if
696  end if
698  ABI_FREE(tmp_eigen)
699  ABI_FREE(total_dos)
700  ABI_FREE(wdt)
701  ABI_FREE(eig_dos)
703  if (prtdosm>=1)  then
704    ABI_FREE(dos_m)
705  end if
707  if (paw_dos_flag==1)  then
708    ABI_FREE(dos_paw1)
709    ABI_FREE(dos_pawt1)
710  end if
712  call tetra%free()
714  call cwtime(cpu,wall,gflops,"stop")
715  write(msg,'(2(a,f8.2),a)')" tetrahedron: cpu_time: ",cpu,"[s], walltime: ",wall," [s]"
716  call wrtout(std_out,msg,"PERS")
718 !DEBUG
719 !write(std_out,*)' m_epjdos%dos_calcncwrite, exit '
722 contains
724 subroutine write_extra_headers()
726  if (nsppol==2) then
727    if(isppol==1) write(msg,'(a,16x,a)')  '#','Spin-up DOS'
728    if(isppol==2) write(msg,'(2a,16x,a)')  ch10,'#','Spin-dn DOS'
729    ! NB: dtset%prtdos == 5 should not happen for nsppol==2
731    if (any(dtset%prtdos == [2, 5])) then
732      write(unitdos, "(a)")trim(msg)
734    else if (dtset%prtdos == 3) then
735      do iat=0,natsph+natsph_extra
736        write(unt_atsph(iat), "(a)")trim(msg)
737      end do
738    end if
740  end if
742  if (prtdos==2) then
743    write(unitdos, '(a)' )'# energy(Ha)     DOS  integrated DOS'
745  else if (prtdos==3) then
747    write(unt_atsph(0), '(a)' )'# energy(Ha)     DOS  integrated DOS'
749    if (paw_dos_flag/=1.or.dtset%pawprtdos==2) then
750      do iat=1,natsph
751        write(unt_atsph(iat), '(3a,i5,a,i5,a,a,es16.6,3a)' ) &
752         '# Local DOS (columns 2-6) and integrated local DOS (columns 7-11),',ch10,&
753         '# for atom number iat=',iat,'  iatom=',dtset%iatsph(iat),ch10,&
754         '# inside sphere of radius ratsph=',dtset%ratsph(dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat))),' Bohr.',ch10,"#"
756        if (dtset%usepaw==1.and.dtset%pawprtdos==2) then
757          write(unt_atsph(iat), '(3a)' ) &
758           '# PAW: note that only all-electron on-site part has been used to compute DOS !',ch10,"#"
759        end if
760        if (bigDOS) then
761          write(msg, '(a,a)' ) &
762           '# energy(Ha)   l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4',&
763           '    (integral=>)  l=0     l=1     l=2     l=3     l=4'
764        else
765          write(msg, '(a,a)' ) &
766           '# energy(Ha)  l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4',&
767           '    (integral=>)  l=0     l=1     l=2     l=3     l=4'
768        end if
769        if (prtdosm>=1) then
770          write(msg, '(7a)' ) trim(msg),'          ',&
771           '  lm=0 0',&
772           '  lm=1-1  lm=1 0  lm=1 1',&
773           '  lm=2-2  lm=2-1  lm=2 0  lm=2 1  lm=2 2',&
774           '  lm=3-3  lm=3-2  lm=3-1  lm=3 0  lm=3 1  lm=3 2  lm=3 3',&
775           '  lm=4-4  lm=4-3  lm=4-2  lm=4-1  lm=4 0  lm=4 1  lm=4 2  lm=4 3  lm=4 4'
776        end if
777        write(unt_atsph(iat), "(a)")trim(msg)
778      end do
779    else
780      do iat=1,natsph
781        write(unt_atsph(iat), '(9a,i5,a,i5,a,a,es16.6,3a)' ) &
782         '# Local DOS (columns 2-6),',ch10,&
783         '#  plane-waves contrib. to DOS (columns 7-11),',ch10,&
784         '#  AE on-site  contrib. to DOS (columns 12-16),',ch10,&
785         '# -PS on-site  contrib. to DOS (columns 17-21),',ch10,&
786         '# for atom number iat=',iat,'  iatom=',dtset%iatsph(iat),ch10,&
787         '# inside sphere of radius ratsph=',dtset%ratsph(dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat))),' Bohr.',ch10,"#"
788        if (bigDOS) then
789          write(msg, '(4a)' ) &
790           '#energy(Ha)   l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4',&
791           '       (PW)  l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4',&
792           '      (Phi)  l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4',&
793           '     (tPhi)  l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4'
794        else
795          write(msg, '(4a)' ) &
796           '#energy(Ha)  l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4',&
797           '       (PW) l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4',&
798           '      (Phi) l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4',&
799           '     (tPhi) l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4'
800        end if
801        write(unt_atsph(iat), "(a)")trim(msg)
802      end do
803    end if
804    do iat=1,natsph_extra
805      write(unt_atsph(natsph+iat), '(3a,i5,2a,es16.6,3a)' ) &
806       '# Local DOS (columns 2-6) and integrated local DOS (columns 7-11),',ch10,&
807       '# for non-atomic sphere number iat=',iat,ch10,&
808       '# of radius ratsph=',dtset%ratsph_extra,' Bohr.',ch10,"#"
809      if (bigDOS) then
810        write(msg, '(a,a)' ) &
811         '# energy(Ha)   l=0       l=1       l=2       l=3       l=4',&
812         '    (integral=>)  l=0     l=1     l=2     l=3     l=4'
813      else
814        write(msg, '(a,a)' ) &
815         '# energy(Ha)  l=0      l=1      l=2      l=3      l=4',&
816         '    (integral=>)  l=0     l=1     l=2     l=3     l=4'
817      end if
818      if (prtdosm>=1) then
819        write(msg, '(7a)' ) trim(msg),'          ',&
820         '  lm=0 0',&
821         '  lm=1-1  lm=1 0  lm=1 1',&
822         '  lm=2-2  lm=2-1  lm=2 0  lm=2 1  lm=2 2',&
823         '  lm=3-3  lm=3-2  lm=3-1  lm=3 0  lm=3 1  lm=3 2  lm=3 3',&
824         '  lm=4-4  lm=4-3  lm=4-2  lm=4-1  lm=4 0  lm=4 1  lm=4 2  lm=4 3  lm=4 4'
825      end if
826      write(unt_atsph(natsph+iat), "(a)")trim(msg)
827    end do
829  else if (prtdos==5) then
830    write(unitdos, '(a)' )&
831      '# energy(Ha)     DOS up,up  up,dn  dn,up  dn,dn  sigma_x sigma_y sigma_z  and integrated DOS components'
832  end if ! prtdos value
834 end subroutine write_extra_headers
836 end subroutine dos_calcnwrite

m_epjdos/epjdos_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




  deallocate memory


280 subroutine epjdos_free(self)
282 !Arguments ------------------------------------
283  class(epjdos_t),intent(inout) :: self
285 ! *********************************************************************
287  ! integer
288  ABI_SFREE(self%mlang_type)
290  ! real
291  ABI_SFREE(self%fractions)
292  ABI_SFREE(self%fractions_m)
293  ABI_SFREE(self%fractions_paw1)
294  ABI_SFREE(self%fractions_pawt1)
296 end subroutine epjdos_free

m_epjdos/epjdos_new [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




  Create new object from dataset input variables.


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data


171 type(epjdos_t) function epjdos_new(dtset, psps, pawtab) result(new)
173 !Arguments ------------------------------------
174  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
175  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
176  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
178 !Local variables-------------------------------
179 !scalars
180  integer :: ierr,itypat,iat
182 ! *********************************************************************
184 !DEBUG
185 !write(std_out,*)' m_epjdos%epjdos_new, enter '
188  new%nkpt = dtset%nkpt; new%mband = dtset%mband; new%nsppol = dtset%nsppol
190  new%prtdos = dtset%prtdos
191  new%partial_dos_flag = 0
192  if (new%prtdos==2) new%partial_dos_flag = 0 ! Standard DOS with tetra.
193  if (new%prtdos==3) new%partial_dos_flag = 1 ! L-DOS with tetra (prtdosm>0 if LM is wanted in Ylm/Slm basis).
194  if (new%prtdos==4) new%partial_dos_flag = 1 ! L-DOS with gaussian (prtdosm if LM is wanted in Ylm/Slm basis).
195  if (new%prtdos==5) new%partial_dos_flag = 2 ! Spin DOS
197  new%prtdosm=0
198  if (new%partial_dos_flag==1) new%prtdosm=dtset%prtdosm
199  ! paw_dos_flag= 1 if both PAW contributions are evaluated AND stored
200  new%paw_dos_flag=0
201  if (dtset%usepaw==1 .and. new%partial_dos_flag==1 .and. dtset%pawprtdos==1) new%paw_dos_flag=1
203  new%fatbands_flag=0
204  if (dtset%pawfatbnd>0 .and. new%prtdosm==0) new%fatbands_flag=1
205  if (new%prtdosm==1.and.dtset%pawfatbnd>0)then
206 !  because they compute quantities in real and complex harmonics respectively
207    ABI_ERROR('pawfatbnd>0  and prtdosm=1 are not compatible')
208  end if
210  ! mjv : initialization is needed as mbesslang is used for allocation below
211  ! NOTE: 10/5/2010 the whole of this could be looped over ndosfraction,
212  ! to store much less in memory. The DOS is accumulated in an array
213  ! and then printed to file at the end.
214  new%mbesslang = 1
215  if (new%partial_dos_flag==1 .or. new%fatbands_flag==1) then
217    ABI_MALLOC(new%mlang_type, (dtset%ntypat + dtset%natsph_extra))
218    new%mlang_type = 0
220    ! TODO: Could use mbesslang = 4 or compute it from psps/pawtab
221    ! Increment by one (could underestimate if vloc = vlmax)
222    if (dtset%usepaw == 0) then
223      do iat=1,dtset%natsph
224        itypat = dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat))
225        new%mlang_type(itypat) = 1 + maxval(psps%indlmn(1, :, itypat))
226      end do
227    else
228      do iat=1,dtset%natsph
229        itypat= dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat))
230        new%mlang_type(itypat) = 1 + (pawtab(itypat)%l_size - 1) / 2
231      end do
232    end if
234    ! Up to l=g if we have natsph_extra.
235    if (dtset%natsph_extra > 0) new%mlang_type(dtset%ntypat+1:) = 5
237    new%mlang_type = 5  ! This is to preserve the old implementation
238    new%mbesslang = maxval(new%mlang_type)
239    new%ndosfraction = (dtset%natsph + dtset%natsph_extra) * new%mbesslang
241  else if (new%partial_dos_flag == 2) then
242    new%ndosfraction = 7
244  else
245    new%ndosfraction = 1
246    new%mbesslang = 0
247  end if
249  ! Check allocations status as these arrays are not distributed and the wavefunctions are still in memory.
250  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(new%fractions, (dtset%nkpt,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,new%ndosfraction), ierr)
251  new%fractions = zero
253  if (new%prtdosm>=1 .or. new%fatbands_flag==1) then
254    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(new%fractions_m,(dtset%nkpt,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,new%ndosfraction*new%mbesslang), ierr)
255    new%fractions_m = zero
256  end if
258  if (dtset%usepaw==1 .and. new%partial_dos_flag==1) then
259    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(new%fractions_paw1,(dtset%nkpt,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,new%ndosfraction), ierr)
260    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(new%fractions_pawt1,(dtset%nkpt,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,new%ndosfraction), ierr)
261    new%fractions_paw1 = zero; new%fractions_pawt1 = zero
262  end if
264 !DEBUG
265 !write(std_out,*)' m_epjdos%epjdos_new, exit '
268 end function epjdos_new

m_epjdos/epjdos_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Types ]




  Stores different contributions to the electronic DOS.


  Please contact gmatteo if you plan to change the internal implementation
  or add new DOSes. These results are saved in a netcdf file (see fatbands_ncwrite)
  so that one can read it with python and plot fatbands and PJDOSEs.
  The python version is able to handle the different cases (L, LM, Spin ...) but
  any change in the internal Abinit implementation is likely to break the python interface.


 91  type,public :: epjdos_t
 93    integer :: mbesslang
 94    ! Max L+1 used in LM-DOS  (Bessel function expansion)
 96    integer :: ndosfraction
 97    ! Defines the last dimension of the dos arrays.
 98    ! Actual value depends on the other variables.
100    integer :: prtdos
101    ! 2 --> Standard DOS with tetra.
102    ! 3 --> L-DOS with tetra (prtdosm>0 if LM is wanted in Ylm/Slm basis).
103    ! 4 --> L-DOS with gaussian (prtdosm if LM is wanted in Ylm/Slm basis).
104    ! 5 --> Spin-DOS
106    integer :: prtdosm
107    ! Option for the m-contributions to the partial DOS
108    ! 1 if LM-projection is done onto complex Ylm
109    ! 2 if LM-projection is done onto real Slm
111    integer :: partial_dos_flag
113    integer :: paw_dos_flag
114    ! 1 if both PAW contributions are evaluated AND stored
116    !integer :: pawfatbnd
117    integer :: fatbands_flag
119    integer :: nkpt, mband, nsppol
120    ! Used to dimension arrays
122    integer,allocatable :: mlang_type(:)
123    ! mlang_type(ntypat + natsph_extra)
124    ! Max L+1 used in LM-DOS for each atom type
126    real(dp),allocatable :: fractions(:,:,:,:)
127    ! fractions(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction))
128    ! TODO: replace nsppol with nspden = 1, 2 (nsppol==2) or 4 (nspinor==2)
130    real(dp),allocatable :: fractions_m(:,:,:,:)
131    ! fractions_m(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction*mbesslang)
133    real(dp),allocatable :: fractions_paw1(:,:,:,:)
134    ! fractions_paw1(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction)
136    real(dp),allocatable :: fractions_pawt1(:,:,:,:)
137    ! fractions_pawt1(nkpt,mband,nsppol,ndosfraction))
139    contains
141    procedure :: free => epjdos_free
142    ! Free dynamic memory
144  end type epjdos_t
146  public :: epjdos_new         ! Create new object
149  public :: prtfatbands        ! Print PJDOS contributions in xmgrace format.
150  public :: fatbands_ncwrite   ! Write PJDOS contributions to netcdf file.
152 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
154 contains  !============================================================

m_epjdos/fatbands_ncwrite [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




  Write PJDOS contributions to netcdf file.


  crystal<crystal_t>=Object defining the unit cell and its symmetries.
  ebands<ebands_t>=Band structure data.
  hdr<hdr_t>=Abinit header
  dtset<dtset_type>=Dataset type
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ncid=NC file handle.


  Only writing


1715 subroutine fatbands_ncwrite(dos, crystal, ebands, hdr, dtset, psps, pawtab, ncid)
1717 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1718 !scalars
1719  integer,intent(in) :: ncid
1720  type(epjdos_t),intent(in) :: dos
1721  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
1722  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
1723  type(hdr_type),intent(in) :: hdr
1724  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1725  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
1726 !arrays
1727  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*dtset%usepaw)
1729 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1730 !Local variables-------------------------------
1731 !scalars
1732  integer :: itype,ncerr,fform
1733  real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
1734  character(len=500) :: msg
1735 !arrays
1736  integer :: lmax_type(crystal%ntypat)
1738 !*************************************************************************
1740  ABI_CHECK(dtset%natsph > 0, "natsph <=0")
1741  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1743  fform = fform_from_ext("")
1744  ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, "Cannot find fform associated to")
1746  ! Write header, crystal structure and band energies.
1747  NCF_CHECK(hdr%ncwrite(ncid, fform, nc_define=.True.))
1748  NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
1749  NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands, ncid))
1751  ! Add fatband-specific quantities
1752  ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
1753    nctkdim_t("natsph", dtset%natsph), &
1754    nctkdim_t("ndosfraction", dos%ndosfraction)], defmode=.True.)
1755  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1757  if (dos%ndosfraction*dos%mbesslang > 0) then
1758    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
1759      nctkdim_t("mbesslang", dos%mbesslang), &
1760      nctkdim_t("dos_fractions_m_lastsize", dos%ndosfraction*dos%mbesslang)])
1761    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1762  end if
1763  if (dtset%natsph_extra /= 0) then
1764    NCF_CHECK(nctk_def_dims(ncid, [nctkdim_t("natsph_extra", dtset%natsph_extra)]))
1765  end if
1767  ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "prtdos", "pawprtdos", "prtdosm"])
1768  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1769  ncerr = nctk_def_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "ratsph_extra"])
1770  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1772  ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [&
1773    nctkarr_t("lmax_type", "int", "number_of_atom_species"), &
1774    nctkarr_t("iatsph", "int", "natsph"), &
1775    nctkarr_t("ratsph", "dp", "number_of_atom_species"), &
1776    nctkarr_t("dos_fractions", "dp", "number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_states, number_of_spins, ndosfraction") &
1777  ])
1778  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1780  if (allocated(dos%fractions_m)) then
1781    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, &
1782      nctkarr_t("dos_fractions_m", "dp", &
1783                "number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_states, number_of_spins, dos_fractions_m_lastsize"))
1784    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1785  end if
1787  if (allocated(dos%fractions_paw1)) then
1788    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [&
1789      nctkarr_t("dos_fractions_paw1", "dp", "number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_states, number_of_spins, ndosfraction"), &
1790      nctkarr_t("dos_fractions_pawt1", "dp", "number_of_kpoints, max_number_of_states, number_of_spins, ndosfraction") &
1791    ])
1792    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1793  end if
1795  if (dtset%natsph_extra /= 0) then
1796    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [&
1797      nctkarr_t("xredsph_extra", "dp", "number_of_reduced_dimensions, natsph_extra") &
1798    ])
1799    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1800  end if
1802  ! Write variables
1803  NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
1805  ! scalars
1806  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("pawprtdos"), dtset%pawprtdos))
1807  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("prtdos"), dos%prtdos))
1808  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("prtdosm"), dos%prtdosm))
1810  ! arrays
1811  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
1812    lmax_type = (pawtab(:)%l_size - 1) / 2
1813  else
1814    do itype=1,crystal%ntypat
1815      lmax_type(itype) = maxval(psps%indlmn(1, :, itype))
1816    end do
1817  end if
1818  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("lmax_type"), lmax_type))
1819  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("dos_fractions"), dos%fractions))
1821  if (dos%prtdos == 3) then
1822    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("iatsph"), dtset%iatsph(1:dtset%natsph)))
1823    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("ratsph"), dtset%ratsph(1:dtset%ntypat)))
1824    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("ratsph_extra"), dtset%ratsph_extra))
1825    if (dtset%natsph_extra /= 0) then
1826      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("xredsph_extra"), dtset%xredsph_extra(:, 1:dtset%natsph_extra)))
1827    end if
1828  end if
1830  if (allocated(dos%fractions_m)) then
1831    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("dos_fractions_m"), dos%fractions_m))
1832  end if
1833  if (allocated(dos%fractions_paw1)) then
1834    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("dos_fractions_paw1"), dos%fractions_paw1))
1835    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, vid("dos_fractions_pawt1"), dos%fractions_pawt1))
1836  end if
1838  call cwtime(cpu,wall,gflops,"stop")
1839  write(msg,'(2(a,f8.2),a)')" fatbands_ncwrite: cpu_time: ",cpu,"[s], walltime: ",wall," [s]"
1840  call wrtout(std_out,msg,"PERS")
1841 #endif
1843 contains
1844  integer function vid(vname)
1845    character(len=*),intent(in) :: vname
1846    vid = nctk_idname(ncid, vname)
1847  end function vid
1849 end subroutine fatbands_ncwrite

m_epjdos/partial_dos_fractions [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




 calculate partial DOS fractions to feed to the tetrahedron method
  1: project states on angular momenta
  2: should be able to choose certain atoms or atom types, slabs of space...


  crystal<crystal_t>= data type gathering info on symmetries and unit cell
  dtset<type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*my_nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  collect=1 if fractions should be MPI collected at the end, 0 otherwise.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization


  dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,ndosfraction) = percentage of s, p, d..
    character on each atom for the wavefunction # ikpt,iband, isppol
  == if prtdosm /= 0
  dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,ndosfraction*mbesslang) = percentage of s, p, d..
    character on each atom for the wavefunction # ikpt,iband, isppol (m-resolved)


   psi(r) = (4pi/sqrt(ucvol)) \sum_{LMG} i**l u(G) e^{i(k+G).Ra} x Y_{LM}^*(k+G) Y_{LM}(r-Ra) j_L(|k+G||r-Ra|)

   int_(ratsph) |psi(r)|**2 = \sum_LM rho(LM)


   rho_{LM} = 4pi \int_o^{rc} dr r**2 ||\sum_G u(G) Y_LM^*(k+G) e^{i(k+G).Ra} j_L(|k+G| r)||**2

   where S is a RSH. The final expression is:

   When k = G0/2, we have u_{G0/2}(G) = u_{G0/2}(-G-G0)^* and P can be rewritten as

     P = (4pi i^L}/sqrt(ucvol) \sum^'_G w(G) S_{LM}(k+G) \int_0^ratsph dr r^2 j_L(|k+G|r) x
                                  2 Re[u_k(G) e^{i(k+G).R_atom}]  if L = 2n
                                  2 Im[u_k(G) e^{i(k+G).R_atom}]  if L = 2n + 1

  where the sum over G is done on the reduced G-sphere and w(G) = 1/2 if G=G0 else 1.


1900 subroutine partial_dos_fractions(dos,crystal,dtset,eigen,occ,npwarr,kg,cg,mcg,collect,mpi_enreg)
1902 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1903 !scalars
1904  integer,intent(in) :: mcg,collect
1905  type(epjdos_t),intent(inout) :: dos
1906  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
1907  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1908  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
1909 !arrays
1910  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem),npwarr(dtset%nkpt)
1911  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
1912  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
1913  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
1915 !Local variables-------------------------------
1916 !scalars
1917  integer,parameter :: prtsphere0=0 ! do not output all the band by band details for projections.
1918  integer :: shift_b,shift_sk,iat,iatom,iband,ierr,ikpt,ilang,ioffkg,is1, is2, isoff
1919  integer :: ipw,isppol,ixint,mbess,mcg_disk,me_kpt,shift_cg
1920  integer :: mgfft,my_nspinor,n1,n2,n3,natsph_tot,npw_k,nradintmax
1921  integer :: rc_ylm,itypat,nband_k
1922  integer :: abs_shift_b
1923  integer :: unit_procar, ipauli
1924  real(dp),parameter :: bessint_delta = 0.1_dp
1925  real(dp) :: arg,bessarg,bessargmax,kpgmax,rmax
1926  real(dp) :: cpu,wall,gflops
1927  character(len=500) :: msg
1928  character(len=4) :: ikproc_str
1929  character(len=fnlen) :: filename
1930  type(jlspline_t) :: jlspl
1931  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_seq
1932 !arrays
1933  integer :: iindex(dtset%mpw),nband_tmp(1),npwarr_tmp(1)
1934  integer,allocatable :: iatsph(:),nradint(:),atindx(:),typat_extra(:),kg_k(:,:)
1935  real(dp) :: kpoint(3),spin(3),ylmgr_dum(1)
1936  real(dp) :: xfit(dtset%mpw),yfit(dtset%mpw)
1937  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm_k(:,:)
1938  real(dp),allocatable :: bess_fit(:,:,:)
1939  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_1band(:,:),cg_1kpt(:,:),kpgnorm(:),ph1d(:,:)
1940  real(dp),allocatable :: ph3d(:,:,:),ratsph(:),rint(:),sum_1ll_1atom(:,:,:)
1941  real(dp),allocatable :: sum_1lm_1atom(:,:,:)
1942  real(dp),allocatable :: cplx_1lm_1atom(:,:,:,:)
1943  real(dp),allocatable :: xred_sph(:,:),znucl_sph(:),phkxred(:,:)
1944  complex(dpc) :: cgcmat(2,2)
1946 !*************************************************************************
1948 !DEBUG
1949 !write(std_out, '(a)') ' m_epjdos%partial_dos_fractions : enter '
1952  if(dtset%natsph==dtset%natom)then
1953    write(msg, '(a)') ' Compute the partial DOS fractions. This can be time-consuming. Think using natsph and iatsph.'
1954  else
1955    write(msg, '(a)') ' Compute the partial DOS fractions.'
1956  endif
1957  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1959  ! for the moment, only support projection on angular momenta
1960  if (dos%partial_dos_flag /= 1 .and. dos%partial_dos_flag /= 2) then
1961    write(std_out,*) 'Error: partial_dos_fractions only supports angular '
1962    write(std_out,*) ' momentum projection and spinor components for the moment. return to outscfcv'
1963    write(std_out,*) ' partial_dos = ', dos%partial_dos_flag
1964    return
1965  end if
1967  ! impose all kpoints have same number of bands
1968  do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1969    do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
1970      if (dtset%nband((isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt + ikpt) /= dtset%mband) then
1971        write(std_out,*) 'Error: partial_dos_fractions wants same number of bands at each kpoint'
1972        write(std_out,*) ' isppol, ikpt = ', isppol,ikpt, dtset%nband((isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt + ikpt), dtset%mband
1973        write(std_out,*) ' all nband = ', dtset%nband
1974        return
1975      end if
1976    end do
1977  end do
1979  ! Real or complex spherical harmonics?
1980  rc_ylm = 2; if (dos%prtdosm == 2) rc_ylm = 1
1982  me_kpt = mpi_enreg%me_kpt
1983  my_nspinor = max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
1985  n1 = dtset%ngfft(1); n2 = dtset%ngfft(2); n3 = dtset%ngfft(3)
1986  mgfft = maxval(dtset%ngfft(1:3))
1988  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1990  if (dtset%prtprocar /= 0) then
1991    ! open file for each proc, and print header for master node
1992    call int2char4(me_kpt, ikproc_str)
1993    filename = 'PROCAR_'//ikproc_str
1994    if (open_file(filename, msg, newunit=unit_procar, form="formatted", action="write") /= 0) then
1995       ABI_ERROR(msg)
1996    end if
1997    if(mpi_enreg%me==0) then
1998      write (unit_procar,'(a)') 'PROCAR lm decomposed - need to merge files yourself in parallel case!!! Or use pyprocar package'
1999      if (dtset%prtprocar == 2) then
2000        write (unit_procar,'(a)') ' Requested complex output of PROCAR file (prtprocar 2)' 
2001      end if
2002      write (unit_procar,'(a,I10,a,I10,a,I10,a)') '# of k-points: ', dtset%nkpt, &
2003        ' # of bands:', dtset%mband, ' # of ions:', dtset%natom, ch10
2004    end if
2005  end if
2007 !##############################################################
2008 !FIRST CASE: project on angular momenta to get dos parts
2009 !##############################################################
2011  if (dos%partial_dos_flag == 1) then
2012    natsph_tot = dtset%natsph + dtset%natsph_extra
2014    ABI_MALLOC(iatsph, (natsph_tot))
2015    ABI_MALLOC(typat_extra, (natsph_tot))
2016    ABI_MALLOC(ratsph, (natsph_tot))
2017    ABI_MALLOC(znucl_sph, (natsph_tot))
2018    ABI_MALLOC(nradint, (natsph_tot))
2019    ABI_MALLOC(atindx, (natsph_tot))
2020    ABI_MALLOC(phkxred, (2,natsph_tot))
2022    ! initialize atindx
2023    do iatom=1,natsph_tot
2024      atindx(iatom) = iatom
2025    end do
2027    iatsph(1:dtset%natsph) = dtset%iatsph(1:dtset%natsph)
2028    do iatom=1,dtset%natsph
2029      itypat = dtset%typat(iatsph(iatom))
2030      typat_extra(iatom) = itypat
2031      ratsph(iatom) = dtset%ratsph(itypat)
2032      znucl_sph(iatom) = dtset%znucl(itypat)
2033    end do
2035    ! fictitious atoms are declared with
2036    ! %natsph_extra, %ratsph_extra and %xredsph_extra(3, dtset%natsph_extra)
2037    ! they have atom index (natom + ii) and itype = ntypat + 1
2038    do iatom=1,dtset%natsph_extra
2039      typat_extra(iatom+dtset%natsph) = dtset%ntypat + 1
2040      ratsph(iatom+dtset%natsph) = dtset%ratsph_extra
2041      znucl_sph(iatom+dtset%natsph) = zero
2042      iatsph(iatom+dtset%natsph) = dtset%natom + iatom
2043    end do
2045    ! init bessel function integral for recip_ylm max ang mom + 1
2046    ABI_MALLOC(sum_1ll_1atom,(dtset%nspinor**2,dos%mbesslang,natsph_tot))
2047    ABI_MALLOC(sum_1lm_1atom,(dtset%nspinor**2,dos%mbesslang**2,natsph_tot))
2048    ABI_MALLOC(cplx_1lm_1atom,(2,dtset%nspinor,dos%mbesslang**2,natsph_tot))
2050    ! Note ecuteff instead of ecut.
2051    kpgmax = sqrt(dtset%ecut * dtset%dilatmx**2)
2052    rmax = zero; bessargmax = zero; nradintmax = 0
2053    do iatom=1,natsph_tot
2054      rmax = max(rmax, ratsph(iatom))
2055      bessarg = ratsph(iatom)*two_pi*kpgmax
2056      bessargmax = max(bessargmax, bessarg)
2057      nradint(iatom) = int (bessarg / bessint_delta) + 1
2058      nradintmax = max(nradintmax,nradint(iatom))
2059    end do
2060    !write(std_out,*)' partial_dos_fractions: rmax=', rmax,' nradintmax: ", nradintmax
2061 !  use same number of grid points to calculate Bessel function and to do the integration later on r
2062 !  and make sure bessargmax is a multiple of bessint_delta
2063    mbess = nradintmax
2064    bessargmax = bessint_delta*mbess
2066    ABI_MALLOC(rint,(nradintmax))
2067    ABI_MALLOC(bess_fit,(dtset%mpw,nradintmax,dos%mbesslang))
2069    ! initialize general Bessel function array on uniform grid xx, from 0 to (2 \pi |k+G|_{max} |r_{max}|)
2070    jlspl = jlspline_new(mbess, bessint_delta, dos%mbesslang)
2072    ABI_MALLOC(xred_sph, (3, natsph_tot))
2073    do iatom=1,dtset%natsph
2074      xred_sph(:,iatom) = crystal%xred(:,iatsph(iatom))
2075    end do
2076    do iatom=1,dtset%natsph_extra
2077      xred_sph(:,dtset%natsph+iatom) = dtset%xredsph_extra(:, iatom)
2078    end do
2080    ABI_MALLOC(ph1d,(2,(2*n1+1 + 2*n2+1 + 2*n3+1)*natsph_tot))
2081    call getph(atindx,natsph_tot,n1,n2,n3,ph1d,xred_sph)
2083    ! Fake MPI data to be used for sequential call to initylmg.
2084    call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_seq)
2085    mpi_enreg_seq%my_natom = dtset%natom
2087    shift_sk = 0
2088    abs_shift_b =  0 ! offset to allow for automatic update with +1 below
2089    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
2090      ioffkg = 0
2092      do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2093        nband_k = dtset%nband((isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt + ikpt)
2094        if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_kpt)) then
2095          abs_shift_b = abs_shift_b + nband_k ! jump the whole kpt in the eig and occ arrays
2096          cycle
2097        end if
2098        npw_k = npwarr(ikpt)
2099        kpoint(:) = dtset%kpt(:,ikpt)
2101        if (dtset%prtprocar /= 0) then
2102          write (unit_procar,'(a,I7,a,3F12.6,a,F12.6,a)') &
2103            ' k-point ', ikpt, ' : ', kpoint(:), ' weight = ', dtset%wtk(ikpt), ch10
2104        end if
2106        ! make phkred for all atoms
2107        do iat=1,natsph_tot
2108          arg=two_pi*( kpoint(1)*xred_sph(1,iat) + kpoint(2)*xred_sph(2,iat) + kpoint(3)*xred_sph(3,iat) )
2109          phkxred(1,iat)=cos(arg)
2110          phkxred(2,iat)=sin(arg)
2111        end do
2113        ABI_MALLOC(kg_k, (3, npw_k))
2114        kg_k = kg(:,ioffkg+1:ioffkg+npw_k)
2116        ! kpgnorm contains norms only for kpoints used by this processor
2117        ABI_MALLOC(kpgnorm, (npw_k))
2118        call getkpgnorm(crystal%gprimd, kpoint, kg_k, kpgnorm, npw_k)
2120        ! Now get Ylm(k, G) factors: returns "real Ylms", which are real (+m) and
2121        ! imaginary (-m) parts of actual complex Ylm. Yl-m = Ylm*
2122        ! Call initylmg for a single k-point (mind mpi_enreg_seq).
2123        ABI_MALLOC(ylm_k, (npw_k, dos%mbesslang**2))
2124        npwarr_tmp(1) = npw_k; nband_tmp(1) = nband_k
2125        call initylmg(crystal%gprimd,kg_k,kpoint,1,mpi_enreg_seq,dos%mbesslang,&
2126        npw_k,nband_tmp,1,npwarr_tmp,1,0,crystal%rprimd,ylm_k,ylmgr_dum)
2128        ! get phases exp (2 pi i (k+G).x_tau) in ph3d
2129        ABI_MALLOC(ph3d,(2,npw_k,natsph_tot))
2130        call ph1d3d(1,natsph_tot,kg_k,natsph_tot,natsph_tot,npw_k,n1,n2,n3,phkxred,ph1d,ph3d)
2132        ! get Bessel function factors on array of |k+G|*r distances
2133        ! since we need many r distances and have a large number of different
2134        ! |k+G|, get j_l on uniform grid (above, in array gen_besj),
2135        ! and spline it for each kpt Gvector set.
2136        ! Note that we use the same step based on rmax, this can lead to (hopefully small)
2137        ! inaccuracies when we integrate from 0 up to rmax(iatom)
2138        do ixint=1,nradintmax
2139          rint(ixint) = (ixint-1)*rmax / (nradintmax-1)
2140          do ipw=1,npw_k
2141            xfit(ipw) = two_pi * kpgnorm(ipw) * rint(ixint)
2142            iindex(ipw) = ipw
2143          end do
2145          call sort_dp(npw_k,xfit,iindex,tol14)
2146          do ilang=1,dos%mbesslang
2147            call splint(mbess, jlspl%xx, jlspl%bess_spl(:,ilang), jlspl%bess_spl_der(:,ilang), npw_k, xfit, yfit)
2148            ! re-order results for different G vectors
2149            do ipw=1,npw_k
2150              bess_fit(iindex(ipw),ixint,ilang) = yfit(ipw)
2151            end do
2152          end do
2153        end do ! ixint
2155        shift_b = 0
2156        do iband=1,nband_k
2157          abs_shift_b = abs_shift_b + 1
2158          if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,iband,iband,isppol,me_kpt)) cycle
2159          !write(std_out,*)"in band:",iband
2160          ! TODO: eventually import eig and occ down to here - a pain, but printing outside would imply saving a huge array in memory
2161          if (dtset%prtprocar /= 0) then
2162            write (unit_procar,'(a,I7,a,F12.6,a,F12.6,a)') 'band ', iband, ' # energy ', &
2163              eigen(abs_shift_b), ' # occ. ', occ(abs_shift_b), ch10
2164          end if
2166          ! Select wavefunction in cg array
2167          shift_cg = shift_sk + shift_b
2169          call recip_ylm(bess_fit, cg(:,shift_cg+1:shift_cg+my_nspinor*npw_k), dtset%istwfk(ikpt),&
2170 &          mpi_enreg, nradint, nradintmax, dos%mbesslang , dtset%mpw, natsph_tot, typat_extra, dos%mlang_type,&
2171 &          npw_k, dtset%nspinor, ph3d, prtsphere0, rint, ratsph, rc_ylm, sum_1ll_1atom, sum_1lm_1atom, cplx_1lm_1atom,&
2172 &          crystal%ucvol, ylm_k, znucl_sph)
2173          ! on exit the sum_1atom_* have both spinors counted
2175          ! Accumulate
2176          do iatom=1,natsph_tot
2177            do ilang=1,dos%mbesslang
2178              dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,dos%mbesslang*(iatom-1) + ilang) &
2179 &             = dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,dos%mbesslang*(iatom-1) + ilang) &
2180 &             + sum_1ll_1atom(1,ilang,iatom)
2181            end do
2182          end do
2184          if (dos%prtdosm /= 0) then
2185            do iatom=1,natsph_tot
2186              do ilang=1,dos%mbesslang**2
2187                dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,dos%mbesslang**2*(iatom-1) + ilang) &
2188 &               = dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,dos%mbesslang**2*(iatom-1) + ilang) &
2189 &               + sum_1lm_1atom(1,ilang,iatom)
2190              end do
2191            end do
2192          end if
2194          ! Increment band, spinor shift
2195          !shift_b = shift_b + npw_k
2196          shift_b = shift_b + my_nspinor*npw_k
2198          ! now we have both spinor components. The first option is for real values projections, eventually decomposed by Pauli spinor components
2199          if (dtset%prtprocar /= 0) then
2200            write (unit_procar,'(a)') 'ion       s      py     pz     px    dxy    dyz    dz2    dxz    dx2    tot'
2201            do ipauli= 1,dtset%nspinor**2
2202              ! Contract with Pauli matrices to get projections for this k and band, all atoms and ilang
2203              do iatom = 1, natsph_tot
2204                write (unit_procar, '(1x,I5)', advance='no') iatom
2205                do ilang=1,min(dos%mbesslang**2,9)
2206                  write (unit_procar, '(F7.3)',advance='no') sum_1lm_1atom(ipauli,ilang,iatom)
2207                end do
2208                write (unit_procar, '(F7.3)',advance='yes') sum(sum_1lm_1atom(ipauli,:,iatom))
2209              end do
2210              ! final line with sum over atoms
2211              write (unit_procar, '(a)', advance='no') 'tot   '
2212              do ilang=1,min(dos%mbesslang**2,9)
2213                write (unit_procar, '(F7.3)',advance='no') sum(sum_1lm_1atom(ipauli,ilang,:))
2214              end do
2215              write (unit_procar, '(F7.3)',advance='yes') sum(sum_1lm_1atom(ipauli,:,:))
2216            end do
2218            ! second option is to also print the complex projection on the atomic like orbital: <psi_nk | Y_lm> in a sphere
2219            !  Two blocks are printed, first real then imaginary part
2220            if (dtset%prtprocar == 2) then
2221              write (unit_procar,'(2a)') 'ion            s              py              pz              px',&
2222 &              '             dxy             dyz             dz2             dxz             dx2             tot'
2223              do is1= 1,dtset%nspinor
2224                ! Contracted with Pauli matrices to get projections for this k and band, all atoms and ilang
2225                do iatom = 1, natsph_tot
2226                  write (unit_procar, '(1x,I5)', advance='no') iatom
2227                  do ilang=1,min(dos%mbesslang**2,9)
2228                    write (unit_procar, '(2(F7.3,1x))',advance='no') cplx_1lm_1atom(:,is1,ilang,iatom)
2229                  end do
2230                  write (unit_procar, '(2(F7.3,1x))',advance='yes') sum(cplx_1lm_1atom(1,is1,:,iatom)), &
2231 &                   sum(cplx_1lm_1atom(2,is1,:,iatom))
2232                end do
2233                ! final line with sum over atoms
2234                write (unit_procar, '(a)', advance='no') 'charge'
2235                do ilang=1,min(dos%mbesslang**2,9)
2236                  write (unit_procar, '(F7.3,9x)',advance='no') sum(cplx_1lm_1atom(:,is1,ilang,:)**2)
2237                end do
2238                write (unit_procar, '(F7.3,9x)',advance='yes') sum(cplx_1lm_1atom(:,is1,:,:)**2)
2239              end do
2240              write (unit_procar,*)
2241            end if
2242          end if
2244        end do ! band
2246        ! Increment kpt and (spin, kpt) shifts
2247        ioffkg = ioffkg + npw_k
2248        shift_sk = shift_sk + nband_k*my_nspinor*npw_k
2250        ABI_FREE(kg_k)
2251        ABI_FREE(kpgnorm)
2252        ABI_FREE(ylm_k)
2253        ABI_FREE(ph3d)
2254      end do ! ikpt
2255    end do ! isppol
2257    ! collect = 1 ==> gather all contributions from different processors
2258    if (collect == 1) then
2259      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ierr)
2260      if (dos%prtdosm /= 0) call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_m,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ierr)
2262 ! this is now done inside recip_ylm
2263 !     if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor == 1)then
2264 !       call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2265 !       if (dos%prtdosm /= 0) call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_m,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2266 !     end if
2267    end if
2269    ABI_FREE(atindx)
2270    ABI_FREE(bess_fit)
2271    ABI_FREE(iatsph)
2272    ABI_FREE(typat_extra)
2273    ABI_FREE(nradint)
2274    ABI_FREE(ph1d)
2275    ABI_FREE(phkxred)
2276    ABI_FREE(ratsph)
2277    ABI_FREE(rint)
2278    ABI_FREE(sum_1ll_1atom)
2279    ABI_FREE(sum_1lm_1atom)
2280    ABI_FREE(cplx_1lm_1atom)
2281    ABI_FREE(xred_sph)
2282    ABI_FREE(znucl_sph)
2284    call jlspline_free(jlspl)
2285    call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_seq)
2287  !##############################################################
2288  !2ND CASE: project on spinors
2289  !##############################################################
2291  else if (dos%partial_dos_flag == 2) then
2293    if (dtset%nsppol /= 1 .or. dtset%nspinor /= 2) then
2294      ABI_WARNING("spinor projection is meaningless if nsppol==2 or nspinor/=2. Not calculating projections.")
2295      return
2296    end if
2297    if (my_nspinor /= 2) then
2298      ABI_WARNING("spinor projection with spinor parallelization is not coded. Not calculating projections.")
2299      return
2300    end if
2301    ABI_CHECK(mpi_enreg%paral_spinor == 0, "prtdos 5 does not support spinor parallelism")
2303    ! FIXME: We should not allocate such a large chunk of memory!
2304    mcg_disk = dtset%mpw*my_nspinor*dtset%mband
2305    ABI_MALLOC(cg_1kpt,(2,mcg_disk))
2306    shift_sk = 0
2307    isppol = 1
2309    do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2310      nband_k = dtset%nband((isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt + ikpt)
2311      if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_kpt)) cycle
2312      npw_k = npwarr(ikpt)
2314      cg_1kpt(:,:) = cg(:,shift_sk+1:shift_sk+mcg_disk)
2315      ABI_MALLOC(cg_1band,(2,2*npw_k))
2316      shift_b=0
2317      do iband=1,nband_k
2318        if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,iband,iband,isppol,me_kpt)) cycle
2320        ! Select wavefunction in cg array
2321        !shift_cg = shift_sk + shift_b
2322        cg_1band(:,:) = cg_1kpt(:,shift_b+1:shift_b+2*npw_k)
2323        call cg_getspin(cg_1band, npw_k, spin, cgcmat=cgcmat)
2325        ! MG: TODO: imag part of off-diagonal terms is missing.
2326        ! I will add them later on.
2327        do is1=1,2
2328          do is2=1,2
2329            isoff = is2 + (is1-1)*2
2330            dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,isoff) = dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,isoff) &
2331 &           + real(cgcmat(is1,is2))
2332          end do
2333        end do
2335        dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,5) = dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,5) + spin(1)
2336        dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,6) = dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,6) + spin(2)
2337        dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,7) = dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,7) + spin(3)
2339        shift_b = shift_b + 2*npw_k
2340      end do
2341      ABI_FREE(cg_1band)
2342      shift_sk = shift_sk + nband_k*2*npw_k
2343    end do
2344    ABI_FREE(cg_1kpt)
2346    ! Gather all contributions from different processors
2347    if (collect == 1) then
2348      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,ierr)
2349      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ierr)
2350      !below for future use - spinors should not be parallelized for the moment
2351      !if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor == 1)then
2352      !  call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2353      !end if
2354    end if
2356  else
2357    ABI_WARNING('only partial_dos==1 or 2 is coded')
2358  end if
2360 !DEBUG
2361 !write(std_out,*) ' m_epjdos%partial_dos_fractions : exit '
2364  if (dtset%prtprocar /= 0) close(unit_procar)
2366  call cwtime(cpu,wall,gflops,"stop")
2367  write(msg,'(2(a,f8.2),a)')" partial_dos_fractions: cpu_time: ",cpu,"[s], walltime: ",wall," [s]"
2368  call wrtout(std_out,msg,"PERS")
2370 end subroutine partial_dos_fractions

m_epjdos/partial_dos_fractions_paw [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




  Calculate PAW contributions to the partial DOS fractions (tetrahedron method)


  cprj(natom,mcprj)= <p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each |p_lmn> non-local projector
  dimcprj(natom)=array of dimensions of array cprj (not ordered)
  dtset     structured datatype, from which one uses :
   iatsph(nasph)=number of atoms used to project dos
   kpt(3,nkpt)  =irreducible kpoints
   mband        =max number of bands per k-point
   mkmem        =number of kpoints in memory
   natom        =number of atoms in total
   natsph       =number of atoms ofor which the spherical decomposition must be done
   nband        =number of electronic bands for each kpoint
   nkpt         =number of irreducible kpoints
   nspinor      =number of spinor components
   nsppol       =1 or 2 spin polarization channels
  fatbands_flag =1 if pawfatbnd=1 or 2
  mbesslang=maximum angular momentum for Bessel function expansion
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  prtdosm=option for the m-contributions to the partial DOS
  paw_dos_flag=option for the PAW contributions to the partial DOS
  pawrad(ntypat) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data:
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data


  === If paw_dos_flag==1:
   dos%fractions_paw1(ikpt,iband,isppol,natom*mbesslang) = contribution to
       dos fractions from the PAW partial waves (phi)
   dos%fractions_pawt1(ikpt,iband,isppol,natom*mbesslang) = contribution to
       dos fractions from the PAW pseudo partial waves (phi_tild)


  dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,ndosfraction) = percentage of s, p, d..
    character on each atom for the wavefunction # ikpt,iband, isppol
    As input: contains only the pseudo contribution
    As output: contains pseudo contribution + PAW corrections
  == if prtdosm==1
  dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,ndosfraction*mbesslang*prtdosm) =
              m discretization of partial DOS fractions


2421 subroutine partial_dos_fractions_paw(dos,cprj,dimcprj,dtset,mcprj,mkmem,mpi_enreg,pawrad,pawtab)
2423 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2424 !scalars
2425  integer,intent(in) :: mcprj,mkmem
2426  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2427  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2428  type(epjdos_t),intent(inout) :: dos
2429 !arrays
2430  integer,intent(in) :: dimcprj(dtset%natom)
2431  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: cprj(dtset%natom,mcprj)
2432  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(dtset%ntypat)
2433  type(pawtab_type),target,intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat)
2435 !Local variables-------------------------------
2436 !scalars
2437  integer :: bandpp,basis_size,comm_kptband,cplex,fatbands_flag,iat,iatom,iband,ibg,ibsp
2438  integer :: ierr,ikpt,il,ilang,ilmn,iln,im,iorder_cprj,ispinor,isppol,itypat,j0lmn,j0ln
2439  integer :: jl,jlmn,jln,jm,klmn,kln,lmn_size,mbesslang,me_band,me_kpt,my_nspinor
2440  integer :: nband_cprj_k,nband_k,ndosfraction,nprocband,nproc_spkptband,paw_dos_flag,prtdosm
2441  real(dp) :: cpij,one_over_nproc
2442  !character(len=500) :: msg
2443 !arrays
2444  integer ,allocatable :: dimcprj_atsph(:)
2445  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: indlmn(:,:)
2446  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
2447  real(dp),allocatable :: int1(:,:),int2(:,:),int1m2(:,:)
2448  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k(:,:)
2450 !******************************************************************************************
2454  ABI_CHECK(mkmem/=0,"mkmem==0 not supported anymore!")
2456  fatbands_flag = dos%fatbands_flag
2457  mbesslang = dos%mbesslang
2458  prtdosm = dos%prtdosm
2459  ndosfraction = dos%ndosfraction
2460  paw_dos_flag = dos%paw_dos_flag
2462 !m-decomposed DOS not compatible with PAW-decomposed DOS
2463  if(prtdosm>=1.and.paw_dos_flag==1) then
2464    ABI_ERROR('m-decomposed DOS not compatible with PAW-decomposed DOS!')
2465  end if
2467 !Prepare some useful integrals
2468  basis_size=pawtab(1)%basis_size
2469  if (dtset%ntypat>1) then
2470    do itypat=1,dtset%ntypat
2471      basis_size=max(basis_size,pawtab(itypat)%basis_size)
2472    end do
2473  end if
2474  ABI_MALLOC(int1  ,(basis_size*(basis_size+1)/2,dtset%natsph))
2475  ABI_MALLOC(int2,(basis_size*(basis_size+1)/2,dtset%natsph))
2476  ABI_MALLOC(int1m2,(basis_size*(basis_size+1)/2,dtset%natsph))
2477  int1=zero;int2=zero;int1m2=zero
2478  do iat=1,dtset%natsph
2479    iatom=dtset%iatsph(iat)
2480    itypat= dtset%typat(iatom)
2481    do jln=1,pawtab(itypat)%basis_size
2482      j0ln=jln*(jln-1)/2
2483      do iln=1,jln
2484        kln=j0ln+iln
2485        call simp_gen(int1(kln,iat),pawtab(itypat)%phiphj(:,kln),pawrad(itypat))
2486        if (dtset%pawprtdos<2) then
2487          call simp_gen(int2(kln,iat),pawtab(itypat)%tphitphj(:,kln),pawrad(itypat))
2488          int1m2(kln,iat)=int1(kln,iat)-int2(kln,iat)
2489        else
2490          int2(kln,iat)=zero;int1m2(kln,iat)=int1(kln,iat)
2491        end if
2492      end do !iln
2493    end do !jln
2494  end do
2496 !Antiferro case
2497  if (dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%nsppol==1.and.dtset%nspinor==1) then
2498    int1m2(:,:)=half*int1m2(:,:)
2499    if (paw_dos_flag==1.or.fatbands_flag==1.or.prtdosm==2) then
2500      int1(:,:)=half*int1(:,:);int2(:,:)=half*int2(:,:)
2501    end if
2502  end if
2504 !Init parallelism
2505  comm_kptband=mpi_enreg%comm_kptband
2506  nproc_spkptband=xmpi_comm_size(comm_kptband)*mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor
2507  me_kpt=mpi_enreg%me_kpt ; me_band=mpi_enreg%me_band
2508  my_nspinor=max(1,dtset%nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
2509  bandpp=1;if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) bandpp=mpi_enreg%bandpp
2510 !Check if cprj is distributed over bands
2511  nprocband=my_nspinor*dtset%mband*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol/mcprj
2512  if (nprocband/=mpi_enreg%nproc_band) then
2513    ABI_BUG('wrong mcprj/nproc_band!')
2514  end if
2516 !Quick hack: in case of parallelism, dos_fractions have already
2517 !  been reduced over MPI processes; they have to be prepared before
2518 !  the next reduction (at the end of the following loop).
2519  if (nproc_spkptband>1) then
2520    one_over_nproc=one/real(nproc_spkptband,kind=dp)
2522 !$OMP& DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(ilang,isppol,iband,ikpt)
2523    do ilang=1,ndosfraction
2524      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
2525        do iband=1,dtset%mband
2526          do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2527            dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,ilang)= &
2528 &           one_over_nproc*dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,ilang)
2529          end do
2530        end do
2531      end do
2532    end do
2534    if (fatbands_flag==1.or.prtdosm==1.or.prtdosm==2) then
2536 !$OMP& DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(ilang,isppol,iband,ikpt)
2537      do ilang=1,ndosfraction*mbesslang
2538        do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
2539          do iband=1,dtset%mband
2540            do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2541              dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,ilang)= &
2542 &             one_over_nproc*dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,ilang)
2543            end do
2544          end do
2545        end do
2546      end do
2548    end if
2549  end if
2551  iorder_cprj=0
2554  ibg=0
2555  do isppol =1,dtset%nsppol
2556    do ikpt=1,dtset%nkpt
2558      nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*dtset%nkpt)
2559      if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isppol,me_kpt)) cycle
2561      cplex=2;if (dtset%istwfk(ikpt)>1) cplex=1
2562      nband_cprj_k=nband_k/nprocband
2563      ABI_MALLOC(cprj_k,(dtset%natsph,my_nspinor*nband_cprj_k))
2564      ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_atsph,(dtset%natsph))
2565      do iat=1,dtset%natsph
2566        dimcprj_atsph(iat)=dimcprj(dtset%iatsph(iat))
2567      end do
2568      call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k,0,dimcprj_atsph)
2569      ABI_FREE(dimcprj_atsph)
2571 !    Extract cprj for this k-point.
2572      ibsp=0
2573      do iband=1,nband_cprj_k
2574        do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
2575          ibsp=ibsp+1
2576          do iat=1,dtset%natsph
2577            iatom=dtset%iatsph(iat)
2578            cprj_k(iat,ibsp)%cp(:,:)=cprj(iatom,ibsp+ibg)%cp(:,:)
2579          end do
2580        end do
2581      end do
2583 !    LOOP OVER ATOMS (natsph_extra is not included on purpose)
2584      do iat=1,dtset%natsph
2585        iatom=dtset%iatsph(iat)
2586        itypat= dtset%typat(iatom)
2587        lmn_size=pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
2588        indlmn => pawtab(itypat)%indlmn
2590 !      LOOP OVER BANDS
2591        ibsp=0
2592        do iband=1,nband_k
2594          if (mod((iband-1)/bandpp,nprocband)/=me_band) cycle
2595          if (proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,iband,iband,isppol,me_kpt)) then
2596            ibsp=ibsp+my_nspinor;cycle
2597          end if
2599          do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
2600            ibsp=ibsp+1
2602            do ilang=1,mbesslang
2604              do jlmn=1,lmn_size
2605                jl=indlmn(1,jlmn)
2606                jm=indlmn(2,jlmn)
2607                j0lmn=jlmn*(jlmn-1)/2
2608                do ilmn=1,jlmn
2609                  il=indlmn(1,ilmn)
2610                  im=indlmn(2,ilmn)
2611                  klmn=j0lmn+ilmn
2612                  kln=pawtab(itypat)%indklmn(2,klmn)
2614                  if ( then
2616                    cpij=cprj_k(iat,ibsp)%cp(1,ilmn)*cprj_k(iat,ibsp)%cp(1,jlmn)
2617                    if (cplex==2) cpij=cpij+cprj_k(iat,ibsp)%cp(2,ilmn)*cprj_k(iat,ibsp)%cp(2,jlmn)
2618                    cpij=pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)*cpij
2620                    dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang)=  &
2621 &                   dos%fractions(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang) + &
2622 &                   cpij*int1m2(kln,iat)
2623                    if (prtdosm==1) then
2624                      dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im)= &
2625 &                     dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im) + &
2626 &                     cpij*int1m2(kln,iat)
2627                    end if
2628                    if (fatbands_flag==1.or.prtdosm==2) then
2629                      dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im)= &
2630 &                     dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im) + &
2631 &                     cpij*int1(kln,iat)
2632                    end if
2633                    if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
2634                      dos%fractions_paw1(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang)=  &
2635 &                     dos%fractions_paw1(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang) + &
2636 &                     cpij*int1(kln,iat)
2637                      dos%fractions_pawt1(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang)=  &
2638 &                     dos%fractions_pawt1(ikpt,iband,isppol,mbesslang*(iat-1)+ilang) + &
2639 &                     cpij*int2(kln,iat)
2640                    end if
2642                  end if
2644                end do !ilmn
2645              end do   !jlmn
2647            end do ! ilang
2648          end do ! ispinor
2649        end do ! iband
2651      end do !iatom
2653      if (mkmem/=0) ibg = ibg + my_nspinor*nband_cprj_k
2654      call pawcprj_free(cprj_k)
2655      ABI_FREE(cprj_k)
2656    end do ! ikpt
2657  end do ! isppol
2659  ABI_FREE(int1)
2660  ABI_FREE(int2)
2661  ABI_FREE(int1m2)
2663 !Reduce data in case of parallelism
2664  call timab(48,1,tsec)
2665  call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,comm_kptband,ierr)
2666  if (prtdosm>=1.or.fatbands_flag==1) then
2667    call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_m,comm_kptband,ierr)
2668  end if
2669  if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
2670    call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_paw1,comm_kptband,ierr)
2671    call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_pawt1,comm_kptband,ierr)
2672  end if
2673  call timab(48,2,tsec)
2674  if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
2675    call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2676    if (prtdosm>=1.or.fatbands_flag==1) then
2677      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_m,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2678    end if
2679    if (paw_dos_flag==1) then
2680      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_paw1, mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2681      call xmpi_sum(dos%fractions_pawt1, mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
2682    end if
2683  end if
2685 !Averaging: A quick hack for m-decomposed LDOS:
2686 !BA: not valid in presence of spin-orbit coupling  !
2687  if (prtdosm==1.and.fatbands_flag==0) then
2688 !  if pawfatbnd is activated, one think in the cubic harmonics basis
2689 !  whereas prtdosm=1 is in the spherical harmonics basis.
2690 !  the following trick is done in order to have everything
2691 !  in the complex spherical basis (not useful for pawfatbnd if we want to
2692 !  have e.g t2g and eg d-orbitals).
2693    do iat=1,dtset%natsph
2694      do il = 0, mbesslang-1
2695        do im = 1, il
2696          dos%fractions_m(:,:,:,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im) = &
2697 &         (dos%fractions_m(:,:,:,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im) + &
2698 &         dos%fractions_m(:,:,:,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1-im))/2
2699          dos%fractions_m(:,:,:,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1-im) = &
2700 &         dos%fractions_m(:,:,:,mbesslang**2*(iat-1)+il**2+il+1+im)
2701        end do
2702      end do
2703    end do !iatom
2704  end if
2706  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2708 end subroutine partial_dos_fractions_paw

m_epjdos/prtfatbands [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




 Print dos_fractions_m in order to plot easily fatbands
 if pawfatbnd=1  1 : fatbands are resolved in L.
 if pawfatbnd=1  2 : fatbands are resolved in L and M.


               = m-resolved projected dos inside PAW sphere.
  dtset        = Input variables
  ebands<ebands_t>=Band structure data.
  pawfatbnd    = keyword for fatbands
  mbesslang    =maximum angular momentum for Bessel function expansion
  m_dos_flag   =option for the m-contributions to the partial DOS
  ndosfraction =natsph*mbesslang


 (only writing)


  This routine should be called by master only


1488 subroutine prtfatbands(dos,dtset,ebands,fildata,pawfatbnd,pawtab)
1490 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1491 !scalars
1492  integer,intent(in) :: pawfatbnd
1493  type(epjdos_t),intent(in) :: dos
1494  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
1495  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1496  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: fildata
1497 !arrays
1498  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat)
1500 !Local variables-------------------------------
1501 !scalars
1502  integer :: iall,il,iat,natsph,inbfatbands,iband,mband,ixfat,isppol,nkpt,lmax,ll,mm
1503  integer :: ikpt,nband_k,ndosfraction,mbesslang
1504  real(dp) :: xfatband,cpu,wall,gflops
1505  character(len=1) :: tag_l,tag_1m,tag_is
1506  character(len=2) :: tag_2m
1507  character(len=10) :: tag_il,tag_at,tag_grace
1508  character(len=1500) :: msg
1509  character(len=fnlen) :: tmpfil
1510  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
1511 !arrays
1512  integer,allocatable :: unitfatbands_arr(:,:)
1513  real(dp),allocatable :: eigenvalues(:,:,:)
1514  character(len=2) :: symbol
1516 !*************************************************************************
1520  ndosfraction = dos%ndosfraction; mbesslang = dos%mbesslang
1522  if( then
1523    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1524     'm decomposed dos is activated',ch10, &
1525     'Action: deactivate it with prtdosm=0 !'
1526    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1527  end if
1529  if(dtset%nspinor==2) then
1530    ABI_WARNING("Fatbands are not yet available in the case nspinor==2!")
1531  end if
1533  ABI_CHECK(allocated(dos%fractions_m), "dos%fractions_m is not allocated!")
1535  natsph=dtset%natsph
1536  nkpt=dtset%nkpt
1537  mband=dtset%mband
1539  if(natsph>1000) then
1540    write(msg,'(3a)')&
1541     'Too big number of fat bands!',ch10, &
1542     'Action: decrease natsph in input file !'
1543    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1544  end if
1546 !--------------  PRINTING IN LOG
1547  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1548  write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,i5,a,a,1000i5)') ch10," ***** Print of fatbands activated ****** ",ch10,&
1549   "  Number of atom: natsph = ",natsph,ch10, &
1550   "  atoms  are             = ",(dtset%iatsph(iat),iat=1,natsph)
1551  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1552  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1553  iall=0;inbfatbands=0
1555  if(pawfatbnd==1) then
1556    inbfatbands=mbesslang-1
1557    write(msg,'(3a)')"  (fatbands are in eV and are given for each value of L)",ch10
1558  else if(pawfatbnd==2) then
1559    write(msg,'(3a)')"  (fatbands are in eV and are given for each value of L and M)",ch10
1560    inbfatbands=(mbesslang-1)**2
1561  end if
1562  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1563  call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
1565  write(msg,'(a,e12.5,a,e12.5,a)') "  Fermi energy is ",ebands%fermie*Ha_eV," eV = ",ebands%fermie," Ha"
1566  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1568 !--------------  OPEN AND NAME FILES FOR FATBANDS
1569  ABI_MALLOC(unitfatbands_arr,(natsph*inbfatbands,dtset%nsppol))
1570  unitfatbands_arr = -3
1572  do iat=1,natsph
1573    lmax=(pawtab(dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat)))%l_size-1)/2
1574    call int2char4(dtset%iatsph(iat),tag_at)
1575    ABI_CHECK((tag_at(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
1576    call atomdata_from_znucl(atom,dtset%znucl(dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat))))
1577    symbol = atom%symbol
1578    do il=1,inbfatbands
1579      iall=iall+1
1580      ll=int(sqrt(float(il-1)))  ! compute l
1581      if(ll.le.lmax) then  ! print only angular momentum included in the PAW data
1582        do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1583          write(tag_is,'(i1)')isppol
1584          if(pawfatbnd==1) then
1585            call int2char4(il-1,tag_il)
1586            ABI_CHECK((tag_il(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
1587            tmpfil = trim(fildata)//'_at'//trim(tag_at)//'_'//trim(adjustl(symbol))//'_is'//tag_is//'_l'//trim(tag_il)
1588          else if (pawfatbnd==2) then
1589            write(tag_l,'(i1)') ll
1590            mm=il-(ll**2+ll+1)      ! compute m
1591            if(mm<0) write(tag_2m,'(i2)') mm
1592            if(mm>=0) write(tag_1m,'(i1)') mm
1593            if(mm<0) tmpfil = trim(fildata)// &
1594 &           '_at'//trim(tag_at)//'_'//trim(adjustl(symbol))//'_is'//tag_is//'_l'//tag_l//'_m'//tag_2m
1595            if(mm>=0) tmpfil = trim(fildata)// &
1596 &           '_at'//trim(tag_at)//'_'//trim(adjustl(symbol))//'_is'//tag_is//'_l'//tag_l//'_m+'//tag_1m
1597          end if
1598          !unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol)=tmp_unit+100+iall-1+(natsph*inbfatbands)*(isppol-1)
1599          !open (unit=unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol),file=trim(tmpfil),status='unknown',form='formatted')
1600          if (open_file(tmpfil, msg, newunit=unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol), status='unknown',form='formatted') /= 0) then
1601            ABI_ERROR(msg)
1602          end if
1604          write(msg,'(a,a,a,i4)') 'opened file : ', trim(tmpfil), ' unit', unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol)
1605          call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
1606          write(msg,'(9a)') "# ",ch10,"# ABINIT package : FATBAND file ", ch10,&
1607            "# It contains, for each band: the eigenvalues in eV (and the character of the band) as a function of the k-point",&
1608            ch10,"# This file can be read with xmgrace (  ",ch10,"#  "
1609          write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol), "(a)")trim(msg)
1610          do iband=1,mband
1611            call int2char4(iband-1,tag_grace)
1612            ABI_CHECK((tag_grace(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
1613            write(msg,'(16a)') ch10,"@    s",trim(tag_grace)," line color 1",&
1614             ch10,"@    s",trim(tag_grace)," errorbar color 2",&
1615             ch10,"@    s",trim(tag_grace)," errorbar riser linewidth 5.0", &
1616             ch10,"@    s",trim(tag_grace)," errorbar linestyle 0"
1617            write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol), "(a)")trim(msg)
1618          end do  !iband
1619          write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol), '(a,a)') ch10,'@type xydy'
1620        end do   ! isppol
1621      end if ! ll=<lmax
1622    end do   ! il
1623  end do  ! iat
1625  if(*inbfatbands)) then
1626    ABI_ERROR("error1 ")
1627  end if
1631 !--------------  WRITE FATBANDS IN FILES
1632  if (pawfatbnd>0) then
1633    ! Store eigenvalues with nkpt as first dimension for efficiency reasons
1634    ABI_MALLOC(eigenvalues,(nkpt,mband,dtset%nsppol))
1635    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1636      do ikpt=1,nkpt
1637        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
1638        do iband=1,mband
1639          eigenvalues(ikpt,iband,isppol)= ebands%eig(iband, ikpt, isppol) - ebands%fermie
1640        end do
1641      end do
1642    end do
1643    iall=0
1644    do iat=1,natsph
1645      lmax=(pawtab(dtset%typat(dtset%iatsph(iat)))%l_size-1)/2
1646      do il=1,inbfatbands
1647        iall=iall+1
1648        ll=int(sqrt(float(il-1)))
1649        if(ll.le.lmax) then
1650          do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1651            do iband=1,mband
1652              write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol),'(a,a,i8)') ch10,"# BAND number :",iband
1653              do ikpt=1,nkpt
1654                if(pawfatbnd==1) then
1655                  xfatband=0.d0
1656                  do ixfat=(il-1)**2+1,il**2
1657                    xfatband=xfatband+dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,(iat-1)*mbesslang**2+ixfat)
1658                  end do ! ixfat
1659                else if (pawfatbnd==2) then
1660                  xfatband=dos%fractions_m(ikpt,iband,isppol,(iat-1)*mbesslang**2+il)
1661                end if
1662                write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol),'(i5,e20.5,e20.5)')&
1663                  ikpt-1,eigenvalues(ikpt,iband,isppol)*Ha_eV,xfatband
1664              end do ! ikpt
1665            end do  !iband
1666            write(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol),'(a)') '&'
1667            !close(unitfatbands_arr(iall,isppol))
1668          end do  !isppol
1669        end if
1670      end do ! il
1671    end do ! iat
1672    ABI_FREE(eigenvalues)
1673  end if
1675  do isppol=1,size(unitfatbands_arr, dim=2)
1676    do iat=1,size(unitfatbands_arr, dim=1)
1677      if (unitfatbands_arr(iat, isppol) /= -3) close (unitfatbands_arr(iat, isppol))
1678    end do
1679  end do
1681  ABI_FREE(unitfatbands_arr)
1683  call cwtime(cpu,wall,gflops,"stop")
1684  write(msg,'(2(a,f8.2),a)')" prtfatbands: cpu_time: ",cpu,"[s], walltime: ",wall," [s]"
1685  call wrtout(std_out,msg,"PERS")
1687  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1689 end subroutine prtfatbands

m_epjdos/recip_ylm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




 Project input wavefunctions in reciprocal space on to Ylm
 (real or complex harmonics depending on rc_ylm).


  bess_fit(mpw,nradintmax,ll) = Bessel functions for L, splined
   with arguments $2 \pi |k+G| \Delta r$, for all G vectors in sphere
   and all points on radial grid.
  cg_1band(2,npw_k)=wavefunction in recip space (note that nspinor is missing, see Notes).
  istwfk= storage mode of cg_1band
  nradint(natsph)=number of points on radial real-space grid for a given atom.
  nradintmax=dimension of rint array.
  me_g0=1 if this processor has G=0, 0 otherwise
  mlang=maximum angular momentum in Bessel functions.
  mpw=Maximum number of planewaves. Used to dimension bess_fit
  natsph=number of atoms around which ang mom projection has to be done
  typat_extra(natsph)=Type of each atom. ntypat + 1 if empty sphere
  mlang_type(ntypat + natsph_extra)=Max L+1 for each atom type
  npw_k=number of plane waves for this kpt
  nspinor=number of spinor components
  ph3d(2,npw_k,natsph)=3-dim structure factors, for each atom and plane wave.
  prtsphere= if 1, print a complete analysis of the angular momenta in atomic spheres
  rint(nradintmax) = points on radial real-space grid for integration
  rmax(natsph)=maximum radius for real space integration sphere
  rc_ylm= 1 for real spherical harmonics. 2 for complex spherical harmonics,
  ucvol=unit cell volume in bohr**3.
  ylm_k(npw_k,mlang**2)=real spherical harmonics for each G and LM.
  znucl_sph(natsph)=gives the nuclear number for each type of atom


  sum_1ll_1atom(mlang,natsph)= projected scalars for each atom and ang. mom.
  sum_1lm_1atom(mlang*mlang,natsph)= projected scalars for each atom and LM component.
  cplx_1lm_1atom(2,dtset%nspinor**2,dos%mbesslang**2,natsph_tot) = complex projection of wave function on atomic like orbital


  * ph3d atoms are ordered with natsph and must be provided by the caller in the correct order!

  * spinor components are not treated here. This facilitates the implementation of spinor parallelism
    because the caller can easily call the routine inside a loop over spinors and then sum the
    different contributions outside the loop thus reducing the number of MPI calls.


 886 subroutine recip_ylm (bess_fit, cg_1band, istwfk, mpi_enreg, nradint, nradintmax, mlang,&
 887 &  mpw, natsph, typat_extra, mlang_type, npw_k, nspinor, ph3d, prtsphere, rint, rmax,&
 888 &  rc_ylm, sum_1ll_1atom, sum_1lm_1atom, cplx_1lm_1atom, ucvol, ylm_k, znucl_sph)
 890 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 891 !scalars
 892  integer,intent(in) :: istwfk,mlang,mpw,natsph,npw_k,nradintmax
 893  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor
 894  integer,intent(in) :: prtsphere,rc_ylm
 895  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 896 !arrays
 897  integer,intent(in) :: nradint(natsph),typat_extra(natsph),mlang_type(:)
 898  real(dp),intent(in) :: bess_fit(mpw,nradintmax,mlang),cg_1band(:,:) !(2,my_nspinor*npw_k)
 899  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph3d(2,npw_k,natsph),rint(nradintmax)
 900  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmax(natsph),ylm_k(npw_k,mlang*mlang)
 901  real(dp),intent(in) :: znucl_sph(natsph)
 902  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 903  real(dp),intent(out) :: sum_1ll_1atom(nspinor**2, mlang, natsph)
 904  real(dp),intent(out) :: sum_1lm_1atom(nspinor**2, mlang*mlang,natsph)
 905  real(dp),intent(out) :: cplx_1lm_1atom(2,nspinor, mlang*mlang,natsph)
 907 !Local variables-------------------------------
 908 !scalars
 909  integer :: ilm,iat,ipw,ixint,ll,mm,il,jlm,ierr,lm_size,itypat
 910  integer :: ispinor
 911  integer :: ipauli, is, isp
 912  integer :: my_nspinor
 913  real(dp),parameter :: invsqrt2=one/sqrt2
 914  real(dp) :: sum_all, dr, fact
 915  type(atomdata_t) :: atom
 916  character(len=500) :: msg
 917 !arrays
 918  integer :: ilang(mlang**2)
 919  real(dp) :: c1(2),c2(2)
 920  real(dp) :: sum_1atom(natsph),sum_1ll(mlang),sum_1lm(mlang**2)
 921  real(dp) :: func(nradintmax)
 922  real(dp) :: func_cplx(nradintmax,2)
 923  complex(dpc) :: vect(npw_k)
 924  complex(dpc),allocatable :: tmppsia(:,:),tmppsim(:,:),dotc(:)
 925  integer, allocatable :: ispinors(:)
 926  complex(dpc),allocatable :: values(:,:,:,:)
 928 ! *************************************************************************
 930  ! Workspace array (used to reduce the number of MPI communications)
 931  ! One could reduce a bit the memory requirement by using non-blocking operations ...
 932  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(values, (nradintmax, nspinor, mlang**2, natsph), ierr)
 933  values = czero
 935  my_nspinor = max(1,nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
 936  ABI_MALLOC(tmppsia, (npw_k,my_nspinor))
 937  ABI_MALLOC(tmppsim, (npw_k,my_nspinor))
 938  ABI_MALLOC(dotc, (my_nspinor))
 939  ABI_MALLOC(ispinors, (my_nspinor))
 940  if (my_nspinor == 2) then
 941    ispinors(1) = 1
 942    ispinors(2) = 2
 943  else
 944    ispinors(1) = mpi_enreg%me_spinor+1
 945  end if
 947  sum_1lm_1atom = zero
 948  cplx_1lm_1atom = zero
 950  do ll=0,mlang-1
 951    do mm=-ll,ll
 952      ilm = (ll+1)**2-ll+mm
 953      ilang(ilm) = ll+1
 954    end do
 955  end do
 957  ! Big loop on all atoms
 958  do iat=1,natsph
 959    itypat = typat_extra(iat)
 960    lm_size = mlang_type(itypat) ** 2
 961    dr = rmax(iat) / (nradint(iat)-1)
 963    ! u(G) e^{i(k+G).Ra}
 964    ! tmppsia = Temporary array for part which depends only on iat
 965    do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
 966      do ipw=1,npw_k
 967        tmppsia(ipw,ispinor) = dcmplx(cg_1band(1,ipw+(ispinor-1)*npw_k),cg_1band(2,ipw+(ispinor-1)*npw_k)) &
 968 &            * dcmplx(ph3d(1,ipw,iat), ph3d(2,ipw,iat))
 969      end do
 970    end do
 972    ! tmppsim = temporary arrays for part of psi which does not depend on ixint = tmppsia * ylm.
 973    ! could remove this intermediate array to save memory...
 974    ! u(G) Y_LM^*(k+G) e^{i(k+G).Ra}
 975    ! Take into account the fact that ylm_k are REAL spherical harmonics, see initylmg.f
 976    ! For time-reversal states, detailed treatment show that only the real or imaginary
 977    ! part of tmppsia is needed here, depending on l being even or odd: only one of the coef is 1, the other 0
 978    do ilm=1,lm_size
 979      il = ilang(ilm)
 980      ll = ilang(ilm) - 1
 981      mm = ilm - (ll+1)**2 + ll
 983      select case (rc_ylm)
 984      case (1)
 985        ! to get PDOS for real spherical harmonics, simply multiply here by ylm_k
 986        do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
 987          do ipw=1,npw_k
 988            tmppsim(ipw,ispinor) = tmppsia(ipw,ispinor) * ylm_k(ipw,ilm)
 989          end do
 990        end do
 992        ! Handle time-reversal
 993        ! TODO: check if time reversal with spinors is special and may need some treatment.
 994        !  normally SOC will simply impose istwfk 1 in appropriate cases (kptopt 4).
 995        if (istwfk /= 1) then
 996          if (mod(ll, 2) == 0) then
 997             tmppsim(:,:) = dcmplx(real(tmppsim(:,:)),zero)
 998          else
 999             tmppsim(:,:) = dcmplx(aimag(tmppsim(:,:)),zero)
1000          end if
1001 ! f2008 version:
1002 !         if (mod(ll, 2) == 0) then
1003 !            tmppsim(:,:)%im = zero
1004 !         else
1005 !            tmppsim(:,:)%re = tmppsim(:,:)%im
1006 !            tmppsim(:,:)%im = zero
1007 !         end if
1008        end if
1010      case (2)
1011        ! to get PDOS for complex spherical harmonics, build linear combination of real ylm_k
1012        jlm = (ll+1)**2-ll-mm ! index of (l, -m)
1013        if (mm == 0) then
1014          vect(:) = dcmplx(ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm),zero)
1015        else if (mm > 0) then
1016           !vect(1,:) =  invsqrt2 * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) * (-1)**mm
1017           !vect(2,:) = +invsqrt2 * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm) * (-1)**mm
1018           c1 = sy(ll, mm, mm)
1019           c2 = sy(ll,-mm, mm)
1020           vect(:) = dcmplx(c1(1) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) + c2(1) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm), &
1021                           c1(2) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) + c2(2) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm))
1023        else if (mm < 0) then
1024           !vect(1,:) =  invsqrt2 * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm) !* (-1)**mm
1025           !vect(2,:) = -invsqrt2 * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) !* (-1)**mm
1026           c1 = sy(ll, mm,  mm)
1027           c2 = sy(ll,-mm,  mm)
1028           vect(:) = dcmplx(c1(1) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) + c2(1) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm),&
1029                           c1(2) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,ilm) + c2(2) * ylm_k(1:npw_k,jlm))
1030        end if
1031        vect(:) = dcmplx(real(vect(:)), -aimag(vect(:)))
1032        !vect(:)%im = -vect(:)%im
1034        if (istwfk == 1) then
1035          do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
1036            do ipw=1,npw_k
1037              tmppsim(ipw,ispinor) = tmppsia(ipw,ispinor) * vect(ipw)
1038            end do
1039          end do
1040        else
1041          ! Handle time-reversal
1042          if (mod(ll, 2) == 0) then
1043            do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
1044              do ipw=1,npw_k
1045                tmppsim(ipw,ispinor) = real(tmppsia(ipw,ispinor)) * vect(ipw)
1046              end do
1047            end do
1048          else
1049            do ispinor=1,my_nspinor
1050              do ipw=1,npw_k
1051                tmppsim(ipw,ispinor) = aimag(tmppsia(ipw,ispinor)) * vect(ipw)
1052              end do
1053            end do
1054          end if
1055        end if
1057      case default
1058        ABI_ERROR("Wrong value for rc_ylm")
1059      end select
1061      ! Compute integral $ \int_0^{rc} dr r**2 ||\sum_G u(G) Y_LM^*(k+G) e^{i(k+G).Ra} j_L(|k+G| r)||**2 $
1062      ! or more general spinor case integral
1063      !    $ \int_0^{rc} dr r**2 dotc^*_s   \sigma^x_{ss'}   dotc_{s'}
1064      ! where   dotc_s = \sum_G u_s (G) Y_LM^*(k+G) e^{i(k+G).Ra} j_L(|k+G| r)
1065      do ixint=1,nradint(iat)
1066        dotc = czero
1067        do ispinor=1, my_nspinor
1068          do ipw=1,npw_k
1069            dotc(ispinor) = dotc(ispinor) + bess_fit(ipw, ixint, il) * tmppsim(ipw, ispinor)
1070          end do
1071        end do
1072        if (istwfk /= 1) then
1073          dotc = two * dotc
1074          if (istwfk == 2 .and. mpi_enreg%me_g0 == 1) then
1075            dotc(:) = dotc(:) - bess_fit(1, ixint, il) * tmppsim(1, :)
1076          end if
1077        end if
1079        ! Store results to reduce number of xmpi_sum calls if MPI
1080        do ispinor=1, my_nspinor
1081          values(ixint, ispinors(ispinor), ilm, iat) = dotc(ispinor)
1082        end do
1083      end do ! ixint
1085    end do ! ilm
1086  end do ! iat
1088  ABI_FREE(tmppsia)
1089  ABI_FREE(tmppsim)
1090  ABI_FREE(dotc)
1091  ABI_FREE(ispinors)
1093  ! Collect results in comm_pw (data are distributed over plane waves)
1094  call xmpi_sum(values, mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft, ierr)
1095 ! ! Collect results in mpi_enreg%comm_spinor (data are distributed over spinor components)
1096  call xmpi_sum(values, mpi_enreg%comm_spinor, ierr)
1098  ! Multiply by r**2 and take norm, integrate
1099  do iat=1,natsph
1100    itypat = typat_extra(iat)
1101    lm_size = mlang_type(itypat) ** 2
1102    do ilm=1,lm_size
1104      do ipauli=0,nspinor**2-1
1105        do ixint=1,nradint(iat)
1106          func(ixint) = zero
1107          do is=1,nspinor
1108            do isp=1,nspinor
1109              func(ixint) =  func(ixint) + real(conjg(values(ixint, is, ilm, iat)) * pauli_mat(is,isp,ipauli)*&
1110 &                                                    values(ixint, isp, ilm, iat))
1111            end do
1112          end do
1113          func(ixint) = rint(ixint)**2 * func(ixint)
1114        end do
1115        ! Here I should treat the case in which the last point /= rcut
1116        ! NB: indexing is from 1 not 0 for spin matrix components
1117        sum_1lm_1atom   (ipauli+1, ilm, iat) = simpson(dr, func(1:nradint(iat)))
1118      end do ! ipauli
1120      do is = 1, nspinor
1121        func_cplx(:,1) = real(values(:, is, ilm, iat))
1122        func_cplx(:,2) = aimag(values(:, is, ilm, iat))
1123        do ixint=1,nradint(iat)
1124          func_cplx(ixint,:) = rint(ixint)**2 * func_cplx(ixint,:)
1125        end do
1126        cplx_1lm_1atom(1, is, ilm, iat) = simpson(dr, func_cplx(1:nradint(iat),1))
1127        cplx_1lm_1atom(2, is, ilm, iat) = simpson(dr, func_cplx(1:nradint(iat),2))
1128      end do
1130    end do ! ilm
1131  end do ! iat
1133  ! Normalize with unit cell volume and include 4pi term coming from Rayleigh expansion.
1134  fact = four_pi**2 / ucvol
1135  sum_1lm_1atom = fact * sum_1lm_1atom
1136  cplx_1lm_1atom = fact * cplx_1lm_1atom
1138  ! sum up the m-independent fractions
1139  sum_1ll_1atom = zero
1140  do iat=1,natsph
1141    itypat = typat_extra(iat)
1142    lm_size = mlang_type(itypat) ** 2
1143    do ilm=1,lm_size
1144      il = ilang(ilm)
1145      sum_1ll_1atom(:,il, iat) = sum_1ll_1atom(:,il, iat) + sum_1lm_1atom(:,ilm, iat)
1146    end do
1147  end do
1149  ABI_FREE(values)
1151  ! Output
1152  if (prtsphere == 1) then
1153    sum_1ll = zero
1154    sum_1lm = zero
1155    sum_1atom = zero
1156    do iat=1,natsph
1157      sum_1atom(iat) = sum(sum_1lm_1atom(1,:,iat))
1158      sum_1ll(:)=sum_1ll(:)+sum_1ll_1atom(1,:,iat)
1159      sum_1lm(:)=sum_1lm(:)+sum_1lm_1atom(1,:,iat)
1160    end do
1161    sum_all = sum(sum_1atom)
1163    if (rc_ylm == 1) msg = " Angular analysis (real spherical harmonics)"
1164    if (rc_ylm == 2) msg = " Angular analysis (complex spherical harmonics)"
1165    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1166    do iat=1,natsph
1167      call atomdata_from_znucl(atom, znucl_sph(iat))
1168      call wrtout(std_out, " ")
1169      write(msg,'(a,i3,a,a,a,f10.6)' )' Atom # ',iat, ' is  ',  atom%symbol,', in-sphere charge =',sum_1atom(iat)
1170      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1171      do ll=0,mlang-1
1172        write(msg,'(a,i1,a,f9.6,a,9f6.3)' )&
1173         ' l=',ll,', charge=',sum_1ll_1atom(1,ll+1,iat),&
1174         ', m=-l,l splitting:',sum_1lm_1atom(1,1+ll**2:(ll+1)**2,iat)
1175        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1176      end do ! ll
1177    end do ! iat
1178    write(msg,'(a,a)') ch10,' Sum of angular contributions for all atomic spheres '
1179    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1180    do ll=0,mlang-1
1181      write(msg,'(a,i1,a,f9.6,a,f9.6)' )&
1182       ' l=',ll,', charge =',sum_1ll(ll+1),' proportion =',sum_1ll(ll+1)/sum_all
1183      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1184    end do
1185    write(msg,'(a,a,f10.6)' ) ch10,' Total over all atoms and l=0 to 4 :',sum_all
1186    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1187    call wrtout(std_out, " ")
1188  end if
1190 contains
1192  function sy(ll, mm, mp)
1193    use  m_paw_sphharm, only : ys
1194    ! Computes the matrix element <Slm|Ylm'>
1195    integer,intent(in) :: ll,mm, mp
1197    real(dp) :: sy(2)
1198    complex(dpc) :: ys_val
1200    ! Computes the matrix element <Yl'm'|Slm>
1201    call ys(ll,mp,ll,mm,ys_val)
1202    !call ys(ll,mm,ll,mp,ys_val)
1203    sy(1) = real(ys_val)
1204    sy(2) = -aimag(ys_val)
1206  end function sy
1208 end subroutine recip_ylm

m_epjdos/sphericaldens [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_epjdos ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the convolution of a function with
 the unity constant function over a sphere of radius rmax .
 The function is to be given in reciprocal space,
 the resulting function is also given in reciprocal space.
 The routine needs the norm of the reciprocal space vectors.

 The resulting function in reciprocal space can give the
 integral of the density in any sphere of that radius, centered
 on any point, by a simple scalar product.


  fofg(2,nfft)=initial function, in reciprocal space
  gnorm(nfft)=norm of the reciprocal space vectors
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  rmax=radius of the sphere


  sphfofg(2,nfft)=convoluted function, in reciprocal space


1426 subroutine sphericaldens(fofg,gnorm,nfft,rmax,sphfofg)
1428 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1429 !scalars
1430  integer,intent(in) :: nfft
1431  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmax
1432 !arrays
1433  real(dp),intent(in) :: fofg(2,nfft),gnorm(nfft)
1434  real(dp),intent(out) :: sphfofg(2,nfft)
1436 !Local variables-------------------------------
1437 !scalars
1438  integer :: ifft
1439  real(dp) :: factor,int0yy,rmax_2pi,yy
1441 ! *************************************************************************
1443  rmax_2pi=two_pi*rmax
1444  factor=four_pi/(two_pi)**3
1446  do ifft=1,nfft
1447    if(abs(gnorm(ifft)) < tol12)then
1448      sphfofg(1,ifft)=fofg(1,ifft)*four_pi*third*rmax**3
1449      sphfofg(2,ifft)=fofg(2,ifft)*four_pi*third*rmax**3
1450    else
1451      yy=gnorm(ifft)*rmax_2pi
1452      int0yy=factor*(sin(yy)-yy*cos(yy))/(gnorm(ifft)**3)
1453      sphfofg(1,ifft)=fofg(1,ifft)*int0yy
1454      sphfofg(2,ifft)=fofg(2,ifft)*int0yy
1455    end if
1456  end do
1458 end subroutine sphericaldens